
The end time, the antichrist, and the rapture. Eschatology with Sam Storms 

Young Minds Big Questions
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In this podcast we talk to Dr. Sam Storms about Eschatology.




2 окт 2024




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@markchristian787 5 лет назад
Awesome job, guys and Im yet another former premil converted to amillennialism and I loved his book, The Kingdom Come. The only thing you guys could have asked him is about the 144,000, the 2 witnesses, and maybe if Sam can do a youtube video of a chart comparing and contrasting amillenialism and premil.
@ricoparadiso 3 года назад
I think I caught in another vid that he sees the 2 Witnesses as a symbolic representation of the Church itself.
@markchristian787 3 года назад
@@ricoparadiso Thanks, Rico.
@gramps5157 3 года назад
The 144,000 is the church of Jesus Christ. 12x12x1000. 12 meaning perfection and 1000 meaning completeness.The complete and perfect church of God.
@SpotterVideo 2 года назад
Revelation 20: Does your interpretation agree with all other scripture? (Chronological or Recapitulation?) (Literal vs. Figurative?) Based on the following scripture, will immortals and mortals both live on earth for 1,000 years after the Second Coming of Christ? Will there be renewed animal sacrifices in earthly Jerusalem for 1,000 years after the Second Coming of Christ? Will Christ conduct funeral services for mortals killed in accidents many years after His Second Coming? Graveyards needed? Can the following questions be examined without ridicule, and condemnation, based on the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and found fulfilled in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and Hebrews 12:18-24? Can the number 1,000 be used in a symbolic manner? Psalm 50:10 Does an angel with a key come from heaven and open the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:1-2? Why did the angel have to unlock the pit if it was not locked previously? Who is the king of the angels in the bottomless pit found in Revelation 9:11? Are some of the angels “bound” in some manner in Revelation 9:14? If the beast comes up out of the pit in Revelation 11:7, where is the beast before then? John sees “souls” at the beginning of Revelation chapter 20. Are these the same “souls” found in Revelation 6:9-11? Is the “first resurrection” in Revelation 20:5 the first bodily resurrection in the Book of Revelation? (Rev. 11:11) Are there two different types of resurrections in John chapter 5? John 5:24 (Spiritual) ? Were you dead, and now you are alive? John 5:27-30 Christ describes the bodily resurrection and “hour” of judgment of “all” the dead. Who is the “strong man” who is bound in Matthew 12:26-29? How is Satan “bound” in Revelation 20:3? How many mortals are left alive on the planet at the end of Matthew 25:31-46? Isaiah 65:17-25? Are people really dying in verse 20? Context, Context, Context… The New Heavens and New Earth are found at the beginning of the passage, and the end of the curse is found at the end of the passage. What happens if verse 20 begins with a negative statement? "There will be no more..." Was Paul expecting Christ to return "in flaming fire", taking vengeance on those who do not know God in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10? How would mortals survive this fire? Does the fire come at the end of Revelation 20? Did Paul expect both the living and the dead to be judged at the appearing of Christ, in 2 Timothy 4:1? When is the judgment of the dead in Revelation 20? Is it the same judgment of the dead in Revelation 11:18? What is the restitution of all things at the return of Christ in Acts 3:20-21? Will Christ's sacrifice at Calvary also reverse the curse, at His return? Does death die at the last trumpet in 1 Corinthians 15:50-55? Why did Jesus correct the woman at the well when she said earthly Jerusalem was the place to worship? See John 4:20-24. Why did Paul say the Jerusalem above is our “mother” in Galatians 4:24-31? What is the inheritance of the Old Testament Saints in Hebrews 11:15-16? Is the third temple found in 1 Peter 2:4-10? Is this temple just as real as a temple made of earthly stones? What was Peter expecting on the day of the Lord when He comes as a thief in 2 Peter 3:10-13? Do we find the judgment of both the living and the dead at the 7th trumpet, which is the last trumpet in the Bible, in Revelation 11:15-18? Why do most preachers ignore the time of the judgment of the dead, with reward for some, and destruction for others in Revelation 11:18? What does it prove about the chronology of the Book of Revelation? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Is there a correlation between Revelation 20 and earlier passages in the Book of Revelation? Is Revelation chapter 20 another example of “Recapitulation”? Rev 20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, Rev 20:8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. Rev 20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. Rev_18:8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Judgment Before the Great White Throne. Rev_19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Rev 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Rev 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
@sspashleymae24 Год назад
I have also heard that number is the army number of fighting aged men. That's how they numbered people in those times. It doesn't actually count the real number of people.
@johnbyk755 6 лет назад
William Hendriksen's, More Than Conquerers, is a shorter read but contains the same truths (in more detail) about amillennialism.
@elibenedict4776 3 года назад
you prolly dont give a damn but does any of you know a trick to get back into an Instagram account? I was stupid forgot the account password. I would love any tips you can give me!
@elliscameron5058 3 года назад
@Eli Benedict instablaster :)
@elibenedict4776 3 года назад
@Ellis Cameron Thanks so much for your reply. I found the site on google and Im in the hacking process atm. Seems to take quite some time so I will reply here later with my results.
@elibenedict4776 3 года назад
@Ellis Cameron it did the trick and I actually got access to my account again. I'm so happy! Thank you so much, you really help me out !
@elliscameron5058 3 года назад
@Eli Benedict Glad I could help =)
@bellarose8511 4 года назад
His book is amazing and eye-opening and frankly makes the most sense!
@aktrapper6126 6 лет назад
I appreciate Dr. Sam Storms. Jesus is the way the truth and the Life, NO MAN can come to the father except through him. There is not one way for the Jew and a different way for the Gentile. There is only one people of God and that is through Faith in Christ. One way, one faith, one people, one spirit. To preach or teach other wise is to embrace another Gospel.
@engagethebroken7698 7 лет назад
This was a great interview. Thank you for having an excellent discussion with someone who reads the text as it's presented! Dr. Storms is on point.
@kimmykimko Год назад
The only issue I have with purely spiritualizing the Mark is that I cant reconcile Buying and Selling. Most spiritual things have an actual counterpart. Like baptism for us is the physical action we do as a sign. I believe there will be a physical sign and I think its taking place now. I also totally disagree that Israel has any rights to displace and kill people over a land they have no biblical right to. It was given to them and fulfilled in Joshua and it was conditonal upon their obedience, which they have not upheld.
@brandonmaracle766 7 лет назад
I have been listening to Dr. Storms revelation series via podcast since April. I felt like I was cheating by listening to this, it didn;t stop me though. Thanks for doing this guys it's awesome.
@emf321 3 года назад
30:00 Revelation is just speaking about the events of 70AD? Revelation 1:1 "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place --> FUTURE. "
@kcmerced9512 4 месяца назад
Are you stating that "soon" is defined as FUTURE...? That's asinine, and ridiculous... anyone who embraces that idiocy deserves to be ridiculed.
@bethevoice-gen1rev225 Год назад
The mark of the beast, in context, as described in Revelation 13, is clearly speaking of an economic system also. Is it not? If not, please help me understand ... Yes, there is also the application that Dr Sam speaks of, but you can't dismiss the economic system, numerical, application, it's clearly there. I have not heard anyone explain why they don't believe there could be an economic system application . Instead they just run away from it.
@kimmykimko Год назад
Because they arent awake to the truth of this world.
@Metalsuitman 4 года назад
I wonder why the preterist view is not mentioned. Examining the claims of the preterist eschatology certainly answers many more questions than all the other views. At least that has been my experience for the past two years.
@victoryinchrist-broadcasti4044 4 года назад
I thoroughly appreciate this interview it has been eye opening!
@matthewmanucci 4 года назад
Thank you Sam. All I can say is thank you. Every time I listen to a non postmil define post mil, they butcher it. Even the great men I love like Mcarthur, Voddie and Sproul have given the most bizarre description of Postmil ever, sometimes defining Amil as Postmil and defining Postmil as some sort of weird belief in which we will “bring the Kingdom” and then there will be a literal thousand year reign after we “brought it.” It’s bad. When I heard you define Postmillennialist I actually smiled and exhaled a breath I was holding the whole time. Now back to the podcast. Lol
@Nickelgraph 4 года назад
and now you transition to amill ;-)
@josephmangas5196 4 года назад
Lutherans have always been amillenial since its founding. The biblical hermeneutics philosophy is to let plain texts interpret symbolic texts. So 2 Thesselonians and Matthew 25 should trump Revelation and Daniel, which are apocalyptic and highly symbolic. Dispenationalists have to read too much into the text in order to get it to work. Instead of putting the Biblical puzzle together, dispensationalists want to change the shape of the puzzle pieces to get the result they want.
@abjoseck9548 4 года назад
I got 2 concerns for Sam Storms: 1) DISCUSSION about the "Antichrist" is shaded in grey without the BIBLICAL text to address or refer to! 2) The claim that The BEAST of Revelation =Antichrist, is a vague claim unless explicated from a given TEXT....
@brianguglielmin2873 3 года назад
144,000 is symbolic number of God's saints. The saved of among 12 tribes of Israel's Old Testament Saints x 12 apostles of the Lamb Jesus Christ x 1000, the fullness of New Testament Righteous in Christ. Seal of Spirit is spiritual mark of saved Rev 7&14 and mark of beast is unrepentant and apostates unto death in all church age unto Second Coming on Last Day. Two witnesses is Jew and Gentile in Christ and Old and New Testament. .
@ronbo30 4 года назад
I’m at a point of being torn, between a millennium and historic premillennialism.
@aleczamora6993 3 года назад
Similar experience
@sgtred111 3 года назад
That is where I was years ago and am now Amillennial.
@jjmulvihill 2 года назад
1Cor15:25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. -This verse says that Jesus reigns now, Revelaron 1:5 To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father-to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen -Says that he has extended his kingdom to us as his Kings and Priests. God bless you!.
@ronbo30 2 года назад
@@jjmulvihill agree. My wife keeps bringing up scripture that says Christ physically reign for 1000 years on earth. Several scripture seems to imply this, or I would be a amill.
@jjmulvihill 2 года назад
@@ronbo30 Right? But the Bible only gives us “this age” and the “age to come”. This age (waiting for Christ’s coming, presently reigning at the right hand of God the Father) and the age to come (new heavens and new earth, where Christ reigns for eternity). I’m with you working it out day by day. I start with Jesus’ words in eschatology, then add the others. If Jesus didn’t teach it, there’s a chance we’re on a rabbit trail. I would love to be convinced 100 percent, even if it were Premil. God bless you.
@rossjpurdy 8 дней назад
It is interesting that it seems that some guys are unable to think about a theology critically and adjust it to Scripture. They rather throw out the baby with the bath water and look for some other total package to adopt. What are they going to do when they can't fully reconcile their new view to all of Scripture? That is what Sam has done.
@rodenranch6291 5 лет назад
“They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger. They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭32:16, 21‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@monical2840 4 месяца назад
The view expressed @30:30 is similar to what I've interpreted from my reading of the text. I wasn't raised in a church so I was never "indoctrinated" to view the end times in any one particular way. Have never been to a Bible study either. Born again in 2022 and still studying, listening to fellow humans all around the world and comparing notes. The micro to macro view is interesting to me especially when you consider things like fractals found in nature.
@rossjpurdy 9 дней назад
He does not believe in a 1000year reign so why does he apologize for the term Amillennial? It hits the nail on the head!
@jrconway3 Год назад
My main caveat here is that I think the postmillennialists are right in that as a whole, the world does get better. You can't look at today's society, compare it to the world prior to the fall of Israel and say we're _worse_ off than the Christians at that time. They faced far more severe persecution that we ever have in the modern day. Throughout human history, the spread of Christianity has had a huge positive impact on the world as a whole. I disagree with postmillenialists for multiple reasons: 1. I don't believe the world will be fully or even mostly Christianized. 2. I don't believe the millennium is referring to the Earth at all, but Heaven. I also don't believe things will inherently get better or worse. I lean on the optimistic side of things, though, believing that things will, as a whole, improve, but we'll still have recurring waves of bad and good times, and both increases in persecution of the church at time which them will shift after into a revitalization of the church again. Right now we're in the lull period again, and things are going to get worse for a while before they get better. And even when things do get better, its not going to be consistent the way postmills believe it will.
@brianmontgomery2527 4 года назад
What about not being able to buy or sell without the mark
@rexcavalier 4 года назад
God is referring to evil transactions. You can buy or sell lies or destructive products or services only if you accepted the bad name in your mind and action.
@amyv. 4 года назад
I disagree with dr. Storms about the mark - I do think there is a spiritual and physical mark. Scripture says that without it none is able to buy or sell (how is this not literal)? On other fronts, “amillenialism” is way more scriptural than the rest.
@solascriptura9988 4 года назад
Caesar Nero wouldn’t let anyone sell or buy without proclaiming himself to be God. The seal is spiritual only. People had to confess his “immortality” as God in order to buy sell or anything or be killed.
@gottacrushthis7556 4 года назад
So your amillennialism amounts to a combining of premillennialism (minus the rapture) and postmillennialism beliefs. A kind of already and not yet eschatology. Kenneth Gentry and Gary DeMar are better sources of information in my humble opinion.
@susanhaddad950 6 лет назад
Sam Storms mentioned that dispensationalists believe that people will have a chance to come to faith during the millennial kingdom; however, have heard them say that faith won't be needed then since they will be able to see Jesus, so their salvation will be based on works when Jesus separates them as sheep and goats according to whether they gave to the poor or not, etc. I became an Amillennial partial preterist this past year but never got very deep into dispensationalism. The more I learn about it the more Amillennial I become! Appreciated your interview and Sam Storm's openness.
dispies mutate LOL
@susanhaddad950 6 лет назад
So I've noticed. And they also heatedly debate one another.
@randomvariable4597 6 лет назад
I came to God a little over four years ago. I assumed the prevalent pre-millennial thinking was accurate as I heard of no other. I started to wonder how Revelation could have happened in some parts and not in others as some YT'ers are proposing, indirectly. Yesterday I found Sam Storm's teachings and it is such a blessing. One verse I have not heard referenced in any of this however which I think is a bedrock verse is John 11:25.
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
@@susanhaddad950 I have a feeling that I am most likely all Millennial and I don't know much about partial preterism or preterism but I I think I may maybe one of them as well. The problem I have is that I do believe that we should keep the Torah so there are hardly any Messianic Torah observant Amillenialist. Matthew 24 seems to be speaking about that first generation but it also talks about the son of man appearing in the clouds and 2nd Thessalonians talks about the Antichrist in the temple coming before the great day of the Lord and even in Revelation some of those things do not seem to be fulfilled in the first century. I have to look at the other view I think it's called historicist. What do you think about Israel? Do you believe God is done with Israel and judge them in 70 AD or do you believe that there are still some things to unfold in Israel? When I see those people there at that Wailing Wall and I know they reject the Messiah I cannot see them as God's people and I have serious doubts that them becoming state in 1948 has anything to do with Yahweh restoring them as a people.
@susanhaddad950 4 года назад
@@mr.e1220 yes I think it is good to look at historists view as well, and have. Considering all views partial preterism rather than full preterism makes more sense to me. As for the current State of Israel, most follow extra biblical teachings of men that are downright false. Jesus said, "you've heard it said (then quoted O.T. law) but I say unto you...". So he's the one we must listen to and share His teachings to others. The O.T. was only meant to point to our need for Him. What God plans for Israel I have no idea, but I do have missionary friends there who do experience great conversions there on occasion.
@hidden.history Год назад
Didn’t Jesus called Israelites the children of Satan?! Then how they can be people of God?!
@isaacmcpeek9636 6 лет назад
Please see Islam in prophecy. They do believe in a beast as a good thing. A messiah they call the mahdi. A false prophet they call Jesus son of mary, NOT our Jesus but a false prophet. A creature they call the beast of the earth that marks of their forehead. And the Dajjal who comes to protect Israel. You can find all of this in their eschatology. Very bizarre
@russelljones2305 Год назад
As a Historical Millennialist, I reject all Augustinian based teachings and eschatological views that have derived after Augustine. Dr Storm is not correct when he says that the Premillennial view is not dominant amongst the early Christians. There were Gnostics heretics who taught a form of Amill in the first century through the false teachings of Cerinthus in fact I believe Augustine got his ideas from him. Note that the first 300 years before Augustine is saturated in writings on the Millennium week by prominent Church Fathers who have direct line to the Apostles, there are no other eschatological view apart from the heretics who apposed the physical resurrection of the body and the regeneration of the earth. In fact they rejected the consummation of Christ ruling over the nations of the earth 1 Corinthians 15: 23-27. 1 Corinthians 15:23-27 ESV [23] But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. [24] Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. [25] For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. [26] The last enemy to be destroyed is death. [27] For “God c has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “all things are put in subjection,” it is plain that he is excepted who put all things in subjection under him. …
@danielnosuke 4 года назад
How is antichrist metaphorical if in 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 John there are explicitly literal persons in view?
@owensterry29 4 года назад
Antichrist is never assigned to a singular character in the bible. 1st John 2:18-19 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that ANTICHRIST shall come, even now are there many ANTICHRIST; whereby we know that it is the last time. (Both of them are plural because it doesn't say that THE ANTICHRIST shall come. It just says Antichrist and since every single time that it's mentioned it is plural not singular placing the word THE into the text is going beyond what is written) They went out from us,but they were not of us;for if they had been of us,they would no doubt have continued with us;but they went out, that they might be manifest that they were not all of us. Vs 22: Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?He is antichrist, that denieth the father and the son. Ch 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of Antichrist ,whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now is it in the world. Not once does the title antichrist refer to a single endtimes satanic superman appear in scripture. The Man of Sin in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-12 If you'll read Daniel chapter 8:15-27 Chapter 9:21 Angels are always referred to as a man.You'll never find one Angel referred to as a woman. This whole passage in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-12 is speaking of Satan himself being unbound(notice in verse 6) Verse 4 him sitting in the Temple of God refers to the Church. The Greek word that is used for Temple of God is Naos and every time it's used in the new Testament it always refers to the Church and individual believers. It's not speaking of the Temple that existed in Jerusalem when this epistle was written and it's not speaking of a future rebuilt Temple either. If the Jews were to rebuild their Temple it wouldn't be the Temple of God for one second. Christ referred to his body as being the Temple and throughout the entire new Testament the Church and each and every Saint are the Temple of God. I don't know who first made the Antichrist and Man of Sin synonymous with each other. I'm guessing that it probably came out of the protestant reformation because pretty much all of the Reformers viewed the Papacy as being the Man of sin and in a way they were correct, but to make the term antichrist synonymous with the man of sin is really the result of people's presuppositions when it comes to the arena of eschatology. Even Jesus Christ referred to satan himself as being a STRONG MAN, Matthew 12:25-29 Strong man:satan His house: this world His goods: men and women who are unsaved. If you're not saved you belong to Satan by default. Verse 29 is one of the best proof text in the new Testament that shows that Christ bound Satan when he came the first time. The mistake that premillenialist make is that they over-spiritualize the parables of Christ. A lot of them aren't to be taken literally if taking them as such will contradict other scriptures especially when they're spoken by Christ. I hope that this has been helpful. But if you have a good bible concordance, look at how many times the word Temple is mentioned in the new Testament starting with the 4 gospels. When I did that it was really an eye opening experience. God bless
@nichill7474 11 месяцев назад
Thessalonians doesn’t talk about antichrist at all, it talks about the man of sin (a spirit, satan) or also referred to as son of perdition which is different from antichrist. Perdition relates to satan the destroyer and who will be destroyed and by extension the “sons of your father the devil” as Jesus called the pharisees. They had that spirit of rebellion / sin / perdition. The Pharisees are responsible for the crucifixion of Christ and their teachings corrupted the hearts and minds of those who could have found faith in Christ. What antichrists, man of sin and son of perdition have in common is a spirit of rebellion against God but they operate in different ways and are not single individuals, but are many. Revelation also talks about son of perdition. But now, 1 & 2 John is very specific in clarifying that antichrist is many, not one person. Specifically an antichrist according to John are those who were introduced to Christ and rejected him, claiming that the messiah did not come in the flesh and is not the son of God. Antichrists are also the Judaisers in the early church. John says “they went out from us to prove that they were not of us”.
@Agent007202 7 месяцев назад
I somehow agree with him when he talks about the beast being abortion etc. I also belive that part of the beast will be, that if you don't accept the flag of the LGBD or support them in anway, then you wouldn't be able to buy or sell. Remember that the scripter says that the anti- christ will despise women. So, he's either going to hate women, or he could be gay.
@kennethmcclurkin.4450 6 лет назад
I was fed on Dispensational/Zionist teaching from my early Christian background over 40 years ago. At a superficial level Dispensationalism and Historic Premillennialism are convenient ways to interpret eschatology, but as scripture is compared with scripture many discrepancies become apparent in its system. The word 'amillennial' (the Grk negative prefix 'a' implying 'no' milllenium) is a misleading misnomer and the word would be better replaced with the word 'millennial' to indicate an actual present-day happening. Not in the sense as that of the Roman Catholic church which misapplies its understanding of millennial rule through the pope and the Vatican, but in the perspective of (Heb 12:22-24), the present location of God's government. The book of Revelation is not written in a strict chronological time sequence; it is written as progressive parallelism in which its themes integrate, overlap and develop throughout the book. Chapter 19 when Christ returns on his white horse is nowhere mentioned of setting foot or sitting on a throne in chapter 20. One of the main problems in coming to grips with the millennial perspective is the binding of Satan for 1000 years (Rev 20:1-3). When understood as a 'judicial' binding, not a 'practical' binding it juxtaposes our justification in Christ by faith, and our understanding by that application to be seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph 2:6), but still remaining alive and active on earth our natural habitat.
@Michael_Chandler_Keaton 5 лет назад
Yeah, Dispensationalism is true though. It perfectly fits with what Daniel was told. All the "spiritualizing" and allegorical nonsense is eisegesis. True exegetical reading of the text presents Dispensationalism.
@jamesers99 4 года назад
Where do you recommend a clear explanation of the Catholic church's s teachings on amillennialism and their role during the millennium?
@bardowesselius4121 3 года назад
I can agree with this, coming from the same camp. Zionist lies and also the Catholic church that usurped the authority of Jesus and persecuted the true followers of Christ for sake of 'unity of the church'. In reality unity of apostasy. The way of Jeroboam.
@asloudassound 4 года назад
I’m a no dispensationalist post trib premillennialist believer I don’t care what others think or say it has to be it makes complete since to me. I’m not trying to argue with anyone because you’re not my enemy satan and his minions are. If you wanna ask me a question I’m open to that but don’t attack me or I won’t respond. There’s no law in the universe that says if you believe one way you can’t believe the other way. It’s only mans mental ascent that says that.
@kcmerced9512 4 месяца назад
Thanks be to God that Storms escaped the teaching of Waalvord and te other dispensationalists.
@sammcrae8892 3 месяца назад
And fell for the Augustinian allegorical metaphorical interpretation of scriptures. Nice guy, and he has a couple of points worth considering, also, only time will tell, but if we were supposed to read the Bible allegorically, we would have been told that it was allegorical.
@mr.seapig2811 3 года назад
One danger on being completely dogmatic on a particular view of eschatology is spiritual pride… spiritual pride van lead to bitterness and separation. I don’t think anybody can be really dogmatic on eschatology at all… I have my own opinions and The rapture and the millennium have never sat right with me, so I would say that I agree most with this view of eschatology then any other.
@TheJpep2424 3 года назад
Thessalonians clearly describing the rapture doesn't sit well with you?
@jacobso223 5 лет назад
I am still not convinced by amillenialism
@jamesers99 4 года назад
Read A Case for Amillennialism by Riddlebarger - very hard to refute.
@1lebero 4 года назад
I'm still not convinced of Amillennialism been reading books on it for 15 years. I've drifted into the premillennial camp.
@1lebero 4 года назад
@@jamesers99 Will get it thanks. I've listened to Kim on the White Horse in a good brother.
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
I think I was first introduced to this View from a little booklet called the true Israel of God by LR Shelton
@amyv. 4 года назад
Most folks lean towards premill because of the pretribulation rapture and the desire to rule here on earth. Amill focuses on the coming of Christ - He is the ultimate goal - not what happens after as a “new earth” goal.
@bernardmichaud1099 9 месяцев назад
The best 4 books I have ever read re: Prophecy in my 50 years walking with the Lord are: 1- More than Conquerors, by Wiliam Hendrickson, Commemorative Edition 1982 2-The Book of Revelation Commentary, by R.C.H. Lenski 3- Up Up and Away! Robert B. Yerby, on the Rapture. 4- Kingdom Come! by Sam Storm.
@autumngrace8541 6 лет назад
The scattering was for a good reason. Rev 3:9 (Lets stop pretending shall we, lets not stay in the old traditions of entitlement) yet not believe in Jesus Christ.) When Jesus told Mary to not touch him on the third day because he hadn't yet ascended to our Father yet, well, I have to ask, Where were you, what have you been doing if you haven't gone up.
@weeperman6659 5 лет назад
The meaning of what Jesus said to Mary is "don't hold me back" not don't touch me. He was already glorified but had other people to see. He ascended to heaven many days after the resurrection, not right then. Paul gives a description of who Jesus appeared to in 1 Cor 15:3-8. Mary isn't even mentioned here.
@weeperman6659 5 лет назад
Jesus will return once, not twice. When he does, it will be to prevent the utter destruction of the world. "Except those days be shortened, no flesh would survive." Pre-trib rapture is escapist theology, not consistent with the gospel which tells us as Christians that we are to be witnesses for God even if the whole world is in opposition. I totally agree with Dr. Storm when he speaks about the temple being the church, and Christ having already fulfilled the purpose of God by his sacrifice. The whole notion of a future kingdom involving a new temple and the outdated sacrificial system is a completely demonic idea, it rejects what the New Testament teaches found in the book of Hebrews 8:1- 10:18.
@rodenranch6291 5 лет назад
Weeper Man “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭61:1-2‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭4:17-19‬ ‭KJV‬‬ The day of the lord, (rev1:7-10), is different than his day of vengeance, the 6th seal his wrath
@bernardmichaud1099 2 года назад
Please read Rev. 17:14 - 18 where God uses the beast and 10 kings to destroy the Harlot described in Rev. 18. In Rev. 17:18 this harlot is described as the "great city". Now who is the "great city"? Go to Rev. 11:8. And their bodies will lie in the street of the "great city", which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. Where was their and our Lord crucified? = Jerusalem. Persecution of Christians, did not begin in Rome.
@stephenatkinson480 2 года назад
I love Sam. But I disagree with that view. No dispensationalist believe in two different gospels. Or two different people of God. At the same time we understand that there many Old Testament prophecies that have not come to past concerning the nation Israel. And when the time of the gentiles are fully come then God is going to bring about his promises to the nation Israel not through another Gospel but through the Death Burial and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Two hold any other view than historic premillennialism does injustice to the text of scripture. I say this with respect.
@George-ur8ow 4 года назад
After some study, I've found that Amillenialism does have some scriptural foundation. I would not deign to think it is heresy. It is derived from more of a spiritual reading of the Word rather than a literal one. Also, Amillenialism does not believe in a pre-tribulational rapture, which is why I can't harp on it too much. It stands for the position that the "thousand year" kingdom is allegorical, that Christ now reigning in heaven represents the "thousand years" before the "new heaven and new earth" in Revelation 21:1. Much of this is based off of 2 Peter 3:10,12 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up" "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." The Day of the Lord is without question the day that Christ returns. If the elements and the earth are being burned up and heavens are to pass specifically on that day, does it not reason to think the new heaven and new earth follow the day of the Lord, and not a literal, 1000 year earthly Kingdom? (Further, "My Kingdom is not of this world" "the Kingdom of God is within you" "The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you" "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth" "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out") How to rectify the two? Are we to read 2 Peter 3 literally? Or Rev 20 literally? Neither? It does not appear we can read both literally. A mystery, one reason I have not dismissed Amillenialism entirely. The stronger position scripturally from a literal reading is undoubtedly in a literal 1000 year kingdom. However, Revelation is a very allegorical book. Any serious comments are more than welcome
@TheGatheringPlaceGP 4 года назад
Great, you’re going in the right direction. Amillennialism is correct. And 2Peter 3:10 is correct. So Christ return then is post millennial if the millennium is Amillennial, which it is. Amillennialism then is the quality of the millennium.
@George-ur8ow 4 года назад
@@TheGatheringPlaceGP it appears to have a solid foundation. I have not made up my mind entirely, yet. It has been a shock to the system to say the least. I am continuing to read and pray on this. It really puts to rest the tangible, fleshly aspect of "rewards" for many who come from a Protestant theological background. Frankly, It changes the way one reads the Bible. It re-emphasizes the spiritual, intangible means for the delivery of the promises of God, which, in the end, is a central piece of what being a Christian is all about in the first place. Indeed, there's no other way to be saved than through intangible means. I think there is something to be said for that. Just thinking now about the following: Galatians 3:3 says "Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" (He was speaking about following the old testament law, but, I believe this verse also finds application when discussing the nature of the Kingdom of God); and 1 Cor. 15:50 "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption"; and Col. 1:12-13 "Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son" A lot to think on.
@TheGatheringPlaceGP 4 года назад
George yes, it can be a lot to take in. Jesus was talking to the woman at the well and said “in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem shall men worship the Father, but in spirit and in truth”. So Zechariah seeing nations come to Jerusalem to worship the Lord in feast of Tabernacles must be seen through the eyes of Jesus. Galatians 4, around the 25,26 verse Paul begins to explain about the Jerusalem that was in bondage, and the Jerusalem above, or the heavenly Jerusalem. This heavenly Jerusalem was created after Christ death on the cross and he rules from this place. The Hebrew writer says in chapter 12, we are not come unto that earthly mountain, but the heavenly Jerusalem. I believe when the earthly Jerusalem was destroyed in A.D.70, the heavenly Jerusalem came down from heaven in the Spirit, but will appear when Christ who is our life shall appear at the end of history. The kingdom didn’t come with observation (Luke 17:20) but it came with a sound on the day of Pentecost inside of the heart of the church.
@ricoparadiso 3 года назад
George, I am ex-Dispensationalist, not necessarily by choice but because I found conflict with what the Word states & what dispensational teachings say of the separation between Jews & current believers, this I consider the most vital because it deals withe the Church although there are many other issues I have with dispensational teaching. Please read these verses in regard to the one & only plan God has had for mans salvation(Faith. It was never works for the Jews) as well as the fact that there are no longer “Jews or Gentiles” God sees no separation today between the 2 peoples as He once did because Gentiles have been grafted in and so nullifying this previous seperation, meaning there is no possible way a dispensational, future need for fulfillment of a 7 year recompensing of Israel is necessary. Anyways, the verses: hebrews 9-10 Romans 9:30-33 (Genesis 15:6) “Abraham believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.” (Galatians:3:11) “But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.” (Quoting Habakkuk 2:4) “by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin”(Romans:3:20) (Hebrews:11:30-33) “By faith the walls of Jericho fell down.... By faith the harlot Rahab perished not...when she had received the spies with peace...Time would fail me to tell of Gideon...Barak...Samson...Jephthae...David also...Samuel, and the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.” Paul wrote that the purpose of the Law was to serve as a “schoolmaster [tutor] to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith” (Galatians:3:24)
@ricoparadiso 3 года назад
I am also here open-minded as you are because I have leaned towards this view due to my new understanding of just how vital the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD is to the ultimate fulfillment of Jewish Prophecy. It is the culmination of the Old Covenant & ways of Gods chosen in order to usher in the New Covenant, the new Kingdom of God that no longer needs a temple as God rests in the hearts & minds of man through the Holy Spirit as told by Jeremiah etc. It is clear that God rules His Church in a new way now and this “ Millennial Reign” falls exactly in line with that. I cannot deny these biblical truths & reading Revelation with this understanding has completely shifted how I see it. You say this spiritualizes the text yet I believe it falls exactly in line with the entire book of Revelation that takes many allegorical/spiritual pictures from Daniel,Ezekiel, Genesis, etc. to relay a story. This vast “Kingdom” of believers on the earth is a *new* phenomenon, previously in the Old Covenant God was restricted to one people, one geological location; that being Israel & the Jews. Today there are Christians around the world professing Jesus, how can we ignore & not wonder why scripture would not speak of this huge shift in history? It does! As well as speaks of this huge destruction & scattering of everything the Jews once knew. In dispensational thinking they barely even mention 70AD! I was perplexed and couldnt accept the idea God would skim through such a vital part of Daniels prophecy and then there it was, in Matthew 24; the majority of that text speaking not of future “end times” but of the end of the old jewish age, the end of the temple & city just as Daniel prophesied. The Millennial Reign in Rev20 matches this ushering in of Gods dominion within the vast Church across the globe in this unique age that has followed that final destruction in 70Ad.
@mr.seapig2811 3 года назад
Excellent commentary by Sam storms that the Heir of salvation is Jesus Christ and those who are “in Christ“ as those who were in Noah’s Ark were saved. Jesus Christ is the “Israel of God“. The word Israel means prince of God and we as Christians are the bride of the prince of God, Jesus Christ.
@Oofglobber 5 лет назад
I appreciate this interview. His voice sounds like he would have a beard.
@vanessastewart9733 4 года назад
No he doesn't have a beard as I remember but he has one of the nicest smiles. He is a very nice person.
@1lebero 4 года назад
If it wasn't for Dispensationalist in the 1900's All of Evangelical Christianity would have turned into the Lutheran Church ELCA.
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
At 16:07 he is talking about the real issue of how you see Israel. And the interview or totally changes the subject. Not a good interviewer. He should have asked a question to elaborate on that key point.
@binnytinn2846 7 лет назад
The mark (sign) of the beast was instituted with Cain and his rebellion against God. It was the indicator of God giving man over to a reprobate mind for rejecting the knowledge of God (Rom 1:28). This mark (sign) on Cain was the right to self defense and preservation through the establishment of fallen human government. Gen 4:24...If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. The word 'mark' Hebrew: (owt) is the same word used for the sign of the covenant that God would make with Noah/rainbow, Abraham/circumcision, Moses/sabbath indicating their covenant relation with God. In the case of Cain, the one who went out from the presence of the Lord..Gen 4:16, the sign indicated independence from God and covenant rejection which would climax in judgement with the flood.
@biblehistoryscience3530 6 лет назад
Binny Tinn, that's an interesting insight. And I believe that Cain was a type of the Antichrist beast.
@rayortiz6189 6 лет назад
ooooo nice!
@shawndurham297 5 лет назад
Binny Tinn wow. Never thought of that.
@kimmykimko Год назад
But what about buying and selling?
@SteveShin85 3 года назад
Amill is according to human thinking, not Gods word
@LouisaWatt 3 года назад
I was listening to Voddie about this subject and it seems to make the most sense of the text to me, especially when you look at the key of God an Magog mentioned after the millennium. I think God needs physical Israel in place for the fulfillment of prophecy purely for that reason.
@kdb7478 4 года назад
Thank Dr Sam stroms for your Explaination about the second coming of Christ..
@leelee7998 Год назад
I believe the revelation can be interpreted by one scripture why do the nation rage and imagine a vain thing the point is no one is innocent both fallen angels and man are guilty for its God and his anointed who is offended as Pilate says I find no fault God is not at fault yet he is challenge by all things
@ronbo30 3 года назад
We’re in the Bible specifically. Does it say no more death after his second coming?
@kimmykimko Год назад
1 Corinthians 15
@wk1810 6 лет назад
Amil to Calvinism, Postmil to Arminianism (sp?), Premil to Judaism Look, God preached through Noah for 120 years while he built the ark, then it was finished and they entered the ark and the waters came and the opportunity for salvation was over. Lot lived in Sodom as salt to those around him and when he sent cries up to the Lord, He came to that city to verify and finding what He did He sent Lot and his family out, then rained fire on the city and the opportunity to repent was over. Few there are who be saved. So, I believe, will happen the same way in our time. Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation, but it will come to an end and all will see it end just like Noah and Lot did in their day.
@steveringer636 2 года назад
Wonderful! Very helpful!
@lancegoy9180 2 года назад
I hate Mr. Storms.
@beliefbite 2 года назад
Wow, that's sick
@lavieenrose5954 Год назад
Why do you hate him? Because of a difference in your eschatological view?
@lancegoy9180 Год назад
@@lavieenrose5954 I should not hate those who are messed up like Mr. Storms.
@MrKC23 3 года назад
So so good
@judyswiderski2682 4 года назад
Does Dallas Theological teach replacement theology? If so the only choice would be as you teach. There are two groups, the church called believers, and unsaved Jews. Jacobs' trouble is God dealing with the unsaved Jews. If they have been dropped by God then Jacob's trouble makes no sense. We call that time great tribulation.
@ethanhocking8229 4 года назад
At the moment, I'm finding myself inclined to think that Jacob's trouble was the Jewish Revolt of AD 66-73. I'm a Jewish Christian, by the way, and I really enjoyed hearing Dr. Storms' perspective.
@judyswiderski2682 4 года назад
@@ethanhocking8229 You certainly can enjoy listening to him. Just know some of the problems err ms with replacementvtheology. It in essence says that God gave up on the Jews. The fact that there is now a spiritual Israel negates the Jews. But remember, God made the covenant eith Abrahsm. God walked between the split animals. God is faithful and true. Jesus said, O Jerusaem, Jerusalem, thou that killed the prophets and stonestreet them which are sent into the, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gatherer her chickens under her wings, and ye would not. Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. [70 AD] . For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lorf. [That has yet to happen.] Matthew 23:37-39. Zechariah 12:10. Paul wrote of the AntiChrist, And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2 Thessalonians 2:8. As you read through the Old Testament, you not only see the mercy and long suffering of God, but you will see what He will caused the Jews to become. Oh, how He loves them! Many preach the pre tribulation. And that seems correct as the saints will be in heaven singing their song of gratitude, Revelation 5:10 before the Lamb opens the first seal, 6:1. However there is aldo a time of great tribulation which could in part at least, come before the testingvrhat will come th o Jacob to bring them to the end of themselves. Revelation speaks of many things, but the 144,000 evangelists from the 12 tribes of Israel seem to show that there is a reason for the time of the end of the Gentiles and God putting His focus on the Jews. Blessings as He reveals more and more of Himself to you.
@ethanhocking8229 4 года назад
@@judyswiderski2682 It's not replacement theology. It's covenant theology. The Church has not replaced Israel. It has expanded Israel. Christ is not polygamous. He only has one Bride. And in Romans 11, there is only one olive tree. God has only one chosen people: the elect. If Paul had wanted to say that God has two chosen peoples, surely he would have said that God planted two olive trees? But instead, there is just one; Israel is the root, and the gentiles are the graft-ins. Abraham was a gentile. But out of Abraham, God drew the people of Israel to represent God's elect. Then in the New Testament, God's established people are expanded to include gentiles. And all believers in Christ from Adam to the last convert before Christ's return will be gathered into one Bride for the New Jerusalem. God certainly has not given up on Israel. That's why Paul foretells in Romans 11 that there will be a final mass revival among the Jewish people before the end. Remember that this earth is temporal. It's all going to be burned up eventually.
@judyswiderski2682 4 года назад
@@ethanhocking8229 Are you saying that Dallas Theological does not teach replacement theology? Replacement theology is that the church is the new or true Israel that has permanently replaced or superceded Israel as the people of God.
@ethanhocking8229 4 года назад
@@judyswiderski2682 Dallas Theological Seminary teaches premillennial dispensationalism. They are very much proponents of the pre-trib view. One of the most prominent proponents of the view, in fact. They do not believe in replacement theology. Neither do they believe in covenant theology. They are pre-tribulational. They believe that ethnic Israel continues to have a central role in God's plan for the nations and in the end times.
@markrogers7546 6 лет назад
Amillennialism- the not-so-glorious hope!
@Mario_1611 5 лет назад
Mark Rogers The glorious Hope is the physical appearance of Christ. We believe that. Stop being rude.
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
@@Mario_1611 so you believe the very next event to take place is when Christ returns destroys the Antichrist judges the wicked and we are automatically on a new Heaven and the new Earth? Does ethnic Israel play any part turn the location? I thought when Messiah returns oh, even if it is the last day that everything unfolds in Israel of your position consider Israel to be just like any other land and it has no significance towards the unfolding of end time events. Then add preterism to the mix. No wonder everyone is confused
@daystar39 4 года назад
I the idea of the millennial kingdom being an intermediate state in heaven right now is so bogus...that dawg win't hunt...dispensations, made up whole cloth, is worse.
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
I have a question I'm waiting to get answered and it always gets answered depending on a person's christology in a different way. If God the father was married to Israel but he also calls Israel his first born son and we also see that we are betrothed to Christ as our husband. I believe Christ is a messiah and was part of Israel so how can he be the husband of the church if the church is Israel and how can Israel be the husband of God if both the church and Israel are the same? I believe Yahweh the father is the only true God by the way.
@tretaylor1230 4 года назад
With all do respect I’ve seen a few of your comments on this and I don’t see why you are concerned with any of this, or the Bible in general for that matter if you don’t believe what it says. Read the book of John my friend. Jesus isn’t A messiah he is THE messiah the savior of the world. Him and the Father are one. The father has given him all authority and all power. I’ll be praying for you. Read Isaiah 9:6-7. Read Hebrews 1. If you don’t believe any of it. (I hope you do, or come to) Then if I were you I wouldn’t be worried about it honestly.
@bardowesselius4121 3 года назад
@@tretaylor1230Jesus is the means and vessel through whom God works and saves. It is you who does not understand. Jesus is the image of God. Not God Himself. Jesus has a God, read John 20:17 and Rev. 3:12. The word in John is the plan and purpose of God, in context the good news proclaimed at the beginning of the new creation. Isaiah 9:6 is prophecy with two fulfilments in Hezekiah and later Jesus who both would bare the name (authority) of their God.
@bardowesselius4121 3 года назад
This is a good question. I tend to see it as a marriage within a marriage. Of course all in the spiritual. Jesus is clearly Israel but also the bridegroom to the ekklesia. But I don't have all the answers as well.
@mr.e1220 3 года назад
@@bardowesselius4121 That was 9 months ago. I believe the Bible is all about Israel. Jesus came ONLY for the lost sheep of Israel, the scattered Israelites. None of the bible is about us today. Jesus said much would happen in That 1st generation. God only loved Israel, no other people. Seed of Abraham, the elect are ISRAELITES. NOT US. Jesus died for the sin committed UNDER THE FIRST COVENANT, that is not us. He was born under the law to redeem them that were UNDER THE CURSE OF THE LAW. Again, that's not anyone today.
@TheGatheringPlaceGP 6 лет назад
@kentfink9509 3 года назад
This guy's theology is so messed up
@drooge42 7 лет назад
the papacy allways was and is
@rexcavalier 4 года назад
The Antichrist or the power of lawlessness was already present and doing his evil works even during the first century A.D. but he was covered back then, hidden, or a mystery. The power of darkness was not yet chained at that time so he was hindering the revelation of this power of wickedness. After all the saints died in the flesh, the people began to turn away from the truth. Eventually, the saints were defeated and to be oppressed to test their loyalty and the people became subjects of the evil power as their punishment. This power set up his seat above the saints, and claimed himself as the high priest and the holy father and head over the church of God. He wielded his great authority over the church for 1,260 years until 1798. From that year,, the sword of judgment was sent and disarmed this evil power and his kingdom began to break in pieces. I believe now that the true church is restored and now executing God's righteous judgment and this fair judgment will also last 1,260 years. This hour or day is described like a fiery furnace, a time of drought and heat to test all trees and plants of the earth. Blessed are those who trust in God and he is their hope, for they will be like trees planted near a living river. He will not be afraid in the time of heat but he will thrive and bear its fruit at his appointed time.
@drooge42 4 года назад
@@rexcavalier yeah in the cessars
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
What makes me nervous is Roman Catholics are amil usually and anti Israel. I like the amil view, but usually goes w preterism. There are so many verses that can be interpreted as God is going to restore the nation of Israel in the end times but others say that all those prophecies have been fulfilled already. Both sides have very good Scholars so I haven't been able to figure it out yet.
@George-ur8ow 4 года назад
Spent the last two years focused on this subject, admittedly still a lot to learn on my end. What helped me at the start of this journey was reading Romans 9-11 w/out any bible commentary or someone interpreting it for me. A key passage is right near the start of Romans 9: 6-7, and also Galatians 3, a wonderful chapter. "For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children" (Rom. 9:6-7) "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ." (Gal. 3:16) "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Gal 3:26,29) Several years in now, based on a reading of scripture I've come to the conclusion that it is either post-trib premillenial, or amillenial. Both have some strengths and some weaknesses (this is just my opinion, of course). Reading many passages LITERALLY strengthens post-trib premillenialism, reading many passages with more of a SPIRITUAL lens on strengthens amillenialism. Sometimes it is exceedingly difficult to determine when to apply one over the other. May God bless you on your journey, keep reading your Bible!
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
@@George-ur8ow yes brother, this is a very intriguing subject. I will say for sure that I know there is deception here for a reason. Somebody is deceiving the majority of Christianity and almost all the seminaries. Israel is something important to God. Israel is the apple of his eye. If you read Deuteronomy 28 it is an everlasting scripture to identify who the Israelites are. If they obey they received the list of blessings but if they disobey, which they did, all those curses would follow whatever people are the Israelites, ethnically. They sure are not the state that was developed in 1948 by Britain just giving that sliver of land in the East and naming it Israel. That place is not the true Israel at all. I also wavered between Amil and post-trib premillennial. It's like being crazy. They oppose each other as opposites. All of those that hold to Amil position always spiritualize Israel and it doesn't line up with scripture. It is true that the promises are in Messiah , and not all Israel are Israel. There is only a Remnant that will be saved. Some hold to the position that the Gentiles in Romans 11 being grafted into Israel are actually the Israelites from the scattered tribes that were known as Gentiles. Keep in mind Jesus did say he came only for the lost sheep of Israel.
@George-ur8ow 4 года назад
@@mr.e1220 I'm confident it cannot be 100% understood, some things are supposed to be a mystery I think. Not saying I agree with everything in this documentary I watched, "Marching to Zion" from a baptist pastor (he's post-trib, pre-mill) but it did open my eyes and made me consider some things I formerly had not. You can find it on youtube. Have you watched it?
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
@@George-ur8ow I will do a search and watch it tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think. Thanks
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
@@George-ur8ow OMG...that guy is a...well, he's pretty much a jerk and I have seen videos by him before. I never heard of his documentary and didn't know it was him. I think he's a false teacher. I'll check out the documentary anyway.
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
22:50 makes me question if there can be any Torah observant Christian that has this particular View. Even if I believe that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Passover the feasts and the Sabbath we still must keep these holy unto Yahweh. Torah must be for today even though Jesus Christ is the Fulfillment. Sin is transgression of the Torah. Until Heaven and Earth passes away and we are on a new Heaven and Earth the law remains.
@George-ur8ow 4 года назад
I researched this notion quite a bit as well. Check out 2 Cor 3:7-18, Colossians 2:16, Romans 14:5, Galatians 4:10. I'll with hold my opinion but I am convinced of it after spending a lot of time looking for the answer
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
@@George-ur8ow I looked at those verses and they teach quite the opposite that most people believe. For instance, Galatians 4:10 calls the dates that they are keeping as weak and beggarly. These are obviously man-made traditions and not speaking about the days or feast or sabbaths of Yahweh. Show me one verse where God's law is called weak and beggarly.
@George-ur8ow 4 года назад
@@mr.e1220 it is called "bondage" in chapter 4, the "ministration of death, written and engraven in stone" in 2 corinthians, in fact, 2 Cor 3 is a great summary. Do you happen to come from an SDA background? Or perhaps a "hebrew roots" background
@stevewiddows 4 года назад
Good truth up until the application to our life regarding the mark... i am amazed that an intelligent spiritual man, AND PASTOR, would be so casual as to flippantly dismiss the taking of a chip implant in order to buy merchandise!! Dr. Storm! would you take the implant? Would you pronounce blessing upon it to the youth of your congregation when it becomes available a few yrs from now!? Wow!
@zcadwresx 4 года назад
I found myself saying the same sort of thing. Why are we here. If there is another reason, other than to ultimately be with Christ or Satan, then the whole war of good against evil thing would be wrong. Then it wouldn't matter. If it is a war for our souls, the mark of the beast would make sense. I too am not going to stop looking for it and take it, because one person says so.
@larrydarst3675 3 года назад
@rhondaweber5638 5 лет назад
Isreal is defined by God as people governed by the Shepherd of Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2, Matt 2:6) That Shepard is Jesus Christ, not Netanyahu. The biblical Israel has always been the followers of the blood of the lamb, not the blood of Jacob. (Exodus) The Revelation whore of Babylon is "that great city where our Lord was crucified." (Rev 11:8) "In her saw all the blood of the prophets" (Rev 18:24) and "it can not be that a prophet perish outside of Jerusalem." (Luke 13:33) Satan's last days IS pretending to be Jews. (Rev 2:9, 3:9) The 5 books of Moses reveals that the frauds in Palestine are not the Jews of the bible, "he is not a Jew which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh, but he is a jew inwardly; circumcision of the heart, in the spirit; and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men but of God.(Roman's 2:28,29) Israel, the nation is the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.
@wilsonwaigwa520 4 года назад
I am still studying. Are you an amillenial?
@rhondaweber5638 4 года назад
@@wilsonwaigwa520 I'm gen X.
@wilsonwaigwa520 4 года назад
@@rhondaweber5638 As in whats your eschatological view/ position?
@bardowesselius4121 3 года назад
Agreed, it is all counterfeit. With fruits of violence, deception and terrorism. But the deception is strong, I learned this only a few years ago and resisted at first.
@kendalkenny1843 5 лет назад
@michelhaineault6654 5 лет назад
there is no verses in all the new testament saying Christ is coming back ON EARTH not even the shadow of one.
@michaelshelnutt3534 5 лет назад
They get it from the OT. Passages like he will stand on the Mt. Of Olives, is another place...
@michelhaineault6654 5 лет назад
@@michaelshelnutt3534 this is about the first coming
@michaelshelnutt3534 5 лет назад
@@michelhaineault6654 Yeah, but they think it is still future because the mountain didn't literally split. They ignore the symbolism of OT prophecies and insist on a literal- physical fulfillment. Poor hermeneutics, in my opinion.
@mikegusler7805 5 лет назад
Revelation 21 & 22
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
@@michelhaineault6654 it seemed like his disciples were ready for him to restore the kingdom they're in Jerusalem. Jesus tells them that the time to do that is in the father's will. So he acknowledges that he will have a kingdom on Earth. What about the new Heaven and the new Earth?
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