
The duality of Thomas Jefferson 

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@stormking989 5 лет назад
*Slavery is and was always a disgusting practice. Past and present.*
@JMARTIN1947 5 лет назад
Stormking - wow, you really went out on a limb there. Phew, man controversial !!
@stormking989 5 лет назад
@@JMARTIN1947 😪
@georgeboehringer5530 5 лет назад
The Institute of slavery Rings value two otherwise worthless people think of all those captured soldiers who were allowed to live throughout just about every war in history. Maybe you have a useless idiot cousin under a system of slavery he could be useful to somebody
@georgeboehringer5530 5 лет назад
@Mr. Goodbar I can swear proficiently in the Polish language
@tammi67able 5 лет назад
stormking989 Exactly
@gloriouse4458 5 лет назад
May all those who died in Slavery R.I.P. 💓💕💖🇺🇸🌺
@leonlawrencez28 5 лет назад
People are still dieing in slaver.
@brucechakur9431 5 лет назад
And those who died afterward like emitt till and Claus Neal and hats Turner and his wife Mary who they lynched and they cut her baby out and crushed its head One day God will have his Sat and then Judgement Day Jackie
@normancurragh768 5 лет назад
@@leonlawrencez28 Couldn't agree more but there mostly white men, women, and children.
@jakefitzsimmons1213 5 лет назад
@yknight4240 5 лет назад
I pray they are in paradise!
@moniquewalker4763 5 лет назад
Only 7 slaves freed?...compared to 600 slaves that he owned throughout his lifetime?....come on?...wake up ladies & gentlemen.
@blackkeysmatter9944 5 лет назад
Manumission was the process for southern slaves to voluntarily free themselves during Jefferson's lifetime. Very few of Jefferson's slaves wanted to be 'freed'. Freedom brought with it the responsibilities of self-employment as well as deportation from the State of Virginia. That's why Jefferson's will included a request that the State not deport the slaves freed upon his death. Hemings brother Robert was manumitted. Robert earned his freedom and Jefferson legally acknowledged Robert's accomplishment with these words. "This indenture witnesseth that I Thomas Jefferson of the county of Albemarle have manumitted and made free Robert Hemings, son of Betty Hemmings: so that in future he shall be free and of free condition, with all his goods and chattels and shall be discharged of all obligation of bondage or servitude whatsoever: and that neither myself, my heirs executors or administrators shall have any right to exact from him hereafter any services or duties whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have put seal to this present deed of manumission. Given in Albemarle County, this twenty-fourth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four." Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of D. Carr Th. Jefferson
@BenMJay 5 лет назад
"Every country in the world at the Time of Jefferson had slaves". Every single country. Even the African countries and their black rulers. black, asian, whites. Were all slaves. Leftists say we must dismantle America for slavery. Something which every other country in the world also engaged in, but for some reason they arent calling for their dismantlment. AMERICA ENDED SLAVERY. One of the first countries in the HISTORY OF TIME and the WORLD to end it. That became a beacon of what to do for the rest of the world. Leftists use slavery as a weapon to push American hatred, and to topple America. Plain and simple. The Left hates America and wants it destroyed. The Left wants to ALWAYS keeps the wound of slavery raw, especially around voting time.
@benjaminsaturday8300 5 лет назад
First slavery is awful. Ive had slaves in my ancestry. I say that because what I am about to say sounds cold hearted. In those times slaves were viewed as property. As hard as it is to explain basically the equivalent of today's tractors. Thomas Jefferson inherited an astronomical amount of debt from his wife's father. He died dead broke owing to everyone. When someone dies they go after the assets and unfortunately his slaves were his assets. Much like a farmer owes for that tractor, then he dies, well the bank comes and repossess it. He really did hate slavery and tried to free all before his dath but the banks would not allow it.
@billsmlth5381 5 лет назад
I sure am glad Africans felt sorry for my white ancestors and enslaved them otherwise they would have died of starvation and I wouldn't exist.
@paysonfox88 4 года назад
Debt is a mother F*cker. He was so far in over his head in debt that he couldn't bring himself to free them. This guy doesn't have to be perfect for the writings he made to be true and practical. Slavery was in the culture he was born and raised in. Don't fault the guy for not being one of the very few in history to be able to rise above it personally. Think about the game of Football. Say you're in the deep south and raised 10 miles away from Alabama University. How easy would it be for you to actively abolish Football? Even if such an activity were to be killing people like in 1908, when Teddy Roosevelt stepped in to save the game after 16 people in that year died playing football???? How easy is it for you, 156 years removed from the Gettysburg address, to sit in judgement on Thomas Jefferson, who accomplished more in his writings against Slavery and the Declaration of independence, than you have ever done against socialism in our time? How many published manifestos have you had against what is happening in Venezuela or Cuba???
@seunni 4 года назад
His own children were also his slaves?! That is sick!
@nuffflavor 4 года назад
It was society back then, and probably very common. You have to think the THEN not NOW. Cocaine was *commonly* used in the 1920s. NOW..... it would be also deem sickly if used as such.
@ezra5788 4 года назад
@@nuffflavor You can not compare cocaine to owning and enslaving other human beings, your own children included. The time someone lived does not excuse their questionable moral character. There were many good white people even in the 17 and 1800s who were against slavery/racism and helped many slaves escape, those were good people. Jefferson was not a good person. The corruption of societies' morals does not justify the corruption of your own morals. Many white people who lived in the 1800s would still be seen as good people even when judged by todays standards. Jefferson however, does not stand up too well. He was not a good man and his moral character is really questionable. Stop justifying his actions. He was a rapist who hated and enslaved his own kids . Horrible man
@lorraine9242 4 года назад
Absolutely. It was sick and evil.
@nativevirginian8344 4 года назад
No evidence for this at all.
@DenaInWyo 4 года назад
@@nuffflavor Maybe a bad analogy, but you're absolutely right. It doesn't make what people over the ages did right, but in their world and time, it was indeed normal. I've seen this argument played out in historical forums, fictional author forums..you name it. You simply can NOT assign our modern morals and cultural norms to people who lived a couple of hundred or more years ago. 200 years from now, no one will understand how anyone could have made children sit in a classroom for 6 hours a day. I'm just randomly throwing that one out there..but you get the idea. What seems normal to us now is just like what seemed normal, or at least excusable enough to the look the other way, to them.
@sophiarichardson4141 8 лет назад
so he basically freed his mixed kids.
@mnewcomb2060 7 лет назад
jefferson only said he would. he never really did.
@jasone4263 7 лет назад
borf dog ummmm....yes he did! He even freed the two younger children in his will.....
@quanbamtankumam2569 7 лет назад
borf dog Actually he did. He petitioned the Virginia Legislature to do so since his estate was in debt before his death.
@jasone4263 7 лет назад
Analogous to Tower 7: Ameaning I think you're confused about the meaning of my comment! I said that in a sense that his freeing her children (and going the extra mile with the Virginia legislature) is one of the few facts that shows he fathered her children. I don't call Jefferson a "rapist," but I do call him a hypocrite, and a racist.
@quanbamtankumam2569 7 лет назад
Chas Stack​​ You are wrong. Jefferson was heavily in debt at the time around his death he legally could not free any slaves. He petitioned the Virginia Legislature to free Sally Hemings children and 2 Male slaves who had been with his family a long time. The Virginia Legislature agreed as a favor to Jefferson. Sally Hemings was freed by Martha Jefferson and the rest of the Slaves were all auctioned off to pay the Estate's debt.
@nguzoloveinlofi3832 7 лет назад
Correct Title: The Hypocrisy of Thomas Jefferson.
@victormalyar9200 6 лет назад
Actually he was the first prez to suggest banning slavery but then changed his mind saying its a devilish necessity.
@moncorp1 6 лет назад
More like The Paradox of Thomas Jefferson.
@auroraborealis675 6 лет назад
@De fff what are they ignorant of
@krazdomino4882 6 лет назад
Disgusting pigs talking bad about our great founding fathers. America is a great country, I love this country, no country like America. CBS is brainwashing the next generation, Be proud because of your constitution. It is very normal for people in the old days to own slaves, slaves are everywhere, in China, in Europe! Wake up people. Its America that the slavery is abolished! It is America that we now have the comfort we have because of different inventions we made. I am a Chinese legal immigrant and you people have no clue what the world is like without America!
@apostle100 6 лет назад
Nguzo I was thinking the SAME EXACT THING. I was like "duality"???! They mean hypocrisy.
@hughcipher66 8 лет назад
great historical example on how the culture of the day can shape the actions of a person even when they know the actions are wrong
@sterlingwyatt9720 7 лет назад
Yes, do you think Martin Luther King Junior was perfect? He cheated on his wife. Do you think the Union army fought the South to free the slaves? Thousands deserted because they disagreed with the Emancipation Proclamation.
@dr.michellemykelhouse4565 6 лет назад
Needn't worry, we're just going to slay it own down!
@ShortFUNMIA 4 года назад
@2:25 "Are there pieces of furniture in this room that were made by slaves?" His entire house was made by slaves including furniture. Thomas Jefferson and his friends didn't build that house.
@SovereignStatesman 4 года назад
I HIGHLY doubt that many slaves were master furniture-makers, carpenters or builders etc. Some might have EMPLOYED slaves, but SO DID EVERYONE ELSE so stop calling the kettle a pot.
@qj5887 4 года назад
@@SovereignStatesman On what basis do you highly doubt it? Why do you use the word employed rather than owned? I'm just curious as to the logic you're using to base your corrections on.
@yosh6278 4 года назад
@@SovereignStatesman who do you think does the labor? They may have been instructed but someone hauled the wood to the property and nailed it together
@LovelysPetParent 3 года назад
I swear these people asked the dumbest questions.
@triplehernan5155 2 года назад
Slaves weren't the only labour force in 18th century US.
@thebottomline9250 8 лет назад
You say she "willingly" went back...so the choice is to live in a foreign country as a pregnant teenage slave and never see her family again. What kind of choice is that? And even if she wanted to stay Jefferson could easily force her to come. The man was 30+ yrs her elder, you really think she was genuinely attracted to him
@adrianewilliams8711 7 лет назад
The Bottom Line Exactly. I would have chosen to be free.
@yuripantyhose4973 7 лет назад
He was one of the richest man in the world at that time, and you didn't have baby papa government give welfare back then. She was intelligent to make that decision and frankly lucky compared to almost all other women at that time.
@Sam-fg9lf 7 лет назад
Earthworm Jim she was forced idiot!
@emmasheriff9760 6 лет назад
The Bottom Line it's a choice, she was a free woman, just like she made a life with Jefferson she could make a life in France.
@reginaasare1113 6 лет назад
Puglous suspected paedophile
@johnb9992 5 лет назад
It is so inspirational to see the two families come together in peace and love. Not everything in the past can be seen with rose tinted glass but we can all aspire to love one another in the future and rise above.
@CoolBeans193 Год назад
yeah rah rah rah but never forget the past or be damned to repeat it
@bobweiram6321 11 месяцев назад
How about reparations?
@LilMissonamission1982 7 лет назад
She was 14 years old wtf
@victormalyar9200 6 лет назад
then he was a perv.
@crammit6601 6 лет назад
Lil Miss on a mission. Women married as young as 13 back then.
@JoyceDenise 6 лет назад
Crammit no they didn’t. More like 17
@idontgiveafaboutyou 6 лет назад
Yes but for those times, it was common and she wouldn't be considered a child🙄
@kristinenewsom311 6 лет назад
Not condoning his actions, but many young girls married at that age. Most ppl died in their 40s back then. And yes, they married older men.
@matthewfinlay5583 4 года назад
Sally Hemings is positively beautiful.
@mfjdv2020 4 года назад
She is stunning!
@MadGenius 4 года назад
She didnt really look like that it says artist imaginative portrait
@stevemccarty6384 2 месяца назад
She was also Jefferson's dead wife's half-sister. She must have looked like his wife and probably sounded like her and maybe acted like her too. Moreover it is not a sure thing that he fathered Sallie's children. He promised her that he'd free her children when they reached the age of 21. The DNA evidence is that a male Jefferson fathered one of Sallie's children, so the paternity is not a sure thing. Indeed, however; it might have happened, even if so Jefferson is still a great man and a wonderful President. Read the letters he and President Adams exchanged. Doing so will enlighten you to Jeff's amazing intellect and big heart.
@cristinasousa5027 8 лет назад
She was beautiful.
@dennis771 7 лет назад
Cristina Sousa Thats not what she actually looks like
@jamiemohan2049 7 лет назад
That isn't what she looked like. She was actually 3/4 European and 1/4 black and was described as looking white ....
@dennis771 7 лет назад
Call me Mommy exactly she would look something like Mariah Carey or Angelina jolie skin tone. That drawing look like a light skin black woman.
@jamiemohan2049 7 лет назад
+Dennis Flo Mariah carey yes! Angelina? I would personally say no but if u think that way than so be it. I read that although she looked white you could tell she was part black and now that u mentioned Mariah and now that's all I can vision is Sally looking like Mariah Carey, lol! But yes the portrait although beautiful is not a portrait of Sally. Sally's kids were also 7/8 European and 1/8 black and reportedly unlike their mother u couldn't tell by looking that they had some black in them! Oh well it was a disgusting era god bless all their souls. It's unbelievable how genes can impact a persons appearance through dilution. It's it?
@dennis771 7 лет назад
Call me Mommy Sally only black came from her grand mom. I dated a girl who had the same make up as Sally and this girl look mexican or Hawaiian. Her grand father is black. She's 25% black.
@sjlewis271 7 лет назад
That goes to show that because of slavery, we have absolutely no way to know who our family is. Alot of us, literally have WHOLE OTHER FAMILIES of immediate blood that we will never know. But hey...we should just get over it right?!?!
@philomath67 6 лет назад
Submit your DNA to Ancestry and you will find cousins all over the planet who have done the same. Everyone has mysteries about their ancestry. Do you think because I'm white I know who all my ancestors were? My dad's own mom is a HUGE mystery and my dad never knew his father. Get over it you ask? Why fret about it? It is what it is. Every human has a set of facts that aren't changeable.
@hermionedelano6307 5 лет назад
Stephany Lewis You can, check your DNA.
@CushiteChristian 5 лет назад
@stephany Lewis Exactly
@UdoADHD 5 лет назад
Take a dna test. I have met many cousins!!
@estheradao 5 лет назад
So sad...
@tifffany24 5 лет назад
Wow my sympathy goes out to those who suffered. I can't imagine their pain.
@maplesyrup6052 4 года назад
@Mike Knight shutup before I put you on a tree and keep you there with no food or water
@maplesyrup6052 4 года назад
@Mike Knight what kind of name is miKe kNigHt, you need to have sympathy for black people instead of talking a bunch of foolishness
@jeffmode6526 2 года назад
Some of my ancestors owned slaves. When I find out how the enslaved people were treated, it breaks my heart. They were unmercyfully punished, sold off from their families. No rights.
@Dingish 5 лет назад
In Jefferson’s case the term founding father was quite literal.
@lilearl2raw4life 5 лет назад
🤣 I see what you did there
@betzy7560 5 лет назад
I busted out laughing 😂
@SoapinTrucker 4 года назад
Excellent perspective, you are right!!!!! :)
@Quaronna 4 года назад
@Aeta Tribe 💀
@appleslover 4 года назад
@Bronxlady1 10 лет назад
Sally was Jefferson's wife's half sister? I'd like to know more about that. That definitely sounds interesting.
@ccaammiinniiito2 10 лет назад
@Bronx...yes, the history is that she was Martha Wayles Skelton's half sister. It is researchable if you're interested. Another interesting history is supposedly to be released soon, according to the Los Angeles Times, which reveals similar bloodlines among the first European populations and the indigenes of South Africa, primarily bloodlines with the Zulu peoples, seen by some historians as the Cherokees of South Africa. I can't footnote the following sentence, but it is said that those European, particularly the Dutch descended, families would read like the Who's Who of South Africa.
@ccaammiinniiito2 9 лет назад
I don't know so much about her being called "the African Venus," since it's rumored that Sally was quite fare and tended more towards Caucasian than African. Small wonder, then, that Professor Ron Chernow, in "Alexandre Hamilton," states she was known in plantation culture as "Dashing Sally."
@ccaammiinniiito2 9 лет назад
It's always fascinated me how that intermixture started to produce at least in two generations offspring resembling more "white" than "black." I really do believe Hemmings was quite fare, since African beauty even today is not the favored beauty, although Lupita of Kenya is making waves. But usually women of at least "quadroon" to "octoroon" attracted the "white" male. I think I'll stick to Chernow's description of Hemmings. And I'm sure her descendants now are more Caucasian than African.
@Bronxlady1 9 лет назад
Thanks Jay. I'll check it out.
@yogaflame4128 7 лет назад
Bronxlady1 wat if she was his daughter? Hmmmm plot twist
@marwansbhi1771 7 лет назад
jefferson the only man on earth that looks the same in all his portraits
@AltaMenneh 6 лет назад
@elevateyourglow 6 лет назад
@sirnoname6943 6 лет назад
@idontgiveafaboutyou 6 лет назад
Not really. He looks different in some of his paintings.
@poetgee6889 6 лет назад
marwan sbhi cthupo!!!
@MonnyYell 4 года назад
I swear people try their hardest to justify slavery. Since we want to believe Sally and Tom was in love, answer this... could she reject his love, break up and move to be around her new found love.
@mrsbdubc2174 4 года назад
Right and we all know she couldn't leave.
@lorennerhus3611 4 года назад
Yes, she could have left in France.
@umbrammortis9479 4 года назад
Honestly back then could a woman really leave a man? A “free “woman was considered property of the husband( he could beat her, have sex when he wanted etc..).
@jenellebacchus5617 5 лет назад
Why should anyone laugh or be surprise if anyone says their ancestors were white wealthy people when we all dam well know the legacy of slavery and its elements
@donalddorsey6271 4 года назад
I wonder how the white racists feel about blacks being apart of the presidency of AMERICA.
@purplekitkatemily 4 года назад
Not irish or Europeans that werent born in America. Plus why hate the descendants for what their great-great-great grandfathers did? I'm mixed race and I know I dont have any saints in my family either.
@annemarie1100 4 года назад
As an Italian American , I am disgusted by Jefferson! If he was a president today he would be in court being tried for a skin beef! He looks like an ugly product of incest! Also a sick pedophile! That beautiful girl was raped by him! I believe most blacks have some white ancestry As I know most Italians like myself have black great grandparents that I found on ancestry! A lot of white folks are clearly idiots! I’m sad to admit!
@ridetn7695 4 года назад
@@annemarie1100 Hate to break it to you....drumroll Italy is in europe.
@mfjdv2020 4 года назад
@@purplekitkatemily Excuse me. The Irish are also Europeans. I should know: I am one of them.
@roni.5335 5 лет назад
He should also be remembered as a pervert.
@littleme3597 5 лет назад
Like all the black males today.
@JMARTIN1947 5 лет назад
Ron - he liked his brown sugar. What’s the problem?
@valeriesimms2449 5 лет назад
@@JMARTIN1947 😶😶😐
@adrilyn3013 5 лет назад
Legal now you know damn well that that's a very stupid comment.
@pudgyloafer9793 5 лет назад
@The Nation I don't think Clinton or Kennedy ever raped black women, only white women. And Michael Jackson seemed to have no interest in non-white boys at all.
@joestar6194 4 года назад
This video should be titled " The hypocrisy of Thomas Jefferson"
@kensebego199 3 года назад
@No-qk1kd 3 года назад
@Joe Star yes
@matthewgabbard6415 3 года назад
He lived in a place and a time, and was limited by that. I try not to judge too harshly because something we are doing everyday will be seen as barbaric by future generations
@nateclipps 3 года назад
@@matthewgabbard6415 literally what? They knew slavery was a twisted and sick practice!! Sally was 14 this P@DOFILA. DONT water down what he did
@Tell.me_Why 2 года назад
@@matthewgabbard6415 And it wasn't even that long ago This wasn't the medieval times, I would still judge harshly on this and am!
@MrMelgibstein 4 года назад
My ex-wife loved to role play that she was a Jefferson slave.I gave up when she wanted me to recite the Declaration of Independence
@divestedconservative26 4 года назад
@faithgraves492 2 года назад
Wtf 😒 that's not funny that's sick
@allim.5941 6 лет назад
Rapist. She was 14 and u literally owned her. She couldn’t have consented on so many levels.
@sensusfidelium9510 5 лет назад
AllisonEMurphydotcom FreelanceWriter wallbuilders.com/thomas-jefferson-sally-hemings-search-truth/
@vikingshelm 5 лет назад
Who are you talking to? Do you think he can hear you? Smh
@meab5894 5 лет назад
@bulldozer99 5 лет назад
Who is U????
@bzbzbb77 5 лет назад
@Happey67 6 лет назад
Only fathered six, no it was more like 20 to 40.
@edbenti5007 5 лет назад
There is NO DNA proof that Thomas Jefferson fathered ANY of Sally Hemmings' children because he had no direct documented male heirs, which is necessary scientifically to prove paternity. There were 8 Jefferson males who could have impregnated her, 5 of whom were in their teens and early 20s. The DNA headlines have since been retracted since the summary report from the Scholar's Commission investigating this was released in 2001 and updated in 2011. Jefferson had a younger brother, Randolph who had 5 sons, any or a combination of whom could have fathered some of her children. The DNA tests DID PROVE that Thomas Jefferson did NOT father Thomas Woodson, one of her children. That child had no Jefferson DNA (as collected from the Randolph family line). You have likely been lied to.
@tammi67able 5 лет назад
Happey67 yep
@JB-ch9gt 4 года назад
Those white men ( demons) where rapping most black women back then and their wives knew and could say nothing. Some of the wives got mad at the victims.
@lizziehargrove4310 4 года назад
he fathered 13 children in all. 7 were sally’s. therefore he fathered more children with a 14 yr old than his actual wife. it’s disgusting.
@lizziehargrove4310 4 года назад
Zeek Banistor what he did by today’s standards and 17-1800 standards does not justify it. she was a young uneducated girl who was continuously r*ped by him.
@bigh9884 5 лет назад
That young black gentleman seem so happy to be related to Thomas Jefferson. I personally would be embarrassed .
@terrancecharles8107 5 лет назад
@edbenti5007 5 лет назад
You do know that the Scholar's Commission which investigated these claims from the 1990s in 2001 declared the DNA tests did NOT prove Jefferson fathered ANY children by Hemmings. He tried to end slavery early in his career and was badly beaten in court and the legislature. As for whipping the nailery boys, Jefferson did not do it nor authorize it.
@cerettabridges7312 5 лет назад
It WASNT a marriage
@cerettabridges7312 5 лет назад
@Bullets in Bacon Grease :Black Wife?? She was not his wife...she was his PROPERTY
@cerettabridges7312 5 лет назад
@Bullets in Bacon Grease "Its clear he loved her?" She was the same age as his own daughters...and he had no problem sleeping with her? She WAS a victim, she just made the best of her circumstances. He OWNED her...she was 13...did she REALLY have a choice but to submit to him? Love does not do that!
@tubetwo100 4 года назад
These are the history that need to be heard not erased. It was the life situation in that era and should never be forgotten. That's what America great. Slavery was practiced in every nation but America (thought it's not perfect) has moved better than any other nation today where anyone has the freedom to succeed.
@lgoffigan 7 лет назад
"Imperfect Thomas Jefferson" owed 600 slaves and fathered Sally Hemings (a slave) six children
@waste_of_grace 5 лет назад
“Duality”...also known as HYPOCRISY
@khadaressa7825 5 лет назад
GBPNZ they use words people wouldnt readily associate with evil 🤦🏾‍♂️
@hackman669 5 лет назад
Just like the american dream, just a puff of smoke!!!!
@Dennis-nc3vw 4 года назад
Hypocrites move the world forward. He was a hypocrite in a world where most people were consistently wrong.
@leap1712 4 года назад
@Zeek Banistor most black people are denied opportunities to make money much less save money to go to college
@jerry85g7 4 года назад
The world has been calling the U.S. hypocrites for a long time.
@lazzybug007 4 года назад
That's one beautiful woman....I never seen a portrait that beautiful before..
@annmitchell4663 4 года назад
That's not her...! It's just an imagined portrait,there were no actual paintings of her.
@cathyethan5745 4 года назад
@Mike Knight 😆 lol
@ashutoshchouhan8380 4 года назад
What have you to do with jefferson, he was american and you are indian And at that time India was under the grip of harsh casteism and hardly any women right
@deloresleonard762 4 года назад
According to historian Annette Gordan Reed, Hemings looked white with long black hair. The Hemings women were known to be very beautiful. All Hemings girls became involved with white men with the exception to 1. They never did hard duties and lived like white women of the day. Thomas Jefferson took very good care of this particular family. The mother, Elizabeth Hemings (biracial) was also known to be incredibly beautiful.
@SubKiller 4 года назад
Thats not her....that is doja cat
@sugacooki 4 года назад
R.I.P to all those who died during the slavery. What a shame of him holding all those slaves. 😇😇😇
@arturowurth4723 Год назад
All countries has slavery, but the only country who sos a war to liberate them was America. America is great because America is good
@gwanniereynolds7799 Год назад
@saminhaque13-52 Год назад
We shouldn't be so quick to criticise him, he is such a monumental figure in humanity who has positively advanced it, while we are enjoying the comforts and opulence of our time and yet have the gall to sanctimoniously reprove him
@skhotzim_bacon Год назад
Yeah shame on him. I'm sure nothing you do now will be looked down on by generations in the future. You eat meat? Do you have any idea where your food comes from? Only due to the industrial revolution 90% of the population isn't involved in agriculture. Tomas Jefferson lived before then. So judge him all you want. He bought the slaves at the market. He wasn't the one that enslaved them
@QIKWIA 5 лет назад
😪Every time I hear about the incredible and sick brutality, the incessant physical, mental and emotional pain, inhumane whippings and the unimaginable and horrific violence and death inflicted upon my enslaved ancestors, I literally break down in tears..I become inconsolable. Every..🙏🏾.single..🙏🏾..time...🙏🏾
@blackkeysmatter9944 5 лет назад
You're falling for the liberal con game version of history. To reprogram your brainwashed mind I recommend the youtube 4/18/2019 Larry Elder take on race and reparations. Elder isn't the only Black man speaking the truth but you clearly haven't seen any yet.
@nielsenmakaba5777 4 года назад
@@blackkeysmatter9944 oh shut up already..... SLAVERY HAPPENED...no matter how u all try hardest to make it seem like it was just a moment in history. THE AFTERMATH of slavery is well alive and the pain of it is felt by BILLIONS
@JB-ch9gt 4 года назад
White men was rapping most of there female African salves. They rapped some males too. Buck breaking. Demons.
@huberfloover 4 года назад
@QUEEN'IKnoWhoIam I know where you're coming from. It's not a good feeling, right? I think what maybe bothers you is the fact that 1- it really wasn't all that long ago. People were in slavery longer than they've been out of it. 2- Since it wasn't that long ago, you suspect some of those attitudes that came from that era are still around. Like if people were that sick in the head to let it go on that long, all of that sickness just didn't disappear overnight. A lot of the fallout from that time continues today...in families, communities, etc. I would suggest doing some traveling out of the country. It's a different feeling, and you get a different perspective on life. I've heard people of all kinds mention how amazing it is to not feel that tension, fear, and oppression when you're in a different land. It might be hard, but try to focus your mind on what makes you happy, and what your gift is to the world and build on that. Avoid mentally running the horror movie of what happened back then...the enemy thrives on that. I know it's hard, but you can do it.
@QIKWIA 4 года назад
@@huberfloover 🖐🏽Hello!🌹 🙏🏽Thank you so much! I appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness more than I can say. I will possibly take your suggestion after the madness and imminent danger of the coronavirus pandemic is over. I thank God DAILY for blessing me with the great strength, perseverance and courage of such a resilient and brave people that my ancestors were.. I have inherited so much from those who had so little.. Im truly blessed.🙏🏽 Thanks again my friend, and may the lord bless you with all that is good!🖐🏽 🌻
@richardmourdock2719 6 лет назад
"Slavery is like holding a rabid wolf by the ears. You're afraid to hold on and even more afraid to let go." T. Jefferson
@bxdanny 6 лет назад
Anyone here ever read _Citizen of the Galaxy_ by Heinlein? Yes, it's relevant.
@chrisortiz8072 6 лет назад
deepest comment I have seen here and a very good way to show the complexity of the man behind the words
@blancamiranda6661 5 лет назад
Well said👹
@meetthemoores6296 2 года назад
This may be the dumbest & most narcissistic quote of all time.
@Morbing_Time Год назад
I wonder why he still choose to buy slaves and RAPE them if this is what he thought.
@25marshalyn 7 лет назад
The white man has done such an injustice to the black man by first separating him from his family. But here's the best part, he now criticises him for not having family values and children everywhere. Next time, check the root cause of WHY that is so.
@lmcneillify 6 лет назад
Marilyn you stretching. No black man today was forced not to be a father to their child. This is a big issue in the black community today....stop making excuses for it.
@nightflight83 6 лет назад
The African man sold the black man.
@birddog7492 6 лет назад
Boaman5435 TheAnacondaLover A terrible time in our history. Thank god it's behind us.
@BigMerkGee 5 лет назад
Are chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Phillipines all alike as far as bloodlines?
@LV2308gmail 5 лет назад
Marilyn Amen it's truly sad how our nation was founded.
@joansutton 4 года назад
Yes, he's definitely less great. And in fact he set the ambivalent scenario for the American future. He didn't live by the high ideals of equality and freedom that he penned so effectively, but practiced just the opposite. Similarly, American still trumpets its high ideals while often practicing just the opposite. We are a reflection of Jefferson.
@cockeyedoptimista 3 года назад
It is not that easy to step far outside of your times.
@joansutton 3 года назад
@@cockeyedoptimista Don't give me that excuse - remember the Abolitionists. They lived then too.
@cockeyedoptimista 3 года назад
@@joansutton Jefferson was in office a few decades before the Abolitionists.
@joansutton 3 года назад
@@cockeyedoptimista Abolitionists existed during Jefferson's presidency both in the US and in England, and probably other places. Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin were both Abolitionists, for example.
@cockeyedoptimista 3 года назад
@@joansutton Maybe you're right. The thing I looked up said the Abolitionist movement began in the 1830's, and Jefferson was president from 1801-1809. Maybe Ben Franklin and Thos. Paine didn't call themselves that. I don't know. Thomas Paine was a deep-thinking philosopher and Franklin was also wise. I'm sure there were plenty of people who knew slavery was wrong - including Jefferson. It still takes a huge amount of courage and insight to step far outside the norm of one's age. Praise the ones who do, but maybe try to have a mite of understanding for those who failed but still did some things right. If you weren't there, it's hard to demand things of figures from the past.
@shazza160 5 лет назад
Talks about John Hemings without acknowledging he was a blood relation.
@josieber8032 4 года назад
Yes it did they said he was her brother
@Preservestlandry 4 года назад
Sally was his wife's sister, not his own sister.
@saami9606 7 лет назад
So Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite? Got it
@misst.e.a.187 5 лет назад
Every last one of the presidents - and pretty much ALL politicians right up to the present day - are hypocrites
@lisamack2923 Год назад
@Thefruitshowstheroot 6 лет назад
'The United States of Hypocrisy'....
@gloryfire6301 5 лет назад
Virginia law and Jefferson’s financial debt kept him from legally freeing his slaves, and DNA evidence exposes the lie by Calendar (a known scandalmonger) that Jefferson fathered children with Sally Hemings. Stop ignorantly repeating historical Negativism and read “The Jefferson Lies” by David Barton.
@natzajac70 5 лет назад
if you dont like america leave it
@Quaronna 4 года назад
@ROCKLIKEACOBB 4 года назад
@jayda jones Try history. Virtually every race, nationality & ethnicity has been enslaved at one point or another. But hey, we're glad you're not American either.
@Dennis-nc3vw 4 года назад
Being hypocritical is better than being consistently wrong.
@darryllmcgee 4 года назад
Thomas Jefferson was a horrible monster. He deserves no praise.
@honeyclover5038 4 года назад
A horrible monster? No so. He was a human being just like YOU. Are you pure and without sin? You need to read "The Wolf By the Ears" by John Chester Miller.
@stevemccarty6384 2 месяца назад
Read the letters that he exchanged with President Adams and his wife Abagail. Doing so will enlighten you to his wonderful qualities, huge intellect and big heart.
@theendofanerror4173 5 лет назад
Duality?? More like *HYPOCRISY* .
@blackkeysmatter9944 5 лет назад
No hypocrisy. Just ignorance on your part.
@theendofanerror4173 5 лет назад
@@blackkeysmatter9944 Sure. Whatever you say. 🙄
@Gamerad360 5 лет назад
Just like democratic presidents that go to child rape islands, that decry 3rd world countries.
@acdragonrider 5 лет назад
And way too venom in your words. Thst doesn’t sound like impartiality at all which is what historians should be.
@nelsonkiiru7252 5 лет назад
@how2winstupidprizes244 5 лет назад
When are they going to do a HBO or LifeTime special on this ??????
@talitam.8414 5 лет назад
Ghost Talk HBO preferably!
@rocheljohnson4925 5 лет назад
They did a movie pretty good.
@Mrskraemer 5 лет назад
Beyonce and her hubby should jump on the opportunity
@danielitopompa6777 5 лет назад
@@Mrskraemer ve
@tammi67able 5 лет назад
Mr Thomas never
@annechildress2721 9 лет назад
Growing up in Virginia, I knew Sally and Mrs. Jefferson descendants. Not new news. Great documentary.
@radrook4481 6 лет назад
The two branches of his descendants meet once a year. One branch looks black and the other white.
@marlastevens9036 5 лет назад
@@radrook4481 There are people of several races on both the Randolph/Eppes side and on the Hemings/Woodson side. You can't necessarily tell race in our family by looking.
@jolyettefrye6365 4 года назад
Nothing about this story surprises me. That's the way things were back then. I am sure T. Jefferson is not the only former president who had bi-racial children.
@mrsbdubc2174 4 года назад
Or had slaves that they raped
@AngieTheENTJ 7 лет назад
This is the big deep root of social dysfunction in the United States. The violence associated with this time still shows up as racism, domestic violence, classism, bullying etc.
@JRobbySh 6 лет назад
One might as well note that radical reform always results in violence and disorder but sometimes settles into a better way of life. I believe that American republicanism was a better form of government than British monarchy.
@stevetanton5700 6 лет назад
More out of context dribble. Sure things were bad for some, but that has hardly anything to do with dysfunction today - ours today is of socialism and the slavery of the Democrat Marxist Party.
@b991228 5 лет назад
“ ...until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
@dellamcghee468 5 лет назад
@acdragonrider 5 лет назад
My view is malice toward none and charity to all (NONE)! That includes people you hate.
@paulsimmons5726 6 лет назад
It's unfair to judge anyone from the past by the standards of today just as we will be judged by the people of 500 years from now. Thomas Jefferson will always be remembered as one of the most important members of our Founding Fathers, not perfect but still exceptional by any standard.
@littleme3597 5 лет назад
Paul. Yes. well said. These real racist on here, blacks..enjoy their lives today & perks because of the constitution, but all they can do is be nasty call us names. Call Jefferson names. NOT ONE OF THESE RACIST BLACKS WOULD WANT TO LIVE IN AFRICA OR MOVE THERE TODAY!
@tiffanyeverett8436 5 лет назад
Legal You sound delusional! 😒
@robertspivey46 4 года назад
There is a book called "The Jefferson Lies", try reading it.
@josiasajvix9129 4 года назад
Going to Barnes and noble tomorrow
@deitrikrobertson5080 3 месяца назад
There’s a book called Undaunted courage try reading it
@stevemccarty6384 3 месяца назад
While you are reading that book, I suggest that you read the letters between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Abagail wrote some too. They wrote 160 letters to one another. After reading it one understands a lot about both men and they were great Americans indeed!
@jeffcoleman1006 6 лет назад
The nation and country is great it's the people that run the government that make this land a wicked and evil place.
@MzWillsdbeautiful 5 лет назад
@ms.bubs4fun506 5 лет назад
Naw, the people suck too
@weirdcat8373 4 года назад
That's how it is in most countries really...
@Perfectpearl 5 лет назад
8:00 He should take this photo to that teacher who told him to "sit down and stop telling lies".
@MaskedMarvyl 10 лет назад
I love how hypocrisy has been replaced with "duality"; if you're a clerk, you're a hypocrite; if you're a Founding Father, you have "duality". No, Jefferson; you were a hypocrite; and yes, you are less great, you are less noble, and your words of freedom as an imperative ring hollow; as you wrote your essays and gave speeches during the day, and came home to rape your property at night. Look up Jefferson: Hero or Hypocrite? A scholar gives a speech in which Jefferson was willed $18,000 by a friend if he would use the money to free his (Jefferson's) slaves, and buy them land to live on. Jefferson walked away from the offer. Who helped his friend write this will? Thomas Jefferson himself, as a younger man. He walked away from his own morals and own principles as a young man, which came back to haunt him as an old man. He would have lost no money; he would have been paid handsomely for this act which would have cost him nothing. So why didn't he do it? It was inconvenient.
@davidgrg117 10 лет назад
Oh, my God, clerks are hypocrites? You criticize the man that won you the right to demean him.You don't believe in Freedom and Liberty either. Why don't you seek residence in a country of Tyranny. You will learn what is really hollow. Please, note, no one will rescue you because you made a choice...Good Luck in tyranny.
@MaskedMarvyl 10 лет назад
davidgrg117 .......so, I can't criticize Jefferson's hypocrisy towards enslaved Africans, because he did so much to preserve freedom for whites who held slaves? Congratulations! You've got the Jefferson knack! I hereby award you the Thomas Jefferson Freedom award, a statue of Thomas Jefferson giving a speech on freedom, while his left hand holds a chain around the neck of 14 year-old Sally Hemings, whom he will impregnate that night....
@davidgrg117 10 лет назад
John Richardson I am not wanting to demean or disrespect you. We are all, as any in history born into Times not of our making. But, that is how we all come into it and are introduced to life. We are all groomed to the environment we are born into. Some of us take off from that without another thought. Some other of us are awaken to something contrary to that environment we were born into. And, there lies the road of making choices. Choices don't come without struggle nor free of criticism.But, in this lies to each his/her individual destiny. In our current times, unfortunately, it seems in media, it is not in the love of finding Truth that this media champions. It is in the tearing apart of the individual and disqualifying any light he may bring to a problem in favor of putting that person as only part of a "group or way of thinking" and therefore anything that person has to say is meaningless because more than likely it is the same "group" thinking. So, in media we don't discuss issues in the form of honest questions, but, focus on creating suspect faulty character to automatically disqualify his argument. As to the question of Thomas Jefferson, as an individual, comparing ourselves in the 21st century in the kind of morality we experience from each other now, he made choices in moments of personal weakness at the loss of his wife. We can judge him for even having a relationship with Sally Heming. However, I have difficulty finding any documentation that Jefferson kept Sally in chains in some dungeon and beat her up in the stereo-type "Master" ways you give description to. In fact, history shows for awhile Sally was living somewhere else. She even had the choice to remain where she was. And, she chose to return to Jefferson. On the question, whatever did Jefferson do to eliminate slavery in the United States, I refer you to his own records called, "On Virginia". Here you can see for yourself on his struggles with Congress and attempt to write laws into the Constitution to eliminate that slavery once and for all. This is documented History. You can choose to read it or not to read it. Wish you well.
@timages 6 лет назад
You couldn't have written that any better, he was a disgusting child rapist who thought he could do anything with his "property"
@ShebrewQueen 6 лет назад
John Richardson he was a monster
@MrDavesbox1 4 года назад
be angry if you wish.....just realize that all we have as a nation came from this man and men like him.....
@gavinrose5971 Год назад
A great man and a flawed man filled with contradictions but his ideas are no less true and great.
@craigsmith157 6 лет назад
"By the mid 1990s, the laughing had stopped." 😂😂
@marioboyd557 5 лет назад
@sunspotdawn1261 5 лет назад
Craig Smith What does this mean?
@eddiejakpor6884 5 лет назад
T Jefferson was a sick man.
@BreJanay 4 года назад
@Vivien Ola still sick
@niyahh9350 4 года назад
Vivien Ola more sick than realistic...
@poppajwalker9344 4 года назад
He was a conqueror
@niyahh9350 4 года назад
@@poppajwalker9344 shut up santa, shut up right now
@Dennis-nc3vw 4 года назад
There is almost no evidence he fathered any of her children. This was a rumor started by his political enemy James T. Calendar, and then picked up decades later by blacks looking for fame. All DNA tests prove is that Sally's children were of the Jefferson bloodline, but there were 12 other Jefferson's in Monticello who could have done the deed. His brother Randolph was caught sneaking out of Sally's cabin multiple times.
@mits_6131 5 лет назад
A man with virtues and vices. Well said.
@jnananinja7436 4 года назад
People are so ready to oversimplify and over-criticize. So many morally impeccable people in the comment section unaware of historical context and the complications of each individual life.
@emmanuelbriggs5182 7 лет назад
In full truth he was a Savage who owned other human beings and forced non-consensual sexual relationships or rapes on the slaves and enslaved his own children and any other time we would call that exactly what it is disgusting and a horrible human being
@gailregula213 6 лет назад
Emmanuel Briggs Were you a witness? Otherwise, show us proof.
@timages 6 лет назад
You loser
@setayahodges4437 6 лет назад
Thanks Emmanuel for writing the truth. This woman had no choice, and therefor the relationship was NOT consentual.
@crammit6601 6 лет назад
Emmanuel Briggs What does that make the Africans that enslaved these people to begin with?
@sensusfidelium9510 5 лет назад
Emmanuel Briggs Thomas Jefferson did not father Thomas Woodson DNA results have proven he has no Jefferson DNA. That means all the books and made for TV shows about Jefferson and Hemmings In Paris are BS! Also they had a blue ribbon panel go over the evidence and they concluded Jefferson’s brother was the likely father of Hemings other children! Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: The Search for Truth - WallBuildersWallBuilders › thomas-jefferson-sally-he...
@paulgrimm7842 5 лет назад
Bill Clint has a handsome Black Son,but he won’t recognize him
@shayduh3434 5 лет назад
@dellamcghee468 5 лет назад
Right...he may not be the only so called black child he has out there. Dead beat dad. Pay no child support, but had the audacity to put in law...his terms in ofc., to cripple the the so called; black family. What a hypocrite and snake. Go to church services a snake and come out a snake. That's what worshipping the wrong Sun 🌞makes you!!
@towandacarter7277 5 лет назад
Coloured not black
@Gamerad360 5 лет назад
@Tsinat Gebreselassie Well, he has lied about sexual relations in the past, and if I was doing that DNA test, and received 100k to fake the results I'd take it. Also, he was personal friends with Epstein, Cosby, and Spacey. Bill Clinton also flew 26 times on Epstein's plane, which he said only 4 times. proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-dmoefUroyZI%2FUQb6mLZVTuI%2FAAAAAAAAuzo%2FGItao6jI2yw%2Fs1600%2Fbill-clinton-bill-cosby.jpg&f=1 www.nytimes.com/2019/07/09/nyregion/bill-clinton-jeffrey-epstein.html
@LisaWhitehorn 5 лет назад
@Paul Grimm My Family Hated Me for saying Clinton was a Lil too Black acting, I said Watch I bet He has some Black Kids Somewhere, They called Me crazy..And Low and Behold...He did..and That Boy is His Twin..Looks Like He spit Him out and Kept walking....Literally.
@christinelund5336 10 лет назад
Are we forgetting the economics of slavery and the fact that in 1603 William Shakespeare wrote "The Tragedy of Othello" (which is about a black Moor who is a general in the Venetian army)? There can be little doubt that the American colonists deliberately created the self-serving black-inferiority myth as a way to justify enslaving a group of people that they needed in order to create their own wealth. 1. The reality is, slavery in America existed for profit and for no other reason. No historian would deny that. Throughout human history, that has always been true. Slavery in America was certainly no different. 2. Those individuals who have commented that during the time of slavery in America, slave owners like Thomas Jefferson genuinely believed that black people were inferior and therefore only suited for labor, are either incredibly ignorant or merely wish to preserve an American myth. Undoubtedly, white colonists knew that black people were living in England at virtually every economic level. How could William Shakespeare have written and preformed "The Tragedy of Othello" in 1603 (which was based upon an Italian short story written some 50 years earlier), without the general population having this common awareness? Othello, after all, is a black Moor and a general in the Venetian army who is married to Desdemona, the aristocratic daughter of a senator. Black people have lived in England for centuries, yet black slavery never existed on English soil. The British Empire controlled much of the slave trading abroad, but were too sophisticated and politically savvy to tolerate it on English soil. Once a slave set foot on English soil, that individual was automatically a free person. (England had already had centuries of dehumanizing, abhorrent experiences with white slavery.)
@frellthat 10 лет назад
I agree with most of your comment but it's not true that slavery never existed on English soil. Liverpool was once one of the capitals of the slave trade.
@tylerharris7081 6 лет назад
You're using Othello as proof that England was somehow never racist in the 18th century. That is a very gross misconception. First of all Othello is a fictional work that only reflects the views of the author and no one else. Secondly Othello was very controversial for its time because of the presence of a black protagonist in an important leadership position. Thirdly, the play openly says it is unusual for a Moor to be placed in charge of the Venetian military. Lastly, just because Shakespeare wrote Othello does not mean he was a super liberal paragon for his time "The Merchant of Venice" and "Taming of the Shrew" contain a great deal of of anti semitic and sexist themes.
@zionnuby842 6 лет назад
Who cares this much?
@2HRTS1LOVE 6 лет назад
England didn't need slaves, they had the aristocracy, the wealthy and then the "lower class". Generation after generation of the same family would act as servants to an upper class family, for little pay and with no real rights. Just because you "paid" your slaves, don't pretend they didn't exist.
@taroman7100 6 лет назад
it's been the same old story since man stood upright--not just the blacks
@digicandy70 4 года назад
For a more comprehensive look at the history leading up to and during the Jeffersonian period, I highly recommend reading Slavery and Jeffersonian Virginia by Robert McColley.
@bassmangotdbluz3547 4 года назад
Familial plug !
@SovereignStatesman 4 года назад
Larry McColley: and for a more comprehensive look at REALITY, I high recommend Thomas Sowell's "A history of slavery" by Thomas Sowell right here on RU-vid. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-VWrfjUzYvPo.html
@georgethomasdavisjr7171 8 лет назад
The problem is not "vice". The problem is the pandemic zeitgeist of superiority built upon Puritanical hypocrisy. The problem is a whole society living in porcelain houses while throwing boulders at other cultures. TJ was human. I get that. He did great things. I get that. But to deny the wrong he has done is dogmatically obtuse.
@BobDaPumpkin 6 лет назад
I agree, but I feel Jefferson was conflicted and knew the wrong he did, maybe he couldn't change anything because he didn't have the support of his peers at the time.
@nickames3808 6 лет назад
Throwing Boulders?! Maybe. BUT...WHO is moving to WHOSE Culture?!?!
@taroman7100 6 лет назад
say what?
@moncorp1 6 лет назад
True Bob the Pumpkin ~ Jefferson tried 14 times to have slavery abolished in the constitution but was shot down by his peers. Most felt it was more important to get the country started and deal with slavery later. The paradox was that he kept his slaves anyway. He was a paradox in many other ways as well. He hated monarchies yet loved hobnobbing with the French monarchy, for one.
@stevetanton5700 6 лет назад
You're far too emotional in your judgement and take way too much out of context.
@cockeyedoptimista 3 года назад
"People that he owned." Finally we're saying "people", not just "he owned slaves." It puts a more clear light on it. Let it sink in: People. Very sadly, this still needs to be asserted today!
@kenkunz1428 6 лет назад
In short, Jefferson was a Creep!
@adrianchristian5351 5 лет назад
@@littleme3597 wow you are being racist but can i tell you that whites are apart of this rape culture? Thats facts
@TheLicktysplitz 4 года назад
The best kind of history is honest a history that tells the whole story not just some of it and not just the part that the victors want you to hear .I'm happy that something beautiful came out of it with both families coming together like that for a reunion, that was uplifting.
@anthonynolastname8517 6 лет назад
Thomas Jefferson was a complex character. One of the most complex of all the founding fathers. Reading his personal letters you can tell that he struggled with Reconciling his convictions of liberty with his belief in slavery. He knew it was wrong, hypocritical and evil. Yet his southern upbringing compelled him to desperately try to find ways to justify his hypocrisy. The Fight against his conscious was the great struggle of his life. For all the great things he did for this country, his flaws as human being shine through. He was a great man, he was an imperfect man, but he was absolutely important to the story of America.
@Adrienne3071 5 лет назад
I think he only grew a conscious once he realized his children born into slavery would go through the same things he put others through. People rarely care until it affects them personally.
@exwhyz9367 5 лет назад
Yes you are right he is important to the story of America, but so is 'TRUTH'. Somehow, a comfortable history book narrative comforts the upcoming generations...but they are being then fed a grossly skewed tale.... Education is full of 'deception' on every level..which is damaging and dangerous.
@williamwooten2677 5 лет назад
nothing comes about pedophilia
@marlastevens9036 5 лет назад
The take-home for modern Americans is that the William Bennett 1950s inapproachable patriarch on a pedestal is a crock. Nobody -- particularly highly political geniuses -- is an alabaster god. They're humans with flaws. But that means that none of us can legitimately use our flaws and shortcomings as excuses not to fully participate in our great national experiment in participatory democracy. We can't depand on the powerful few. We each are responsible for doing our part.
@theaword270 5 лет назад
Only white ppl saw him as being great, which he wasn’t.
@soluvlyxoxo 6 лет назад
Sally Hemings was gorgeous!
@marlastevens9036 5 лет назад
Probably -- according to contemporaneous descriptions. But there are no extant likenesses of her.
@buckcubmandingo6772 5 лет назад
So are you
@limerickman8512 5 лет назад
Lots of mix race people are gorgeous.
@billsmlth5381 5 лет назад
Last week blacks were the real Chinese, some weeks it's the Hebrews, or the Arabs, or the Vikings, or the red headed giants that the Indians stole America from. Pick someone to pretend to be and stick with it!! But why pretend to be something you ain't??? Blacks did plenty of great things. No need to pretend you're any other group!! There are SOME black Hebrews but not all blacks are Hebrews just like not all whites are Jews or Hebrews.
@gargola1887 5 лет назад
@@billsmlth5381 lmfaooo some blacks believe that jesus and his followers were all black.. i dont think jesus and his followers were neither black or white
@arcticspirals 5 лет назад
I was speaking with a friend. The reason we teach slavery, indigenous genocide, at younger ages is so we can be justified in not talking about the violence that occurred. I think he was right. Still hurts though, I am doing everything I can to make that change.
@ElethuDuna 4 года назад
I see some comments indicating that since Sally was 15 years old, it was rape. In today's standards where we have legally declared that anyone below the age of 18 is a minor, by no means that is rape. In those times though, women were often married by that age, so what was the "legal" age that separated childhood from adulthood? I haven't seen anything on that for as long as I've read about history.
@neilnelmar8007 2 года назад
It wasn't rape
@prowelderbill 4 года назад
What a fine lesson for us all to know and remember so as not to repeat the negative effects and impact of human frailty.
@leemost7511 7 лет назад
Jefferson is as American as it can get: The good, the bad and the ugly.
@chrisortiz8072 6 лет назад
well said..
@vsaucepuppet697 6 лет назад
More slaves are owned now by Africans than ever before in human history. Hate slavery so much? Go and do something about it. You are exactly like the white Americans who were before you. You claim to hate slavery but don't want to stop it because that means getting outside of your comfort zone.
@sensusfidelium9510 5 лет назад
Lee Most Thomas Jefferson did not father Thomas Woodson DNA results have proven he has no Jefferson DNA. That means all the books and made for TV shows about Jefferson and Hemmings In Paris are BS! Also they had a blue ribbon panel go over the evidence and they concluded Jefferson’s brother was the likely father of Hemings other children! Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: The Search for Truth - WallBuildersWallBuilders › thomas-jefferson-sally-he...
@denisshillingford5891 5 лет назад
@@vsaucepuppet697 you're a liar because it keeps you in your comfort zone of the denial. All you white racist can do is lie on people yesterday and today. You're The Wretched of the Earth. That's why the creator has chosen to give you people zero population growth. hopefully in two or three hundred more years the white race will no longer exist on this Earth. Then there will be no more Wars there will be no more weapons of mass destruction. Earth will be at peace. The Wretched of the earth will be gone. People of color won't have to worry about their countries being invaded for the natural resources. You Beast will be gone
@charlesjohnthomasiii9478 5 лет назад
look at most countries and their past... all have dark things that have been done ... we learn from the past to build a better future ...some slip or stumble ... between now and then.... South America had slaves long before u.s. and many more countries long before the u.s. .... the u.s. was the one mostly spoken of but it’s happened all over the world.... sad yes... but we learn from the dark past of ancestors!!!!
@7style0 Год назад
"Appreciate this story because my great grandfather was sold to slavery and grandfather and grandmother born to slavery, unpleasant realm in history for my family" "This is a story of truth, my ancestors was in a realm of this lifestyle" "Very sad realm of life for a human being" "Forgiveness realm is in my heart ♡ for my ancestors unpleasant realm" "Thank you for sharing"
@sitizenkanemusic 4 года назад
This is one reason why John Adams was my favorote founding father. He owned zero slaves and was 100% a family man. He had strong convictions, and was against slavery.
@348loadedlever3 5 лет назад
Isn’t there some Hemmings buried in Thomas Jefferson private cemetery at Monticello
@twodogsled9130 4 года назад
Why does nobody say anything about the people who are bought and sold today in Libya?? How about the 5000 yrs. of the Egyptians enslaving All races?
@eternateen4eva323 4 года назад
Because that's not AMericans talking about AMERICANS! What would Americans BEING slaves, have to do with slaves in another country. Keep on topic , we are talking about the slaves in USA, not Libya. If WE gave a $#!+ about LIBYA we would invade Libya .... oh wait, we have and done nothing about slaves there.
@ocmetals4675 4 года назад
@@eternateen4eva323 lol
@cbiaplus8218 4 года назад
Do conservatives have any actual ideology beyond "whataboutism"
@hannah3146 4 года назад
@@cbiaplus8218 no they do not! I know this just speaking to my trump loving racist sperm father. I will not respect him he was a horrible dad and said He doesnt owe reparations that blacks owe him if anything because 1 of his relatives fought for them? I almost lost it and would have if he didnt work for the government and my child was nearby
@fastcars.4093 4 года назад
@@hannah3146 ❤
@rsharon4518 4 года назад
Nice! Balanced and illuminating. Human ideals and weaknesses. Kudos to CBS This Morning! Just excellent.
@kennedymccoy8758 4 года назад
Sally needs a movie 😭😭
@apgeneticgenealogylover6601 4 года назад
''jefferson in paris''
@lizziehargrove4310 4 года назад
she does have a movie, yet the disgusting movie romanticizes the relationship. i just love how i’ve done more research and know more truth than the damn movie.
@kennedymccoy8758 4 года назад
@@lizziehargrove4310 I feel you
@hypocriteflower449 9 месяцев назад
I imagine maybe something in the style of the lovely bones would be nice.
@melband5767 4 года назад
Here is something to check out about one of the drafts of the Declaration Of Independence. Jefferson had stated that in order for the 13 colonies to be able to defeat England, that all 13 of them had to be on board on all issues. The problem was that Georgia and South Carolina were extremely adamantly in favor of continuing slavery to the point that they would side with King George III who was also pro slavery. Thus Jefferson had to cave in as did the other eleven colonies. This doesn't absolve Jefferson of any wrong doing but does give one another side of the issue to think about.
@AGPArchivist 2 года назад
No it doesn't, Georgia and South Carolina didn't make him r@pe a child.
@sam7748 5 лет назад
Basically the founding papas were hypocrites.
@loveisthemostpowerfulforce1397 4 года назад
Or it's lie. I find it hard to believe the Fathers owned slaves.
@annika2963 4 года назад
@@loveisthemostpowerfulforce1397 Then you can keep living in your ignorance.
@johnsorrells8801 4 года назад
@@loveisthemostpowerfulforce1397 it's not a lie. George Washington was so cruel that he made dentures from his slaves teeth.
@bjjaah 4 года назад
sam7748 can’t really. Imagine John Adams getting away with much, married to his amazing wife.
@Nebulasecura 3 года назад
@oldrocker1216 John Adams: *am I a joke to you?*
@GGE47 4 года назад
Not even Abraham Lincoln believed in the races mixing. In his debates with Stephen Douglas he said God forbid that the races should mix. There were other times Lincoln said he did not believe in the races mixing, but didn't believe in slavery. I wish somebody would spend as much time with other countries on slavery as they do this one.
@morganmore6 4 года назад
No need to be ashamed it's history they can't be blamed for the past
@FoneArc 6 лет назад
She's really beautiful.
@chrisortiz8072 6 лет назад
I don't know if that is what she actually looked like
@annmitchell4663 5 лет назад
That is an 'imagined' portrait...and she was half white anyway,his wife's half sister.
@Nevadefeated 5 лет назад
@david nichols Exactly!
@Nevadefeated 5 лет назад
@@annmitchell4663 Thank you!
@marlastevens9036 5 лет назад
@@annmitchell4663 No, her mother was half-white. Sally was a quadroon and her children with Mr. Jefferson were octoroons.
@kateheiden8418 4 года назад
Thomas Jefferson didn't have a relationship with Sally Hemmings, his nephew did, and the Jefferson family released a statement to this effect. His nephew looked like Thomas Jefferson from a distance - both were tall, with red hair, and this is why people got the wrong idea. Also, Thomas Jefferson's slaves absolutely loved him. When he returned to Monticello from France, they were waiting at the edge of the estate and carried him to the mansion on their shoulders, shouting with joy. He freed 4 slaves, all of whom he meticulously prepared for their freedom by training them so they could get good jobs, among other things; but they all committed suicide. Perhaps that had something to do with why he didn't free them all. That was 250 years ago. To view the past as if it was the present is unwise.
@longliveethiopia123 Год назад
CBS just stated he freed 7 lol
@wpappy4777 5 лет назад
All things come to light. The sins of one man have thier effects generations later.
@mrsbdubc2174 4 года назад
@gusjackson3658 4 года назад
All people can have duality of thought. No-one has a perfectly maintained code, no matter how much the try to or claim to.
@11thstalley96 4 года назад
I would highly recommend Jon Meachum’s book on Thomas Jefferson to anyone with an interest in American history who hasn’t already read it. I had read many books on Jefferson, and I couldn’t understand how Jefferson’s holding high ideals and owning slaves could possibly be explained, without it being judged as sheer hypocrisy. Meachum provided insights and details I hadn’t previously considered or known.
@gregscott2298 4 года назад
A rapist is still a rapist-- high ideals or not-- and Meachum turned out to be something of a hypocrite himself--
@lolodee3528 Год назад
Many died for your freedom of bullsheet. Remember that.
@goodpalmer186 5 лет назад
It was all about the black bottom. He didn't believe in the separation of the races in the bedroom.
@drob437 5 лет назад
None of them do. Remember the racist senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina had a black daughter and his parents sent her to California to live with her aunt.
@dcllaw677 6 лет назад
Duality my foot, how on earth that man could write the famous words “all men are created equal”, and on over 600 slaves throughout his lifetime is a mystery. It is not so mysterious that he wrote the words, but I would find it difficult to ever say such words with a straight face if I were in his position. However, I don’t think I would’ve done as he did-it’s easy for me to say that 200 years later but…
@rezaardiansyah434 2 года назад
Equality he meant equality with white people. How could he equal people of color
@bassmangotdbluz3547 4 года назад
Historian Shelby Foote once said, "One can't apply modern values, mores or rules of behavior to another time. You can't judge because you can't begin to understand the mind set, rationale or thinking of the time and ignoring this fact is extremely dangerous."
@nirdoshprem2181 4 года назад
Abolition had a loud voice in the public domain. He chose Slavery because it suited his greed and his true morality. How can you write “ All men are equal “
@badgalruth 4 года назад
I think it’s kinda sad that we cannot sit through a video without being rude to one another. Just goes to show you that morals and values that were taught and instilled are forever gone😞 this is history everyone is entitled to their comment but RU-vid getting the best of me
@Thedeso18 4 года назад
Not if people are trying to justify his evil doings.. what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong
@twiggy1253 Год назад
@@Thedeso18 Life and history isn’t so black and white. There is not a single historical icon that was perfect. We need to look at both the good and the bad to determine out own opinions on people, both past and present.
@RoseSharon7777 5 лет назад
The obelisk at the end says it all.
@franceszapata951 5 лет назад
Please include closed captions so that the information is accessible to everyone
@HaydenMemorialLibrary 4 года назад
Is there a closed captioned version of this video? We would like to show this in a classroom with students who are hearing impaired.
@thomasgassett7157 5 лет назад
It's much more likely Thomas Jefferson's brother is responsible for the Jefferson DNA in Hemmings family. He was always around, while Thomas wasn't.
@exwhyz9367 5 лет назад
Not in France though...
@thomasgassett7157 5 лет назад
@@exwhyz9367 Not in France, but I believe that was before she had any children. I think she was at most 15, when in France.
@gloryfire6301 5 лет назад
Thank you! All the rest of these ignoramuses need to do some more reading. Might I suggest “The Jefferson Lies” by David Barton.
@NICCAGE26 5 лет назад
That guy look just like jefferson
@ashdotty868 6 лет назад
If thats really how sally hemmings looked about 200 y/ago then shes fr gorgeous omgg 😱 😍
@margomazzeo1680 6 лет назад
hamilaurens she was beautiful..
@chrisortiz8072 6 лет назад
I think that is what an artist imagined and not her actual likeness but I'm unsure
@raymondsoto2035 5 лет назад
Beautiful indeed
@prestoncrawford2934 5 лет назад
I don't know, no one knows....
@pinklight4443 5 лет назад
@Heknows37 4 года назад
he who is without sin , let him cast the first stone
@paulgrimm7842 5 лет назад
She was beautiful!
@daddyfamlittle6262 4 года назад
Rape!! Ownership!!! Property!!!! End of story......it wasn't a LOVE affair!
@Mochab001 7 лет назад
His mistress was his father-in-law's daughter. His wife's half sister. His father-in-law had just as many kids with their slaves. Sally wasn't the "only" slaves to have kids by Jefferson. One of Jefferson's grandsons said that their were many slave women that had kids for Jefferson, not just Sally. He said that he would somethings mistake "several" of his older cousins for his "Grandfather" ( Thomas Jefferson). He had that many.
@karakoima 4 года назад
Slavery is a sad part of the western history, fortunately not in scandinavia. Although like 90% of people here in the 19th century was only one step up from that. Being from a poor Swedish family, there are stories of beatings and whippings of my ancestors performed by the noblesse. My grandfather had to start work at 7 yo. Enlightenment, rights movements and later social democracy did not only provide better circumstances for afro americans but for good people all around the place. And still, its one helluva difference being born in a workers family and in the family of academics. Like, your fight is ours too. Equal Opportunity, Right?
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