
The queen dedicated her life to the emperor, but ended up like this! 

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歡迎訂閱:甜劇女工頻道: / @binge-watching
重門深鎖,縷縷情思: • 【作弊】灰姑娘刺繡作弊被揭發,不僅順利過關,...
花開月圓,來世再約: • 灰姑娘一夜之間成了少奶奶,所有人都避而遠之,...
修煉愛情,遇“鑒”真心: • 【引子】灰姑娘不顧一切嫁給總裁,卻在婚禮上被...
#甜剧女工 #Emotions #縷縷情思




19 ноя 2019




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@haleboytejana4596 4 года назад
"You don't cherish the one who loves you while you value the one who doesn't love you" Aww I felt that.
@ocean01231668 4 года назад
皇后的演技很有層次感 那種對丈夫.皇帝的愛之複雜都表現出來了
@kiakawang9503 3 года назад
@user-ib8fy8dg4c 3 года назад
@YokerUdagan Год назад
И долг императрицы
@travelshe8617 Год назад
@feng-linwang.g878 3 года назад
@azalea11914014 4 года назад
@bblin8669 4 года назад
皇后真的好心酸....😭 演技太好了!
@qq520mylove 4 года назад
BB Lin 她真的演技太精湛了! 此劇因為佘詩曼演活了
@udvsvsvfkbjebc5144 4 года назад
@user-mh7ri8gd8j 4 года назад
@yuyandeng820 4 года назад
@rachaelzhou6104 4 года назад
翟子晴 香港粵語新聞
@user-ev1ix9st2z 4 года назад
@Loisbrailliant 4 года назад
@estherxia6846 4 года назад
@meiso3878 2 года назад
@koko241385 4 года назад
「我最恨的不是她,而是你,愛新覺羅弘曆」 皇后真的很棒,即便瀕臨崩潰,但還是知道真正的罪魁禍首其實是皇上,他糟蹋了自己的感情,她的斷了髮,象徵她所喜愛的皇上已經死去
@xjp910416 4 года назад
@ken28922922 4 года назад
讓人恨不起來的反派 看了真的很心酸
@jaho382 4 года назад
為何恨不起來? 她慫恿純妃害死先皇后的小阿哥 怕事情敗漏 就勒死她 又故意安排琥珀告知瓔珞是爾晴害死先皇后的事 讓瓔珞殺人又失寵 又讓袁春望有機會在瓔珞失寵時虐待她以報私仇(袁的)..... 林林總總 而這都是在她家人都死了後才開始腹黑的 這叫真愛? 是自私 是報復 她這樣就可憐 一切抵過 恨不起來?
@baileyguan7457 4 года назад
@@jaho382 继后确实洗不白,只不过比其他那些张牙舞爪甚至变态的反派们要理智一些,可怜一些。她每次害人都是顺水推舟,借刀杀人,而这些“刀”都是自愿的,只是他们没想到自己是被人利用。纯妃杀七阿哥是她自己的主意,魏璎珞杀尔晴也是自己的主意,袁春望虐待魏璎珞也是他自己的主意。还有就是魏璎珞不知道七阿哥的死与继后有关,所以她们两个没有私人恩怨,继后也不是非要弄死魏璎珞,她心里也是有一丝羡慕魏璎珞的,只是年纪大了想的多,又被那个死人妖轮番陷害和挑唆,所以她们两个完全可以井水不犯河水,这样就更显得继后是反派中的一股清流。
@jaho382 4 года назад
@@baileyguan7457 繼后是無法洗白 但她的反派做法理智 只是為了不讓人看出她的狠 純妃殺了小阿哥 是怕自己的兒子沒機會做太子 而這是繼后的言語鼓動 令妃殺爾晴 是繼后故意送來琥珀告知爾晴和皇上的私情 她知道令妃必定不會放過爾晴(令妃為了皇后也絕不會放過她) 又能讓她失寵信任 另外 令妃不知小阿哥的死跟繼后有關 不代表她們倆就沒私人恩怨 而且繼后不向令妃動手 是因為令妃尚未有龍種 若有了 她還是會起歹心 畢竟令妃是最受寵的 繼后不會甘心兩頭空 還有反派就是反派 不可能還有一股清流的說法吧? 她都用風箏線勒死純妃了 不是嗎?
@baileyguan7457 4 года назад
@@jaho382 纯妃死前已经承认了杀七阿哥其实是为了泄愤,为儿子只是个借口,她恨傅恒心里没她,连带着也恨富察皇后,所以要让她痛不欲生。令妃杀尔晴完全是自己得知真相后不能制怒,继后虽然让琥珀告密,但是杀与不杀完全是令妃决定,这个锅继后不背。令妃在承诺不争太子之位后十年里接连怀孕,继后都没有动她,继后也不可能未卜先知令妃怀的大部分都是女儿,就是因为继后跟她只有利益之争,没有仇恨,只要双方不去触碰底线,就能相安无事。
@jaho382 4 года назад
@@baileyguan7457 純妃本來是為了兒子 後來得知傅恆愛的是瓔珞 讓她更火大 因為她一直幫傅恆挑選可匹配的 好人家 他卻愛最底層的包衣女 所以才改變想法 而爾晴 令妃是從琥珀處得知的 但不管怎樣 令妃一樣都會殺了爾晴 為先皇后報仇 只是不知道繼后會利用這件事 要讓她失寵 還有令妃和繼后說好的是她不爭皇后的位子 讓繼后安心 不是太子的位子 而繼后自知自己的兒子條件不夠格 沒希望做太子 那就剩下爭寵 但又爭不過令妃 所以只有和和親王合作謀逆了 如果皇上死了 她還可做 孝文皇后--確實的名字不記得了 只是後來自己反悔 才想到要救皇上 你說繼后和令妃沒仇恨關係(別忘了小阿哥的死和繼后的關係 只是令妃尚不知情而已) 只有利害關係 但利害關係到不得已時 還是有殺人的可能 繼后是自己想不開 愛人一定會同樣得到相同的愛嗎? 以前都是選秀進宮 或是同樣 皇親貴冑 但不是一定有愛才結合 後宮妃嬪眾多 也不是人人都能得到皇上的注意 寵愛 還不是有人幾年都看不到皇上來
@jasonbradliv 4 года назад
愛你的人你不珍惜 不愛你的人你視若珍寶 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~深有同感
@dg8mfun666 4 года назад
@user-sin2 4 года назад
@yingbohe2417 4 года назад
引擎 大实话,很多人就是不珍惜,犯贱。
@user-pe7qq9ff7o 4 года назад
@user-rz5ug9wd2l 4 года назад
呵~天子只最愛自己,對後宮只有 硬上--> 玩膩 --> 放著 or 冷宮。
@yuechenzhang5829 3 года назад
@bensonliu5234 2 года назад
@todostodos7274 2 года назад
@huaamy4473 4 года назад
袁春望那一聲魏瓔珞 一字一字的 嘆息,失望,佩服,憐愛,憤怒 不得不說我聽到的時候雞皮疙瘩都起來了
@tzuhenchang3132 4 года назад
@user-hy7wg6sd3w 2 года назад
@@tzuhenchang3132 说的太棒了
@user-fo8sb8bw7u 4 года назад
如懿傳跟延禧攻略的皇后都說真心話 都愛皇上 但最後都很慘⋯⋯⋯⋯
@user-gb7sz6hi5n 4 года назад
@a093995025589 4 года назад
如懿的乾隆比較誇張 被一個賤婢哄的團團轉
@zoeShi 4 года назад
@user-qz5br1mi4s 4 года назад
Stark 真的
@yuhuang4186 3 года назад
於是才知道: 多數人要的不是真心
@carol-wx5xj 3 года назад
@Pikachu-wy2rq 3 года назад
It’s really funny to see sides of the same people through different eyes. Ruyi’s love in the palace and Yanxi palace are set in the same era, same emperor with women who bore similar names or were based of the same people. So similar yet so different, truly makes a shine to the different views of the people through the same situation.
@khakawk 3 года назад
Actually I watched Yanxi palace first..even though Ruyi there is the antagonist I never felt hatred to her... because from the start she was really kind. I feel sorry for what happened her and her family.
@LokisLadyCrazy 3 года назад
If I am correct, for Consort Gao in this show, she was actually a mix of Ruyi's Consorts Jia & Hui. Because some things that happened to her in Yanxi, happened to Hui in Ruyi. But also to Jia. With the Step-Empress in Yanxi, you see from the beginning that she's just about as catty as Consort Jia was. But she was suppressed and you don't hear about her time in the Cold Palace in Yanxi. But if you want to go with the "Fantasy Vs Reality" idea: Yanxi is what her enemies saw her to be and Ruyi was how she actually was...up until Yingluo/Yanwan came around and effed it all up. Yanxi's Step-Empress is no saint, but you can really feel her pain at the end. The actress is good, cause she makes you feel sorry for her. But with Ruyi, you are with her every step of the way to see your pain. Yanxi focuses so much on Yingluo that the Step-Empress just feels like a minor background character that is taunted with more screen time, but you don't get to see HER backstory like you do with other.
@choutzuyu8915 Год назад
@@LokisLadyCrazy i prefer yingluo
@MysteriMustacheToast 4 года назад
@user-yb7jm2jr7d 4 года назад
@user-yi5yt8vc2r 4 года назад
@user-xp6on5bm1d 4 года назад
@@user-yi5yt8vc2r 有啊但是沒有說得這麼的動聽
@user-yb7jm2jr7d 4 года назад
@@user-yi5yt8vc2r 这边对大猪蹄子的声泪俱下换到那边去霍建华也许还会听
@user-hd5rh7wj9w 4 года назад
放肆!!! 與其看你如此瘋迷,不如朕廢了你 ヽ(#`Д´)ノ
@ILConan86 4 года назад
@ShiNoMiRenge 4 года назад
@dannywilliams1444 2 года назад
@user-eo3wn1jh6v Год назад
@relive8888 4 года назад
@pagodnaayan 4 года назад
Empress says her hair and makeup is messy. Me: ???
@mariapaulineundangan8672 4 года назад
If there's a haha reaction I would've give you that
@AbeeraShafqat-ag- 3 года назад
She meant she lost her beauty by taking care of him
@user-ix1rp9ff3p 3 года назад
I mean srsly even the fake af _liangbatou_ and ornaments are unbothered af
@user-fq8gl3hd3v 4 года назад
富察皇后 這個繼后也是辜負啊!
@rrrra784 3 года назад
這句真的是名言啊~~ 愛你的人不珍惜 不愛你的人你視若珍寶~~
@ximenaislas8146 3 года назад
I actually feel bad for empress because she was evil but her love for her husband was real yet she never get to be loved by him. Not as a consort and not as an empress. I think all empresses had an awful life and sad ending
@mr.cebuano2843 3 года назад
@anveshiny189 3 года назад
Watch ruyis royal love... This empress is the real love of the emperor
@emem3336 3 года назад
I feel bad for empress xian. This is another version of her life in drama. Yanxi palace and Ruyi royale love in the palace. Empress xian ended up miserable in the end by loving the emperor. But in the drama Ruyi royal love in the palace empress xian died in sickness i pity her and noble consort ling died by drinking poison order by tge emperor because she framed and killed many people.
@stephensteegjr.8258 3 года назад
In this version yes . not evil just unloved lile the other
@KL-ot7yt 3 года назад
Hmm she was the most mysterious one of all the three empress. and very eccentric it seems. She is the main character in ruyi's royal love. Though the emperor falls in love everyday with new girls I think he spiralled once he started hearing about her affair which she took offense to. she apparently did not want to be included in the royal tapestry either.
@californiatimes1 4 года назад
The cutting hair scene is so powerful and amazing so many emotions it's almost beautiful and a clever rebellion scene
@SI-ft5ev 4 года назад
She was not wrong...she was ryt in her side her loved ones betrayed her...her husband excuted her inncoent father to clam down the ministers..soo sad
@raizelrai4424 4 года назад
what was that supposed to be meant? can you explain please?
@SI-ft5ev 4 года назад
@@raizelrai4424 the queen was manipulated by her servant and tried to kill her husband and ying luo...the queen was good in the beginning but her husnand and empress dowager killed her father due to some political reason..hence she was tired of all the palace games and wanted th end all ties with the king by cutting her hair....well its a great treason to cut the hair when the husband is still alive... To know more kindly watch the drama. You can watch it in kissasian.ch
@raizelrai4424 4 года назад
@@SI-ft5ev thanks^^
@ashuraryuuzen2265 4 года назад
@@SI-ft5ev your a bit wrong there as far as i can remember the emperor just want to exile him it was the dowager that killed her father. -2nd empress was kind hearted but forced to be a murderer to be evil by the people around her it all started with noble consort gao 😂😂😂
@user-xz8mz1vx4q 4 года назад
@user-vo9hu9oj4t 4 года назад
@cyuanc1066 4 года назад
@@user-vo9hu9oj4t 什麼東西
@yeelinglee4110 4 года назад
@@user-vo9hu9oj4t 什么东西
@esteeong9014 4 года назад
@yeelinglee4110 4 года назад
@@esteeong9014 对呀😊
@user-he6ke6uw8g 4 года назад
I guess, if only Yuan Chunwang stayed on the good side, maybe the empress dowager might recognized or accepted him as the illegitimate child of the emperor. So sad
@SI-ft5ev 4 года назад
Was he really the late emperor's illegitimate child or empress dowager's child?
@desirelabelle2199 4 года назад
@@SI-ft5ev late emperors child
@SI-ft5ev 4 года назад
@@desirelabelle2199 ohhh...
@zksadiaza9302 4 года назад
if only he stayed on the good side and yingluo's brother, they would be so powerful and the imperial clan must've recognized him
@amaranth000 4 года назад
I doubt the empress dowager would accept him no matter what side yuan chooses. Im sure shes aware of the fact that the late emperor loved and had a baby with a farmer and being the reigning empress at that time, she didnt want anyone else to become a threat to the throne of her son. Im sure she did everything she could to stop that farmer from coming into the palace as a consort.
@tine6662 4 года назад
@user-rt1nq5kr2l 4 года назад
愛到了痴,愛到了發狂。 因愛而不忍傷他,因愛而嫉妒成狂。 卻也因為愛他而愛的絕望,因為她已經知道,她這一輩子都不可能真正得到他的愛,他的愛已經給了魏瓔絡了。
@ooitsuyang9397 4 года назад
@user-yb7jm2jr7d 4 года назад
@user-cl8yi3zz4f 4 года назад
@user-yu6kd1gt3p 4 года назад
@user-ih1ky6ir2k 4 года назад
@user-qy2ig7yd3h 4 года назад
@user-zg7vq3vd4t 4 года назад
@a75567556 4 года назад
@mayinhun286 4 года назад
@hata5860 4 года назад
女主角人設太好 所以就算面癱還是瑕不掩瑜
@anna-bd1by 4 года назад
@Binge-watching 4 года назад
@CH12345 4 года назад
@user-gy4yd1ut5b 4 года назад
@user-gy4yd1ut5b 4 года назад
@LiyannMirandilla 4 года назад
Di ko kayo maintindihan hahaha
@xuelu3110 4 года назад
满人断发是大不敬 皇帝或者太后死了才可以
@JePooh 3 года назад
@kissme520520520 4 года назад
雖然我很喜歡這位 皇上 1.身材棒 2.有威嚴 3.講話聲音超讚 4.懂得聽正反派說話 5.坐有坐像 6.不會大吼大叫 7. 有智慧 8. 懂得抽絲剝繭找答案 9.不是別人說什麼就做甚麼的魁儡 10. 不色瞇瞇叮著女生的身體看 11. 不會對著嬪妃 暴力相向 (和令妃放閃例外) 12. 真的有做到 身為皇上 不管對任何一個人 都不會愛她的意境 這些是隔壁棚那位皇上做不到的事情 但我必須說 皇后其實說的也沒錯 只是訴說的對象錯了 該說給隔壁棚那一位聽
@huanghouhsiang 4 года назад
霹靂妖蓮素還真 :這裡的乾隆一開始就對繼后沒愛一直淡淡的,所以就算斷髮他也無所謂🤣
@sarahdegefa5461 2 года назад
@user-eo3wn1jh6v Год назад
應該這樣說,角色定位。這裡的皇帝是聰明、專情的;隔壁的乾隆就是渣,只愛惜自己的自私鬼。 很多人都罵霍建華演不好,可是我覺得他演的很棒,棒到讓大家很憎恨他XDDD
@christineng8026 2 года назад
@user-qn2zc1pp1x 3 года назад
這句話真是經典 世上所有男女應引以為惕 "不愛你的人你視若珍寶 愛你的人你不珍惜"
@user-yj1wf7dn4b 4 года назад
太后最後要留袁的命 代表袁真的是先帝的骨肉
@11chanse 4 года назад
蔡苡璇 同感
@karviil2673 4 года назад
@user-yj1wf7dn4b 4 года назад
不太可能是為了續集 若是為了給瓔珞女兒 留心理傷害的梗 很多事件都可以鋪路 畢竟是後宮 那些毒殺皇子的事不會少 尤其瓔珞是專寵 惹人眼紅是一定有的 太后是為了先帝跟皇家名聲 才說袁不是先帝孩子 皇帝出了一個太監兒子 傳出去能光彩嗎... 再來是愧疚虧欠心理 每個皇子都衣食無憂 現在發現一個流落在外的 還意外被閹割了當奴才.... 加上太后是篤信佛法佛理的 一是不忍,二是死了 怕無法面對先帝祖先 還有更多因素她不能殺袁
@lilian2627 4 года назад
有可能是太后的亲生子、不然太后不会那么激动说 别 、太后编造了一个弥天大谎
@user-yj1wf7dn4b 4 года назад
@@lilian2627 若是太后的親生子 雍正死了後宮她獨大 她會用盡辦法找到這孩子 不能帶進宮也會讓他過的舒適 袁春旺在出生地待了幾年才離開 太后不可能找不到 太后激動是因為她也認為 有可能真的是皇子 但太監皇子是皇室的恥辱 她不能讓皇室丟這個臉
@anastasiachua9905 3 года назад
It broke my heart to see Yuan Chun Wang turned evil, i loved how Ying Luo and him treated each other in the Yuan Ming palace, and i was hoping he would be Ying Luo's guardian, but he turned so evil. He had suffered a lot, if only he didn't turn evil, he may got a better ending.
@davidgo9297 4 года назад
It's good to see everything from the perspective of the step-empress. But the circumstances she had to deal with in the past does not give her the license to be a bad person. She conspired with Chun Guifei to kill Fucha Huanghou. And now, to even usurp the throne. Although it's a shame that we may never know how the real Hoifa-Nala fell from power, this is a powerful scene.
@itamochivargas6233 2 года назад
I like this perspective and the one from Ruyi. I imagine that in real life it was probably a wild mix of the two.
@eryian 2 года назад
@@itamochivargas6233 It wasn't as dramatic in real life. I think the step empress may have had some mild dementia in real life and that is why she cut her hair. From what I have read, this rebellion plot doesn't appear to have happened in the real life. Nobel Consort Ling was elevated to Imperial Nobel Consort and she stayed by the Emperor's side and controlled the harem until she died. Imperial Nobel Consort Ling was buried in the same mausoleum as Empress Fuca when she died. I think a lot of common ailments were much more deadly back then. Look at how many of Qianlong's children died of illnesses. So Empress Nara may have simply become so ill that she suffered from dementia. Nobel Consort Ling died a few years after Empress Nara, and she had mercury poisoning from taking too much Cinnabar pain killers. (Cinnabar contains mercury). I love the dramatized stories, they are fun, but in reality there wasn't as many dramatic problems that they portrayed, just a lot of illnesses. Even Empress Fuca died of malaria, of course she was probably very vulnerable to illness after all her depression from the death of her two sons.
@anitaadrienne2815 2 года назад
@@itamochivargas6233 but female lead is one the said he not live Empiror but she's really live Empiror with lonely too he will became Queen too
@choutzuyu8915 Год назад
@@eryian where do you get the info from? I wanna know more
@eryian Год назад
@@choutzuyu8915 I just searched and read Wikipedia and some Chinese history sites that talk about the different people. Empress Fuca never committed suicide, she caught a fever and died, she was depressed after her second son died of an illness. Empress Nara was partly upset by the downfall of her family and she was worried the Emperor and Empress Dowager were going to give control of the harem to Consort Ling. Imperial Consort Ling was pregnant 7 times, more than any other women in the Harem, but she was Han and could never be elevated to Empress. After the death of the fifth Prince from a bad leg infection, Consort Ling's son was selected as crown Prince and eventually Emperor. Consort Ling died around 42 years old after struggling with a lot of pain and using the pain killer Cinnabar which contains Mercury. So technically she died from the accumulation of Mercury in her body from years of using Cinnabar. The Emperor buried Empress Fuca and Imperial Consort Ling in the main tomb where they would lay on either side of his own tomb.
@IvanIsYda_ 4 года назад
During the first few episodes of Yuan, I pitied him. He was forced to eat scraps. Heck, he even had to eat Snowball’s (Noble Lady Gao’s doggo) dog food while he sobbed in the corner of the palace walls... I understand why he is the way he is. He was bullied by everyone. He was docile once, he obeyed, and yet what did he get? Betrayal. The world isn’t fair. If you poke a docile animal, it will eventually be angered and frustrated, it will attack and bite back. This is Yuan biting back. This was his supposed revenge.
@rhodoraluga51 4 года назад
13:26 will tell the identity of the eunuch and the exhanging of robe by the emperor
@IvanIsYda_ 4 года назад
rhodora luga I watched the whole series, I know what happens
@ambotak99 4 года назад
I remember he was actually serving Xian but was punished by Noble consort Gao. In the end, he ended up serving xian again but at that moment, he was already the one who conrols xian. Amazing plot.
@karlaherrera4741 3 года назад
What the name of the show
@AbeeraShafqat-ag- 3 года назад
@@karlaherrera4741 story of yanxi palace
@ivytan6121 4 года назад
@flyzobaby520 4 года назад
@ivytan6121 4 года назад
吳怡萱 …魏璎珞对紫禁城没什么留念了,因为姐姐的仇已经报了,傅恒娶了爾晴,皇后也死了。本来想在圆明园过浩一辈子。后来听了明玉说:富察皇后是被纯贵妃害死的,也想为明玉出口气她被纯妃刺了银针。因此,她想借着皇上来为富察皇后和明玉复仇才成为他的贵人上位。
@flyzobaby520 4 года назад
@@ivytan6121 這是戲給她的人設 但不得不承認有這種心思的人物都不簡單 不然一定很快就領盒飯了
@user-yu6kd1gt3p 4 года назад
@jaho382 4 года назад
@@flyzobaby520 瓔珞是不圖權勢 但為了替先皇后報仇還有明玉的仇 她只有上高位 才有能力做到 (只有自己先強 才能保護自己所愛的人--她對慶貴人說的) 傅恆也說過: 瓔珞是恩怨分明 從不濫殺無辜的人 所以瓔珞是有智慧的人
@JW-tg9vr 4 года назад
太后的眼神非常躲避 還不殺他 就更可能是皇子
@mourongrong 4 года назад
我的解讀是,袁春望跟乾隆都是錢氏所生 只是乾隆是正統皇家血脈 而袁春望的血脈不明不白,有可能是真的皇子,也可能是土匪的,所以要殺卻又殺不得
@j0805466 4 года назад
@@mourongrong 農家女所生
@Mina-tg9yy 4 года назад
@@mourongrong 這樣推理是有這樣的可能(同母異父)
@10011114 4 года назад
@user-fh6mu6by4t 3 года назад
Chue 袁春望跟乾隆都是雍正所生,不是乾隆。同父異母。
@user-xg7ss2tl7g 4 года назад
@scarlettyang6894 3 года назад
@sathena0121 4 года назад
@Staryc0216 3 года назад
甄嬛超可怕...她講一段話 就直接否定袁春望的身分還把他逼瘋 其實可能的機率是有的 可是她卻講幾句話就完全撇清關係
@jyanneskye2535 3 года назад
If only it was modern times, Empress Nara could just get a divorce. 😭 The fate of an Empress is too tragic. I felt her pain through out this whole scene. Excellent acting skills from Charmaine 👏👏👏
@sakurakou2009 2 года назад
remind me how the last empress of china got divorced from the last emperor of china , truly if empresses could get divorce alot of them would
@lilyrose0116 2 года назад
I mean, if any of these ladies could choose, they wouldn't come near the emperor at all
@Indigo565 2 года назад
She was evil and deserved every bit of it. I did not feel sorry for her. She did all this because her mother told her she was worthless not because of love
@dianatang4540 Год назад
I mean, most of the marriages to the emperor are arranged since like they are kids. Especially those born in a noble family
@helene4397 11 месяцев назад
​@@sakurakou2009the lady who got divorced from last emperor of China, was not his empress, but she was a secondary consort.
@user-rn1ks6eb8m 4 года назад
@yuyang6990 4 года назад
@shujiezhang9119 4 года назад
@Mina-tg9yy 4 года назад
我也覺得遠春望是愛新覺羅的孩子(皇太后)只是顧及愛新覺羅的顏面(不能公開承認) 皇太后不希望髒了皇帝的手 也不想讓皇上殺了自己兄弟 只能留住自己兄弟的命
@user-yq9cm5ue1r 4 года назад
原來是這樣子 終於懂了
@jialin7335 4 года назад
太后 一開始聽到太行山就知道真相了 只是有關皇家顏面所以誘導袁講出為何認為雍正真的是他老爸 袁一說有留親王衣服在他家 太后就可以開始瞎說了 所以太后是在誤導袁 讓他相信他自己被騙了 但不能讓他被凌遲處死 畢竟他真的是雍正的兒子所以後來很心急的大喊 別~ 我想皇上看到太后這麼大反應應該也是有猜到了,畢竟人家是嬛嬛~很會撒謊但是一做虧心事就難掩的尷尬了😅
@user-eu1jq8gm1h 4 года назад
袁春望是乾隆同母異父的兄弟 太行山錢氏換上雍正的金絲蟒袍 被山匪姦淫懷上袁春望 這對皇家來說是汙點 所以錢氏被雍正賜死.但實際上是改名為鈕鈷祿氏這樣才能保住一命 太后說的也沒錯 袁春望雖然不姓愛新覺羅 但也是乾隆的兄弟 所以太后才會要乾隆不能殺他 避免手足相殘的慘劇
@user-nm4yj9em6y 4 года назад
@khakawk 3 года назад
6:01 She was finally happy. You can see she has no regret on her action. That was the "It's done. I am free" face
@D_sucker 3 года назад
Who's she? Ying luo or nara?
@khakawk 3 года назад
@@D_sucker Nara.
@D_sucker 3 года назад
@@khakawk oh well the timestamp is wrong tho.
@khakawk 3 года назад
@@D_sucker Yeah..i just noticed this comment was supposed to be for another vid of the same episode lol thanks
@user-rt1nq5kr2l 4 года назад
袁春望是真的真心疼愛瓔絡的,真心心疼她、真心愛護她的。 卻也因為這份心疼和心軟,而導致了他的失敗。 因為瓔絡成了他的弱點,若是他沒有在脆弱時將事情告訴瓔絡,他的事情也不會敗露了。 說真的,他壞,壞的可恨,但也壞的可憐可悲啊……。
@user-im6mg2eu5n 4 года назад
龍天夜 可恨的人必有可憐之處
@flyzobaby520 4 года назад
整部戲心機最重的是魏瓔珞 一個包衣宮女可以爬到這麼高的位置 一定用了不少手段
@user-rt1nq5kr2l 4 года назад
@@flyzobaby520 心機重不重從來就不是重點吧? 重點在於一個人有沒有主動害人的心思啊! 難道不應該是這樣嗎? 而瓔珞她的心機一直都是以自保和守護重要的人還有為親人復仇為主啊!
@flyzobaby520 4 года назад
@@user-rt1nq5kr2l 心機重怎麼不是重點了 從那麼低的位置爬到這麼高 中間把別人拉下來自己爬上去 這不就是在害人? 還是你的定義就是被她害 的人死了才算? 女人再鬥爭的時候 本來就是這樣 是你們男人看不懂 建議你連如懿傳都看完吧 我評論的她演的這個角色 並不是這個人 不管她中間用了多少心機和手段 能鬥到最後就說明她心思足夠深沉 不怕死的最大 當然劇中她保護別人的孩子非常的好 這點不可否認 但不代表這個人就是善良好嗎= =
@user-rt1nq5kr2l 4 года назад
@@flyzobaby520 不不不,你搞錯了吧? 心機代表的可從來不是害人哦! 心機,不過是腦袋裡面計較的更多罷了。 至於你說瓔珞爬到那個位置,是誰告訴你,她爬到那個位置就必須得害死人? 就算真害死人,也得先計較那個被害死的人是否真的無辜吧? 更何況,你也別把後宮給幻想的太過美好了小朋友。 今天就算沒有一個魏瓔珞,也還有千千萬萬個爾晴好嗎? 差別只在於,瓔珞原本根本就沒有想成為皇帝的女人,相反她就是因為太過聰明,而被皇帝看上的。 而像爾晴那種,才是真正千方百計踩著別人屍體往上爬的。 你自己想想,瓔珞入宮以後,為的是什麼? 為的是給親人報仇、為的是守護皇后、為的是守護重要的人。 後面才不得不成為嬪妃的哦! 而爾晴呢? 偏偏這個世界上,我們所面對的,絕大多數都是隨時會想陷害你的爾晴這種人,而不是人不犯我的瓔珞哦!
@diamondsilence2603 4 года назад
@leogong1926 4 года назад
@TheSmokey1523 4 года назад
This story is really great and stands up to multiple watching without becoming tiresome. Each time I watched this, I’m continually impressed by the aesthetics, the nuanced acting and storyline. Twists and turns and layer upon layer of tragedies, triumphs, cruelty, and love. The characters were well drawn out even the wallflower Qing Fei was given some interesting bits and insight into her character. It’s interesting that all the main characters had bits of ruthlessness and cruelty to their personality along with something good or touching. Even Gao Gwei Fei as monstrous as she was had talent as well as beauty. I really enjoyed her opera performances and her elocution. Chenbi, Chun Fei and the Empress would have been amazing women with their artistic talents and intellectual gifts if they hadn’t been forced to live in a gilded cage with murderous rivalry. Finally I also loved the Step Empress who evolved so much from sincere, upright person to scheming, semi mad, scorned woman. She had such a challenging role. Same with the Dowager Empress and the Emperor they are both monstrous and yet lovable. The love triangle was well drawn I admired Fuheng and Yingluo’s integrity about staying strong in their chosen roles because it truly matches the personality as loyal and strong. willed. Even though Fuheng and Yingluo’s relationship started out as the gallant prince who felt he had to always protect the girl while being a bit condescending , it evolved into a relationship of mutual true understanding and trust. Despite their rocky beginning the Emperor and Yingluo turned out to be amazingly well matched because they have many of the same characteristics, wily, ruthless persistence, quick witted, super intuitive yet analytical, they seem to really understand one another and also love to have fun with each other. I truly do believe that Yingluo comes to love him, she just likes to keep him guessing. The contrast between this series and others of the same type is that these actors seem so natural in their costumes and surroundings. In other series it’s the opposite everything is so awkward and a bit jarring and modern looking. The soft sepia tone really brings a good antique atmosphere and flatters the skin and seems more realistic than bright harsh lighting.
@ambotak99 4 года назад
And I cried when Rongyin died. I ooved her character soooo much T_T
@sharlimidbar5218 4 года назад
This series is extremely well written and the acting is outstanding. It was my 1st time getting involved with something like this and I watch the darn thing 4 times.
@dondons27 3 года назад
What is this series called please
@f89jgb7 3 года назад
@@dondons27 The Story of Yanxi Palace
@dondons27 3 года назад
@@f89jgb7 thank you
@cherrymaylibiran8780 3 года назад
Now she's free! After all of the heartaches.. Poor empress.. 😟😟
@carlamontano2790 3 года назад
Help me with a like..please please ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7giCcGrwjrE.html
@zionlady5921 4 года назад
In this scene, he might really have been the former emperor's son, but because of how evil he is, the empress dowager must have deliberately decided to disown him by saying he wasn't. Having such a deadly person admitted as one of them, he could so easily finish them off.
@TheDHEL13 3 года назад
Or maybe the Empress just thought that a quick death for a man who unscrupulously played the royal family is too kind. So, let him go insane slowly until he dies.
@woordenhechtster 3 года назад
@@TheDHEL13 She wouldn't have panicked so much if that was the case when the emperor told them to dismember him
@TheDHEL13 3 года назад
@@woordenhechtster Watching how those women off each other in the most cunning and ruthless ways, it should be safe to say that the Dowager Empress stayed in power because is not the pure and innocent.
@zionlady5921 3 года назад
@@woordenhechtster exactly. She did not want him to kill his own blood.
@woordenhechtster 3 года назад
@@TheDHEL13 Yes, but the Empress Dowager has also been portrayed in this tv-series as a devout buddhist and very merciful towards mistakes of servants, unless her deceased daughter was involved in some manner. Furthermore, her position was not in question here so there was no need for her to be ruthless. Adding to that, the way she stopped the emperor from execution is not in a calculated manner, but in a panicky state, very hastily yelling stop and losing her composure. This is one of the very few times you see her lose her composure and I think it's telling
@user-jc3pf2ck7l 4 года назад
後宮就是一個 職場生存記 怎麼可以愛上老闆呢
@user-oy5sd5md1y 3 года назад
@contessa8817 4 года назад
Empress cuts hair Everyone: *gasp* Me: *confused* 😂
@michellejanereyes5556 4 года назад
I read somewhere that cutting of hair in imperial family is only done after death of the emperor. History said that the ulanara step empress cut her hair to signify her quitting as hongli emperors empress or something to that efffect.
@beatrizlibero8986 4 года назад
Contessa it symbolizes that she disrespected/curses the emperor and/or the empress dowager.. doing it in public means complete disobedience to the emperor and their marriage
@hakuqtsukii 4 года назад
It’s a Manchu tradition. They were not allowed to cut their hair because it’s auspicious.
@kapilshastry 4 года назад
In Asian culture a woman cutting her hair is the symbol of widowhood. It is considered extremely inauspicious so empress cutting her hair is equal to cursing the emperor to die and destruction of entire Qing dynasty.
@CocoCece08 3 года назад
In the Manchu world, it symbolizes a divorce (basically saying screw this, I'm outta here), mourning (usually the Emperor), or betrayal. In this case, she's saying, "I'm done being your wife."
@nurafifahshuhardi8240 4 года назад
The one we should blame is the emperor
@jennymorales2928 4 года назад
As an emperor he’s designed not to love anyone. Then weiwei came,
@yongchi6068 4 года назад
aw thats so sad
@johnlemuelm.santiago6036 3 года назад
Why dont blame the enperor if all the conubine wife work together there would be peace in the palace
@yongchi6068 3 года назад
yes dont blame him for loving wei yingluo hahahahaha but still love u wei yingluo go girl
@stephanieoppon-kuntu1080 3 года назад
Actually gao
@stevenputa2761 4 года назад
@xunangel325 4 года назад
@user-oy5sd5md1y 3 года назад
@user-bk2di9nw8d 2 года назад
@kenyastarz7815 4 года назад
@sunsun1304 4 года назад
太后太屌了... 一番話直接嗆的袁春望吐血.... 屁孩殺手啊!
@user-jo3cb5uf5i 4 года назад
上一届的宫斗冠军 把皇帝都斗死了 何况区区一个屁孩
@DJ-wi8ck 4 года назад
@yuqixu5658 4 года назад
@viklee1856 4 года назад
@babys2465 4 года назад
@user-hd7wb2qv8h 4 года назад
@ziyuuuchen 4 года назад
阿佘最棒!!! 不过渣隆真不配“被表白”,连“被恨”都不配。
@sachiying154 4 года назад
@phatasm24 4 года назад
The actor of Yuan Chunwang has mentioned that he is the illegitimate son of the previous emperor. Empress Dowager knew but was being her usual crafty old fox and denied everything.
@cronoskratos7438 4 года назад
Exactly, and the poor guy couldnot take it, that till the last moment, they would deny him his identity. And he became insane. His character was twisted. But you can feel his disappointment towards the world, who only gifted betrayal to him. And when he could have lived well, he instead he could not put down his resentment. Yuan Quanwand, thy name is tragedy.
@zksadiaza9302 4 года назад
watch yanxi palace: princess adventures. he's story was mentioned there as well and you'll know what happened to him
@IvanIsYda_ 4 года назад
Cronos Kratos isn’t it the other way? “Tragedy, thy name isYuan Chunquan”?
@nuclearbriefcase7259 4 года назад
how do you think she became empress dowager huh -she was most crafty then ling Fri atleast Wei Lu never hurt the person who don't hurt her but express dowager will hurt everyone
@Tash30 4 года назад
What the name of the drama?
@user-ex1pf1il2n 4 года назад
@user-pl3jm3el4c 3 года назад
@user-mp8gi2gk2i 4 года назад
佘詩曼演技真好 在如懿傳應該能發揮的更大
@ArchieYFC 3 года назад
@user-eo3wn1jh6v Год назад
@@ArchieYFC 延禧攻略主演除了女主,也都是演技派啊
@chuyi1002 4 года назад
純粹是還原歷史斷髮 但是延禧的皇后,前面跟皇上的情感戲不多,演不出來真的有必要斷髮的感覺 但如意傳比較能帶入
@yu041 4 года назад
@feng-linwang.g878 3 года назад
@Akizuki0912 3 года назад
@San52312 2 года назад
@@Akizuki0912 我倒是覺得,魏瓔珞到最後還是不愛皇上,但一定有感情,只是不是愛情,若真要論愛情,或許還是給了傅恆。
@San52312 2 года назад
@San52312 2 года назад
@isabelmatos1547 2 года назад
Eu acho que ela o amo do jeito dela, e incrivelmente falando, o Imperador gostou deste jeito de amar
@luckypeng2346 Месяц назад
💕🍀✨氣質美女吳謹言🌹,欣賞吳謹言自然、認真敬業態度與精湛演技,謹言總是親切平易近人🌻🍀🌸🌻🌺。💕 真的好喜歡看吳謹言當女主角的戲,要拍攝更多好看優質的戲劇 👍 🌸 💖 。💖 🌻🌹謹言等妳的新戲再開拍喔!。👍🍀💟 💕💐💙🌻🌸
@huanghouhsiang 4 года назад
@user-ik8vm3mo6x 4 года назад
@a75567556 4 года назад
@user-kd4xw6pk1l 4 года назад
@nityagupta2081 4 года назад
I love the drama
@lowyonghao5250 4 года назад
@chengxun 2 года назад
@user-eo3wn1jh6v Год назад
@harukaakira8687 4 года назад
Love can make or break you. The empress was a kindhearted woman but due to all the situations she faced and get wrapped in she changed. And love poured salt into the wound.
@XactlyCeSe1 3 года назад
Did he really think she was going to admit to it? These people are upper upperclass and die to keep the status quo. Actually, they have other people die for them
@buddhidev7877 2 года назад
I feel sad about the Empress. Emperor didn't care for her at all. So she must do a forbidden action to divorce him. The true villain is Emperor IMO.
@Indigo565 2 года назад
OK but she killed so many people to get where she did including the former empress and her child
@anitaadrienne2815 2 года назад
Consort ling is very smart and good an reason more long hurt but is became Queen at the end
@loooong0416 4 года назад
继后至少还有弘昼能看得到她的心酸,但是弘昼呢? 弘昼爱着继后,但是是默默的,想为继后扛下有所的罪名。
@lowyonghao5250 4 года назад
@penny963 4 года назад
@lowyonghao5250 4 года назад
@@penny963 那個時候他還是個放蕩王爺,加上又還沒和淑慎重逢
@8eckamp214 4 года назад
折腰 前面我很久之前看的,記得不是很清楚,但好像是喝醉酒之後才強姦的
@kalam4866 4 года назад
@picakao5300 4 года назад
皇后這段演得和史料很吻合哦 !!
@linrueangsri3827 4 года назад
She really loved her husband
@zksadiaza9302 4 года назад
they showed that in the beginning. consort xian was praying that she and the emperor will be together for a long time. her story is indeed sad :(
@ruzicamisic1259 4 года назад
@@zksadiaza9302 She killed Empress Fucha's baby she deserve everything
@zksadiaza9302 4 года назад
@@ruzicamisic1259 noble consort chun was the one who ordered her men to kill empress' child. consort xian at that time just serves as the one who merely added flames for consort chun to be anxious about who's going to be the crown prince someday.
@ruzicamisic1259 4 года назад
@@zksadiaza9302 But still she is evil
@zksadiaza9302 4 года назад
@@ruzicamisic1259 yeah, but we know what made her to be like that though.
@user-uk1nm2dr1g 2 года назад
這齣戲裏的人物 最愛看的還是魏瓔珞及皇上合演一齣戲 實在好看極了吳謹言把魏瓔珞演的活靈活現的 她戲裏的妝跟畫像裡的魏瓔珞很像 故意把吳謹言的妝畫醜了 好喜歡吳謹言她所演的每部戲都追著看 太好看了 !
@user-if9hq2bf1q 3 года назад
@Btdre 3 года назад
The hair cut scene from Ruyi was a lot better than this one, I recommend you guys watch that one. Had me crying for 2 days.
@pattyrodriguez2 3 года назад
Totally agree!!!! It's far superior to this one. You can feel Ruyi's fury yet contained posture and expression. The whole scene was so bad ass because she didn't lose it... You could see the emperor's horror building up when she started untying her hair... Her eyes soooo defiant... Gave me goose bumps for a long time... Flawlessly executed!!!
@kapinong4913 3 года назад
Totally agree ..
@jyanneskye2535 3 года назад
The two scenes cannot be compared. Empress Nara in Story of Yanxi Palace is about her reaching the brink of insanity/depression, hence her being so emotionally distraught and voicing all her grievances at once. Both actresses Charmaine Sheh and Zhou Xun both played Empress Nara very well and cannot be compared because their personalities and circumstances are different. Ruyi always had love from the emperor but it's totally different in Story of Yanxi Palace.
@user-us3nk1pb6k 3 года назад
@ireneong7533 4 года назад
@firdose4347 4 года назад
Series is great plot twist and turns loved it
@elizabethzhang293 4 года назад
@elizabethzhang293 4 года назад
@AmmyJhang 4 года назад
@user-sy5re8xj9h 4 года назад
看了如懿無法接受延禧的劇情 但這嫻妃真的演的好
@liny0917 4 года назад
@jaho382 4 года назад
魏瓔珞演的有太假? 演技普普? 那是你的看法 不是粉絲大眾的 再說 佘詩曼 有幾年的演戲經驗 拿來跟奶鹽比 你也太不公平了吧
@jaho382 4 года назад
@@confidenceneed3157 瓔珞的戲份怎麼算少 延禧攻略就是以她為主的 她哪時候都板著一樣的臉 一樣的口氣 說一樣的話了? 這樣就能有這麼多粉絲?
@jaho382 4 года назад
@@confidenceneed3157 當然也要考驗演技 否則光劇本好 演技不行 怎麼過的了觀眾這關 只是要達到完美 要求太苛刻了吧 只有老戲骨的才有可能
@kerol5905 4 года назад
So he really was a prince...
@aimili1112 4 года назад
@jayjayflores5691 4 года назад
I think my lessons learn in this movie is don't give up on something you love🌸
@Harper741 4 года назад
@litopalon7016 3 года назад
This story is all about jealousy,affection ,attention & power, just to realized weather you are powerfull man,better to keep a wife and bear many children , in one wife ,
@Huihui0219 4 года назад
@user-ro5wj7wb8x 4 года назад
He guarded her for a lifetime until the death!
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