
The Most Populous Cities in the World | 2.800 BC to 2.100 AD 

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28 апр 2024




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@iamwill737 4 месяца назад
I'm happy this guy came from the future to assure us there won't be any global disaster this decade. I can finally relax.
@saifsaif6989 9 месяцев назад
I am from Iraq, Mesopotamia, the first to make the city and civilization 👋🇮🇶✌🦁🥇
@andia.s.a.6039 4 месяца назад
How poor, your country now under control by a 250 yrs country (govt, oil, military, etc.)🙏 The pride to be the owner of oldest civilizations was going somewhere ...
@saifsaif6989 4 месяца назад
@@andia.s.a.6039 Iraq has the second oil reserves in the world, and it is one of the richest countries in the world, and it can buy other countries to serve it. Either the information that you have is that you do not know the truth, or you are not educated, or you are just jealous.
@andia.s.a.6039 4 месяца назад
@@saifsaif6989 What for/what's the reson for me to jealous? Are you an Iraqi or not? If you are an Iraqi than thank God if the conditions is just like what you said, I thought you were under the control/become a servant of other nations ...
@saifsaif6989 4 месяца назад
@@andia.s.a.6039 It is quite natural that countries will experience setbacks at some point, and evil countries dominate the entire world. No nation in this world is free of relapses and wars, including your own, as is very natural for humankind, while the privilege is that of a resource-rich nation that always returns to the top due to its bounty, abundant resources and great history.
@andia.s.a.6039 4 месяца назад
@@saifsaif6989 I have read your first comment and that has relieved me. The second comment is optional, it depends on how we respond to those conditions based on the situations of each country.
@jesusnoehernandezrocha1438 Год назад
I´m surprised Teotihuacan reached to be the biggest city in the world once. Greeting from Mexico :)
@rizkyadiyanto7922 11 месяцев назад
yeah but your ancestor cam from spain, not native mexico.
@brayanaxellopezpinacho7022 10 месяцев назад
​@@rizkyadiyanto7922 Pues en México somos desendientes de los aztecas, mayas y más civilizaciones 😂😂😂
@m4rcl4z4ro7 10 месяцев назад
@@rizkyadiyanto7922 No, the majority of the population in Mexico has native descent
@solluna9393 10 месяцев назад
​@@m4rcl4z4ro7Not, México es ambas
@Diego-gg1rc 10 месяцев назад
@@rizkyadiyanto7922As a mestizo in Mexico, this only makes me think Americans are more stupid
@ferdioy6098 Год назад
“If the world were a single state, its center would be Istanbul.” -Napoleon Bonaparte
@anyavoyage5127 Год назад
It was said two centuries ago, and since then the world has changed a lot.
@anyavoyage5127 Год назад
The Balkans would be the first to reject such a proposal. A joint statement from Serbia, Romania, Greece and Bulgaria would arrive on the same day, condemning and rejecting such a proposal. These 4 Balkan countries always make joint statements when they should condemn Turkey. Without Moldova, Cyprus and the Republika Srpska (Serb part of Bosnia), those countries have over 50 million inhabitants and are twice as armed as Turkey. Unlike Turkey, they are not ethnically divided and they are always united when it comes to Turkey.
@Ehan57 Год назад
@@anyavoyage5127 Turkey doesn't have time to deal with the Balkans
@panoskondylis5618 Год назад
* Constantinople
@yusufalpen535 Год назад
@@panoskondylis5618 cryyy bro. Istanbul is in Turkey
@Daniel-wi6sk 3 месяца назад
Super interesting. But in reality, what constitutes a “city” ? For my home town, Paris, you have at least 3 definitions : 1) Paris, as we say, “intra-muros”, i.e. the 20 “arrondissements” of Paris, 2) the “petite couronne”, “small crown” of contiguous cities around Paris, and 3) the “grande couronne”, “larger crown” of cities that fall within the strong attraction of the capital. Depending on the definition you get from 2 million to probably around 12 million people…
@rajivmurkejee7498 Год назад
So, Belize once had the world's biggest city. Can't see that happening again anytime soon
@LordKrhiyos Год назад
That city 2000 years ago had nearly half of belizes current population
@PortugalZeroworldcup Месяц назад
North America
@leopardking2909 10 месяцев назад
The fact that Jakarta and Manila isn't here makes me wonder where this information came from? Bro travelled in the past and future to get those census
@thorin5591 Месяц назад
For those wondering why tokyo isn't at the top is because they are only including urban populations.
@cesarcryptos13 Год назад
Teotihuacan and Tenochtitlan in Mexico were the largest cities in the world before 1512
@nishi07 10 месяцев назад
I like how some cities are counted include the metropolitan population around it while some cities are just given a single part of the city
@SLOBeachboy 9 месяцев назад
Yes they are obviously doing it this way in some cases. After all, the Tokyo metropolitan area currently has a population of about 40-million but the chart says its about 10-million for Tokyo.
@Jolgeable 7 месяцев назад
And the opposite case for São Paulo. The city has around 12 million. The chart shows over 20 million, but that's the metropolitan area.
@PierreCoatmeur 4 месяца назад
Absolutely true. London bigger than NYC 😂😂😂😂😂
@skakollaettklipp 3 месяца назад
Same with for example Manilla which doesn't appear at all what I can see. Manilla has sub 2 million but Metro Manilla close to 30 million. Worlds most dense city.
@BHNative 3 месяца назад
@@Jolgeable No, actually. If you see it until 2023 it is representing only the city proper. It only reaches 20 million in 2100 projections. Which are kinda iffy if you ask me, by the way. How do they predict these growths and stops for 80 years ahead of time? Sounds like bs.
@socks_cat356 Год назад
The problem should not be the administrative divisions, but the comparison of economic zones such as commuting to work or school.
@user-ez3jz8hv5t 10 месяцев назад
Забавно, из России увидел только 3 города. Москва до сих пор огромный город, а родной Санкт-Петербург при Российской империи был даже больше чем Москва. Вау! Удивил город Сарай в 13 веке. Это Монгольский город, но находился на территории вовременной России. Очень круто! Огромная работа была проделана! Респект
@Electrolainer Месяц назад
А какой был третий?
@stevyyjay85 Месяц назад
My city has 7,000 inhabitants (2024).
@NostalgiaforInfinity Месяц назад
Yup. Cities are dystopian hellholes. They were even worse in the past with no modern medical science, hygiene standards, and technology for security.
@redfordrn Месяц назад
Glad to see 5 Big Cities from Pakistan. Mohenjo Daro and Harrapa, Indus Valley Civilization existed 5,000 years ago, and had two to three stories houses, paved streets, plumbing system, communal bath houses, and latrine toilets, over 5,000 years ago. Also Lahore is an ancient City and long with Taxila, still populated and both founded 1,000 B.C. Now Lahore has population of around 10 Million. It's amazing.
@NostalgiaforInfinity Месяц назад
None of those have anything to do with you. They were part of the Indian/Bharatiya civilization and undivided India/Bharat. Most of the Harappan culture is now found in the Dharmic cultures and traditions of modern day Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs. The so called "Taxila" (actually Takshashila) as well was a Vedic Hindu city and its university was a Vedic Gurukul. Lahore was named after the son of Lord Rama (Lav).
@shehran6936 Месяц назад
@@NostalgiaforInfinity None of that has to do with India, because India was never a contiguous/homogenous nation or civilisation. The people that live in Taxilla, Mohenjo Daro, Lahore and Harrapa are/were not Indian (or Bharatiya), the people that descended from them still live there now, so it is their history. Show me where defined themselves as such. Stop claiming history that isn't yours. It's funny how someone from Delhi will claim history of people in Mizoram or Balochistan as theirs when their ancestors had nothing to do with it, but someone that has all their family history in Lahore can't claim that as their history because they are Muslim and from Pakistan.
@NostalgiaforInfinity 29 дней назад
@@shehran6936Son, the vast majority of the population that lived in the Punjab and Sindh regions of the Hrappan period of Indian civilization, moved into the Gangetic plains when those settlements started to collapse (mostly due to climate change). Not to mention, the biggest and the most developed cities of the Harappan period are found in the modern day states of Gujarat and close to Delhi (especially the Rakhigarhi). The current population of Pakistan occupied Punjab and Sindh are not the same as the historical Bharatiyas of Harappan, Vedic, and post-Vedic period.
@shehran6936 29 дней назад
@NostalgiaforInfinity do you have any sources for any of your claims or are you just saying things you believe? The people that live in Punjab and Sindh are Indo-European, much like all the people that live in the Gangetic plains. All of North India is Indo-European. The people that lived in the Indus Valley Civilisation were Dravidian, like South Indians. So if the people in Pakistan are occupiers so to are all the people in North India.
@SquidProQuo80 10 месяцев назад
I'm shocked that Teotihuacan made it on here but not Tenochtitlan in the early 1500s which the Spanish described as being larger than any European city. Estimates put the city at around 200,000 inhabitants before the arrival of the Spanish.
@AlberAlex 9 месяцев назад
Absolutely agree.
@Windbrtt 9 месяцев назад
Teotihuacán and mexico city
@tenshimx2163 4 месяца назад
I'm Mexican and I thought that was weird too
@noe5382 4 месяца назад
@mauriciorodriguez2707 3 месяца назад
At what minute does Teotihuacan appear?
@Sueli525 Год назад
São Paulo ❤️🇾🇪
@elf3995 Год назад
São Paulo virou Iêmen agora 🤨
@snowdoyt Месяц назад
@itnow 5 дней назад
Now it makes sense that i've been quite impressed when I visited SP in 1981. I didn't know then that it was the second populated city in the world .
@LucasH573 Год назад
A logo do seu canal ficou muito bonita em verde e amarelo. 🔰
@CityGlobeTour Год назад
@cmu4962 Год назад
De 2800 ac até 1920 era difícil ver cidades com mais de 1m de habitantes, porque a agricultura era muito ineficiente e precisava de muitas famílias no campo, desta forma, descentralizando a população em geral.
@muzkayas 10 месяцев назад
@heliogoveia8749 10 месяцев назад
Roma e Baghdad passaram
@SeriogaPiter 10 месяцев назад
Тогда был климатический оптимум и потепление. И было плодородие даже с теми технологиями. Может насчет потепления нас обманывают?😉
@Paladin53 4 месяца назад
Do not forget the invention of penicillin
@donodaordadourada 4 месяца назад
Exceção de Roma
@jordnmichael4184 Год назад
BC2000年以前の都市人口なんて正確にわかるのでしょうか? どの様な資料を基にしてるのでしょう?日本の江戸時代の江戸(東京)は既に100万人を超えていたはずですが?
@user-tj1tt3sc1w 3 месяца назад
いい加減な・・ 鎌倉は鎌倉時代であっても大都市ではなかったと思うし、京都は知名度としては大阪より上でも人口は上ではなかったはず。 日本のことはTOKYOとKYOTO、KAMAKURAしか知らない人らしい。 どっちにしろ、捏造動画なので
@MT-vj6cc 3 месяца назад
@FLLCI 10 месяцев назад
It is crazy. Istanbul plays for the top ranks for every century!!!!
@szilardecsenyi516 3 месяца назад
except 1929
@gsomethingsomething2658 3 месяца назад
Good kebabs.
@MrPolandball 2 месяца назад
I mean it’s no different from a smelly armpit, both are timeless.
@marklanders6833 Месяц назад
Too bad it's a backward third-world city governed by a crazy Islamic State 😂😂😂
@Sindimindi Год назад
I found a heavy mistake in the development of Berlin. In the 1920ies, Berlin reached an all time maximum of 4,3 Mio inhabitants. In these times the second largest city in Europe after London!
@sebastienlegallic6920 Год назад
Paris first ! (plus que Londres et Berlin en 1920)
@carybo777 9 месяцев назад
Yeah that's what surprised me, too. In that list, the population of Berlin was constantly decreasing during the 1920s and 30s where it should have been increasing sharply!
@carti8 Год назад
The most oldest city's in 🇸🇾🇮🇶❤️ I'm proud
@thefreak8270 10 месяцев назад
It's Varanasi in india
@mr.general1721 10 месяцев назад
@Aesthetic.crossover 10 месяцев назад
​@@thefreak8270 Syria and Iraq is more older than India
@CasualGamingShorts 10 месяцев назад
​@@Aesthetic.crossover India is the oldest country in the world with oldest language isn the world and on of the richest history in the world
@Aesthetic.crossover 10 месяцев назад
@@CasualGamingShorts Listen Syria and iraq is more oldest than india. Iran is the most oldest country in this world. And the most oldest language is Egyptian language. And Iraq, Syria, iran and India's culture was rich in past. But now Western culture is rich now. And Iam not asian. I just represent the true history.
@Antifascista19012012 10 месяцев назад
Mexico City and Lima of the Spanish empire were the most populous cities after the cities of the Chinese empire until its division in 1820.
@mauriciorodriguez2707 3 месяца назад
At what minute does Lima appear?
@Antifascista19012012 3 месяца назад
@@mauriciorodriguez2707 No aparece. Por eso lo digo.
@nekola9515 10 месяцев назад
There were Iraq and Syria when you were not present. Unfortunately, our situation is not easy now 😢❤❤
@sanjoysen584 10 месяцев назад
The name of Calcutta should have appeared for a long time since it was the second largest city in the former British empire
@Nilesh_Chavan 3 месяца назад
Bro harappa and mohan jodaro from india not pakistan 😂😂😂
@_Diana_S 3 месяца назад
He just puts contemporary country names for clarity. Like there is "Turkey" from the beginning if the video, when in reality Turkey was only created after 1920s, and Turks invaded this area about a millenium ago.
@aiconsultants6919 Месяц назад
people of Harappa and Mohan-Jodaro are now Muslim Pakistanis, get over it. Eventually, all of India is destined too....join in now.
@PortugalZeroworldcup Месяц назад
Present day flag for the past Oldest flags are Albanian 🇦🇱 and Denmark 🇩🇰 Iran and Iraq of course didn't have Islam
@Tonad_Drump Месяц назад
​@@aiconsultants6919'Pakistani', 'Muslim', neither of those two words existed during Indus valley civilization 😂. They were mostly Indian Hindus dating back 2500 BC
@crnfin5436 3 месяца назад
"One image tells more than 1000 words." This video has more than 1000 images so it's quite remarkable amount of information here! Thank You so much for this video!
@TlsMS93 Год назад
Pensei que SP decairia devido a queda da população brasileira, esses dados é compilado de qual fonte de projeção?
@Geografico Год назад
Fontes Principais: SEDAC, United Nations, Global Cities Institute. Observação, apenas cidade, não é aglomeração urbana.... 👍🏼
@floliveira1414 Год назад
@@Geografico São Paulo é a única cidade brasileira que vai ter esse pequeno crescimento?
@oller04 Год назад
@@floliveira1414 Eu vi em algum lugar dizendo que a imigração salvaria a demografia do Brasil prevendo 307 milhões de habitantes em 2100
@fernandom6724 Год назад
Para el 2100 solo Brasil y Mexico seran los unicos occidentales de las ciudades mas grandes y habitadas ,las demas seran asiaticas y africanas .
@valeriocatellan Год назад
@ΣΠ.ΚΙ ΣΔ sempre a desgraça de um crente cagando tudo
@franci0188 Год назад
Rome you will be forever in my heart❤️
@enriquesanchez2001 3 месяца назад
HEART maybe?
@marklanders6833 Месяц назад
*R O M E* is the greatest city on earth! ❤❤❤❤❤
@bravebear6975 28 дней назад
@danielmontoya9287 Год назад
Mano a mano entre CDMX y SP 🇲🇽🇧🇷
@gonzapelayo Год назад
A ver quien tiene mas villas y gente sin agua potable🤮🤮🤮🤮
@joseluciocorrea1866 Год назад
Pero Ciudad de Mexico ni está en la lista para 2022, las asiaticas la pusiron fuera. São tiene algunos millones mas que C. de Mexico desde los años 60! Siempre estuvo bien adelante!
@VidelaArg Год назад
@@gonzapelayo ciudad de México tiene 8 millones de pobres
@gonzapelayo Год назад
@@VidelaArg y México entero más de 60 millones de pobres
@Ycaro160 Год назад
@@gonzapelayo enquanto isso argentina ganhando em inflação e pobreza🦧🦧🦧💀🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@miguelalvarez7057 Год назад
@xavierdelnet941 Год назад
Saltar de alegria pelo inchaço populacional, pelo excesso de concentração humana em um território reduzido, pelos milhões de toneladas de lixo e poluição produzidos por mês, pelas desigualdades sócio-econômicas geradas por uma tão irregular ocupação do solo?
@miguelalvarez7057 Год назад
@@xavierdelnet941 Como en Río de Janeiro?
@xavierdelnet941 Год назад
@@miguelalvarez7057 , como em toda metrópole deste planeta! Em qual planeta você mora?
@edgarb7975 Год назад
Ya veo un ardido...
@mauriciorodriguez2707 3 месяца назад
At what minute does Teotihuacan appear?
@souravde2029 Год назад
How is Pakistan a different country before 1947? Where is the freaking logic in this?
@abimaelms7440 Год назад
@miguelalvarez7057 Год назад
@user-zz1ik3ct4p Месяц назад
Go to sleep😂
@sanexpreso2944 Год назад
I understand, here only the city is reflected by itself, not the metropolitan area, For that reason it is that Chinese cities do not decrease since despite the fact that the population of the country decreases people increasingly migrate to the cities and the urban population grows.
@brb4903 5 месяцев назад
you described Japan here, not China
@aswinsai1426 Год назад
Istanbul is the most consistent city in this list
@sarthakchourey3348 10 месяцев назад
Coz it crosses between two continents.
@SaiKrishnaK-sq8ul 10 месяцев назад
​@@sarthakchourey3348 no, because it was the capital of roman empire
@semih756 10 месяцев назад
​@@SaiKrishnaK-sq8ul*Ottoman Empire
@sarthakchourey3348 10 месяцев назад
@@semih756 Ottomans came many years later in Anatolia .
@SaiKrishnaK-sq8ul 10 месяцев назад
@@semih756 later
@clemersoncarmo2618 Год назад
Top & best channel in the world
@ahmadf.alabbasi7108 Год назад
Baghdad 💔
@wssw96 10 месяцев назад
العراق موطن البشرية 😢❤
@PortugalZeroworldcup Месяц назад
But not that much innovation and no Islam
@crossroad719 2 месяца назад
Tokyo is a wonderful city.
@MrPolandball 2 месяца назад
@ForTheWitness Год назад
Iraq, my home 🇮🇶❤️
@mohammed_mahairi Год назад
الله يرحم ايامنا والله
@Secular_Iran_GE Год назад
arabized Iran
@user-uj5mp8km5y Год назад
عراق علي والحسين عليهما الصلاة والسلام 🇮🇶
@mohammedkh4321 Год назад
@@user-uj5mp8km5y عراق السومريين والبابليين والاشوريين والعباسيين وعراق الامام علي والحسين وابو حنيفة النعمان ووو
@mohammedkh4321 Год назад
@@Secular_Iran_GE Actually Iraq is older than Iran 🙂
@gerardopintos 8 месяцев назад
¡Hola! ¿Podrán hacer un gráfico que señale la posesión de armas de fuego entre los ciudadanos de cada país?
@ragpfidan8273 4 месяца назад
Osmanlı Devletinin zirvede olduğu 17 yüzyılda, yaklaşık 100 yıl boyunca İstanbul da Dünyanın en kalabalık Şehri. İstanbul’dan selamlar.👋🏻
@animevilla2438 3 месяца назад
I couldn't find the matched source... Help me where is the source of the video based on
@ragpfidan8273 4 месяца назад
Şoktayım, gözlerime inanamıyorum.😲Çanakkale ilinin bir ilçesi, Gelibolu’nun nüfusu 249. 000 bin. Ve İstanbul’dan fazla. Kesinlikle yanılıyorsun. İstanbul’dan fazla olması mümkün değil.
@bolumuz Месяц назад
Aynen. Gelibolu nüfusu bırak İstanbul'dan fazla olmasını, hiçbir zaman dünyada bırak 100'ü, ilk 1.000'e bile hiçbir zaman girmez. Antik çağlarda bile. 2010-2025 arasında İstanbul nüfusunu 12-13 milyon gösteriyorlar. Resmi nüfus 16 milyondan fazla. Suriyeliler hariç İstanbul nüfusu 20 milyon. Sallamasyon bir grafik hazırlamışlar.
@user-yj5lh6xb2w 3 месяца назад
@aethergaming7934 9 месяцев назад
So good. Keep it up
@stoopidpaki4806 9 месяцев назад
At 2,500 BC *Mohenjo Daro* makes it's entry followed by *Harappa* which is adjacent to my village. *Pakistan* Zindabad 🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK 🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰
@sowhat249 Год назад
This video doesn't do justice to modern state ofthe cities. Even though Tokyo, within it's own administrative unit, has only 14M residents, it's metropolitan area has over 40M residents. It's unfair, because cities like Moscow are defined by the federal border, and that includes villages and towns that are not even connected to Moscow, while other cities which are de facto connected to Moscow, like Khimki are not represented. The entire metropolitan area should be represented, because a comparison like this is not really fair.
@bljurassickearth7916 Год назад
NO. El Área Metropolitana es Diferente a la Ciudad este Video es Correcto Mucha Gente piensa que para Contar la Poblacion de una Ciudad se cuenta el Area Metropolitana cosa que es Incorrecto Ya que además de suma la Población de la Ciudad Principal sumas a un montón de Ciudades más Por eso la Población de Tokio Del Área Metropolitana de Tokio O de Moscú con el Área metropolitana de Moscú son Totalmente Diferentes La Población de Moscú es la que aparece en este Video La Población de su Área Metropolitana será Otra. Así que este Video está Correcto👍
@sr.castor 10 месяцев назад
​@@bljurassickearth7916mira que ya es una cuestión de expansión demográfica tan cabrona, que sí es confuso. Pero así como dice, la ZM de la Ciudad de México es de alrededor de 22 millones, mientras que la división política establece a la Ciudad de México con menos de la mitad de eso.
@user-oq7qc3lc9r Год назад
Nigeria has freaking Black magic in their country
@paulmilner8452 2 месяца назад
no they just don't have condoms like china and india too, these 3 countries will destroy earth by 2060
@mamartin65 Месяц назад
The first city to reach 1M inhabitants was Rome in 192 AC and it maintained this population for 100 years. It took more of 1500 years until another city again reached 1M. This was London in 1802 AC. This gives us an idea of the greatness of the Roman Empire in its time.
@EliasTsakmakis Месяц назад
you missed Baghdad before the Mongols
@mamartin65 Месяц назад
@@EliasTsakmakisTrue, 10th century AD
@Nantawat0303 9 месяцев назад
Bangkok Thailand ❤️🙏🏻🇹🇭
@jagdtigerthunder9161 6 месяцев назад
nice video but you should had used the greek or byzantine flag for Constantinople
@jamesbond4045 8 месяцев назад
India- Pataliputra, Vaishali, Ahmedabad, bijapur, delhi, vijaynagar, hyderabad, lucknow, mumbai, calcutta, madras, varanasi, agra, bangalore, kannauj
@maheshhadkar2536 17 дней назад
Harappa mohenjo Daro Karachi Lahore are also from India before Pakistan existence in 1947
@xtheshadow_yt 9 месяцев назад
Syria civil war:starts İstanbul:its my time to shine
@kenankral8095 Год назад
Super video 👍 go 1M
@Xntsgarcia Год назад
It is always interesting seeing how young is the west. Love from Brazil 🇧🇷
@kairovfm1843 3 месяца назад
Brasil não é ocidental, tira nós do bolo
@Xntsgarcia 3 месяца назад
@@kairovfm1843 é, vai ver que o Brasil é oriental
@danielsgrunge 3 месяца назад
@@Xntsgarciapoliticamente não é ocidental mesmo, só no mapa
@paulmilner8452 2 месяца назад
erm brazil was founded by the portugeuse , making you very west lol
HARRAPA MOHENJODARO TAKSHILA were Indian Cities... At that time there was no pakistan.. There was no pakistan until 1947...
@aynmanr 10 месяцев назад
but geographically they are located in what we call Pakistan today
@bharatigamer4377 10 месяцев назад
@sidy6526 3 месяца назад
​@@aynmanr Yes true but their culture and history is completely different from today pakistani people. Their culture has more in common to the current india
@Azazel_1 Год назад
lol i like how Vietnam just appears from nowhere at the end
@a.m.3556 4 месяца назад
London is the second city with more than 1m after Rome... nice to know it
@marklanders6833 Месяц назад
It's mind boggling.
@thiagotd3630 Год назад
São Paulo the Most Population City in South Hemisphere
@Gorda_ Год назад
o que não é mt difícil
@DilaverHuseyin 10 месяцев назад
Стамбул - Самый большой город Европы) İstanbul - Avrupanın en büyük şehirdir! 🇹🇷😏🇹🇷😏🇹🇷
@sametgumus-so7rr 10 месяцев назад
Ekonomi olarak peki ?😂
@DilaverHuseyin 10 месяцев назад
@@sametgumus-so7rr alana göre İstanbul herhangi avrupanın şehirden büyüktür:)
@paolorampichini1444 10 месяцев назад
Doee anyone know the source of these estimates especially for ancient cities?
@emteebee1872 2 месяца назад
5:10 the music is in synch with Rome moving down, being surpassed by Selucia and Istanbul… playing musical chairs for a few seconds…
São Paulo Sempre Vai Ser Uma Superpotência Econômica e Populacional
@user-tg6dw7rs5v 10 месяцев назад
ou n ne nunca se sabe
@thiagooliveira583 9 месяцев назад
não acho que caibam 23 milhões só em Sampa, tipo, a região metropolitana tem 23M e já é um caos, imagina 23M só em SAMPA e a região metropolitana expandindo até o interior, haja gente num lugar só, e fora que as grandes cidades do país perderam população depois do home office
@jpaulobauru275 3 месяца назад
Cidade de São Paulo está no teto não deve crescer mais, a região metropolitana sim essa continua crescendo
@Ulbre 10 месяцев назад
it's amazing that the first million people city could have been 100 BC (Alexandria) or 100 AD (Rome). After which both went into decline and the next million city took until around 880 AD (Baghdad) and then Beijing around 1000 AD, both also going into decline.....after that was a very long period without a million person city until 1808 when London became one! Of course though, other studies have different figures to this video, but still amazing that there were cities that large over 2000 years ago. Imagine the nightmares of running a city back then, no unions, you fuk up and you get fed to the lions!!!!
@ARKdeEREH 2 месяца назад
And imagine a city of a million people without modern sewage systems, clean water, building codes, urban planning, etc.
@marklanders6833 Месяц назад
@@ARKdeEREHAnd imagine *ROME* having _all of the above_ plus _hot running water, baths, gyms, apartment buildings with multiple floors, paved roads, lit streets, sewage systems, super clean water, urban planning we could only dream of today, a stadium (the Colosseum), amazing performances, huge mind-blowing temples, infrastructure, aqueducts, an invincible army, palaces, art, incredible food, newspapers_ and all of the rest (I must stop here as the list is way too long).
@yaseensaid5962 10 месяцев назад
Best of all, really, is listening to Beethoven's masterpiece, his Ninth Symphony, over the course of more than four thousand and eight hundred years. ❤🇬🇧❤
@elaineturner7948 8 месяцев назад
Yes, the music on this is great!
@frankmerrill2366 4 месяца назад
Beethoven didn't exist in 2800 BC, lol. But his compositions are timeless, so there's that.
@krishna3311 3 месяца назад
In 2023 you give the population of Delhi as 1.69 crores while it is actually 2.85 crores (28.5 million)....and Mumbai was given as 1.44 crores while it is actually 2.07 crores ( 20.7 million) ...
@PAINNN666 Год назад
Tokyo is 30 mln now. Still the biggest population.
@CityGlobeTour Год назад
No aglomeration, only City 👍🏻✨✔️
@pazpaz3059 Год назад
@@CityGlobeTour The area of Beijing is more than seven times that of Tokyo . The area of Shanghai is more than about three times that of Tokyo . China has a larger city than a small European country .
@mohammedkh4321 Год назад
Just look at Iraq! Iraq used to have some of the biggest cities in history, it was the capital of many empires ♥️
@zoradelaney9412 10 месяцев назад
I didn't realize that Chicago was the world's 9th most populous cities when my family started migrating from the Jim Crow South in 1921.
@jumbothompson Месяц назад
It was the fastest growing city in world history at the turn of the century. If not for the big fire Chicago would not be what it is today.
@oliveiramgp 3 месяца назад
It took 1700 years after Rome for another city, London, to have more than 1 million inhabitants.
@marklanders6833 Месяц назад
Imagine that! Rome was ahead of her time by about three thousand years.
@bravebear6975 28 дней назад
Coloured races procreate more than Caucasians, that is why. Crowded cities are not a good thing anyway, good European cities were smaller longer--this likely aided your future develoopments.
@kc10man Год назад
I'm glad Chengdu made your list, most amazing city I've ever been to, but it should have made it much earlier. Just not enough records but I did take some archeology classes there, they were creating amazing gold jewelry before 2000 bc. Also some of their great wall still left. World's largest building and largest train station there. Also ChongQing metro is close to 50 million but exclusive economic zone is only half that. Anywho numbers are awesome.
@user-sj5xh6fg5f Год назад
@alex88271 11 месяцев назад
The gold jewelry was actually made by Central Asians. Not ancient Chinese
@kc10man 11 месяцев назад
@alex88271 how would you know that? I've been in dig sites where a steady amount of artifacts were found under 3 meters of soil. So many historic treasures were/are being found because all the construction over the past few decades. It's possible that items came through trade. Could you provide a reference of central asian people producing fine gold jewelry from that time frame?
@user-op2kh4jk1s 10 месяцев назад
@stoopidpaki4806 9 месяцев назад
At 2,500 BC Mohenjo Daro makes it's entry followed by Harappa which is adjacent to my village. Pakistan Zindabad 🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK 🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰 PK🇵🇰
@gurbetgunes2304 Год назад
Friends, these are just the center of cities. The surrounding district municipality town etc. Things not included. let's be understanding please
@jamesmaxson 3 месяца назад
@WilliamSmith-pp8qp 7 дней назад
Being from Newcastle (UK) it was mental to see my home city pop up at one point
@user-hs1me9zz5q 9 месяцев назад
역시 도쿄 최고다
@user-ku5bk2bf8d 6 месяцев назад
Yil 2023 istanbul 12 milyon küsür gösterilmiş 15.sirada .kaçkınlarla beraber 15 milyon filan yani yeri 4 olmalıydı
@bolumuz Месяц назад
İstanbul nüfusu resmi olarak 16 milyona yakın. Ben gibi ikametgahı başka illerde görünüp İstanbul'da yaşayanları, yabancı ülkelerden eğitim ve çalışmak için gelenleri ve bir de Suriyeliler dahil mülteci ve göçmenleri de katarsak 20 milyon yapar.
@1uranus_s 10 месяцев назад
Fes and Marrakech ❤❤
@yaagiz 10 месяцев назад
Istanbul is about 18 million with refugees now
@M-istanbul Год назад
When the sea level increased up, we will see the population of cities then
@user-ko1cr2bj4m 10 месяцев назад
Uruk🇮🇶 Mari🇸🇾 Lagash🇮🇶 Girsu🇮🇶 Ur🇮🇶 Memphis🇪🇬 Avaris🇪🇬 Thebes🇪🇬 Yin🇨🇳 Pi- Ramesses🇪🇬 Teotihuacan🇲🇽 Caracol🇧🇿 Linzi🇨🇳 Luoyang🇨🇳 Babylon🇮🇶 Carthage🇹🇳 Alexandria🇪🇬 Rome🇮🇹 Seleucia🇮🇶 Istanbul🇹🇷 Xian🇨🇳 Baghdad🇮🇶 Ctesiphon🇮🇶 Kaifeng🇨🇳 Hangzhou🇨🇳 Cairo🇪🇬 Beijing🇨🇳 Delhi🇮🇳 Nanjing🇨🇳 Vijayanagar🇮🇳 London🇬🇧 Tokyo🇯🇵 Shanghai🇨🇳
@dimik3855 3 месяца назад
This drives the message home that there's too many of us in this world. We are beginning to smother Mother Nature. A fair and just way must be found to reduce our footprint because war and disease won't be pretty.
@BetoValverde-sy9lw Месяц назад
Fascinante historia citadina. Gracias por compartirla. Os pasàsteis. Desde la Mitad del 🌎.... Bendiciones. Ma.12.04.2024
@leonardomartina711 11 месяцев назад
ROME: the eternal city
@marklanders6833 Месяц назад
@rayll5922 10 месяцев назад
Peace is the most inportant thing for population
@GrandlineClips 4 месяца назад
caracol was on the list for so many centuries, it was such a great city.
@ssstv27 7 месяцев назад
Dhaka ❤❤🇧🇩🇧🇩
@megarion1189 10 месяцев назад
London,New york,Paris Banyak imigran gelapnya wajar penuh penghuninya.😁😊
@frankmerrill2366 4 месяца назад
There's a lot of surprises in this time-lapse. One, is that the population doesn't seem to have changed all that much for 1,300 years from 300 to 1600. (And WHAT happened to Delhi so suddenly just after 1400?) There were some spectacular population decreases throughout the period, not only during the Black Plague. I had no idea that New York was ever the second-most-populated city in the world. It's also very surprising that in modern times, it wasn't until 1957 that any Asian city (Tokyo) became the world's largest. It's also very interesting to see nothing from Greece appear in the olden times, because many of us can name at least a few of the city-states that existed there (Athens, Sparta, Troy). I was even more surprised that Damascus never showed up. What a fun video!
@sander_bouwhuis 3 месяца назад
I noticed a couple of these collapses throughout time when a city would half in a span of 10 years time. Maybe war or famine?
@01Simran_ 3 месяца назад
Delhi = Collapse of an empire. Greece = Greece is a new civilization relative to others. If you are from western hemisphere, here they only teach about Roman and Greece in history. Barely touch anything else.
@RLAjabs 3 месяца назад
@@sander_bouwhuis seeing as ancient war meant slaughtering or enslaving everyone, i would assume war mostly
@sander_bouwhuis 3 месяца назад
@@RLAjabsYeah, but HALF? Some cities go from 1 million people to less than 500'000 in a span of 10 years.
@RLAjabs 3 месяца назад
@@sander_bouwhuis some of it confuses me too
@michalzlb9619 Год назад
Amazing 👍
@kulera Месяц назад
Brazil 🇧🇷 and Mexico 🇲🇽 really battling it out for 19th place 😂 lol
@amimismoXD 10 месяцев назад
CDMX tiene poco más de 20 M y en los 2000's era la ciudad más poblada del Mundo
@famaya2422 10 месяцев назад
Creo que solo estan tomando los numeros de la ciudad mas no los del area metropolitana. Saludos!
@Bootes_Void 8 месяцев назад
Solo en tu mundo, cdmx jamás ha sido la ciudad más poblada.
@amimismoXD 8 месяцев назад
@@Bootes_Void revíselo bien, en 2006 lo era
@joandominguez1941 4 месяца назад
Son los habitantes del término municipal...no del área metropolitana
@aryabhata499 9 месяцев назад
Rome, the first city of the world with 1 million of people...130 BC
@marklanders6833 Месяц назад
No other city will ever be like unto *R O M E.*
@harunyavuz78 9 месяцев назад
Now İstanbul is 20M
@joevelte4252 Год назад
cool one. Rome fell off a cliff around 400 AD.
@marklanders6833 Месяц назад
To then climb back up and reenter the list in the '50s and '60s of the XX century. *ROME* never dies.
@vishantvachakal3437 9 месяцев назад
Pakistan is born in 1947 Before that it was Hindustan
@CarlosAnimax 10 месяцев назад
In México left Tenōchtitlan and Chichen Itza. 👌🏼
@RaymerQello Месяц назад
En la vida, yo soy como Estambul. Subo y bajo, pero siempre estoy ahí.
@RodrigoRodrigues-vw9ii 4 месяца назад
It's really impressive to have Lisbon capital of Portugal, a country with just over 10 million people, in the top 10 of the world's largest cities throughout the 18th century. 🤯🤯🤯
@ulriquepkxd7519 3 месяца назад
Corrigindo, é realmente impressionante ter Lisboa, capital de Portugal, uma cidade com menos de 50 mil habitantes em 1500, capital de Portugal, um país minúsculo, que ao longo do século XVI e XVII, conquistou metade da América do Sul.
@Mecaface 3 месяца назад
Tem que ver qual o tamanho da população dos outros países europeus na época, proporcionalmente a Portugal...
@ulriquepkxd7519 3 месяца назад
@@Mecaface França 50x maior, Inglaterra 20x
@Mecaface 3 месяца назад
@@ulriquepkxd7519 Fonte?...
@ulriquepkxd7519 3 месяца назад
@@Mecaface ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-dkhcNoMNHA0.html
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