
The Moneylending Jews of England | The Jews of Medieval Europe | Dr. Katherine Aron-Beller 

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@jessereichbach588 Год назад
She's an excellent orator and host. Well written as well. Precise.
@mochalo4912 2 года назад
did the monopoly held by the jews (in the past centuries ) over moneylending( which resulted in making them wealthy over the centuries) , allow them to have such big influence on policy makers in modern time ; to the point of getting a promise from UK PM Belfour , and USA congress approval on israel ?
@HumbleWordsmith Год назад
Charging interest is essentially asking from the borrower what does not exist. Therefore every loan that is charged with interest can technically never be paid back. This might be tempting for greedy kings and people of power, but eventually when the money is paid back and the interest cannot be paid (over 20 trillion in America currently) What happens? Well in the past jewish people get kicked out of the country that there parasitic banking activities have swallowed. Im not excusing the nasty manner in which innocent jewish people have been treated, but when you look at basic mathematical logic - wherever you introduce jewish banking, eventually causes slavery and the devaluation of currency.
@jessereichbach588 Год назад
The UK had little to nothing to do with the establishment of Israel. I don't know why people always suggest this. The Balfour was at the end of WW2. Israel didn't have it's war until 1947. And in that period a lot occurred. Every time the Brits tried doing anything for the Jews in Mandatory Palestine ,the Arab Muslim fundamentalist element rioted, massacred Jews, destroyed settlements and pressured the British to restrict Jewish rights within the territory. Between WW1 and WW2 this occurred numerous times. Jewish immigration was restricted, Jewish land purchase was restricted, and eventually the White paper was created which further limited Jewish freedoms and ability to immigrate to the territory. Jews were fighting the British for a decade before they gave up Mandatory Palestine. And if it wasn't for WW2, which forced most Jews to side with the British, it probably would have been a lot worse. But it was actually the Arab Muslims of the territory that sided with the Germans, the Grand Mufti meeting with Adloph himself in an attempt to bring the process to Palestine. And if the British didn't stop the Germans in North Africa, that's what would have happened. Despite all this, the British interests in the Arab world, especially in Egypt with their dependence on the Suez, had them side with the Arabs of Palestine on almost every other occasion and circumstance. And when the British pulled out of Mandatory Palestine, they handed all of their weapons, ammo, tanks, military bases and equipment, over to the Arab armies, not the Jews. Knowing full well they planned to quickly rush through the territory with the goal of killing all the Jews in the territory. And then the Brits just left. And then the war broke out. Jews had been fighting a guerilla war against the Brits though for a decade, and it's part of the reason they gave up the territory. While the Arabs would riot and massacre Jews but not Brits. And generally speaking, the Brits sided with the Arabs at every turn. Not only did the Brits hand over all their military equipment, but they also abstained from voting to recognize the sovereignty of Israel in the UN. If it weren't for Truman and the US, who persuaded enough nations to vote in favor, that never would have passed. And the UK would have been fine with that. So no, the Balfour and the Brits actually stood in the way of the creation of Israel. The Balfour is one letter from a period when the Brits were pandering to everyone, making double promises to Jews, Arab Muslimes, the Hashemites, the Egyptians etc.. They promised the same land to Jews, and Muslims. Originally Syria and Jordan were supposed to be the nations for the local Arab Muslim population. Who were not then called "Palestinians" but simply Syrian Arabs or Arab Muslims of Palestine, which was just a territory. And before that they were Ottoman citizens. Anyway, no the Balfour is just an empty promise made by one British official in a semi-private letter, with the singular goal of getting the Jewish communities on their side during WW1. That's all the Balfour actually is in reality. A promise that was never fulfilled. Some argue that Balfour wasn't even speaking in any official capacity, all though that's debatable. But either way, the Balfour had nothing to do with the actual creation of the modern state of Israel. Besides giving anti-zionists a conspiracy theory and narrative to perpetuate.
@biran44r 3 месяца назад
israel-made massacres > approved by congress...
@Pommy1957 Год назад
As a non-Jewish English person I found this lecture very informative & interesting. Shame most of the comments seem to be by the usual Jew haters.
@johnnystoka6625 2 года назад
The history of usury in a foreign country .
@HumbleWordsmith Год назад
@HumbleWordsmith Год назад
The history os usury on Goyims
@Hackenschmidt. Год назад
Don't forget (((they))) cry out in pain as (((they))) strike you.
@JohnSmith-vy4lh Год назад
Yes usury, exploitation d perverted practises.
@timphillips4357 Год назад
I am an "everyday white Christian American" and in looking into my ancestry I found that I am probably about 40% Anglo-Jewish(with small amounts of other Jewish ancestors) and that my maternal ancestor was Jewish, though I believe her family was practicing Christianity by then. I also found out that many of the first colonizers were of Jewish heritage, though by then they were almost all Christians(and of great faith:) From what I have seen is that it seems like England's nobility came to be mostly in the hands of these rich Norman Jews. Scotland also had many Jewish nobles as well like Robert the Bruce's paternal ancestor being a Jew from France and the Stewarts as well. And since nobles usually married other nobles many still married other people of Jewish heritage. My American great great grandmother was a Christian but I trace all of her family tree to Anglo-Jewry. Her son(my great grandfather was very Jewish looking(and fairly tall). He had dark wavy hair and piercing light blue eyes. He was welsh with some Anglo-Jewish heritage on his father's side as well. He was probably about 3/4 Anglo-Jewish and probably didn't even know it. Anyways, I have had lots of fun researching this and I have learned a lot about history that isn't so well known for whatever reason. Thanks for your video I know it takes lots of work to pull it off:) It was very informative and straight to the point. But yeah, I couldn't believe all the Jews I have found in my ancestry(German Jews, Anglo-Jews, Sephardic Jews of both Spain and Italy, Swiss Jews and French Jews. Interesting stuff:)
@Pommy1957 Год назад
Have you taken a DNA test coz if you have Ashkenazi ancestry it should show there
@stuartgraham5055 Год назад
Kindly note that Be actunedict (or sometimes known as Baruch) actually live on Spen Lane and not on Jubbergate. Jubbergate was first known as Bretgate, then, when Jews either bought property or built property on Bretgate it became known as Jewbretgate (or Jubretgate), then over time it morphed into Jubbergate.
@biran44r 3 месяца назад
do your own banking, otherwise they will DO YOU...
@dawaronline 20 дней назад
current historians inability (or refusal) to acknowledge the harm and detriment that the practice of predatory moneylending by the jews of medieval jewry had on local societies is both sad and academically dishonest. these "lenders" preyed on honest farmers and peasants for their daily bread and kept them in a cycle of perpetual debt. very similar to loan sharks of today. not calling it what it was is a capitulation of the highest order and this important history needs to be studied in the right light.
@shardanette1 17 дней назад
Obviously, Anwar, you are prone to believe negative things about Jews. Now, what are your feelings about Italian banking practices in medieval europe? How did they make their money if they could not practice usury?
@dawaronline 16 дней назад
@@shardanette1 you are proving my point. If anyone practiced debt slavery exclusively to the outside population and never within their own people then that kinda tells you they know it's harmful. I don't agree with the practices of the Italian bankers as well as modern fiat currency. I'm not picking. its the single biggest factor of wealth concentration and massive poverty in societies. anyone that practices it is evil. there are other ways to make money that doesn't depend on exploitation.
@jasonmongea8291 2 года назад
Can you any Christian countries tell me if jews believe in jesus christ!@
@heddalee 2 года назад
Yes, they're called Jews for Jesus. But unlike Christian people, Jews find polytheism distasteful.
@sunwm2003 Год назад
No they don’t
@Fundamental_Islam. Год назад
May greedy, racists consuming usury, depriving humanity, burn in hell for eternity. If one has charged interest or taken increase-- shall he then live? He shall not live! If he has done any of these abominations, he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon him. -- Prophet Ezekiel (18:13) He does not put out his money at interest, nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken.--David (Psalm 15:5)
@jessereichbach588 Год назад
There's no such thing as hell. You've been fooled, punked. You run your life by a story my ancestors wrote. What does that tell you ? You are just so obsessed with us. No, you actually worship us. Or at least, a few of us, a few of our ancestors. And really, you do worship the people of the Kingdom of Judah in general, whether you realize it or not. Let's say for a moment, that none of it is real, as most modern Jews understand, with only about 10% being Orthodox and only about 25% even believing Torah is the word of Hashem. Many still believe in God of course, just not that the text itself is divinely authored. So let's say, as about 75% of Jews believe, this is just the mythology of our ancestors, which they wrote. Their best attempt to understand the nature of the creator, the universe and humanity. And the prophecy isn't prophecy, its backdated literature. Prophecy after the fact. And they even get that wrong sometimes. Daniel was written for instance in the 2nd century BCE, not the 4th/5th. And it was largely written to rationalize why Jeremiah's prophecy failed. Basically, much of the prophets, much of the text, was written with the purpose to cover up for and try to clean up the failed prophecy and history which simply didn't agree with the biblical narrative. Which then means Jesus was just some Jew critiquing this fantasy that Jews have been living under for 1,000 years. And Jesus and the Christians themselves deluded by this same fantasy. And all that apocalyptic nonsense that only arrived in Judah with Alexander and the Greeks, as prior to that, Judeans weren't very apocalyptic, they hadn't yet destroyed their psyche with the concept of reward and retribution after death, something the Christians just couldn't, can't, get enough of. This only occurred with the book of Daniel. Which again, was almost certainly mostly written around the 2nd century. And the vast, vast majority of modern Jews are in no way burdened with the idea of reward or retribution after death. We are in no way burdened with guilt or shame just for being alive. Yet you are. Because of something my ancestors wrote. So Jesus, Paul, all of it, just Jews writing this great fiction. So let's say this is all true, as we can be about 99% certain I would suggest. What does that say about you? It says you run your life by this fiction my ancestors wrote. That your entire person, your entire being, your entire way of life, is founded upon a story my ancestors created. Not from some divine entity, but form their own imaginations. Let's say that's true as it almost certainly is. Just like that settle for a moment. Because honestly, I can't stop laughing. You've been punked bro. Just give it up. Your entire life is a lie that my ancestors created in their spare time. And you actually let yourself be controlled by that fiction. We control you already. We don't need to do anything else. We've always controlled you. Not with money. But we have your mind in the palm of our hands and we always have. And you and your ancestors did that to themselves. That wasn;t our doing. Your ancestors handed over their souls to us. They handed over their minds to us. And they built themselves and their civilization on OUR literature. OUR fiction. And again, I can't stop laughing. I think deep down most Christians know this. Which is why they have so much hatred and anti-semitism sometimes. Often enough. Anyway. hahahaha. Enjoy. While most of us Jews aren't burdened by ANY of that mythology. Which is all it is. And it's ours. We can do whatever we want with it. We can change it we can edit, we can redact, and despite what the Rabbis think, we can add and we can take away. Because it's ours. And so is your mind. And dare I say, your soul. That's the god WE created that you've handed your soul to. The God of Israel. That's our creation. And you handed over your soul willingly.
@marymorse7467 Год назад
How did you come o the name Beller.? That is my maiden name.
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