
The LORD Regretted That He Had Made Man? - Ask Pastor Tim 

I'll Be Honest
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The Bible plainly says that God is sovereign over all things. But if this is so, then how are we to understand the Bible verses that say that God was grieved or sorry that He did something?
Genesis 6:6 - And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.
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8 сен 2024




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@newthing7362 5 лет назад
Is it worth it? Dying and going to hell for eternity some foolish earthly pleasures? Ones that may not even last? Guess what, Satan is not the primary enemy. Our own pride and evil is.
@jessed0308 4 года назад
"God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all" -bible
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
I can only imagine! God Created this beautiful Earth and Universe for Man..And Gave them a few Simple Rules to Follow..and they made a terrible Mess of it! That is very easy to understand! But we are still Doing it! Slowly destroying our health and the planet with our incessant consumerism and pleasure seeking!
@alexgon5424 5 лет назад
It's His GRACE that saved Noah and his family.also all those that receive him all threw grave.
@earnestinecole4030 9 месяцев назад
"I like this break down. I believe everybody deserves second chances and salvation, based off how He said it. He only spoke of the MAJORITY, not all. Everybody deserves SALVATION BRO. Like this break down. All glory to God and Jesus!!!!! " Black Jesus 777
@pfwindham 2 года назад
Scripture interprets scripture… looking at all the scriptures in context. The only way we come to the Light is from God drawing us to His Son Jesus and Gods choosing & mercy. Thank God for His mercy & grace!!
@TrunkMonkey3000 5 лет назад
He did, he repented of it, but Noah found grace
@indigopursue1542 5 лет назад
Pastor Tim’s good I like his approach’s to the questions
@johannes6760 4 года назад
Why beat around the bush? Why not just accept that God literally regretted creating man? Doesn’t He operate outside of mans ways? It’s not surprising at all to understand that he did regret making man.
@Seppnick Год назад
It says: He regreted that he had made man ON EARTH. He did not regret, that he made us, he regreted, that he puted us on earth.
@Alex-yr8iy Год назад
He did....but he still sent Jesus to die for us ....wanna know why it's logical for God to regret Because humans can't accept it's us humans that made the world worse
@jameswallace5967 3 года назад
It means God was sorry He made man. That's pretty clear I think.
@josefinyt567 5 лет назад
Why he let sin in the world is because he gave us free will also. He will let the people who want to be evil to do that. He gave us free will because he wanted to be loved and to love us. He will not force anyone to love him.
@EdgeOfEntropy17 5 лет назад
Could you please point me to the Scripture that says what you have said about freewill? I have looked for a while now and can find nothing about free will being given to man because God loves us and wants to be loved. Also, Where is it said that He will not force us to loveHim because I see this: Ezekiel 36:27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
@josefinyt567 5 лет назад
Nevermore77 God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the forbidden fruit, but they did, so we are not robots who God controls. The Holy spirit must be invited in our lives, he does not force himself on us. At least that is my experience. He is a sensitive and gentle spirit 💛 It says that God is love in the Bible. And I dont think love is possible whitout free will. Or do you see it in another way? That God chooses who he gives the Holy Spirit to, without their consent?
@fapping81 4 года назад
@@EdgeOfEntropy17 Leviticus 19:5 And if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the Lord, ye shall offer it at your own will. Galations 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Ezra 7: 13 I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm, which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee. Genesis 2:16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: Deuteronomy 12:6 And thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and heave offerings of your hand, and your vows, and your freewill offerings, and the firstlings of your herds and of your flocks: 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
@freespiritpearl89 3 месяца назад
I understand what God was going through, humans are evil. It's hard to live a peaceful life with out someone attacking you for no reason. You can be minding your own business and here they come. When I was in school people would verbally abuse me for no reason or maybe a stupid reason. I always try to be a peace maker. If I see someone bullying someone I always try to stop them. But when I was being bullied no one came to my aid. I lost faith in humans along time ago. It didn't help my parents were Negligent in my childhood. People around me screwed my life up. I believe it wasn't my fault I was just a kid.
@jermeycombs3602 3 года назад
I regret for God Created me and most Good people to Suffer on this Earth. Everyday I want to Die.
@freespiritpearl89 3 месяца назад
Evil people suffer too. Just like not all rich people are evil. There Evil and good in everything.
@Seppnick Год назад
It says: He regreted that he had made man ON EARTH. He did not regret, that he made us, he regreted, that he put us on earth. And also it was not planned, that we fall into sin. That was also a surprise for god. He can not foresee everything we do. Otherwise we wouldn't have a free will. For example in Gen 2:19 he was curious about how we would name all animals: "And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them". God can change his mind based upon what we do and also god can plan things an that do not work out properly because of us.
@Yan_Haider Год назад
Regret means mistake(s), and mistake = imperfect, imperfect = false God, end of the story.
@maddavisdog07 5 лет назад
It’s possible when John said his own didn’t receive him he could be his home town. They did not believe in him and they even tried to throw him off a cliff.
@wrsnodgrass 3 года назад
Great. Exactly what I was looking for
@chicken5185 4 года назад
What about in Jonah where God told Jonah to tell Ninevah that they would be destroyed in 40 days and then after they repented He changed His mind? (Genuine Question)
@BruceRead 4 года назад
This has helped me so much. Thank you.
@freespirit7450 2 года назад
I thought God knew everything.
@tsebosei1285 4 года назад
I am busy with Genesis I also have the same question thank God I am going to get the answer
@6LeXXX 4 года назад
Ignorance is bliss for a simple mind, why do these "preachers" of christianity never gives a full answer on the bible as a whole, the truth is there are many examples in the bible where God has changed his mind, contradict himself and killed innocents... To be born guilty of sin and to still suffer the problems of life where prayers will not help you should be a sin, I don't want a god that does these things, jesus message is great but his works only worked for the people alive at the time of his fleshly existence, what are we to do in this present time where nothing is right and everything is wrong....
@YoxxSHIxx 5 лет назад
I also think you should do a q &a on Genesis 6 and 4. The topic of the sons of God verses the sons of seth doctrine. Also the fallen Angel's corrupted all flesh on earth and as a result the giants were born.
@lawrencethompson7100 3 года назад
I am trying to get my faith back, but I have recently developed problems with this particular scripture. To me, I see a God who holds Himself above human understanding, then penalizes man for not understanding Him. Between the fall and this verse, God gave man no commands or standards of good and evil. He told man not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and once man blew that through undisclosed external influence, He told man to be fruitful and multiply. But because man didn't understand what ticked God off, he wiped off every human save Noah and his family. Sounds temperamental and cruel. Furthermore, at what point does God change His mind about humanity from regretting making man, to loving the world so much, He gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins. I have difficulty viewing Him as a loving God when we seem so disposable to Him
@r3qu13m 2 года назад
Romans 2 actually teaches us that God did put his law in our heart; that is why we know at first when we do evil that it is evil, even if we don't understand why it is; we simply know. Of course we can harden our hearts until we do not even hear that conscience anymore. "12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them." As for the flood; you have to realize that at the time of the flood we are not talking about people being mildly evil; we are talking full blown Sodom and Gomorrah people intent on raping and murdering everything that moves. Death for some of these people might have actually been a loving gift preventing them from reaching the utmost of their evil and therefore heaping up more condemnation upon themselves. God knew before the foundation of the world what would happen; before even creating the first human he knew what it would cost him; and yet he decided that for those that love him it was worth it. Now God is Love, but God is also Just and Holy; therefore our sins require payment for justice to be done; that payment can either be what Jesus did for us on the cross for those who receive him; or it can be paid in full by ourselves *spoiler alert; we ain't rich enough*. That is the whole point of the cross; combining both Justice and Mercy; which when you think of it is theoretically contradictory in a way; except when the Judge that is perfectly just condemn evil justly...while showing mercy by paying the price himself. Cash that check my friend. That being said I do understand your struggle; I can't say my relationship with God is without hiccup although I wish it would be. But we have to hold on to the fact that God is infinitely wiser than us; and that if we knew what he knew and were as wise and good as he is; we would no doubt agree with his choices in every single matter that unfold anywhere, anytime. I would recommend you to pray with humility when you face struggle in your understanding of something that he would give you wisdom to understand it better. Quite often he does answer those prayers. May God bless you my friend and lead you into the knowledge of the Truth.
@lawrencethompson7100 2 года назад
@@r3qu13m Why bother to pray? He doesn't care about our struggles or suffering, outside of His amusement. He certainly doesn't do anything to ameliorate the suffering. His answer is more often than not "No."
@r3qu13m 2 года назад
@@lawrencethompson7100 I am myself going through some troubles and did have a few days of raging against God. Now as much as I get mad at the father (most likely irrationally) I can never get mad at Jesus; I love him more than anyone and anything. I comfort myself in thinking that Jesus is the closest image of who God is deep down. I think right now the evil in this world is probably necesary and the trials we face have some kind of bennefit either for ourselves or for others. It is easier said than done; but I think we should trust God and the fact he has the best interests of those who love him in mind. I find that there is some amount of pride that keep me from praying; feeling entitled to mercy and goodness when in fact I am not that good of a person and should probably be thankful I havn't been uterly crushed yet. lol Anyway; I understand your struggle; I would recomend you to read the gospel of John again; keep in mind that Jesus IS God; and that he himself bore more pain than us combined while he didn't deserve any. Pray the "Our Father" prayer; remember to also not only pray to ask for things but to express your thankfullness for the good things you receive. And pray God that he would give you the strenght to overcome the trials you are facing if it is his will that you face those. I think if we knew what God knew and had the intellectuals and emotionals capabilities he has; we would agree 100% with his choices. I hate it when God tries me; I feel betrayed and hurt; but when I get some sense back after the overwhelming emotions I realize what I mentioned above.
@lawrencethompson7100 2 года назад
@@r3qu13m Of course it's His will we face trials because He enjoys human suffering. You mentioned a few days of raging. This truth is something I've grown to realize over the last 20 years of my life. It's become so obvious to me that His promises are worthless. Forget the countless denied prayers for me. In the armor of god scripture, He tells us to put on the armor of God so when the day of evil comes, you can stand. Well, there were nine christians who had on the armor of God when Dylann roof showed. When the day of evil arrived, were they able to stand? No. They were carried out in body bags. Psalm 91 says "urely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence...." Yet there were 7 Christians in 10 days who died of Covid in a church in Jacksonville, and over 100 Christian pastors in Nepal also died of Covid. Where was the promised proection against pestilence? As I said...worthless. I won't be praying to God for this, or anything else. He has let me down too many times for me to put any hope in Him again.
@r3qu13m 2 года назад
@@lawrencethompson7100 "1 The righteous person perishes, and no one takes it to heart; And devout people are taken away, while no one understands. For the righteous person is taken away from evil, 2 He enters into peace; They rest in their beds, Each one who walked in his upright way." Isaiah 57:1-2 As Paul said "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.". I would personally most welcome death as it would take me away from this evil world and into a much better one. As long as God wants me to be alive down here I will stay; but I would much rather be with him. If any of the unsaved people in my friends and family were to die; that would bring sadness to my heart; but for the saved; as much as their deaths would deprive me of their company for a season; my sadness would be wiped away by the joy I would have to know them to be free of all the pains of this world and at peace in the presence of God.
@kaymiller2441 3 года назад
Wow enjoyed this.
@JosephCarbis 5 лет назад
Tim, I love you brother, but you left out the most important part when quoting Ephesians 1:4, you didn’t say “IN HIM.” Christ was chosen before the foundation of the world to be our savior, when did we become “in him.”?(only once we believe (Ephesians 1:13, were included in Christ...) (Rmns 6:5 and 6:6, “United with Him in death”...”crucified with him”). He chose (saved people/Christians,Us in him), before the foundation of the world, those now “in him/in Christ” TO BE “holy and blameless) not randomly selected to be saved. You would never say an “elect” person who was not yet a believer would be included in Paul’s message, why, because they are not yet “IN HIM.”
@JosephCarbis 5 лет назад
Robert I would say the object is “us in him”, look how often “in him” “in Christ” is used in rest of the chapter, everything is based on being in him, in Christ. When were you (a believer) in him? Were you in him before the foundation of the world?
@JosephCarbis 5 лет назад
Robert I hear ya, I never paid much attention to predestination, I go to a reformed church because the teaching is sound. But it seems lately that every major pastor on-line is a Calvinist, and I’ve seen it have major negative impacts with non-believers and see it as a stumbling block to those with false beliefs. At its core, no matter how Calvinist spin it, Jesus is not the way, truth and life for ALL, millions have no “hope” and were pre-destined for eternal hell, and I can’t think of a bigger heresy. When you have time check out the YT site “Beyond the fundamentals” he does a good job using scripture to dispute every Calvinist doctrine and prooftext. God bless you , and your pastor (sounds like a solid dude;) (Christians/us in him) as used in Ephesians 1:4, is similar to someone in Apollo 11, prior to the moon launch saying “us in Apollo 11” were chosen 50 years ago to go to the moon, doesn’t mean the individuals were pre-chosen). Especially when you consider they were chosen for the purpose of being “holy and blameless”. Ephesians 1:5( believers, those now in him) are predestined for the adoption (future event, we are not yet adopted, we have spirit of adoption). Good chatting with you, motivated to search scriptures more thoroughly!
@GerardPerry 5 лет назад
@@JosephCarbis I appreciate Pastor Tim's teachings, even though I have a fundamental disagreement with him, and Calvinists in general, about fundamental soteriological issues. I think this verse, just like Luke 13:58, and the entire book of Jonah, is hard to reconcile with the reformed interpretation of scripture regarding free will and understanding of what God's "sovereignty" implies.
@phillipgoodson2057 Год назад
You have misquoted scripture using some corrupt modern version. Genesis 6:6 “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”
@Somatropin 3 года назад
The Must High does not regret or be wrong with the out come of his plans. He reconsider by the sinner repenting and or reconsider by the prayers. Christianity dishonors the prophets by calling them sinner,drunker,adulterous only to uplift Jesus to deity figure. Only the Christian translation of Bible blasphemy to God to lower him to God and Goddesses as the pagan mythology whose annual cycle of procreation, giving birth and dying defines the Pagan year winter Solstice. Jesus was not born December 25th nor he know what Christianity is and never preached Christianity or ever were he called christos on his life time but later definition of Messiah. May The Most High bless him and his mother
@jermeycombs3602 3 года назад
Jesus Christ destroyed my Life with Great Diseases, Great Sufferings, Poverty, Lolineness, and Much Pain. Everyday I want to Die, God always Hated and Punished me.
@kguymyguyfrydie9710 3 года назад
He will give you the tool to overcome all of those things if you genuinely ask Him to. If we step outside of His Instructions we open ourselves up to things He doesn't want us to experience but if you woke up today then you have the amazing opportunity of aligning yourself with God and He'll help you do that! God doesn't want a church commitment off of you He wants a relationship with you😃
@tobi4637 4 года назад
if god know the future..whats point that he regretted??
@johnwarren3789 5 лет назад
Exodus 32:14. Is that God changing his mind
@ltw6789 5 лет назад
Yes I believe so.
@martynas8804 2 года назад
you failed to answer the main question, what did he apologize for? Sometimes not the animals? For giving a man to rule over them. The whole interview is worth shit, just like God's apology.
@supermarodx901 3 года назад
It means that there is corruption in the book clearly!
@ltw6789 5 лет назад
Maybe you didn't phrase it or I heard the part about the nurse on duty on death row wrong, do you condone then the law there in putting a man to death? I talk about the law of the land in some countries. Not the law of God. We don't or shouldn't live under the law we are under His Grace.
@ltw6789 5 лет назад
However I can understand what you meant by the discipline and righteousness of God.
@ltw6789 5 лет назад
Thanks for the the message. I have often thought about the verse of when God said He had regretted or was grieved that He had made man.
@Lily_and_River 5 лет назад
Yes on the one hand the examples helped to make a point and I loved what he was saying about God's complexity. But on the other hand I didn't love his examples. There's no logic in the comparison of a mother spanking her child as if the mother is just to do this, like God would do this. Parents are just humans who are saved sinners like children are. When we are children of God we should raise our children in Christ, not in the world. Its worldy to punish people for their mistakes. We believe God doesn't punish us but forgave us for our sins and now walks with us as a father and leads us with kindness, love and patience. Why can't we do the same as parents to our children? Why don't we teach children forgiveness and grace instead of trying to do good from a place of fear or avoiding punishment? Children need to become children of God before they can learn how to overcome sin yet we expect 'good behaviour' from a child without leading them to Christ. All this punishing with spankings or rewarding with candy and money comes from behaviorism which is found in worldly psychology. And many christians teach this behaviorism like it's a biblical view and at the same time try to teach the gospel which is the opposite of behaviorism.
@kolaoj5174 5 лет назад
The death sentence is consistent with the character of God. Before the law of Moses came in, God declared to Noah: “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man. - Genesis 9:6 God therefore universally says because man is made in the image of God, anyone who murders is liable to be executed. This is also consistent with New Testament believers (Jews and Gentiles) when Paul says in Romans 13:1-7 that the government has been given the sword by God to punish what is evil. Obviously there is a place for mercy to be extended and demonstrated as not everybody always gets what they deserve from God. David wasn’t executed for adultery and killing Uriah.. The woman caught in adultery in John 8.. But in both cases it is God directly showing mercy and he could only do this based on the future punishment Jesus Christ would experience for his people on the cross. Evil must be punished, especially the most heinous ones like murder, and so God desires that we uphold justice whilst we live in this present age. Without a clear understanding of justice and the punishment of evil we would not be able to truly understand the cross
@kolaoj5174 5 лет назад
Lily&River Sorry but what you’re saying is not consistent with the bible. Think about what you’re saying, do you accuse God of wrong doing when he speaks through Solomon to say: “He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently.” - Proverbs 13:24 What about when he says: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” or “Through the fear of the Lord men depart from evil” Even The Lord Jesus himself said: “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” - Matthew 10:28 God’s forgiveness was *not* free in the sense that nothing was needed to give it to us. It is only free in the sense that he gave it to us freely without us ourselves paying for it. But our forgiveness was the most expensive transaction to ever happen. Jesus Christ The holy Son of God had to be put to death for us to be forgiven, this means God did not just choose to forgive us but he purchased our forgiveness through the cross. God said through Isaiah: “But the Lord was pleased to crush Him (meaning Jesus), putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering..” And so you can not teach children that because God forgave, they do not need to be disciplined. Because they will not learn justice nor will they learn that there are consequences for evil actions. Discipline and justice is one of the most loving things a Christian parent can teach their child, because it is in the light of this that they will see the cross of Jesus Christ for what it is: God’s justice being displayed, Jesus Christ as our representative being punished by God for our evil deeds. “since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God, and are being justified [declared free of the guilt of sin, made acceptable to God, and granted eternal life] as a gift by His [precious, undeserved] grace, through the redemption [the payment for our sin] which is [provided] in Christ Jesus, whom God displayed publicly [before the eyes of the world] as a [life-giving] sacrifice of atonement and reconciliation (propitiation) by His blood [to be received] through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness [which demands punishment for sin], because in His forbearance [His deliberate restraint] He passed over the sins previously committed [before Jesus’ crucifixion]. It was to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the One who justifies those who have faith in Jesus [and rely confidently on Him as Savior].” ‭‭ROMANS‬ ‭3:23-26‬ ‭AMP‬‬
@behonestisgood6341 4 года назад
If you believe in one God then whom he's repenting to, another God? cotradiction by you
@bashirdurani1884 3 года назад
Do you know what is the meaning of regret, regret means you don't know the outcoming of anything so basically you're telling me that your God didn't know that when he create human he will do sin that is worse this pastor you can see that he just ignore the question and just jump to another topic here is the contradiction in the Bible one of them at least and there's thousands of thousands contradictions in the Bible so that means Bible was not written by Jesus or even his disciple some sick psycho-person who had a bad experience in his own life and he wrote whatever he could have write please get out of this cult and go except Islam is the only way to Paradise that's it
@adelegill 4 года назад
I think it is time for a flood again... dont you think?
@tientranthiquynh2528 4 года назад
Adele Christian covers, he promised that he would never destroy earth again with “Water”
@vicdog7979 4 года назад
And I regret to ever believing in a fictitious being that cost me over 20 + years of my life.
@josephconstant7443 3 года назад
A God that regretted his creation is not a God at all. A real God should be all-knowing and should have made things such, that regrets would not be later parts of his story.
@freespirit7450 2 года назад
Men wrote the bible and said it's from god.
@Yan_Haider Год назад
@Seppnick Год назад
He didn't regret that he made man, he regretted that he made us on earth. That "on earth" is not just scenery. If he would have created us outside of satans realm we wouldn't have to suffer at all.
@Yan_Haider Год назад
@@Seppnick and? Regret = mistake/wrong decision, nothing changed, that means that Christian'e God isn't all knowing as they have claimed.
@Seppnick Год назад
@@Yan_Haider Yes that is true but he has never claimed that he could forsee every desicion we make. See for example those three scriptures: "Genesis 2:19 - And from the earth the Lord God made every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and took them to the man TO SEE WHAT NAMES HE WOULD GIVE THEM: and whatever name he gave to any living thing, that was its name." "Genesis 18:20 - 21: And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; AND IF NOT, I WILL KNOW." "1. Samuel 15:11: It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from following me,..
@davidfindley1588 5 лет назад
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