
THE LAST OF US Episode 1 Breakdown REACTION! | Easter Eggs & Details You Missed | New Rockstars 

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@Bongolala909 Год назад
Remember, a lot of the early violence in the game is primarily about getting the player used to the controls. The show doesn't need that, so it's free to explore other dimensions of characters
@SidPhoenix2211 Год назад
22:10 They're not making Joel softer in the show. They're just decreasing the frequency of violence because games & TV are different mediums. The violence will still be brutal. We just won't have as many encounters, if you will. The entire Robert section is mainly a tutorial for the combat. On repeat playthroughs, it absolutely drags kinda aimlessly. The inciting incident is meeting Ellie. It is smart to change the Robert stuff the way they did so we can get to the inciting incident faster. As for Joel's capabilities & ruthlessness: people let him cut in line for the radio. He clearly has clout in the QZ. Reminded me of this conversation in the game where one guy tells his friend to shut up and not offend Joel. Says, "are you crazy? You know who that is??". The radio guy calls Joel a capable guy Marlene hints at what Joel is capable of, "for better or worse" Joel tells that firefly recruiter that he will break his jaw. The guy can tell that he MEANS it lol. Robert clearly being afraid of Joel. And ofc, Joel beating the tar out of that soldier/former client The show is very much conveying the same things, just in a different, often efficient, way that works for the television medium.
@akshaykumaar34 Год назад
its not the violence level, but it disregards the past of joel on how he was, remember he tells ellie that he used to be part of bandits when he gets ambushed on their way after you get a battery from bill. so him trying make some business deals done to just doing something like buying a battery just to go meet tommy, this not only reduces the levels for joel but also for tess. she also is like him, trying to survive and doing anything to get a deal done but she changes after knowing that there is cure. that character change will not happen on here. that transition will be missed in the series compared to the game not only that in the game joel doesn't go seeking tommy, since they parted ways jeol did not care about tommy or where he was or if he was even alive, until they meet him few hours into the game. jeol and tess are cold hearted, tess becomes more understanding when she relalises ellie is the cure and for joel to start transitioning from a cold hearted person to a caring person we see the daughter and father like relationship developing. so this changes some things in the series. so yes joel is more softer and not cold hearted in the series compared to the game.
@reynaldolorenzo8409 Год назад
22:10 Softened them? Hell nah! Marlene literally says “I know what you two are capable off” and we see Joel beating someone to death and Tess told Marlene that they would kill Ellie if they don’t get the car and all of that. I just feel like the show with that change they used the killing to more important scenes than just randomly killing because that’s a game mechanic so the player gets used to the controls and at the same time they can use two plot at the same time to help with the pacing and more connections with needing the battery to go find Tommy instead of just guns. I like every change they did so far, everything has been perfect and added so much more in my opinion.
@rusenakman Год назад
I agree
@anonexe1318 Год назад
Tess sees Robert's dead body, totally ignores it and starts talking about the battery and calls him a ''greedy fuck'' So yeah i agree, they definitely diddn't soften them
@ChibiHoshiDragon Год назад
They actually made Joel HARDER. In the game, TESS is the Hard one. Joel is a nobody and people aren't afraid of him. Remember Malik? He tries to get in Joel's way and instantly stands down after Tess tells him to. "Sorry Tess, didn't know he was with you" Tess is the one who kills Robert too. SHE was the Scary One
@SidPhoenix2211 Год назад
By "activated", what Mazin is trying to say is that Ellie liked being protected. She's an orphan. She's never had anyone protect her. She barely even had a friend until Riley. So when she sees this man pounce on an armed soldier and beat him to death... She's never had someone protect her like this. She likes that feeling of protection. She likes that the soldier was punished for trying to kill her. His comments in the podcast help to highlight this point.
@pardox28 Год назад
22:10 I don't think it softened Joel & Tess. The weapons that Robert screwed them out of was just an in-game MacGuffin in the first few chapters while you get used to the game mechanics and the controls. (how to run, how to put on a bandage to heal, how to shoot, how to change weapons, etc etc) I actually loved the change to a battery in the show because it's a genius and economical way for them to abbreviate the Robert arc. Now Joel has been thinking of and planning a cross-country trek. Which makes it a bit more believable on how he'd survive such a trek instead of how they have it in the game, where he's mostly winging it. Plus we get to see Tess being the alpha during HER OWN interrogation. And she's super quick to go after Robert even though she just gave her word to him that she'd let it go. That's not softening her character. Now sure, we haven't yet seen them kill a person in cold blood yet (at least not Tess yet) but that is an aspect of tv vs video game rules. Video game violence is a lot easier to wave off than tv violence. It doesn't feel like it should be true but it is.
@abcdefghi2749 Год назад
The flashback helped because just becuase you, as a filmmaker and critic, understood that moment that flashes back to Sara in 2003 dosen't mean that everyone would be able to put those pieces together watching the show without it. Plus, added benefit of emotional cognizance.
@BeastModeGaming2013 Год назад
Man for the first time ever of watching Erik Vos & New Rockstar i just noticed from watching this reaction that he missed a very important lil detail in his breakdown & I'm shocked that he missed that, crazy how he got the Craig Mazin cameo if him being the soldier that kills Sarah but, here's a special cameo they missed. So the Fedra soldier he paid Joel his rations & gave Joel his next job is actually a cameo & that soldier is the video games composer himself "Gustavo Santaolalla" who is also co-composer of the shows music as well.
@nrgao Год назад
Erik doesn’t mention this but the newspaper in the game says it started in “tainted crops” and in the show, notice how Sarah talks about pancakes, the biscuits, the birthday cake-- all the flour references. Definitely a nod to the outbreak origin. He did mention the biscuits and the creators comment on it, but he didn’t connect this to it. Just got to that part of the reaction.
@kratosgow342 Год назад
it's not the flour in the game it's the crops but it seem like in the show they using a bit different angle on the source of the outbreak (flour + global warming)
@nrgao Год назад
@@kratosgow342 ahhh. I meant to say tainted crops. Lol I had flour on my mind the whole time typing that comment. Appreciate the correction!
@ChibiHoshiDragon Год назад
Also, JAKARTA The worlds largest Flour Mill is in Jakarta
@abcdefghi2749 Год назад
Last thing, Joel dropping the wrench is also a nod to the game because you can only use it for 2 or 3 hits before being forced to discard it. Its a physical easter egg.
@Jordashian93 Год назад
Easter Egg: The shirt that Ellie is wearing is the same exact one that young Nathan Drake wears in Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception.
@MrRobeStern64 Год назад
I'm surprised Eric didn't spot that!!
@Jordashian93 Год назад
@@MrRobeStern64 lol. Me too
@alexviye5210 Год назад
Nope. Easter egg minute 1:20:40 there’s a clicker on the roof of the building as they run off into the Quarantine area.
@MrRobeStern64 Год назад
@@alexviye5210 a hour,twenty mins, and forty seconds??? Thought this video is only thirty two mins and forty five seconds
@G1Transformed Год назад
@Cinepals, 22:11 I don't mind the change, as we can all see that Joel is dead inside. The woman he was working with couldn't cremate the young child, but Joel on the other hand did like it wasn't a thing. Ellie coming at Joel with a knife gone thrown into a wall like a sack of potatoes--Joel doesn't care about the world, just his world. When Sarah died, so did his humanity. We're are going to see his humanity return of course through out the series because of Ellie, and it started in this episode, towards the end. Joel's PTS moment put Ellie and Sarah's shoes and Joel wasn't about to let Ellie suffers Sarah's fate, as we saw. Joel failed to "shoot first" twenty years ago, but not this time. 27:14 Those of us playing the game know that Ellie is the person that redeems Joel, and that he sees her as a daughter and that he'd do anything for her. While I'm sure, we'll see that play out in the series, I think the series want to plant those seeds early, just like the first thing we see when we watch the series that its the cordyceps that's infecting people. I see nothing wrong with this change, and I actually like it. 27:30 Do we though? You're watching a breakdown video explaining things you missed...and you've missed some things that were right there. We don't always see the same things, yeah? You and Achara interpreted Sarah's classmate's twitch wrist differently. You thought he was being a kid, while Achara thought he was infected. You both saw the saw thing and saw something else. Go figure. 28:22 I learned something. I thought Ellie was in shock. I thought she wanted to see what was happening, and once she saw she couldn't look away. Most people can't look away at a disaster in progress or after the fact, and I thought this was no different from that. Craig Mason says otherwise, though. Interesting. 31:03 is it the Clicker? You can hear the clicker as the camera goes up to show us one tower leaning on another. That Clicker, however, might have been missed by most people not looking for it. You can see it standing on top of building on the left, just below the two towers.
@ghostlee6434 Год назад
I played the game also but for the love God please don't be those people who played the game and nit-picks when something doesn't match or if something isn't in the game! Just let the non gamers enjoy your reaction to this amazing show. Many of us don't care if the wheel of an airplane that's shown for less than 2 seconds isn't scale or that a light shouldn't reflect at a certain angle. Not everyone watching is a film major
@bhargavipba 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. Pointing out glaring technical mistakes is fine, of which there are none. But becoming fussy about the scaling of a wheel that we see for 1 sec is unnecessary.
@SidPhoenix2211 Год назад
Another thing the video gets wrong: the adults who were being tested in the QZ in the games... Person #3, a woman, is found to be infected. She is not shot, just injected with something (just like with the kid in the show) and she convulses and dies on the ground. Person #4, out of fear, attempts to run and is shot in the back. If you're gonna make a "details you missed", you've got to make sure that YOU get the details right lol
@thegamermansion27 Год назад
True but it doesn't mean that the man wasn't infected, why would you run if you aren't infected, I get it that he was scared, but even being scared, if you aren't infected there's no need to run, chances are he would've been locked up for a while. So actually he did get his details right.
@BlackWACat Год назад
@@thegamermansion27 people don't tend to act rationally with a gun pointed at them, let alone after watching somebody die in front of them
@thegamermansion27 Год назад
@BlackWACat I agree with that, what I'm saying is he could've also been infected.
@Knight93King Год назад
I love that the world has gravitated towards this show. An people who have never played the game are now I’m playing the game and I’m one of them. And yes I am far enough in the first game to where the episodes haven’t spoiled anything.
@datboidego Год назад
24:25 that’s actually how the Cordycepts fungus works, it infects the ant and makes it climb up a tree and use it’s mouth to clamp down to the tree and dies, the fungus starts growing out of the ant so it can drop spores on the ants below
@b.u.l.1734 Год назад
"TV version of Joel is softened". *TV version of Joel proceeds to beat a man to death with his bare hands. Me: 🤨
@semajbrown259 Год назад
21:55 I was fine with it because in the game that section felt more like a “teach the players mechanics of the games” part and I felt like that’s why it was changed and shortened for the show.
@datboidego Год назад
Achara I think the Easter egg your friend was talking about in the end is a Clicker on the rooftop, exactly at 1:20:39 in the show, unless it’s something else she means.
@machicommentsection Год назад
The thing they mentioned about "love" especially that of a parent, it brings me back on what Joel will sacrifice in order to protect the person he loves and would kill to protect.
@nangstalgic4423 Год назад
*Regarding the flashback at the end* As someone who has been watching a lot of reactions videos for this episode. Most of the people I've seen didn't think of the flashback until it was shown. Lots of people did, but most didn't. So I think it was good the included the flashback.
@SidPhoenix2211 Год назад
I have to imagine that the Easter egg in the tilted towers shot was the clicker on a rooftop on the left side of the screen. I managed to catch it on my first viewing.
@reynaldolorenzo8409 Год назад
I didn’t catch it on my first viewing, I was looking at Joel, Ellie, Tess and the towers but then in the first reaction video I watched I saw the mf screaming 😂
@nrgao Год назад
About him being a veteran. I don’t think he is. I think Erik made a mistake. I think tommy is the vet. It’s his truck. He is driving. Hence the great aim when shooting.
@b.u.l.1734 Год назад
Yeah, Gabriel Luna confirmed in an interview that Tommy used to be a sniper (which ties up with what he does in TLOU Part II).
@nrgao Год назад
@@b.u.l.1734 really? Awesome! Haven’t played the game all the way through and it just seemed like if tommy was driving, that would be his truck and his decal. I didn’t understand why everyone assumed it was Joel unless he was a military man in the game.
@cmbbosh Год назад
Easter egg is that there is a clicker on top of one of the buildings when they enter the contaminated area. It’s let’s off a loud screech’s and you can see it when the thunder flash strikes
@ladrac198 Год назад
I don't feel like it softens Joel and Tess at all. They were clearly going to Robert with murder or torture or beating in their minds, but the Fireflies just got him first.
@SinSinny Год назад
Honestly the change with Robert didn’t bother me bc like you said that scene in the game was just to show the ruthlessness with Joel and Tess but the scene of Joel beating the guard to death replaced that. I don’t believe it was to soften them like Voss suggested but more so they felt it unnecessary for the plot. Scenes like that work for the game but tv shows require more story so it makes sense they cut that out and focused more on the basics. I think the creators are purposely saving the brutality/violence for the scenes that really need them.
@reynaldolorenzo8409 Год назад
Not only that but that chapter was basically a tutorial so the players gets used to the controls, that’s why we had to kill so many people but here it doesn’t make sense so the battery plot is better because it connected to smuggling Ellie and Joel had a purpose to get the battery to get his brother, way better than just some guns.
@SinSinny Год назад
@@reynaldolorenzo8409 i honestly didn’t even think about that side of it. I agree
@dustfan Год назад
I could be wrong but I think it's Tommy's truck so I think he is the veteran not Joel.
@reynaldolorenzo8409 Год назад
Yeah, it’s Tommy. He was a sniper…hence why he is so good with it.
@thewatcher3980 Год назад
10:04 Bro swear to God....when I saw that Grandma and My mind literally went to the IT 2 Grandma 😂 No Cap
@abcdefghi2749 Год назад
The scene at the end of the episode was from the game and you can see a clicker and hear it screaming, on the left hand side of the screen, when the lightning lights up the sequence. I think that was the easter egg your friend who worked on the scene in the show was referencing.
@SidPhoenix2211 Год назад
The video got one thing wrong: Joel is NOT a Desert Storm veteran (or a veteran at all). That was Tommy's truck. Tommy is the veteran, not Joel. This is made clear in some of the info about the characters that was released leading up to the show's release. Tommy was a proper sniper in the army. Hence him using the scoped rifle as his weapon of choice in the opening. As far as the games, this doesn't exist in the games. As far as we know, Joel & Tommy are just construction workers.
@OfficialCloverPie Год назад
it doesn't softens the characters imo.., as Heavy Spoilers had said, Car Battery is a better reason to try and hunt Robert than a bunch of guns because their main goal is to find Tommy.., finding the car battery and then the truck to find his brother.., much better reason..
@abcdefghi2749 Год назад
I prefer the change since it shows the toll the ptsd that Joel has since the day of the outbreak in 2003 to now in 2023. It makes it that much more heartbreaking and adds more nuances to the transformation he's gone through over the past 20 years. Also, the time was changed from 2013 to 2003 because of technology and healthcare. Craig Maizin mentioned that humanity would've been more unprepared hence it being more likely that the cordyceps virus would've wiped out humanity then if they left it back in 2013. Also, 20 years later is 2023. After we all just went through a pandemic. So...relatability.
@RichardHunke Год назад
There’s a fungus professional I saw in Joe Rogan on RU-vid, the have a fungus that is used for model maps and takes a the shape and path of the roads most convenient infrastructure.
@J2-Production Год назад
FYI: Sarah/Nico Parker is Thandwie Newton's (Westworld) real-life daughter
@Achara Год назад
I can totally see the resemblance!
@leoa9941 Год назад
27:00 but let's remember that scene was supposed to be in the second episode and not in the first one. So it makes sense, cause not everybody remember every detail episode by episode.
@atinyidea Год назад
i just wanted to add that the landing wheels of an airplane are actually quite small... i don't think its a scale issue, but i do get that just calling it a wheel can give a different image in your head about perspective and scale
@piwild8159 Год назад
Fun Fact : The whole Fungi Part at the start of the episode is actually factually correct...Which make the premisce of the whole game/show even more scarier! These parasitic fungus spores taking over the host body actually exist. Research ''zombie ant fungus'' on youtube and be ready to go down a scary rabbit hole. Not saying the whole ''Last of us'' scenario is lurking around the corner... But just the fact IT COULD happen, is scary AF.
@theawesomeman9821 Год назад
Had no idea before that the showrunner originally wrote the games. No wonder "The Last Of US" is very much aligned to the source material.
@KINGMONZ Год назад
Achara,if the easter egg is the final shot of the episode on the skyscraper then it could be the clicker or runner on top of the right building screeching
@eddier9921 Год назад
The only thing that I saw that could be an Easter egg in the last scene with the towers, is on top of the close left building, there’s a clicker on the roof of it that the scream is coming from
@stephenjames4098 Год назад
I didn’t see the FEDRA soldier lying to the kid as cruel. Quite the opposite.
@anonexe1318 Год назад
I don't think them changing it to a battery softents the characters,because I feel like if Joel and Tess found Robert alive without the battery thye would've killed him, instead it just makes it more personal for joel He wants the battery to go find Tommy, this shows us that he cares for his brother and Tess going along with him even though she seemingly doesn't benefit from helping him, shows us that Joel and her have a strong relationship so i think it gives personal reasons to why they want the battery instead of just wanting guns
@lukesdadway9178 Год назад
Uhm i gotta agree with achara on the "flashback" scene before Joel punches the life out of that guy. Yes, we all get where it's coming from but it really did add a lot of feels in that scene. It's not even qualified as "spoon feed". It's just like the last nail to hammer before entering that state of catharsis. So yea.
@silentassason Год назад
I really enjoy the idea the game and show put out of "love can make you do terrible things" it reminds me of another quote. (Paraphrasing) "the worst atrocities in history were paved by men with 'good intentions '." While it was a quote from JP3 im sure they got it from somewhere else
@NitexOwl_ Год назад
Not sure if I’m remembering this correctly but wasn’t the truck Tommy’s and he was a combat veteran? I remember in the last of us 2 when he’s teaching Ellie to snipe runners
@frederickeusebio5153 Год назад
The episode would have been trash if it ended there. "Here's Joel, the world ended on his birthday, his daughter died in his arms and now he's numb.....see you next week!" Good luck selling that.
@Yeetus__Deletus__PS Год назад
About the Easter egg at the end which Achara mentioned. Probably the clicker on top of the building?! (I got that from Blind Wave. Calvin spotted that in the reaction)
@nth_to_see_here Год назад
They changed the dates to 2013 / 2023 as they said they wanted it to feel more "real". Something that might be happening now, the same time you're watching it, as opposed to 2030.
@fkim8449 Год назад
Loved the old lady in "legion"
@nrgao Год назад
They changed the dates to make the 20 years later match up with our current year, 2023.
@SoulHuN7eR Год назад
Keep calm and Solo shot first! 😅
@anubhav7999 Год назад
Hey pls keep reacting to tlou breakdowns weekly, this gonna be good.
@alexviye5210 Год назад
Easter egg: 🐰🥚🥚🐣minute 1:20:40 there’s a clicker on the roof of the building as they run off into the Quarantine area.
@COOLPEAK Год назад
For the Easter egg at the end it could be the infected on the left roof maybe?
@ERYKo7 Год назад
Why 2003? really? Because is before social media era so it will be more likely for audience to believe that apocalypse struck so unexpected.
@danielLewis-zy9nc Год назад
the easter egg is that there is a clicker on the building moving around
@ruger_oliveri Год назад
Have you seen the wheel of an airplane?? Those things are huge!
@kaleshn3036 Год назад
I found the Easter egg Achara, there is clicker shown in the last frame at the top of left building. We do hear the sound of clicker at the last and it comes from him.
@laurenbendik2006 Год назад
I wonder if ellie’s alias is veronica as a nod to pedro’s deceased mother 🥹
@cooksad Год назад
Nice breakdown and insight in this video. Can't wait to see more. Enjoyed the video and reaction 👍👍✌out.
@KeithEvans88 Год назад
Idky but that opening pic of you makes me laugh every time
@rovas19 Год назад
What they forgot was NaughtyDog’s affinity for Cadmium Yellow to show where to go next.
@laurenbendik2006 Год назад
Tommy is the veteran…maybe joel is driving his truck?
@UtamagUta Год назад
26:53 It just dawned on me. Maybe it's a nod to GoT infamous scene where Oberyn Martell's skull was crushed to a mush in bare hands. Pedro got justice
@rusenakman Год назад
Oh boy, here we go.
@rusenakman Год назад
I don't know if they rush to made this breakdown or something because it's not good as the episode.
@laurenbendik2006 Год назад
Craig mazin has explained that they changed the timeline so that current day could be set in 2023, as it makes it more impactful that it could be happening today.
@victorwalters1036 Год назад
When the elderly lady picked up her face and the tendrils we're showing out of her mouth my mind went to Resident Evil 2 when is zombie reveals itself to Leon/claire the scene is kind of identical.
@abcdefghi2749 Год назад
I'm assuming the scale of the wheel is just to show that the debris ricocheting off the building is just a part of the wheel. The plane exploded after all.
@J2-Production Год назад
The Easter egg in the final scene: > > > > > > > > > > > a clicker is on the rooftop of a building on the left
@scorp77snake Год назад
A few shows are copying the Game of Thrones opening sequence WestWorld is another example
@pratikgiri878 Год назад
Where is that live stream that jaby keeps talking about ?
@TheNeonParadox Год назад
I'm still up in the air about them getting rid of the spores. Yes, it makes it more realistic because the spores would be everywhere and not just in certain enclosed places like in the game. On the other hand, it's problematic, because if the virus only spread by tendrils orally, how the hell did it spread so quickly? Why would it have been even slightly difficult to contain something that only spreads orally, especially with such obvious symptoms? If it's partially or fully asymptomatic, then it would make sense, but the symptoms are, you know, kind of obvious. lol
@reynaldolorenzo8409 Год назад
I’m pretty sure flour had something to do with it and a lot of people had it and didn’t even know, like the scene with Sarah in school with the kid twitching and the other coughing. On top of that in the game it takes longer to turn, like two days but in here if you get infected in the head it’s just minutes which makes it more realistic because it’s closer to the brain and makes it scarier that they can get infected more quickly that way, hence why the neighbors was infected so quickly and everything was very chaotic. I like the change, it’s more realistic and grounded which is something that makes TLOU special from every other apocalyptic universes.
@HonestOpinions4u Год назад
"Pandemic" lol
@marvels1fan485 Год назад
Just realized I had to ditch the original upload just to watch it with ya guys ☺️
@02Prii Год назад
Just noticed you changed your channel name.
@deadpool3_4 Год назад
The easter egg is the clicker on top of the building
@janel1386 Год назад
When did the channel name change? Lol I thought the channel was gone for a minute.
@fkim8449 Год назад
I would like a "the last of us" MMO to
@abaddon_the_annoyer3084 Год назад
Kinda disappointed about them removing the spores. It makes the corpse against the wall pointless as that is the phase that the fungus settles down and releases spores to spread. It also takes away the fact that Ellie can walk into dangerous areas without a mask and just breathe normally.
@KLoveDawgs Год назад
Watching this after Ep. 3, and now we know why Bill chose "Taking a trip with my best friend " 😢
@Haydenkearney2003 Год назад
the video ends 32 minutes in??? idk if its just a glitch on my end tho
@BluEx22329 Год назад
Oooh this is interesting
@fkim8449 Год назад
I think it's a part of the wheel not a huge part 🤔 so they put 2 episodes togheter 🤔 and little changes are good but huge changes are a no no.
@Noid1220 Год назад
He missed the clicker in the ending shot
@salteveline Год назад
where is GetJaby channel ?
@infinitwizdumb Год назад
It was good they removed the spore element because it would highlight the similarities between The Last of Us and the book/movie The Girl with All The Gifts.
@jafilly Год назад
Is it me of does Jaby have some annoying nitpicks in this video... like.. you have to understand that HBO is spending 12 mil and episode to appeal to all people lol somethings have to been done differently to hook the average viewer.. spoon fed scenes are essential to get to a 4.5 mil viewer opening
@sarcasmxkate Год назад
I found that scene with the female FEDRA disturbing. It was very Holocaust like, with Nazi's promising new clothes and food etc. before sending people off to their deaths. Wildly uncomfortable, but fantastically acted.
@noviembre.rz1 Год назад
i agree with the flashback spoon feeding scene.. it lingered too much also
@bisujamatia1 Год назад
Jaby please react Dead To Me whole Season 1,2,&3
@Zombiesnyder13 Год назад
Craig Mazin is incredible He's the one behind CHERNOBYL Too bad BORDERLANDS won't have the same level of quality because of AVI ARAD He's gonna ruin it the same way he ruined TASM2 and UNCHARTED
@rune6947 Год назад
The easter egg was a clicker on the building
@vigneshk13 Год назад
The Easter egg which Achara mentions might have been the clicker which appears at the final shot of the first episode. You can see the clicker on top of a broken building screaming, before they roll the credits.
@W92tv Год назад
I saw this too!! Because of the dark setting you do need to watch it in 4K though
@michaelmarang2853 Год назад
I'm conflicted because I don't want to be over critical about how INSANELY OVER CRITICAL jaby is over a 9 out of 10 episode. Calm the F down Stephen Spielberg
@Sciss0rman Год назад
Not many people catch that for some reason... Merle Dandridge who portrays Marlene is the actual VA for Marlene in the game.
@AregPone Год назад
Only one request for today: if there are no spores in this version, and the fungus is not airborne...how the hell did the old woman get it?
@aoifegillies6838 Год назад
they talk about how the neighbours would often go into the city to get her medication, so it's implied she got it from someone at the hospital
@tatitorodriguez376 Год назад
The Easter egg she’s talking about I herd it in another interview with the shows creators and it’s a clicker.
@LuckDragonLair Год назад
I don't remember if it's been stated, is there any chance Marlene was Sarah's mother? She might be too young but the mixed race would fit and could explain their connection. In the show I mean, I bbn know she's not in the game.
@Nihit_Yadav Год назад
@masiullahchowdhury4554 Год назад
marvel has corrupted my mind.....we saw many differences from the game like no spores, diff years, the cause of the car crash being diff, etc. my mind directly goes to the multiverse, I see this show as a diff universe from the game with a similar story but a slight diff chain of events
@jake_gon_jinn Год назад
22:00 I personally like the game version of that particular scene much better. Cause man we're living in a post-apocalyptic world. It make sense to be way more brutal in your action. And to when I saw it on the game I immediately attached to Tess, that was a signal to me that she was a real badass.