

The Quartz scar
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@Salem-Sins 11 месяцев назад
You’ve definitely got most of the story right but I’m gonna have to disagree/challenge you on a couple things: 1. Julian wants Wyatt because he’s a botanist, fundamentally that doesn’t make sense with what possession is. Botany is not a skill that lives in the body, you dont need someone to be built as a botanist to use them for botany. like if you were trying to possess someone so you could play football again that makes sense that you can’t take just anyone you need an athlete. But botany is a science, it’s information, literally anyone can do it with enough effort. Wyatt’s botanical history lives in his thoughts not his body, and his thoughts ain’t gonna be around because possession means that Julian’s thoughts are taking over Wyatt’s. I still think Julian wanting Wyatt’s body makes sense, but I think it’s more of a situation where Wyatt is in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s not like Julian has anyone else to pick from. Maybe The Mall chose to reveal itself to Wyatt because he’s a botanist so he shares a spiritual link with Julian, but even that’s a stretch. 2. Did the possession work? Maybe, it’s totally possible and we probably won’t know until the next part of the series. But in my opinion, I actually don’t think so. The Giant did not get Wyatt, it certainly tried but it failed. Wyatt was just too fast, too slippery. But The Mall did, and Wyatt died. That’s the thing, Julian has already tried to show us he cant use corpses. But he can use Wyatt after Wyatt 100% fell to his death? Personally I don’t read the ending as him getting possessed, but his soul getting lost inside the mall. Julian’s soul was put inside the giant and as such his soul has been stuck in the mall for a very, very long time. Long enough to justify stalking and killing a young man just for the chance to escape as him. But Julian failed, both now, and maybe in the past (see the corpses). Julian hasn’t made an escape, he’s made more people just like him. People who are just as trapped as he is. He made more giants. The all green world is how the spirits of this place see it. Not a mall, but a Forrest, a living breathing forest. Which leads to the final point 3. The Mall is alive. You never really go into this but I think it’s important to the story that The Mall itself is alive. First off that explains it’s Anomalous behavior. This big ol hole in the ground leading to an impossibly long staircase has never been reported? Your telling me the only person who found this thing was fucking Wyatt? Look I’m sorry but Wyatt is not the smartest guy, we kinda pick up on that throughout the series. And he’s seemingly the ONLY person to find this hole? To me that reads as The Mall reading Wyatt as good Prey. A man curious enough to explore but not smart enough to escape or report what he finds. The Mall can change its space at will. Silently collapsing it’s massive stone staircase to prevent Wyatts escape. It can basically instantly become overgrown and abandoned, pulling forth more of its giants that it has collected to scare Wyatt. Then at the end it teases Wyatt, shows him the same stone stairs to draw him, only to snap away its own supports sending Wyatt plummeting to its death, where he will never leave The Mall again. This does bring up some questions about The Malls relationship with The Giants. Like for example, take the escalator. At first the giant seemingly can’t go up, but then it can. Is this the giant playing tricks? It very well could be, the giant definitely likes tricking its victims. But notice how when the giant doesn’t follow, we see very clearly the escalator has been turned off, so they’re basically just stairs that the giants wheels will struggle with. But when it comes up it’s difficult to tell, to me it looks like the escalator has been turned on. Maybe the giant can just float himself up the stairs as he pleases and the thing is off, but theirs not much in the way of evidence that the giant can fly or phase through steps turning them into a ramp. I like to think it’s basically the mall saying "not yet" to the giant earlier, and then giving the giant passage later when it knows The Giant won’t get Wyatt. So what does The Mall want? People. The mall was built for life, for art, for business and laughter, for the joy of human beings. Humans who abandoned it. Who didn’t even honor it with a quick death, they left The Mall to Starve for 4 long years before they tore it apart. Left alone with nobody to laugh, to wander it’s halls, to wonder about the artworks decorating it. All except for Julian, who was abandoned all the same stuck in a cumbersome and hideous body. He was the one, the ONLY one, who would never, ever leave. And the mall grew hungrier and more distasteful of the humans who left it to rot. It began to dream. Of leaving just like those had before. It could go anywhere, be anywhere, it would hide itself deep below the ground where nobody could graffiti its walls or break its windows or leave it to starve. A place where The Mall was in control. It dreamt of luring people deep into it and NEVER letting them leave. Even if it meant breaking itself to prevent that. Even if it mean breaking the people themselves. And in that moment, loaded with dark ritual magic from Julian’s suffering soul, and dreams emerging from its trauma infused structure, The Mall takes its first breath. Obviously I’m taking kind of a leap here, it is totally possible that Julian’s soul is the only funky business going on in here and the mall is just a mall. But also The Mall being its own character explains a lot to me, and frankly I just find it more fun to think about. Also Kane Pixels is like one of the biggest names in Architectural Horror right now so on a meta level that inclines me to believe there’s more to The Mall than an average haunting.
@TheQuartzscar 11 месяцев назад
HOLY MOLY BRO AN ESSAY. You do make very good points but let me excuse a few of them my theory suggests that the other bodies down there are previous vistors from above, now alot of those people can be presumed to have no relation to botany, but keep in mind why is Wyatt the only body on the surface? assuming there is no visual trickery in the final scene, wyatt is the only THING to come out of the hole. the possession requiring a botanist part is in my opinion just part of the ritual to come back to life, someone alike you. yes the concept of having other similarities to possess a person over may be possible, but the thing Juilian was KNOWN for was being a botanist. Also, that green filter meaning you soul is lost in the mall doesnt make sense, why would the prelude scene have the same filter? yes Julian may be stuck in the mall aswell, but Julian didnt die in the mall. Finnaly if the mall wanted people, it would get ALOT more people if someone released this location to the press. I do like your theory of the realtionship between the mall and the giants. but i think its bigger then that, i went back seeing the history of the mall, and those escalators still worked because the AMC movies was still open to 2021 December. But i could be very wrong as there was no trees or other life growing in the mall at any stage, the decayed mall seems more like the result of the mall being underground for so long. but yeah great essay, but but more effort into your school classes (just like i need to do)
@BGTech1 11 месяцев назад
Great points, I’m pretty sure Kane designed the series so it can be interpreted differently. Once you get really deep into the lore, there really isn’t a right or wrong answer.
@Salem-Sins 11 месяцев назад
@@BGTech1 yeah no theres definitely tons of room for personal interpretation, and frankly we are working on incomplete information so I will have gotten some things wrong. Like The Malls motivation is pretty much guesswork on my end and i would wager im most likely wrong, i just wanted to spin a narrative i found compelling:3
@missfrubby7814 11 месяцев назад
@@TheQuartzscar yeesh, that last sentence felt a little backhanded.
@lawliet3249 11 месяцев назад
i agree with you on the mall being alive point, almost like the hotel in the shining. i think the mall being an overgrown forest was a view into what it really looked like, or what it should be considering how long it's been untouched. if the mall was really alive it could have put on a facade of what it was, or what it thinks it should be.
@BGTech1 11 месяцев назад
I'm not trying to give you nightmares but near the end before Wyatt falls, he looks back to see the monster but it disappears. What's creepy is, if you look closely, only the wheels of its cart remain. Meaning that, not only has the giant fooled Wyatt many other times, but he fooled him about his characteristics too. The monster isn't dependent on the wheels, meaning that it isn't a stiff frozen statue, it could literally be a fast flexible organism/creature, which could explain how it disappears so many times with no wheel-noises. It could have legs underneath its robe, too.
@Physeqal 11 месяцев назад
Bro I gotta go back and check!
@historymajor26 11 месяцев назад
So true! Great catch!
@joebob7998 11 месяцев назад
Could you add a timestamp on this video for where to go in the og vid for this? I wanna see what you mean
@historymajor26 11 месяцев назад
@@adamcochran4867 When Wyatt looks back towards the rolling giant when he’s on the roof beams, nothing is there except for the rolling stand the statue was sitting on. It has to be supernatural because it appeared and disappeared without wheel rolling sounds multiple times in the video too.
@DellDivioDevoe 11 месяцев назад
dawg you literally stole this from the og video
@TheSurrealist. 11 месяцев назад
Native Texan here. That mall was off of 635 in Dallas. Not too far from where I am. I showed my mom the video after watching it myself and when Wyatt came across the mall signs saying “Valley View” my mom was so confused, because she’s old enough to remember going to Valley View. She’s like “wait why do the signs says Valley View? That’s off 635 how is it underground?” Pretty crazy stuff to watch as a Texan. But god The Oldest View is a master class in suspense and liminal horror.
@rustyshackleford234 11 месяцев назад
I’m also a native Texan, born and raised. I feel like I’ve lost an opportunity as that mall looks so cool 😭 Unfortunately I didn’t live anywhere near Dallas at the time, and even though I was still in Texas, the state was so large that New Mexico and even Mexico were closer 😭😭
@AxiomApe 11 месяцев назад
I can only imagine that this being a real place in your life certainly added to the surrealism of it all. It was already wildly surreal to me, but if this was a place from my life that I recognized and had been to physically, that surreal feeling would be through the roof. I imagine what it would be like if Aventura mall (a mall I am familiar with) was used in this way it would be very surreal and mindblowing. I don’t say this often, but Kane is such a complete package of a creator, with visuals, suspense, music, etc. that I think he is pioneering a new standard of film making. A visionary and film pioneer.
@azalago 11 месяцев назад
I'm not a native Texan but I've lived in south Dallas since 2010, and I remember that mall and it's weird, artsy entrance. I also remember the opening of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge (where the Parade of Giants came from,) that stupid bridge that took over $200 million to build over 8 years. There were 2 artsy bridges that were extremely expensive built, and each one had a weird arch design and had a goofy celebration around when it opened. Dallas tries very hard to appear "artsy" and "world-class" without addressing basic things like infrastructure and poverty. No one who actually lives on Dallas considers it a world-class city like New York or Toronto (I grew up in Toronto, no comparison lol.) It's weird that all that is part of Kane Pixel lore now.
@MutuallyDistractive 11 месяцев назад
Not a native Texan, but I live here. My family and I used to go to Valleyview because they had a dope movie theatre on the top floor. In its last years, they started closing store after store until there was just a few stores left. They also started hosting small fairs in the parking lots to try to draw people. They did a great job at replicating it in the video.
@zeldaxninja3214 11 месяцев назад
Is this the mall that has the big gorilla in a zoo like resturant?😭😭 i used to be in texas when was 7 and 8 an lil younger too. Also i used to go to lakewood elementary
@yesipan 11 месяцев назад
I grew up going to this mall and seeing the rolling giant (and this video) made me so nostalgic. Sad to see how it was abandoned and demolished. I'm happy Kane immortalized the space in one of his projects.
@sigilsick 11 месяцев назад
thats really cool
@gigaswardblade7261 11 месяцев назад
How many bricks did you shit when you saw it?
@James_Randal 11 месяцев назад
​@@darksaurian6410🛩️🛩️💥🏢💥🏢🔥🔥🔥 😱😱😱
@acomment7049 11 месяцев назад
@@darksaurian6410it used to be a real mall😭
@Chunga9 11 месяцев назад
@@darksaurian6410search up valley view mall
@HeidiCavalier 11 месяцев назад
I used to hang out with a bunch of botanists and horticulturalists, and I had to cut ties with them because of exactly this type of thing. They were constantly testing one another, driving one another to death if they failed, and conducting ceremonies to possess the lifeless corpses with the souls of real, worthy botanists. 🙄 Ugh, plant people, am I right?
@fairy5085 11 месяцев назад
Omg, currently going through this right now. The other day my buddy forgot the genus of a certain plant. Dude was drawn and quartered within minutes. Drama queens I swear 🙄
@skyhotdogYT 11 месяцев назад
@HeidiCavalier 11 месяцев назад
@@fairy5085 I know right?! smh
@LiberatedMind1 11 месяцев назад
I pooped@@HeidiCavalier
@redwiltshire1816 11 месяцев назад
I mean I’m a studying biologist and avid druid and yes I would 100% sacrifice a human if it means I can talk to the plants
@dark_nurse 11 месяцев назад
Honestly I think Kane is extraordinary Creator, the complexity of his creations is something absurd of good, truly an underated masterpiece
@____-__-_--_--__-__--_--_ 11 месяцев назад
A lot of people call him a Genius and i get why, the fact that i was able to watch the Rolling giant for FREE is Something i still cant fathom. I hope he keeps up the good work
@TheNexusChan 11 месяцев назад
I don't know about being under rated. Maybe with Hollywood standards, but Hollywood is basic BS anyway. I've never seen one complaint about Kane Pixels content. It's all great!
@SlickDangler10 11 месяцев назад
Everything he does is amazing. I wish he'd do something relating to the alien and UFO stuff or the government reverse engineering crafts. That shit would go super viral with all media attention it's been getting lately
@SlickDangler10 11 месяцев назад
I feel like the shit of the tree over the hole symbolizes the tree of life as where the hole leads to death.
@____-__-_--_--__-__--_--_ 11 месяцев назад
@@SlickDangler10 i would love to see that
@AgentStarke 11 месяцев назад
It's amazing to me that even though he is busy working on an entire movie he is still able to produce this masterpiece in his spare time
@barrierloss 11 месяцев назад
He is a workaholic to the point where it may damage his health it seems. Always a bit worried about him but incredible work.
@Le_Schlag 11 месяцев назад
​@@barrierloss I'm a motion artist since years and certain projects are destroying my health If i stay to much sitting on my chair, I can't imagine the health problem and the number of hours it takes to make 3d video like Kane...
@NotAnEliteGamer2774 11 месяцев назад
@@Le_Schlag In an interview with @wendigoon Kane said he was doing 16 hours a day of just making this
@atahannd.9937 11 месяцев назад
He wasn't working on the movie because of the strikes.
@Le_Schlag 11 месяцев назад
@@NotAnEliteGamer2774 Damn !
@yyeezyy630 11 месяцев назад
The guy who made the scary video literally puts AAA movies to shame. What a impressive film
@AltKaxREAL 11 месяцев назад
Oh yeah! you know what they say, "Sometimes less is more."
@James_Randal 11 месяцев назад
​@@AltKaxREALyou know what they say, when the red river is flowing take the dirt road home.
@James_Randal 11 месяцев назад
​@@AltKaxREALyou know what they say, live better, Walmart.
@James_Randal 11 месяцев назад
​@@AltKaxREALyou know what they say, life is a highway, and I wanna ride it all night long.
@James_Randal 11 месяцев назад
​@@AltKaxREALdo we know what they truly say?
@katierina31 11 месяцев назад
I actually did NOT notice that the base of the giant got separated from his top half by the end of the video! That explains how it's in the forest but it doesn't have it wheels. Also, does that mean it was waiting for Wyatt outside?
@pitodesign 11 месяцев назад
I'd say the gray and green forrest with the white flower is not identical with the surroundings of the entrance to the staircase but rather is the forrest from Julian's past that gets kind of recreated in the underground mall. So after his fall Wyatt might still be down there.
@ivanexell-uz4mv 11 месяцев назад
@@metcas Wait the series is based on the backrooms? I thought he said he was taking a break until the movie was in a good state.
@ivanexell-uz4mv 11 месяцев назад
@@Picilishous Oldest View is the official name I think
@Dragirek 11 месяцев назад
The monster is actually behind the biggest tree on the right before we hear it at first
@ostrichFN 11 месяцев назад
Oh my gosh maybe it can teleport because thats why sometimes there is no rolling so it could be that if wyat didnt fall and get to the top he would still meet his demise
@pikuhana 11 месяцев назад
The giant testing to see if the protagonist is a botanist seems far fetched to me. I like drawing conclusions around botany being a major part of this story and Julians motivations but I find it more likely the giant is interested in the protagonist particularly because it wants to live on or be freed from the prison that the mall is
@Mroziukz 11 месяцев назад
If the motive was as straight forward as this, the giant wouldnt hold back and capture wyat the second he Got the Chance to.
@pikakip3792 11 месяцев назад
What if the giant couldn’t kill/capture Wyatt directly? Not because of some “rules” but the limitations of the rolling giants body
@Frug4l 11 месяцев назад
@@pikakip3792 The giant didn't need the cart as proven by the end, it's arms could likely move.
@Frug4l 11 месяцев назад
@@beamgigachad1846 What makes you think it can't speak?
@its_myo 11 месяцев назад
this sounds so generic. 💀
@NinaDemoustier 11 месяцев назад
I absolutely loved this life form because it broke all the rules it previously appeared to have established. Firstly you think it can't move if you look at it, then you think it can't go up the escalator and lastly when you think he can't move unless it's on the wheels platform, near the end when Wyatt is pushed you see the empty wheels plareform, meaning the creature didn't need it to move in the first place (and you also hear its "theme song" behind Wyatt, announcing itself)
@TheQuartzscar 11 месяцев назад
its more then that, kane does an awesome job at subverting expectations, for example the lights used to be a danger, but then the lights turning off is a danger. Kane knows his audience very well, and can make anything scary
@opcreeper100 11 месяцев назад
See I don't think the monster actually pushed him. If you look frame by frame when he falls you can see the wall crack around the stairs. I'm guessing the giant used the same power that he used to make the panels fall earlier. Or the stairs where fake and a trap all along.
@redwiltshire1816 11 месяцев назад
Honestly I’ve seen this before in doctor who, but the fact that kane an independent director managed to capture the eerie setting and tell a simple but engaging story definitely deserves respect, most AAA companies can’t capture this level of anxiety and fear
@TheRealJackNGorwhatever 10 месяцев назад
i just think the monster damaged the beam Wyatt was standing on, or made the whole thing shake, which caused him to fall@@opcreeper100
@warwolf1265 11 месяцев назад
The way Kane fuses fictional story telling with real world elements like the mall and statue or even the earthquake when Async first opened the backrooms, is pure genius
@Us3r739 11 месяцев назад
@@YourLocalFunniBoithat’s enough
@mundanedal49 11 месяцев назад
i dont personally think this ties in with the backrooms but that's still a cool connection!
@slothysfm1834 11 месяцев назад
​@@mundanedal49 would be pretty weird if that would be the case but it also would be amazing too
@fumothfan9 11 месяцев назад
Aren't the backrooms an ever expanding repeat of isolated past world locations? So they would eventually have an old mall of sorts? Sorta like Gensokyo but instead of ideas it's all past areas locations and no one sane human inhabits them only flesh eating monsters or death traps (that last parts actually nevermind are equal lol).
@greatstorm3805 11 месяцев назад
@@mundanedal49ah, I think they were just talking about lanes storytelling in general. The mall in the oldest view was a real mall, and the opening of the back rooms in his backrooms series and the earthquake it caused lined up with a real life earthquake.
@raiden492 11 месяцев назад
As great as Kane is at worldbuilding and storytelling, his most amazing skill is his understanding of light. He perfectly shows how certain types of camera capture light, and uses varying levels of light to alter the look of Julien. His face totally changes depending on the light levels
@Us3r739 11 месяцев назад
Subliminal horror would work so well. They need to move on from monsters and psychopath families that see things, and focus on this kind of horro
@4Angel4cross4eyes 11 месяцев назад
The Document in the office segments are years. "Document 19732023" is (1973-2023) is how long the real Valley View Center mall has existed and operated. "Document 18371905" is (1837-1905) The years, the botanists that the Giant is designed to look like, is Julien Reverchon's years of life. (1855-1857) La Reunion which is a utopian socialist community that Julien Reverchon joined. And are the years the community existed. Also Limestone deposit was found under La Reunion, so that was mined
@everettrailfan 11 месяцев назад
THANK YOU, I instantly understood 18371905, not sure how I didn't get the other 2 lol
@BGTech1 11 месяцев назад
Great catch! The fine details make these videos so great
@austinisawesome2066 11 месяцев назад
Good catch, I think you’re absolutely right
@rustyshackleford234 11 месяцев назад
Native Texan here. I totally missed the “la reunion” thing as I just assumed it was talking about the reunion tower in Dallas 😭 (the reunion tower is that tall tower with an observation deck at the top)
@allmight9840 11 месяцев назад
Sounds about par for the course as far as utopias go.
@cosmiccsf5043 11 месяцев назад
I love that the villain tricks the protagonist. Playing on several tropes, tricking the protagonist to lower their guard. Like mischievous creatures of old folktales, the creature is playing with their victim. Several times the thought of hiding in a place with a lower ceiling came to mind as what I'd do, but considering the fact that the creature pushed past it's preconceived limits I wouldn't doubt it would find a way to fit. Then your in a worse position. But imagine if you did some how find a place to hide, then what? Starve in a tight and dimly lit hallway? If it wanted to, the creature would easily wait for you at the end of the tight passage way, waiting for you to give in and try something stupid. The rolling gaint is intimidating, creepy, fast, mysterious, but most importantly intelligent.
@boredyoutubeuser 9 месяцев назад
Now that truly makes me feel a sense of dread, would I rather die at the hands of it or hide a die of starvation fearing for my life?...
@freddykingofturtles 11 месяцев назад
For the record, the giant wasn't aggressive until he said he wanted to leave. Before that it left him alone. I think that's important.
@funpissvr 11 месяцев назад
@noobbro3469 10 месяцев назад
At the end, when wyatt ask him what he wants, he looks at the exit as if saying that there is no exit.
@crazycambodian 10 месяцев назад
There's a theory I saw a while ago saying how the giant wanted to be admired again since the original mall's destruction.
@sloveneball69420 10 месяцев назад
@@noobbro3469 its actually that the rolling giant pointed at Wyatt, the rolling giant wanted wyatt
@YSleepish 10 месяцев назад
@@crazycambodian yeah that doesnt sound plausible
@tomino948 11 месяцев назад
i dont think the giant is toying with wyatt, rather hes pretending to be more limited so wyatt will let his guard down, at first he cant move, then he can only move when you look away, then he can move freely (except the escalators) then he gains the ability to climb the escalators, i think its pretty smart
@Ravathiel 11 месяцев назад
"rather hes pretending" that's a weird way not to say he's fucking with him.
@dazedandconfused5711 11 месяцев назад
so... toying with him?
@arlaxx4191 11 месяцев назад
When wyatt caught the giant that teleported in his back, wyat got very close to the giant in order to inspect him, the giant had the opportunity to grab him at that moment, but he chose not to, so i guess hes toying with him or he needs wyat to be scared of him (for some odd reason)
@TFD.aep2 11 месяцев назад
@@Ravathieldude i mean it obviously never had enough speed to just chase wyatt so it would naturally have to decieve him. You guys are implying it was just preserving his life to strike fear in him when in reality he is just too slow to catch anything straight up😭
@TFD.aep2 11 месяцев назад
@@arlaxx4191he did not get close enough for wyatt to not react to it. Something that big is extremely slow and we saw that. We dont even know how it works fully
@JohnRed 11 месяцев назад
There is a video of a guy walking through the actual mall on youtube before it got demolished. The amount of detail that The Oldest View got correctly is insane. The guy who uploaded the video of the mall thought Kane Pixels filmed it on location.
@Us3r739 11 месяцев назад
I hope Kane can get involved in some horror movies
@woogli 11 месяцев назад
​@keyboardwarrior9041 he's partnered with a14 to. Make a backrooms movie.he talks about in podcasts
@spaghettibolognese5838 11 месяцев назад
@@Us3r739he has a new movie with a24 coming out soon
@DonnDeVoreMusic 11 месяцев назад
When he sees the rocks caved in at the staircase entrance it gave me the impression of being buried, the dread of being trapped and never finding a way out.
@leociresi4292 10 месяцев назад
But then, the Rolling Giant appears in random places, following Wyatt, but when he turns to face it, it’s gone. Could it be trying to show Wyatt another way to exit?
@TheNexusChan 11 месяцев назад
After he comes out of the corridors, and runs into the rolling giant again, there is another creature that you can barely notice or make out what it is. It's whenever the protagonist starts climbing the escalator again. About halfway up he turns to look back again, and once his head turns back to continue forward, you can see something moving in the distance. It could've been another rolling giant. But, it looked faster and not the same shape. EDIT: Watching it further I noticed it wasn't anything other than a chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling. I guess I was lost in the video, and contracted suspense. I could've sworn it wasn't though the first time I watched it.
@aneffortlesssmile 11 месяцев назад
May you provide a timestamp, please?
@TheAngryMarshmallow 11 месяцев назад
Following this
@TFD.aep2 11 месяцев назад
Pretty sure its from a poster that wyatt had passed by much much earlier on too, i think it was an old picture of a different giant next to pic of the old guy when wyatt showed the leaf
@TheNexusChan 11 месяцев назад
@@aneffortlesssmile I'll go find it in the original video, and report back what time it happens
@TheNexusChan 11 месяцев назад
Okay, now I feel crazy. It was the chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
@tomharris6122 11 месяцев назад
I reckon the story is also about the environment. Wyatt says he switched from botany class to business (from nature to “destroyer”). So I believe the giant wanted to posses Wyatt to almost prevent him from potentially ending up building another mall or whatever, hence the bodies in suits next to the dead horse, the giant believes them “useless” and doesn’t want Wyatt becoming useless too. But idk :)))
@TheAngryMarshmallow 11 месяцев назад
I had this SAME FREAKIN THOUGHT!! the botany has to mean something, right??
@anusheinous 9 месяцев назад
This is also my interpretation, the mentions of changing his major from botany to business and being in a dead mall being chased down by a dead botanist couldn’t possibly mean nothing, but I almost never hear anyone talk about it other than very general terms of “life and death” or “nature and… mall” lmao. I think the mention of the land being owned by a mining company also might lend itself to an anti-industrialism view that Riverchon may have had but I have no idea if he ever said this.
@JosaxJaz 11 месяцев назад
I've been hearing a depressingly small amount of hype for this finale, despite how fantastic it is
@luckylaurentfaith9649 11 месяцев назад
its the finale of the series?
@flaker_oats 11 месяцев назад
@@luckylaurentfaith9649I mean the guy dies, but there could be a new guy
@ex-wr2ti 11 месяцев назад
its not the finale
@HellcatCustoms 11 месяцев назад
I think the mall being shown underground is probably a reference to it being bulldozed and buried. There seems to be some time/reality jumps like when the mall comes alive it jumps to the future when the mall was demolished, hence the abandoned overgrowth and blocked stairwell
@Soggys0up85 11 месяцев назад
Near the end, after Wyat asks the giant what it wants, The Giant lists towards the emergency exit slightly, As if hinting that he too wants to leave.
@zeldamaster52 11 месяцев назад
For the photo of the giant at 5:15, we can see the silhouette of said giant in the scene where Wyatt is running through the rundown version of the mall at 8:40. So even though the Julien Reverchon statue is the only one that ever appeared at Valley View Mall, Kane went the extra effort of including many of the giants that featured in the actual parade with Julien.
@Tee-ina-Skee-Mask 11 месяцев назад
Kane is a gem among stones. really a stand out creator and i truly believe he has what it takes to be this generations Spielberg
@Grfieldlasang 11 месяцев назад
among what?
@sketchywav7741 11 месяцев назад
@calebblack1420 11 месяцев назад
The monster looks like Moistcritikal after being trapped in the back rooms.
@sapprine4534 11 месяцев назад
If Charlie and PS1 Hagrid had a baby
@Theweirdo98776 11 месяцев назад
Nah its Moistcritikal after some kid call him jesus
@leociresi4292 10 месяцев назад
Reminds me of Rasputin, all carved out of wood, with flowered branches for fingers
@Theweirdo98776 10 месяцев назад
@@leociresi4292 yeah kidna look like rasputin
@mickey_san 11 месяцев назад
This is the exact breakdown I needed! The oldest view is extraordinary yet cryptic, and this analysis was just awesome in unearthing all the secrets. Thanks for bringing to light so many things that I missed!
@Tsutsu5 11 месяцев назад
I wanna give kane a special shout-out for being scary accurate and scary in general cuz this was the closets I’ve came to reliving the dread and fear I felt walking those halls at night wit my boys. Nothing beats the fear of pitch silence and the anxiety of someone watching you, and yes we dipped faster than Damian lillard did Portland when we heard something roll our direction in the second floor
@ausardash 11 месяцев назад
Yeah sure with the BOIS
@Tsutsu5 11 месяцев назад
@@ausardash no. With the boys* ion call my guys “BOIS” what am I white?💀
@Halloweenish 11 месяцев назад
People, let’s all thank Kane for his amazing work, and also remind him to take care of himself because he runs himself ragged for these videos. Awesome creators deserve good health!
@AzayBae 11 месяцев назад
I'm Texan but have never been to this mall so I was super creeped out by how detailed this thing was. The way Wyatt kept questioning the signs mentioning Texas made me wonder if he is even in the state. If he wasn't it'd be even more horrifying. I haven't been this scared of a film since I first saw the Shining. The way that everything seems to be telling a story that I can't know is great. The way you describe the Mall as a malevolent force itself reminds me of how the Overlook Hotel is the main antagonist in the Shining. The spirits within are trapped and used for scares but you can feel the evil of the land too. I can't wait to see more of this come out.
@didiosthrance 11 месяцев назад
I had to rewatch the fall part a few times at the end because the only "unbelievable" part to me was how clumsy did he get all of a sudden to fall when it looked like he had a pretty big space to be on. Then I noticed the wall/beam to the right of the door cracked making it shift and Wyatt falling. What I am thinking is the giant since it was not in it's cart teleported to the other side which we can't see and rammed the wall from behind or somehow just psychically caused the crack.
@GlitchedBruh_ManIsCrazy 11 месяцев назад
after the fall it shouldnt have shown the ending scene so it could set it up for the next part and another reason kane should have made it like that is because who would have died falling from a few feet? well, maybe it was the impact of the rocks on his head, as u can see blood was leaking out of his head at the end
@GlitchedBruh_ManIsCrazy 11 месяцев назад
@@Picilishous oh ye, tysm
@didiosthrance 11 месяцев назад
It looked like he feel at least 30 or so feet. He fell almost from a 3rd story height, for sure a 2 story height. I think the fall animation just looked a little slow/quick if that makes sense so it seemed like a shorter distance. But sad/"fun" fact, I knew someone who fell off the first rung of a ladder and died because he sadly landed "just right"
@GlitchedBruh_ManIsCrazy 11 месяцев назад
@@didiosthrance ty for telling me
@_GeneralMechanics_ 11 месяцев назад
It looks like the supports gave out, you see the cracks on the wall by the doorway form and that's when he drops.
@justinpalmer9387 11 месяцев назад
Getting chased around by a moist critikal statue is terrifying
@invisiblejaguar1 11 месяцев назад
We're so lucky to have such brilliant modern horror to enjoy. Anyone can write a script for a slasher and that's a harmless bit of basic horror if you want to switch your brain off to. What Kane has and is giving us however, are the works of an artist who truly understands the deepest parts of the horror iceberg.
@danielserrano929 11 месяцев назад
Have you written a slasher flick? Even that is hard to write because you have to create tension and make it GOOD
@invisiblejaguar1 11 месяцев назад
@@danielserrano929 I've not but I was just grossly generalising. That point isn't lost on me now you mention it, well structured tension can make a slasher a good piece of horror.
@buddysadventuregame1255 11 месяцев назад
Huge props to the creators of Blender, they've opened such an insane tool for many small creators. if it wasn't free, we would never see great creators like Kane himself.
@Wifgargfhaurh 11 месяцев назад
I loved those three videos. It felt like watching a dream. I honestly dont know what to make of it yet but there is definitely an underlying story. All those mentions of artists/art studios, the fact that it's a very specific mall rather than a generic one, and of course the fact that it's hundreds of feet underground.
@nocturno7660 11 месяцев назад
They really turned moist critical into a monster
@GlitchedBruh_ManIsCrazy 11 месяцев назад
glad im not the only one who noticed this LOL
@cupded 11 месяцев назад
not sure if anyone noticed this yet in the original video at wherever this happens (6:14) you can see the rolling giant hiding/poking out behind one of the trees before slowly moving away until wyatt hears that loud noise and turns around
@vinvos8651 11 месяцев назад
Yeah lol. I commented that on the original video but it seems nobody else noticed it lol. I don't blame people though considering how dark it is.
@ThatsWild1 11 месяцев назад
I don't see it
@scriggle3564 11 месяцев назад
​@carlossalazar6552 look at the original video and turn your brightness up. He's poking his head out of the tree on the right. Kinda looks like a light red area
@ThatsWild1 11 месяцев назад
@@scriggle3564 oooooh yeah now I see it, you're right 👍
@grantmills4184 11 месяцев назад
Man, that was very well explained and researched. I didn’t even think of any of this while watching the rolling giant, so well done
@justaemptymall 11 месяцев назад
Bro is simping so hard for Kane Pixel xD Great video.
@historymajor26 11 месяцев назад
I think the inclusion of plants is simply because Julien was a botanist, and nothing more tbh. Just like how we know it's him in episode 1 not only because of the actor's resemblance but also because he is interested in the flowers and there is a green filter over all the plants.
@wingflanagan 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the analysis! This is very cool, and full of details I had missed. Had no idea the mall had been a real place the rolling giant a real thing. Makes it all the spookier. Great job!
@TOFTS77 11 месяцев назад
My belief is that we are seeing something that shouldn't exist. As time passess the real world and the mall begin to merge. The nature overgrowing is the mall collapsing out of existence. Its why the exits are blocked by stone, the mall is shifting away. In the end Wyat falls because the mall is disappearing. His body being left behind because it belongs in the real world. The Giant may of been trying to piggy back him to get pulled to the real world. This could be why we see the head in the end indicating that it succeeded.
@Rodolphin 11 месяцев назад
Something I noticed about the emergency exit that Wyatt took near the end of the video. The emergency exit is where the AMC is located. If you pause the video where Julian is below the AMC (5:53 in this video), you can see the orange rectangle of the wall on the right side, there is no doorway where the emergency exit should’ve been. Julien really was toying with Wyatt until his last breathe.
@TheQuartzscar 11 месяцев назад
i saw that to! i think the decay of the mall is more like a transfer to the future and the emergency exit was not built during the original devlopment.
@spaghettibolognese5838 11 месяцев назад
@nullera 11 месяцев назад
This video is great! Very informational and engaging to watch! Only thing I'd change is the background music volume, it can be a little hard to hear you at times, but otherwise it's all good!
@goiterlanternbase 11 месяцев назад
14:42 Never thought of, that the giant is just shy? That he means no harm to people? That he just was lonely and disturbed, because so many freak out on his appearance and manage to kill themself in the process of panicking🙄 like Wyat did apparently😒 Poor Giant😔
@KG-sv2md 11 месяцев назад
Awesome analysis! This was the first I’ve watched since viewing Kane’s new series, and this connected a lot of dots for me and has made me start to think of other meanings myself. Thank you for the thought and work you put into this! 🤩
@Brandonsalti 11 месяцев назад
I remember being in this mall as it was really being shutdown, and its so surreal to see it becoming so iconic. Last time I was there, I saw Endgame at the AMC there, and it still had a good bit of traffic.
@tadpolegaming4510 11 месяцев назад
That's kind of funny because they started demolition a couple months after that.
@Kiloburn 11 месяцев назад
The impression I got was that this whole construct was basically a lure for curious humans, like an anglerfish. May be responsible for missing hikers and things also. The giant is just a manifestation of the thing which pretends to be the Mall, and the room with the plans (itself hard to find) is a sort of 'fairness-in-hell-act'/fairy law sort of thing, giving you /technically/ a chance at escape, and then the exit is as hard to get to as possible, and also basically boobytrapped.
@mymyscellany 11 месяцев назад
what is the "fairness in hell" fairy law referring to? I'm looking that up and not finding anything. Any other examples?
@Kiloburn 11 месяцев назад
@@mymyscellany the 'fairness in hell' part is a Futurama reference, and fair folk often abide by weird, counterintuitive rules
@mymyscellany 11 месяцев назад
all that was coming up was futurama. I'd be interested where you're thinking of this original concept. It sounds like a real thing to me. In fairy tales there's often one nearly impossible but doable way to get out on top of a situation @@Kiloburn
@Kiloburn 11 месяцев назад
@@mymyscellany Yes, this exactly! I'm not sure if it has a trope name or anything, though
@edgelordleon5859 11 месяцев назад
There's also a part where he looks into a closed store early on and sees a bunch of bushes, rocks, and trees, and you can see a face slowly disappear off to the right out of view. So, as suggested, the creature moves independently even before exposing itself.
@TheQuartzscar 11 месяцев назад
bro i brighted the image and everything, i could not see anything for the life of me
@edgelordleon5859 11 месяцев назад
@TheQuartzscar If RU-vid allowed me to share screenshots, I'd cap it and circle it for you. I swear it's there. I even pointed it out to my wife and she saw
@edgelordleon5859 11 месяцев назад
@TheQuartzscar Just went back. 29:40, second tree from the right. You see a rounded face, and as soon as the camera begins to focus, it slowly fades back into the dark. It's only visible for a second, at most.
@GlitchedBruh_ManIsCrazy 11 месяцев назад
@@TheQuartzscar try 0.25 speed
@RiceWitch-dingus-400 11 месяцев назад
@@edgelordleon5859 I mean it could just be the compression but idk!
@7nviie 9 месяцев назад
i think the giant wants to be useful. i think it wants nature to thrive and is upset it was abandoned there, only for the mall to be demolished and replaced with more construction rather than nature. if i remember correctly, the artwork was still in the mall when it was demolished. this giant, who was based on someone with a passion for nature and botany, was completely abandoned to be destroyed in order to make room for more capitalistic structures, rather than being returned to nature. the symbolism of the dead horse meaning being useless, i think suggests that the giant just wants to be returned to where he feels useful. in nature. he needs help. even though he can be removed from his base, he doesnt know how to escape the caved-in entrances and needs the help of someone more dextrous. but its always useless, its always futile. he cant communicate what he needs and thus people are always too scared to be able to help him, either falling to their death like wyatt or dying of dehydration/starvation. he feels useless, abandoned, and helpless.
@BorealisYTas 11 месяцев назад
i think the fact that the mall was completely demolished the day he went down again could have something to do with the place being a construct or some sort of time slip, when a building is destroyed in a way the memories and experiences had in them can get lost too. The rolling giant could have even more memories and energy spent on thinking about it that when this place was made it became sentient or sum. greats vids
@griffy9639 11 месяцев назад
so julien just wants a human body so he can do more plant science? what a noble beast
@KrashyKharma 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for taking the time to review and analyze this incredible film! This is an excellent take on it, I definitely agree with your conclusions and I'm glad to see someone put it together, cuz I was struggling to make sense of it.
@silviodanteog 11 месяцев назад
I waited for the last one and I was very pleased. Kane is amazing I seriously think we will hear a lot about him in the cinema world in these next few years to decades
@cskandrsgyrgy 11 месяцев назад
It reminds me of the story of the Nephilim from the Book of Enoch. (That's an ancient Jewish book that didn't make it into the Bible, but explains weird stuff in the Bible.) The Book of Enoch says that before the Flood, angels from heaven descended to Earth and had sex with human females and made them pregnant. The women bore giants (hebrew Nephilim), who ruled the Earth. They made life miserable here because they were fighting with each other and they were eating people. (Also, the fallen angels, beside having sexy time with humans, taught humans technology, astrology, magic and warcraft.) And that was the reason why God sent the Flood to Earth. The giants were wiped out in the flood, but their disembodied spirits roam around on Earth and they want to possess people. Also, the fallen angels, who were the fathers of the Nephilim, were bound in chains under the Earth. So, there is the motif of powerful dark spirits bound under the Earth waiting to be released, and their half divine - half human children, the Nephilim roaming around, searching for host bodies. Note also, that Kane Pixels, before he was making his Backrooms series, made videos about an Anime, "Attack on Titan", which is basically about the Nephilim revived, coming up from under the Earth and destroying humanity.
@fearsmasher1299 11 месяцев назад
That's where my thoughts went, like the Nephilim saying "we're back" and things seeming ritualistic. And of course the Backrooms are like dimensions of Hell, with his series seeming like CERN trying to open portals to the Void.
@h3llboyyy407 11 месяцев назад
Yeah everything goes back to old lore whetheres it's nephilim or norse and greek mythology lol
@beckyrr1 11 месяцев назад
This is so immersive and eye opening. Thank you for putting this together.
@billblaski9523 10 месяцев назад
You're welcome
@Tydestroyer259 11 месяцев назад
Massive respect to you for analyzing all of this stuff and dumming it down into a 20 minute vid so my small brain can comprehend it!
@hellhound_haunt 11 месяцев назад
I wonder if the bodies on the floor are different people/things that fell victim to the Giant. If they are, I don't necessarily think the Giant it self killed them. I think maybe they died trying to escape it. It'll be interesting how the rest of the story plays out once Kane Pixels gets the opportunity to finish it
@TheQuartzscar 11 месяцев назад
but why horses? how horses horses cant go down mile long stairs
@hellhound_haunt 11 месяцев назад
@@TheQuartzscar true. You make a good point. Maybe the Giant has been around longer than we think. Or maybe it has been able to leave the mall, and roam around above ground. We did see in the video that it was able to move very quickly. There were points in the video where once it went out of sight it disappeared, and then re appeared in a different place
@emorynguyen1583 11 месяцев назад
The horses being there feels like just to confuse the fuck out of us 😂
@goober239 11 месяцев назад
​@@TheQuartzscarDeadhorse is the name of a very remote, northern Alaskan town. I don't know how it adds to the story, just thought it was interesting.
@lamisouriananer9352 11 месяцев назад
Great video. i loved the analysis and connection of the videos. I was desperately waiting for a vid like this. please make more on kane. that video was a true breakout
@Pobeehpo 11 месяцев назад
Deserves more views
@Cantfocvs 9 месяцев назад
After seeing the most recent video Kane posted so much of this makes sense. Thank you for posting an explaination video that actually made sense and provided actual eye opening information i can never find a good explaination for any movie i watch
@whyamiatree4177 11 месяцев назад
Sometimes I wish we could do things like this. Build a huge mall under ground as both a functional mall and attraction being so huge underground that you could get lost in it. But that will never happen. Fun to think about tho
@stargazerbird 11 месяцев назад
My local mall in Singapore is half underground. It’s pretty common.
@WolfyStudio115 11 месяцев назад
The reaction of Wyatt when he opened the gate had to be the most realistic reaction of any human being, like if that happened would you really just stand there?
@Rios-ov3xi 11 месяцев назад
For the tunnel collapse, my best guess is that the giant collapsed it just after he entered. Just as he enters the tunnel, you can see the red flags behind the tree, suggesting the giant is outside of the mall, and enters behind Wyatt.
@B3ARdotNET 11 месяцев назад
This was an awesome breakdown. You even pointed out some details I missed on my watch through. Great video man, keep up the excellent work!
@jimhalpert0 11 месяцев назад
I think it’s the spirit of the botanist who takes the form of the statue. The botanist is sad and angry that the mall was demolished and along with the mall, he, forgotten.
@jimhalpert0 11 месяцев назад
I commented this before watching the video, my theory was not far off but your theory is very good
@captainrandom_pc 11 месяцев назад
Hate to shoot this theory down but Wyat changed his Major from Botany to Business. Meaning, he is not worthy.
@vonvision 11 месяцев назад
Meaning "dead horses"
@TheQuartzscar 11 месяцев назад
he did but that doesnt really mean he isnt truley a botanist.
@DominicAWood 11 месяцев назад
Yeah.. I find this theory really interesting and your observations amazing - it might have changed regard for wyat, but the theories outcome can still be intact.. There's certainly a lot of great observations you provide.@@TheQuartzscar
@Fractorification 11 месяцев назад
It was smart of Kane to use a mall that's already been demolished as a location. Had it still been standing, a bunch of annoying fans would've flood the place causing a disturbance.
@THEREALNOLAN_ 11 месяцев назад
This is the first video I’ve watched on this channel and now I’m hooked
@coldwares 11 месяцев назад
Good analysis, subtle comedy, nice work. Subbed.
@JesterquestYT 11 месяцев назад
Same. Also like that you don't use an AI voice I hate those
@TheTeleportCell 27 дней назад
Theory: So the guy that is in the rolling giant was a normal man, but he died near the rolling giant, and soon, he possessed it, and the mall soon got attraction, until it got demolished, the guy died from somthing falling on him, so he wanted to save Sombody from getting the same fate, eventually he managed to save him, but he got demolished as well (The rest Of This is now gonna be Probaly wrong but I just like to think it) Bubble (from bfdi) and [SUBJECTIVE] is the same thing in eco friendly BB+ Mod, decided to explore the demolished mall, and took RG to baldis basics, so he can be safe, and that’s why he is a BB+ mod, and RG told bubble to join BB+ as a mod as well, bubble told some friends as well and the eco friendly mod was created, Julian still visits the mall because he wants Wyatt to become a human again
@Jokin_Jake 11 месяцев назад
I legit had no idea that this was an actual mall and that the giant was an art piece from real life. I don't know if it takes away from the fear of the unknown factor or not, but it's still one of the creepiest things I've witnessed all year.
@PuppetThanksScott 11 месяцев назад
Great theory crafting! I really enjoyed this
@seanbowmen8265 11 месяцев назад
I thought the dude was tripping balls, climbed a tree fell out of a tree and broke he neck.
@The_Natalist 11 месяцев назад
Hilarious, but lame
@seanbowmen8265 11 месяцев назад
@@The_Natalist It's really what I was thinking after I watched it. It was a good watch though and did seem like that to me, feels like it to but it being a camera and Kane pixels I can now see a deeper meaning.
@ploopy3826 11 месяцев назад
5:12 the giant replica actually does make an appearence in the scene where you pointed out the parade of giants near the end of the movie
@mythosarchive 11 месяцев назад
@smokenotfire 11 месяцев назад
I think the title of The Oldest View is in reference to nature. I might be way off but the oldest view could be referring to a view before humanity & civilization, a view of only pure nature. The many botany references and Julien's potential motive of wanting to teach botany/protect the land again line up with this.
@blondeferalgirl 11 месяцев назад
This is wild. Love the way you put so many things together. Kane is extraordinary!!!
@fallentitan9286 11 месяцев назад
TBH I thought it was the passage to the "Tree Of Life" in Norse mythology, I might be reading to far into this theory but what I put together the gate he looked through to see the forest had a Norse looking tree on top of the gate, theres giants chasing him and theres a lot of thunder in a sunny day, the god most famous in Norse that has thunder is Thor. But like i said I might be reading to far into and is probably 1000% wrong
@tomorbataar5922 11 месяцев назад
While I don't think it's that relevant, in House of Leaves which is a horror book of a liminal infinite house not unlike the Backrooms, Yggdrasil is connected to the House. A bit of a reach but interesting connection.
@fallentitan9286 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the information, there was a lot I was like "If this is norse than how is texas important to norse" and so on but the only things that I could think of was the giants, going into the "center" of the earth and somehow fully grown trees underground😂😂😂@@tomorbataar5922
@wolfwoof2000 11 месяцев назад
16:02 About the plant on the floor, I thought it was the giant you putted it in front of the photo, to pay respect from its creator in some way
@diefantasy 11 месяцев назад
I explored this mall mid demolition, very creepy and sad to see my childhood mall like that
@trollanlord85 11 месяцев назад
It feels like Kane Pixels reached into my brain and pulled out my nightmares. The Rolling Giant felt like something would come out of my bad dreams
@Babayaga962 11 месяцев назад
One thing I’d just like to point out is that the tree that the tunnel is under seems a lot like an Irish fairy tree. There’s some folklore in Ireland that a large, round tree standing alone in the center of a field is considered sacred, and some people take this really seriously. I’ve heard of landscaping companies that refuse to remove them because it’s said those who disrespect the tree may be cursed by the fey.
@ThomasBriard 11 месяцев назад
This video was almost as good as the actual video, I am dead sure that your hidden gem will become way more popular. Anyways, Great video!
@xxtL 11 месяцев назад
kane saying that he had hallucinations about the rolling giant is the funniest shit i ever seen
@majorgrubert5887 11 месяцев назад
Good show! Nice review, very comprehensive and informative. I believe you made light of many things I hadn’t considered or noticed! Thanks for making this review of Kanes haunting movie:)
@mrmadfunny5507 11 месяцев назад
This is absolutely amazing keep up the great work can’t wait to see more 🔥!
@TheRetroRussian 11 месяцев назад
I love kanes work, I hope he becomes a successful film maker like Tarantino or Spielberg, this kid has major talent.
@Screaming_Froggo 3 месяца назад
I get how serious the whole video is, but I started cracking up at “IS A BANANA A VEGTABLE-???”
@goiterlanternbase 11 месяцев назад
5:35 Crazy is the fact that the glass is still intact🤣 Someone must have meticulously placed each piece of rubble, to not put stress on the glass.
@gabrielragum 11 месяцев назад
I believe in the video he actually goes through the doors, there is no glass
@RapidRoach 11 месяцев назад
Great video dude! Watched this series and was so confused, genuinely impressed how you found all this out!
@Anamnesis 11 месяцев назад
"Wyatt" = "Wait" well done 👍
@eggdogreal 7 месяцев назад
I have a theory where the mall is actually in a parallel universe where it didnt get demolished and the stairs are some kind of portal, however the actual mall goes at 2x the speed of our universe, which would somewhat explain how the mall itself instantly became abandoned and full of flora.
@TOPG-g4c 6 месяцев назад
nice theory👍
@snottyscotty252 11 месяцев назад
The series is named The Old View because of the old demolished mall that was based off in real life called The Valley View Mall, I did some digging and when Wyatt was looking for an exit one exit was blocked called the Preston rd exit. Preston rd was used for cattle and horses back in the day and my theory is that those horses noclipped inside the Valley View Mall. Another theory is I think that Julian Reverchon founded La Reunion TX the art company that created the rolling giant and the other giants, now La Reunion was a small town founded by Julian in the 1800 it might be a stretch but I think La Reunion TX made the rolling giant and all the other parade giants with soul intention of getting possesed by Julian and maybe the other spirits like a cult, they might be related to the mining company that blocked off Wyatt with the purpose of getting possesd by Julian like a ritual.
@ZackShark1 11 месяцев назад
aint no way you bringing backrooms stuff into this
@JoshuaAndres 11 месяцев назад
I think this could be a Kane’s take on the Greek myth of The Labyrinth.
@jonbetts3619 11 месяцев назад
I thought the exact same thing dude
@Wonzling0815 11 месяцев назад
I wish we could see if Wyatt's body at the end is still in the area under the tree. My first theory was that there was some kind of nature spirit catching Wyatt in an illusion, scaring him into climbing the tree where he falls to his death. But that doesn't explain why the illusion would be a mall, much less a specific one.
@quirked504 11 месяцев назад
Very strong theory! Well done
@iminyourhousebro 11 месяцев назад
Haha watching this live made me tweak tf out, it was like 2 a.m. and i just took a big dab and saw he was live i slept with the lights on a few nights ago 😂
@switchsinner 11 месяцев назад
not after the dabbb omg i would green out
@daskell_ 11 месяцев назад
a really good easter egg is when wyat finds a document the document is named "document 18371905" Julien was born in 1837 and died in 1905
@firecrusades3397 11 месяцев назад
your point about the graffiti is invalid, you can see in footage of the mall while it was open that it was a mural commissioned by the mall
@TheQuartzscar 11 месяцев назад
ooooo good to know, still there is other evidence of decay and the start of the slow destruction of the mall.
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