
The Highway Code Updates 8 months on 

Ashley Neal
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@jamietaylor5570 2 года назад
Stopping for pedestrians while exiting a roundabout has been an issue for me. On a couple of occasions I've gone through because a vehicle behind had gotten too close, and on a couple of other occasions I've stopped only for mopeds/scooters to pass me and go through, in one case getting close to the pedestrians. As a pedestrian I'm still very reluctant to use "my" priority in these situations.
@Z3DM4N13 2 года назад
Even with slowing to show intent, usually the pedestrian doesn't realise they can go, and the car behind either gets incredibly close and/or beeps.
@lvgio 2 года назад
same, i’m not gonna walk out infront of a car just because i have priority ( a 1500kg car moving at 20/30 mph at that )
@leejohnson3209 2 года назад
@@lvgio You don't have priority, the car SHOULD stop if safe. You must wait for the car to stop. NEVER just walk into the road thinking its your right...
@jamietaylor5570 2 года назад
@@lvgio To be clear, I don't mean "just walking out". I mean even if the approaching vehicle is slowing (Is it actually stopping for me?) or has stopped (Will other traffic hidden by it go past? Will it start moving again if I haven't started crossing quickly enough?)
@afreeman1980 2 года назад
I'm with you on this one. Where the driver is crossing a set of white lines then there is awareness of conflict but on exiting a roundabout there is no line or junction or conflict with other traffic. All drivers will be accelerating away as will all following drivers, not a good place to smack on your brakes.
@amberwarrior459 2 года назад
I think most pedestrians don't actually want people to stop and wait for them. They want to wait for their own gap to appear and cross in their own time. I think this new rule is flawed 🤷‍♂️
@Stettafire 2 года назад
Yes, from a pedestrians perspective, I know my own walking speed and unlike a driver, I need to watch both lanes, not just the lane I'm in. So oftentimes they'll wave me across when the opposite lane is not clear!
@lindsayclubb 2 года назад
I so agree!
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
@@lindsayclubb Here here.
@hikaru9624 2 года назад
Thats what I was taught (kinda) when I was little. Pick a good spot to cross, look both ways and listen, wait for the green man etc. We all have the responsibility to be as safe as possible. For our own sake and others on the roads and pavements.
@mugger1 2 года назад
i certainly dont want them to wait, i have no intention of putting my safety in the hands of a complete stranger when i can wait 5 seconds and let the car go pass and cross in complete safety.
@Dragonsrule89 2 года назад
The communication on the new rules has been clear as mud. Pedestrians either still wait for the traffic to clear to cross, cars don't give way to the pedestrians, or other drivers get confused why other cars are giving way to the pedestrians. All of which I think makes people less likely to follow the new rules since the added confusion can then cause more risk.
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
@andrewnorris5415 2 года назад
Indeed, if the rules were fully known to all peds and cyclists and drivers - it would all flow a lot simpler. Having just some of them know the rules - makes things confusing and awkward. Ash has done a lot to help but this needs proper gov funding and media participation.
@aok9153 2 года назад
@@andrewnorris5415 In my country pedestrians have priority if its a zebra crossing or if the car is turning (unless theres a turn arrow, in which case the pedestrian will have a red) Its pretty simple and almost everyone knows this. But theres still the people who wave cars to give priority back or just dont know what planet theyre on. Then theres the people who put on a blindfold before crossing since they have priority, and scooter riders are just suicidal
@jhareng 2 года назад
Quite agree not very well thought out on the basis which pedestrian is going to risk it.
@lornakelly2044 2 года назад
I'd have done a big ad campaign, streaming services with ads, tv ads, RU-vid, sponsored posts on social media etc. Show a scenario with an animation and spell it out like "the pedestrian has right of way to cross here" etc. Short and snappy, think of a slogan like the Hands Face Space ones, show it everywhere. It's all very well the drivers learning it but if the pedestrians dont, it'll cause problems
@MathiaArkoniel 2 года назад
Wherever possible and safe to do so, I give way to pedestrians wishing to cross side roads/roundabouts. My sister (sitting in the car with me), always tells me that "you are about the only one who reads these rules and is up to date with them". This is actually thanks to you Ashley, but the thing is, it does feel most often like she is right. People honking horns, trying to go around, misinterpreting what is happening, etc. I feel these new rules have added an additional layer of risk and complications to it all. I am not against them. I do think they come from a good/sensible place, but, as you said, there needs to be a SERIOUS push for educating the public. If I can see ads at every turn for Rings of Power or whatever other TV/movie out there, we should have the new updates for the Highway Code plastered the same way everywhere. Some of these rules are contrary to how traffic laws operated for decades. It will take a huge campaign to re-educate road users.
@Albert5522 2 года назад
Like smart motorways, these new rules show a complete lack of joined up thinking. Ideally we want X but have absolutely no idea how to implement so we'll just throw it out there without much due care as to the actual result. In 2022 safety of road users should be a formality in terms of its upmost importance not a second thought as to "make things more efficient". I think much of these changes are to increase a pedestrians rights and importance on the road, but I think most of us will agree we don't care much about this as long as we are safe. A campaign of "be more considerate, maybe you taking a couple of extra seconds may aid someone elses journey significantly" would be more affective and less dangerous not to mention less complex in it's variety of understanding.
@awild10 2 года назад
At 3:25 the cammers position caused the problem. If they'd move out to the right of their lane and stopped adjacent to the centre line of the road they were entering I think the pedestrians would have seen them and the cammer could have communicated their intent to give way a lot better. It would have also been more obvious to the car behind what was happening. Because they stopped so short of the junction I think the car behind thought they were parking.
@letter1014 2 года назад
@@awild10 yes poor positioning and when the ped didn't accept the priority he should have continued onwards
@wonkyboy 2 года назад
seems like a good time to thank the cycling groups for greatly informing their followers well in advance of the new changes. We were waiting for the changes , not oblivious to them.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
@@awild10 Agree totally , but again , being aware of that following car , and that the danger TO ME is greater by stopping ; I'd have given a friendly 'toot' to make the pedestrian aware that I was there , and would have crossed that junction on the right before he even reached the edge of the footpath ; as for the later example of stopping on the exit from a busy roundabout NO NO NO NO NO : that is just downright dangerous and a recipe for being hit from behind ; there was almost certainly traffic following the driver round ; and there definitely was a car emerging from the entrance just before ; that driver would have been looking to his right to see that it was clear to proceed , and would not have been expecting a car which had just passed in front of him to stop . As with other types of junction , I will , and always have , given way to pedestrians when entering the roundabout , but I absolutely WILL NOT stop when exiting one , and where pedestrians are waiting , a timely horn warning will ( deafness excepted ) make them aware that I am NOT STOPPING there .
@GreboGent 2 года назад
Since the changes, if I’m on the path (on foot or cycling slowly) I stop well before/out the way of a junction or crossing so I can assess when I think there’s a safe gap for me to cross without hindering traffic at all, my mindset being “I prefer to work around traffic rather than have traffic work around me” I find it makes for safer road use and generally better flow
@ianbaird7449 2 года назад
As a pedestrian we hope for drivers behaving predictably more than anything else. All these new rules do is add confusion and ambiguity to lots of situations.
@caolkyle 2 года назад
Agreed. Surely would’ve been better spend of money to add more zebra crossing in hot spots, instead of rewrite priority order. Doesn’t help either the give way to pedestrians is only a suggestion and not backed by law so many that do know change just simply won’t bother
@joejoejoejoejoejoe4391 2 года назад
As a cyclist I totally agree, some drivers give more than enough room, some dangerously close, one stopping on an island when he had priority. I think previous highway code guidance was well thought out, but not these new ones.
@TheChipmunk2008 2 года назад
As a driver, of a white van no less, my main aim is to make eye contact with the pedestrian or other road user, and use simple hand gestures (no not that kind) to make my intent clear... and if they wave ME on, acknowledge them with the typical flat palm or raised finger off the wheel, then creep forward to reinforce. Ashley's taught me a lot about only giving way when it's expected, as he mentioned in this video, if you play the 'knight of the road' and let people cross when they don't have priority, they may expect it next time and come a cropper...
@_.Madness._ 2 года назад
You said roundabouts are classed as junctions, yet: 1) The Highway Code has a separate set of rules for 'Road junctions' (170 to 183) and 'Roundabouts' (184 to 190) and the new H2 rule only says to give priority to pedestrians 'at a junction' 2) It was only added to rule 170 (in the section 'Road junctions'), but not to rule 187 (in the section 'Roundabouts') which is the only rule that mentions how to deal with pedestrians at a roundabout and goes as follows 'In all cases watch out for and give plenty of room to pedestrians who may be crossing the approach and exit roads' 3) The wording of the H2 rule doesn't fit roundabouts either as by exiting a roundabout you are not 'turning into a road'. There's no road markings on exit from a roundabout, it's a continuation of the road you are already on. I am not arguing whether it was meant to apply on roundabouts or not, all I am saying is that the Highway Code itself doesn't suggest that it does.
@ashley_neal 2 года назад
I have confirmation from the DVSA that it does apply to roundabouts
@aleopardstail 2 года назад
@@ashley_neal given they have hardly bothered communicating this to people this specific bit being unclear hardly seems to matter, _especially_ since as you point out, pedestrians don't read the highway code what exactly was wrong with the rules as before though? the old "green cross code" was all pretty clear, seems sticking an asterisk next to it with "exceptions apply" is going to get people killed
@leejohnson3209 2 года назад
Unless there has been a monumental miscommunication between instructors, examiners and the highway code authorities (whoever devised the rules), for now I will continue to assume the vast teaching community are correct but the highway code is poorly written. I will continue to drive accordingly on roundabouts. But urgent clarification is certainly required and the highway code updated promptly to reflect what is being taught better.
@aleopardstail 2 года назад
@@leejohnson3209 dropping anchor on the exit of a roundabout is going to see pedestrians killed when you get shunted into them
@_.Madness._ 2 года назад
@@ashley_neal I know and I am not arguing about that. The thing is that I expect other drivers to be aware of and follow what the Highway Code actually says rather than hoping that they have heard about some mysterious confirmation from the DVSA.
@ChristopherNewbould 2 года назад
The pedestrian updates are dam right dangerous. I have got into arm waving arguments with motorists trying to let me cross at a three lane roundabout. If I can’t see lane 2 and 3 I’m not crossing.
@_.Madness._ 2 года назад
Who are you kidding? Nobody does that even at mini-roundabouts.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Which update are you referring to? I can't find any update telling you to cross a three lane roundabout when you don't want to. Where is this three lane roundabout anyway? I don't know any 3 lane roundabouts that have uncontrolled pedestrian crossing.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
@@_.Madness._ Ofc they do. Seen it many a time.
@ChristopherNewbould 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 Pedestrians crossing across junctions in particular. There are multiple round where I live with 1 lane splitting into three at the entrance to a roundabout. There is a traffic island (when no formalised crossing) to assist but I still very often can’t see into the two far lanes.
@pirateadam3686 2 года назад
I know the new rules but to a large part I ignore them - and I'm saying that as a pedestrian and motorcyclist. Totally agree with the space giving rules, but I think the 'priority changes' cause more problems. When I'm walking or on the bike I know I'm the most vulnerable and act accordingly; slow down and give up my right of way if necessary. Just walk, ride and drive with courtesy and never put your safety on someone else's hands. Also, January was 8 months ago! 😱
@gravemind6536 2 года назад
I keep saying this kind of stuff. It annoys me now that lots of people are taking this vunerable road user term and equating it to you must give way to me at every oppurtunity. I keep saying if you're vunerable act it and be defensive. Motorcyclists for the most part do this very and show good judgement. I never get overtaken by a motorbike in my car or the buses I drive unless I have either shifted left upon seeing them in my mirror or signalled to them that they can go ahead. I think it would be of great benefit to people to have a go at riding a motorbike and HGV/Bus so they can experience what other vehicles on the road have to deal with.
@FlavourlessLife 2 года назад
We can either ignore the rules or end up confusing everyone. 95% of pedestrians freak out and wave you past anyway. Feels like the Highway Code people are bored and making changes for the sake of it.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
Exactly ; I too am aware of the guidance , but I choose to use the parts that make sense ( and which I was largely doing before anyway ) and won't change my behaviour where badly written advice endangers either myself or others .
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
@@FlavourlessLife A lot of this nonsense has , I suspect , been written by woke minded non drivers with no qualifications relevant to the task .
@johncranna 2 года назад
You say 'priority changes' but I am nor aware of any priority changes. Nowhere does a motorist have priority over a pedestrian, but there are cases the other way around, ie at junction when crossing and when on zebra crossing. A pedestrian must only cross road when safe to do so, that has not changed. What has changed is the emphasis that the car has potential to cause harm or death and that motorists should drive accordingly.
@sidefack 2 года назад
I think a lot of drivers can feel pressure when another driver gives way to them when they're not supposed to, and under this pressure they skip checks and rush increasing risk. The new changes with Cars giving way to pedestrians at junctions runs the same risk of putting this pressure on pedestrians who don't have the comfort of a metal box to save them from their mistakes.
@TheChipmunk2008 2 года назад
Absolutely, hence Ashley's hatred of flashing people out.... you feel intense pressure to JUST GO.. , and that is lethal
@_______- 2 года назад
Completely agree. The stopping on a roundabout one can be especially dangerous when you're on two wheels.
@rhonddalesley 2 года назад
I think that one is dangerous for all concerned when there's a 2 into 1 lane merge on the exit. If I stop to allow pedestrians to cross, there's more often than not an impatient driver to the side of me or speeding up from behind to overtake that can potentially cause all manner of carnage, especially if the pedestrian/other driver can't see each other or aren't aware of the changes.
@kenbrown2808 2 года назад
my driving instructor told me that I should keep all four wheels on the ground in roundabouts. ;-)
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Go slower then. Even under the old rules you had to be prepared to stop in case a pedestrian started to cross in front of you. You now have to stop if they are just waiting to cross.
@kenbrown2808 2 года назад
@Advanced Driving I open the door and pivot around my foot.
@TheChipmunk2008 2 года назад
@Advanced Driving genuine chuckle on that one :)
@seenoweevil1991 2 года назад
I'd love to see someone try and argue these new rules have *increased* road safety. From my experience so far, they've just introduced confusion, hesitation and people rushing (where accidents happen). Pretty much every single person I've stopped to let cross has just looked at me with confusion, usually waving me on and then when I didn't go, sprinted out into the road to put an end to the needless drama. The car driver behind me often also has a similar look of confusion on their face. As a pedestrian myself, I don't bloody want cars stopping for me anyway. I want them to pass and let me cross at my own pace behind them, thanks very much. Oh and like many others, I wouldn't have known about the change unless it was for this channel.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
So you think the old system where pedestrians had to walk out in front of moving traffic to get across the road was safer than the new system where motorist stop for pedestrians waiting on the kerb to cross?
@seenoweevil1991 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 It's not the rule itself that is the problem, it's the fact that the vast majority of people (both drivers and pedestrians) don't know they exist, so we're just left with misaligned expectations among road users which causes hesitation and unpredictable behaviour.
@davidty2006 2 года назад
Confusion doesn't help. And pedestrians are just as if not more clueless about the changes than drivers. Feel like infrastructure updates to accomadate the changes would reduce it.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
@@seenoweevil1991 Very true but changing people's habits takes years and not months
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 Pedestrians did NOT have to walk out in front of moving VEHICLES ( not just cars ) : they were REQUIRED to wait until the road was clear for them to cross .
@TomARowly 2 года назад
Imo they need to start painting all junctions with zebra crossings. I noticed they did that in Spain when I was abroad and it communicated clearly what should be done.
@collinslfc 2 года назад
We all knew the problems that the change regarding pedestrians and right of way would cause when the announcement was first made. Lawmakers should have kept it how it was, we all got it and therefore it was much safer.
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
It wasn't safer than the new rules should make it; the new rules have been appallingly implemented.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Pedestrians have always had priority when on the carriageway, the new rules just made it clear as so many drivers didnt realise it.
@adamspencer95 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 When on the road, yes, they always have. But not on the pavement. That's like cars having priority on railway level crossings.
@baerlauchstal 2 года назад
@@adamspencer95 It really isn't, is it?
@jonnewman7203 2 года назад
First week after the new rules were introduced and I noted a huge change in London with pedestrians crossing side roads and cars stopping for them. But then within around 2 to 3 weeks it was back to how it was, presumably because pedestrians had several near-misses with cars who didn't know the rules and deciding that it's better to be safe than sorry, and I witnessed lots of issues with cyclists (couriers and food deliveries) who didn't give a jot for pedestrians with the new rules. The only thing that does seem to have stuck with the new rules is drivers generally giving much more room to cyclists on my local roads, which if anything is a massive positive.
@stuartvale2901 2 года назад
And cars having near misses with pedestrians and other vehicles because the pedestrians don't understand the rules and end up just wandering out into traffic, thinking that they have the right to do so
@gravemind6536 2 года назад
They should have just kept to the whole rule change of safe passing. They need to scrap all the other stuff in there since its just crap. Pedestrians with any sense will always be hesitant about crossing a road which is why these new rules won't work. Why would you trust someone in a car who you've never met, When I cross the road I am that guy that looks everywhere even when there is no reason at all for traffic to come the other way on a one way street or at a traffic island at a roundabout.
@ado543 2 года назад
@@stuartvale2901 Pedestrians have always done that at side roads anyway, hence why these new rules are useful.
@ado543 2 года назад
@@gravemind6536 The issue is, pedestrians must have some level of priority at side roads to be able to walk down a busy urban road with lots of side roads at any reasonable pace. The idea that pedestrians can just wait until there is no traffic at each side road doesn’t work in reality. The old rule that pedestrians have priority once they start crossing was unknown to many drivers, hence the stronger new rules.
@adamspencer95 2 года назад
@@ado543 The idea traffic on a main road has to yield to pedestrians waiting on side roads doesn't work in reality, especially on really busy streets. I know, hold the entire main road up rather than a couple of pedestrians waiting a few extra seconds, that's logical.. 🙄🙄🙄
@WIBOMATIC 2 года назад
Wow, that government TV ad was all over the place! I do remember hearing ads on the radio at the time of the changes, but they were on a similar theme of "You need to be a good driver - visit our website to learn more" rather than just specifically saying what the new changes actually are. I live in Newcastle and I've yet to see *anyone* following the updates, either drivers or pedestrians. And honestly, I don't either (when driving or walking), because I fear it would just cause confusion at best or an accident at worst.
@acward2007 2 года назад
Thanks for making this clip Ashley. This clearly shows how bad a change to the Highway Code can be if awareness is not made available. This day and age most people have access to at least one for of media, most have multiple. What happened to the TV and radio ‘info-mercials’ of years passed? Something needs to be done as the level of confusion this is causing is likely to be fatal. The roads are bad enough with the level of selfishness and self-importance out there. At least you and other RU-vid creators are doing your best. Take care, Alan.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
It is not a matter of a lack of awareness : this is a matter of poorly thought through and downright BAD advice , created , most likely , by NON DRIVERS who have no qualifications to make up such nonsense . The sooner some of these pages are re-written , the better .
@karoln7078 2 года назад
absolute bollocks these new rules, I've lost count of the amount of times I've nearly been rear ended because I had to stop for a pedestrian on junctions and then they tell me to carry on 🤬
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Slow down more gently then and you'll be fine.
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
As a pedestrian, I'm sick of being hurried by drivers to CROSS a road I don't want to cross yet. They sit there, flapping their hands as if we are incapable of picking a better moment - and I am ashamed to say, I get panicked and tend to run as best I can at my age, only to realise I've then got to avoid getting run over by the other miserable fockers coming the opposite way. If we aren't already crossing there's no need to give way to us. We are safer crossing after you've gone. It always looks like some do gooder making a point.... "Hey, I;m gonna SLOW DOWN all the traffic on MY side of the road - but get very impatient if you ACTUALLY make me stop, by not running in front of me while I;ve condescended to slow down to 15mph". It puts PRESSURE on us to cross when we aren't ready. WE know how fast we can walk / run / waddle ... You don't. I'll tell you what we WOULD like you to do though ... STOP PARKING YOUR ENTIRE WORLD (your car) ON THE ENTIRE PAVEMENT ... we don't give a shiny if someone might pinch it if it isn't parked in front of your window - Why should we have to wheel a CHILD into the road to get past a series of cars that empty heads thought deserved to occupy the entire pavement?
@kenbrown2808 2 года назад
I agree. it should be an established thing that the pedestrian steps to the kerb when they are ready to cross, and if they haven't stepped to the kerb, drivers can take it that they aren't claiming priority. and absolutely, if a driver can get past the crossing before I reach the crossing, why is the driver stopping?
@daylen577 2 года назад
My parents went on holiday to the UK recently (we're from the Netherlands). I asked my dad if he knew about these new rules, and he didn't. While on holiday he discussed them with some UK friends, they didn't know either and were certain that my dad was mistaken. A quick Google later I got them sorted, but it's absurd how people straight up aren't even aware that things have changed. Can't really fault my dad for not knowing, but definitely seems like people who live in the UK and drive there daily should at least know that something did change.
@Andrei8pa3 2 года назад
Its just a complete mess
@MultiMidden 2 года назад
If you're from the Netherlands aren't the new UK rules meant to be very similar to the rules in the Netherlands?
@ronrolfsen3977 2 года назад
​@@MultiMidden Yes somewhat. The T-junction part is the same. However the rule does not apply to roundabouts. Roundabouts most of the time just have a zebra crossing. So it's pretty clear in a roundabout where a pedestrian does have priority. It also gives road designers control over the flow on a roundabout.
@Stettafire 2 года назад
The issue is that highway code updates in general aren't really adequately communicated to existing drivers. And don't bother with the media, they're just stirring the pot
@johndd9140 2 года назад
Yep. It's a total mess and complete madness. You either have to everyone on board, or don't change it!
@adamkaige 2 года назад
I’ve always hated it when car’s stop to let me cross the road, even before the new rules. I always feel like I need to run because I’m holding them up if I walk at a normal speed. I see other pedestrians doing this too, so it can’t just be me, I even see them do it in your videos.
@ArminGrewe 2 года назад
Look at it this way, if you have to stop the cars are holding you up. But the car drivers are sitting comfortably in their warm and dry cars while you're out in the cold British rain (OK, not recently, but soon you'll be again)
@Stettafire 2 года назад
The worst one is when acar stops but there is still traffic on the opposite side of the road, so I can't go. The amount of drivers who get annoyed without realising that I need to cross BOTH lanes in order to safely cross the road, boggles the mind
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
HOORAY!!! Thank God it;s NOT just me after all! I detest this new rule. I'm sick of being pressured to cross by drivers who have no clue how slow or fast I might be able to cross. And I am particularly peed off with it after getting abuse shouted at me yesterday ... I'm mainly annoyed that I couldn't actually hear what he said - and that he didn't hang around long enough to risk getting my response.
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
@@Stettafire EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY! Phew! I feel like it;s just me sometimes - But it;s not. Nothing is ever thought through enough before being implemented.
@adamkaige 2 года назад
I’m 42. I’ve spent my whole life living to the rule Stop, Look and Listen before crossing the road. That rule now has ‘Wait and see if someone stops’, and if they do still Look at them in case their foot slips on the pedal or the breaks fail when you’re crossing in front of them, because 99.9% will still be in gear and many will be automatic nowadays too!
@domainofscience Год назад
I live in Bristol and I've not seen a single car give way to pedestrians at an intersection, and I've mostly given up because of the confusion it causes. I think I have noticed better overtaking of bicycles though, so I think the public information about this may have been better
@sammydemon666 Год назад
I too live in Bristol, and they give way to me cos I just fuckin step out, or at least throw them a dummy so they think I am going to.
@ItzJNazz Год назад
In all fairness, the layout and design of the road might be a big factor. Poor/Missing markings and silly design choices have been quite the issue where I live.
@googoogjoobgoogoogjoob 2 года назад
I realize my view is now old fashioned but as a regular pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist and car driver I believe the safety onus should rest more on the individual most at risk of personal harm. I don’t relish the position of moral and legal high ground as a pedestrian, from my hospital bed, with a couple of broken legs (or worse). And as a note - there is little chance of me willfully stopping in the middle of a busy roundabout, on my bicycle. I’ve currently got 4 working limbs and I’d like to keep it that way.
@hittitecharioteer 2 года назад
Can't argue with that. It's an old adage, but this fiasco illustrates it perfectly concerning quangos and authorities in the modern age: beware the man with an idea!
@ditch3827 2 года назад
I think you have misunderstood the new rules. Telling drivers to wait for pedestrians to cross the road in no way diminishes personal responsibility. The highway code is quite clear on this.
@googoogjoobgoogoogjoob 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 No. No I haven't misunderstood the new rules. Perhaps you have misunderstood human nature.
@remibejide 2 года назад
In my opinion, instead of these new changes to the HW codes, the government should have given a safety budget (if they can find the money somehow) to local authorities to gradually add pedestrian crossings at junctions and roundabouts. I have been in situations in 4:56 and 3:40. Very scary. In my case, for the situation at 3:40, the car behind actually overtook aggressively and blared their horn. How I handle things now is to approach a junction carefully and with the intention of not giving way except the pedestrian gives an indication that they will be crossing. I might be wrong here but I feel more relaxed and in more control of the situation, no matter what other road users do.
@TheChipmunk2008 2 года назад
I've taken to, when possible, if I AM going to give way as required, ,, pulling out a little to actively block both lanes (having a van makes this possible). Still get the rage, but no overtake possible, then when they see the pedestrian. sometimes they are chastened
@tipple58 2 года назад
Thank you for being so honest, Ashley. I had serious doubts about the viability of the changes when I first heard about them. I've lost count of the number of times I've aborted giving way to pedestrians because of the risks from the flow and speed of other vehicles around me: they were potentially a risk to my car, but critically to pedestrians. (As a pedestrian, I overwhelmingly keep to "old-school" methods: cross when it's safe to do so, when I decide. When walking, I will often stand back from crossing points so as not to confuse or alarm other drivers, cyclists, etc.)
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Just because you value your car more than the lives of pedestrians is no excuse for not following the Highway Code.
@tipple58 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 There's always one who completely misunderstands what has been said. The risks to pedestrians was my main concern, you Muppet! My first message was probably too long for you and you lost concentration half way in.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
@@tipple58 You said you stopped following the highway code which is there for everyone's safety because you were worried about the risk to your car. If you really ace concerned about the safety of pedestrians then follow the highway code.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 Stopping on a main road does not endanger pedestrians in side roads BECAUSE you have not yet started to turn ; however I WILL NOT stop on a main road because of the danger TO ME ; I put my own safety first and foremost , above that of others and won't just stop on a main road if there's a 44 tonne artic bearing down behind me at 50 or 60 mph .
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 This part of the Highway Code is badly written and needs to be changed because it just endangers everyone . Only fools blindly follow guidance which is ill considered and dangerous .
@grahamnutt8958 2 года назад
I hadn't seen the Gov't Campaign footage until today. Even now; you have just clarified a point where I know there was confusion - Lady with 🐕 clip. The Knowledge and Education still has a long way to go before even 50% are aware of the updates. Keep at it, Ash. Stay safe everyone 👍
@worsfoldjm82 2 года назад
Being a PDI I was out with a pupil on a lesson, and I pointed out to a pedestrian waiting to cross the road we were going to turn into. I made him aware of the new HC rules at the time. The pedestrian didn't have a scooby. So massive confusion .
@cliffordhallam3270 2 года назад
Yet another spot on video. I’m 70 and I always decline a motorist’s offer to cross in front of them. The confused blue car who was giving serious thought to overtaking the stationary car has happened to me a few times. It’s even worse when the law abiding driver is in a van. Mr Confused is busy telling the van driver what a wanker he as he ploughs into me stepping out from behind the vans cover. There’s going to be a lot of headstones inscribed with ‘But, it was my priority??’
@TheChipmunk2008 2 года назад
Van driver and Ashley viewer here, can confirm. People ALWAYS want past the van, it's second only to L plates! (well maybe third after P plates) for making people rage overtake.
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
There's a YT channel called Not Just Bikes. It's brilliant in comparing Dutch practices vs N. American ones but it could just as easily apply here. The need is for every single new and redesigned junction to be built to a standard that prioritises pedestrian and cycle safety where there is a reasonable expectation of those groups using it. The Dutch have done it, as is shown in NJB's latest video. It's taken them years to get where they are but they've made huge and beneficial changes. As more and more of such junctions become visible, drivers will become accustomed to giving priority to vulnerable road users.
@letter1014 2 года назад
Yes I have seen it. Very good and interesting videos.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Totally agree and interestingly it leads to less congestion and faster journey times for motorists.
@123MondayTuesday 2 года назад
I’m a regular watcher of your videos and I had no idea about the updates
@ibs5080 2 года назад
Rather fittingly, I bought a hardcopy of the new Highway Code at a booth at the British Motor Show in Farnborough a few weeks ago...and literally just minutes after responding "Hello" to a new incoming video from Ash, with Ash even wishing me a good day at the show! I was of course well aware of the HC changes long before buying my hardcopy, much of which is thanks to Ashley's channel.
@Dr3Mc3Ninja 2 года назад
Giving pedestrians priority at the roundabout exit crossings seems like more risk than it is worth. I question why they put the crossings at the exit and not a few car lengths further down.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Because that is where pedestrians want and have a right to cross. Crossing points are at roundabout exits because pedestrians generally want to cross both halves of the road.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
I wondered that too. Probably because most people are too lazy to walk another twenty feet, and would simply continue to cross closer to the junction if they designated crossing was further down.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 You sound like one of those cyclists, "we have a right to -". As a pedestrian, I KNOW I have the right to many things, but that doesn't mean I do it just to make a point.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
@@goodyeoman4534 I don't think pedestrians cross the road to make a point but rather to get to the other side to continue their journey.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 No need to twist things, mate. I never implied it was all pedestrians.
@iainmillar1532 2 года назад
Your channel is the only reason I’ve even heard of the updates. The authority hasn’t managed to reach me through any medium whatsoever
@rossadams8281 2 года назад
A few months ago, shortly after the new regulations came in force, I asked a couple of local community officers to clarify if I needed to wait at roundabout for pedestrians to cross and was told that I only needed to wait at T junctions. So it seems as if it's not only motorists that still need to educate themselves.
@_.Madness._ 2 года назад
So you haven't bothered to read the actual Highway Code yourself, instead you watched a few Ashley's videos on RU-vid and asked a couple of community officers, yet you are saying people should educate themselves? Because if you've actually read the Highway Code, then you wouldn't be surprised why people should come to the conclusion that the rule doesn't apply at roundabouts. 1) The Highway Code has a separate set of rules for 'Road junctions' (170 to 183) and 'Roundabouts' (184 to 190) and the new H2 rule only says to give priority to pedestrians 'at a junction' 2) It was only added to rule 170 (in the section 'Road junctions'), but not to rule 187 (in the section 'Roundabouts') which is the only rule that mentions how to deal with pedestrians at a roundabout and goes as follows 'In all cases watch out for and give plenty of room to pedestrians who may be crossing the approach and exit roads' 3) The wording of the H2 rule doesn't fit roundabouts either as by exiting a roundabout you are not 'turning into a road'. There's no road markings on exit from a roundabout, it's a continuation of the road you are already on.
@rossadams8281 2 года назад
@@_.Madness._ That was the whole reason for asking, as I had read the revised highway code but was still unsure.
@jimenojaime7268 2 года назад
@@_.Madness._ Quite agree. The ONLY mention (that I have seen) of that rule applying at roundabouts is the (now anonymous - name has been redacted) email to Ashley where the DVSA employee seems to have been caught out by the question, looks up the definition of 'roundabout' in a dictionary, sees that that definition includes the word 'junction' and concludes that therefore the junction rule also applies at roundabouts. This is just not good enough.
@_.Madness._ 2 года назад
@@jimenojaime7268 This was exactly my thought too when I read that email!
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
@@_.Madness._ Roundabouts ARE junctions , and usually the meeting points of multiple roads , so of course you will be leaving one road and joining another .
@BadWiltshireDrivers 2 года назад
the amount of times as a driver, pedestrians don't get it when I stop t let them cross, when turning into a junction, and as a pedestrian the amount of cars that don't stop to let you cross, clearly shows the lack of communication! Oh and that's twice my passing the horse rider clip has appeared in Ashleys videos. The first was with the ambulance as well. I get the 10MPH bit and take it on the chin and will learn. Thanks Ashley for educating us all. Never too old to learn when we are driving.
@awild10 2 года назад
The biggest problem has been the lack of publicity. That's the first time I've seen that advert. I agree with the changes except the requirement to give way when leaving a roundabout. In my experience it is rarely safe to do this and on two lane exits you are relying on both yourself and the driver in the adjacent lane seeing the pedestrian and also stopping. It just doesn't work.
@LeftCoastStephen 2 года назад
As a viewer from Canada, your new rules are much closer to what we have had for many decades. Having frequently travelled in Britain I’m glad of your videos. I knew and followed the old rules and it would appear that without you, I’d not be aware of the changes on my next visit. Especially if the locals aren’t aware of them. Maybe now Boris is out things may change but I shan’t hold my breath.
@rodericde876 2 года назад
When I was learning to drive in 1972 my instructor explained the hierarchy of road users as a matter of common sense. The more vulnerable always has priority. “Whar are you going to do, run them over”.
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
I have twice been hit by people who would answer 'yes' to that question.
@qasimmir7117 2 года назад
@@PedroConejo1939 Sorry mate.😬
@1988dgs 2 года назад
@@PedroConejo1939 don’t think the rule changes will make one slightest difference to the people that would do that, hope your ok
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
@@1988dgs Yes thanks. Nothing too serious, more harm to ego than to body, but the realisation that what's about to hit you is both solid and unstoppable is disturbing, the fact that it was deliberate even more so. Both drove off and in the absence of witnesses - despite plenty of people seeing each case - meant it wasn't even worth troubling the constables with. Our local force had a poor reputation in those days.
@gravemind6536 2 года назад
@@PedroConejo1939 Well then you should have looked both ways before crossing then.
@francisfrancis3374 2 года назад
As a pedestrian I absolutely hate the changes. I want to use my own judgement when crossing roads filled with huge heavy metal machinery, not have half switched on drivers attempt to do that from within the safety of their own cars. While the new rules are well-intentioned, they're seriously flawed until there are significant changes made to pretty much every junction in the country.
@RiskyLFCTactics 2 года назад
I do think the update has made things more dangerous, but with the idea that safety was their priority.. I definitely wouldn't be stopping on a roundabout unless it was quiet, they're lethal enough as they are from my experience. I do think the highway code is in date, it's just the infrastructure which its about is severely out of date, and unless you can find someone with several billions of loose change, that won't be upgraded any time soon.
@Albert5522 2 года назад
Stopping on roundabouts is nuts, I remember being told running across the road, in an attempt to be quicker for traffic was a no-no because it could cause accidents (bit pedantic but the older/less mobile one is the more real that possibility is) and yet what do we see in these clips at junctions and roundabouts? Pedestrians scuttling across as quickly as they can, as if almost embarrassed as to holding up the much quicker car.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Surely not stopping and hence hitting and killing a pedestrian crossing near a roundabout would be more lethal
@Albert5522 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 🙄 I feel you must be willfully misinterpreting to comment this 😂 Who said anything about intentionally driving over a pedestrian killing them? hahaha 🙈
@ditch3827 2 года назад
@@Albert5522 Under the old rules a pedestrian had to start crossing to gain priority and force drivers to stop to let them proceed on their journey. The rules were changed to avoid that by requiring drivers to give way to pedestrians waiting to cross. A far safer option, don't you think?
@lycan6014 2 года назад
The only reason I knew about the changes is because of this channel 😃😃 thank you Ashley
@rufusgreenleaf2466 2 года назад
The problem from the start was how the information was given out. It went from some important updates to a complete controversial joke no one wanted to follow. I see it many times when walking, that people just don't bother following these new rules or are oblivious to them. Which means the people who do follow them look strange and dangerous. I too have stopped my car and felt like a lemon just sat there waiting for the blank minded pedestrian to cross, even tempted to wave them across. It's rare that people are switched on these days.
@johnnyhollis9977 2 года назад
Also, no senses in operation due to staring at a phone or headphones banging away!
@rufusgreenleaf2466 2 года назад
@@johnnyhollis9977 That too
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Give it time - it takes years if not decades to change public attitudes but it will come, just as it did with seatbelts and speeding and drink driving etc.
@rufusgreenleaf2466 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 I hope so but it needs to be given out more clearly.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
It's more dangerous to stop in those scenarios. There is the law and then there is common sense. To blindly follow a rule even if it makes no sense is pathological.
@bergenhaus 2 года назад
Agree with this. Safety has not been increased but confusion has.
@MrLunarlander 2 года назад
The priority for cyclists passing on the near side at junctions is positively dangerous. I can see the idea behind it, but it only takes one driver to not check before turning left, or expect that ALL vehicles behind them will wait, and that cyclist is roadkill. As an occasional cyclist I'm never going to take the risk.
@nua1234 2 года назад
In Ireland this was made illegal, because it is so dangerous.
@CarlosFandango73 2 года назад
Totally agree. The key point is if it's safe to do so. Stopping on any roundabout where there are other vehicles is not safe imo. The white private hire car also showed that it wasnt safe to let those pedestrians cross. I think slowing to walking pace as you turn in, ready to stop if they cross is much safer than stopping to let them cross. It is similar to flashing your lights to let someone through, confusion is the result. You made a point in a previous video that zebra crossings at roundabouts would solve any confusion. Where I live they did just that when the rules changed and it works. Why not put them at every junction, although the rules would need to be slightly different as you would need to stop on them to emerge onto the road
@ChrisCoxCycling 2 года назад
The best hope is that these new rules lead to better designs at junctions and particularly roundabouts. Having pedestrian crossings at grade level - meaning motorists have to go up a raised platform and, by necessity, slow down - will make it much more intuitive who gives priority. That will, of course, take a long time.
@davidty2006 2 года назад
When this code came there should of been a start of infrastructure updating to fit with it. Then drivers are pretty much constantly reminded.
@jessicabruno2820 2 года назад
Lots of roundabouts near me where I cross the road to get to the local shopping centre and I don't think anyone has ever stopped for me since January. I didn't know some of this stuff. Good video.
@nightw4tchman 2 года назад
I had a similar situation to your first clip happen to me at a four way junction. The pedestrian hesitated too long so I turned in as the other cars were already annoyed I wasn't driving at 40 in a 20. There's a serious disconnect between the rules and reality going on which I think is partly down to poor communication but also selfishness.
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
"The pedestrian hesitated too long" ... I sympathise ... but from a PEDESTRIAN'S perspective, we don't have the same "too long" attitude - as drivers, EVERYTHING feels like "too long" because you are so used to doing everything at mechanically driven st00pid speeds ... so when you slow down to 20 or even 10 and act surprised that we haven't started to cross like the 6 million dollar man, it might be because we don;t want to start crossing without having weighed up all the OTHER dangers ... EG is there a tw... who is going to over or undertake take you - are you gonna speed up again because we haven't leaped forward in the allotted time - what other traffic have we got to negotiate on the other side of the road that you;re not looking at - how fast can we run with our shopping and a flappy shoe ? ... we would usually rather just wait for a safe moment than be pressured into it.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
I know this will sound off, but following the rules religiously can be dangerous. I'm not saying disregad the rules; I'm saying we need to traverse the grey areas with intelligence and common sense. Stopping on a fast-moving road just after a roundabout for a cyclist who may or may not be crossing the road is madness. It could cause a pile up behind. I'll always give way when it's safe - not in the scenarios in most of these clips.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
@@stephenbrough8132 Hand signals are underrated. If, as a pedestrian, I don't want to cross, I'll just give the driver a shake of the head and then a thumbs up for the offer to give way. I even wave cars on if I'm about to cross but can see they're the only ones coming. Why hold them up if you don't have to?
@nightw4tchman 2 года назад
@@goodyeoman4534 Oh I agree.
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
@@goodyeoman4534 I couldn't give hand signals because I was using both hands to carry a heavy heavy carrier bag. I;m not a traffic cop, telling drivers what to do after they've already done it - ie they've already slowed down by the time I realise - it just gets messy. I'm gonna start carrying a placard, strapped to a pole on my leg, saying "CARRY ON DRIVING" - then one that say;s "STOP! i NEED THE TOILET URGENTLY!" and they will probably stop just for the entertainment value. PELICAN CROSSINGS TOO ... THEY NEED A "CANCEL" BUTTON so we don;t end up stopping the cars unnecessarily AFTER we managed to cross already ... some of them are hopeless - we can be standing there AGES, wondering if it;s broke - we only realise it's not when we hear it beeping in the distance behind us, quite some time after we crossed. It bugs me.
@iawa2k 2 года назад
I've been educating friends and family when we've been out and I've been really suprised at how many of them aren't aware of exactly what the new changes were and what they should be changing in thier driving. I would say they are all good, safe drivers and are generally pretty good at trying to keep up to date with changes like this. It just seems to be how poorly they've been advertised or explained, some know there have been changes and understand some aspects but not all of them and like Ashley's clip of the lady and the dog, the people I've spoken to just aren't 100% sure on those kinds of intricacies. Thanks for helping us to educate others Ashley.
@paulharrison6385 2 года назад
The hardest part for me is roundabouts where I (and most drivers behind me no doubt) have grown up looking to accelerate away from the junction, lights permitting, rather than looking to stop again for pedestrians. Going to take a while to change my practice.
@RushfanUK 2 года назад
You don't stop for pedestrians when exiting a roundabout, the Highway code gives no priority to pedestrians on roundabouts as it does on Junctions from major into minor roads, although a roundabout is a junction, I think this is misinterpreted by Ashley and many others as being included in the pedestrian priority at other junctions. Technically the junction portion of a roundabout is at the entry to the roundabout, often signalled by a giveway line, there is never a giveway at the exit of a roundabout, it is a continuation of the road and not a junction as you have crossed that at the entry to the roundabout.
@ldphoenix3 2 года назад
@@RushfanUK incorrect I’ve seen people post about failing their driving test for not giving way when exiting a roundabout on the driving test
@inasteinbergs1393 2 года назад
@@RushfanUK You should stop to give priority to a pedestrian waiting by the exit from a roundabout into a road if there is a drop kerb and tactile paving.
@leejohnson3209 2 года назад
@@RushfanUK right this makes sense but needs clarification. If true we've been wrongly advised by the experts.
@RushfanUK 2 года назад
@@inasteinbergs1393 drop curbs and tactile paving are for the visually impaired and wheelchairs.
@faridh2999 Год назад
I experienced this rule 1st hand recently, as I was approaching a t junction a guy didn’t hesitate to walk onto the road to cross in front of me, I didn’t expect him to do so but was aware of the rule and stopped, we acknowledged each other, however it was unnerving that he was willing to put his safety on the line because of this rule. I’m sure this is just going to create more confusion and arguments. Great channel by the way 👍
@benws8246 2 года назад
The highway code updates are pretty meaningless when, as you say, the culture of how different people use the roads and pavements has been embedded for years and years without change. We need better road and street engineering to help with this. Things like raised pavements and crossings across junctions, give way lines set back from the junction entry to enforce priority, better traffic calming and passing points for pedestrians, better cycle lane access across junctions (rather than having to drop down to road level and give way) etc. A lot of things need to change in this country to make a difference. We also need a culture change of driver attitude. I'm a regular cyclist and I'm treated as an annoying inconvenience by a lot of drivers. I'm regularly close passed and when I do take the primary position, I'm punishment passed, swerved at or even subjected to road rage. As well as better road and street engineering, we need a better driver culture. One thing that won't change without these is impatient actions. Most of my problems when cycling come from impatient drivers. They seem hell bent on nearly hitting me to save seconds. I had a Volvo squeeze past me the other day, literally brushing by my left leg so they could progress through a junction with a left turn light. They were so close I could touch their car, which I did. They didn't like that. How long did they save? 5 seconds. Two drivers from last week who passed me closely, one after the other, are getting letters from the police as we speak. It's so bad now that I cannot take a single bicycle journey without something bad happening, such is the impatient and downright stupid attitude of some motorists. In summary, I agree. The highway code changes have done absolutely nothing. If anything, they have only made it easier to report bad driving, but I don't feel any safer on mu bike. The government messaging has been weak and pretty pointless. As with everything driving related in this country, car is king. Until this attitude is addressed nothing will change. Things like the massive roundabout recently built in my village to accommodate thousands of houses worth of extra traffic on already insufficient infrastructure make me sad. The powers that be still seem hell bent on laying more tarmac and concrete to handle even more traffic. It's not the way to go and makes all of the climate messaging seem like absolute nonsense. Until we change the culture, driver attitudes will remain the same.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Totally agree, though it does take a long time to change attitudes - years, if not decades - so 8 months is still very early days.
@benws8246 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 I agree. Thing is, everything being done in this country is by a drip at a time. Bicycle lanes that are actually ill-thought bits of paint on a pavement. Bicycle lanes that don't link up and end abruptly. Cycle parking in the middle of a car park (this was done this year at a new build development near to where I live). New build developments on bike paths that remove sections of said path and replace with junctions. Green agendas that simply involve the taking of money. A new town bypass road that will be accessed through a village and industrial estate, but will not be finished until thousands more houses are built next to it, increasing the current traffic woes and the strain on inadequate infrastructure. Etc. We seem to have badly planned bits and bobs. Not a clever top-down wholesome change. It does take a long time to implement change. But it's quite clear that those in power in this country aren't interested or are monumentally stupid. Places like the Netherlands made decisions in the 70's that they didn't want cities and towns overrun with vehicles. We now see the fruits of that way of thinking. They also treat vulnerable transport users in a better way with clever planning, segregated infrastructure, priority at junctions, harder penalties for drivers hitting them etc. We are still stuck with the attitude of car is king in this country Until this begins to change, the masses will still regard vulnerable road users as a nuisance and a delay. Even though pretty much every daily traffic jam in this country is caused by vehicles and their drivers. Always makes me laugh when people say they are stuck in traffic. They are traffic. 😆
@gravemind6536 2 года назад
@@benws8246 Most cycle lanes I see make it more unsafe for cyclists ironically because its a normal stretch of road with some extra paint. All it does is create this perception that the cyclists and cars are segregated as long as they are both in their lanes which leads to drivers passing closer than they should because they are going by a strip of white paint rather than using common sense.
@benws8246 2 года назад
@@gravemind6536 Indeed. A lot of cycle lanes in the UK are an afterthought. An excuse to use up some allocated money by lazily painting a white line either in the road or on narrow pavements. These bring you into conflict with both vehicles and pedestrians. What we need is properly thought out segregated infrastructure. It does happen, but the rubbish stuff happens too much.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
@@benws8246 Totally agree.
@bobdevine2254 2 года назад
I personally think stopping on a roundabout to give way to pedestrians opens up the threat of a rear shunt or side swipe as cars behind or to the side may not see the pedestrians and expect a car who should be allowing the roundabout to ‘flow’ to suddenly stop. This rule should not apply at roundabouts as they are designed to keep traffic flowing not to stop!
@ibs5080 2 года назад
Interesting to hear there was something on TV to inform the public of the HC changes. I never saw them either. I do have to wonder how long it's going to take (if ever) for all / the majority of road users to be on board with these changes.
@Stettafire 2 года назад
It's a bit daft too, young folk don't watch TV anymore, they're streaming. So only older folk would see it. Would've been better off sending leaflets in the post
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
I saw it once - on the Cycling UK FB page. Generally, cycling and horse organisations have been all over this, but motoring ones less so - though whenever the new rules are mentioned, the comments are usually vitriolic from the haters. We're over six months in, the police should be at the very least 'having a chat' with people they see not following the rules. The more agregious cases need tickets.
@ibs5080 2 года назад
@@Stettafire I actually watch TV a fair amount...and as you can see from my profile photo, I'm no spring chicken. But I somehow missed the TV publicity that Ash mentioned and showed, even though I was well aware of the changes via other sources.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
I don't have a TV set , so will never see it . I'm waiting to see how long it is going to take to have this nonsense overturned and a return to common sense on the highways .
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
@@derekheeps1244 Can you pinpoint a year when there was common sense on the highways?
@JiminyClarkson 2 года назад
That's a good point on a bike when making a righ turn. I had this situation to me today, where I could see a lot of people want to cross and know I should let them, but I did not feel one bit comfortable stopping in the middle of a busy road to let people cross when I know there are cars approaching fast behind me that might not expect me to stop.
@grahambonner508 2 года назад
I agree and I don't stop for the simple reason that I have little to no control over the vehicle behind me. I will only stop if there is no traffic or the pedestrian is on the road space.
@richardgilyead7640 2 года назад
I wrote to my local papers to point out the confusion and mentioned some specific junctions where there are potential problems. I hope this, more targeted, approach might make people think about their own area and where they need to apply the new rules.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
They're not supposed to make sense. Arbitrary, catch-all regulations never do.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
Not everyone drives in their 'own area' : many of us travel hundreds of miles daily and often in unfamiliar areas . That is why well thought out rules should exist , so that they can be applied anywhere and work safely under all circumstances .
@TheSpeegy 2 года назад
Had an interesting one recently. Whilst cycling (and I also do drive), I was approaching a road on my right which I wanted to turn into. I could see that there was a car waiting to emerge. I was toward the centre line ( not a particularly wide road) and had my right arm extended to indicate my right turn (I wear a bright orange cycle helmet and use lights during daylight to try to improve my visibility). Just as I reached the point to turn right, (in front of the car) the car began to emerge, saw me and stalled part way out of the junction. I continued my turn, and as I passed the side of the car, the lady driving it shouted "You need to read the highway code, it's changed now and you have to give way to me"!
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
That's funny
@grahamheath3799 2 года назад
My concern is that these changes reduce safety by introducing confusion. Somebody stopping to let pedestrians cross has too many possibilities to CAUSE accidents. I am unsure that these were ever thought threw. Rather like the introduction of seat belts in vehicles that were never designed for them. Heads instead of modifying a relatively soft windscreen, started modifying a narrow very solid steering wheel. Result a significant increase in head trauma.
@kenbrown2808 2 года назад
that's a bit like the old claim that the introduction of the battlefield helmet increased head injuries. it only increased the number of people who survived head injuries. same deal with airbags. hospitals had an increase in admissions with leg injuries. it wasn't that there was an increase of leg injuries - it was that the people with the leg injuries were being sent to the hospital instead of the morgue.
@grahamheath3799 2 года назад
@@kenbrown2808 Disagree issue was reported in the Lancet as a concern prior to the introduction and as fact after. Not saying seat belts are bad but needed corresponding design changes to car interiors No info on airbags or military helmets. But would
@gravemind6536 2 года назад
@@kenbrown2808 Airbags are good they just leave people with mild burns as a worst case scenario far better than hitting a windscreen or a steering wheel. Leg injuries will also be down now due to Knee airbags being fitted in most cars now. In fact in most modern cars it takes one hell of a crash to actually die and if you're in a Volvo XC90 You would have to commit suicicde but getting ploughed side on by a train nobody has died in one of those cars yet.
@kenbrown2808 2 года назад
@@gravemind6536 that was my point. Airbags frequently reduce fatal injuries ro treatable injuries. So did seat belts when they were introduced.
@kenbrown2808 2 года назад
@@grahamheath3799 the belts reduced the harm from people slamming into those interior features. Improving those features also reduced harm, but it was a cumulative improvement.
@reachandler3655 2 года назад
I'm not a driver/cyclist. I'm only aware of these rules from watching this channel. From my experience it's obvious that most motorists are either unaware or ignore the new rules. The infomercial you showed seemed clear as mud!
@harleyvincent7917 2 года назад
So, I regularly watch Ashley's videos but I know that I have made some mistakes with this new rules. I give way at junctions and at roundabouts, though I have almost ended up in collisions where other people are not paying attention.. so I've tended to avoid stopping on the roundabout because of this increased risk near me (plympton).
@SClaytonHGV 4 месяца назад
Excellent video. Shows the pitfalls when following the new laws, yet so few know them.
@OutlawJackC 2 года назад
I know this would take an absolute age to force everyone to get updated But what if driving licences were only valid for 15~20 years So people had to retake their tests to prove they are still capable of driving safely (with the new rules) Too many people pick up bad habits over time
@MultiMidden 2 года назад
Every driver should have to redo the theory test when they renew their photocard every 10 years.
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
That's a fantastic idea - The other day i was WISHING someone would test my friend's driving ability again since she passed her test 5 years ago - Everybody goes the same way - become impatient and everyone else is stupid but can't see their own failings.
@Stettafire 2 года назад
I mean, yes I agree. But considering the long delays we currently have in getting tested and how test centres are all fully booked, we simply don't have the capacity to retest people every 20 years.
@OutlawJackC 2 года назад
@@Stettafire if something like that were to happen surely there would be money put forward to make more test centres and get some staff to keep it sustainable
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Totally agree
@johnmckay1423 2 года назад
You have to have a licence to obtain permission to drive a car on the road which can be withdrawn and you have to pay every year to get temporary permission to take your vehicle on the road. Roads are public spaces which pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders have a right to use. There are rules which help everyone stay safe and minimise inconvenience, but the general attitude of car drivers is that they have the right to be there and everyone should stay out of their way. Towns and cities and urban areas are much nicer places to be if cars are treated as the intruders. I say this as a car driver who would be inconvenienced by re-prioritising road users in this way.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
"and you have to pay every year to get temporary permission to take your vehicle on the road" ??? I don't , nor do many others . Horses did not evolve to be ridden on tarmac and amongst other vehicles which may spook them ; far better to stick to forest trails etc , more pleasant and safer . All road users have responsibilities towards all others , but cyclists in particular seem to make a virtue of being selfish and obstructive . I am both a cyclist and a driver of many vehicle types .
@johnmckay1423 2 года назад
@@derekheeps1244 On reflection that was an exaggeration. Electric cars and some low CO2 emissions cars between 5 and 19 years old and if your car is over 40 years old are exempt. Otherwise vehicle excuse duty must be paid. And they change the rules to make sure most people pay it - that's why vehicles from 2017 low emissions vehicles stopped being exempt.
@immi7560 2 года назад
if gov wants pedestrians to have priority, they should put zebra crossings everywhere. all drivers know we should stop for pedestrians in this case
@IllIIIlllIlIIlll 2 года назад
yeah but this costs money so they won't do that 😂
@K26650 2 года назад
Because changing the rules without changing the infrastructure makes the government look like they care without having to actually do anything. It's a win-win for them, they still get the Good pedestrian/cyclist friendly image without spending any significant amount of money to actually improve what's lacking.
@Turbo3032 2 года назад
Have you ever stood at a zebra crossing on a busy road? Drivers may know they should stop but that doesn't mean they actually do it practice!
@marklittler784 2 года назад
​@@IllIIIlllIlIIlll ££££££££££££ssssss👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
@marklittler784 2 года назад
​@@Turbo3032 That's the problem your actually expect ed to put your foot on it to claim your crossing
@RicardoPetrazzi 2 года назад
Ash, an exception to the new rules of letting pedestrians cross at a junction *_Should_* be when leaving a Roundabout. Not clearing the 'junction (ie. roundabout) leads to far greater risk to all road users than stopping in it. Allowing pedestrians to cross at the junction on the entry to a roundabout is fine, but no at the exit. Pedestrians *_Should_* treat this like crossing a main carriageway. wait for a safe space/gap in the traffic, or use the nearest signalled crossing point. When I am walking, or cycling, I will not expect vehicles exiting a roundabout to give way to me wanting to cross, but I do expect traffic entering or leaving a roundabout to *_SIGNAL_* as it's the single crucial bit of information you need to aid your descision to cross or not. Singals are not just for the other drivers, they are for everyone!
@loc4725 2 года назад
According to Google maps I walk between 3 - 4.5 miles and since the changes I've had several close encounters, almost all of which were on a roundabout which has a bend on its approach. And so far I've been given appropritate priority *14* times. Incidentally it's members of the car trade (trade plates showing) who seem to be the most switched on. And like in your clip with the VW, it's the German car & Chelsea tractor drivers who usually fail to yield or race to the roundabout without looking.
@beeurd 2 года назад
Never seen or heard of that campaign you showed, although I am aware of the changes. When driving I'm still encountering clueless pedestrians that dont realise you're letting them cross, and impatient drivers who don't seem to understand why I'm doing it. As a pedestrian I'm also yet to have a vehicle stop to let me cross at a junction. 🤷‍♂️
@Stettafire 2 года назад
The campaign was non existent as far as I'm concerned. How many young people watch terrestrial TV nowadays? I certainly don't!
@davidty2006 2 года назад
I haven't seen it at all. Not on TV thats on all day or on youtube.
@JohnR31415 2 года назад
Mandatory 3-5year retests need to be brought in. That’s about the only way we might get people to pay any attention to the rules of the road rather than how many of those ‘mph’ points they can score.
@wulcanic9603 2 года назад
I just passed my theory test and I'm looking forward to my practical driving test, these videos are great sir, you're doing god's work!
@tomtrials 2 года назад
Honestly I thought a few of these were the rule anyway, I always give way to pedestrians when turning into a T junction. Letting pedestrians go while exiting a roundabout won't catch on, that just seems unnecesserily dangerous, I wouldn't walk across like that when I can just wait a second for the car to get out of the way.
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
More Dutch-style roundabouts are needed, but that's forrin and costs money.
@davidty2006 2 года назад
@@PedroConejo1939 Those can be done during resurfacing work to cut cost.
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
@@davidty2006 Could, yes, but won't be.
@robinbennett3531 2 года назад
Thanks Ashley! When a pedestrian, I only appreciate being given way when there is more, busier traffic. People doing it when there's no-one around, and they could have just gone on past -and it all takes much longer and uses more fuel- makes me feel awkward, and wary of what's behind them, possibly overtaking. With the new rules the answer is to stand well back so you can go when you choose and not feel pressured. When i'm driving i dislike those who are stopping to flash me(!) from side roads, often having been approaching at speed. I think oh it would have been quicker if you'd just gone past or slow down so ppl. can pull out ahead of you. I guess I like to know who has priority and try to stick to it. It's my pet hate 'cos they think they're being nice and you can't be mean! I try to go slow, at a steady pace, and leave a gap ahead so other road users can use their discretion.These new rules are confusing and are dangerous until everybody follows them.
@ibs5080 2 года назад
Have to say I haven't noticed much at all in terms of change of road user behaviour as a result of the HC changes. Perhaps the very occasional "wider" pass by a motorist for a cyclist but that's about it. As a pedestrian, I've noticed the exact same disregard by motorists turning in or out of side streets when I'm trying to cross those streets on foot. No difference whatsoever and as Ashley said, these changes have largely (and unfortunately) been a waste of time.
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
I had someone lose their mind last week when I slowed to pass a cyclist on a busy single-carriageway bypass. I followed Ashley's advice: high speed/large space; small space/low speed. Since I couldn't leave a 2-metre gap due to oncoming traffic, I slowed to 30 mph to leave 1.5 m. I don't think the driver behind even saw the cyclist in their annoyance. At the end of my rural commute, as I'm approaching the roundabout on the edge of the town I work in, I say to myself, 'Pedestrian rules'. That's because I generally don't meet anyone on the route up till then, but once I'm at that roundabout, there are lots of schoolkids walking to school and crossing the roads I use. It requires a shift in mindset from the rural road to the uban one.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
I have ALWAYS , where it can be done safely , given way to pedestrians when emerging from minor roads onto main ones , or when ENTERING roundabouts , in both cases where I may have to stop anyway . I WILL NOT be stopping on main roads , where I risk being hit from behind , or when exiting roundabouts , where the same danger exists , and I don't care which stupid rules are written into a book .
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
@@derekheeps1244 The new rules do not require you to stop if it is unsafe to do so. However, if you hit a pedestrian who is already crossing at a junction, you can explain your principled stand to the court. That's not a new rule, by the way.
@Being_Jeff 2 года назад
I was beeped at and shouted at by a driver when I crossed his exit route from a roundabout on my bike, he had plenty of time to come off the accelerator and didn't need to even brake before I was out the way but was not happy about losing a fraction of a second! Being the way I am I rechecked the new rules in the highway code and couldn't find roundabouts mentioned, I thought well I'm actually in the wrong here. I'm pleased you've mentioned that roundabouts are supposed to be treated the same as junctions in this respect, thank you. After the incident though I decided just to err on the side of caution and let drivers do what they want to, it is a "should" give way anyway, and they may consider it unsafe to risk being rear-ended by someone not expecting them to give way/not paying attention. Just today a cyclist in front of me got beeped by a van driver turning into a junction the cyclist was crossing, I don't know now whether its worth the risk to even try as a cyclist you're going to come off much worse than the motor vehicle.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
You were in his way. He's a very important person, don't you know, on his way to doing very important things.
@AlexLapinski 2 года назад
I was in my work van, turning right into a side road. I gave way to a pedestrian and they didn't cross. The car behind me soon got on their horn and in the end I had to just carry on. I glanced at the mirror afterwards and the pedestrian crossed just as I went past. I expected this, but it was still frustrating!
@leejohnson3209 2 года назад
Same has happened to me but I gestured the person to cross in the end as she seemed totally confused despite my obvious waiting. It was safer for her on this occasion but I normally wouldn't wave anyone to cross.
@stephenbrough8132 2 года назад
@@leejohnson3209 A bloke waved at me to cross a road I was';t ready to cross but he was getting increasing agitated that he was so close to us he was now going to have to stop completely - so I was then under PRESSURE to cross - so I rushed across, only to realise I had put myself in danger having to run double fast in front of traffic on the other side, OR be stuck in the middle. THEN HE SHOUTED ABUSE AT ME - I couldn't make it out because he was escaping any chance of a response. I cou;d happily wait a minute to find a safe moment - I don't need assistance. Sometimes I'm just GLAD of a pause for breath, so I can stand there DAYDREAMING until I'm ready to go ... I think drivers hate us daydreaming, like we always have to be on alert, ready to leap forward at a moments notice. No, I like to just take my time - wait for a safe moment.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
It's going to take time for everyone to get used to it, but it will happen
@PedroConejo1939 2 года назад
I said from the outset that while the changes may be good, the publicity and education prior to (and now since) their introduction has been abysmal, totally undermining their value. Even worse, what publicity there was has been left in the hands of Britain's notoriously hateful tabloid 'news' papers and the cut'n'paste local press. No wonder some drivers (and it's mostly drivers, and social media commenters pretending they're old enough to drive) are even angrier about vulnerable road-users than they were before. Now they can get purpleptic about those who apply the new rules as well. It's not the rules that are at fault, it's those who either don't know them or who choose to ignore them - and that is down to the people who introduced them. Brilliant work DfT!
@2neanderthal602 2 года назад
I must admit this channel is the only place I have seen the interpretation of the changes to including stopping to give way on an exit to a roundabout. The section of the highway code that specifically covers roundabouts had not been updated to reflect this so my interpretation would initially be that this isn't the case - because that specifically describes how to treat pedestrians at roundabouts. I've not seen anything on this on the official gov website or from the AA etc. I do respect Ashley's expertise but would like to get some clarification on this via more official channels.
@_.Madness._ 2 года назад
You are one of the rare people who actually read the Highway Code rather than learn the rules from RU-vid. I am not saying Ashley is wrong, the rule may well have been meant to apply at roundabouts, but the Highway Code itself doesn't suggest that it does. It's beyond me why they wouldn't mention the word 'roundabout' in the wording of the H2 rule considering there's a separate set of rules for 'Road junctions' (170 to 183) and 'Roundabouts' (184 to 190) and then only add this H2 rule to rule 170 (Road junctions), but not 187 (Roundabouts). Also the wording of the H2 rule doesn't fit roundabouts either as by exiting a roundabout you are not 'turning into a road'; there's no road markings on exit from a roundabout, it's a continuation of the road you are already on.
@Studidit 2 года назад
@@_.Madness._ I don’t disagree, the HWC wording doesn’t appear to apply to roundabouts, if it did then rule 187 would give clearer advice than “In all cases watch out for and give plenty of room to.. pedestrians who may be crossing the approach and exit roads.” There’s a lot of semantics involved. Driving instructors, in my experience, are experts in using semantics. I could argue that when you’re leaving a roundabout you are taking an exit and therefore by definition it can’t be a continuation of the road you’re on. 😅 Having said that, I too don’t get the interpretation of including roundabouts. It’s not good enough to imply a rule, it has to be clearly stated. That’s an important element of rules and laws.
@TheRip72 2 года назад
That was the first time I have seen the public service video about the new rules. That is appalling. It should have been publicised much better. I have said this for years: although drivers are required to know the highway code & its updates, there is no incentive to do so. When I last looked in WHSmith's for it, you could not even buy a Highway code on its own; only as part of a driving test kit with DVD. A re-test every 5 years should be mandatory. If you fail, you have 6 months to pass before you lose your licence. Anyone who cannot manage this is simply not safe enough to drive.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
Try HMSO , and whilst there also pick up ROADCRAFT , which is a much more comprehensive driving manual
@JulianShagworthy 2 года назад
I tried using the new rules when they were first implemented and (I'm not exaggerating) the situation turned dangerous every time I tried to do it on a busy road. Confusion was rife, and I refuse to do it anymore - I don't want it and, more importantly, pedestrians don't seem to want it either. Laughably, there is another section of the HWC that tells you not to wave people to cross the road because they may not be ready. That is in direct contradiction with the message behind these new rules which can quickly place a pedestrian into a panic situation if they're not ready to cross and perhaps do something dangerous. The idea comes from a good place, but it doesn't gel with human nature at all.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Showing consideration to the more vulnerable road users might not gel with your human nature but it gels with mine
@JulianShagworthy 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 Clearly choosing to gloss over my acknowledgement that it originates from a good idea - interesting. It's no excuse for poor execution, however. You are potentially leading pedestrians into dangerous situations by following these rules. The simple (but expensive - follow the money, as they say) solution is to paint zebra crossings down at points where you want to encourage pedestrians to cross.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
Safety and common sense should always trump blind obedience to questionable rules. Well done for having the good sense to see that. It would be pathological to comply with rules that are actively dangerous.
@goodyeoman4534 2 года назад
@@ditch3827 You aren't morally superior to him. If you were, you'd not even feel the need to broadcast it.
@ditch3827 2 года назад
@@JulianShagworthy The potential problem with that unless it was applied at every single junction across the land it might imply that pedestrians crossing at non-zebraed crossing did not have priority when they do. Applying the rule at all junctions is simple and avoids that confusion.
@E4RLIES 2 года назад
As a cyclist and motorist the 1.5M rule is annoying. I hate having a tail of pissed off motorists on my shoulder when there’s easily enough room for them to get by. 1.5m is ridiculous I only need a foot clearance
@1over137 2 года назад
While the new rules don't apply over here, in residential areas, people give way to crossing pedestrians all the time. I do it. The trouble I'm having is teaching my little one how to cross a road, is hindered by people stopping and waving us across. Because it spoils the lesson and I have to take charge of the crossing to speed it up. Instead I like to give control of our crossing to my daughter and get her to tell me when it's safe... then some nice person stops for us and waves us across. That situation takes a LOT more explaining. The HUGE risk is for the child to bolt out when ONE car signals them to cross. They may be completely unaware of the boy racer rapidly accelerating the other way.
@garnhamr 2 года назад
yeah it muddys the water so to speak. stupid rule
@flemit35 2 года назад
This annoys me cars waving me over when they've got right of way over me, firstly I'll decide when I'll cross. secondly if you're going to wave me across actually stop your car rather then just slowing down. thirdly cars often do this in a position where there's a traffic island while I walk my dog, I really don't like being on the traffic island with a dog while cars pass on both sides so wait till I can get across the whole road, I imagine people with kids of trams will be the same.
@Stettafire 2 года назад
@@flemit35 Yes. If the car is still driving forward but waving me across its obviously not safe to cross. And don't say "well obviously the car will stop as soon as you start crossing" cus I've been in plenty of situations where they don't!
@robertpatrick3350 2 года назад
As a pedestrian I frequently have to cross at a local roundabout, I’ve not experienced a motorist comply with the Highway Code since the rule change. As a cyclist generally the space given and timing of passing motorists has Improved but not tho the described standards. As a motorist attempting to comply is difficult due to the confusion or lack of knowledge of all parties. Bravo for your efforts in pushing the message at to people.
@C0bblers 2 года назад
A 3 min vpn ad in a 9 min video. Come on.
@drdrdrdrkoalus 2 года назад
Agree with you Ashley. Every day I encounter the same problem, either pedestrians or other drivers have no idea about the new rules, and they mostly get confused by me stopping, giving way and etc. This creates more problems than if there wasn't any update with the highway code. So I have adapted myself, if there is no driver around, I am trying to give way to pedestrians, if there are other cars, especially those who are coming behind, then I am trying to not give way as they might try to overtake and cause a collision which would be very unfortunate.
@blurpderp5826 2 года назад
Ideally driving behaviour would be the same across the UK. However, in different regions, there will be differing levels of education. My concern is that someone may move from a place where there is heavy promotion of the changes by individuals like yourself, to a place where there isn't, and that could be dangerous for them and others. Safety rules which are applied unpredictably might cause more harm than no rules at all because people can make incorrect assumptions about the responsibilities that others have accepted.
@Stettafire 2 года назад
Implying that Liverpool has a high level of driver education 🤣
@memyself7413 2 года назад
Persnally, I think these new Highwsy Code rules are extremely dangerous. I'm sure that there has been a huge increase in vehicles getting 'rear ended,' too, due to impatient drivers.
@adrianellis2433 2 года назад
This Highlights the fact that every 10 years when we renew our licenses we should have a test
@locojambo 2 года назад
Was walking to work the other day and came to a crossing. A police car was coming so I stopped, looked and waited for my new privilege to be granted, which never came. That cemented it for me.
@Andy1119 2 года назад
the cyclist rules I agree with, The pedestrian stuff is silly and was made by regulators who probably walk to work and simply wanted to make their journey easier
@JohnCarlyle 2 года назад
Pedestrian rules have good intentions, but so badly thought out.
@K26650 2 года назад
I still wait for safe gaps and make sure the road is clear just like i always did. These new rules honestly make me feel unsafe as a pedestrian. Why would I trust someone else when I can wait for a safe gap and eliminate the need for trust.
@Andy1119 2 года назад
@@K26650 exactly the same
@mda5003 2 года назад
Stopping for pedestrians whilst exiting a roundabout can be dangerous and even though a roundabout is technically a junction, albeit with different guidance, there is nothing in the new Highway Code that shows pedestrians have the right of way in these situations. In fact, such is the confusion over the new regulations I sought clarification from the Department of Transport who confirmed that the objective of the hierarchy of road users is not to give priority to pedestrians and/or cyclists but to ensure a more mutually, respectful and more considerate culture of safe and effective road use. Safety must be a priority and circumstances will determine when to allow waiting pedestrians to cross. In other words, it is clear that individual circumstances will determine if it is safe to give way to pedestrians waiting to cross and drivers are expected to exert their own judgement to ensure the safety of themselves and other road users. Factors to consider include the presence of following traffic , the speed of approach, visibility and the actions of the person/s waiting to cross. However, drivers should not put pedestrians at risk should they fail to give way to someone who is already crossing the road. In conclusion, the rules in the Highway Code do not give any road user the right of way in any circumstance other than to advise when to give way and to avoid an incident. Cyclists and pedestrians are indeed required to comply with road traffic law in the interests of their own safety and that of other road users.
@robloxfan4271 2 года назад
This new rule is hugely dangerous someone could crash into the back of someone
@oliverturner128 2 года назад
Don't follow too close then, simple.
@robloxfan4271 2 года назад
@@oliverturner128 very true, but these bad drivers dont think like that
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Someone could crash into the back of someone under the old rules too. Allowing pedestrians to cross safely is not 'hugely dangerous'.
@foofinatic 2 года назад
The situation at 5:46 is what has scared me from the outset. If I wait for a pedestrian to cross when turning right into my road (off of a busy main road), I'm worried a car opposite me (also waiting to turn) thinks I'm letting them go. Having someone opposite turning into the same road happens frequently enough to worry me that someone will get hurt. Appreciate your honest appraisal of the rules and the lackluster information campaign Ashley.
@edmundbesant0042 2 года назад
Hi Ashley, Yet another useful video. I must admit, I hadn’t seen the clip that you showed. Maybe the motoring organisations should advertise these campaigns/updates on tv instead of showing useless ads that are no use to animal or beast. I do know of the update introduced in January 2020 and adjust my driving accordingly, but I know a lot of drivers are not aware by their inability to deal with pedestrians in the correct way. I could write a book on the subject but I have kept it short and to the point. Keep up the good work that you do
@glenn1534 2 года назад
As a pedestrian, since the new rules have been introduced I've had so many drivers either: - Speed up to 'punish me' at me while I'm crossing in front of them; - Beep their horn at me while I'm crossing in front of them; - Shout abuse at me through the window once I've crossed because Iv'e slowed them down. The problem isn't the new rules, but that some drivers feel that they have more right to the road than other users. Surprisingly - from my experience so far - white van drivers have been the ones most likely to adhere to the new rules and many black cab drivers have too (though this has been outweighed by the number of taxi drivers that have sped up at me as punishment).
@ditch3827 2 года назад
Don't let those idiots get to you - just ignore them. In time these new rules will become the norm.
@goldilocks913 2 года назад
Recently did a HGV driver CPC module where this was discussed and the whole room of 20 drivers was really worried about how dangerous the right of way at junctions if going ahead for cyclists was going to be in cities with a high percentage of cyclists. It also created a very anti pedestrian and cyclist attitude especially as they aren’t even required to read the Highway Code. Surely if there’s legislation regarding your use of roads then you should be required to know it just like the other road users?
@gravemind6536 2 года назад
Some junctions in the cities buses and Lorries would never turn down the whole day just sit waiting forever if they followed the new highway code rules about giving way to pedestrians at junctions, I make it clear I'm going through with an indicator and by poking my nose in not sitting in the city centre blocking the road up for everyone all day because of some daft rule that was made by people who have no clue how the roads work.
@derekheeps1244 2 года назад
All road users ARE required to read the highway code .
@goldilocks913 2 года назад
@@derekheeps1244 just checked that and that seems to be the case- I’ll find out why he thought otherwise when l see him next. Thanks
@MsOpportunity68 2 года назад
The problem is that for a large percentage of road users, it seems that once they have passed their test that any thought of the highway code goes out of the window until there is an accident. I was cut up by a driver years ago whilst cycling up the Pershore Road in Selly Park, Birmingham. The car driver pulled out of a side road turning right into the outer lane and then immediately turned across me into a left hand side road forcing me to slam my brakes on. While I was remonstrating with her, I suggested that she should brush up on the highway code, to which her reply was that she didn't need to read it. With the awareness of the fact that people don't seem to be aware of any number highway code changes over the years, let alone the most recent one, and the bad habits drivers seem to get into, I strongly believe that drivers need to have a mandatory re-test every 10 years or so, with failure meaning that you are forced to take a refresher course and resitting another test before you are allowed back on the road.
@richardogde2222 2 года назад
made me realise i wasnt fully sure but ashley as usual clears everything up i am just waiting till somebody rear ends me when i stop for a pedestrian not thought these rules out very well
@martinmartin8333 2 года назад
Excellent report. I totally agree with your conclusion, I don't feel enough people understand what to do, which in turn causes confusion. One of the biggest concerns I have about road safety is the proportion of people who follow less than one car length behind. It causes extra pressure for the car in front. Also, people are so focused on the car in front, they aren't aware of what is going on. I don't think these changes will work unless that changes. Why do so few people follow the 2/4 second rule! Is my rear bumper magnetic?!
@ditch3827 2 года назад
If someone tailgates you then slow down to give them more time to react if you have to stop.
@nigelparker5886 2 года назад
I think driving standards are abysmal today in general, but not all, obviously! I’m 75 and was taught at 17 by a friend who was a police and army driving instructor. I passed my, motorbike and car tests first time, I like to do things well! He was a totally clear and pragmatic person who took no prisoners, and was a serious major on common sense! I’ve driven possibly 500,000 miles plus, and thousands on motorbikes as well! I’m not squeaky clean, and do when safe beyond doubt go a little quicker than the official limits and take great care whilst doing so! No accidents in 60 years! But...I honestly think some of these new rules are going to be a real problem to us all! Deaths or injuries included! The prime cause is the mad pace of life today, whereby we all are simply not giving due care and attention with enough of our brain power! So the answer...is your suggestion, that must become enacted, in that a major push by government to get public information films made and shown regularly at peak viewing times, over and over, with all tv channels in full support too! Social media barons should also volunteer their screen times too! Wake up RU-vid and the rest of you! Well done for raising this issue and for better informing me than I previously was! Cheers
@OblivionYouTube 2 года назад
Personally, I'm not a fan of the new code as it gives people a sense of safety that they can cross without issue. Also drivers are over anticipating. Where as I prefer the pedestrian style of "Playing it safe". Just involving crossing when there's a big enough gap or the car has made it very clear it's safe for me to walk. Most of the time , as a pedestrian, If I see a few cars coming whilst waiting to cross at a roundabout I'll look away from them so they only really have 1 option which is to focus on the roundabout. I'd be surprised if it's made roads safer for pedestrians and road users (Whilst not increasing the amount of hard breaking/ running across roads due to lack of anticipation) also fully believe not many pedestrians are conscious of the new rules. I don't know any non drivers who'd keep up to date with road changes. Another note, why not just add zebra crossing to all/ specific junctions. We all know what they mean. Wrote this just before 5:35 and totally agree with your pointing there.
@davetkd666 2 года назад
It's not the code, it's the interpretation. As much as it gives pedestrians priority it still instructs to make sure traffic has stopped before stepping out. Although I do think the wording could be better.
@acelectricalsecurity 2 года назад
People get the highway code when they are learning to drive, then never look at it again. These changes are just something else to ignore, just like getting in the correct lane, parking too close to a junction, not indicating, etc etc
@ditch3827 2 года назад
All drivers have a duty to keep abreast of the highway code. Failure to observe the highway code, even a 'should' rule can land you in trouble.
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