
The Thing That is Ruining RPGs 

Strat-Edgy Productions
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The Thing That is Ruining RPGs
Dialog wheels are ruining RPGs
In this video I take a look at Dialog Wheels, The Thing that is ruining tpgs, and dissect them to reveal that their insides are made of dog shit and broken dreams.
mass effect, dragon age, commentary
Indigo - Hope
SynetraX - Clear Mind




21 дек 2016




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@TorTor323 7 лет назад
Agreed I'm sick of the four options of Good, Bad, Sarcastic, More info. I miss the depth of the old masterclass RPGs
@jemolk8945 7 лет назад
More like Good, Bad Attitude Good Guy, Sarcastic Good Guy, More Info from what I've heard. I'd had quite enough of that kind of thing with Skyrim, never experienced a game with dialogue wheels as of yet. Been managing to stay the hell away, and thank goodness.
@radioactivegum2298 7 лет назад
TorTorTalks, I think the dialogue choices started to lose quality and variety when they gave the playable character a voice actor.
@gerot201 7 лет назад
wheres the good old dnd 9 differet play styles
@eldadmaster 7 лет назад
There's a reason why neutrality is synonymous with insanity in DnD. nobody is completely neutral, except for psychopaths playing as Harvey Dent...
@dweliq2993 7 лет назад
The Solmanian Wtf in real life everyone is basically neutral. It means that you care about you, your friends and family and nobody else. I certainly dont see many people travelling to Africa on humanitarian missions or something.
@NoForksGiven 7 лет назад
Falllout 1: A convulted web of dialogue options that could lead to any response depending on the person Fallout 4: Yes, Yes but I would like some background information, Yes but with attitude, Yes but not right now. I'll get to it later.
@sigspearthumb3904 7 лет назад
One reason I found out recently about Fallout 4's lack of voice acting ability was because quite a few voice actors just namely the one for Kellog wasn't even told that they were doing it for the game Fallout 4. They were given a very basic description of the "dark and brooding character, yada yada" deal. But yeah if they make a 5th I hope they improve that.
@andrewkrenz1420 7 лет назад
they need to do it like batman tas was done the voice actors should base it on what part of the game they are speaking for aka bring the game in or a script and explain his motivations....it leads to great voice acting and fallout 4 was still fun regardless.
@MrKosobi 5 лет назад
+Manek Iridius that's a very pragmatic way to look at video games, and they aren't about pragmatism at all.
@dasirrlicht5415 5 лет назад
And then, Fallout 76 removed Dialoge.
@trysin4704 5 лет назад
That was production differences, the companies fleshed out their stories back then much better. A circle of dialogue options, or a list doesn't matter, infact you find several circle dialogs with 8 or 9 options, the problem is there's no content to fill those spaces. Don't let them fool you, the tools are better, the companies are just putting less into their games, hoping for higher profit values. Greed is suffocating everything. Games are sucking, Music is sucking, products are getting cheaper-built, it's an endless cycle.
@windwind3170 7 лет назад
"I work at EA" Reputation: [Vilified] For your overwhelmingly monstrous behavior, you have become vilified by the community.
@jgroth3906 7 лет назад
"Everytime you open mouth you risk losing a friend" yeah I remember being shot to death by the children of the cathedral for asking for pamphlets in Fallout 1.
@Furymgs3 4 года назад
Funny you'd mention that, I was thinking of the _exact_ same scenario when that came up.
@xPrecisionx 7 лет назад
Enclave here, why isn't your video feed working?
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
What you did there.... I see it.
@Smetanol_ 7 лет назад
I put piece of tape over my webcam.
@matthewbagley2590 7 лет назад
To think that games like Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines and Arcanum had so much more complex morality than Modern Triple A Games. In VtMB, you had humanity, which affected your ability to control your character in more ways than just good or bad. There were so many factions to side with that weren't even good guys to begin with.
@CottonPanzer 7 лет назад
Well, Vampire the MB is considered the best RPG by a lot of niche (videogame) RPG'ers, so there's also that. It's a good game. But it also has voice acting.
@adamcochran1309 7 лет назад
Or the fact that someone running around everywhere would paint then with a giant "Im up to something" target.... but then again, you would have to make everything run at double speed just to walk across town in any length of time.
@PatchyE 7 лет назад
VtMB is an example that voice acting and limited number of choices does not necessarily make an RPG bad. It's not quantity but the quality of dialog that truly matters. In VtMB there is not a single case where you can see more than 4 dialog options - actually most of the time you'll only see less - but every single NPC is written and voiced masterfully. That is what makes this game so great.
@Rudevald 7 лет назад
Arcanum FTW.
@Jirodyne 7 лет назад
@Patchy & Everyone else Now, Now. We all know the reason VtMB was good was all because of the Malkavians, which you can become, and the wonderfully crazy things that change by playing as them. Trust me. To anyone who has never played VtMB before, or has never played as a Malkavian, go install the game and play as a Malkavian. It is an experience everyone should have. And I wish every game, especially DnD, had a Malkavian Race to play as.
@Galejro 7 лет назад
To me what kills modern RPGs is the oversimplification, laziness and quest for lower PG rating: Oversimplification - As if I have to even explain it. Games are made for casuals these days, they have absolutely no challange, no difficulty, everything is placed for user on a silver platter. I am a modder or Fallout 4, and I constantly get bombarded by fans to make my mods simpler, to explain how to do something they can take just 10 minutes ingame exploration to figure out... Or read mod description. I hear "Remove sunlight from vampirism" "Make is so that you don't have to drink blood as a vampire"... What kind'a resoponse is that?! It's of a user who's too lazy to be a vampire even when he wants to be a vampire. Gamers get too lazy so gaming companies oblige that, speaking of which Laziness - Lazy clientelle is signal to gaming companies to make sh..t lazilly. They could spend twice that much time to develop a deep and great game with plot turning on a dime with even simple choices... Why? If they can spend 1/4 of that time making a crappy linnear game where even the plot and whatever choice you have leads to the very same outcome. Sell it on steam for 50$ and work on 4 other games that would be worth more than one deep and well developed game. Maybe that's cause of development of RU-vidr gaming. People are so lazy they don't even have to play a game, thay can watch PewDiePie do it. So if half the people don't even buy the game they don't see the games faults, without even playing a game people see them as movies. Movies don't need plot choices, multiple spin-offs just linear story of its own. Lower PG rating - It relates somehow to this vid. Gaming companies wanna make $$$ and if they want $$$ they must sell their product in greater numbers. Wanna sell more copies of a game? Sell it to more people. Who buys more games? Kids. How do you sell more games to kids? Make games more moral, ethical, politically correct and all the other boring sh..t so that they aren't prohibited beneath age 18. So companies go for a lazy and less legallly risky choice and make games more goody goody,. Modern games don't give you the opportunity to play whoever you wanna be, but whoever is legal according to international gaming law to play, and this ruins the foundation of RPG playing. Which is to be able to play whoever you wanna damn be.
@BOINKHeadshot 7 лет назад
My 2 cents on the laziness part: I - and I assume many others - don't have an infinite supply of time. Not everyone has the time to do the same encounter 10 times to try and overcome the difficulty/challenge for e-peen points. It's not a matter of laziness or lack of skill, but more a matter of real life is a thing and requires a lot of time and investment as well. Then there's also the fact that there's a shitton of games to play nowadays and some people want to try as many as possible, before they, you know, inevitably die. From what I understand the gaming community has also 'grown up' - the average age has shifted from high schoolers and students (who have a lot of free time and not a lot of responsibilities) to adults (who don't have a lot of free time and DO have a lot of responsibilities), this explains why it has happened, why it's not really related to laziness and why it'll probably stay this way.
@ZenoDovahkiin 7 лет назад
Billy Causey Really? Compare lycanthropy in Morrowind to lycanthropy in Skyrim. Compare MW/Oblivion vampirism to that of Skyrim. Compare joining a faction and interacting with other factions and the possibility to join other factions in MW to Skyrim. Compare how easily you can piss off and alienate your comrades to the point of leaving you in BG to the "give her a present and she's fine"/"change active party before that 'decision' and reverse afterwards" system of DA. Mainstream appeal = appealing to casuals. Rule of thumb: more in depth your mechanics + less Hollywood = more niche.
@screenwolf 7 лет назад
I tend to feel a lot of these games get simplified for the consoles. A controller is less flexible than a keyboard and console gamers want things to be fast paced and more social (hence RPG's getting pure action multi-player modes). It all ends up stripping the complicated aspects out of the games and RPG's end up more like action games with a dialogue wheel.
@abnnizzy 7 лет назад
""change active party before that 'decision' and reverse afterwards" system of DA." That is not true. If you change companions in DAO when you know some decision will affect their approval, next time you time to them in camp they will be pissed of regardless and you will need a lot of coercion to appease and not lose approval to the point where them desert you.
@ImperativeGames 7 лет назад
No, in DAO NPC wouldn't notice 90% of decisions if they stayed in the camp. As I remember, they would learn anyway only about very serious decisions (fate of the town, kingdom).
@kevinalone 6 лет назад
I remember so many times when faced with a difficult dialogue decision in Witcher 3, I had to just stop, get up, go to the kitchen, think it over, sometimes I'd even take a shower before deciding. That's because this game taught me very early in the plot just how much the decisions actually mattered.
@stilllife5702 5 лет назад
Yeah, take the fun out of it for yourself.
@_greenrunner_ 5 лет назад
only 5 affects the ending
@ilanlm1 5 лет назад
AC Odyssey got pretty good choice, even more freedom than the witcher imo, not that it is a better game.
@kennandunn7533 5 лет назад
@@ilanlm1 I wouldn't go THAT far, but to each his own.
@uliloolilu780 5 лет назад
@@ilanlm1 your funny 😂
@nimay13 7 лет назад
The thing that ruined RPG is actually everything is too safe and positive. You can't roleplay an anti-hero or a villain.
@Shiirow 7 лет назад
I always liked playing the Han Solo in games, even in SWTOR, Id just be a straight dick to people, especially if it was a NPC I didnt like personally.
@fishlove693 7 лет назад
Part of that is due to dialogue. I also feel as if player voice acting hinders the RPG experience. If it were up to me, voice acting wouldn't even be a priority. The game play and story are for more important, especially a fluid story.
@andrewkrenz1420 7 лет назад
yea and make the difficulty actually scale instead of what it does now dragon origins on hard and dragon age inquisition on hard arent the same monster and they should be.
@andrewkrenz1420 7 лет назад
the thing that ruined rpgs is they flooded the market and now we get shitty rpgs with very little story game developers especially triple a seem to be moving away from story and more towards graphics and combat things they can do easily and make money off of.......story is important and flooding the market with rpgs is a bad decision.
@toffeecrisp2146 7 лет назад
Disagree regarding Tyranny. It sets out to be a game about playing the bad guy but bottles it in the implementation. I played all the paths (and yes, it's very linear, so paths is accurate) and it's clear that the most fleshed out and developed path is the one, were you play the champion of hte oppressed and lead a rebellion on the side of good against the evil overlord. You might get to be abit of a dick along the way, but not in any meaningful way. Add to that, that many of the more interesting choices are stolen away from the player, simply based on who's side your on. Play with the Disfavoured or Chorus and you don't get to make any meaningful choices, you just do what your told even when you disagree with it. It was an ok attempt, but Obsidian just didn't have the balls to go all the way and commit and they designed the thing to be too rigid and inflexible. YMMV
@mygaffer 7 лет назад
One thing that helps knock people out of this is what they did in Pillars of Eternity, where most choices where a lot more grey with no clear "good" or "evil" choice. Some people don't like that aspect but it's an RPG worth checking out.
@wkvalader 7 лет назад
That may be fine, but sometimes it is very forced. If you try to be a good guy, you should have that option. I have played games lately that if you try to take the high road, you end up getting pie in your face, almost every time. That is pretty lame too.
@francesco3772 7 лет назад
No, not really. It, once again, depends on the context. Take the moral high ground in a slave pit in which homo homini lupus is the norm and you'll just play the part of the fool.
@buca117 7 лет назад
Note the "almost every time" part of his comment. You shouldn't be punished for taking the high road every single time. That's no more realistic than a game with no grey area. Sometimes, taking the high road puts you in better standing among certain influential people, making the curses the rest of the world throws at you meaningless. Taking the high road is the respectable choice for a reason. They want to know that someone is willing to put their dignity, livelihood, or even life on the line for someone else. And that desire will, at some point, reward the people that live up to it. That's reality.
@adamvancleave9200 7 лет назад
Someone else recommended that game to me but the title was all the information they'd give me. They just spewed hate speech against other RPGs when I asked (and they weren't even triple A RPGs).
@Aeliuz 7 лет назад
It's pretty close to the original fallout games, before fallout 3. More like the old pen and paper style rpg. It's semi-voiced, so there's a lot of reading required.
@xcaluhbration 6 лет назад
Note to self, play Fallout 1 and 2.
@StratEdgyProductions 6 лет назад
Seriously though. You need to. Just don't get turned off by the first couple hours. It is hard, it expects a lot out of you, and that can be a bit jarring coming from modern games where they literally tell you where quest items are. If you can stay absorbed and have minimal distractions while playing, you will fall in love.
@perryborn2777 4 года назад
Did you do it?
@ayylmao8375 7 лет назад
I loved Origins because I could sell my cousin to a rapist and be a racist asshole all before I completed the tutorial section of the game. Later on, I committed genocide on innocent mages and sold elves into slavery for a staff. In inquisition, I got none of that. A human noble is nice to every elf, you can't he mean to mages, blah blah blah. The worst thing I can do is punch Solas. Fuck.
@Arborem 7 лет назад
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines is the best role play game I've ever played. I think it does all the things you say you want them to do.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Vampire is one of my favorite ARPGs because factoring in the awesome world, and the amazingly well written characters. Unfortunately it's one of those games lost to time for me as I don't remember anything but the characters. This is definitely going to need to be a video in the future. Maybe the next one?
@Arborem 7 лет назад
I once heard it said that it's one of the rare games whose mechanics encourage roleplay, a proper role playing game if you will. I personally give it a playthrough once a year and have for a little over 10 years and still find little bits of dialogue or interactions I hadn't encountered before.
@gerot201 7 лет назад
dont forget fan patches
@hisholiness4537 7 лет назад
It's kinda suspicious that almost all of the good or great ARPGs are made by the same people.
@claudiaroberts6719 7 лет назад
YEESS that is my favorite game of all time
@epulon6671 7 лет назад
When speaking about the dialogue wheel, the thing I have against it is the premade position of good-bad-humour choice. If that was mixed up every time and you had NO IDEA what was going to happen then you would think before you speak. Also if we take into consideration the recent RPGs I think Witcher 3 had a decent dialogue writing and choices.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
To a point, I agree with you on Witcher. It at least handled it correctly, but even it was limited to only a few dialog choices. By far better, however, to dialog wheels.
@Sektus69 7 лет назад
But witcher is NOT a rpg lol.
@irllcd13 6 лет назад
But Geralt is also an established character, so giving you free reign to reply however you want wouldn't make sense. He's not going to just going to start mugging random villagers. It's the same reason there aren't gay romance options for him. I don't care if they are in a BioWare game, but Geralt is straight. There is no "your Geralt" or "my Geralt" like there is with Shepard.
@maxwellsterling 5 лет назад
Mass Effect 3 was my first experience with a dialogue wheel in games, and I didn't actually know which part was good and which part was bad; I actually thought they were all mixed up, and picked them carefully. After 16 times completing the campaign, it's now one of the games with the most cringeworthy and powerless dialogue scripts I've ever seen.
@Diamixen 7 лет назад
"I work for EA" You're mispronouncing "THE DEVIL"
@tsar_zo8007 5 лет назад
@Justin Goetz This comment is worth a million words
@EliDjahn 5 лет назад
Calm down
@wistfulherbz 7 лет назад
My favourite role play was, the Idiot/Low Intelligence playthrough in New Vegas.
@bobswolfie2001 5 лет назад
"Wow... You really *do* need help" Absolutely brilliant
@K4R8 4 года назад
"I heard they shot Lazers out of their eyes"
@quinnmarchese6313 4 года назад
@Martin Combes if you can stand the gameplay. some people are more patient than me but the big reason i cant play more than an hour of old fallout is just how dated the gameplay is
@p00x39 7 лет назад
This is like... a summary of the shower thoughts I had this morning.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Little known fact. These videos are recorded while I am on the toilet.
@dsandoval9396 7 лет назад
Little known fact, Rodin's 'The Thinker' was actually supposed to be sitting on a toilet but due to time constraints the sculpture was moved out of his workshop before it was finished resulting in the piece that everyone knows today where he's sitting on a rock. Now that you know the truth behind this magnificent art piece you can probably appreciate it in it's entirety the way it was meant to be seen, the way Rodin had intentionally envisioned his piece.
@andrewkrenz1420 7 лет назад
odd since the toilet wouldnt be invented for almost 1000 years......
@TheCyberSatyr 7 лет назад
andrew krenz Da Vinci had diagrams for parachutes, hundreds (or so) of years before the first aircraft was made
@JustMike_Official 7 лет назад
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. Dialog wheel needs to go away. When it comes to Dragon Age, just bring back what was seen in the Origins, which is still the best by far Dragon Age game.
@andrewkrenz1420 7 лет назад
yep it was fun and easy on easy some what challenging on normal and fucking insane on nightmare.
@andrewkrenz1420 7 лет назад
because baldurs gate fucking sucked even when it first came out despite your shit covered nostalgia goggles.
@SuperKratosgamer 7 лет назад
not at all Baldurs gate is a awesome game, well you think fallout 3 is a good game, so no tehre is that too.
@justinowens2077 7 лет назад
JustMike Might just be me, but I found Origins pretty boring half the time. A lot of times I felt like I was playing quests just to complete them all so I could get every possible interaction in DA2. Moreso, not the dialogue itself, because that was actually a bit cringy in the beginning. But I'm actually really, really enjoying Inquisition. I think the largest factor is the soundtrack. It's brilliant in my opinion. It lights up the whole world
@Sigefreadthebulmunk 7 лет назад
The difference was that only 3 choices in the new games ever advance the plot, and the dialogue was tiered. In origins you could for lack of a better word bookmark a conversation topic and come back to it later, if a different conversation seemed more important. With the dialoge wheel. Once you pick one of the contenues the story options. The inquisitor becomes amnisiac about anything they didn't ask. And that's not a major problem for say... various characters you are likely to never interact with again. But for your party members its a bit jarring. Basically the inquisitor can stall an important and maybe even time sensitive conversation to get more information on something. But once they move past it theres no option to basically go "Ok now that we aren't about to die tell me more about how orlesian courts are basically death traps so I can navigate something like this better next time it comes up" Its just... Weird that the characters that have dialogue wheels just kinda forget everything immediately after its stopped being relevant. Plus the dialogue tree kinda just flows better. You dont' have to say lets talk about something else twice in a row before you can change a topic. Plus you can ask people to repeat themselves. Its a more complex system and I understand why, for speed of development the wheel is preferred. But trees are honestly just better for the most part.
@JML689 5 лет назад
This is why I love Sten. When I try be nice to him, he ignores me, dismisses me and gives me nothing. Only until I learn to get on his level and push back at him, and treat him like crap he starts to respect me. Sten is a great character as a perfect example of dynamic choices.
@Echonova21 5 лет назад
They're working on algorithms that can take a voice and have it voice act instead of a person. This is similar to how vocaloid works I hope we get to using this technology for games to cut down on cost one day.
@elgatochurro 4 года назад
Id really prefer the good voice acting Nothing beats having character like Garrett
@NukerMunkyGames Год назад
@@elgatochurro Mr Cat Donut here's got the right idea. But, to what Echo says; Sure, the idea of being able to use a vocaloid-esque tech to supplement, like to voice the lines for non-critical background NPCs and the like, would be great. However, that said, i would absolutely _HATE_ to lose the amazing talent we have in the industry like Stephen Russel, Nolan North, Troy Baker, and Jennifer Hale. Also, something about AI/Tech/Automation, whatever you wanna call it, taking jobs away from talented professionals (especially in the creative sector) just puts a really, really bad taste in my mouth.
@RorytheRomulan Год назад
I'm from the future where the same tech is used to robot Darth Vader in a Star Wars spinoff series following Obi-Wan Kenobi. Your hopes are poison.
@Chrymzon 7 лет назад
Nice to know that actual gamers work at EA. I always thought it was run by corporate slaves and fatcats. This was a terrific video, and I'm definitely looking forward to more of your content. However, I doubt many AAA developers would be willing to part with voice actors, especially for main characters. Perhaps, an automated voice system could replace secondary npc's. For example, a game could take place in the future where a bunch of robots have Microsoft Sam as their voicebox.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
There actually is a game like that, but it's an indie title and it uses google ai. I am totally brain farting on the name, but it sounds exciting, to be honest.
@jemolk8945 7 лет назад
I would seriously prefer text-to-speech synthesizers over actual voice actors just because of the cost factor. Voice acting can be cool, but it's really not even a secondary issue. More of a tertiary one. Quality writing is where it's at. With EA, I've actually thought for a while that there are plenty of devs there who want to create great stuff being crushed by the obsession of the publisher with guaranteeing sales via algorithms, meaning rather than consider what their customers want and directing their efforts that way, devs at such companies are forced to focus on flashy effects to the exclusion of all else and try to ride the hype train to a blockbuster.
@AirLancer 7 лет назад
Sometimes I don't even want the voice acting. It takes away from your ability to create the characters' voice as you'd imagine it, like when you're reading a book. A (book example) of such a thing is when I first read Harry Potter, I'd imagined he looked like Gargamel from the Smurfs. Kids who watched the movies before reading the books never got to have such an experience. Actually, older games could have this effect as well, due to the simplicity of the graphics. It's kind of what made tie-in media so compelling. Just look at Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie or the live-action Mortal Kombat movie (the 1st one). Yeah, they're not the greatest stories ever told, but I think their real strength lies in how closely ithey matched people's images of the characters that they'd had in their minds already. Then there's the exact opposite end of that spectrum, like the Super Mario Bros. movie...
@gambucino1260 7 лет назад
Chrymzon that voice box idea is funny. yeah they are gamers. gamers on a short dog leash
@SrChalice 7 лет назад
Not because they work there, doesn't mean its run by them. It's still run by corporate monkies. I use to Contract for Microsoft/Sony and they are all money grubby bastards they don't give a flying shit about gaming. gaming is just a means to and end to these farce.
@keithp5387 7 лет назад
personally, I think it is the mainstreaming of gaming that is driving down the quality of RPGs. instead of being a niche market and making RPGs for their base, developers are listening to - and targeting - the new influx of customers (aka, 'average' consumers, casual and semi-casual players). those folks are most impressed with things like vibrant colors, lots of action, and storylines which will allow them to play for half an hour then go out to dinner and forget about it for a week.
@keithp5387 7 лет назад
I love Morrowind because it made me THINK. Skyrim is great, but... I don't know - there is just something missing. I never, NEVER got bored in Morrowind. both Skyrim and oblivion got boring for me after a while. I would leave to play a different game, before even finishing. Skyrim creators didn't seem to care too much about the suspension of disbelief, required for immersion. but casual gamers, and part-time players aren't really looking for immersion and they might even count it as a drawback because they are not looking to quit their jobs any time soon (full disclosure : quitting my job is exactly what I did when I started playing Morrowind).
@Finthrandir1 7 лет назад
I agree. Even though I don't like the dialogue wheel, the thing that's killing RPGs is the watering down of the traditional rpg elements while increasing the action so the games appeal to a much broader gaming audience. The thing that most sapped the fun from DA Inquisition for me was the tedious, boring open world exploration parts of the game.
@araceliestrada9159 6 лет назад
Keith P yeah and it's been very successful for them Fallout 4 may be the "worst in the series" but it has made the most money.
@KadzarTathram 6 лет назад
This is weird logic. The fact that some publishers cater to the mainstream doesn't stop others from catering to a niche market; it's not like there's only one publisher that makes all the games or something. So long as there is enough of a market to make a game, someone will probably come along and make it eventually once they see the demand. If, however, there isn't enough demand to justify making a game, no one would make the game, even if it was still niche.
@KadzarTathram 6 лет назад
Now, if you want to talk about mainstreaming driving down the quality of specific franchises, that I can certainly get behind.
@LnPPersonified 5 лет назад
"I work at EA" Oh. I'm so sorry.
@geraltgrey-mane695 7 лет назад
i think Witcher 3 did this well compared to the dog shit we got in F4......
@mungojerrie86 7 лет назад
Just a side note: from Gecko's power plant terminal in Fallout 2 you can call Enclave, but not in Navarro, but on the oil rig base. And the officer doesn't call 'an airstrike', he calls a vertibird assault team, which in vanilla Fallout 2 results in absolutely nothing, and Killap's Restoration Project adds a sequence with a special encounter outside Gecko where player meets this aforementioned assault team. But never the dialog with the Enclave officer results in Gecko Power Plant's destruction, but it could be triggered by using specific options in that terminal.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
I'm an idiot. Misremembered the sequence. I'll add an annotation to the vid. Thanks for pointing that out.
@mungojerrie86 7 лет назад
Oh, you're welcome. BTW, good points there on the dialog systems. It's a shame that wheel takes over, it ruined Fallout 4 for many people. It's barely an RPG anymore :( but looks like casual AAA RPGs have adopted it for good.
@Shadownian 7 лет назад
I agree but I can think of alot of other things killing rpg's Things like "streamlining". You start a franchise with immersive worlds and depth of gameplay....then they "streamline" things. Take out customization...remove stats...cut down on the choices of abilities and options. Even take out whole play-styles. Look at Dragon Age. Origins had a wealth of choice. You could choose what stats to use, did you want to be a mage with high health...you could do that. DFid you want to be a wise warrior...you could do that. You had a wealth of spells and abilities you could use and choose from. Then they started to chip away at that...stats were removed....abilities and spells were cut down to almost nothing...even armor sets were reduced to barbie doll mechanics that made everything you wear look like a slightly different version of the same basic outfit. They even took out the ability to play as a healer/support mage. They took spells from a huge list of spells down to fire/ice/lightning. Mass Effect went from a world that made sense to a world that was about booty strings. In Mass Effect one everyone wore armor because it was a fricken war. Mass Effect 2 and 3 made people wear skin tight gloves and strings to a firefight. Another thing killing rpg's is the constant gearing towards the casual crowd. Simplifying games to appeal to people who dont play games. Look at mmorpg's. Before WoW (the game i blame for ruining the genre) mmorpgs had depth and great mechanics. The games took time and effort. People could play for years and not see end game content and they didnt care. After wow and its simplified gameplay, it became a rush to end game. Games were "beatable" in a week or so with players rushing to max level bypassing most of the games content...just to complain theres nothing to do. Death means nothing in mmorpgs now, compared to when death was actually feared and meant something. Not to mention greed and laziness by the developers. Nowadays developers would rather make an ok game that appeals to everyone...rather than a great game that appeals to a set core of gamers but is remembered for years to come as a great game. Then of course you have gamers of today that will accept any ol crap they are given if its by a developer they like, that will do mental gymnastics to try and justify making great games limited and how thats a good thing because the developers said so. Gamers that cant be bothered to do anything for more than 5 mins without getting the silver spoon shoved up their backsides. When talking about DA once and how it was overly simplified I actually had somebody tell me they couldnt be bothered to mess with stats because it took them away from blowing something up for that split second. That it made them think too much. No lie...they actually said this. /facepalm Games today are like an ocean at sunset...they look amazing...but when you walk out into the water...you find out they are as shallow as a puddle. Games before by todays standard may have looked more like a barrel of toxic bubbling ooze...but once you jumped in you realized how deep they were and how involved in them you were.
@mattd5240 7 лет назад
I disagree with mass effect, everyone wore skintight armor in the first game, ME 2 was the first one with good ole plate body armor, also that person you talked about, you should purge them for they are most likely a filthy xenos.
@Shadownian 7 лет назад
what?? Me 1 everyone wore armor. Everyone. IN Me 2 you had the women in skin tight outfits, like the cerberus woman in white/black...and the tattooed girl in basically string. In ME1 when you went on a mission everyone has armor that you could customize. In ME2 You had armor, and everyone else had set "outfits" they wore. So while ur in armor and a helmet so you can breath and fight, they wore next to nothing...no helmets, no armor, nothing.
@valiant7251 7 лет назад
I think he intended to speak about the fact that all armors in ME1 (except heavies) looked like pajamas with helmets and shoulder plates. Where I think he's wrong is that these armor imo were logic in the game. Advanced materials and crafting techniques allow for armor to become slimmer to limit movement impedement from the armor. So I think their design is logic so their wore these kind of things in missions. So it was a good idea to have everyone wear these armors. Then indeed in ME2 there's Miranda and Jack ... I get that maybe it was to identify them more as unique characters from shep but come on were invading some reaper controlled giant insect aliens base, put some clothes on jack ...
@Shadownian 7 лет назад
Well it was a ...thing.....that Bioware was doing across all its games. They were trying to limit customization in favor for a set look, whether it makes sense or not. They did it in Dragon Age as well. DA2 Had only you as a customizable character and everyone else as having a set look you couldnt control. They said it was because they wanted to have set characters with set styles, but personally i think thats just a cop out. I see it as pure laziness and not wanting to allow the player control over the party which would mean more work then a single outfit. Just like Stats were removed to again make it more simple on them to design. Skills were torn down to be less and less each game, again making it easier to create. Whole playstyles were removed. etc. Bioware use to worry about putting out great games first, and everything else second. Now they care about rushing products out the door, half assing games, cutting corners, and just getting by on their namesake. Each game released showed that more and more.
@andrewkrenz1420 7 лет назад
dude one of your crew wore a skin tight jump suit.....how is that armor he made a good point.
@John-uw2je 7 лет назад
In fallout 1 or 2 (I can't remember I played them both to death) I got the jinxed perk and raised my luck to 10. I equiped myself with a spear and everyone would jam their guns, critically failing and screwing themselves over as I stab them in the groins. I would be the wise man that brought justice with the cyclone of bad luck that followed me. Next I played a charisma character with the sfall mod, which turned fallout 2 into XCOM essentially. I was utterly weak with 1 strength and measly 4 endurance, but I had the ability to max out other points and get companions to complete strength and endurance checks, and to defend me as I leveled up everything BUT combat skills. THAT is role playing, to have such a specific playstyle and way of handling situations, then to have differing grey choices to mold your character. Today games make you do things a specific way, which is fine but many are calling them RPG's when they really aren't. Skyrim if you know it well, can be played in many ways, such as allowing you to play as an equilibrium mage or an illusion assassin. Also many dungeons have good stories, like the hag raven one where you take back her tower and she is your companion for the dungeon, revealing secrets and wreaking havok. Although i'd say that about 10% of the game is boring quests, which thankfully can be ignored for the most part.
@chiip90 7 лет назад
Some would claim that is min-maxing and as such the antithesis of actual role playing.
Oscar Gonzales - I had that dog that jinxes you. I kept missing shots all the time. I had to shoot the dog so many times to kill him so I could get rid of him. I felt really bad about killing the dog.
PumpActionPanda - What is the definition of "min-maxing"? I've heard it before but didn't know what it was.
@chiip90 7 лет назад
It's where you know, for example, your character isn't going to be doing anything that requires intelligence so you put that score to 1 and pump up something else, say strength; it's considered poor role playing because you are actively engineering your character to be good at one (often overpowered) thing, knowing (from previous play-throughs) that you can get around the issues that arise form this through companions or items. I'm all for playing the game how you want to play it, I'm not trying to cause offense, it's just I know a lot of people wouldn't consider that method to be "role playing" as the OP phrased it.
@matman000000 6 лет назад
I think you're giving Skyrim way too much credit. It's more like 10% of quests are actually interesting and have an engaging storyline or unique structure, while the other 90% consist of clearing a dungeon and stealing a generic MacGuffin at the end. Most don't offer you any choice. Plus the guild quests are pretty badly written and condescending, what with life-long members choosing a complete nobody as their leader after you complete a few fetch quests, only to have them react in the same patronizing way and give you no option to actually control the guild and command its members. That's what I dislike about Bethesda RPGs. You can have the greatest equipment and spells and save several cities from doom, but at the end of the day you'll only be the most powerful errand boy in the world with little to no agency of your own. Ironically, the Courier from New Vegas, despite being quite literally a mailman, can be a far more independent character than most of Bethesda's Chosen Ones.
@Endymion766 7 лет назад
I like living with the consequences of my choices in these games. I'm edgy that way. I don't always need happy endings.
@stefan1360 5 лет назад
Sometimes the "bad endings" are the best ones cause they actually make you feel for the main character dying rather than just being another one feel good moment that you shrug off in 1 second.
@Infected_Apple 5 лет назад
The thing is that consequences need to be believable, not necessarily predictable or even fair but that you can see how a could cause b. Dragon age origins still had that for me so you accept an outcome that might be less happy but in the sequels the script doesn't convince me so I just start thinking of story in terms of min maxing outcome
@estranoperez2687 5 лет назад
True. Its not about the destination... It’s about the journey.
@obviouslykaleb7998 4 года назад
@Vilverna 7 лет назад
"I work at EA" holy shit! hi!
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Nice, welcome to the show! Stay away from the Andromeda video...
@Corva7 7 лет назад
Nice analysis. I am replaying Morrowind and one thing that I miss in newer games is pissing off people and taking sides with the choices you make. I mean, in Morrowind you can join numerous factions BUT this will affect how the people and the other factions like you. Sometimes even you can screw up your advancement in one of your chosen factions if you aren't careful. (For ex. Fighters and Thieves guilds hate each other and if you join both, you will have to choose wich one you want to continue advancing at some point because some quests imply killing people inside those guilds)
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
I think the persuasion system is something that has flown under the radar because for the last two games you haven't even had to think about it. Got a lot of comments saying you could join any guild in Morrowind you want, forgetting that for advancement, the guild leader has to like you.
@Industrious420 7 лет назад
...you can bribe them for a few hundred gold, thus effectively negating your 'depth of choice'.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
How does that negate anything? You still have to chose whether or not you give them money. Money that you had to earn. And sometimes the bribe will fail, so unless you are save whoring, there's a chance it will only make things worse.
@Industrious420 7 лет назад
Strat-Edgy Productions because it makes your argument that Morrowind had consequences moot. We all know how easy it is to get gold in Morrowind. Choosing one faction over another only alters the disposition of the other faction members, which can be easily rectified with high enough speech craft or a couple hundred gold. It doesn't exactly make you feel like your choice impacted the world very much if you can just give a NPC some gold to get what you want anyways.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
So you are saying that you can add depth, by taking away depth?
@GrugSmesh 5 лет назад
We need a final solution to the casual gamer problem. Bring back RPG's for people with above room temperature IQ pls.
@thesurvivorssanctuary6561 7 лет назад
I'm in development of my own RPG, and I find this very inspiring! I love to write and script, so I like getting rid of the voice acting middle men. (except for sections that need extra dramatic ambience) This way I can focus on creating an intriguing and in depth dialogue system. Right now I'm trying to combine old school RPGs branching method with JRPGs dating simulator personality charts, and applying more in depth personalities (or at least I'm adding more personality parameters like emotional values or happiness, sadness, anger, and jealousy) to NPCs. This way your actions can have a cumulative affect on NPCs giving them the illusion of memory! ;D I really appreciate efficient programming methods like this that utterly mutilate the unnecessary components that weigh a game or system down, as I'd much rather have a polished and finished piece of heArt then a pretty looking hot mess. Besides, visual aesthetics and a fitting artistic theme are vastly more important then poly count.
@OnEiNsAnEmOtHeRfUcKa 6 лет назад
Sounds interesting! Best of luck to ya! I've always had a pretty big interest when it comes to characters that are actually dynamic or have some level of influencable relationship with other characters including the player, but not too many games ever really seem to do it.
@looinrims 9 месяцев назад
Whatever happened to it?
@AvariceOverlord 7 лет назад
It's good to see a video like this, as I totally agree RPG's have been a little lack-luster as of late. Most old games, would punish you simply for making a small mistake. You know? Just like real life. Then you got some games that have been released, where you CAN'T EVEN DIE.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Or games where there are no consequences for dying. I mean, I am all for not waiting, or having to replay large swafts of a level because I died, but sometimes that can be fun, like in souls games. It's all about how you handle death that matters. It can be a learning experience.
@PatchyE 7 лет назад
Well I would say this is just a trivial matter. No consequence of dying didn't prevent Planescape Torment from being the best RPG of all time.
@hisholiness4537 7 лет назад
Planescape: Torment That is all.
@user-ms7ez6tu7b 7 лет назад
Chrono Trigger is still the best rpg
@dozzy9984 6 лет назад
I just realized that there are no traps in modern RPGs (or at least most of them, technically there's Fallout 3, NV and 4 where traps are present, but they are not hidden like they used to be). It was a charm of old RPGs where your team didn't spotted a trap so you walk right at them, sometimes ending with whole party wipe. That was really fun as a kid to learn that in dungeons you need to expect some trap, especially in corridors or in Fallout Tactics (I know it's not an RPG, but it had mechanic of its precedessors, well at least character creation had more depth than modern RPGs; but after all I liked it because for me it seemed similar to Baldur's Gate) learning that this game have invisible mines the hard way. And sorry for writing under old comment of old video.
@Knightfall8 5 лет назад
couple of random thoughts. 1. the evil (or asshat) story/dialogue choices should make the game objectives easy, whereas the moral and ethical choices should make the gameplay and objectives more difficult. To me, the fact that this is rarely the case in these games makes the wheel even worse - it just becomes an arbitrary ending-unlocking mechanic. You pointed out a very true thing about real life in which you can't predict all the consequences of your words and actions - what is equally true, is that being a good/virtuous person is MUCH harder than being a selfish, immoral person. Both of these facts are missing from modern rpg's which is what makes them feel flat. 2. goodie vs baddie choice spread shouldnt be viewed as choices for an individual, it should be viewed as choices for a group (the customers). in other words, you're free to make all the "fun" evil and/or asshat choices you want, while i'm free to play in a way which you consider boring (goodie two-shoes). It boils down to play style preference, and imo it hurts game design if one's aim is to design their goodie/baddie choice tree for the sake of people who want to play the game multiple times to get each outcome. 3. I agree that different responses should be programmed for each choice, and it sucks that it's rare nowadays, but I never even considered that this doesnt happen as much because of voice acting! Makes a lot of sense to me now. 4. RPGs with dialogue wheels should probably be called "Wheel-P-G's". Im a nobody though, so that probably won't stick 5. RPG's about pirates should be called "Aar-P-G's". After typing all this I just realized this video is 2 years old, so odds are no one will even read this XD
@112523 4 года назад
i wish games just allowed you to be more open with quests. simple example, in the recent game mount and blade bannerlord you get a quest to help a gang out with fighting off a rival gang. but, once you get there you can make the decision to betray the gang you are helping. benefit is that you make more money. downside is that the other gang member will hate you now and most likely not work with you anymore. they dont have to be grand choices to me. but you gotta feel the consequences
@sacrosanct23 Год назад
Reading a subsequent 3 years later dude. Keep on opining. Maybe one day they'll understand ✊
@dimitrilium3912 7 лет назад
A text to speech engine with enough voice and tone options could actually fix this issue and save a lot of money on voice acting.
@Kissamiess 7 лет назад
It will eventually fix the problem that the obsession of having every line voice acted created. I was fine with only text personally.
@kraiZor 7 лет назад
That idea could perhaps work in a cyberpunk game. It would be a little silly, but you could explain it away.
@TheCloneTrooper1019 7 лет назад
Drift Hahahahaha! Good luck recreating Junkrat with text to speech.
@OnEiNsAnEmOtHeRfUcKa 6 лет назад
Tbh I think this could work but only in at least 20 years time when the technology improves enough to be even slightly convincing. Oooor if the setting consists completely of robots? That could work, too. Could even throw in a small number of humans with actual voice acting to contrast against, or something, I guess.
@807D14M0ND5 6 лет назад
OnEiNsAnEmOtHeRfUcKa: I don't think its gonna take 20 years. Thats very long in tech land.
@MarkMcDaniel 7 лет назад
The Shepard situation IS LIKE real life. A soldier in the military is to do what they are told, and are rarely apprised to any real reasons behind the orders. Only the upper echelons of military intelligence knows the reasons behind orders. This should give the player a semblance of real life aggravation of not being important enough to know.
@nykcarnsew2238 7 лет назад
Mark McDaniel that's not the point, the problem isn't that you can't find out the truth of the situation, but that you aren't in control of the player character's reaction to not knowing.
@OnEiNsAnEmOtHeRfUcKa 6 лет назад
Just because the character shouldn't question it doesn't mean you shouldn't have the option to make them question it anyway.
@GussieBabes 7 лет назад
I'm really surprised your channel is so small. This and your Morrowind vs Skyrim video are seriously good content. Thats all i'v seen from you, don't know if you have more, but right after i sub im gunna check. Thanks man.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Thanks for the encouragement. It's sometimes very difficult to get noticed on this channel under the glut of content.
@LegoPepper 7 лет назад
Yeah same, I didn't even tell that this was a small channel until I looked at the views and subs. Top quality stuff. Hey Strat-edge, you should get people to post your stuff on reddit or other places.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
No idea how to market properly. I'm pretty shit at it, to be honest. Probably why I am not published yet. Any tips?
@GussieBabes 7 лет назад
The main tip is to keep at it. Post regularly and try to induce a sense of community in your viewers. If you keep up the good content and you try to post on things that are relevant, people will come. My brother has a channel about guitar (Alfredpotterguitar) and is seeing minor success. He is very good, and some of his videos have well over 100,000 views, but that has only translated into about 7000 subs. So it's kinda hard to say what will lead to success. The main thing is to do these videos because you like doing it, not for success. I'v recommended your channel to my friends, but really you need to try and get posted on reddit and stuff. If you post this video, im sure people will start conversations about it. People feel pretty strongly about this topic.
@BooDamnHoo 7 лет назад
Strat-Edgy Productions You could ask PewDiePie. I believe he's a pretty decent guy and would offer ideas.
@kimarous 7 лет назад
I disagree that the "dialogue wheel" is the issue. The issue is the "fully voiced protagonist", as that means that every possible statement needs to have recordings from the voice actor. More dialogue, more voice, more payment to the voice actors. Mute (or mostly mute, minus incidental dialogue - see DA:O) protagonists don't have this issue. When every line is text, you can produce a dozen phrases and pick whichever you want. With voiced, your dialogue follows a prerecorded series of set phrases - the dialogue wheel is merely a symptom of voice acting. By the same token, the higher the fidelity/detail of a game, the more noticable - and thus less acceptible - repeated elements are. That's why worlds start to feel smaller and smaller in scope. Walk from one end of highly detailed Skyrim in an hour, or take real-world weeks to trek across the copy-pasted sprawl of Daggerfall? In summary, the higher the detail, the lower the amount of voice. Mo' pixels, mo' problems. If we want to have a true level of choice, we need to sacrifice elements that have become commonplace in modern gaming, particularly the voiced protagonist.
@Humanophage 5 лет назад
It may be more than that. Do you know the new MMOs like ESO or SWTOR? They have mountains upon mountains of voiced quests with quite a lot of text. Yet the quests are overwhelmingly insipid and simple, with next to zero branching or options. I guarantee that that they didn't need this many quests for a viable game. Ultimately, I think it's just a lack of respect to the intelligence of players and the idea that missing on choices upsets them, so you are spending resources on something that makes your game less mainstream. It may have something to do with the North American idea that games are basically either for subhuman losers or something you shouldn't take seriously. Contrast that with the Polish, Russian, Swedish, or German attitude.
@Gamespud94 4 года назад
Both the "dialogue wheel" and "voiced protagonist" are merely symptoms of the greater problem... low effort. Voiced protagonists are fine, the only reason they can become a problem is because it's an expensive feature that means studios will probably want to cut down options and branches to re-use as much as possible so as not to go broke with 8 billion voice lines. The dialogue wheel has a similar problem in that it is inherently limiting by it's nature.. which makes it an attractive feature for games that are already limiting their dialogue due to voice acting for example. But both these problems are only problems because they provide excuses to limit the freedom and variability of the games. They aren't inherently bad, they're cool features that people like and so get incorporated at the cost of cutting out branches that people are less likely to take. The inherent problem is that quality games are expensive to make and you have to cut somewhere, and most studios look at how few people bother not doing the paragon good route and say "why do we really need another route?" Unfortunately for us gamers who value having dozens of actually different outcomes that tends to leave us with abominations like FO4 where all the answers lead to yes. Because Bethesda really just didn't want to waste money giving a no option.
@daheadsmiter2052 7 лет назад
I want to offend people. I'm offended if no one is offended.
@MALICEM12 7 лет назад
Daheadsmiter but isn't offending yourself technically offending someone? Either way your offending, it's win-win :P
@kingzor3000 5 лет назад
That speech at the end.. So inspiring.. Brought a tear to my shiny face 😢😂
@DominatorLegend 7 лет назад
Damn! Just bought the classic Fallout games and you spoiled me a few bits. Well, I suppose it's my fault anyways, should have expected it... Anyways, about the video, YES. "RPG" choices nowadays are just too polarized. That character I'm playing is just not me...
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Ahhh son of a bitch. I am putting an anotation in the video for that. Thanks for pointing that out. I hate when people spoil things for me.
@Rawrshuga 7 лет назад
I laughed when I saw that annotation.
@jaeg.3806 7 лет назад
It is really a lack of character depth. In order for games to avoid confusing the new player, devs remove the lore from the characters. Characters will only do or say things that make sense to everyone else and the player can understand.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
You see this in the literary world as well, though they have to dumb down less than a visual medium seeing as how there is a barrier to entry with books, while none exists with games, unless you're Stevie Wonder.
@R4V3NFTW 6 лет назад
"I work at EA." CYA lol (RIP Westwood Studios)
@BionicAK 6 лет назад
RIP Westwood, and soon, RIP Dice.
@irllcd13 6 лет назад
After Battlefront and Battlefront 2, I can't say losing DICE is all that much of a loss.
@youronlinegirlfriend5508 4 года назад
Westwood lives in death!
@ThrillhouseToTheMax 7 лет назад
This and your video on More is Less are why I'm subbing to your channel. Really great content, please keep making it!
@HeadsFullOfEyeballs 7 лет назад
Maybe I'm weird, but I don't care that much about dialogue choices in RPGs either way. I'm more interested in having a world I can inhabit in a believable way, Morrowind-style. That game's dialogue system was basically a wiki, but I never felt constrained in my ability to roleplay a character. Dialogue was so abstracted that I could imagine my character's specific responses pretty much any way I liked, and there were so many different factions and ways to make a living that I could easily roleplay a ruthlessly pragmatic Telvanni wizard or a pious Redoran/Temple traditionalist or an opportunistic thief just through my moment-to-moment choices. The game didn't let me outright express those attitudes in _words_, but it also never got in the way or railroaded me towards one of them. That said, I do enjoy the old style of choice-focused RPG a lot more than the modern "press this button to be a sarcastic dick" kind. They're more about actual risk and conflict than just facilitating self-expression (which seems to be the focus of your modern Dragon Ages and Mass Effects, and why those give the player tools to stay on the track they want).
@problematic7993 7 лет назад
The only thing that separates games from movies is CHOICE. choice is what makes games games!
@nicktheritter 7 лет назад
I love this analysis, it's the most well-thought-through study on Bloodborne I've seen. Keep making these.
@torvamessorem6686 7 лет назад
"I work at EA" I am expecting microtransactions and a required season pass if you wanna subscribe.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Hang on now. That's a feature of this channel and is meant to give you a better experience.
@bouin91 6 лет назад
This is why I really liked Tyranny.
@jaiminnimavat8493 7 лет назад
Okay, you are now my new favourite youtuber. The only thing I would say you could improve is your background music. Try choosing more music similar to video game music. I'm sure it will help.
@RuneRelations 7 лет назад
same with FE Fate Conquest when I played it last year. Oh... how I wanted to be a ruthless leader, but instead my character is just a naive revolutionary with stock-holme sydrome. Sometimes games just need let you Lelouch your way though them. If possible.
@codyfowler1356 6 лет назад
Too be fair FE is more of a tactics game but yeah... I hated the protagonist for FE: Fate, especially in Conquest. The character's personality made no sense based on the backstory and almost made me want to break my DS because of how terrible the dialogue and writing were.
@derekcutsinger3511 7 лет назад
I really enjoy your perspectives, as you are able to cogently explain what's been bothering me about games the last decade or so. You've got a new subscriber, sir!
@TheArbiter10 7 лет назад
The Thing That is Ruining RPGs (Ft. Lil Jon) I wonder if we'll ever see a truly outstanding AAA RPG again. DA:O was one of the last, IMO. I just don't think there's any big company brave enough to create a AAA project these days without feeling the need to voice all their characters. It's probably a matter of "if it isn't broken, don't fix it." I mean, from a strict RPG standpoint, Fallout 4 was pretty depressing, especially when you compare it to Fallout 1 or even New Vegas; but still, you can't argue with the sales. People need to start voting with their wallets-- make the corporate bigwigs care badly enough to make real RPGs again.
@RavenStorm332 7 лет назад
one of the best dialog systems I've seen in an RPG would be the one in Alpha Protocol where no matter which option you pick there is an unexpected consequence of what you had the main protagonist say to a person though the game itself gets over looked because of the bugs in the game when it came out but when I played the game it was mostly bug free
@kobialthepaladin8010 5 лет назад
This is exactly why I love playing kingdom come: deliverance. Dialog is effect by so many things it’s almost impossible to know how they react
@welshsonic6879 5 лет назад
Great vid. Been thinking about this sort of thing ever since Yanick Roy was looking for Mass Effect feedback around the time of Andromeda's early dev, and I bitched him out about the dialogue wheel (and Paragon/Renegade always being in the same spots, letting the player autopilot). After that it started sticking in my craw regularly, leading me to eventually conclude that text-only is the only resource-viable way to allow proper roleplaying. You're a lot more eloquent about it, though. I agree with basically all of this vid, especially the dilution of the term RPG.
@Daedalus-ed5nd 7 лет назад
Agreeeeeeeeeeeeeed! More or less. I thought the dialog i ME 1 was great, the game great (as an immersive action game with solid RPG elements), in ME 2 I thought the dialog was sometimes really good, but the choices were often rubbish. Less good game overall despite combat fluidity improvement. Let's not talk about ME 3. I've tried to play it twice. Maybe got halfway through. Exactly the same with DA: Inquisition. Most things are pointless and it's all about fetchquests and MMO-gather-quests. Booooooring. The last games are not role-playing games. They are MMO:s for single players. Such a shame with so much potential and some really good parts. Edit: Lol, and look at Skyrim and Oblivion. Or Fallout 4. RUBBISH!
@JosephMelia 7 лет назад
Love the channel,well reasoned dialogue from someone who understands what makes a game tick in ways I could never describe... How about a Diablo 2 vs Diablo 3 vid? or compare Deus Ex 1 with the admittedly great Mankind Divided...
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 would be an interesting vid to put together. Perhaps sometimes soon. I am trying to figure out exactly what I want to do next.
@ThousandairesClub 6 лет назад
love these videos. I'm writing a script and summary for a game right now and you and Mark Browns videos are a great source of all the things a developer should include and avoid when designing a game.
@littlejuliuscaesar8920 4 года назад
I got more into choosing evil or neutral options in New Vegas and intentionally going out of my way to find weird ways to play the game. This led me down a rabbit hole of other games and found that I would rather have dialogue boxes than voiced characters in order to get more options out of a game. Currently I’m playing Elite Dangerous and I started out as an explorer, moving to smuggler for easy profits, moving into trader for more consistent profits, making independent factions like me but always asking for credits, helping others when I feel like it will benefit me or destroying them and stealing their stuff when I think I can get away with it, and moving on once their economic boom runs out or pissing off the ruling faction to find another boom system. It makes you feel like you’re a small part of this wider galaxy full of other people with their own agendas.
@AndyAce83 7 лет назад
When I play a RPG for the first time I play as I would have done if it was real. Then after that I play with evil morals if the game is interessting enough to do so.
@MoonlitVibe 7 лет назад
Me too, that's why I think focus group testing is a horrible way of gauging what dialogue people gravitate towards - playtesters don't reflect the way people actually play these games: over multiple playthroughs with different characters.
@Pantalaymo 7 лет назад
Pengu here :) This video kinda made me realize how "casual" I really am when it comes to RPGs. I really have to take my time for one real RPG... Bought Shadowrun: Hong Kong a few days ago and going do dig into it on the next occasion. As for now it's kinda hard for me to appreciate real immersion... For example I ALWAYS reload, if one of my soldiers die in XCOM. I just can't stand it :_D Freakin casual me!
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
Bro! Hong Kong is probably the weaker of the series, but has the best matrix decking. The best in the series is probably Dragonfall. Least in my opinion.
@MrIronJustice 7 лет назад
THIS VIDEO. My first time watching you man, and I'm subscribing. You really speak the truth.
@daddydeadbones 7 лет назад
Excellent analysis, good sir. I hope some game developers watch this and take note. Hell even if developers take dialogue of the character as a monologue approach, like FFX then let you decide. That would be an improvement over the dialogue wheel.
@lodewijkfaaij8651 7 лет назад
Witcher was Nice tho.
@sageoftruth 7 лет назад
Yeah, I was thinking of that as well. I think the problem was alleviated a bit there since you're roleplaying as a defined character, rather than a blank slate. Your choices are all limited to things Geralt would do. Of course, Geralt was a complex character who could make a variety of different choices, but there were clear lines that he would never cross, and as a result, the player could not cross them either. I'm not saying that's a bad thing though. Keeping Geralt in character was important for the sake of immersion.
@ayylmao8375 7 лет назад
In Witcher though, you're playing as an established character. He has a personality and morals, you just tweak it a bit.
@OoKingcarpoO 7 лет назад
Der Kaiser i love how the witcher kicks you in the face for trying to be the good guy. I still remember how i tried to safe everybody in the bloody baron questline and got an horrible outcome.
@hoangsh12 7 лет назад
lmao my thought exactly. In Witcher 3, no matter what u choose, u r fucked either way.
@Sektus69 7 лет назад
No, it wasn't. You always have to play a brick in this game.
@GaudyGabriev 7 лет назад
Voice acting is killing RPG. I've been saying that for years. When you have to strip down as much as you can the dialogue because every line costs a liver to put into the game, the amount of text goes away fast. And RPG lives and dies by amount of text. You don't make a grey, complex, alive world with as few lines as possible. You need to write as much as you possibly can. Which makes voice acting the single worse thing that's happened to the RPG experience in recent years. That, and making games just for the money of course (as opposed to making them because you want to make them, see Arkham Asylum the masterpiece, vs the rest of the saga, the money grabbers). But that's true of everything, even though the RPG genre is very particular because of the sheer amount of care and depth it needs to make the worlds believable and enjoyable. The comparison of Morrowind vs Skyrim ilustrates all this better than any other pair of games I believe. For all the money that was put into it, all the new technology, Skyrim feels empty where Morrowind feels alive.
@jaernihiltheus7817 7 лет назад
I've actually said those things in r/Elder Scrolls, only to get the "I don't see how voice acting affects dialogue options" seriously? Do you honestly believe a game will have just as much dialogue & quests (which primarily run on dialogue) when they have to pay voice actors and spend sometimes double the amount of time recording everything vs. writing it out, checking for grammar, and plugging it in (which they have to do when it's voice acted too). I mean, there's a reason why Morrowind has almost twice the amount of quests as Oblivion & Skyrim (Morrowind has 420-something, Oblivion has 230-something, and Skyrim has 210-something), AND more lore books & dialogue options for each and every quest than either of their successors. And it's time & money, sure, the quests themselves are simpler by design (more flavor text per quest & more endings to the majority of them though), but they also take less time & effort to implement for them, and they don't have to limit themselves to what the voice actors are willing to do, and how much they're willing to get paid, this leads to a much richer world & gaming experience as a whole, and also better narratives, as you can add as many details to the lore & worldbuilding as you want. Voice acting CAN be great, but I'm afraid it's only detrimental to RPG's outside of greetings, grunts, battle cries, (limited) cutscenes, etc.
@adamcochran1309 7 лет назад
Or you could type what you say into it, but then you would need a keyboard...
@ZenoDovahkiin 7 лет назад
GaudyGabriev Just don't voice _every_ line. Divinity has done that for ages, and BG/IWD/NWN etc did so successfully until DA. Voice acting used to be flavour, and that's how it should be. Original Sin pretty much proved that RPG fans don't object to having silent, text based dialog next to superb voiceovers by it's mere existence and getting a sequel soon. Don't make VA your focus. It's an enhancement, nothing more.
@linegenrou 7 лет назад
I agree completely. From the moment they added voice acting for the main character in the Dragon Age series I felt like my character wasn't my own. but from what I've seen, since RPGs are not niche games anymore, fans of other genres are playing our RPGs and demanding voice acting and simpler choices because they are too lazy to read or think in a game. and since companies want to profit, obviously, they dumb down everything to sell their games to more people.
@screenwolf 7 лет назад
Even bigger difference with Daggerfall. You had a whole continent full of NPC's in a game with a size and scope you simply couldn't get near to with the modern RPG style and voice acting.
@cookies23z 5 лет назад
even when I play a "good guy" as I usually do, there is always a treak of evil or neutral, I like to look at the options and choose what fits, sometimes I choose 1 thing because I know the outcome, but only for some specific events that hurt me too much when I tried the other options, either in game or emotionally. edit: In games, I usually try to help a bunch of people, and try to do as much content as I can, but sometimes helping some people takes too much effort or is too costly, and sometimes I need to steal that item, or do a bad thing for the greater good.
@kaYam0n 7 лет назад
Great video(s)! You make solid points with constructive arguing and that's half way to a good analysis in my book. Would like to hear what you have to say about the RPG virtues and sins of a "classic" I found only recently and that I feel is quite unique in it's aproach: Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines! Mainly curious because haven't seen it mentioned in any (haven't watched them all, I admit) of your RPG related videos.
@GrahamBarth 7 лет назад
...is this guy secretly Big Money Salvia Erik from Internet Comment Etiquette? Because they sound pretty much identical.
@lrmcatspaw1 7 лет назад
Options keep going down. A lot of people said that Mass Effect 3 Was Great, it only had a bad Ending. I felt like Mass effect 3 was rather bland/boring. The lack of choices was one thing, but the linearity of it was mind blowing. WHAT? OK.
@ChanceDraws 7 лет назад
Just stumbled onto this video, and while I get what you're saying, I think you sort of work yourself into your own resolution. Paying voice actors takes a toll on budget, and we've got plenty of indie and old school examples that show what dredging the dev/freebie talent pool can do. Stepping back into the realm of text RPG's also creates fan backlash, despite (with good scripts) creating a more diverse experience. You'd also damage large set pieces and impact of choices being shown. As each play style diverges into different paths, the scope of the game creeps. Cutting those moments back to still-image flash movies or text repercussions feels cheap to gamers who've come to expect more pomp and flare for the $$ they siphon into the industry. The other option is a possibly awkward reconvergence to a linear path, or omit the illusion of impactful choice to drive a wholly scripted story. None of these are bad fixes, just ones that still leave gaping holes in what we want. That being said, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the intention (not really the execution) of Andromeda's more personality based wheel mechanic. A step in the right direction, or still too constricting? I definitely agree that bits of lore, stat checks, play style/builds, and explore/question dialogue option should add something to your experience. It'll help create more unique experiences and overall, isn't much of an added bugger. Experimented with re-recording lines with different emotional inflection/intention, and that small nuance can buy a new experience. As lines are often mutli-take efforts, it'd likely add only pennies to the budget. Nailing down a solid script and working scenes with face-to-face interaction during reading will also help lines match dialogue, or rewrite text options to better mirror the voiced response.
@emabanana6545 7 лет назад
I can't help but be reminded of the few tricky choices available in a game like Lisa the Painful RPG, especially since they were constructed with the problems of black-white (and gray) dialogue options in mind.
@shinshilko 7 лет назад
1) Dragon age origins (Played more than 12 times on "nightmare difficulty", tried different classes and specs) 2) Dragon age 2 (Played 3 or more times just to finish the game from different class perspectives on "normal" and only once on "nightmare") 3) Dragon age 3 (Played half through the game, got bored, never played it since)
@CeroAshura 6 лет назад
I got 20 Nightmares on DAO, pretty much did every possible thing. Another 40+ for ME1.
@adeptdamage3669 6 лет назад
DA2 was way worse than Inquistion.
@frenzysporetv3431 5 лет назад
@@adeptdamage3669 tbh I disagree
@whennever8202 5 лет назад
@@frenzysporetv3431 Why?
@whennever8202 5 лет назад
@@adeptdamage3669 I agree. DA2 was a typical EA cash-in.
@ForYouProject2024 7 лет назад
Really nice video! I was surprised to see that you are a small channel. The video was very well put together. I have to agree with you...I couldn't force myself to beat dragons age: inquisition, it was too boring. I'm craving a true, character choice RPG, but there aren't many modern games like that. its disappointing.
@NewOrderOfAlexandria 6 лет назад
First time I ever played fallout 3 I was blown away by how deep the dialogue was in the game, actually having conversations with characters rather than watching them in a cutscene made them feel more real and alive even. How Lucas Sims would get angry, happy, weirded out and confused by what you could say to him really made the world feel alive as characters had emotions and their own histories that you could only find out through exploring the dialogue options. Some characters could get so offended that they instantly hate you and won't even talk to you. In multiple play throughs I found myself making different friends in the game that were once assholes on my first play through and vice versa. Now in more recent games the dialogue is brushed to the side for more action and tbh when I first played fallout 3 (which was my first RPG) I did find the dialogue boring at first, I did feel like it slowed the game down and because I was used to shooters I would rush through dialogue at first but then it dawned on me that I could twist the narrative in anyway I chose, I could be a spoilt person, a quiet weirdo, a shy person who let's others push him around, a cowardly villain or a confident hero, a confident villain who killed and took what he wanted without mercy, a two faced thief or a spy getting information out of enemy fractions by pretending to be on there side. When I played fallout 3 and new vegas the actions I made were one's that I would make in real life as the combat was hard and I always tried to get away without causing any violence. Now in game's its all action and little story to please the masses and the players that aren't used to RPG's like I was before I played Fallout 3.
@snakehead404 7 лет назад
I'm glad youtube recommended this to me after sifting through 10 year old oblivion videos on youtube. Seriously though thank you for being honest and intellectual, if people like you speak out you give your company the good light it needs
@horricule451 7 лет назад
"full disclosure, I work at EA." You need Jesus.
@tsuna666 5 лет назад
Your friend likes to stick to the safe choices? I'm usually like that too. Then I played LISA. It fucked with my head but at the end of it I was able to appreciate how fucked up things were. To a certain degree this is just a response to consumer demand. There are a lot of people like your friend who will just savescum until they get the result they want, myself included. (I think of these people as "tumblr gamers" because this is a common thing among the tumblrina-types.) Specifically with modern RPG games, this means they care more about immersing themselves in the world as opposed to the narrative. This means they need to make sure their decisions wind up creating a world-state that is (or that they think will be) the most fun for them, i.e. the most "safe." This attitude is most obvious when it come to companions; these people usually want to make sure that everyone is some sort of big happy family (or harem, in some cases) and as such will always try to stay away from the choice that their favorite characters may react badly to, even in cases where they would have wanted to roleplay otherwise. Many times when I replay an RPG I make my roleplaying decisions based on which character(s) I want to like me or experience backstory for, etc as opposed to which game narrative I think would be the most interesting to experience. The whole "romancable companion" gameplay feature has done a lot to encourage this kind of play style and so is definitely one of the causes of this phenomena. There's a massive irony here that as the whole "divergent narrative" and "choice and consequence" feature has gotten more mainstream appeal through the last 10-ish years the RPG genre, which was literally built on the concepts of diverging narrative and choice and consequence, has been steadily getting more and more bland and homgenized. Also, I guess this two-year old video got recommended by youtube's algorithm because of all those Fallout 76 videos I watched. How relevant.
@jordangordon2350 5 лет назад
I'd love to hear you talk about Kingdoms of Amalur reckoning, and how its anti used games policy made it lesser known and hurt it in the long run, yet it's still a super fun and unique rpg with an amazing combat system
@frenzysporetv3431 5 лет назад
Didn't know there are people still playing it. I had a blast with the combat. I would, however, say that the game is a bit boring and repetitive later. Still amazing though.
@nekokuza 7 лет назад
There is a great sketch by Door Monster about dialogue wheel.
@Croatz 6 лет назад
Strat, You work at EA?
@StratEdgyProductions 6 лет назад
Chris U Yeah with the researchers.
@bronight3290 7 лет назад
jrpg are doing just fine to me, but I haven't played a western one in awhile simply because the quality of rpgs went down.
@112523 4 года назад
well, japan shits out so many jrpg's a year that there just has to be some good in them. but most of them are garbage in every level of production out of world design. voice acting for the english dub is always horrible even the new ff7r has some terrible voice actor choices. especially for children and sam
@averagechadlegionary5824 3 года назад
I try to roleplay a dashing rogue type of character where he’s no saint but he’s also got a heart of gold and willing to help for the right price
@codyfowler1356 7 лет назад
Nice analysis, what are your thoughts on the Witcher 3 and there use of dialogue?
@kirishima638 7 лет назад
Loved DA:O to bits, multiple play throughs. DA2 was OK but clearly a rushed development. DA:I was boring as fuck. Loved ME1, ME2 was ok. ME3 pissed me off so much it killed the franchise for me. Enjoyed Fallout 3. Fallout 4 was boring as fuck. Definitely agree that they need to get rid of the good/sarcastic/evil dialog choices that have little relation to what your character actually says. Fully voiced protagonists also need to go.
@mattd5240 7 лет назад
Id say characters like Shepard should be voice acted but characters you make yourself should not be.
@eggsaladthegreat9257 7 лет назад
Kiyoshi Kirishima my problem, though it's actually good because it adds a lot of longevity to the game, is that I always have the instinct, regardless of what part of the story I am at, is think, " what if I did this instead?" I have done this literally right before I fought the Arch Demon in Dragon age origins.
@CptDavidGH 7 лет назад
Im currently replaying DAI and I don't see it as a bad game. I definetly didn't like DA2 because of the storyline and the different options to choose in conversation. At least in DAI you have more freedom than in DA2. Im not talking about Origins but because it is a masterpiece. With some mods that game was amazing.
@theboy1625 7 лет назад
Kiyoshi Kirishima dragon age I was dope your smokin crack
@ladydominion8632 7 лет назад
As someone who completed everything Dragon Age Inquisition had to offer, Inquisition was a really good game. It of course had its faults, but if you think it's boring as fuck, then that's your opinion, but it truly wasn't.
@reekpeekseek 7 лет назад
The thing that is ruining RPGs is Bethesda.
@nicktailor8062 5 лет назад
Assassins creed now has a dialoge wheel, i reckon because of bioware and the witcher.
@peroroncino6109 5 лет назад
Divinity 2 did the dialog thing good too
@kwilson617 5 лет назад
i wouldn't say they are the thing that's ruining RPGs when smart peeps on the interwebz say skyrim and fallout 3 are not RPGs how can you ruin something you don't make ;D Jokes aside i really don't think they are ruining RPGs its just average players think of RPGs in a different way then hardcore RPG players
@Toporshik 6 лет назад
About different approach to role-playing, it's just about what you enjoy in the game. You're the Explorer, you prefer good designed systems, which can produce numerous outcomes to the situation. Your friend is a Plot guy. He wants to have ideal plot, and it is never just as simple as "good ending", it is aesthetic choice of having every event come together thematically, emotionally. I'm, for example, immersion guy. I want to live in the word of a game, behave as I would in a real world and accept all the consequences of my actions without reloading. So there is three absolutely different ways of playing, and all of them are called with the same word "role-playing", which is really confusing.
@ArninoStorm 7 лет назад
The remake of Tactics Ogre did something interesting with this: there are major moral choices that you can take throughout the game that change things significantly. Now, when you finish the game, you unlock a menu that lets you go back to specific points in the timeline to change your choices and see what happens then. It's no longer about simply making important choice,s but about the entire tree of possibilities that can arise from these choices. I wish more games did that.
@EpicVideoScarlet 7 лет назад
1:00 that was my reaction in the desert too. At that time I quit DA:I and never touched it again. Its fucking boring and feels like work.
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
It's unfortunate too, because the main story is pretty good, it's just all the grindy shit you have to do to advance through it, and the fact the story could be completed in like three hours without all the grindy boring repetitive work.
@EpicVideoScarlet 7 лет назад
I think DA:I broke my whole video game hobby. The only rpgs im really interested in are WoW (Roleplay Server) and Dark Souls. Everything else just flies by, and I dont care anymore. I loved Dragon Age: Origins, and I bought DA:I one year later, because I thought: I wanna play an rpg, and everyone says this DA:I thing is really good, bether than DA:2. I played it, and I feeled lied too, like nobody adressed that its a boring grindy mess. Witcher 3: Everyone says its this masterpiece of an rpg, and I didnt care because 1. I wanna play as my character, not as Gerald. 2. It simply didnt interested me, the last time everyone said a game is a masterpiece, it was a boring mess. Fallout 4: I played Fallout 3, and I just liked it, nothing more. When Fallout 4 came out, my interest in playing this game, or experience the Fallout universe, was 0% Dishonored 2: Again, I played the first game, and maybe the second is good, i really didnt care. Mass Effect: Andromeda: I played all 3 games. But this thing is just another DA:I ...in spehs. And I think the reason for this are WoW, and Dark Souls. 1. In Dark Souls we have an open world, where you dont grind shit, and where always something happens, you explore, its like an adventure. RPG mechanics like stats are there, not those build down fake rpg shit like the other games. You create your own character, a Knight, a Sourcerer, Pyromancy and much more. No fucking map, no stupid mark that hold my hand and says me where to go. No hand holding at all.. Just your character, and the world. 2. WoW Roleplay: You create your own character, and you create your own dialogue with other characters. They are played by humans, and so they act like real beeings. Not an AI that has a script, no limitations on how they behave. You can try to manipulate them, lie to them, and they try to manipulate you. Its like Pen and Paper, you even can create your own text-adventures, or follow a plot from someone else. Thats why I lost my interest in AI Characters, after roleplay with real people, they are just boring. And in Dark Souls, NPC AI are not the main part of the game.
@Twiggierjet 7 лет назад
Fallout 4 may have been the worst game in the franchise, but one thing it did right is removing the level cap. I utterly despise level caps, unless they are set so high you cannot reach them without ridiculous levels of grinding. The first mod I always install in RPG games, if such a mod exists and is applicable, is one that removes the level cap.
@andrewmarshall3408 7 лет назад
Twiggier yeah because it isn't like limiting the amount of perks a single character can have further encourages proper role playing rather than being an all powerful mcguffin Sit down pleb
@I_Am_The_Social_Reject 7 лет назад
Twiggier Removing the level cap alone made 4 the best.. Don't even start on improved combat and animations and customization
@Hunter_Johnson 6 лет назад
Why do you people dislike the level caps? It fucks up the entire RPG aspect by letting you become some all powerful, jack of all trades, master of all character. It's stupid.
@zhulikkulik 5 лет назад
@@Hunter_Johnson they don't want to feel weak at something. They are used to being a superhero in most games.
@isaaclong6085 5 лет назад
@@I_Am_The_Social_Reject 4 sucks shit. Nust watch hugbox's video on why it sucks. "An ocean of content, with the depth of a mudpuddle"
@thisisthecure 6 лет назад
great video. great analysis. Fallout is one of my favourite games too, for exactly the things you covered.
@DameiusLameocrates 7 лет назад
When I first played DA:O everyone hated me but Liliana, it was awesome. Id be fine with the dialogue wheel if it said exactly what you were going to say, but there was no hint as to how that thing was going to be taken.
@voteDC 7 лет назад
The near silent Warden of Dragon Age Origins always felt like they had more of a personality than Hawke or the Inquisitor. I could tell Alistair I loved him and not only 'hear' that dialogue but also put my own take on why it was being said. Did the Cousland Warden truly love him or was she saying it to make a play for the Throne. That's why I think I can go back and play Origins again and gain but get bored after the opening in DAII. As to Inquisition I find it near unplayable, I can't bring myself to get far beyond the opening area.
@khatack 7 лет назад
Oh, and mass effects are not roleplaying games, they're interactive stories with gameplay elements.
@darkentity1000 7 лет назад
Really good video, I very much agree with you. Something else to keep in mind tho is that meaningful choices don't have to be just in dialogue, they can also be in the players actions. Take the original Deus Ex for example. In Deus Ex, there are a pretty good ammount of dialogue choices, but most of the roleplaying comes from how you choose to complete missions, stuff like that. Basically every action you take, (who you kill, who you don't kill, the paths you take through the levels, whether you complete a quest successfully or not) they all have an effect on the outcome, and how people treat you. Not only that, but every mission is crafted to have many different outcomes, and they aren't just "good or bad". The choices you can make in Deus Ex are nuanced and are based on the values that you personally hold. It's by far the most realistic RPG I have ever played.
@LangkjaerRP 7 лет назад
Beautiful work man.
@warpzone8421 7 лет назад
Correction: Everyone you work with is basically a replaceable, disposable human component of the Worst Corporation in the World. Devolver Digital's E3 Press Conference was holding up a mirror and saying "This is you. This is what you look like to normal people." If anything is ruining Video Games harder than bad mechanics, it's bad business practices. Quit. Go Indie.
@SuperKratosgamer 7 лет назад
it is better.
@HowlyPhook 7 лет назад
So basically EA/Bioware... LMAO
@StratEdgyProductions 7 лет назад
@history3042 6 лет назад
I totally agree. I also work in games and I was surprised to hear from the writers of side quests in an RPG that they were limited to around 150 words per quest due to budget constraints of voice acting.
@ChocoholicChick222 7 лет назад
OMG yes. I tend to go with what seems best and screw the consequences. I loved Telltale's The Wolf Among Us--It gave me such a visceral emotional reaction that I looked at the options and went with my feelings. I was so angry at so many of the characters that I just didn't care! If I wanted to follow a strict path I'd play a game that doesn't give me choices.
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