
The King’s man (2022) The story about the 3 cousins scene 

G. C. Benson
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3 июл 2022




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@Austrian_Butcher Год назад
All three monarchs had a good relationship until shortly before the war. Nicholas and Wilhelm wrote letters to each other signing them "Willy" and "Nicky"
@anthonyreynolds1995 Год назад
IIRC even during the initial stages of the war when they thought they could bring it to a peaceful solution they still signed their letters as Georgy, Nicky, and Willy. I'll say what didnt help easy tensions was that all three cousins were stilling using an idea from the age of Napoleon and Bismarck. That is if war broke out, if you mobilized before hand you'd suffer less devastation. (and yes they were all either first or second cousins once removed)
@diegoandrade467 Год назад
The Austrian and Russian Ambassadors tried really hard to smooth things over too. Even the German and Russian ones when Austria’s ambassador died.
@eagleowl833 Год назад
That's so oddly wholesome it makes you wonder what if their nations were able to keep the peace😔
@isaac3702 Год назад
@@diegoandrade467 I could be wrong, but i believe it was the French who really pushed for the war
@diegoandrade467 Год назад
@@isaac3702 somewhat. The French were greatly angered by the loss of Alsace-Lorraine so they prepared for the chance to get it back. They allied with Russia and refused cooperation with Germany. Russia protected Serbia so naturally they’d be involve at the start but there would’ve been no world war if Germany didn’t issue the Blank Check.
@bigj1905 Год назад
In reality, none of the monarchs shown pushed for war. Wilhelm gave tacit approval for an Austrian invasion of Serbia shortly after the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and upon returning from a vacation, was horrified to learn that Austria had not yet invaded and had let public opinion turn against them and requested that Austria stand down. Nicolas knew that a war would likely destroy Russia, and initially worked with Wilhelm to avoid a war a few days before the war began. But he ultimately gave in due to pressure from his advisors and cabinet, who wanted to restore Russian prestige and power after decades of decline. George actually was not really involved with the lead up to WW1, since unlike Wilhelm and Nicolas, he did not have much influence over Foreign Policy. He did however, right in his diary that he thought the war was terrible and wished it to be over soon.
@samr131 Год назад
Not true. Wilhelm was an ardent supporter of expansion of the German Reich, particularly overseas in terms of creating a larger global empire and a fleet that could rival the British. He was more than happy to use the Austrian invasion of Serbia as a pretext to expand Germany’s power in mainland Europe (at the expense of the French and Russians) and overseas (at the expense of the British). Tsar Nicholas also was a firm supporter of using WWI to restore Russia’s reputation as a leading power following their humiliating defeat to Japan, and to also r establish themselves as the pre-eminent Slavic nation that would defend their neighbours. But as you say, George had no real power, but Britains policy at the time was to not let any power in mainland Europe get too powerful and so they went to war to support France against Germany, and also to defend Belgium which they had helped to establish following the Napoleonic wars.
@Adam-zq2mw Год назад
What a very educated response!
@wolfbrigade1425 Год назад
@@samr131also wrong. It is true that Wilhelm Held the British in contempt, but from his letter exchanges with Tsar Nikolaus we know that The Kaiser and the Tsar were trying to stop the War before it began. In one of the letters, Wilhelm is begging Nikolaus to stand his troops down and not to mobilize.
@davidw.2791 Год назад
@@samr131 However it makes the ending part no less true when George V expressed relief that Britain didn’t get an anti-monarchal revolution, even if he was saying that to a fictitious character.
@samr131 Год назад
@@wolfbrigade1425 I may have been quick to say wrong. But it’s all well and good for Wilhem to beg Nikolaus to tell his troops to stand down. Why didn’t Wilhelm make efforts to demobilise his troops? Bismarck was gone at this stage and the Kaiser was the ultimate authority on whether they wanted to go to war. Wilhelm wanted to expand German power at the cost of Britain and France, that is plain to see. Him imploring Nicholas to demobilise was him wanting Russia out of the war so Germany could focus on the western front.
@jimmytaveras4064 Год назад
There’s a bit of a problem with this clip: 1) Nicholas II was related to George and Wilhelm through Dagmar of Denmark not Queen Victoria 2) The tragedy of WWI cannot be pinned in one bad decision all of Europe wanted war it wasn’t an exclusive German thing but more of a European situation
@cureforintroversion1262 Год назад
Unfortunately, Denmark was never a great power, so I don’t think the writers cared that King George V and Tsar Nicholas II were grandsons of King Christian IX, even though his nickname was the Father in Law of Europe. Wilhelm and Nicholas were related. 3rd cousins through Emperor Paul I of Russia, and 2nd cousins once removed through King Frederick William of Prussia. But 1st cousins are easier to remember even if it is a lie.
@ChrisHJohnson93 Год назад
Irony is that Kaiser Wilhelm did try a few times to stop the war or at least stop it from getting to big of a war .
@ahmadsantoso9712 Год назад
Nice effort to make it look like he's a nice guy.
@janweber7910 Год назад
@@ahmadsantoso9712 Indeed he was. The problem with Kaiser Wilhelm II was his cocky, overly manly and hotheaded manner, which also led to several crises, such as the Moroccan ones. After the initial excitement and reactionary actions, he usually came to his senses and rowed back. Only the situation shortly before the Great War was such that all the great powers of Europe were working towards a confrontation. That is why the general thesis applies today that the German Reich is not solely responsible for the war, but that all the great powers of Europe have committed a collective suicide.
@stoggafllik Год назад
@@ahmadsantoso9712 >ahmad Ignoring the violent refugee
@hebanker3372 Год назад
@@janweber7910 ''the general thesis applies today that the German Reich is not solely responsible for the war'' It's an established fact that Germany was not the only nation responsible for WWI
@northwesteastsouth7437 Год назад
@@ahmadsantoso9712 He's way better than Churchill and Stalin
@ryanv2324 Год назад
Barely any accuracy in this entire clip. It was not just the kings/emperors of those nations running the show. There was a vast network of Beurocrats and Aristocrats in each nation and if any singular person should be getting the blame for starting the war it should be Conrad von Hotzendorf.....
@b1crusade384 Год назад
I blame Tzar Nicholas II. He was the one that mobilized troops. Had the Kaiser not declared war and mobilized his troops, Germany would be at a disadvantage as the first troops at the border has upper hand. Nicholas II wanted to distract his people from the Russo-Japanese war.
@ryanv2324 Год назад
@@b1crusade384 yes I agree the over confidant Russians significantly escalated the situation knowing the French would back them. Tsar Nicholas was a highly incompetent leader that would prove fatal to the Russian Empire.
@aaravtulsyan Год назад
Specially in Britain, where the King had (and still has) no real power. The Supreme Authority is the Prime Minister and Parliament
@iangascoigne8231 Год назад
It was Kaiser Bills fault. He’s the one who gave the Austrian’s the blank cheque in the first place. As for Nicholas deflecting from the Russo-Japanese war, that ended in 1905.
@b1crusade384 Год назад
@@iangascoigne8231 🐂💩 Blank check meant hostility towards Serbia. And Europeans powers have never kept promises/treaties after it stops serving their interest. If Tzar Nicholas II would of had sat down with the Kaiser in neutral Switzerland and told him there will be war with Russia or ban of German good in Russia and any country’s good that buys from Germany if Kaiser went to war with Serbia, the Kaiser would withdraw support to Austria against Serbia. Easy, as Kaiser wanted Russia as an ally in some way and Kaiser knew it needed a strong ally. But no. The Tzar expelled any Duma member who was against war with Germany and pushed hard for war by mobilizing troops to the German border. The Kaiser was forced to declare war as a delay would mean Russia had first-strike advantage. The stigma of Russo-Japanese war was still strong and Tzar wanted a distraction.
@connorvenier5843 Год назад
Love Tom Hollander playing all 3 monarchs
@ezekielalimpia3048 Год назад
@trevorphilips4925 Год назад
fun fact in real life king gorge and tzar nicolas look so much alike that one could say they were twins in my opinion that makes nicolas's fate a lot more sad
@gainsmurdoch6987 Год назад
He also played George V in the BBC drama - The Lost Prince
@stepanserdyuk4589 Год назад
But then who is Tom Hollandest?
@thatonenicehusky Год назад
@@stepanserdyuk4589 A Tom born in Holland
@elxaime 10 месяцев назад
Lord Tywin is always a true servant of the Crown.
@amitkenan3878 7 месяцев назад
He was the crown
@irishpatriotv2575 Год назад
remember guys, its the dude with 1/3 of the world in his Empire that must act to stop German imperialism
@davidw.2791 Год назад
@kgd9725 Год назад
Well technically it was the British Government which acted in his name. It was his empire yes but ruling was done by the Cabinet and Parliament. His Majesty had very little say in anything really. He had the position and privileges but no power.
@jkelsey555 Год назад
"If events continue, the Germans, who have a larger population and economy, may be approaching 1/3 of our naval strength!!"
@railtonfeagus8539 Год назад
Well it wasn't really about imperialism at the start, was it? It was about Germany invading Belgium and France. The imperial dimension came, inevitably, later. So that wasn't the reason it started.
@TheLocalLt Год назад
That is the reality of geopolitics, it’s a zero sum game. If you aren’t gaining, you are losing. This is why even with the establishment of the Pax Americana and unipolarity, America still spends so much on defense and is involved around the world: the moment they let up, Beijing fills the vacuum and reestablishes a bipolar world order (as we’ve seen over the last decade). The same exact logic applied to the Pax Brittanica in the 19th century, and why Britain was so dead-set against German overseas expansion in the early 20th.
@Uberdude6666 Год назад
Ah yea, the king of Britain had tangible political power on the same level as the tsar of Russia and the kaizer of Germany in this period... Also the duke of Austria-Hungary ofc had nothing at all to do with the outbreak of the war...
@beeaggressive160 Год назад
It’s set in the universe where there’s a literal cowboy with a electric whip, I think historical accuracy is thrown out the window in the first movie
@Uberdude6666 Год назад
@@beeaggressive160 lol yea
@Rensune Год назад
@@beeaggressive160 I'll buy an Electric whip (which is actually possible, but not usable) before I'll ever buy a magic headwrap that brings headshot victims back to LIFE
@davidw.2791 Год назад
@@beeaggressive160 Still a more believable alt history than Inglourious “scalp every German you can see but completely leave out motherfucking Himmler” Basterds story.
@gabbar51ngh Год назад
The movie introduces historical figures like comicbook villains. Just look how they introduce Adolf Hitler in the end. It's not supposed to be historically accurate but I like the aesthetic
@PeterPan54167 Год назад
Despite this scene being kinda insulting to the hapless men who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, I do have to say, that I do love the style of toy soldiers used here. I’ve always wanted some. Any one in the comments know where to find them?
@deathstrider111 Год назад
Sadly not many places sell toy soldiers like this any more. However if your are willing to accept a smaller scale with some painting and assembly. There are a few tabletop war games. Perry minitures is my personal recommendation.
@krstoevandrus5937 Год назад
aliexpress, china
@c3aloha Год назад
King and Country from Hong Kong. Beautiful painted metal soldiers.
@facundogimenez7529 Год назад
something big like these soldiers are probably special (maybe bigger movie props easy to see in the big screen, and to emphasize the grandieur of the monarch's playroom) , if someone made them this big (in metal) back then they werent common. you're more likely to find smaller metalic soldiers or bigger wooden ones
@KamikazethecatII Год назад
Wilhelm II pushed hard for peace consistently throughout his reign. This is basically just British propaganda lol
@danielsokolov4821 Год назад
The British won the war and were the most powerful nation for a time, so it's rightfully deserved propaganda
@Unreal60FPS Год назад
So true
@dodge-ut6ti Год назад
As long as Germany could keep all the lands they over ran he was for peace.
@Elfboii Год назад
@@dodge-ut6ti You're delusional. Grow up and look at actual history, not some spoon-fed British propaganda. Clearly the biggest colonial Empire owning 1/3 of the world must act to stop "German imperialism". Clown.
@dodge-ut6ti Год назад
@@ElfboiiYeah Next your going to tell me hitler wasn't that bad either. Get off your l hate the British. Because you are running with a bad crowd when you defend losers like the Kaiser. PS l like how Sargent York almost captured the whole of the Kaiser's army.
@jirkafrydrych2142 Год назад
History is really written by the victors.
@ryanv2324 Год назад
YEP, just look at the brittish who only went to war after Belgiums neutrality was violated by Germany but then soon after proceed to invade/occupy Greece when they were neutral nearly sparking a civil war.....
@soundwavegamer2321 Год назад
@@ryanv2324 technically Belgian neutrally was broken after England allowed them to join the Entente as stated by the 1839 treaty of London quoting Article 7 “Belgium, within the limits specified in Articles 1, 2 and 7, shall form an independent and perpetually neutral State. It shall be bound to observe such neutrality towards all other states.” That last part is very important as it states that Belgium is to remain neutral from other states meaning they couldn’t form or join alliances. Britain and France by allowing the Belgium into the Entente violated the treaty and had the war gone in the Central Powers favor England and France would’ve had to answer for it along England answering for the North Sea Blockade, them allowing Canadian troops to do what ever they wanted to German POW’s, and let’s not forget allowing military arms and ammunition to be shipped to England on civilian cruise liners which is against the Genova Convention. Edit: I also found out recently during the French bomb raids at the start of the war before the German crossed over the Belgian border Albert I and his government’s had allowed French airships to fly over their country and didn’t give Germany any warning. By allowing another nation to bomb German cities and Belgium themselves also broke the London Treaty of 1839 as the Belgian choose a side before Germany even sent word of their need to access Belgium.
@longvu8430 Год назад
1:44 why baron is here, does he looking for the winter soldier ? 😂
@saintniccage2818 Год назад
No, cause its a different film thats not set in the marvel comedy universe. Hence why it was a good film
@ezekielalimpia3048 Год назад
He was not just here but also a Nazi in another movie.
@brianthomas2434 Год назад
One of the many crimes of this film is the incredible waste of so MANY excellent actors.
@abaddonthearmless319 Год назад
@@saintniccage2818 the film was not good at all
@saintniccage2818 Год назад
@@abaddonthearmless319 so why are you back looking at clips of it?
@devenkane Год назад
Well..Victoria was not the grandmother of Nicholas II, but that of his wife. George V as a child had an older brother Albert Victor who died in 1892 so would not have been the fighting with William as an heir apparent
@b1crusade384 Год назад
Why let the truth stop a good sounding story? That is how Western propaganda works.
@jodiequeenofcelticfire2605 2 месяца назад
Maybe a little more research When The shepherd said The inbred monarchs Think about it And do research. Also uh DUH
@sangumlinggi8330 4 месяца назад
Fun fact: The kings and the royal families of europe did not want war as they were all related and had familial ties through marriage and wanted peace as they had lost their relative and were saddened by the news but the democratic governments and the aristocrats of each nation wanted war and more territorial gains. Dont let the world forget the war was started not by kings but by their respective democratic governments.
@michaszuber4001 Год назад
This clip is nothing but the parody of the truth. In fact British had many chances to stop the outbreak of the war, bit it was in their interest No to. They were the true warmongers.
@danielsokolov4821 Год назад
The British weren't involved in the beginning stages of the war, and only got involved when those savage apes of Germans decided to invade innocent Belgium.
@VandalAudi Год назад
@@danielsokolov4821 the Brits were pretty surprised that their scheme would in turn drag them into the war as well.
@banger2998 Год назад
@@danielsokolov4821like when did the UK ever invade innocent countries ? Haha
@JohnJohnson-pq4qz Год назад
@@danielsokolov4821 Yea, ask the Boers of South Africa, who the 'savage apes" were. the British even invented the concentration camp to terrorize the civilian population after invading innocent Transvaal and the Orange Free State.
@Arminius1901 Год назад
@@danielsokolov4821the belgians slaughtered 12 million congolese so they arent innocent either and britain controlled 1/4 of the whole world. They hated us because we became an economic competitior and had a bigger economy than england in 1914
@alberto2287 Год назад
Lol Rasputin was AGAINST going to war😂😂
@guts-141 Год назад
Which is what his character was doing in the movie. Telling the Tsar to stop but that was a ploy to make the war easier for Germany
@kelvingoh8405 Год назад
But sadly, all of them had refused to help each other, Nicholas and his family were helplessly executed by Bosheviks, as he refused Kaiser Wilhelm's offer, and King George refused to welcome Nicholas.
@m1nor1ty30 Год назад
War torn them apart
@scottishjedi1522 7 месяцев назад
The problem was George feared an uprising in his own country. Many British people admired the Bolsheviks and hated the Romanovs. George decided that given the tenuous political situation- it didn’t help that Nicholas’ wife was German- bringing over the Romanovs could spark a major crisis. He probably thought the Bolsheviks would never kill the imperial family and that they would find sanctuary somewhere else. I suspect when he found out what happened it haunted him until he died.
@TravisLoneWolfWalsh Год назад
At least Tom Hollander didn’t have to change makeup between playing The King and the Tsar
@sharinganplay994 Год назад
Imagine the Great Britain,German Empire,Russian Empire joinned same side because they all supportive to all family member
@tbphillips9649 Год назад
Bruh image what the world would looked like
@deathstrider111 Год назад
The sad fact is that all three of these monarchs pushed hard to avoid the war. Sadly however their ministers worded letters poorly followed orders slowly and in the case of the Czar and his minister of defence outright refused to follow orders.
@freddyfagerstrm8561 Год назад
this movie needs to be reworked, his majesty the kaiser was the last head of state to decleare war, and he did not at all enjoy it, he hated every second of the war but had to stand strong for my people and all germans. i remember him telling me in 1924 that the sadest moments of his life was the great war.
@THEBIGGAME683 Год назад
Its their sad moment but for one person within the battlefields of western front enjoyed it. Probably some simple corporal within the german army with some silly mustache
@gvi341984 Год назад
For someone so reluctant with war it sure did happened
@pac1fic055 Год назад
Brits doing what they do best: telling you it’s always the other guy’s fault. SMH.
@blakefishburn Год назад
It’s meant to be funny and not very historically accurate, it’s people like u that ruin movies nowadays.
@uglybetty8747 Год назад
Dats wut they do best lmao
@blakefishburn Год назад
@@uglybetty8747 totally, like u would know 🤡
@uglybetty8747 Год назад
@@blakefishburn lmao triggered already 🤭
@blakefishburn Год назад
@@uglybetty8747 Hello again 🤡? Ur the one liking ur own comments XD
@peterkroger7112 Год назад
That guy devellops some experience in playing Kings named George.
@Banzaiiii2223456 Год назад
I get that reference. He played George III in John Adams. lol
@rolfagten857 Год назад
True, Wilhelm the 2nd lived in Doorn. It is amuseum now and we have seen a Scotisch Wilhelm uniform.
Its weird how in reality the biggest troublemaker was George and his paranoia...
@Ayeato Год назад
Why people genuinely getting triggered in the comments. Its a kingsman movie what do you expect😂
@6thBeatleFinnxMal0 2 года назад
2:19 🎵ra ra Rasputin, lover of the Russian queen🎵
@bensongreggb 2 года назад
@6thBeatleFinnxMal0 2 года назад
@@bensongreggb that’s Erik the second leader?
@bensongreggb 2 года назад
@@6thBeatleFinnxMal0 No
@bensongreggb 2 года назад
@@6thBeatleFinnxMal0 that’s kaiser Willhelm the ll
@6thBeatleFinnxMal0 2 года назад
@@bensongreggb oh
@bruhman2089 Год назад
The Irony is that all three didnt want war so this is basically a parody.
@beachaddict7653 5 месяцев назад
Kaiser was actually a decent human being.
@rogerkincaid931 Год назад
The movie isn't a biopic. It's the third installment in a franchise known for its stylised action scenes and irreverent humor. So people bringing up "historical accuracy" is missing the point.
@deniskoscak1735 Год назад
Tha czar hating the kaiser? Really? Absolutely untrue! They refered to each other as "Nicky" and "Willy".
@maxhalsted5381 Год назад
Indeed they did. Thos proven in their correspondence
@poyloos4834 Год назад
Can we stop taking this seriously please? Do you really think they were trying for accuracy?
@maxhalsted5381 Год назад
I am with you they were not going for historical accuracy. If they were the scene would have lasted 2 hrs
@johnjohnson272 Год назад
People really criticising kingsman for inaccuracy? You mean the series that had Elton John killing mercenaries with kung fu and Samuel L Jackson blowing up heads with microchips is not sensible!?
@ohhnobb Год назад
I know is this not historically accurate, but "inbreeding" is the first word that came in my brain #notsorry
@uglybetty8747 Год назад
It’s a fact so don’t be sorry lmao
@AdistuffRBX 4 месяца назад
Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth were cousins through the royalty of Greece and Denmark, probs explains why Charles is so unpopular
@user-ze8ne7of8v Год назад
Tom hollander is a perfect actor.
@lenrek Год назад
Ah... An over dramatized events according to history, until it turned into a story from a parallel universe.
@krebssfish9370 Год назад
Interesting to see how many people take this scene seriously - in a British spy movie where the group of baddies who orchestrate WW1 are joined by Hitler after the credits...
@jamesmmcgill Год назад
All of them have similar faces, since their ancestor is Lord Cutler Beckett.
@blakefishburn Год назад
@Swissswoosher Год назад
The fact that the kid and adult Wilhelm have a German accent when speaking English is already testament to how poorly researched this was.
@jonnnyren6245 Год назад
So, Lord Cutler Beckett plays George, Nicholas and the dude with the withered arm aye? Fair parlay, Hollander's a brilliant actor anyways.
@Spectre_101 Год назад
I guess Kaiser likes to be the troublemaker
@keithss67 Год назад
Nicholas the 2nd was not Victoria grandson. He married queen victorias granddaughter. He was 1st cousin oh king George because their mothers were sisters. He was a 3rd cousin of the Kaiser through his great grandmother. George was first cousin with the Kaiser because his father king Edward the 7th and the kaisers mother were brother and sister. The whole scene is totally inaccurate
The arm of Wilhelm II. did not look like some baby Gollum but was just a little shorter in length. Oh well, the entire scene is so inaccurate that it doesn’t really matter. Nikolas also didn’t join the war becouse of a supposed hatred for Wilhelm. He even wrote him a letter that for their own personal relationship sake they should not go to war and that he should leave Austria-Hungary to Russia.
@MartyMolloy Год назад
Here's an interesting quirk of history: Britain has only recently ditched the system of male primogeniture regarding its royal succession. From now on, the first born child of the monarch is the heir apparent. Until the reign of the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth II, it was the first born SON who had precedence and automatically leap frogged over any older sisters to the head of the queue. If such a system had prevailed in the early 20th century, Queen Victoria would have been succeeded by her eldest child, namely her daughter, also called Victoria, not her eldest son Edward VII However, Victoria II would have had a pretty short reign as she died only a few months after her mother in 1901. So she would have been succeeded on the throne of Great Britain by HER eldest son (also her eldest child so no discrepancy there, whichever system is used). He happened to be.......Wilhelm II, Kaiser of the German Reich!!! Might have solved a whole lot of problems. Of course all you Brits would have probably been speaking German by now. "Einmal Weltmeisterschaft und zweimal Weltkriege, Doo Dah, Doo Dah"
@AlouattaCaraya Год назад
If Vicki the younger was slated to inherit the throne, I don't think she would have been married off to Germany in the first place...
@MartyMolloy Год назад
@@AlouattaCaraya Why not? Victoria (senior) was. Her husband was Herzog Albrecht von Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. He was Victoria's first cousin as her mother was Victora von Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. The British Royal family is largely of German ancestry anyway. Even today's King Charles had several paternal aunts married to Germans, even Nazis.
@mariosequeira1820 Год назад
God, this hurts my head.
@fernandogumba Год назад
0:14 Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany 🇩🇪 , Czar Nicholas of Russia 🇷🇺, and King George of England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@maxhalsted5381 Год назад
Granted they were all first cousins the rest of the scene was extremely oversimplified
@VersusARCH Год назад
George did not protect Russia's interests during the 1:58 Russo-Japanese War (by arming Japan and preventing French intervention). Or during the Balkan Wars (by creating Albania)...
@shimanopetermann9068 Год назад
I alwys wonder, where did that rumour, that Nicolas II. was a grandson of Queen Victoria's, come from?
@b1crusade384 Год назад
Nicolas II and George V were cousins. So people who don’t know history would think that means Nicholas II was Queen Victoria’s grandkid. BUT to their credit, Nicholas II’s wife was a grandkid of Queen Victoria. So technically he was a grandkid-in-law.
@Katoshi_Takagumi Год назад
@@b1crusade384 And technically speaking George V and Kaiser Wilhelm were first cousins, the kaiser and the tsar weren't.
@b1crusade384 Год назад
@@Katoshi_Takagumi What did I say to make you not think I knew that? No they are not first cousin purely. To further confuse the situation, the Tzar' mother was ths Kaiser's sister-in-law; so they were "cousin" in a sense. The Tzar's wife was the first cousin of the Kaiser, so the Tzar and the kaiser were first cousin-in-law in that sense. European royal family inbreeding lead to bizarre family connections.
@Katoshi_Takagumi Год назад
@@b1crusade384 I did not think you would not know it, sorry that was not my intention. That is the impression that the movie clip gives, though. I don't know if this is properly a case of inbreeding, but the smaller the gene pool, the more hereditary diseases tend to pop up. In Russia and some other countries, first cousins would not have traditionally been allowed to marry.
@b1crusade384 Год назад
@@Katoshi_Takagumi It depends on how you define inbreeding. I say inbreeding is 3rd cousin or lower. So may not as some think it is first cousin or closer. In Russia, first cousin-marriage were forbidden but there were noticeable exceptions. I think Tzar NIcholas II sister married a first cousin or something like that.
@ericcrabtree7075 Год назад
Imagine an alternate ww1 where all three cousins were on the same side 🤔🇬🇧🇷🇺🇩🇪
@footpaul123478 Год назад
I mean, course of war was gonna pop up when Tywin Lannister and Zemo are on opposite sides
@prithvirajbasu4196 Месяц назад
Kaiser Wilhelm: If I want a war then I will have it.......... SUMMON THE FLYING DUTCHMAN!
@user-fp3yc9hm6m Год назад
After reading up on history I have concluded that European royals were basically Alabama but fancy. Although their relations were not as simple as the movie depicted, they and their wives are definitely all cousins.
@martinwetles Год назад
As an historian with above average knowledge of this, this seems like an historical disaster.
@maxhalsted5381 Год назад
It is a complete disaster. I would recommend reading professor Niall Ferguson's book entitled the pity of war
@martinwetles Год назад
@@maxhalsted5381 i’ve read it. Along with much else. Like I told you, I am an historian
@maxhalsted5381 Год назад
@@martinwetles I am man of history myself. Niall Ferguson is great writer and historian
@martinwetles Год назад
@@maxhalsted5381 yeah I thought pity made a lot of good points. Niall is in the economic history branch along side other greats like Adam Tooze. But much of the book was rather a comment on the histography of the war, which was much needed at the time. If I want to read a great narrative of the years leading up to the war, I think Christopher Clark’s book Sleepwalkers is brilliant. You can pick up Macmillans book as well for a more personal focused narrative. I still haven’t read Sean Mcmeekins work on the war from the Russian side, I have probably read it with in next month or so.
@maxhalsted5381 Год назад
@@martinwetles the study of World War 1 is very undervalued on America. Both would wars are linked yes. But it all starts on 1914. One of my high school teachers thought me that every historical event sicne can be trased to back to the Great War.
@leftblank131 Год назад
There once were these 3 cousins, they decided to interbreed. And that johnny is where politicians came from.
@colonelx185 Год назад
2:42 The moustache pointing to heaven. Markiplier?!
@samsunggalaxynote8984 Год назад
History channel at 11:00 p.m. be like:
@SugarBlood15 Год назад
Honestly, the one to blame for the war was Austria-Hungary. It was an Empire made of glass, with dozen nationalities inside it. They annexed Bosnia thinking there can be no reprocussions. Well, reprocusions came when a Serbian kid assasinated heir to the throne. It led to further attempts of eastern expanionism which resulted in WW1 and the end of Austria-Hungary.
@antondichtl6557 Год назад
I am disappointed they didn´t even give a supporting role to young Adolf.
@Carpediem357 Год назад
Weird how 1 guy played all 3 and looked almost identical to them
@saram1041 Год назад
We’ve the cousins, ruled over dozens
@pickle4422 Год назад
The only ones who pushed for WW1 were, understandably, the Austrians. Kaiser Wilhelm II was on a vacation and thus couldn't really have a say in talking the Austrians down. He even said himself, after Serbia accepted almost all of Austria's demands, that "This removes all pretext for war". The Tsar almost called off mobilization but was convinced otherwise by his advisors. The British were of course, neutral until Belgium was invaded.
@theeNappy Год назад
This is... *weirdly* accurate. Not exact but still weirdly accurate
@bigfoot984 Год назад
It’s a cool scene but not much of it is historically accurate. The three kings actively tried to stop the war.
@CBfrmcardiff Год назад
@@bigfoot984 It's a surprisingly informed riff on the real history of the event. I really enjoyed this film for that very reason.
@gvi341984 Год назад
@@bigfoot984 They sure did I mean WW1 didn't happen at all.
@arthurwellesley1815 Год назад
Not acurate at all but that movie is made for entertainment
@DomWeasel Год назад
Wilhelm was known for his immature, egotistic and easily distracted personality. It's one of history's big questions about how the world would look if his father had been Kaiser for longer than 99 days and Wilhelm had acquired the throne at a later age. But it is bollocks that he was out to start a war.
@arthurwellesley1815 Год назад
@@DomWeasel Wilhelm wasnt out to start a war in 1914 he wrote in his memoirs that he didnt want a war, he was a bit hot headed and ill temperd but still he was a human being.
@cobbler9113 Год назад
For one, the Kaiser has the use of both of his arms. In fairness though, they surprisingly more or less nailed the Sarajevo assassination.
@DomWeasel Год назад
@@arthurwellesley1815 Read the last part of my comment.
@DomWeasel Год назад
@@cobbler9113 He had the use of both hands but the left was withered due to complications at birth. He was very self-conscious of it and that's why he would always stand with it held behind his back. At the start of the 20th century, the stigma over such things was huge.
@skymap8413 Год назад
Long time ago they fight with small solider toys few years later they fight with real things.
@arnimzola1139 Год назад
This is a horrible and vile revision of history.
@G4b3st3r Год назад
This movie isn't meant to be historically accurate, it's more like Blackadder, only bad.
@Katoshi_Takagumi Год назад
The kaiser did not speak with an accent...
@dmitriyrozhdestvenskiy2826 Год назад
Good, not Nicolas II tried to set peace in Gaaga conference but George V did. Great!
@clausesanta5042 10 дней назад
History lesson from the 4th M in 007 series. Well, I mean the founder of Kings Man.
@rairenshimozuma4980 Год назад
bRiTaIN GuD gUyS , Germany bAd 🗿🗿
@robnewman6101 Год назад
@Random_German_Folk 7 месяцев назад
Meh, I believe Wilhelm would have actually kept Nicholas the 3rd alive until the issue with Serbia was done and gave Russia back to Nicholas
@senatorsheev6743 Год назад
Lol, France isn't even mentioned in a movie about ww1.
@mladenmatosevic4591 Год назад
Whole thing was cooked by Serbian Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic Apis who decided on his own to kill Austrian Crown Prince. And for that, he was killed after set-up trial by Serbs themselves two years later in Thessaloniki.
@Maria-gv9ot 10 месяцев назад
What the movie is trying to tell you: the kaiser is the maniac and he should be stopped for joining the war. Not even talking about Austria WHO STARTED it and not taking the blame after the war ended but the Kaiser instead.
@willfakaroni5808 10 месяцев назад
The movie blames ww1 on a Scotsman not the Kaiser
@epicminecraft4543 Год назад
There was the 4 th cousin too King Albert 1 of belgium
@Tadicuslegion78 Год назад
If any of them pushed for war it was Tsar Nicholas II because he didn't like the idea of Austrio-Hungary attacking Slavs
@ByzantineCapitalManagement Год назад
This is weirdly inaccurate. I expect this inaccuracy from older periods not something that happened just over 100 years ago.
@AAAAAAA66879 Год назад
Quite wrong depiction of facts
@Baconsedits13 3 месяца назад
Do you think if queen Victoria was still alive would she allow the war to happen or not
@lexistenceestailleurs Год назад
@Chadhogan111 Год назад
George the V of the Commonwealth (British Empire), not just England
@mattb8754 Год назад
Were they even queen Victoria's grandchildren? Minus king whatever his face from Great Britain?
@alberto2287 Год назад
George and Willy were grandsons of Queen Victoria. George and Nicky were grandsons of Christian IX of Denmark. Willy and Nicky were great grandsons of Frederick William III of Prussia. And Alix (Nicky’ Swift) was granddaughter of Queen Victoria (and they were both great grandsons of Louis II of Hesse, who was second cousin of Frederic William III of Prussia)
@mattb8754 Год назад
@alberto2287 Geez lol. Thank you for explaining that. I always knew a lot of the monarchy of Europe was related in some way but that really puts it in perspective. Thank you for clarifying that for me.
@heatherporterfield7343 Год назад
Not very true, but fun to watch. 😛
@DrHydra47 Год назад
Of course zemo is a german advisor
@dannyjohnson3672 Год назад
To my knowledge, this clip is entirely accurate up to the last detail. A true example of 100% historical accuracy.
@jspringer86 Год назад
source: Trust me, bro.
@swagmanexplores7472 Год назад
It’s in colour so must be real
@jacobprice2579 Год назад
@@jspringer86 my source is I made it the fuck up.
@siewheilou399 Год назад
The only truth here is they were cousins, but playing together in nursery? 🙄
@Soundwave3591 Год назад
The same tired rhetoric, "it was all the Kaiser's fault" Haven't heard that load of bupkis before....
@maxhalsted5381 Год назад
This is an absurd oversimplification over what happened
@MaLoDe1975 Год назад
This is not even dumbed down it has nothing to do with reality at all.
Which movie is this???
@blakefishburn Год назад
The Kingsman 2021
@rachelbowen4085 Год назад
Well, this is so sad because it made me drop in tears because I know Queen Victoria, when she probably passed away looking up and she probably seen her three grand children fighting for real she was probably sad
@Skaedm Год назад
If i am correct irl rasuoitin a ctuaoy told the tsar to not go to war sith germany because it would lead to russias defeat IF I AM CORRECT
@davidgross316 Год назад
Well that's an oversimplification
@jerolvilladolid Год назад
Germany, britain, france, and austria had guard-rails in their political systems that will prevent uncontrolled war from ever erupting. It was Russia, the absolute monarchy which did not even have any parliament, where the decision of one uneducated man dictated state policy like a modern computer game that started the war. The czar mobilized millions of men out of poor judgement and arrogance, which forced Germany to pre-emptively declare war (no european country had mobilized like that since the napoleonic war)
@henoch8173 Год назад
In fact, the opposite was the case!! For the British, the German navy and economy became an increasing threat. and the French wanted Alsace back. The assassination came at just the right time for them. The British propaganda is pathetic, like their remaining empire. India now has a stronger economy than the UK 🤣🤣
@stargazer2280 Год назад
Wait... Is that Baron Zemo?
@travjt2 Год назад
If you mean the one with the monocle, yes.
@travjt2 Год назад
Lizard is in this clip too
@blakefishburn Год назад
Yes, he fought in the great war
@lllngrukarl944 Год назад
El Zar Nicolás y la Zarina Alejandra
@marathiboi96 Год назад
British history 101, never show the real facts
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