
The Parts of Deity Work Nobody talks about 

The Norse Witch
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@sarahgilbert8036 2 года назад
I think too, that if a certain deity isn't responding, it's because it's either not the optimal one for the situation at hand, or simply a response from them to "oh grow up and deal with this yourself, you're capable & don't need me for this!".
@jerrycarnes9487 2 года назад
I was pulled to runes a couple weeks ago. Just got em because I thought they looked cool. Which led to research on their origin, which led to learning the norse mythology. Leaning more towards the uthark row after reading nightside by thomas karlson. Which is pretty much elder futhark with the fehru rune positioned in the back. My first time sending a thought to Odin (my thought "Odin I'm writing down the meaning of your runes and I feel wiser in their knowledge")i was in the middle of creating an Uthark legend chart that I could quickly look at the rune name/shape/sound/core essenve meaning. I took a smoke break after writing down the third rune of Uthark which is Ansuz - I wrote what I thought the core essence meant from the study of havamal,multiple sources, and Norse mythology: (ond, spiritbreath, wisdom, communication, Odin). 3 min into my cig I see a Raven land in a tree and it gave the low raven caw 3 times. Zoomed in with my phone and took a pic and no doubt spade shaped tail. Went back inside and realized that the last rune I wrote was Ansuz/Odins rune. I thought know way! I'm just a dude thought bought some runes. Couple nights ago I was watching a show on netflix about steven greer who talked about the lucid waking up state being the best time to ask a question bwcause he theorizes that all consiousness is connected to past, future, and present. So I tried it the next morning and I asked a specific question. Is the Uthark the correct rune row? I heard a loud clap and saw 3 runes that I don't remember their shape.....but I read it as the word "ARK". The pronunciation in runes would be Ansuz/Reidho/and Kenaz. Odin-wisdom/order-travel/illumination-clear path. So cool!, not exactly sure what he is trying to tell me other than "keep seeking" perhaps. I don't like to assume and haven't reached out to him again, I just know I'm in love with runes and I keep studying them for hours through the day.
@cloudants Год назад
This is very reassuring bc I'm often worried I'm doing stuff wrong. But this helped a lot
@sarajamal4306 Год назад
Heyy I wanna start working with Apollo and I wanna know how it’s like and idk I suddenly got really interested Apollo for some reason idk why and I wanted to ask you how it is and how did you start like i always keep thinking abt Apollo I don’t work with any deity rn but idk I really don’t so yea I just wanted to ask
@sarajamal4306 Год назад
I’m sorry if you didn’t understand anything 😭
@cloudants Год назад
@@sarajamal4306 well set up a simple altar, do some research about him and then give some offerings! He's very thankful to work with because he's very understanding, he is rarely upset, even if I end up being distant for a week or 2 and barely doing anything. Just make sure you communicate with him! There are many methods but I use a pendulum, just make sure you're protected!! :)
@sarajamal4306 Год назад
@@cloudants umm if you don’t mind can we talk abt this somewhere like Insta? Because I really want to and I’m kinda scared to do it alone I wanna have someone I can talk abt this too if you don’t mind ofc 😅
@cloudants Год назад
@@sarajamal4306 hmm idk I totally understand what you mean but I'm not exactly comfortable with it. I assure you tho, as long as you do research, it's very easy to work with him, and he Very much understands if you're a beginner
@miatolliver3517 2 года назад
You're right about the heartache of having a deity leave - it really does hurt to be discarded, and sometimes they don't even give you the courtesy of an explanation - you get ghosted! You can feel when they withdraw, too - and while it might be just that they have nothing further to teach you at the moment and it's time for you to learn from someone else, a heads up would be so wonderful. Otherwise you're left wondering what you did wrong. In my personal practice I've been passed from one to another to learn something new, but I get grumpy and start avoiding them because of the pain they cause. But what can you say? They're gonna do what they do!
@giulia8777 3 года назад
Omg right on point girl!!🤣 Another thing that I would like to talk about is that, at least on my side, if you have certain purposes with them, they don’t give a shit if you offer them food or anything physical.. they want your time!! Like.. spending your time trying to know them or for example with Odin, he wants me to dive deep into my psyche, my culture and my magical abilities in general. Don’t follow the typical “guide to deities” they want different things depending on the engagement level that the task requires.
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Yes yes yes I couldn’t agree more!
@diorjuiicy3343 2 года назад
Wow reading this helped me a bit thanks
@PsychicZya 10 месяцев назад
super agree
@stormfire1995 2 года назад
I absolutely agree with you on the deities being upset with you, I think people like to ignore the bad things that they don't want to accept. People don't like to think that they've messed up and they don't like to own up for it for sure. But you're absolutely right, you are not alone. I don't think anyone that works with deities has not had one of those moments and if they haven't they're lying lol
@3xplosiv3_k3ttan9 3 года назад
Also the whole forgetting thing I will admit I do a lot more than I should lol. I mean I've been scolded once and that didnt feel great and I'm trying to make up for it. but its something people should be real about more often 😭 shit happens man
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Yeeees!!! ❤️
@Liam-Laurence 2 года назад
So glad you have talked about these topics, personally deities really just make me uncomftable in generall which I am working on because I do think I want to work with deities in the future but now i'm trying to approach land spirits mostly tbh Ymir really intrests me
@Jalkr 4 месяца назад
Just started listening to this one. I haven't heard mention of being put through the wringer by a god. Odin is THE most brutal god ever. I basically lost an entire balanced, centered, prosperous life, holding on to a vow I made to him.
@lawrencepatricksingson8831 2 года назад
I also was kind of guided by intuitive forces to connect to Odin and I brought offerings and a poem to a tree that I considered to be a Mimosa version of Yggdrasil. After I finished reading the poem a gust of wind swept through and it was if his response was good, however, he sent me signs that I am not ready to work with him right now but he did kind of task me with learning as much as I can about Norse mythology in the mean time. He also, very kindly, referred me to Hekate who I am currently doing work with.
@theasianheathen 2 года назад
I don’t really do spellwork when it comes to practicing witchcraft, and I don’t really feel like a “real witch.” I feel bad about not giving thor physical offerings and food. I’m not really ready for spellwork yet because I feel like I need to work on myself first and I feel that thor is also telling me to work on myself and do shadow work. I don’t really think I’m going to do big spell work at all. It might just include tea/coffee magick and tarot and tunes and other simple rituals. along with giving thor offerings like crystals and storm water and I decided recently that even if I don’t have an altar for him, I was going to dedicate my therapy sessions with my psychologist which I scheduled on Thursday in his honor.
@3xplosiv3_k3ttan9 3 года назад
One thing that's also to add that alot of people seem to think is that when getting signs from a deity you dont feel connected to, you have to work with them. Usually people get too excited about "OMG it's a sign from someone!" They feel like they then HAVE to work with them. If your dont feel connected, dont waste your own energy trying to force yourself to connect with them. Deity work is something you have to WANT to do, to do. if it's not something you WANT to do or feel connected to doing then that's okay. dont do it. I have been given sign after sign from freyja recently, cats and hawks and hearing her name from out of nowhere catching me off guard. But I don't feel as connected to her as others, I still made a small space dedicated to her bc I felt that that was right for me but right now I barely have time for Odin, college is busy. The only thing keeping me up to date with Odin is dedicating study sessions bc that fits in my life style rn. Maybe it would be cool to have Freyja since she always wants the best for the individual however the level in which shes said to push doesn't sound like something I would need right now. And that's /fine/ I want people to realize that if you dont want to do things then dont. Deities aren't gonna get mad that you dont feel like working with them, and that doesn't necessarily mean that you cant change your mind later. I may change my mind about Freyja, as of right now I haven't.
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Yes that’s so so so true and so important! Just as you don’t want a relationship with every human you probably don’t want one to every deity. Loki keeps reaching out to me and I’m like……… nah 🤣
@vegastrina 2 года назад
Thank you for your video. I am brand new to the idea of working with a deity, as I didn't know, until recently, that such a thing was possible. I watched as my daughter worked with her deities and I became very curious...cautious at first, then interested. I, at one point, would have considered myself on a positive spiritual path with no affiliation (as I didn't know affiliations existed back then), but sadly abandoned that, not on purpose, but over time through a series of events, even though I would be reminded constantly ... I don't feel I ever truly forgotten that the path I was on still existed. There were some connections that I was afraid to make back then (and I'm still leery) and other connections I was more comfortable in building (and still am), inevitably, I continued on in another direction and I either missed all the signs, or ignored all the signals and nagging when I noticed ... basically, I needed a good konk on the head. I sought out no deity, have communicated with my daughter's deities through her, and spoke to her in general. I discovered that one particular deity wanted to work with me. I don't know why she chose me (I haven't asked), but I'm glad she is here, and I feel she has been here all along (maybe my whole life), but my dummy dum dum self couldn't pick up on her presence. Athena is the one who has chosen me and she has already helped me with a struggle without me even asking. She's very kind. I hope I do right by her as she appears to be patiently guiding me. I'm so glad we have connected and her messages to speak with me have finally come through. I have skimmed passed your videos a few times as they appeared in the suggestion list, but today I have actually sought you out because I keep coming across the name Freya. I see different spellings and somehow knew you were associated with her ... maybe I saw your name and her name together once, or maybe there is another reason, either way, here I am. Thank you for being there for me to listen to.
@stahu_mishima 2 года назад
For me, these topics are kind of build-in feature of any religion, especially paganism, as for me Dieties, Gods, Spirits etc. have their own unique personality and characteristics just as people. It's as much a reason for Gods not responding or some being unkind, as a reason why Christian God is not purely good. Gods have personalities just like us
@regenwolkegaensebluemchen 2 года назад
Ich finde es wirklich cool, dass du so offen mit manchen Sachen umgehst und vor allem auch "Fehler zugibst". Man hat doch schnell das Gefühl, das Menschen im Internet alles richtig machen und fühlt sich echt schlecht, wenn mal was schief läuft, obwohl es ja wirklich normal ist.ir hilft es sehr weiter, sowas von anderen zu hören. Vielen Dank dafür 🥰
@TheNorseWitch 2 года назад
Ich find es auch super wichtig ehrlich zu sein, grade wenn man ne Plattform hat wo man Leuten auch Tipps gibt und co… diese Leute sollten dann auch wissen dass man selbst nicht perfekt ist 😅
@boscosun436 Год назад
yeah sometimes they dont like you at all, Freya wasnt interested in me for years and years, and then she came and demanded a blood oath after watching me cry and struggle working with some of the epic male gods serving me brutal lessons ripping my mind and body apart to make it anew. Odin and i courted for years and years, he was always there for me but it was like i had to proove myself, he was soooooo awsome it was hard to deal with, hero shyness hey.. but now, eye to eye spears and blood. i used to scream at him and smash, he opened up eventually and we become very close. I love him soo much
@stephanielangston2218 Год назад
Has anyone every experienced freya literally saying "your not ready" and what I perceived as yelling "your not listening to me" when calling upon her?? I on the other hand have had a wonderful experience this far with loki. I noticed alot of jumping spiders coming to me and snakes in a period of my life I needed something to focus on at the time trying to choose my deity I didn't know loki sent spiders and snakes as a sign when I realized he did I called for him. He answered in such good spirits. I felt extremely disappointed with myself due to the interaction with freya but I do now understand why. She was not who I needed and I was not ready to call upon her.
@boscosun436 Год назад
Ive experienced this with Odin big time. My room mate a sharman was not listening, rives around the corner rolls his car and flies through his windscreen does a flip and lands on his feet in a trance with Odin standing in front of him. If they want you, well, wear a helmet.
@jamikatechaos9972 Год назад
In a dream it was the following day, post Christian rapture. I was roaming the earth with other sinners. There were creepy dream details: pig snouts, removable genitalia, and an ex boyfriend to name a few, but generally feeling lost with underlying nihilism. I turned a corner and ran into a goddess, who I did not know was a goddess (at the time, in my dream or real life.) She had really long, curly red hair, and was looking into a brook. She said she would remember me, not to worry, and that she would be back, and she would find me. Does that sound like Aphrodite, or a different goddess or deity?
@Bjorn_Algiz 3 года назад
This video was very helpful and informative I will truly reflect on these word of wisdom but I have only been a Norse Pagan for about 2 years maybe almost 3 and I have only ever felt tyrs call I have a deep respect for tyr and i tried honoring all the Aiesir and vanir but its just ever been utter silence no matter how hard I try to reach out but tyr has held my hand these past 2 years hes gave me courage to not have anxiety or be overly scared but more importantly I share his courage with other because at the end of the day we all need a little inspiration or just a helping hand and in a sense tyr enables that little boost of confidence of ability to face all odds no matter how challenging they might be but against all that never give up. I have a saying that I been sharing with my fellow pagans accros the world "Hail to the Gods! Let the living live but most importantly let you yourself grow and explore"
@BeatrixBetwixt 3 года назад
I’m happy you are talking about these topics & I agree you rarely hear people talking about the other side of working with deities. And you’re not the only one that has had deities get mad for not doing things the way they want. It’s happened to me in the past & what I do is step back & let them get their bearings as well as I the same. And then when it’s time & both are ready I return with deity work again. I also have had deities that I & they have fulfilled a certain purpose & then in a sense stepped back while another comes into their place. One other thing I have happened is setting boundaries & working with sharing. I have worked with the Morrigan for many years & two years back Odin I allowed myself to let Odin in. (I say this because he was sending me messages for years prior but I kept ignoring because I wasn’t ready to take on another deity & focused on one) When I allowed communication & work with Odin I quickly saw how I needed to change my dynamic on sharing my time & practice. When one is use to being the only one it got a little crazy lol. But me sitting down and working on an agreement with them made things much more cohesive. My number one thing I set down is this.. I am not owned by any instead I choose with whom I work with. After that things went well & I still work with both.
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Oh i couldn’t have said it better!! Even only the fact that you don’t have to work with a deity that reaches out to you. You’re allowed to set boundaries and that’s so important! But I find it really interesting that the Morrigan seemed to be a little bit „jealous“… probably not the right Word to describe it but I can’t find a better word 😅
@BeatrixBetwixt 3 года назад
@@TheNorseWitch no no I think you described it quite well! There was that indeed & for a little while she became quiet but realized if she wanted to continue working with me then such things need to be understood & set aside. Of course Odin just sat back in his usual..I’ll let you guys hash it out 😂
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Yeah that sounds like him 🤣🤣🤣
@LovelyLukas777 5 месяцев назад
I had a deity outright refuse me before. I ordered an Apollo bust and a Artemis bust, but hers never showed up. And here recently, Apollo has left my life. Now I work with Aphrodite and Ares.
@marimanesala7942 2 года назад
Danke!!! Genau das ist mir mit Freyja passiert! Jahrelang hat sie mir geradezu die Tür ins Gesicht gehauen. Das muss man erstmal verdauen... dann hab ich mich ein Jahr und einen Tag Odin geweiht. Er schaute kurz rein, sagte ja, alles schön - und war weg. Dafür gibt es Götter, die einfach wieder mit mir reden, die meisten aus dem nordischen Pantheon, aber auch einige griechische. Es ist wie mit Menschen - manchmal klappt es und wird eine Freundschaft oder Beziehung, und manchmal eben nicht.
@dorissa5988 Год назад
Ich finde es so toll was du da schreibst, es ist also möglich mit Göttern Freundschaft aufzubauen? 🤩 ich bin Anfängerin was das betrifft, und mein Wunsch ist es guten Kontakt mit Göttern zu haben. Wie nimmst du sie wahr? Wie kamen die Götter auf dich zu?
@marimanesala7942 Год назад
@@dorissa5988 Hi, hab deine Antwort eben erst gesehen, sorry! Ja, es ist möglich und es ist wunderschön. Du kannst einen guten Kontakt aufbauen, und sie helfen wirklich, wenn auch nicht immer auf die Weise, wie mensch sich das denkt...
@andromeda1515 2 года назад
I feel like im in the minority when i say i just dont wanna do deity work. Any time i tell a witch friend that theyre always like “oh youre just not ready yet, you havent been introduced to the right one yet” but like. Im just not interested. I dont really wanna build personal relationships with some higher entity thing, ive always been extremely to myself with my craft. Its something i do just for myself, its not something i feel its necessary to share with anyone or anything. Is it just me??
@TheNorseWitch 2 года назад
No it’s definitely not you! There are other witches out there who also don’t want to work with deities. The Witch of Wonderlust is one of them for example ☺️ and it’s totally valid!! Don’t let anyone pressure you into it. You don’t have to work with deities! There are also a lot of atheist witches out there, so those definitely also don’t work with deities. At the moment it’s just a huge trend to do it 🙊
@andromeda1515 2 года назад
Okay cool lol im glad that makes sense. Thank you!
@caminante5865 Год назад
Now is cool to have a God o Godess to work with but i remember times when witches only work with energies and elements 😄. Your craft is the correct one for you ❤
@SherylThapa 3 года назад
I love the vibe you give me also love your content. It helps me alot with my practice!!
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Thank you! ☺️❤️
@hairscythe2257 Год назад
6:49 for some reason, none of pendulums like yes/no questions. Yes/no specifically, they'll answer anything else. I try to ask them a straightforward question? They either just swing in a circle indecisively or answer it by pointing at something. But I can ask "what's your favorite color" and hold it over a color wheel or "a good moon phase to work with this month" and hold it over a moon chart and it suddenly gives me crystal clear answers. I don't know why.
@PsychicZya 10 месяцев назад
i'm dying laughing when you're talking about forgetting things...girl! My altar work is lazy as hell sometimes the food is almost rotted because I forget about it
@kloerose2474 3 года назад
idk how specific my issue is, but I've had a deity/spirit with me since I was little, and for the life of me I can't figure out who they are. Now I'm getting vibes from someone else pretty frequently too and I'm just so god damned blind I have no clue. Worst, I'm paranoid about guessing wrong even after doing research and all the fun stuff, so I'm just sitting here watching witch youtube videos instead~
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Oh no that sounds annoying :/ the last resort for me would be to get a list of deity names and a pendulum and to try every single one out 🤣
@kloerose2474 2 года назад
@@TheNorseWitch I am so close to that exact tactic
@TheNorseWitch 2 года назад
Oh man that would be a lot of work!
@kloerose2474 2 года назад
@@TheNorseWitch Well at this rate ik they aren't Freyja and my pendulum gets really effing confused when the Fae get brought up. Yippee
@TheNorseWitch 2 года назад
Oh the Fae…. Would make sense then that you’re confused about who it is, because they like playing tricks on people 😅
@mira7148 3 года назад
im so glad i found a youtuber i relate to! i work with freyja and i agree sometimes communicating is so hard lol
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Oh thats awesome! Freya is such a badass goddess! There will actually be a video about her in a few weeks, I filmed it just this Monday 😅
@fiercedondebruja8 Год назад
😢😢 oooooh thank you sooooooooo much. I was definitely feeling so sad. Thinking I was the only one feeling so confused about signs, communication and knowing if they are reaching back or hearing me.
@TheNorseWitch Год назад
No that’s COMPLETELY fine! I‘m still confused every single time 🤣
@Junkinsally 4 месяца назад
No Deity will “refuse” to work with you if you approach them with a pure heart (don’t have an ulterior motive) and what you seek is actually possible for them to help with. I believe most people fail to connect because the Abrahamic religions have conditioned people to “worship” the gods and that’s not what they want. The “worship” concept suggests a power dynamic with the god having power or dominance over the human. That’s a control mechanism and not the kind of structure the old Pagan Gods recognize. You have to learn the difference between worship and reverence. They appreciate reverence, which is a genuine appreciation for their abilities, the same way anyone else appreciates being acknowledged for their accomplishments, achievements and talents. The ancient people treated their Gods like members of their extended families. They paid tribute to them and showed gratitude for the help they gave. It’s so difficult for modern people to understand the concept even if you’re not a religious person because our society is based on religion and religious concepts, like top down rule and government. Change the way you view the Gods and make sure your priorities are straight. Make sure what you’re asking help with is A) within the probabilities and B) is something the Deity has experience in. Remember always, they can help influence the probabilities on your behalf but only if you have set that up already. You have to put in the work.
@nonomiconone9124 Год назад
So authentic and insightful! Your honesty and humility and humanity combine to embody your piercing understanding of the practice and your journey. You allow yourself to be vulnerable, which gives you immense presence. This left-hand eclectic thinks you are quite the source of wisdom and power. Thank you.
@LuciaDiaz-q4r 8 месяцев назад
I have a question about receiving signs that a deity wants to work with you. I asked my pendulum if Athena wants to work with me and it said yes, but I’m not getting any signs or energy feelings at all from her, nor am I getting any answers from my prayers. I’m very confused and if someone could answer my question, that would be very much appreciated.
@baybeeviki7 2 года назад
Pendulum is my main source of communication with my deity too and my spirit guides. I’ll ask if they have any other messages for me before I’m done, and if they say yes I ask if I need to use tarot or oracle for it. Then I confirm my ideas with my pendulum again after. I love that you’re so pendulum involved 😊 I get nervous that it’s not legitimate sometimes (imposter syndrome maybe?) like I’m not really talking to them. But I still take the information as I am and go from there. I just found your channel like 2 days ago and I love your content. Thank you for your videos
@katet_33 2 года назад
Do you use a spirit board with your pendulum? I’ve been working with spirits using a board and my pendulum and they will actually spell out words for me to help understand the message. I’ve been curious if deities would do the same. I’m not good at sensing energies so sometimes I don’t know who is talking to me or if they are being honest.
@baybeeviki7 2 года назад
@@katet_33 I’m not good at sensing energy yet either, I’m working on it. But I don’t use a spirit board. Just pendulum and cards mostly as of now, and sometimes runes. I’m iffy on spirit boards to actually use yet. Still interested in learning about them though lol
@josephwensel3282 Год назад
Thank you for making this video. There were questions about deity work I just couldn't find answers to. I've been working with loki for awhile now. But it seems like he isn't around anymore. Your video has given me a possible answer why. Thank you for your help
@stormfire1995 2 года назад
And about the signs A lot of times people are expecting these in their face. Huge visions of grandeur, huge signs and really with beauty is super subtle most of the time. So much so that they probably have to keep telling you over and over several times before you catch on and then there are times when people interpret everything as signs when sometimes a bird. It's just a bird sitting on your windowsill and sometimes a spider is just a spider.ECT...
@liminalone1899 Месяц назад
Thank you for your honesty and authenticity! Totally agree and makes my heart happy to remember I'm not the only one that forgets or misunderstands😂
@jessrushworth95 2 года назад
😉 ive been told off twice now for trying to jump ahead..... im still on my L plates. I wasnt sure the first time but the second time i knew for sure lol. I opened my eyes half way through and i walked out of my session feeling like i had just been scolded by my dad lol Im so glad its not just me. I def feel like I get rewarded and punished accordingly.
@theblanketfortcohort7332 2 года назад
Oh mood! It took my room to fill up with stag symbology for me to sit and think "huh, maybe i should start working with Cernunnos" XD
@MsForeverFluffy Год назад
The concept of Deity work is so strange to me. I don't think they tell you what to do. It's more of a "you choose sth that you think they'd like" type of things. So I reached out to Hekate and I got a pretty straight forward answer through 2 dreams and 3 tarot sessions that we are not compatible but I still I felt really drown to her. She introduced me to Ishtar and recently to Hestia but I still feel her. I still give her offering but I don't have an altar. I still ask her for things and she answers but she's not necessarily speaking to me or anything I just think of doing things in her name from time to time. When I decided to open the gate to Hestia I just did an unplanned small ritual for her and then summoned her energy and She came I could feel her. That night was the first time I questioned and spoke up about my values to my parents not knowing that authenticity is really important to her and that she can help you with that, I just did what I helt in the moment I attuned to her energy. I see deities as currents of energy which you can attune either directly or/and through meditation and offerings but I don't think they tell you to do things apart from you starting to feel urges to do certain things. Having to ask a deity to come to you or to allow you in their energy is kind of a Christian concept. If you are not ready to embody their energy they ll tell you but that doesn't mean you can't ask for things.
@lajoiedevivre-oakblog 26 дней назад
Thank you for these type of content… I am a newby at deity work and have reached out to them to seek assistance.. I believe both deities have accepted to help me and I want to do well by them..
@beneyles6217 7 месяцев назад
how many spells can you cast once you have created a circle?
@reesewyrd 4 месяца назад
So very helpful, thank you!
@Ari-Rina 2 года назад
One of the reasons I've been hesitant to try deity work is either a deity leaving, or not even responding in the first place, or even worse: being angry at me for trying to contact them in the first place. Were you ever afraid of punishment from your deities being pissed at you?
@TheNorseWitch 2 года назад
They won’t be angry at you for trying to contact them. Why would they? But no I actually wasn’t ever nervous about anything like that. If a deity ends up leaving it’ll be sad, sure. But so could my boyfriend leave me. That doesn’t mean I won’t start a relationship in the first place 😅 and when it comes to punishments… just don’t give them a reason to be pissed 🙊 don’t promise them something you can’t hold true to and you should be fine. In my experience the gods habe better things to do than play our parents
@glassbook6564 2 года назад
Iv'e gotten a straight no before, but I advise not to take it personally, they may just not want to work with you.
@LuciaDiaz-q4r 8 месяцев назад
I’ve asked my pendulum if Athena is trying to work with me and it said yes, but I’m not getting any signs or feeling and I haven’t heard any of prayers being answered. I’m extremely confused and I don’t understand what it means.
@eltonsterling1456 3 месяца назад
It could be possible that your subconscious had moved it because you wanted to work with her. Try asking again to see if you get the same response, and if you do, try asking a different divination method. If it's all yes, then it might be that you have to be the first one to reach out.
@Juuuuuu555 9 месяцев назад
I am wondering if there is any danger for the people who lives with you… do they feel their presence ? Cause if people are affraid of spirit, then its not possible working in the same house I believe :/
@TheNorseWitch 9 месяцев назад
Luckily I live alone, and my cats don’t seem to be bothered xD
@dlmiller7873 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this.
@AlunaOfficial 3 года назад
Völlig anderes Thema aber: Wo hast du deinen Lippenstift her? 😍😍 I love it!!! Und natürlich sehr schönes Video 🙏😘 die Musik war meeega schön und die Infos natürlich auch wieder sehr gut und verständlich erklärt 😊 (Kannst du mir bitte verraten wie das Lied im Hintergrund heißt? 😇)
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
Der Lippenstift ist der Matt Pro Ink von Catrice ☺️ Magst du mir wegen dem Lied nochmal bei IG schreiben? Müsste das morgen mal raus suchen und hab Angst das zu vergessen xD
@Budismo7917 2 года назад
Hello Pretty norse witch I was out of my área but im back. Hey I think this is a interesting video. I find out all you said its truth I have experienced with hindu deities for a while and I did not have any connection with them I visited temples and chant, give some money offerings and I did not feel a spiritual contact but in another episode of my life I learn to meditated in a chinese tantric buddhist temple I feel a connection with the tantric deities but then as the years and the days gone by I realized it was a isolated practice, I feel their energy but in community action wasnt good enough what they tell me everything was lonely but then I discover 🇹🇭 and I realized the connection with buddha, gods and goddesses was diferent and it could be in community so it is better. I come back to my country and the feeling wasnt the same with the chinese buddhism and the community I feel I was going backwards so I did not fogot what I learn I listen chants and meditated because it still works but outside the chinese community and I just feel the enlightened its not here. I realized the femenine goddess kuan yin has diferent conciousness in Asia it could be almost the same statue in japan or in Thailand but it still its not the same because I had connection with a tantric god aizen myo who looks for me and give me dreams of a foreigner Asia land and I went to Thailand. So I guess its truth you could find something in one place but the wisdom, the power, the stability doesnt comes from the place you find it. Then I realized as I visited 🇮🇸also the same year I think the gods had something for me to not lost the equilibrium and I had a dream with odin, thor, eir, freya, skadi, sif they tell me to mix what I learn with them gods(ddess) because not all can see that I could develop a higher meditation trance to open the cells of the brain to be in contact with the occult mystic world to find the wisdom they said that not all people this days are not truelly friendly, there are a lot of hypocrisy. Also I see in the dream the dwarves working in mixing thai amulet symbols and japanese deity symbol with viking pagan symbols it was a strange dream but its interesting. So its a new era not everything cant be the same Seems like they all were sharing spiritual wisdom, drinking and party in a big hall Well its good diferent World are ok and share. I just think its better this way because I wont go futher going backwards. May you have a great day beautiful witch Many blessing from freyja and odin 😘🐍🤪👹👽👻🍺
@IATBOID Год назад
My practice as far as deity work is coming together with a strong emphasis on devotional work. I'll work with them in various ways too as I go through life with them while receiving their help and guidance. But the devotional work has a purpose beyond just showing gratitude or something like that. It simply allows them to come more into your life. When it comes down to it, they're interdimensional beings. It takes energy for them to come through, so offerings and devotional energies helps with that. A God who may have appeared non responsive or disinterested may not have had the energy to interact with you. Of course there could have been other reasons as explained in this video for it too. The most important thing about deity work for me I think is making the personal transformations needed to be able to perceive them. Some gods require the strongest possible connection just to facilitate the level of communication needed for the relationship. For example, Odin is one whom I only commune with directly from time to time, although he is regularly one of the gods in my devotional prayers. In my experience he only wants to be called on for deep matters concerning life and the spirit. Things that are relevant to true spiritual growth and nothing more than that. He doesn't want to hear people praying to him for a new car or advise on how to smooth things out with their lover. You've got to be able to perceive them (the gods) clearly enough to know when they are saying "NO, I won't do that". If you can hear them say that to you, then you'll also (potentially) have some solid ground with which to form the basis of a relationship. A God I'm working with alot right now is Pan, and there simply is no relationship with that one without a clear and open way of inter relating with one another. With Pan he's training me to be able to perceive things more clearly from his realm (because I asked him to). And for that, I have to be highly responsive and motivated, and above all willing to learn. There have been things here and there which I didn't feel like doing, but because the connection is so strong I could see the wisdom and why/how as far as the benefits I will receive by following his guidance. So there's alot of devotional work happening in my practice during morning and evening ritual (every day), and more throughout the day with offering any food I eat and asking for the food to be blessed afterward is one example of that. Just keep yourself saturated in their energy, and they in yours and that's my general approach to working with deities. It makes it easier to connect with other deities too, with that approach.
@idab2605 3 года назад
I literally asked you about this topic on your last Q&A community post. Thank you! Just a question what's your opinion about working with deities from different pantheon? I recently started to work with Innana who is an mesopotamian goddess, but I also feel a huge urge to work with Inshushinsk who is a Elamite God. I'm quite worried about Innana would not approve ...
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
I think everyone has to decide for themselves and maybe see what the deities they’re already working with think about it. For me personally it’s not something I would want to do but that’s mainly only because I’m a Norse Pagan also while being a witch. I would say first ask your intuition - does it feel right to work with both deities? And then you can also ask Innana directly whether that would be ok for her ☺️
@idab2605 3 года назад
@@TheNorseWitch thank you so so much! ❤
@KingPsycax 2 года назад
I have a question. Big spiders, like tarantulas, are a sign of Trickster God's?
@lawrencepatricksingson8831 2 года назад
I visited a witch in another town and she introduced me to the idea of connecting to Lucifer and for some reason I felt drawn to him at that time and she sent me home with a beautiful red candle with a Lucifer Sigil carved in it. As I did the candle ceremony with Lucifer it’s as if I went on 3 dates with him and on the 3rd date a pair of scissors fell off the counter and stabbed me on the foot and I was bleeding. I felt like Lucifer was trying to get me to perform blood magic and i sternly said NO I am not ready for that!!! I mean, I still like him and talk to him every now and then but the truth is he is way more hedonistic and bold than I could ever be. He has tasked me on drawing a floor plan for a lavish condo.
@happytrees2491 2 года назад
Thank you! This video definitely helped answer some questions and get perspective.
@nelliesfarm8473 Год назад
Volume is low
@TheNorseWitch Год назад
What a shame you can’t turn up the volume on your computer and TV 😭
@jujamuzic7520 Год назад
Vielen dank ...das war echt so hilfreich...ich habe mir so vorwürfe gemacht mit thor
@nurnu349 2 года назад
Great video🙏👌😊 Try automatic writing. It might work. Be patient, it may take some time until you get clear letters. Thanks for this honest evaluation. I am a disaster and forget things and info all the time. 😰 I am sometimes too tired or have too much on my' human duties' plate to be of any use to divinities. I envy people who have set routines, times and rituals. Not me. 😩 One thing I am personally frustrated with is that I can't astral travel at will, only when I dream and only occasionally. So many people out there seem to go about it very easily. And no, it's not a myth: my great-grandmother located things for people doing astral travels: she told the people she would try to dream about it. They had to return to see her next day or a couple of days later (no phones at the time in rural areas) : she was able to see lost or misplaced objects like keys, rings, documents in specific places she had never visited physically but in dreams. She would say: the papers are trapped between a wall and an old chest of drawers, and there is a picture of a woman on that wall, etc. And the person listening knew exactly what she meant and indeed found the things where my great-grandmother said they were. Unbelievable but true. She was a midwife, and Christian. A woman from Peru told me there was a Magus or chaman in her city who did the same. Awesome.
@TheNorseWitch 2 года назад
Oh I’ve tried automatic writing ☺️ and I really liked it! It’s difficult tho in my opinion. To me it’s harder than trance journeying for example 🙊
@tylervanvalkenburg7167 10 месяцев назад
Man your awesome, love the setting
@bethysbarn 2 года назад
You look lovely here! Red defo suits you! Especially the lipstick! 😍❤️❤️❤️
@urvaly4805 Год назад
Hiii!! What am i supposed to do with a drink or food i offered to a deity when it gets bad? Can i throw it away or not?
@TheNorseWitch Год назад
Sure you can. For a lot of people in big cities that’ll be the only way to dispose of offerings. ☺️
@Vivi-cd4gs Год назад
Thank you so much for your honesty ❤❤ This video is amazing!
@TheNorseWitch Год назад
Thank you 🥰
@fluoriteandfauna 3 года назад
i love your videos
@aceofwands9 Год назад
I love how honest this video is ❤
@JI-kc4uh 2 года назад
Super helpful video
@flybee11. Год назад
@raetwoo 3 года назад
can you do a magic circle video
@TheNorseWitch 3 года назад
I‘m planning on making one, yes ☺️
@marthinarauhut1876 2 года назад
This is a good topic that is generally not discussed. I have been working/walking/connecting with the Norse gods for a very long time as a neo-pagan. My journeys at times can be very rewarding, and at times very intense, as well as negative. I think one has to look at your inner self and understand who you are first before calling on the gods. Some people are altar workers, others are worshippers, others are non of these or both, or a casual combination of this. I am not a worshipper. I feel deep love and connectedness for Freya and some of these deities. For me they are like a spiritual family and I can call on them when I have needs, visit them through Altered states of mind, and ask them for favours. I do not like to worship and neither do I feed them with food and drink, and most definitely hold on to your own life force otherwise some can feed of you. Odin loves blood and will take a life blood sacrifice without consent, don’t be surprised if you find your pet dead somewhere after a blot rite. I just don’t trust him, as well as Loki who can have very invasive sexual advances. It’s extremely important to read up and study their personalities and the lore that goes with it. And know who you are, set boundaries and stay safe.
@runicsnow7214 Год назад
when you said that a god can be mad at you i totally get that because i forgot that odin cant eat with out loki also eating and i offered him summer sausage on yule and a couple days later backing into my drive way i got into a frender bender when i realized what i did i made sure to apologize to odin and gave him anouther offering
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