
The Hate For "THE BOYS" Season 4 Makes No Sense 

Marshall Stannus
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50% 1

not all the fans, just a loud minority of them, this show is still pretty good, also the critical drinker made a terrible review lol



6 сен 2024




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@marshallstannus 2 месяца назад
Hi everyone! While recording I do make arguments regarding Frenchie being “gay” and Maeve being a “lesbian”, most instances of this were quoting juvenile comments about the show however I suspect while recording it then became a repeated example of misspeak due to the earlier quoting, my bad! Didn’t mean to add to bi erasure I just had a brain fart while recording!
@andynachos2045 2 месяца назад
And Homelander said Maeve was lesbian in season two I believe, so that could also be it.
@dustyfedora 2 месяца назад
@@andynachos2045Maeve also calls Homelander out in that same episode telling him that she’s not a lesbian and is bisexual. The whole “Brave Maeve” thing is all Vought in universe.
@ObossRocks 2 месяца назад
"Bi erasure" dude you are a joke. A parody of a human being.
@CUZUMofficial 2 месяца назад
I actually enjoy this season and just because it might not be better than the previous seasons, I still enjoy it. :>
@oijin6126 Месяц назад
m sorry this vid is a complete strawman of any point it tries to confront. Im a hard lib leftist so dont even try to paint me as some conservative reactionary. TLDR: Basically yea i think the conservatives have a point and that mindlessly shitting on them with strawmans is both unproductive and peak retarded and makes the left look like a mindless hivemind and further gives conservatives more actual strong points to shit on the left with. The video takes the weakest fringe highly annectotal points the haters have and fails to confront any point that people like drinker make. For example the main point drinker makes is that the first couple of seasons is highly leftist and obviously political but he and other non leftist men liked it and appreciated it due to it presenting its ideas in a intelligent and non shoved in your face way where it makes you actually think about what its saying. Which he directly admits makes it more capable of actually changing the minds and opinions of those who disagree. I objectively agree with drinkers statement and find the claims in this video to be extremely shallow and downright ignorant. Like it claims star light and queen maeve were orignally "woke" characters that serve as empowering female role models and reflect the me 2 movement but fails to mention the obvious point it makes about them being used as tools by vaught to improve their public image almost exactly like these "woke" companies. Starlight in the show has an entire arc where she realized she was just a diversity hire and that she was sold as a sex object with her obviously new sexualized outfit while being used as a pr tool in the supe commercials where shes framed as a strong independent female in a position of power to make the mindless white leftist feel better about them self for supporting a company that supports starlight without doing any action them selves. Queen may is the same where shes actively treated horribly, made to do horrible things, and sexually harassed. BUT the fact shes a lesbian/bisexual that is used by vaught as a marketing tool to say oh yea we are woke and supporting proud lesbians like maeve and we are super good pls buy our products and we never do anything wrong. HAPPY PRIDE :3 While the mindless typical american consumes the media without thought and sees vaught as a company with good values. While remaining happlily completely ignorant of anything that happens in the world. Reflective of companies like blizzard push out "woke" games to cover up their disgusting work culture and always morally posture themselves to fundementally get away with everything. Basically yea i think the conservatives have a point and that mindlessly shitting on them without any actual backing or substance is both unproductive and peak retarded.
@sardonicus1739 2 месяца назад
Frenchy isn't gay. Mauve isn't a lesbian. Both characters are bisexual. There was literally a whole plot line about bi-erasure making fun of the fact that normal people don't seem to understand bisexuals existing claiming it's too complicated for them to grasp. And now the audience is doing the same thing.
@jopnop22 Месяц назад
Maybe they were onto something
@alonachiong666 Месяц назад
@mikes1071 Месяц назад
Frenchie gay? I don't I don't care. I figured he was a certain level open minded because his character ask MM about get trans stripper for the party. So him getting with another dude wasn't too out there just a little jarring because it all happened off screen and there's no build or setup.
@sardonicus1739 Месяц назад
@mikes1071 that's good you don't care. Though a bit unrelated to my comment about how calling him gay is erasing that he is actually canon a bisexual.
@noblenormie1179 Месяц назад
Normal people😮
@YodaOnABender 2 месяца назад
It’s insane how “underdeveloped love plot” is now the same as “woke trash” if the love plot is anything but two straight people
@nbucwa6621 2 месяца назад
this part. Crazy that there's overlap between The Boys and Bridgerton discourse, two genres I'd never expect to intersect but I guess homophobia crosses genres
@reticentdeity2149 Месяц назад
It's not woke trash, it's just trash. All the people pointing out the wokeness are stupid and finding all the wrong things about the stupid plot. Not only is it underdeveloped, it's unbearably pointless.
@GeraldEatsSoup Месяц назад
People will say shit like "i don't mind it but they shouldn't shove it down our throats" while talking about a show having a single queer character in a cast of like 20
@YodaOnABender Месяц назад
@@GeraldEatsSoup yet they’ll then complain if the show doesn’t have more white characters than non white characters
@simonO712 Месяц назад
I know right?
@PierogiPirate 2 месяца назад
Homelander can’t see through zinc, the vents Hughie were in are coated in zinc. That’s why Homelander had trouble finding Hughie. Great video though!
@donovanwiebe2495 2 месяца назад
Was that explained in the episode? Like I know it's a real life thing but I was confused about that until I looked it up
@user-gw4kl8ft9u 2 месяца назад
​​@@donovanwiebe2495 At least once. Way back in season 1 the boys dispose of Translucent's body by putting it inside a zinc box so that homelander wouldn't find it easily. Unless you're talking about whether or not the zinc coated vents were confirmed in the episode then nvm.
@donovanwiebe2495 2 месяца назад
@@user-gw4kl8ft9u I mean the vents. Seems like something they should have explained
@mantiraptor5208 2 месяца назад
@@user-gw4kl8ft9uYeah but honestly isn’t this out of show knowledge? At least in the show Deep provides context in the viewer. Whereas when Hughie was in the vents, it was built with some tension especially when that sweat drops onto Homelander. I genuinely believed Hughie was screwed, then confusion came when Homelander kept missing, and how he ran to the rooftop? Shouldn’t Homelander catch up to him?
@tobysmith2081 2 месяца назад
​@@donovanwiebe2495 it was implied and to be fair, comics do stuff like this all the time
@user-kh6vx9yf9v 2 месяца назад
I never felt like Frenchie was presented as straight on the show.
@Eesco259 2 месяца назад
Agreed lol, I forget which season it’s in, but the lady (Russian lady) he used to work for even admitted to doing some acts with him OUTSIDE of what’s considered straight. Like come on lol, those who watch & pay attention would realize this
@baphometh5531 2 месяца назад
do yall remember how frenchie inserting bomb in translucent ass, bor have fun playing with other asshole that fucking sus already
@Will4all85 2 месяца назад
@@Eesco259straight agenda doesn’t exist. People are born from a male and a female in sexual intercourse. That is factual. Stop the stupidity
@worgenlord3424 Месяц назад
I think he really thinks and acts like straight. Its really out of no where that hes gay. And i didnt found any signs that hes maybe gay. But anyway this is the smallest thing. It is not enough to ruin a series.
@Eesco259 Месяц назад
@@worgenlord3424 tbh, Frenchie being bi was hinted at a few times. Especially with the history he has with Little Nina. But agreed, I don’t see how this of all things would ruin the story
@yonkadingo3683 2 месяца назад
Didn’t we already know Frenchie was at least bi? Did we all forget his traumatic flashbacks where he was in a polyamorous relationship with A A DUDE and a women?
@rihasanatrofolo2472 2 месяца назад
That way besides the point. Frenchie's random azz turn of relations is shit tier writing. They built so much with Kimiko, just to drop it. No amount of bi lore will make up for that.
@maddiepilgrim3955 2 месяца назад
@@rihasanatrofolo2472 I agreed with Marshall on Frenchie's and Kimiko's relationship. It always felt platonic and familial, and even when the show went down a romantic route with them, it was decided that a romantic relationship wouldn't be the best thing for them. As Marshall said, not every relationship between a man and a woman has to end with them clapping cheeks. If that's what you're looking for, then go back to middle school, because that seems to be the level of your mentality.
@oldenough5424 2 месяца назад
@@rihasanatrofolo2472 they dropped it in season 3 bro, what drugs are you on? 😭
@ToscaTee 2 месяца назад
@@rihasanatrofolo2472 why is it when a man forms a meaningful connection with a woman it is automatically assumed because they have romantic feelings &/ sexual attraction? Kimiko & frenchie loving each other platonically doesn’t make it any less deep, any less important 😭
@DamXOien3902 2 месяца назад
@@rihasanatrofolo2472Who cares their relationship isn’t important to the story
@Destinnies 2 месяца назад
No bc I was confused when ppl said "The Boys is getting too political" um... it's set that tone since season 1. Yes, maybe they're getting deeper and darker with it because that's the transition. Even with the weird scenes; you think that scene is weird? It's gonna get WEIRDER!
@crazygunner567yt2 2 месяца назад
I mean I saw it. And I agree. Not a show to watch together with the fam or friends. Watch alone.
@Destinnies 2 месяца назад
@@crazygunner567yt2 Fr tho. Unless your family is chill like that, it can slide
@biancaluedeker 2 месяца назад
Homelander is the USA itself. It’s always been political commentary.
@Destinnies 2 месяца назад
@biancaluedeker Yes exactly what I'm saying. Homelander is the symbol and yet ppl seem to miss that
@jacksonray3596 2 месяца назад
It’s really not getting deeper. Everyone who has the opposite political opinions are walking caricatures, devoid of any depth. There is a difference between putting the story first, and letting the message play out naturally, and putting the message first, and writing the story around it.
@PhinTheOx 2 месяца назад
Maeve is bi not lesbian, vaught constantly called her lesbian to demean her but also to get the market demographic
@deletedaccount7 2 месяца назад
^^^ the show outright confirmed she was bi at one point and the entire reason vaught called her lesbian was for public view and popularity etc. That and homelander was trying to mess with her. Like... Did people collectively just decide to ignore that entire moment where they say she is bi?
@SaiScribbles 2 месяца назад
@@deletedaccount7 Yeah having people see her fuck dudes and still call her a "lesbian" is... not great.
@PhinTheOx 2 месяца назад
@@deletedaccount7 and like trying to act like Frenchie is anything but pan is crazy
@GlitchBoy-ws5in 2 месяца назад
​@PhinTheOx It wouldn't be called "Forced Woke" if Collin was woman
@PhinTheOx 2 месяца назад
@@GlitchBoy-ws5in it’s still just a forced relationship tbh tho like I don’t think it should be a romantic relationship between him and kimiko having read a bit of the comics I saw them more like siblings but how they are in the show it does seem like a great relationship choice
@TheM291 2 месяца назад
The reason why Homelander couldn't use his xray vision, we know from season 1 after translucents gets killed, the boys decided put his dead corpses into a bag made of zinc! And homelander spefieid it that he can see through anything in the existance of universe but not zinc! and average vents nowdays are made with zinc! So makes sense why he couldn't see through.
@jakeA0903 2 месяца назад
The problem is: when he couldn't see where Hughie was, why didn't he just fly up and catch him immediately? He only does this after Hughie has had time to get to the exit because the writers couldn't think of another way to keep him alive otherwise.
@DarthJarJar10 2 месяца назад
@@jakeA0903, not a terrible question, even if you accept that Homelander can't use his x-ray vision on zinc. I like to think a sufficient answer is his hubris. Hughie is a "plaything human" and Homelander viewed himself as superior, until he realised all his superhuman hearing was doing was highlighting his weakness and the aforementioned hubris. When he does eventually fly up, he is frustrated. Just a thought.
@jakeA0903 2 месяца назад
@DarthJarJar10 I like the thought but Homelander has a very “playtime is over” vibe when he goes after Hughie here. He seems genuinely enraged and ready to throw away Neuman’s plot in order to end Hughie.
@davidssubwaycookies190 2 месяца назад
@@jakeA0903 yea I think that too. He wouldn't really care about the performance happening below probably so why would he just fly up? We haven't seen him soft push things off things to fly, maybe the force needed would made him overshoot and go through the ceiling? That's the only real thing I can think of.
@TheM291 2 месяца назад
@@jakeA0903 Good question, but I guess because he didnt knew where higue was! Its not like he knows that stadium map on his head, does he? but he almost caught him, if a-train didnt saved him, he would have been dead
@jaceybella1267 2 месяца назад
I def agree with you about how absurd all the criticisms are but like... I just wanna make a quick note. Queen Maeve is bi, not a lesbian, and normally it wouldn't matter but the show literally had the executives pushing her to say she's a lesbian because they felt that was more marketable than being bi.
@naturistfred 2 месяца назад
Bi or lesbian she is still part of the LGBTQ community.
@SaiScribbles 2 месяца назад
God yeah its always painful to see people unironically call her a "lesbian" when the bi erasure by the "progressive" pride campaign was the whole point.
@crypt5129 2 месяца назад
​@@SaiScribblesWtf it's you
@jaceybella1267 2 месяца назад
@@SaiScribbles wow this is surprising. Looking forward to your next stream!
@ToscaTee 2 месяца назад
Fr the bi erasure is so blatant
@CayeDaws 2 месяца назад
Mfs don't understand that bisexuality is something that exists
@kwayneboy1524 2 месяца назад
But does it need to??
@jaceybella1267 2 месяца назад
​@@kwayneboy1524 I mean, do you need to exist? Doesn't really matter if it does, and it's not like it's fake like. Real people date both men and women lmao it's not that hard to understand
@FireyGaming 2 месяца назад
@@kwayneboy1524 hey, you're attracted to women, I presume? do you need to be? why are you concerned if a random person goes to bed with another random person? are both people consentual? who the fuck are you to tell them they cant make love?
@quads2483 2 месяца назад
The problem is that the relationship feels forced
@lov_eli 2 месяца назад
​@@quads2483 that is a bit true, but you know that to some people the bi stuff is a bigger "issue".
@foxxknight8847 2 месяца назад
"They made Frenchie gay! He loves Kimiko!" Have they ever heard of bisexuality?
@dfqgoing_on6899 2 месяца назад
ever heard of character progression? like how tf has his bisexuality added into the story?
@foxxknight8847 2 месяца назад
@@dfqgoing_on6899 I mean, he did mention being bi all the way back in season 1. And, what, do you think every character has to announce their sexual orientation up front?
@dfqgoing_on6899 2 месяца назад
@@foxxknight8847 ikr its almost as if it has nothing to do with the plot of the show
@foxxknight8847 2 месяца назад
@@dfqgoing_on6899 Then why do you give a shit?
@ToscaTee 2 месяца назад
I’d like to add: loves kimiko _platonically_ , the writers already shot down the “romantic route” in season 3. Anyone in denial is on a metric ton of copium
@ImJustLayZ 2 месяца назад
i disagree with the hughie critisism. i genuinely cried to that last scene. but EVERYTHING else i 100% agree with
@marshallstannus 2 месяца назад
I JAVENT SEEN EPISODE 5 yet!!!! So maybe my mind will change, I guess I’ve just been struggling with hughie going in circles for a while?
@johnoconnell5004 2 месяца назад
Doesn't Huey's actor voice Superman in My Adventures With Superman?
@justaspiral 2 месяца назад
@@johnoconnell5004he does!
@Zexx4 2 месяца назад
​@@marshallstannustrust me i was there with you, but ep 5 kinda FORCES hughie to stop going in circles
@skrunklycreationz 2 месяца назад
YUP I think that was the first time I cried at this show
@Theus-fg9rj 2 месяца назад
As a Bisexual guy myself, I can confirm...I do not exist...'cause you know it's just not possible to like both genders
@freezerkp619 2 месяца назад
Finally someone saying something against the pointless hate, people are as stupid as sage says
@user-gg5on8ej6h 2 месяца назад
People are dumb, they review bombed a great show just because they finally realized they had been made fun of all along…
@luisalejandrolopezbuendia9686 2 месяца назад
​@@user-gg5on8ej6hAnd what's funnier, sadder and more pathetic is that they literally realized the show making fun of them, twice. Because they were already shitting in the Boys for being "W0ke" by season 3, but apparently aré so braindead they completely forgot about it
@MalakSmalak 2 месяца назад
@@user-gg5on8ej6h "Wait, this show is making fun of me, and has been this whole time and I've only just realized now because they openly made Frenchie in a relationship with another guy and I'm homophobic?? This is preposterous! 🤓☝"
@reticentdeity2149 Месяц назад
Haha don't act like you and I aren't a part of the stupid people Sage was talking about. I think the minority calling the show woke trash is certainly hating for the wrong reasons, they aren't wrong that the show's quality has dropped off a cliff.
@mystic_mimi21 2 месяца назад
I find it laughable that the Drinker has an issue with writers of a show adding their political or worldview into it. That is the whole point art is made. In any form the creators add themselves into it, just because it now doesn’t fit his opinions it bad. The writers saying n@zi woman bad is a political agenda, the writers saying a man forcing a woman to give him head is bad is a political agenda, them saying a company secretly drugging people is bad is a political agenda. He didn’t had an issue with it because it aligned with his views, now the writers are saying being a lesbian is fine, being against right-wing ideology is good, being anti- racist is good are all equally political agendas of the writers but the drinkers doesn’t like those ones so now it’s an issue
@marshallstannus 2 месяца назад
Pinned! This is great!
@alex-ki5wm 2 месяца назад
Maybe it's because they made fun of everyone and it now has an agenda🤦
@basedggallin4556 2 месяца назад
​@@alex-ki5wman "agenda"
@SOBEKCrocodileGod 2 месяца назад
@@alex-ki5wmwtf do you mean “now it has an agenda” lmao It’s literally doing the same thing it has always done. Also what “agenda” does it have?
@Ben-zg8xk 2 месяца назад
completely wrong lmao, he acknowledges that the show was always political and he knew they were making fun of his side, it was just written better then, now its super lazy
@kingpotato7183 2 месяца назад
Critical drinker went lazy now. He should lay down the booze and actually get active. He just made the video on the boys because its up rn even tho he doesn't care about that show at all.
@kwayneboy1524 2 месяца назад
I love his content but I gotta admit I expected more professionalism out of him.
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
Clearly you didnt watch his video, which isnt a review of season 4... hes just saying "this is why im not watching or reviewing season 4 of the boys and no longer recommend it." You likely will not see the irony of the situation here...
@rogueguardian 2 месяца назад
​@@kwayneboy1524dude he's called the critical drinker I don't think professionalism was ever in his critic resume.
@GlitchBoy-ws5in 2 месяца назад
"N o w"?
@matthewlasalvia7026 Месяц назад
Critical Drinker has always been bad.
@C0LIN. 2 месяца назад
Disagree with a few things said here: 1. I don't think they need to explore Colin's character a lot with what they've done thus far, because he doesn't even have much screen time, and the screen time that he does have is more used for Frenchie's character work. 2. I don't see how Hughie's plot with his Mom is rushed? It spans 3 episodes before Hughie finally faces getting an answer from his Mom that he didn't know if he wanted to get for so long, as to why his mother left him. 3. Butcher is not the same in season 4 as he was in season 3. In season 3 he was very suicidal and was willing to just give up everything in a last ditch effort to kill Homelander, struggling with being there for Ryan, because the only reason he actually took Ryan was because he made a promise to Becca, and after realizing he screwed up with Ryan, this path to self destruction won't do either him or Ryan any good, and he was for a moment almost willing to risk Ryan getting hurt if it meant killing Homelander, then when he sees Ryan actually get badly injured, they fought against Soldier Boy. Because killing him would just leave another person like Homelander around anyway, he gets over his self destructive path of revenge on Homelander to do good by Ryan. And Season 4 follows up with his struggle of a character change in a fantastic way. Butcher struggling with making up for all the things he's done wrong in the past and making at least one thing right with Ryan, and finally opening up to people about his true feelings that he kept hidden for the past 3 seasons. And both Ryan and Butcher in that moment grow more of an understanding of one another.
@showtime6310 2 месяца назад
colin. i do not care you are a very weird dude
@arjuna6224 Месяц назад
​@@showtime6310what do you mean weird?
@camdatboi 2 месяца назад
The woke stuff is a bs argument the shows been "woke" the whole time. Frenchie was obviously bi since season one only thing id say is this season feels directionless it doesn't have that impact earlier seasons do dont know how theyll pull another 2 seasons out of this but im here for it if they pull it off good 🤔
@bigblade15 2 месяца назад
Season 5 is the last
@ItsAryax 2 месяца назад
Episode 5 finally had some direction
@naturistfred 2 месяца назад
​@@ItsAryaxI loved episode 5. The scenes at the farmhouse were my favorite.
@jjones9822 2 месяца назад
There are levels of woke. When the show has Frenchie in a hardcore gay make out session right in your face they are pushing a political agenda. The scene is unnecessary. Even a straight makeout scene would be unnecessary. The producers decided to do it because they knew a certain portion of their audience wouldn’t like it. The creator of the show even publicly said if you don’t like it then don’t watch. He is unapologetically putting his politics before the show and purposefully isolating certain fans. I don’t think people care if a character is gay but they do care when you take a character they love and use him for your own selfish purposes. That is what happened with Frenchie and that’s why the fans are upset.
@obredaanps3 2 месяца назад
@@jjones9822 - Why are ConservaKarens so easily triggered? Two people making out is now a political agenda? lol!!!!
@HumanBean23 2 месяца назад
I think the storyline with Colin is interesting because it’s NOT a love story. From Colin’s perspective he was falling in love and felt safe enough to open up to this new guy… and then he finds out that this same man killed his entire family and has been haunting his dreams for years. That man is living a horror story.
@reticentdeity2149 Месяц назад
Okay but who the fuck is Colin and why should we care about him? Was he just a tool to make Frenchie relevant? It's just so random. It could have been a man or woman he was with, it doesn't make it make any more sense. He just vanishes and it does nothing for the plot.
@soupyweb Месяц назад
@@reticentdeity2149i think the point was to make frenchie reach a breaking point, he never really confronted himself about all the murders he commited before and suddenly he finds out that he’s the monster in the life of the person that he likes
@davidssubwaycookies190 2 месяца назад
Its always 'woke' or 'forced' when it comes to progressive ideas tbh unsurprisingly. They fail to look at nuances and the actual characters. I thought Frenchie was bi. Also i agree that colin did kinda come out of nowhere but that's it really.
@tacogodboomdogg 2 месяца назад
If it's just a vocal minority dogging on this season, then those people have gone too far and need to stfu. If there's a massive amount of legit people that have the same issues with this season and not the previous ones. Then something ain't right with the show.
@YeetSpace 2 месяца назад
​@@tacogodboomdoggSo like wildly enough that's not true. The voice of the majority is never the voice of Truth especially with something as wildly evil takes is people who are saying the season is bad or having. Because the reasons they're saying that it's bad is because there's more minorities and they're saying homelander is the bad guy. If they're upset by something that's inherent to real life then they shouldn't be watching the TV show in the first place, let alone have their absolutely brain dead opinions be what dictates how the show goes. There's not something up with the show, a bunch of racist bigots don't like it and want people to not like it for other reasons other than the reason that those people individually actually don't like it but need to create reasons to obfuscate that reason as if it's known that they actually only don't like it for that reason in reality, as is the case, they know that people won't want to hang out with them. Wisely enough being an asshole usually makes people not like you. So like also wildly enough never understanding media after you've failed to consume it and just watch people talk about it probably isn't the best way to consume media let alone critically think about it
@YeetSpace 2 месяца назад
And by then I mean the show is calling homelander rightfully a villain because he is and people who'd never understood that this show was saying that power is bad because you know power is bad can't comprehend that the most powerful character isn't morally justified inherently because he's strong because most people who are bigots have a child like mentality when it comes to strength, if someone's in power they were strong enough to have earned that in the first place and if someone is in going to come into power they don't deserve it until they have it and then they should have had it the entire time. It's a blind appearance to strength over any sort of actual merit to any sort of anything.
@NONAM.E00 2 месяца назад
@@tacogodboomdoggit’s say the majority still enjoys it , it’s probably just conservatives being snowflakes
@ddog12359 2 месяца назад
I can understand using “woke” and “forced” in some cases, but I’m just not seeing any of that with The Boys. A character just being gay/bi doesn’t have to instantly equate to being “woke.” Although I also agree that Collin feels like he just came out of nowhere so I can kind of see where people are getting the “forced” argument from to an extent. Really didn’t care about Collin at all
@vanessatavares4644 2 месяца назад
Drinker is the biggest sellout, god forbids someone puts an art movie in front of him, he’ll lose it 😂
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
Are you calling "the boys" a work of art? It is literally jeff bezos' corporate entertainment media... written to appeal to the lowest common denominator only to later alienate half its audience because they arent on the same political team...
@Pillowlips77 2 месяца назад
Has he even watched an arty movie in his life? 😂 All he seems to watch are big budget explosions va va boom movies, then whine about how woke and bad they were.
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
@@Pillowlips77 pretty sure he gave the lighthouse a glowing review...
@YodaOnABender 2 месяца назад
@@Pillowlips77 or he’ll dig into a dumb Michael bay movie but then claim that Independence Day gets a pass because of its “charm” which is literally just him being nostalgic for it but not realising
@PatrickWDunne 2 месяца назад
His fans act like he's some paragon of directing and screenwriting when I bet he's never even heard of Godard, Ford, Ozu, or Tarkovsky.
@Archnid Месяц назад
I might be the only one here but i prefered frenchie and kimiko to be friends
@BlueCrown3078 Месяц назад
Agreed I thought they were set up to be like family and it felt weird when they kissed
@jackalexande Месяц назад
I was certain that frenchie and kimiko were being set up to be more like family than love interest but then their kiss in the finale came out of nowhere
@tilenHD 2 месяца назад
i also heard that actor of MM had to lose weight because he may be prone to heart attacks for some medical or gentic resaons
@nbucwa6621 2 месяца назад
oh damn I had no idea it was actually him. I just thought they'd recast someone who's really good at mimicking his characteristics and mannerisms lol
@YourPalKindred Месяц назад
honestly it kinda fits with the character too. one could easily argue argue MM has lost weight because of the stress. his OCD and the fight against Vaught has clearly led his mental health down a bad path, its no stretch that he's stopped eating as much to focus on work (kinda like his father)
@skeleletonboi4533 Месяц назад
​@@YourPalKindredthat's how I read it, his character was stressed to the point of being hospitalized for a panic attack, that level of stress typically takes a physical toll so his actor physically changing seemed in line, I thought it was make-up and framing
@Scatty666 2 месяца назад
I never got the Frenchie critique, not the gay one, although that is also weird. But the part about people seeming to expect a regular Disney style romance fairy tale story when nothing else story wise is like that. It is like they never seen any media depicting normal complicated grown up adult relationships, rejections, rebouonds, unrequited love etc and just expecting two majorly fucked up PTSD people after sharing a kiss should just get married and live happily ever after without any complications at all
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
Because the traditional relationship is a great subversion for the established tone of the series... "subvert all expectations, unless they conflict with progressive social engineering and promote traditional, nuclear families."
@randomusername3873 2 месяца назад
Him dating the guy he made an orphan is straight up psycophatic stuff you'd expect from homelander, why would I even care about him at this point😂
@Cyrinil142 2 месяца назад
Literally everyone on the show (except Starlight and MM) does fucked up psychopathic shit. If that means you don't care, this isn't the show for you. Bye
@PewPewShootEmUp 2 месяца назад
​@@randomusername3873yeah idk why they even went with that, notably is I weird, you met this dude as a kid. Killed his family, then when he grows up you assfuck him and ask him about his parents I haven't seen enough ppl pointing out how wrong that is on so many levels, just ppl saying he's gay lmao
@gigakubica8793 2 месяца назад
​@@Cyrinil142 yeah it s one of the boys main themes.Everyone is fucked up in some way-some more than the others.Thats is why I like the show because it displaied characters as actual human beings with flaws and weakneses.
2 месяца назад
That's exactly what I thought - Drinker has stooped to a new low 'reviewing reviews' of a season without watching a single ep. Along with the usual stock footage over his narration/no effort to make an engaging visual review despite having the giant fanbase and resources to do it..sigh. Definitely odd how the internet has turned against the boys this season when it's pretty representative and much better than season 2 so far in my opinion! P.S. Been watching since you had less than a few hundred subs - keep up the good work and please talk more about horror movieees (your review of The Loved Ones was spot on).
@anamakesthings 2 месяца назад
I cannot understand how people watched this series and didn't catch the blatant parody of the alt-right it has been since day one. I went back into my chats with friends who were/are watching the series. I have SEVERAL messages from my friends which are all, along the lines of "go watch The Boys. It's funny. Making fun of extreme right wingers" right as the series started. Not one season into it, not two, and SURELY not four...
@lightknight876 2 месяца назад
​@anamakesthings People still don't understand the meaning of homelander wearing the US flag as a cape or soldier boy dressing like captain America and talking like Ronald Reagan. Baffling how dumb these people are
@Wulfpack1 2 месяца назад
@@anamakesthings They coudnt get it and it goes over their heads because its so true they dont see parody.
@kwayneboy1524 2 месяца назад
It's like reading a review of a book with out reading the actual book.
@alltheworldsastage4785 2 месяца назад
Drinker is an idiot, I realized that when he did his review of that Star Trek animated comedy show last year or year before, he went on and one about how it looks like shit and that it's unintelligent because Star Trek is supposed to be "thought provoking" lmfao, like who made that law? He completely misunderstood that that show wasn't cannon to the main universe, and is simply meant to be an animated comedic adaptation, you either like it or you don't, but don't shit on it and dismiss it as trash, because it isn't what you want. 😂😂😂
@Lilly-ve8ze 2 месяца назад
I love this season so far. Still feels very consistent to me.
@Saje3D 2 месяца назад
But, you know, people who have never actually written a thing think the writing is “bad.”
@jakeA0903 2 месяца назад
@@Saje3D The writing is not bad but it's definitely not as good as previous seasons. The show has always been over the top gory but there was always some reason for it that made sense. Now, instead for example when people are evacuating the ice rink and killing each other trying to get out, that's just straight up cause they wanted to have gore, it didn't have anything to do with what was going on at all after the first woman died by laser.
@Destinnies 2 месяца назад
​@jakeA0903 I don't think so but there are so many gory and weird scenes you'd wish you hadn't seen but it's done on purpose, they've always been done on purpose. They wanna shock you. Make you uncomfortable. They even obviously do things immature
@jakeA0903 2 месяца назад
@Destinnies I agree it’s done on purpose, but before it was also done FOR a purpose that makes sense to the plot or characters, so the shock value accompanies something. In that scene, it seems the only reason they made it shocking is for the shock value alone, which feels emptier.
@wya6575 2 месяца назад
@@jakeA0903scenes like that have already have been a staple for the series
@AnotherJaysMovie 2 месяца назад
Hating will get more views... Me I'm having a good time this season. It's not perfect, but still a bloody fun satire. Great video.
@WalkoffGrandslam 2 месяца назад
Any time someone says something is "Woke" they have already lost the argument.
@Kris.G Месяц назад
how exactly?
@WalkoffGrandslam Месяц назад
@@Kris.G because its not a real thing. No one who says it can describe what it actually means. Also by saying it they are admitting to being an intolerant person.. Only people who want to hate on something that they know is wrong to hate will use the word woke. Hence they lost argument the second they use that word.
@Kris.G Месяц назад
@@WalkoffGrandslam You're wrong. "Woke" very much has an established definition, however it's not what people usually mean by "woke". They mean "progressive/leftist propaganda and activism" or something along these lines. Having said that, The Boys is very woke. BLM, Antifa, MeToo, Abortion, Racism, etc. The show, by the very definition of "woke", is aware of social justice and so on. I'm not saying I condone this. I hate it with passion as I believe that political messaging has ABSOLUTELY NO PLACE in entertainment. So, you tell me and point the moment where I have lost the argument.
@WalkoffGrandslam Месяц назад
@Kris.G and you already lost the argument by using the word woke. I'm glad you a person like you is so simply upset by a TV show. But I bet if they praised maga on the show you would have no problem with political messaging. Go cry in a corner alone as you alienate yourself from reasonable people who aren't full of hate.
@WalkoffGrandslam Месяц назад
@Kris.G also that's what you say woke means. I've gotten a hundred different answers when I ask what woke is and they are all different. Yall need to get together and come up with a consensus of what it means if you want the rest of the world to take your seriosly.
@jaymenjanssens720 2 месяца назад
Finally some sanity.
@tyizzle80 2 месяца назад
I know Why they are mad. Truth hurts and this show is a Mirror to American Culture,Celebrity and Politics. It's holding a Mirror up to some people and they don't like what they see because they can laugh at others but not themselves. I love this season each episode has gotten better and ep5 was a Masterpiece.
@ithanvega 2 месяца назад
The critical drinker’s supporters are as slow as him. With the thing about the drinker not having even watched this season and saying it’s bad, they’ve tried to argue the fact that you need to watch something in order for your opinion of it being good or bad to be valid.
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
The drinkers video isnt a review, its an explanation to his audience for not reviewing it... clearly, you didnt watch his video... the irony of you doing exactly what you accuse the drinker of doing is not lost on me. Project and misrepresent, hallmark of leftism...
@maddiepilgrim3955 2 месяца назад
The reason why Colin feels so poorly written is because he's literally only just there for Frenchie's character development. If that's the only purpose a character serves, they'll have weak writing. With how things ended at the end of episode 4, we're probably not going to see Colin again.
@RipVanWinkleJr 2 месяца назад
I feel like if we had seen more of Colin before they got together, it would have been much better. It just felt really random.
@YodaOnABender 2 месяца назад
It’s hilarious how the RU-vid right wingers genuinely thought the show was on their side in season 1 because of how subtle the satire was
@spideralexandre2099 Месяц назад
Laz Alonzo didn't have a glow up between seasons. He battled fucking cancer. And these beaut' writers make it a part of MM character! Butcher comments in the first episode about Marvin not eating as much since leading the team. There's another thing that I feel like people are really missing and it hurts my soul because I'm all about themes. A big theme of this season is the past being drudged up to haunt The Boys. This happens with all of them. With Hughie and his mom, with Starlight and her pageant days with Firecracker (then birth together with the abortion outing), Kimiko and Shining Light, Frenchie and Collin, Butcher and Kessler. Marvin's past was brought forth with Soldier Boy last season and we're seeing the continuation of that impact.
@DarthJarJar10 2 месяца назад
FYI, in one of the earlier seasons and in the comics, it is stated by The Deep that Homelander cannot see-through zinc and the RU-vid clip I saw even explains that the air vents Hughie was running through were plated in it.
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
He has super hearing... crawling through ducting is loud as shit... he doesnt need x ray vision in that scene. Its just a stupid contrivance so the show can depict some ultraviolence in a rube goldberg type killing spree.
@angryjoe98 2 месяца назад
They mention that in season 1 when they find translucents body as well.
@mysticalcomic 2 месяца назад
Frenchie isn't gay, he's bi
@nbucwa6621 2 месяца назад
gay is sometimes used as an umbrella term for multiple queer sexualities
@thegiftedseer6764 2 месяца назад
​@@nbucwa6621no it isn't; that's why we have all those letters to differentiate. Calling us all "gay" is to erase other sexualities.
@thegiftedseer6764 2 месяца назад
Or he could be pan.
@Ramp4ge Месяц назад
@@thegiftedseer6764you made that up right?
@paperclip6377 Месяц назад
​@@thegiftedseer6764 what??
@spr1n9tr4p Месяц назад
Neither Maeve nor Frenchie are even gay. They are both bisexual. It’s insane to me that people still don’t know there is more than just gay and straight.
@AAA6196 Месяц назад
I mean it’s obvious nobody looked deeper then just the comments themselves it’s obviously children who don’t really understand things complaining I mean one of them had the username Mr. Heisenberg being one of those wanna be Walter white kids.
@YourPalKindred Месяц назад
I find it hilarious that people were mad about Frenchie being gay, when he's been so obviously bi the whole time. The show was leading to a relationship between him and Kimiko and he's clearly interested in her. He turns to Colin for personal reasons explored in S4 and if you've seen the ending you know how it turns out.
@Infinite_Repeat 2 месяца назад
my problem with frenchie and kimiko is I never care about the side missions they go on outside of dealing with the Supes. Frenchie's whole storyline dealing with his past both this season and season 3 just aren't interesting.
@kingpotato7183 2 месяца назад
Seriously. We got the same troubled past frenchie ark for 3 seasons now. How many times is this guy gonna be troubled by his past bro. In the comics he's a chemist that constantly comes up with crazy stuff. Hes basically Walter white. While in the show he's a junky that is constantly off his balls. Hes basically jesse pinkman in season 3 when he buys the house, leave Walter white and becomes a druggy junky
@randomusername3873 2 месяца назад
Last season they randomly started slaughtering some guards with an happy music after an entire season of conflict with butcher because they couldn't handle collateral damage From that moment it's impossible to take them seriously as far as I'm concerned😂
@18Aleziita Месяц назад
​@@kingpotato7183 he felt useless this season. Don't know why he is with the boys if he is not helping and he is feeling guilty.
@Artyom125 2 месяца назад
ngl the comments about anthony starr's performance could just be bots since I think episode 4 is an Emmy bate episode.
@Slice2099 2 месяца назад
Is your brain being fucked by stupid?
@johnoconnell5004 2 месяца назад
Is Anthony Starr a jerk like Homelander?
@nikeiyomiuri2728 2 месяца назад
@@johnoconnell5004 from what I've seen in bloopers and interviews, no he actually seems pretty chill
@johnoconnell5004 2 месяца назад
​@@nikeiyomiuri2728That's good to know. Sorry. I just really hate Homelander even though I never watched The Boys.
@yeahey5947 2 месяца назад
@@johnoconnell5004 seems like a good dude but in 2021 or 22 he smashed a glass into some guys face
@MrCheezyEFS 2 месяца назад
Idk how people didn't pick up that frenchie was bi from season one lol Seeing interactions between him cherie and the other dude tipped me off
@KngMaxwell Месяц назад
there was also the flashback with lamplighter in season 2 or 3 where frenchie says to MM “how do you feel about transgender strippers?” and MM responds with something like “i’m not that into strippers with or without dicks.”
@Duuhvis 2 месяца назад
Everything is being claimed as “woke” Now. Yet none of these crybabies can actually define what “woke” is or means. Immediately discredit anyone who has that opinion on anything
@tonyjackson4078 2 месяца назад
Then in episode 5 they roast hollywoood for insincere inclusivity, again taking shots at both sides of the aisle. The Boys has been pretty fair in that practice. I'm centrist in my politics, and love when the show delivers a good burn to either sides more extremist ideals.
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
Ah yes, insincere inclusivity = closeted sexual deviants and child predators... How incredibly _fair_ of the writers to _bravely_ criticise their own team... just dripping with sarcasm btw. Not to mention that vought is the stand in for corporatism/corporate america, so the insincere inclusivity is actually shifted on to the right... because corporate america is soooooo right wing. WOW such _fair_ satire!
@cumulus1869 2 месяца назад
"Both Sides"-ism. Neutrality-bias.
@zhoncinema Месяц назад
Get ready for the "you are a bad person for not picking a side". People don't understand centrists, they think we are somehow directly in the middle of a spectrum with no scale, when really we figured out the absurdity of choosing a party where you don't fall %100 on 1000s of opinions and scenarios. I like S4 because you cannot ever generalize and when you do comedy ensues. I also don't like that hughie forgave a train tho, no matter what I think hughie should be stuck on his girlfriend as the main arc of his character which is letting go, which he did when he didn't have to.
@mismismism 2 месяца назад
Thank you! The fact some extreme right wing viewers somehow missed that the show was always clowning them until now is kind of hilarious tbh and they also drag the other side, the show is all about making fun of the extreme political views of people in America . Frenchie was presented as bi from the first season but bigots will never fail to scream woke if gay people exist in a show or the bit character actually is bi, the only valid critique of that is that Colin is poorly written. And the ones complaining because actors look different like they aren't real people is just the most painfully ironic thing because the show makes fun of shallow people like that constantly. But stupid people would take 4 seasons of a show to realize they're the idiots the show has been making fun of the entire time.
@YeetSpace 2 месяца назад
Intentional misinterpretation of what's being shown and actually being discussed and just seeing that there's iconography on the screen does not indicate that it's bad mouth and you're talking down again something. It's not talking down to both sides it's telling the side that's obviously wrong to shut the fuck up because the other side actively only actually wants people to you know have rights and ship, and the other one the other side uses the face of iconography from the left intentionally to try and pretend like it's fine respectability politics and all that shit. There's a reason that a train is the only black member on the seven until sister sage is brought in and there's a reason that Homelander is absolutely fucking live it every time she speaks. There's a reason there's constantly a bunch of exploitative extremely deeply uncomfortable character uses by bought a lot through the series in which they are basically just hoard out as a icon of that specific check mark of person. Just because there's an example of something that follows left-wing ideology and a show that actively decries right-wing ideology does not mean that it's also to crying left when ideology. This show is a deeply deeply leftist show if you actually watch it and pay attention to what's going on and not just see the bright colors on screen. Like I get what you're saying at the very beginning but that it very quickly devolves into absolute nonsense because it absolutely 100% is not a both sides are bad kind of show
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
​@@YeetSpacekripke has stated on record that homelander is literally "hitler/trump" for these progs. The boys is nothing but orwellian 2 minutes' hate for progressives.
@tonyjohnson1580 2 месяца назад
@@YeetSpace black noir in the show is black too and homelander knows this. Homelander isn't racist. He may be sexist, but above all else he is egotistical and willing to use racist words to get under peoples skin.
@bananasinfrench Месяц назад
​@@tonyjohnson1580 Uhhh considering his whole "humans are inherently inferior to supes" thing I think he is pretty overtly racist, sorry man.
@bananasinfrench Месяц назад
It is kinda wild that people are just now realizing the show is clowning on them. It's been doing that the whole time!
@e-kseries7091 Месяц назад
My parents be telling me there was some unnecessary shock stuff in the new season. Did y’all watch the other seasons? Lmao
@judeconnor-macintyre9874 2 месяца назад
Wait, did we not know Frenchie was bi? I feel like we definitely knew all that.
@fiszu4075 2 месяца назад
I feel like the show is not woke. They take jabs on both sides of the spectrum. It is a commentary on the society as whole. And scenes like lobotomy and Super sheep (Worms Armageddon reference?) Make the show stand apart everything else. Ep 4&5 show that the plot is going somewhere. Drinker just makes a ton of cash on ragebait and people fall for it.
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
Provide examples please, from season 4 specifically. Season 1 took shots at both sides, id argue it stopped being "fair" at the end of season 2. The criticism of the left after season 2 are love taps with kids gloves while the satirization of the right is dropping jdams on civilians. The plot hasnt moved at all in season 4 and we're more than halfway through. They still dont even have the virus that definitely wont work or will just be destroyed because genocide bad... the sheep was stupid in the comics and its dumb here too, its poorly written schlock.
@tripleperson8455 2 месяца назад
oh the show is certainly woke. It goes against right-wing ideology and left-wing perfomativeness. The thing is, the left agrees that rainbow capitalism and the like is kinda shit. It makes fun of companies for going #blacklivesmatter on twitter while doing nothing to actually help. Meanwhile it laughs at right-wing points directly
@lov_eli 2 месяца назад
My buddy, "both sides of the spectrum" my *ss, the show clearly is specifically a criticism of north american capitalism, corporativism and right wing politics, the closest they've come to a "jab" at the left is the hashtag performativity, and that's being pointed out cuz it is fake leftism, not because "the left has problems" (which it has obviously, but the show cleaaarly focuses on the rightwing side mostly, so yeah, this show woke as fuuuuuu*)
@awall3278 2 месяца назад
11:25 If I'm correct ventilation ducts have a zinc coating to print rust from forming and Homelander cannot see through zinc
@BrandonOfJapan Месяц назад
Its not that the show went woke, its that the show sheaded its clever subtlety over each season. The reuse of the same plot lines and character arcs has grown debilitating. Everything before ep. 6 was just padding to get to the ending and its legitimate dog shit. Sister sage is such a horribly written character. They always talk about how smart she is, but literally never show her doing anything intelligent. I find it depressing that people thought by introducing her in an apartment littered with books was a good way to show how smart she is. Based off of my interactions with die hards of the show. Most of them never read the comics, have any semblance of media literacy, or any comprehension of what makes a story work and not work. It feels like 80% of the fanbase are legitimately acoustic. To add, the gag of having MM wear shirts with famous rappers names on them to appeal to the black demographic has grown tired.
@gia4176 Месяц назад
these certainly are takes! lol you have somewhat fair criticism of the writing ^^ there are definitely other directions the show could've taken to reach its finale, but so far this season has still been consistent in quality.
@cronex1828 Месяц назад
this is the criticism of all time
@eliclaunch123 2 месяца назад
The only thing I didn’t like in season 4 so far was the hughie sub plot with his dad in the hospital and his mother. It just doesn’t add anything to the overall story, I honestly forgot about his dad. Other than that it’s awesome and homelander in episode 4. Terrifying!!!
@baileytate3938 2 месяца назад
This season is a mixed bag for me. Frenchie's arc about his past has been boring. Him being bi is cool but they didn't really do anything with it. The Hughie arc has really allowed the character to grow more. It seems like running in circles but really he has made some huge strides. Finally forgiving A-Train is a huge deal. Letting go of that hate opens his character up so much. And his choice is ep 5 shows he can make the difficult decisions which may come into play later with Butcher. But it is time to get him back in the action with the Boys. Enough of him off to the side. And i love A-Train arc!
@Kris.G Месяц назад
S4 is kind of boring, I agree. I found myself skipping through scenes.
@baileytate3938 Месяц назад
​@Kris.G I'm just hoping that is been this way because they are building up to go all out in S5.
@jimmy3261 Месяц назад
The hate makes perfect sense, you’re just projecting. Season 1 was much more grounded by comparison. Have fun defending Kripke’s despicable take on Hughie’s sexual assault scene. This show is absolutely pathetic now.
@louipoui 2 месяца назад
Vents are typically made out of Zinc hence why Homelander couldn’t see Huggies through them as mentioned in season 1
@Saje3D 2 месяца назад
There’s a good reason I say “criticism is dead.”
@Gabi-dd7bq 2 месяца назад
“The Boys has gone woke” Bro please don’t tell me these people watched the previous 3 seasons and thought that Homelander was the actual good guy.
@SaberSin-mu4kt 2 месяца назад
Y'all would flip your shit if you found out that people love characters like Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers.
@Gabi-dd7bq 2 месяца назад
@@SaberSin-mu4kt The reason of why people love those characters is different to why some love Homelander lmfao He’s the best character in the show, and one of the most terrifying villains lmao, sure, but the problem comes when you find weirdos on Twitter asking for his redemption arc, or who want him a happy ending.
@SaberSin-mu4kt 2 месяца назад
@@Gabi-dd7bq Literally what the fuck is wrong with that? Y'all want A train to have a redemption arc even after he killed innocent people but not Homelander who is arguably the most traumatized character in the show? That is literally not a problem at all, in fact that's actually a very cool idea, to see someone so far off the deep end like Homelander manage to pull himself out and become a better person. You're also forgetting the fact that Homelander *is literally a fictional character.* People are allowed to like him because he's not real lmao.
@Gabi-dd7bq 2 месяца назад
@@SaberSin-mu4kt A-Train has done good stuff and actively tried to make things better acknowledging the fucked up stuff he did in the past lmaoo, something Homelander is literally doing the opposite of. Homelander, his entire fucking arc you seem to be misunderstanding GREATLY, is one of a childish prick who is starting to realize he can do whatever the fuck he wants. On season 1 he pretended to care, and all the fucked up things he did were hidden from the public eye. While now you have him murder people in public without nothing to happen. This may come as a surprise to you, but having a terrible childhood doesn’t grant you the right to murder and torture innocent people. He was on the right murdering the doctors in the lab? Sure, but THATS IT. Attempting to compare A-Train to Homelander like if they were the same character, with the same record throughout the show, is so out of place and a BIG misunderstand of the show. The Boys have been making fun of conservatives since season 1 lmfao, the fact that we are in season 4 and there’s people still thinking Homelander is an antagonist instead of the fucking main villain is the funniest shit ever.
@Gabi-dd7bq 2 месяца назад
​@@SaberSin-mu4kt A-Train and Homelander are FAR from different bruh, comparing them like if they had done the same and their arcs were the same is a sign that you don't seem to understand what you are even watching. A-Train did terrible stuff on season 1, sure, but ever since then, he has grown as a person, acknowledging all the terrible stuff he has done and WORKING to be better, and attempting to somewhat make things right. He can't make up for it but he's TRRYING TO, and also hasn't done any more terrible stuff since then. What about Homelander? Homelander is THE EXACT OPPOSITE LMAOO. He has slowly descend into madness. Just like A-Train, he did terible stuff in season 1, but unlike him, he has become worse, HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER ARC IS ABOUT HIM REALIZING HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS. Bro, there's even a scene where he tells himself to get rid of his "humanity", dude's going crazy and you still expect him to have a "redemption arc"?? Bro is going the opposite direction. In season 1 at least his terrible actions were hidden, and cared to put on a facade so people would like him, now he is fine with murdering people in public for no real reason. And NO, having a terrible childhood doesnt excuse you murdering innocent people lmaoooo. He did well murdering the lab people who tortured him, thats fine, the rest of people he murders in the show is completely unjustified LOL. The Boys has been mocking convervatives since season 1, having people still ON SEASON 4 say Homelander is not a villain, just "an antagonist", is so funny.
@dificulttocure 2 месяца назад
I'm not liking season 4 so far, I find it just boring and non-sensical. It's very unintelligent compared with the previous seasons. Scenes don't make any sense. Like you have Huggies dad killing everyone at the hospital in one scene and in the next one, he's just laying in a hospital bed there like nothing has happened. This is just an example, everything is like this this season. I think people can sense something is wrong but they are not good at pointing out exactly what is. Some people complain about Frenchie being bi when what I think that truly upsets them is the fact that the writers changed a relationship he had with a beloved character such as kimiko to one with an irrelevant character no one gives two damns about. And on top of that, they added this whole thing, where Frenchie kills his entire family for some reason and then he feels guilty about it and they break up as a consequence, like wtf dude? Also the political nuance is pretty much gone, and the humor is also dumbed down.
@ritchie1469 2 месяца назад
Critical Drinker just watched 3 episodes of the show and decided to review whatever tf came to his mind, the show is a literal parody of real world politics and you gotta admit whether you're from the left or right, it parodies all!
@cassiuscharak3164 2 месяца назад
There are just so many “out of nowhere” writing decisions that feel very odd when watching. The Boys has had these well thought out arcs with great set up. Now while we do still see some of that, a lot of major plot points seem to happen off screen, or have no set up, or are shoehorned in to help move the story. It’s not terrible as a lot of things do this but it feels less real.
@susami_ Месяц назад
I understood Frenchie as bisexual since the 2nd season, because it's very strongly implied that Frenchie, Cherie and Jay are in some sort of a poly situationship (basically pals that sleep together). It's not directly told, but the body language they have around each other feels equal between all three.
@skeletonofflavor2716 2 месяца назад
11:20 I don't know for sure on the Super Smell part, but if the vent was made out of zinc then Homelander wouldn't be able to see through it
@harrydelport6220 Месяц назад
It became less subtle, the problem is that the social commentary the show made in seasons 1 - 3 was subtle and clever. The writing feels more overtly political at the cost of believability and character complexity. All the people on the right are bad guys and all the people on the left are good guys... It's not subtle and feels slightly hypocritical from a show backed by a mega corporation that clearly uses its platform to spread its political message. The show used to feel subversive now it's just like every other piece of media. People are diverse and different in their beliefs and to lump all of them into a red team or blue team is a good way to alienate a lot of people. Characters are more interesting when they can't be put into political categories. The medium is the message and it feels inauthentic... No one had a problem with Maeve being a lesbian or the abortion stuff but when you start to notice the clear bias it doesn't feel like an interesting counter cultural piece of media that pokes fun at both sides of the political spectrum but instead simply just another piece of Hollywood propaganda.. :( Enjoying the show so far but it really needs to slow down on lecturing. Excited for the next few episodes. Let's hope season 5 is a banger... :)
@AngiViper Месяц назад
Everyone on the show is complex and we don’t actually have firm confirmation of where anyone lies on the political spectrum. The show remains a commentary on society by showing us now that politics for the powerful are no more than a game where morals are traded in order to gain more power. Newman was a standin for AOC and she’s sold out everything she stood for for a chance at being president. Firecracker is a standin for Alex Jones and Joe Rogan and any other media personality stoking fear and hatred out of their own bitterness and resentment as long as the money keeps flowing. And each of the Boys are so driven by their own selfish goals it’s constantly causing problems in their attempts to achieve a common end. These characters are not good or evil, they are ALL deeply disturbed, complicated people trapped in a world of drastic power imbalances and that mirrors our reality in ways we may not be comfortable admitting. The writing may feel less subtle now because the stakes are higher. Those in power are accumulating more and more power and influence and using it to divide humanity. Humans in the world of The Boys are being manipulated by powerful people with ulterior motives and it’s not as much fun when we the viewers start to recognize just how much that overlaps with our reality. I’d also like to point out that I work in Hollywood and the people producing these shows are a lot more red than you think.
@kingbrackerngaming968 2 месяца назад
I agree with basically everything that you said, it almost feels like theres only me and a couple of dozen people there are actually watching the show and can clearly see the good stuff and the bad stuff about this season (mostly good stuff). And also it makes me crazy how people are complaining about things that already where pre-stablished in other seasons.
@eduardoalvarez7546 2 месяца назад
Thank you for talking about this, because it goes to show that all these rage-bait commentary channels are that pathetic to the point they straight up lie. Critical drinker, Lauren Chen, and even Ryan Kinel are all in the boat of just saying the show is “woke” without giving actual proper criticism of the show that could be better or improved upon. All these channels do is flip-flop because they’re that dry for views.
@paulgreen2401 2 месяца назад
Here's a fresh take - season 4 of The Boys is poor and it has (almost) nothing to do with being woke or not woke, or any of that manufactured government culture crap designed to keep us arguing while they rape our world and our rights. With few exceptions, almost every scene in the first few episodes is short and quip-heavy, jumping erratically between exposition-dumps everywhere and sound-byte-like dialogue. The show has suddenly become too lazy to introduce characters, dumping an out-of-the-blue relationship with Frenchie on us, with maximum convenience (he killed his family), something else the show is now bogged down in - if a character went for a random walk, I'd expect them to bump into exactly the character they'd have most drama with, almost immediately. It's all gotten so lazy and generic, and it's true - every character does seem to NEED a character arc even when it's slowing everything down elsewhere, and is forced, like everything else in the show now. Not that I identify with dumb political outlooks (only a world without politicians makes any sense), but I'm all the way left, yet even I'm telling you - the show is being phoned in.
@dahliaherrod4301 2 месяца назад
See THIS is a review I can get behind. Purely technical with a focus on plot and character development. You told me what you didn't like and why. If only other reviewers were so straightforward and concise.
@moe5020 2 месяца назад
@@dahliaherrod4301 a lot of reviews are like this though. People will say Frenchy character sucks and fanboys will just accuse them of being homophobes.
@dahliaherrod4301 2 месяца назад
@@moe5020 oh no. I meant reviews in general. Across all types of genres and mediums. People want to complain, not review
@paulgreen2401 2 месяца назад
@@moe5020 There are idiots at either end of the spectrum. Most people live in the land that exists somewhere between, yet all the noise is at the margins, constantly tugging our attention. Our governments and media companies know this only too well, and push the most extreme narratives to generate either engagement or to keep the public bickering and distracted. Anyway, I like Frenchie but with the problems I mentioned before, it just stopped working for me. Loved the first three season, though and I'll look out for the director's future projects.
@Ruhrohraggy23345 Месяц назад
@@dahliaherrod4301Yes, this is what i wanted too!!
@OleanderRainbow Месяц назад
I hate when people use the word woke as another word for "Thingy I don't like".
@trev1775 2 месяца назад
I like the Drinker, most times, there are times I disagree with him or he misses the mark but wowie his Boys non-review was a real bad take.
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
How? Lots of people are just saying its bad but provide no argument... it wasnt a review of the boys season 4 but these clout chasers and commenters all frame the argument like he reviewed the show without watching it... his video is an explanation for not watching or reviewing the new season... if south park turned around and unironically went full woke right after the panderverse crap with matt and trey actually coming out and confirming it in interviews, people wouldve done the exact same shit. The boys only works when its making fun of everyone, which it stopped doing at the end of season 2, likely because they knew they had guaranteed 3 more seasons of blowing bezos' money.
@YodaOnABender 2 месяца назад
I used to like him but man he straight up sucks now. I only liked him because I watched him during my anti woke phase but now I know he’s not worth listening to
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 2 месяца назад
@@YodaOnABender so now that youre woke again you cant stand him... crazy self report but go off.
@Jacobsherman341 2 месяца назад
⁠I used to be a big fan of him now I can’t stand to hear the guy talk for more then 1 min
@pkmasterjt4899 Месяц назад
My issue with Starlight getting an abortion is the fact that they didnt show it. Them offscreening the CHRISTIAN FEMINIST MOUTHPIECE getting an abortion is BAFFLING to me. It turned what could have EASILY been one of the more powerful spins on that story, into something almost monstrous. What could have been us SEEING Starlight going through the emotions of having gotten an abortion, going BLATANTLY against her faith that she was RAISED on, the thing she believed made her who she is for the vast majority of her life. To not SHOW what that felt like for her was what made the scene to immediately follow it with her becoming absolutely RAGEFUL, not even just towards Firecracker, but towards Neuman the next episode as well. It turned what could've been a low for her that we couldve watched her power through and they just OFFSCREENED it and turned it into what feels like an asspull to make starlight snap. I LOVE Firecracker as a foil for starlight and EVERYTHING shes contributed to disecting and deconstructing Annie and the kindness that i KNEW was lowkey fake or learned through hurting enough people and shines light on just that. The abortion being 6 months prior just made it feel even weirder given theyre not very clear on the timeline of this series. I thought it happened in season 3 in the background and they fully ignored it during first viewing and it made it feel VERY weird. Thank you for showing me the images from the frenchie and kimiko scene btw. This WHOLE time, my main issue with Collin wasnt that "Frenchie is gay now" which btw... he was polyamorous and bisexual since we met him and the girl he used to work with and their boyfriend he almost let OD. They were ALL together. I just SWORE up and down that they never adressed their feelings for eachother after she kissed him and he got kidnapped. It felt like they offscreened that too. My WHOLE issue with season 4 is how much was offscreened honestly.
@rokoszkokosza8090 Месяц назад
Fucking correct
@jasonjasso666 2 месяца назад
I’m surprised it took you this long to like A-Train. He completely won me over when we explored his family issues, but there have been many moments prior that hinted at him being more than just the show’s first piece of shit.
@davidcasillasjr Месяц назад
11:20 The reason Homelander couldn't see through the air ducts is because most air ducts are made of sheet metal, which is usually galvanized steel (or aluminum) and galvanized steel is just regular steel that's coated in zinc and if you remember from season 1 zinc is the only thing Homelander can't see though.
@SaiScribbles 2 месяца назад
12:52 HARD agree lol. Chace Crawford has been a delight this entire show. I always say the character is a scumbag but the actor is absolutely hilarious. Especially the gormless expressions he pulls when Deep is being particularly stupid.
@CoalBee01 2 месяца назад
Homelander can't see through zinc, its mentioned in the first season, because the box they put Translucent's body in was made out of zinc, and air vents are often made using zinc
@moe5020 2 месяца назад
yeah but if it's an airvent he should def be able to smell him and hear him.
@pexeforad4gua 2 месяца назад
7:18 - they really think that time just stop for the actors when they are between seasons? Wtf?
@matthewmckenzie8921 Месяц назад
Didn’t they literally explain that MM is skinnier because of the overwhelming stress he faces? So he isnt eating? I swear that happens in the first episode
@grpattackonanime 2 месяца назад
I don't think the show has gotten woke or anything. In fact, I believe that frenchie's bisexual arc was just there so they can set up the scene where he goes to the prison to suffer his consequences for all bad he has done. My problem with this season is that the writing has just gotten absolutely sloppy, even this thing that I said was not subtle at all. The season is filled with unnecessary disgusting shock value moreover than ever before, most character arcs are just repetitions of what we have already seen in the previous seasons, interesting plot elements are not focused at all, and it is mixed in with random sub-plots that ruin the pacing of the season. This season has the highest highs (like episode 4) and the lowest lows (like episode 6).
@beckoninglight16 2 месяца назад
I mean if they want the entire show to be a dunk on conservative people, that is fine. It isn’t going to have the same popularity as if they just kept it equally non partisan and made fun of both sides. I don’t watch shows to be constantly lectured about my beliefs or about moral things though. Season one was decent enough to draw me in, but it fell off after that. I think most people feel this way or else it wouldn’t have such low ratings this season.
@michaelwilliams7011 2 месяца назад
I felt like the Frenchie Colin plot was out of nowhere and a rehash of his old “I feel bad because I kill people so I’ll do drugs” story but honestly I love The Boys and I don’t really care that much I like the season
@BicuriousGeorge-fk8kq 2 месяца назад
Everyone’s plot line is the same. Butchers doing his whole am I gonna be an asshole or not dance until he decides to not be an asshole in the final episode. Kimiko is just there. Homelander tries to wrestle his humanity for the 4th season in a row. Hughie is useless and starlight wants to be as well after season 2.
@michaelwilliams7011 2 месяца назад
I suppose you’re right. I honestly didn’t really care for frenchie’s character in general. He was cool but from the start I could take him or leave him, so I guess I don’t care.
@tilenHD 2 месяца назад
i think some vents are coated in zinc i know a guy who installs them and he told me they are coated in zinc to prevent rusting so that may be a reasion homelander couldnt xray it
@macy3560 Месяц назад
Mother milk actor was literally asked to lose weight so mm would appear to be more disheveled by the fact that idk maybe he lost his family due to butcher shit ????!!! Like come on yall. It’s not hard. I can’t with these people who are so jaded. Like think.
@constitutionalcarrot3720 2 месяца назад
Yeah that critical drinker vid was completely clickbait. He never watched it and doesn’t say so till the end. It was BS. I was genuinely pissed.
@JinxeBlaq 2 месяца назад
One thing I think people don’t get about Collin is that he’s not a new main character like Sister Sage, he’s a side character used to develop Frenchie, we’re not supposed to be thinking about him as a charecter, we’re supposed to be thinking about what he represents for Frenchies character.
@omartino9179 2 месяца назад
The problem is the only one carrying it is homelander every other storyline fell off in s4
@RedfordWho Месяц назад
The discourse around The Boys season 4 reminds me very much of the discourse around Doctor Who in the past few years. People complaining about a show being woke that's always been woke. It's fuckin stupid.
@Rob-lw8to 2 месяца назад
Two things to note: 1. Who are the people saying Homelander is a hero? On the internet, you can find anyone with any position. It becomes irresponsible when you social media as an opinion buffet where you can paint your opponent with any looney position. Why should the views of a minority be labelled as "the discourse". This attitude incentivises crazy opinions and attention seekers. 2. The "woke" criticism is worth thinking about, in my opinion. Defining the word has been challenging in modern discourse, but I really don't see it as an ideology - more so an aesthetic that references counter-culture movements in the areas of race, gender, sexuality, and economic status. This is why corporates can be labelled "woke" in the same way individuals or ideologies can be as they can share superficial characteristics. That being said, we should pay attention to how The Boys satirises one of Amazon's main competitors via Vought's Entertainment Division - which is a clear rip off of Disney/Marvel. They'll take the piss out of endless Marvel movies, but will Kripke joke about unfair unionisation practices and employees pissing in bottles? The critique conveniently aligns with Amazon's corporate interest. I also think its interesting that they're not doing the "woke capitalism" stuff anymore - considering you could also apply that line of criticism to Amazon itself. Ultimately, this content is designed to appeal to, and avoid upsetting Amazon's core demo as well as keeping them as customers (Millennial, Urban Dweller, Tech-Savvy, Social Progressive). A lot of the people like to get on their soapbox and smugly talk about "media literacy" but will blindly consume ambigious corporate content that simply parrots their world views. At least conservatives see it for what it is - entertainment.
@WeareLegion97 2 месяца назад
It comes down that people are just dumb
@lilportalzoom1352 2 месяца назад
The word woke is just being thrown around loosely these days
@bananasinfrench Месяц назад
Interesting points! I'll have to give it another watch through with this in mind to see if I agree. I will say, though, I think you give a lot more thought to what "woke" as a criticism means than the vast majority of people who use it. Generally, when you see someone criticizing a work for "wokeness" it's because someone outside their standard exists in it (generally queer people, but we've seen instances of people crying woke for having too much ethnic diversity, too-- lookin at you, that one Lord of the Rings show. Also, women existing while not being fashion models.) Either way, I do wonder now if Amazon stepped in about all the corporate critique the show was doing before, very interesting.
@Rob-lw8to Месяц назад
@@bananasinfrench what exactly gives you the authority or knowledge to say why people make such critiques - unless they’re explicitly saying so? It seems that much of the time, unfalsifiable generalisations are just thrown there and expected to be accepted.
@bananasinfrench Месяц назад
@@Rob-lw8to Well generally, the people who hold those opinions will explicitly say so, yes. But there's also a thing we can do called critical thinking, which allows us to break down what an argument is trying to communicate even if it's not said so explicitly. For example, the fact that you assume I am basing my stance on unfalsifiable generalizations rather than lived observations suggests that you're assuming I make my arguments in bad faith. That's not something you've said outright, but is apparent with a little bit of thought. And if someone is making a critique without explaining their basis, what value is there in that critique, beyond possibly the discussion it might generate? How is it that they should be presumed to have the authority to critique, but if I disagree with their stance, I don't have the authority to critique them in turn?
@Mavuika_Gyaru Месяц назад
I think season 4 is a downgrade compared to season 3 but that might be because Soldier Boy is the GOAT
@bostownent4816 2 месяца назад
I wouldn’t call myself “Right Wing,” but someone genuinely on left would prob call me that tho, solely because I don’t agree with everything on the left. With that said, I’m beyond blown away with the weird criticisms with S4. And thought Critical Drinker was so dishonest especially for not even watching it. Frenchie was bi in season 2
@GrimGatsby Месяц назад
Show spends first two seasons poking fun at wokeness, dei mandates, and corporate corruption and everything is fine. But the moment it starts parodying MAGA and religious people and closeted racism, these pearl clutchers come out the woodwork to scream woke. Can throw a punch but can't take one.
@0315n 2 месяца назад
Great video!
@maourazonica5945 Месяц назад
It's been a while since season 3. So I didn't even realize that MM and Annie had that much of a change. I mean, I did think MM looked different, but I thought he was getting thinner from the stress. It fit. Might've forgotten he had a beard. But looking different with his current arc just fit rly well. As for Annie, I remember having a thought that she looked perpetually shellshocked this season--and I found that so fun. Uh, no offense meant to the actress' looks. But yeah, I didn't realize she actually had work done. Cos it fit too! As for Queen Maeve, I gotta be honest, I totally thought she was spared to make the fans happy. And you know what, I *am* happy. Maeve's great, glad she survived. It doesn't make sense at all, but I wanted her to survive so I'm not going to be bent out of shape about it. A big part of why I thought it was a bit of fanservice is because I totally had the impression that that was her send off. She's never coming back to the show. She just has her gay happily ever after--good for her. For the plot, I did like what it did for Ashley at least. Gave her that little bit of humanity in helping Maeve. Ashley rly is just such a strange but fascinating character who seems to really swing back and forth. I *never* know what she'll actually choose to do! As for Frenchie's subplot. I mightve just forgotten too much of the prior seasons, but I actually like what it's doing for his guilt. Colin was a bit milktoast I'll admit. I think I might've assumed he was established in the earlier seasons and I totally forgot. But I just kept watching rather than go back.
@MrBlueski93 2 месяца назад
The show deserves every bit of hate that it is getting because from a narrative standpoint, it has abandoned all reason and surged wholly and completely into agenda driven territory. They seem to have forgotten that people don't watch television to be reminded of the hellish landscape that they live in, but to escape. Simply put, they are paid to entertain not to educate. They have failed to deliver so they do not deserve anyone's money and most certainly no one's praise.
@mateivaduva709 2 месяца назад
I disagree with you mate. If you want to escape your reality go watch a show all about fantasy, being reminded that our world is not perfect, is a very common and popular theme, critisize the writing not the setting, and hell the writing its still good, no matter what everyone says.
@BLP04 18 дней назад
7:43 I actually really love the MM change, because him being skinnier feels like his OCD and anxiety eating away at him to the point where he’s neglecting his body. I really don’t know if it was intentional or not, but seeing how fucked his mental state gets this season, it was really kind of a cool extra
@BenBenny-cc3xj 2 месяца назад
Dude, youre gas lighting. Eric Kripke said he was using the show to push his political hang ups. 😂 So.... The guy behind the show is lying?
@F0rever.B0red 2 месяца назад
It's been from season 1. It's a parody of real life. You take this too serious
@marshallstannus 2 месяца назад
There’s a difference between saying I want to explore and interrogating politics in my show and saying “I’m using my writers to air out my personal hangups”. Critical drinker isn’t quoting he’s just spouting easy to quote nonsense to fuel more people losing their collective shit
@TaughtHail55 2 месяца назад
I like season 4 so far, but a big issue I have with it is that things keep randomly happening and it feels as if I missed a chapter. Like I was so confused with Colin and Frenchie because it hadn’t been built up AT ALL. Same with Starlight having an abortion. I have no issue with it but the show brings it up as if WE HAVE KNOWN ABOUT IT when it’s never been mentioned. I literally had to rewatch the last season just to make sure that I hadn’t missed something.
@privernd Месяц назад
With the season over now I think it is safe to say that we probably won't be seeing Colin again and that his character was meant to build off of Frenchie's guilt rather than be a nuanced character we grow attached to over time. The woman from Shining Light who confronts Kimiko serves a similar purpose. I don't think every character in a show has to be super interesting as long as they aren't given too much spotlight and screentime.
@fake_robin9045 2 месяца назад
Them finishing the arc with Huey was actually so good like it shows that you can make those tough decisions and still be compassionate and thoughtful
@SaiScribbles 2 месяца назад
12:05 I think Sage has some overarching plan that's only going to become clear at the end of the season. There's no way Homelander could outsmart her lol.
@thebatmanofneo-gotham5667 2 месяца назад
The funny thing about Critical Drinker to me, is that I actually don't mind him or his channel that much. In fact, I watched more than a few of his videos in the past, and I found myself agreeing with a lot of his takes and arguments. So naturally, you can imagine my shock when he dropped his The Boys video in which he admits he didn't watch the Season and only relied on Rotten Tomatoes reviews to serve as his opinion. That's just uncharacteristically lackadaisical of him. I don't have a problem with Drinker criticizing radical far-left ideologies in modern media, don't get me wrong. Of course it's important to call those out. But the thing is, said criticism requires that you did research to have the proper context, and this was just not one of those times in which Drinker did.
@Rob-gs8lq 2 месяца назад
What I'm really concerned about is the freedom the writters are taking in regards to the ending. I don't know where they're going with it, but the comic ending is epic and I would love to see it play out on the screen.
@pyrsen 2 месяца назад
The writers literally admitted they spared maeve just cause she was queer lol
@bromanr7209 2 месяца назад
For me personally the show never changed. This season so far is on par with the past 3 seasons
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