
The Rumbling is Perfectly Defensible - Attack on Titan 

Captain Pointless
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Another Attack on Titan video. This time the aot video is a serious one, and focused on the Rumbling, and the effect and ethics of it. With a little flavor of humor in it because it is all in good faith and we can have laughs about the silly show where people fight giants.
While waiting for the true final season of Attack on Titan, I managed to make this video, while I am also speedwatching through the entire show to be caught up before it ends.
I normally don't make long videos, but I was thinking on this for a long time, and drafted multipe versions of this after reading the discourse online surrounding the "controversial" Rumbling. Invaderzz's Do Not Defend The Rumbling video made me want to do my own and here it is, a tad late, but just in time.
Thanks to Barbara for being the voice for this video.
0:00 - Intro
1:25 - Meta Reasons
3:12 - Logical Reasons
8:55 - Semantic Reasons
10:14 - End




24 июл 2024




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@sofiakaos5278 Год назад
I just want to say this wasnt justice. It was the very last resort that Eren managed to pull of in order to save his friends for as long as it was possible
@CaptainPointless Год назад
I know, the thumbnail only says Justice because I thought it looked cool.
@parod8498 Год назад
Another fact: negotiation doesn't work, even if you are a really great person but you are an eldian. The founder can turn you into a titan and make you do stuff you will never even think of doing, that's why negotiation isn't a choice
@nilli111 Год назад
Founder is an eldian too. And the founder is Eren, in this case. What does negotiation with other countries have to do with the actions of the founder on your side? Like saying "Religion A can't negotiate with Religion B, because Religion A's God can make them do horrible things, so negotiation isn't an option" Strawman
@_Circus_Clapped_ Год назад
ok then, why didn't Eren turn the Jaw, Armor, colossal and female titans against Marley is that was possible?
@elisennesh7641 Год назад
That argument works both ways. If every Eldian has to be destroyed regardless of their own choices or will, why shouldn't they just preemptively attack?
@bullymaguire2913 Год назад
@@_Circus_Clapped_ he wasn’t in physical contact with zeke
@_Circus_Clapped_ Год назад
@@bullymaguire2913 but he did touch Dina, and Historia, idk why he has to touch Zeke to activate the rumbling. that part itself was confusing as basically everyone is connected to paths wether they are pure titans, eldians that haven't been turned yet, royal blood or one of the 9 titans
@brothers_of_nod Год назад
We have no obligation to lay down and die for a world that hates us, if the world said that me and my people should vanish, we have every right to tell the world, no, you vanish.
@oxiiacid Год назад
This is amazing. Thank you. Not only does this explain why the Rumbling was Eren's only "real" path, but it also explains that Eren Jaeger---the man we know is emotional, full of justice, and cares for his people and friends---is *not* a monster. Too many people see Eren's evolution as "Good --> Bad;" this, unfortanutely, is *not* how it works. Not in Attack On Titan, not in the real world. Eren is simply an Eldian that cares for his friends. Yes, he wishes everyone could get together, just as everyone else. It's just too unrealistic with such limited time and power.
@alanhasmemes Год назад
Eternal reminder the alliance were like "genocide isn't the answer!! We'll find a solution to end the cycle of oppression without violence!!" And it ended up with paradise being carpet bombed lmao they had no solution from the very start
@Primus-ow2fy Год назад
"I knew as well as I knew anything that the oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the oppressed. A man who takes away another man's freedom is a prisoner of hatred, he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness." Nelson Mandela In the infinity of the universe no one is right or wrong, there are only consequences to the actions we take, took or will take.
@anakinhudson2181 Год назад
This video perfectly sums up my thoughts, my feelings and my ideas in the show all in one nice bouquet.
@lerneanlion Год назад
I have at least two reasons that I remembered why I supported the Rumbling. The first is because I believed in the Chinese philosophy known as Legalism and the Islamic theology known as Ash'ari. And the second reason is because I hated the Marleyan society for failing to be better than the Old Eldian one. With the Rumbling is destroying everything, all flaws and corruptions in all socities, the Marleyan one included, are also destroyed as well. And according to Legalism, humans are naturally evil and inherently selfish creatures that needed to be control. And the only reason why a human is willing to die for another human is because of the shared self-interests. So that made me believed that if they cannot be controlled, they are needed to be dealt with. And according to Ash'ari theology, we humans possessed free wills but our freedoms are limited to the power to decide between the possibilities given to us by God. And because the actions of humans are all willed and created by God while we humans still possessed free wills such as intentions at the same time, we humans have "acquire" responsibilities for our own actions. And this is why I supported the Rumbling when it comes to my own personal beliefs and desires because when everything from the old world is destroyed along with its flaws, the survivors can restarted anew and that Marley and the rest of the world needed to take responsibilities of their actions for attempting to commit genocide against Paradis as well, even if it is because their actions have been made by the possibilities offered to them by the Divine. And yes, Eren has to take responsibility of unleashing the Rumbling as well and in the manga, he did in the end when he made no attempt to put up the resistance against Mikasa when she arrived to end his life. Plus, the conflict between Paradis and Marley also pointed out how much naturally evil and inherently seflish the humans in both societies are. The same also applied to all humans in the rest of the world as well. And no, I am no Muslim and also not a Chinese. I am simply a believer of Legalism and Ash'ari. That's all. Hoever, I think you underestimated how politics and diplomacy worked a bit. The idea that no ones wanted to ally with Paradis in the war against Marley is something unrealistic. So allowed me to introduce you to the Franco-Ottoman alliance: In the 16th century, France allied with the Ottoman Empire after they lost the Battle of Pavia and King Francis was captured. Desperate to rescue her son, Duchess Loiuse of Savoy, who is King Francis' mother, dispatched Jean Frangipani and his entourage to the Sublime Porte of the Ottoman Empire's capital in Constantinople with a letter to request for help to Sultan Suleiman to rescue her son from captivity and to attack the Habsburg from the east. In the Sultan's eyes, the letter is the recognition by France that the Ottoman Empire is a European nation and the true Third Rome, given the Ottoman Sultan the legitimacy to participate in Europe's affairs and also received the pretext to go to war with Hungary, which happened to be ruled by King Charles of Spain's brother-in-law, King Louis II of Hungary, through his marriage with Charles' sister whose name is Mary. This led to the Battle of Mohacs and the Ottoman Empire annexed Hungary as the Budin Eyalet while also opening the gate for the Ottoman Empire to go further into Central Europe, specifically at the Habsburg's Austrian capital of Vienna. I told you this because the alliance between France and the Ottoman Empire yielded good results for both parties despite the fact that it was very scandalous at the time in the eyes of the Catholic Christian Europe. So if such alliances like the Franco-Ottoman alliance, the other similar ones that come as the sorts of response such as the Anglo-Moroccan alliance and the Habsburg-Safavid alliance can happened in our world, why Paradis cannot join the Allies during the Marley Mid-East War, when the Mid-East Allied Forces needed help the most?
@wingsoffreedom3589 Год назад
That was the best option really though an unstable one Paradis would also need to ethnically intermix with other nations and spread Eldian's genes to make Eldian genocide less of a possibility having all the Eldian's either in Ghettos or on one Island made them an easy target.
@Noctislolig Год назад
I feel like the first and third arguments are throwaway arguments. They basically boil down to: It's satisfying to see the Rumbling in animated form. And I agree. I don't think there are many people that would argue that, except for a few pseudo-moral Twitter-users. None of these points actually defend the morals of using the Rumbling. The second argument is the only one that actually tries to do what the title of the video set out to do. It does so by trying to point out flaws in the 50-year plan. But this argument is in itself flawed. Firstly: The 50-year plan is not the only solution proposed in the series. So even if you would completely invalidate this option in your argument, this still wouldn't leave the Rumbling as the necessary solution. Secondly: There are misconceptions within the argument itself. For example you claim that the Rumbling was not able to deter attacks and actually work as a viable threat in the past. Which is true, but only because the Tyburs knew that the king of the wall was shackled by the vow renouncing war and was thus unable to utilize the rumbling. Now that Eren and Zeke got rid of this vow the Rumbling suddenly becomes a viable threat. I'm not trying to defend any plan or claim to know which one actually would be best and I think that one could construct a coherent argument for the use of the rumbling but I feel like your argument in this video is very flawed.
@adsonn8740 Год назад
I agree. I think even every anti-rumbling person also wants to see the rumbling because its just more entertaining animation wise.
@CaptainPointless Год назад
You are right, they are "that" good in defending the Rumbling, but more targeted towards the argument surrounding the Rumbling in online discourse. I've seen people compare the Rumbling to real world genocide way too much, to the point it became an "alt-right" thing to like and support Eren Jeager, which I feel, defeats the point. The show sets up conflict and muddies the water with morals and choices. Basically, the argument devolved into name calling and attacking people for their opinion The 50 year plan was not even a real plan, but a lie created by Zeke and Eren Jeager to hide both of their own plans (euthanasia andGenocide). I originally added a section about the argument for euthanasia, but that argument basically devolves into whether you like Paradis or world safety, which is the same core argument as the Rumbling (save the world or safe your people). I tried to cover alternate “peaceful” options. One of them was Paradis strategically eliminating all military targets in the world, and the other was removing the titan ability from all Eldians all together. I could not come up with any alternative solutions for the current problem proposed by the show, maybe this is because I too was dragged into the mindset of kill or be killed, but I genuinely think that besides some obscure “path to victory” sequence of events, the clash between Paradis and the world was predetermined. It was just a question of when instead of how. But I would love to hear alternative solutions! The threat of the Rumbling was considered to be a real threat by Marley. The warriors and the generals never considered the Rumbling a non-threat in their plans. So I find it unlikely that Tybur shared this intel with Marley, especially considering Marley wanted to use the power of the Founding Titan for themselves, which if they knew the King’s vow existed, would mean they had nothing to gain from obtaining the founding Titan. Anyhow, I am sorry you didn’t find this video to be satisfactory. It was meant to be entertaining foremost, and present at least some sort of counter argument to invaderzz. I will try to present better arguments next time.
@Noctislolig Год назад
@@CaptainPointless All good. I wasn't trying to say that your video brought no merit or fair points, because it did. Just wanted to offer a counter argument. I originally just wanted to comment on the whole "the rumbling wasn't taken as a serious threat" thing and got carried away xD Overall this highlights why AoT is so great. In the end there really is no right or wrong answer.
@CaptainPointless Год назад
@@Noctislolig Well one question in aot does have a right and wrong answer. Who is the hottest titan? : )
@harryweaver4914 Год назад
It's a good point in that, for all the solutions that Armin, Hanji and the rest offered, any one of them could have potentially worked. It is rightly made to be a slim chance compared to the totality of the rumbling, but that is the dilemma - risk yourself and everyone you care about on a slim chance of peace like Armin and Hanji, or condemn the whole world, innocent and guilty alike, for those close to you, like Eren. The logical choice is naturally the first option, but not everyone acts on logic. Regardless, the show itself frames Eren as in the wrong, and I have to agree. He starts embodying the worst traits of those who attacked his home, but scaled up a thousand fold. The other characters have clear lines they won't cross, like hurting children, even if those children hurt or killed their friends, like Gabi. Eren crosses every one of those lines with the rumbing and his actions leading up to it.
@everhall306 Год назад
The conspiracy that underpins the Liberio festival often goes unnoticed in discussions of the Rumbling. One of Eren and Zeke’s goal in pushing for and attacking the festival was to ensure that a global alliance against Paradis formed in the first place. Recall, for instance, who was the one who suggested Marley both advance their time table for their invasion and brought the Tyburs into the equation. Even if you don’t buy that explaination, Eren and Zeke still forfeited a prime opportunity to deal with the coming declaration of war without the fallout of the Liberio festival. They could have simply grabbed hands when they met in Liberio and used the Founder to either negotiate with Tybur via paths, or wipe his memory/kill him witth the Founder. Either way zeros the chance of a global alliance because the guy was the only person in Marley popular enough to command the respect of the world. No Willy Tybur, no Global Alliance.
@hamzam11 Год назад
They didn’t trust each other when they first met, Zeke needed some insurance that eren is all the way with him and needed also to pressure the gouvernement of Eldia by creating a globale alliance to make him touch Eren when the later gave sufficient reasons to Zick to think that he is sincere.
@everhall306 Год назад
@@hamzam11 Eren was reasonably close to Zeke. If he really wanted to, he could have reasonably grabbed him and activated the Founder. Plus, if you concede to the point that the Global Alliance was a deliberate plot on the part of Eren and Zeke to pressure the Eldian government, it does throw a few holes in the justification of the Rumbling presented in this video. Because the participation of other nations explicitly came about because Eren and Zeke sought to provoke them with the attack on Liberio and death of their ambassadors.
@CaptainPointless Год назад
The opertunity Eren and Zeke forfeited, the one where they could "peacefully" mind control Tybur was also an opportunity to unleash the rumbling, or euthanasia. Both Eren and Zeke didn't pull through. Even though, both Eren and Zeke didn't trust eachother enough and I think we can also consider that activating the Founding Titan in a hostile nation, wouldn't be the best path for anyone.
@pandora8734 Год назад
@@everhall306 yet they declared war on Paradis BEFORE the attack on Liberio, literally seconds before the attack.
@everhall306 Год назад
@@pandora8734 an attack that was planned ten months prior with the express purpose of provoking a Global Alliance. When you also considered the role Zeke played in pushing for the resumption of the Paradis operation, you begin to realize the whole Liberio festival was something the Jaeger brothers wanted. And even if you don’t buy that theory, the Jaegers still failed to explore a very obvious option. They could have activated the founder in Marley and easily have either negotiated (however unlikely) with Willy Tybur, or outright incapacitated him with the Founding Titan. No Willy Tybur, no global alliance. And Marley’s a much easier issue to tackle without the formation of the alliance.
@justfaqih Год назад
If you study international politics, you will see a striking resemblance between the AoT world and realism philosophy. Anarchic world system leads to uncertainty of states' intentions, uncertainty leads to security pursuits. Marley needs the founding titan to safeguard its national security, as titans had become vulnerable to modern weapons, but Marley's attempts threaten Paradis existence. It also shows that international institutions and dialogues cannot prevent wars. Paradis is a weak state, but it had the potential of unleashing weapons of mass destructions to its enemies. Under this logic, Eren's strategy is rational (although Eren's decision to destroy the all nations instead of focusing on Marley is debatable).
@Battleshipfan Год назад
as a Jeageris i approve
@zegsi364 Год назад
Wanna hear a further take? When the rumbling is over, a world with only Eldians is a world where peace is finally possibly. Take in consideration all the powers that the eldians have, they can easily achieve world peace for millenia.
@louisgonzales7512 Год назад
Eren needs to keep moving forward. There is no other way to prevent that future island of blood.
@GearWukong Год назад
Eren isn’t just the Attack Titan… he’s the LAST Attack Titan. After 2000 years of pain and hate and subversion with no end in sight, that end is finally here. And it’s name is Eren Yeager.
@user-sn1hi7my7x Год назад
I said the exact same thing. Genocide is bad. No one is arguing that. But, when you really think about it, there was no way Paradis would be safe and it would fall regardless. It was this tiny island VS the world. Negotiations and talking only go so far.
@lukefox01 Год назад
The whole genocide is bad argument is so stupid in the context of AoTs story. I feel everything was setup to show the audience that there are 2 possible future, one where eldia destroys the world or where the world destroys eldia. So whether you support yeagerists and want to genocide the world or the world and enable the genocide of Eldians, both sides are actively supporting and fighting for genocide but alliance supporters ignore this fact.
@satyayana1399 Год назад
Eren did want things could be solved peacefully. Many attempts have been tried but world still antagonize eldian and paradise. With his Titan+life due is approaching, he being pushed for last resort
@eotwkdp Год назад
I’m pretty fucking sure staying on the island would’ve been the best option. Just throw rocks at anyone who comes close and boom your fine forever as the world outside advance in culture and technology.
@mirzakazim4945 Год назад
Erentards always try to use declaration of war event as the escape goat lmao. The declaration of war event was caused because of Eren and Zeke’s schemes. I have also included the chapter numbers so no one say say it is my head cannon. Yelena laid out the plans to attack on Liberio to provoke worlds nations and give them a month to gather their ships and destroy them in one attack with partial rumbling(Chapter 132). Moving forward with that plan, Zeke gives the suggestion for Marley to move forward with their Paradis invasion plan emphasizing the need for an international declaration to buy Marley time for modernization (Chapter 93). In pursuit of this, Zeke suggests to invite Willy Tybur as a “narrator” for Marlyean Eldians drafting a script with him for the upcoming festival (Chapter 95). Willy, recognizing the enmity that stands between Marley in the world, plans to use Paradis’s upcoming attack as a means to rally them against the island - his plan to do so will not work unless that happens (Chapter 100) This global alliance wouldn’t even exist if Eren and Zeke hadn’t conspired to bring the events of Declaration of War to fruition.
@drubear4 Год назад
Love this my dude! Would love to hear your thoughts on other stories as well! Like Re zero, death note, and most importantly the masterpiece, Made in Abyss
@CaptainPointless Год назад
Oh I love to talk forever about ReZero! I already have a video on Deathnote. But could you provide me in more specific detail what you would like to see? That would help me greatly with imroving my content.
@BOoodaAh Год назад
Never in the history of entertainment media has anything made me soo feel soo conflicted. Attack on titan is the greatest tv series of all time
@gs1603yt Год назад
I kept screaming YES, OF COURSE, EXACTLY, and whatnot during the entire video. It's like u said I don't support this in real world either but I, like you also deduced these reasons to defend rumbling.
@jasonginnard3712 Год назад
Eren wants too end the perpetration of Eldian's on Paradis (permanently) from the outside world
@jacobsonstudiosgoji Год назад
I like every side of this story. Eren is based. Armin (and friends) are also based. Everyone is awesome.
@lanzer22 Год назад
People are quick to jump on the righteous bandwagon to say "hey it's wrong to support genocide", but by doing so they already missed the point of the story. Some of the core concepts presented is that 1) people are intately prone to greed which results in conflict, 2) our natural tendency would lead us to destruction, and 3) this tendency goes back and forth in cycles. The how and why are the story beats, and the point here is that whether you're in one camp or another, our actions are but a footnote of the cycle that will ultimately repeat itself.
@TheJotaroKujo 9 месяцев назад
Isayama really wrote the story to make the rumbling the only and true solution, no matter how you look at it. And honestly regardless of him writing himself into this corner it's probably how it would play out in real life too. If there was a group of people with literal superpowers of course they would be ostracized and the rest would want them eradicated. Humanity would wipe out this threat, unless said threat wipes humanity first. It really is a survival of the fittest situation and only one can remain. Eren and the yeagerists (fans) do not actively support such horrible acts. But it's what must be done, plain and simple.
@bencheriflouay8878 Год назад
i subscribed to see where you stand when it ends ps: I agree with you
@CaptainPointless Год назад
only a few more days!
@lanzer22 Год назад
Another way to put it is that Eren see the world as Nazi and themselves as the Jews. The motivation is not that far fetched. Obviously nobody should support genocide, but the reason why this story is so good is that it gives very strong insight towards the mind who ended up with this resolve. For once we're not given a mustache twirling bad guy who wants everyone dead because he is pure eeeevill. The means are justified in the mind of the villain, and reasonably enough, those who see things his way support his actions. This is good storytelling.
@GreenDude_Gaming Год назад
The people that say that if you like the rumbling you support genocide are probably the same people who like Frieza but don't consider the fact that he's space hit*r.
Also Darth Vader
@deepseadarew6012 Год назад
Liking a character, and supporting the charcter's ideology are two different things. No one is going around telling people that Frieza's actions are moral. This whole comment section is full of illogical fallacies, it's embarassing.
@GreenDude_Gaming Год назад
@@deepseadarew6012 I like the rumbling because it looks cool, I do not support genocide.
@Darth_Bateman Год назад
So this argument falls apart with one line inputted into the anime that manga readers didn’t understand: a country that loses its army suffers economic collapse. They risked the rumbling because they didn’t experience it. They didn’t understand the true horror that they would unleash. A small scale rumbling to destroy the allied fleet and maybe a bit of Marley would have been more than enough. No more army. Economy collapses. No economy, no researching new anti titan weapons. No need to hunt weapons depots because the dead economy takes care of that problem. Paradis would have also been in a position to provide aid to the newly disenfranchised countries that just attacked them and prove they are not “devils”. Literally everything would have been fine had cooler heads prevailed like in real life. Unfortunately, The worst person imaginable who was biologically predisposed to wiping the slate outside clean and emotional to a fault all his life got his hands on the weapons of mass destruction. Look man, you have good points and you even taught me about how to look at a story through a meta lens. The rumbling is quite literally indefensible. That wasn’t Justice. That was quite literally a drug addict slaughtering people because he quite literally couldn’t stop.
@CaptainPointless Год назад
Except, Paradis still is at a huge risk from infiltrators and other enemies from the sky.
@wingsoffreedom3589 Год назад
Uh... no anti-titan weapons were being made worldwide, destroying Marley with a partial Rumbling which would be filmed or photographed would simply validate humanity's fears. Let's also remember Marley is the most tolerant society towards Eldians except maybe Hizuru. Any peace agreements made would last until nukes and other anti titan weapons were made. As someone who has traveled and seen what ethnic feuds look like. The notion that negotiation was viable is laughable after a race of superhumans oppressed and genocided the majority of the world's population for millennia to the point that calling them devils a century after the end of the conflict and cheering for their destruction is socially acceptable which tells me Eldian hatred is not just a political conflict but a cultural pillar of society. the show even implies that religions exist built around the notion of Eldian devilry based on the iconography of how Ymir got her power. That's like asking the world to convert to atheism in a generation or less during the 3rd century AD. The idea is absurd on its face. Heck one of the rumors during the Holocaust was that Jews had horns under their kippa and were responsible for Germany's economic crisis that lead to the genocide of 6 million jews and that was from 1 country Germany. Think what an entire planet of humans would do to a race that does have an equivalent to horns under their hats and was actually responsible for so much death and destruction. There are only a million people on Paradis. If a single country can kill 6 million how likely is it for a planet to kill 1 million?
@Darth_Bateman Год назад
@@CaptainPointless Paid infiltrators? With what money?
@CaptainPointless Год назад
@@Darth_Bateman Only a single person has to kill the founding titan, and because paradis has no real border control right now, it is a huge liability.
@wingsoffreedom3589 Год назад
@@CaptainPointless Yup the amount of coping in the fandom is hilarious people have no concept of what it means when every nation on earth wants a country destroyed.
@Albino_Monke Год назад
Sneak pieck lmao
@CaptainPointless Год назад
Best point made all video
@basimaziz Год назад
Agreed. Is what Eren is doing awful? Yes. But, some people treat what's happening in the show like it's an easy thing to fix. It's not... And there is no good choice. His options are watch everyone he loves die or kill everyone else. He's not doing this cuz he likes it, he's doing this cuz he has no choice. Mans has it rough...
@waifutaker Год назад
Yeager for life
@SpooderAzy Год назад
@nr1fan4all Год назад
I love this video, it lists the reasons why it was supposed to happen and why it we rooted for it. From the perspective Eren, the whole story is a radicalization story, our powerless MC lost so many around him because of the outside world, saw they did not plan to change, a peacefull integration was never going to happen, he had couple of years left to live, not enough time to see if negociations where an option (which we will be spoiled to eventually), what did he do in the end? He moved forward, untill all life outside of the walls was exterminated. Is it awful? yes. Does it make sense from Erens perspective? YES Just remembering all of the amazing characters we lost during the show, they way we did, I could not condone Erens actions againt a world that only showed him hate... I would throw a conspiracy theory regarding the ending and the rumbling, but I will avoid that untill it's out
@CaptainPointless Год назад
@nr1fan4all Год назад
@@CaptainPointless Half of the in wall population, his family, the levi squad, the whole of the scouting leagion. Such massive and brutal loss of life, I could understand why do it... Petra, Petra was personal The fact that they reintroduced Annie as a tragic character through a gag after yo-yo-ing scouting legion members is sickening.
AOE with full rumbling is coming?
@lilmupp875 Год назад
@@nr1fan4all but we know that Annie is not sadistic by nature remember Annie wanted to abort the mission but Reiner forced them to move on so ultimately all the lives lost in the walls after breaching it are really on Reiner and he acknowledges this too. Plus staying 4 years trapped in ice conscious the whole time is a hell of a punishment to pay for her sins
@T-O-W-I-U-F-G Год назад
Season 2 outro best outro Season 4 part 2 intro best intro
@lanzer22 Год назад
Note that a way to view the symbolisms in this story is that the walls represent religion. It keep those who were ignorant of the workings of the world safe and secure. Meanwhile, if you destroy the walls, you destroy the world. As many truly thinks that religion is the only thing that brings order and peace to the world, and loosing religion would only lead to chaos that will ultimately destroy civilization as we know it.
@CaptainPointless Год назад
That's true. A bird cage as is said in the song.
@harryweaver4914 Год назад
I'm an anime only, but I gotta disagree here. 1: Meta reasons While seeing the apocalypse beautifully animated is, well, beautiful, that doesn't make it justifiable. Otherwise similar horrific events in the show, like Eren's mother getting eaten, Zeke screaming and turning people into titans or those terrible men killing Mikasa's parents and kidnapping her could be viewed as justifiable simply because they are fictional and make for cool moments within the story. The situation presented in Attack on Titan, particuarly in season 3 part 1 and season 4, is one of moral dilemma, making you choose what is and isn't ethical based on the circumstances, with the majority of the main characters choosing to pursue a peaceful resolution in spite of the slim chances of it working because they would rather risk themselves than make the whole world their enemy, while characters like Eren and Zeke choose more radical solutions with an almost certain chance of success if they pull it off, but with devastating consequences, killing untold people. So, when Hanji calls the others to move against Eren because global genocide is morally wrong, that is a perfectly acceptable, and quite frankly norma position for the audience to take, and whoever is in defense of Eren's plan will have an uphill battle trying to justify it (likely much more so when the next part comes out and we see the devastating effects it has on the innocent people of the world). By making us think in terms of which plan has more moral value, the plans that are presented have meaning, so we can't just brush it off as cool when arguing about it as we are here. 2: Logical reasons The Founding Titan power is almost godlike, with almost uncountable possibilities. For example, Zeke wants to use it to change the Eldians genetically, making them unable to reproduce. The power was also able to create the wall titans and the walls in the first place, as well as wipe the memories of those on Paradis. With this information, the Founding power seems to have complete control of the minds and bodies of all Eldians. Needless to say, that is a lot of possibilities that the characters could explore. Eren could, for example, make Eldians invulnerable to all conventional forms of weaponry or torture (knives, guns etc) and make them super strong, removing Marley's ability to hurt or imprison them anymore, or even have them all be capable of becoming titans at will while retaining their minds, causing a revolt around the world and distracting Marley and each country under their control from attacking Paradis. Better yet, he could have altered the Eldian physiology so that Eldian and Marley blood was indistinguishable, meaning Marley would have no idea who to subjugate in the first place (granted this would take several generations to be effective). There are also a few other options that the forces of Paradis could have taken without using the founding titan, for example, threatening but not actually using any or all of the options listed above, hijacking the Tyber speech with the threat of using the colossal titan explosion, in a key Marley location, either listing demands or inspiring the diplomats of other countries to stand with Paradis. It would be a shot in the dark sure, but chances are it would at the very least gather support abroad and demonstrate to the world that they wouldn't immediately resort to the Rumbling, wiping everyone out. Even if the rumbling was unavoidable due to time being linear and unalterable (and any effects you have on the past simply result in the events that have already occured, as seen with Eren and his father), a smaller rumbling could eliminate only Marley, which had only recently forced the other countries into submission, would eliminate the primary reason for the world hating the Eldians in the first place (although granted Tyber's speech rallied them against Paradis, so it would depend on whether fear would win out over ideals) - this is the worst case scenario for the honourable forces of Paradis though. Regardless, the logical ramifications of the Rumbling would be dire - for one, the entire ecosystem of the planet would be ruined, with severe negative effects on Paradis, there would be no way of utilising the technological advancements the rest of the world had made, meaning citizens of Paradis would still die needlessly of preventable illnessess lead less efficient lives. And, if the population should expand beyond the point the island can sustain them and if all the natural resources get used up, they would be unable to expand since everywhere else is now barren and lifeless - the rumbling would likely cause Paradis to die out in the long term anyway, unless another suppressive government akin to the one in season 3 takes over - oh, Eren did that as well. Well, he solves that problem, but now Paradis lives under the same kind of system that Eren found so repressive in the early seasons, causing all sorts of problems. 3: Semantics While the whole story builds up to Eren's actions, that doesn't justify them. You could argue that his future visions made the rumbling inevitable, but you could also say that it is his fundamentalist mindset and seething hatred to those beyond the walls, be they titans or later humans, that they were a natural progression for him, and ultimately consistent with his character, but from the very start the other characters were concerned with where Eren would end up, refusing to quit on his warpath through unfaltering willpower. Well now their concerns were warranted. Again, just because the story naturally leads to the rumbling, it doesn't make it defendable as done in the video. An argument we could have is if the rumbling is the only way for Eren to save Paradis (which I've contested in this post - admittedly it is the weakest point in my criticism) or if Eren had any other choice considering he saw the future and the Attack Titan as an entity carries out the future, but those are separate discussions. What do you guys think?
@datwee7576 Год назад
Zeke supremacy
@wallyguy939 Год назад
They fucked around and found out. Enough said.
@michaelisland2047 9 месяцев назад
I’m still not convinced that wiping out the world’s military wouldn’t be possible. I think you dismissed that kind of option too quickly. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that a modified version of Armin’s plan could work. Why wouldn’t it work to pass on the founding Titan power to others after Erin gets too old and dies, keep the power away from the royal family so they don’t muck things up again, wipe out just the hostile militaries of the world with the founding Titan power, erect super large walls around all the world’s nations, have paradi institute new governments that have sovereignty over particular nations of the world (maybe paradi could even try vetting the members of each nation’s government to try and have members native to the particular nation that will cooperate with paradi), have those new governments facilitate opportunities for dialogue and negotiations between Eldians/paradians and citizens of other nations; have paradi and the other nations promote diplomacy, peace, some trade within reason at the start, and all around help depropagandize the other nations; set up a process to where citizens of the other nations over time can prove to paradi that they are not a threat to paradi, and then allow those citizens to be able to freely travel the world once again; and then maybe in a couple 100 years, paradi can finally take down the world’s walls, give back each nation’s full autonomy/freedom, etc. At least that’s what I would try to do. There are certainly more specifics I’d have to give. But, I think it would work eventually. At the very least, I would think it would be a hell of a lot better than “the wonders and glories of - GENOCIDE.” - Dennis Prager from YTP - Good Old P.U.
@CaptainPointless 9 месяцев назад
I see your point. Personally I believe it to be impossible for Paradis to become a major world player (like the US is) because it has a really small population, outdated tech and no allies. The scale of the operations you describe requires a huge ammount of resources. Sure, it is theoretically possible to wipe out military factions (with huge civilian casualties) but the problem would be holding territory, which Paradis just doesn't have the numbers for.
@wingsoffreedom3589 Год назад
You forgot the biggest problem with the 50 year plan they never had 50 years they have maybe a decade 2 at most which isn't enough time, why you ask why well because the world will obviously have nukes by then. The single best reason for the rumbling is that technology will overpower the threat of the titans long before peace is viable so you have to destroy the world while it's still primitive peace was never an option. People like to say not everyone is bad just the Marleyans which tells me people don't pay attention Marley has a huge eldian minority because they treat them better than the rest of the world.
@googlevevo1647 Год назад
Based and genocidepilled
@briannaburton2549 Год назад
@Thorfinn- Год назад
I mean, if I was born an Eldian I wouldn't sit down and just die. I don't know why people can't get that. Eren is doing what needs to be done for his people. I would fight if my country and family came under attack by an enemy nation. I wouldn't let that nation strip my rights of reproduction or mass slaughter my people. When its fight or die you need to fight. More people need to understand that narrative. I mean the Eldians are being treated like the Jewish in the holocaust. They've got 1940s~ tech in Marley which I'm sure is supposed to be a subtle hint, as well as keeping the Eldians in their own camps. Marley is at fault here because you can't hold a nation of people accountable for the crimes their grandparents committed.
@Capo98y 8 месяцев назад
Eren is not a complex character by any means, and i don't admire him but he was right and the Alliance was wrong. Imagine killing your comrades to save people you don't even know and wouldn't hesite to kill you if they had the chance.
@CaptainPointless 8 месяцев назад
Eren Yeager is both complex and simple minded. His insanity is quite...something but yet his character's focus towards freedom through any means is very simple.
@dang0o0 Год назад
you'd a maniac
@phoenixflier25 Год назад
I agree 100%
@linkalot7415 Год назад
@CaptainPointless Год назад
what's up with that frame?
@eraldocoil1309 Год назад
@groaningwolf Год назад
The TRUE REASON: Eren just wants to command all the wall titans. I mean you can't disagree that the rumbling is cool as hell! And Eren is still a teenager at heart!
@mranonymous00 Год назад
Eren could've taken away the ability to turn titans away form all the eldians using Founding titan .....is the best solution
@lukefox01 Год назад
No he couldn't have. That was the point of paths arc. It shows that Ymir would never relinquish the Titan curse unless she let go of her love for king Fritz. She also kept her connection to Eldians going until they found what she was looking for from them. Even a royal blood would not be able to get rid of the curse. If they could in the 100 years the peaceful royal family held the founder, they would have done it.
@mranonymous00 Год назад
@@lukefox01 only Eren could've done it ....he made her go against King Fritz didn't so y not this
@lukefox01 Год назад
@@mranonymous00 yeah no, Eren only got Ymir to temporarily deviate from King Fritz. It wasn't understand Armin and Zekes conversation in paths and Mikasa's choice that would ultimately free her. As I said, titans don't only continue because of her dedication to King Fritz, they continue because she has connected her self to all Eldians in paths looking for something (Eren - Freedom, Armin - Life, Mikasa - Love). It wasn't until all those things happened in ch 122, 137, and 138 that she released her connection from all the Eldians and ended the titan curse. As long as she is connected to Eldians, titan powers continue.
@nemer_k 8 месяцев назад
So... I bet you hated the ending? Your semantic argument looks mighty stupid with the reveal of Eren's true character after all
@CaptainPointless 8 месяцев назад
I didn't hate the ending, I liked it. It showed that Eren was right, and that Isaiyama, by proxy of Eren, couldn't find a way to solve the conflict bloodless either. Eren did save Paradis in the end, and if he didnt do the Rumbling Marley would have invaded.
@DestinySpider 7 месяцев назад
"reveal of Eren's true character" is a really stupid thing to say, when it comes out of nowhere with no proper hints or buildup, and people now have to look at old scenes and deliberately misinterpret them to go "Well you see. This actually means that Eren LOVES to murder people for no reason"
@_Circus_Clapped_ Год назад
since they are basically calling Eren an austrian painter and his followers Notsees, I can sympathize more with the 3rd reich than I can with what they are calling Marley, I haven't seen them call Marley anything or blaming them for not minding their own business
@harryweaver4914 Год назад
Probably because Eren's actions vastly overshadow those of Marley - Marley subjugates and or kills millions. Eren wants to wipe out billions, innocent or guilty of that causing or upholding that subjugation - you have to note the rumbling also kills the eldians imprisoned by Marley. He isn't sympathetic to Eldians, or even many of those in Paradis (he overthrows the government and puts the people unfer a radicalised tyranny), only his friends. Additionally, Marley doesn't just discriminate against Eldians, but many other groups, as well as crushing rebellion by the other countries through the use of eldian soldiers - the populations of those people likely surpass those of Marley and the oppressors of the Eldians within them. His rumbling doesn't have a racial target which is why some people seem to have no problem with it, but its totality makes it worse from a numerical perspective. The choice people have is support Eren's murder of billions or support Armin and Hanji's slim chance at making peace, even if they risk themselves and Paradis, so naturally quite a lot of people choose the later.
@lukefox01 Год назад
​@@harryweaver4914 numbers is not everything when it comes to morally. If it was we could kill one innocent person to save 5 people desperately in need or organ donors. Or we would condon gang raping because it's better for the person to let themselves be raped than kill multiple other people. Morality is not a numbers game which is why utilitarianism is wildly considered to be a failed ethics view among philosophers. You have to consider individual liberties and rights as well. When it comes to this situation, I would rather side on the defenders than the aggressors. If we are to say Marley is right, than we can justify any and every genocide in the real world as long as more people want to see a race dead than not.
@harryweaver4914 Год назад
@@lukefox01 Ok, so the numbers argument applies when other criteria, namely the quality of the action taken or life lost, are met and are inconclusive. As an example, the life of a sadistic marleyan general like we see in Grisha's flashback would be worth less through qualitative actions than the life of an innocent child - one has maliciously commited horrific acts, the other hasn't. Even weighing ten or a hundred or a thousand malicious generals to one innocent child is a hard sell qualitatively. However, when you have innocent children on both sides and malicious agents on both sides, quantitative reasoning does become a logical way of looking at things, as qualititative value becomes much harder to discern. Through pragmatism we multiple the harm that would be done morally by the same scale as the difference in population. A better outcome would obviously be neither, and Armin and Hanji explore those options in the show, although it is also stated that they have a slim chance of succeeding, but with a little creative thinking, Paradis could potentially be saved. However, if we have to play the game of numbers, causing an inescapable apocalypse on those many innocents for the sake of a small handful of others should be objected to. Additionally, Eren doesn't care about civilian or child casualties on his side or the side of his enemy, simply the execution of his plan, and the outcome of relieving his friends of outside threat and invasion, avenging his mother and the freedom taken from him in the process, meaning his intentions weren't pure in the way that Mikasa and Armin's were when they protected Gabi despite her killing their friend Sasha, as they value the moral quality of a child's life, even one whose will has been bent on killing them, eventually leading to Gabi's redemption. They judge the value of an action, not the value of its outcome. Eren does the opposite to the extreme, which is why he disregards innocent life. In other words, those fighting to bring peace and save children regardless if they are born on the side of their enemies (Armin, Hanji, Mikasa) have more qualitative value in their plans and their character than those who seek to completely annihilate their opposing side, children and all, even if those plans are more likely to succeed (Eren and Floch). That isn't defending Marley's treatment of the Eldians by any means, or supporting any immoral action that you described as justifiable under my quantitative comparison. In fact, if Eren's ends justify his means, then every horrible event in his life would be justified to ultimately lead him to that end, which I don't believe anyone on either side of this debate believes to be the case.
@lukefox01 Год назад
@@harryweaver4914 Eren yeager is not a moral person, but his plan for the world is the most justifiable out of any. Paradis has no need to lay down and die simply because the rest of the world tells them to. The world created their own worst enemy, it was their hatred and their actions that created their own worst enemy. Marley went after an island of innocent people because they were power hungry for resources and wanted to continue their world domination, Marley is literally the 3rd reich in story. Eren persued every possible path to peace but knows that the worlds hatred is too dead set to be changed. He witnesses how awful the people are the world are first hand and knows the inescapable future that they won't change. Therefore, in absence of any better solution, the rumbling is the only option. And it's the worlds fault it's being used not Eren, it was them that pushed him into a corner and forced him to use it upon themselves. One final rumbling to bury the history of hatred and rid the world of titans altother seems pretty justified to me. Especially when you actually consider the long term consequences instead of focusing on the short term. According to Tyber, the worlds population was eradicated 3 times over by the power of the titans in only 2,000 years. Who knows what another 2,000, or 5,000, or 10,000 plus years of titan domination would mean. In the end, Eren probably saved an unimaginable amount of people in the future and ensured humanity would never again live under the titan curse.
@corruptcanada4771 Год назад
The rumbling is an event that is enviable eldians people's life is a mirror of black peoples daily life. erin is what the real world needs and deserves right now
@lukefox01 Год назад
@Isaiahblack17 Год назад
@corruptcanada4771 Год назад
Facts are never pretty i but facts are jus that facts.
@lukefox01 Год назад
@@corruptcanada4771 Bro black people have it nothing like Eldians lmao. They aren't being persecuted, have equal rights, aren't called devils by the world, do I even need to keep going on. Why am I even explaining this to a very clearly racist individual.
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