
The Kingdom of Hungary in WW1 I THE GREAT WAR Special 

The Great War
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5 окт 2024




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@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
Yes, we will probably cover your country that emerged from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, too. Even Austria.
@IdesofMarch223 7 лет назад
The Great War Will I know it is far into the future, but do you all plan on doing another conflict series after this ends?
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
+Michiel de Ruyter m.reddit.com/r/TheGreatWarChannel/comments/4ksvy2/will_you_guys_ever_do_a_ww2_channel_our_official/?compact=true
@pedrorodrigues1727 7 лет назад
talk about Portugal
@pellaken 7 лет назад
wait wait wait, did you say you WILL cover the wars that happened just after WW1, like the Romanian-Hungarian war?
@j.gczaricit9446 7 лет назад
Will you do the nz musket wars I know it's a small war but it would be nice I am fascinated with it
@francocfc91 7 лет назад
Bulgarians are very fond of the Magyars. We share quite similar heritage, history and destiny since 9th century. Both countries suffered terrible fates in 20th century and specifically how severe we were punished after both world wars. Greetings from Bulgaria!
@balintvarady5160 7 лет назад
Andrey Andreev Both Hungarians and Bulgarians are feared warriors in the past.We defeat the whole of europe. Greetings from Hungary
@alexanderrossovitch2585 7 лет назад
Chuvash, Szekelys, Bulgarians, and Hungarians have common roots - the Oghurs, and the Huns that came before them. Eljen Magyarorszag! Da zhivei Bulgariq! Puranma Chavash En! Eljen Szekelyfold!
@tst2363 7 лет назад
Andrey Andreev Don't forget about Germany ,you fought with us! XD
@MagyarTigris1999 6 лет назад
+Andrey Andreev We love Bulgaria too! Greetings from Hungary! :)
@ardeleanalex-bogdan9484 5 лет назад
Andrey Andreev yeah you are both from central asia... and invaders
@Savyy21 7 лет назад
I am a simple Pole. I see Hungary in the title, I press like.
@wierdalien1 7 лет назад
mezzanine dont you mean a simple floor? sorry ill show myself out
@narcisg 7 лет назад
mezzanine and when you see romania in the title? :)
@thurin84 7 лет назад
Alistair Shaw with a good roof over his head, more something in between.
@Metallyus 7 лет назад
Greetings, brother!
@peterczegledy7317 7 лет назад
I am a simple hungarian.I see your comment,I like it.Then i like every other polish comment,too.
@alfredenisz4775 4 года назад
I had two grandfathers that fought with the Hungarians. My paternal father was shot in the belly and almost died. He was sent home in 1916. My father was born in 1917. My Maternal grandfather fought at the Piave river. Both grandparents survived.
@jimbo8549 7 лет назад
Greetings to Hungary from Finland! :)
@Beef7599 7 лет назад
General Hux
@csaba9285 7 лет назад
Greetings my Uralic brother! :)
@doublebistheg9620 7 лет назад
also greetings from your altaic brother
@liakiss8266 7 лет назад
@ancientfungi7818 7 лет назад
Love from Finland to the uralic Brothers and Sisters
@nnvist 7 лет назад
Glory for Hungarians and Austrians! Thank you, Indy! Greetings from Poland! \(^-^)/
@AccidxGhost 7 лет назад
nnvist good man
@bendeguzjuhasz9346 7 лет назад
Lengyel magyar két jó barát
@szfulop1816 7 лет назад
Együtt harcol s issza borát :D
@norbertkocsis5945 7 лет назад
Az igaz testvérek összetartanak! :D
@ericcarlson3746 7 лет назад
some say --- long live them, bring back the Empire, a great new peaceful commonwealth of Central European brethren!
@susaniker4529 5 лет назад
Being a Canadian with both parents from Hungary, I found this quite interesting. "Lest we forget" Remembrance day 2018.
@meyber_8572 7 лет назад
greetings Hun brothers from Poland :)
@agnespapp4100 5 лет назад
Greetings from Hungary.
@Anonymus_M8 5 лет назад
Hajrá magyarok!!!🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺
@peasantarcher2486 5 лет назад
Most hungarians are slavic right? No insult just asking
@dogukanyel1391 5 лет назад
@@peasantarcher2486 no Hungary is not Slavic or Germanic. Hungary langues is in Ural-Altay langues family.
@peasantarcher2486 5 лет назад
Doğukan YEL vaaaayyy milliyetçı gardaş neurion
@adamfeher2667 7 лет назад
I live in Szeged where the heroic hussar regiment came from (6:30) and we have a statue for them. It is nice to see that this channel covers the states that made up Austria-hungary instead of just taking it as a whole.Thank you for your work guys. :D
@kattilathehun3115 7 лет назад
Ádám Fehér Szeged is where my mother and father were born and raised into their late 20's, until they escaped Communism in the early 70's. I was born here in the U.S. soon after, but have been to Hungary several times and have much of my family still in Szeged, which I love. In fact, I had csirke paprikás with tarhonya for dinner tonight lol. Hungary (especially Szeged) is always in my heart (and tummy lol).
@laslooalexander3409 6 лет назад
A filmben Muhr Ottmár ezredes a Császári és Királyi 9. gróf Nádasdy Ferenc Huszárezred parancsnoka szerepel. Ez az ezred soha nem állomásozott Szegeden, annál inkább Sopronban, ahol az emlékművük is áll. Tény hogy a Lemberg környéki harcokba a szegedi 3. Honvéd Huszárezred Riedl Miklós alezredes vezetésével szintén bekapcsolódott, de csak azután miután a Nádasdy huszárok elfoglalták a gerincet az oroszoktól (igen súlyos veszteségek árán) december 11-én, amikor Muhr ezredes is halálost lövést kapott. Halhatatlanok - Limanova a magyar győzelem címmel nemrég készült dokumentum film az ütközetről.
@limonade7050 7 лет назад
I'm gonna research Hungary now, this episode made me very curious and taught me alot of things I didn't know. I think there is alot I don't know about the post WW1 Austro-Hungary region.
@martonlerant5672 7 лет назад
There was a lot of shit going down between the two world wars. Including a Hungarian Soviet Union, or Romanian Iron guards (who got later famous for skinning hunderds of jews alive - including kids as young as 7) who later despite their far right roots, became the enforcers of communist dictature in Romania. Also there was a very short lived Republic of Prekmurje, which is often seen as nothing more than a political power grab attempt. Tl;Dr shit got crazy.
@jacky9590 7 лет назад
than i would recommend the book of Henry Pozzi: The Black Hand Over Europe.....or the books of Francesco Saverio Nitti... Regarding this era.
@okosbarkl7809 5 лет назад
In July 1849, the Hungarian Revolutionary Parliament proclaimed and enacted the first laws on ethnic and minority rights in the world. It gave minorities the freedom to use their mothertongue at local administration, at tribunals, in schools, in community life and even within the national guard of non-Magyar councils. However these laws were overturned after the united Russian and Austrian armies crushed the Hungarian Revolution. After the Kingdom of Hungary reached the Compromise with the Habsburg Dynasty in 1867, one of the first acts of its restored Parliament was to pass a Law on Nationalities (Act Number XLIV of 1868). The situation of minorities in Hungary were muchmore better than in contemporary pre WW1 Europe. Other highly multiethnic /multinational countries were: France Russia and UK. See the multi-national UK: The situation of Scottish Irish and Welsh people in "Britain" during the English hegemony is well known. They utmost forgot their original language,only English language cultural educational institutions existed. The only language was English in judiciary procedures and in offices and public administrations. It was not a real "United" Kingdom, it was rather a greater England. See the multiethnic France: In 1870, France was a similar-degree multi-ethnic state as Hungary, only 50% of the population of France spoke the French language as mothertongue. The other half of the population spoke Occitan, Catalan, Corsican, Alsatian, West Flemish, Lorraine Franconian, Gallo, Picard or Ch’timi and Arpitan etc... Many minority languages were closer to Spanish languages or Italian language than French) French governments banned minority language schools ,minority language newspapers minority theaters. They banned the usage of minority languages in offices , public administration, and judiciary procedures. The ratio of french mothertongue increased from 50% to 91% during the 1870-1910 period!!! The situation in German Empire was well known (Polish territories) Just see the high contrast between Kingdom of Hungary and contemporary pre WW1-era Europe: Magyarization was not so harsh as the contemporary western European situation, because the minorities were defended by minority rights and laws. Contemporary Western European legal systems did not know the minority rights, therefore they loudly and proudly covered up their minorities. 1.Were there state sponsored minority schools in Western European countries? NO. 2. How many official languages existed in Western-European states? Only 1 official language! 3. Could minorities use their languages in the offices of public administration in self-governments , in tribunals in Western Europe? No, they couldn't. 4. Did the minorities have own fractions and political parties in the western European parliaments ? No, no they hadn't. 5. What about newspapers of ethnic minorities in Western Europe? They did not exist in the West.... We can continue these things to the infinity.
@jorinton 5 лет назад
@@okosbarkl7809 Maybe because there wasnt literally at least 9 000 000 people that were the "minority" out of which 2 000 000 were already harassed for 1 000 years and wanted their own state because of it ? The problem was also not that they couldnt use the language officially, but that they couldnt even really use it in private as Hungarians would beat up Slovaks, Serbs and Romanians who did. The fact that they tried to take away their national identity of course made them demand their own state and everything along with it. Austro-Hungarian minorities demanded independence since 1700s this wasnt the problem in the West because those minorities did not demand their own state. And unlike Hungarians who refused to give ANY minority liberties, at least in Czechoslovakia, every minority could speak their own language (even though not at National Gathering), could publish their newspaper, could learn their language at school, could own and run shops and so on.
@papaszem44 5 лет назад
@@jorinton bullshit
@monroecorp9680 5 лет назад
Salutes and respect to the mighty Magyar.
@wudzah 5 лет назад
The mighty Magyar who couldn't defeat the barefoot Serbian army and had to wait for Bulgaria to strike in the rear? Might indeed.
@wudzah 4 года назад
@Obergruppenstuppentruppensturmfuhrer SuperStuka I don't know what you are talking about. I don't think Serbia could defeat Hungary 1v1. I don't think Hungary could defeat Serbia 1v1.
@wudzah 3 года назад
@Milán Dobai AH empire with 54 million people attacked Serbia with 3.6 million people. You call that honorable? There were only 2 fronts in 1918, and you lost against 60,000 barefoot Serbian soldiers. Btw, my name is Milan too. How Hungarian are you actually?
@wudzah 3 года назад
@Milán Dobai Of course you lost against Serbians in 1918. This is how the war ended, the Serbs breached the Macedonian front. Got from Thessaloniki to Vienna in less than 4 months. Read about it.
@wudzah 3 года назад
* Milan is a Slavic name. It exists in Czechia too.
@johannesmaximilian848 7 лет назад
Love Hungary, from Austria
@s.oliver_0975 3 года назад
@milandobai1123 3 года назад
Long live Austria-Hungary 🇦🇹🇭🇺
@johnaybier418 7 лет назад
You forgot to mentinon the Austro-Hungarian Navy, which was the 6th largest fleet of the world at that time, and also part Hungarian, led by a Hungarian admiral called Miklos Horthy, who later became the regent of Hungary. Also worth mentioning: 1913 Vienna. A magical place and year, when Franz Joseph, Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito, Horthy were all living in Vienna within a few km radius circle. Plus Istvan Tisza was murdered by freemasons, ~ half of the Károlyi administration members were freemasons, and guess what : Gavrilo Princip was a freemason too.
@sameerhasan8101 3 года назад
Uhh... I don't think Indy would cover the Freemason part of what you've said. And never has been covered by him throughout his channel regarding its role in WW1
@manov_denis 4 года назад
Greetings to Hungary from their brothers in faith - Bulgaria :)
@leecooper4803 5 лет назад
Salut from Serbia to our northern neighbors. Although throughout the history we were often on the opposite side of the battlefield {except during Otoman Empire} - we are very fond of Hungarian minority in Vojvodina and also of our neighbors in Magyarorszag.
@joeychestnut2437 Год назад
Serbs were the Ottomans vassals. wtf 🚜
@FrazzP 7 лет назад
Only 11 months left until Finland is born! I think it was the first new nation to emerge out of the war (which was still ongoing).
@Kurtownia 7 лет назад
Captain, Poland only regained it's independence, it wasn't new at all, while Finland was never an independent country before WW1 (do correct me if I'm wrong).
@RoScFan 7 лет назад
Wasnt Finland born around the times of the Napoleonic Wars? granted, it was never independent until 1917, but as a political entity? Finland did exist, did it not? as far as i know finland was taken from sweden by russia and within russia it was AUTONOMOUS! so it was a political entity!
@Pennybags37 7 лет назад
Kurtownia Actually the Tsar of Russia had established Finland as a Grand Duchy and adopted the separate title of Grand Duke of Finland. I believe it also had it's own Parliament and Ministry as well although in reality it was the Governor-General appointed from Moscow who held real political power within the region.
@stupidturntable 7 лет назад
Finland was an integrated part of Sweden from 1249 to 1809. It became a Swedish Grand Dutchy (Storfurstendöme) already in 1500. After the Treaty of Fredrikshamn in 1809, it became an autonomous entity within the Russian Empire with its own laws, court system, religion and languages (Finnish and Swedish).
@FrazzP 7 лет назад
I guess you can call it that, but Finns were very loyal to the Czar until he started the Russification periods in the Grand Duchy.
@Rupiee 7 лет назад
Thanks for this one guys! Hungary at the time of WW1 has always been difficult to research about for me, and it was great to learn a bit more about my Fiancé's country's history. (obviously while wearing my Great War socks!) Thanks again!
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
It's definitely a challenge to cover these lesser known parts (at least for the English speaking world). Glad you enjoyed it.
@MarkSashegyi 7 лет назад
I found this channel just a few weeks ago and it's better than anything I've seen on History Channel in almost a decade. Thank you all.
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
Welcome to the show.
@danielbat9887 7 лет назад
I bet the comments will be a mud throwing contest between Hungarian and Romanian extreme nationalists. But I say, I raise a glass of Romanian wine for our Hungarian brethren, to a prosperous future together, a brotherhood born in the winters of Stalingrad and the darkness of Communism.
@Schmutte90 7 лет назад
*raises glass in Hungarian*
@araknas3981 7 лет назад
An alliance would get us further. Strong anti-Hungarian and anti-Romanian propaganda from the sides. I can't see such a cooperation coming into existence in the near future. But hey, that would get both of us out of this hellhole! We can't possibly have that!
@TheGameKing0100 7 лет назад
Thank you friend, at nights I always try to dream about our nations working together, without this unspeakable level of hatered what is emerging from both side's far right movements. One day.... *raises glass in Hungarian*
@zoltankatona6828 7 лет назад
Yep we should live in peace, hopefully we will resolve our differences one day.
@StalkerQtya 7 лет назад
Yes-yes, when the romanian army ceded their positions in Moldova and left everything for the hungarian Árpád Line, to fend off the soviets. 'Till, that brotherhood take away thousand of székelys in the Ceacescu regime.
@LuccianoBartolini 7 лет назад
Could we have a Who Did What on WWI about Tisza? He sounds kinda important.
@DoraFauszt 7 лет назад
Lucciano Bartolini He was indeed a key figure!
@Saphrax89 7 лет назад
I agree. That would be an interesting episode, especially the story of his death.
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
Maybe in the future.
@LuccianoBartolini 7 лет назад
The Great War Thank you.
@tamasszabo4490 6 лет назад
He was murdered by returning soldiers from the front. It is odd that he had accepted the immediate demobilization demanded by the Entente. He was the son of Kálmán Tisza, who played an extremely important role in pre-war politics. What followed after Tisza's murder, however, is a complete disaster. And also a perfect example of Hungarian incompetence.
@iulianmircea1078 7 лет назад
I am a simple Romanian, I see Hungary I see a friend, a neighbor and an allied ! All of you who don't seem to be friendly with each other, please, ignore this comment!
@juliustoth7876 5 лет назад
It is no harm in being personal friends but if you know your history then you understand the wearing about Rumanians
@dynogunbattle 7 лет назад
budapest is a beautiful city, and the goulash is outta this world!
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
@StephenLynx8492 7 лет назад
Thanks for uploading this! My great grandfather and his two brothers fought in the Hungarian Army, and served as photographers, before deserting towards the end of the war, and fleeing to America. This was great to watch!
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
Are any of their photos still available?
@StephenLynx8492 7 лет назад
The Great War Unfortunately, I don't know. I know that my great grandfather's name was Franz-Ladislaus Huszar, so if you search the archives, you might find something. I don't have any of his photos with me at the moment, I'm sorry to say...
@mikemike6908 7 лет назад
So he changed his name to the English version of "huszár" when he reached America? That's a badass last name either way lol
@StephenLynx8492 7 лет назад
Miklós Nagy Thank you so much!
@MrAkurvaeletbe 4 года назад
Stev Hussar im sorry to hear that, wish you could be proud of them instead:)
@HaNNibal97smiTH 7 лет назад
We need Austro-Hungarian uniforms special episode
@attilarischt2851 7 лет назад
I want a belgian one. I mean come on people, they had top hats. TOP. HATS.
@wierdalien1 7 лет назад
Attila Rischt pretty fly for a global industrial war
@wierdalien1 7 лет назад
Attila Rischt dun dun dunnn dun
@VelmiVelkiZrut 7 лет назад
It might be interesting, but also a difficult topic to cover in that the uniforms varied wildly at the start of the war before suddenly becoming standardized as copies of the German feldgrau - and this in my mind kind of boring.
@michealohaodha9351 7 лет назад
Then why bother doing uniform specials at all if you're going to leave someone out? Besides the Austro-Hungarians had quite probably the best looking uniforms of any combatant imo
@DeafJamPunks 7 лет назад
My heart flutters. Nobody ever recognizes Hungary.
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
+Vypr should have called it Hungarian-Austro Empire.
@lukemcclure3567 7 лет назад
The Great War yes!
@theextexianlibertarian3332 6 лет назад
a terrible thing, Hungary has an incredibly unique and fascinating history. Though I may be biased my mothers side is Hungarian lol
@VladTevez 7 лет назад
No better _Honvéd_ than _Ferenc Puskás'_ one! Eternal thanks, coach!!
@panduwidagdo7051 7 лет назад
@VladTevez 6 лет назад
@@panduwidagdo7051 Indeed
@paulrigsby2099 7 лет назад
beautiful photos paintings in illustrations in this episode. Great job!
@danielemilazzo84 7 лет назад
"Russian regiments tried to retake the hill a total of 15 times unsuccessfully" and Cadorna was not leading them!
@michealohaodha9351 7 лет назад
Maybe its because all KuK troops weren't the joke everyone likes to think they were ;)
@daithimcnally8212 5 лет назад
You'd think you'd just give up after attempt 10
@Nobele28 7 лет назад
It was lovely to hear about my Homeland (ohh, the pronounciation :D ), thank you for the effort!
@tibikeresztes8207 3 года назад
Thanks for doing this and everything else on Magyar history.
@Milos89kv 7 лет назад
Oh boy, oh boy. Been waiting for this episode since I started following this channel in November 2014, been a loyal fan since. About a map at 8:42. I once bought a fridge magnet shaped as Hungary as a souvenir from lake Balaton while getting strange looks from the lady selling them. When I got home I saw why, it was a greater Hungary map with Slavonia and parts of territory of other Hungarian neighbors. I guess cards played very unfavorably for Hungary at the end.
@pgoings 2 года назад
Even today many (most?) of the magnets that you find in souvenir shops in Budapest depict the pre-Trianon "Greater Hungary." And when we were last there in 2019 there was a large protest against the Treaty of Trianon!
@jpdisenyo 2 года назад
Stories told in detail, with compelling narrative and all with great production values and superb archival imagery - these are excellent. Thank you.
@ZoborWarrior 7 лет назад
Hi Indy, thank you for this episode! From the comments below I guess you get basic idea how the treaty of Trianon "resolved" the Hungarian issue. One remark to Tisza - during the war, he became quite determined to continue fighting till the victory is achieved and that made many people see him as scapegoat for the heavy casualties.
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
yeah, these treaties back then were really good at solving things.
@miklosszabo4551 5 лет назад
Thank you for speaking truthfully and supportively about the Hungarian perspective of the war. It was never in our interest to go into war but we still lost a massive chunk of our lands and there are millions stuck outside Hungarian borders still to this day. We lost our power in the war against the Ottomans and we never got it back but at least one positive can be said about all this, we got our long waited independence. I only wish our countrymen from regions taken away were given the opportunity to move easily.
@Kalimdor199Menegroth 4 года назад
Nobody stops them to move though. Between Hungary and Slovakia there is no border to begin with. Soon, there will be none between Hungary and Romania too.
@kenobidomiwan539 7 лет назад
Yeah! At last you made it! I have been waiting for this episode since i am following the channel, so thanks for this impressive and very good work. ( I will not feel myself jelous anymore to other nations who have own special episodes, so thanks again :) )
@TheMDbauS 6 лет назад
I started watching these a month ago, it has been quite an incredible journey and to think there's a year more to come makes me so excited! Huge props to you and the whole team for working on such an enormous project.
@adriacortesabad8055 7 лет назад
Tell something about Miklos Horthy please
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
+Adria cortes abad we will later on
@adriacortesabad8055 7 лет назад
@adriacortesabad8055 7 лет назад
Yes the first military who enderroc a communist regim
@rpggistrategi5103 7 лет назад
greetings from poland my hungarian friend
@adriacortesabad8055 7 лет назад
RPGgi Strategi Im spanish
@silvioevan11 7 лет назад
8:48 Impressive and unbelievable statistics about Hungarian losses. Now one can understand the hot fights in some comments here between Hungarians and Romanians. It is complicated, both think they are the correct side about the fairness/unfairness of their fates after the war.
@martonk 7 лет назад
As a hungarian, my humble opinion is that Hungary as a loser of the war deserved some border limitations /croatia, northernmost slovakia etc./ where no hungarians lived. the problem is that too many land was taken away with still pure hungarian ethninity despite the ethnic segregation in the little entente countries. We deserved punishment, but not THIS much
@wierdalien1 7 лет назад
Kónya Márton like germany
@emil5111 7 лет назад
Kónya Márton i get your point, but Im Romanian from transylvania, my great great grandfather fought for Austria-Hungary, but to give the small part of transylvania that had majority Hungarians, would mean creating a enlave in Romania surrounded by Romanians, this would be bad for mainy the Hungarians as it could have easily been swallowed up by Romania or at best the Romanians would deny transportation between the two countries or stop Hungarian good from entering which has the right to do as a sovergn nation, this would mean all the Hungarians in that region would starve to death and if Hungary declared war then Romania could have annexed the Sezleky land regardless and It would have been all Hungarys fault. I think the only way Hungary could have kept more of its land is if it was right by hungary.
@gaborperak2333 7 лет назад
silvioevan11 The "funny" part is that czechs dominated slovakians,and serbians dominated the croatians afer the war. Was it rightful? Did the winners made peace? Most of the separated nations didn't live in peace. They get their freedom cca. 70 years later.(serbian-croatian war 1991) The main reason of this separation was to weaken the empire(it is ok)...not to be fair with the "molded" nations. BTW I am from hungary. In my point of view this reason is funny....from the mouth of an englishman. They ruled africa..and what about Great Britain?! :)
@gaborperak2333 7 лет назад
***** The map shows, that your government claimed that territory. Purple is what romanians claimed,etc.
@balintbako7468 7 лет назад
Thanks for making this video. I've been waiting for it since I found your channel :)
@akos2393 7 лет назад
Thanks for the video! Nicely done! I had one great-grandfather severly wounded at the Isonzo, and one captured POW will the end of the war. Isonzo/Doberdo is a word(s) almost all Hungarians know, as a place of tremendous sacrifice and suffering.
@olivertoronyi2462 7 лет назад
Just imagine...one day, youre living in an empire, the next day you belong to a totally different state. The man who marked the new borderlines was mentally challanged or drunk. There are still many many hungarians in south Slovakia after 100 years. They been trapped here and have to belong to a state which hates them...not a bright future.
@thebandofbastards4934 7 лет назад
Oliver Toronyi Blame the british for that.
@jozepska 7 лет назад
It was mostly because of the railway lines. There was a big railway line in south slovakia, that were able to move troops really quickly in that area, so the Entente wanted that to be part of their new ally.
@thebandofbastards4934 7 лет назад
jozepska They only cared about the tactical forms not the etnic or cultural ones.
@thurin84 7 лет назад
was reading a book by a gypsy holocaust survivor years ago. i forget the exact sequence but it went something like this; born in austria hungary, went to 1st couple grades in hungary, graduated elementary school in poland, went to high school in germany, returned home in romania. other than being taken to death camp, never left home village (in other words, the area changed hands that many times).
@florindiaconu6102 7 лет назад
Oliver Toronyi only three counties in the middle of romania have a hungarian majority. an they are surrounded by ccounties with romanian majority. what is unfair in this matter?
@kaboom138 7 лет назад
I've been hungering for this episode for quite a while. Great job Indy and Team!
@brunostudios101 7 лет назад
The Great War, you are doing such an amazing job here spreading knowlage, I enjoy it immenslely, I'm actually from Croatia( ex.A-H. empire) and if you find a little time to talk about it and other balkan states in the ex A-H. empire you would make my day :) . All the best wishes!
@leobasic2288 7 лет назад
brunostudios101 I ja strpljivo cekam kad ce nas malo vise spominjat
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
+brunostudios101 we actually said exactly that in this video
@brunostudios101 7 лет назад
OO pozdrav! Ma budu vjerovatno ubrzo, nesto su spominjali
@brunostudios101 7 лет назад
So I did hear that right, thank you very much for the reply, and again, a great job you're doing.
@Mrpizzahere 7 лет назад
Thanks for this @TheGreatWar; have been reading Paul Ignotus's "Hungary" from 1972 (one of the bibliographical recommendations from B Anderson's Imagined Communities) and this really helped flesh out the War Years a little. As per p137 of that book, it seems most people did not know of Tisza's initial trepidations about the war and "subsequently he was considered the last-ditcher of the Central powers".
@matyosukosd7015 7 лет назад
Yes, yes, yes and yes. I waited this episode for 3 years.
@mattgeorge90 7 лет назад
Thanks for producing such a great series. Enjoy watching very much!
@michaels5917 7 лет назад
@112BALAGE112 7 лет назад
Nope. That's Poland's business.
@PlastiPL 7 лет назад
Actually Poland took the idea of hussars (early version) from Hungary :P At the biggining hussars were light cavalry based on Ottoman units
@michaels5917 7 лет назад
Come on this worked in the cob 6 reveal trailer D: but lol I heard the unit name and was like Yesssss
@warwickeng5491 7 лет назад
@lusciouslucius 7 лет назад
PlastiPL serbia -》hungary-》 poland
@daviderdei1920 4 года назад
Jó érzés hogy máshol a világban emlékeznek, megemlékeznek, tudnak rólunk magyarokról. Köszönöm. 🇭🇺🇭🇺❤❤💪
@franshakvoort6874 7 лет назад
I really appreciate the fact that many of your videos are almost or exactly 10 minutes long.
@joshuadevonshire4561 7 лет назад
I hope once you've finished with the Great War you'll basically do the same thing back for a different conflict/political crisis. Thank you so much for giving us such a high quality channel!
@bbartt80 7 лет назад
Indy and crew: great show! Interesting thing: I was born and lived for 20 years like 15 minutes drive from the Limanowa and yet I've never heard about the battle that took place there... Maybe you could prepare a special about the battle of Limanowa?
@jeszimate 7 лет назад
Trianon is the definition of injustice.
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
+jeszimate why?
@jeszimate 7 лет назад
Hungary lost a ridiculous amount of territory while Hungary haven't even start the war. As you said, Hungary lost 60% of its population. 3.3 million of them were hungarians. Trianon was unjust because the Little Entente haven't only take the mostly not-hungarian inhabited lands but also lands where Hungarians were the majority. And also how did Austria gain land from Hungary if they were the losers of the war too? Basically, they started the war. Hungary had those territories for 900 years and then take them away like this is very frustrating.
@spazzmaticus8222 7 лет назад
It's the reason why ~30% of all ethnic Hungarians got stuck outside their own country, which kind of exposes the hypocrisy of the Entente leaders.
@CiubyX 7 лет назад
jeszimate As far as I know all territories that were part of the empire were restitued/gain their country. Hungarians bsing 60 years part of the Austrian Empire in equal status - when you say Empire it is multicultural by definition - like ottoman empire it broke into its cultural pieces to form homogenous nations. By the same rationality you provide Hungary as once under Turkish rule should still be the part pf the Turkiah state. Those two conglomerates mentioned above crumbled when a nationalist awakening hit Europe.
@retek107 7 лет назад
At the treaty no matter how good hungarian politicians argued the borders were not drawn at the edge of ethnical territories, so MANY hungarians got stuck outside of the borders. And the ironically funny thing is that Austria got territory from Hungary after dragging Hungary into war.
@materialmatters2759 7 лет назад
I reckon this will turn into a Bohemian rapsody..
@tommy-er6hh 7 лет назад
That is Czech, not Hungarian.
@materialmatters2759 7 лет назад
I mean this Channel's coverage of the various parts of the AH empire will turn into a Bohemian rapsody. An assasination followed by thunderbolt and lightning.
@tommy-er6hh 7 лет назад
Ah, you refer to Queen's song, not to the classical piece. Pardon.
@kristianangelov3719 5 лет назад
Admirations Hungary from Bulgaria!
@HermesTrismegistos333 7 лет назад
Thank you for this video behalf all hungaryan history lovers. :)
@boroslevente1204 7 лет назад
Bacsó Ábel ilyenkor jó érzés h nem csak én nézek külföldi videósokat :D
@arianjd 7 лет назад
Really great episode! I am very glad with how smoothly you included so much information into such a short documentary video. I am still patiently waiting to hear more about Croatia, even though my expectations are not high since it did not play such an incredible role in the Great War which is the primary focus of the channel. For now, I am more than glad with that atleast Broz Tito was mentioned. It is both saddening and great that only about a year is left before these great episodes conclude and the main story unfolds and eventually dies. Saddening, since this would mean no more episodes from one of my favorite channels, but great since, in a more historical context, the unjustified and unneccessary butchering of millions is soon to end. Good luck, and thank you!
@maxmaeser1001 7 лет назад
Amazing and informative as always!
@Mao-qp6rd 7 лет назад
This channel has much higher quality content than a lot of the crap that's on the TV. You guys are great!
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
@Mao-qp6rd 7 лет назад
@ragusters 7 лет назад
Best RU-vid channel
@davidadam7263 7 лет назад
Thank you for making this episode, and special thanks to Indy for trying to pronounce the names! :) You have great potential, Sir!
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
We try our best with the pronunciation, it's not always easy. Hungarian was especially challenging as you might be aware, haha.
@Jackadiah 7 лет назад
Question for Out of the Trenches; What were the British and French reaction to becoming allies during the war. They were traditionally enemies and now they had to fight side by side with each other. Surely there had to be some animosity between them. Keep up the amazing work 👍🏻
@eriktillman8114 6 лет назад
And they'd already worked together in the Crimean War.
@csoki1998 7 лет назад
I am a big fan of your channel, thank you for this video from Hungary! :) "Boszniának hegyei, a fekete kövei, az magyar királyé. Mégis az a Szerbia, az a kutya Szerbia el akarja venni. Megállj, megállj kutya Szerbia! Nem lesz tiéd soha Bosznia! Mert a magyar nem enged, míg a vére megered, bármennyit is szenved..." (Magyar katonanóta 1914)
@ynvaser7 7 лет назад
Károlyi Mihály is the greatest traitor in Hungarian history. His decision to disband the remaining standing army returning to Budapest after the war made defence against the Romanians and other opportunists impossible.
@olgaszabo5967 7 лет назад
"Szent" Istvánnál nagyobb áruló nincs a magyar történelemben.
@bumpycat3698 7 лет назад
Olga Szabó Imádom azt a csávót!Felnégyeli a nagybátyát és egy királyságot Róma hatalma alá helyez és ezért szent lesz.
@olgaszabo5967 7 лет назад
De nem is élvezte a hatalmát - mindkét fiát megölték -, amit árulással szerzett meg, meg az ellenség behívásával.
@kodan7879 7 лет назад
+ OP A faszt helyezte róma hatalma alá. Éppen elenkezőleg! Megszabadult a Német-Római birodalom hatalmátol. Igen tényleg milliókat ölt meg. De legyünk kurva őszínték. Ha nem tette volna kb 100-150 évig bírjuk és vagy a németek vagy a lengyelek együttes erővel bekebeleznek minket a picsába egy jól irányzott keresztes hadjárattal. És úgy járunk mint a poroszok vagy a litvánok. (A poroszok teljesen a litvánok pedig majdnem hogy kihaltak és elnémetesedte/oroszosodtak)
@Appolon01 7 лет назад
Nem feltetlen,mivel ketlem,hogy ha nem vettuk volna fel a keresztenyseget az ok oldalukra alltunk volna,es vedelmeztuk volna Europat,inkabb engedtuk volna at a torokoket,mint rokonnepet...Sok fele lehetseges jovo lett volna,de az az egy dolog biztos,hogy miutan elarultuk az osi vallasunk,azutan csak vesztes csataink voltak,azutan jott a sok szenvedes a magyar tortenelemben...
@TheBoss-dg2sz 7 лет назад
greetings and respect from Albania.
@kodan7879 7 лет назад
My Great-Great Grandfather was a Hungarian soldier on the Italian front.
@tadeasgubala7576 5 лет назад
Mine too
@bobbyyclark9145 7 лет назад
have yall ever considerd reviewing world war 1 books like all is quiet on the western front or giving a quick overview on different history books about world war one i think episodes like that would be a great addition to your show
@KeyesProduction 7 лет назад
I wonder what it must have been like, being one of the people who opposed ever starting the war, seeing your worst fears not only come to pass, but be utterly crushed by the even more brutal reality.
@pitdarkangel2961 7 лет назад
And in the end, being killed for "starting the war".
@nejlonelvisz3757 5 лет назад
Köszönjük a videót😀😀🇭🇺🇭🇺
@dj_skydive 7 лет назад
I am Hungarian. And I'm proud of it.
@officerchad1213 7 лет назад
Conrad is such a hansom man isn't he, his socks are really cosy as well
@BeziiSite 7 лет назад
@bencepukli9025 5 лет назад
@laszloistvankolozsi6810 3 года назад
Polska ❤🇵🇱
@LeFaisDoDo 4 года назад
i know it’s way to late for this but you should look up what happened to the 1918 LSU football team! it’s a chilling story
@LymanAbraxas 7 лет назад
Indy you butchered the hungarian language horribly. But dont worry, we still like you a lot.
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
+LymanAbraxas it's Hungarian. Have you seen how hard it is? I mean for outsiders it's a random amalgamation of letters. No frame of reference whatsoever.
@LymanAbraxas 7 лет назад
I know. I'm a Hungarian. I doesen't even know every bits and pieces of our own grammar fully well. Its just funny how foreigners sweating blood while they try to pronounce most of Hungarian names of cities or famous persons or landmarks. In the Warhammer world in nottingham the crew just make a contest about who is the first to pronounce my home city name first XD. That was hilarious. Hajdúböszörmény is easy to pronounce like most of Welsh cities :D. Keep up the good work guys! I enjoyed every single one of its episodes.
@Solaxe 7 лет назад
Hungarian has a difficult grammar, but pronounciation is easy
@neoteraflare 7 лет назад
I don't think it was so bad. The pronunciation of "ly" in Mihály, Károly etc is pronounced like the first y in royalty. The "Miskolci","Istvan", "Budapest" was almost good but this "s" is pronounced more like "sh" in english. Tisza was good but not the Szegedi you have to use the same as in Tisza (normal "s" in english) Also in Honvéd (means Homedefender) the "véd" part is pronounced like the "Wade" enlish word.
@gergoszamosvari404 7 лет назад
Well....that's quite true. Until you open a glass of wine.
@paulwolf2775 5 лет назад
Great episode on Hungary. Thank you for a very interesting video.
@mr.mister9607 7 лет назад
Greeting to Hungarian neighbors from Romania!
@mariomarius6612 5 лет назад
for what?
@polarsmallwilly 7 лет назад
Dear The Great War i am doing a project at school about the western front i'm a big fan. I was hoping to get you involved as we watched your video about the Christmas Truce, after me and my friend asked the teacher to put it on i am a huge fan and i would love for you to get involved in some way. Thank You :)
@gaborhorvath1402 7 лет назад
Finally, you talk about Hungary 🇭🇺
@flatjoker600 7 лет назад
Indy and crew great Job as always. Can you do a couple of special episode, after 1918 of course, on the nations that emerged after WWI
@balintvarady5160 7 лет назад
My ancestors are die at the war.19th infantry regiment,pécs. Feltámadunk !
@Fugazinome 4 года назад
bálint várady my father served in that regiment,is mentioned in the book written of that unit,page 288 I believe.His picture,at the end of the book appears as well.
@cheds1971 7 лет назад
great show again, always loved the history of the austro hungarian empire
@csabaattilaborbely8232 7 лет назад
As a hungarian, I have to say, that this episode is fantastic. I've never managed to understand, why Hungary was punished so hard.. Austria also gained territories from my Homeland. Why? They were participating in the war with us too. Romania signed peace before the end of the war, then they got back into it a few days before the end. As a reward, they got Erdély, the richest part of the Hungarian Kingdom. It was just unfair and brutal I think. :(
@noidea843 4 года назад
Romania cross Tisa because Your regime after the war was BOLSEVIC,CHOVIN AND TOTILARIST lead by KUN!!! ROMANIA didn’t wanted to be surrounded by COMUNISTS on North and West ,because KUN declaired that he will make the SOVIET REVOLUTION to ALL HIS NEIGHBOURS,like Serbia ,CHECHOALOVACIA ,AUSTRIA OR ROMANIA SO ROMANIA OCCUPIED BUDAPEST and after the BOLSEVIC GOVERNMENT GONE THEY RETREAT!!!! SIMPLE!!!!
@mate5347 2 года назад
@@noidea843 caps off lol
@UnholyWrath3277 2 года назад
You were unfortunate enough to be on the losing side and so the allies did what they pleased. While it was strange Austria received parts of Hungary the other parts were quite normal. Like the ottomans everyone in the entente knew that Austria-Hungary was going to be divided amongst the victors. Moral of the story is people should know the true risks of war(although I know early Hungarian politicians opposed it)
@MrYourentertainer 2 года назад
@@UnholyWrath3277 The fact that Austria received hungarian territory is not strange at all. The province they received, formerly called "Deutsch-Ungarn" and nowadays called "Burgenland" had an overwhelmingly german population, making up more than 90% of the population there. In 1921 following a plebiscite, in which a huge majority of the population voted in favor of joining Austria (except in the province's capital city Ödenburg/Sopron, which, following the plebiscite therefore remained in hungarian hands up until today) it was decided in accordance to US-president Wilsons 14 points program and the principle of self-determination of the peoples, that the province would be given to Austria.
@alexanderdragan8512 Год назад
Whay……..? The húngarians has been made crimes with the minorithy the y had…. Trianon . Húngaro lose 11 millones , 3 milions onley wos hungar. So justice has been dune…..9 millón no hungarian went to their contry
@dekuzilla91 7 лет назад
Being hungarian myself this was nice to know
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
Glad you enjoyed it.
@0707565 5 лет назад
@noidea843 4 года назад
Ok so you are Hungarian just admit the mistakes or your people and the fact that the History proves that Hungary was a Invader
@dekuzilla91 4 года назад
@@noidea843 find that out for yourself by watching this channel from 1914 to 1918 and figure that out for yourself.
@carson1429 7 лет назад
So in 2039 will this channel began to do episodes on ww2
@jujuwakeup 7 лет назад
Creepycreep they said if they do WW2 it'll be in 2019 on its 80th anniversary
@mr.ramfan8100 5 лет назад
Is that too much for you to count?
@vincivedivicilextalionas4036 5 лет назад
@@mr.ramfan8100 chill out He was probably joking dude this video is from 2 years ago.
@vincentd7666 7 лет назад
Please do a video about the hungarian-italian major battles, my great great grandfather fought there as an artillerist in the hungarian army.
@chrisp5806 7 лет назад
please do a video about the brigata sassari It was an italian brigade from sardinia that was formed because sardinians were discriminated by the other italian soldiers but in the end the brigata sassari got the most medalls from all italian brigades
@Silvio-ny6uz 7 лет назад
I strongly endorse this request. And now allow me a "Drama Queen" moment: this fantastic show will be incomplete without an episode about Emilio Lussu and the Sassari Brigade. I defy you not to get goosebumps while listening to their hymn (it's in Sardinian language) - here a RU-vid ID: Wcgt-0zLTlI "Ajò dimonios!"
@chrisp5806 7 лет назад
Silvio 1983 Yes its the best hymn
@georgewilliams8448 3 года назад
Another excellent video! Great job with the pronunciations!
@EnragedMollusk 7 лет назад
One day, I'd like to be known as "Supreme Warlord".
@martonlerant5672 7 лет назад
Well in english that has a certain association, with mercanaries ravaging and pillaging the land in rural areas. Hadvezér (in hungarian) is a generic term for referring to the top military leader(ship). And its a word that is made by gluing together had(=army), vezér(~lord, but it also indicates that he is directly involved not back at home, dealing with his own stuff). Thus google translate would probably give you warlord, and hilariousness ensues.
@sryan9547 7 лет назад
I think it's amazing that Austria-Hungary had so many different races and ethnicities in its Empire. It had Austria, Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia and parts of Poland, Romania, Serbia and Italy. This seems like so much compared to Germany and France which were almost the same size but largely one people. I have no idea how they kept their empire together for so long.
@martonlerant5672 7 лет назад
Well Habsburgs were very good at one thing. Not dieing out, that is how the got a legal claim to most territories they occupied (as the original rulers heirs all died out, but some Habsburgs could prove genealogy). On a more serious note, keeping it together was not that hard before romanticism. As nationalities weren't seen nearly as important, and there was a common enemy in the Ottoman Empire. Also it helped that they ruled the territories under their local titles, and didn't try to assimilate ethnic groups.
@martonk 7 лет назад
the thing my friend is that the empire didn't always look like this. the Carpathian basin got filled with minor ethnicities when after the devastation of the Ottoman wars Maria Theresa empress tried to bring workforce from abroad. this was the result
@martonk 7 лет назад
***** yes indeed but the.mixture of czechs, germans, hungarians and croats IN MAJORITY is not the same as a load of ethnicities in a massive number
@martonk 7 лет назад
i meant that this ratio: 30% germans 45% hungarians 10% croats 10 % czechs 5% others is not the same as 25% germans 30% hungarians 10% croats 15% czechs 10% serbs 10% vlachs
@claylippert7203 6 лет назад
Many Hungarian nationalists here good. My grandparents moved to the US though after Trianon.
@KisMiska10 3 года назад
Is that Robbie from AFTV as your profile pic?
@DarkshadowXD63 7 лет назад
The great nation of Hungary
@sterianburghelea6567 4 года назад
What's so great? It lost every war in the last century.
@LuísJarles 3 года назад
☝️ Romanian on internet ☝️
@ShiningForce07 3 года назад
@@LuísJarles They like trolling everything in connection with Hungarians. They fear us.
@qasemsoleimani9443 7 лет назад
Excellent episode. Now, I am very tempted to say something like "Transylvania belongs to Hungary" or "Hungarians are Hunnified Dacians", but let's leave it at that.
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
Yes, thank you.
@TheFnatic123 5 лет назад
I'm hungarian, and I'm grateful about this video. Anybody knows, this contract( because it is) is valid until 04. June 2020? Because they made for 100 years. I' curious, what will happen in the next year. Justice for Hungary🇭🇺
@wudzah 5 лет назад
As a Serb, we are happy to give back to Hungary the city of Subotica, if they can give us back the 1.2 million dead in that war. Can they do that? Justice for Hungary? Really?
@alexanderdragan8512 Год назад
No. ..This thing that wos there a contract for 100 yers is stupid invention of the hungars. Trianon has arrived to end with the power of the lusers of WW1 and is made for ever.
@Eric0816 7 лет назад
Will there be an episode about Admiral Miklós Horthy?
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
Probably, yes.
@wonka811 6 лет назад
I hope
@predacorneliu 6 лет назад
Horty rule Hungary in 1920 when the Treaty of Trianon was sign by magyars? Nice guy!
@szebenyikristof4804 5 лет назад
@@predacorneliu Horthy ruled Hungary in 1922 ;)
@predacorneliu 5 лет назад
@@szebenyikristof4804 Miklós Horthy of Baia Mare, the knight of Szeged and Otranto (in Hungarian Vitéz Nagybányai Horthy Miklós, June 18, 1868, Kenderes - February 9, 1957, Estoril) was an Austro-Hungarian admiral and regent of Hungary on March 1 1920 to October 15, 1944. Learn history pls!
@dogukanyel1391 5 лет назад
Respect from Turkey to Hungary
@HUNVilly 7 лет назад
The third common ministry was not finance, only finance regarding to the military. So military budget only.
@steelhammer103 7 лет назад
Damn, now you guys got me really eager to watch those episodes about the immediate post-war Europe.It's to the point where I can't wait the 22months for them.lol.
@RoyaCanadianInfantry 7 лет назад
We need specials for Commonwealth nations and Croatia during ww1
@Kevinkapon 2 года назад
Interestingly, you can't find the Hungarian version of the anthem anywhere, but you can find nearly every other language.
@FerencBulker Год назад
Are you romani?
@zissimus8462 7 лет назад
one thing indy i dont wanna be cheeky but magyar is reading like madyar.
@TheGreatWar 7 лет назад
+Besny Svist well, we could pretend that we know how to speak Hungarian but we can't.
@zissimus8462 7 лет назад
The Great War no problem i cant neither
@Acularius 7 лет назад
I know I'm not Indy, but I never knew that... just one of those things we anglicise poorly. (Would have pronounced it the same way)
@attilarischt2851 7 лет назад
There were a lot of butchering going on, but they write every word they messed up on the screen anyways, so it's not a big issue. ("é" is pronounced as the german "ä", "ly" is actually just a "j", it's a historical relic of the alphabet, and so on. We can always nitpick, but it's totally useless and will end up being an annoyance. )
@zissimus8462 7 лет назад
Acularius each land has its own way of reading. I dont wanna be rude but greatest disadvantage of people from english speeking countries is that they dont have to learn languages and thats the problem because one day they shall have to do that. That wasn't suposed to be hate but rather though
@ANotSoBoringGuy 4 месяца назад
Thanks for covering Hungary!!! 🇭🇺
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