
The Prophet Muhammad in Isaiah 42 with Dr. Ali Ataie 

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@justa8419 2 года назад
I was a Christian that analyzed Isaiah 42 more than 10 years ago and was convinced it was about Muhammad(sallalahu alayhi wa salaam) without knowing any hadith. That hadith at into was very interesting to say the least.
@ashwayn 2 года назад
You had better start again the bible and Koran and Hadiths should all be burned
@sutil5078 Год назад
Love reaching your destiny in your spiritual journey, I may, what made you study Isaiah 42? somebody told you it is about Muhammad pubh? or by chance? To my dear Christians: We have seen bible scribes tarnish the image of Lot/family (daughters sl. eeping with their father) , Noah depicted as drunkard, Solomon bowing to idol (biggest sin) to please a pagan woman!! David sleeping with Bathsheba , and "un' lived" her husband (ki.../ling him to have her as his wife) etc Jacob deceiving his father to get the blessing instead of Esau, Ishmael (forefather of the Arabs) called wild donkey! Christian scholars say the bible has many errors written by anonymous we don't trust the scribes.. (aside notes, now they att. ack the last prophets with cartoon etc, nothing new people went against all prophets of God, accused them of many thing) Many people unconsciously lie to themselves (if it turns out my Christianity is wrong I will tell God I was deceived) but God knows everything.. he knows you would not buy a car from anonymous person, yet you trusted a claim (God is love, believe he killed his son and be saved) made by anonymous non eye witness Greek writers!! If we know that, Imagine how Much GOD KNOWS about our inner/hidden motivations and secrets.. feel free to refute etc.. point by point though!!
@justa8419 Год назад
@@sutil5078 In surah 7 ayah 157 Allah describes the ummiy/unlettered (not knowing letters/scripture) messenger/prophet as one who relieves/removes the shackles upon them.... In Isaiah 42 the description of a "new song"(praise/scripture?) coming from the towns of KEDAR (ARABS- Kedar being 2nd son of ISHMAEL, grandson of Abraham) . It describes God's messenger taking faithful out the JAIL HOUSE (shackles like described in Surah 7 ayah 157). Also, Isaiah 42 says this chosen one is sent to THE NATIONS, and no other messenger proclaimed to be sent to the NATIONS but Muhammad (surah 7 ayah 158). That started it then I studied with the concordance and it only becomes clearer....
@miscgar9663 Год назад
It's all about Jesus, the Holy One
@sutil5078 Год назад
Dear Just A, sorry I just read your reply now, thanks for the details and your time. I read the bible once, and recall that Hagar was promised that her son Ismael will be great nation, when she was having hard time in the wilderness (I am guessing really it was Abraham and her and Ismael who later went to mecca *not wilderness" to build the mosque in mecca. The bible scribes made their brethren, the Arabs, look bad: 1. made their mother a slave who was presented as a gift by Sarah 2. called Ismael in the bible as Wild donkey!! (A convert Rabi proved in one video that the word was deliberately mistranslated the original word was something else, I forgot, it is in youtube..) 3. made Sarah ask Abraham to kick Hagar and Ismael because supposedly Ismael mocked his brother Isaac. 4. made The boy to be sacrificed to be Isaac, though he was the younger!! they previously said that Ismael was 14 when the the Isaac was a little kid!! 5. Abraham pbuh complain to God for Sarah decision, guess what? 6. Allah supposedly sided with Sarah and asked him to obey what she ordered!! all this for supposedly children's quarrel !! 7. Then while in the journey the bible scribe said that Hagar the mother, was carrying Ismael on her shoulder.. (they forgot they have mentioned he was 14) would a tiny women carry in her shoulder a 14 year old boy!! to make him the younger (so the blessing would be to the older, hence Isaac was made older to get the blessing) etc I was amazed that they did not remember the other message!! I caught from simple reading, long time ago.. I GUESS the media was working hard since that time!! Any way I believe is that they went to mecca to built the beit Allah Alharam (Mecca Mosque) I am positive they have hidden many prophecy about him codifying it with strange words either: to keep knoweldge to the writers themselves, or afraid that other rabbis would twist it.. and kept it secret for future generation (I am sure some were pious writers.. but some are not) what do you think? Nice day, May God guide you grant you guidance and guide through you your family and loved one, amin. Thanks
@fredocuomo7815 2 года назад
john 16:13 "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come" this literally describes the prophet muhammad (pbuh)
@tam8995 2 года назад
What a Gem… no words to describe this amazing scholar… pls keep being him back to your channel… this is a treasure trove…. Thank you Dr. Ataei, and thank you Paul and waiting for until “next time”.
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
al (the) - lah (god) = the god. Which god ? Sin/ Sayin the Arabian moon goddess 🌙 pre-islamic mythology. As the discovery of early modern astronomy by the European about our solar system by Nicolaus Copernicus in 16th century then followed by Galileo Galilei, Johanes Kepler, Isaac Newton in the 17th century people started to realise planets & star (our sun) & its constellations are not gods, goddess & heaven. People around the world, except the European, were still worshipping the sky including muslim. Whn education reached Middle East muslim realised it so they changed allah from the moon god 🌙 they used to worship to become the creator of the universe. However, their own quran & symbol saying it. How come this happened ? To lie in defending islam is allowed. It's called taqiya (defensive deception) on quran 3 : 28 & explained in Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), "... taking as it were safety-measure saving yourself from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this." Google "Who's Lah in the ancient Arab mythology". It's the Egyptian's & Arabian moon god 🌙. Among Qureshi tribe, whr Muhammad belonged to, was regarded as the moon goddess 🌙 because she gave comfort & became the guidance of night travellers rather Hubal the sun god 🌞 could kill humans, cattle & plants with his heat. Other Arabian tribes & people around the world worshiped Hubal. According to ancient Arab mythology one day Sin married wth Hubal gave 3 daughters al-Lat, al-Uzza & Manat. Tht's why islamic symbol is moon & star ☪️. All represented as 3 meteorite stones. Manat's stone is at the eastern side of Kabah as the Black Stone (Google it). Every muslim & muslimah who fulfil the 5th pilar in islam/ perform hajj/ pilgrim to Ka'bah will kiss it. Read book W.St. Clair Tisdall "the Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" & Dan Gibson "the Nabateans - Pre-Islamic Arabia and Early Islamic History". No any muslim can answer what Al-Lah means . ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JYJ4k9t7WMI.html & www.biblebelievers.org.au/moongod.htm &&&& even an imam with doctoral degree in islam doesn't know who's al-lah ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_kPaYZwD_x4.html
@fachjp 2 года назад
@@joeyahoo4493 I googled, and this is the result: Bible scholar and mission strategist Rick Brown said "Those who claim that Allah is a pagan deity, most notably the moon god, often base their claims on the fact that a symbol of the crescent moon adorns the tops of many mosques and is widely used as a symbol of Islam. It is in fact true that before the coming of Islam many "gods" and idols were worshipped in the Middle East, but the name of the moon god was Sîn, not Allah, and he was not particularly popular in Arabia, the birthplace of Islam. The most prominent idol in Mecca was a god called Hubal, and there is no proof that he was a moon god. It is sometimes claimed that there is a temple to the moon god at Hazor in Palestine. This is based on a representation there of a supplicant wearing a crescent-like pendant. It is not clear, however, that the pendant symbolizes a moon god, and in any case this is not an Arab religious site but an ancient Canaanite site, which was destroyed by Joshua in about 1250 BC. ... If the ancient Arabs worshipped hundreds of idols, then no doubt the moon god Sîn was included, for even the Hebrews were prone to worship the sun and the moon and the stars, but there is no clear evidence that moon-worship was prominent among the Arabs in any way or that the crescent was used as the symbol of a moon god, and Allah was certainly not the moon god's name."
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
@@fachjp Surah Fussilat 41 : 37 prohibiting muslim to worship sky objects (sun, moon, stars) is recited by Muhammad (because he's illiterate) 3-5 years (AD 613-615) after he proclaimed as a prophet of allah in AD 610. He copied the Jews' Tanak (Bible: the Old Testament) Exodus 20 : 4, Deuteronomy 4 : 19 & 17 : 3 that Yahweh, the God of Israel that's worshiped by Abraham, Ishaq & Yakub, forbids the Israelites to worship sky objects but Q 6 : 77 muslims used to worship the moon goddess 🌙 & Q 53 : 49 Sirius the brightest star used to be Allah. William Tisdall says in his book "The Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" during that time Muhammad followed some of Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabian belief and practices. At that time he was still befriended wth them. He had access to Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabians (ancient people of Mesopotamia (nowadays Iraq until southern Syria) scriptures. He admitted the rightful Inhibitans of Israel in the Palestinian's land (Quran 5: 20-26), Jews & Christian are good friends. They'll go to heaven., but quran 5:82 to hate the Jews but Christians are the kindest to muslim, fight & slaughter the Jews (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6981 & 6985), quran 5:14 to hate Christians, quran 9:29 to fight theJews & Christias, 5 : 51, 1 : 7 the Christians & Jews are the cursed ones. Muhammad ordered muslims to pray 5x/ day to curse them, the Pact of Omar in AD 717, allah turned the Jews into pigs & monkeys Q 2 : 65 & 5 : 60, 7 : 163, rats are made from the Jews Sahih Al Bukhari, book 54, Hadith 524, cut the neck & fingers of the disbelievers Q 8 : 12 & 47 : 3 - 4, to kill the non muslims Sahih Al Bukhari Vo. I, p. 13, Q 9 : 14, to wipe out non muslims Q 6 : 44 - 45 & many more. Why there are many contradictions ??? The turning point is in AD 624. Muhammad wanted to be accepted as their new prophet (the Jew were waiting for their Masiah & the Christian were waiting for the coming of Christ for the 2nd time). When they rejected him he turned against them. Muhammad quarrelled with the Jews in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad chased, killed & expelled them out of the Arabian Peninsula.... W. Tidall, p. 39. In the same page says in the same year Muhammad performed his 1st 'Idu'l Adha. While the Jews slaughtered lambs Muhammad slaughtered 2 kids. One for his people & one for himself. Book of Dr. Daniel Alan Brubaker "Corrections in Early Qur'an Manuscripts". Dr. Dan says, "There are thousands seemingly endless deletions & insertions in the early quranic manuscripts (7th century)". Quran is just a man made book. Western & European historians are free from religious oppression, intimidation & collusion. Not like their fellow muslim historians in their muslim countries. Eventhough they don't live in muslim countries but they're still bound with their religion. By making a report which is contrary to the quran & islamic rules and agreements the muslim historian could still face death threat, eg. Salman Rushdie. Salman actually didn't make any report which is contrary with the quran. It's already there ! Q 22 : 52 (read the interpretation of the verse by Ibn Kathir, 1999 printing, vol 5, p. 441).
@fachjp 2 года назад
@@joeyahoo4493 Well, I was quoting a Christian biblical scholar, Rick Brown. It's from Aramaic, as spoken by Jesus. Read through his explanation. If you still arguing then good luck. No sense in wasting my time and others. "Origin of the name ‘Allah’ So where did the name Allah come from? To anyone who knows the Aramaic language and its history in the Middle East, it seems obvious that the Arabic name Allâh is an adaptation of the Aramaic word for God, Alâh or Alâhâ. Prior to the rise of Islam and for some time afterwards, Aramaic was the main language of Jews and Christians in the Middle East (apart from Egypt, where varieties of Coptic were used), and many Aramaic words were borrowed into Arabic. The usual term for God in Aramaic was Alâh(â). It is the term that Jesus would have used. It is used as the term for God in the books of Ezra and Daniel, in the Jewish translations of the Bible (the Targums), in the Talmud and in the Syriac Aramaic Bible used by many Middle-Eastern Christians today. These Aramaic speaking Jews and Christians lived throughout the Middle East, and there were also many Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians. It might be recalled that there were Arabs at Pentecost (Acts 2:11), and Paul went to Arabia before beginning his ministry among the Syrians and Greeks (Gal 1:17). There were Arab bishops at the Council of Nicea, and there are archeological remains of pre-Islamic churches in Yemen, in southern Arabia (Najran), along the Gulf, and in Jordan. Archeologists have found inscriptions in cemeteries associated with these churches. The proper names found in these inscriptions are often names compounded with Allah, (such as ‘Abd Allah, servant of God) so Allah was clearly a name that Christians were using for God.4
@ashwayn 2 года назад
Bukhari vol. 7, #88: "Narrated Urwa: "The prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old Hadith 1:229 Narrated 'Aisha: I used to wash the traces of Janaba (semen) from the clothes of the Prophet and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it (water spots were still visible). Hadith 1:231 Narrated Sulaiman bin Yasar: I asked 'Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, "I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah's Apostle and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible
@faisalwho 2 года назад
It blows my mind how meticulous GOD's plan is. When HE inspired/revealed deutero-isiah, HE taught us about Cyrus who HE honored, chosing HIS words so perfectly that via the chain of events HE set into motion, ~400bce a prophet informs us of the peshat, ~700ace our prophet comes to unviel the midrash, and 2021ace our scholars discover HIS plan, and then me, sitting in my car on my way to work listening to this lecture, is having my mind blown.
@islamisamess6160 2 года назад
you are delusional like Aisha says Muhammad was.
@AlifLamMiim 2 года назад
@@jesusisgod3318 We don’t pray to the stone. You’re the guys that pray to a man, so have fun defending that position 😂 For Jews God never came to Earth in the form of a man. They are further away from you Christians than we Muslim are in doctrine, yet you still ignore that.
@ryuusuk33 Год назад
such an epic comment thanks for writing it akhi
@ShahzadQureshii 9 месяцев назад
Beautiful comment
@SqeakyToy 2 года назад
Makes me happy that I don't have to worry about who is the author of the Holy Qur'an. Alhamdulillah!
@neildeakin4454 2 года назад
Who is the Author of the Quran?
@SqeakyToy 2 года назад
@@neildeakin4454 God is the author.
@neildeakin4454 2 года назад
@@SqeakyToy If God is the author, why was God ignorant of what Christian's believed about the Trinity?
@SqeakyToy 2 года назад
@@neildeakin4454 God explicitly denies the Trinity in the Qur'an. God is One not Three. Where is the word Trinity in the Bible?
@SqeakyToy 2 года назад
@@neildeakin4454 The Noble Qur'an surah 4 An Nisa (The Women) [4:171] O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, "Three." Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
@TasteNSmile 2 года назад
Alhamdulillah! What a scholar. Unique & Best in the world in knowledge of scriptures!! Credit goes to BT channel. Amazing.
@mobinurrahman4377 2 года назад
@@ThePrincipleLogician so you believe the god you believe in is both a god and a servant? Plus you’re saying the prophet in isiah is supposed to be for the gentiles while not me,not dr, ali,not zakir naik,not Ahmad deedat but Jesus himself refutes your claim according to your bible where he clearly said -I caim for the lost sheeps of Israel. You think he forgot to utter "gentiles too"? Oh also according to bible he also called a non israelite desperate lady a dog.if you’re sincere for truth i pray that Allah would guide you.if not...
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 you skipped many verses!
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
@@mobinurrahman4377 Isiah 42 is about an Arab Prophet ...
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
@@ThePrincipleLogician Jazak Allahu Khayr!
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
bonus 2, for christians: If Creator made us pairs a sign He's 1 & Perfect, why He needs to become 3? Follow Jesus, David, Musa, Ibrahim etc. who taught Monotheism & law of Islam! Vs. farisi paul contradicting w/ divine sonship pretrinity, & lawless guilt! Must God degrade into 2 to forgive or 3 to guide? or be a man who bows to God? or an Angel who bows to Man? When being 1 shows perfection! Who is the comforter to last forever in John 14 :16? (Quran 33:40)! 1) Monotheistic salvation vs. "Divine" son-ship. No new God forms in a womb in Job 25 :4 or at all in isiah 43 defeats John 1! (John prologue is suspect of being an addition due to writing style) vs. Paul - "The 1st one to declare Jesus the Son of God: Acts 9:20: "And straightway he [Paul] preached Christ in synagogues, he is the Son of God." Not of Jesus but of Paul. Paul made the unforgivable - breaking the greatest command - salvation. (ultimate hypocrisy) Deuteronomy 6:4 & Mark 12:29 Jesus replied, "The most important commandment: 'Listen! LORD our God is the 1 and only LORD. Good slave/Son-ship is figurative : Dawud vs Jesus Psalms 2:7 : Lord said unto me [David]: 'Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee." Luke 3 :22 - Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. A voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased.”[b] **B. - Luke 3 :22 (NRSV) Other ancient texts say : You are my Son, today I have begotten you.** So Bible's footnotes shows Jesus became a figurative son at baptism as an adult like David in original text... Proving Islam's claim that bible's changed not only internally true but that Injil taught Islam first! This also shows Holy spirit is present & not the comforter. Figurative son-ship of Adam in bible, Jesus is human like him! Luke 3 :38 - son of Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam, "son of God." **Quran 3 : 59 - Verily, the likeness of 'Îsa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was.** 2) Law & Righteousness Deuteronomy 4 :2 - You must neither add anything to what I command you nor take away anything from it, but keep the commandments... Psalms 119 (poem on keeping law) - 4- You have laid down precepts to be fully obeyed. James 2 : 17 - faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. Mathew 5 : 17 - Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; ... but to fulfill. John 14:15 - “If you love me, keep my commandments... vs. Paul: romans 10 :4 - For Christ is the end of the law... What did Jesus mean by I won't leave you orphaned in john 14 :18? **John 14 : 23 - “Those who love me will keep my word, my Father will love them, & we will come to them** & make our home with them... 26 - the Advocate (Paraclete/Ahmad), Holy Spirit, **whom the Father will send in my name,** will teach you all, & remind you all that I have said to you. **(Matches Quran 61 :6)** Follow laws to not be an orphan & Jesus will be with you until a Prophet comes. It's not the holy spirit - present at baptism. john 16 : 7 - ... for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; ... John 1 : 20 - ...“I am not the Messiah (Jesus).” 21 ... “Are you the prophet [(like Moses - Deuteronomy 18 :18) a.k.a. Muhammad peace & blessings on him]?” He answered, “No.” 3) Mercy vs. Original sin & forgiveness through cruci-fiction! Deuteronomy 24 :16 - `Fathers are not put to death for sons, & sons are not put to death for fathers - each for his own sin... (Repeated in Ezekiel 18 : 20 which adds: righteousness of the righteous is on him, & wickedness of the wicked is on him.) exodus 23 : 7 - from a false matter thou dost keep far off, and an innocent and righteous man thou dost not slay; for I do not justify a wicked man. Deutoronomy 12 : 31 - You must not do the same for the Lord your God, because every abhorrent thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods. They would even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods. Matthew 19:14 - "Children come to me, & do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven" vs. Hebrew 9 : 22 - ... without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. 28 - Christ, once having been offered to bear the sins of many, ... to salvation! God is above being a man (Job 25 :4) & doesn't need a "son-sacrifice" for mercy. **Matthew 12:7: "But if ye had known what this means, I will have mercy, & not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless."** (also Mathew 9 :13) Mathew 5:7 - Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Hosea 6 : 6 - "For I desired mercy & not sacrifice, ... Isiah 1 : 18 - “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;... 19. If you are willing & obedient,... (see luke 19 too) **Quran 39 : 53 & 54 - ... Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: verily, Allah forgives ... & turn in repentance & obedience...**
@LuqmansReacts 2 года назад
The amount of knowledge I gain from this channel is unreal. Alhamdulillah for the internet. May Allah swa bless you in all your endeavors 🙏🏿😊
@fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад
ameen amigo
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
@@fidelcatsro6948 al (the) - lah (god) = the god. Which god ? Sin/ Sayin the Arabian moon goddess 🌙 pre-islamic mythology. As the discovery of early modern astronomy by the European about our solar system by Nicolaus Copernicus in 16th century then followed by Galileo Galilei, Johanes Kepler, Isaac Newton in the 17th century people started to realise planets & star (our sun) & its constellations are not gods, goddess & heaven. People around the world, except the European, were still worshipping the sky including muslim. Whn education reached Middle East muslim realised it so they changed allah from the moon god 🌙 they used to worship to become the creator of the universe. However, their own quran & symbol saying it. How come this happened ? To lie in defending islam is allowed. It's called taqiya (defensive deception) on quran 3 : 28 & explained in Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), "... taking as it were safety-measure saving yourself from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this." Google "Who's Lah in the ancient Arab mythology". It's the Egyptian's & Arabian moon god 🌙. Among Qureshi tribe, whr Muhammad belonged to, was regarded as the moon goddess 🌙 because she gave comfort & became the guidance of night travellers rather Hubal the sun god 🌞 could kill humans, cattle & plants with his heat. Other Arabian tribes & people around the world worshiped Hubal. According to ancient Arab mythology one day Sin married wth Hubal gave 3 daughters al-Lat, al-Uzza & Manat. Tht's why islamic symbol is moon & star ☪️. All represented as 3 meteorite stones. Manat's stone is at the eastern side of Kabah as the Black Stone (Google it). Every muslim & muslimah who fulfil the 5th pilar in islam/ perform hajj/ pilgrim to Ka'bah will kiss it. Read book W.St. Clair Tisdall "the Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" & Dan Gibson "the Nabateans - Pre-Islamic Arabia and Early Islamic History". No any muslim can answer what Al-Lah means . ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JYJ4k9t7WMI.html & www.biblebelievers.org.au/moongod.htm &&&& even an imam with doctoral degree in islam doesn't know who's al-lah ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_kPaYZwD_x4.html TEST Get Outlook for Android
@fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад
@@joeyahoo4493 So are you telling me the Christians and Jews in the Middle East was worshipping a Moon God in their corrupted Bibles and Biblos translated from the Greeks? Go learn the semitic languages first before commenting like a Novice here! Dont embarras yourself here if you dont know comparative religions ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ezMkJgllzvo.html
@youtubeaccount3230 2 года назад
@@joeyahoo4493 Allaha=God in Aramaic u fool, not even the jews in medina argued about Allah
@henriquesombiga4338 2 года назад
I always wait for Dr Ali due to his knowledge of languages.
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
Surah Fussilat 41 : 37 prohibiting muslim to worship sky objects (sun, moon, stars) is recited by Muhammad (because he's illiterate) 3-5 years (AD 613-615) after he proclaimed as a prophet of allah in AD 610. He copied the Jews' Tanak (Bible: the Old Testament) Exodus 20 : 4, Deuteronomy 4 : 19 & 17 : 3 that Yahweh, the God of Israel that's worshiped by Abraham, Ishaq & Yakub, forbids the Israelites to worship sky objects but Q 6 : 77 muslims used to worship the moon goddess 🌙 & Q 53 : 49 Sirius the brightest star used to be Allah. William Tisdall says in his book "The Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" during that time Muhammad followed some of Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabian belief and practices. At that time he was still befriended wth them. He had access to Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabians (ancient people of Mesopotamia (nowadays Iraq until southern Syria) scriptures. He admitted the rightful Inhibitans of Israel in the Palestinian's land (Quran 5: 20-26), Jews & Christian are good friends. They'll go to heaven., but quran 5:82 to hate the Jews but Christians are the kindest to muslim, fight & slaughter the Jews (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6981 & 6985), quran 5:14 to hate Christians, quran 9:29 to fight theJews & Christias, 5 : 51, 1 : 7 the Christians & Jews are the cursed ones. Muhammad ordered muslims to pray 5x/ day to curse them, the Pact of Omar in AD 717, allah turned the Jews into pigs & monkeys Q 2 : 65 & 5 : 60, 7 : 163, rats are made from the Jews Sahih Al Bukhari, book 54, Hadith 524, cut the neck & fingers of the disbelievers Q 8 : 12 & 47 : 3 - 4, to kill the non muslims Sahih Al Bukhari Vo. I, p. 13, Q 9 : 14, to wipe out non muslims Q 6 : 44 - 45 & many more. Why there are many contradictions ??? The turning point is in AD 624. Muhammad wanted to be accepted as their new prophet (the Jew were waiting for their Masiah & the Christian were waiting for the coming of Christ for the 2nd time). When they rejected him he turned against them. Muhammad quarrelled with the Jews in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad chased, killed & expelled them out of the Arabian Peninsula.... W. Tidall, p. 39. In the same page says in the same year Muhammad performed his 1st 'Idu'l Adha. While the Jews slaughtered lambs Muhammad slaughtered 2 kids. One for his people & one for himself. Book of Dr. Daniel Alan Brubaker "Corrections in Early Qur'an Manuscripts". Dr. Dan says, "There are thousands seemingly endless deletions & insertions in the early quranic manuscripts (7th century)". Quran is just a man made book. Western & European historians are free from religious oppression, intimidation & collusion. Not like their fellow muslim historians in their muslim countries. Eventhough they don't live in muslim countries but they're still bound with their religion. By making a report which is contrary to the quran & islamic rules and agreements the muslim historian could still face death threat, eg. Salman Rushdie. Salman actually didn't make any report which is contrary with the quran. It's already there ! Q 22 : 52 (read the interpretation of the verse by Ibn Kathir, 1999 printing, vol 5, p. 441).
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
The turning point is in AD 624. It's explained near the end of this reply. We shouldn't rely on the quranic verses only but we've to know the time, history of Muhammad & the reason(s) why this/ that verses were written & when. Read book of William St. Tisdall. I've got one. Google who's he & his achievements. Western/ European historian can investigate any historical event free of religious oppression. The reports will be published & debated in the public. If the author is lying/ making up a story he/ she could be prosecuted by the government for making false statements in attempt to gain personal's interest (eg. money by selling his/ her books or famous name but by deceiving people). They can't do it the democratic Western & European countries but they can do it muslim countries after collaborating with their imams (censorship, dos & dons). Surah Fussilat 41 : 37 prohibiting muslim to worship sky objects (sun, moon, stars) is recited by Muhammad (because he's illiterate) 3-5 years (AD 613-615) after he proclaimed as a prophet of allah in AD 610. He copied the Jews' Tanak (Bible: the Old Testament) Exodus 20 : 4, Deuteronomy 4 : 19 & 17 : 3 that Yahweh, the God of Israel that's worshiped by Abraham, Ishaq & Yakub, forbids the Israelites to worship sky objects but Q 6 : 77 muslims used to worship the moon goddess 🌙 & Q 53 : 49 Sirius the brightest star used to be Allah. William Tisdall says in his book "The Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" during that time Muhammad followed some of Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabian belief and practices. At that time he was still befriended wth them. He had access to Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabians (ancient people of Mesopotamia (nowadays Iraq until Southern Syria) scriptures. Quran has many contradictions, eg. Muhammad admitted the rightful Inhibitans of Israel in the Palestinian's land (Quran 5: 20-26), Jews & Christian are good friends. They'll go to heaven but quran 5:82 to hate the Jews & the Christians are the kindest to muslim, fight & slaughter the Jews (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6981 & 6985), quran 5:14 to hate Christians, quran 9:29 to fight theJews & Christian, 5 : 51, 1 : 7 the Christians & Jews are the cursed ones. Muhammad ordered muslims to pray 5x/ day to curse them, the Pact of Omar in AD 717, allah turned the Jews into pigs & monkeys Q 2 : 65 & 5 : 60, 7 : 163, rats are made from the Jews Sahih Al Bukhari, book 54, Hadith 524, cut the neck & fingers of the disbelievers Q 8 : 12 & 47 : 3 - 4, to kill the non muslims Sahih Al Bukhari Vo. I, p. 13, Q 9 : 14, to wipe out non muslims Q 6 : 44 - 45 & many more. The turning point is in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad wanted to be accepted as their new prophet (the Jew were waiting for their Masiah & the Christian were waiting for the coming of Christ for the 2nd time). When they rejected him he turned against them with sword. Muhammad quarrelled with the Jews in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad chased, killed & expelled them out of the Arabian Peninsula.... W. Tidall, p. 39. In the same page says in the same year Muhammad performed his 1st 'Idu'l Adha. While the Jews slaughtered lambs Muhammad slaughtered 2 kids. One for his people & one for himself.
@Aquacrystal78 2 года назад
@@joeyahoo4493 If Quran is Copied how come it doesn't copy the errors in Tanak e.g God rested on the 7th Day??? The Prophet never killed children Western Governments are more corrupt then you think they are.Democracy doesn't mean they are morally upright, that's a false equivalence.
@alhassangangu4357 2 года назад
@@Aquacrystal78 do you think Joe yahoo is going to respond? Nope
@omarfadil1226 Год назад
And this is your rebuttal of the video? 😂
@yosefofarabia508 2 года назад
Have been waiting for this one! I'm sure I'll enjoy it as always! Thank you both, Paul and Dr. Ali!
@extraordinary.verses 2 года назад
Proofs of Prophethood Why does Comforter start with a capital letter in KJV? King James Bible “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” Who is the Comforter according to the church? The reference is to the Holy Spirit, hardly to a merely human figure. Who is the Parakletos according to bible scholars? It is Paraclete. Para means beside, and clete: to call. It becomes to call someone beside. The meaning is advocate. Synonyms for that word are: counselor and helper and comforter. Letos means another. So, Parakletos means ‘another Comforter’. Since Jesus referred to himself as Paraclete in 1 John 2.1, Parakletos becomes the glad tidings of a new prophet after him. There is no unanimous acceptance among bible scholars that the “Parakletos” refers to the Holy Spirit. If we say what is meant by “another comforter” another Jesus, then the context becomes reasonable and correct, but if we say it refers to the Holy Spirit, then the meaning will not be reasonable nor correct because the Holy Spirit is one and not plural. Benjamin presented a different proof. Benjamin Kildani born 1867 (former Roman Catholic Bishop of a Uniate Chaldean diocese) and a muslim convert was expert in ancient Greek and Aramaic and wrote a book about the name "Parakletos". From his book Mohamed in the Bible (1928) and I quote: “it is not "Paraclete" but "Periclyte" which precisely signifies "Ahmad" in the sense of "the most Illustrious, Praised, and Celebrated.” A senior Christian theologian said if we pronounce it "Periclyte” the meaning becomes close to Mohamed or Ahmad. He added: Muslim theologians inferred from it that Mohamed was prophesized in the NT. But in fact the original word is Paraclete which means the comforter. Islamic research institutions reply. This is a recognition by the Church of the closeness between the two words, and it is a convergence that suggests that this word is related to Muhammad. Moreover, Christ used to speak Aramaic and the Gospel of John was written in Greek, and therefore John translated the name of the prophesized messenger from Aramaic into Greek according to their method of translation that is translation of the meaning. “forever” refers to Paraclete’s ministry which is last and final. It will survive until the day of judgement without the need for additional messengers.
@extraordinary.verses 2 года назад
Proofs of Prophethood The bible, beyond any doubt, indicates Jesus is not the last messenger. Angel Gabriel speaks to the slave women Hagar and tells her: _Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him by the hand, for I will make a great nation._ (Genesis 21.18) _And God said to Abraham, "Be not displeased concerning the lad and concerning your handmaid; whatever Sarah tells you, hearken to her voice, for in Isaac will be called your seed. But also the son of the bond woman will I make a great nation because he is thy seed._ (Genesis 21.12-13). Almighty God speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy Version: KJV Chapter 18 Verses 17-19 Section “The prophet” _17-The Lord said to me: “What they say is good._ _18-I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him._ _19-I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.”_ ‘from among their brethren’ in Hebrew translation of the bible. ‘from among their kinsmen” in KJV. It clearly refers to a nation other than the Israelites. Otherwise it should have been ‘from amongst them’. The reference in (Deuteronomy 18:18) fit somebody who descends from the son of the bond woman Hajar. _“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;”_ (John 14.16 King James Bible) _“When the Advocate has come, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he shall testify of me,”_ (John 15.26) _ _“And when he comes, he will convict or convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of day of judgement.”_ (John 16.8 Van Dyke) day of judgement means his coming is close to the day of judgment, or he is coming on a horse and sword. _“but when he has come, the Spirit of truth, he shall guide you in all the truth; for he shall not speak of himself, but whatever he hears he shall speak, and he shall announce to you things to come.”_ (John 16.13) John Chapter 1 John the Baptist Denies Being the Messiah _19 Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders[a] in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was._ _20 He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Messiah.”_ _21 They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?”_ _He said, “I am not.”_ _“Are you the Prophet?”_ _He answered, “No.”_ _22 Finally they said, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”_ _23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”_ _24 Now the Pharisees who had been sent 25 questioned him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?”_ Accordingly, Jews were expecting 3 separate messengers. 1-Eijah 2-The Messiah 3-The Prophet. The Church reply: The Messiah is the final Prophet. The Jewish delegation was confused. They thought they are separate but they are not.
@extraordinary.verses 2 года назад
_“And when he comes, he will convict or convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of day of judgement.”_ (John 16.8 Van Dyke) John 16.8 mentions the sign to know whether Mohamed is Parakletos. Mohamed must not tell us we are doing fine. He must correct us. Mohamed must kill in the battle field. He is not like Jesus. day of judgement means his coming is close to the day of judgment, or he is coming on a horse and sword.
@elfenomeno5498 2 года назад
Dr. Ali Ataie is definitly one of the most knowledgeable bible scholars. Please more of him. May Allah bless u both.
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
Surah Fussilat 41 : 37 prohibiting muslim to worship sky objects (sun, moon, stars) is recited by Muhammad (because he's illiterate) 3-5 years (AD 613-615) after he proclaimed as a prophet of allah in AD 610. He copied the Jews' Tanak (Bible: the Old Testament) Exodus 20 : 4, Deuteronomy 4 : 19 & 17 : 3 that Yahweh, the God of Israel that's worshiped by Abraham, Ishaq & Yakub, forbids the Israelites to worship sky objects but Q 6 : 77 muslims used to worship the moon goddess 🌙 & Q 53 : 49 Sirius the brightest star used to be Allah. William Tisdall says in his book "The Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" during that time Muhammad followed some of Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabian belief and practices. At that time he was still befriended wth them. He had access to Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabians (ancient people of Mesopotamia (nowadays Iraq until southern Syria) scriptures. He admitted the rightful Inhibitans of Israel in the Palestinian's land (Quran 5: 20-26), Jews & Christian are good friends. They'll go to heaven., but quran 5:82 to hate the Jews but Christians are the kindest to muslim, fight & slaughter the Jews (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6981 & 6985), quran 5:14 to hate Christians, quran 9:29 to fight theJews & Christias, 5 : 51, 1 : 7 the Christians & Jews are the cursed ones. Muhammad ordered muslims to pray 5x/ day to curse them, the Pact of Omar in AD 717, allah turned the Jews into pigs & monkeys Q 2 : 65 & 5 : 60, 7 : 163, rats are made from the Jews Sahih Al Bukhari, book 54, Hadith 524, cut the neck & fingers of the disbelievers Q 8 : 12 & 47 : 3 - 4, to kill the non muslims Sahih Al Bukhari Vo. I, p. 13, Q 9 : 14, to wipe out non muslims Q 6 : 44 - 45 & many more. Why there are many contradictions ??? The turning point is in AD 624. Muhammad wanted to be accepted as their new prophet (the Jew were waiting for their Masiah & the Christian were waiting for the coming of Christ for the 2nd time). When they rejected him he turned against them. Muhammad quarrelled with the Jews in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad chased, killed & expelled them out of the Arabian Peninsula.... W. Tidall, p. 39. In the same page says in the same year Muhammad performed his 1st 'Idu'l Adha. While the Jews slaughtered lambs Muhammad slaughtered 2 kids. One for his people & one for himself. Book of Dr. Daniel Alan Brubaker "Corrections in Early Qur'an Manuscripts". Dr. Dan says, "There are thousands seemingly endless deletions & insertions in the early quranic manuscripts (7th century)". Quran is just a man made book. Western & European historians are free from religious oppression, intimidation & collusion. Not like their fellow muslim historians in their muslim countries. Eventhough they don't live in muslim countries but they're still bound with their religion. By making a report which is contrary to the quran & islamic rules and agreements the muslim historian could still face death threat, eg. Salman Rushdie. Salman actually didn't make any report which is contrary with the quran. It's already there ! Q 22 : 52 (read the interpretation of the verse by Ibn Kathir, 1999 printing, vol 5, p. 441). TEST Get Outlook for Android
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
The turning point is in AD 624. It's explained near the end of this reply. We shouldn't rely on the quranic verses only but we've to know the time, history of Muhammad & the reason(s) why this/ that verses were written & when. Read book of William St. Tisdall. I've got one. Google who's he & his achievements. Western/ European historian can investigate any historical event free of religious oppression. The reports will be published & debated in the public. If the author is lying/ making up a story he/ she could be prosecuted by the government for making false statements in attempt to gain personal's interest (eg. money by selling his/ her books or famous name but by deceiving people). They can't do it the democratic Western & European countries but they can do it muslim countries after collaborating with their imams (censorship, dos & dons). Surah Fussilat 41 : 37 prohibiting muslim to worship sky objects (sun, moon, stars) is recited by Muhammad (because he's illiterate) 3-5 years (AD 613-615) after he proclaimed as a prophet of allah in AD 610. He copied the Jews' Tanak (Bible: the Old Testament) Exodus 20 : 4, Deuteronomy 4 : 19 & 17 : 3 that Yahweh, the God of Israel that's worshiped by Abraham, Ishaq & Yakub, forbids the Israelites to worship sky objects but Q 6 : 77 muslims used to worship the moon goddess 🌙 & Q 53 : 49 Sirius the brightest star used to be Allah. William Tisdall says in his book "The Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" during that time Muhammad followed some of Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabian belief and practices. At that time he was still befriended wth them. He had access to Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabians (ancient people of Mesopotamia (nowadays Iraq until Southern Syria) scriptures. Quran has many contradictions, eg. Muhammad admitted the rightful Inhibitans of Israel in the Palestinian's land (Quran 5: 20-26), Jews & Christian are good friends. They'll go to heaven but quran 5:82 to hate the Jews & the Christians are the kindest to muslim, fight & slaughter the Jews (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6981 & 6985), quran 5:14 to hate Christians, quran 9:29 to fight theJews & Christian, 5 : 51, 1 : 7 the Christians & Jews are the cursed ones. Muhammad ordered muslims to pray 5x/ day to curse them, the Pact of Omar in AD 717, allah turned the Jews into pigs & monkeys Q 2 : 65 & 5 : 60, 7 : 163, rats are made from the Jews Sahih Al Bukhari, book 54, Hadith 524, cut the neck & fingers of the disbelievers Q 8 : 12 & 47 : 3 - 4, to kill the non muslims Sahih Al Bukhari Vo. I, p. 13, Q 9 : 14, to wipe out non muslims Q 6 : 44 - 45 & many more. The turning point is in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad wanted to be accepted as their new prophet (the Jew were waiting for their Masiah & the Christian were waiting for the coming of Christ for the 2nd time). When they rejected him he turned against them with sword. Muhammad quarrelled with the Jews in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad chased, killed & expelled them out of the Arabian Peninsula.... W. Tidall, p. 39. In the same page says in the same year Muhammad performed his 1st 'Idu'l Adha. While the Jews slaughtered lambs Muhammad slaughtered 2 kids. One for his people & one for himself.
@elfenomeno5498 2 года назад
@@joeyahoo4493 only Christians believe in pagan human sacrfices= crucifiction of Jesus and worship a man (Jesus) and 3 Gods
@elfenomeno5498 2 года назад
@@joeyahoo4493 Paul quoted Plato in I Cor. 13:12, the Greek poets Epimenides of Crete, who worshiped Zeus, and Aratus of Cilicia in Acts 17:28. In I Cor. 15:33, he quoted the comedy playwright Menander, who frequently used vulgarities in his plays. Would God or a Pharisee quote from an off-color playwright who oftentimes used the filthy phrase “Sh_ _-eaters” in his plays? 1 Cor. 15:33, “Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.’” “a current saying, forming a verse in MENANDER, the comic poet, who probably took it from Euripides [SOCRATES, Ecclesiastical History, 3.16].”3 “The words “Bad company ruins good morals” are found in a play by Menander (4th-3rd century B. C.) but may well have become a common saying by Paul’s time.”4 “Evil communications corrupt good manners. An iambic line from the ‘Thais’ of Menander, and perhaps taken by Menander from a play of Euripides. More accurately it means “evil associations corrupt excellent morals.”5 Titus 1:12, “One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” “Epimenides of Phaestus, or Gnossus, in Crete, about 600. He was sent for to purify Athens from its pollution occasioned by Cylon. He was regarded as a diviner and prophet. The words here are taken probably from his treatise “concerning oracles.” Paul also quotes from two other heathen writers, ARATUS (Ac 17:28) and MENANDER (1 Co 15:33), but he does not honor them so far as even to mention their names.6 “A prophet of their own; viz. Epimenides, a native either of Phæstus or of Cnossus in Crete, the original author of this line, which is also quoted by Callimachus. Epimenides is here called a prophet, not simply as a poet, but from his peculiar character as priest, bard, and seer; called by Plato θεῖος ἀνήρ and coupled by Cicero with Bacis the Boeotian prophet, and the sibyl (Bishop Ellicott); described by other ancient writers as a prophet (Alford).”7
@elfenomeno5498 2 года назад
@@joeyahoo4493 132 New Testament passages that appear to be verbal allusions to paracanonical books.[19] Pagan authors quoted or alluded to:[20][21] Menander, Thais 218 (1 Cor. 15:33) Epimenides, de Oraculis, (Titus 1:12-13, where Paul introduces Epimenides as "a prophet of the Cretans," see Epimenides paradox) Aratus, Phaenomena 5, (Acts 17:28, where Paul refers to the words of "some of your own poets") Non-canonical books quoted or alluded to:[20] Book of Enoch (Jude 1:4, 1:6, 1:13, 1:14-15,[22] 2 Peter 2:4; 3:13,[23][24] and John 7:38 [25]). The Book of Jannes and Jambres, according to Origen (2 Timothy 3:8 "... as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses") Epistle to the Laodiceans (Colossians 4:16 "read the epistle from Laodicea") Life of Adam and Eve (2 Corinthians 11:14 "Satan as an angel of light", 12:2 "Third Heaven")[26] A lost section of the Assumption of Moses (2 Timothy 3:8, Jude 9 "Michael.. body of Moses") Martyrdom of Isaiah (Hebrews 11:37 "they were sawn in two") Paul's letter to the Corinthians before 1 Corinthians (1 Corinthians 5:9 "I wrote to you in my letter...") Paul’s letter to the Ephesians before Ephesians (Ephesians 3:3 “As I wrote afore in few words...”) An unknown messianic prophecy possibly from a non-canonical source, quoted in Matthew 2:23 that states "...he will be called a Nazorian." ("ὅτι Ναζωραῖος κληθήσεται"). "Nazorian" is typically rendered as "Nazarene" ("from Nazareth"), as in Acts 24:5, where Christians are referred to as "the sect of the Nazorians/Nazarenes" ("τῶν Ναζωραίων αἱρέσεως"). This is speculated to be a vague allusion to a quote about Samson in Judges 13:5 that uses a similar-sounding word: "the child shall be a Nazirite" (ναζιρ) An unknown version of Genesis (possibly a targum, midrash or other commentary), quoted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:45, as a reference to Christ's being "the Last Adam who became a life-giving spirit" (οὕτως καὶ γέγραπται· Ἐγένετο ὁ πρῶτος ἄνθρωπος Ἀδὰμ εἰς ψυχὴν ζῶσαν· ὁ ἔσχατος Ἀδὰμ εἰς πνεῦμα ζῳοποιοῦν.). It has been speculated that Paul is simply paraphrasing Genesis 2:7, but there is no clear indication that this is not a complete quote. An unknown text quoted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:9, suggested by Origen to be a lost apocryphal book:[27] "But as it is written, 'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him." This may also be an allusion to the similar Isaiah 64:4, "For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.'".[28] An unknown messianic prophecy, possibly from a non-canonical source, quoted in Luke 24:46, speculated to be a vague allusion to Hosea 6:2:[29] "Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day." An unknown messianic prophecy, possibly from a non-canonical source, quoted in Mark 9:12, speculated to be a vague allusion to Isaiah 53: "and how it is written of the Son of man, that he must suffer many things, and be set at nought."
@Monothiest247 2 года назад
We are blessed to have this special guest Dr. Ali, I’ve been looking forward to this special interview, conversation that any living soul can benefit from. Can’t thank you enough brother Paul.
@Zenigma217 2 года назад
I would like to add that any living *rationally thinking* soul can benefit . 1+1 does not make 3! And what is the 1+1 in spiritual sense as that also can not make 2. So only 1 left that has no beginning or an end.
@islamisamess6160 2 года назад
Dr. Ali Ataie is delusional like Aisha says Muhammad was.
@kingofdetroit358 2 года назад
I love watching Dr.Ali atae....we are so lucky to have a scholar that knows everything
@Ashleii 2 года назад
Paul you bring us so much knowledge. Like hidden treasure bringing us closer to Allah. MashAllah May Allah reward your efforts. So much Dua for Dr Ataei who is truly a fountain of knowledge.
@FreePalestine_____ 2 года назад
This was truly eye opening. Bring Ali Ataie more often pls.
@salmakhalilmd 7 дней назад
Thank you 🙏🏽 may Allah keep you all protected
@shamselnahar45 2 года назад
That is mind blowing and eye opening. May Allah reward you both for such a great effort.
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
@@noahwamalwa4385 david wood was exposed as a fraud by Farid responds!
@karimb972 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 "I will debate and I will win". Nothing worst than being both ignorant arrogant.
@messa7909 2 года назад
@selim4374 Год назад
​@@noahwamalwa4385 no because according to islam some parts of bible are coruppted and some not. So its normal, that the bible contains truth and also false things
@emaadstoys7449 2 года назад
Alhumdulillah...Its always so interesting listening to him. He definitely is rare in our ummah. Thank you Paul for bringing such amazing scholars in front of us. I cannot believe I didn't hear of him before BT.
@murtinirarr767 2 года назад
Fantastic enlightment. Prof. Ali Attaie has representing our views about Isiah 42. There are plenty passage on tanakh and N.T that had prophecied about the coming of the seal of the prophets. Prophet Muhammad is Nabi al ummiy, one explanation about ummi is Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)was raised within people who do not known about the previous scriptures, ie authentic torah and authentic injeel. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) do not known about the previous scriptures, but Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) came along with the last miracle scripture, Al Quran. Allah have controled on mankind, He can do what ever He want to do. People can not dictated God whatever who they are. Obviously many people who were not familiar or do not known about the previous scriptures accept the teaching of Islam, most of them are the poors, the slaves and the illiterates, otherwise , during the early periode of the prophethood at Madina , the vast majority of ahlul kitab rejects the Prophet and The Quran. It could be the biggest satire to ahlul kitab, because of some of they have corrupted the previous scriptures then Allah, the Almighty have raise the seal of the prophet amongst their brethren, The Noble King-Prophet, Muhammad, the descendant of Ismail son of Ibrahim (peace be upon them all).
@murtinirarr767 2 года назад
@@allanwilliams2079 There are plenty passage in the tanakh and Gospel were prophesied about the coming of the seal of the prophets, he is prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There is no prophet after him due of he will fulfill the mission until the end of times. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the last messenger brought the last scriptures as the last laws which is erase the previous scriptures. He was sent to mankind and will bring forth justice to the mankind (nations). Even, Jesus, son of mary, did not claim himself as the last prophet who will bring forth justice to the nations and bring salvation to the israelites from roman opression. The passages you brought is precisely prophesied about prophet Muhammad(pbuh). Why do the israelites await for this messenger because this prophet will bring salvation for the israelites from roman and persian persecution. (the prisoner will out of prison). His follower (the muslim ) will conquere the roman and the persian and his laws are prevail over this pagan opressor kingdom, the roman empire and the persian empire. (This was fulfiled) He will restore the house of God as the centre to worship one God and the nations will praised and exalted one God. Kabah in Mecca, as the legacy of Adam and *Abraham* (peace be upon them all) is the centre of worship and pilgrimage for millions of people (nations) around the world. (It already happened ) The new song will praise the God. The coasts and islands are happy to sing these song. This is adzan and tahlil, La ila ha ilallah. (There is no deity worthy to worship except Allah). The missions is accomplished.
@murtinirarr767 2 года назад
@@allanwilliams2079 Did you know, thousands of the followers of jesus and many jewish tribes have embraced Islam during the lifes of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and during the periode of the companions of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There were vast majority jewish tribes and nasohi (follower of Jesus) tribes at arabia regions (middle east) have had embraced Islam at 7 - 9 ce.
@STIGGARRIUS 2 года назад
Dr. Ataie is a gem. What an honour it would be to become his student. Thanks for bringing him over again brother Paul. Salaam from Tajikistan ❤
@omarmirza9957 2 года назад
Is Dr. Ataie still defending the view that the Gospel of John is the same as the Injil that Allah speaks about in the Quran, and that we have to believe in? His dissertation, which I downloaded and read, defended this view of the Gospel of John.
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
sheikh Uthman Faruq is really good too, check him out, he is doing a seerah series with sahih hadith, its really good in sha Allah!
@STIGGARRIUS 2 года назад
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 yes, I'm his fan for quite a long time as well. I call him Ab-al-Mantiq ( the father of logic)
@fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад
Agreed ! Salam from Kittygystan
@STIGGARRIUS 2 года назад
@@fidelcatsro6948 you mean Kyrgyzstan?
@KamranPasha72 2 года назад
What an incredible video, filled with light and truth. Mashallah! May Allah bless you both for sharing this with the world.
@rsza5911 2 года назад
Absolutely brilliant.....enough said!
@adnankassem8114 2 года назад
That was an impressive presentation. May Allah reward the two of you. As a Muslim I greatly underestimated the study of the other scriptures. The Dr. Shifted my opinion. I did not realize there were such gems which confirm the message of the Quran.
@theCordobaProject 2 года назад
100.000 subscribers. 🎉 Congratulations br. Paul. May Allah bless you.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Thank you so much 😀
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology I'm a Christian believer and one of those subscribers ! Peace to you Paul
@ruebenandrews9914 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology Just when it seems Mel and co. at Sneakers Corner have presented a strong case for Islamic revisionism Mr Ali comes along and blows all that out of the water. One of your best against if not The Best one you've had on so far.
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology Great video along with your 100k subscribers it seems! in about less then 2 years I presume!
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
bonus 2, for christians: If Creator made us pairs a sign He's 1 & Perfect, why He needs to become 3? Follow Jesus, David, Musa, Ibrahim etc. who taught Monotheism & law of Islam! Vs. farisi paul contradicting w/ divine sonship pretrinity, & lawless guilt! Must God degrade into 2 to forgive or 3 to guide? or be a man who bows to God? or an Angel who bows to Man? When being 1 shows perfection! Who is the comforter to last forever in John 14 :16? (Quran 33:40)! 1) Monotheistic salvation vs. "Divine" son-ship. No new God forms in a womb in Job 25 :4 or at all in isiah 43 defeats John 1! (John prologue is suspect of being an addition due to writing style) vs. Paul - "The 1st one to declare Jesus the Son of God: Acts 9:20: "And straightway he [Paul] preached Christ in synagogues, he is the Son of God." Not of Jesus but of Paul. Paul made the unforgivable - breaking the greatest command - salvation. (ultimate hypocrisy) Deuteronomy 6:4 & Mark 12:29 Jesus replied, "The most important commandment: 'Listen! LORD our God is the 1 and only LORD. Good slave/Son-ship is figurative : Dawud vs Jesus Psalms 2:7 : Lord said unto me [David]: 'Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee." Luke 3 :22 - Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. A voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased.”[b] **B. - Luke 3 :22 (NRSV) Other ancient texts say : You are my Son, today I have begotten you.** So Bible's footnotes shows Jesus became a figurative son at baptism as an adult like David in original text... Proving Islam's claim that bible's changed not only internally true but that Injil taught Islam first! This also shows Holy spirit is present & not the comforter. Figurative son-ship of Adam in bible, Jesus is human like him! Luke 3 :38 - son of Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam, "son of God." **Quran 3 : 59 - Verily, the likeness of 'Îsa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was.** 2) Law & Righteousness Deuteronomy 4 :2 - You must neither add anything to what I command you nor take away anything from it, but keep the commandments... Psalms 119 (poem on keeping law) - 4- You have laid down precepts to be fully obeyed. James 2 : 17 - faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. Mathew 5 : 17 - Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; ... but to fulfill. John 14:15 - “If you love me, keep my commandments... vs. Paul: romans 10 :4 - For Christ is the end of the law... What did Jesus mean by I won't leave you orphaned in john 14 :18? **John 14 : 23 - “Those who love me will keep my word, my Father will love them, & we will come to them** & make our home with them... 26 - the Advocate (Paraclete/Ahmad), Holy Spirit, **whom the Father will send in my name,** will teach you all, & remind you all that I have said to you. **(Matches Quran 61 :6)** Follow laws to not be an orphan & Jesus will be with you until a Prophet comes. It's not the holy spirit - present at baptism. john 16 : 7 - ... for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; ... John 1 : 20 - ...“I am not the Messiah (Jesus).” 21 ... “Are you the prophet [(like Moses - Deuteronomy 18 :18) a.k.a. Muhammad peace & blessings on him]?” He answered, “No.” 3) Mercy vs. Original sin & forgiveness through cruci-fiction! Deuteronomy 24 :16 - `Fathers are not put to death for sons, & sons are not put to death for fathers - each for his own sin... (Repeated in Ezekiel 18 : 20 which adds: righteousness of the righteous is on him, & wickedness of the wicked is on him.) exodus 23 : 7 - from a false matter thou dost keep far off, and an innocent and righteous man thou dost not slay; for I do not justify a wicked man. Deutoronomy 12 : 31 - You must not do the same for the Lord your God, because every abhorrent thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods. They would even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods. Matthew 19:14 - "Children come to me, & do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven" vs. Hebrew 9 : 22 - ... without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. 28 - Christ, once having been offered to bear the sins of many, ... to salvation! God is above being a man (Job 25 :4) & doesn't need a "son-sacrifice" for mercy. **Matthew 12:7: "But if ye had known what this means, I will have mercy, & not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless."** (also Mathew 9 :13) Mathew 5:7 - Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Hosea 6 : 6 - "For I desired mercy & not sacrifice, ... Isiah 1 : 18 - “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;... 19. If you are willing & obedient,... (see luke 19 too) **Quran 39 : 53 & 54 - ... Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: verily, Allah forgives ... & turn in repentance & obedience...**
@HassanDeedaur 2 года назад
Dr Ali Ataie is amongst our favourite Teachers of Religion, no doubt about it. We have watched every lecture of his, we could find online and on Zaituna College's Site/RU-vid Channel. God bless him and increases him in knowledge so that we can benefit from him, continuously too.
@Sdl347 2 года назад
A hundred thousand congratulations to Blogging Theology Mr Paul
@darshabnamshafi9184 2 года назад
Wow it was absolutely fascinating . Thank you so much brother Paul for enlightening us regarding Isaiah 42. And thank you so much to Dr Ali also for his great research and enlightenment regarding this subject. I'm completely thrilled. Once again thanks to both of you brother Paul and Dr Ali, may Allah increase you both in knowledge and wisdom...
@ancientmonotheism5118 2 года назад
Mr Williams, May Allah bless you because of what you're doing. Your channel is high quality, very educating, and enlightening.
@fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
Surah Fussilat 41 : 37 prohibiting muslim to worship sky objects (sun, moon, stars) is recited by Muhammad (because he's illiterate) 3-5 years (AD 613-615) after he proclaimed as a prophet of allah in AD 610. He copied the Jews' Tanak (Bible: the Old Testament) Exodus 20 : 4, Deuteronomy 4 : 19 & 17 : 3 that Yahweh, the God of Israel that's worshiped by Abraham, Ishaq & Yakub, forbids the Israelites to worship sky objects but Q 6 : 77 muslims used to worship the moon goddess 🌙 & Q 53 : 49 Sirius the brightest star used to be Allah. William Tisdall says in his book "The Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" during that time Muhammad followed some of Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabian belief and practices. At that time he was still befriended wth them. He had access to Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabians (ancient people of Mesopotamia (nowadays Iraq until southern Syria) scriptures. He admitted the rightful Inhibitans of Israel in the Palestinian's land (Quran 5: 20-26), Jews & Christian are good friends. They'll go to heaven., but quran 5:82 to hate the Jews but Christians are the kindest to muslim, fight & slaughter the Jews (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6981 & 6985), quran 5:14 to hate Christians, quran 9:29 to fight theJews & Christias, 5 : 51, 1 : 7 the Christians & Jews are the cursed ones. Muhammad ordered muslims to pray 5x/ day to curse them, the Pact of Omar in AD 717, allah turned the Jews into pigs & monkeys Q 2 : 65 & 5 : 60, 7 : 163, rats are made from the Jews Sahih Al Bukhari, book 54, Hadith 524, cut the neck & fingers of the disbelievers Q 8 : 12 & 47 : 3 - 4, to kill the non muslims Sahih Al Bukhari Vo. I, p. 13, Q 9 : 14, to wipe out non muslims Q 6 : 44 - 45 & many more. Why there are many contradictions ??? The turning point is in AD 624. Muhammad wanted to be accepted as their new prophet (the Jew were waiting for their Masiah & the Christian were waiting for the coming of Christ for the 2nd time). When they rejected him he turned against them. Muhammad quarrelled with the Jews in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad chased, killed & expelled them out of the Arabian Peninsula.... W. Tidall, p. 39. In the same page says in the same year Muhammad performed his 1st 'Idu'l Adha. While the Jews slaughtered lambs Muhammad slaughtered 2 kids. One for his people & one for himself. Book of Dr. Daniel Alan Brubaker "Corrections in Early Qur'an Manuscripts". Dr. Dan says, "There are thousands seemingly endless deletions & insertions in the early quranic manuscripts (7th century)". Quran is just a man made book. Western & European historians are free from religious oppression, intimidation & collusion. Not like their fellow muslim historians in their muslim countries. Eventhough they don't live in muslim countries but they're still bound with their religion. By making a report which is contrary to the quran & islamic rules and agreements the muslim historian could still face death threat, eg. Salman Rushdie. Salman actually didn't make any report which is contrary with the quran. It's already there ! Q 22 : 52 (read the interpretation of the verse by Ibn Kathir, 1999 printing, vol 5, p. 441).
@islamisamess6160 2 года назад
You people are as delusional as Aisha says Muhammad was.
@IsmailIsmail-mi9ns Год назад
@@joeyahoo4493 What are you talking about!!!!Anyway suit yourself together with your CLAIR DISDALE!!!
@islamicscholarteflteachers3216 2 года назад
It really is heartbreaking that the Jews and Christians know that Islaam is the truth, but reject and deny. Their lack of IKHLAAS is flabbergasting . I thank Allaah for the blessing of IKHLAAS AND EEMAAN.
@Watermelon-dj8be 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sEU-PYX6wkA.html future of Islam and their destruction
@rashidaquil5284 2 года назад
@Jesus Christ Is My Lord Jesus Essa didn’t preach Christianity and came only for lost sheep of Israel… So church preached Christianity is paganism
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
I appreciate your comment (Islamic Scholar) but how can you say that "Jews and Christians know that Islam is the truth"? I would not reject it if I certainly knew it was the truth of God. I'm learning slowly about Islam but I feel no attraction to become a Muslim who believes in Islam. However I do see a lot of inspiring verses in the Quran and I also try to respect believers in Islam. By the way, what does the word "IKHLAAS" mean? Peace of God to you from Florida...
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
@Yassin Zao I don't feel "jealous" except I do wish I had the strong discipline that many Muslims have. Peace to you
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 Thanks... I like those words...
@supershmobo 2 года назад
1:32:00: Mr. Ataie should go on the JP podcast, he has been open to having Muslims on recently. Would be a great listen.
@hmansour89 2 года назад
Yes we should be messaging Dr. Ai about this. He would be the perfect person for such a dialogue .
@xk8485 2 года назад
Fyi Mohammed Hijab will be on that podcast on Nov 5th.
@hmansour89 2 года назад
@@xk8485 Fantastic. Hijab is strong when it comes to philosophy and islamic theology. I still think that we need Dr. Ali on JP podcast since he offers a more wholistic view and he has better knowledge of Abrahamic Scriptures. Also Dr. Ali is an expert in Greek, Hebrew which will serve him well in pulling off the strings from the Christian theology.
@xk8485 2 года назад
@@hmansour89 I agree with you on that, brother Dr Ataie is far more knowledgeable in the scriptures that the people of the book have at this day and age. I personally don't really have a good feel for the JP, nor care about his podcast, I see it as a possible way for Allah swta to reach many people who are using him to fill the voids caused by the nihilism, and he is playing really good at it. I heard an Interview of his, at one point JP was asked if he is a prophet, it took him a good 20+ seconds to think and than respond "I don't think so". I find it really hard to believe someone, like him, who mentions religion not to know the truth of what a prophet is. Either not knowledgeable about it, or purposely chosing that response, I doubt it was the first, although insha Allah I am wrong. May Allah swta guide us all. Elhamdulilah for Islam, Quran and sunnah are enough, it is easy to get lost nowadays without Islam. May Allah swta keep us all in the righteous path! Selam alejkum wa rrahmetullah!
@hmansour89 2 года назад
@@xk8485 He did take a long time to answer that question!! However, to be fair he does tend to take his time when responding to things he never thought about before ( At least that's what he said in one of his interviews ) I'm optimistic about this discussion. What I do like about Peterson is that he doesn't blindly follows what liberalism has to offer. As an example he doesn't agree with how modern liberalism look at gender where they are trying to manufacture societies that guarantees equal outcomes for men and women. Peterson clearly acknowledges differences of character and behavior between genders, a very much needed view in today's world which look at gender as something fluid. Peterson tends to look at things and evaluate them before he formulates his opinion regardless of what the herd thinks. I just hope that he applies those same standards about Islam once it gets presented to him from the right person. The key thing is that Christianity doesn't offer much guidance and it became something personal that has no applications in people lives, whereas Islam offers a complete guidance for individuals and societies in a way that guarantees prosperity and eliminates the harms. Today's society is suffering from Drugs, Alcoholism, sexual immorality ,gambling, interest loans, disfunction in gender roles and many more things that only Islam can eliminate. I hope that Hijab can show Peterson and his audience that Islam is very much needed in today's world and most importantly that Islam is the truth.
@afzalshahid6833 2 года назад
Dr. Ataie is great scholar in this era. No Christian apologist meet his credentials mashallah. Thank you br. Paul for having Dr. Ataie as your guest. I wish Dr. Ataie should have open debates or open houses to invite Christians to Islam or expose them to the truth.
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
sheikh Uthman Faruq is really good too, check him out, he is doing a seerah series with sahih hadith, its really good in sha Allah!
@faisalwho 2 года назад
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 and the fascinating thing is, there are many scholars at the caliber of shiekh Usman, so the shiekh is more the rule than the exception. I have had the fortune to interact with some amazing knowledgeable scholars whose grasp of Arabic and tafseer is next level too. Muslim scholars are a different breed.
@truthmatter9972 2 года назад
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Dr. Ataie is entialy different caliaber
@shanebell2514 2 года назад
I read Isaiah 42, mohammed is not there.
@faisalwho 2 года назад
@@shanebell2514 if you can't find Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) then you certainly won't be able to find Jesus (peace be upon him) in the entire OT.
@dinomar7818 2 года назад
Daaaamnnn, that hit like meteorite! How can something so amazing not be widely known!
@NathanKwadade 2 года назад
@@allanwilliams2079 very detailed and poignant refutation of this false Islamic ☪️ narrative. Muslims are desperately trying to find or connect Muhammad to the Bible. They’re playing whack-A-Mo (whack-A-Mole); every false Muhammad connection to the Bible has been whacked / debunked yet Muslims keep popping up with new ones. Reference: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_and_the_Bible#Isaiah_42
@shahidachoudhury6925 2 года назад
@@allanwilliams2079 Start over ? Yeah right like 5 pillars of Islam still standing on ,nothing been changed, there is different opinion but every single one have one book Holy Quran no one add a single dot in it .
@derpcat305 5 месяцев назад
Start…Over? @shahidachoudhury6925
@khdmhd2947 2 года назад
Salaam Paul. This is the first time I've watched content involving Dr. Ataie. His knowledge is impressive and now I'm a fan. Thank you for this podcast. Genuinely appreciate it.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Much appreciated
@fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад
@truehikma 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology Brother Paul, you can destroy false Christian theology in one sentence yet do not read ISA 41-44 to see who and what is being spoken about and have given us this drivel of an explanation of ISA 42. The verses are about the servant Israel redeeming themselves before God who uses Cyrus, not Jesus or Muhammad to achieve this! Read the context and stop propagating falsehood in the same way you would question other false beliefs.
@IslamCallingYou 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology The foster mother of our Prophet (ppbuh) is mentioned by name in Isaiah 7:14 in Hebrew (הָעַלְמָ֗ה (hā·‘al·māh)) which is Halima in Arabic. So the prophecy about the prophet who would say Immanuel: God with us, is actually Prophet Muhammad (ppbuh) and the Qur'an 9:40 confirms this, while there Jesus according to the Bible said: "God why have you forsaken me" Mark 15:34, Matthew 27:46
@islamisamess6160 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology is delusional like Aisha says Muhammad was.
@andrewcohen786 2 года назад
May Allah preserve both the presenter and the guest. Learnt so much today.
@Historelic 2 года назад
Thank you brother Paul, Dr Ali Ataie is such a joy to listen to MashaAllah
@azmiragel8803 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 Again this liar, the so called Injeel guy is making comments. No matter - the blind eye, deaf ear and black heart are you.
@michrohm 2 года назад
@Matthew Paulson do you master greek and hibrew languages?
@dahabodahabo5614 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 many have corrupted already, plus you wow. May ALLAH show you the straight path.
@purplerain2205 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 Lol Nonsense!
@ilhamh4359 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 I thought for you xtians Jesus = God ? Since when is he a AVED/ABD of God ???
@goldentrout4811 2 года назад
Dr Ali Ataie has certainly been given special knowledge to connect the message of the scriptures and Paul Williams is the bridge that allows the message to be spread. Thank you both of you! A lot to unpack here.
@blackstar9456 2 года назад
1:32:44 couldn't help but remember Quran5:19) O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger to make clear to you [the religion] after a period [of suspension] of messengers, lest you say, “There came not to us any bringer of good tidings or a warner.” But there has come to you a bringer of good tidings and a warner. And Allah is over all things competent.
@itiswritten9423 2 года назад
Why does the Islamic god (Allah) call the Jews and the Christians the people of the scripture/book? If the Jews and Christians serve the same God and the Islamic god, why does he not call the Muslims the people of the book? If we serve the same God, why does Allah and Mohammed command that the end of the world will not come until the Muslims have killed all the Jews?
@blackstar9456 2 года назад
@@itiswritten9423 Allah calls the Jews and Christians People of the Book to remind them of the prophecies of the last Prophet. Because the first Muslims had no Scripture and the main form of Quran transmission is oral. One reason is because we will be commanded by Jesus peace be upon him to battle and slay those who do not take him as king. Luke 19:27 But as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-bring them here and slaughter them in my presence.
@DawahTrucker2024 2 года назад
This is another great best viewed just like the best sellers brother Paul. I wish you could've informed us about it. Dear beloved brother Paul a word of advise, to make Dr Ali Attai even more welcomed into your podcast please please please, get him with salaam this will put live between your hearts as Muslim brothers. Brother Paul Dr Ali Attai mentioned something beautiful and absolute when he said that God is the necessary being and we are contingent and in need of God. My final thoughts on this neverending fantastic podcast brother Paul 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Masha'Allah 👏👏👏 bravissimo!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
@isaabdullahi9097 2 года назад
What a beautiful comment. God bless you, brother
@fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад
@MarijaniNyindo 2 года назад
May Allah grant you the best. Ameen
@elmimohamed1182 2 года назад
I liked the quote you took from Ali's speech😆
@shefayetchowdhury6316 2 года назад
Enjoyed this. 👍🏼 Please bring him back for other perspectives to share! Thanks.
@monathinkworth2339 2 года назад
Congratulations Brother Paul 100K 👍, it’s a given you’ll achieve it. I’ll celebrate with a nice cuppa of tea ☕️ 🫖. May Allah SWT increase your blessings in abundance for your endeavours, Aameen ☺️
@f1aziz 2 года назад
Oh man, I would have to replay this a few times to internalize all the information presented here. Jazakallah brother Paul.
@Buzzkilling2 2 года назад
Video like these are the reason I’m great full for being a Muslim.
@hassanmuhammad2799 2 года назад
Allah will perfect his light with us or without us. We are living in a time in which we can see belief systems like the "trinity" and "idolatry" are failing. Praise be to Allah (SWT) that we can look through the eyes of scholars and witness it.
@churchball4504 Год назад
Please do yourself a favor and run like hell from Islam! You are on your way to separation from God! Jesus is the only way to God!!! Not Mohammed or Allah! Who is the “best” of deceivers! That’s your Koran buddy that says that!! Along with the other unimaginable garbage (where do I start?) that you guys are not using your brain to even come close to believing!!! I can read one page in the Koran without thinking “are you serious.” That grown men would believe such nonsense? If your smart call “Christian Prince” and get him busted because he is always exposing Islam for the lie threat it is!!!🙏get Jesus while you still can buddy!!!!
@Emsyaz Год назад
The evidences of Islam to be the only true religion from God is just too overwhelming. Anybody who has studied Islam objectively but reject it is definitely an arrogant delusional person
@mohammadwasim5713 2 года назад
MashaAllah this is really great session and knowledge sharing. Thanks for organising this Brother Paul. May Allah bless you both. Aameen😊
@kingofdetroit358 2 года назад
Congrats Paul on 100k...u will have a big reward with your lord for guiding people to the truth.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Thank you kindly
@indianrevertchannel1230 2 года назад
Islam will win, with or without you. But you will loose without Islam. ............Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.............
@rpol8787 2 года назад
Isaiah 42:8 (RNKJV) I am YHVH: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. Why not Allah ? Who is this YHVH
@ataurrahaman3640 2 года назад
@@rpol8787 why you are not joining with Mr Paul William ? Simply copy pasting ur same comment to everyone, it's unfair Bro .
@rpol8787 2 года назад
@@ataurrahaman3640 Not to everyone bro
@কবিগুরু-দ৫ঢ 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 ,dear sir - my recommendation is to you - read ( read good and authentic books )
@johnzuma4688 7 месяцев назад
So which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? And how do you deal with all the mistakes and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. So tell me, why do you believe that following Mohammed will get you to be with GOD in heaven on judgement day my friend? And remember on judgement day there will be ONLY heaven where GOD is or the other place, so where does that leave you my friend?
@ckotty 2 года назад
Slowly catching up with you Paul. I'm a nurse working day and night shifts and have kids but something doesn't allow me to miss the wisdom of your guests. It's such a treat. Thanks to both once again. 👍🏽😘
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
@MonsieurMaskedMan 2 года назад
Very interesting topic, glad to see Mr Ataie again great insights
@moizahmed4705 2 года назад
Isaiah 42 is the most accurate prophecy about Prophet Muhammad in the Bible.
@rpol8787 2 года назад
Isaiah 42:8 (RNKJV) I am YHVH: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. Why not Allah ? Who is this YHVH
@MohamedMohamed-tr2rz 2 года назад
@@rpol8787 To Him belong the best of names! Call him what you will
@vigilantsoul4437 2 года назад
Your incorrect. Its not talking about Muhammad.
@redhakiim789 2 года назад
@@rpol8787 YHVH or YHWH is the hebrew tetragram of this word "יהוה‎" it could be much more older classic aramaic language. Just like Allah. It's not Allah it's actually "الله‎". We call Allah or Yahweh because of romanized. For example, like how dictionary tell how to properly pronounce it
@rpol8787 2 года назад
@@MohamedMohamed-tr2rz Isaiah 44:6 (RNKJV) Thus saith YHVH the King of Israel, and his redeemer YHVH of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no Elohim. Why not Allah? Who is this YHVH King of ISRAEL
@zafarahmad4954 2 года назад
Thanks for introducing such a great scholar Dr Atai. May Allah give him and you a long life full of iman and hidayat.
@uzairizra2552 2 года назад
Very informative, jazzakallah
@IbnMurrah 2 года назад
*Timestamps* 0:00:00 Introduction 0:04:16 Book Of Isaiah - Historicity & Themes 0:43:07 Disclaimer Before Analyzing Isaiah 42 0:49:46 Analysis - Isaiah 42, Verses 1 - 4 1:06:46 Analysis - Isaiah 42, Verses 5 - 9 1:23:35 Analysis - Isaiah 42, Verses 11 - 16 1:35:41 Analysis - Isaiah 42, Verse 17 - 25 1:48:31 Outro
@arrivederciheheeeeee5809 11 месяцев назад
I don't think u can use the name (time traveler) as god described himself as time
@gneusscevola7775 2 года назад
Barak Allah fikum! May Allah bless both Mr. Paul Williams and Mr. Ali Ataie, this was an amazing conversation! Mr. Ataie is brilliant speaker, his manner of speach is very elegant and understandable. Also, his profound knowledge of ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek and Arabic commands respect. Looking forward for new conversations with Mr.Ataie in the future! When reading the noble Qur'an one can see, that it constantly refers to the fact that Ahl-ul-Kitab knows about the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) but conceal the Truth that is written in scriptures given to them (Taurat and Injeel). I always knew that this is true but did not know where and how Taurat and Injeel speak about our Prophet. Now I know, thanks to two amazing man, Mr. Williams and Mr. Ataie. Again, thank you, may Allah bless you and your loved ones! P.S. Congratulations on 100k subscribers!
@HKhan-786 2 года назад
Always full of fascinating information.... Pls do an interview with Sheikh Hamza Yusaf... Would really appreciate that... Peace...
@HKhan-786 2 года назад
@UAE1USA He may have spoken about Sufism but all the interviews or lectures I have taken a keen interest in are solely backed by what he learned from Quran and Sunnah....
@HKhan-786 2 года назад
@UAE1USA P.S Ever heard of ''All roads lead to Rome''...
@ifrazali3052 2 года назад
@UAE1USA Nothing wrong with Sufism
@saliksayyar9793 2 года назад
@@ifrazali3052 is it in the Quran? Did the Prophet (saww) of it? Did his blessed and righteous companions? In addition folks like Hamza Yusuf who advocate Sufism and confuse Muslims are aligned to the tyrannical rulers of Muslim countries
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
@@HKhan-786 But the "narrow road" leads to Jesus! ( PBUH and praise )
@yasinel-wajeh17 2 года назад
Ma sha Allah. From a layman’s prospective, this was a uch a wonderful analysis on biblical text. The heavy weights of the Muslim Umma such as Dr Ataie and Hamza Yusuf need to engage more with the likes of Jordan Peterson on platforms such as Blogging Theology; keep up the great work Br Paul. جزاك الله خيرا
@jwaherhamed5740 2 года назад
May God reward you with the best of my brother Paul for hosting Dr. Ali and making the dissemination of this knowledge in the balance of your good deeds, and I ask God to open the eyes of the lost to the truth, Amen
@rollingknuckleball 2 года назад
Congratulations on a 100 K Paul! May this channel grow to a million, InshaAllah.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Thanks a million!
@itiswritten9423 2 года назад
​@@BloggingTheology It is strange that you claim that you left the Christain faith because of the problems and contradictions in the Bible. You also claim the Bible was not preserved. Yet you go to the same Bible to affirm a pagan prophet of Islam. The book you rejected is the same book you are seeking to validate Mohammed. Shame on you. Indeed, Mohammed is found in the Bible. Go check out Matthew 24.
@khiljinagor8976 2 года назад
@@itiswritten9423 that argu.ent is q red herring, just because one mentions the Bible does not mean the whole of Christianity is validated, one could say the Bible once contained truths and many subtraction and additions have been made within it and then go jn to point out some remaining truths and also point out new corruptions within it. It's your lack of understanding about all this that needs addressing
@aaliguy9986 2 года назад
Masha'a Allah what an amazing scholar. So knowledgeable and wise. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. Thank you, Paul.
@Logia1978 2 года назад
This is so great. Thank you both.
@ckotty 2 года назад
Excellent presentation by Dr Ataie. He has opened my eyes to many aspects related to prophesy unknown to me. And his knowledge is displayed with passion. Simply wonderful. I'll have to look up his work. Many thanks to both of you. 👍🏽😘
@Zenigma217 2 года назад
God has guided you (and me and all watching) to Dr Araie and Paul here. If God has opened your heart and a path to seek Him, follow your heart for God The one and Only Creator will not mislead you. He created you. He wants you to know Him:)
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
Surah Fussilat 41 : 37 prohibiting muslim to worship sky objects (sun, moon, stars) is recited by Muhammad (because he's illiterate) 3-5 years (AD 613-615) after he proclaimed as a prophet of allah in AD 610. He copied the Jews' Tanak (Bible: the Old Testament) Exodus 20 : 4, Deuteronomy 4 : 19 & 17 : 3 that Yahweh, the God of Israel that's worshiped by Abraham, Ishaq & Yakub, forbids the Israelites to worship sky objects but Q 6 : 77 muslims used to worship the moon goddess 🌙 & Q 53 : 49 Sirius the brightest star used to be Allah. William Tisdall says in his book "The Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" during that time Muhammad followed some of Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabian belief and practices. At that time he was still befriended wth them. He had access to Jewish's, Christian's & the Sabians (ancient people of Mesopotamia (nowadays Iraq until southern Syria) scriptures. He admitted the rightful Inhibitans of Israel in the Palestinian's land (Quran 5: 20-26), Jews & Christian are good friends. They'll go to heaven., but quran 5:82 to hate the Jews but Christians are the kindest to muslim, fight & slaughter the Jews (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6981 & 6985), quran 5:14 to hate Christians, quran 9:29 to fight theJews & Christias, 5 : 51, 1 : 7 the Christians & Jews are the cursed ones. Muhammad ordered muslims to pray 5x/ day to curse them, the Pact of Omar in AD 717, allah turned the Jews into pigs & monkeys Q 2 : 65 & 5 : 60, 7 : 163, rats are made from the Jews Sahih Al Bukhari, book 54, Hadith 524, cut the neck & fingers of the disbelievers Q 8 : 12 & 47 : 3 - 4, to kill the non muslims Sahih Al Bukhari Vo. I, p. 13, Q 9 : 14, to wipe out non muslims Q 6 : 44 - 45 & many more. Why there are many contradictions ??? The turning point is in AD 624. Muhammad wanted to be accepted as their new prophet (the Jew were waiting for their Masiah & the Christian were waiting for the coming of Christ for the 2nd time). When they rejected him he turned against them. Muhammad quarrelled with the Jews in AD 624 in Medina. Muhammad chased, killed & expelled them out of the Arabian Peninsula.... W. Tidall, p. 39. In the same page says in the same year Muhammad performed his 1st 'Idu'l Adha. While the Jews slaughtered lambs Muhammad slaughtered 2 kids. One for his people & one for himself. Book of Dr. Daniel Alan Brubaker "Corrections in Early Qur'an Manuscripts". Dr. Dan says, "There are thousands seemingly endless deletions & insertions in the early quranic manuscripts (7th century)". Quran is just a man made book. Western & European historians are free from religious oppression, intimidation & collusion. Not like their fellow muslim historians in their muslim countries. Eventhough they don't live in muslim countries but they're still bound with their religion. By making a report which is contrary to the quran & islamic rules and agreements the muslim historian could still face death threat, eg. Salman Rushdie. Salman actually didn't make any report which is contrary with the quran. It's already there ! Q 22 : 52 (read the interpretation of the verse by Ibn Kathir, 1999 printing, vol 5, p. 441).
@joeyahoo4493 2 года назад
al (the) - lah (god) = the god. Which god ? Sin/ Sayin the Arabian moon goddess 🌙 pre-islamic mythology. As the discovery of early modern astronomy by the European about our solar system by Nicolaus Copernicus in 16th century then followed by Galileo Galilei, Johanes Kepler, Isaac Newton in the 17th century people started to realise planets & star (our sun) & its constellations are not gods, goddess & heaven. People around the world, except the European, were still worshipping the sky including muslim. Whn education reached Middle East muslim realised it so they changed allah from the moon god 🌙 they used to worship to become the creator of the universe. However, their own quran & symbol saying it. How come this happened ? To lie in defending islam is allowed. It's called taqiya (defensive deception) on quran 3 : 28 & explained in Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), "... taking as it were safety-measure saving yourself from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this." Google "Who's Lah in the ancient Arab mythology". It's the Egyptian's & Arabian moon god 🌙. Among Qureshi tribe, whr Muhammad belonged to, was regarded as the moon goddess 🌙 because she gave comfort & became the guidance of night travellers rather Hubal the sun god 🌞 could kill humans, cattle & plants with his heat. Other Arabian tribes & people around the world worshiped Hubal. According to ancient Arab mythology one day Sin married wth Hubal gave 3 daughters al-Lat, al-Uzza & Manat. Tht's why islamic symbol is moon & star ☪️. All represented as 3 meteorite stones. Manat's stone is at the eastern side of Kabah as the Black Stone (Google it). Every muslim & muslimah who fulfil the 5th pilar in islam/ perform hajj/ pilgrim to Ka'bah will kiss it. Read book W.St. Clair Tisdall "the Original Sources of the Qur'an - Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology" & Dan Gibson "the Nabateans - Pre-Islamic Arabia and Early Islamic History". No any muslim can answer what Al-Lah means . ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JYJ4k9t7WMI.html & www.biblebelievers.org.au/moongod.htm &&&& even an imam with doctoral degree in islam doesn't know who's al-lah ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_kPaYZwD_x4.html
@sutil5078 Год назад
Dear Irish Guy , if you had to gamble at the death bed between choosing 1st commandment or the mental gymnastic of trinity which will you bet on? Trinity which is missing from the bible, Jesus never said I am God, he rather said the most important commandment "hear O Israel (sent only to the lost sheep of Israel) the Lord OUR (not your, meaning Jesus has god above him), the lord is ONE (not three person in the God head which evoke strange mythical creature), If the Church teaching were correct the Jesus would have said Hear O Irish Guy believe in my death for your sin and my resurrection as the most important commandment" he did not.. So if you had to gamble in bet, which one is more likely.. Especially you have seen church inserted 1 john 5-7 (there are three that bear record in heaven) for centuries.. and the gospel were anonymous writers not eye witness.. said by Christian Scholars.. which one will you Choose.. I have a scenario for Day of Judgement if you want to.. one scenario if Christianity is right, another if Islam is right.. if you want tell me.. but for the moment deep down in your heart, which is more risky Church teaching, or Torah one God, Jesus saying one God, Islam saying One God. All hinge on the vision that Paul claim , can you believe that!! in one account he saw light, in another they ONLY HEARD a voice.. and he, paul, who never met Jesus, was more pope than the pope, and when saw disciples practicing the law, he called them hypocrites!! Really? would God reward Him a vision a bounty hunter, and prosecutor of early brave followers of Jesus a vision, and delude the brave disciples into hypocrcy... those disciples who were pure and brave to defy Rabbis, and Rome.. ? That is not How God's justice work.. I am guessing the latter. you tell me.. feel free to refute, doubt, ask etc.. peace. May God grant you light and guidance and all of us amin
@irfman123 2 года назад
Wow! Mashallah! This is my first time I have heard about him , and I will be eager to continue following and learning from both of you.Thank you Paul...You are awesome...May Allah bless you and protect you always Ameen...
@spiritzen 2 года назад
Dr Ali, know that we are huge fans of yours, you are a gem and a gift to the Ummah. May Allah raise you in rank and reward you. Keep coming on and spreading your knowledge. Thanks again Paul!
@iftibaber 2 года назад
Absolutely Amazing thank you sir plz keep it up ❤️
@joefilter2923 2 года назад
Lots to think about, thanks!
@zaybali Год назад
Bring ataie back plz
@NoushadAPP 2 года назад
Marvellous conversation …‎اللهم بارك لك Congrats Brother Paul for attaining One lake subscribers. You deserve much more than this. ماشاء الله تبارك الله
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
@uskudarbesiktas9018 2 года назад
Excellent lecture. I literally long to attend the Zeytuna Collage, just to take a semester of lectures from Ali Atae.. 😁 I am 40+ btw.
@aliyakhan6948 2 года назад
Thank you, Paul. This was excellent!
@starbooktapestry 2 года назад
Alhamdulilah this lecture was amazing! I'm still processing! Thank you brother Paul & Dr. Ali Ataie!
@tmk5 2 года назад
Ma Sha Allah what great topics you choseand invite great scholars. Jazak Allah
@MohamedShou 2 года назад
Ohh this is gonna be another good one got my Tea and biscuits ready 😁. Thanks Paul and Ali Btw congratulations on your 100K subscribers Paul 👍🏾
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
I like "tea and biscuits." Peace of God to you
@patrickmuxlow8506 2 года назад
Loved it. I learn so much from this channel and from Dr. Ataie. Thankyou Mr.Williams for the content you post. I appreciate it.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
You are very welcome
@realmemobile7796 2 года назад
im indonesian ( nusantara archipelago ) .. now i know why my country become muslim..before dominantly polytheis to monotheis rapidly in 15 century..Allah has prepared it perfectly to glorify Allah... Allahumma antassalam waminkassalam tabaraktha ya dzal jalali wal ikhrom... thank u Mr.paul... thank u Mr.Ali...
@windowview8240 2 года назад
How long did it take for the entire region to convert to Islam?
@sk-bu9dk 2 года назад
I have heard daughter of indonesia's ex President converted to Hinduism from Islam . Is it true ?????
@realmemobile7796 2 года назад
@@sk-bu9dk sukmawati sukarno putri , she was our first president doughter ( sukarno ) .no problem from us, she just go back to her grandmother religion ,as u probabli knew of ,sukarno mother are balinesse hindu .. we respect her calling for hinduism ,its better for her to do that earlier..sukma are wellknown for her bias opinion regarding islam and its prophet..
@sk-bu9dk 2 года назад
@@realmemobile7796 is it a political move ????for election or something ???
@realmemobile7796 2 года назад
@@windowview8240 less then hundred years ,since the fall of the last hindu siwa majapahit kingdom on java then rise Demak kingdom ,the first sultanate kingdom in java ..
@youhavereachedhaytham Месяц назад
When he gets to the interpretation at around 52:00 - the goosebumps...
@sutil5078 Год назад
1:15:58 he will bring "Israel" back from exile even literally because When Muslim opened Jeruslem in the time of Omar (few years after prophet death) Many Jews came back to it and were protect under Muslim rules..... so they were brought back spiritually and literally.
@rakyat_jelata_ 2 года назад
This will be beautiful if this talk is rendered to be a book 📕 and it will shed light to more people, and I'll be happy to arrange its translation in my native tongue
@sedulurngaji9546 2 года назад
Sepakat. Ditunggu
@rakyat_jelata_ 2 года назад
@@sedulurngaji9546 cocok ya lur, semoga terjadi..
@extraordinary.verses 2 года назад
Proofs of Prophethood The bible, beyond any doubt, indicates Jesus is not the last messenger. Angel Gabriel speaks to the slave women Hagar and tells her: _Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him by the hand, for I will make a great nation._ (Genesis 21.18) _And God said to Abraham, "Be not displeased concerning the lad and concerning your handmaid; whatever Sarah tells you, hearken to her voice, for in Isaac will be called your seed. But also the son of the bond woman will I make a great nation because he is thy seed._ (Genesis 21.12-13). Almighty God speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy Version: KJV Chapter 18 Verses 17-19 Section “The prophet” _17-The Lord said to me: “What they say is good._ _18-I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him._ _19-I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.”_ ‘from among their brethren’ in Hebrew translation of the bible. ‘from among their kinsmen” in KJV. It clearly refers to a nation other than the Israelites. Otherwise it should have been ‘from amongst them’. The reference in (Deuteronomy 18:18) fit somebody who descends from the son of the bond woman Hajar. _“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;”_ (John 14.16 King James Bible) _“When the Advocate has come, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he shall testify of me,”_ (John 15.26) _ _“And when he comes, he will convict or convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of day of judgement.”_ (John 16.8 Van Dyke) day of judgement means his coming is close to the day of judgment, or he is coming on a horse and sword. _“but when he has come, the Spirit of truth, he shall guide you in all the truth; for he shall not speak of himself, but whatever he hears he shall speak, and he shall announce to you things to come.”_ (John 16.13) John Chapter 1 John the Baptist Denies Being the Messiah _19 Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders[a] in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was._ _20 He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Messiah.”_ _21 They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?”_ _He said, “I am not.”_ _“Are you the Prophet?”_ _He answered, “No.”_ _22 Finally they said, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”_ _23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”_ _24 Now the Pharisees who had been sent 25 questioned him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?”_ Accordingly, Jews were expecting 3 separate messengers. 1-Eijah 2-The Messiah 3-The Prophet. The Church reply: The Messiah is the final Prophet. The Jewish delegation was confused. They thought they are separate but they are not.
@extraordinary.verses 2 года назад
Proofs of Prophethood Why does Comforter start with a capital letter in KJV? King James Bible “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” Who is the Comforter according to the church? The reference is to the Holy Spirit, hardly to a merely human figure. Who is the Parakletos according to bible scholars? It is Paraclete. Para means beside, and clete: to call. It becomes to call someone beside. The meaning is advocate. Synonyms for that word are: counselor and helper and comforter. Letos means another. So, Parakletos means ‘another Comforter’. Since Jesus referred to himself as Paraclete in 1 John 2.1, Parakletos becomes the glad tidings of a new prophet after him. There is no unanimous acceptance among bible scholars that the “Parakletos” refers to the Holy Spirit. If we say what is meant by “another comforter” another Jesus, then the context becomes reasonable and correct, but if we say it refers to the Holy Spirit, then the meaning will not be reasonable nor correct because the Holy Spirit is one and not plural. Benjamin presented a different proof. Benjamin Kildani born 1867 (former Roman Catholic Bishop of a Uniate Chaldean diocese) and a muslim convert was expert in ancient Greek and Aramaic and wrote a book about the name "Parakletos". From his book Mohamed in the Bible (1928) and I quote: “it is not "Paraclete" but "Periclyte" which precisely signifies "Ahmad" in the sense of "the most Illustrious, Praised, and Celebrated.” A senior Christian theologian said if we pronounce it "Periclyte” the meaning becomes close to Mohamed or Ahmad. He added: Muslim theologians inferred from it that Mohamed was prophesized in the NT. But in fact the original word is Paraclete which means the comforter. Islamic research institutions reply. This is a recognition by the Church of the closeness between the two words, and it is a convergence that suggests that this word is related to Muhammad. Moreover, Christ used to speak Aramaic and the Gospel of John was written in Greek, and therefore John translated the name of the prophesized messenger from Aramaic into Greek according to their method of translation that is translation of the meaning. “forever” refers to Paraclete’s ministry which is last and final. It will survive until the day of judgement without the need for additional messengers.
@rahmiand 2 года назад
Kalau di Indonesia spt kajiannya u Dr Menachem Ali
@mehrourbadloe8339 Год назад
This is a very high level show in theology and I invite people like David Wood to learn from this. Dr Alt Attaie is amazing He us very good In fact technically and scientifically He is among the best muslim scholars or simply the best without being disrespectful to all other muslim scholars but I can not hide the truth and Paul you are doing a great Job Masshallah
@mobee7171 2 года назад
A huge thank you to Br. Paul and Dr Ataie. Absolutely brilliant. I need to watch this multiple times to learn as much as possible. Again........ absolutely brilliant 👏
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@ndjibukabengele973 2 года назад
@@sabina.T You're funny, Jesus says that He is the truth, the way and the life. He also says that He's the resurrection and the life. He says also whoever believes in HIM will live even when He dies. Jesus lived a sinless life unlike Mohammed. Jesus performed incredible miracles and Mohammed none. Jesus is God, you will be surprise on that day of judgement when you will be denied of heaven for not believing the Truth which is Jesus.
@ndjibukabengele973 2 года назад
@@sabina.T Ok fair enough, I put my trust and faith in Jesus who says that the one who believes in HIM will live even when He dies, He promised eternal life. Jesus is the center of all things even 2021 is based on HIM, 2021 AD.
@ndjibukabengele973 2 года назад
@@sabina.T Isaiah 42 is talking about Jesus who will open the eyes of the blind, Mohammed never performed any miracles beside practicing black magic. You said it well that you never read it and you're commenting without even knowing what it's about. Jesus is the one who came to fulfill everything prophets said about Him. It's the prophet Isaiah who prophecied about Jesus that He will be born by a virgin, that He's going to open the eyes of the blind and that He would speak in paraboles and when the disciples asked why He spoke in paraboles and replied so that what was written about me can come to pass. Do you find it fair? They're talking about the bible without involving a Christian bible scholar but only a muslim bible scholar. This so called muslim bible scholar is relating heresies and the muslims who don't know the bible are quick to think that this blaspemer is right.
@matumbimonkey 2 года назад
Fantastic video packed full of knowledge, thank you Paul for bringing this to us
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@yahosephbenyisrael917 2 года назад
Much respect to Dr. Ali Ataie....I'm a Hebrew Israelite and I can tell he knows what he is talking about....but I disagree with his stance on Isaiah 42 describing the Prophet Muhammad. I will definitely research this more because he provokes thought but I respectfully disagree.
@zahidfareed3218 2 года назад
I heav read isaiah 42 multiple times None clearly fulfil this prophecy as Prophet Muhammed pbuh fulfil this
@ZeroCelsius777 2 года назад
Read Isaiah 42:22...the creator CLEARLY calls his SERVANT "A PEOPLE" Also, Dr. Ataie went to Isaiah 49:5 & 6 to make some point why the SERVANT is not ISRAEL...but, he deliberately avoided VERSE 3... Isaiah 49:3...And said unto me, Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.
@iyadmayy3464 2 года назад
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think he forget to mention the meaning of ( let them shout from Mountaintops ) bc it’s about the ( day of Arafat ) on the Mountain of safa and Marwah and arafah .
@save_sudan_and_palestine 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 It's Clear that it's not Jesus, just don't lie. You Christians want to make every Prophecy in The Old Testament to Jesus to convince Jews to believe in him, yes there is Jesus in Old Testament but not here!
@AshrafAli-is4wv 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 i don't think jesus preached to gentiles as he sent to the lost sheep of israelites. There are verses in the bible he refused to preach to gentiles. Anyway which idolaters did jesus preach to???
@NadDew 2 года назад
I love his knowledge in all scriptures Btw I can understand a lot of Hebrew words, I think it would be easy for me to learn Hebrew as a native Arab.
@thegamechanger3317 2 года назад
Actually when you listen carefully you can handle 60-70% of the hebrew torah.
@Samya.R 2 года назад
@@allanwilliams2079 ...are you suggesting the Bible suddenly doesn’t contain prophecies for future events? And in the Quran it mentions Allah had a conversation with every soul aka son of Adam (covenant of Adam) before our physical bodily creation (Surah 7:172). So believing Allah had a conversation with Muhammad (ﷺ ) 2000 years before his birth isn’t some hard feat to imagine....or perhaps it’s a prophecy 🤷🏻‍♀️...to answer your question.
@NadDew 2 года назад
@@allanwilliams2079 the problem with your argument is that you are relying on the English translation of the Torah not the Hebrew and thus makes your argument worthless.
@thegamechanger3317 2 года назад
@@allanwilliams2079 actually Mohammed (SAW) had a conversation with Allah just like moses in the "Israa wa al Mir'aj", and had a great mission.
@Samya.R 2 года назад
@@allanwilliams2079 ...actually you were suggesting that prophecies in the Bible aren’t a thing when you questioned the absurdity of a prophet 2000 years before his birth having a conversation with God. And it was your entire argument with the “Who is “Me” in Isaiah?” Line of argumentation. God having a conversation with someone 2000 years before their birth in your mind is an absurdity *(ie. Prophecy is not a viable reality).* But let’s change the goal posts with your response back... And I didn’t place anyone in Isaiah 49. Nice prepared speech, though, arguing I did. You even tagged another person with the same exact response who didn’t even so much as argue about Isaiah 49. But YOU are claiming the “me” is Isaiah. Where was Isaiah a light for the gentiles? Where is the convenient of the people (all mankind) through Isaiah?? Where did Isaiah bring salvation to the ends of the earth to ALL?? Did Isaiah free captives?? *Isaiah “fulfilled all these things while he lived”??* And where is Torah mentioned in this chapter?? And Really, How many people know about Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ? WAY WAY WAY more than Isaiah. Nearly 2 billion believe in him...and how many billions more heard of him??? That’s pretty darn popular/known. But really, What kind of ridiculous argument is that?! It’s suddenly a popularity contest in your mind...and you still lose...by a lot. 🤦🏻‍♀️😅
@mosmas66 2 года назад
Brother Paul, we Muslims do not care about what Isaiaha 42 or Isaiak 4444 sais about our Prophet. We just Believe in our Prophet and in our book.
@Bakhti66 2 года назад
Congrats, on reaching 100K.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Thank you!
@mr.stranger4951 2 года назад
This is tremendous in light of the fact that Dr. Ali knows the languages of the Bible and the Quran and can delve into matters and subjects deeper than a nonlinguistic can. I've never ever heard anyone break down Isaiah like this before. This is astounding and indisputable. This is a video to be studied in detail and inshallah I'll make time to do so. A beautiful gift, thanks Blogging Theology.
@KitaalFisabilillah 10 месяцев назад
This man Atai has preserved Bible like Qur'an
@mohamadayoub7094 2 года назад
Mashallah, Mashallah, Mashallah. I studied the bible for thirty years and when I listen to Dr. Ataie I feel like I am theologically illiterate. His photographic memory and total command of English, Hebrew, Arabic and the presence and continuity of his thoughts blows me away. Thank you Mr. Paul for inviting him on your blog. Looking forward for the next interview. May Allah bless both of you.
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
Hey Paul.... Dr. Ali Ataie seemed to imply that some Muslims are "flippant" toward Christian beliefs. I guess both Muslims and Christians should be more respectful. I try to respect Muslims and I appreciate Dr. Ataie's scholarly discussion. I need to listen to this discussion again. Peace of God to all...... ( by the way, I have no "aversion to saying 'God is One" )
@Cemukay 2 года назад
So now you know my videos are correct. I haven't met a Christian that can defeat a Muslim in a debate. Watch my Videos and be educated.
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
@@Cemukay Where do I find your videos? I'm a Christian believer but I'm not interested to "defeat a Muslim in a debate." I'm just listening to Blogging Theology to learn about Islam. Peace
@mohammedahmad8039 2 года назад
@@johnbrzykcy3076 I didn’t hear Dr Ataie say Muslims are flippant towards Christians, When did Dr Ataie say that John? Can you give us a time stamp? He only said that in a previous podcast he (Dr Ataie himself) might have been a bit flippant and he was apologizing for his behavior. Surly that doesn’t mean all Muslims are flippant towards Christians !!!! Please watch what he said again it was around minute 25:55
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
@@mohammedahmad8039 Yes... I agree with you. I guess I said it the wrong way because I never meant to say that Dr. Ataie said that Muslims are flippant towards Christians. Now I have to apologize to you and others for my incorrect way of using words. However I did say "some Muslims" in my post. I try to not generalize about believers of any religion, be it Islam or Christianity. To be honest, I have noticed "flippant" remarks from both Muslims and Christians. I'm sure I have been flippant too. I'm sorry again for my incorrect wording that caused misunderstanding. I wonder if the apostles of Jesus (PBUH) had problems with misunderstanding Jesus. I'm sure they did. Peace of God to you and thanks for bringing this to my attention.
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 года назад
@@ahmarshaikh7427 You are correct. I goofed in my assumption. I apologize to you and all Muslims. Peace of God to you...
@shohorabahamed3753 2 года назад
I am nobody, but I have concluded that Dr. Ali Ataie is the most scholarly and knowledge Islamic apologist and scholar in theology in general in the world.
@EmmalCheema 2 года назад
Just finished the whole video. So happy to hear Dr Ali Ataie is excited for these podcasts too cause he’s my favorite scholar on this channel. May Allah bless you both for all the efforts you put into this. Amen !
@mzaher 2 года назад
One more comment 😃. What I found fascinating is the consistency of Allah’s message and choice of words. Obviously scriptures before the Quran are lost or altered etc, but we can still pinpoint “likely genuine passages or instructions” when the language is clearly monotheistic or when the choice of words is almost identical to that in Quran. Listening to Dr. Ali comparing the verses to Aya’s from the Quran was really fascinating. Shows you that Allah is One, and his message is One. This also reminds me of Surah 27, Ayah 93: “And say Alhamdulillah (praise and gratitude to Allah), He will show you His Ayas (Signs, Miracles, Lessons, Reality) and you will recognize them, and your Lord is never unaware of what you do.”
@itiswritten9423 2 года назад
@M.M.Z The Bible has about 1,500 chapters. The Quran has only 114. How do you intend to compare a book of 114 chapters with another book of 1,500 chapters to determine if the book of 1,500 chapters is true? Is it not strange that no Christian or Jew will look into the Quran to affirm their prophets but Muslims are busy trying to affirm the prophet in the Christian scripture. Use your brain and stop being deceived. Your pagan prophet is not in the Christian scripture. Stop looking for him in a book you Muslims have claimed is corrupted.
@Fundamental_Islam. 2 года назад
@@itiswritten9423 modern Christianity is paganism not Islam Idol worshipping, Christmas, Trinity has nothing to do with true religion of God. You took that from Roman pagans. Yes scriptures are corrupted but not entirely. God preserved whatever He wished.
@itiswritten9423 2 года назад
@@Fundamental_Islam. So your god is so week he couldn't preserve the scirptures? So it is his fault that our scripture was corrupted because he could only preserve some parts?
@Fundamental_Islam. 2 года назад
@@itiswritten9423 no He's not weak, Exalted is He. Preserving everything was not necessary as new Law was to come
@ryuusuk33 7 месяцев назад
​@@itiswritten9423ALLAH SWT decided in his all-wisdom to not preserve it. As simple as that You have no excuse because the last untouched message is already here presented to you
@LearnFromTheLight 2 года назад
Hm.., I had no doubt Isaiah 42 was about prophet Muhammad pbuh but I thought the last part of Isaiah 42 was talking about something else but now I know the whole of Isaiah 42 is a clear prophecy about Muhammad pbuh, Thank you for educating me Paul and Dr. Ail, may Allah reward you.
@louatihassan6713 2 года назад
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا وحبيبنا وسيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه
@fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад
ameen amigo
@ZZ-ls5hv 2 года назад
Thank you to both of u. Another interesting topic discussed by 2 brilliant guys
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@ZZ-ls5hv 2 года назад
I don't know if u have ever come across a book entitled 'Muhammad In the Bible' by Abdul Ahad Dawood, an ex priest who then converted to Islam and wrote the book. May be u can do a video for viewers about the book
@ZeroCelsius777 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology Absolutely NO RESPECT for the PROPHET of ALLAH (PBUH). I don't here you saying "Muhammad" (PBUH) It's 👉PROPHET Isaiah...Peace be Upon Him👈
@ndjibukabengele973 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology You should have invited another bible scholar who's a Christian, it was not a fair platform where both guys were on one side and the muslim guy saying lies about Isaiah 42 talking about Mohammed lol, it was talking about Jesus who will open the eyes of the blind because Mohammed didn't do any miracles. This was not fair, anyway the bible defends its self, don't need to defend my Lord Jesus.
@beyoungcarerock4554 2 года назад
clear explanation from Dr.Ali Ataie ...... love it
@ajhammer1701 2 года назад
Alhamdulillah. This was one of the best informative video I ever watched. The level of scholarship and analysis was amazing. Nearly two hours of pure knowledge! may Allah reward you both and benefit us all with this knowledge.
@SurgeonSuhailAnwar 2 года назад
I am officially addicted to Dr Ataie teachings - just can’t get enough of his lectures. What a amazing man - totally blessed with immense intellect and memory. Thank you Paul
@SurgeonSuhailAnwar 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 I have seen the debate with Mike, I have also seen Mile vs Erhman. Haven’t read the paper
@SurgeonSuhailAnwar 2 года назад
@@matthewpaulson6497 I don’t believe that John wrote john or for that matter any of the gospels were written by the acclaimed authors
@AbdullahArguer 9 месяцев назад
Yes the best part is he brings new ideas that actually make sense, and isnt scared to say things that are looked at as wrong, even when it isnt his expertise, for example when he showed some evidence that the Quran isnt clear on the earths shaoe BECAUSE there are so many lies that will be spread as facts, and showed that the very people who started the idea of earths gravitational reality (the way the earth is being unimaginable due to gravity) were freemasons admittingly, and “Progressive Muslims” (as they call themselves) got mad at him 😂 but his biblical knowledge IS is expertise and he is sharp in knowledge in that
@hmproduction7240 Год назад
Here are six points that demonstrate why the Servant in Isaiah 42 is singular and the Servant in Isaiah 49 is a collective: For Isaiah 42: 1. Singular pronouns: The Servant is referred to with singular pronouns such as "he" and "him" throughout the chapter. 2. Uniqueness: The Servant is described as a unique and chosen figure, distinct from other members of Israel. 3. Specific tasks: The Servant has specific tasks to bring justice to the nations and restore the earth, which are not attributed to any other group or individual. 4. Personal qualities: The Servant is described as having personal qualities such as having God's Spirit upon him, being gentle, and not breaking a bruised reed. 5. Redeeming Purpose: The Servant's purpose is to bring redemption to the world, which is singular in its focus and scope. 6. Divine attribution: The Servant is attributed as being from God and being supported by God in his mission. For Isaiah 49: 1. Collective pronouns: The Servant is referred to with plural pronouns such as "you" and "your" throughout the chapter. 2. Tribe origins: The Servant is described as "Israel," which is a collective term for the twelve tribes of Israel. 3. Shared task: The Servant's task is shared by the entire nation of Israel, with the goal being the restoration of Israel. 4. Personification: The Servant is often personified as a collective figure, as opposed to a single person. 5. Dependence on God: The Servant's success is dependent on their collective relationship with God and their obedience to God's commands. 6. Historical Connection: The Servant's identity and purpose are connected to the history and ancestry of Israel as a whole. Reasons why issiah 42 and 49 are different sevents 42 Is about single servent 49 a tribe
@ihab505 2 года назад
May Allah SwT grant you the knowledge that will benefit you and others. Thank you both for this interview and plz dont take long for your next one in-sh-A
@justsaying444 2 года назад
Congratulations on reaching 100 subscribers 👏. Keep spreading the good words.
@TKBTKB1122 7 месяцев назад
Is the Bible corrupted or not? Make up your mind already 😂 stop using it
@IZIKI-399 6 месяцев назад
We as Muslims believe that God gave the Injil to the prophet Jesus peace be upon him, so we use the Quran as criteria over the Bible to know truth
@AbdullahArguer 5 месяцев назад
We’ll do what we want. We can find prophesy in it that doesnt mean all of it is perfect
@sealandsand1225 5 месяцев назад
To keep this question simple, so even 6 year old baby can understand. Would you believe book that is kept under government custody or one that is free on Internet and everyone can copy?
@WM5000-ek9nk 2 года назад
Dr. Ali Ataie knowledge is very powerful especially with the Hebrew and Greek
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