
The Personal Pain of Patriarchy 

Breaking Down Patriarchy
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15 сен 2024




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@FishareFriendsNotFood972 3 месяца назад
I think this is the most important channel here on youtube. Thank you so much for all your hard work!
@theresemalmberg955 3 месяца назад
I have heard that when Christianity came on the scene, it offered women another role besides that of wife and mother. And that was that of consecrated virgin. This concept was extremely offensive to many Roman authorities. I was brought up on stories like that of St. Barbara, who was imprisoned in a three-windowed tower by her father because of her faith and because she refused to marry as was her duty. Why three windows? It was her way of saying that even though she was imprisoned she still believed in the Trinity. Now the thing that we don't understand about consecrated virgins today, is that these women by their very act of declaring themselves consecrated virgins, were taking control over their own bodies. So it was not a repressive thing at all, it was a liberating thing. I myself never married nor had children so when I hear MEN like a certain NFL player saying that being a wife and mother is a woman's highest calling, I get more than a little defensive. Are you saying my life doesn't have value because I am not a mother? I think you'd find a lot of people who know me who would argue otherwise . . .
@moniquelemaire5333 3 месяца назад
Consecrated Virgins still exist in some Roman Catholic Churches. I like you, never found a suitable husband, and of course never had children. I did think at one time I might afford to adopt, but that was not feasible. Instead, I took care of my parents and made sure they stayed out of a nursing home as long as was possible. As far as patriarchy goes, it really depends upon where a person is and who you surround yourself with. As a Christian, I realized that I had a very hard time in most churches.....mainly because I felt the huge need to teach and preach. So, for 12 years I ended up in ...... prison!!! Prison ministry that is!! I was a volunteer Chaplain in two prisons in Massachusetts. In one, I ministered to the women and the other I ministered to the men. I even asked the men if they were offended that I was teaching them. One of the older men replied: "No, not at all, you're one of the good ones!!!". Even the RC Institutional Chaplain said to me once: "you're a spiritual mother to some of these men.". I thought that was more than kind of him to say that. You never know what God will do with your life!!! Keep praying 🙏. Sister Monique 🙂🙏🌷💗
@aa-qx1cg 3 месяца назад
This is totally ahistorical, the idea of the virgin was not unique to Christianity. The Romans themselves had the Vestal Virgins who were priestesses in charge of tending to the sacred flame of the city and considered some of the most honored people in Roman society, second only to the emperor really, and any offense against them was punishable by death. Also trying to act like you're some kind of socially ostracized victim because you never had children when the birth rates are catastrophically crashing is laughable.
@sage9836 3 месяца назад
​@@moniquelemaire5333Write a book about this! Some articles?
@down-to-earth-mystery-school 3 месяца назад
I was not able to conceive, and was judged for that, but my worth is as a human being, not a breeder
@clementine5053 3 месяца назад
@stucker3188 3 месяца назад
Wow this is exactly what i have been thinking about. I have been learning about the neolithic peoples of europe and how the society was patrilineal, land was passed from father to son and women were married off to other tribes. I was thinking about how that would impact women how a mother would be less likely to bond with her daughter knowing that she would be shipped off and probably never seen again. Women would not have been able to pass knowledge down the same way men did. This generational tearing apart would cripple the phyche of women for thousands of years and it is done deliberately to keeps us in servitude to the patriarchy. I have so many thoughts. And rage.
@holyman5802 3 месяца назад
I love your channel! Patriarchy has made a mess of this planet and affects all of our lives. Would love a deep dive into pre-hellenistic goddess worship. I'm reading Marija Gimbutas.
@BL-sd2qw 3 месяца назад
I wanted to learn more about indigenous matriarchies. So many societies around the world prior-colonization were matriarchal/equalitarian, including Europe prior-roman colonization. The basque people had a matriarchal pantheon, for example.
@marlenesmall5527 3 месяца назад
Don't forget St Teresa of Avila, another great feminist and like Hildegard of Bingen a doctor of the church.
@pipe2devnull 3 месяца назад
I recognize Hildegard because of Hildegard von Blingin's RU-vid channel where she sings contemporary music as if it were created in medieval times.
@terrilorz9320 2 месяца назад
I had never heard of these women - and as I learn more it is changing my internal world of patriarchy - which is a way of think and I am learning to think differently and as that happens my view of the world is completly changing. Thank you for all your hard work.
@unwrittenbook 3 месяца назад
As a German…yes I learned about Hildegard von Bingen, during literature lessons :) Christine de Pisan is new to me, but she sounds amazing! And Mary Woolstonecraft is also new. I shall look a bit more into these two women‘s life!
@minderbean 3 месяца назад
When I got my dog I was searching for name ideas. I googled “female composer” and got Hildegard. Sadly I didn’t look into it, but I did decide she’s German and the dog is German so ok. She’s 6 and a super awesome dog, Hilde. 💕 thanks for this info. Freaking awesome 💕
@EvergreenFlame Месяц назад
I'm familiar with Gerda Lerner from her book The Creation of Patriarchy, so I'll have to look up this one. What has astounded me in my journey to learn what woman are versus what we're portrayed to be is the vitriolic resistance to any thinking that doesn't conform to the patriarchal norm. It seems like most other subjects are open to discussion, but this is a mindset no one is allowed to question. The more I see, the more damage I discover from this system. I can only suppose that those who hold to it don't want reconsider it because then they'd have to re-examine the basis of their own self identity, and that is process few are willing to undertake
@missy12358 3 месяца назад
I first heard of the book “city of ladies” through Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s book- “Well behaved Women Seldom Make History” but this video helped me remember and learn much more. ❤❤❤❤
@beatricebk2676 3 месяца назад
Brilliant thank you for line upon line historical events. Great video.
@spencerjensenmusic 3 месяца назад
I learned about Hildegard Von Bingen in every history of western music class in music school at the undergraduate and graduate level. So at least, she is included as a prominent figure in the development of western music from what I have observed. It is interesting to learn more about her and the other women mentioned from this video.
@TraceyBiela Месяц назад
having lived in Germany for more than 30 years I have heard of Hildegard von Bingen, but more for her work on natural medicines and medicine. but I had never heard of the other two. really happy I found your content! thank you for doing this.
@BethDiane 3 месяца назад
I think I found out about all of them except Gerda Lerner by the time I graduated from college. But a couple more that I didn't find out about until fairly recently that are equally important, not so much to women's history but for the history of science, are Ada Lovelace and Hedy LaMarr (!)
@tulipchic34 18 дней назад
I love your message. I was bought up in a catholic family and always felt a closeness to Jesus. However the misogyny of Christian men turn me off religion all together. I’m happy to have Jesus in my life but I made the decision not not follow catholism.
@semma88 3 месяца назад
Ty for this video!
@44DHernandez Месяц назад
I’m obsessed with your videos!
@beatriz9676 3 месяца назад
Thank you, I did not know Gerda Lerner, now I want to read her work. The other women, I know them form works of contemporary women philosophers, like the portuguese philosopher Joana Rita Sousa and brazilians like Nastassja Pugliese.
@auntiedee9468 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much!!!
@ActiveAdvocate1 3 месяца назад
The question is, where do we go from here in a practical sense? Because it's not like, "Oh, women have found their voice! Patriarchy over!" because, no, a lot of that is still very difficult, and especially if you sit at one or more intersections, such as being a Black woman, or a disabled woman, or a trans woman. I won't pretend that we haven't made material progress, but that is IN SPITE of systems, not because of them, or, more ridiculously, with their help.
@destroyraiden 3 месяца назад
Well uncovering what is women's base nature is one since we know two points are self healing whichis basically self understainding & actulizing and then building & keeping community are two points. Women are naturaly self governed, naturally wild in that sense as she follows not law but nature & her intuition which is connected to the devine/source/cosmos women need to build this up males hate women who heal males consider it cruelty & will destroy the world if she heals & follows her own intuition due to she'd not come to the same conclution as males have brainwashed her for which is his way & his laws are natral, right, and just. women's communities need to be all the women are filling each other's cups up to over flowing and then that over flow is exteded out to others is a self recharging mechanism. Women seem to also be group loving and assocated since humans are naturally pack animals yet the males deny this and want to stop women from doing this. women talking was banned, tortured, made crimes even today but more so in the past this is a core element I'm still working on but our natual gift of gab was made into a weapon and women have used it not to warn but to scare & put the fear of death into other women which if you don't know anyone & any culture reminded constantly of death alters their way for instance Germans when remindied of death will sit away from non-Germans they isolate. America gets more gun happy & war seeking it seems so what do women do? It seems they collapse fall into willingness to be enslaved if only he/it/society will shield them from the death. The US is both a death culture & a war culture both these need fear of death & fear of the other (whom brings death) this keeps the US at its foundations in death reminding function by design. women need to unweaponize the gift of gab they need to utilze this for women not against her and not to keep her in death reminding which is hard since patriarch is the nature reserve who hunts the does and the does are told it's not happening & it's their place in life & they need to be fucking happy in their cage & being hunted and don't try to leave the reserve. So back to women are pack animals males hate this notice how they hate the whole women lot going to the bathroom at once? And women naturally do this they don't think about it. Women's protection, uplifting, support lie in women prides without males in it. Women need to work, go to places, and live in prides which they can also leave yet this means all the women in the pack need to be healty of mind, body, soul, boundaries, and commuication these need to be healed in women society makes sure to harm women in all these areas. If women are in packs who are aligned with one another and on the same page as one another then no male can come in there and devide and conqur with his charm or his dick which are his weapons next to his brute force yet 9 women can beat a single male this is why males don't want women to have friends, support, or money, all these thinga allow for her to leave him safely & can provide safety to her. Males have alot of natures but one is to leech sure you may know males who do not leech and that could be he's leeching out of your POV he's leeching somewhere on someone cuz if that someone wanted to leave he'll kill her if needed to secure his leeching cuz his ego & his pride can't take that another trait for a male is protect his ego at all cost upto and including the death of himself. Males must leech cuz males improve in health, wealth, status, the currencies of - sex, business, personal value, societal value, command/dominace, and property when he gets involved with even a date now amplify that to wife and he's fucking gold digger supreme she provides value simply by being seen with him and any woman beautiful or not can do this for any male in the right circle. He has reduced inflamation and a longer life span with a woman "keeping him" hence males shame the shit out of her for not keeping a man. Now women who have a male leeching off her and in any assocation with a male at all have shorter life spans, inflamation, she runs herself ragged shifting from willing to please 1950s house wife to Cruellla Devile so what does this tell us? He's leeching off of her! in soul, in money, in time, in care labors, in sex, in all aspects she both knows and doesn't even register! However she's no longer in assocation with a male or no longer married and what not what do we see? Longer life spans, reduction in inflamation, her happiness & glow return what does this tell us? NO LEECH. Males thrive in chaos, fear, and uncertainty women thrive in peace yet that peace is more different then similar per each woman some baseline to a peace for a woman is highly active & following her intuition which auto connects her to the devine cosmos, no males, high decrement & boundary use & connection to self she is her own sovereign master who governs herself and also the male. Males do not hold self govern I could make a huge post on this but he doesn't & males know this so that means she was the head & he was he tale. You need to build a whole new structure with women being the govern, guide, and law which you need to construct this based on deep study and understanding of biology, psychology, and then sociology in this exact order all levels inform the next level for instance feminism is only working on the sociology which is not correct. They put the cart before the horse the biology is the horse, the psychology is the straps & mechanisms & the sociology is the cart you can not out of order this and since they lack women's studies you have to look where they have both men and women on the study and see what is not being said & what is being said does that repeat? We have no female philosophy which is made by women for women to women we have male philosophy which claims to be universal but is a lie it was like laws by men, for men, to men. laws were made to control males & then limit women so males could gain access to them or hobble her ye-old laws didn't care much for making laws to prohibit her behavior unless that behavior limited or harmed males access to her or dominance over her. I have a lot of extra stuff but this will be enough yet as you can see this means multiple women thinking & doing things patriarchy will fucking hate. As males think women self defining is harmful to the male and since you know his base nature a bit you can see it is harmful to the male. Only a male actively going against his own nature will not find this harmful or he will be willing to have the harm done to him so true order can be restored and he trusts you will guide him well.
@ACE-ef1xz 3 месяца назад
Love this video so much! Thank you for sharing your personal journey and the stories of these amazing women!
@zainmudassir2964 3 месяца назад
Thoughtful video
@robin-tainebrownell1491 3 месяца назад
Great video!
@Priscilla-Prancercise Месяц назад
Can’t wait to read some of those authors! ❤
@clementine5053 3 месяца назад
Thankyou so much for all you do!! 🔥🔥🔥
@moniquelemaire5333 3 месяца назад
Remember, feminism was invented in the late 1960s. The history of the women mentioned in this video were not at all feminists. They were extremely strong women with very strong morals and deep convictions on the Truth of the Bible. In our day today, we cannot put a modern label on an ancient woman. Yes, misogyny has existed since forever!!! Ideally, the concept of an egalitarian society only exists in an egalitarian church. Very, very hard to find. Only exists in certain house churches. Love your channel!!! Keep up the great work 💯💪💯 🎉🎉 Sister Monique 🙂🙏🌷💗
@heidifarstadkvalheim4952 28 дней назад
Just the idea that a GOD has gender is redichilus ! Why does a spirit need to be male ( or female) ? - The origin of the norse word GOD is plural and no gender spesific ( and english is the same family of germanic language) .
@jackdeniston6150 3 месяца назад
So, how would you have fed yourselves?
@lilliahpasco 3 месяца назад
What do you mean 😂 grow or forage food, hunt animals or keep livestock. People are pretty good at those things, regardless of gender
@jacksarchive1 3 месяца назад
Calling St. Hildegard a feminist is blasphemy.
@lilliahpasco 3 месяца назад
Do you have a timestamp if where she called her a feminist? I believed I missed it.
@arisily Месяц назад
St. Hildegard was a feminist.
@johnm.4947 3 месяца назад
@ameliaannhouck2670 3 месяца назад
@donnadumare 3 месяца назад
HvB never learned to compose music......they came in visions and the Pope assigned a musician monk to write the music.
@Llynnyia 3 месяца назад
This was wonderful thank you so much!
@janeagreene2849 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this video!!
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