Beroean Pickets
Beroean Pickets
Beroean Pickets
Beroean Pickets (an anagram of SKEPTIC) is a channel devoted to sharing the Good News of God's Kingdom and to exposing the falsehood and hypocrisy of organized religion. We strive to speak the truth and to help our viewers learn to think and reason critically using effective methods of Bible study so that they will no longer be deceived by the trickery of men seeking only to control and exploit the flock of God.
Half-Truths and Outright Lies: Shunning Part 5
8 месяцев назад
@michelejashinsky8409 2 часа назад
It’s really hard for me to watch anything w GB members ….. once u see the pharisaical “ personality” u can’t unsee it. So many things that didn’t make sense to me for so many years finally the puzzle pieces r starting to fit.
@ericbulman1752 5 часов назад
The Bible proves the governing body are false teachers and liars
@ScottHindle-qv6mq 9 часов назад
Being born again doesn't seem to be a big issue in the jws org.
@ScottHindle-qv6mq 9 часов назад
Blood transfusion.
@ScottHindle-qv6mq 9 часов назад
There was no jws for two thousand years.
@Mark-xt9gq 10 часов назад
F them
@michelejashinsky8409 13 часов назад
When I woke up in March 2024 just b4 the memorial I took my blood card out of my wallet ….. i immediately understood that was false too
@michelejashinsky8409 16 часов назад
You likely would have been a millionaire Eric many times over. But what you have instead are spiritual riches that you are generously sharing with the starving sheep 🐑 thank you for sharing your knowledge 💙💜❤️
@michelejashinsky8409 16 часов назад
Thank you Eric you are a true blessing to us poor sheep who have been raped by JWs 💙❤️💜
@michelejashinsky8409 20 часов назад
Poor Africans in Malawi the GB did not consider them worthy as the brothers in Mexico 💔
@michelejashinsky8409 21 час назад
Thank God for you Eric and all behind the scenes helping you with this work, I’m finding my way back to Truth 💜💙❤️
@michelejashinsky8409 22 часа назад
Very profound Brother Eric the Truth will find you‼️
@michelejashinsky8409 22 часа назад
Where did you find this in CT Russel’s writings? I think it can be helpful to make my future points. I’d like to highlight it. I have Studies in the Scriptures…. Thank u sorry played back got it 💜💙❤️
@michelejashinsky8409 23 часа назад
💜💙❤️ 🙏🙏🙏
@michelejashinsky8409 День назад
I had an aha moment ! Sheep and goats! Sheep go off into everlasting life! 🙏 I’m learning so much my heart/ head r truly full of appreciation 💜💙❤️
@michelejashinsky8409 День назад
Brother Eric I so appreciate your dry humor “ among other things” in reference to what Rutherford was doing in the Bethsarin mansion 😂
@michelejashinsky8409 День назад
Dear Eric there is so much information here as in all your videos ❤️ after being spoon fed milk for so long it’s going to take me awhile to digest all this. I find it fascinating and exciting to search the scriptures again. Thank you 🙏
@RudPersson День назад
Rud Persson: Excellent refutation, Eric. If there always was a "God´s organization" to belong to, there would have to be one also just before C.T. Russell entered the stage, and then he and his supporters would have been obliged to join that organization instead of starting a new one! And what "God´s organization" would that be? And if there was no such organization in the latter part of the 19th century, it must have been all right to be Christians without belonging to a "God´s organization." For Jesus promised his disciples to be with them always, even to the end of the age.
@kirstenhaldrup5219 День назад
Thanks for your exposure!
@antoinettevorhees2997 День назад
Hi Eric I wanted to let you know. Since leaving this organization I have been on the most wonderful journey . I now have a loving personal relationship with God an his son Jesus it has been so wonderful . This past Saturday I was baptized for the first time. I do not belong to any organized religion. I belong to God and his son. Love from Ohio . Keep up the good work. Thank you for all your guidance through your videos they have helped me transform my life ❤😊🎉
@michelejashinsky8409 День назад
Wow ❤️💜💙🙏🙏🙏 that’s some real spiritual meat thank you‼️
@rdalton7557 День назад
When I looked at the "faithful slave" passage in Matthew, as a non-JW it sure looked like a "parable" and not a prophesy". But, a JW elder almost convinced me that it was a future event (prophesy). Later I found a parallel verse that actually calls the "Faithful slave" passage a "parable". Luke 12:40-43.
@larrybrooks9068 День назад
Matthew 16:25 lose his soul for my sake will find it! I'm🤔😁🥺
@billjones261 День назад
Let it be known and perfectly clear that the Watchtower Corporation (JWorg.) has been involved in commercialized false prophet apostasy for over 100 years. they created specific doctrines to allure people to the literature they published, ie. Jesus Returns in 1874 then 1914 therefore Armageddon soon. Unfortunately many people believed in these doctrines and accepted that they were totally true and valid when in reality they were falsely made up. Part their behaviours included breaking up their families, they died in hospitals for refusing a blood transfusion, they broke up relationships. they didn't get a proper education to support themselves. These corrupt self serving men only said " well we are imperfect too" and that's all they said, they still wanted to hold on to the money and power to which they built up around themselves, so they lied some more to cover up their past lies. So in conclusion we can see these men were deeply involved in false prophesying apostasy which is very condemning in god's eyes as the bible says ( Revelation 20:10 ) they were not god's chosen ones either or the anointed ones which they said they were. These men made a series of lies and misinformation to empower themselves and exploit people's ignorance. sold and propagated by the literature they published. One might say they built up a Kingdom of lies and apostasy and the men who now control the organization are still basking in that power and money. Sin made profitable $$$
@user-lh3rj2qk2o День назад
Any chance of an audio book of this?
@kevinjackson2361 2 дня назад
Why would i look at an encyclopedias definition of Trinity, i know you were in the WT organization for a long time, but this is a tactic used by them. "See what it says here, these people believe what i do, so it must be true.. not a very logical move imo. I have only skimmed through all your Trinity videos, trying to watch them again, (as difficult as it is) to come up with some good questions for you from scripture. Ill be back..take care and God bless. There are many passages i could show you now, but i want to see and hear if you have covered them in other videos..before I say anymore. I will say this after listening to most of this video, a believer does not need to use the word Trinity, kind of a strawman argument, just because Tertullian coined the phrase in the second century does not make it a necessary explanation of God's nature, and not something a bible believing Christian needs to use. Simply knowing that in Isaiah 44:24, God created all things all by Himself the bible says likewise in Isaiah 48:12,13 , but yet in John 1:3 it says Jesus created ALL things. Colossians also Paul makes the same claim Colossians 1:16,18 that Jesus created all things...who is the US in Genesis 1:26? and similar verses where the writer says Let US make man in our image i could go on. But you get the point, either the bible is contradictory or the Father,Son and the Holy Spirit are the one God..and in answer to one of your questions, Phillipians 2,explains why there is the apparent lack of equality, Jesus "emptied Himself and became a servant so He could shed His blood for us . Hebrews explains it as He was made a little lower than the angels. He receives Worship, has a name that is above every name..forgives sin, is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last the beginning and the end,,all titles YHWH also applies to Himself. On and on i could go, all biblical text and never did i say Trinity
@BeroeanPickets 2 дня назад
I'm not denying that "the Word" created all things, but if he is God Almighty, then all things were created "by God Almighty, for God Almighty, and through God Almighty". That last part doesn't quite work, does it? I might make something by myself, and for myself, but I can't make it through myself. "Through" indicates someone on either side. Why do you have a proble, with Jesus being a god, divine, but subservient in all things to the Father who is God Almighty? Genesis 1:26 fits nicely with this understanding. There is no contradiction here. You say that "Philippians 2:6 explains why there is the APPARENT lack of equality". APPARENT?? I see nothing apparent there. That sounds like WT interpretation. How can God Almighty give no thought to seizing (from the Greek word) equality with himself? That's nonsensical. When I stopped trying to defend the unscriptural theology of my former religion, I found the freedom of the Christ. I urge you to do the same, to stop defending false religious beliefs and study the Bible free from the bias that church leaders burdened you with so that you'd follow and support them. JW, Cathoic, Protestant, are all branches of the same tree, manmade religion.
@kevinjackson2361 День назад
@@BeroeanPickets Thank you for your response, I love your work in exposing JW's false teachings, and have enjoyed your in depth work and research. Not a JW but have family in, this is why I listen to many ex JW's to find things from the large exJW community to help me wake them up. I've been a Christian since the mid 80's , I'm not involved with a big name church, have attended a few non denominational churches throughout the years. I'm not 100% sure what shaped my doctrinal views, probably listening to the late Dr. Walter Martin (in the 80's before he passed), regular Bible reading and the teachings of many pastors. I won't belabor my discussion with you playing Bible ping pong with verses to change your mind, I respect your hard work and your feet are planted firmly on your belief. Although I don't agree with some of your conclusions in your Trinity research, I listened to all in the series to see if after all these years someone could change my mind. Keep up the good fight for truth and freedom in Christ Eric. God bless you Shalom
@tarheelmama 2 дня назад
Great video with the real truth, not the BALONEY of the self-appointed false prophets of Bethel leading their sheeple straight into the gates of Hell.
@hicsumfabulalepus 2 дня назад
14 of them???? Damn, Eric, you must be one super scary dude.😂 That, or they knew you had Jesus with you.❤
@LosBereanos 2 дня назад
@hicsumfabulalepus 2 дня назад
You can't have your own witness because then they can't deny anything. And it's so clearly obvious.
@hicsumfabulalepus 2 дня назад
'Mr' Wilson. 'Mister'.... says it all.
@juliamuncaster6983 2 дня назад
Sudbury ON has seen the same thing. KH sold and congregations amalgamated. Solid growth during the 70's, 80's, and 90's. In the 2000's a great fall off....
@maryhelencampos9964 2 дня назад
Yeshua / Jesus is Alpha and Omega … Only Begotten Son of the Living Father GOD…. Yeshua/Jesus is GOD in Flesh and NOT an Angel … just dialoguing
@vintage6346 День назад
Jesus is not Almighty God. Jesus is not Jehovah. Jesus is not YHWH.
@coffeeblack176 2 дня назад
Horrific organization!!! Cult!
@connormusic9274 2 дня назад
The elder's comment at about 1: 24: 00 min. to 1: 26: 00 or so reflects their ignorance of how governing body policy decisions are made. Actually, they make organizational decisions and policies based on a 2/3 majority vote. If 1/3 of the body disagreed with the proposal; then apparently that 1/3rd would be apostate if they harbored the same beliefs! So NO, THERE IS RARELY A UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT WITHIN THE GB! Ray Franz and Ewart Chitty bore testimony to that fact a long time ago.
@connormusic9274 3 дня назад
This typical elder is reflecting the same sentiments I believe of the "21st century witnesses," I call them. (At about 31:00 min. )It seems that an inordinate obsession with men; men who have elevated themselves equal to the Christ; is an overwhelming feeling particularly with those who became JW's in the mid 90's and beyond. Or those that reached a level of Bible understanding around the years of the new millenium; 2000 and beyond. They don't realize it but because of computer and video technology; coupled with the proclamation in about 2015? or so, that only this "governing body" at Bethel are doing the work of a "faithful and discreet slave"; the organization has become infatuated with men who have "set themselves up as gods, in the temple of THE GOD. " (2 Thess. 2: 4 ) What these new witnesses forget is that ANY MAN, OR GROUP OF MEN, that set themselves up over God's people without being asked to do so by the organization; has become just like the Pharisees in Jesus' day! They are basking in the adoration and spotlight of the organization for the glory it cast upon themselves! Matt. 23: 5 states about the Pharisees that, "all the works they do; they do to be viewed by men." I believe, in my opinion and in what I've seen on the social media sites and here on YT; is that those of us baptized before the mid 80's and back; seem more aware of this insidious and unscriptural influence. We are more alert to the dangers of "putting our trust in men and nobles, " because we've witnessed decades of one false prophecy after another, and constant changing in policies showing that the policy or prediction was never based on the Bible to begin with. (Psalm 146: 3, 4;......Prov. 3: 5, 7) And we've looked behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz; thanks to our dear late brother Ray Franz in his book, "Crisis of Conscience"!
@edbutzwiggle4227 3 дня назад
Thanks for sharing your interesting information
@BeroeanPickets 2 дня назад
Thanks for watching!
@billjones261 3 дня назад
Mind control and information control makes for a good cult doesn't it. ??? Example = preach the " Good News " of Jesus's new kingdom order are way not what the bible says particularly about false prophesying and apostasy, certainly don't preach through the instructions set by Jesus himself and the condemnation of setting dates . Come and share in are sins of apostasy and bring us some money while your at it, we will make sure it will go to a good cause. $$$ Someone needs to read to the leaders of the Watchtower Corporation/ JWS ( Revelation 20:10 )..... 10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
@carledward-yo2ch 3 дня назад
@carledward-yo2ch 3 дня назад
@BeroeanPickets 2 дня назад
But I did let me make his points, and each point I refuted. Are you saying that he had reasoning that would nullify what I said and justify the actions of the organization? If so, please quote those points. I realize you're angry from the ALL CAPS comment, but it's better to clam down and reason rationally. I know that understanding that you've been deceived can be hard to take and that a harsh reaction is often seen as a knee-jerk defense mechanism, but it doesn't benefit anyone, most of all you.
@rdalton7557 3 дня назад
"Well, Eve certainly could have talked with her husband, and together they could have talked with Jehovah..." Can we talk with Jehovah today?
@Angrymobs62 3 дня назад
I guess I don’t want any responsibility of the tasks
@carlafairchild1740 3 дня назад
8:09 How would there be two people witness during a sexual offense? The only 2 people would be the victim and offender😡😤😠
@carlafairchild1740 3 дня назад
3:36 John 4:23, 24. God is a spirit. Those worshipping. M U S T WORSHIP HIM N SPIRIT AND TRUTH. Jesus is found anywhere and everywhere. Not in temples or mountains OR ORGANIZED RELIGION😮
@andrearoberts4833 3 дня назад
I couldn’t go on zoom today,just looking at the governing body on the video make me feel so bad,the elders in the congregation do the same l long to see the demise of this organisation l hope it’s in my lifetime,can’t listen to the lies anymore. ❤.
@keithburton3713 3 дня назад
Hi Eric , thanks for another honest , true and great video, see you after Armageddon
@keithburton3713 3 дня назад
Hi Eric , thanks for another honest , true and great video, see you after Armageddon
@MoureeneTaylor 4 дня назад
They don't bring matters of discipline before the congregation, as the Bible says, because they don't want the congregation to know the truth about the truth. Information Control
@Booksandotherinformation 4 дня назад
Eric has his begging for Jesus money sent Florida then routed to New York. Why does a Canadian youtuber need an American corporation to beg for Jesus? Because he is a Watchtower shill, look up the definition of Picket, Eric is a scam artist just like watch tower, working for watchtower.
@joanslominski4102 4 дня назад
I like the 2001 translation as well. So far, I disagreed with only one of their comments in an explanation regarding a scripture. However, in all other aspects so far, I feel this is the best translation I found. I recommend the 2001 translation
@zip6404 4 дня назад
Great video ,you hit the points on all cylinders ,keep those video coming, looking forward to your next one,you are so right the gb wants you to have a personal relationship with there God ,Instead of you having it with your God ,The True God of the Bible.Ephesians 6:11-12