
The Death of Childhood in Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions 

Explanation Point
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26 янв 2022




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@ExplanationPointAnime 2 года назад
Grab AtlasVPN Special deal for 86% OFF: atlasv.pn/ExplanationPoint ! It's a really good product at an incredible price. ALSO: Since it's been so long since I released a video, The Algorithm's probably going to try to bury this one, so share it with a friend if you don't mind!
@davideshnaur1641 2 года назад
I have just finished watching both seasons of this and enjoyed both seasons. I was wondering why than I found the video where you explained it. I wish I could point out that in the last episode Rikka did start acting out her delusions again. It doesn’t at all undermine the first season and focuses on what a relationship means. None of the characters were fully cured. But I did like your opinion in this video but I totally disagree with your opinion on season 2.
@David-jt9nt 2 года назад
dude i though you were dead or done with youtube don't scare us like that
@garbage-boitrash-man1489 2 года назад
Can confirm. Had the bell ring but still did not pop up in any of my feeds until now :(
@EvilPoke5 2 года назад
Hey so considering it's been 4 years... SAO abridged has had some more episodes. Do you think there is some good stuff to talk about or is it still waiting time? Also love the vids bro
@David-jt9nt 2 года назад
@@EvilPoke5 his Chanel just came back from the dead it needs time to rebuild and get with the new youtube overlord
@Fafnd 2 года назад
C.S. Lewis put it best and I couldn't agree more: *“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”*
@thelogicmatrix 2 года назад
I agree this whole heartedly, the lack of imagination and trying to appease others is not that of the adult but that of a child who wishes to seem so. To be adult is to enjoy the things you do and to do them despite knowing that others might think less of you for it
@drewpruitt4959 2 года назад
Lao'tzu said something like "Seek the approval of others, and you will be their prisoner", and I think it touches the same idea
@gabby1841 8 месяцев назад
@madsli 8 месяцев назад
Wait, that is the full “When I became a man I put away childish things“ quote? That is the exact opposite of what i thought it said.
@SeanWinters 7 месяцев назад
​@@madsliNo, the full quote is a Bible verse. It's basically talking about how you grow in your Christian life, as an adult Christian it's not good enough to act like a "young Christian", you're supposed to know right from wrong and you're supposed to know good doctrine and serve others etc. The illustration used is milk vs meat, milk is great for babies, but as the young Christian grows, he needs to move onto meat.
@GabeSweetMan 2 года назад
Don't worry. Growing up does suck but at some point they'll become old enough not to care anymore and form a DnD group to relive those feelings of fantasy and wonder. Or write light novels. Or become animators. Basically any creative pursuit. The true path to adulthood is realizing no one actually cares what you like or do. So go nuts. Form a LARP group and have some fun.
@travisc2127 2 года назад
I wholly agree on the D&D point. It was such bliss to find a way to be engaged with my friends like that again when I discovered D&D in college.
@goldenapplesaga5446 2 года назад
I'm honestly really happy to hear that.
@prop-a-gent 2 года назад
I would low-key love to see a psudo-follow up vid for this one where EP just chats about Larping.
@kintsuki99 2 года назад
As long as you have a way to keep yourself alive without being a burden on others.
@tyrant-den884 2 года назад
Yeah, but that's because we're not in Japan. You don't have time to have fun in Japan. That time is for going drinking with your work friends.
@ninjakirby777 2 года назад
When the world needed him most he returned
@lariozavc7828 2 года назад
Pretty much
@thewolfking7411 2 года назад
The avatar Aang
@thelogicmatrix 2 года назад
Hell yeah
@xrrgr Год назад
@nothinmulch 2 года назад
This only further solidifies my decision to pursue the arts as a career as an adult. The boring conformist reality of adulthood needs some relief for many people and I want to help be a part of that relief.
@ExplanationPointAnime 2 года назад
Good luck!
@myself2noone Год назад
Well I hate to be that guy, but the boring adults who write scientific papers have shown that's probably a wasted effort. People become happier the older they become. 40s and 50s are the happiest times of people's lives. After that your friends start dying so that's why it goes down. But late teens into your 20s yeah that time sucks.
@someguy3263 3 месяца назад
​@@myself2noone I'm gonna be that guy so who cares? I wanna see some cool art!
@ryannmarshall3033 2 года назад
This will probably get buried, but I'm glad you're okay. With the state of the world right now, it's really easy to wonder if, when someone "disappears", if they're even still alive. I'm glad to know you are, even if you hadn't made a cool and fun video! But seriously, the video was great and your editing style makes me laugh super hard. Glad you're back, Brian! :)
@starryeyedinput 2 года назад
thanks for giving my girl Dekomori the character analysis she deserves. i went into Chuunibyou under the impression that it was purely cute and fun shenanigans, so needless to say that the direction it ended up going in felt like a betrayal no one else understood. hearing that i wasn't alone in thinking that, and that in fact Dekomori's treatment in the show exemplifies that theme to a painful degree, is really cathartic. best of luck with your meds btw, and know that we'll keep waiting for as long as you need.
@Rikka_V1 2 года назад
The reason is because Dekomori was not a part of the original light novel itself and was an anime only character. She was just somehow fit along with the main group in anime as a comic relief.
@starryeyedinput 2 года назад
@@Rikka_V1 oh, word?? that's really interesting, thanks for letting me know! i'll have to check out the light novel sometime :o
@Katriella. 6 месяцев назад
Wild, i remember reading the novel in middle school but i dont remember that dekomori wasn't there
@ZeroKitsune 2 года назад
True maturity is having the courage to stand up and be proud of yourself for the things you enjoy. No, none of us are perfect people, and we all have a lot of growth to do, but there's a difference between being a responsible person and forcing yourself to conform out of fear or shame. My imagination is the part of myself that I'm the most proud of, and I refuse to live a hollow existence by giving that up, no matter what anyone thinks or says. And I'm 29 already, they didn't break me 11 years ago and they won't do it now.
@Armaggedon185 2 года назад
I never played pretend. When other kids played house, I played Risk. It led me to missing out on a lot of social connections I could have made, but it also let me practice my creativity in other ways. I was running a campaign for my sister before I even knew what D&D was. So even though I don't completely understand the sentiment behind this one, I can say with confidence that the fun doesn't have to end. There's someone out there who's into what you're into.
@KimandKamJam 2 года назад
It doesn't happen to everyone but for the vast majority of adults we're told to grow up and have fun in more "mature" ways. We don't get to have the same reckless wonder we had as kids. We get thrown into a cold cruel unfortunate world and we get told to just deal with it. Not great but it happens
@ryanw531 2 года назад
Same with me, but lots of random books instead of Risk. I feel like instead of a intense and short live Chunibyo phase, I got a mild but drawn out one that is still going. I love talking to people by using cool sounding words or quotes randomly, most people will just play along thinking it's a joke. It also helps me with work since it helps me come up with badass dialogue for the scripts I have to write.
@phyrexian_dude4645 2 года назад
Plus, those same people are usually in hobby were doing that is the norm not the exception and it would be weird not to participate. For example, my MTG play group loves to play pretend when a stupid play is about to happen. Its really fun to fuck around with people that have the same mindset.
@Hotshot2k4 2 года назад
Yup, I was the same way, more interested in math and knowledge than pretending. I used to think that it meant that I was better or smarter than my peers because of that, but now I know that I was simply different, and arguably a bit weird lol. Oh well, I'm happy with the person I am, and so are the people who know me. I guess that's what growing up was for me, learning to accept and value people who were very different from me.
@npc6817 2 года назад
So while others were chasing vain glory you were studying the Risk?
@xoderota 2 года назад
I was kind of on both ends of this, I always loved making up stories and I managed to get my friends into playing pretend with me, but we were all bullied for it so they slowly stopped, I still had my sister though and she loved my stories almost as much as I did, but she's a few years younger than me + our mom was scared I was putting delusions into her head (even though I'm positive that was never the case) so eventually I stopped playing with her and that kind of caused us to drift apart and now we don't really spend time together. Now that I look back at it the worst thing is that I literally didn't care when I realized I'm not as interested in pretending to be a witch anymore. I learned how to actually write so I didn't see the point in acting out the stories I could be writing instead. But now I kinda miss it, not childhood as a whole since mine kinda sucked anyway but this aspect of it. I'm still writing my stories, I'm not afraid to be cringe or anything, but it's just not the same
@upg5147 2 года назад
Funny enough, I'm in the same boat. I didn't even realize I had chunibyo vibes when I was younger (even though I always knew it was fake) but now I realize that was just me acting out the stories I wanted to write. Even now when I'm thinking of how I want characters to talk or how should this fight scene go, I act it out. I talk to myself daily thinking of how this can work and where this goes. I guess the big difference is this is what I want to do with my life and it can be a benefit to society.
@letsrank9349 2 года назад
Same here, me and my friends always pretended we were anime characters who were fighting each other to the death. Who of us has the best moves, strategies, tactics etc. I did not mind the bullying, cause mainly, if someone made fun of us, I fought back. Little did I know that my friends were feeling it so much. I feel guilty for bringing them to my delusions and making them a target of adulthood.
@nepunepu5894 2 года назад
once in my childhood, i swear on myself to not abandon my childhood. I still have some left, and i hold it dearly.
@moxxym 2 года назад
9:18 this hit me like a truck, IDK why it did but I seriously had to pause the video and lay down thinking for a bit about people like that with fantasy, youth and just pure upbeat energy eventually get turned into boring businessmen by this shitty society we live in, it's an absolute shame and I am determined to not end up like that. I'm currently 22 and finishing up my bachelor's degree, I'm gonna take a year off and truly do what I've always wanted to do, be a kid again.
@malikmuhammad9085 2 года назад
Heck yeah my dude, you gotta life a reason that you want to thrive
@bastardinian Год назад
I mean this in a genuinely curious sense, if you even get back to this anyway, how's it treating you?
@moxxym Год назад
@@bastardinian I've been happier than ever, Started streaming again with a very small but loyal audience, been delivering packages as a full-time job but loving life so far. Its so relaxed
@weirdyfish 2 года назад
Nice to see you return. I relate a lot to the playing pretend. I played pretend until high school and then poof I knew I had to stop. No more playing pretend with my friends only talking and hanging out during breaks. It made me sad and unhappy for a while but I got used to it. Now dnd is in my life and man I missed stuff like it. It's not the same and the spark is dimmed but there is still a place to play and believe in magic if only for a little while.
@randomperson8375 2 года назад
I hope to get into dnd someday too, it sounds like fun even though I'd be terrible at it at first. I was probably one of the first people to grow up among the people I knew, so I never really got to enjoy those things for long (maybe a year or two at most, before my age even hit double digits). Maybe I'll be able to convince myself to play dnd eventually, but right now it just seems like a lot of work and I don't have the imagination for it, nor the friends who would be interested in trying it out.
@user-qq1xj5zk9n 3 месяца назад
Much like the difference between feeling like you’re there, and simply being a actor in the setting
@cytosine6870 2 года назад
For me, I never stopped playing pretend with my imaginary characters, I just always imagined alone even at elementary school age. I rather play imagination with myself than the other kids and that's pretty much what I spent my recess on everyday. Now as an adult I still have the imaginations and do so everyday in my own room, I don't think it's necessary for everyone to grow out of having an imagination.
@Blossom44100 8 месяцев назад
@madsli 8 месяцев назад
A true sign of adulthood is that you don't mind being childish.
@Rynamony 2 года назад
The legend returns!!! Personally I don't think childhood has any intrinsec property that makes it better than adulthood. If anything, any time I look back at my childhood all I can see is the disrespect adults had towards me just because I was a child, or how classmates would look down on me for being an autistic weirdo, or the complete lack of freedom I had, not being able to go where I wanted to go, say what I wanted to say, dress as I wanted to dress, so on and so forth. Nowdays I have a good number of friends who like the way I am and are perfectly happy to play pretend with me, be it straight up roleplaying, writing and sharing our silly stories, or through talking endlessly about comics and books. As an adult I can be weird, truly and freely a silly weirdo, and as long as it doesn't damage my profesional life no one can force me to change anything about myself. Sure, I'm more stressed because I have more responsabilities, but the fact I'm capable of honding these responsabilities on the first place is kind of nice. I can carve a space for myself, insted of having no choice but to get dragged by the currents of the wind (The wind being the adults around me) like a child is. I have never, not even once, understood what people mean when they say children are happier, you couldn't pay me enough to be a child again!! being a kid is awful!!! Being an adult rules!!!! Sucks that people lose their sense of wonder at the world we live in. Glad it's not me!
@kintsuki99 2 года назад
The intrisec property that makes childhood better than adulthood are, actually, two: 1- No real responsability because of lack of recognized capacity for such. 2- Lack of development of the brain causing vivid allucinations more easy to reach. It's what people usually calls "children imagination", lack of knowledge coupled with biological incapacity to understand patters and reach a grounded solution leads to everything being more mystical and fantastic.
@tropicalsunset2546 2 года назад
One of my core beliefs is that childhood is superior to adulthood (I'm now in my 30s) by quite a margin and here's why: for the average kid in the western world even in low income families they usually don't have the stress that adulthood brings which vastly makes for a happier mind and more carefree attitude. You don't have to worry about what food your going to eat and what to buy, how your going to support yourself. Yet at the same time most kids in the west enjoy many freedoms like access to info, the Internet (mainly, depends on how strict parents are with online usage), TV, hobbies. Childhood also means being naivete so many of the horrors of the world are still unknown meaning less cynicism. The magic of Christmas is still intact, I lost it around age 11. The perception of time is vastly slower which in turn goes back to my first point - less stress and worry. You can get away with not taking care of yourself but then once your an adult it seems you have to do all sorts of crap just to maintain the status quo health wise. I will concede one big thing kids can't do is travel abroad by themselves which is one of the most wonderful privileges that is now just being taken away due to tyranny/restrictions. I sometimes think how awful it is not to have a good childhood. I haven't lost many of the positives in terms of thought-processes or the sense of wonder as I ask the why all the time. I still enjoy many of the things I did as a kid with adjustments. Anxiety and over-thinking have really screwed with me which I didn't have before being a teen.
@myself2noone Год назад
@@tropicalsunset2546 Wonderful theory. It's been tested you're wrong. Science has repeatedly shown that your 40s and 50s are the happiest times of your life.
@Ragnell141 2 года назад
I am happy to see you're back, and it's clear this topic is very close to your heart, but I think you projected so much of yourself in this series that you missed the point it was trying to make. For one, the series is never really about acknowledging reality. That's just what Yuuta (and us, through his protagonist POV) assume at first. However by the time Rika's backstory is revealed and the scene on the beach happens, it's clear she always understood her fantasies were just that: fantasies. It's just that she came to rely on them to be able to process her grief and communicate with others. Which is why she couldn't drop the act so easily. But as the first season's ending implies, the second's sets up and the movie's ultimately argues, a person is perfectly capable of retaining that childish spark into their adulthood while also being a functioning member of society, and there's nothing wrong with that. Throughout the movie Rika is shown subverting expectations and proving her self-dependence during her and Yuuta's elopement. It shows how much she's grown in ways such as how she's now able to drop the act when Yuuta starts getting exasperated with her. And she also ultimately chooses to retain her chuuni persona, confident that she can still build a life with Yuuta without letting it go. And with the movie clearly foreshadowing their eventual marriage and child in a positive light, that is clearly the message that is being sent. So Chuunibyou is really a happy tale about the positive impact of retaining that childish sense of wonder and amazement with the world. Yes, it shows the potential pitfalls of relying on it too much and using it to avoid reality, but it also argues that you can engage with it in a healthy manner and that as long as you're able to handle your responsabilities, it's perfectly okay to not "grow out of it". Even if others think you're weird, you will eventually find people who will appreciate you for who you are and you will be okay. At the end of it all, Rika is acknowledged to be responsible enough by her older sister that she's allowed to live on her own above Yuuta, yet she's still sporting that eyepatch and visiting him via rope in the middle of the night. She gets a happy ending without having to give up that aspect of herself, and I am certain the series is saying that the same can be true for others. I hope this helps you in viewing the series through a different lens.
@malikmuhammad9085 2 года назад
_man I really should have watch this anime huh_
@WitchLunaEstrella 2 года назад
Oof, this hits a little close to home for me. I was playing pretend until my mid-teens and tbh, I only stopped because my best friend (who was the only friend I had who I could play pretend with by then) got invested in the pretend game she was doing with our other friend who was slightly younger and I wasn't really interested in it. I think I even got jealous about it, but that might've also been the crush I had on her that my stupid ass hadn't realized was there. After that, we just kinda started drifting apart until we just kinda stopped talking altogether. I've tried looking for ways to contact her, but somehow I've never been able to find her on any social media. I still miss her a lot. I've got a lot of baggage and social anxiety now, so it's difficult to get into that headspace with anyone else. I still cherish the memories of us playing together, but I worry she might look back on it as "cringy" or something.
@ilovethelegend 2 года назад
I disagree. Growing up doesn't mean putting away your toys; it means allowing your toys to grow with you. It means recognizing when it is and isn't time to play. Like... Obviously, as you grow up, you get more responsibilities, and can't and shouldn't spend as much time playing as a child. But if you decide that just because you've been on the planet for an arbitrary number of laps around the sun that you're not allowed to do things that you enjoy anymore, of course you're going to be miserable.
@sophiecook4629 2 года назад
I love this video but I'm not sure I totally agree with the end. To the people out there who miss seeing an entire other world while running in the woods with your best friend, or who played with toys, or costumes, adventures and pretend games, if you think all that creativity and imagination has been crushed by adulthood; its not. It comes back. It's still you in there. You just need the inspiration again. For me, I found it when I started playing & writing D&D, and all that excitement and ideas eventually came flooding back. (and my worldbuilding is way better than when I was 13 lol) You can find it for yourself, the kid in you is not gone.
@notproblempal8343 2 года назад
I feel like an important addition to just really get through is that while you do have to accept reality, you can still LARP. Sure, you have to recognise objectivity but, as you said at the start, what are these childhood fantasies if not just LARPing with less steps
@gigim.9742 2 года назад
I'm 40 and still have fun pretending to cast magic summoning circles. It's called D&D! Or, LARP, if you're a theater kid 😁 Growing old and growing up doesn't mean tossing away everything you love; it just means figuring out how to fit it in between the other, more pressing, more boring stuff 😊
@Blossom44100 8 месяцев назад
@TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 2 года назад
It's always a pleasure to see you upload, my friend.
@originalfriendly100 2 года назад
The saddest thing about this whole video to me is that there are people who genuinely think that the wonder of childhood has to come to an end. The death of wonder would essentially be the same as the death of growth and discovery neither of which end just because someone "grows up" and "becomes an adult."
@AnotherAriaGrace 2 года назад
You're back! This is like finding out my favorite show hasn't actually been canceled!
@bensosnowski1128 2 года назад
When you are in middle school, school itself is about 8 hours of talking to friends in class as you work through problems together. Then you meet up after school and hang out and do whatever. As an adult, you spend about 8 hours with strangers doing work so you have a place to live and food to eat. Then you go home and do chores, pay bills, go shopping for groceries, then you are so tired you may only have 1-2 hours of free time before you go to bed so you can get up for work to repeat everything again and again. So it’s more that the burden and exhaustion of taking on more and more responsibility is what turns life into a less fantastical, dull experience. But it’s about learning to be grateful and enjoy the small things in life, and to spend the few hours of free time you do have on things that truly matter to you.
@rozieredz Год назад
I recommend the book "Doll Bones" to this topic. Children facing the potentiality of having to grow up and lose that spark of imagination and creativity... go through a maturing misadventure where they have to make difficult and weird and upsetting decisions by themselves, facing a definitely haunted doll, end up in a place where they're more mature at the end, but didn't have to give up their imagination. They go back to their childhood game with new possibilities in mind and I can 100% see them becoming lifelong D&D friends.
@Monarth 2 года назад
I was a bit of a social outcast in middle school, so I dwelled a lot in the world of imagination, but didn't really project it outwards. I did well in school, but I coped with loneliness by being an otherkin for a few years while talking to a few similar-minded online friends through a forum. I had many other fantasies/wishes as well related to things from Spyro, Pokemon, Digimon, Dragonball Z and such. I somewhat grew out of it in high school, but some level has stayed through my hobby, building Bionicle-themed lego. I have a signature character of sorts who was initially a strong projection, but now 10+ years later... he still kind of is a lesser projection, and still important to me, but I rather use him as a conduit to invent stories in my head, as well as a way to mark my progress as a lego builder by upgrading him occasionally. He's had 12 versions over the years, and I'm currently building version 13. I may be 27, but lego and Bionicle still rocks.
@reihasgau8062 2 года назад
First of all, I'm so glad to see you're back. I was also a childish middle-schooler. By ninth grade I didn't have any friends because I was "immature". I eventually found friends that didn't mind my idiosyncrasies, but I still am a pretty immature person compared to others. Growing up can be hard but I still enjoy the things people may think of as weird and don't worry about it anymore.
@danielblair5970 Год назад
And THIS Is why I'm now fully indulging in the things I was convinced were childish just a few years ago. Denying yourself harmless fun because you're "too old for it" is a sign of still being a child. You're still a kid pretending to be grown up, when being mature is understanding that sometimes you have to be all boring and stiff but not all the time. You can still have a favorite stuffed animal, you can still go out and LARP with your friends, you can still make crappy sculptures out of playdough! Don't give up what you love just because the world tells you to. Love it even more now that you have boring adult responsibilities to fit in your schedule, too. ❤️
@napdogs 2 года назад
Dude you need some D&D in your life. It saved mine. I might feel like maturity and time consumes the imagination and joy of the old. But I've found it is the old story tellers who are here to show the young how to dream. And we can only do that by never losing that spark. Cool video, we're here for you.
@mangetsu9725 2 года назад
@curiousKuro16 2 года назад
A fascinating video! And truthfully, I find I disagree with at least this shows idea of adulthood. In fact, I would argue Deko is the Most Mature of the group, and it's the other children's perception of what adulthood Should Be that hurt her. I may be influenced by years of vlogbrothers videos insisting that A: adult life is pretty great even if you can't spend every waking free moment playing Dragon Dancers and B: it is still acceptable to Fully, Unironically enjoy the things in life you enjoy, But I think that mentality - and finding people who share it - has really helped me get to the age I am now. Because imagining adulthood as inescapable toil in matching Grey suits was not helping me accept that time passed, and that I had responsibilities. Even as you do get older and it's more a conscious choice to play pretend than truly believing the ribbons are magic, it's also important to recognize that you have a responsibility to yourself, and to your happiness, and if that means you dress up and draw circles and pretend that you're a wizard, That's Good! At least, It's better than shortening your life maximizing your misery because you're trying to be the kind of adult you saw as a child.
@JackofCookieJars 2 года назад
Well, something to keep in mind that the show's actually showing Japan's idea of adulthood. Which is... Just as toxic as shown in the show. It's a fascinating divergence in cultures and horrifying example of an alternate path of societal growth. (Not that America is much better in many aspects.)
@yusacetin4235 2 года назад
This comment is one of those random things that I come across every now and then that make me question my English competency. May I ask you to sum up your idea because I think you have an interesting opinion but I'm not sure if I understand it correctly?
@curiousKuro16 2 года назад
@Yuşa Çetin Yeah! Essentially, this video explains that the show is sending the message that the characters see adulthood as giving up everything pretend and enjoyable. The characters that accomplish this are miserable. Even the characters who do NOT see adulthood this way - who can have fun playing pretend and still function well in society, and are therefor well adjusted and able to balance their work and leisure time - are hurt by this, as their friends take away the possibility of their games to "grow up." I personally think that is not the correct or healthiest idea of adulthood. It makes the inevitable fact of time passing feel unessesarily terrifying, because as an adult you can find imaginary worlds to enjoy and people to enjoy them with.
@Somerandomguy524 2 года назад
I mean, you can make space for these things even as an adult, tho it is true you cannot probably share them openly, you can build safe spaces and recruit likeminded people to share. Frankly I have been into vtubers for the last 2 years and thinking about it, it all feels like a collective game of pretend, and there is nothing wrong about that.
@juniperbug8699 2 года назад
I agree but also disagree. Yes, we can never go back to the old childhood whimsy we once knew, and yes, embracing and having to conform to the adult world is a soul crushing and dismal process. But there can be catharsis instead of despair. While the endless creativity and imagination found within our childhoods may pass, we can still experience the excitement and joys of the things that we enjoy. We all become adept at conforming and following the rules, and now that you have you can break them and reconnect with that inner kid you left behind so long ago
@00Clank 2 года назад
Love the respect dubs get on this channel. Dekomori really felt like the standout performance of the show. Eager to hear the sub vs dub on Madoka, it’s one of the few shows where I am much more accustomed to the sub.
@atino7169 2 года назад
I never stopped playing pretend, I just got better at hiding it or making it more mundane. I think that's why I have such a love for stories, and Dungeons and Dragons. I was always told I was really mature for my age, having 3 older brothers 4 years up from you will do that. Pretend is really all I had when I was constantly left behind by them. I pretended to be more mature, pretended to be cool, pretended that I was just like them. I hid my action figures, but my mind would still wander to them. Now I write short stories, I'm a DM for a group of people who love my style, and I'm working on my first novel. While some of that spark has died, I'm proud to say that I'm still good at playing pretend. While adult life can suck, and I carefully juggle social norms and expectations with coworkers, I'll proudly keep my action figures on the shelf and my lightsaber displayed in my living room.
@damone7524 2 года назад
The legend has RETURNED. Welcome back EP, we missed you and your editing style dearly.
@fortunatecookie 2 года назад
Creating stories is intrinsic to human experience
@radiofloyd2359 3 месяца назад
Fuck man, This reminds me of how devastating it was for me to just one day pull out my bionicles from my drawer, look at them, and find their life gone from their eyes. It fucking stung, just looking at the entire universe I had made for them and finding it gone. I just couldn't find enjoyment in them anymore, and it just felt bad.
@halfpintrr 2 года назад
I’m an adult now, and growing up isn’t bad. I learned how to keep that connection to my love of fantasy as an adult. Dnd and creating my worlds helps with growing up. Being solitary in my pursuits (reading and writing) and having to grow up earlier forced me out of my ‘chunni’ phase. (My disability continues to really cut me off from others and that’s okay.) I still wax poetic about life and the things I love on the regular and I don’t think that spark ever truly left. I never fit into the business suit so I can tear it off and still have fun. Be creative and love the things you love.
@perro692 2 года назад
What i do miss about my childhood is just how much energy to create i had, i would do these whole silly little comics just for myself, i knew exactly what would bring me satisfaction to draw. I truly made art for my own enjoyment before anything, and now i think i can never get that back
@Boris99999 9 месяцев назад
This is what I always found strange about the topic of “growing up” - sure you get more responsibilities as you grow up but that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of your hobbies or your toys! People that think that just because you grew up you can’t enjoy life anymore are the dumbest assholes in the word! Not only they suffer themselves - they want you to suffer together with them! I’ve always loved Lego, video games and tabletop games - and I will love them till I die! Sure I have less free time now to enjoy them but when I do - I do enjoy my time, I’m not stuck in this perpetual mood of “you’re an adult now - you can’t enjoy things!”
@sithmaster4305 2 года назад
To me you can grow up, and you can mature but you don't need to lose what made things fun as a kid. things like DnD, and other things like RPGs let's you 'play pretend' as an adult, or at least allow you to stretch your imagination.
@thegayghost872 2 года назад
I love your chaotic video editing
@cwinship 2 года назад
I'm glad you're still okay. I just recently finished rewatching your sao abridged videos, and then the whole abridged series, including the new episode. It's a crazy world right now, and a fresh breath of your amazing content is exactly what I needed in recent times. keep up the good work, funny internet man.
@copymousetseng2645 2 года назад
@citationneeded5196 2 года назад
Really important topic. You tackled it in a really comfortable way. Always a pleasure to watch your videos
@h4zrd-rs252 2 года назад
I am so happy you released another video. I just got done rewatching all of your videos for like the third time
@clara1291 2 года назад
I thought I grew up when I graduated business school. I had "mature" aspirations about wanting to get a good governement job, climb the ladder, then start up a private consulting firm to rake in the dough. Then I got sick, and the things that made me a functioning adult got slowly, painfully peeled off, until I could do hardly anything anymore but sleep and read. And it turns out that middle-school me was right all along! I still love all the things I loved back then! Money and success are not my passions! My new plan is to be self-employed in the arts, where the business degree can still come in handy.
@skullinthejar 4 месяца назад
Watching this called back so many bittersweet memories. Thank you.
@uexrose8484 2 года назад
nice to see this be put on my recommended feed after not seeing an upload for so long!
@bibubbletea 2 года назад
Omg you’re back! I was just thinking about how I used to love your old podcast a few days ago randomly and I thought about how I hoped you were doing well!
@zaniatnik 2 года назад
So good. So glad to see you return to us. As always, a great video worth all the wait.
@righteousartsproductions4193 2 года назад
Expo is back! Your videos are always worth the wait! So take your time and take care of yourself, we will be here when you upload! Thank you for the content
@rayenseraus7961 2 года назад
the fact that a new video is out to beggin with deserve a like in its self i have been waiting a while for a new video , keep uo the good work
@genevicius Год назад
Insightful analysis of one of my favorite series. AND really top-notch production and editing!
@lordoflosttime 2 года назад
Always good to see a vid from you. And a quite personal one at that. Thank you.
@stampede274 2 года назад
Yay! You're back!
@girlsaysstuff 2 года назад
you're back!! I haven't even seen this show but will absolutely be watching your analysis
@lemmythetrash-goblin8291 2 года назад
I usually put most RU-vid videos on background while doing something else, but your editing is so dang clever and genuinely funny I never do it with these
@sku111ine 2 года назад
Welcome back man, missed your stuff. Meds are a pain, so that last one was a big mood.
@PsychoticSashimiS 2 года назад
I love this video so much, really put a lot of my thoughts and feelings into words. Great stuff bro!
@patriciaschonrock2929 2 года назад
Thank you for the new video, its good to have you back even if you never truly left.
@SuperCaleb283 2 года назад
Always happy to see an upload from you
@writer747 2 года назад
I LITERALLY just checked your youtube a few hours ago to see if you'd done anything. Glad to see you alive again
@Aisuryuu 2 года назад
thank you for this! I was hoping it would become a real video we could watch. I think your talking on it really helps explain why I enjoyed this series despite thinking I wouldn't be able to from it's summary. And weirdly enough none of my friends ever talked about it??? I hope things start going more smoothly for you! And thanks for the work you put into making this video and putting it up for us to watch!
@nez999 2 года назад
Happy to see a new video. I grew up with this anime, I’m so glad to see someone else as passionate about it as I was and still kinda am all these years later 😭
@x13warzone 2 года назад
I just finished this series 2 days ago, and then you post this. Let's go!
@lukisprieston477 2 года назад
I love your chaotic editing style so much
@Beet99 2 года назад
Dude your content slaps, the editing, the jokes, the writing, it's all so fucking good man. Keep doing what you're doing, can't wait to see what you got planned next!
@Giraffinator 2 года назад
You're doing good work, homie. Love the videos.
@hexagonbear8816 2 года назад
Great video, happy you're back!
@aguywithalotofopinions412 2 года назад
Good to have you back man
@ThunderGust12JD 2 года назад
I appreciate this video a lot! Being able to bring this perspective to a story that could be just taken at face value chuuni antics. Great video
@soupsoup296 2 года назад
Yay! You're back! I'm so happy you're talking about Chuunibyo I love this anime and your videos so much
@BrotherVoidBomber 2 года назад
Its a strange feeling that many of us faceless to you and the others commenting that I can understand the sadness of "growing up" and how the world around us demands a "normal person". However I think a part of that child of us all doesn't ever leave us. Yes the child side has dimmed but sitting in my car at 24 waiting to go to work, I've remembered the times of playing magic at lunch and getting picked on or running around outside fighting with metal poles. At least now I can still enjoy that in my new hobby of this year in Warhammer 40K. the great childhood dreams of killing monsters and saving the day now exists in each little mini i create and paint. Each of them in a story ive created in my head.
@adamkraken1799 2 года назад
Exclamation Point lives! Vulcan lives! How the hell did you manage to make a very passing scene into a socraties level of profound quote
@lostpuppy3946 2 года назад
I really enjoyed this video. The scene where she's dragged out sobbing broke my heart because I remember that happening to me as a kid. Good to see you back.
@anastraykiwi 2 года назад
Welcome back, its good to see you again! :)
@Hotshot2k4 2 года назад
Great to see a new video from you, I hope that things get better for you soon! I've just never really been into pretending things at any point in my life for whatever reasons, so this video was an interesting trip through something I never really experienced. The closest I got was basically setting up my own Real Time Strategy battlegrounds using Lego pieces as tokens with their own HP and damage values, but it was more like an Excel spreadsheet than any kind of story. I enjoy creative work, but more from an engineering standpoint than from desiring to express something meaningful to me. I guess on the bright side I never really felt like I had to leave anything meaningful behind as I grew older, but I wonder what it means for me as a person. I'm happy enough though, so I feel like I've gotten by okay as I am. It's an interesting thing to reflect on, so thank you for inspiring these thoughts in me.
@danger2236 2 года назад
I’m glad you’re back
@hirosoli 2 года назад
Fantastic video! I love your style!
@parkermccalip8386 2 года назад
I have similar memories of playing pretend with my friend, there wasn't really a specific point where it stopped, but more that us playing pretend with our Bakugans and school equipment was no longer really happening. There is a certain sense of loss from that time in childhood, where the world is fun and mysterious and not constantly on fire.
@frankwest5388 2 года назад
This video hits me personally, especially at the end, where you talked about how you clung on to childishness longer than others and then about your ADHD medication problems. I am basically going through the exact same and have been for years. We are even the same age, as it turns out. F''k
@sommeone 2 года назад
Oh my god I just remembered your channel exists, like, 3 days ago! Glad to see you're back!!
@rookless4121 2 года назад
Oh snap, my boy is back!
@shakibrahamani4583 2 года назад
The Return of the kind!!! I first came to you for Madoka magica but ever since then I've stuck by. And it's wonderful to see you again!!!!! I wish you amazing health and well being!
@ZainAK283 2 года назад
Glad to see you're back :)
@clockworks7402 2 года назад
@stevenswans2606 2 года назад
Love your work, missed you
@urbani8231 2 года назад
good to see you back.
@someoneimsure 2 года назад
You have returned. We have been blessed.
@drewpruitt4959 2 года назад
Haven't even watched yet, just happy you're back
@wthefare 2 года назад
God that was depressing. Glad to see you back tho!
@pyrosianheir 2 года назад
Just when I thought your channel might be dead, you come out with something new, much to my delight. :D
@loveless131 2 года назад
Always great to see a video out. Seriously this is basically the only content I have to have my full attention for. To the point that I saw it the day it came out, put it in a new tab, and waited till I had the time and attention to properly watch it. Which is apparently 8 days later. What is my life? Anyway, great job. Chuuni characters are my favorite. Like Fischl in Genshin Impact for example. Everything they say is the perfect combo of delightful and cringe and I love every moment of it. Unless they are dealing with someone who is being an ass about the whole thing and crushing their joy. All that matters is that what you do makes you happy and no one is harmed in the process. The joys of imagination don't have to end, you just have to put it in the right time and place. After all, being an adult is mostly about situation management. You do what needs to be done, and when that is done, the rest is up to you.
@bainbonic 2 года назад
You're alive! And hitting me right where it hurts!
@shingeperson6953 2 года назад
Great return to form, can’t wait to see what’s next
@georgeisbester2942 2 года назад
I love your videos so much man. I haven't even watched this show but God damn. I just love your stuff dude
@Speed001 2 года назад
I never played pretend with others as a child. I made my own characters and interactions and relationships with toys. But always alone. I've had a few encounters with people role-playing, but I was never able to understand them or rather how to engage. One kid would make up crazy stories and tell everyone, I wasn't fond of lies. But the stories brought others some entertainment and the person was friendly. Another talked of magic on a bus ride, I was too slow to understand and keep the momentum. I was just hopelessly confused with this new type of interaction, I'd read plenty of books so I was familiar with magic tropes, but to suddenly adlib/improvise/do improv was beyond my capabilities. It was cool, I asked questions, but I couldn't see what they saw (physically speaking). And those are the only instances of role-playing I can remember from my childhood. I've done two D&D sessions, but unfortunately others weren't interested enough to continue. And it was clear I was the only one somewhat ready and interested in role-playing. I guess that's some kind of personal growth, being ready to role-playing with others. This is a rare realization for me. Thank you.
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