
The Debunk: The Non-Aggression Principle ft. Ben Burgis (TMBS 85) 

The Michael Brooks Show
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Ben Burgis (@BenBurgis) joins us by phone to debunk the "Non Aggression Principle"
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9 апр 2019




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@tobyfunk6858 5 лет назад
I love Ben but I think it's ironic that his name is Ben but he breaths like Darth Vader.
@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 5 лет назад
Man went to the Dave Smith podcast and half the comments are snowflake libertarians crying about ben's breathing. They have nothing.
@quohime1824 5 лет назад
@@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 the comment section was so bad lol
@radicalizeme Год назад
Under communism we will finally be able to clear Ben’s sinuses✊
@agabrielrose 5 лет назад
Homeboy's breathing got me worried tho. Live to write another book, bro!
@coaldoubt2879 4 года назад
@ThisIsMyRealName probably just needs a turbinectomy.
@apeflac 5 лет назад
Ben Burgis dude, I mean you will be 10 times effective if you buy a better microphone
@ZekePrism 5 лет назад
I believe he is on the phone.
@Nick_Lamb 4 года назад
@ThisIsMyRealName I'm pretty sure he could afford a mic lol.
@nikosamarino9650 4 года назад
Rest In Power Michael! YOU WILL BE MISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@andrewgreen5574 5 лет назад
Well their history goes back to isolation of private property. Some use the Lockean definition (I think Mises did), which closes in commons under individual ownership. Ayn Rand stated that Native American's didn't have any claims to property because they didn't have an understanding of property rights. Others base property rights on land utilization, which really doesn't determine how much land the Native Americans used since the were often hunter and gatherers with small amounts of agriculture. Regardless, it's still slimy and coercion was used to steal land.
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
> _Ayn Rand stated that Native American's didn't have any claims to property because they didn't have an understanding of property rights._ I wonder if she ever made the argument that infanticide is justified because infants don't have an understanding of the right to life.
@lukesenesac 5 лет назад
I don't think Libertarians understand what coercion is.
@andrewgreen5574 5 лет назад
@@Ronni3no2 she might actually make that argument, lol. She was pro-choice and an atheist. Paul Ryan had to disavow her beliefs and reaffirm his beliefs in Catholicism, even though he has cited her as his inspiration.
@andrewgreen5574 5 лет назад
@@lukesenesac they only seem to understand as physical violence. Ask them about the Rothbardian ideas on child consent, lol.
@daviddrew7469 5 лет назад
@@andrewgreen5574 I just looked that up. Holy shit!
@damaniwilson7933 5 лет назад
Wow 10th comment. So glad that Ben is now a regular contributor
@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 5 лет назад
"Being a libertarian in 2019 is like being a crack-head anytime after 1994 - who still does that shit? It's gotten SOOO much bad press" - Chapo Trap House Guest
@twoshedsjohnson8540 5 лет назад
Uh...no...libertarians don't say you can't use force against me OR my property. We say you can't use force against ME or violate my property rights. So, you can't walk into my house uninvited...you can't take my car for a drive without my consent...you can't take my cell phone. It's not that you're using FORCE against my owned property, but that you're violating my property rights through trespassing or outright theft. And we don't condone the initiation of violence against someone trespassing on our property, only using self defense if threatened with bodily harm. There's a difference between using physical violence to stop someone from trespassing and someone having to suffer consequences through the legal system by trespassing on my property. And yes, the overwhelming majority of libertarians believe in a state with limited responsibilities...and one is the protection of people's property rights. And for those who might respond that using the state to enforce consequences for violating someone's property rights is just another form of force. Well, you tell me...would you rather have a lawless wild wild west as many wrongfully claim is the goal of most libertarians? Or would you prefer to have a legal structure that defends human and property rights?
@wesleystreet 5 лет назад
I don't know where you're pulling this from. No rational person cares about using force against property. The correct statement is that the use of force is the only way property is maintained and that the NAP is completely contradictory.
@twoshedsjohnson8540 5 лет назад
@@wesleystreet How is property maintained ONLY by the use of force? A sale of a house is not force where both parties mutually benefit.
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
@@twoshedsjohnson8540 Because if there was no force you could never sell the house. Why would I pay you for an empty house if I can just move in? Why would I pay you for a house that already has someone living in it? > _We say you can't use force against ME or violate my property rights_ And rapists say you can't use force against them or violate their right to rape. You see, that's a logically inconsistent position for obvious reasons, moral issues aside.
@DrugsForRobots 2 года назад
@@Ronni3no2 Your comment is so retarded I need to comment despite the age of it. To say that the NAP is logically inconsistent "because a rapist will say you're violating their 'right to rape' " shows no grasp of what is being argued, nor what the NAP is. No one has any right to initiate violence, which is what RAPE is -- the initiation of violence (sexual assault) against the will of another. It is a violation of the NAP to rape someone (also stealing and murder, among other things).
@nicwelch 3 года назад
A no trespassing sign is not a threat of force. And why shouldn’t I be able to defend my property?
@sirherbert6953 3 года назад
You are missing the point. Property presupposes coercion and violence. The question is what property is legitimate and, thereforey what coercion is. The point is that the difference between libertarians and non libertarians is not the question of force or violence, but of what legitimate property is.
@JStack 3 года назад
Dave became a libertarian when the state started touching his nicotine products. Every debate he gets into his points are “WE ALREADY HAVE THUGS, LOOK AT POLICE! And YOU THINK THE STATE SHOULD TELL YOU WHAT DRUG YOU COULD CONSUME? I AM NOT A BABY! I AM A BIG BIG BIGGY BOY!” Like one can’t be bettered by diverting funds to training and mental health services, and the other by simple decriminalization. Much easier to formulate a utopian society and then whenever someone brings up material circumstances call them a Marxist
@JStack 3 года назад
I’m here from the future: Despite all the joke about Ben passing too soon, Michael did. It seems that within weeks of Michael’s passing Ben was running and eating better. Ben looking great present day. The breathing still not optimal lol
@yurona5155 5 лет назад
Seriously? LOLberterians consider the NAP one of their STRONG points? I mean, rejecting an arbitrary, metaphysical and non-enforcible "principle" like this is what the term "shooting fish in a barrel" was coined for...
@BRod313 5 лет назад
You mean the ubiquitous rules that has been applied for centuries by the English common law of property, tort, and criminal law? So, you, your family and your associates do not live while respecting other peoples' bodies, money, homes, cars, bank accounts, clean air as their own and which you know you cannot rape, steal or pollute? Really?
@yurona5155 5 лет назад
@@BRod313 See, that's exactly what I meant: The only reason why the NAP is such a favorite among Libertarians is its strong intuitive moral appeal. Whereas on logical (in this case conflating the proposal and the prerequisites/enforcability of the concept and committing the apex fallacy by extrapolating to the general case) and empirical (based on all available historical, biological, psychological and sociological data) grounds it simply doesn't have a leg to stand on.
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
> _ubiquitous_ > _centuries of English common law_ lol
@andrewkullar5679 5 лет назад
@@robertfranks8047 Grow up dude
@hugh_jasso 5 лет назад
Such a relevant and interesting topic, nicely articulated and explained.. And the focus in the comments is on clown shit... People are so disappointing.
@HKashaf 5 лет назад
If you trespass on someone's property while they have made you aware that it is private property and you are not welcome, doesn't that meant then that aggression is coming from the person trespassing ? I really didn't get the argument and absolutely no push back from Michael if for nothing else then to improve our understanding or argument.
@red-baitingswine8816 4 года назад
Refugees cross the border and camp out on your farm (next to a "no trespassing" sign). You ask them to leave, they don't, and you have them forcibly removed. Regardless of what turns out to be justice in such a situation, imo you should see that a qualitative difference in actions exists here. Similarly, if our government increases Jeff Bezos' maximum tax rate by 60%, that's a qualitatively different appropriation of property than stealing objects from his home. Shouldn't similarities and differences be taken into consideration in these kinds of ethical problems? Imo one big reason we tend to equate these kinds of property scenarios is because we've been indoctrinated to do so - not because they are actually equivalent.
@PunksForProgress 5 лет назад
I contacted BOTH Amazon and BnN, and neither have it. And, I SERIOULY want Ben's book!
@BenBurgisGTAA 5 лет назад
Weird! Here’s the Amazon link: www.amazon.com/Give-Them-Argument-Logic-Left/dp/1789042100/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=32N7AWD4KO4WS&keywords=give+them+an+argument+logic+for+the+left&qid=1554955337&s=gateway&sprefix=give+them+an+argument+l&sr=8-1
@akavienne 5 лет назад
It's not released yet, but you can pre-order from both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
@sapienssapiens35 5 лет назад
You are seriously better off just taking some free online course on logic or philosophy, this guy is massively overrated by MR and tmbs for some reason.
@PunksForProgress 5 лет назад
@@BenBurgisGTAA Wow. for some reason I never got the notification for your response. Thanks so much , Ben. Love your work, appreciate what you do at Zero Books, and look forward to reading your book alot!
@oolacilesbotnet6564 5 лет назад
Amazon ew
@cowfan9 5 лет назад
Ben and Dave had a great discussion on this. Go check out the part of the problem podcast.
@breakprismatshell6270 5 лет назад
"Non-Aggression Principle" is such an obvious stupidity,
@BRod313 5 лет назад
Really. People should be allowed to smash your kneecap with a brick any time they feel like it. And eat your little dog too. Such dumb rules we have.
@oolacilesbotnet6564 5 лет назад
@@BRod313 yeah, those are just laws which hold anyone accountable should they break them. the notion that people won't actuate harm onto others based entirely on "principle" is asinine
@jonjones5234 4 года назад
@@oolacilesbotnet6564 "shouldn't" not "won't". Pay attention before commenting
@thomasgurburger7580 4 года назад
Robert W. Roddis, Esq. lol you bing dingus
@tigerstyle4505 5 лет назад
So I won't go into the finer details that I'm not totally in agreement with my dude cause I appreciate this platform as a place that libs, rad libs, DemSocs, socialists of all stripes and anarchists can come together. But yes, private property can only exist with the threat of violence backing it. Otherwise it loses all meaning. When I was in my teens I got shipped down to Florida after gettin in some trouble back home in BK and I was staying with a cousin. We went to stay at one of his boys house and they had a lot of property around their house that they raised cows on. So we went walking, smoking and shootin the shit looking for shrooms and we (not realizing it) wondered past his family's property line and on to somebody else's and we got shot at for our mistake. Teenage boys could've died because we walked a little too far one night. Sounds like a solid basis for a society. Pretty much what we already have!
@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 5 лет назад
Not trying to derail your point, which I think is solid, but apparently going shroom hunting in cow pastures is pretty common in florida according my sister in law who just moved there. We went down there and holy hellscape, the fundamentalist Trump supporting maniacs made me fear for my life.
@tdbtdbthedeadbunny 5 лет назад
Tiger Style Apistevist all property, including collective property, allows someone to exclude someone else. Exclusion can mean “go away” if the excluded are cooperative, but uncooperative people exists also, and some other solution will be called for.
@twoshedsjohnson8540 5 лет назад
"But yes, private property can only exist with the threat of violence backing it. Otherwise it loses all meaning. " It's not the threat of violence, but the threat of consequences for violating my property rights. Consequences are enacted from our legal system that exists to protect our property rights.
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
@@twoshedsjohnson8540 > _Consequences are enacted from our legal system that exists to protect our property rights._ So? Are they nonviolent just because they are a part of a legal system?
@twoshedsjohnson8540 5 лет назад
@@Ronni3no2 They're laws...you got a problem with laws? And you're playing semantics with the word "violence". Sure, if you want to call punishment for crimes committed as "violence", then yes the legal system enacts violence against criminal behavior.
@michaelkindt3288 Год назад
@5:57~7:14-. The fact that he thinks using violence to to defend your property rights is somehow _not_ just short of pacifism, or that weather or not it's okay to use force to stop someone from stealing and/or vandalizing your property is somehow "in dispute" indicates that he is a little bit more than just "left-wing" (I'm saying he might be a socialist, communist, and/or Marxist). While most people on the left, and even a majority of people on the right agree that taxation is a valid exception (usually for practical reasons), the concept that property rights are worth protecting, even with violence, is something that is not considered controversial to the vast majority of people, including including nearly all but the most extreme/radical aspects of the left.
@SThrillz 5 лет назад
I think a major point is missed and that is how does a property becomes private and how is that system maintained. The entire system is a social construct and I think socialists and libertarians kind of analyse it from 2 angles. Libertarians view it from the unalienable rights point of view where socialist recognise even unalienable rights are social construct.
@wvu05 5 лет назад
I think "A Knight's Tale" inadvertently had the most coherent statement about the acquisition of property in pop culture this century. Roland (Mark Addy): What's your name? Will (Heath Ledger): Roland... Roland: It's not Sir William, it's not Lord William, it certainly isn't King William. You have to be of noble birth to compete! Will: But how did they become noble? How did they get those titles? How did they get their land? They took it.
@Anthropomorphic 5 лет назад
@@wvu05 I think the implication there is supposed to be that they took it from some other people who owned it previously. It assumes property rights in order to criticize certain instances of acquisition.
@wvu05 5 лет назад
@@Anthropomorphic You may be right. I just rewatched it recently, and it reminded me of a conversation with one of those individual sovereignty people about what it really means to legally own property.
@awesomeant9509 4 года назад
Actions can contradict words so rather than attacking me or threatening me you're using the NAP because instead you used logic and reasoning to gain an advantage. Not only that but in an argument you need a body which you are recognizing as my property because you're not using force/threat's against it. Not only that but another prerequisite to arguing is food. You must have food for your body before you eat and in order to give things out equally you must debate first so technically before you allocate things fairly you already have property rights. Also any argument you use against me would just prove my point forward
@michaelkindt3288 Год назад
@11:40-.-How is this a _significant_ problem to the non-aggression principle? Like, there are a lot of obvious practical problems with essentially redrawing the borders to simulate what it would have been like if America never conquered the native Americans, or abolishing the US government. This would simply be a case of a principal not being practical to initiate in _one_ particular instance, but that wouldn't mean that it would be impractical to implement in _future_ instances. And that's not even getting into The potential implication that _collective rights are a thing,_ which is objectively way more disputable than whether or not the current property claims are just, and how many native Americans would actually prefer to live the traditional way as opposed to following USA laws.
@verarchy 5 лет назад
Still waiting for that debunk.
@user-ks1hp2pb5g 4 года назад
@@sirdynos5646 Want to debate on discord then? Let's see you defend your evil principle.
@user-ks1hp2pb5g 4 года назад
@@sirdynos5646 Add me, Comrade Muneer#2492.
@karchhinckley532 4 года назад
I agree So he is ok with violence to get people's income which he didn't earn,
@user-ks1hp2pb5g 4 года назад
@@karchhinckley532 You'd be surprised to find that after a month, he/she still hasn't added me yet.
@VM-sp7ii 4 года назад
H and why exactly he should waste his time on you???
@aryanne19 3 года назад
Dude sounds like he's snoring while awake.
@ltethan649 2 года назад
Its called obesity. usually people who cant even take care of themselves, think that they should be able to take care of the world.
@allypoum 5 лет назад
Two words the "libertarian" Right ought to learn. Just two: *Primitive.* and *Accumulation.* *You* may forgive & forget the sins of your fathers. We won't.
@BRod313 5 лет назад
You apparently have read nothing. Ever. tinyurl.com/y4gy5fv9
@lukesenesac 5 лет назад
Also, Occam's Razor. Everything that I used to believe as a libertarian is complicated, conspiratorial bullshit. Looking at some of these comments, I suppose that hasn't changed.
@allypoum 5 лет назад
@@robertfranks8047 You mean like taking coals to Newcastle? But they've already got some, silly!
@andrewkullar5679 5 лет назад
Yes! Michael Perelman's Invention of Capitalism is great on this topic, also gives some interesting insight on British history.
@andrewkullar5679 5 лет назад
@@robertfranks8047 It's not a philosophy, it's a process that was implemented by Governments at the behest of classical economists(capitalists) in western Europe in the period that Western Europe transitioned from a feudalist society to an industrial one. Whether it aligns with your philosophy that capitalism was a natural progression of human society doesn't change the fact that it's a fact. Remember facts don't care about your feelings.
@michaelkindt3288 Год назад
@8:52-.-You appear to say this as if property rights are derived from a principal of what is a "proper distribution". I can tell you that the vast majority of people don't look at property rights this way. The vast majority of people do not think that property rights are derived from some of the right, especially not from some principle of fair distribution. Form what I know about libertarians, The real difference between libertarians and "everyone else" is whether or not fair-distribution is determined solely by property rights. Most people think the concept of fair-distribution and property rights are more or less independent.
@cassioeverling2457 3 года назад
On the reality, the NAP is a corollary. As Hoppe has proved, augmentation is part of the humans nature and on the argumentation it is pressuposed that both agree with the private propriety rule.
@Vashro 5 лет назад
ben makes mouthbreather a compliment
@bagamias-hula 4 года назад
Straw man argument
@deadflight84 3 года назад
"i don't understand the use of force against someones property".... Ok so your approching nap with a lie.. your telling me if I broke you sleep apnea mask you wouldn't feel wronged because it's only your property not you? so your argument is moot from the beginning
@justoguillermomontoya3821 2 года назад
Exactly. Or if somebody’s property earns them a living (ie farm land) it is perfectly justifiable to use aggression to repel or prevent destruction of your property.
@chiokehart-kelly3481 2 года назад
That’s hilarious. And Ben was wrong about that point. But he was correct about the other point.
@adamjensen835 2 месяца назад
slab city is full of libertarian hoarders, go out there and try and argue that with them out there, that just might go viral lol
@hagoryopi2101 4 года назад
The "NAP wouldn't defend property rights" argument is lazy. Given you obtained the land you owned through peaceful free market functions, your rightful ownership over that land and entitlement to that ownership would be protected by force, yes. Because theft, trespassing, and acts like that, are violent. *The act of violating consent is inherently violent,* in any form, even if it doesn't cause physical harm to its victim, because it's violating peaceful agreements others made and are entitled to as long as they've committed to those choices. This means that a business which breaks a contract with their employee by not paying them, is violent, and can be acted against. This means having waste dumped onto your property against your consent is violent. This means trespassing and theft are violent. Physical harm is the most common result of and form of violence, yes, which is why it's the primary example, and the source of the term chosen, but it can't be purely attributed to the colloquial definition of "violence. *Consent is what determines the libertarian definition of violence,* not violence; otherwise people could never consent to physical fights for fun, or anything like that. We can't fix whatever violent history may have occurred before our lifetimes, nor do we have any obligation to (as forcing that onto people who aren't responsible for it would be the initiation of violence). All we can do is fix the system now, and make sure it's right going forwards, setting the standard from here on out.
@WhatThisClassNeeds 2 года назад
So if you want to defend your property, it's self defence, but if the Native Americans want to defend their property, it's violence. How convenient.
@hagoryopi2101 2 года назад
@@WhatThisClassNeeds where did I make such a race-based distinction?
@WhatThisClassNeeds 2 года назад
@@hagoryopi2101 At SawCon.
@voluntarism335 Год назад
@@WhatThisClassNeeds Native Americans claim land that they've done nothing with, not transformed in anyway, so yeah 99.99999% of the land they lay claim to is illegitimate
@selmaunsley6683 5 лет назад
I bet the non aggression principle would break down, if people refused to work or went on strike
@exsilencio 5 лет назад
No, you see, organised political action on the left is aggression. /s
@wvu05 4 года назад
@@exsilencio Not too far off from libertarian thinking. I remember seeing a Ron Paul book talking about the biggest threats to "freedom," and he included both anti-trust laws and the Wagner Act. So, when someone wants to compile everything and gouge the rest of us, it's "freedom," but when workers want to get better pay, it's oppressive. Either rich or tools of the rich is the American right in a nutshell.
@wvu05 4 года назад
@@sirdynos5646 A lot of small government people had no problem with machine guns to break up strikes. I didn't hear too many libertarians saying that was wrong.
@wvu05 4 года назад
@@sirdynos5646 Show me anyone who talks about the nonaggression principle anywhere who has defended workers who are getting shot for going on strike. Anywhere.
@wvu05 4 года назад
@@sirdynos5646 You thought so when showing zero evidence? Just because you think drugs should be legal doesn't mean that you should do them before you try to make a coherent argument. Show me anyone anywhere who claims to support the non-aggression principle who has applied that to support workers on strike. PS I never said that Ron Paul was, so what is your point?
@TheNaqoyqatZ 5 лет назад
I got into this with a libertarian once and it lasted about 30 seconds. When I refused to accept his interpretation of property rights he got all offended and scolded me for not agreeing to his terms. Libertarian ideals would be nice in a perfect world, but until there is a massive redistribution of all the wealth, reparations and an agreement that all mineral rights are shared equally among the general population I just can't see the point in entertaining an argument with a libertarian.
@jillymiller7590 5 лет назад
Wait. The only terms you would agree to are ones where you get everything you want and you aren't willing to discuss anything, but he is in the wrong?
@TheNaqoyqatZ 5 лет назад
@@jillymiller7590 We couldn't discuss anything because he insisted I accept his premises and vice versa. Their is an incumbency of wealth in this nation that has been garnered by ill gotten means. Until that is rectified I cannot agree to his terms of property rights.
@jillymiller7590 5 лет назад
@@TheNaqoyqatZ you can't agree on what property rights are unless you have shifted around resources in society to your preference?
@top_gallant Год назад
Miss ya Brooks.
@Caseyw462 3 года назад
I dont strictly adhere to the NAP because I think it inevitably leads to anarcho capitalism. However, it is where begin when I contemplate how people and governments should interact. And if I must, I will always err on the side of liberty.
@momotigomo 5 лет назад
destroying property is not violent nor does it threaten violence... got it.
@crappozappo 4 года назад
Correct. Stay mad.
@romanhood4849 5 лет назад
oh perfect
@romanhood4849 5 лет назад
ohy my god
@justindomanski5956 5 лет назад
Somebody comes onto a piece of land I claim is my property. I ask them why they is here. They say that they don’t wanna leave. I say to them that they make me suspicious because they just standing on my lawn. I ask they again why they here. They say that property is violence. I get more nervous. I say they can stand in lawn if they want but can’t come in the house. They say no. They come into house. I get really more nervous. They lay on couch. I ask them why they are doing this. They say I commit violence by not allowing them to sleep on this couch and in this house. I get real real nervous and run away. 10 years later They has become the democratically elected leader of the democratically appointed counsel of the Democratic Socialist Union of Former Indigenous Lands. They has peacefully defeated the violence of private property, and has redistributed the land equally among all people. One moment, in between the sun and the moon, I wander the free lands of the DSUFIL. I stumble upon They’s front lawn, but They does not ask why. I step into They’s home, and They remains silent. I rest my head on They’s couch, and there I lay still. Forever.
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
You mean you lay still forever, as in dead? Yep. Thats what happens when you abolish private property rights. Happened in the USSR, especially Ukraine, happened in Mao's China, in Somalia under communist rule, and now in Zimbabwe and Venezuela.
@wesleystreet 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio Yeah but that only happened to LANDLORDS. That wasn't a great loss to society.
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
@@wesleystreet What do you mean it only happened to landlords? I am talking about widespread FAMINES. And people freezing to death in Siberian Gulags. And murders of political opponents, even if they are other communists. And anyone who opposes the regime. And anybody whose faces the rulers don't like.
@myopicman 3 года назад
I came here for a good argument and I got one. The premise that any enforcement of laws is violence is one that the NAP obviously supports as this guy showed fairly well. However I feel fundamentally more liberal governmental structures are a good idea as the difference between people's personalities cultures and outlooks are vastly different. It is why the use of acute decentralised power generally seems like a better idea. I think that the idea of personal property is an important legal definition to make because the land and space that you occupy is fudemental to your existence. I think having a few of these breaches of the NAP is necessary to maintain choice for the maximum number of people. I am aware that this breaking open of the NAP allows for more extreme forms of government like socialism. However a NAP apart from this stuff which is necessary seems wise. You could obviously make the argument that you on infringing on people who think private property is a bad ideas freedom by enforcing this but the good thing about my philosophy here is that they would have their own space to believe that. It's unfortunate that we are humans so no solution is going to be perfect but libertarianism and it's adjacent ideas seems to me to provide the most choice for the most amount of people.
@myopicman 3 года назад
Of course like with all of this philosophising there are very obvious flaws but it seems to me better to start from more freedom of choice than less. It's better to start from white than red if you get my drift hahahah
@wgjung1 5 лет назад
Forgery is a crime that doesn't use 'aggression' , so I guess that's okay in a libertarian paradise.
@patrickcahill3895 5 лет назад
Yeah. I literally had an ancap try to say blackmail was a just business practice
@BRod313 5 лет назад
English common law rules of property, torts and criminal law would apply, numbnuts. Why expose to the world that you know nothing of the subject matter?
@BRod313 5 лет назад
@Z'Q How is it possible to have slavery when the initiation of violence is strictly and rigorously prohibited and where the rule would be applied rigorously in favor of the poor and powerless?
@wgjung1 5 лет назад
@@BRod313 How does help to revive somebody poisoned due to bad food or medicines?
@patrickcahill3895 5 лет назад
@Lucas Correa If only that were true. I know some rich kids from a rich school. Trust me, thorough bred ancaps. :(
@cpuwrite 5 лет назад
Libertarians claim that business and government are irredeemably separate, but, in actual point of fact, both are institutions of power, and cut from the same cloth. That is why you can find some business analog for just about anything that a Libertarian will whine about the government doing. Taxes? Rent!
@AnCap217 5 лет назад
Your position ONLY holds if you conflate voluntary association with coercion. These are the basis by which business and the state, respectively, conduct interactions with individuals. The dishonesty of equating an explicit threat of violence for extracting property (taxes) with the voluntary agreement of property use (rent) is ridiculous. You are not entitled to anything except to not be aggressed upon. In other words, you get to be left alone. You are not obligated to a home or place to stay, you earn this privilege through voluntary association. You pay rent because someone offered you a condition better than living on the streets. Gripe all you want, but that does not make it a violent imposition.
@cpuwrite 5 лет назад
@@AnCap217 The dishonesty is entirely your own. Pretending that business does not coerce is the height of disingenuity. It is typical, however, of Libertarians, who worship at the altar of business. If I told you that a man could be banished from his country for speaking ill of an allied government, would you call it repression? I know of no such instance. How about if I told you that a man could lose his job at a company that is a Microsoft customer because he spoke ill of Microsoft? This is common practice, written into Microsoft's customer contracts. Furthermore, corporations are fully capable of violent coercion, as exemplified by Columbian anti-union death squads. Succinctly, oh he who cannot tell his own name, you and your fellow Libertarians are, in the immortal words of Rush Limbaugh, JUST PLAIN WRONG.
@AnCap217 5 лет назад
Jeff Mullen This is poor argument structure on many levels. First, the ‘I’m rubber, you’re glue’ tactic is sophomoric at best. I made specific reasoning as to WHY you were dishonest in your initial presentation and yet you make no attempt to exemplify my alleged dishonesty. Poor form. Second, even after I addressed your conflation of initiated aggression with voluntary association, you once again formulate what I can only infer is an attempt at an argument (as questions are not arguments) under the same premise. A person being kidnapped and removed from their location is an act of aggression initiated by individuals calling themselves “government” in an attempt to legitimize such antisocial behavior. The Microsoft example you gave is under voluntary conditions. This is exemplified by your own use of the word “contract”. If the terms of the contract are breached then is it completely appropriate to end association with an individual. That you conflate these two antithetical relationships is poor form, once again. Third, your inquiry into individual expulsion or excommunication by a state is irrelevant. I do not need to sight knowledge of specific examples of this as it has no bearing on the legitimacy of my position (which you have yet to counter properly). Governments DO disappear, cage and execute dissidents. A North Korean faces unimaginable repercussions if they were to publicly speak of the ills of their government while praising South Korea. There were gulags, internment camps, drone striking of citizens, etc. Poor form Fourth, your final point is a non-sequitur, as is most of you positions I assume. Columbia is a Narco-State with unquestionable levels of corruption in and out of the government. The fact that a group acts in violence against another group in no way exemplifies the act of engaging in business. In fact, to do so negate the very conditions of business action...that being offering a product or service in a voluntary manner. Conflating mafia-like behavior with this is DISHONESTY. And...poor form.
@cpuwrite 5 лет назад
@@AnCap217 First, "I''m rubber you're glue" is quite an egotistical way to describe being called out as a liar and a hypocrite. I wish that I could say that it surprised me coming from a Libertarian. My reasoning is every bit as specific as your own. Just because you do not share my values does not make yours superior. In fact, I would argue--am arguing--that yours are delusional. My argument that you claimed was not an argument showed an example of your failure. I further explain it, and why I don't buy your pitiful attempt at a counter-argument for a moment and never will. Second, my argument (your semantic disingenuity aside) is valid whether you recognize it or not. There is no choice where you say there is--or at least very little. This situation is NOT voluntary. Just as there is no real choice in signing those bully agreements with Microsoft--you conform or, to use the terms a Libertaritard used on me, the guy with The Badge and The Suit shows up and kicks me out--there is no choice in either signing the bully agreement (the guy with the suit would be waiting) or in neglecting to live up to it. And if you want to talk about ridiculous, you should start with the notion that the only reason one does not pay one's rent is because one chooses not to. Your Libertaritard colors show in your inability to understand this. Third, you--in typical Libertaritard fashion--failed to abstract the information from the data that I gave. The point is that you can be expelled from a business just as you can from a country--and banishment need not be by the violent means that you describe, just as expulsion from a company need not be non-violent. You completely failed to understand the content that is right in front of you. Fourth, this is another example of the way that Libertaritards worship at the altar of business. It is similar to the word game that some Christians play: Christian: God can do no wrong, so, if anything goes wrong, it's not God's fault. Libertarian: Business can do no wrong, so, if anything goes wrong, it's not Business's fault. And you call ME dishonest? No, Libertaritard. Businesses CAN AND DO break the law in the worst ways, just like governments. Their poop DOES stink, and so does yours. That you pretend otherwise only serves to show all the more how divorced from reality your neurotic religion is. When a business breaks the law, it's still a business. This is what I alluded to in when I EXEMPLIFIED YOUR DISHONESTY (DIRECTLY disproving your claim to the contrary) by showing another choice that is not a choice. And you actually have the gall to try to claim that it is a realistic choice to lose one's job rather than allow one's right of free speech to be oppressed! WHAT A JERK!!! Conflating the two is NOT poor form, it's UNDERSTANDING THE REAL WORLD. You should try it sometime.
@cpuwrite 5 лет назад
I'm sorry. It wasn't "the suit," it was "the costume."
@dustinseth1 4 года назад
Not an elaborate rhetorical trick at all. Just that private property is far more logically defensible than a duty to obey far away strangers. Neither ideology is bulletproof (as far as I can tell). However, the burden of proof is on the dude that claims the right to coerce others. I’ve never heard a sound argument establishing this right.
@GeorgWilde 3 года назад
Establishment of property rights have nothing to do with justice. It is a set of rules (sort of game) for individuals in society to let us solve CONFLICT over scarce means. The conflict over the scarce means is the fundamental. And particular property rights are established ("justified") only by voluntary agreement between those physically involved with the particular scarce means. So "collectively used land" can be first "privatized" on the basis that all living there agreed. Trading already privately owned stuff is simple - it is already voluntary. It isn't really important how exactly it is first voluntarily agreed that non-owned land is used, but once it is onwned, it cannot be forcibly redistributed if you are to adhere to NAP - it would break the agreement previously made. In the casae of illegitimately owning stolen/conquered land (even for hundrets of years), i guess it would be legitimate to bring it to the court and dispute that property claim - but it would need evidence, etc.
@sirherbert6953 3 года назад
Your argument presupposes that land which is not claimed is under no ownership. However, if the world is a common treasury, we can as easily assume that it is commonly owned and any establishment of private property by right of force without the consent of all people is therefore akin to theft. In history private property was much more often established by conquest and violence than by mutual agreement. It also is not clear why a person should be bound by the contracts and agreements of previous generations. The problem with libertarians is that in order for them to legitimize current property relations, they must fall back to abstract Gedankenexperimente, since the actual manner in which property relations where established historically completly undermines their point. The history of capitalism is the history of the expansion of the state, it is the history of expropriation. An argument for capitalism and the upholding of current property relations must therefore be argued for from a utilitarian perspective, which itself undermines the core principles of libertarianism.
@voluntarism335 Год назад
If it's not legitimately owned land then whoever is the first to homestead that land would rightfully own it, not an outside gang that calls themselves a "court".
@bradearthman8332 3 года назад
He’s totally missing the coercion part lol. If I can’t tell/force someone to get off my lawn for even the most silly reason, that means another person can do what they want with my property and I’m coerced into allowing it. If government enforced it or whatever, I’m being coerced now because I can’t defend my property.
@sirherbert6953 3 года назад
You missed the point completley. Property presupposes coercion. The question is what property is justified and, therefore, what coercion
@dogeyes7261 4 года назад
Add to the list of historical dispossessions the European Enclosure movement, which created the bulk of the white landless working class.
@raptorousrex9290 5 лет назад
That Breathing, Gotta Take Care Ya Self Bruh
@maxcranley9026 5 лет назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-k5Z5wdydGqQ.html I am pretty sure you misunderstood what Walter Block was saying. He has written papers on why reparations for past injustices are legitimate, and he believes that native americans likely do have legitimate claims of damages, and should be eligible for recompense in a just society. Perhaps you take issue with his assertion that they would need to prove damages before damages are legitimately owed? Obviously that would be difficult to do, as many of these atrocities happened centuries ago, but that is an issue of practicality, not morality.
@bubbaliburtee8657 4 года назад
too weak too slow
@ChrisFotosMusic 5 лет назад
fuckin darth vader on the line, jfc
@coolk714 5 лет назад
@bradearthman8332 3 года назад
Also for the “throwing people in a cage” part. Libertarians would imprison someone for property violations when that property was gained through a mutually consensual way I.e. someone said they would give me $20 to mow their lawn and now I have $20 for mowing their lawn. Tax avoidance jailing is person didn’t pay because they want their rightful mutually consensual earned money to go toward their education instead of to schools for other people’s kids and they get thrown in a cage. In the tax example that person never agreed to educate other people’s children and therefore shouldn’t be forced to. This guy sounds legit but has holes in his argument all over the place
@voluntarism335 Год назад
"Libertarians would imprison someone for property violations when that property was gained through a mutually consensual way" Libertarians do not support prisons or kidnapping people for any reason, you've only got a right to associate or dissociate with whomever you choose to. You cannot make a moral argument for prison since that requires statism
@__eevee 5 лет назад
@scottw9267 4 года назад
At 3:13... strawman. Libertarians have no issue with worker co ops.
@kinggrantking 4 года назад
But they do have a big problem with workers in existing businesses having control of their means of production, which is really all that's relevant. It's no great benefit to me that I am able to form my own grocery chain that is owned exclusively by its employees when simultaneously the Walton family is able to maintain ownership of billions and billions of dollars worth of those means of production and billions more in cash and assets earned off the back of laborers who didn't have control of those means. "It is wrong that workers do not own the means of production" (as Ben argues) is not remedied by saying "while billionaires continue to own the means of production and exploit laborers for profit you will be able to start your own business and give ownership (or not!) to your employees as you see fit".
@ppmatt87 4 года назад
Mike's neck beard doe
@timothybayliss6680 4 года назад
This is the most unfettered strawman of the NAP. NAP works on a hypothetical level. There is societal recognized ownership of property. Moral ownership is a different way of missing the point. If you are going to use moral equivocation, all you have to do is change the minds of half plus one of the society to morally affirm a different rightful owner.
@rjbonacolta 5 лет назад
Jesus mouthbreathing christ
@Pfhreak 5 лет назад
Another fine example of how libertarians are just people that think that property rights trump human rights.
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
Property rights ARE human rights. You violate human rights every time you violate property.
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio No, they are not and your language reveals your nonsense ("property right" and "violate property"). Property has no rights and cannot be "violated". Any imaginary "right" that rests upon violation of human rights is not a human right. For example, the right to own slaves is not a human right and liberating slaves is not a violation of human rights.
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
Nobody is saying that property has rights. People have the right to property. If you think anyone is saying the first, you are mistaken. Or badly misled. Or intentionally creating a strawman argument."The right to life is the source of all rights-and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life. The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a slave."Bear in mind that the right to property is a right to action, like all the others: it is not the right to an object, but to the action and the consequences of producing or earning that object. It is not a guarantee that a man will earn any property, but only a guarantee that he will own it if he earns it. It is the right to gain, to keep, to use and to dispose of material values."--Ayn Rand, “Man’s Rights,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 93 It is libertarians who are the FIRST to say that slavery is a violation of rights. "Since Man has inalienable individual rights, this means that the same rights are held, individually, by every man, by all men, at all times. Therefore, the rights of one man cannot and must not violate the rights of another."--Ayn Rand, “Textbook of Americanism,” The Ayn Rand Column, 84 Leftists keep proving that their understanding of libertarianism is on the level of a creationist's understanding of evolution. It is as if you are asking, "If men are descended from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?"
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio Which is why you should call it "right to own property" and not "property rights". Unlike other rights, right to own is an *_exclusive_* right. The right to own something literally means the right to use force to *abolish other people's freedom to action* (of using it). Hence the name "libertarianism"; it's such an obvious choice. > _"Since Man has inalienable individual rights, this means that the same rights are held, individually, by every man, by all men, at all times."_ No, not by every man at all times, according to libertarians. It notably excludes people who voluntarily sign employment contracts. Ayn Rand most certainly did not believe that employees who produce while their employers dispose of their product are slaves.
@Pfhreak 5 лет назад
"Property rights ARE human rights." Incorrect. Property rights are arbitrary grants of ownership, human rights are the recognition that every person is equal in worth. Hunter-gatherer societies lack the concept of property, much less property rights, yet they have very strong human rights.
@michaelkindt3288 Год назад
@5:20-.-"I don't know what it means to force or violence against an inanimate object." Have you heard of the concept of breaking?
@UltimateBargains Год назад
The true crime is the violation of informed consent; that is the essence of the non-aggression principle.
@michaelsieger9133 5 лет назад
The non-aggression principle is distraction from the original massive assault on the ancien regime which established bourgeois society.
@kobemop 4 года назад
imagine having a libertarian government during this pandemic...
@voluntarism335 Год назад
Imagine thinking we need a government
@barryh97 5 лет назад
How are Libertarians gonna deal with the vast majority of people who don't agree with their idea of a society?
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
How do you deal with a murderer who disagrees with your idea that you have a right to life?
@barryh97 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio I wouldn't consider disagreeing with libertarians on the same level as a murderer. If murderers made up almost 90% of the population you might be on to something
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
@@barryh97 A murderer is one example of the kind of person who violates the NAP. So is a thief, a rapist, a mugger, a lynch mob, and so on. Are these people, these violent criminals, just people who don't agree with the libertarian idea of society? Or are they people interfering with my right to life using violence, thus justifying my use of violence in self-defense?
@barryh97 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio Use self defense against rapists and muggers all you like. The vast majority of people will agree with you. However, libertarians disagree with the vast majority of people on taxation and government, how does a libertarian society plan to deal with these people?
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
@@barryh97 Persuade them. We know we have them most of the way there already. Almost everyone, universally, believes that it is wrong to steal, rape, and murder. We just have to convince them that it is wrong for the government to do those things, too.
@donkeyshow8543 5 лет назад
I can't take the mouth breathing. Get a pop filter ffs
@umwha 4 года назад
Love Ben but you need to back off the mic
@JamesOGant 5 лет назад
It’s possible to have like a nonaggression principle and also have the necessary use of force in a society. The way they frame it is as if there is a world where there can be no use of force as if there would be no laws that regulate property and public safety etc. or that there would be no threat of force behind the laws. But this isn’t like the police we see in other countries who don’t carry guns and who are well trained...that’s not what they mean. The principle is sort of an unrealistic ideal and is empty. It is unrealistic as long as it is a nonduality. A nonaggression principle is a duality with necessary state force, war for defense, a police force etc. But they state it as a nonduality and a vacuous truth. And all vacuous truths are sort of empty, lend to spin, and convenient rationales. Ridiculous Complexity and a lot of argument past a vacuous idea can make something like a reasonable argument. It’s sort of s nirvana fallacy. Unrealistic ideals versus realistic ideals. And there is such a thing as realistic ideals. Democracy for example is technically impossible but the problems with democracy are necessary and the difference between ranked choice vote and viable republic versus a popular vote driven democracy is night and day. And in general people like to play on necessary flaws and null or void in argument - exploiting the necessary flaws to almost argue as if all things are equal. But to go back to the example of voting and democracy all the problems with ranked choice vote are the problems with popular vote, but popular vote has extra ones as well. But people who argue against ranked choice exploit the minimal flaw to argue for a maximally flawed vote system which is still able to be called s voting system.
@BRod313 5 лет назад
Libertarian theory is simply a more refined version of the English common law of property, torts and criminal law. You live it and operate in it every day as does everyone you know. The problems about which "progressives" complain are when exceptions have been applied for the benefit of the rich and powerful and about which libertarians always examine and rigorously expose. You have no familiarity with the rigorous libertarian analysis and your incuriousness is astonishing. You don't know what you are talking about.
@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 5 лет назад
The living meme 2019 libertarians, all 2 of them, think that taxes and laws are "REEEE violence" bkuz the eeeeeevil gubment has a monopoly of force. LOL, they literally just figured out that when they turn 35, and their parents finally stop beating their ass and kick them out of the house, that they STILL have to answer to some force in society. These failsons are total rocket scientists.
@deanrao4805 4 года назад
"Morally rightful ownership" means starting the clock after the property was distributed by violence and aggression in a manner that is acceptable to the libertarian clown making the claim and "legitimate" property titles were handed out. (Michael said pretty much just this right after I finished writing the above).
@UltimateBargains Год назад
Get rid of religions, governments, and central banks. Teach all children about Agorism (voluntary) societies. Non-Aggression Principle (NAP): Initiation of force (coercion, corruption, violence, fraud, theft) is immoral; the proportional response to the initiator of force is moral. The real crime is the violation of informed consent.
@andrewbrekus8111 5 лет назад
Just some comments on the first couple minutes, I'll add more in the replies. First, I will state that it is obvious to us not to assault others. Property rights are also fairly obvious to every human being, there is an "inter-subjective consensus" that I own my car. The same applies to my ownership of some capital equipment. It is morally obvious not to violate my property rights unless there is an emergency. I don't believe this is controversial at all, except to communists and mutualists, who say people would never agree to allow individual ownership of capital. I find that to be highly dubious, and their arguments faulty, but I digress. I disagree that the NAP is like pacifism, we allow for self defense. I don't think this has the kind of naivety of pacifism that is implied, this is simply a moral principle the overwhelming majority of society believes apply to 99% of humans, except when it comes to the government. The idea of "property is theft" is brought up, because don't you have to use force to protect your property? As even Marx noted in his private letters, Proudhon's theory is wrong since you have to have a concept of property rights for theft to be a meaningful concept. Libertarians are not against force, they're against the initiation of force against property rights. It is merely affirming the consequent, the existence of property rights are assumed for the libertarian NAP, natural rights theory. Our logician should not have made this mistake in his critique.
@andrewbrekus8111 5 лет назад
He says that the concept of initiating violence against inanimate objects doesn't make sense. Yes, if you take it literally. I think this is in reality a quibble over how libertarians definition of the NAP is not definitionally satisfactory, but you can still understand the concept. What hasn't been refuted is the obvious property rights people believe in, and the belief that we shouldn't violate those rights.
@BRod313 5 лет назад
Our position is basically the same as two hundreds years of English common law regarding property, torts and criminal law applied fairly across the board and without exception. The grotesquely "unequal distribution of wealth" is mostly attributable to violent government interference especially in regards to fiat money emissions. David Stockman explained this all just today: "To wit, wealth distribution in modern America started to go to hell in a hand basket about 1987, which is to say, the exact time in which Bubbles Alan Greenspan took over the Fed and discovered the printing press in the basement of the Eccles Building during the 22% market meltdown of October 19, 1987. Therefore, if the top 1% went from a 34% share of the national wealth to 40% during the last three decades while the bottom 90% went from a roughly equivalent share (33%) down to just half of the slice (21%) going to the super wealthy, it should at least be conceded that the essence of capitalism did not change during that interval. Nor did Ronald Reagan’s so-called trickle down tax cut policy skew even more to the rich. In fact, the low water mark on the top marginal tax rate was the 28% level embedded in the 1986 tax reform act, which rose steadily thereafter to an effective rate of 42% by December 2017. "
@andrewbrekus8111 5 лет назад
He goes on to argue that the NAP is just a way of saying that the morally right property claims should be enforced. Of course it is, how on Earth could it mean anything else? No one should find the libertarian formulation of the NAP bizarre to the extent Burgis does, but he seems to not be able to understand a very basic implication of the NAP. That is what's truly bizarre. Burgis claims that this is just an argument between libertarians and everyone else against property claims. But it really isn't, most people agree with libertarians on homesteading and ownership. Most people agree that you can not redistribute wealth, UNLESS it's done by the government. And this is the point of the NAP, the government's special claim to people's property is wrong on its face, and this contradiction should be opposed. Aka, actually enforce property rights. Maybe Burgis has an argument against the current property norms, but the assertion that libertarians are engaging in sophistry can't be serious. Just because someone asserts a moral principle and doesn't immediately respond to every argument against said moral principle, doesn't mean they're begging the question.
@andrewbrekus8111 5 лет назад
12:00 is completely false, Walter Block believes in reparations for Natives and Blacks in the form of land. We'll just chalk that up to faulty memory.
@LordOfVengeance 5 лет назад
Dude, you don't even understand "private property." Your car is not "capital." Nobody wants your fucking toothbrush.
@ross1116 4 года назад
You guys are to busy insulting other views
@michaelkindt3288 Год назад
@14:13-.-This guy just keeps assuming that his views are more mainstream than they actually are. No, it's not just libertarians that disagree with your particular idea of how property works. I imagine anyone who isn't a socialist, communist, and/or Marxist would disagree with you.
@someonenotnoone Месяц назад
And on the flipside you have monarchists/conservatives/libertarians/ancaps. And nothing objective to indicate either side is "correct" about anything.
@basedstatement1579 5 лет назад
I never thought my libertarian past would come back for me... I'm so ashamed I listened to this guy years ago
@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 5 лет назад
Dave Smith is a cartoon character
@delphidelion 5 лет назад
Non-aggression principle is an amazing bit of mental gymnastics. It falls apart at enforcement.
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
You mean it falls apart at retaliation, which is explicitly allowed under the Non-Aggression Principle?
@delphidelion 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio okay. So straight physical darwinism it is then. Thank you for clearing that up.
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
@@delphidelion OK, what "mental gymnastics" did you have to perform to get from self-defense to Darwinism?
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio > _you used my phone_ > _I will now hurt you_ "retaliation"
@oolacilesbotnet6564 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio your defense of the NAP boils down to might makes right. If you are fast enough and skilled enough to respond to every physical threat against you (and assuming you come out on top in every instance which of course you wouldn't) without the backing of law to buttress when you are wronged you are making a might makes right claim - not a claim of being morally right. In a NAP world, the warlord with the largest, best equipped private militia sets the rules of the society.
@MC-up9nx 5 лет назад
Luiz Gomez is not funny
@tobyfunk6858 5 лет назад
If he's the guy I'm thinking of I saw him on Rogan for about ten minutes and gave up. He was dumb, uninteresting and not funny. Maybe it was some other douche bag I might be wrong.
@burgercris 5 лет назад
I hate that I can hear him breath but I like his arguments.
@xenoblad 5 лет назад
I take a different approach towards attacking the non-aggression principle. Human nature shows that we seek financial incentives, and that there is a financial incentive in subsidizing the protection of private property, hence the financial incentive for the most successful people in the market, with the most private property, to naturally form a state.
@cheffunk 5 лет назад
Ben is on Dave’s most current podcast. I wonder if this channel will feature any video from that? Also, I wonder why they totally blew buy the rest of the podcast Dave did regarding the taxation is theft “debunking”
@wvu05 5 лет назад
Probably because they want to focus on one argument at a time. If it isn't more than "nuh uh!" it is pointless to go over what you already said.
@thomasgurburger7580 4 года назад
@sshope19 2 года назад
What is aggression against private property. Lets say you have small land around your house where you grow garden. Someone gets in and eats some tomatoes, they start to trample on your cucumbers, destroy your tractor, burn down your barn. What are you supposed to do then? They are not hurting you physically. So what is the deal? The deal is they hurt the product of your mind, labor and your means of acquiring future produce. This is why it is completely justifiable to retaliate. It does not matter if the retaliation will be done by yourself or libertarian government/agency on your behalf.
@chiokehart-kelly3481 2 года назад
How is that different from what we have now?
@someonenotnoone Месяц назад
"The deal is they hurt the product of your mind, labor and your means of acquiring future produce. " Homesteading does this to everyone but the homesteader, hence, the people who "get in" have just as much right to use force as you say you do.
@airex12 4 года назад
I’m non-aggressing you by price gouging. I fucking love markets
@Delboydunno 3 года назад
The problem with the “Trespassing on land” argument is liability. If businesses had no fear of people stealing property or slipping on ice and suing that business for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, there would be no reason to forbid anyone from trespassing unless it was hindering the business from carrying out there day-day operations. For example, homeless people sitting or loitering in the doorways of businesses and putting off customers or hindering them from entering and conducting business. Hypothetically if the US went 20 years without someone breaking and entering into a home would peoples first instinct when seeing someone walk through their yard be to protect their home using violence or wave to the person and ask them how their day is going?
@chipo746 5 лет назад
Mr. Burgis says at 5:28 that he doesn't know what it means to use force or violence against someone's property. Really?
@BRod313 5 лет назад
Of course. The ONLY response of commies to the obvious and self evident truths of libertarianism is to obfuscate and distort the meanings of simple and well known words and concepts. But there are people who are better at it than Spinach Pizza Ben.
@chipo746 5 лет назад
@@BRod313 It strikes me as bizarre. Like if someone comes into a barber shoppe or a family owned grocery store and smashes everything, or sends a rock through a window out of hatred, Mr. Burgis has a hard time envisioning what that might look like? From what pedestal divorced from the every day reality of normal folks does Mr. Burgis reside? And there is Brooks, nodding his head in apparent agreement with this. These two don't know what violence against someone's property looks like? I'll give them a clue: look up the FBI's statistics on hate crimes against property.
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
@@chipo746 Inanimate objects have no rights. You can act on them by force in the physical sense, but there is no such thing as "violence against" them, just as there is no such thing as murdering a toaster or molesting a light bulb. I'll give you benefit of the doubt and assume that you aren't a nutjob who thinks that this is a picture of a violent act: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Seabee_using_Cat_D8T.jpg/1200px-Seabee_using_Cat_D8T.jpg Your examples miss the point, since people like Burgis obviously understand and do not condone smashing everything in someone's home or workplace (the reason being that this causes harm to the people who live or work there, NOT to the property itself, which is meaningless). The point of contention is with acts which are not comparable to smashing things, such as using them to create something else, touching them, moving them etc. Calling that _violence_ would be... what's the phrase I'm looking for here.... oh, yeah it's obfuscation and distortion of the meanings of simple and well known words and concepts.
@SThrillz 4 года назад
The libertarian principle is simple, it's based on who has what but they can't say that because we've already had similar systems. Monarchies and serfdoms were highly property right based. The NPA was also used against those without property because once you don't have property even if aggression is carried out against you you have no protection since the society is structured around property. There can be no property rights with NPA.
@AndrewFrankRevolution 2 года назад
A person's "self" is the fundamental property. When you trade yourself (your time) for compensation through voluntary action, whatever you trade that compensation for is also your property. Oh my God, so confusing.
@someonenotnoone Месяц назад
Self-ownership is an absolutely terrible concept because it falls on the "people are property" side of the question "are people property?" Self-ownership says people are their own property. I and others say, people are not property.
@AndrewFrankRevolution Месяц назад
​@someonenotnoone that's a retarded starting point, so obviously there's no discussion to be had here.
@1voluntaryist 5 лет назад
Property represents wealth creation, an extension of the self and its life force. To claim no person has been harmed by property destruction is to be willfully blind. You return home to find home/possessions reduced to ashes and the arsonist declares: "I didn't do violence to you, why so glum?" What's next? Will Benny Boy claim incarceration, loss of liberty is not violence?
@crappozappo 4 года назад
Ben would say incarceration is violence imposed by the state. Ya fucking moron.
@jandrobiatch 5 лет назад
Debunk is a strong assessment of what your guest did. The only tangible thing I could detect your guest to do was to describe how the NAP does not address reparations. I wonder if he contains the logical fortitude to have a discussion with someone he disagrees with...
@hcpalmer 5 лет назад
Yes he does and he has. Anyone who has a good grasp of politics and a solid educational background can dismantle libertarianism in a few minutes...thats how ill thought out and incomplete a theory it is.
@lukesenesac 5 лет назад
He wrote a book about it.
@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 5 лет назад
Nap does zero argumentative work at all. The point is that lefty/socialists are calling into question pre-existing property arrangements and how they came about, but libertarian mush-mouths are making the claim "dont use 'violence' in the form of laws/taxes against me/my property" essentially side-stepping the claim entirely hiding behind cirular reasoning failing to make THEIR OWN argument for how current property rights are valid and just today. They dont do that at all.
@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 5 лет назад
Ignoring what we count as violence, and splitting those hairs, seriously Alex, if you dont own at least 3 BMW dealerships and a couple houses in the Bahamas, how can you possibly be silly to get tricked into thinking that current property distribution are just and helpful to the society at large? Have you tried to buy 2 or more houses in the past ten years? I have.
@twoshedsjohnson8540 5 лет назад
Hey Michael...your snarky comment about Dave's show being titled "Part of the Problem"...."it's a very edgy name"...sorry, but what is your show called again...ummm... "The Michael Brooks Show". Can I just say off the bat...WOW...talk about edgy! Seriously Michael, does everything have to be something for you to mock? I mean...go for it if it makes you happy, but the lack of maturity on your part is shocking for someone as smart as you appear. Make good arguments...turn down the childish insults just a notch. I'm sure your audience finds you hilarious...not really sure why.
@veryfitting 5 лет назад
That's exactly the same argument against reparations. History starts for America at where I like to choose, in the left case it's either when black people got there through slavery or the native American point.
@red-baitingswine8816 4 года назад
Even if all these Blacks/Indians owed anything they might get/have to others in turn, as reparations, that doesn't mean we don't owe them.
@wwxxww6289 4 года назад
American Libertarians loooove manifest destiny
@katedunlop2457 5 лет назад
I'm betting Ben doesn't shower much. That is why clean water should be a right.
@refoliation 5 лет назад
Weird guess. Do you though.
@katedunlop2457 5 лет назад
@@refoliation Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't criticize him.
@aidanjames5262 4 года назад
Dave already debunked this debunk, also embarrassed Ben badly on his show.
@thomasgurburger7580 4 года назад
Aidan James no
@aidanjames5262 4 года назад
@@thomasgurburger7580 Yes
@user-ks1hp2pb5g 4 года назад
@@aidanjames5262 Can you in your own words explain the "debunking"?
@KeyvonGreen 5 лет назад
Lol feel like these guys haven’t really thought out their opinions... or maybe they are just in there own bubble...
@scottw9267 4 года назад
Worst debunk of non aggression principle ever.
@thomasgurburger7580 4 года назад
Scott W libertarians have been proven to be the stinkiest
@scottw9267 4 года назад
@@thomasgurburger7580 so stinky
@NickBigsmoke 4 года назад
He doesn’t understand the non-aggression principle. Next
@pabapaba6869 2 года назад
I here you saying that the end justifies the means and it's good to trade morals for material thing. You have no grasp whatsoever of the NAP.
@jench78 5 лет назад
So as smart as Ben Burgis is, he can't tell the difference between owning something and threatening violence. Cool, I expected nothing more.
@crappozappo 4 года назад
As smart as you are, yet you don't see how 'threatening violence' and 'owning property' are related I would expect as much because libertarians are stupid as fuck
@qwerty9091000 5 лет назад
So the assertion is that owning property is violent inherently? While also at the same time redistributing someone else's stuff because they don't have a legitimate moral claim to it (according the person DOING the redistributing...) is NOT violent? If you try to take my stuff and I defend myself, in your world I am the aggressor and you are the virtuous redistributor? This is the idea?
@BRod313 5 лет назад
I still say that the starving North Koreans have a better claim to Ben's dog than he does. They are REALLY hungry.
@qwerty9091000 5 лет назад
@@BRod313 LUL
@BRod313 5 лет назад
@@qwerty9091000 I suppose that among the cretins you usually hang with, that amounts to an argument, right numbnuts?
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
> _So the assertion is that owning property is violent inherently?_ Yes, obviously, since without violence you are just a guy with a claim that others may or may not care to honour. > _redistributing someone else's stuff because they don't have a legitimate moral claim to it (according the person DOING the redistributing...)_ Retrieving stolen goods is redistribution of someone else's stuff because they don't have a legitimate claim according to the person DOING the redistributing. I am going to assume that you do not have a problem with that, so your apparent shock at the idea is surprising.
@qwerty9091000 5 лет назад
@@Ronni3no2 Howbout a claim to your own body. What if someone else doesn't care to honor your claim to your own body? Is violence justified then in defense of being forced to work? Near as I can tell that's the whole point of "from each according to his ability" isn't it? What was left out of that statement was "from each according to his ability and his consent" If you don't in any sense own any property how can you say you own yourself? And if you don't own yourself, what justification do you have to resist being enslaved?
@lucasblom7527 5 лет назад
Yeah a lot of people actually owning property and not having to half the paid taxes on that and being able to enforce who stays there in who goes it's called privacy ever heard a privacy the do the things you want to do in your own home with out people looking at you we don't even care about privacy when it's out in public places but you want to disrespect people's own homes how dare you
@BRod313 5 лет назад
OMG. Spinach Pizza Ben is so LONG WINDED in spewing out his hopeless doubletalk.
@hcpalmer 5 лет назад
Double talk...is that your excuse for not having the mental capacity to understand what he is saying? Get an education before you hurt yourself and others.
@Junebug89 5 лет назад
It's funny how desperately you're spamming posts and still haven't managed to debunk a single thing he said. Sounds kinda like you've been DESTROYED with FACTS and LOGIC to me.
@p.chuckmoralesesquire3965 5 лет назад
"REEEEEE I disagree and you hurt my feelings" - Robert
@lucasblom7527 5 лет назад
What this guy doesn't realize that a free market is the best distribution of wealth because it brings goods and services to the market place by individuals from the bottom up a controlled marketplace allows for corporations to thrive if it done by the government the they are in bed together and it doesn't allow for small little businesses to grow and expand and compete with the Mega corporations that we have today Mega corporations that set the regulations themselves to keep out competition and only allow 3 or 4 business is to actually compete with them because they have enough money to compete and can do the regulations instead of allowing a few 100000 businesses in the sector that needs to be a free sector market where people are the ones profiting Free marketsIs the greatest tool to get people out of poverty and we should gear our direction as a government to put free markets in the hands of the most impoverished people to get them out When we put restrictions on what markets can do and put restrictions on people on what they can do with their property and then tax them to death it's close to slavery and slavery if you tax 100% of all of the incomes of all the people you have slaveryI prefer freedom freedom to do what you want with your property when the free market works it best distributes property into the hands of most people when you have too much government you are under the thumb of it when you feel free to do what you want on your own land and property build whatever you want you are free free to have people who you want over and not the people who you don't Could you imagine if a 100% of all people in the United States owned their own property and didn't have to pay taxes on it and profited from all their businesses free market should be taught in kindergarten we would not have as many poor people as we do and poverty What come to a grinding halt
@cheffunk 5 лет назад
Literal mouth breather
@sapienssapiens35 5 лет назад
why is this guy going on and on wasting time trying to create a speculative argument for property rights when you can just debunk the libertarian version of non aggression principle by pointing out that 1) libertarians have made fallacious leap by interpreting this to mean that government can't tax them and why they can is a whole different philosophical conversation? This guy is the most useless debunker I've seen on the left, surprised he gets any time. The concept developed when monarchies and church law was getting abolished, where kings could kill people for not obeying orders, it has nothing to do with taxes. I'm all for giving libertarians an option to pay 10000% extra for sewage, roads, counting their votes etc. on a pay to use basis if taxes offend them so much.
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
You ignore the necessary link between the person and his property. Because legitimately owned property is a consequence of the action a person takes, that property is like an extension of the person. Libertarians believe in self-ownership. Each person owns his own body and mind, and that is the first thing in which a person has property rights. Because we own our own bodies and minds, we also own any action we take using our bodies and minds, and that extends to the consequences of such actions. If we work to obtain property, such as earning money, we have the right to that property. If a worker earns $20 per hour, and you take $20 from him, it is as if you took an hour of his life away from him. You might as well have come to him on his death bed an hour before he was going to die, and stuck a knife in his chest.
@exsilencio 5 лет назад
That's a remarkably Marxist way of looking at things. If your labor entitles you to its fruits, then your boss skimming off the top is stealing from you. Welcome to the fold, comrade!
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
@@exsilencio Nope. Someone working for an employer is not working to obtain the final product. His goal is to earn the paycheck. The emplolyer's goal is to sell the final product and earn a profit. The worker works to earn his wage. The employer works to earn his profit. Marxist exploitation theory is so full of holes that it has been refuted in maybe a dozen ways.
@Ronni3no2 5 лет назад
> _Because we own our own bodies and minds, we also own any action we take using our bodies and minds_ Care to explain this inference? Once you do that, I'd love to see an explanation as to why you do not hold this principle universally, without exceptions.
@SaulOhio 5 лет назад
Which inference? That we own our own bodies and minds, or that it leads to our owning our own actions? Why should I explain how I do not hold this principle universally? Because I do think it is universal. There are no exceptions. If you think there are exceptions, please give me examples, so I can explain your mistake.
@exsilencio 5 лет назад
@@SaulOhio there goes your universal principle then. If ownership of the fruits of labour is a natural and universal consequence of that labour, then workers should own the product. Their work didn't print the money, nor did it sell goods on the market to acquire money. No. They made a product, which came from their bodies and is, as you point out, inalienable to them.
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