
The Invisible Bomber 

Dark Skies
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The formidable Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit is popularly known as the Stealth Bomber, and with a good reason; its design, materials, configuration, wingspan, and equipment are all fine-tuned to mask its presence from radars and sensors, making the bomber practically invisible to enemy defenses.
Developed during the height of the Cold War, the US poured billions of dollars into developing a colossal bomber capable of flying to the very heart of Moscow and delivering almost 20 tons of conventional warheads or several nuclear cruise missiles.
Its 6,000-mile range, high altitude capabilities, and stealth systems make it the most survivable aircraft in the world, and as turmoil eroded in Serbia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, the B-2 bomber was the first to dive into danger, striking fear in any enemy agent in its surroundings.
Still, developing a warplane so far removed from conventional aviation design represented one of the riskiest and most ambitious decisions in American military history. Most of the technology required for it simply didn't exist at the time, and every component, process, and manufacturing protocol had to be created from scratch.
The US risked it all in an extraordinary quest to build a bomber decades ahead of its time…
Join Dark Skies as we explore the world of aviation with cinematic short documentaries featuring the biggest and fastest airplanes ever built, top-secret military projects, and classified missions with hidden untold true stories. Including US, German, and Soviet warplanes, along with aircraft developments that took place during World War I, World War 2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Gulf War, and special operations mission in between.
As images and footage of actual events are not always available, Dark Skies sometimes utilizes similar historical images and footage for dramatic effect and soundtracks for emotional impact. We do our best to keep it as visually accurate as possible.
All content on Dark Skies is researched, produced, and presented in historical context for educational purposes. We are history enthusiasts and are not always experts in some areas, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us with corrections, additional information, or new ideas.




17 авг 2022




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@markbailey6230 Год назад
Northrop's flying wing was an amazing aircraft. It made me very happy that Jack Northrup, before he died was taken into a hanger in his wheelchair and was shown the B-2 bomber. He truly saw his dream come true!
@Nicolas-ol7jl Год назад
he said something like he knew why God made him live for so long to see the B2 alive
@kanash8851 Год назад
@@Nicolas-ol7jl yes, the Air Force sent him a small scale model, he held it in his hand, then with shaking hands he wrote “now I know why god has kept me alive for 25 years” (he had to write because at this time he couldn’t speak)
@Nicolas-ol7jl Год назад
@@kanash8851 thats honestly a heartwarming story. To have your lifelong dream shattered through no fault of your own then eventually seeing it after so many years. He must have felt unexplainable joy
@mightyjoeyoung1390 Год назад
Guarded the first planes that came to Whiteman, AFB in 1994. Went from missle field security to guarding these monsters. Guard shacks every 50 yards around the entire flight line and multiple roving, vehicle patrols and standby quick response fire teams. Training was constant and exercises were run every shift. Then we got nuke capable A.LC.M.s and thing really got fun.
@josephsteffen2378 Год назад
You weren't just guarding a plane: you insured the security of of every citizen in USA. Thank you.
@MrSimonw58 Год назад
I piloted the 2nd plane, SN2, with my co-pilot Big Mick
@jw0stephens Год назад
I bid on one of the missile silos when th GSA was selling them. About half way between Whiteman and KC. I wanted a dark sky observation site for astronomy. Thank you for your service. BTW, I think it was a J or k site. I had to explain to the GSA lady what they were. I quit bidding at abour 1100 bucks. The original landowners were buying them back.
@richardrejmer8721 Год назад
8:20. . "The aircraft can carry 18,000 tons of ordinance" WOW! . . A plane that can carry as much weight as the total cargo a CONTAINER SHIP!!
@lyianx Год назад
haha yeah, he makes little mistakes like this all the time. Clearly he meant 18,000 kg.
@guantanamoebay13 Год назад
Imagine being an enemy of the US and getting 2 Arleigh Burke class destroyers dropped on your head. One weighs about 9.000 tons lol
@linguinatorschwartz9309 Год назад
@@lyianx Er . . . the B-2 is American. The documentary is American. The narrator almost certainly meant 18,000 POUNDS. We don't do kilograms here. When I heard "18,000 tons," I'm thinkin', it takes a big plane to lift 36 million pounds. Edit 24 hours later: Well, it looks like I was wrong. For whatever reason, the documentary makers did in fact mean kilograms. The "18,000 kilograms" is correct. Why they would use the metric system -- kilograms -- is beyond me. I mean, there are two kinds of countries in this world, right ? . . . those that use the metric system, and those that have put 12 men on the moon.
@FrankFurther Год назад
I was thinking that seemed a bit high
@masterhacker7065 Год назад
@@linguinatorschwartz9309 it can carry nearly 1.5x 18000kg... It's bomb racks can carry upwards of 50000lbs of bombs
@LeviBulger Год назад
I remember seeing a B2 flying overhead back in the early 90s and being completely amazed by it. I don't think I stopped talking about it for weeks. It looked so majestic.
@stemartin6671 Год назад
I was, and still am, absolutely in love with the F117 Nighthawk.
@skitariisoldier7367 Год назад
I saw one up close at the Westover Air Show in MA back in the 90s. It looks great and is quite a small aircraft.
@Russo-Delenda-Est Год назад
I saw one as a boy, parked at an airshow, surrounded by armed guards (no pictures were allowed). I've never been able to forget it, it will always be my favorite aircraft.
@tommy5675 Год назад
I remember the 1st and only time i saw one in the sky, and it was like a black cardboard cut out moving its merry way along. It was so black that it threw off perspective.
@Cycle9568 Год назад
They are still flying around the NV test range and local area.
@JF-xq6fr Год назад
I'm always amazed while viewing very old military footage, how incredibly advanced looking even the B1 bomber appears... It looked decades ahead when first flown, let alone when put into service.
@karlbush89 Год назад
Have you ever seen one IRL? The videos of them are cool but they're downright freaky if you see one flying low and slow in person.
@ejgrant5191 Год назад
Soviets copied the B-1....and the B-29.....B52? NOPE! B2?....aren't capable of accomplishing this technological tour de force....It's too bad politics got in the way of the B-1's development and it entered service as a budgeted compromise....Better these days but, still not at it's designed potential.
@ivanbarreras9445 Год назад
@@karlbush89 ive only seen it in videos and really must'v e been confused with a ufo for years
@stankygeorge Год назад
The B1 is an aircraft we did not need nor did the Airforce want, but, it is a great aircraft!
@Salamandra40k Год назад
"Very old" in military terms is the 70s for you? The B1 was designed in the 70s and introduced in 1986...six years after our still in-use main battle tank, the Abrams, was introduced. Our also still-in-use infantry fighting vehicle, the Bradley, was introduced in 1981. You should see what these dudes were designing in the late 60s, look up the MBT-70 for tanks, and as for advanced jet aircraft, just remember that the F14 Tomcat was INTRODUCED in 1974...when the design process for the B1 bomber BEGAN. The military has been on a major roll ever since the electric transistor was invented, our "modern" vehicles really aren't all that modern, which is why they're looking to replace or upgrade many of them.
@WavebroE Год назад
I live in columbia Mo an hour away from Whiteman and hearing them roar over my city and seeing them way in the sky is a free airshow for me. Ive seen a 4 ship of them many times and at night time you can see there lights in the sky so freaking badass I could talk about the B2 all day.🔥🔥
@testy462 Год назад
Rocheport here. They don't even look real when they go over, looks totally alien.
@porscheguy09 Год назад
I’d love to see that. I’ve loved aircraft in general since I was a kid and lived by McChord AFB in Tacoma Washington and Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage Alaska growing up and loved seeing the F-15’s and other military planes flying around. The B-2 is one of the few military aircraft I’ve never seen in person. I would love to see one up close and flying around with my own eyes. I can’t wait to see the upcoming B-21 Raider stealth bomber.
@clarkfreeman1573 Год назад
I've seen them fly over Mizzou games. Kinda crazy!
@hayesginther897 Год назад
I live less than 5 miles from WAFB where most of the B2 are and they usually bank and turn over my house. It still amazes me how big they are after seeing them for so many years. My drive home from work involves driving under take off and landing planes that are only a couple hundred feet off the ground.
@mkcl9073 Год назад
The Nob. I miss that place
@MrMal75 Год назад
​@@mkcl9073 I was stationed there from 1995 to 2004 as my first base.
@9HighFlyer9 Год назад
I had that same experience with B-52s when I lived near Fairchild AFB and F-16s at Luke AFB. I've only seen an airborne B-2 once during a Veteran's Day parade.
@DaveKGold Год назад
I worked on the B-2 for three years in the early 90's. Some of my proudest career years. They should have built more than they did. BTW they only built 21 of them, not 75 as stated in the video.
@CaseNumber00 Год назад
I think They changed the initial order from 135, to 75, then to 21.
@drakeorion94 Год назад
A local company near me made all the hardware for these...they had an entire wing of the plant dedicated to just this plane. Crazy stuff.
@FearlessConservative Год назад
My dad worked at Northrop at the time, in Palmdale. I was at the first flight of the B2. It was amazing!
@bondgabebond4907 Год назад
Before I retired from the Air Force, stationed at March Air Force Base, I went on a tour to the Palmdale plant and saw four B2s in different states of assembly. That was an awesome sight. While there I picked up a B2 mug just to prove to friends I was there. Old Man Northrup was thrilled, I heard, when he saw the B2. It was a dream come true.
@sniper50cal2 Год назад
awesome! my father worked on the final assembly of the B2
@mrfriz4091 Год назад
Knowledge gained from design to construction is always valuable. Great post, thanks Dark Skies!
@gordol66 Год назад
This is one of the few "overpriced items" in the US arsenal that I approve of. Most others expensive items have more cost effective alternatives, but as noted, two B2s can easily take the place of dozens of more conventional designed craft.
@enginerdy Год назад
Unfortunately these were obsolete basically the second they went into service. ICBMs are much more effective for the planned mission. This was essentially a huge R&D development project that expanded design capabilities rather than military capabilities.
@gordol66 Год назад
@@enginerdy One does not use ICBMs to drop conventional bombs. If you want to deliver a pre-determined nuke to a city, then yes, use an ICBM. If you want more choice and have 12 to 30 hours to get it there, use a flying bomber where you have the choice of any deliverable explosive payload in inventory, from clusters of hundreds-pounds bombs dropped straight down, to nuclear warheads of multiple yields via air launched cruise missiles.
@enginerdy Год назад
@@gordol66 the B2 original mission is nuclear against a peer adversary. It works fine against non-peer adversaries and conventional bombs. That’s what it’s _used_ for, not why it was built.
@gordol66 Год назад
@@enginerdy I know that. Doesn't change the fact that it's doing conventional warfare so well. Better than the B1, if slower to get there, and arguably better than the aging and vulnerable B52. Which was also originally designed to carry nukes, not conventional weapons.
@bon7029 Год назад
Not to mention it could drop a bomb on Jinping or Putin's lap without them ever knowing it was there.
@kellyherald1390 Год назад
You stated (8:20) that the maximum bomb load was 18,000 tons. I do believe that this is in error. I looked it up and it was 40,000 LBS of ordinance (18,000 kilograms). 18,000 tons would be about 5 times the weight of the Saturn V / Apollo stack. Also, the B-2 wingspan is exactly the same as the YB-49 flying wing at 172 feet.
@ddegn Год назад
These "Dark" videos are fun but they shouldn't really be considered documentaries. They full of all sorts of errors. Fortunately people like you point out many of the error. I often learn more in the comments than from the video in the *Dark* channels.
@dcw56 Год назад
Yes, I heard that 18,000 TONS of munitions part, too. Obviously a mistake and a poor editing process on the part of the "talker". Still an interesting video, but there is no aircraft that can take off with 18 thousand tons of cargo. Not even close.
@jeffnelson7915 Год назад
THANK YOU!!! That got my attention as well and I thank you for beating me to the punch. More editing/review of the facts are important...thanks again.
@m_mitch Год назад
Spotted that as well. 18,000 tonnes is a coastal transport ship! Methinks they meant 18 tonnes or 18,000 kilos. The same payload as an F-111.
@zacklewis342 Год назад
And he said "B-18" when he mis-read B-1B, Lol.
@thegunslinger1363 Год назад
Such a cool looking aircraft! It's always good to see a video from any of the Dark channels.
@TheEathenFaust Год назад
Like the looming shadow of the nothing that follows, I saw this aircraft fly over a region in Colorado Springs. it was ominous incarnate. Slow and seething, it's buoyancy upon the air haunts me to this day.
@prabhki117 Год назад
My thoughts exactly bro, I was driving to LA and saw this appear in the sky. It is scary and looks like alien tech. It was heading to edwards afb I think. It’s the real reaper.
@erfguuipo8084 Год назад
@@prabhki117 don't be a scardy cat
@prabhki117 Год назад
@@erfguuipo8084 haha you have to see it man. Such a badass machine!
@bigrob966 Год назад
18,000 TONS of bombs??? The ones I've seen must be 1/50th scale models! 🤣
@scipioafricanus6979 Год назад
That was a total amount during a campaign in the middle east.
@johnhigginbotham8317 Год назад
18,000 tons of ordnance??? we all make mistakes. Love this channel
@andycamp4890 Год назад
It's bigger on the inside ;-)
@John_Redcorn_ Год назад
Alien tech 👽
@daikucoffee5316 Год назад
There are lots of mistakes some of which show that he has no idea what he is talking about.
@septembersurprise5178 Год назад
@@andycamp4890 Yea, 36,000,000 lbs bigger :o
@lanceferraro3781 Год назад
@@septembersurprise5178 Few submarines weigh that much! I've noticed lots of errors by people who seem to have read the book, but don't know the context, nor apply 'Huh, what?' perspective.
@_germanikus_ Год назад
Finally a Video about the B2! And as usual a good one.
@johnedwards3621 Год назад
The YB49 goes back to 1947. My father was one of the men who flew it. It was Jack Northrop's dream from the time his family relocated to Southern CA from NJ. It was stable and flew well. You are getting its performance mixed up with the F117. Jack had a problem with Stuart Symmington who killed it for a more rewarding alternative. Look on youtube.
@karlbush89 Год назад
I wonder how much the Horten bomber inspired the YB49.
@Nitrous_oxide_addict Год назад
@@karlbush89 it didn't and the horten was meant to be a fighter not bomber
@Justanotherconsumer Год назад
@@karlbush89 it didn’t. Northrop was building flying wings before the war, and the 49 came from the 35 came from the N9M, which flew years before the Ho229.
@XLA-zg1nn Год назад
Jack got to see the B-2 before his death!
@adamklosterman8960 Год назад
stable is relative
@2006gtobob Год назад
If this plane is so efficient as a bomber, even 33 years after its debut, then yes, it's worth it's maintenance cost/per plane. If a small fleet of planes can do what hundreds and hundreds of planes would otherwise be needed to do, then yes, worth it.
@ytubepuppy Год назад
Where I live in Missouri, we generally see from one to 5 or 6 of these a week. They are beautiful, and amazingly quiet until after they pass over and start to climb, but when they do, they shake the ground. This is a plane that you do not want coming after you.
@kristianyoung990 Год назад
I've always been a fan of the B-2, even as a kid and getting the opportunity to see them up close a few years ago was absolutely awesome.
@KoshN Год назад
The B-2 is *definitely* worth it.
@kevinrusch3627 Год назад
I agree. Even though the unit cost is stratospheric, we haven't needed more, and the skills learned in making them is an R&D investment. I'm fine with small numbers of bleeding-edge weapons because they're so far beyond what anyone else has and we develop institutional knowledge.
@jamestimlin856 Год назад
My son, a friend and I went to the Air Show in Toronto a week prior to 9/11. The B-2 was flying in the show. In Toronto it is over Lake Ontario. You saw a black line in the distance as it came in low. As it performed I told my son thank God for the US Air Force for keeping the world safe. The world is a dangerous place. He was 13 at the time. Little did I know I had to try to explain what happened on 9/11. Thank God that Canada stood shoulder to should and contributed to the war in Afghanistan.
@bobdobalina8910 Год назад
The B2 first flew in 1989. 33 years ago. Let that sink in. Now, imagine what they have today. If the B2 was Decades ahead.
@justme_gb Год назад
The USAF has the B2 and the B52. There's likely nothing in the pipeline to replace either.
@andie_pants Год назад
I miss being out at Whiteman. Watching these gals fly never got old.
@davidburnell6889 Год назад
Absolutely, positively worth it... and then some!
@Blakearmin Год назад
18,000 tons of ordinance? Man, they really outdid themselves!
@rroche0123 Год назад
18,000kg maybe?
@Blakearmin Год назад
@@rroche0123 yeah it was probably pounds or kg. I was just poking fun at the typo in the script. I love this channel regardless.
@WilliamCWayne Год назад
I've been waiting for this video since I found this channel!
@daikucoffee5316 Год назад
At 2:15 you show a B-1B but call it B-18. you also then show an XB-70 as a response to the B-1B being to slow to penetrate air defenses, but the B-1B first flew long after the XB-70 pro had long been retired. I’m not sure if it’s just the script not matching your footage, but it’s quite misleading imo.
@kenttheboomer721 Год назад
He's great at reading a script, but knows little about planes. I remember a video on one of the "Darks" where this guy called an F4 Phantom an F5 or something like that. I'm no aviation expert. But I know more than this guy.
@daikucoffee5316 Год назад
@@kenttheboomer721 Same. I don’t hate the guy but I think it’s very sad when supposedly informative videos are full of inaccuracies.
@mgman6000 Год назад
I caught that too makes me wonder if it's a bot narrating
@afriendofafriend5766 Год назад
@@daikucoffee5316 As someone else already said, put it on for background noise. Don't trust it.
@priceyA320 Год назад
This is a high quality aviation channel for sure. B-18 and multiple other Miss-steps each episode plus lots of footage that has nothing to do with the subject make this probably the worst aviation channel on YT. I must get around to unsubscribing..
@georgehelliar Год назад
'the aircraft can vary 18,000 tons or ordnance'. Wow, pretty capacious
@HubertofLiege Год назад
That’s a million billion in Biden speak
@crazyape968 Год назад
It's 18000kg, which is about 20 tons.
@elmerfudpucker3204 Год назад
It means the payload is equal to the explosive force of 18,000 tons of TNT.
@josephsteffen2378 Год назад
Anything that strikes fear into the enemy is PRICELESS!
@charlesachurch7265 Год назад
Great presentation thanks xxx.
@bradle550 Год назад
What an astonishing piece of technology, beautiful aircraft.
@seanc6754 Год назад
Worth every single penny.. and still is
@brentdallyn8459 Год назад
It is ironic, despite formidable air defenses a young kid flew his Cessna all the way from West Germany straight through it all and landed in Red Square, posed for pics, signed autographs, went to jail and later was sent home. All this while billions were spent to essentially accomplish the same thing.
@webbscorpio Год назад
Excellent choice in soundtrack for this vid!
@martywise8505 Год назад
I built ship 4 through 21. Trust me when I tell you is a beast. The world will never know anytime soon how bad ass this aircraft is. Now the B-21 is about to fly. I don't know about it but would go back to Northrup in a heartbeat.
@michaelzernie7092 Год назад
Beautiful aircraft! Would love to see one up close.
@cryptoslacker-464 Год назад
Cool and scary aircraft. 60 hour missions. Wow that would be intense.
@lyianx Год назад
60 hours sitting in a pilot seat, unable to move.. UG.. that sounds brutal. Its annoying enough having to fly for 2-3 hours in a passenger plane.. Granted, the pilots in the b-2 have more LEG ROOM! lol
@cryptoslacker-464 Год назад
@@lyianx 😆
@vipondiu Год назад
With 18.000 tons of payload, it can drop a Des Moines class heavy cruiser on top of you. If the impact doesn't kill you, it has 9 8-inch rapid firing guns for extra-destruction capability and a lot of secundaries. Alternatively, it can also carry the 18.000 tons of innaccuracies in this channel's videos.
@AgentJayZ Год назад
I'm gonna guess here, but I think the "B-18" mentioned in the first couple of minutes was the clueless narrator reading a typo for the B-58... But it coulda been a typo for the B-1B... Let's take a poll!
@marcuschase8463 Год назад
18,000 tons dang!
@seisix6 Год назад
After dropping the 18000 ton bomb load the pilot will execute a 40g turn whilst accelerating to mach 16,and climb 40 miles to evade any missile system. The wookie pilot will then rendevous with buck rogers and land on one of the borg cubes currently in orbit around moonbase alpha....
@Guilhermetmfranco Год назад
@@seisix6 hahahahaha
@jackseney571 Год назад
18000 pounds? Maybe?
@Tiagomottadmello Год назад
Great vídeo, as always ! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@ronalddevine9587 Год назад
Worth every penny!
@808bigisland Год назад
Once had a short talk with one of engineers of the B2. Impressive what Skunkworks can do!
@Tgspartnership Год назад
Lockheed Skunkworks built the U2 and others...
@samcaster8321 Год назад
Amazing !!!!
@ContemplativeCat Год назад
The B2 Spirit had another advantage, the psychological one. If your adversary knows he's facing something so advanced that he doesn't stand a chance at survival let alone victory, and he knows he wont even see it coming, that will certainly affect his decision making somewhat.
@ghostchillsx2468 Год назад
So PTSD is another weapon for the bomber.. Ouch.
@martinroskres1297 Год назад
At the end of WWII Jack Northrop got the military to build the YF-47 and YF-49. Colonel Edwards and crew gave their lives to fly the YF-49. This aircraft concept has its roots in development by both Germany and the US.
@dannypope1860 Год назад
Worth every penny
@bthsr7113 Год назад
Got to see one fly in an airshow with a B-52 and B-1. Very impressive. Didn't hear it until it was overhead.
@paulbarnes6124 Год назад
Great video!
@defel1 Год назад
It's absolutely necessary to maintain and continue to develop such programs.
@marstondavis Год назад
Worth every penny.
@benjam0n Год назад
I saw a documentary with John Travolta and Christian Slater featuring this plane and this video filled in all the questions I had on its history 👍
@Airsally Год назад
I spent a 33-year career at Northrop working on this plane in flight test as a LO technician, some of my buddy's are shown working on it. I worked on most of the jets shown in this vid. I miss being involved with it.
@jamesbannerman4804 Год назад
Very worth the cost, hands down.
@MacPro8CoreMan Год назад
Worth It!!!
@corywilhelm9768 Год назад
Absolutely worth every penny. Praise God it's ours.
@zooot820 Год назад
easily one of the most strikingly elegant looking and deadly aircraft ever built
@cowboymf1013 Год назад
I just finished the Have Blue video, perfect follow up.
@cmtefabianodepaula6950 Год назад
For sure!
@MoldyWormStudios Год назад
I love the B2 it’s such a creepy, awesome looking plane
@Rorschach1024 Год назад
One error: the tolerances were reduced, not increased. Increased tolerances mean looser tolerances.
@cojaxart8986 Год назад
Worth it!
@bias0437 Год назад
Ah, B2 Spirit, nice
@martynewport Год назад
even the look of B2 is an indication of a masterful machine....
@chesspiece81 Год назад
The town I live in has 2 very significant Air Force Bases in it. There was a AF golf tournament put on about 11 or 12 years ago and they had one of these fly over. When I got home from work I heard an extremely low flying jet and looked up and low and behold it was a B2 flying extremely low.
@antlerking69 Год назад
Loved the lady sliding down the side 😂
@txnetcop Год назад
Fantastic bomber!
@kee1haul Год назад
It's terrifyingly beautiful.
@mikeysgarage3697 Год назад
First I recall knowing of the B-2 was a picture comparing it's side profile to a Peregrine Falcon in flight. That image still stands out to me today.
@landenwilliams7959 Год назад
Quality video
@ebinoregon8647 Год назад
"Was it worth it?" Absolutely.
@minxbade Год назад
My father worked on the B2 from 1984 to 1989 at the Pico Rivera plant.
Definitely worth ever dime! Bad to the bone!
@randyrobertson6116 Год назад
Entire narration.......in other words...ITS FREAKIN AWESOME. BUT......NOT CHEAP.
@mrspaceman2764 Год назад
The advances made with the F117 and B2, however costly, did prove the capability and initiate the infrastructure needed for further advancement and manufacturing. What we're seeing now with the F22, F35, Sentinel and other programs like NGAD, is really the second and third gen of a completely new category in stealth weapon systems.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
"B-18"? Now you're going way back....
@Sutterjack Год назад
I wonder how stealthy the B-2 is now with the inevitable advances in radar technology. I've also read in rain it's stealth profile becomes much worse. Still I think the design and tech that went into developing this aircraft was probably worth the cost -using that gained knowledge going forward in more modest priced planes.
@randallcarey444 Год назад
It's worth every penny!!!
I love the B-2 bomber
@DudeStone Год назад
This is worth it now and for decades to come cuz it's still unpre unprecedented
@Howardlaly Год назад
18.000 tons of ordnance?? ;) Great video!!!
@ESPS_90 Год назад
Amazing video... could you do one about Blackburn Bucaneer Please... thanks
@waltergolston6187 Год назад
Pretty Birdie!
@S1L3NTG4M3R Год назад
so cool - - THAKNS
@drmarkintexas-400 Год назад
🏆🏆🏆👍🇺🇲🙏 Thank you for sharing.
@Calilasseia Год назад
I watched one of these showing off its capabilities at an air show at RAF Mildenhall in 2000. This aircraft was ... *spooky* ... First of all, by contrast with the B-52 and B-1B that were also present, it was practically silent on takeoff. As it flew overhead, again, it was silent, and looked for all the world like a featureless black hole moving against the cloud backdrop. Observers watching it could have been forgiven for thinking it was powered by some sort of alien antigravity engine instead of standard jets, because the designers had been so successful at reducing the acoustic signature. Of course, another overlooked feature centres upon a basic physical fact - if you drop a bomb on a target from 40,000 feet, it takes 13 minutes to fall that distance. In that time, a jet powered bomber has moved something like 120 miles away from the area of operations. As a consequence, when the bomb lands, the plane isn't overhead, it's 120 miles downrange. Even if you can detect the bomber, you still need air defences - in quantity - around your high value ground assets that can deploy SAMs accurately over a very wide combat radius. if the bomber in question only has a tiny radar, IR and acoustic cross section, your task at defeating it has multiplied accordingly. It's now 22 years since I saw that aircraft flying over me, and it's *still* a major headache for anyone trying to defend ground targets against it.
@user-ex4si2md6r 8 месяцев назад
"Jack Northrup" was able to get to see the first prototype B-2 "Stealth" bomber 🇺🇲🦅 shortly before he passed away God bless him 🙏☮️🌎
@robertb.seddon1687 Год назад
Worth it!😎🤙🕉
@CaseNumber00 Год назад
The only time I saw one was in 2002 before a world series game in Anaheim CA. Saw one over Placentia, CA, like 4 miles north of the baseball stadium, while on the fwy.
@gregmaggielipscomb9246 Год назад
Thank you jack Northrup!
@lyianx Год назад
I'm sure most of us know this. But.. No mention that this design was based on Jack Northrop's orginal flying wing design the YB-49 and YB-35? All of which were based off the N-9M from 1942. Talk about being ahead of its time. Jack Northrop was 47 years ahead of his time. Super impressive.
@Justanotherconsumer Год назад
It would offend the Wehraboos if their theories about the Ho229 and the superiority of Nazi technology were so obviously shown to be baseless.
@weneedhopethankyou1513 Год назад
@dukeofdaily2091 Год назад
I'm surprised there was no mention of the Horton 229. I feel like that was kinda glossed over when talking about stealth history and Germany.
@Justanotherconsumer Год назад
There’s a reason for that. Northrop was building flying wings in WW2, and there’s a lot of evidence that the B2 is a direct descendant of the XB-35. Other than some superficial similarities (jet flying wing) there’s very little in common. The Ho229 link is mostly just people trying to retroactively claim the superior genius of the Nazis… despite the fact that more successful and practical flying wings (as well as some goofy nonsense like the XP-79) were contemporaries.
@bondgabebond4907 Год назад
I feel people got the idea of a flying wing by looking at birds, like crows, ravens and hawks. Their big wings made them look like a flying wing. They are fun to watch when flying. They have such incredible control when flying. Same with the B-2. It had a complex computer system to make sure the B-2 flew and didn't crash. It is by design a very unstable platform.
@StuSaville Год назад
At the end of the war when the US and Soviets were snapping up every German scientist and engineer they could get their hands on why did they show no interest in recruiting the Horton's? Because the Horton brothers were a pair of amateur glider enthusiasts with no formal qualifications, benefitting from Hitler's childish obsession for wunderwaffe by ripping off the work of Jack Northrop and Alexander Lippisch...
@WilliamCWayne Год назад
Jack Northrop had been experimenting with flying wings since the late 20s
@JRGProjects 10 месяцев назад
I saw this thing fly low. Breathtaking.
@johnvanas4602 Год назад
$135,000/flight hour in maintenance?! That’s absurd! So is the 18,000 ton payload, pretty sure he meant either “18 ton” or “18 thousand pound”. Crazy impressive plane either way.
@lonegunman7739 Год назад
He makes little mistakes like this all the time, I think he meant 18,000 kg’s or 40,000 lbs of whatever
@jllucci Год назад
A.K.A. Jack Northrop's revenge
@MrPtrgun Год назад
I .am not a servicemen, scientist or any type of techie. But despite those issues I am fascinated by my country's ability to leap forward in this type of endeavor. And now it has been over 40 years since these planes first flew. What are 'we' working on now? The reports of flying triangles with hypersonic speed, directed energy weapons, handheld rail guns all sound like sci-fi but is it ?
@Tgspartnership Год назад
it is amazing to think of the age of them and they're still very much cutting edge
@danielt.8573 Год назад
The most important role for the B-2 is yet to come, sooner than later. We are in a second cold war right now.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
The pre-hot-shooting phase of WWIII has been going on for some years. We'll need these weapons when the wat goes hot soon.
@StuffandThings_ Год назад
@@lancerevell5979 It won't even come to that. WWIII means nukes, and that means complete destruction for all major geopolitical players. Maybe the remnants of the US government will be flying these things around the wastes with some hope of retained power, but it won't mean much. We really, really shouldn't be wanting WWIII to occur. The possibility for a renewed cold war with proxy wars throughout minor powers is already becoming a reality, however, in which case these things might prove to be pretty useful again (which I assume is the initial point OP was trying to make).
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