
The Symptoms That Support Man’s Morgellons Disease Diagnosis 

The Doctors
Подписаться 2 млн
Просмотров 13 тыс.
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Psychiatrist Dr. Ish Major joins The Doctors with Aidan who has been experiencing a medical mystery! He feels like he might have a parasite, however, after running several tests, dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra could not find signs of a parasitic infection. She believes he might have Morgellons, which has both physical and mental symptoms.
Support for Man Experiencing Mysterious Mental and Physical Symptoms
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About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show in its 14th season. The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.




31 янв 2022




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@facecy1427 2 года назад
Seriously, if you truly want to educate yourselves about morgellons you wouldn't have picked Psychiatrists to explain. SMH
@DebbieJacoboni 2 года назад
i agree
@splibb 2 года назад
That's exactly who needs to help you all
@fiona3092 2 года назад
@@splibb No you may bet it will all come out as another big human experiment with life altering results as planned they need to stop letting scientists meddle with anything natural be it our air food water and all of life as created by God
@splibb 2 года назад
@@fiona3092 LOL, god huh. The future will be a god free zone.
@fiona3092 2 года назад
@@splibb line up and take your place with them on that big ol road to hell
@keosha4906 Год назад
It's crazy when people don't believe what you know u see with your own eyes
@TheFifthWorld22 2 года назад
I have much information on this and there's voices like mine that need to be heard going forward. Specifically the doctors, who need to listen
@jimbo987 2 года назад
So by now if your not aware, to consider yourself lucky, morgs is an immune response to a 40yr campaign between un and darpa to create or modify you to a cybernetic slave, this is why the “ubi” talks were, distract the idiots into thinking robots good no work free pay for them… being an immune response youve had adequete time to breakdown some of the circuitry, most of the idiot are linked to ai already , its cure for stupid. Next big sweep will be when they loose conciousness, and are uploaded fully to sentient world sim “transcendence”, after all this time the doctors qith the staff of 2 serpents just happen to be acknowledging it now ? No coincidence, sellouts like the bulchiviks get put against the wall and shot when power flip happens, because they know to much and get bitter when they understand they are not going to be on top, hence “usefull isiot”
@sethmason4134 2 года назад
I need help. I can't live like this. I'm ready to kill myself
@sethmason4134 2 года назад
It hurts and the doctors tell me I'm crazy
@saranjimable 2 года назад
This has forever changed my life. I dont believe its ad rare as what they think it is, people just dont realize it.
@missdesireindependance5194 2 года назад
@@sethmason4134 This is a real disease and I believe it’s linked to parasites.
@carmenvillanueva5336 2 года назад
Morgellos is a symbiosis of different organisms. In my case it started with bird mites, but later it complicates with others bugs, like collembola, fungus gnats, and later a no-seeums myiasis. The worst part of this is that doctors only have one thing in mind: desilusional parasitosis. They are closed to hear all the clues and details that we are giving to discover the truth of this desease. It is real, I am suffering this disease since 2019. In my case, it began with the purchase o 2 little chicks that i kept inside the house for several weeks...after that began the crawling and the bitings of no-seeums flies. Then I started to see the cotton balls that comes out of skin...this desease is a frustraition. Praying for the cure and for all the sufferers....be strong.
@rilletheone 2 года назад
I have it too. To me the starting point was living in a moldy apartment and later on a head trauma. For many people the symptoms are preceded by some type pf trauma. Fenbendazole helps me so much, I'm almost symptom free. For some people high dosages of SSKI seem to work, I felt too bad on that protocol however..
@carmenvillanueva5336 2 года назад
@@rilletheone thanks for tbe recommendation. Let's see if I can get that medication. Right now i am always in a "experimental mode" with other medication. I will let know if it works for me. Be well!
@rilletheone 2 года назад
@@carmenvillanueva5336 I hope it helps. From my own experimentation different medications help different people. Experiment til you find something that works for you.
@ReallyReall 2 года назад
I think it also my be a traumatic event that triggers it ... in a lot of cases people say that it is a nano tech bio organism . Either way it’s awesome that it’s hitting mainstream again for a min :) .. to anyone suffering it will do you a lot of good to only drink distilled water :)
@gracefulface7466 2 года назад
@@ReallyReall You are right it is a nanotech bio-weapon.
@realmorgellons 2 года назад
Thank you all for shining a light on Morgellons and acknowledging the research showing an association with Lyme disease.
@TheFifthWorld22 2 года назад
It is a healing transfiguration process, that has to do with the fascia system coming online..
@realmorgellons 2 года назад
@@TheFifthWorld22 can you show me the research on that? I think you're confusing Morgellons with something else.
@078249 2 года назад
I didn't see any acknowledgment of lyme disease shown here. In fact, after 20 years the only ones that acknowledge that it's associated with lyme are the ones who profit from it. The lyme theory never gained any attention because the lack of credibility of those making the claim. Meanwhile the suffering continues.
@verawolfenbarger5875 2 года назад
@@078249 Exactly! They dropped the ball on this.
@realmorgellons 2 года назад
@@3pointsmeet what's the cure for berating and making fun of patients?
@verawolfenbarger5875 2 года назад
Morgellons is Lyme and Lyme is Morgellons. It is hell.
@LLNylen 2 года назад
I’ve had such a long journey…many years of outreach…but found out that I actually have CLD and then sought out an infectious disease Dr. at Amen Clinic in DC and she confirmed by doing a screening. My Mom & I saw the Morgellon’s fibers on screen. So many developments…dental, fog, gastro issues, joint pain & sores they won’t heal, my nails/hair are being attacked. I am very frustrated going to any new Dr. appointment because I have anxiety about what info. I should spill in fear they’re going to tilt there head ..basically summing me up a some ‘crazy person’. I’m a wallflower personality so any garbage talk about being a possible hypochondriac or someone who’s thirsty for attention…it is honestly the last thing on my to-do list. This disease is very discouraging & difficult to even share with the closest people in your life. Skepticism sucks! My twin sister has seen the bizarre ~ all of it unraveling all along. I’m not a crazy person. I am not. :(
@carmenvillanueva5336 2 года назад
@@LLNylen I trust you. I am also suffering of the disease. Be strong. Keep writting. You are not alone. These desease will be decoded by good scientist who will listen and observe the evidence, not the ones that are conformist with the current label of desilusional parasitosis. Pray.
@denisesynder2799 2 года назад
1.87%ivermectin horse paste dewormer!!! Eraser size 2xday take it till all symptoms are gone. Do your research!
@denisesynder2799 2 года назад
@@carmenvillanueva5336 look into horse paste dewormer 1.87% .
@vickir6412 2 года назад
It's like Lyme like once you get bite poison goes in, if the head is not removed then it burrows,heals over and continues to send posion along with bacteria. The same as a brown recluse bite. the antenna feather like with barb Hooke fang it does the same witch will dig deeper as time goes.. But you have to think of the possibility that it is a pest that not only penetrates the skin and delivers a posion but lays eggs and the fiber is a feeder and path builder vein. Like a spider that lays eggs from it bottoms and spends a web with an embilican cord. I think this morgelons is a multi facet phases of life development and different stages of feeding and defense.Written by TM
@paigedunshee3948 Год назад
I think my partner may have this. Any idea where we can better educate ourselves on this?
@Jojoma449 2 года назад
This clip didn’t really say anything ? Did I miss something they didn’t say what it is or didn’t really show anything
@candynelson6358 2 года назад
Agree, more psycho babble bs.
@alerdman2002 Год назад
Like most diagnosis from doctors involves surgery prescription that's the limit the rest they just write on a piece of paper it's comments and people we the people that help each other
@rayshellrollins2339 Месяц назад
I’ve come to realize that only the people that get this disease, myself included, are the only ones that are gonna understand that there is no illusion to it AT ALL!!!
@ines-mu7ub 8 месяцев назад
hello morgellons are in our environment as well as in medical equipment intended for patients. I am type 1 diabetic with continuous glucose sensors I noticed by chance after the installation of the hard sensor the skin after 30 to 45 minutes morgellons came out all around the blood glucose sensors. I am looking for an independent laboratory to analyze the sensors thank you for those who can help me
@br3dw1nn3r Год назад
Idk if I have it or not but I have sores that take forever to heal and these clear 2-3mm rod like things that come out of my wounds, they're hard to pull out and when I do it hurts and it's like they're attached to my skin, then they bleed profusely for about 30 seconds and leaves a hole where it was. It's weird, I suffer from seizures too, and I believe it was from a time I had a tick on me in like 4th grade that had embedded its head in my neck. It's seriously weird. I don't get the itches and the crawlys and shit though
@peterpemrich6962 Год назад
That is exactly spot on to a t what I have and the spots where the fibers are coming out do not go away my skin is pretty white in the spots are more on the red side and I specifically don't touch those areas just so I can keep a mental note that it's not from itching or messing with it in the spots have been there for about a year now they are really bad on my shins and forearms and biceps
@peterpemrich6962 Год назад
My house is completely covered in little cotton balls everywhere in this wasteland all over my floors it's extremely exhausting to try and keep it all at Bay but I found a correlation to the magnitude of lint and the magnitude of symptoms it's a balance act and I'm drowning
@zebbieloo7409 Год назад
@@peterpemrich6962 you will never get rid if it. SKYFALL......microscope will show you its outside. Get air purification until ro save yourself from the pollution...BAD pollution
@user-by1nl3fl1i 5 месяцев назад
​@peterpemrich6962 girl, MY CAR IS INFESTED WITH FIBERS ! I BARLEY HAVE EM ON MY SKIN JUST THE PLACES WHERE I SPEND MOST TIME GETS LITTERALLY taken complete control over by these damn Fibers ! Doesn't help I have a 95 and majority of the interior is carpet material. I even found it under the HOOD ! With all the mechanical parts... Now my car is having more problems more than ever... I believe I got this from a DIRTY moldy Apartment 100% but that's what confuses TF out of me... I never had a vector. No bites . No ticks . Nothing... Just , a dirty rented building .. it most likely had mold idk . I feel this will always be a mystery because each case is tremendously different... How Th would they even know which hypothesis to start with ? .
@keosha4906 Год назад
I haven't went to the doctor to report cause of denial response to the subject
@lindahamilton4319 Год назад
I've been suffering with Morgellons for years am still am to this very day. Currently I'm in agony with it. I've been on Doxycycline 8 months already and most likely I'll remain on it for years. I think it's helping but it is an incredibly slow process. It is a nightmare but at least I finally found a physician who is convinced of its legitimacy as a "real" disease and began treating me. It is very real and life destroying! If you think you have it don't stop till you find a physician that will treat the Borrelia bacteria causing it and not send you to mental health for delusional parasitosis. That only compounds the problem.
@beckiwildeman600 Год назад
He speaks of two products around the 30 minute timestamp.
@carmenvillanueva5336 Год назад
Hi Linda. What is your treatment at this moment?
@lindahamilton4319 Год назад
@@carmenvillanueva5336 Hi Carmen, I currently only take 40mg a day of Doxycycline. I began on 100mg a day for about 3 to 4 months but due to kidney issues my dose has been lowered to 40mg a day. I personally believe I should be given IV antibiotics. My physician doesn’t give away much information to me and I sometimes feel like I am more of a subject in a study than a patient he’s treating. I know he did some blood work but I don’t know what test he ordered. I have had to educate myself on Morgellons and still am and I now have tons of questions for him but I don’t even know when my next appointment with him is nor do I know if he will give me a straight answer. I believe he knows what he’s doing however all I ever seem to get from him are extremely vague answers to anything I’ve asked thus far. I really want to know if he has tested me for Lyme Disease and if so what test did he order to find out. I have so many unanswered questions however the Doxycycline has begun to help I believe so I am just so thankful for the slightest of improvements. I now know I have a very long journey ahead of me battling this bacteria. I also believe I have it systemically. I do believe it has and is affecting my heart, lungs, GI tracts and possibly other dreaded places. I wonder how much of a role Morgellons has played with my many past and present health conditions. I’ve had two cancers, AL Amyloidosis (very suspiciously related to Morgellons) and a year later Lung Cancer. With the first cancer I had many cycles of chemo and 10 months after the chemo ended I had an autogolous Stem Cell Transplant. I’m in severe heart failure with mid wall fibrosis. (Suspish again) I had a chest port implanted to receive my chemo after the surgery for lung cancer failed to rid me of the cancer and more chemo was to start followed by a year of immunotherapy but the port only worked less than two weeks because it became blocked by fibrosis. (Very suspish again). I’m also in stage III kidney failure due to the Amyloidosis. And we know Morgellons produces an amyloid. So my previous illnesses all seam to have something in common with Morgellons. Nothing I’ve had however has caused me the suffering and despair that Morgellons has and does. I know this was probably way more information that you wanted so thank you for your patience. I am convinced Morgellons has played a role in the total decline of my health and if it had been left untreated I fully believe it would eventually have (still might) kill me. Thanks for your interest and asking. Please feel free to reply if you have any advice or information I’d find helpful. ❤️👍🏻🙏🏻
@TheMorningtrain Год назад
Do you think it’s Borellia or actually a symptom of bartonella?
@lindahamilton4319 Год назад
@@TheMorningtrain I'm pretty sure it's been identified as Burgdorferi. I'll see my Consultant in February. I can't wait. I hope I've been tested for Lyme Disease. Tested for specificity of which strain. I already know I have a Borrelia spirochetal infection.
@phillipstruble3615 Год назад
Aidan, if you read this, leave a message here so I may contact you. I will check this page often to see. I also have Morgellons and have been living with it for a few years. I may be able to help, or at least encourage you. Phillip
@danakuehner2281 9 месяцев назад
@philipstrubke3615 - could I please talk to you about Morgellons Disease 🙏
@danakuehner2281 9 месяцев назад
Or is there anyone who I can talk to, please, in regards to Morgellons Disease 😢
@discoveringrealtruth639 2 года назад
What does he said?
@keithhart3212 Год назад
3 minute video with 5 minutes of ads? Just life in today's world. Human mind can manifest unimaginable things. Today's Doctor's learn what books teach, the true human mind and body is completely different. Today very few Doctors diagnose the individual but rather treat the outcome.
@VeronixaIami 9 месяцев назад
Help us get out derms to stop dismissing us just bc they’re confused. Especially those of us who are being treated by mental health professionals and have they’re mental health under control.
@shopcashcashshop1501 2 года назад
The fibers are none burnabule I guess
@realmorgellons Год назад
No the fibers can be dissolved, that was misreporting early in the investigation.
@jodyann77 2 года назад
I'm I the only 1 That doesn't have a tick bite?
@user-td7or8wx6v 2 года назад
No you can acquire the disease without, although it's possible the underlying Spirochetal bacterial infection was present from an old tick bite long before you developed Morgellons. Did you have anything that affected you're immune system such as living or working in certain environments, struggling with addiction, or having any other previous infections that weakened your immune system?
@jeremywelch1490 2 года назад
I don't/didn't have a tick bite. I think mine came from either the masks everyone was forced to wear or Smart dust from the sky I have CCTV videos of it looking like a blizzard I live in Florida. You couldn't see it with Your naked eye only on camera
@stephenduerr2050 2 года назад
it’s not smart dust or human made. I’m sorry I know it sounds crazy af but I have proof it’s extraterrestrial! They behave live bees in a hive. I have many videos proving this.
@user-td7or8wx6v 2 года назад
@@stephenduerr2050 a person capable of realizing it's intelligent matter is capable of realizing humans are capable of creating and modifying matter to be intelligent. Just think harder.
@stephtodd2854 2 года назад
No where the same but we was infested with rat mite or bird mite...and lived in a woodworm infestation so one of them three is the cause..since I moved house symptoms are better..leaving me to think rat mite from a dead rat in the wall or bird mite tho I don't see any on my parrot
@fpsFAMOUS Год назад
I HAD THIS! Horrible way to go about this. These "GUYS" are looking at 💰💰💰 It's not mental, it's physical. Easy to get rid of but takes work!!!
@daniellemasters001 Год назад
Please tell me how?
@fpsFAMOUS Год назад
@@daniellemasters001 I'll make a video soon.
@OrcinusLaryngologist Год назад
@@daniellemasters001gut health. You have to fix your tummy. Loading up on probiotics.
@peterpemrich6962 Год назад
​@@OrcinusLaryngologistyour confidence in your reply gives me confidence that you may be right. My symptoms were on the extreme side but now that I've been trying to eat as healthy as possible they have been subsiding all of the visual symptoms are still there but at least I'm starting to feel better
@OrcinusLaryngologist Год назад
@@peterpemrich6962 there’s so many factors to this thing that all possible routes need to be looked at. Starting from within should be the first. Then the environmental factors as well. I’ve found that upon leaving my previous residence that I believe was mold ridden helped tremendously with the night time stinging. Started a intestinal cleanse as well. You’ll also want to get some glutamine because this “thing” may be a factor of leaky gut, even if minuscule.
@brandonnelson9951 Год назад
Is it me, or are his eyes trippy?
@AllisonBoclair Год назад
@howardmiller6202 Год назад
Prayer is all we have right now.This is result of new age sorcery. Man crossing the line nanotechnology, stem cell research, nuclear fusion, the new "god cell".look up the video on RU-vid entitled "microbial hair it's electric".I links Morgellons to nano cell manipulation.This is our answer but where did man gain this knowledge? Some scientists will say alien technology Christian scientist will say aliens are fallen Angels posing as such.God is the creator of life,not man and it is effecting mankind.This is only the beginning of something much worse to come.The book of Revelations is being fulfilled.PRAY!!
@smeekle2000 2 года назад
Monkeypox and Morgellons 💉🧪
@zebbieloo7409 Год назад
@mariavalenzuela1981 2 года назад
@channelclosingastrollshave9447 2 года назад
Ppl like this are a treat to see when they realise they have it too lol...just its worse if they symptoms are mostly internal obviously 🙄. 🤷‍♂️
@joyceshealy5389 Год назад
Every one has iT! They just don't know it yet! Because it's in food and ALL products. The SMART DUST IS EVERY WHERE. THANKS TO GOVT!
@phlailingphoenix1027 Год назад
I had a steroid cream for a prior skin issue, it works too- triamcinolone acitonide
@gina2190 Год назад
Do u think it’s fungus
@WakeUpItsAbuse Год назад
I’m my experience, steroid creams only work well until you stop using them- it tends to actually make it worse overall, as-if the steroid cream supercharged it while it was dormant
@howardmiller6202 Год назад
Didn't work for me but it seems as though something's work differently for different people
@phlailingphoenix1027 Год назад
I said it works. Didn't say well lol. But it does produce results that don't lead to any DIY surgical procedures
@phlailingphoenix1027 Год назад
@@WakeUpItsAbuse nothing ever came back after it was smothered by the aforementioned cream. I agree w that other guy; "diff'rent strokes..":)
@TheFifthWorld22 2 года назад
Truly, It is a healing transfiguration process, that has to do with the fascia system coming online..
@mason4354 2 года назад
Could you explain more?
@fiona3092 2 года назад
More like scientists and nut jobs at the helm playing God and messing where they shouldnt.
@deangoddley2061 Год назад
This guy is probably on the W H O and so call science side of things, and we all know what to think about these people after lying about covid. What's your take on this?
@zebbieloo7409 Год назад
They lie all the time. It's bio crime on humans. We are in power now....
@MiloSatori Год назад
@zebbieloo7409 Год назад
Thankfully someone with a brain. Lol 👆
@46safrow 2 года назад
All total and utter lies
@Ellen_mcg Год назад
all CGI here.
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