This was so helpful in helping me understand my dream last night. It had something to do with Saturn in Aquarius and my creativity being drained. I know Aquarius also rules over social media. So I think I need to fast from it so that my original ideas can flow
Wow, what an insightful comment! thank you. On yes, looking at Aquarius, to get creative the pause needs to happen. thats one reason Jewish people stop everything on Saturday (Saturn).
Feb 1st (Red+Blue, Purple. Black+White, Grey). I may share my details including birthday etc but no one can mess with me, as Karma Never Sleep. Technology is my breath since I was born onto Planet Earth. I am an Aquarius Sun in its own Aquarius own house the 11th, Aquarius Moon, etc = Aquarius, The Genius by birth = Technology.
@@IntuitiveFortune may I have the recipe ? It looks different form the regular challah. And thank you so much with your kind words. I love watching your videos.