
The (Messy) BONAVENTURE Legacy 

Certifiably Ingame
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So this ship is a part of Starfleet apocryphal history. Even if no one is sure how or where it fits in.
Let's take a look anyway.
Music from bensound.com, purple-planet.com and freesfx.co.uk
Star Trek Online developed by Cryptic Studios and Perfect World.
Star Trek, Star Trek Enterprise/Voyager/Deep Space Nine/Discovery/Lower Decks/Picard and The Next Generation are all owned and distributed by CBS.
Star Trek Films are owned and distributed by Paramount Pictures
This Video is for educational and analysis purposes with commentary.



14 окт 2024




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@RainrixIasant 4 года назад
15567 - 1594(?) - HMS (Elizabeth) Bonaventure Those darn temporal agents!
@ballroomscott 4 года назад
@Timberwolf69 4 года назад
Another victim of the temporal cold war?
@RainrixIasant 4 года назад
@@Timberwolf69 I'm worried that it was built far far far in the future... >_>
@BennyLlama39 4 года назад
Reminds me of the birth and death dates of PDQ Bach. 😀
@youdontneedtoseehisidentif4939 4 года назад
@@BennyLlama39 If you want something silly, look up the English Heritage plaques for Jacob von Hogflume ;)
@daverage4729 4 года назад
Rick...Ushering in a new stellar age of trek analysis!!!!
@Peregrine57 4 года назад
A fun, if apocryphal story about the HMCS Bonaventure: When I was in university, I hung out with some friends who were military history enthusiasts. One was in fact a history student, and the other was planning on pursuing an RCN career. And they shared with me an anecdote they'd come across in their research.The HMCS Bonaventure, (Possibly the Majestic class you mention in the video, as I seem to remember it was an aircraft carrier, though it could be another ship of the same name) was decommissioned, and sold for scrap. The company that was contracted to tow it overseas ... Kinda... disappeared for an extended period of time. Then, all of a sudden, showed up at the breaking yard, ship in tow as if nothing was out of the ordinary. It was the right class of ship, alright, but there was something off about it. The Bonaventure was known to have undergone a refit, but this was not a refitted aircraft carrier. Now, India had also acquired ships of the same class from the UK, but unlike Canada, had not done any refits, and their ships had began to show their age. Then, all of a sudden, not very long after the Bonaventure's mysterious side quest, one of the Indian naval vessels appeared to have gotten a surprise refit. Some Canadian officials began to put two and two together. At some point, a Canadian dignitary of some kind or other was speaking on the phone with an official in the Indian government, and casually slipped into conversation "So how's the Boaventure doing?" His counterpart replied, "Oh, very good, we're very happy with it". *Awkward pause* *Click* I don't know if the story is true or not, I wasn't the primary researcher who found it in the first place, and I'm going by memory of what I was told some 20 years ago now. And I've come to learn over the years that some of these stories my friends came across back then, maaaaaybe aren't necessarily as, let's say - accurate - as they were lead to believe. So I have no idea of the veracity of the story. Fiction isn't the only thing that has some messy lore. Sometimes real life does too.
@thomasswrisky6734 4 года назад
I know someone who served on the Bonaventure, he was surprised when I recognized his ship when it came up in conversation. It was the last air craft carrier Canada has owned, and the pride of the navy back in it’s day.
@ryank5424 4 года назад
As far as I know it's the only canadian warship named Bonaventure so far.
@TomLuTon 4 года назад
India had only one Majestic class carrier, INS Vikrant. If you're claiming the Indians pulled a fast one and swapped the Vikrant for the Bonnie, then they would've had to have the Taiwanese scrapyard that bought the Bonnie in on the act, as well as the Australian government, because they bought parts of the Bonnie to help refit one of their Majestic class carriers, HMAS Melborne
@Peregrine57 4 года назад
@@TomLuTon I do seem to remember that they bribed the haulers, and that's why it arrived late at the scrap yard in the first place. If the story is true. And I'm not claiming it is. Remember, I'm not the primary source. But it makes sense that such a legend might spring up around it. The Canadian government, both Liberal and Conservative parties, have a history of questionable military spending that boggles minds both among the public, and within the military. Dump millions into a project only to cancel it, scrap some good hardware, while refusing to replace other hardware that desperately needs it. Political football games around the EH-101s and the F-35, you name it. We're still sore about the Avro Arrow. So selling off our last aircraft carrier for scrap after it had undergone an extensive refit only 2 or 3 years prior is just the sort of thing they would do. The story of another country's navy then getting another umpteen years of service out of it is just too spicy.
@aceman67 4 года назад
Canadian Naval Ships use "HMCS", Her/His Majesty's Canadian Ship, not HCMS. The Bonaventure was also purchased by Canada for it's Navy, not the Army.
@Gromulan 4 года назад
My uncle was an Able Seaman (2nd class, I think) on the HMCS Bonaventure (Canadian Aircraft Carrier) He passed away a couple of years ago at 82.
@ryank5424 4 года назад
My condolences. Perhaps we'll see a carrier in service again one day.
@infinitelyimpossible7170 4 года назад
Thanks for covering this!! As a Canadian I am very fond of seeing references to HMCS Bonaventure in fiction, particularly Star Trek :) I realize the name predates the Canadian ship but that's what I think of when I see the name.
@Kainlarsen 4 года назад
I love your delivery of "a new age of interstellar exploration for mankind!" :D
@scottmantooth8785 4 года назад
*should have used bit of reverb and just a hint of autotune...for the dramatic effect that such a statement clearly demands*
@rojh9351 4 года назад
Pretty simple: Scotty saw the name Bonaventure, associated it with Cochrane’s original, but after an all-nighter on the scotch could no longer tell his dish from his nacelle.
@scottmcintosh4397 4 года назад
🍷 Knocked him flat on his Poop Deck 😫
@JessHull 4 года назад
My ships in STO is the USS Salisbury Sound. I named it that because its the ship my father served on. it was torpedo seaplane tender.
@daveh7720 4 года назад
I fly the USS Little Rock, named for the guided missile cruiser my father -commanded- -piloted- served aboard.
@JessHull 4 года назад
@@daveh7720 very cool!
@jetstreamjack5653 4 года назад
I named one of mine USS Echo, after the survey ship both my uncle and I have served on at seperate times. Coincidentally, her IRL sister ship is the HMS Enterprise 😆
@CheezyDee 4 года назад
The thought experiment is called, "The Ship of Theseus" and it comes up now and then with automotive retro mod builders when they install new drivetrains in old cars sans emissions and safety systems, then register them as antiques to get around taxes and regulations.
@circuitsandcigars1278 4 года назад
Fascinating thought experiment. If you replace all the existing wooden boards in a ship, is it still.the same ship?
@keithvernonlewis9403 4 года назад
Thankyou for all your videos and hardwork and research on trek, trekking or for goodness sake just THANKYOU and know that there are many people who enjoy what you have given all of US and know that you are APPRECIATED !!! ...yours Keith Vernon Lewis
@marshallbanana281 4 года назад
I have a copy of that "Spaceflight Chronology" that the flat wedge/cone Bonaventure came from. And honestly, I like the idea that Cochrane was an alien, and that Humanity didn't come up with the warp drive system on our own. I think it sells the idea of a Federation much better; two different (though not totally) races coming together for the improvement of both. ... I may also be biased toward some of the other designs in the book. Lookin' at you, Messier class.
@mikhailiagacesa3406 4 года назад
Ah yes, the Neptune Class, or why triple nacelle designs never seem to work out(I'm looking at you, Federation dreadnought)
@samsonguy10k 4 года назад
It's been proposed from that period, stemming from the TOS episode Metamorphosis where we first meet Cochrane, that he is an Earth native that later emigrated to Alpha Centauri to continue his FTL research there. I honestly see Cromwell's Cochrane doing that, as the Earth we see in First Contact is rather used up and aching for some colonization on another planet. I never watched Enterprise extensively short of an abridged choice of episodes dealing with the Xindi war, but frankly, if Earth hadn't colonized A Centauri by the time they launched the NX-01, then what the hell were they doing? As to Spaceflight Chronology, I've never tired picking it up now and then, as it rather sneakily slips in some interesting stories in there during the birth and growth of the UFP which were sadly never picked up by series or movie writers. I did find it rather amusing when the image of the Tritium was used for the cover of the Star Trek novel Kobayashi Maru, which told of the experiences of Kirk, Scotty, and Sulu with the No-Win Scenario.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
I think the idea was that people colonized the alpha Centauri system at some point before developing warpdrive.
@casbot71 4 года назад
1650 Bonaventure last for 98 years. *Laughs in Excelsior class* FYI There's a Excelsior class refit in the 25th century called the Archer class, that has a quantum slipstream warp core, multi spectral phasers and shields, tri cobalt devices, and is basically upgraded to state of the art. It was retrofitted (not a minor retrofit this time) after the Odyssey class [Enterprise-F] proved itself. I wouldn't be surprised if an Excelsior is fitted with a temporal warp core and is still in service in the 29th century.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
What about the Miranda class? Kahn commanded one in his battle with Kirk, and they participated heavily in the Dominion wars.
@michaelgreenwood3413 3 года назад
@@HappyBeezerStudios Technically that was the Reliant-class subvariant (There's also the Soyuz-class, which the Bozeman is a member of.)
@thezeropike 4 года назад
I'm sure you get a lot of flakk from minor mistakes or missing an obscure reference mentioned by a off screen unaccredited character at the last minute of an episode somewhere. But as a fan of your videos and content, I'm happy to have found and followed your channel. You keep deep lore fun and worth watching. Thank You.
@weldonwin 4 года назад
I kinda like the 2151 Bonaventure, it reminds me rather a lot of the original Battlestar Galactica in design
@DoctorX17 4 года назад
My favorite parts are every time you said "USHERED IN A NEW INTERSTELLAR AGE OF EXPLORATION FOR MANKIND!", lol It's fun exploring weird/broken parts of canon, and really highlights the reason it's good to think about canon early if you're ever gonna worry about it XD
@MatthewCaunsfield 4 года назад
A heroic attempt to make sense of all the Bonaventures! 👍
@sailingmaster 4 года назад
You forgot the USS Bonaventure that was mentioned in TOS episode, Balance of Terror.
@DanBen07 4 года назад
I don't remember that i looked in the script and the name wasn't there.
@GeekFilter 4 года назад
Nope it wasn't. The only canon mention of the Bonnie was in the TAS episode "The Time Trap"
@Lukos0036 4 года назад
The Bonaventure class's design looks like it could be a direct successor to the NX. Discarding the twin boom tail for a single larger central hull, and a proper shuttle bay feels like something ship designers would do with the experience of the NX design behind them.
@GeekFilter 4 года назад
Thats kind of how Doug Drexler saw it when he was designing the first version of the NX and the NX refit.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
I love Drexler's NX refit. It shows some pretty natural progression from the NX we see in the show to the later type with the secondary hull. A better, faster warp drive would need a bigger, more powerful warp core, too big to fit in the ship. So by adding a section just for the engine they not only can expand the available space, but the old engine area could either be used for other purposes or as secondary/backup engine.
@slicedchicken4806 4 года назад
Frankly the show that has more canon issues in it's expanded universe is Doctor Who.
@JaredLS10 4 года назад
Right? Chris Eccleston wont sign on for the 50th....lets create a whole new doctor.
@brendamayfuller8803 4 года назад
At least they can use timeline changes to account for some of the terrible writing on some episodes.
@amazedsatsuma 4 года назад
The Bonaventure a legacy name that doesn't fit perfectly well in canon even when it makes it on screen:P
@samsonguy10k 4 года назад
When you have a show that is just a plain mess of time travel starting from the TOS and onwards, one has to ask....what is canon?
@amazedsatsuma 4 года назад
@@samsonguy10k oh my comment was meant entirely in jest. I am fully aware a franchise that is this long in the tooth will bound small canon inconsistencies as different productions will focus on different aspects and different budgets to work with. And TAS is a strange early aspect of Trek lore that was largely overlook until CBS put it on its streaming service...so it makes sense it doesn't fit with what was establish on Enterprise
@adamofgrayskull7735 4 года назад
There's a starship named the Drake or was it the USS LOLLYPOP
@danielseelye6005 4 года назад
She was a Good Ship. (Sorry, I had to. It was _right_ there!)
@vic5015 4 года назад
The good ship Lollipop (it's a shirley temple reference).
@Decrepit_biker 4 года назад
What are the defenses? How many crew?
@captainyossarian388 4 года назад
"Peace, through superior firepower!" One of the few enjoyable episodes of the first season.
@charleschamp9826 4 года назад
Perhaps the TAS Bonaventure could be the first Starfleet ship fitted with the same style of Warp Drive that the Constitution class uses. Though for what "Style" could specifically refer to I really have no idea.
@Timberwolf69 4 года назад
Maybe it was the first ship with a vertical warp drive.
@mb2000 4 года назад
Timberwolf69 I don’t know, the Constitution didn’t appear to have a vertical core until after the 2270s refit. Maybe it was a core specially designed to work with the new duotronic circuitry?
@glitterboy2098 4 года назад
i agree. perhaps it was the first warp 8 vessel (as that was what the top safe speed of the TOS constitution class was supposed to be). that might also tie into the bit in the original pilot, where a crewman off the enterprise tells a bunch of stranded scientists (who supposedly crashed there in the early 2200's) that "the time barriers been breached" which in light of more recent canon, i've usually taken to mean "travel time", as in the early 23rd century most ships would only have been in the warp 4 or 5 range, and probably would not be able to sustain that for a long time while the powerful warp 8 drives on a constitution could do warp 8 for long period, meaning that it could get somewhere almost an order of magnitude faster.
@stankyyboi 4 года назад
or MAYBE we can just accept that it's been retconned
@Robert0Pirie 4 года назад
Possible, it could be considered the first matter/anti-matter warp drive. Didn't NX-01 use a fusion reactor not m/am?
@kylelloyd7940 4 года назад
Small correction HMCS not HCMS for Canadian ships. Seriously love these videos man! Keep it up!
@CannonRanger-1 4 года назад
Truly a Gordian Knot to unwind. Well done. 👍
@deltasigclub 4 года назад
I had a photo of the Bonaventure-class from a Star Trek calendar that I had once and it was one of my favorite pre-TOS designs. I really think that class of ship should be canon. Very well done video.
@barrybend7189 2 года назад
Wish we could get the animated version as a playable ship in STO( with a version of a 22nd century version based off the Yorktown from Star Trek Legacy). It would be fun.
@dswynne 4 года назад
I always saw that the Bonaventure seen in TAS preceded the Constitution-class.
@dwightk.schrute8696 4 года назад
4:51, Blink twice if you need help, Rick!
@tombaker8481 4 года назад
Thank you kindly for all these wonderful videos...would it be possible to make one talking about the smaller star ships? I find them cozy :) Oh, and maybe one about the Ranger in interstellar, such a realistic approach to something we may be able to build soon. Thanks!
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
Those time line and speed issues always remind me of the "Transwarp" drive of the NX-2000 Excelsior and the changed warp scale they use in TNG. I like to imagine they made some sort of "upgrade" to their warpdrives. And since they work a bit differently afterwards, they changed the scale. The Exelsior's Transwarp was just an early experiment on said changes.
@jerryplayz101 4 года назад
I like how you accent the point of “USHERING IN A NEW AGE OF EXPLORATION” every time... lol
@msbae 4 года назад
That Bonaventure design made by Tobin Dax looks pretty cool. I wouldn't mind that being incorporated into canon.
@kabobawsome 4 года назад
You're right about the DIDO class. Honestly, surprised we don't get more modern ships called the Argonaut.
@jdzencelowcz 4 года назад
Honestly, I hope we see the Bonaventure class in a future show, I really like it as a bridge between the NX & Constitution, also we got totally cheated outta seeing Khan's ship in Into darkness!!!
@marshallhuffer4713 4 года назад
I have a suggestion for a video. You could talk about Star Trek crossovers. There have been several crossovers with a different Star Trek series interacting with characters from different IPs such as Star Trek: The Animated Series crossing over with Transformers, Star Trek: The Next Generation crossing over with Doctor Who, and the Kelvin Timeline Star Trek crossing over with Green Lantern.
@MarvelX42 4 года назад
So I take Scotty saying that "It was the first vessel to have warp drive installed" to mean that it was the first to not have warp drive as an initial part of the design, but that the warp drive was put in later. One doesn't install an engine into a car, it is just built with an engine. This may (or may not) fix what would otherwise be a continuity error, as all the other ships were just built with the warp drives already part of the vessel.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
Maybe it was the first ship with the then common type of warp drive, with previous ships using a different design.
@RetroRobotRadio 4 года назад
From another piece of my favorite fiction... The Bonaventure was the name of the ship that was built by The castaways in the book The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne. It wasn't actually made to get home because it didn't have that kind of range. It was merely made to visit nearby islands.
@ClarinoI 4 года назад
1:08 Blimey! A ship launched in 15567 with sails that was decommissioned nearly fourteen centuries earlier? Must have been a time ship in disguise!
@AmalgmousProxy 4 года назад
Have you ever considered going over Nomad and possible origins of Tan Ru? In the episode: The Changeling S2/E3. ?pace probe was launched from Earth during the early 21st century that collided with and mixed up with Tan Ru probe and began killing lifeforms. It was one of the most powerful and deadly of the series, one planet in particular with over 4 billion inhabitants wiped out.
@joemodia6876 4 года назад
I love your videos! Thanks for all your hard work! Would you do a list of best fan films? Best scripts, effects, and closest to canon.
@drpigeyes 4 года назад
Absolutely love the videos
@MrYTGuy1 4 года назад
This is by far my favorite ship from the animated series. It's just a chubby, cute little enterprise.
@asvarien 4 года назад
I quite like the look of the Bonaventure class ship designed by Dax.
@Killerspieler0815 4 года назад
@Certifiably Ingame - the 2051 (Warp 2.5) ship looks very much like the Battle Star Galactica ...
@marco8696 7 месяцев назад
In the book space flight cronology the bonaventure is testing in 2058!
@Dan__S 4 года назад
I dig the look of that boneventure class tos ship. Just from an engineering perspective, it makes a lot more sense than the enterprise with its giant, stupid neck
@ryank5424 4 года назад
Just FYI it's H.M.C.S Bonaventure not H.C.M.S. Still an enjoyable video. 🖖 (Also pretty sure she was navy 😁)
@NoJusticeNoPeace 4 года назад
Suggestion: The Kzinti. They got another reference in Picard, so they're still canon. If Enterprise had had a fifth season, they intended to do a Kzinti episode. For those who aren't aware, Kzinti come from Larry Niven's Protector/Ringworld series, and he gave permission for them to be used in the Star Trek Animated Series, where, they more or less lifted one of Niven's stories featuring the Kzinti.
@jackieparks4709 4 года назад
I've kinda made my own canon when it comes to the Bonaventure. Considering that in STO I named my TOS ship after the the Bonaventure in the animated series. I found it crazy how the TOS missions in STO actually coenside with the Bonaventures story from TAS. The Bonaventure in TAS was lost in a time warp and low and behold your ship in the TOS missions gets lost ansf sent into the future!!!! And considering I named my STO ship before I figured out the how the agents of yesterday's missions ended. I was more then happy to be "living out canon" in STO XD
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
When you, Scotty, Chekov and Daniels travel around to stop the mirror universe empire and Krenim from getting the Tox Uthat that Picard and Vash hid. Damn that season was fun.
@whatthefish2082 4 года назад
The Bonaventure class reminds me of an old WWII Spitfire.
@GreeneLanternn 4 года назад
You're close. Its HMCS not HCMS, and it was give to the Royal Canadian Navy, not the Army. But that said, go Royal Canadian Air Force!!
@BradPittler 4 года назад
Between Dr. Alex Clarke and Drachinifel I think you'd find all sorts of new Naval History to dig into.
@SuperGamefreak18 4 года назад
actually part of me thinks that first contact caused a paradox that slightly altered the universe, one that was required to save the federation but also caused irreversible harm to the timeline, so the Cochrane we know is different from the oringal for all we know, but with the paradox we will never know that oringal timeline
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
And causing not enough issues for any type of future time agents to intervene. Or rather a beneficial change they're too glad to keep around.
@jparky1972 4 года назад
Lol. Love your videos. Not stiff and unfunny like some other content makers. May you live long an prosper.
@Kenadian2006 4 года назад
Hey, that's my name. Neat.
@GRIGGINS1 4 года назад
Damn't Rick now I have to name one of my STO ships that.
@MLB9000 4 года назад
I quite like the sleek design of the one with the secondary hull incorporated into the saucer. Too bad this wasn’t used in a show, it would be a good candidate for a pre-constitution class vessel.
@Awestefeld6612 4 года назад
Glad that Ric considers ST: TAS canon
@sgt_s4und3r54 4 года назад
Thanks for the headache. lol
@glitterboy2098 4 года назад
i could see the C1-21 craft as being a reworking of the Phoenix Cochrane did to be the first human ship to *sustain* warp travel.. as the Phoenix only travelled at warp for a few seconds, basically what later eras would call a "warp jump". design wise it looks rather like they took the Phoenix's drive section and added a big reactor and fuel tanks, a radiation shield, and a larger crew module to it. agreed that the old alpha centauri Bonaventure craft doesn't fit details wise, but the design of it at least would fit into trek lore, perhaps as an early starfleet vessel during the warp 2 era, as we know from ENT that earth's freighters were crawling their way around at low warp for decades. Starfleet having a ship able to make similar trips wouldn't be too unlikely.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
Good point, the Phoenix was basically some experimental kitbash to prove warp speed is possible beyond theory.
@dexterharris176 4 года назад
Just wanna say love ur content
@wingsley 4 года назад
There is a way to unravel (at least) some of this ball of yarn. In "The Time Trap" episode of Star Trek Animated, Scotty identifies Bonaventure as being "first starship to have warp drive installed". This would seem to contradict Star Trek Enterprise, in which Archer's Enterprise and her sister ships were designed and built with Warp 5 engines. But no so fast: Archer, Trip and their colleagues never referred to their Warp 5 engines as "warp drive". Instead, they toasted to Warp 7 as "the next generation". They also expressed wonder and envy of the Vulcans and other spacefaring races who had already surpassed Warp 7, apparently this was a major technical milestone like Warp 2. Perhaps Bonaventure started out as an Earth prototype, equipped with Warp 5 engines for early testing purposes, and later became one of the first Federation starships, fitted with new technology of the 2160s. If technical refinements finally made a Federation starship capable of sustaining Warp 7 a reality, Starfleet no doubt hailed this achievement by dubbing the new generation of nacelle propulsion as true "warp drive". This would be an honor bestowed to starships capable of sustaining at least Warp 7.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
Excelsior Transwarp! New warp scale in TNG somewher around that time they ushered in a new age of space exploration for mankind
@XX-sp3tt 4 года назад
AHAHAHH! Yeah, even I'll admit the lore can get kooky in places!!!! :-D
@farmkid230 4 года назад
Just a small note, Canadian ships are labeled HMCS not HCMS
@rocketguardian2001 4 года назад
Also we do have a Navy. The army didn't operate the Bonnie.
@ultramaximusreviews 4 года назад
You should do a Legacy video on Earth Spacedock!
@stepheng7325 2 года назад
could u please do one for the ships named Daedalus, or ones named for famous starfleet captains? USS archer, USS janeway etc
@plugsocket9432 4 года назад
As Robert Meyer Burnett said that even though the books aren’t canon but they're still Star Trek with continuing lore. Doesn’t matter what some stranger says on the internet; if you personally enjoy it then its Star Trek. I have enjoyed some of the Star Trek novels such as Destiny, Typhoon Pact, The Fall, Body Electric and Department of Temporal Investigations. I don’t care if you say it’s not Alpha Canon because these stories feel more like Star Trek than Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks combined.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
Like how they dealt with the old SW EU: The films override the books, the books try to not clash with the lore in the movies, and canon is not a yes or no question, but more of a set of stairs of what to include and what not.
@nicholasmagliacano4903 4 года назад
The bonaventure class tho👌
@CainSummers 4 года назад
As a teenager I was a member of a Star Trek fan club. We pretended we were members of Starfleet and the crew of a made up ship that had been based on a previously existing ship. The USS Bonaventure. As there has already been 3 ships to bear the name as we had found records mentioning 2 of the 3 with the most recent having been NCC-1845-B we designated ours the NCC-1845-C. And if I'm not mistaken the B was the same class as the Enterprise C. As such, I thank you for this little trip down memory lane.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
The ENT C was quite a brilliant design, being a bridge between Kirks ships (and the B) and Picards ocean liner. Some parts look close to the oder ship, some like the newer one, but the complete set looked belivable and actually quite nice. it's what I always liked to use in Bridge Commander.
@Quantakinetic 4 года назад
I was looking for someone else from the Bonny in these comments, because I was in that club too! However I don't remember it having a 'C' designation, and I can't find any reference to it in the Crew Handbook we made. Unless there were two clubs with that name and number?
@CainSummers 4 года назад
@@Quantakinetic were you attending at NAIT? I think we had just adopted the C designation. And switched to an Ambassador class from a movie era ship when I joined. I know I was the youngest member.
@CainSummers 4 года назад
@@Quantakinetic Which department were you? I started in engineering but switched to medical. I would love to see any members again. I have fond memories of that club.
@Quantakinetic 4 года назад
@@CainSummers Not attending NAIT as a school but I was in the club when we were having meetings there, as well as before and after. I was pretty young when I joined so I thought I knew all the younger members. Maybe you joined after I left? I was there from 87-94.
@VivecSaintofJoy 4 года назад
Welcome to the new age of interstellar exploration for maaankiinnd, presented to you by Rick.
@c5d53g2e 4 года назад
It was featured in the Star Trek novel Federation.
@livewire98801 4 года назад
First, I think it's fitting that the starships' history is confusing and contradictory. It fits with the sailing ship history you showed... so many real ships were named, renamed, sold, refit, and renamed again, that's the best contradictory continuity ever. But one thought on the Phoenix and Zefram Cochrane... One possibility is that it wasn't capable of sustaining warp any longer than it did, and the Bonaventure was the first one to actually be able to get anywhere past Mars orbit. Another is that they didn't have to actually exceed the speed of light to have a successful warp field test, in Trek we occasionally hear warp speeds below warp 1. TMP comes to mind, Kirk orders Warp 1, and then Sulu counts up "warp point seven, warp point eight, warp one", then the wormhole forms. It could be that the Phoenix doesn't actually exceed warp 1, just shifts into warp and drops back out before that.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
They later on even have a unit called "Cochrane" that measures the warp field relative to c, 1 chochranne is light speed, and they do have milicochrane, suggesting that numbers below light speed are relevant.
@livewire98801 4 года назад
@@HappyBeezerStudios oh, yeah, I had forgotten about that. They mentioned it in the shuttle specs on the Enterprise D.
@Greyhawkism 4 года назад
Plans! I want the plans, deck layouts, schematics.
@jamesmagill5433 4 года назад
I believe there is historical references where two ships bears the same names during same time. Although they were from different navies. Who to say different shipyards name their ships Bonadventure despite both being in Starfleet
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
Imagine the brass having to deal with two ships with the same name that they somehow have to include in their setup. Still doesn't explain why their number is 8580 bigger than the Enterprise's despite being much older, unless they plan ahead and reserve certain ranges for certain sets of ships.
@DragonGateDesign 4 года назад
In college we had a building named after Saint Bonaventure
@206197 4 года назад
Awesome video as always...... But it's HMCS Bonaventure.
@smileygabe22 4 года назад
Any chance you will cover ships from star trek klingon academy?
@aleistergein114 4 года назад
Do we *have* to consider First Contact canon? I know it doesn't make a lot of sense for a human to be native to Alpha Centauri before the invention of warp drive, but please? Can we have the old Zefram Cochrane back?
@Quantakinetic 4 года назад
I agree wholeheartedly. That movie trashed over canon in many ways. Borg queen my butt.
@Aragorn7884 4 года назад
15567-1594(?) Ya got a typo bruh.
@ultramaximusreviews 4 года назад
You should do a video on the USS Hood.
@TheMrPeteChannel 4 года назад
UNSS Bonaventure. Derp class starship.
@placeholderHandle932 4 года назад
>15567 - 1594(?) - HMS (Elizabeth) Bonaventure I'm gonna assume the sails and cannons are purely aesthetic, and anything hostile around it might as well be Oberth-class....
@DanBen07 3 года назад
Could you do a video about the name Akula.
@MarcioHuser 4 года назад
Wait, two Zefram Cochranes? 🤔
@MeeMaw1971 4 года назад
Can you do one on the USS Duncan?
@MoonjumperReviews 4 года назад
Messy, messy, messy! ;-) The Bonaventure from TAS could be post-NX, true, but not necessarily. There's several things to keep in mind: Firstly, we have to remember that the NX-01 is NOT Earth's first deep exploration vessel. As of 2151, it was simply the fastest. We have to remember that there are over ninety years of "forgotten" spaceflight history between "First Contact" and "Enterprise." TOS, TAS, TNG, and even VOY all chronicle multiple deep space exploratory voyages and colonization expeditions, however improbable or amazing for the fledgling Earth, decades before the NX-class...and it is all canon. The most memorable, albeit baffling, of these early voyages would probably be the mysterious voyage of the S.S. Valiant, which somehow made it to the galaxy's edge in the late 21st century. (We tend to assume the outer galaxy's edge, but I wonder if it might actually be the upper or lower edge of the galaxy; we can't just think 2D, we have to think 3D. Maybe they just went straight UP or DOWN instead of straight out. Then it could become plausible.) According to TAS, Earth even experienced some form of violent conflict with an alien species (the Kzinti) decades before the Xindi and Romulans. (I suspect it was rather small scale, ship to ship skirmishes between primitive Earth vessels and an equally primitive foe, not a major war). So, where does the Bonaventure fit? Well, our second thing to remember is that the NX-class was also not the first class of larger, "sophisticated" navy-style starships--only the fastest, at that time. In "Enterprise" we see multiple classes of sophisticated Starfleet starships, such as the Intrepid-type and others. Star Trek Beyond introduces the warp-four Franklin. And the "Beta Canon" novels suggest that the Daedalus-class was actually a pre-NX design, which was upgraded to modern specks. The Daedalus is a rather impressive class of ship, as is the Intrepid, as is the Franklin. The Bonaventure is vaguely similar in structure to both the Daedalus and the NX-refit, in that they all three have a saucer (or spherical) command and crew section, a separate engineering section connected by a neck, and two nacelles, which "preview" the Constitution class, decades later. The Bonaventure as seen in TAS was a sloppily drawn representation of the "real" ship, but the bulbous center in the middle of the saucer actually has an NX or pre-NX era vibe if you imagine it in a gun metal color, like the NX-class. But we also could conjecture that it's a rather small vessel, its saucer section as small or smaller than the Franklin's, maybe only a dozen or so crewmen. I could envision it as a very early (decades before ENT), very small, low warp attempt at a military/exploratory starship. Smaller, less sophisticated than the later NX-era, but extremely impressive for its time.
@russellharrell2747 4 года назад
Still more consistent than recent trek
@MoonjumperReviews 4 года назад
@Russell Harrell - Can’t argue with that, my friend. Can’t argue with that!
@Mate397 4 года назад
Didn't expect CI do a childish "bhhht"
@anarchyantz1564 4 года назад
Given their penchant for temporal incursions it is no wonder everything is a hot mess. I mean how else do you explain HMS (Elizabeth) Bonaventure 15567 - 1594(?)
@CAP198462 3 года назад
USS Excelsior and USS Pegasus legacy if you would please make it so, good sir
@lewisglover740 4 года назад
Please do a video on the Nyberrite Alliance!
@weldonwin 4 года назад
Is there anything on the Nyberrite Alliance, other than its very far away and they are eager to hire experienced Starfleet officers?
@lewisglover740 4 года назад
@@weldonwin Sounds like an extremely interesting video to me
@asvarien 4 года назад
The HMS Elizabeth Bonaventure was comissioned in the year 15,567?!
@orvilleredenpiller338 3 года назад
When in doubt, blame time travel.
@rosser95 4 года назад
HMCS Her Majesty's Canadian Ship
@dheophe 4 года назад
I hope there's a starship named Malahayati. 1st Woman Navy admiral in modern history.
@nightrunnerxm393 4 года назад
Wow, so the _Elizabeth Bonaventure_ served from the 16th millennium to the 16th century. Cool. ........Wait, that's moving _backward_ in time! Was it a TARDIS?!
@valor1omega Год назад
TOS and TAS came first, std, enterprise, and all books are discredited as they don't count. So in TAS if Scotty said something that wasn't countered in TOS then he is right, std, books(aren't canon) and ent are all wrong. It's as simple and clean cut as that.
@David_B_Dornburg 4 года назад
Oh boy ... just wait till "Strange New Worlds" starts adding to the lore. You think things are messy now. 😱
@mattwallace4458 4 года назад
Do one about how people view substance use & abuse in the Star Trek universe, or how people use holo decks as entertainment compared to T.V. or RU-vid today.
@HappyBeezerStudios 4 года назад
There was an early TNG episode dealing with that. A system with two civilizations, one only produces a single substance and exchanges it with the other, who are "sick" and produce everything else. Turns out that substance was originally a cure for some plague, which is extinct by now, but has messy symptoms of withdrawl. Those who make it know that, and the other guys think it's the symptoms of the plague. Picard has to decide what to do. Getting complicated as he ordered to produce spare parts for one ship that broke down. And than obviously the amount of synthehol onsumed on DS9 and Janeway's coffee.
@AgeCobra 4 года назад
Forgot Stafleet Battles and StarFleet Command ,
@Taggart00 4 года назад
I think all that time travel in Trek causes all the inaccuracies in canon
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