
The Day When Hitler Lost the War 

History & Warfare Now
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Adolf Hitler died on April 30, 1945, marking the end of the Third Reich; a few hours later, the German Wehrmacht asked the Soviet Union's Red Army for a ceasefire. The following day, Nazi Germany capitulated. However, it was not in Berlin that the fate of the war was decided. The German defeat had been unavoidable from the day Adolf Hitler launched an attack four years earlier against the USSR.



1 июн 2024




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@mauricehodgson3143 Месяц назад
Goring told Hitler his air force would defeat Britain. It didn't. Goring told Hitler his air force would keep Paulus's troops, who were surrounded in Russia, supplied. It didn't.
@NSResponder 27 дней назад
Rather stupid of Hitler to believe an addict's delusions of grandeur.
@MarkHarrison733 27 дней назад
Britain was defeated.
@theboot801 24 дня назад
He told Hitler what Hitler insisted on hearing. Reminds me of someone in today’s political world…
@JmO-ee1bi 23 дня назад
@theboot801 It is very true that Hitler and Trump have that in common, insisting on being told what they want to hear (and so as a consequence being delusional and disconnected from reality). As for Goring being wrong about his Air Force destroying Britain’s, well, never trust a man who carries a fruity baton around as part of his military costume lol.
@briancarton1804 23 дня назад
Had Hitler not switched to bombing cities in Britain instead of airfields Germany may well have won the battle of Britain. We are all very lucky that Hitler was an idiot.
@aintdatsnipes177 Месяц назад
Once a bunch of 4 stars started taking orders from a former E-4 with zero tactical experience or training, there fate was sealed, and they knew it.
@TheRealBillBob Месяц назад
Not trying to support someone like that, but the that E-4 mopped up all of Europe, several African states and the Baltics in less than four years. His only error was declaring war on both Russia and the US.
@AbsurdityViewer Месяц назад
this is a very absurd comment... thanks
@matthewmatt5285 Месяц назад
@@AbsurdityViewer Truly~
@DavidFMayerPhD Месяц назад
@@AbsurdityViewer Comment is totally justified. Hitler was INSANE had confident of his own infallibility. He imagined that he could tell generals how to wage war, and he was 100% WRONG.
@paolomartin6873 Месяц назад
you're naive to think wars are only fought by the "military", there were no glory for German "generals and field marshals" without Hitler's political skills that brought Germany to it's peak height in the first place.
@jonathanfreeman4607 Месяц назад
Yeah, Germany could never beaten the Soviets. But, his declaration of war on the USA on December 11, 1941 definitely sealed his fate.
@grzegorzrokita2330 Месяц назад
Ruskich nikt nie pokona z zachodu chyba że chińczycy zażądają zwrotu! miliona kilometrów kwadratowych ziemi ukradzionych przez ruskich! W Rosji życie człowieka dla władzy jest nic nie warte! Poświęcać mogą miliony ludzi i nikt nie da rady ich zabić! No i mają tysiące kilometrów głębi strategicznej i mroz ze śniegiem! Powodzenia!
@jadedirk7233 Месяц назад
We were already in undeclared war, we had sunk u boats and were supplying the Soviets and British and Chinese, Hitler just called a spade a spade
@dropway9108 Месяц назад
No. June 22nd 1941 sealed his fate. They were already losing prior to Moscow and had absolutely zero chance of taking the city. Their logistical train had lost efficiency well before The Battle of Moscow in late 1941 and they had suffered more casualties and lost equipment against the Soviet Union then in all previous battles put together by a country mile. By the time D-Day rolled around the Wehrmacht had lost all their territory they had conquered against the Red Army, and now were facing threats to their allies like Hungary and Romania. An argument can be made that had the allies not landed in 1944 then the Red Army would have just occupied all of continental Europe, after rolling up Germany.
@juncondoonflanjacontose7399 Месяц назад
They could of beaten the Soviet’s.
@alcoholicjoe6199 Месяц назад
@@juncondoonflanjacontose7399 indeed in a straight fight yes they could of.
@masudaharris6435 Месяц назад
A war against the Soviet Union by itself would have been another matter, but a war against half the world...what could he have been thinking?
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
He thought he was a demigod and was destined to rule the world, and with divine help he couldn’t fail.
@muskokamike127 Месяц назад
Like all meglomaniacs, he wasn't. His ego prevented him from doing so.
@adamazzalino5247 Месяц назад
Early wins blinded him and he was coked out of his fuckin skull a lot of the time.
@electrolytics Месяц назад
A gamble that speed would bring him to victory. He and most of the generals thought Russia would fall quickly. Then they could wrap things up and consolidate and fortify. That didn't happen. There was really no way that it could have happened. But the Germans were absolutely horrible at interpreting GOOD intel that they had in hand.
@muskokamike127 Месяц назад
@@electrolytics it didn't help that hitler ignored any sound advice he got from his generals. Like during the battle for Berlin, he wanted them to move imaginary divisions into place to counterattack
@silviosarunic6709 Месяц назад
The moment he decided to attack Russia , he lost the war…..
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Wrong, the decision to invade Russia, from Germany’s perspective back then, was the right decision. It was how they went about it that was all wrong. They didn’t have enough oil supply and were reliant on Russia’s exporting it to Germany. Russia could switch it off at any time and invade Germany, which its military buildup in the late 1930s and attacking Finland, an ally of Germany, threatened. Germany tried to bypass its basic oil and rubber supply flaw, by developing more advanced tanks, planes and rockets. But they weren’t perfected and they wasted their dwindling supplies and time on them. Instead of just building the proven weapons. Panther 3 tanks. U boats, 109s and stuker planes. Bc they didn’t have enough oil to feed them. Or enough rubber for truck tyres, for their logistics. They needed to amass more oil and rubber, and keep it underground, safe from allied bombs. Then they could’ve starved Britain imo surrender and used the Royal Navy to help conquer the USA. In exchange for leniency and cooperation with the British. Germany also needed to stop Britain helping the USA to develop nukes. Then Germany would’ve got them soon, by late 1946, early 1947. They needed the oil, in the Caucasus region of Russia, to do this. It was a catch 22 situation for Germany. They needed the oil to fuel their weapons and trucks. But they needed those weapons and trucks to get the oil, and defend from potential counter attacks, that Hitler was paranoid about. They did actually manage to capture some of the Caucasus oilfields. But the oil wells were destroyed by the Russians and losing at Stalingrad, made Russian counter attacks there inevitable. With a slower buildup and halting at Smolensk for the winter of ‘41/‘42, Germany could’ve succeeded their primary objectives. Blitzkrieg was the wrong strategy, for an area 10 times bigger than all their previous conquests.
@muskokamike127 Месяц назад
Exactly. Ego caused him to over extend himself and think he was undefeatable. I read an article about a German officer who visited the US after the war and as soon as he saw the manufacturing might of the US (at the time) he responded with "what were we thinking"?
@paulanthony5274 Месяц назад
31st July 1940 at burgtesgarten.
@matthewmatt5285 Месяц назад
WRONG,..The 2,000 (of which 830 bombers) planes he lost in the Battle of Britain lost Hitler the war,. If he had those planes he would have taken Greece quicker and started Barbarossa a month earlier and would have taken Russia before the winter set in~
@anthonybeesley3537 Месяц назад
If the sickle and the swastika were aligned the world would be much different today
@thelammas8283 Месяц назад
20m Russians died in this war, by far the most of all nations. Maybe we shouldn’t forget that so fast.
@capusvacans Месяц назад
Correction, 5.7m russians died, the rest were ppl from the minority regions and other territories occupied by the soviet union.
@thelammas8283 Месяц назад
@@capusvacans Looks like we are both wrong en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties_of_the_Soviet_Union
@AlexejSvirid 25 дней назад
When "historians" tell about "bad Stalin" it's "20 millions", but when they tell about "USSR victims of Hitler" it's many times less. The problem is Devil runs the world. He is lier and murderer. This is the reason why deception and violence are everywhere. This is the reason why Hitler got the power, but Christ was executed as "blasphemer" and "rioter" by denunciation of clergy. That's why we've got the Gospel about the God's kingdom. Jehovah would put everything in order. The dead will be resurected and we'll meet our loved ones again! :-)
@pavelkoudelka8934 18 дней назад
Putler especially forgets that...
@fredrikengstrom2107 14 дней назад
Sure, you can honor the soldiers. But dont honor the Soviet Union. The Russians enabled ww2 and should be equally guilty in starting the war. This is also something we forget very fast.
@ronaldfinkelstein6335 Месяц назад
Berlin, not all of Nazi Germany, "capitulated" on May 2, 1945. Nazi Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945.
@samsnead7 2 дня назад
I love how they say Hitler was incompetent and evil but refuse to say that Stalin was just as incompetent and evil.
@jimmiller5147 26 дней назад
Never really learned as much about history as I should have in elementary and Junior and Senior high School. But what I learned from my good friend Moscow is that we should be thankful for Russia. We didn't really come full into the war until Russia had fought Germany a lot and lost massive amounts of men. Those could have been us men so Russia really did help us in a way that we should be thankful for. Even today there is a shortage of men compared to women in the USSR and even great discrepancies in certain parts of the old USSR.
@JanBadinski 4 дня назад
Of all the countries involved Soviet Russia was the country that lost the most.
@donkeyslayer9879 Месяц назад
The only difference between Hitler and Stalin was the length of mustache.
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Never underestimate a man with a big moustache, you never know what’s hiding beneath it.
@toliaye4409 Месяц назад
@rbilleaud Месяц назад
Stalin actually had Hitler beat by at least 4 million people killed. Of course, Mao had 8 times as many as both of them combined, so he's the genocide king.
@TheDavidlloydjones Месяц назад
You're being very silly, Donk. Hitler had only one significant Jew on his side, Luftwaffe Chief Milch. The rest, many of them/us just peasants, but tens of thousands of educated and productive citizens, he had chased out of the country back in the 1930s. Stalin, by contrast, had the support of the Jewish peasantry of the Pale setttled 1200 years earlier, and of the smalled advanced Jewish bourgeoisie which had emerged after the 18th-19th century enlightenment. These are more than the length of moustaches: they are major differences of political, technical, and scientific strengths of the two societies. Your dopey joke is blinding you to the realities of the world.
@gruntforever7437 Месяц назад
@@TheDavidlloydjones the dope is you. HItler and Stalin were two sides of the same monstrous coin
@WTEIncognito Месяц назад
Very good video, I love the reenactments. Thanks a bunch!
@fredkrissman6527 3 дня назад
WinstonChurchill admits in his personal memoirs that the Soviets defeated the Nazis almost single-handedly... And SirWinston hated commies!
@jonathanfreeman4607 Месяц назад
Stalin was as evil as Hitler.
@desmondtokohachi Месяц назад
More so
@mikhailiagacesa3406 Месяц назад
@silkkdread Месяц назад
The difference is Stalin wasn’t the idiot who caused the holocaust nor did he desire world conquest 🤷🏽‍♂️
@jonathanfreeman4607 Месяц назад
@@mikhailiagacesa3406 Do you disagree with my comment?
@kostasvrionis781 Месяц назад
Μπροστά στον ΜουρλοΣταλιν ο ΜουρλοΧιτλερ ήταν αγγελούδι (που λέει ο λόγος έτσι)...
@shawnastephens1536 Месяц назад
Not a very smart warlord.
@andreoates8405 Месяц назад
You are correct they are totally ignorant, but they are master manipulators😬 a lot people have gone to their death because of them they are agents of chaos just like Trump💯🥺
@anthonybeesley3537 Месяц назад
A meth head monster for a warlord
@invisibleman4827 20 дней назад
It's ironic since the Soviets and Nazis weren't as different as you might think. Plus, the Soviets helped the Nazis invade Poland in 1939. We should remember that, too.
@christopherwebber3804 Месяц назад
The war was lost on May 24, 1940 when the panzers were ordered not to attack Dunkirk, giving the panicked and routing British forces time (a day was enough) to reform and mount a serious defence.
@timrprobocom 11 дней назад
There's truth to that. Although Hitler didn't know it, the British Army was totally unprepared for war. If he had continued his Blitzkrieg across the English Channel, it's likely Britain would have fallen just like France.
@JB-yb4wn 10 дней назад
@@timrprobocom With what ships? FFS if even the Luftwaffe had managed to get superiority over the channel, the Kriegsmarine was in no shape to pull off a cross invasion channel. At the time they had 10 fuking destroyers, 10! No specialized landing craft and no artillery that could be brought across the channel because of the mines there. The Germans would have to win a quick and unbloody likely invasion with no resources to do so. The Brits had over 3000 artillery pieces protecting just the south coast. Sea Lion was a stupid idea with zero chance of success.
@samsnead7 2 дня назад
Hitler was hoping the British would come around and ally with the Germans
@edsedlak6827 Час назад
@@timrprobocom They did not have a means for getting a million men across the English Channel. If they had they would have done it.
@craigmanderson4673 Месяц назад
Stalin and Zukov had the answer given, American leand lease and entry saved the soviets, out of their own mouths. They both said without the US help they would have lost.
@bedstuyrover 22 дня назад
The German defeat at the gates of Moscow in december 1941 occurred effectively before lend/lease.. The German high command knew that a rapid victory was necessary as a long war would become a war of attrition( the Germans could not win such a war as they lacked resources). When Keitel was asked, when did the German high command know that the war was lost, he responded with one word " Moscow".
@melgross 20 дней назад
The over 12 million tons of materiel and supplies given to the Soviets mostly by the USA, but also from the UK, enabled the Soviets to maintain the war. Being stopped almost at the gates of Moscow was as much the fault of the Germans as the Soviets. The Soviets were almost exhausted by then. The Germans didn’t prepare for the winter. Neither their clothing or food was adequate. None of their machinery was winterized and constantly broke down. Their poor ability to supply their armies has been written about many times with much detail.
@bedstuyrover 20 дней назад
@@melgross lend lease was certainly helpful but even the german economist and generals knew Germany had no chance of winning against the Soviets. German war games before the invasion demonstrated that Germany would lose(as fate would have it, the unfortunate General Paulus was involved in these games ;thus having a chance to witness his future). in fact, the prime reason the Germans were able to advance as far as they did was the result of Stalin's meddling with the Stavka; with Stalin's refusal to move strategic industries beyond the Urals; Stalin's insistence of moving the Soviet Military to the new western frontier of the USSR: Stalin's refusal to believe the mountain of evidence presented to him of German preparations for operation Barbarossa. Even with Stalin's 90% destruction of the Soviet officer corp, the Russian high command was capable of defeating the Germans without Stalin's further interference; even with these frightful handicaps and the appalling losses of the Soviets in 1941, the German military was crippled by the endless battles, the attrition rate of reducing surrounded Soviet armies, and the constant near suicidal attacks of the red army.In 1941, the German army was at it peak yet the Soviets were only beginning to call up the reserves, the t34 tank and the heavy KV was just warming up and the Siberian divisions in the Russian far east were patiently waiting. Had Stalin not interfered with the Soviet high command, it would have been highly unlikely that the Germans would have reached Moscow.
@bedstuyrover 20 дней назад
@@melgross i wonder why my responses on this thread have been erased.
@jasonhowell-lg5ig 14 дней назад
​@@bedstuyroverThe British had already started giving aid to the Soviet Union and America gave the Soviets vast amounts of aid( food, weapons ECT.) from 1942 to 1945. With that said the Soviet Union fought with great pride and no fear of the Nazis and was the cause of the victory in the East no doubt. Instead of arguing about who did what can we not agree that all three allies freed Europe from the Nazis and deserve credit for it..
@SammyNeedsAnAlibi 23 дня назад
Excellent documentary. The part about 9/10ths of his total Army was fighting the Russians leaving only 1/10th to defend France a lot of people don't know about. That's why we were in Paris only 76 days- we overwhelmed them.
@radomirratkovic9014 9 дней назад
Barbarossa was an pre emptive strike
@jbassguy571 25 дней назад
Videos like this always stray too close to the "Madman-Hitler" trope and make it seem as if Hitler got into power almost by accident.
@davemathews7890 11 дней назад
He was elected.
@LatitudeSky 10 дней назад
It isn't just that. People like him are put into power fairly often in history, current times included. The biggest flaw in war is that any given dictator may not be a skilled military planner. They often have actual military people making the details work. But as dictators increasingly make plans and demand absolute obedience, poor military decisions are inevitable. Even skilled military officers who know better won't refuse because refusal is death. Thus someone who often has no military skill is allowed to direct the whole scheme, while the opposing side often does have actual warriors at every level and will invitably win against such a dictator. Sadly many people have not learned these lessons and even now readily hand over leadership to fools who have huge egos and popularity but no skill. When such people face actual military opponents, it becomes a slaughter.
@davemathews7890 10 дней назад
@@LatitudeSky Stalin gave his generals a lot of freedom to make decisions independently of him. Hitler did not.
@darnaby4110 6 дней назад
@@davemathews7890 He was not elected into the Chancellorship. He was given that position by President Hindenburg.
@davemathews7890 5 дней назад
@@darnaby4110 Yes, we all know that. Quit showing off.
@user-xp5ng6bh8t Месяц назад
Distrusting your generals is like distrusting your wife. Then there is no marriage but backstabbing that is an obvious defeat in war environment.
@waynelittle646 Месяц назад
The USSR would have collapsed without the Lend-Lease Act and help from Britain (intelligence). Loss of food would have sealed the fate of the soviets (unless helped by foreign powers fighting for communism) The soviets got enough food from the USA to feed its soldiers for the rest of the war, 12 million boots , 60 percent aluminum and steel, a lot of tin , 90 percent of railway equipment ( the soviets would never have been able to conduct offensives so fast and transfer their main armies to critical points , 300000 trucks were given , 65 percent of aviation fuel and much more apart from 15 percent tanks ,aircrafts Soviet sympathizers say "only 15 per cent was given to USSR"
@matthewgabbard6415 Месяц назад
So you would prefer the Allies had just not helped the USSR? You are right about the amount of help the Americans gave them though. However Hitler was threatening the peace of the world and the bigger threat.
@tonydevos Месяц назад
​@@matthewgabbard6415I think his point is that the Russians love to underplay the role of lend-lease
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
The same as Ukraine today. How the tables have turned. Except for the oil supply that the Nazis needed from the Caucasus.
@farmalmta Месяц назад
Fun fact: theft and corruption in all of the Soviet Union were so rampant due to decades long shortages that when boots were shipped from the US/Canada to the USSR, they went in separate shipments of left boots and right boots to prevent being stolen all along their journey to the soldiers at the front.
@yates667 Месяц назад
The Allies should have let Germany and her Allies battle the USSR till they bled each other dry.
@TenOrbital Месяц назад
Keitel held back briefs from OKH showing it was not possible to get supplies to the Leningrad-Moscow-Rostov line in the first year, let alone to the Archangel-Astrakhan line, which was the objective for 1941. Germany simply did not have enough trucks, trains or road and rail construction capacity. Even ignoring supply, Paulus ran a series of war games before Barbarossa showing that beyond the Leningrad-Rostov line Axis forces would be operating without reserves. Unjust that his army would be first to suffer the consequences. Compounded by the total failure of German intelligence to discover and assess Soviet war-fighting capabilities. But Hitler had little choice. The Third Reich could not feed, fuel or supply occupied Europe due to the blockade. The USSR held the resources he needed and on the information he had available to him, it seemed possible.
@hrdley911 Месяц назад
Hitler was very worried that France would attack his rear while he was involved with Poland. The Rhineland was poorly defended, and the French could have changed history. Sadly, France had a defensive mindset, partially because of their terrible losses in WW1, and their failure to develop a modern and plentiful airforce.😮 Britain's forces were spread out over the globe, and she hadn't fully recovered from the great depression. She was not really ready for war in 1939.
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
A sensible analysis.
@karlbassett8485 Месяц назад
Yep. Chamberlain's treaty that promised "peace in our time" was meaningless, and Chamberlain knew it. It bought time, and behind the scenes the UK was building up its military for the war it knew was coming. Even before Hitler invaded Poland the UK had people in the US buying weapons. The P-51 Mustang was a British order for example.
@christopherwebber3804 Месяц назад
The great depression didn't end in Britain until 1940, with the construction of 28,000 pillboxes and other fortifications across the country
@bobkonradi1027 Месяц назад
Hitler lost the war on December 11, 1941, the day he declared war against the United States. The U.S. was able to produce war materials to their entire need, plus everything the British needed, plus enormous amounts of war materials the Russians needed. I ran across a listing of items given to Russia under lend-lease, including: 14,795 airplanes, 7,056 Sherman tanks, 8218 anti-aircraft guns, 131,633 machine guns, 105 submarine hunter craft, 197 torpedo boats, adequate fuel for the various vehicles, spare parts and shells as well.
@Johnnycdrums 22 дня назад
110, 000 2.5 Ton trucks. I don't know how many Jeeps, but probably over a million.
@hockeytown8995 20 дней назад
Kinda like you're fighting against a guy your own size (British Empire), then decide to take on a guy who's 4 inches and 40 pounds more than you (USSR), then for good measure add another behemoth (USA) as an opponent.. How to God he ever thought he could win that fight is beyond comprehension.
@MoseleyJon 20 дней назад
IT's a nice campfire story but the SOviets defeated the Nazis.
@rosslange1757 18 дней назад
They did but with a huge amount of material support from the US. Hitler declaring war on the US took it from a possible Soviet victory to an almost certainty.
@pavelkoudelka8934 18 дней назад
The US had been providing Lend-leas for some time, and a few weeks before they even started deploying their warships to defend convoys, and attack against U-boats... The declaration of war was only a formality... Even if it took the Americans another year to declare it, the impact in the course of history he would be negligible...
@CB-vt3mx Месяц назад
The war was not lost in 1941 or 42, 43, 44, or even 45. The war was lost in 1918 when the German Government fell and no one could actually replace it to guide Germany out of its Prussian past into a more modern state. This failure of German politics created the conditions that resulted in a Germany strong enough to take on France and Poland, but not actually strong enough to take on the UK and USSR. or perhaps the failure started in the 1860s under Bismark who united the German nation through war and counter revolution. Or perhaps the failure in 1945 was created in the 1700s when Prussian militarism defined the monarchy and future nation. Perhaps it was in the immediate post Roman era when a set of small states and duchies formed in the vacuum left by the 3rd and 4th century AD fall of Roman governance and the nearly one millennium of cultural and technical isolation. Pinning "turning points" is absurd because in truth, all of these items played a role.
@timpietersen481 Месяц назад
J*de* declared war on germany 1933, thats when it losy the war, its in the new york times
@dutchmandave6605 29 дней назад
I love your knowledge of the Germanic people. Too complicated to isolated one historical context
@tonychidiac6097 26 дней назад
And perhaps Homo Sapiens defined Germany's fate by not keeping Dinausors alive and using them to their own benefit. Tf u talking about dude😂
@mustangmanmustangman4596 Месяц назад
Sept 1,1939 is the day, don't have to watch video!
@marcusohlsson3130 12 дней назад
Correct! It was crazy impossible task from the very first day
@MortalWeather Месяц назад
Extremely well done. Cogent and insightful. Thank you.
@andrew4437 Месяц назад
The argument could be made he lost it on September 1, 1939 when he started the war.
@Crashed131963 Месяц назад
Or December 11th 1941 when he declared war on the USA because fighting the The UK and it's British commonwealth and Russia was not enough for Hitler .
@matthewmatt5285 Месяц назад
The 2,000 (of which 830 bombers) planes he lost in the Battle of Britain lost Hitler the war,. If he had those planes he would have taken Greece quicker and started Barbarossa a month earlier and would have taken Russia before the winter set in~ Staring Barbarossa a month Earlier would have taken Russia OUT of the War~
@Crashed131963 Месяц назад
@@matthewmatt5285 Even with Russia out of the war. Germany in 1945 would still have to deal with the US A-Bombs and B-29s
@Sapwolf Месяц назад
Yep. But to see that you have to have 75 years of hindsight.
@user-lg1rd7jb5m Месяц назад
If Germany had taken England instead of stopping and invading on Russia. It would changed everything. The US wouldn't have a bunch of airfields in England to bomb Germany. Would give him iron ore to build up more war materials then invade Russia. It would probably be a much different history maybe even language we speak today.
@MWL4466 Месяц назад
Oil. Germany needed oil urgently. Seizing the oil fields in the Caucasus and cutting off Stalins supply up the Volga would have won them their "lebensraum". Hitler was warned that he only had enough oil until the fall of 1941. It was imperative !
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Correct. Oil was their basic flaw. And rubber for truck tyres.
@Cjephunneh 7 дней назад
He could have seized the middleeast oil instead.
@MrGettysburg44 Месяц назад
Is this the Mr Hilter that is standing in the Minehead By-Election? 😂
@john-em1jr 25 дней назад
Stalin and Adolf two sides of the same evil coin
@charlesbryan4644 21 день назад
Bullshit. You would be goose stepping and Sieg Heiling without the sacrifices of the USSR. Shame!
@addictionfreeworld2919 15 дней назад
Churchill and Roosevelt included
@charlesbryan4644 15 дней назад
@@john-em1jr Bullshit! Hitler opened Auscwitz but Stalin (and the Red Army) closed it. So, not the same coin. Idiot!
@andrewryan276 12 дней назад
wow that would be a valuable coin now
@davemathews7890 11 дней назад
Not really.
@Huskerguy316 Месяц назад
He lost the war after his stunning victory in France. Until then he was fairly nervous, grounded, and cautiously optimistic. The planning of France was meticulous to the point of obsession. He was prepared for a real challenge. When it went better than he could have imagined he was on cloud nine. He declared that he had won the war and all that remained was to isolate England by kicking in the door of her backwards rotting ally Russia. He viewed the Red Army as a joke with leaders that wouldn’t be qualified to be NCOs in Germany. In his mind there was no reason to believe that the Eastern campaign would be just as if not shorter than the French campaign. Which is why no preparation was made for winter or the lack of fuel.
@karlmahlmann 29 дней назад
So Stalin had his political opponents tried on bogus charges. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
@babua63 24 дня назад
Hitler lost when he diverted his tanks towards south away from the march to Moscow. Otherwise there would have been enough time to wipe past and over Stalingrad and into Moscow well before winter.
@macgordonaberese-ako4587 Месяц назад
What did a WW1 corporal know about war. Blind obedience to a madman.
@matthewmatt5285 Месяц назад
But he knocked out France in 6 weeks when they couldn't do it in 4 yrs in WWI? 🤔🤣🤣🤣 Stop listening to what they Tell you and actually Research things YOURSELF,.. It's pedantic and embarrassing~
@fringedweller5425 Месяц назад
Don't comment until you know what your talking about.
@Mark-gg6iy 28 дней назад
Akin to America's Republican party slavish worship of Donald Trump today.
@Mark-bm5nk 27 дней назад
​​@@fringedweller5425 Correct him instead of just spouting off....For example you're.
@k.gopalakrishnan4819 25 дней назад
Stalin told Harry Hopkins September 1941: Germany's power is so great that combined efforts of Soviet Union & Great Britain could not defeat her. However the entry of US could end the war,even without firing a shot. Hitler attacked Soviet Union in 1941 because he feared the he feared its armament production capacity. In the beginning of 1941,he received a news that one single Soviet tank factory was producing more tanks than the combined German tank production. He attacked when Germans still had technical superiority. If he had waited until the end of 1942, Soviet Russia would have become unbeatable. It is a myth that Stalin would have been neutral. The formidable Soviet military machine could not have been kept idle for long. Stalin was only waiting for the right moment to attack Germany.
@Arthur-tx8fd Месяц назад
Ive been studying WW2 for over ten years and yes Hitler had no military experience in warfare. He based his decision on all his previous orders coming true where no one else would dare. Finland war against Russian told Hitler that Stalin's purges weakened Russia.. I also blame his generals for not doing the right thing
@fredrickmarsiello4395 Месяц назад
Hitler was a WW1 veteran.
@larryspiller6633 Месяц назад
He had no command experiences. Once in a while he managed to form and execute a successful plan. With his General's help of course.
@carsyoungtimerfreak1149 Месяц назад
One other, I believe, important cause for WWII is not mentioned: the peace agreement of WWI. It was an impossible agreement, very much pushed by the Brits and the French. I believe this is intentionally. To me this devaluates the documentary greatly. I can easily understand why Hitler came to power, I cannot blame the Germans for that.
@jorgecas5678 Месяц назад
Versalles was soft compared to the Germans Brest-Litovsk. Versalles was as just as a peace treaty for a country who loses a world war gets.
@andrewjohnston9115 Месяц назад
Did you know reparations were never paid in full, only one full payment in 1921 was ever made. Versailles as the reason for WW2 is simply not true.
@carsyoungtimerfreak1149 Месяц назад
@@andrewjohnston9115 I do. So the French occupied part of Germany and were quite cruel. Versailles is absolutely one of the reasons for WWII. But the French, as usual, will not take any responsibility for this.
@hecateswolf6007 14 дней назад
​@@jorgecas5678you are correct when you mention the 1918 treaty of Brest Livotsk this was punitive indeed, land lost, the loss of the baltic states and Ukraine and a massive pay off in gold marks. Having said that the later treaty of versailles stripped Germany of Alsace Lorraine, the Sudetenland and most damning of all the loss of Danzig. This set the seeds for WW2.
@simonsobo4644 День назад
Germany was treated FAR MORE HARSHLY after WWII than it was following WWI yet they didn't feel compelled to launch another war. You're just echoing Nazi propaganda
@Knards Месяц назад
Certainly gives a profile of Stalin as a war leader that was very different from his outside iron fist profile
@masroor5672 Месяц назад
Infact when Soviet agent in Tokyo wrote Stalin about imminent german atrack stalin started abusing the agent saying ask the agent to come back and ---- his mother.......
@galaxysurfer1122 Месяц назад
I can't take any narrator seriously who says 'aircrafts'. The plural of 'aircraft' is 'aircraft' , no 's' needed!
@tsr207 26 дней назад
Hear , hear ! seems to have spread like wildfire from RU-vid....
@Bobdayeoak 24 дня назад
Aircraft’s is proper English if more than one type of aircraft is involved!
@Bobdayeoak 23 дня назад
When more than one type of aircraft is involved “aircraft’s” is used. 7:10 7:10
@melgross 20 дней назад
Oven if you were correct, which you are not, since this is British English, it’s not relevant. The narrator, whether a human or computer, just reads the script.
@MBBurchette 17 дней назад
I’m with you. Whenever I hear a Brit mispronounce Aluminum I stop being an Anglophile for at least 15 minutes.
@michaelwittman1935 3 дня назад
whats with the opening credits? Nobody uses them anymore because it forces us to have to fast forward.
@HistoryWarfareNow123 3 дня назад
We appreciate the feedback!
@amberlopez7477 14 дней назад
If he had waited a few years. Germany would have had nuclear weapons. Before the Russians.
@JoeHinojosa-ph8yw Месяц назад
Never send a Corporal to do a Field Marshals job
@Sapwolf Месяц назад
Doesn't matter. You don't have anywhere near the petroleum you need for offensive warfare for over six months.
@SuperMrBentley 18 дней назад
well that corporal conquered france.... field marshals of ww1 never got close to Paris
@patrickhenry2845 Месяц назад
The second invasion of Russia was the beginning of the end. Hitler, at that time, used only skilled German troops and still failed again. Hitler forgot that Napoleon failed to conquer Russia. Yes, history does repeat itself.
@hajime2k Месяц назад
Hitler relied upon over 500k Romanian soldiers in the attack as well. Also pockets of Italian and Hungarian forces. Hitler's Grand Armee relied on quick victories, not attritional warfare. Hitler really lost when Halder changed the plan and went for Moscow and Leningrad instead of the oil in the Caucasus that Hitler really wanted. Stalin was borderline insane, but he was outnumbered 4 million to 2.7 million on the day of the attack. If only the Germans pushed south instead of center and north.
@dleechristy Месяц назад
Previous NATO attempts... teutonic knights before that -
@diannegooding8733 Месяц назад
The deciding factor was the Japanese defeat at Kahlkin Gol by the Soviets under Zhukov before Hitler attacked the Soviets! Zhukov beat the Japanese so decisively that they signed an armistice and promised never to attack the Soviets again. Amazingly the Japanese adhered to the piece of paper and Stalin never had to fight on two fronts! The Soviet army that appeared before Moscow when the first Germans could see the city was drawn from watching the Japanese from Siberia.
@jasoncuculo7035 Месяц назад
I just subscribed, if you gave a different date other than June 22, 1941, I wouldn't have.
@admiralyisoonshin4995 Месяц назад
Adolf Hitler thought that Russia would be occupied within 6 months. But it was a huge mistake. Russia is a continent, not a country!
@elessartelcontar9415 Месяц назад
While not a "continent", it is enormous.
@Britton_Thompson Месяц назад
No, because the distance between where his eastern front began in Poland and Czechoslovakia to the targeted Moscow-Leningrad-Stalingrad axis wasn't a continent's width to have to cover. It was a larger landmass than their previous blitzes across western Europe, sure, but it wasn't so vast that it was impossible. Remember, they didn't have to conquer the entirety of Russia because 70% of Russia's landmass is just uninhabitable, barren wasteland anyway. All the infrastructure and population centers of Russia are in the west, near Europe. All Germany had to do was conquer the shorter space separating his armies starting points in Poland, Czechoslavokia, and Romania to Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad
@donkeyslayer9879 Месяц назад
Just like Dictator Clownshoes saying the war with the Ukraine would take only take 2 weeks.
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
But the roads were rivers of mud and the winter of ‘41/‘42, was far worse than normal. So it may as well have been like conquering the whole of Asia, with good roads and weather.
@rjlchristie Месяц назад
USSR occupies a significant proportion of both the continents of Asia and of Europe. Russia, part of USSR, is not so large, dependant on if you wish to include the Siberian territories East of the Urals etc.
@scottwrasse9596 Месяц назад
There's no such word as "aircrafts" as a nominative.
@sirbarringtonwomblembe4098 Месяц назад
Hitler's ranting oratory was just a rhetorical act; his natural speaking voice was the softest German you'll ever hear.
@lindaterrell5535 Месяц назад
A number of people wrote of how quiet and polite and charming he was in private.
@baruchben-david4196 22 дня назад
Well, even so, I still don't like him.
@Freedom2111 Месяц назад
The Germans lost many of their best soldiers in the futile attempt to take Moscow in late 1941, and lost another very good army at Stalingrad a year later. Both times, the top generals advice to Hitler was to just set up defensive positions for the winter, but he went against their advice. After Stalingrad, the Germans had no chance of winning the war.
@mikes7639 Месяц назад
He lost it when moscow became secondary and failed to take it in 1941
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Moscow wouldn’t have made any difference strategically. And they didn’t have the supplies or ammunition to sustain a long battle. They couldn’t afford Guderian to lose there and lose most of their tanks and artillery.
@Crashed131963 Месяц назад
Napoleon took Moscow and still lost .
@robleahy5759 Месяц назад
Yes I agree. Vacillating between three objectives was the mark of an inferior strategist. Moscow was the railways hub in a railway country.
@TheRealBillBob Месяц назад
Yup. Should have stayed far away from Stalingrad.
@bartbotsimpson Месяц назад
Imagine how hard it would have been to take Moscow, they have have taken it but then what? Soviets would have just moved the capital and then driven them back 6 months later
@colinm2056 Месяц назад
I think he lost at Dunkirk. He didn't allow the panzers to finish the job even though his generals advised him to do so. He believed that the humiliation of such a defeat would have prevented the English from considering peace. Instead he gave them the nucleus of a new army, & very importantly, he gave them the mythology of the great Dunkirk miracle, which would prove an enormous morale booster to a ruthless enemy very close to defeat.
@mrhpijl Месяц назад
You may have a point, but only if the entire British Expeditionary Force and other UK personnel were either destroyed or captured and the UK would have decided to exit the war because of it. Not having a hostile UK (and USA using it as a stepping stone) would have allowed Germany to redeploy a lot of Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe forces to the eastern front. It may have given them the extra oomph in crucial battles (Battles of Moscow, Leningrad, perhaps Stalingrad/Caucasus) and possibly toppled the Soviet regime. But we'll never know.
@awordabout...3061 Месяц назад
Von Rundstedt recommended the halt order. The lead elements were utterly exhausted and had been running on methamphetamine for days. Driving the lead elements into the Dunkirk defence would have just destroyed a few hundred more tanks, and risked the French realising they could have reversed the encirclement.
@gruntforever7437 Месяц назад
@@awordabout...3061 the french leadership was already beaten and had pretty much given up. The best part of their army was gone. France was falling no matter what by Dunkirk. Now as regards the loss of most of the BEF, with the strength of the peace party at that time Churchill would have either been forced to seek terms or he would have lost a no confidence vote and Halifax would have become PM and asked for terms With the ability to throw everything at Russia; and also a much stronger Luftwaffe that had not lost so many of its best pilots in the Battle of Britain, it is very likely that Germany would have taken Russia down in 1941. No diversion of any strength to the Mediterranean, North Africa or Greece. A significant difference
@awordabout...3061 Месяц назад
@@gruntforever7437 Germany did throw everything at Russia - the forces on the Atlantic Wall, especially in 41-42, were third-rate units with almost no mobile equipment. Attrition of pilots over Britain was a signficant loss but there's no way another hundred-thousand riflemen with a few captured Chars or french field guns would have changed the outcome in the East.
@gruntforever7437 Месяц назад
@@awordabout...3061 when you add up everything used everywhere else but Russia after June 1940 it is not a small amount. And Adolph Galland said that the Luftwaffe never really got back to what it was before the Battle of Britain. As I said many of its best pilots and air crew were lost. And when you remember how close it was in 1941 claiming that would have made no difference is laughable
@jeffreyval9665 Месяц назад
He had 4 or 5 months to defeat the Soviets. He came really close, but he probably realized after the counteroffensive at Moscow the only thing he could do was drag the war on for as long as possible.
@clidethomas1733 Месяц назад
Hitler lost the war by fighting on 2 fronts It simply meant that all his resources and support had to be devided and he also did not have air suoeriority
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
But he couldn’t defeat Britain without the oil in the Caucasus. And Russia was building up its military and had invaded Finland, an ally of Germany. So the threat of the Russians invading Germany was very real.
@tritium1998 26 дней назад
Crossing the Mediterranean to fight on the North African front was also a waste of resources.
@Swellington_ Месяц назад
In my opinion,Hitler not working out a plan with Japan and Finland was the biggest blunder,if Japan had invaded from the east and Finland from the north,sealed off Leningrad,which they refused to do right from the rip,theirs almost no way Stalin could’ve held out, or maybe no way other than the west putting troops on Russian soil,and Stalin did ask or suggest several times that a few divisions with their own general staff and everything,basically no Soviet intervention at all,but the US and Britain wouldn’t do it and that’s saying a lot on Stalins part,for him to ask a western military force to come to Russia and have no Russian liaison showed just how bad the situation really was,but that would’ve been the end of the USSR then and there if the Germans and their “allies” had actually acted like allies,good thing they didn’t though
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Fair comment, but Japan had to capture Indonesia and secure the South East Pacific, just for their oil supply. This meant that they needed to conquer the Philippines, as a transit link and for total control of that region. China was also a perceived threat, for the Allies to amass forces and attack the Japanese islands. And Communism was growing into China, so they didn’t want China to become Communist and help Russia. Remember this, Japan conquered about 1/7th of the entire surface of the globe. They played their part almost to perfection. The war couldn’t have gone any better for the Axis Powers, up until Al Alamein and Stalingrad.
@Swellington_ Месяц назад
@@flashgordon6670 well,Japan not attacking the USA would’ve been a big help to the axis but if the Japanese had attacked from the east and Germany from the west and Finland the north,the Soviet union is tapping out more than likely and Hitler would have made sure to gotten ahold of some oil fields,I mean we’ll never know one way or the other but it’s hard to see the USSR withstanding an attack from 3 different directions and across huge distances
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Then Japan doesn’t get their oil from Indonesia and the Dutch East Indies. The USA had embargoed oil to Japan and was blocking their route. Arguably it was the USA who started the war against Japan.
@Swellington_ Месяц назад
@@flashgordon6670 idk man,that’s what I read in David Glantzs book,I would assume he probably knows more about it than me And no the USA didn’t start the war with Japan,Japan had been aggressive since 31 and the US wasn’t gonna sale ‘em fuel and other stuff so they could keep their military aims intact,you seriously don’t believe the USA started the war with Japan do ya? That’s the first time I’ve heard that one
@robertpolestar-em4je Месяц назад
When Hitler declared war on the USSR, what that did was to hasten the end of the war, as he then had to deal with two military fronts to defend. …in addition, it helped to reduce the number of American casualties, as Germany could not concentrate it’s entire force on the Western front. But the fact remained, as the US was the first to develop, test and use an atomic bomb, had the collapse of the 3rd reich not occurred when it did, shortly after, the US would have unleashed nuclear hell on Germany….and then it would have been game over, with total annihilation.
@cliffcranfield7295 28 дней назад
perhaps Hitler's declaration of war on the USA was a more critical reason for German'y eventual defeat
@pmtspmts8441 Месяц назад
He was not even German and how those idiots supported him is crazy.. which they were
@davidr2802 Месяц назад
I think he was from Queens,
@jonnewbauer9124 Месяц назад
@stevensteelforce2701 Месяц назад
Narcissists are great in Manipulating others.
@AlexejSvirid 25 дней назад
The God made all people from one man, Adam. All people are brothers. The God saves people by preaching (1st Corinthians 1: 21). He has nothing to do with war. Unfortunately, the lying and corrupt clirgy is silent about this. They even bless racists and nazis in the name of God. The problem is that the Devil rules the world. He is a liar and a murderer. This is why deception and violence are everywhere. This is the reason why people cry over stray cats and hate their brothers. This is the reason why Hitler got the power, but Christ was executed as "blasphemer" and "rioter" by denunciation of clergy. This is the reason why the whole world is Sodom. That's why we have the Gospel about the Kingdom of God. Jehovah will put everything in order. He has anointed the king, Jesus Christ. The dead will rise and we will meet our loved ones again! :-)
@michaelpiwcewicz1412 Месяц назад
@Cjephunneh 7 дней назад
No Hitler could have won the Ukrainians to his side and continued on to defeat Stalin. It is his craziness that made him an enemy for all. The last straw was declaring war on the USA on December 11th, 1941. His fate was sealer that day.
@JoshuaRabatin 16 часов назад
"Peace has cost you your strength! Victory has defeated you!" - Bane
@MsErik69 Месяц назад
History is written by the conquerors.
@tanler7953 Месяц назад
The history books they study in schools today are completely different from the texts we had when I was a kid. Did the conquerors change?
@matthewmatt5285 Месяц назад
@AlexejSvirid 25 дней назад
The problem is Devil runs the world. He is lier and murderer. This is the reason why deception and violence are everywhere. That's why we've got the Gospel about the God's kingdom. Jehovah would put everything in order. The dead will be resurected and we'll meet our loved ones again! :-)
@tanler7953 25 дней назад
@@AlexejSvirid The Bible says only the faithful will be resurrected.
@brucepoole8552 Месяц назад
So many parallels between hitler and trump
@TheREALJosephTurner Месяц назад
I'm no Trump fan, but all these B.S. rhetorical comparisons are getting pretty old. This comment section was actually going pretty well, but there's always someone who has to drop Biden or Trump's name into it for no intelligent reason.
@brucepoole8552 Месяц назад
@@TheREALJosephTurner the most important election in our history is about to take place and one of the candidates is a threat very similar to hitler so I think its a valid reason to bring up in this thread.
@TheREALJosephTurner Месяц назад
@@brucepoole8552 Horsehockey. Every election in the last twenty years was "the most important election in our history" because "democracy is at stake." Obama and Hillary went through the same Hitler comparisons and nothing happened. Instead of getting your info from TV, try a government textbook- we have checks and balances for a reason. As for your comparison, Trump didn't mastermind a Holocaust, and he won't (can't) if reelected. Trump didn't invade every surrounding country, and he won't (can't) if reelected. Trump didn't plunge nearly the entire world into a devastating war, and he won't (can't) if reelected. Trump is a lunatic, but comparing him to Hitler is just lazy rhetoric, and it devalues the millions of lives lost during WWII. Besides, if he wins (which I doubt), the left will keep him occupied with that whole checks and balances business anyway. It'll be a lame duck presidency at best. There's simply not enough electable MAGA for a Nazi-esque government takeover.
@edsedlak6827 Час назад
@@TheREALJosephTurner The parallels are actually striking. The tactics are very similar : tell big lies and repeat them often until people start to believe them . The difference is the scale And the fact that Hitler believed in his bs. trump doesn't believe in anything he is just in it for himself.
@williamquigley5836 Месяц назад
While it certainly wasn't apparent at the time, when Germany abandoned it's nuclear program, it was doomed to lose; Nuclear weapons coupled with it's rocket capabilities might well have won the war.
@adrianotero7963 Месяц назад
I would say there were two days......first one is when he declared war on the USA second was attacking Russia.
@Hope_Boat Месяц назад
At that time many leaders though that the day Hitler lost the war was when Mussolini decided to invade Greece, on 28 October 1940. Greece was trying hard to remain neutral since the beginning of the conflict and even during the Italian offensive. When the Greek army managed to repell the Italians into Albania Mussolini turned towards Hitler for help. The Italian debacle forced Hitler to postpone the invasion of the Soviet Union and instead waste time ressources and personnel to invade Yougoslavia and then Greece itself. Things didn't go as smoothly as during the previous campaigns. The Metaxa line did not fail and claimed a lot of German lifes before the wermacht flanked it. Even after the fall of Athens, the invasion of Crete was a bloody mess for the invaders. The civilians population rushed to combat alongside the remaining of the Greek army and the British troops. Such was the damage that Hitler never used paratrooper forces again. Despite their defeat both Yougoslavs and Greeks resistances were a thorne in the German boot. Both Staline and Churchill acknowledged that the delay and waste of ressources due to the Greek campaign changed the odds for the Soviets by giving them enough time to prepare themselves for Barbadossa, halting the blitzkrieg at the doors of Moscow.
@derjaeger3321 Месяц назад
Hitler lost the war the second his troops entered Poland. It was only a matter of time before he would be at war with the Soviet Union and the US. He ended up at war with the largest empire in the world, the nation with the largest army, an endless land mass and overwhelming manpower resources and finally the nation with the largest economy and production capacity in the world. Germany was toast from the outset.
@joshb8233 Месяц назад
So true, no matter how you look at there was nothing they could do to win unless however ,you change one small thing and that is to go as a liberator to Russia. By liberating Russia from Stalin. That's the only way Germany could have won. Economically Germany was doomed from the outset. An interview with Garland started they had lost long before they went to Russia
@cuts240 Месяц назад
People forget- Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland together
@robbielee2148 29 дней назад
@@cuts240 actually Britain & France cleverly ignored Russia's later incursion.
@robbielee2148 29 дней назад
Edit: USSR's annexation of not only eastern Poland but the Baltic states.
@jvaneck8991 8 дней назад
I remind the writer of this History Lesson that the USA did not declare war on Germany after Pearl Harbor. At that time, some 16% of the US population was German-born. This large political group kept Roosevelt from attempting to have the Congress declare war on Germany. After Pearl Harbor, the Congress only declared war on Japan on December 08. Three days later, December 11th, Hitler declared war on the US. In response, later that day the Congress declared war on Germany and Italy. Had Hitler not been so brash as to declare war on the US, it remains doubtful that the US would have involved itself in land wars on the European continent. Yes, the US would have supplied Britain with supplies, including food, coal, oil, metal and lumber in US ships, but other than that, the US would have distanced itself from the Continent. That would have left Hitler able to create an uneasy detente with Britain, a sort of cold war, in which neither sallied forth across the Channel, and left Hitler free to clobber the Russians. Thus, December 11th was the day that Hitler lost the War.
@JackFate518 Месяц назад
He could have beaten the Soviet Union if he had entered Ukraine and Belarus pretending to be a "liberator." They would have happily fought against Stalin.
@marknieuweboer8099 Месяц назад
That didn't fit his racism. You're asking Hitler to be not Hitler.
@jdevine42 Месяц назад
The day he lost it was the day he declared war on USA...or the day he split Army Group South into both the Caucuses and to Stalingrad
@dr.barrycohn5461 Месяц назад
Well, of course you're right. He misjudged the US as a people and as a nation. Hitler as delusional loon.
@jomelchryslerthesecond3985 Месяц назад
But the russians won ww2.😅
@MikeHunt-fo3ow Месяц назад
when he invaded russia
@silkkdread Месяц назад
The video said what it said lol and it’s right
@silkkdread Месяц назад
Extremely well done. We know all the facts but rarely have I seen it presented with such accuracy as this video🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾
@JBall-hd8bw Месяц назад
Sept. 1 1939
@StalloneSRB 12 дней назад
Nato members should have watched this before attacking Russia trough Ukraine
@markymaypo6657 Месяц назад
If the Germans had, by an evil miracle, completed their total victory in 4-4.5 months, things might have been different. But the Soviets turned the German war of movement into a war of attrition that Germany could never hope to win. The German logistics fiasco made it impossible. That's why Soviet resistance early on delayed the Nazis long enough for first the mud and then the winter. Germany could never fully replace the men and material lost in 1941. And logistically could never totally get their act together. Doomed from the start.
@heywoodjablowme8120 Месяц назад
He lost it when he started tying his shoes in little Nazis 😂❤😂
@Ben-qm1mv Месяц назад
He thought by declaring war on the USA , Japan would declare war on Russia and open up a 2 front war for Russia ,,,
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
No he didn’t think that at all actually. He just wanted to keep the German masses, thinking they were winning. He thought that the momentum would carry them to victory. So he had to portray themselves as winning at all costs. It didn’t matter if things were going wrong in Russia temporarily, bc their confidence and morale would see them through the difficulties, in his mind. Remember he was a veteran of WW1 and he was basically reliving the First World War.
@Ben-qm1mv Месяц назад
@@flashgordon6670 ridiculous!
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Japan had more than enough on their plate, you’re ridiculous Shut up!
@TheDavidlloydjones Месяц назад
@@Ben-qm1mv Not ridiculous at all. Japan had a non-aggression pact with the USSR and while it had done well in the wars at the end of the 1800's it had suffered a bloody nose in the Siberian fights of the 1930's. Japan's main aim was empire in Manchuria and South East Asia. You have no evidence for your first post, and your insult to FlashGordon is thoughtless and silly.
@Crashed131963 Месяц назад
They declared war on Hitler for invading West Poland. At the end of the war Stalin (Hitler's clone) took all of Poland and Eastern Europe anyways .
@Mark-gg6iy 28 дней назад
It's not the taking that is important it is the holding. Anybody can steal something for a bit of time, eventually, justice catches up.
@Crashed131963 28 дней назад
@@Mark-gg6iy The Russian held those Eastern European countries from 1945-1990. Now they are trying to get one back .😳
@tritium1998 26 дней назад
The war wasn’t for token Poland. The war started because Germany overstepped all the appeasement given to it despite the Treaty of Versailles. Much of Eastern Europe was allied with Germany.
@serverlan763 10 дней назад
Maybe if they were not fighting the Americans and English as well, they could have defeated the USSR
@krisfrederick5001 Месяц назад
December 11, 1941. When he declared War on the United States...overconfidence was his fatal mistake after the fall of France. Hitler was a gambler and with Russia rolled the dice. "We only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down" The house won...
@volbound1700 Месяц назад
I disagree that attacking the USSR was the defeat of Germany (or even declaring war on the USA). It was still feasible for Germany to win with tactics. Not taking Moscow in 1941 was a HUGE blow. The failed offensive of 1941 probably sealed Germany's fate (especially since they did not winterize their army properly). However, Germany still had a shot in 1942 and possibly even at 1943 at both Kursk and Stalingrad. After Kursk (and El Alamein), Germany was done.
@duniagowes Месяц назад
True, totally agree.
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Moscow wouldn’t have made any difference strategically. And they didn’t have the supplies or ammunition to sustain a long battle. They couldn’t afford Guderian to lose there and lose most of their tanks and artillery.
@jordanazevedo5688 Месяц назад
No they lost the moment they invaded Poland. It was just downhill from there. They didn’t have the manpower or resources to fight a long war that’s it. There’s not tactics that can win when you don’t have the men or resources to win one war let alone fighting multiple wars. From Greece to North Africa to Norway and Ukraine Russia and Italy. There was never any truly successful military strategy to win that. This was like a small dog fighting not one big dog but 3 really massive dogs.
@volbound1700 Месяц назад
@@jordanazevedo5688 nearly all the contemporaries at the time disagree. For example, the US military brass thought Russia would lose to Germany up until 1942. UK, USA, and USSR military experts all took the German threat seriously, that is why they were defeated.
@_joeMelfi Месяц назад
If the German generals were in charge and not Hitler they likely would have, or at least starved the Russian machine of the oil it depended on.
@FBT9356 Месяц назад
Hitler died on April 30 1945 not april 14th
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
Actually he does say 30th of April, in the very first sentence. “Adolf Hitler died on the 30th of April 1945.” But you’re both wrong, he actually escaped to Argentina. Watch the documentary film Greywolf and Mark Felton videos Find the Fuhrer.
@paulanthony5274 Месяц назад
@@flashgordon6670 You probably believe in ming the merciless too mate. 😂
@dropway9108 Месяц назад
@@flashgordon6670 Felton does not even remotely say Hitler "escaped to Argentina." I have watched all the episodes, and near the end he offers his conclusion. He states that after the bodes were brought out of the bunker and set alight, someone else moved the remains to another area surrounding the bunker and buried them. They then dressed up two corpses with somewhat close resemblance to both Braun and Hitler (there were multitudes of dead bodies in the vicinity) and buried them in this spot to mislead the Soviet searchers. Hitler was in absolutely no condition to travel anywhere. He was a drug addicted wreck probably also suffering from Parkinsons and with a very short lease on physical existence when he committed suicide.
@MarkH10 26 дней назад
Arguably the day Hitler 'lost the war' was November 8, 1923. Whenever people assert a turning point occurred, the implication is that up to that time Hitler was going to win, UNTIL........ The primary causes of German defeat in WWII was the mindset of Hitler. Hitler made all decisions of any magnitude. Hitler NEVER made a logistic, tactical, nor strategic decision. Every single decision he made was always political. Whom commands an Army? Political. Who gets supplies? Political. Goering will supply 25,000 tons of supplies a day into Stalingrad? Political. Fight to the death orders everywhere, no retreat? Political. Naming Admiral Doenetz as Head of State? Political. Halder as Chief of Staff? Political. The decision to hold the men in place and lose in Stalingrad was political in light of the historic macabre use of the reference to that Great Victory he believed would occur soon after in Stalingrad. All his delusions were political.
@Arthur-tx8fd Месяц назад
Great work
@randy_highers Месяц назад
He misjudged Stalin..after the purges, he thought it would be a "walk-over"
@Aethelhald Месяц назад
It was a walkover. At least in 1941 and the early part of 1942. They misjudged how many reserves the USSR could muster and also how long they were willing to fight. The difference between Russia and the rest of the nations he invaded up to that point is that Russia still had room to retreat and manpower to call up even after staggering losses of men and land. France didn't - they got pushed to the sea and ran out of manpower. Poland didn't - they got sandwiched inbetween two superpowers and had no more men to call up. Russia though had lots of room to retreat and millions upon millions of young men to throw at the extended German army.
@randy_highers Месяц назад
@@Aethelhald well said..I erred on the side of brevity
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
It was a walkover, but the Germans ran, then fell over.
@tomassmolen1260 Месяц назад
The day the Germans lost was the day when Hitler disallowed Guderian to attack Moscow somewhere in september
@danohimm22 Месяц назад
August , But correct / Big mistake !!!
@davidr2802 Месяц назад
@bigbadladnamedalasad7071 Месяц назад
Napoleon took Moscow and absolutely nothing happened. What makes you think anything would be different in WW2? It’s not as if Stalin and all of the Stavka were just going to stay there until the end. Wars are about supply and logistics, not capitals and tactics.
@volbound1700 Месяц назад
@@bigbadladnamedalasad7071 somewhat agree but keep in mind that Moscow was NOT the Capital when Napoleon invaded (St. Petersburg was). It was the capital of the USSR and Leningrad was under siege so Hitler had the better shot as he had a more wider invasion than Napoleon. Napoleon just made a straight b-line to Moscow which really didn't make any sense to me. You would think he would have gone for St Petersburg instead. The one country that did successfully take Russia was Poland in the 1600s and they did it gradually and not in a large offensive. I think that might be the key to beating Russia, take land, build your logistics to catch up and secure the land, then take more. I think had Hitler and Germany focused on minimal gains in 1941 (Belarus, Ukraine, and Caucuses) and winterized their army, then planned Moscow in 1942 or 1943, that might have been a better approach.
@drdal Месяц назад
Germany have probably won WW2 if Hitler dont have attack Sovjet-Russia in 1941.
@user-uy3bj9ue5c Месяц назад
Russia effectively included Mongolia too at that time. It would have been impossible to subdue such a territory.
@toga1022 Месяц назад
He lost the war the second he involved the US . . . duh . . .
@mattdeinken6580 Месяц назад
Adolf Hitler couldn't beat a 6 year old who never seen a chess set in a game of chess
@westtexas7 28 дней назад
Wrong. Look what he pulled off almost taking over the world. Mistakes made stopped Germany.
@Britton_Thompson Месяц назад
No, conquering Russia could've been achieved. It wasn't impossible. The flaw was in tying up too many troops for use as extermination squads to dispose of the Slavic & Jewish populations when they could've been put to better use building better supply lines. Not to mention having too many troops tied up in the rest of mainland Europe as occupation forces.
@duniagowes Месяц назад
Having too many fronts. Africa, Sicily, Greece, helping the Italy here & there, etc.
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
That’s reasonable, but it was the lack of oil and rubber that prevented Germany building more trucks for logistics. Catch 22. His mad strategy nearly worked, with a bit more patience and focusing on proven technologies, like Panther 3 tanks, U boats, 109s and Stukers. Instead of Tigers, jets and wonder rockets, Germany would’ve had a much better chance of winning. They just needed the oil, to put into the machines that would’ve won the war. Instead of developing risky technologies, to bypass their basic flaw.
@duniagowes Месяц назад
@@flashgordon6670 yes, I think rockets, jets, etc development should be for mid term use. They just want a quick wonder weapon to get out of the hell. But it seems the bohemian corporal & Nazi love everything big, massive & wow. Super Tiger, Bismarck, Thor, etc.
@fountainneer 25 дней назад
the Germans still had like 800k ill-equipped troops in Prague when the soviets were already in Berlin
@anthonycruciani939 10 дней назад
There's no denying that Hitler's decision to invade the USSR was the primary cause of Germany's defeat in WW2. However, he made that decision in the 20s as he wrote in Mein Kampf and it was his primary objective in WW2 so for him he had no choice but to invade the USSR.
@TravisBrady-wn8fr Месяц назад
Good thing Tibet didnt unleash its fury tho.
@elessartelcontar9415 Месяц назад
Or Ceylon, The Seychelles, Monaco, San Marino or Lichtenstein!
@TravisBrady-wn8fr Месяц назад
@@elessartelcontar9415 😀
@Johnnycdrums 22 дня назад
That's what you get when you reject a man from art school.
@Razvanh29 Месяц назад
*Germans:* we'll blitz Russia. *Russians:* hold my Stalin.
@BobGeogeo Месяц назад
Or, Russians: You've heard of Napoleon, and our winters, right?
@kiky2232 Месяц назад
He lost the war when he decided to start one. Before first shel was even fired.
@davidb2206 Месяц назад
He didn't. It was Britain and France who declared war ON Germany.
@abbfilmann3735 Месяц назад
@@davidb2206 Hitler invaded Poland first, not any other person but him (and than ussr)
@alexeichoquet7822 Месяц назад
@@davidb2206 Hitlers war started with his invasion of Poland, France and the UK's declaration of war was the consequence of a war already begun.
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
It was Hitler who made the decision to attack Britain’s and France’s ally. He was just too cowardly to declare war against us first.
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
He could’ve won WW2, if he had a better strategy. The decision to invade Russia, from Germany’s perspective back then, was the right decision. It was how they went about it that was all wrong. They didn’t have enough oil supply and were reliant on Russia’s exporting it to Germany. Russia could switch it off at any time and invade Germany, which its military buildup in the late 1930s and attacking Finland, an ally of Germany, threatened. Germany tried to bypass its basic oil and rubber supply flaw, by developing more advanced tanks, planes and rockets. But they weren’t perfected and they wasted their dwindling supplies and time on them. Instead of just building the proven weapons. Panther 3 tanks. U boats, 109s and stuker planes. Bc they didn’t have enough oil to feed them. Or enough rubber for truck tyres, for their logistics. They needed to amass more oil and rubber, and keep it underground, safe from allied bombs. Then they could’ve starved Britain imo surrender and used the Royal Navy to help conquer the USA. In exchange for leniency and cooperation with the British. Germany also needed to stop Britain helping the USA to develop nukes. Then Germany would’ve got them soon, by late 1946, early 1947. They needed the oil, in the Caucasus region of Russia, to do this. It was a catch 22 situation for Germany. They needed the oil to fuel their weapons and trucks. But they needed those weapons and trucks to get the oil, and defend from potential counter attacks, that Hitler was paranoid about. They did actually manage to capture some of the Caucasus oilfields. But the oil wells were destroyed by the Russians and losing at Stalingrad, made Russian counter attacks there inevitable. With a slower buildup and halting at Smolensk for the winter of ‘41/‘42, Germany could’ve succeeded their primary objectives. Blitzkrieg was the wrong strategy, for an area 10 times bigger than all their previous conquests. The
@tomarmstrong1281 Месяц назад
Hitler and Trump appear to have much in common, except Trump is no reader.
@Because-rt8qs Месяц назад
He reads mein kampf.
@tombranstetter68 Месяц назад
Always leave it to an idiot to go off script in a discussion...
@SalahP.Secondz 28 дней назад
So Trump who brought 4 years of peace and actually tried to help Jews is like Hitler? What are you smoking?
@Mark-gg6iy 28 дней назад
@@Because-rt8qs 'Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed, according to his ex-wife' According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed. "Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... by Amanda Macias, 14 December 2015, Independent.
@chrislow4362 27 дней назад
The national socialist party aka nazis were actually a far left group. They combined government and industry. Also controlled media censored and and arrested political opponents. Oh..and divided and inflamed racism. Sounds like biden to me.
@asmukler Месяц назад
If he wasn't so greedy he could have had all of Europe
@We_Seek_Truth Месяц назад
No, it was when he decided to stop off "briefly" and easily capture Stalingrad, he lost the war. Everyone is throwing in different critical errors, but it was a collection of errors, many of which have been said were THE POINT "when he lost the war." All the points I've read could've been "it". I threw another point in here that I had not seen yet. But I think Barbarossa really was the biggest single event that can lay claim to that idea.
@kevinsysyn4487 Месяц назад
As a military strategist Hitler was an idiot. After the battle of France Germany never won another meaningful war objective, Kiev about as close as he came. He only won France because of surprise. No one could believe that anyone who lived through WW1 would ever want another war like it. Nazis lost the Battle of Britain and North Africa. Stalin couldn't believe Barbarossa because he knew there was no way the Germans could win and he convinced himself Hitler was smarter than that. It was really stupid. The vast distances were just too great and the Nazis literally ran out of gas and everything else. Even had they taken Moscow, like Napoleon they would have found themselves masters of nothing. The Caucuses were 2,000 miles from Germany. No way.
@flashgordon6670 Месяц назад
He could’ve defeated Russia with a better strategy. The decision to invade Russia, from Germany’s perspective back then, was the right decision. It was how they went about it that was all wrong. They didn’t have enough oil supply and were reliant on Russia’s exporting it to Germany. Russia could switch it off at any time and invade Germany, which its military buildup in the late 1930s and attacking Finland, an ally of Germany, threatened. Germany tried to bypass its basic oil and rubber supply flaw, by developing more advanced tanks, planes and rockets. But they weren’t perfected and they wasted their dwindling supplies and time on them. Instead of just building the proven weapons. Panther 3 tanks. U boats, 109s and stuker planes. Bc they didn’t have enough oil to feed them. Or enough rubber for truck tyres, for their logistics. They needed to amass more oil and rubber, and keep it underground, safe from allied bombs. Then they could’ve starved Britain imo surrender and used the Royal Navy to help conquer the USA. In exchange for leniency and cooperation with the British. Germany also needed to stop Britain helping the USA to develop nukes. Then Germany would’ve got them soon, by late 1946, early 1947. They needed the oil, in the Caucasus region of Russia, to do this. It was a catch 22 situation for Germany. They needed the oil to fuel their weapons and trucks. But they needed those weapons and trucks to get the oil, and defend from potential counter attacks, that Hitler was paranoid about. They did actually manage to capture some of the Caucasus oilfields. But the oil wells were destroyed by the Russians and losing at Stalingrad, made Russian counter attacks there inevitable. With a slower buildup and halting at Smolensk for the winter of ‘41/‘42, Germany could’ve succeeded their primary objectives. Blitzkrieg was the wrong strategy, for an area 10 times bigger than all their previous conquests.
@parthadebchanda4072 Месяц назад
Glory to 27 million Soviet people who saved us from fascists
@celloswiss Месяц назад
@opoxious1592 Месяц назад
To be occupied by communists? Hell no, not in a million years. Communism is the greatest enemy known to man, even today.
@daskalman Месяц назад
...and subjected half of Europe to commie tyranny behind the iron curtain... Job well DUMB!
@simonsobo4644 День назад
Not all fascists,
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