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Bro, like seriously..
Not even adding a description to this bs, I just cant be asked..




23 июн 2022




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@kaitos68 2 года назад
u been playing that long yet u think the new update is better 💀💀💀 bros calling the current comp players incompetent 💀💀💀 LMFAO try playing before talking yea? try village. u can literally fuck ct over on a site, u can literally flash a site from t and rush al and elbow and get an easy plant. the vector is the only good gun that still does decent damage long range. if u say u've played beta everyday for a long ass time, u should fucking know that the vector's range and damage is fucking broken now 😂😂. every game has jump strafe sure, have u seen how cf implemented it 💀💀. and u can counter jiggling bozo thats how its been for the last few years, u can fucking shoot them while jiggling. i drop 25 per game on average i dont know wtf u thinking abt 😂😂, and people hold spool in master rank bc u can easily see if they're pushing wagon, even twist did that 🤣🤣. mans a clown. u wanna talk skill try dropping 25 per game in master, u just suck fam no wonder u accuse ppl of hacking with no proof 💀💀💀. NOT TO MENTION: it takes 2 fucking shotgun shots to kill someone POINT BLANK RANGE. bozo says he's played beta sm yet mf doesnt even know this 💀💀😂😂 the revenue im talking abt is from old players that have quit the game, people who used to spend money on this game but quit once they saw this bullshit LMAO, i dont know wtf u think. players who quit = no revenue loss? 💀 u obv play in diff server, in every asia server everyone fucking hates the update 😂😂🤣 ur an old "comp" player? bro u got no brain, movement in 1.32 was good alr, u dont even know that? u need to walk in certain spots in order to avoid getting heard. and there's certain areas u can walk to so u dont get seen 💀💀💀🤣 old comp player my ass
@kaitos68 2 года назад
there's a reason most of the comp players signed a petition to have the changes reverted, if ur update is "so good" why do u think the community is in such an uproar fam 💀💀😂😂 ppl dont need to spend 3 fucking days testing out the update. u can literally spend a couple hours testing out all the new features, what fucking planet did u come from where it takes u weeks to test if an update is rlly good or not 😂😂, hop into a def or tdm and u can alr tell if the changes to the guns r good, doesnt take einstein to figure that out dumbass
@ashca30 2 года назад
Wow this guy also a T1 Essay writer
@skyset1234 2 года назад
29 emojis and I still don't know where the funny part is.
@ashca30 2 года назад
@dego7480 2 года назад
Why so many laughing emojis. Not even funny
@noset6434 2 года назад
NAHHH PHINIX these are only bangers. Made my day
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@noset6434 2 года назад
This update does really show who is open to learn the game mechanics and who just plays "BeCaUsE wHy NoT"
@Quote413 2 года назад
Yeah but who cares tho
@noset6434 2 года назад
@@Quote413 "yeah but who cares tho"
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@Smisdead 2 года назад
Well as an old comp player from 2016 to 2018 and then pop in every once and a while but the game has always been simple it always had its problems with new changes because that’s how it is because nobody likes change that affects their simple and good play styles. Like Right now I’ve been playing this new update for basically the whole day today and I can say I’m glad I don’t play this game comp anymore because I wouldn’t be able to handle all this complicated stuff if I’m being honest but the Armor system Does need to be change because everything feels to weak like Idc if they keep it or remove it but they just need to revamp it to something better because it doesn’t make sense how I can just hit someone first based on my reaction time and then still lose the gun fight because I chose the safe option with aiming at their chest or stomach yk? I get punished for being faster and choosing to aim at their chest rather than their head just so armor can soak all of the damage. As for scoped weapons I like them like that’s cool, just that they shake a lot and the red dot is not as red as I would like it to be but that’s just me. The Aa Really Messed the game up as well, like new players shouldn’t be greeted by tryhards or people that sound 24/7 and be expected to learn how to play with the tutorial they give you and no actual help to aid new players but I get that people would like to have an actual skilled game and I get that part but honestly it might kill a lot of players drive to keep playing the game because they just get their asses handed to them every game they go into because the Aa isn’t what it used to be and the more you lose the more you become less likely to play the game, yes that would make them like babies that need Aa but we technically we all needed it at a point in the game because we were all Ass in the beginning and those new players would not be getting that same treatment of having it nor the experience of having fun with it but this is only my opinion as well but I would always make it a habit to not use Aa to actually build aim and only turn it up on scrims or ranked matches or just against people that would talk to much so transitioning to not having as much of it doesn’t change my style of play. Ik you said something about people only playing two hours of the game and how that voided their opinions of the update But I played about 9 hours today and I think I get the full grasp of it and really it’s not the best direction if I am being honest, because the simplicity of the game was important and adding these armors make it more complicated for old and new players because people can rush fully into sites without even getting damaged a lot and ig like you said in the other video that all the maps are ct sided but there’s a reason that they were ct sided because if one person with heavy gets pushed by 5 heavy armor players who do you think wins . if one person with the old armor gets pushed by 5 people with the same armor we all know it depends on the player to get those kills, but the point is there is no chance t side would get stopped by one person because of the heavy armor. If you were to 1v5 you would have to legit get most of the kills by getting headshots , off angles or just kill them from behind. And Maps Should Be Ct sided , they’re supposed to protect the cites, yes some maps are more Ct sided then others but that’s how it went and before one person could stop a push but that’s what made the game fun. that something like getting multiple kills from getting pushed could happen and well now you just get stomped over by three people because of the heavy armor. That’s pretty much all I had to say I don’t mean any of this to come out as bad or taken in that way or anything I’m just voicing an opinion. I’m guessing that guy was mad that they took his aiming abilities away 💀, but the community needs to be better but that’s never gonna happen for the fact that people grow and leave and new people come in and all the ogs left for better things and opportunities so it’s not like they have someone to look up to or watch in any type of way and then instead get these ego headed children that basically have the idea that you’re not good or doing anything unless you’re putting kills on the board. So most of the old left while they could and the new came in and became the old so they act how they want because they basically became the only ones around and still cared about the game like that so they need a reality check about themselves so they can grow up already. this game isn’t for a lot of people and it isn’t for me anymore because I can’t deal with the armor being the way it is and that’s fine for me to say. I would play comp if I could again but that’s behind me because this game isn’t the same anymore And I’m sad that I’ll never get to go back to simpler times when the game was still fresh to me and fun to play and this game was a part of my life, that I already left a long time ago but yeah thanks for reading if you did, hope everyone has a good day or good night and stay safe y’all .
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
thank you for the long ass comment xd So.. the game being simple is not always good and the only reason why "simple" worked back then was, because everyone played it for fun and because some people ended up being pretty good at it. Most of the ways in which you can exploit how the game works now would theoretically have worked back then as well, but nobody did it, because that is not really much fun. The ranked boosting currently for example. Most of the top elite players play against their own smurf accounts to boost their rating and kd. This has been possible ever since ranked came out, but nobody did it, because that is not much fun really. Same thing for 90% of issues with gameplay currently. The game is not changing because the devs want it to, the community and their willingness to exploit the game has changed, and therefore the game had to be adjusted alongside it. If you play the game competitively. you have to be able to handle all the complicated stuff. The issue is, back then, the players did complicated strats and all that shit, while thanks to the above mentioned exploits in gameplay, currently players who don't put this kind of work is are still somewhat likely to beat the people who do, which obviously shouldn't happen: The devs now have to make sure that this is not the case anymore. One of those things, the heavy kevlar. You cannot just hold an offangle and hope to pick off 2 or 3 players, you have to actually go through the effort of flashing properly and so on. Same thing vice versa. Just running on side and fighting a 2v2 is not a 60/40 anymore, it is incredibly unlikely to win, which forces you to use smokes and frags properly. Back then, the community did this out of their own accord, now the devs have to force these lazy fuckers to do it. Simple as that. Also, armor mainly served 2 purposes. Adjusting TTK and adjusting movement speed. Both of which had been fucked up by former devs and that lead to a ton of issues. As I said in response to the other comment, depending on your position in the community and what others expect of you, the amount of time you have to put into an update obviously scales with how complex your feedback and understanding of the changes needs to be. If I was just playing the game every now and again, checking out the beta would have taken me a few hours at most as well. The thing with CT's being supposed to protect the sites is something that does not work on C-Ops maps. Idk if this is intentional or something the design team fucks up repeatedly, but the logic of these maps is meant to be, that everything is positioned the way it would be during all day usage, which then is disturbed by terrorists. CS:GO maps do this really well. You have Nuke, a powerplant, where the position of every box and every small object is believable with how it would be used day to day. Then there are maps like mirage that are largely the same way, but it looks like a few boxes were moved into like half tactical positions or something. Compare that to maps like Soar or Raid. No fucking mansion rooftop or brewery looks like this. Stuff is positioned into tactically important spots and the map design does the thinking for the player. This not only means that these maps are self explanatory as fuck and a lot easier to play, but also that the skill it would require to make out where to properly hold a bombsite from etc. has to be generated elsewhere. This happens by forcing players to use utility for example. And about what you said with the aiming for the head or aiming for the body. Obviously this is your choice and the body is safer, but if someone else has put enough time into the game to know the proper preaim and that simply outguns you despite you having the upper hand, then you have nobody but yourself (and partially the horrendously obvious map design) to blame for. If he did not deserve to hit that headshot, he will likely not be able to do it consistently, which will come to bite him the next round, because if he is overconfident about his aiming ability, he will not have the mindset of preparing for his own failure. About the aim assist thing. Unfortunately, my big video on it took a lot longer to make than I initially intended, which has lead to the update actually adjusting aim assist coming out before my video. No worries, the video will still come, but it will serve more of a "this is why these changes were made" purpose, than the initial "these are the problems, we need to change this" viewpoint. Without taking too much away from that video, there is a reason why console games feature aim assist and pc games don't. Aim Assist is meant to compensate the far inferior input method that is controller and the touch screen that we are working with is mechanically much closer to the mouse than it is to the controller, therefore making aim assist rather optional. If you lay out the benefits and the risks that it comes with, having no, or relatively little aim assist is a lot healthier for the game, as well as the players and that is not even considering the game being competitive, where no kind of assist is meant to play a role in the first place. The video ends with me proposing two options. No.1, a reworked weaker version of Aim Assist and No.2, aim assist being limited to public lobbies and an additional setting to the room hosting menu to force it to 0%, mandatory for anything comp related, as well as it being disabled from a certain rank onwards. Devs have had that script for the better part of half a year now and they have beat me to it as it turns out. I did not mind which of the 2 it would end up being, as I am so used to it, that I will suck for a considerable amount of time with weaker or no aim assist anyways. With what I said about playing the beta I did not try to insult people who only played the update for 2 hours, I tried to explain that I found it pretty stupid for someone with very little experience considering themselves competent to shittalk people who have literally developed that update for months. I did not want to say that it was impossible have an opinion about the update, I wanted to say how I would not feel confident voice my opinion on it, knowing there is so many things I have not explored yet and that i quite frankly do not understand the implications of. A few weeks later now, I am still happy with that video and I'd say that the opinion I had in the video still reflects to about 95% of my current standpoint. And you said about right in that paragraph, the community needs to be better. The devs that work on the game now, are completely different people to the devs who changed things back in 2018. There is like a hand full remaining from that time, but the majority had nothing to do with the company when this happened. It is unrealistic to ever expect for the game to be the same as it was, which is unfortunate, but the best we can do is trust the new guys, tell them about our vision for the game, and find the middle path between our hopes and dreams, the things they intend for the game to be and what the game realistically needs to survive and not be exploitable for the people who try to do so. What the game is supposed to become in the future is, the most skillbased game on mobile, looking at many other PC and Mobile games to improve itsself. The armor system is pretty close to valorant I'd say, which is the best tactical fps game that is built on state of the arc tech. The game will not try to be a copy of anything, but I would believe that everyone would prefer a good game that has taken bits of inspiration from the big games, versus a game that is completely it's own thing and different to anything we have seen before, but ends up being dogshit. I love remembering old c-ops and if I could have it back, I'd want it as much as the current devs do, but the current community has different needs and I am pretty certain that they'd make the old game completely unplayable.
@Smisdead 2 года назад
@@PHiNiX when I said it became complicated it was only about how armor worked but yeah I get what you mean but thank you for this long ass comment back 😂❤️ As well as how the armor system works like Val that’s probably why I disliked but oh well C-Ops can do what they want at the end of the day it’s their decisions as well as mine to continue playing the game for fun
@skyset1234 2 года назад
@@PHiNiX "There's a reason why PC games feature Aim Assist and console games don't" -PHiNiX 2022.
@shubham77904 2 года назад
Things which I don't like 1. Recoil changes, Ak especially hurt because earlier it took skill to control and it felt powerful while using. Now because of so much grinding, it's like I am playing at the platinum level. Also, the skill floor has gone up because of it and the skill ceiling has gone down. They removed aim assist which is a welcome move, but making the reoil change is something I don't like. 2. Time to kill is significantly higher, this changes the identity of the game completely for me. Earlier it just felt snappy, there was something satisfying in gameplay that other games like standoff 2 lack for me. So the gameplay is not that fun anymore. 3. Brutal kickbacks from the enemy (I can't recall the word for it sorry), it's real luck-based once both sides start shooting crosshairs go haywire. It is literally luck-based after both starts shooting. Gun play needs a lot more stability than currently. Rest can be tested further but these 2 points really take away from the experience that it had earlier.
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
1.I have to say that I dont feel like this at all.. Sure, it is difficult to get used to the different patterns now, which temporarily moves skill floor and ceiling closer together, because everyone sucks at spray controlling now, but in the long run, players who put the work in will be rewarded with being even more consistent because the recoil pattern has barely any randomness to it now. 2.Higher TTK has many huge benefits. Apex legends, one of the most skillbased games that we have, being a prime example that a game where you need like 20+ bullets to kill somebody can be very skillbased. For this comparison I like to look at Call of Duty. The call of duty games with the shorter TTK are usually frowned upon by large parts of the old community, because they make it easy for bad players to get free kills, based on having bad positioning and the time a much better player takes to readjust and outaim the guy will be super small. This is a pattern also very much present in c-ops. This is pretty bad for a game, especially said game helps noobs a lot by gamedesign and the skill floor and ceiling is close together, because in cases like that, the skill difference required to do the above may not even be attainable in the game in the first place. 3.I agree, Aim Punch is a big issue and tho I prefer the current system over the old one, because it features less randomness, I still think it should be a lot weaker. That was pretty much my first piece of feedback when I played the beta.
@shubham77904 2 года назад
@@PHiNiX maybe it's because we have different viewpoints regarding what critical ops was and should be. I always thought of that as a mobile version of Counter Strike. It also has tough-to-control recoil and short TTK. I only play one game, critical ops. Because I don't have time to play other games, I have only invested my time in this game. So the change in recoil also hurts personally. I will again have to grind what I already had done earlier. your views are right for competitiveness and fairness. But I still think what counter strike has done can be achieved by critical ops. I think they had 2 choices- fast TTK but tough recoil and slower TTK but easy recoil. Game feels really different right now, probably that's why some people are hurt and bashing C-ops.
@xd-qi6ry 2 года назад
The only thing i’ll agree on for now is aim punch is hit flinch but it just makes it more skillful for players that want to get better to hit those headshots as their firs tbullets and not be penalised by the next, the recoil is fine and for ak is alot higher than it was before so if you adjust your sens to only play the ak you will be able to use it consistently more so than before having to actually pull the crosshair down however it’s what gun you choose to main for the sens and that is how it is unless we get different sens for all guns which is in other games but i don’t think it is needed. i’ll be interested to what the future holds for t guns however i’m glad t has the scar aswell as ct it’s a well thought out choice, the ar 15 and other guns that were frowned upon before are better aswell as the pistols.
@shubham77904 2 года назад
@@xd-qi6ryPeople already had incentive for headshots, but now gin fights have become a lot finicky becuase of brutal aim punch. I don't think critical ops will be keeping it like this. The idea should have from start been lower aim punch as we move up on Armor level. Recoil of AK is considerably simple and easy to control. This will still be the most popular gun because of its price. AR15, still lacks that consistency for me. You can see that by the size of cross hair, it's not as tight as ak. Now the game shows how tight the spray will be through crosshair spread.
@gigachad1622 2 года назад
Average COPS player be like 💀 btw Phinix is it worthy to come back in the game right now for an old cops player ?
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
hopping into a few ranked games with your mates just for fun? go for it, same thing that I am doing.. Actually taking the game serious? Nah..
@radiumios 2 года назад
Tbh, recoil patterns are alot more easier especially HK, I liked the harder recoil with more spread because it rly determine the skill of handling recoil, they reduced aim assist alot like its completely gone, they should've done that gradually to sustain the current players. Anyways I hope people adapt changes or they improve what that game lacks.
@xd-qi6ry 2 года назад
Hk never had recoil before hand anyways becuase of it’s fire rate and dmg… what?
@radiumios 2 года назад
@@xd-qi6ry hk had a bit of recoil and now its gone totally making it an overpowered assault rifle
@TheDuxa 2 года назад
@@radiumios disagreed,hk had no recoil
@horruspaiclips3165 2 года назад
Bro whatcha saying? Most comp rn is just t side rushing with overpowered smgs(if you have light armour on ct and that smg hit ya even once ur basically dead due to aim assist)… There is no point to buy rifles nowadays on most maps(like bureau)…
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
it is out for 2 days... no adjustments made to the update (which was already stated would be happening) and barely anybody has even explored the update fully. For all we know there could be a simple hardcounter for smgs somewhere, we just dont know it yet.
@kaitos68 2 года назад
ya fr this guy stupid la
@Smisdead 2 года назад
@@PHiNiX well you don’t need a full week of gameplay to feel out an update all you really need is one day to explore everything and when I say one day I mean like 7 to 10 hours of playing and checking out everything so to say you can’t explore it since it’s been 2 days that realistically is wrong but hard counter to smgs there’s no counter because there’s not a problem with the smgs only the vector or you could say smgs as a whole do deal with the heavy armor because of the faster fire rate and that’ll be the only problem with smgs but that isn’t a problem because they’re smgs and people don’t know how to adapt to a big change in the system.
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
you do need less than 2 days to roughly see what is wrong, it takes you minutes to see that smgs are too powerful or that shotguns are weak. most people came to the conclusion that shotgun damage and smg damage had been lowered too much and that heavy kevlar was op. had devs, like in the past listened to this feedback and acted on it, that would have broken the whole game. thankfully they waited for a few days for proper detailed feedback from their reliable sourced of which I am happy to be considered one. This feedback showed the opposite. You need a lot more than 2 days to know what exactly is causing problems, which creative decisions this stemmed from, how it can be fixed and how it interacts with other features. I voiced a few concerns a few minutes into playing and then waited almost a week until I gave proper feedback. Conclusion was, that nothing about the damage values was wrong in the first place and that there had just been some poorly adjusted armor penetration values. The difference between them on rifle and smg was way too small, which still would not have been a problem, had it not been for the removal of basically all inaccuracy in the same update. So the final decision was between turning all SMG vs SMG fights back into luckbased kids' snowball fights, or adjusting the armor pen values. There was obviously more that i'd rather not disclose here, but a ton of people often forget how the devs are devs. They develop the game and don't necessarily play it. Sure, they still know a ton of stuff about it, but they lack insight from certain perspective sometimes. At that point in time I had a few leads as to possible hardcounters to smgs. 2 turned out to not work based on being far less consistent and the other one worked, but involved an exploit, so i'd rather not talk about it. You gotta understand that exploring and feedback are terms with a lot of room for argumentation and interpretation. Some people consider exploring done, once they can call the devs incompetent cunts for something and end it there. Other people will try to do part of their work in testing and optimization for them and even others will consider downloading the update and playing a tdm sufficient for their duties as a beta tester.
@StratusIOS 2 года назад
"u actually had to think what u were gonna buy on eco" 💀💀💀
@BallooniOS 2 года назад
No way!!!!!!
@votes3605 2 года назад
You should create a comedy series reacting to your comments 😂
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
actually.. Internet Historian does that. He does these huge documentary style videos on his main channel and he usually responds to comments and criticism in a designated faq video on his second channel. As well as giving a bit of feedback. Might do that on some of the big videos in the future.
@xd-qi6ry 2 года назад
Love that he says they move like speed hackers now when clearly he hasn’t played a single ranked match, nearly no one uses no armor and if you buy heavy armor you are going to be even slower than before.
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
yea.. i didn't even mention that. On one side he talks about how everyone eats so much and how that is unfair and on the other side he talks about how faste everyone is.. Makes no sense at all
@dreadstar17 2 года назад
Tbh this is a new entire mechanism, and it will be hard to get used to it, however personally I don’t like it.
@OffensiveW 2 года назад
Lowkey everything is fine if they bring all chat back.
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
lmao.. I mean, I get why they did it, its still kinda sad tho
@OffensiveW 2 года назад
@@PHiNiX yk when people hit insane shots n make a clip people literally watch js to see what enemies in chat said n how they reacted.
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@@OffensiveW yea.. small benefit for better content etc. but in contrast to that, so much more potential for griefing, toxicity etc.
@IlIlIllllllI Год назад
Your point is right. C ops community from casual to comp are self-centered and don’t take the game seriously. Game is fine, the mechanics are fine. Sure, maybe they should just change some things in the guns and a little movement. Utility and opportunities to play relying on more complex strats. Other than that the community just Killed itself.
@kais6r 2 года назад
such a enjoyable video 😂
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@ashca30 2 года назад
Perfect example of how c ops community is like
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@skyset1234 2 года назад
King of Comedy.
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@Titazavr1337 2 года назад
twelve amongus asked to cook for you
@VGODP 25 дней назад
Ich bezweifle, dass du sogar lange genug gespielt hast, um zu verstehen, wie das Spiel vor 1.17/1.18 war, als ViewModel und Remix herauskamen. Dieses Update hat die Art und Weise verändert, wie das Spiel gespielt wurde, und anstatt bessere Verbesserungen am 1.32-System hinzuzufügen, haben sie nur das gesamte Spiel geändert und Dinge hinzugefügt, die das Comp-System stark behindern. obv u nvr spielte comp oder high rank elo, aber da es nicht auf Side-Matches drängt. Rly schnell getaktet, wird die erhöhte Geschwindigkeit nur CT über ficken. da es die einzige nutzbare Waffe auf T ist Vektor, während auf CT U haben die mp5 und die m4. 2. Wo der Scheiß ist der Ziel-Assistent? Der Ziel-Assistent hat den Spielern geholfen, ihre Sprühkontrolle zu kontrollieren und ihr Ziel zu verbessern, dieses Update wird alle neuen Spieler töten, die zum ersten Mal Polizisten ausprobieren. u Know Why? bc Sie können nicht nach Scheiße zielen und einfach nur von der Menge gefickt werden, wie viel ppl Kugeln essen. 3., die Jump-Strafe-Scheiße, seine legitime Bullshit. ur gonna haben fuckers wackeln und u cant counter sie. Beispiel: ur auf t Seite Lagerung, ur jiggle peeking main für Informationen, in 1.32 u'd tatsächlich haben müssen Geschicklichkeit, um zu vermeiden, getaggt oder getötet, während jiggling für Informationen, jetzt können Sie einen verdammten Eisen oder Bronze Spieler bekommen, um das zu tun und sie werden nicht sterben. 4., das verdammte Economy-System und Rüstung, es war früher, dass du tatsächlich darüber nachdenken musst, was du pro Runde kaufen würdest, besonders auf Eco. jetzt kannst du nur schwere Rüstung und eine Drehzahl auswählen und du wirst mindestens 1 Kill pro Runde bekommen. Die Rüstung ist nur verdammt kaputt, was früher 3 SG-Schüsse an den Körper für einen Kill war, wird jetzt wie 6-10 dauern, abhängig von Ur Spray. wanna Ass auf einem 5-Mann-Schub? unmöglich, weil 5 Mann-Stack alle unsere Kugeln essen und ohne einen einzigen Kill-U-Don't-Abt-Abscheiß-Ab-Abs-Scheißer-Scheiße. 4., das verdammte Economy-System und Rüstung, es war früher, dass du tatsächlich darüber nachdenken musst, was du pro Runde kaufen würdest, besonders auf Eco. jetzt kannst du nur schwere Rüstung und eine Drehzahl auswählen und du wirst mindestens 1 Kill pro Runde bekommen. Die Rüstung ist nur verdammt kaputt, was früher 3 SG-Schüsse an den Körper für einen Kill war, wird jetzt wie 6-10 dauern, abhängig von Ur Spray. wanna Ass auf einem 5-Mann-Schub? unmöglich, weil 5 Mann-Stack alle unsere Kugeln essen und ohne einen einzigen Kill-U-Don't-Abt-Abscheiß-Ab-Abs-Scheißer-Scheiße. Es braucht tatsächlich Geschick, um Konzepte wie Bewegung zu meistern. u müssen ur verdammtes Gehirn verwenden, um darüber nachzudenken, was passieren wird, wenn du an einen bestimmten Ort ziehst. jetzt, da sich die Spieler wie verdammte Geschwindigkeits-Hacker bewegen ur so
@VGODP 25 дней назад
@PHiNiX 24 дня назад
everything you just said is wrong and please stop using google translate, thank you
@VGODP 24 дня назад
@PHiNiX bro its a joke its this guys comment 😮
@VGODP 24 дня назад
@@PHiNiX lmao
@FerluciYT 2 года назад
Oh hey we met in a tdm lol
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@VGODP 25 дней назад
@qScythh 2 года назад
Comp mean competitive
@JSpoilt 2 года назад
So early the video is only available in 360p
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
notification gang
@xd-qi6ry 2 года назад
Aim assist makes you worse over time because of lackif muscle memory and sticky aim, like what?
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
some people hit flicks in c-ops and think it is all them ;-;
@a46. 2 года назад
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@kn1GhTGaming777 2 года назад
👌great video
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@TheDuxa 2 года назад
10:29 XDDDDD
@syne8020 2 года назад
würde mich erstmal deinstallieren
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
@frenxxwoo 2 года назад
@PHiNiX 2 года назад
yes indeed
@haint5479 Год назад
you pokus?
@PHiNiX Год назад
@haint5479 Год назад
@@PHiNiX PokuS standoff2?
@PHiNiX Год назад
@haint5479 Год назад
@@PHiNiX (
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