
The Longest Ultimate Frisbee Throw... Ever! 

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This may just be the longest Ultimate Frisbee throw ever... from right there! Atop a mountain in West Virginia. Apx. distance... who knows? really far!!! He looks like an ant. There was only one attempt because it was a fight through brush and bushes to get there. He didn't even have to move from where he started. The throw was perfect!!!



30 сен 2024




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@PsYk1K5 13 лет назад
I'm sure someone made a longer throw, but that was still an awesome throw. Also, it wasn't too short or too long. It landed right in the guy's hands. Good throw.
@Beardnor 13 лет назад
I'd like to see the longest frisbee throw on level ground. Throwing downhill can add serious distance to your throw (a fact I know from years of freestyle and ultimate), which is very cool, but there is something to be said about the technique, strength, and dexterity that comes with level ground distance throwing. There is a film that everyone should check out from the 1970s called floating free. You can find it on youtube: "Floating Free - The Art Of The Frisbee"
@stripervince1 12 лет назад
not to diminish your throw, i couldnt do it, but yesterday i saw a video just youtubing around with the guy on the mountain in the blue rain jacket and regardless of what the weather, wind etc, his throw probabaly was 1/2 mile, it was launched into fucking orbit, it disappeared off the charts.....
@HyperVerda 13 лет назад
@believe4life But he does have a point about the mountain. It's top hill to ground. It maybe the longest, but not the most impressing. Brodie Smith has longests time aloft. And he does it from flat ground. and it stays in the air for 9 seconds.
@Davo_1991 12 лет назад
should've titled being caught, because a guy with a famous video threw one off the top of a mountain and it went so far it went out of camera site, beats this by ... FARRRR!!
@AdrianPlusOne 12 лет назад
did u know the guy who said wave! ,was close to the guy who was waving. He said wave likethe guy was near. But the guy heard it. So this video was fake.
@PorscheCayenneS 14 лет назад
@believe4life I've got a good comparison with your hat and face, thx!
@nameuser39 12 лет назад
@khetnhio that is right if the other guy did not say "what?" asking for repeating. If he got it from the first time, then why he requested repeating!! It is not about me, I could not do even a 100-meter throw, I say it, but still I can express what I see right. Moreover, it is relative, you see it deserved the "longest", and others may not see this. At least, I gave a RIGHT explanation for this. Impressive? maybe. But Longest and Ever? oh, no!
@khetnhio 12 лет назад
@nameuser39 it would seem the response time starting from the first 'wave' is quite a bit more than a second, in fact it's more than two seconds, which means that the distance is at least 600 metres.I would say it's pretty impressive, however if you still think otherwise, i encourage you to make a video of similar proportions.It's not like you have something to lose, perhaps you could even have over 300,000 views on a video of yours as well....Although i highly doubt it.
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@ronaldwitt I'm not using semantics to argue, I'm just saying exactly what I said in the video. We had only one shot at the throw and honestly, I thought my chances of making the throw were not the greatest so I was not being totally serious and added the "from right here" The reason for posting the video was not to show the world how impressive I am but to keep a little bit of history from a trip with some great people. Some people take things way to serious...
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@EcoTommy Ok TROLL. How about you pay attention to what really happened. I made the longest throw ever from "right here" Do you know what that means? Well let me explain to you because you trolls just never seem to be the educated type. I made the longest frisbee throw ever from the location where I was standing. Let's see anyone repeat my actions from that location, under those conditions, with only one throw. Now go read some books or something. I hear it helps trolls pick better words to use
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@pujolsman12 I'm glad you're educated enough to recognize a hill. You're obviously have nothing better to do than troll on youtube. My suggestion would be to go out and make your life worth something by giving back to your community. Maybe then you'll learn some manners and maybe while you're out building houses for habitat for humanity you can use a tape measure that's laying around to learn how far 50 feet really is. Maybe it will inspire you to try and make as accurate the throw as seen here
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@richardoini to play the wind right, which makes it more difficult imho than on flat ground to make the accurate throw, throwing forehand would not have helped at all. It would not have helped me achieve my goal of throwing the disc to my friend accurately more than back hand because of the angle I had to throw it at. I also throw farther backhand usually. If I made the throw forehand, it would have been a cooler throw but given the conditions, I don't think I would have hit him.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@rejuco I don't understand what you're trying to say, but once again... go get an education. I looked at it again and the reason the white looks white and some other things don't is because normal teeth are not perfect white... so when I boosted the saturation in the footage, anything that has a color becomes way more saturated with color. That's why the greens look super green and the contrast is high. Go away Troll!
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@theratkingz @theratkingz The more impressive thing was not only was it a far throw, but notice my friend didn't have to move and the disc went right to him. I had to play the wind, distance, and altitude. It was the only attempt. I could have chucked it farther if I had given it more muscle and thrown with the wind, but that was not the point. A lil color correction and a good camera= great quality, but my export settings could have been better. This was just a good day with friends on a mtn.
@khetnhio 12 лет назад
@nameuser39 Well what do you know, he actually did say what.... That still doesn't change the fact that no one actually bought the whole longest ever thing anyway(even if it was 600 metres it still probably wouldn't be the longest ever)...It's a title of the video, sure it's not really truthful, but it did get you to click on the video so i guess it did it's job.
@nameuser39 13 лет назад
The time between the ''asking-to-wave'' by the 1st guy and ''doing-the-waving'' is LESS than ONE second as you can see it on the timer. With the constant speed of sound in air (the 1st guy's voice here), I bet that the distance was LESS than 343.2 metres per second which WITH the act of GRAVITY (hill to ground direction), IT IS NOT A BIG DEAL.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@MrUntouchable2010 Nope! It took 3 mins for him to get down there through all the brush and bushes that are just over the first hill. And... I would have had to been able to through it the same way each time if we had done it more than once... that would have sort of been more impressive if I could have done it more than once
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@PlayerUnkown "This is the longest frisbee throw... from right here." There was a bit of sarcasm in case you didn't catch it. "FROM RIGHT HERE" Who cares if it's no the most "impressing" I had one shot, I threw a freaking amazing throw that was long and accurate.
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@MsLegion17 I'm no expert either, but frisbee golf discs are smaller and designed for specific throws. There are drivers and putters just like in golf. The drivers are designed for extreme distance and not designed to catch at all! Catching a disc golf disc could seriously hurt! google it.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@Ccassari If you're not trying to hate... then you probably shouldn't start your next sentence with "but" and if you were listening at all to what I said..."longest frisbee throw ever... from RIGHT HERE" Its kinda a joke like "you're my favorite cousin..." "silly, I'm your only cousin!"
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@NixxerJixxerWixxer I wouldn't want to come work with you ever... Really??? I was at an "elevated terrain"? I totally didn't realize it... You are so smart. Listen to what I said... longest frisbee throw ever... from RIGHT HERE! Right there... camera tricks my butt!
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@MrHobiecat The point is more about the accuracy and a good time with friends. Was I totally serious...? no. It was a great day on a mountain where we hiked up to watch an amazing sun. So... sure people have thrown farther, I hope crapping on peoples vids make you feel better about your life.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@alexsteel01 Nice, I'm pretty decent flick and I know it wasn't the farthest, but one chance throw and accurate in the wind... I just started playing Ultimate seriously about a month b4 this vid and its pretty amazing. I wish I had started at 14. Good luck and get pro!
@khetnhio 12 лет назад
@nameuser39 What?!?!?!No it's not measured in metres per second, speed is measured in metres per second, distance is measured in metres....Perhaps you should be studying physics, and some English grammar as well while you're at it.
@richardoini 13 лет назад
@believe4life ya, i guess your right. i threw discus for 6 years, and played years of outfield, so thats why i prefer the forehand, and i throw it further that way. to each his own, or whatever the saying is. still a pretty cool throw.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@wtf0productions Sorry, but it was... If It was more than one attempt, Dell would have had to walk the 5 mins up and 3 mins down over...and over...and over.... fighting through brush and bushes over the hill. Like anyone would do that for a frisbee...
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@clonewarsdude "HERD" of learning how to spell, or of color correction and a sunset... or white balance on a camera... or crapping... or trolling... or spending time bettering your life so you don't waste my time responding to your trolling?
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@cankicker18 Then it wouldn't have been near as cool :) And I wouldn't have asked him to go down there again. It took like 3 mins to get there, over the hill you can sort of see where the brush and bushes start. He had to fight his way through them.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@sausagewallet24 nope! He started to move, but if you really look at where he was when I threw it and when he caught it.... he didn't move... Get over it. I wish I could fake something that well with final cut express...
@JelgavaYou 14 лет назад
OLD OLD OLD ! This was ALREADY accomplished in 1972/73 when Mr Speer and Mr o'hara frizzed a 150 g. Tournament Friz off Mt Raineer in Wash State. 15000 ft up and a few many miles over ! - Good Try though.
@JelgavaYou 14 лет назад
OLD OLD OLD ! This was ALREADY accomplished in 1972/73 when Mr Speer and Mr o'hara frizzed a 150 g. Tournament Friz off Mt Raineer in Wash State. 15000 ft up and a few many miles over ! - Good Try though.
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@nameuser39 distance is not measured in "METRES" per second and IT IS A BIG DEAL because that was the longest frisbee throw... ever from right there. An amazing throw does not deserve trolls like you.
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@ronaldwitt How about this... go climb a mountain with some friends, take a frisbee, throw it to the best of your ability and if the unexpected happens well you can post it and I'll celebrate with you.
@warnutztheloser 14 лет назад
i once threw a frissbee so far it dissappeared
@victorferr 14 лет назад
Não duvidando por completo da veracidade do video, darei 2 fatos que me fizeram duvidar da mesma. Primeiro, o rapaz que se mostra distante no video parece ter sido colocado sobre uma imagem gerada por computador, não sei se é coisa da minha cabeça. O segundo fato é o fato (sendo repetitivo) de o frisbee sumir por um segundo da imagem do video, podendo neste momento ter sido adicionado uma sobreposição de imagens ou um frisbee feito por computação gráfica.
@hummingfish 13 лет назад
Nice toss. I thought you were going to throw one of those aerobies
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@maybeIfailed I do have the record for exactly what I said... "longest frisbee throw ever... from RIGHT HERE" Name one other person who threw farther from there...
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@TheFluffyTruth lol, I don't think it has a name. I edited this with final cut express and I think the music came from a garage band loop. Hope this helps!
@illegitimate0 13 лет назад
It was a nice completion. I'm not going to say the thrower has great form or anything, but hey, not everyone is serious about ultimate, and that's fine.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@bigwomanshorts OOPS! I FORGOT TO READ THE RULES... well we can fight it out tomorrow at the playground during recess after our kindergarden math class...
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@SnLxStudios Good luck to you in life! You sound like a great person who has some wisdom, and thanks for sharing it with those who obviously need some :)
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@rejuco KNOWLEDGE NEEDED! Try this... learn about color correction, white balance, color temperatures, and sunsets... THEN COME BACK AND APOLOGIZE!
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@48thebeast HEY!!! ROFL He's not really fat :) He's a huggable friend who walked 3 mins over a hill covered in brush and bushes to catch a frisbee.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@rodrigodda There was wind, thats why I had to throw it at the angle I did. If there was no wind I probably would have tried to throw it straight to him.
@richardoini 14 лет назад
its a nice throw, but doing it on even ground would be a real feat. ps, throwing on the forehand would add some real good distance to that toss.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@bradifeobu One...my teeth were white, sunsets are kinda orangy-yellow, two... whats wrong with my clothes?...Three... Don't go hating on hobos!
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@gwd888 LOL! It was the sunset and some color correction I did to the footage to make it look neat and white things sort of came out warm yellow
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@ChaseClark541 lol, it was the sunset and the color correction to the vid to make it look nice and warm :) My teeth aren't actually that color
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@haloracetracks LOL! yeah, I did a little color correction to make the vid look a little better and it changed my teeth. thanks for noticing lol!
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@jyy82993 It was a regular frisbee. If he caught a golf frisbee, it would have taken his hands off and that would have been a bloody mess!
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@ripwoodproductions because that makes sense... watch it in HD and come back when you understand anything about video and talk to me then
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@ThaMadJoker I'm from virginia... we were in west virginia for a trip... GO VOLS!!!... Go read a book about the color of sunsets...
@Intoxiqated 14 лет назад
The longest frisbee throw ever was around 1,320 feet and lasted 30 seconds. That was around 200-300 feet and lasted only 8 seconds.
@saturnv3 14 лет назад
@alexsteel01 Stop Capitalized The First Letter Of Each Word, It's Really Hard To Read, Hard To Type, And Really Freaking Annoying.
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@TRiBUTE92 Who said it was? I just said it would be better to go contribute to society than to troll... Helping People>Trolls
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@xTechcreations No! Its called "crow hopping" NOT running... go learn how to throw stuff far... I would suggest baseball first.
@ThaMadJoker 14 лет назад
hell yessum...backwoods tennessee hick at its finest baby!!! wooooooo!! Got corn for teeth!! Go Vols Baaaaabyyyyy!! hahahahaha
@MsLegion17 13 лет назад
What is the difference between regular n golf frisbee anyway? I just a newbie here so don't really know much about this....
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@10ecboy Nope, it was a walmart "175" gram disc. Who knows if it's actually "regulation" But obviously it works pretty well
@cali4life72 14 лет назад
There seems to be a lot of down hill to help but then again you got a lot of height on it to so honestly nice throw
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@akya62 yes I did, but look at the accuracy! Wind, distance, elevation... Ima friggn sniper! He didn't have to move.
@khetnhio 12 лет назад
@believe4life the correct spelling is metres, ''meters'' is the simplified american version of spelling the word.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@ra020552 how about trying to better your life so you have better things to do then crapping on peoples vids.
@DIRKAmurkYA513 14 лет назад
you look like you ate 14 sticks of butter b4 the throw but good throw butter mouth thumbs up for dentists!!!
@FoerbHimself 14 лет назад
god dammit you can see the cut at the slowmo...-.-
@bailesie 14 лет назад
@skudfarkus What does it MEAN!??!?!?
@believe4life 14 лет назад
Haha! I'll give it a try, but I won't be asking him to catch it, that could do some major damage :)
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@r5t6y12 some loop in the apple loop library. Cheesy stock music that comes with final cut I think.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@DjAsh3nex The sunset and color correction I did to make it look neat made white things warm yellow
@madman6011 14 лет назад
Wtf r u people on about it isn't fake and cause u guys cant do that shut first been u have to troll
@DoctorD124 14 лет назад
If you guys listened to what he said..."This is the longest frisbee throw EVER from right "here"...
@budda8you 14 лет назад
dude thats weak i just tossed a fris off mt. everest last weekend and it landed somewhere in taipai
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@YMP1296 Just a good ol' ultimate disc from any toy store/walmart/frisbee website/amazon/....ect...
@programatosco 14 лет назад
é fake pois o iobjeto por alguns segundos some do vídeo no movimento da camera. Esse foi o ponto chave para se fazer o corte
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@poltergeist45 I can't remember exactly... I just followed the guy who knew where we were going :)
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@TheBigmittaIsBack Color Correction and Sunset makes white things more warm yellow... get over it.
@Jessehermansonphotography 14 лет назад
the amazing thing isn't that you threw it that far...its that it was accurate at that distance.
@jebwatson 12 лет назад
You could probably get more distance if you put some hyzer on it and let it flatten out first.
@theawesomedudeful 13 лет назад
Reliable not to be a jrek and not like i can do better but u were up hill but awesome throw
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@MrAntikone1 did you get it on video? Did a good friend of yours not move and catch it? COOL!
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@RambOFreAc Yeah... me too but... there was still a little sarcasm in the ...ever... part lol
@timlxtv4246 10 лет назад
you were on a elevated surface giving you more distance in your throw becouse it takes longer to fall soooooo.......wrong
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@soldieroffurtune09 Dude, get an education in color correction and what sunsets look like!
@DIRKAmurkYA513 14 лет назад
@believe4life what ever nice try of a cover up the camera changed my teeth butter mouth
@punkraver16 13 лет назад
Imagine if the guy dropped it.
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@Primerythm WOW! I hope that fact makes you feel better about yourself as a person...
@believe4life 13 лет назад
@RickOFtheJames Somewhere in west virginia. I can't quite remember exactly where :)
@saphired86 13 лет назад
I think people would stop bitching if you named this most accurate throw ever......
@believe4life 14 лет назад
@ozzzyo1996 Really? A pro could make a far throw? WOW! Well... I'm not a "pro"
@Muggel65 14 лет назад
i could throw a frisbee down the mount everest and it would fly forever dude!
@TheCoz27 14 лет назад
try that on flat ground and not starting on top of a hill but nice aim lol
@Anthonyt3 13 лет назад
Hi believe4life, I suppose u are a great Windjammers fan! Was I wrong? :D
@carlson727 12 лет назад
yea pretty much anyone that knows how to throw a frisbee can do that NBD
@r5t6y12 13 лет назад
@believe4life, So what's the title of the song that starts @ 0:37?
@jyy82993 13 лет назад
Frisbee golf frisbee or regular frisbee? Do it with a regular frisbee!
@maxtomevidenceiv 12 лет назад
@123offensive 12 лет назад
None throws it up hill =/ That woul be world record all way up hill
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