
The Friendship Is OVER 

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@gannicusfinch7068 3 года назад
The guy who was the "glue" for the rest of the group got laid off and had to move for work. The rest of us really had nothing in common.
@thebaldcat6708 3 года назад
How long were you guys friends?
@gannicusfinch7068 3 года назад
@@thebaldcat6708 Not really long, honestly. Maybe two years. We all moved to the same area to start with the same employer at around the same time, so we hung out with each other by default. Some guys got absorbed into other groups, some guys got married off, etc.
@thebaldcat6708 3 года назад
@@gannicusfinch7068 I was mostly asking because if you guys knew each other for like five years or something and never got to know each other I think you would deserve to fall apart. Two years and only hanging around each other because you all like one guy that makes sense that when he’s gone so is the group
@rogerramjet6429 3 года назад
I found I wasn't getting invited to events, on the basis I'm not married, nor do I have kids. Then I started working with someone I'd known since 1985, only to find, we're from different planets. When your apparent "best mate" moves to another house, in an entirely different suburb, but doesn't tell you for 10 months, then take notice of that red flag fast.
@andrewscott848 3 года назад
3:46 sounds a lot like Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated from Fred's point of View. The only thing missing is the dog.
@whatd0605 3 года назад
lol you're right.
@oz_jones 3 года назад
It is.
@eightw5783 3 года назад
I thought it was from Scoob's pov. :D
@Meela9088 3 года назад
@@eightw5783 i think it’s from fred’s
@aeoligarlic4024 3 года назад
Spot on, but the only thing got mixed up is that velma was the one crushing on shaggy
@artemisiana 3 года назад
Life happens… if you have someone that genuinely cares and wants to spend time together, treasure it. Most of us (me included) are friends by convenience, once the situation that bring us together ends… automatically our interest degrades. Took me time to cope up with the situational friend thing, but now I can accept our circumstances.
@somerandomwizard5799 3 года назад
I came for horror stories, and got hit with ‘life happened and we drifted.’
@aeoligarlic4024 3 года назад
The first one is just very common and normal.. the important thing is to be able to pick up where it left iff when u can finally meet up someday
@ryzukumagawa7143 3 года назад
Lot less drama than I thought
@toonyrhythm3173 3 года назад
Clickbait titles
@kitkat5339 2 месяца назад
Yeah. It’s all just adulthood creeping up.
@TheGloriousLeader 3 года назад
I’m fortunate the majority of my friend groups are within 30-40 minutes of me. We chat on a daily basis in groups, schedule 2-3 day meetups per year, and our paths randomly will cross on a regular basis with about 50 percent of the group. I’m incredibly thankful for that.
@phucbich7581 3 года назад
3:47 yeah this happened to a friend group of mine a while back where there was always tension right below the surface. A kind of tension that pulled and push us apart and dragged us back in until it just snapped and it was all gone. I haven’t seen any of them in years. 1 day made 6 years of friendship disappear without a trace like it was never there In the first place.
@BigDsmoke 3 года назад
That "I quit drinking " DEFINITELY resonates with me. 3yrs ago I got Acute Kidney Failure and the kidney specialist said if I hadn't come in to the hospital Thursday evening I would have never seen Saturday. Fortunately I was able to recover but I had stopped drinking a couple weeks prior because I was so sick I couldn't. So I stayed with it & changed up a few things as being told I was 36hrs or less away from dying at 42yo with an 18yo son who lives wit me & depends on me scared the crap outta me!! Anyway a few months later a good friend of mine had a birthday BBQ and invited me saying "I kno u quit drinking but there's plenty of smoke so you won't be left out" as tho if I have no substances in me I couldn't have fun. Last invite I got from that friend group & realized we were drinkin buddies not friends. I also had 6 failed back surgeries so I'm a bit limited which also had ppl slowly stop calling. Was at a funeral just yesterday & saw a couple buddies & after funeral they said they was headed to da bar & said "Would tell ya to come but they don't have NA beers " and laughed his ass off.
@sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 3 года назад
4:08 Oh my fucking god, is that the Scooby gang?
@oz_jones 3 года назад
Yes, lol
@absolutelyridiculous6743 3 года назад
My last high school friend recently ghosted me. It makes me wonder if she's going through something that she refuses to discuss with me (which is fine, btw) or I was not the friend she needed. It makes me deeply sad, she we were so close and I thought we were forever friends. I knew her since we were around 9 years old.
@TheGloriousLeader 3 года назад
I have someone who did this to me. We were both classmates, but considered eachother siblings. I was the first person she called when her dad died, and she and I would talk for hours on end. Then all of a sudden, she stopped responding to a conversation, and hasn’t talked to me since 2017. We had known eachother since 2007.
@absolutelyridiculous6743 3 года назад
@@TheGloriousLeader That's awful. I wish we knew what was going on so we could fix things or accept their walking away.
@TheGloriousLeader 3 года назад
@@absolutelyridiculous6743 yeah. I can be ok if they’ve moved on. I just want to know, so if I need to, I can apologize if I inadvertently said anything insensitive or whatever. My hypothesis is as time went on she started to have feelings for me(m29), but she never said anything of the sort. I’m already married, but we stayed really close friends up until that point. She was really good friends with my wife too, and hasn’t talked to her since. I know she’s still around because I’ve seen her on social media in recent years/months, so thankfully it’s not a suicide situation. I just miss her and want to reconnect some day.
@jakethehulk 3 года назад
I want both of you to reach out if you feel that you can. Maybe that's all it will take to rekindle your friendships or maybe it won't but at least you'll have tried.
@TheGloriousLeader 3 года назад
@@jakethehulk I tried about a year ago. Nothing.
@lieferal4984 3 года назад
Hindsight is a funny thing. My old group was centred around around a couple and the guy in that relationship ticked all the boxes of a sociopath. He was charming and set you up for opportunities but whilst he was single he was dangerous to be around, that's if you was dating someone. Fast forward a few years and he ended his 2 yr long serious relationship, with a woman who was like a ''mum'' of our group. This fragmented the group into us all taking sides unknowingly. I was an idiot, so despite being screwed over by the guy before I kept him company.. Then he s**ually assaulted my fwb, who was also a long time friend of our group. Ultimately I decided to cut all contact with the group that sided with him because they were gullible and believed that it was all a simple misunderstanding. This's despite the guy being shunned for s**ually assaulting at least three other women over the years and not to mention... screwing over our entire friend group in various ways, for his own gratification.
@Extraxi274 3 года назад
All these "life was simple once" like posts had some hella pampered lives
@xXSarahSacrificeXx 3 года назад
Drama and life. Had a pretty decent sized group in high school. We were pretty much the outcast at a cliquey school. Started to fall apart when one girl decided to tell our other friend about her romances with other friends boyfriend after the 2 were together for 3 years and other chick already had a boyfriend for 1 1/2, whom she married after graduation. I got dropped like a sack of potatoes at the end of high school by the girls because my boyfriend (now fiancee of 10 years) did date my friends way before we were involved together and I was a transfer student. Was never really given a reason why I got outcasted by them only other than because the 2 of us were together. The other half fell deep into the drug life. After 2013 it was me, my fiancee, and an old friend I had from 3rd grade. Unfortunately she changed a lot after leaving for uni. She stopped trying to make time for us to hang out, would cancel plans to go do different plans with new friends, would say shed be there for us when we needed a hand but wasnt able to help when asked, etc. For awhile We would talk on occasion using social media but after covid it completely died out with her. It is what it is. Although it sucks that the fallouts happened the way that they did I still hope that life is treating them well wherever they are and the other half I hope will find peace somewhere..
@aCannoli 10 месяцев назад
I have a friend group that is currently falling apart. We all lived together for a year, but then two graduated, one kept trying to intimidate me(im the only girl in the group), and the other two are my boyfriend and current housemate. It fell apart because the guy who was trying to intimidate me didn't know my boyfriend and housemate were paying attention. It happened the whole time we all lived together, but he was careful with making sure no one was around. It was a scary Sunday, but now it's been a month and our discord is no longer being used.
@kendoruslink7017 3 года назад
We all know Mario Kart is responsible for ending all friendships
@danielsilver1244 3 года назад
And Smash Bros. And Monopoly and/or Risk.
@xXSarahSacrificeXx 3 года назад
Mario kart and Brawl in senior lounge did break many friendships
@DG-mk7kd 3 года назад
D&D group stopped meeting because of pandemic, never restarted.
@elroma7712 3 года назад
I feel ya
@josephgalvez5048 6 месяцев назад
Much the same with my core group - life happened. One went off to college, one moved across country and started a family. Despite this, I’m still friends with them and I make sure to keep up on things and see them whenever I can. If a friendship is strong enough it can survive growing up and even growing apart. In the time since I’ve created other friendships around hobbies and interests I’ve developed as I’ve gotten older. Life is a journey and not everyone who was there with you at first will be with you in the end, but some will and you should cherish the good times.
@christopherrobledo1801 3 года назад
I have 2 bestfriends pretty much the only people i only share my secrets and insecurities with... It all went down when bff#2 forgot that he has plans with bff#1 and bff#1 waited for legitimately 4 hours and ended our 2 year friendship in text messages... I tried to bring them back together but bff#1 really hates him... I cant blame bff#2 since he really have major family problems at that time and was having a bad time...
@itsIzzyyyy 3 года назад
Coronavirus, online school/ face to face school, they changed their “aesthetics” (what does that mean? ihdk) we literally have nothing in common anymore it’s like we’re strangers now. I only talk to my guy bsf but he’s in another country so he’s busy half of the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@violetocean7846 3 года назад
oh! I have one! not a group, but my best friend and I. we had been friends for YEARS, nearly a decade I believe, and it all fell apart when she made a comment about my s3xu4l preferences on her and her fiancé's podcast. the podcast doesn't have a major reach outside of mutual friends and acquaintances, but she still spoke about me by name and tried to make it a joke. I don't listen to the podcast, so the only reason I found out about it is because SHE TOLD ME ABOUT IT, like it was something for me to be flattered about. When I didn't give her the excited reaction that she wanted, her tune changed and all of a sudden she stated she was drinking and it was all fun and games, no harm done. She insisted that "no one knows me" or "no one will know it was me" and that I should be excited because she was "thinking about me." When I STILL didn't give her the reaction she wanted, I explained to her that I was hurt because I told her that information about my preferences in confidence and how I am uncomfortable with what she did. She kept trying to downplay it and wouldn't apologize. she kept saying "sorry you feel that way." like, wtf? NO. YOU hurt me and violated my trust, but you can't say sorry?! there were other aspects to the conversation, but that is the gist. I stopped texting her and haven't talked to her since. This was back in January. Still no apology, no reaching out, and she recently unfriended me on social media. which is fine. I don't plan on reaching out, and unless she truly apologizes. i consider the friendship over. stepping back from it now, i do see a lot more things that were said and done that i swept under the rug because of how long we had been friends. we did do a lot for one another and were there for each other fairly equally, but her inability to apologize for violating my privacy AND trust is something that I cannot accept without an actual apology.
@granziii12 3 года назад
I moved away. One went into a life of crime. One dropped off the grid. One became a self-righteous pothead prick. One fell in with a bad crowd and never learned how to manage his depression. One became a heroin addict. One killed herself. I felt so guilty. I felt like it should have been me who had all that bad shit happen. I was the screw up. I was the problem child. It should have been me. They were good people. Better than me.
@kitkat5339 2 месяца назад
I joined the military, which obviously sent me to far flung places. Friends, “when are you coming home?” That road goes two ways, but no one ever could be bothered.
@Pero-zl4jp 3 года назад
There were over 20-30 of us (it was many groups combined into one) so clearly it was not going to go well. Every mini group was separated due to this girl who everyone knew was the leader and kept every group separated and would include only people she wanted in the group and others who she didn’t care for she would spread rumors about. Long story short, this didn’t work and everyone went behind her back and left the main group chat which made her try to keep everyone under her thumb and spread lies around which sadly worked and split some people in the group ever since. Now all the mini groups finally connected but not in the way everyone wanted. It was far worse than I make it sound though.
@Dog-tw4rz 3 года назад
Oh baby. To summarize a long shitshow, their twitter mentality caused the whole server to self destruct.
@youngdolo8 3 года назад
Just gonna preface this by stating that the group as a whole is still together, minus one girl. For four years, the group was set: 6 boys and a girl. We were as thick as thieves. That summer, a new girl joined our class from the all-girls school and we became instant friends, me especially. And I really liked her. _Really_ liked her. So the group still bollocksed about with an extra fanny for another year. That summer, new girl comes to me with a horror story about the horrible abuse she's after getting from an older friend of mine. (Not by much, he was only in the year above us in school.) Admittedly I was thinking with the wrong head at the time and I believed her outright. Two weeks later, the truth comes out in the form of *24* screenshots proving she lied to me, and she's been the one abusing him. And the other girl in our group, someone I love. I used a lot of four-letter words in my next conversation with that girl and thought that would be it. Halfway through the summer, I found out that was wrong. One of the boys in the group gets really thick with me one day and just says "Will you fuckin talk to this girl?!" She'd been texting him since I cut her off, begging him to make me talk to her. I didn't, and it led to a lot of bad decisions in Sixth Year from a behavioural point of view. She only got worse, starting rumours about me and playing victim. The last straw was in February 2019 when we happened to be going on the same train to Athlone for unrelated business, and she tried to talk to me again. I told her to "Ciss off, punt." That's all I said. Later that night, I had a cop at my house. She'd reported me for harassment and I almost got expelled from school. To this day, the other 7 of us don't talk to her, or about her. It's as if she never existed.
@billybobjoe1335 3 года назад
That Scooby-Doo one.
@handsomesquidward5160 2 года назад
Always the one to reach out and try to make an effort, keep finding out I'm not being invited to things.
@devnotes00 3 года назад
Two ended up moving and getting married. One is still in the hometown as a hopeless romantic. I'm preparing to move to attend college. So yeah, we just ended up having other priorities in life.
@NACHOZMusic 2 года назад
Man, I was expecting some juicy drama with this, but most of these are just sad…
@aperson9210 3 года назад
The one Mutual friend moved away and second in command got a big head and was suddenly too good for everyone. Then the school year ended because Covid and no one really talked over the summer. I see some of them in the halls sometimes I always think of what could have been.
@-DumpsterFire 3 года назад
i had said something that upset someone else so i apologized and it was forgotten for a week or so before it was brought up again and used against me. they used me as their little verbal punching bag so i made excuses to stay home until one moved away which broke the group apart just leaving me and my best friend who was on my side. now me and best friend play minecraft on their Xbox
@superscribe6651 3 года назад
We graduated highschool and I moved out of the city, and they stayed together, whatever, they were real jerks now looking back
@aimeeharding8097 3 года назад
We went to the beach on day, a girl trashed talked all of her ex’s (a lot of them were there), said her most recent ex apparently forced himself on her (he hadn’t, this girl had a habit of ending her relationship but burning bridges), and she called my best friend a racist, (she wasn’t, she said she didn’t understand why the statues were getting pulled down, back when that was happening), she had a habit of just interrupting people, wedging me away from the group, and then after her boyfriend came she didn’t talk to us. So from then on about half of the group abandoned that girl in particular. And the other half of the group were more concerned over a missing speaker, the twat of the group that owned the speaker started posted racist, anti lgbt, child porn etc. And his little cohorts joined in, including this girl (who identified as bisexual?). Anyway someone ended up reporting this half of the group to a teacher at school, I cut off everyone who had upset me and I can assume other people done the same. Got cool new friends now
@MOJO_JOJO701 3 года назад
We never did .. Even though we went to different universities in different cities we still hangout at least one a month
@a.r.tivadar 3 года назад
I received proper therapy and mental health coping mechanisms. I realised how toxic they were to me so I distanced myself. They are good people, but they kept me down. We have different psychological needs and I followed their lead instead of doing what was best for myself. Once I focused on myself, I realised just how little we had in common. It was best we cut ties.
@Maddie-wp8yv 3 года назад
before covid, i had 2 groups. one was my neighborhood one (plus my best friend who lives nearby), and we were all close since we were in elementary school. my other group was mostly just in school. other than a few girls, we never hung out outside of school but my neighborhood group never hung out in school. well this year, things got different. covid hit and i was only allowed to see the neighborhood kids because our families were close and we could be outside and stuff. the in school group really just broke into pieces. me and my best friend hung out with the neighbors mostly, and my other friends formed other groups amongst themselves. i still talked to 2 of them on the phone, but they were the ones left without close friends within the school group. i’ve also known one of the girls from school since 3rd grade and we’ve been really close, but didn’t live in the same neighborhood. anyway, the school group split and the neighborhood group got so much closer because of it. i recently realized that they were somewhat toxic to me and i’m way better off with my best friends even though they were almost convenience friends. i turned to them for everything, and they are the ones i want to stay close with forever.
@BraveryWing26 11 месяцев назад
These videos break my heart.
@madelyng6307 3 года назад
One girl was so toxic she made all of us split up. Guess who has no friends now and guess who’s friends will all those girls except the toxic one again.
@ledam2654 8 месяцев назад
You usually ARE the same person person at 30 that you are at 20, just a more developed, matured, and advanced version.
@DodgerOfZion 3 года назад
My coven was pretty tightly knit. Until one night when they let a conspiracy theorist into the group who kept talking about shadow government and crap. The minute he started on the birther crap, I let him have it. I looked around me, and nobody would back me up or try and put this weirdo in his place. So I grabbed my coat, left the gathering room, and peeled out of the parking lot of the sanctuary where we gathered. While a few of us joined a different group (one that I've drifted from due to mental health issues), the original group of people was never fully together anymore. Especially when another straggler got himself kicked out for sexually harassing me and others.
@EskenRock 3 года назад
I pray I'm never in the same room for 5 minutes with my old "friends". What a waste of time.
@KathrynSrce3719 3 года назад
Travelling to another country to meet up with friends just to be treated as if you live around the corner from them. Nope, not worth the time, money or the friendship. If I'm going to another country to meet up with them, it's to have a good time hanging out with them if I so choose.
@datboielias8712 3 года назад
My only friend left me a year ago after picking up bus spotting as a hobby and finding new friends there
@billpage5900 2 года назад
"We were a group of 12 boys and girls" seriously who the fuck actually has the time and energy to keep track of 11 different friendships like bruh that's not a social circle that's a loosely connected group of acquaintances AT BEST and it was bound to dissolve itself at some point or another.
@chadnorris8257 3 года назад
I haven't really had a big tight knit social group since I was a kid. It broke apart because our families started moving out of the small town we grew up in. Probably pretty common for kids from small towns.
@Jorge.Painkiller 3 года назад
Mostly I am the one who's drifted away from the group, but not for bad things. It's just that I am in my last 2 years of Uni and the pressure is up to 11 and I also work, so I don't have time at all to hang out so I only have a couple of hours a day to talk to them and catch up and play videogames
@Emily-vp9xe 3 года назад
Someone in the group started smoking weed, she hid it from us and we were uncomfortable about it but that itself wasn’t the problem. Things went downhill as she joined another friend group and avoided us, she also started abusing her pills and got in trouble with the law. We split sometime after she started avoiding us as she was the one who started the group. We kinda did our own things though we did talk every now and then. My best friend and I still talk to each other regularly and I don’t know what happened to everyone else after we graduated. This was in freshmen year of high school btw. Edit: Forgot to mention that she’s schizophrenic and has said that she hears voices when she doesn't take her pills.
@BuildingWolf100_WolfDab Год назад
4:08 hol' up... is that real life's version of the Mystery Gang?
@rustytheracoon4903 3 года назад
3:50 nice scooby doo reference
@thetoxicspiderman Год назад
Mine didn’t fall apart I found out 2 years after graduation that they all hated me for stuff that wasn’t that serious. And I just don’t talk to them anymore
@SilveerStarr 3 года назад
group of five that started as a church youth group: myself, the youth leader M, friend A, friend M, and friend E friend E delved into drugs & sex pretty early on, decided that was more important, still fringe-acquainted w her but i couldn’t be friends w her now. i dropped friend M after i came out as trans bc she was LGBTphobic, both at me & her brother. youth leader M got married & had a kid, she just got busy w her own life & we don’t have much in common anymore. i still speak to friend A semi-regularly and consider her my best friend, though the physical distance makes it hard.
@jimdob6528 3 года назад
I got married and started a family and a career as a fantasy writer/stay at home dad. One got into his career and is trying to improve his life. Another has a super toxic brother and he was raised to put family first so everyone cut him and his brother out. 2 of the guys got into programming and went into their careers in another countries. I miss the good old days but I have 3 really close friends within an hour of me and I try to spend time with them and my immediate family.
@lhoyt2886 3 года назад
At least these people had friends, for however long it lasted. Try doing all of that with no friends.
@xXSarahSacrificeXx 3 года назад
Oof..I'm sorry you dealt with that bo..
@danielsilver1244 3 года назад
19:22 I couldn't help but imagine this as the actual Avengers and wondered where Steve was, but I realized that the narrator must be Steve.
@LasCJ 3 года назад
That Avengers one was wild!!!
@anonymouslyweirdperson6129 3 года назад
When sixth grade started some of my friends left but some stayed, and when seventh grade started, the rest left and stopped talking to me. Those were my only friends.
@hannahelizabeth6018 3 года назад
there was a ton of us, we were all toxic towards eachother. I started dating one of the boys, the group broke us up. he and I still talked, he cheated with two of the girls in the group. the group dropped me for getting frustrated, and later dropped him. after he and I were kicked out, the group fell apart
@Bambammbi 3 года назад
3 years; friended with 2 people I drifted apart. Idk what those two up to, but I’m just you know, drifted bc im trying to put my mess cleaned. Those two cannot handled it. Eventually I gradually split myself as soon as I realized they so done with my shit. I’m glad that I drifted for my benefit and theirs and sad because I miss them so much it hurt a lot sometimes. But now I’m doing better and even if I try to make the friendship be the same as the first time, I won’t do it. Everything changed.
@oceansideliketheocean2243 3 года назад
I was once living in this down, where i had 2 "best friends". things started to get really nasty in this said town, so me and my family had to do an emergency move. We moved to a different place in the same country, but i lost contact with one of my best friends completely. Me and the other "best friend" chatted on this app for a little while, but they soon left me lke everyone else.
@TheMostObliviousGirl 3 года назад
I went to a different city for university and work, we grew apart and we barely have any common interest, except when we had kids. But even then it was hard. Some people just changed from friends to acquaintances unfortunately. And don't feel as close. While others who just don't put the same effort as you to try to meet up or get together. In a way, I guess some friends are only there for certain periods or timeframe and you meet new ones at another time period. Those who stayed the longest with you are lucky... Not many can maintain friends this long.
@anonimoose165 Год назад
3:50 tell me this doesn’t sound like the Mystery Inc. gang
@courtneygillespie7357 3 года назад
The memories are nice but....I want to forget about that time so I can focus on new things.
@TheTenthDoctor 3 года назад
Well this hit close to home 😞 Basically there was a group of 11 of us (4boys/7 girls), and we had met through an acting class and that went for several years. When it ended we basically kept in touch and kept hanging out together. This was also before COVID. Eventually one of the boys called F, moved to a suburb roughly an hour away from us and he got a job there as well as uni which made it harder to see him. He didn’t really make the effort for the most part but he had a fair bit going on and still does + long distance travel adds to that. Anyway soon after 2 friends from the group S+E (couple) who live just as far from most of us got sick of him not making the effort to ever really hang/talk to us socially, again before COVID for context, and stopped talking to him all together and haven’t seen each other since. However a portion of us still speak to him when we get the chance. That makes 10. Around the same time one of the girls called T, got a boyfriend and sort of drifted away from the group and and didn’t talk anymore as well as another girl A.M, who just kind of left, which leaves 9. Then COVID hit and we don’t hang as often as we like but still talking and seeing each other when possible. However a few months ago, there was a festival everyone except me planned to attend and booked a date, accommodations, etc. all that jazz. Anyway they get there and start their fun, and one of the girls named B gets pushed accidentally and broke her leg real bad. Some stuff went down, it stressed everyone out. On the night they planned to leave they were trying to organise how to get the whole group back without a car or paying an Uber. In the end one of the guys who also couldn’t go was called to come and pick up his girlfriend, another couple from the group J+T, different girl called T, he picked them up except for B who broke her leg and got picked up by her parents, and T who specifically asked J to drive the others cause one person couldn’t fit in the car, lol. I believe she took a bus back. Basically it was a long drive back home and I only heard about it after it went down from home just before my birthday 😂 A week later S from the group starts discussing petrol money to pay back J for the lift which he didn’t have to do cause he didn’t even go, there’s some miscommunication or a misunderstanding between S and T, about how much should be paid and all this other stuff gets brought up too. They had an argument and now T doesn’t like him anymore and J being her boyfriend also doesn’t talk to us so J+T split from the group. 7 people left now. Hopefully I don’t lose anymore friends. That’s the last thing I need 😢 I had to vent. It’s sad that I can relate to this so well. This isn’t my only friend group I have but it’s a very special one. Hope everyone is doing ok and staying safe ❤️
@kevinkurzatkowski2878 3 года назад
Not mine, but a friend from long ago told me about a group of four people in 6th grade that all were friends. Apparently one of the boys had a crush on one of the girls, and the other boy told the girl. The boy that had a crush on the girl, unfriended the other boy. Both of the girls used to like to talk about that. The boy with the crush still remains friends with the two girls. The friend group was started in like 5th grade and the boy with the crush joined in 6th grade. I always think that he might’ve been the reason the friend group split up.
@DanielSelk Год назад
Outgrowing friends is not always a bad thing and is normal. I'd rather that over losing friends over a fight or stupid stuff.
@DimmingSun 3 года назад
I was in a roblox friend group of 4, this happened around 2018. Someone in the group no longer talked to me so I unfriended them, one of them quit roblox I think but they unfriended all of us, and the last one was fake. At this time I was very naive, immature, and stupid. I still remember the user of the persin that quit.
@TheTSense 2 месяца назад
I still consider these guys my best friends than I can rely on. We didn't had contact for 5+ years but so what?
@BWMegatron 3 года назад
3:18 That hits home right there. I moved overseas for work. The rest of my friends are still back home. Before the Wuhan virus hit, I would go back home once a year, primarily to visit my parents, but would always arrange a catch up with everyone at least once while I'm visiting. But yeah, while I moved overseas, some are busy with their jobs, families or both - so I try to give everyone, or at least one of my friends the heads on when I'll be visiting to get things rolling for people to set some time aside, if possible.
@itsIzzyyyy 3 года назад
6:05 am I the only one who got this reference-
@jeyzeus 3 года назад
To be fair, it did happen back in the summer of 69 :)
@brokenhalo2001 2 года назад
We all worked and had life to deal with but always would make time for birthdays and xmas time to meet up. Only when it was time for my birthday they would always suddenly be too busy for a mates birthday weekend trip couple of weeks before booking, then would vanish and later give me belated happy bnirthday messages. Its been years of this and now after my most recent im not putting in the effort and low and behold and not hearing from any of them. I guess it must be me then ? ohps.
@bucket_moss 3 года назад
Pretty normal for the first one My family was moving because of financial problems at the end of 4th grade, another of my friends was also moving to Australia(or Africa(don’t remember)), another had cancer(she’s fine) and was an ocean away, and the last was left there. She and I were pretty close though she had come in that same year, The other two were also pretty close so two close best friend pairs made a group. She and I still talked for about 2 years frequently and then slowly I stopped writing and she never really wrote to me first. To my knowledge, the one with cancer hasn’t had cancer since and has since moved to her home country with my other friend who had stayed. TLDR: Two move, one stayed, and one had left the country for medical problems temporarily Other one was essentially N(me) joins this friend group of quiet kids, N realized that J was toxic and manipulative, rest of the group realized as well after some stuff and some intense talks. R and F join out group chat but R was talking to J and J decided to accuse N and A of somethings we didn’t do and that she was explicitly told not to confront or talk to anyone about. K and J were constantly because J was always trying to make K feel like shit and manipulate her, F and A had a falling out because F got uncomfortable with A’s tsundere phase and the rest moved or just stopped talking to each other. Fastforward to now, F, K, and R are all in the people I really talk to, A and everyone else I talked to are people I talk to sometimes except for J who was cut out of our lives in 6th grade after she spread rumors about K’s dead sibling TLDR: One toxic friend, other two of them had a falling out bc one had a tsundere phase, and the rest kinda just stopped talking with each other. Still speaking with R, K, F and a few others not mentioned here
@indridcold8433 3 года назад
I never belonged to a friend group. I am not considered desirable enough to be part of a social herd.
@rileyhudson8399 3 года назад
They cut me off first after lying that I touched one them in away that she didn't like then I asked her about it and she said that I never did come to find out I did but not intentionally 🤦🏾‍♀which I will for ever be sorry for would talk shit about me and everyone else along with this girl who was closer with the first girl and said that they didn't like me but couldn't tell me themselves so had another one of our friends tell while another girl they talked shit about knew and laughed at me I stopped trying to talk to them and low and behold they came back trying to talk I did because I was bored corona hit then I blocked and deleted all numbers in that shitty friend group except my best friend because I figured out early on that that friend group only care about themselves and when my bestfriends grandad passed she left the classroom and cried they didnt give a fuck so after that I distanced my self from them and just waited then finally cut them off and I feel so free😊
@jessicabridges4876 3 года назад
3:46 Scobby Dobby doo….
@Barr4za 2 года назад
I miss my friend group
@YamiNoPri 3 года назад
2 gay guys + 2 girls. I loved that group so very much. One of the guys married a very abusive and manipulative man, and my ex-friend is completely emotionally dependent on this person. He went out of his way to break us apart. I am friends only with the other gay guy now, though we rarely see each other. I tried reaching out to the girl, but I really don't know what happened, she treated me really coldly when I last talked to her.
@imadoor2205 3 года назад
I was friends with both of them and they became friends (3 of us). We were pretty close since the 7th grade. The 3 of us were best friends. Sometime in 8th grade they had a fight and just wernt friends for a while. They made up but again fought and just decided to not be friends anymore. So I did my best to split time with them. One that I'll call C out of the blue stopped really talking to me. I would try and try to be her best friend but it didn't work. I gave up when I tried to give C a hug and she looked at me then back down at her phone. And that hurt me so much that it still hurts almost 2 years later. The 3rd best friend I'll call T. We fell off normally. She didn't ghost me and our convos didn't feel forced like with C. It feels dumb but what C did really hurt me. I once wanted to get a triple friendship bracelet for them but we fell apart before I could.
@jasondouglas152 7 месяцев назад
My gf wanted to get back at me and slept with my best friend. So, our group split in half for about 2 years until I just said " f it " and we were all friends again. Women ruin everything, ticking time bombs
@phs125 3 года назад
The Avengers story could actually be made into a movie
@brandonprice1759 3 года назад
I started my own business, they expected me to build stuff for free and then would talk crap behind my back afterwards. Yeah, no thanks.
@arahabaki822 3 года назад
Ngl I thought that scooby-doo one was legit until 2 stories later before I realized it
@MrYodi2007 Год назад
Left most of mine about 98% of them as we are in different part of our lives or they started to act funny!
@tessaismail2477 3 года назад
There were 4 of us. 2 girls 2 boys. My best friend and I (F) became super close with these guys. We all promised to never date each other cuz we all loved each other. This was our main friend group. Then my friend who’s gay and attracted to girls told me she liked one of the boys. This was a big deal because she was still figuring out her sexuality. The whole deal of not dating each other was really just for the boys and me I guess. (I’m straight btw.) anyways we all went to a sleepover pool party and got drunk. Than she decided to cuddle with one of the boys while he was sleeping. Turns out he acc liked her but because he knew she was gay, he never did anything to try to date her. Then she starts teasing him in bed. (Btw were all in a tent) I wake up to him leaving. So I talk to him. And he’s confused on why she’s teasing him and touching him and stuff. After that night, every time we all hangout she would tease him and then they started talking more. She told him that she would totally date him and stuff. So then we all were going to hang out one day and that day the other guy and I knew he was gonna ask her out cuz she’s been hinting at it. So near the end of the day before we all left. He asked to talk to just her. So than he goes into another room and as he’s saying that he likes her and that he wants to date her she blurted out that’s she’s gay. And doesn’t want anything to do with men. He was super confused and said that he knew she was and never had a problem with that. She said that she thinks he’s been too touchy feely lately and that it’s time she said something. And he ofc said that’s because you’ve been leading me on. “You’ve been telling me you want to date.” And then she said no sorry I’m gay. And he said “….okay.” Anyways our group ended cuz after that she told everyone he was trying to get with a gay girl and that he must have been desperate. After that the guys and I are still friends and not many ppl are friends with her. Turns out she would steal other ppls work in school and copy it. Like legit take papers and ss work off computers and use it as her own. I really miss that group tho. We all had fun times. The boys and I don’t hang as much anymore and it sucks. I wish it could go back to normal.
@See-if_I_care Год назад
guys are so stupid 🤦
@twiceshy9773 3 года назад
TlDr- tangled up in blue, Bob Dylan
@maxwelltv112 2 месяца назад
Did Anyone else notice the Scooby-Doo reference, or am I out of line?
@who3697 3 года назад
I moved out of my country 5 years passed yeah thats pretty much it
@troyhayder6986 3 года назад
We were all going great...and then my bestie ditches me in a kinda shitty way..and everyone vanishes...i think someone must have been spreading lies...cause i didnt do jack...
@UltraMagnis 3 года назад
Wives of mates didn't like eachother...caused heaps of issues. Me and my fiance walked away when they said she had trapped me with my son....I am also not a millionaire at all so I couldn't understand why they would be so venomous....because they sucked thats why. It basicay cased a heap of in fighting. My fiance was not apart of the group either I always dated outside it mainly because everyone had banged everyone else and I didn't like this incestious type of friends...was like a sitcom sometimes. Misunderstandings turned into Massive issues etc was just a toxic group in the end. Which sucks because before all that is guys were super close and all made effort to see eachother. After wives and girlfriends came along....it all just crumbled. I still see 2 of the mates and they walked away as well. They live interstate though so I don't see them too often. Was hard for a while but I think you realise that friendships you had in highschool people grow....sometimes not in good ways....
@tysor414 2 года назад
4L08 it literally took me untill that last sentence for it to click that this wasnt real
@flawlessleak 3 года назад
my friend got his first girlfriend then dropped off the map
@7cupsofmilk 3 года назад
There was 4 of us then I moved away and 1 one of them moved then the 2 just split
@eightw5783 3 года назад
Got to 5 minutes and these are all the same story, so I'll just add a slightly different one; Jimmy quit the band, then Jodie got married, there wasn't a group anymore after that.
@xzavierspencer9906 3 года назад
had a friend group and the leader or owner of the group chat on ps4 said that he had a god complex but he kicked new people who would join us for no reason so we made a new group and didn't give him owner ship so he got pissed about his pride saying we took his power and we are rebelling against him so we just make another new group and thats what were in now
@edwardtyler1456 Год назад
She was my first hugh school crush move back to my old home washington dc and went to this high school she was pretty cute and yet creepy i wasnt to beat to her ill twll you the thruth im from a middpe school learning and being kinda bad kid so i was adjusting from who i am and i thought she understood that her and i along pretty well her and i know eachother for about 3 or 4 months so good enough but what happened was her and i got into an little bit of arguments and i didn't get aling with her friends never know but he didnt like me oneni day her and i got mad at eachoth and got into another agurment the next day it happened her and i got into another agurment and this time she cut me out her life mad at me over stupid shit and gave the silent treatment and she got mad at me over stupid things that had nothing to do with me I still wanted to talk to her since she didn't had a phone phone I tried to work send her letters the first one she acted like smart ass and the second she didn't reply she acted immature and gave treatment not just that we actually got to know eachother too after we stop talking I realized she was full of shit, she lied about liking my company I heard her tell obe or my friends that I'm nat or I'm like puppy who won't Leave her alone she made fun of me once and I'll say her minions that I have no friends pretty fuxk up of her and she had child trauma from acholic and abusive dad honest I hope I never see her again. she left the school in the end of 10th grade and went to a different school I never want to see her again.
@rogerramjet6429 3 года назад
6:15 "those were the best days of my life." Oh yeah ............ Back in the summer of 69 ................ Uh-huh
@GaySatanicClowns 3 года назад
I went from being friends with the DnD nerds to the gays and theys over quarantine and online school.
@k.k2058 3 года назад
i started dating the only dude and then we broke up
@darrendias3985 3 года назад
Was the 8th one about the scooby doo gang
@MsSilentsiren 3 года назад
I'm the sick boring one. Everyone else went to college got degrees, got married had kids. At 23 my kidneys failed and I've been on dialysis the last 12 years watching other flourish while I've just become even more of a nobody who can't even bear to look at myself in the mirror most days because I'm such a fucking loser.
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