
The Future of iilluminaughtii's Channel 

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19 сен 2024




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@song6771 Год назад
What sickens me about her, is that she turned her "Apology" video into a callout. A curated, cherry-picked callout.
@Atri0 Год назад
I agree, her video was so scummy, especially given her content and how she tries to come across in her videos. I can't stand people who try to be all self-righteous and morally superior, but end up being just like the people they call out. It isn't hard to accept responsibility and apologise. She's a grown-ass adult who chose to stir and dig up more very unnecessary drama rather than actually be a good person.
@song6771 Год назад
@@Atri0 It was honestly disgusting. You don't turn an apology/clearing the air video into a callout
@Atri0 Год назад
@@song6771 Yes, totally. The worst of it was when she brought up Wonder's mental health like it had anything to do with anything. Just a terrible person
@Elfrio904 Год назад
The most gassiest gaslighting “apology “ vid of 2023 so far
@song6771 Год назад
@@Elfrio904 On god
@DubYuhGChoppa Год назад
If Logan Paul had a reputation as a good guy he might have been in more trouble. This woman built her entire channel on the idea that she was righteous and exposing the truth. Now she's become the thing she claimed to stand against. Gonna be a hard comeback for her
@cargyllion Год назад
Literally all she has to do is put out 4 or 5 more documentaries, people are gonna forget in no time.
@Rivera-ep4nw Год назад
Depends on our long the comments continue to tear into her, I mean if SOMEONE doesn’t delete them..
@HonkeyKongLive Год назад
We call that the Keemstar Principle. If someone's online presence is being a shitty person then a scandal can't hurt them, but someone who wants to portray a good and caring person can get ruined by it.
@fernandozavaletabustos205 Год назад
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
@Nami8302_OwO Год назад
@@cargyllion then don't fucking let them
@sumirunihon Год назад
Tom, you *HAVE* to make a video about wonder's response. If Click's response was a massive blow to her career, wonder's response was the killshot, the last nail in the coffin and the funeral all at once. It is fucking bananas what Blair did to him!
@dead_frets Год назад
Wonderstrucks response was really hard to watch, you could tell how emotional he was about how blair treated him
@TitaniumTurbine Год назад
Damn it, I thought this video had the latest sauce. 😭 Why Tom why?!?!?!
@lastilnovista Год назад
honestly, i felt both responses were unnecessary. Click and Wonder didn’t need to expose themselves any further; Blaire already committed seppuku. i’m sad that they felt they owed the public a response to Blaire’s wild allegations, which did not deserve the dignity of a rebuttal.
@jacalcyon2607 Год назад
​@@lastilnovista ​It wasn't unnecessary until Blair did those callouts to both Click and Wonder. Especially with the blatant misinformation she was giving out- they had to form responses to prove her wrong. Unless they wanted Blair to continue the smear campaign against them. Especially when it was publicly posted on the internet for all to see- especially impressionable people- who WILL fall for Blair's misinformation. If anything they had to do it to save their own skins. It's unfortunate that the subject manner Blair had chosen in her exposé misled about very personal things about both Click and Wonder. So in truth, blair's response was hella unnecessary- not the other way around. This might just be her karmic debt coming in full force tbh. I agree, tho, that it's really unfortunate that both Click and Wonder was forced into this uncomfortable situation regardless- but I think this is the first time they have a public voice against Blair. I'm sure after this drama they will have tremendous support because of these responses.
@Cozmokittee Год назад
The click had been dealing with these accusations for YEARS, so for him he had to bring proof after she outed herself as the source. My heart breaks for how far Wonder had to go. What she did to him and continues to do by threatening legal action and abusing the unholy fuck out of the NDA is nothing less than a spiraling abuser seeing she's lost full control over her victim. Anyone who's been caught up that deeply and long term can attest to that kind of behavior. Airing of all dirty laundry and virtue signalling all over the place, threats of harm (legal\physical\mental and emotional), stealing belongings.... She checks all the horrifying boxes. I dont see how she left Wonder much option on how he responded, he needed context to answer her outting his suicidal intentions or there was a good chance her fans would continue to come after him like they did on twitter before he revealed his cards. Situation overall makes me sick amd i hope to everything holy amd unholy she gets sued into the ground.
@huronheron6274 Год назад
Had she never tried to take on Legal Eagle, I don't think any of this would have come to the surface for a long time, if ever.
@HailToTheMeep Год назад
@horseheadkid Год назад
@FictionHubZA Год назад
Chaos is a ladder.
@amduil8168 Год назад
I hadn't even heard of this drama until I saw a Little Joel video talking about her claims against Legal Eagle.
@KingRumar Год назад
It’s hilarious because LegalEagle had nothing to do with her downfall. She did it all herself, she snapped, then others dog piled her for good reason. You can tell from her voice; she’s a slob and from her remarks within her Wikipedia readings, she’s not a likeable person. I’m just happy her true nature is being exposed for the nasty, hateful, horrible person she ultimately is. I hate those who love to stand on soapboxes and wag their finger like they’re the moral ambassadors all the while probably ruined countless of careers and livelihoods. We saw in Wonder’s video that she had made his mental state so much worse off. Then she uses it against him all the while bitching about him exposing her vile living conditions….
@namuzed Год назад
From what I've seen a lot of her videos have factual errors and sloppy research, I'm frankly surprised how well she's done.
@XswingX Год назад
Well, people don't really fact check this stuff. They just watch a video and think they are now informed on the topic.
@xSaintxSmithx Год назад
You're spot on, I liked her vids till I watched one where I already knew the story and realized how bad her research was.
@issahumps Год назад
If editing is good most people will follow regardless if the information is true or false lol
@GerardPerry Год назад
@@xSaintxSmithx She's awful, even by Buzzfeed-style, content farm standards. She did an entire video based on the premise that Christian rock bands were deceiving their fan base by pretending to be secular emo groups, then proceeded to list a series of explicitly Christian bands with primarily Christian fan bases.
@xSaintxSmithx Год назад
@@GerardPerry THAT WAS THE VID I WAS REFERENCING LMAO 😂 how'd you know?!?
@PartyBoxGamer Год назад
As a former Iilluminaughtii fan, I’m sure many of us can agree we don’t want her to try again. The deplorable actions she’s done as of late have only exposed an ongoing and disgusting pattern that’s apparently been happening for years. It would be healthier for her to take a step back, at least temporarily, and go seek mental health care she clearly needs. If she keeps this up she’s going to self destruct both her personal and professional life.
@chachies695 Год назад
I’ve seen her at least in the newer videos and this whole situation as a toxic person that’s thinks and acts like she’s the only good person in the world and how she never does no wrong
@M4HIT0 Год назад
Yeah, I agree. I refuse to watch her anymore. I'm absolutely disgusted. I had to select to not let youtube recommend me her channel anymore, it kept coming up. I hope a lot more people stop watching her, and hear the other people's involved side of things. She for sure needs mental help.
@Yousanzen Год назад
actual bot
@PartyBoxGamer Год назад
@@chachies695 Right? I kind of caught hints of odd comments every so often throughout her videos, and it really shouldn’t have been shocking what was truly hiding underneath. I’m just sorry to hear she’s hurt so many people along the way.
@bldbar118 Год назад
I had bad vibes before this, but was interested in the video topics. No need to try again, for sure, but I don’t think her ego will let her stop. She will be like Carlos Mencia: decades later still unable to take any responsibility, even when doing so would save their career.
@maxharvey165 Год назад
Wonder's video broke my heart. Seeing him and click being so vulnerable on camera made me truly sad. She is a horrible person and the fact that she is still posting shit like nothing happened is disgusting
@redraven7948 Год назад
That was terrible what she did to Wonder. It hurt me to see Click so hurt... But Wonder...damn.
@shobooknight Год назад
Well, to be honest trying to adress the situation just made everything so much worse for her so it's no wonder she's trying to wait out the storm now. Could have been more effective to do it at first though, before she dug herself even deeper by lying and manipulation.
@BuggingonBeeroids Год назад
​@@shobooknight her "trying to address the situation" was her just blaming everyone else for her mistakes. If she took some responsibility, people would have a little respect and sympathy for her but she just keeps digging
@saintofgayfrogs Год назад
Yeah I feel really bad for Wonder. I've been to those low points of life and depression where all you can think of is ending it. It's a miracle his therapist called him when they did. I'm glad he has a loving partner to be there for him, and that he's far away from Blair. I wish that guy nothing but the best.. Nobody deserves to be treated like that from some psycho.
@shobooknight Год назад
@@BuggingonBeeroids I don't disagree but like Tom said if she apologizes now she'll have to apologize for everything which will make her fans more aware the things she's done and at the same time points out that she lied in the first place, pretty awfully at that. If she tries to ignore it now, she'll bleed out slowly when people who are in the know realize she won't own up to it. If she apologizes properly she'll kill her own reputation. No good ending for her, luckily.
@Scorpyishere Год назад
She might as well quit
@Hotdogenthusiast Год назад
She should just Kripsy Kreme herself.
@RealNick04 Год назад
Or hit the gym
@Scorpyishere Год назад
@@RealNick04 both lol
@Mel0nCake404 Год назад
@@Hotdogenthusiast Back at it again at Krispy Kreme
@klownary Год назад
@RHBR01 Год назад
18:59 I think that's something a lot of people like Blair don't get: Once you've been caught out as being a manipulator or a liar, you're done. Your credibility is shot. Which now means that even if you DO have something good to say, no one's going to believe it. It also opens you up to false and petty accusations from others while leaving you with basically zero ability to defend yourself, because you've already proven what kind of person you are.
@comajuice Год назад
I think thats it. You can be an asshole and do fine as a content creator. But you can't be manipulative and a liar. If you're an asshole, you gain an audience of assholes who don't care. But if you pretend not to be an asshoel, you cultivate a nicer audience who do care.
@ebthegt5572 Год назад
Once the bleeding starts, that's a hole she's gonna have an extremely hard time plugging back up. Shame, to think that this all stemmed from her causing shit with a legitimate Lawyer.
@EEsYouTubeChanel Год назад
Idk, I could forgive just about anyone for a dumb lie, but airing someone else's suicidal ideation to the entire internet? Nah, sis, you fired.
@comajuice Год назад
@@EEsRU-vidChanel tbf it's not the fact she lied, it's moreso the fact she lied about who she was in general. Which includes her doing that to wonder. She put herself out there as this very socially aware, very (pardon the lack of a better term) "woke", etc when she was nothing like that behind closed doors. That's, I think, moreso what they meant by lying and manipulating.
@EEsYouTubeChanel Год назад
@@comajuice oh definitely! As a previous fan the hypocrisy was daunting.
@zaydsiwan1117 Год назад
I love how big these content farm video essay channel's egos can be considering they puke out putrid documentary left right and center.
@mssophiad03 Год назад
Cause they think they know everything lol
@FukaiKokoro Год назад
All she does it read prewritten scripts. She has no earned right to be so full of herself. She has someone writing her scripts, doing the art, editing. Pretty much everything a RU-vidr does she pays someone to do.
@internetzenmaster8952 Год назад
@@FukaiKokoro That's the most infuriating part. Someone like Simon Whistler (of Today I Found Out, Top Tenz, The Casual Criminalist, Megaprojects, Sideprojects, Warographics, Into The Shadows, and many, many other channels) admits that he's not very smart and it's a well known fact he has multiple script writers for his various channels. Good ol' "Fact Boi" knows he's just reading a script and doesn't have an ego and try to make himself seem more important than his writers/editors (although it's entertaining watching him doing cold reads of scripts for The Casual Criminalist and constantly going off on random tangents that last for up to 5 minutes). Blair's just an egomaniac who ho thinks she can do no wrong.
@JK-gm6kk Год назад
​@internetzenmaster8952 I love Simon so much. I think the time he puts in narrating and presumably filming the raw footage for all those channels is likely equivalent or maybe even more time consuming than doing all the work for a single channel
@KingRumar Год назад
Can it be considered a documentary if the narrator is just reading off of a wiki article or repeating what’s said in videos on the subject??? Sounds like a middle school presentation rather than an actual documentary
@MomoDearestt Год назад
Wonder's video resonse was sp emotional. When he cried I cried and slammed that unsubscribe button to Blaire's channel.
@redraven7948 Год назад
Ohhh..i agree. Click's bothered me to see him so hurt about what she did. But Wonder's.... It made me so upset to see him so hurt. She's a HORRIBLE human
@rockmanafb Год назад
Man I got teary when he was talking about his dog…….I didn’t know who they were til this I subbed to both unsubbed to the obtuse triangle a few weeks ago
@otsigo Год назад
At the start of this, if she had just come out and said, " yea sometimes I'm shiity to people, and I'm trying not to be that way anymore." She'd have a shot at continuing
@TitaniumTurbine Год назад
Exactly, instead she tried to lessen her involvement and then tried to diminish the character of everyone involved without expecting contradicting evidence. That might have worked before the internet but not these days.
@4niasomnia573 Год назад
Or just “Hey, I misunderstood the situation and that asking for tips on video or sound effects is a common thing in the industry, I’m sorry for the call out.” I did audio editing and producing for a podcast and one thing I would do, since I was self taught, was reach out to creators I admired and asked how they did things or made a sound effect. Most of the time they were happy to talk shop or they would politely decline but say they would be happy to know if I figured it out. Instead of owning up to a misunderstanding, she tried to smear everyone else around her. The problem with smearing unsavory things though? You tend to get a lot on yourself too.
@GangstaSparkleFairy Год назад
Narcissists are usually incapable of acknowledging they are, have been, or will ever be, wrong. If they do say something to that effect you can be sure it will be worded in a way that ultimately places responsibility on anyone and everyone else, or they'll say it but with the addition of some qualifier to absolve them.
@thekillercrowbar Год назад
Reminder that THESE are the type of people trying to tell you what’s morally right and grandstand/scold you about your beliefs or behaviors they deem problematic lmao
@fernandozavaletabustos205 Год назад
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
@oliverspencer2411 Год назад
Idk if you being on the verge of vice signaling is meant to be ironic or not
@thekillercrowbar Год назад
@@oliverspencer2411 idk how this could be misconstrued as virtue signaling, all I did was highlight the absurdity that these people think they get to set the standard on moral righteousness when being both closeted hypocrites and objectively terrible people
@oliverspencer2411 Год назад
@Justin Miller vice signaling wasnt a typo my guy. Virtue signaling, as Robert Shrimsley put it, "is the apparently modern crime of trying to be seen doing the right thing". He points out that the implication is that the people virtue signaling aren't doing it out of a sincere belief and only want to be admired as a good person. He's also the one that suggested the couterweight of vice-signaling, which can be described as making it a point to declare complete apathy for a cause or causes that championing may get one labeled a virtue signaler
@oliverspencer2411 Год назад
@@thekillercrowbar hence why i said i couldn't tell if it was ironic vice signaling or not
@wysiwygcanada Год назад
She's a reflection of the things she claims to fight. Just another fake person
@fernandozavaletabustos205 Год назад
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
@naqpenda2130 Год назад
Totally agree
@illuminahde Год назад
She talks about stolen art concepts, how about our All Seeing Eye? Poser. She's not welcome at our Spirit Cooking rituals.
@BuggingonBeeroids Год назад
Brother, when's the next conclave? My kuru's been acting up and I need the dark masters to sort it out
@mechamahou8467 Год назад
​@@BuggingonBeeroids I love all of this lmfao
@BuggingonBeeroids Год назад
@@mechamahou8467 wait, you can see these conversation, it's not private? I'll have to get Hillary to scrub these, she got away with it last time
@kaylamarieBoop Год назад
@@BuggingonBeeroids 😂😂😂😂😂 I literally cackled. Thank you!
@mickeymighty1866 Год назад
@GerardPerry Год назад
"One of the biggest controversies of all time." Step aside Martin Luther and the Reformation, We've got bigger fish to fry.
@winnietheblue3633 Год назад
Logan Paul's forest video was almost as big of a deal as Watergate
@woodencheck6181 Год назад
Reminds me of a diesel patches quote "Yeah Joseph Stalin in WW2. He ain't got nothing on this girl this is really betrayal."
@FictionHubZA Год назад
Step aside ww2. We got bigger news.
@imjustjk Год назад
I never. Ever. Care about drama. I normally couldn’t give less of crap, honestly. Even though I watched Blair’s channel with some regularity, I really didn’t care much about tEh DrAmAz. But I have watched every video about this situation. I watched Click’s, and Wonder’s, and then I made myself watch Blair’s. And the thing that stands out about this particular situation, and makes it different from Logan Paul and even CreepshowArt, is that it’s so damn relatable. We have all known a Blair. We’ve all met or been “friends” with That Person, that utter nightmare of a human being that is this unhinged and makes our life hell. And because we’ve all had a similar experience, we can totally relate to Click and Wonder and Oz. And no small thing-watching her get comeuppance for her own behaviour is sooo damn gratifying. It further proves a belief I’ve long held: karma doesn’t exist. But, you lie in the bed you make. And what a bed Blair has made.
@flarestorm9417 Год назад
To paraphrase a quote from Metal Gear, "you can't run from yourself forever". This isn't petty drama, PR issues, or personal life craziness, this is a corrupt person that's awful both in and outside of her work. She's proven that she's an awful person, a terrible boss, and an unreliable creator. She didn't change when all of this was private, and it was her own ego that made all of it go public. There's zero reason to consume her content, because both the content and the content creator are untrustworthy.
@horseheadkid Год назад
she has over a million followers - what comeuppance? the people who sub to her now are co-signing all this and should be ashamed
@imjustjk Год назад
@@horseheadkidwhat comeuppance? Someone like Blair absolutely cares that half of RU-vid is saying she’s horrible. She absolutely cares that the people she’s been trying to smear through alt accounts on Reddit and twitter have come out and told their stories and made hers look like the lie it is. She definitely cares that she’s lost a LOT. of subscribers, and quickly. She cares that people aren’t flocking to her telling her how fabulous she is as a human being for all this behaviour. That’s pretty decent comeuppance.
@naqpenda2130 Год назад
Agree. I was like that too. I didn’t even watch her exposed video till i saw a comment and researched the topic. Then i was like holy fck… then i unsubscribed, trolled her in comments and try to support the her victims
@catholiccrusader1040 Год назад
the one dislike is definitely Tom just hating on himself
@rockmanafb Год назад
It’s doopyshmrts
@madzpanda Год назад
Or it could of been someone who watched for 17 or more minutes for him to get to the point.
@catholiccrusader1040 Год назад
@@madzpanda you are the reason why people can't have fun.
@madzpanda Год назад
@@catholiccrusader1040 hey man. I didn't dislike it, I just gave a valid criticism as to why someone would.
@catholiccrusader1040 Год назад
@@madzpanda criticism under a comment that's a joke is generally accepted as a dick thing to do.
@agentshawnee Год назад
Honestly, there’s a ton of people who aren’t chronically online who don’t care about drama and they will still watch her. Also, I think that it not being her will make it easy for her to continue. She can continue to content farm and get views from people interested in the subject and don’t really care about her.
@HailToTheMeep Год назад
“Don’t care about drama” is a minimising phrase I have encountered online too many times. That’s a lazy excuse of bystanders who would consider the assault of others in public spaces as none of the public business and continue walking away without any attempt to consider their moral and ethical responsibility to help. In an ideal world, The Good Samaritan Law should apply across the internet.
@user-gw5kq1hi5g Год назад
yeah im sure theres a chunk of people that watch her videos that are just casual viewers and dont really get immersed in the drama or even will hear about it
@queencelestyna Год назад
Yeah, I was one of those. I watched her apology video and was like, oh cool, she responded. And then I saw people continually commenting that she was ignoring things, and I was like wtf is actually going on. So I watched Click and Wonder's videos last night. I'm glad I did because I immediately unsubbed.
@FukaiKokoro Год назад
I'm not sure about that. It maybe a very small percentage. But even those people have at least ONCE met a Blair. And have had horrific experiences with a friend like Blair and don't take too kindly to it. I know I've met a "Blair" before. A couple actually. So even those people may not appreciate her behavior.
@woodencheck6181 Год назад
Too accurate. As someone who will sometimes watch her I genuinely couldn't care less about what she does
@fernandozavaletabustos205 Год назад
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
@kyoshinja7134 Год назад
Sad thing is she became a monster long ago
@Necroxion Год назад
She was already a monster since making fat jokes + merch of fat jokes about Tipster, but then deleting Tommy C's videos when his editor made a fat joke about her friend (who also made fat jokes about Tipster) ...and then mocked Tipster's post about his mental health
@naqpenda2130 Год назад
She was that monster before too just she likes to jusge others
@theoutsiderjess1869 Год назад
I think why creators like Logan Paul can come back is the fact that he primarily hurt himself and he falls into the celebrity category. he didn't talk about people and manipulate other creators or did something creepy to children or animals which is why he can bounce back better than most creators
@rhynochi Год назад
The only hits he's ever really taken is the forest incident and Coffeezilla but even then a well timed Prime promotion and putting all his focus on that instead of making his investors whole basically quieted everything down (online anyway because there's not much anyone else can say as it's going into the legal realm and that takes forever and is really hush-hush). Plus he made the image of a total douche. Why is it surprising a dude is a bigger POS when he's always been a POS and he's huge celebrity wise. He doesn't even need to be a public figure at this point to even make money. He can shut down his podcast and anything public and ride out on investments and his businesses. Illuminaughtii maybe could do that if she made any actual hugely successful business that has a customer base outside of her YT fans or very good investments. But idk about that.
@LouisGiliberto Год назад
Logan Paul fans are also the kind who probably don't give a fuck what he does short of being a predator. They're entertained by him, and that's good enough of a bar for them.
@LouisGiliberto Год назад
@@rhynochi Well said.
@mechamahou8467 Год назад
I mean... Logan Paul actively tried to call coffeezilla a liar tho soooooooo. Granted he was immediately blasted for it, but still lol.
@theoutsiderjess1869 Год назад
@@LouisGiliberto i was a fan but I'm also an adult and when you fuck with your fans money that is the biggest sin a creator can make to me
Turkey Tom’s new PNG art makes me sorta act up, luckily he doesn’t have a plush yet that comes with a Jar
@yeezoyoutube Год назад
@Zormbii Год назад
timeout, now.
@PartyBoxGamer Год назад
This is why we can’t have nice things.
@cattegoggles Год назад
@Matthiasthehillbilly Год назад
Naughty Corner now
@VideoboxInc Год назад
Nah as long as she twerks on cam and says shes autistic she can come back from this
@Taydutt13 Год назад
Autism claps
@onemorescout Год назад
Then she’d have to make an apology video for causing an earthquake
@juarezamorim Год назад
that would be nightmarish
@I8one2Many Год назад
Whales belong in the sea.
@flarestorm9417 Год назад
The unholy union of Austin Jones and EDP.
@middleofnowhere1313 Год назад
Sanctimonious, snotty, holier than thou: never a good combination. Get therapy, Blair.
@carriewalker2929 Год назад
That’s totally the tone her videos had. I liked the early ones but couldn’t even make it through them recently. I unsubscribed a few months ago. She’s completely crazy.
@axue4248 Год назад
@@carriewalker2929 Yep likewise, I noticed just how extremely judgemental she started being in her videos and it really turned me off. I think what really had me started noticing was when she was criticizing how Judge Judy shouldn't have any right to criticize someone for having for having 9 children when she has 9 children herself. And I'm like what? If not someone who's literally had 9 children, who can possibly criticize someone for having too many kids then? And in her case she could at least afford to take care of the children.
@Appalachianpixie Год назад
I love that the last music video you watched in it's entirety was Break Stuff
@Mistertbones Год назад
I find it funny how Blaire is trying to pretend like nothing happened.
@woodencheck6181 Год назад
Honestly a smart choice
@imjustjk Год назад
@@woodencheck6181it is a good choice. Lots of folks don’t follow RU-vid drama and have zero clue about all this. She’s lost a lot of followers but plenty of people don’t know or care about her personality or behaviour, only her content. She’ll probably continue to be fine as far as her channel goes. Her reputation among other RU-vidrs, however, is probably pretty fooked.
@Tornado1994 Год назад
@@imjustjk Not all at. She NEVER collaborated with actual TED Talkers. She mostly surrounded herself with SJW losers. The Biggest,most Hypocritical,Gaslighting Idiots on the entire Planet. They're grade A Cowards. I look back at their PATHETIC campaign against Nostalgia Critic himself Doug Walker from a half a decade ago and LAUGH Heartily. That SURE went well. This eDrama like ALL eDrama is Pathetic.
@Zea.H Год назад
Logan Paul killed my uncle, filmed it, and made an NFT out of it 😢
@GraveRobber- Год назад
Based af
@juarezamorim Год назад
@lmao1660 Год назад
@TitaniumTurbine Год назад
I’d believe it. Money down.
@HailToTheMeep Год назад
There is a hot take from a comment someone posted on Chris The Narc’s stream: All the nice looking nice sounding lads she surrounds herself with. Her persistent attempt to control every aspects of their lives, and her reaction when this failed.
@riven311 Год назад
I think it's that her left wing views have become a little bit more hardcore and more prevalent within some of her later videos. I personally don't mind outlooks on political rhetoric but if you are only gunning for one side it questions your ethics a little to me anyways. It's actually why I stopped watching her videos
@HailToTheMeep Год назад
You seriously think that’s the ACTUAL political? She commodifies and monetises everything. Including political views. Please.
@redacted5035 Год назад
She's still releasing videos like nothing happened lol
@swishtango5468 Год назад
Yeah, that’s how you get past a drama.
@Corasz Год назад
Nobody cares about her, just the content she's posting. She isn't personally involved in her content in any way besides her voice so as long as she keeps churning out the videos her fans will not care
@kashinimeyo Год назад
I feel like it was already produced content set to release on a timetable
@SlashinatorZ Год назад
@@swishtango5468 Seems to have worked for creepsmcpasta. Except he's a saint compared to Blair & seththeprogrammer
@Venomous_471 Год назад
She is a narcissistic woman so it won't faze her. She believes she is untouchable in the RU-vid world.
@Taydutt13 Год назад
Thank you Mr. Dark. Givin us the good shit on friday
@TheMacabreTavern Год назад
Just finished Wonder's video. Oh boy, that mountain just got bigger. Now you have 2 videos w/receipts. She's still going to get views, because shitting on MLM's is pretty safe territory. However, I think if she wanted to branch out, that's done.
@meatmanmagoo Год назад
You know what they say about people who live in glass houses.
@djadja6357 Год назад
"the british guy with the lisp"... Your gonna have to be more specific 😂
@Leatherargento Год назад
I'm an Aspie, too. I find faux Aspies who can actually read social cues like masters and engineer uncomfortable social chaos and heartache repellent.
@innocentnemesis3519 Год назад
Same here. I’ve unfortunately had encounters with a couple narcissists who think all their constant ~gaffes~ are because of autism and not because they lack thought or concern for anyone but themselves. They can fool me for a while until the pattern clicks into place, but I’ve gotten better at spotting the red flags now that I have studied these types of high conflict personalities
@Tornado1994 Год назад
If you think someone Fakes being on the Spectrum, then you're a misguided and very unpleasant person yourself.
@xLeandroIX Год назад
I think the reason why the Logan forest thing affected him so little was becase,well, wasn't intentional. Logan has the imagine of an idiot,what he does is childish behavior of sort,and is surrounded by relative idiots who allows his stuff to go up (im not in any means excusing his behavior,still repulsive what he is doing) But Illuminaughty,everything so far of what people is exposing , is all intention: stalking, manipulation, lies etc She build a false image of herself of being a person looking for the truth, justice, to expose scams and such. Thats why people is going hard on her,because she is basically the total opposite of that.
@shantigarin7272 Год назад
After listening to the whole story from different angles (yes I did not want to be quick to blame her or "cancel her") she started to sound like a control freak more and more, like the kind of person that says "yeah no worries I'll take on these responsibilities" and at the little things will turn around and throw a fit cause "I have to do everything here and nobody is helping me"
@pixelatedtree Год назад
its funny because during the creepshowart situation there was people asking if it was blaires turn due to her being toxic. that was awhile ago and she had a chance to save herself but nope just made it worse lol
@axolotlaristotle Год назад
As a video essayist myself I am ashamed to admit I used to look up to her. I saw how big she got, how often she made content, and I was just like 'wow this is someone who made it and knows what she is doing. Now I know the price. Being an absolute monster to EVERYONE in her life. She never had friends, she had people with 'uses' that she'd turn on in a moment if she thought it would profit her.
@RinLikesFish Год назад
Here’s something I kinda noticed. The reason why I think illuminaughtii will fall off easier than Logan Paul did was because of her audience demographic. If a big RU-vidr that’s aimed towards kids gets into controversy, those kids won’t see those posts on the internet as much, they won’t see the drama as much either since they hopefully don’t have social media at such a young age. Even if they did, Most of them wouldnt understand the severity of a situation. Now if a big RU-vidr that gets the same amount of views and has the same sub count but has an older audience demographic, they’re most likely to tank in views more than the other channel and in subs because if their audience being more socially aware and having social media. If illuminaughtii was a straight up kids channel and the same story came out, she wouldn’t fall off as much because mostly kids watch her videos. But, since her topics, grammar, content, and editing seems like it’s made for a more mature audience, she’s more likely to fall off than a kids yt channel. Idk if that makes sense, I’m running in 4 hours of sleep, lmk what you think 👍 (Other factors other than audience could include their sub count, the more the subs, especially if it’s a kids channel, the less the chance of those subs of that channel see them drama. And views play a part too. If you’re already getting millions of views a video and you tank a couple hundred thousand, you’re still good and still make money. A bit less, but you still make a good pay. If you’re getting an average of 300k views per vid (which is still amazing don’t get me wrong) and you get into drama and your views tank, youre losing a lot more revenue than the other guy with the millions of views per vid already did. Hope Someone else feels like this, Ty for reading
@lovableairheadmile6809 Год назад
Good analysis of the situation tbh
@fjnxtgdjsjeeh6073 Год назад
This drama is so big that I, who never heard of her, never heard of the other people involved in the drama, never watched many video essays or any content similar to hers, have repeatedly been getting these videos recommended to me for weeks that my curiosity got the best of me and now I'm here catching up.
@exodus9001 Год назад
She had naughty in her name the whole time, people should have realized she's bad
@PsDps Год назад
I always found her essays names eye grabbing. The internal content spiceless.
@thegrimlooper Год назад
What messes me up is I was like Wonder in many friendships. Growing up poor, people would often offer things to “be nice” but they always wanted something. If it didnt end how they wanted to, they would blackmail you or “expose” you. It makes you feel so alone and you stop trying. Add on OCD and it is so much harder.
@bkslsh Год назад
I never thought of it that way - if you lose 100k subs in one month, it doesn't matter if you have a million still, you just lost your most active subs. You don't want to lose the people who are actively watching your videos.
@geekehUK Год назад
Maybe if she apologised, explained to everyone that she is cancer, and made a video saying that the doctor told her she needed a personality transplant. Unfortunately she almost certainly can come back, she's manipulative enough to be able to convince the majority of people that she's genuinely remorseful and a changed person, but she'll probably be alright even if she does just continue to ignore it. I think enough of her audience are too normy to really be aware of the drama, and as long as she stays away from any topics that rely on personal credibility for a while, people will quickly tire of posting criticism in the comments. Her numbers will recover as she continues to get a steady stream of new viewers researching whatever MLM their Aunt or work colleague is trying to recruit them into. It is too her great advantage that the people she screwed over are all much better people than she is, and they won't do anything vindictive.
@Starshadow Год назад
It’s my opinion as a 72 yo techie who’s been on the Web since it WAS the web, that Blair is a monster, based just on her attacking Wonder and publishing his suicide note and shouting out his alleged instabilities. No friend does that. Let alone her own plagiarism and sloppy journalism. She lost me. And evidently I am not alone- looks to me her stats took a huge hit. Will she have to get a real job? Maybe. I am beyond caring. Blair isn’t the only documentary type exposure channel out there. I choose to look elsewhere for content.
@kashinimeyo Год назад
Another problem with her channel is that she’s cultivated rather left-leaning viewers. The thing with leftist and left-leaning viewers is that they don’t want to associate with morally questionable individuals- like I heard someone say they could never watch Idubbbz (before Anisa) because he said the n-word. Her doing absolutely garbage things will decimate her core audience
@TitaniumTurbine Год назад
@Orkhiss You underestimate how many right wingers will support, donate to and vote for people who have been found committing sexual misconduct, tax evasion and inciting insurrections into public office. Yep, two can play that game.
@Tornado1994 Год назад
@Orkhiss Leftists ALWAYS turn on each other over Stupid and ASININE Shit. Remember what happened to Lindsay Ellis aka Nostalgia Chick in Late 2021? She got canceled over Fucking Pointless Shit.
@amalali504 Год назад
Views/Subs/Comments are a lifeline to a channel’s success & subscribers are the commodity that makes money for the creator. Some people would not want to contribute to the bottom line of someone like Blair out of principal, others may just not care but if she keeps her mouth shut & keep producing videos, she can probably replace the subs she lost in time. However, based on what is apparent from her personality, she’ll find it hard not to continue her pattern & find people to lash out on. She seems to thrive on chaos.
@Cozmokittee Год назад
Saw a podcast where TommyC talked about his dealings with her and what transpired there. Same victim roles, same levels of trying to corrupt and control everyone involved. Certain aspects were different, like she aimed for more wholesome people the next time around so they were easier to manipulate, but all around shes playing the same games everytime. I hope more of her viewers dig a little deeper and see what kind of psycho she really is
@kashinimeyo Год назад
She literally should’ve kept her mouth shut and nobody would’ve ever cared. She had to pop off on Legal Eagle over an editing style that a) isn’t her work b) she doesn’t own it c) she’s guilty of actual plagiarism and was called out for it.
@TitaniumTurbine Год назад
Her ego and control issues are way too large for her to just brush something so minor under the rug. If it wasn’t Legal Eagle that opened the floodgates, it would have been something else eventually.
@m.t.4648 Год назад
She should have paid a maid/housekeeper to dig thru her own shit.. ffs if you can afford multiple bmw's one could think they had the money to hire a cleaner to come around maybe once a week..
@axolotlaristotle Год назад
As a leftist myself I can give insight into why 'the left' isn't defending her/going after click for saying the r=word. It's not just because she is a shitty person but because most of us (outside of woke scolds who are r-words) believe in reform. If you used to be a jerk but became a better person/doing stuff to make amends congrats. You're good in our book. I even made a video about that on my channel over a year ago talking about Hunter Avallone.
@DullyDust Год назад
In case you are interested, Wonderstruck released his own video about her. It's pretty long though
@zephynum Год назад
what's the link?
@Tornado1994 Год назад
@combatcarl Год назад
Would love for illuminaughti to be over, but I doubt that will happen.
@vikkipink1288 Год назад
I was a very hardcore huge fan of Blair for a while. I ignored a lot of stuff I shouldn’t have. The way she was involved in a drama a couple years back that I now see in a totally different light but at the time I just didn’t think it was too big of a deal so I mostly ignored it. When I heard about the legal eagle stuff I just didn’t think it was that bad even though it really was pretty shitty. Even the plagiarism allegations didn’t faze me. I had found her channel during a really bad time in my life and it was incredibly comforting. Her voice was very soothing to me, I loved the little expressions and animations her avatar made, I learned everything I know about MLMs from her, she is where I would look to see if a company or product was good or trustworthy enough to use or buy, and most of all I really liked watching someone who appeared to really care about people. When she first put out that “apology” video I was so desperate to believe her that I just bought into but the more I thought about it the more uncomfortable I got with some of the red flags in it. Then click’s video came out and everything came crashing down. I just never could have imagined how bad it actually was. I knew there were probably going to be a couple of shady things going on but nothing could have prepared me for that. Today I watched Wonder’s video about the situation and it was absolutely heartbreaking. I strongly believe in second chances and giving people room to grow and change but in this situation I just can’t ever support her again and I don’t think anyone else should either. This is an ongoing pattern of being controlling, manipulative, and basically abusive behavior in my opinion. At the very least I would consider some of her actions to be harassment, stalking, and mental and emotional abuse. She has shown she has no problem being completely fake and has the ability to lie her ass off without a second thought. She seriously acts more like a wannabe cult leader than a boss or friend. I’m not exactly sure how old she is but I know for sure she is old enough that this isn’t some kind of mistake you make being young and dumb. This is indicative of a much deeper psychological issue that will not be resolved quickly or easily if it can even be helped. I do not trust her to ever be in a position where she has amount of power or control over others in any setting and she sure as hell doesn’t need to be given the responsibility of a large platform. She would admit what she’s done, actually apologize, and leave RU-vid for good if she really wanted to prove to people that she at least has an ounce of care for other people. But that’s it. There is no coming back from all this, not in my opinion anyway. I know the internet has a short memory sometimes but I just don’t know if the audience she has curated would ever be able to look past the kind if stuff she has done. At least I hope she isn’t able to continue but if she does I hope to god she gets help if not help for her sake then for the sake of anyone unfortunate enough to come into contact with her in the future.
@melimelz4948 Год назад
I don’t give a flying duck about her or her drama or her content but I watch every new video you put out.. this is just a testament to how much I enjoy your work/tone of voice Turkey Tom! 🦃
@juarezamorim Год назад
wrong channel, this is TomDark
@supersardonic1179 Год назад
You're on TomDark. Turkey Tom is notorious imposter living off of TomDark's name.
@TitaniumTurbine Год назад
You would care if you were the one getting used and abused. Have some empathy ffs.
@mattgonzales774 Год назад
i just watched wonder's video and man it just solidified and set in stone how manipulative and gross illuminaughtii is. i've only seen a few of her videos in the past but honestly i'll go out of my way to avoid her content now. ppl like her are just so despicable to me and they very VERY rarely change, and if they ever do actually change it'll take years and years and even then they tend to get impatient and rude while waiting to gain trust back from others, which just shows the change never truly happened.
@angeloluna529 Год назад
honestly her channel will not die out over her shitty past, over time people will either forget, forgive her, simp for her and new viewers who never knew what she did will continue to support her. If yongyea can continue to thrive while he shilled and lied for CDPR for their disasterous launch of CP77, then she too can thrive.
@mechamahou8467 Год назад
Comparing yongyea shilling a company to a woman financially and emotionally abusing her employees is pretty dumb. But then again, you're the type of person to unsubscribe based on the opinion someone has on a single video game so. Prolly tells us all we need to know.
@vixxxenfoxxx3660 Год назад
I've noticed those defending her a particular type of people. If you look at their post its chalk full those 'its most definitely not me, its everyone else' type quotes. You know, the type who love to use pseudo psychiatry as a way to bully others but when people try it on them they play the victim and call it bullying and harassment. Always the victim type. Basically, Blair.
@pollbun7490 Год назад
She can come back, since her content, despite her personality, is a public good. Especially considering she has extensive videos documenting MLM scams and how they work and their backgrounds. Her videos are a public good at the end of the day for preventing people from falling down the hole of MLM’s, which have literally ruined lives
@pollbun7490 Год назад
Look up cutco, an mlm that targets students, and her video is the first one that pops up
@luc11_ Год назад
agreed, she might be a shitty person but you can't say that her content isn't at least somewhat helpful
@se7ente3n Год назад
@@pollbun7490yeah but she is also dead wrong on a bunch of her videos if you have even a passing knowledge on it. “her” research is shoddy and doesn’t hold water, plus she has an immense bias and at the end of the day is only a good youtuber if you want an echo chamber to never question your beliefs
@bessieburnet9816 Год назад
Yeah, well, Creepshow Art did public good too.
@amberwolf5371 Год назад
There are other channels that fill that niche. I used to watch all of her videos but I'm not anymore. With her type of content you have to trust the integrity and morals of the person making it and with everything that has come out I wouldn't trust anything she says.
@summerrose7839 Год назад
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. You did a great job. ❤
@dameneko Год назад
I love how "iilluminaughtii poop story" is the second line in the search bar. 😹
@HailToTheMeep Год назад
Her waxing my boyfriends b*lls story should be explored too
@BeersAndBeatsPDX Год назад
She's just going to ignore it until it goes away. She's still getting 150k views per video. In a few days there will be a new drama everyone cares about and we'll all forget we were mad at her
@denysvision Год назад
not really since what blair did is unforgivable that will be remembered jsut like creepshow art
@iamepic6726 Год назад
You may forget because you have poor memory but don’t assume everyone will. Not everyone is you.
@BeersAndBeatsPDX Год назад
​@@denysvision Unforgivable to us. To someone like her she's the victim. There's still plenty of apologists who will take her side.
@BeersAndBeatsPDX Год назад
​@@iamepic6726 It's how outrage mob mentality works. There's a new enemy of the week everyone is against then the masses move on to the next.
@D_an_ Год назад
I think this is going to be a rare case in internet drama where not everyone watching it has the attention span of a gold fish. Since this drama has only been spiraling into a constantly growing shit storm. If it was just about legal eagle everyone would've forgotten about this by now but now that the group behind sadmilk is involved. It just opens up 12 different rabbit holes exposing her bizzare degenerate behavior.
@dariansmith8979 Год назад
I don't think people care much about the situation as a whole I think everyone is just addicted to watching the downfall of someone so terrible
@TitaniumTurbine Год назад
I generally agree but I do think it’s a little bit of both in this case. A lot of people on Wonderstruck’s video were emotionally affected when he broke down during the mental health portion (it hit me in the feels too, having dealt with toxic people and an unhealthy mindset all at once). It was incredibly relatable, especially being forced to be vulnerable and openly public about private topics. As a side note… I do think it’s the responsibility of all of us to make it clear that using, abusing, and manipulating people should not be tolerated or accepted (regardless of one’s politics, who it is and how much we may enjoy someone’s content). I’m not necessarily advocating for cancel culture, but a more positive social environment for all.
@Glitched_System_byte Год назад
It’s okay to have mixed motives.
@woodencheck6181 Год назад
Couldn't be more accurate
@peppermint_latte Год назад
Wonderstruck (together with Oz Media) made a video in response to all this. It's a bit long (haven't gotten around to watching it yet) but I imagine it's going to bury her even more. I don't think she's going to fully recover from this honestly. I think her channel will still get views but it's going to be a fraction of what she used to get since a lot of longtime subscribers have left after this coming out.
@HurricaneSparky Год назад
She let her ego get the best of her, and it exposed how psychotic and obsessive she has been behind the scenes for years.
@SairekCeareste Год назад
I hope her channel continues to bleed until it's just a husk of a corpse. It's imperative for someone who uses their influence to stalk, smear, harass and manipulate people to not have such a platform so they will be unable to do anymore damage. At least it seems a couple of her sponsors have taken some notice and are investigating the situation. Hopefully they'll drop her, but most likely they will only choose the path that makes them the most money, so if she still is profitable, they'll probably stick with her.
@XJYNCT Год назад
If you go onto her channel, she's acting as if nothing has happened, and is still uploading her videos like normal. She's probably relying on the Internet's short attention and memory span so she can sweep the issue under the rug.
@dingdongshush Год назад
I think she'll try to carry on, but as more and more people expose her, she'll suddenly come out with a tearful story time video about some terrible stuff that happened to her when she was younger, to make people feel sorry for her, whilst saying 'I'm not blaming my behaviour on this...I take FULL accountability....I SHOULD have done better....but the trauma from my experiences got the better of me....I'm so disappointed....I apologise to everyone I've ever hurt.." Then she'll fuck off vowing not to come back until she's had extensive therapy. If she's really really REALLY good at manipulation then she will shoot a series where she's volunteering at a soup kitchen or dog shelter or something....because she wants to "give back." If she did that, it would fool a lot of people and she'd be fine until she fucked up again (and she would), after which she would probably be completely cancelled forever.
@watkins7086 Год назад
Lol yep
@saintofstories Год назад
Said it here before but I'll say it again. If you present as a morally good person they will all turn on you one day. Most successful on the platforms are openly assholes. Its why tom and keemstar can't be canceled
@Corasz Год назад
tbf tom has been "cancelled" but its just people on twitter who r virtue signalling all the time lmfao. whenever someone brings up something he did hes just like "yea i did it" and then everyone stops giving a fuck hahah. blair wouldnt even own up to it and kept making things worse with her bs "apology" vid and tried to make herself look like a victim
@SlashinatorZ Год назад
Keemstar looked cool trying to handle Seth & his friends
@starrilysky Год назад
That's true, it depends what kind of fanbase you build. If you majorly cater to the Twitter people then you are gonna have a bad time bc anything you do will be considered offensive to them, and if they are the majority of your audience then you can be cancelled extremely quickly and easy
@uastyrdzhii Год назад
​@@Corasz spelling my guy
@Corasz Год назад
@@uastyrdzhii i didnt spell anything wrong wdym
@johnmagus6341 Год назад
I've never seen such a terrible, self-inflicted wound.
@naaga7932 Год назад
The more I see it the more I believe if you just ignore drama or do a quick response saying I'm sorry I was in the wrong is the best way to deal with this
@breadbread1582 Год назад
honestly her room reminds me of how my sister lives.
@issholland Год назад
RU-vid is free to make an account. The only thing that can stop someone from uploading completely is their own death
@gimmiecoffee Год назад
Honestly, the whole illuminaughti situation is the good old saying "Let sleeping dogs lie".
@ayoo_killuh3429 Год назад
I’ve seen how she looks, she is the friend in the group that makes the rest of the girls look like 10’s . The one that gets mad at her friend/s if they hang out with their BF. Does little things/ spreads lies , Sabotages the relationship so you can be single like her. The extremely insecure one and the one that constantly brings up stuff she did for you, so you’ll feel bad and not leave her
@flarestorm9417 Год назад
She and Shannon (Creepshowart) have the same look. You can tell the difference between the two, but they physically and emotionally fit that architype to a T.
@horseheadkid Год назад
@smashingmolko Год назад
Click's response was powerful but honestly, Wonder's video just unlocked such a dark corner of this story. It was so hard to watch, but solidifies my opinion that yes, she's actually evil.
@HelloAwesome94 Год назад
The thing with illuminaughtii (Blair) is that for what it was. Her content was good but the more I found out about how they went about research for videos. It was exposed her team stole from Facebook groups and others without credit. She would even laugh when people asked rightfully for credit. My red flags went up when Blair went after Cruel World Happy Mind. And literally tried to galvanize her subs to attack CWHM. So now after TheClick and Wonderstruck Guys respective response videos. I feel as though there is not much of a way back to her old content. She would need to switch gears. And since her fan base is very much “I’m a good person and everyone else needs to hear me.” It would depend on if they allowed her back. So right now. Who knows. I mean Creepshowart (Shannon) was exposed for being a stalker to EmilyArtful and wasn’t able to come back but what sunk her really was the LOLCOW posts about D’Angelo and Her best friend Ready to Glare. Those LOLCOW posts were so damning and gave the room for Emily to come forward about a decade of stalking. So now Blair’s in the same spot as Shannon was. And much like Shannon she tried to flip it and make herself the victim. But you can’t do that when you’ve made someone homeless and hired someone else to help stalk your former friends online activity. So how she will come back if ever is hard to tell. I think maybe she will just let this ride until it’s no longer possible to make money then leave. Much like Shannon did.
@--Paws-- Год назад
I remember there was a drama around her before, it was actually how I found her channel and became a viewer. The stigma of what happened sort of faded when nothing much happened until she and another channel Cruel World had a tiny back-and-forth yet that also faded. I don't know if this issue will fade or have a Streisand Effect.
@Psilomyde Год назад
Toms predicting the future? Wow
@theotakux5959 Год назад
I have depression, and sometimes my apartment gets a bit messy, mostly in the kitchen when I let food packaging (not anything that would start to smell) and dishes pile up. But I always eventually get everything cleaned up. I can't imagine letting it get that bad, and espeically the rest of my home, that's insane.
@DangerDan64 Год назад
Another comparison to Creepshowart is similar on the basis of "this individual that doesn't tolerate racism, fascism, ect" then turns out to be no better or equally as shitty of an individual. Funny enough a more comparable in size, Seththeprogrammer was also exposed a few months back. But the difference between him and those two, aside from content not making himself being virtuous guy. He was known to be a complete asshole, even to his fan on livestreams consistently. So when he's exposed for being abusive friend, scam his audience, sexual harassment towards minors, making people do crazy shit to become moderators on his Discord and lesser other internet crimes. Despite all of these things, he only lost about 70k subscribers. Yeah, not much by comparison and he almost had a million beforehand.
@bluetiger2468 Год назад
Can she come back? I feel like RU-vid not showing the dislikes on her videos is helping her. She can legit just keep posting and she'll probably still get decent views. But she probably ruined a bunch of collaboration opportunities. Because I remember I used to watch a RU-vidr super long time ago until I noticed they were getting disliked boomed and that's how I found out about the drama. If she deletes her apology video and pretend like nothing happen, she could actually recover since her content is not heavily relying on her personality. It's a documentary channel, people don't really care about who she is, they just want to learn what she's talking about.
@isaiahcameron7897 Год назад
Have you seen Wonder’s response? What she did to him is just horrifying.
@MissyGail4eva Год назад
Fave Creepshow comment from Tom Dark, "And she was huge..well, not physically, but.. she was _huge."_ MEeoOW, gobble gobble..
@y33b01 Год назад
all this just bc she decided to call out someone who was simply asking for help💀
@pksqquared Год назад
i feel like for logan paul's situation RU-vid didn't wanna erase his channel so YT basically saved him from that tbh
@krievv Год назад
I remember a while ago (way before the drama) wanting to see what she looked like and I kept digging up threads about how much of a shitty person she was in my search
@TwoBs Год назад
Yea, she’s _always_ been a shitty person. People have made videos on her and predicated this long ago when it comes to her attitude and ego. Honestly surprised it took this long, but she’s not going to magically change just because the internet finally got to the same page others were already on and collectively called her out. She will just ignore it like she always does, much like how she’s always done with genuine criticism and people calling her out for putting misinformation in videos (can’t recall which one it was, but I do remember she was removing comments - comments from her own fans that would be really nice about it but because they questioned her credibility it’d get removed, leading to the “New” comments being people asking why it was deleted, it would get replies from others experiencing the same, to then have that one removed also lol).
Wonder, the guy she attacked for a long time in her exposed video, finally made a rebuttal
@Bl4ckSh33p Год назад
I don't really watch TurkeyTom too often, but when I do I can I appreciate a characteristic he has that most commentary channels don't. And that's humility. You look at someone like pyro (who I like as well), who doesn't show much humility, and it's true, when your channel is based on memes and trolling, there isn't much loyalty or truly keeping fans there. I don't know much about illuminaighty, but I just wanted to comment on Tom's quality to his channel being a commentator compared to others. Also he shoots straight. Very rare if at all after watching a Turkey Tom video I raise an eyebrow and say "you suuuureeee about that?!"
@Corridor3000 Год назад
It's funny seeing both Tom and Pyro mentioned in the same comment and it not shitting on Tom
@zen7even Год назад
This dude is way better then pyro
@Bl4ckSh33p Год назад
@@zen7even I established that
@zen7even Год назад
@@Bl4ckSh33p indeed
@RavenhallowGrey Год назад
I think another factor in the Paul vs Blair comparison is that Logan's fans tend to be kids who likely don't know or don't care as much about controversy. Whereas I would think (pure conjecture, I could be totally off-base) Illuminaughty would have an audience who skews a little older, which would feed into them already being a more critical viewer base. I won't be surprised if she tries to limp on like nothing has happened, but I'll be shocked if she can actually recover.
@PongoDaMan Год назад
"if coldplays yellow was an emo anthem" i mean, it kinda already was
@oliverspencer2411 Год назад
Hearing TomDark say CreepshowArt going after racism was a part of her personality people didn't like in his fourth video about iiluminaughtii video was not how I expected my 2023 to go
@FRT_TRF.07 Год назад
I can't stand her, I really hope she doesn't come back
@Brendito1 Год назад
“I don’t mean physically” 😂 5:58 idk why that really got me
@noBody-ue6cs Год назад
And yeah, I think the blowback will mainly be about who works with/for her in the future. Even though she did lose subscribers
@31webseries Год назад
She’s just going to ignore it and pump out as many new videos on high click topics as possible
@LiquidBreath518 Год назад
Also think another difference would be that Logan is genuinely likeable. He comes across as a pleasant, friendly, relatable likeable guy who is really fun to be around. She is the exact opposite of that
@Xillionnonono Год назад
I don't think she will come back from exposing someone's mental illness and treating people so shitty without an actual apology. Her channel is all about truth and justice, so doing something like this isn't something recoverable for her.
@RcsePetl Год назад
Diet Creepshow
@xSaintxSmithx Год назад
@justsummers1559 Год назад
Off brand diet creepshow 😂
@Alex-2.01 Год назад
The problem is that Logan Paul, as much as I don't like him, did genuinely apologize, and his response to backlash isn't to try and drag someone's reputation down with carefully made lies and half truths, nor did he do anything that Claire did in general.
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