
The Kindness and the Severity of God 

The Line of Fire
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The Kindness and the Severity of God
Dr. Brown explores an important biblical topic and takes your calls.
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@peachesb-georgia1125 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Dr Brown... it's HaShem's loving kindness that makes me want to be kind to all... my life is better today than it was yesterday...
@gordonmarshall3218 6 месяцев назад
Your a man of integrity and speak truth.
@kennethstemmler4862 6 месяцев назад
Praise God 🕊
@honestabe1898 6 месяцев назад
Excellent statement.
@karenlong5622 6 месяцев назад
" 'cause all my life You've been Faithful - All my life You've been so so Good - With every breath that I am able - I will sing of the Goodness of YAH"
@romans828. 6 месяцев назад
Yes but most who sing this song never read their Bibles and want a comfortable milk and cookies Jesus. A one hr once a week sing along, go home and couldn't even SPELL conviction or repentance.
@karenlong5622 6 месяцев назад
@@romans828. We are learning to obey Him only with His Seven - 7 - Eyes of Fire, of Jealousy! (No more milk and cookies for Santa - we celebrate Yahshua's Birth during His Birth Time: Sukkot - Tabernacles! And we honor His Shabbat, now.) Jeremiah chapter 10 - "O YHWH correct me, but with Judgement: not in Thine anger, lest You bring me to nothing." (verse 24) --- It is not too late to seek Him with all of our hearts and worship Him as HE says to do so. Cain knew. Genesis 4:7 - but he did not listen and killed his brother Abel, who obeyed YHWH/
@scomor2732 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Dr. Brown,for your wisdom from God you mentored one of your students in the Brownsville revival. Wouldn't be where I'm at now in this Great time in history. Lord of Lord's! King of Kings!
@scomor2732 6 месяцев назад
@jamesjames-ld6cy 6 месяцев назад
27But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, 28Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. 29And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. 30Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again. 31And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. 32For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. 33And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same. 34And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. 35But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. 36Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
@SittingWithIlluminedMasters 6 месяцев назад
Its amazing how little so-called believers think of God.....as if Perfect Spirit is responsible for the creation of Iniquity, Decay, Death, Religion, Politics, etc.....but shows me why the Church/Religion has never found God!! The bible has been misinterpreted by the carnal minds/human minds belief in a life separate and apart from Spirit/God, yet, if Spiritually Discerned as it's meant to be, shows us how to walk out of the appearance of matter, out of the shadow of the Acceptance of birth and death, good and evil, Duality(Atheism), and into the Immortal State of Our Being that is Infinite, Perfect Spirit. The Bible, to the Illumined Consciousness that can Discern it, reveals the Unreality of the Material Dream of the World Mind, and the Reality of Spirit/God as the Only Presence. It is not a religious teaching. It is the Impartation of Principle. The Bible is the story of You. The story of your journey out of a material/mortal sense of awareness, into your Infinite State of Spiritual Being. It is not about Jesus, Paul, John, or Mary, but rather, the story of You as told through the Imparted Wisdom of the Realized Christ(Spirit as the Only Presence) of others. What we believe we are experiencing as a finite, mortal being is actually the Binding/Imprisoning of Spiritual Immortality as the Truth of the Activity of Our Consciousness, into a Finite, Mortal and Material Sense of being. The true message of the bible is not for the timid and apprehensive, it is for those who are willing to walk the Earth in Proportion to their Receptivity of Infinite, Spiritual Omnipresence(THE STRAIT GATE)! God is Spirit and Spirit is the Only Presence, and Christ is birthed in us with the Recognition and Realization of this Truth. I and My Father are One.... We must see through the physical realm and our false sense of stability about it. Matter/Form is a False Imitation of Spirit appearing via False Sense of Being. The message of the Christ is to Realize Our own Divine, Immortal Nature within, and it will lead us out of the Veiled Dream of Time and Space. Out of the Karmic Cycle of Birth and Death. Follow me I, the Realized Christ/Spirit of your being across the Mystical Ocean of Time and Space where you don't walk in the world of matter, form, physicality, iniquity, mortality. The Realization of the Christ is inviting us to live in the Kingdom of Heaven Right Here, Right Now, through the Realization Spiritual Omnipresence. We are being asked to live in our 7th Day Perfect, Spiritual State of Being. We are being asked to stop struggling, surviving, searching, and trying to make things happen because we are already complete in the Kingdom of Heaven right here, as Spirit IS THE ONLY PRESENCE, and we must Rest in this Realization. This is HONORING THE SABBATH! To honor the 7th Day of Creation and Rest in it. Ask yourself this question.... Is there a place where I begin and God/Spirit Ends? Is there a place where God/Spirit Ends and I Begin? If you can find that place where God Ends and You Begin you are not living in Absolute Truth, and have thereby turned away from the Reality of Your Being, from Spirit/God as the Only Presence. If you can't find that place you must begin to go much deeper with this understanding. You must live in the Consciousness that right here, right now, there is no place where God Ends and I Begin because I and My Father are One. There is no other you, therefore you must be perfect as your Father in Heaven(Perfect God Consciousness)! MATTHEW 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and body more than raiment? Spirit, our Truth of Being will not flow through a Mortal/Material/Finite Sense of Reality. There must be a meekness unto Divine Thought/Divine Sense. Because I Am Spirit I have no human purpose. Form is born of Ignorance, Ignorance is born of Delusion, and Delusion is born of a Dream(Mist....Veil) in which you do not know you are Immortal Spirit. God is Spirit and Spirit is the Only Presence. Therefore, my Kingdom is not of this Illusory Material World! Not of this Dream of Time and Space. If it's happening in Time and Space it can Not be taking place because Spirit is the Only Presence, the Only Substance. The bible can only be understood when human(material) reasoning is out of the way. When the Christ of you becomes the Interpreter. When you bear witness to the deceptive nature of matter/form. There are 2 Gods in the bible(because the Mystic Authors placed both the Reality of Spirit and the Unreality of Matter side by side throughout the bible to Develop Spiritual Discernment in the Students of this Mystical Manuscript the material/religious/scientific/philosophical/atheistic world calls The Bible) 1: The One and Only God that is the Perfect 7th day Complete, Immortal Spirit of Genesis Chapter 1 whose only Begotten Son is Christ, which is the Realization that God is Spirit, and Spirit is the Only Presence. 2: The Lord God(World Mind) of Genesis Chapter 2 who formed the illusion of man from clay(material awareness), whose only Begotten Son is Satan, which is/are the never-ending thoughts racing through what you believe to be your own personal human mind, TEMPTING you to believe they are yours, and to believe this world and your form is your reality. Which one are you?? The Realized Christ who is Spirit and walks only in the Realization of Spiritual Immortality in the Kingdom of Heaven Within Right Here, Right Now. Or.... The Natural Man with breath in his nostrils who is Ignorant of his Immortality and thereby relies upon his mortal senses to lead him through what he perceives to be God's creation of a finite, material, decaying, limited, dualistic, illusory world. It seems to me we are ever-seeking ways to run from the Truth of Our Being, from the Constant Knock at the Door of Our Consciousness of Christ Realization, as the Teaching of the Christ of Jesus has not been fulfilled by any stretch of the imagination. Religion/Church does not teach it... Education does not teach it.... Science does not teach it.... Philosophy does not teach it.... The church itself only teaches its doctrine about a "SuperNatural" Being named Jesus because it doesn't know how to turn away from 1700 years of darkness of ignorance, symbolized as Egypt in the Bible, while Israel is the symbol of Illumined Consciousness, or that God is Spirit and Spirit is the Only Presence as the Activity of Truth in Our Consciousness, and then Being it. Yet, they are all unaware of the basic fact of life itself: Perfect, Spiritual Immortality is the only Reality!! Completeness! Oneness! Infinite! Omnipresent! To have even a shred of belief that you(or anyone is)are a Mortal being that is born of woman(matter) and then dies is to deny the reality of your True Infinite Being. Without the Acknowledgement and Receptivity of Spiritual Immortality it doesn't matter what kind of life you appear to experience, be it helping others or hurting others, it is an illusory sense experience, and it does not matter because it is not taking place.....! Until birthing Christ Realization in our Consciousness we will never begin to know God as the very substance of our being because no material man can see or know God. Orthodox Religion teaches a counterfeit salvation through ignorance of the Truth of Being. Christ is not, and can not be birthed in a human body. Christ is birthed in Infinite, Omnipresent Consciousness only! Lift the Veil of Form through Omnipresent Awareness. The more I listen to Christian Preachers and believers in Jesus as a Savior the more I recognize that Christ is Meant but for a Very Few at a Time, and this must be since God's Truth Unfolds through Our Receptivity of it rather than our seeking of it! Peace Be Unto You!
@martinmartin6300 5 месяцев назад
What yoh wrote smells a lot like neo-platonism. Unfortunately, platonism and neo-platonism got a firm grip on christianity very early on. The idea that the spirit of men is trapped in the body and that death means liberation of the soul is greek philosophy to the core. The death is not the liberator, it is the last enemy according to the bible. Furthermore, eternal life which is nothing else than immortality is a privilege for all who follow Jesus, it is nit the natural state of any one. Also note that the destiny of the followers is not "heaven" as is heaven would be a place of the dead (only people went to heaven who are alive) but the destiny is the new, immortal body which every disciple gets after Jesus returns. The resurrection is the hope and eternity will be in a body on the new earth. You are deceived by satan big times, friend. Open your eyes and realize that God created all matter and the earth as well as the bodies.
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