
The Long Con: How Watch Tower Altered the 1950 New World Translation to Support False Doctrine 

Beroean Pickets
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1 окт 2024




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@OneOfTheGirlz Год назад
People are called to different ministries. Eric’s ministry is revealing bible truth that is helping people to allow the scales to fall off their eyes. It’s very clear he is not speaking from a standpoint of anger, but the opposite, of love for the truth and a desire to help others see that same truth. I don’t know Eric but his ministry has changed my life and I pray that he continues in this calling with the boldness and truth led by the Holy Spirit. Thank you Eric!
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words.
@lisatrudell6681 Год назад
Yet, I'm sure that you can understand the emotion of anger that others may feel as they go through the process of dealing with the lies, manipulation, and loss that they have endured. With that said, I agree that his style of presentation is very effective in reaching those that are in the clutches of mind control.
@shawnandrews8406 Год назад
Excellent work indeed. The man is moved by the spirit. The Governing Body of JWs talk too much about the printed pages of watchtower and other publications, which is in fact their Bible. So sick of those men.
@MR-gx3gc Год назад
@@BeroeanPickets As expected, you were able to clarify this crucial question with the well-founded explanations in your two videos. You have succeeded in helping the reader understand the true meaning of Matthew 11:11. As impressively explained in your two videos, the corresponding statements in the New Testament make it clear that the prophets of pre-Christian times have the same hope as the followers of Christ themselves. Your explanation that Matthew 11:9-12 is primarily aimed at John's special time-bound role as a human prophet is, in my opinion, of paramount importance. In my view, that interpretation is supported or underlined by the following statement. In this context, the following statement in the Bible text seems to me worth mentioning. I would therefore be interested to know the importance you attach to this declaration. According to Matthew 11:11, John's position as one of the prophets born of women is emphasized. Matthew 11,9+11 (NWT Study Edition) "9 Really, then, why did you go out? To see a p r o p h e t ? Yes, I tell you, and far more than a prophet. "11 Truly I say to you, among those b o r n o f w o m e n , there has not been raised up anyone greater than John the Baptist, but a lesser person in the Kingdom of the heavens is greater than he is." It is revealing that the Watchtower Society has chosen the following formulation in its German translation to underline the future destiny of John as a human being. Matthäus 11,11 (NWT Studien Ausgabe) "Ich versichere euch: Unter den M e n s c h e n * gibt es keinen Größeren als Johạnnes den Täufer. Und doch ist jemand, der im Königreich des Himmels eine geringe Stellung hat, größer als er." According to John 1:11, the rebirth of God, which only became effective after Jesus' sacrificial death and subsequent outpouring of the Holy Spirit, is mentioned as a prerequisite for entering the kingdom of God. John 1,11-13 (NWT Study Edition) "He came to his own home, but his own people did not accept him. 12 However, to all who did receive him, he gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in his name. 13 And they were born, not from blood or from a fleshly will or from man’s will, but from God." This fact is confirmed in John 7:38-39. John 7,38-39 (NWT Study Edition) "38 Whoever puts faith in me, just as the scripture has said: ‘From deep within him streams of living water will flow.’” 39 However, he said this concerning the spirit, which those who put faith in him were about to receive; for as yet there was no spirit, because Jesus had not yet been glorified." As you mentioned, at the end of his 11th chapter of Hebrews, Paul pointed out this aspect, emphasizing that with this Pentecost event in Jerusalem, the just or faithful prophets of pre-Christian times also achieved their goal. In my opinion, Paul was also referring to this group of people with the term "the righteous who have been made perfect" in connection with the heavenly Jerusalem according to Hebrews 12:23. Hebrews 11,39-40 (NWT Study Edition) "39 And yet all of these, although they received a favorable witness because of t h e i r f a i t h , did not obtain the fulfillment of the promise, 40 because God had foreseen something better for us, so that t h e y m i g h t n o t b e m a d e p e r f e ct a p a r t from us."
@MR-gx3gc Год назад
@@BeroeanPickets I wanted to let you know about a recent discussion sparked by an aspect you highlighted in your videos. The findings that can be derived from this aspect are of groundbreaking relevance. However, it is to be feared that this information has not been sufficiently taken note of by viewers. As Jehovah's Witnesses explained to me again, Revelation 21:1-5 is understood to mean that God will preserve the existing heavens and earths forever. Jehovah's Witnesses assume that the separation between heaven, which is considered the seat of government, and today's earth as a habitat for finally redeemed humanity (including the Great Crowd) will continue. The resulting implications are of paramount importance. In this case, the separation between God, the Father of all His creatures, and His creatures as it still exists today would be maintained forever. However, Revelation 21:1-5 says exactly the opposite, namely, that through the literal renewal of heaven and earth, God will forever remove the separation between Him and redeemed mankind. Therefore, it is emphasized in this context that God will dwell with people and not that He will dominate them. In my opinion, therefore, the new world will no longer be comparable to the one we know today, as God denied Adam and Eve access to the tree of life through their transgression in the Garden of Eden, which apparently symbolizes the ultimate goal of finally redeemed mankind (Genesis 3:22-24; Revelation 22:1-2). The approach you have found must therefore be regarded as absolutely groundbreaking. The term "kingdom of God" or "kingdom of heaven" and not "kingdom in heaven" refers to the origin or source of this dominion, but not to its literal seat. ========================== This representation is brilliant. With the parousia of Christ, the multitude of human governments (kingdoms of the earth) is definitively replaced by a single divine government ("kingdom of heaven"). The concept of the Watchtower Society, according to which the divine government will be hundreds of millions of light years away from its actual subjects, is therefore untenable. God's ultimate goal is to eliminate the division caused by the Fall, not to cement this condition. In this case, people would ultimately remain dependent on human government institutions and formal laws. Since Jesus and his brothers will literally fulfill their task as royal priests on earth, the concept of the Watchtower Society also proves misleading, according to which today's elders, who do not belong to the group of the "anointed", will exercise a dominant function as princes on this earth, as a satellite or proxy government, so to speak. (Revelation 5:9-10; 20:7-10) The Watchtower Society must stick to its concept in order to legitimize its teaching of the invisible, i.e. undetectable presence of Jesus since 1914. With this in mind, I would like to thank you once again for your valuable information and explanations.
@haynehifanny8006 Год назад
Nothing short of exquisite excellence. I was an elder in the Cult for 3 decades, deceiving many with Matt.11:11. I wish I could go back to correct my indoctrinated Nonsense! Great thanks 😊 Eric. Your book is on my table.
@mamajan99 11 месяцев назад
I did about 20 years behind the WT prison bars. LOL! I have loved Jehovah my whole life and thought the busywork at the KH would show that love. Sadly, the WT, like Satan, wants that love and obedience. They even demote God's only begotten Son to a mere angel, equal to Satan. Do I have regrets? I view my experience as a valuable life lesson that I'll never forget. It enables me to understand the still trapped victims even as Paul did his blind Hebrew relatives.
@haynehifanny8006 11 месяцев назад
@@mamajan99 💯% Remarkable!
@lulubellers Год назад
@19:21 great point to everyone slaving away in the watchtower cult. But of course, most of them don't even know what watchtower actually 'teaches'.
@dissidentfairy4264 Год назад
Wow! Thank you for untangling a maze of confusion!
@karenwestberg5838 Год назад
Thank you for making clear the true motives of the Watchtower:
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
You are very welcome
@ilyahart2446 Год назад
Thank you, brother Eric, for another video. There is food for thought. I checked the latest Russian translation(NWT) for 2021, and there is a clear distortion: "From the days of John the Baptist, people have been striving to enter the kingdom of heaven, and those who make every effort achieve this goal." The truth will be revealed sooner or later anyway. The main thing is that people should love and seek the truth.
@TheBreangelina Год назад
I just came to the first bible study that y'all have on the website yesterday. When my husband heard it, he said... this is way the study of the bible should be... studying straight from the bible. I came into "the truth" on my own at the age of 16... All I ever wanted to do was serve God. Recently, I had a strong feeling I couldnt ignore. Information kept coming to me about the falsehoods of the organization and about truths in the scriptures. After that, I told my husband I had to partake because if it was between denying Yahweh or being denied by men... I would rather be denied by men and live in truth. I cried so much while I was still in because I told my elders and then pursued me in trying to disfellowship me... They asked me if I was an enemy of Jehovah and my husband could hear me crying and telling them that I loved Jehovah and that I wasn't nor would ever want to be his enemy. My husbands family are JWs and his mom and sister consider me an apostate even though I've always been very studius when it came to the bible and they knew very well that it was my whole lifr. They didn't like when I looked into the giants in the bible, leviathan, and the history of the tribes. They called it irrelevant... unimportant... even though its our history that Yahweh placed in scripture. Yahweh says his people are destroyed for what...? A lack of knowledge because they *reject* knowledge. If it wasn't for Him, I wouldn't have left because it was my whole life. It makes me so happy to see many leaving but still being able to maintain their strong faith in Him and Christ.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
@TheBreangelina It's so good to have you with us. I know how hard it can be to give up all one's former associates, friends, and even family. Of course, we do not give them up, but they leave us. Nevertheless, the result is the same and it hurts. But we do it out of love. Love for God first and foremost, but also love for friends, family, and neighbor, because only by acting courageously and setting a good example can we hope to lead them away from the falsehoods of men into the light of God's word.
@alliemeade2409 Год назад
I really needed these words of encouragement as well. I left every single person in the organization to start over again.
@mamajan99 Год назад
"I had a strong feeling I couldn't ignore" We had to ignore our own cognitive dissonance. But in doing so we also had to ignore the Bible itself! "Beloved, do not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet]; instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1
@mamajan99 11 месяцев назад
You didn't leave them. They left us, They were not of our sort.
@mamajan99 11 месяцев назад
@@alliemeade2409 I hope you are doing well, Thankfully there are good, non-judgemental people in this world. They often are God's children too. The wheat and the weeds grow together. Christians, shunned by the goats go through their personal Great Tribulation day after day. Christ will always be there for us.
@blaircaines Год назад
I can not believe it. But there it is in plain writing . I've been so blinded by this Bible NWT. It makes me sick. thanks for clearing it up Eric. Just to think, The brother and sisters from the congregations I visited in the past are being blinded from the truth on what the bible really says. it's so corrupted,,,,
@llg7456 Год назад
So many false claims. I no longer refer to them as Jehovah's witnesses. I now refer to them as Watchtower Witnesses"
@mamajan99 11 месяцев назад
I have some other names..."Man of lawlessness" is a good one too.
@ismaelamadot3893 Год назад
Thank you brother Eric. As always wonderful. Many blessings from Jehovah and Christ. Amador, Kingdom Christian from sunny Puerto Rico.
@ticktock3526 Год назад
I’ve chewed on it and this is how I feel. I believe Jesus is saying that no matter how great John’s role or work was as a man it doesn’t compare to what he or any other member of the kingdom will be when they becomes sons of God.
@dawill2doit Год назад
Eric, thank you again! You truly brought this thought home. By them changing Matthew 11:12 they are disregarding our Lord's words, authority and position. If they don't place emphasis on his speech, it will not have that effect on the listener. Therefore the 1914 doctrine invisible appearance is not challenged at all. (Even when they make up ludicrous doctrine to replace the "old light" ludicrous doctrine 😀) For Jesus Christ himself said in Matthew 24:23 "If Anyone says to you, Look here is the Christ!.....do not believe it. And in vs. 26 "There he is....or here he is...do not believe it. Yet the years of JW working with Satan has blinded their minds. Therefore I thank you for showing your listeners who is steering them away from The Christ. JESUS IS THE WORD, HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE! 🙏 Blessings Eric, snatch them out the 🔥 my brother.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
@amonekd Thank you, my brother, for your kind words.
@KillTheEgo1223 Год назад
Eric, thanks again for putting together this video and clarifying the meaning of Jesus’s words. I especially liked the part about where you made the point, it’s not where kingdom is located, but it’s authority and I do believe thats what Matthew was focused on.(3:09.)However, when Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and his disciples in Luke 17:21, he was speaking about the location of the kingdom and how “in your midst” actually means inside of us. (10:25) In the Dialott translation the Greek word used is EVTOC which is translated MIDST in Luke, but in Matthew 23:26, the only other place that word is used in the New Testament, it’s translated INSIDE. In the Kingdom Interlinear translation, however EVTOC is translated in both places as INSIDE. So I believe that the KJV has it right when it translates it as the Kingdom being within us as to the location because Jesus did say several times in John 17, that he and his Father would dwell inside of us, his true believers. Anyway just some food for thought and let me know what you think. Thanks again for all the work you do. Peace 😊
@Rick_Alden Год назад
It is very regrettable that, for so many years, we blindly followed the theology of one single man, Frederick W. Franz.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
Some claim he was a high functioning autistic.
@aiercooledengine Год назад
Having known him personally I can agree with that assessment.
@margaretislas2916 Год назад
I got sick when I started getting their twisted and deceiving teachings and I could not continue going teaching people their lies. My whole soul was in anguish and Thank to God the Father of Jesus and our Father that I found your channel; Listening to you I started leaving. Thanks so much Eric for your life saving work Now I am free . John 8:32 . I am also ready to preach the message of the Christ . May prayers are with you so you continue doing this important work. People need to know the truth and listen to the instructions of Jesus and also heed the warnings of Jesus regarding the ravenous wolves. These charlatans are in for the money and power. They use the sheep to go and make more disciples for themselves in order to increase their bank account and their investments in the stock market; when they see that their business, power and position is at stake; they pay great amount of money for attorneys and compensation for the victims of their pedophiles . Wow to them because they fleece the sheep but, they abandon the needy ones, the widows and the orphans. By means of their false and brutal indoctrination they take away the will of their members and use them depriving them from their lives . They use task master to make sure that the money keep coming to their bank and to bully those who don’t perform the way they demand. Wow to them because they use the kingdom as an excuse to slave people and dispose them like trust when they are old and sick; but before they die, they make sure that the poor victims sign their belongings to them if they have any. That’s wicked. Wow to them because they self appointed as kings and live like kings in their luxury castles catheter by all those who obey them like obeying gods. Wow to them because Jesus has not arrive and therefore he has not approved them as worthy to rule but, they are ruling anyway. People are going extra mile to mentally clone more people to work for their business. Matthew 7:15- 23 Wow to them because they close the kingdom to people. Matthew 23: 15 Thanks Eric sorry I get so upset thinking about how much time I wasted… May the holy spirit continue with you and may God protect you from those ravenous wolves. They are very vicious. That’s why people hate them; they claim that they are hated by the “ apostates “ No… They are hated because they are doing the dirty work of the devil…
@mamajan99 11 месяцев назад
"I get so upset thinking about how much time I wasted" Many of us also feel that way. But what a powerful lesson we all learned that we would not know had we not gone thru that tribulation when woke up. Eric uses that same energy in a very powerful way, doing much good for God's wounded sheep.
@linvest8466 Год назад
Yes what hope does anyone have if the new covenant is not offered to them, or what hope does anyone have if they do not have Christ as their mediator, or who do not believe the Bible was written for anyone seeking God and his word? The JW governing body’s role is to prevent millions from following God through the one he sent with his word. The WT governing body is the mountain that we must move out of our way!
@vintage6346 Год назад
I'm saving a screenshot of your comment. Well said!
@josephd27 Год назад
Yes, watchtower is trying to steal everyone salvation. Come quickly Lord and destroy these evil men
@nimanetcham7879 Год назад
Thank you Eric let god our heavenly father bless you.I personaly pray for those who continue to support watchtower doctrines without questionning
@MariaNunes-po5rc Год назад
WT also make s enormous change regarding the two witnesses rule. Deuteronomy chapter 19 , 15 States: by the mouth 👄 of two witnesses or by the mouth 👄 of three witnesses the matter should be established. King James version American standard New World translation ( the old Bible) But when WT published the New Bible in 2013 with the silver cover 📔 They removed the word MOUTH 👄 From the verse using or hidden the word with the sign * star or #. Why ? WT knew the huge number of CSA cases and eventually going to Court because of those cases. WT by changing the Bible verse they are arguing with the judge by saying : We are not going to chance our scriptural two witnesses rule. But they already changed it..... Almighty GOD YHVH Never ever request two eye 👁️👁️ witness regarding this situations. WT gave permission to themselves to change God,s word. How cleaver.... Authorities they should know about this change. Crist he is exposing All the corroption done against the Holy name of GOD YHVH Against the scriptures Against to the children. Repent WT while you still have time left.. The door is closing....
@shawnandrews8406 Год назад
Great work Eric. Never understood it this way. They really did bad. Wicked men.
@7M-7 Год назад
Excellent explanation!
@PrinceGeorge-j7j Год назад
Well explained by br.Eric. William Barclay has a similar explanation.keep up your good work. Thanks.
@JKV84 Год назад
Great work brother. Your work is much appreciated - changed my life. No longer in doubt whether or not to return to the organisation after 20 years out. Been in doubt for all 20 years. It is a great relief to no longer be in chains of men.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
@Keler -- That you so much for your kind words. Well said, "it is a great relief to no longer be in the chains of men!" Enjoy your freedom in Christ to Worship our Father in spirit and truth.
@rationalrabbit797 Год назад
Many people talk about Bible "truth", and how open it is to interpretation, and how, as in this case, wicked people can mislead people as to what the Bible really means. Yet these same people ignore the fact that the Bible was written by the very same imperfect, wicked human beings in the first place. So having faith in the Bible means accepting that those who wrote it are a special breed of righteous, relatively perfect people who made no mistakes, and had no bad intentions, and who got the exact truth down in writing. We are also having to believe that since the original writings were made, all the copying of the texts was done accurately, and that no wicked people ever succeeded in deliberately corrupting that text in the intervening 2000+ years. In addition we have to accept that all the translations into different languages was done precisely by everyone involved over the centuries. All this despite the fact that the Bible itself states in no uncertain terms that we must not put our trust in human beings, but only in God. Also we have to turn a blind eye to all the many cases of multiple copies of Bible texts having been found that differ with each other, proving that copying was not done accurately. In addition, the Bible was, as is evident from the term "Bible", not a single book or work, but a collection of bits and pieces, decided upon by committees over the years, comprising often second or third hand snatches of conversations written down sometimes decades after the event and by people who were not actually eye witnesses of those events. Despite all this, people study this work of so called "truth" and nit pick about the details of accounts that are extremely vague, trying to infer meanings by clutching at straws, and by massaging and manipulating the various accounts in order to extract their "truth". Really, I think this whole business is crazy. Anyone with a truly open mind would surely have to admit that we do not know and cannot ever know if any of the Bible is actually true for sure. I suspect and personally believe that much of it is true, but I do not know nor can I claim to know which bits are and which bits are not. Nor do I believe that anyone else can. I have never heard any explanation by anyone about Bible doctrine that I can honestly say without question "that is true". I certainly do not believe that the God of all truth would expect His servants to "guess" there way to His truth from some 2000 year old book. Does that sound likely? Would the God who said that we must follow His instructions accurately, neither deviating to the right or the left, give us the Bible to instruct us? This vague collection of bits and pieces from who knows who is supposed to provide sinful, imperfect humans with accurate instructions? Really? Answer this question - where in the Bible is there an account of one of God's servants who was given instructions by God by means of writing on papyrus which was to be found buried in the sand, dug up in pieces, then translated into a different language? Did God ever even give any kind of instructions in writing to His servants. The only example I can come up with was Revelation. But then this writing was given to it's writer John by Jesus in a vision, and John was told to write it down, and told who to give it to (the seven churches in Asia). No where in the Bible does it say that the writings of the Bible were to be given to future people as instructions from God. I know that the JW interpretation of the Bible is complete and utter nonsense - a stream of lies from beginning to end, many of them pointed out to me by Eric Wilson on this channel. There are many excellent RU-vid channels taking apart and criticizing the JW teachings, as in the case of this rather excellent channel. But many of these channels are run by Athiests. And those that are run by "Christians (a religion that does not even exist in the Bible)", still comprise many who disagree with each other over doctrine, and whose doctrines are almost as nonsensical as the JW's. IF their is a God (i believe there is one), He certainly is not active on the Earth at the moment. If God were actively supporting a group of people on the Earth, we would know it - there would be no doubt. God would not pussy foot around in a subtle way. Did Jesus do so when he raised people from the dead, or cured the very sick, or walked on water? If God turns His attention to the Earth again, we will all know it. I do not believe in any religion. I believe we are meant to worship God secretly in our heart, not in a special building in fancy clothes like we are putting on a show. Jesus never went to Church. Paul never went to "Church". Church meant the congregation, not the building. And we are meant to worship God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, not a couple of 2 hour sessions per week. Worship is an attitude not an action or a performance. With the current "religions", to "worship" god 24 hours a day would mean we would have to all live in the church building. One day God will re-establish His presence on the Earth, and He will talk to us directly, not through an old set of books iritten by unknown authors of dubious repute. I wait for that day. When will that wonderful day happen? Well, it's just around the corner, isn't it?
@vintage6346 Год назад
The Bible writers were just men like us, but they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:16-21 says, "16 For we did not follow cleverly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. 17 For He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to Him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” 18 And we ourselves heard this voice from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. 19 We also have the word of the prophets as confirmed beyond doubt. And you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from one’s own interpretation. 21 For no such prophecy was ever brought forth by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." We shouldn't "put on a show" of how pious we are, but our worship isn't supposed to be a secret either. Matthew 10:27 says, "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops." By the way, Moises received tablets "inscribed by the finger of God", but Moises "shattered them" when he saw the "molten calf". Deuteronomy 9:10-17.
@phillipsugwas 6 месяцев назад
I traced two or possibly three statements/ indications of your beliefs in this unnecessarily longwinded entry. This is not a complement.
@patopatagon Год назад
What a great explanation Eric. I always try to check everything, and for sure Matt 11:12 was change. Now we can understand the the real meaning of that passage
@kcdkcd Год назад
This is so refreshing Eric. Thank you.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
My pleasure!
@francinemirey1555 Год назад
I've never seen this before .. isn't this blasphemy when a person or an organization changes the bible words?? I'm shocked 😲 this is shameless 🤢
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
@francinemirey1555- It truly is shameless and blasphemous. The Watch Tower has gone too far down the path of deceit to turn back, as it appears, and show repentance. Who does that remind us of?
@michelejashinsky8409 4 месяца назад
B4 I woke up what little I knew of Rutherford didn’t seem to “ fit” one of the anointed, keep in mind the very little I did know was homogenized and cleansed…. But I never felt he could be of the “ anointed class” now that I’m much more informed the guy was a narcissistic crook! The JW faith was really built on Rutherford not CTRussell! Absolutely astonishing that these men followed him which tells me they must be “ like him”…. Thxs for ur continued educational work reprogramming us, which I’m afraid I’ve just begun. Fortunately I was a Bible reader b4 JW so some things never seemed quite right, now I understand why ….
@darbydarby6419 2 месяца назад
It's A Wonderful Job, Éric!! Health and many blessings to you, the man of the true God
@kiwihans100 10 месяцев назад
'Beroean Pickets' is an interesting domain name! So in Acts 17:11 The "Beroeneans...recieved the word with readiness of mind and searched the SCRIPTURES daily WHETHER THESE THINGS WERE SO". Did they go to the Greek philosophers of the day? or consult with popular pagan beliefs & rituals? NO they simply went to the 'scriptures'. So I am a 'picket' ( 'one who protests' ) because have studied in detail the objective history of the development of church doctrine from especially the 2nd century onwards I have found a profound divergence from 'scripture' both in the doctrines & organisation of the major religions claiming to be Christian! It is accepted by honest historians ( without an agenda) that most beliefs today stem from, not the 'scriptures' but from human concepts & ideas! as I consider 'whether these things are so' I find the Jesus of the gospels, the condition of the dead, the Holy Spirit, the leadership structure e.t.c is strongly connected to, not 'scripture' but Greek philosophy & pagan religion. Please ask me for examples! Also I have found anyone who challenges the accepted 'orthodox' doctrine is persicuted. In the past it would involve being burnt alive at the stake. Today its hate posts against anyone not agreeing with accepted doctrine!
@DominionMobile 6 месяцев назад
One thing that I don't understand is that the Westcott and Hort Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures renders that one word, in verse 12, as "is being pressed toward" but other Greek Interlinear versions render it as: "is forced" and "is taken by violence". Seems like for a single word, that is a lot of variation. And I realize that the surrounding words can affect it, that's probably what it is.
@akatheheretic3014 Год назад
PROPHETS . . Bring forth Messages/Pronouncements from 🙌 GOD !! 🙌 ( Not, just future events ! ) 😉
@ricardogarza9276 Год назад
Great job brother Eric. Keep up the good work because we are learning
@antonijofadljevic6120 3 месяца назад
Thank you Eric so much for this ! Shalom !! 🙋🫶
@guyplacencio9454 Год назад
How this information does open one's eyes helping to see beyond the deception that's been put in front of them very grateful for it 🌝 his truth that sets us really as Jesus talked about
@Charleneslife-23 Год назад
Eric thank you for such an excellent presentation.
@user-yh9ri5hw9s Год назад
He aquí, yo os envío el profeta Elías, antes que venga el día de Jehová, grande y terrible. 6 Él hará volver el corazón de los padres hacia los hijos, y el corazón de los hijos hacia los padres, no sea que yo venga y hiera la tierra con maldición.
@user-yh9ri5hw9s Год назад
Así es! Se hacen de el con violencia! El reino está entre ustedes, Cristo el Rey; Elias el mensajero del pacto, (Juan el Bautista), Felicidades!
@sultana7411 Год назад
Hello Brother … I wrote my letter and removed myself in 2005 . I knew the society was crooked then…. My intent was never to leave Jehovah or Jesus . One thing I’ve always kept next to me is my New World translation .. I was disgusted to hear of Franz changing at least one scripture to support the witnesses false doctrine … if there is one altered scripture , there must be more ! So I’m inquiring as to which bible you use or if you would recommend one please . Thank you
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
There is no version that is free of mistakes, so it is best to use many and rely on interlinears as well. However, there is one that is striving to avoid bias as their principle objective and which is not tied to any denomination. Check out 2001translation.org.
@lindachilds2227 Год назад
Yes finally someone else did their research, like I did!! Great job
@Elroi3310 Год назад
The New Testament writers , wrote the gospels with the Old Testament in mind , because that was the only scripture they knew . So when Matthew and other writers refer to ; the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven they had this verse in mind : Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom,…. We as Christian’s can look forward to the promises of God based on scripture like: revelation 21:3-4 , we used that scripture a lot when I was a jw . Jews did the same : they were looking forward to promises God did in the Old Testament . And Daniel 2:44 was a famous passage among them The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom : a kingdom of God , a kingdom from heaven . Its not referring to a place where the kingdom should be , but were it comes from , and from who All the New Testament writers are jews , they didn’t had the hope of going to heaven ( its not in their Bible ,Old Testament) , but the kingdom restored to Israel. Even the apostles asked Jesus that question right before he ascended into heaven .( clearly even at that point they still didn’t had the idea of going to heaven themselves) Sean finnegan from restitutio, he has some great teachings about the kingdom of God .
@make-sure-of-all-things... Год назад
Well said Goodbye Babylon!
@BudgieFan101 Год назад
The Spirit of Truth is surely upon Eric. What a Man, "Wise from Above". Press On Eric, Press On
@bobpfohl6268 Год назад
Question? and Food for thought: What roll did the tree of life play in Gods plan for human life/immortality and Everlastion Life?
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
Now that's an interesting question.
@zdravkomomci7570 Год назад
Im guessing it was there for granting and working with human free will in choice. To add perhaps before creation, rule in heaven may have been challenged in some form. So the tree of life was part of creation to answer that challenge. If we obeyed I suppose it would still be with us today but good question
@bobpfohl6268 Год назад
II believe understanding its full meaning is very important to unlock our understanding this whole "144,000, going to live in heaven vs earth, or having the ability to live and travel between heaven and earth? (John 14:15-24) 15  “If you love me, you will observe my commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, 17 the spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive, because it neither sees it nor knows it. You know it, because it remains with you and is in you. 18 I will not leave you bereaved. I am coming to you. 19 In a little while the world will see me no more, but you will see me, because I live and you will live. 20 In that day you will know that I am in union with my Father and you are in union with me and I am in union with you. 21 Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. In turn, whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will clearly show myself to him.” 22 Judas, not Is·carʹi·ot, said to him: “Lord, what has happened that you intend to show yourself clearly to us and not to the world?” 23 In answer Jesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. 24 Whoever does not love me does not observe my words. The word that you are hearing is not mine, but belongs to the Father who sent me. At this point (with death knocking at my door) I will accept whatever Jehovah and Jesus provide for me in the way of my passing in to death. Bible facts on the tree of life: It was a literal tree with fruit that if eaten guaranteed "Everlasting life" to any who ate it!
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
@@bobpfohl6268 That's the spirit, Bob!
@randallwittman2720 6 месяцев назад
You need more research on WHY SCRIPTURE in nwt are in fact more curate than. Alternate kjv
@BeroeanPickets 6 месяцев назад
@randallwittman2720 - All Bibles are translated with a vested interest. If you look at the NWT with a critical eye you can see that some things are translated well, but others are meant to deceive. For example, if you look at Ephesians 4:8 in the NWT what does it read? For it says: “When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts IN men.” Why does the NWT say that, for example? What do other Bible translations read? They read that "he gave gifts to men" (including women). The idea here is that gifts of the Spirit were given to people in the first century. The context of that verse is in the context of chapter 4 which is about the unity of those in the holy spirit. If you look at many parallel versions on Biblehub.com you can compare them all. Only the NWT, which is not on Biblehub.com says that gifts were given TO men. That misleads people into supporting the Watch Tower agenda devised by men that they must be obeyed, that they are gifts from God. It supports the whole idea that men are spiritually superior, as it is very obvious that they treat women in an inferior way, but they are not. The Bible teaches that women both prayed and prophesied in the first century and a woman named Phoebe was a ministerial servant. (1 Cor 11:5, Ro 16:1). There are many many verses in the NWT that appear to be purposefully misleading and deviate from other Bible translations. You need to look at many Bible translations and study the Bible itself, and not just the NWT. That way you can see how you have been deceived and you can find out the truth for yourself and not follow men, but Jesus Christ who is the only way and truth and channel to God. BTW, have you ever looked at Rev 5:10 in the NWT? What does it say? It says: "and you made them to be a kingdom+ and priests to our God,+ and they are to rule as kings+ OVER the earth.” The word over is misleading. It is used to support the two class Christian system that JF Rutherford established during his rule of the Watch Tower organization. But the word "Over" is incorrect even though it is used to try to support the idea that the "heavenly class" will be far away in the clouds never to return to earth. But what do other translations say? They almost all say that " You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth."
@ambersmith6517 Год назад
praise father for giving his children understanding
@donnyetta 11 месяцев назад
"Judah is apostate"
@obudzciesie863 Год назад
wow for me :)
@louiskucinski5016 Год назад
Wow ! What a revelation of the way Franz and Knor twisted the original meaning of the scriptures. I hate thier trickery . You have really taken the ax to the root of the tree !
@mamajan99 Год назад
Beloved, do not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet]; instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1 1 John 4:1
@RiskeFactor Год назад
You may want to try to look up the BDAG Lexicon. You will note that a couple of famous German scholars (Heinrich Holtzmann, University of Strasbourg, and Franz Debelius, University of Heidelberg) have argued that it is used positively as in the NWT has it at Mt 11 (see BDAG, meaning 3, bottom of col. 2, p. 175: "seek fervently, try hard, sought with fervent zeal.” There is ample linguistic support for this rendering.
@RiskeFactor Год назад
Luke 16:16 (NASB95): The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. 🤔
@compositioncompilation Год назад
Doing what appears lawlessness fits the role of the man of lawlessness. His role attaches the Sons of destruction. A mindset the rank and file inherit from the two witnesses/ GB. The job God has assigned them is to fill the role of the TWO WITNESSES of rev 11:6. Since that role covers also being a FALSE prophet .. & anti Christ or alternate Christ..there is no comeback from God for these as it is HE that has given them that task..and with it he has accorded them a great amount of leeway..to : STRIKE THE EARTH WITH PLAGUE STRIKE THE EARTH WITH PLAGUE STRIKE THE EARTH WITH PLAGUES REPEATEDLY....whenever & as OFTEN AS THEY wish ! The reason is that this serves as QUALITY CONTROL ..ensuring the rulers are tested FULLY ..BEFORE they take up rulership alongside Christ who s also been FULLY tested .
@fulfilleddynamics Год назад
The “kingdom of the heavens” and the gospel account of Matthew was directed toward a primarily Jewish audience (thus the genealogy recorded back to Abraham).
@ticktock3526 Год назад
Ok I’m a little confused. If Jesus is referring to the work or role of John apart from the role of Himself and his disciples as members of the kingdom of heaven then what you are saying is John isn’t included with the members of the kingdom? If John’s hope is to be a son of God than why would Jesus describe him as separate from the least of the kingdom? It’s not that I disagree that John and other pre Christian witnesses will be included as sons of God but your reasoning appears to be circler. Separating John’s work from his salvation seems unclear. I’ve have to chew on that for awhile. Thanks for shedding light on Matthew 11:12. What Freddie and the boys did is inexcusable!
@krakoosh1 Год назад
My Bible reads, kingdom of heaven (singular not plural.) and verse 12 is completely different.
@bryanzingen713 Год назад
I don't see a comment including Isaiah 5: 3-7. Woe to the wild grapes and children of robbers! Daniel 11:14
@radoliz2 Год назад
Actually, this scripture is correct in both renderings. It must be noted, that Abraham was in hope of a Resurrection. For he asked, these bones can live again?
@originalsue8323 Год назад
Do you know that he wrote " crises of conscious" ? And then left the organization.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
If you're referring to Raymond Franz, he first left the Organization, then was disfellowshipped on a trumped up rule, and then he wrote Crisis of Conscience.
@vintage6346 Год назад
Original Sue, From Wikipedia: Raymond Franz Death. On May 30, 2010, at age 88, Franz fell and suffered a brain hemorrhage. He died on June 2, 2010.
@koz2270 Год назад
My thought about that verses is: that the one who makes it to the kingdom, even if he enjoyed a lesser status compared to John, would have attained a status higher than the one John enjoyed when alive. In other words, attaining the kingdom is a higher privilege than being a forerunner of the Messiah. I could be wrong, but that's what I think. Your videos are excellent. I love it when people show how the JW is wrong biblically.
@elizabethharden3842 Год назад
Wow, another major teaching of this group dashed to the ground using Jesus logic to reveal plain truth versus a hard-to-explain-scriptural-merry-go-round.
@compositioncompilation Год назад
When someone's granted diplomatic immunity..can they be held as guilty in a court ? That's the authority Almighty God has given the two witnesses !! See Rev 11:6
@ulisesbernales5969 Год назад
What about Luke 16:16 “Until John the Baptist, the law of Moses and the messages of the prophets were your guides. But now the Good News of the Kingdom of God is preached, and everyone is eager to get in." It seems that it's the same message as Matthew 11:12 and I think the NWT has it rendered correctly because it's talking about the same thing.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
@ulisesbernales5969 • You are using the NLT according to Bible Hub- and that version does not represent the Greek Interlinear that points out the word in Greek means to forcibly seize, to lay hold of and "not eager to get into." It is not a positive but a negative. If you look at Strong's Concordance and Helps word studies you can get the true sense of the meaning of this Greek word. It is equivalent to the words used in Matthews 11:12. You are right, they are talking about the same thing, and neither support the Organization's interpretation! Strong's Concordance biazó: to force Original Word: βίαζομαι Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: biazó Phonetic Spelling: (bee-ad'-zo) Definition: to force Usage: (a) mid: I use force, force my way, come forward violently, (b) pass: I am forcibly treated, suffer violence. HELPS Word-studies 971 biázō - properly, to use power to forcibly seize, laying hold of something with positive aggressiveness. 971 /biázō ("to advance forcefully") is only used twice in the NT (both times positively).
@reynaldorey2020 Год назад
@@BeroeanPickets However, Eric, you seem to miss the last paragraph that says: "Laying hold of something with positive aggressiveness. 971 /biázō ("to advance forcefully") is only used twice in the NT (both times positively)." The use of the word is in a positive sense, not in a negative sense. You overlook that the word is in the positive sense. Your citation does not support you.
@LosBereanos Год назад
@@reynaldorey2020 I admit that the meaning of this verse is disputed. It seems that only the NWT gives it a meaning that could apply only to righteous men seeking entry into the kingdom of God, while most Bible Scholars render it negatively. So which scholars do you believe? You don't. What you do is look for harmony in scripture. If the Watch Tower's rendering is correct, then all the prophets before Christ will not get into the kingdom of God and the covenant God made with Israel was an empty promise. Listen Reynaldo. You are trying to justify the doctrine of the Governing Body by focusing on one interpretation of a single verse rather than exegetically allowing all the bible passages we have discussed in this video series to guide you to the truth. Let’s start with what Jesus revealed on the subject: “But he will say to you, ‘I do not know where you are from. Get away from me, all you workers of unrighteousness! There is where your weeping and the gnashing of your teeth will be, when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown outside. Furthermore, people will come from east and west and from north and south, and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God. And look! there are those last who will be first, and there are those first who will be last.” (Luke 13:27-30 NWT) Who are the people who will come from the east, west, north, and south? These would be anointed Christians which history has shown include Gentiles as well as Jews. These Christians will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as all the prophets of old. What more proof do we need to show that faithful people who died before Christ share in the same salvation hope? They all enter the Kingdom of God. By “Kingdom of God” we are not speaking of Watchtower ’s earthly resurrection hope. Here is what the March 15, 1990 issue of The Watchtower has to say about the meaning of Kingdom of God as expressed in this passage of Luke we’ve just read: “Many” refers to people who begged to be let in after a door was shut and locked. These were “workers of unrighteousness” who did not qualify to be with “Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God.” The “many” had thought they would be first “in the Kingdom of God,” but they actually would be last, evidently meaning that they would not be in it at all.-Luke 13:18-30. The context shows that Jesus was dealing with entry into God’s heavenly Kingdom. Jewish leaders back then had long enjoyed a privileged position, with access to God’s Word. They felt that they were spiritually rich and were righteous in God’s sight, in contrast with the common people, whom they held in low esteem. (John 9:24-34) Yet, Jesus said that tax collectors and harlots who accepted his message and repented could have God’s approval.-Compare Matthew 21:23-32; Luke 16:14-31. Common people who became Jesus’ disciples were in line to be accepted as spiritual sons when the heavenly calling did open up at Pentecost 33 C.E. (Hebrews 10:19, 20) Though vast multitudes heard Jesus, those who accepted him and later gained the heavenly hope were few. (w90 3/15 p. 31 “Questions From Readers”) You might be scratching your head right now, wondering how the Governing Body can say on the one hand that men like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, along with all the prophets don’t have the heavenly hope, while on the other hand, admitting that Luke 13:28 refers to the heavenly hope when speaking of the Kingdom of God. If the Kingdom of God is the heavenly hope and “Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets [are] in the Kingdom of God,” then “Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets” have the heavenly hope. How can they get around that? It’s obvious! This is where eisegetical Bible study makes a mockery of itself and of all those who have naively trusted in the men teaching them “The Truth.” The foregoing “Questions From Readers” continues with: “But the little flock of spirit-begotten humans receiving that reward could be compared to Jacob reclining at a table in heaven with Jehovah (the Greater Abraham) and his Son (pictured by Isaac).” (w90 3/15 p. 31) Hey, boys, you forgot something. You haven’t accounted for all the prophets. And you’ve run out of antitypes. I know, you can make Jacob represent the Governing Body, and then you have room to have all the prophets represent the rest of the anointed. There you go. All fixed. The lengths to which they will go to protect their teachings. I mean, I’ve heard and seen many examples of twisting scripture, but here they’re twisting it to the breaking point. I wondered to myself why I didn’t notice this piece of stupid, stupid reasoning back when I was a Witness in 1990. Then I remembered that I’d pretty much stopped reading The Watchtower by then except for the study articles, because they were just so boring and repetitive. There was never anything new to learn. Do you think that the Jews hearing Jesus’ words would have not taken them literally? Of course, they would have. Those Jews had a salvation hope that involved being in the Kingdom of God. They believed the scripture that promised that the forefathers of the nation of Israel would make it into the Kingdom of God as would the faithful prophets. That Kingdom was promised to them for keeping the covenant that God made with them through Moses: “And Moses went up to the [true] God, and Jehovah began to call to him out of the mountain, saying: “This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and to tell the sons of Israel, ‘YOU yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, that I might carry YOU on wings of eagles and bring YOU to myself. And now if YOU will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then YOU will certainly become my special property out of all [other] peoples, because the whole earth belongs to me. And YOU yourselves will become to me a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you are to say to the sons of Israel.” (Exodus 19:3-6) If they kept the covenant, they would have become a holy nation and a Kingdom of priests. Isn’t that what is promised to us in the new covenant that Jesus instituted? So the first covenant promised those keeping it entry into the Kingdom of God to rule as kings and priests. They could have kept that covenant. It wasn’t beyond reach. “Now this commandment that I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it beyond your reach. It is not in the heavens, so that you have to say, ‘Who will ascend to the heavens and get it for us, so that we may hear it and observe it?’ Nor is it on the other side of the sea, so that you have to say, ‘Who will cross over to the other side of the sea and get it for us, so that we may hear it and observe it?’ For the word is very near you, in your own mouth and in your own heart, so that you may do it. (Deuteronomy 30:11-14) You might be wondering, “I thought that no one could keep the law of Moses perfectly.” Not true. Granted, no one could keep the law without sinning, without breaking at least one of the ten commandments, but remember that the law included a provision for forgiveness of sin. If you, as an Israelite, were to sin, you could have your sin wiped clean if you followed the other stipulations of the law involving sacrifices for the expiation of sins. The nation of Israel didn’t do this and so it broke the covenant, but there were many individuals, like Samuel and Daniel who did keep the covenant and so won the prize. Or are we saying that God would not keep his word with individuals because of the sins of others? That could never happen. Jehovah God is just and keeps his word. Evidence of his purpose to keep his word to faithful servants is seen in the transfiguration account: “Truly I say to you that there are some of those standing here who will not taste death at all until first they see the Son of man coming in his Kingdom.” Six days later Jesus took Peter and James and his brother John along and led them up into a lofty mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them; his face shone as the sun, and his outer garments became brilliant as the light. And look! there appeared to them Moses and E·liʹjah conversing with him.” (Matthew 16:28-17:3)
@reynaldorey2020 Год назад
@@LosBereanos Luke 13:27-30 is not categorical, Eric. It can be validly interpreted in another way that harmonizes with the texts I have presented to you. Hebrews 10:19, 20; Psalms 45:16; Isaiah 32:1, 2 I am not defending the NWT, it has its bias like all translations. Jehovah's Witness interpretations are unreliable, and you know it. The question arises: what did the unbelieving Jews understand by the kingdom of God? For Jews in general, the kingdom of God was an earthly government headquartered in literal Jerusalem, with a human Messiah who they hope will free them from the Roman yoke. The OT does not teach a heavenly kingdom of God. That is done in the NT, under the new covenant. It is not possible for the faithful of old to be anointed Christians who are under the new covenant. That is a major brand heresy.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
@@reynaldorey2020 You write: "The question arises: what did the unbelieving Jews understand by the kingdom of God?" Do you think that what they understood it to mean would change what it really is? It was called a sacred secret, a holy mystery. They imagined what it would be like, but it wasn't God's time to reveal the fullness of his method for saving humanity. You write: "It is not possible for the faithful of old to be anointed Christians who are under the new covenant. That is a major brand heresy." Where is your evidence? Would you have us believe you because you say so? Do you want that responsibility on your shoulders?
@MarilynNemeth Год назад
Not location but source; kingdom of the heavens....( nicely put)
@alex-e9n7e 7 месяцев назад
Wow!!! That was eye opening. I have to listen again!!
@Ice-D365 Год назад
Thank you for your insightfull videos. - Could you do 1. Samuel 28, was it really Samuel with whom Saul was speaking? - And could you try to explain Matthew 25:46 "eternal punishment" - "kolasis aionios" Again THANK YOU 🙂
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
I don't believe it was Samuel, because the evidence is that all the faithful men and women of old are still in the grave awaiting a resurrection. There is also the fact that the apparition came not through one of God's prophets, but through a spirit medium. On Matthew 25:46, we know that the second death is reserved for the Devil and his demons. There is no resurrection from that death, so it refers to eternal death. That is the punishment meted out to the goats in Matthew 25:46.
@user-yh9ri5hw9s Год назад
He aquí vuestra casa os es dejada desierta. 39 Porque os digo que desde ahora no me veréis, hasta que digáis: Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor. Bendito el que viene, para esto tendrían que nacer de nuevo!
@philippelersoey6879 Год назад
Merci Éric pour les nouvelles explications de la Bible ça me rend joyeux de comprendre de mieux en mieux la bible merci de tout cœur. 🙂
@koz2270 Год назад
This is excellent.
@koz2270 Год назад
Although the problem of the verse seems to remain if I understand you well. If all the prechristian righteous men will make it to heaven, how then could the lesser one IN that kingdom be greater than he is? In other words if we say; Abraham, Moses, Peter, Paul are in the kingdom. Now we then say that the lesser one IN that kingdom is greater than he is. We see that the problem is not solved. Your point can only make sense, if you ask me, if those that will make it to heaven are only CHRISTIANS. Because only christians have the credentials John lacked. But if the prechristians make it to heaven, the problem remains. I don't know if I make sense anyway.
@guyplacencio9454 Год назад
Very enlightening perhaps that explains Francis mental state as he grew older went to work temporary at the headquarters one year saw him walking around in the quarters staring up at the ceiling and mumbling stuff to himself it was looked as if somebody had lost their mind 0
@vintage6346 Год назад
Who is Francis?
@radoliz2 Год назад
You have to be born of water and spirit to enter the kingdom of God! Was those before Jesus, Baptised by water? NO! The 144,000 souls are being selected through the centuries, by Jehovah God of the ones (after) Jesus. Only they, will have the Knowledge of the times, down to the end! Only those ones, will have the empathy, wisdom of the history, needed to guide all mankind back to perfection, standing before Jehovah God. Only these, will/can show the power of Jehovah God, and his ability to read the hearts of mankind though so far from perfection! They only will be, transformed into incorruptible spirit sons of Jehovah God, brothers of Christ. The heavens were made for spirits, the earth for humans. The earth is not a destined to be a breeding ground for heavenly spirits. Those faithful in the heavens, wish they could live on the earth! Your twisting things as well Eric.
@radoliz2 Год назад
@@bourbon_sketcher Matt 22:14
@radoliz2 Год назад
@@bourbon_sketcher There is none! But by deduction, after learning the parables, and looking at the reasoning, that the earth was made for humans. The heavens was made primarily for Spirit Creatures. You realize that Jehovah God has set a exact number (144,000) on those that will inherit the Kingdom of the heavens along with Christ. And they will reign over those on earth as benefactors of a promise to make all things new. You must have a burning desire in your heart to serve Jehovah God, and that then is when the Holy Spirit suddenly one day comes in concert with that desire and changes your complete deep understanding of scripture. But if you do not remain faithful it just fades away.And you are never told you have lost God's favor. That's why we have so many false Christs!
@UsiaU3263 Год назад
❤. please add Polish subtitles.
@Vanderhoven1 Год назад
Excellent analysis!
@aljawisa Год назад
That horrible mistranslation in vs 12 is wrong, but it isn't necessary to make the point. What you're saying about performing acts and time relevance makes sense, but you still have Pentecost to deal with and all the Earth based "promises" Gods kingdom is supposed to fulfill. Without that particular 'operation of God's holy spirit,' used at Pentecost there going to be problems in understanding how God provided some assurance of a heavenly hope for the small bridegroom flock. Matthew 22 needs to tossed in here. There are guest invited to a wedding, an obvious bridegroom, not mentioned, good and bad invited until an unknown number fills the banquet. But where is the banquet? Is it all in heaven? How does a bad person get into the banquet? The kingdom seems to fluctuate as to it's actions and doings and places where it has authority. Maybe that's why Jesus would use terms such as “The kingdom of heaven is like... or "What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to?" .Sometimes its organizational, sometimes its in heaven, sometimes it does things towards earth. If we take all these comparisons into consideration, could the kingdom be like a stone cut from a mountain that eventually fills the whole Earth. Could the "places" referred to reference physical locations under that entire kingdom arrangement or just authority or both. I'm being nebulous on purpose. I think there certain things about the kingdom arrangement that are sometimes hard to understand; but he who has the right spiritual ear could listen or understand that the kingdom has a broad scope into what falls under its jurisdiction, and set limits on what one person will inherit. Such as how much authority one receives and where and under what times. No matter where one is don't all actions fall under the kingdom arrangement at some point in time. Aren't all things on Earth to be subjected to that arrangement? Side point: Considering that whole 'friend of the bridegroom' statement I don't see why John couldn't be lesser in message lesser and acts and lesser in position? As to all those of faith that proceeded him, I make the same point. At the very minimum those in the past could be considered guest. Could the guest be other sheep potentials?
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
I don't deal with human opinion.
@debbie-annmariemorgan8812 Год назад
I trying to make sense of what your saying. BOREAN IS easier to follow, make sound advice.
@waylonobsessed Год назад
Excellent video, I must do more research on this. But I do appreciate your presentation on this. 🤔
@waylonobsessed Год назад
The Greek word being used here in Matt 11:12 is “being pressed forward” or “pressers forward.” (Kingdom Interlinear) As German Scholar Heinrich Meyer states in his “Meyer’s Critical and Exegetical Hand-Book to the Gospel of Matthew, 1884, p. 225” states, it is no longer a calm or expectant interest, but an eager and energetic interest; hence they are believers, not attackers, struggling hard to get its possession. Your thoughts?
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
@waylonobsessed -- see the Interlinear for Matthew 11:12 on Biblehub.com. It does not state it the way you propose, but shows that violent men are trying to seize the kingdom. That is what my video explains with scriptural support.
@laineymoore7437 Год назад
Thank you!
@lalo2641 Год назад
@kiwihans100 10 месяцев назад
'False doctrine'? Then why does the KJV at 1 |Tim 3:16 say "God was manifest in the flesh" ( rather than 'who' correct!) Why does the same bible contain a 'trinity' phrase at 1 John 5:7? This was removed in later Translations. I could go on & on! Why have commas and full stops been conveniently added to many translations which completely ALTERS the meaning.( Punctuation marks were only added from the SEVENTH century onward yet the most reliable MSS's date around the 3rd & 4th century). You are using false information to criticise another religion! I am not a JW, but their translation is very good, not perfect, but NONE are!
@BeroeanPickets 10 месяцев назад
You seem to think that the KJV is "the Bible". Don't you realize that KJV stands for King James Version. That means it's a version of the manuscripts from which it was translated. Do your own research on the internet about the true origin of the KJV's version of 1 John 5:7.
@kiwihans100 10 месяцев назад
@@BeroeanPickets I did NOT say the KJV IS the bible . I was talking ABOUT versions! I know exactly the origin of that version! I was trying to show that all this opposition to the JW bible is too subjective and based on a doctrinal difference mainly to do with John 1:1. I own MANY versions of the bible and they ALL have some merit but also have flaws! We dont have the originals but rely on past scholars to tell us the truth! So in your view, which is the best bible to use?
@BeroeanPickets 10 месяцев назад
@@kiwihans100 You write: " You are using false information to criticise another religion!", but you do not state what the false information is. If you are telling the truth, and not making a false accusation, then make your case.
@kiwihans100 10 месяцев назад
@@BeroeanPickets I am showing you that its wrong to isolate ONE bible translation because of your antipathy to the JW org which I suspect is principally due to your 'trinitarian' beliefs! I believe that so many OTHER translations have been tainted by THEIR doctrines.
@BeroeanPickets 10 месяцев назад
@@kiwihans100 Oh, that is just too funny. I'm about as anti-trinitarian as they come. Here, let me show you: ru-vid.com/group/PLyyw76AUJTT0y9sIX820dQrtAIC1nbuLu
@melchizedekoumamakora6271 Год назад
Thank you so much Erick
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
My pleasure.
Thank you Eric!
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
Most welcome
@ronhansen8471 Год назад
Why do you people always live in the past. Try reading the Watch Tower after 1950 as there has been many updates on understanding. There were many things the Witnesses did that were not per Christian law or bible standards. That is not a secret as the JW organization published their mistakes along with the fix. The bible makes it clear that as we get closure to Jehovah's day the light will get brighter. Light is knowledge of God's word the bible and Jehovah's Witnesses strive to follow it as imperfect human beings.
@vintage6346 Год назад
Is the "overlapping generations" one of those "updates on understanding" to which you refer?
@sramdeojohn4428 Год назад
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
“and they said to the woman: “We no longer believe just because of what you said; for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the savior of the world.”” (John 4:42)
@sramdeojohn4428 Год назад
@@BeroeanPickets 'The Christ And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. '
@LookoutLance Год назад
You could let it go bro.
@BeroeanPickets Год назад
Let what go?
@LookoutLance Год назад
@@BeroeanPickets the old dusty book.
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