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The God Theory 

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(www.thegodtheory.com) Video discusses why it is possible to believe in both science and God, a God that is compatible with the Big Bang and evolution. Is there a plausible purpose behind the Universe consistent with modern astrophysics? See www.thegodtheor...



5 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 7 тыс.   
@tobiassinclair4646 9 лет назад
God speaks through the heart of mankind. Once you take the step towards God to form a relationship all theories, plausible ideas and doubts dissolve. There is only one true God that wants you with him for eternity.
@tobiassinclair4646 8 лет назад
It is the God of mankind. The one true God. Creator of Heaven and Earth. There is not a god of Christians only....
@chelseamajeau8900 6 лет назад
Tobias Sinclair I want to know how made GOD so let me know because that's about2000 to nothing and I pick 1006 %Of h
@Chris-zl3np 4 года назад
@@chelseamajeau8900 God created everything everyone has a role for the christians it said only good people shall go to heaven i mean that is correct but why would god made people do bad things then.
@102sillykid 11 лет назад
"Through Him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." John 1:3 'Nuff said.
@timothymostad8968 11 лет назад
So many gods and goddesses to pick from. I think Oden should be in charge. His sacrifice was permanent and personal.
@Radum72 13 лет назад
Everything comes from "inside" of us , don't look up for the answers outside , focus on "inside of you" and you'll find all the answers , be friend with yourself, start to be yourself , and step by step you 'll discover the true love for every person . The perception of "outside" it's your own projection, it comes from you...
@snazzytazzanna67 11 лет назад
Very nice,as this man was saying towards the end, "You can if you want believe in Science,God and the Universe all with a purpose!" Thanks for sharing. :)
@AcceleratorPlus 13 лет назад
“What is this Self of yours? What was the necessary condition for making the thing conceived this time into you, just you and not someone else?” "What is this "I"? You will, on close introspection, find that what you really mean by "I" is the ground-stuff upon which all experiences are collected." - Erwin Schroedinger
@102sillykid 11 лет назад
"For God did not send his song into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he does not believe in the name of God's one and only son. This is the verdict: light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light for he fears that his deeds will be exposed....' John 3:17-20
@spadeyomoma 11 лет назад
Math, sacred geometry, platonic solids and E8 are enough proof for me of a design and a god.
@102sillykid 11 лет назад
He is there. You're just too blind to see
@102sillykid 11 лет назад
Yeah, because God does exist, he is the creator of everything. And no matter how hard you try to deny his existence, you still know that he's there
@lsl70 13 лет назад
The foundation of the Universe is the pure thought of God whose mind we exist within. That pure thought gradually transitions to pure energy and that pure energy eventually transitions into physical matter.
@BigMTBrain 13 лет назад
@looncraz - (p5) - Two final points - (1) I use "possibility" as a POSSIBLE answer to: What is the source of everything? I agree with your def of "probability", but answering with "possibility" removes constraint: probability inhibition = 0. It immediately implies infinity upon infinity, infinitely. (2) In this scenario, time is only another possible dimension per paradigm, and In our paradigm, time and physics may be distorted in singularities, erupting reformulated in white hole expansion.
@stramster1 13 лет назад
@ScripsitVeritas As someone that studies philosophy I agree but lets not forget what metaphysics means and why it came "after" physics in Aristotle work. Postulations beyond physics DO require evidence. Understanding requires validation and the most powerful tool we have for this is the scientific method.
@ninjamixer 11 лет назад
I am glad this is a sensible video. It begs the question of...what's the point of worship and belief? False hope?
@looncraz 13 лет назад
The only issue with the idea of a centralized God-figure is that there is no place to put him. At the center of it all is a realm which doesn't seem capable of supporting an independent organization required for thought. This is not to say that the whole sum of the contents of that realm (which includes all universes) don't make up a super-consciousness, but if that is the case then strong psychic connections should be common and we should be always affect our surroundings with our thoughts.
@PanDeism 13 лет назад
The formal theological name of the theory described in this video is Pandeism (pantheistic Deism -- the Creator has become the Creation, in order to share in the experience of existing as this Creation).
@JustLacksZazz 13 лет назад
I'm starting to wonder why we continue to argue over the reason why we are here at all. As humans, we are incapable of understanding it entirely (we just lack the biology and brainpower). Just enjoy the infinite wonders we face and be grateful that you exist in such a unbelievably large universe (or larger multiverse). The mystery is what makes it all so wonderful.
@waynnart 13 лет назад
@Spectraeon what i mean't is north of this earth and south of this planet,when people talk of up in north or down south,thats what i meant,meaning up is north. I also said the universe is moving up the galaxie meaning north of the earth,cause all the stars are moving and the world thinks its staying still but really its moving up with rest of the galaxies and stars. I would like to add this,i didn't not TYPED the the universe was made 4500 years ago.
@smo699 13 лет назад
@DeepThought1701 I don't think you quite understand the concept. There are some theoretical physicists who believe that the universe is simply a product of our own consciousness because quantum mechanics says that perception dictates our ultimate reality. It's not about discovering a meaning to life, it's about transcending every conscious thought to a single source. The question is, 'where's the power outlet?' We know information cannot be destroyed, but what dictates that information?
@102sillykid 11 лет назад
"..He himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him though he is not from each of us. For in him we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:25-28
@102sillykid 11 лет назад
Its not good behavior that gets us into heaven, its accepting Jesus as our savior and believing that he died for our sins. After we die our bodies will decay and be eaten by insects, but we wont be remaining in our bodies after we die so why should it matter what will happen to them. The time we are spending on this earth cant even be compared to the eternity that comes after, and we all have the choice of where we will spend that eternity.
@NoActuallyGo-KCUF-Yourself 12 лет назад
The second line was an introduction to the rest, sorry for not using the proper punctuation. Genes don't change to suit the environment. That is correct. Genes change because of natural random mutations. Those genes that can survive in that environment, do, and reproduce, and continue. Those that can't survive, don't, and they go away. That is how natural selection works. These small, incremental changes eventually lead from land mammal to ocean cetacean, e.g.
@pbaylis1 10 лет назад
Of course there is more to reality that what our senses perceive. Humans have 5 senses. Dogs, for example, have six. So, immediately a dog has more grasp on reality than me.
@astylinsonbyadoption5681 9 лет назад
Actually humans have more than 5 senses. I'm not sure the exact number I think it's about 21.
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
@AceGod7 The reason there are so many Gods is because as the bible states (though you might believe it to be a human book) man is incurably religious. It basically states that he is "running and hiding" from him who is pure light. It states that the greatest sin is that he will "worship" ie, substitute God with ANYTHING AND ANYONE except him. (believe that or not thats what it teaches) so, fictitious Gods that accommodate men is preferred ....and that is why there are so many gods and religions
@samhonana 11 лет назад
And where did these beings that created us come from? who created them? or are you saying that something can come from nothing?
@SouthernWhiteTrash 13 лет назад
given current evidence on the way the universe, our solar system, and life's evolution have developed, the only area still left for god is as an entity that got the big bang going and then sat back and watched the events unfold.
@HobbsO 11 лет назад
The multiverse wasn't created to explain why our Universe seems so tuned for life. The multiverse was an idea created to explain a possibility of the observations in high energy collisions of particles. They simply said that it's a possibility and an ever growing one the more we examine the evidence. So saying that the multiverse theory is equal to the god "theory" is like saying heliocentric theory is equal to geocentric "theory".
@ifanf 13 лет назад
It's up to you, whether you want to believe God or Not. Don't blame the uploader or the book writer. Choose your own faith, God or Not
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
The reason there are so many Gods is because as the bible states (though you might believe it to be a human book) man is incurably religious. It basically states that he is "running and hiding" from him who is pure light. It states that the greatest sin is that he will "worship" ie, substitute God with ANYTHING AND ANYONE except him. (believe that or not thats what it teaches) so, fictitious Gods that accommodate men is preferred ....and that is why there are so many gods and religions
@AcceleratorPlus 13 лет назад
A Primary Field is still missing in physics. The theatre where multiple universes arise.. from which the field harvests information. We call this harvesting of information - Consciousness. Consciousness is the field super-positioning. The experience of separateness is created by each unique brain and environment.. while the FUNDAMENTAL observer is always the same. Memories are building blocks that self organize into new realities (like dreams). A metaphysical reality is evolving - now.
@robin100012001 13 лет назад
@Kojitsu Actually yes, big bang theory DOES explain how the universe is made, at least after the big bang. We might not yet know what was before it and how that single atom containing all the universe came into being. but all the universe was in that single atom and this is how its all made. so it partially explains how the universe as we know it today came into being.
@iTokujou 13 лет назад
Isn't it all keeping an open mind? what ever each person's belief may be, acknowledging possibilities will probably getting us somewhere, rather than limiting what we think "is" or "isn't" by abiding to our imperfect and limited understanding after all, have we all not been surprised, in general, by expecting things to be a certain way, but in the end they were not?
@dactylionpriest 13 лет назад
I don't think you can mix god and science, for science is limited by the finite universe we're in, whereas a god or creator is infinite and thus would lie outside of it. Ultimately it is one belief verses another (hence why most religious beliefs rely on faith).
@DirtyMekanic 13 лет назад
@stevjen1 the earth is described in Job 26:7 as being suspended over empty space, implying a spherical figure. This notion is further entertained in Isaiah 40:21-22, which refers to “the circle of the earth.” This is further supported by Proverbs 8:27, which speaks of God drawing a circle on the face of the deep. From a “bird’s-eye view” of the ocean, the horizon is seen as a circle. Metaphors and Similes were used excessively in those times (definitely poetic).
@yupinawate 13 лет назад
@ArchelStudio, the problem is just that: there shouldn't be a war between believers and non-believers. All conflicts came, come and will come just because people can't respect the other. Formely Church forced other to follow "the right way". That was very bad. Now they show the other to follow "a right way", but there are people who don't like that way. If people respected the other, there wouldn't be so many prejudices. No prejudices means freedom to decide. Maybe people would be more religious
@RequiemNocturne1 13 лет назад
@WSGAC The multiverse is a hypothesis, but there are more models such as string theory, virtual universe, no boundary, chaotic inflation, brane cosmology, lattice model. Right now we can't be for certain because we don't have enough information but putting a god into play makes things difficult and is unscientific. Why not wait for more information before concluding anything? A god could exist but it may have nothing to do with the universe.
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
@ferkinskin Rob, RE ***I didn't say that there is no-thing that is eternal, so there is nothing to disagree with. However, why presume a god?*** No but you did say ***I can't say that there "must" be something eternal*** So, I was hoping through my argument (please re visit it) that there is good reason to believe "something MUST be eternal" So, if we can grant that something is necessarily eternal lets move forward now to the question "exactly WHAT?... is eternal?" I will reduce it (cont)
@BigMTBrain 13 лет назад
@looncraz - (p2) - Within the infinity of paradigms, infinite possibility means exactly "all things possible, all things real". The scenario I present is, again, without no implied limitation. Given such a scenario, there would be an infinite subset where gods and/or demons do exist. Why? Because infinite possibility would assure it. "Beyond [...] can be subjected to tests..." You can only test hypotheses. There are an infinite # of them, therefore, no possible consensus on probable form.
@ZedsDeadXO 13 лет назад
@AurorasWake No,what i meant was that if you complete your life successfully,you'll rest in peace but if you weren't successful then you have to reborn and restart all over. So it's like a test And about having a conscience while not having a physical body then you never know...some research says that conscience is not only in your mind but it's like a wave on the atmosphere(or something like that). I do really hope that there is an afterlife. Well anyway i respect your way of thinking
@avedic 13 лет назад
@kedarguru Last post lol. I wanted to say that....given all that I said, I would never presume to call it absolute truth. I have a deep intuitive feel that it is true. This is based on personal experience, the contemplation of philosophical ideas, and the revealed truth of science. I think these disciplines reveal something extraordinary. If anything, religion demeans the poignant and ineffable nature of reality. Admitting both humility AND curiosity is, I think, the best possible path.
@jobfromdayone 13 лет назад
More research has been done on this topic. It turns out you can play with the numbers quite a bit. The most important thing that we should remember is that we can only view the universe from a human perspective. We also have to admit that if you change the recipe for our universe a universe of a different kind may have formed. It wouldn't mean that we would get nothing.
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
@ferkinskin RE: Why are we worth more?" I submit we are worth more, not intrinsically but extrinsically. Our value comes from without and onto us. We are worth more because of who and what we are. Because of the true nature of our origins. Not purposeless and by accident but by purpose, with intention, with dignity and with love. There is a enduring "self" but "self" must be defined, placed in a context and given certain boundaries. The history of man i believe is linear, not cyclical.
@driveinnature 13 лет назад
@terrymorse You are correct and I am very happy that you replied the same:- A body can continue to function without there being consciousness, but consciousness cannot exist without a functioning body. This means a body can function but no consciousness or no soul it is a body which is dead because until and unless consciousness comes back he/she is in coma which means better to say he/she would never come back. So no soul no Life we only have a fully functioning body devoid of all senses,
@102sillykid 11 лет назад
"The fool says in his heart, "there is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile, there is no one who does good." Psalm 14:1
@ferkinskin 13 лет назад
@thesongtowoody I didn't say that there is no-thing that is eternal, so there is nothing to disagree with. However, why presume a god? If the multiverse is finite and god was the cause, then you have to explain where this god came from and what or who made it! If your answer is god is infinite then we can cut out the middle man and say the multiverse is infinite. The fact that we are discussing this means by definiton it is open to debate and not KNOWN! Have a fun weekend! Rob
@avedic 13 лет назад
@kedarguru When you step back and look at the sum total of human history and the arc of universal evolution there seems to be an obvious fact we miss: We are the universe itself. We aren't separate things apart from it. We are made of the same atoms that were present 10 billion years ago. The universe appears to be evolving into more complex forms in order to apprehend itself. Maybe god is the unity of all, divided into infinite subjective forms, evolving into total objective awareness of itself
@later928 11 лет назад
If your opinion of where the world came from is dependent on what others accept or believe themselves then you are unsure, in the same way that hearsay is a source for reasonable doubt. But that doesn't mean that you can't have beliefs in something just because you are unsure. Accepting that you are unsure is the first step, you must explore the insecurity that arises from being unsure, because it is the truth. Only then will you be able to explore belief with a clear mind.
@BigMTBrain 13 лет назад
@looncraz - (p1) - In your last post, you seem to use "infinite" as one might "ultimate". For me, infinite is without bound or constraint, no ultimate. Further, you seem to not have fully grasped my use of "paradigm": The paradigm that we exist in might be, not just a single universe, but a potential multiverse, and even a multi-multiverse. Another might be where "something,nothing" have no meaning, another where "meaning" is void, yet another where "logic" is completely different, ad infinitum.
@BigMTBrain 13 лет назад
@looncraz - (p4) - Just to be clear, (p3) and (part 3) are different. Again, apologies for "debasing". I do appreciate the dialog.
@chachee99 13 лет назад
Science does not say you cannot believe in a high power or intelligence. All science asks for is when a claim is made for it's existence, you need to supply physical evidence. I simply cannot understand why some people find this concept so hard to understand. I cannot understand why some place experience over and above evidence. I cannot understand why these philosophical pleads are taken as true. Experience life the best way you can.
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
@ferkinskin (Cont. 2) Eliminating the eternal pink spaghetti monster and other eternal 'candidates' , the two popular and hotly debated candidates are: 1. Eternal material impersonal universe or 2. Eternal Self Aware Being RE: ***why presume God?*** Good question but equally valid is..."why preclude God?" There are many different ways to approach this question but the one i'll choose is the "manuscript evidence" for the authentication of the old and new testament which... (cont part 3)
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
@ferkinskin Our conversation has steered to the question of... which is eternal? God or the universe as expressed in all my previous arguments. This then led to my argument for a personal God by means of prophecy. Again we will only spin our wheels if you change midstream the conversation by going all over the place with other discussions irrelevant to the topic of prophecy. contradictions, inconsistencies, moral codes etc etc. so address my argument specifically please.
@alphacentiari 13 лет назад
okay people stop fighting about science and god why do you people have to do that all the time after you watch a video since we were not there when the universe was created we will never know how all things came into being but that's not what this video was about it simply gives you another thought to think about the possibilities that there may be someone or something who created this beautiful world we live in it didn't say you have to believe in god or go to church
@BailiffQuimby 13 лет назад
@jegjegod As I mentioned before, no passage from the bible has an argument that stands on its own unless you believe that a god wrote it. I don't. So unless you can first convince me that your god exists and then convince me that the bible is his "word," there's no use quoting it. You may as well quote Star Trek. (The morality is better there at least...)
@astroquantumphysicsgalore8684 11 лет назад
i understand physics, and believe in god. this is becuse there is a math equation made by physicists that show that teh simplness of the laws of physics in a universe affect the quickness and muchness of complexitty arriving. The big bang created matter in our universe, but not the universe. Also, there were no laws yet before the big bang so, with this equation, simplicity= infinity so complexity's speed in arriving and how complex it is is also infinity. So a infinitely complex bieng had to be
@RootDubz93 13 лет назад
@AcceleratorPlus I think you have a much better idea of what God is than a lot of Christians, but i don't understand your last point: 'but those who survive will have plenty of space.' Why is that?
@amaniacwithacar 13 лет назад
What people dont understand is how the universe can be organised without some sort of interlect, The problem is people look at it the wrong way around, the universe is not structred because of some interlect, in fact our interlect is structured because the universe is!
@biggmoneyme 13 лет назад
@Huttate1 I've never heard voices in my head, if I did I would assume I was psychotic and would not attribute it to God. When I was young I went to this giant church gathering with my family. The preacher asked for anyone who wasnt sure to put their hands up. I remember slightly raising my hands jus above the pupil in front of me. Immediately I felt a strong jab in my stomach, as if I were punched in the gut. I fell to the ground.I dont believe this was created was created by my mind.
@BailiffQuimby 13 лет назад
@HomuncuIus But as an agnostic, you are either an agnostic theist or an agnostic atheist. You either believe in a god but admit you don't know, or you don't believe in a god, but admit you don't know. Most theists are gnostic (they claim to know for sure). Most atheists are agnostic (they don't believe, but they admit there's no way to prove his non-existence).
@CosmicFaust 8 лет назад
Is this a model of pandeism? It seems to be a neo-Einsteinian view of the universe in which I can totally see as very plausible.
@Siikient4 7 лет назад
sup sup baby girl wass been up witchu ma
@WitchHunter93 13 лет назад
@jegjegod You're generating a gravitational pull right now. Gravity isn't necessarily a *thing* that is created, it's an effect. Wherever there is mass, there is a bend in time/space, and so there is a gravitational pull. It's like having a bed with marbles, sitting on it, and watching the marbles roll towards you. Is your point that because we don't know everything that therefore God must exist? Because that is basically just an argument from ignorance.
@RequiemNocturne1 12 лет назад
@WSGAC Since we cannot grasp it materially invoking a immaterial god solves the problem in your opinion, but as i've said before we still don't have enough information and i'm aware that this is a philosophical issue. However it has been posed that our universe came about from a quantum vacuum that brought about the first particles that spontaneously create energy. One could even pose that these very particles are the transcendental cause.
@BailiffQuimby 13 лет назад
@jegjegod "When, you wake up in the morning, don't you choose, what kind clothes, you want to wear?" It would appear that I do. But if god knew at the beginning of time that I would wear an orange shirt today, then I did not have the choice of wearing a green shirt today.
@waynnart 13 лет назад
@hempartist420 the music STARSTRUKK is incoded about TIME TRAVEL which I typed about how the Music Starstrukk is incoded about TIME TRAVEL in (Einstein's big idea theory of relativity uploaded by alvrgona ) I typed there for awhile so press veiw all comments and you'll see I typed in pages 1,2,3 and 4th page in veiw all comments there,when you get far enough then you will know how that music is INCODED about TIME TRAVEL.
@DanFrederiksen 13 лет назад
because something as seemingly trivial as pain is impossible in a physical system we can be sure the metaphysical aka extramechanistic aka spiritual is real.
@vdizhoor 13 лет назад
God is not a theory. It is not even a hypothesis. Its a point of view. A personal point of view.
@choudjist 13 лет назад
i dont get why sciencist hate God so much, well i'm an engineer and i dont see any reason why God wouldn't exist. just because we dont see something dont it doesnt exist, we dont see electrons but see its effects (light). we dont see God , but we see this beautiful arrangement and set up in our bodies, in our planet, in the ecosystem and food chains, in the miraculous positions of the earth, i mean in the universe, the laws can set themselves on their own. it couldn't be the product of chance.
@troyevans100 13 лет назад
I have noted in my own understanding that thought and space are the only two constants that are eternal and are without form. In the Bible it says that we are all gods ( Psalms 82 6-7) We are also created in Gods image. Therefore, in conclusion, we create our oun reality around us as we go. It is whatever you say it is at the time that you say it is. And, its right to each indavidual in accordance to there oun understanding. This is why only few truly understand. Its "All" relative.
@RootDubz93 13 лет назад
@BailiffQuimby 13 лет назад
@jegjegod But if god is all-knowing, as you postulate, then he already knew at the begining of time whether or not I would be a believer and worship him - and that means that whether or not I believe in him is slated in destiny and I cannot change it by deciding to believe (for to do so would prove God's knowledge to be wrong, and god is all-knowing).
@MonkeyForNothing 13 лет назад
Why is it so hard to accept that the universe could exist without a creator and so easy to accept a supreme creator without asking the obvious: "What is the origin of the creator? Why does the creator exist. Why is there something rather than nothing?" Is it a satisfying answer that the Creator is eternal and has always existed? It isn't for me...
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
@ferkinskin Hi Ferkin, "The whole concept of god as the answer to anything is silly. Give me anything..just one scrap of evidence..." The reason why i am persuaded to believe in God is based on evidences that come from a wide variety of sources. Philosophical arguments, science, Logic, manuscript evidence, the internal testimony of skeptical men, prophecy, personal life experience. When thoroughly examining these, the evidence is very persuasive and reasonable. So my reasons are broad not singu
@stretch4859 13 лет назад
@dirtydonki just curious where did you come up with that figure? Didn't see nothing but how many times this video was viewed
@BigMTBrain 13 лет назад
@looncraz - (part 2) - However, I disagree on time. Time is a potential dimension in any given existence. Time can therefore be created, stretched and traversed just like any other dimension, even if in our human experience we can't traverse it. We do however see potential evidence for its creation (the white hole (universe birth) conclusion of a black hole), and its warping by gravity. Possibility, in my view, exists within and without all existants, and throughout all time. It's pervasive.
@KyleJack101 13 лет назад
What I believe is pretty straightforward. In the beginning there was nothing. In fact the beginning never existed, because it would have been something, but I will skip that part for argument’s sake. Now, as soon as nothing exists, there would be no laws. If there is not a single law, then an infinite number of things will come into existence. This means that our universe must exit, because their was no law to prevent it.
@alangnixon 13 лет назад
@War4Gore We don't know, that's the point, we choose not to confirm unknown entities without evidence. Speculation is fine, but what makes God a more useful speculation than other universes?
@panterguy 13 лет назад
You've got it backwards. The universe wasn't made for us. We were made from the universe.
@Truetheist 13 лет назад
Reality is a figment of the conscious perception. The conscious perception is just a figment of reality, like any other energy form. I give credit to chance that exists beyond human understanding.
@RequiemNocturne1 13 лет назад
@WSGAC This doesn't answer the problem, having a perfectly ordered being far more complex than the universe itself would suggest another designer yet people say " it's uncaused". Also you could take out all the planets and galaxies and the universe would still be much the same. The anthropic principle hinges on changing one principle, but changing them all at the same time would still allow a universe. look up the article " the multiverse stars burn black".
@avedic 13 лет назад
@kedarguru However, I agree with your agnostic POV. I believe that consciousness itself, the mystery of being, the mystery of why is there anything rather than nothing..I believe all of that is a clear indicator that we are a part of something so immense, poignant, all-encompassing, and meaningful that we can barely apprehend it. But, the desire to apprehend that singularity of being is what drives reality forward. This singularity of unified being is like an attractor, pulling us toward itself.
@SirJackiePaper 13 лет назад
Why is it so hard to accept that the universe exist with a creator???
@johnilyemson 13 лет назад
the clockwork universe theory works just fine for me. i love this video.
@insipidgimp 13 лет назад
@qqdudeq--On the contrary, religion is not off limits to criticism. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
@ferkinskin continued part 3....I would argue that only order can produce order. Chaos and non intention cannot produce symmetry, complexity. For example, does the information contained in a biological dna molecule display order and intention or does it display chaos and lack of intention? I would argue it displays something that might come from a well versed biological designer. You watch the play but it is the people behind the scenes who make it happen. It is the fingerprint of god.
@ferkinskin 13 лет назад
@thesongtowoody Firstly- Why presume the universe is an effect? If a god can be infinite and therefore noncausal then let us just substitute "god" with "the universe" (or rather multiverse) and we don't need a cause. Anything that goes for a god, goes for a multiverse. You can't just pick out the cherries. God is an effect, therefore it must have had a cause. If this doesn't apply to god then there is no reason to assume it should apply to the multiverse.
@driveinnature 13 лет назад
Brother, try to understand - A child which does not move is called a Dead Child. Child born paralytic does not mean it does not have SOUL, because it is not that the child is full paralytic from all angles. What do you feel?
@bestinfadel 13 лет назад
whats even more crazy and mind bogling than the size of the universe is the size of the atom and how empty it is 99.9% empty ...
@ZedsDeadXO 13 лет назад
@AurorasWake Well it's just something i believe on because i'm 15 and i'm already scared of death That is something i believe on to remove this fear I start trembling when i think about me stopping to exist and fall into the Oblivion Play this little flash game and that will make you think "and everything started to fall"
@johnny0042000 13 лет назад
during a near death experiece i got the truth "THEY"RE ALL AROUND IT BUT NONE ARE IN IT" i think it means not one man controled religion has it correct. it's simpleLOVE ONE ANOTHER
@FlyKingRy 13 лет назад
Huh, finally I am hearing of this concept from other minds, hooorah!
@BailiffQuimby 13 лет назад
@jegjegod "The bible doesn't say, that you don't have a free will" But the bible DOES say that god is all-knowing, which is logically contradictory to our having free will. If you believe that your god knows everything, then you believe that we have no free will. For example, if god knows that next Tuesday, you'll have pizza for lunch, then you have no choice but to have pizza for lunch next Tuesday, since for you to eat anything else would prove god wrong. Hence, no free will.
@robisnum1 13 лет назад
@benejezerite1 Where did you find this information? I am a pretty big Darwin fan and I have never read anything about his sister converting him....
@quantumgss 13 лет назад
Both are defensible, because there are some levels above the creator. There are 2 creators. The creator of light(Intelligence) and the creator of darkness(Ignorance). Both creators rely on the power of the all surrounding electromagnetic field. Above the electromagnetic field is the ultimate source of power. Above the ultimate source of power is God the redeemer. The universe created its self in its electromagnetic field that eventually originated from higher dimensions.
@hartistry1957 12 лет назад
When we say everything has a purpose; are we saying that purposefulness is why we exist? What if, just like Quantum Mechanics proves, we only perceive what is real because we can 'sense' it; then, are we deluding ourselves by ignoring such diverse beliefs, religions, traditions, and sources of individual "truth's"?
@thesongtowoody 13 лет назад
@wkrepelin Ps. How did the deterministic frameworks come "to be"? Did they exist prior to the big bang? If so how do we account for them?
@dactylionpriest 13 лет назад
@scienceatheism seems that your perception of a god is a being without fault. Yet this in itself is a belief you have of what you expect a god to be. Yet if a god was to fault, or even to learn and change through experience, why would that not make it a god?
@jesuscondom7444 11 лет назад
HAHAHAHA! Guess I will spend the time in ''hell'' then.. lol
@janicejohnson6438 4 года назад
I don't think that you will be laughing. It is not too late for you to change.
@Chris-zl3np 4 года назад
@@janicejohnson6438 let me tell you something we all are going to heaven at some point everyone has a role as long as we play that role and you know that we change our fate and if god made your role to die you die.
@str8up1100 13 лет назад
i dont belong to a religion but im very spiritual and i think some things in the bible make alot of sense like when eve ate from the forbidden tree of knowledge adam and eve became conscious and now human beings are the only species on earth who question there existence.
@BigMTBrain 13 лет назад
@looncraz - I call it "possibility". I've been touting for quite some time now that, to me, possibility is the creator of all things. One can never state that something can exist without the possibility for it to exist. And, true enough, possibility never implies intelligence, merely possibility or potential for intelligence. Possibility further implies the existence of infinite existants--infinite paradigms of reality, an infinite number for which even something and nothing have no meaning.
@reinux 13 лет назад
unfortunately, there's the anthropic principle: although the universe has finely tuned properties that make it conducive to life, it's easily possible that there are an infinite number of universes, and that we'd only witness the ones that are "perfect", because the ones that aren't wouldn't harbor life to witness it. unless it can be shown that there's only one universe and that there has never been more than one, it's evolution on a multi-universal scale.
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