
The Threat Named China 

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How India’s poor understanding about technology makes her vulnerable



15 сен 2024




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@amiladesilva1730 Год назад
As a Chinese who follows closely geo-politics, I compliment and agree with this gentleman’s insights. Very rare to hear such in-depth and objective commentary from India.
@loveblindhate9318 Год назад
100% agree! This is only the second video I watch from him. This Indian scholar has excellent analysis....
@Facts..Checker Год назад
Prof Kishore Mahbubani and Vijay Prashad are talented scholars too although they arent Indians or based in India.
@loveblindhate9318 Год назад
@@Facts..Checker I like them both but when Indians disagree with them they say 'paid by CCP' LOL
@Facts..Checker Год назад
@@loveblindhate9318 Of course, most viewers are drown in the ocean of western propaganda and twisted facts. Can't deny that Anglo Saxon media have much global coverage and influences after 300 years of world dominance. Otherwise, US and its allies had taken unilateral actions, waging illegal wars and sanctions without much adverse consequences. UN sometimes is just a tool of convenience if their interests and agendas are met. Only two countries are powerful and capable enough to face the west head on, perhaps with India too. But India prefers to take the shortcut path, and not taken the actions decisively, wisely, genuinely and with much courage. India is an an exceptional particularly after being totally colonized by a tiny British and even fought many wars for the empire. Google them. The land might be independent now but certainly not the mind. With the current India political environment, misleading and poisonous perceptions imbedded in general opinions for decades, not even Modi is capable or brave enough to steer and resolve the dispute issues once and for all, even if he wish to. His political rival could easily pull him down from the sky. An sensitive agenda but a good political tool for any parties in any elections.
@jonhone1 Год назад
Pravin Sawhney and Mahbubani kishore are two of the greatest geopolitical commentators in the world 👍
@ghazanfardar1630 10 месяцев назад
Very enlightened assessment. Learnt a lot from it. Thanks Pravin Sawhney Sahib.
@ravingfox Год назад
Wow! What an incredible analysis. I can listen to you all day - your understanding of the changes happening in the world is first class. Love!
@alimohsin2086 Год назад
Sir, Listening to you has always improved my understanding of our region . My salute to yourself.
@twisted4872 Год назад
Part 1: Good talk, and a lot to unpack there, so lets get started . . .grab yourself a cup of coffee and lets get cracking. So there are two major plot points here, the first is money and the second is power. Lets talk about money first. The American economy is based on financial derivatives, they make money off money, the product is money and the profit is off money with no real under lying asset of value underneath a mountain of money, which they simply print by a strange and unique mechanism called the federal reserve, which happens to be a collection of private banks. the value of the US dollar is that everybody uses it in international trade and for oil and so the Americans can print 9 trillion, wind it up into 370 Trillion and give a couple of billion here and there and pretend to be very generous and keep as much as they like for them selves while they flood the global money supply with their own monopoly money and sink entire continents into debt. Since they can print unlimited amounts of money, they can maintain artificial demand and value of their currency by buying their own bonds and continue to sign blank cheques to themselves and manage yields by buying their own bonds when demand falls. This violates the two universal laws of money, one . . .money must represent some tangible good, service, asset of value and two . . .you can't lend money to yourself you don't have. Does it work? . . .well it did for a while . . .but now it doesn't. As you can see Europe is bankrupt, inflation is out of the roof and its all coming crashing down. As far as America is concerned . . .all those bad housing loans in 2008, which were wrapped up into Structured investment vehicles and collateralized Debt obligations and wound up time and time again, actually fell to a market value of 0. Instead of writing those loans off and taking the hit, the Federal reserve grew their balance sheet by 3 Trillion dollars, gave that money to the banks and parked all those toxic assets in company called Black Rock and waited for the market to recover, so those Investment could be traded again. They appear on the Books of BlackRock at the same marked up value and a huge balance sheet that has a net worth of 0. And now . . once again . . . a housing market that never recovered is about to to take another dive . . . .because all those trillion of dollars, now up to 9 trillion never entered the real economy, they just rolled over bailouts in between a the Government, the banks and the federal reserve in an ever growing bubble of hot air that is about to deflate explosively and the people of America cannot afford homes. Hot air has actually came face to face with real economies, Russia and China . . . these countries actually make stuff and actually have resources that give their currencies real under lying value and stability. The US debt to GDP ratio is 133% . . .in spite of the fact that they print their own money, Russia's Debt to GDP is 23%. So what to do? the War on terror was a fun thing as far as Israel destroying its enemies, but the Asymmetric warfare on sheep herders did not require big ticket items like air craft carriers and fighter jets and boots and flak jackets could not keep the big pentagon budgets inflated. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria . . . .no profit for the Military Industrial complex. Well that was what made the Cold war so much fun. A big frightening enemy, with whom you never went to actual war, but kept the population terrified of, so they kept on signing off on huge military budgets, it was fun fun fun and the military industry just kept churning. With the collapse of the soviet union, that gravy train came to a stop and a few Taliban with rocket launchers just didn't cut it. So . . . .the Americans now needed a new cold war and an enemy that posed an existential threat to the good and peace loving Americans who were bent upon bring peace and freedom to the world. Now while its was all fun being the Sherriff in a Uni-Polar world . . .it was really bad for business. Thus arose the need for a multi-polar world, but poles that must be mutually destructive and adversarial in nature . . . because law of the Universe number 3: You cannot have a cold war unless there is a hot war at its core. The problem with China and Russia was, these clowns didn't want to fight a war, they just wanted to get on with life and have a good time, these poles were working in a mutually productive relationship, these poles were working in concert for progress and profit. This is the fault line . . .the American view of a multi polar world and the Russian and Chinese view of a multi polar world cannot exist in the same world. They are mutually exclusive and only one can survive . . .because the adversarial one will always pick a fight . .even if it means its own destruction. Now when it comes to Power . . .the United states of America only understands 1 kind of power. The power to strike the US mainland with a thermonuclear weapon and blow the shit out of wall street. Both China and Russia possess this power and with Hypersonics thrown into the game . . .the United States has no defense. At this very moment in time, there are Russian submarines parked off the US shore line and Chinese missiles pointed right at Bidens nose. When it comes to conventional war, the US tends to rely purely on Air power and its main weapon is the Ammram, stealth is debatable and with the use of IRST systems . . . .there is no stealth. The Chinese have matched the US and exceeded them in A2A missile capability and match them in stealth. Any imagination that the US can park a carrier fleet of the coast of Taiwan and engage the Chinese main land in any sort of conflict is more suitable for bollywood's mental flatulence and will result in complete destruction of whatever navel assets that are brought to bear, you can sink ships . . .you cant sink Islands . . .and any strike on the Chinese main land will result on Strikes on the US main land and if Chinese balloons are any indication . . .the first Kinetic impact in US main land will send the entire US population in to complete and utter hysteria and result in a total collapse. So there were two paths before the United States to ensure its population time, money and leisure to explore their sexuality and confuse their children about their gender, one was Russia and the other was China. The Hot war they planned for China . . .the proxy agent was India, no secret there. So the US started to build up India for the sacrificial slaughter, they started to pump money into the economy and give a place on global stage and puff up the Indian ego by calling it a Super power and most importantly, installed an authoritative nationalist government that unified India in the single most important ingredient required when taking a nation to a war . . .Hate. What the Americans did not anticipate was what a complete bunch of cowards the Indians really are, their fear for their lives trumps everything, dramatically. In spite of getting their troops bludgeoned to death on the mountain tops, India did not go to war . . .they decorated the troops who ran down the mountain fastest for bravery and stated that the Chinese had not taken their territory and then called it day. After significant pumping from the Israelis . . .the Indian Air force decided to attack Pakistan, dumped their loads on a mountain, failed to prevent a day light attack on their own soil, lost two fighters, shot down their own helicopter, faced the humiliation of watching the fighter pilot was across the border in civilian clothing, Decorated the Pilot for bravery and shooting down an imaginary F-16 and called it a day. It was obvious . . . .the Indians were not fighting any war with China, especially a two front war with Pakistan involved. They were great in a parade, hanging onto motorcycles like pimped up peacocks . . .but fear for their lives made them more of a ceremonial army and no amount of weapons and money would make them engage China. Their Rapid departure from Afghanistan, only added to the hilarity of using the term Super power for a nation that prided itself in shooting unarmed children in the face with shot guns.
@PakistanIcecream000 Год назад
Great comment. I initially thought it would be too long to read but it was a great comment.
@DineshTwanabasu 7 месяцев назад
@sharonsoon4866 7 месяцев назад
Great arguments.
@troutstalker7855 4 месяца назад
Nicely done. Bravo.
@arshedahmadbhat7099 Год назад
Whenever I sees his post I leave everything to watch his post..
@bharatkapoor4062 Год назад
Start watching how much dollar left in Pakistan
@ayushgangwar8 Год назад
because he speaks against India and it gives you a kind of satisfaction. Thats what you are here for.
@rmazim500 Год назад
Also since there is rampant and widespread Hunger and Starvation in Pakistan Stop Eating, Begging For Aid And "Gire Bhi Tang Uppar: Mentality as Well.
@arshedahmadbhat7099 Год назад
@@ayushgangwar8 because he say the truth and i am a truth lover
@rishabhchaudhary3918 Год назад
@@arshedahmadbhat7099 If you were truth lover then u would had been talking about Pakistan's sorry state rn instead of being coming for satisfaction on such vulgar channels
@stajgeer Год назад
Thanks Dr. Pravin for explaining to us in simple English a very complex World situation.
@hbc511 Год назад
The Chinese are very very capable players. As they have already demonstrated.
@zamraaj0652 Год назад
Thank you Sir. As always, very informative and convincing - one of the few voices of reason in India. In fact the Indian leadership has developed a psychological scare of the Chinese which is compelling it to stay under the US security umbrella. No amount of logic and reasoning can ween these psychopaths away from the US. Hard Luck.
@shahzadchaudary5194 Год назад
You are a true gem for not only India but the whole world.
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
The dude is western mole, seeking a war between India and China while being clueless about defense matters. Let me ask him, who will win between Russia and NATO in Ukraine
@lifestylemaster6186 Год назад
Jokers from bhikaristan clapping for a stooge of junkina, pehle toh apne logo ko khana khilale bh0sri
@sreyanshuchaterjee3962 Год назад
@shashijain5084 Год назад
A rivetting & deeply insightful analysis of today's world !!!!
@alanhamford2538 Год назад
@4:55 "India has signed the FOUR *US Military Foundation Agreements."* Now India is part of the Amerikan War Empire. India is not neutral anymore.
@amitabhshrivastava3121 Год назад
Pravin uses jargons to confuse listeners. He was a junior when he was fired from the army. He doesn't understand technology, or geo-politics
@alanhamford2538 Год назад
*What is the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA)?* BECA will help India get real-time access to American geospatial intelligence that will enhance the accuracy of automated systems and weapons like missiles and armed drones. Through the sharing of information on maps and satellite images, it will help India access topographical and aeronautical data, and advanced products that will aid in navigation and targeting. BECA will provide Indian military systems with a high-quality GPS to navigate missiles with real-time intelligence to precisely target the adversary.
@MAR-lt7xo Год назад
Dear Col b. Very insightful, informative, research-based, thorough, profound, etc. analyses. After watching this V-Log my knowledge and understanding of various global issues and power dynamics increased manyfold. Your research team is excellent, and the understanding of the issues you touched on is superior, and far ahead of the general discussion forums. Excellent V-Log and keep up the good work. Will recommend that policymakers thoroughly watch this V-Log again and again. Regards!
@amitabhshrivastava3121 Год назад
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
The dude is western mole, seeking a war between India and China while being clueless about defense matters. Let me ask him, who will win between Russia and NATO in Ukraine
@alanhamford2538 Год назад
India has signed a security pact with Amerika making India Amerika's "Ukraine" in Asia.
@bharatkapoor4062 Год назад
Yeah and still trading with china buying oil from russia taking cheap loans from Japan having strategic tied with USA lol
@alanhamford2538 Год назад
@@bharatkapoor4062 Buying Russian oil & trading with China are activities India can do because it's still within range of the leash the USA has around your neck. When the time comes the USA will fling India at China (aka Ukraine & Taiwan). In the Pact with the USA India agrees to block China's sea routes in the indian Ocean when the USA orders you & China will be forced to nuke India.
@bharatkapoor4062 Год назад
@@alanhamford2538 all i mean is india is neutral in every case and usa ask hundred times don't import oil
@bharatkapoor4062 Год назад
@@alanhamford2538 yeah china will nuke india and india won't do anything Pakistanio konsi duniya mein je rhe h? Look at your country first go save it from bankruptcy
@alanhamford2538 Год назад
@@bharatkapoor4062 look here @4:55 "India has signed the FOUR _*US Military Foundation Agreements.*"_ Now India is part of the Amerikan War Empire. You are not neutral anymore.
@badal1001 Год назад
Governments must solve the borderline matters by giving and taking only, No peace and no prosperity Without neighbourhood Good relations .
@twisted4872 Год назад
Part II: Things however needed to progress, time is money and they were bleeding it so obviously that the world was beginning to question the veracity of an economic system where 1 player can print as much money as they like and then lend it and others have to pay interest on this . So the Americans put India on Hold . . .maybe someday they would build up their confidence enough to engage China and accelerated their plan for Russia. Sadly for them, the Ukraine war is not going as well as they planned. First and foremost . . .they wanted to choke out the Russian economy. Russia does not print as much money as it likes and has no Federal reserve, should have been a no brainer . . .like Biden said We are going to turn the Ruble to Rubble. But wait . . .it was America's dear ally, the super power they created that completely obliterated the economic strangle hold that was to choke of the Russian economy with Sanctions. India . .along came India . .sending Tankers and Tankers to load up on cheap Russian oil, refine it and sell it to Europe at a fine profit. The Ruble strengthened to decade highs and the Russian economy flourished like never before, while the west kept making weak statements of how the economy was being crushed . . .The Russian economy shrugged it off like a duck does water. What's more, is that nations that wanted to avoid American sanctions took to it whole heartedly and started to trade Oil in Currencies other than the US dollar. If you desire the American opinion on that . . .its best to ask Saddam Hussain and Muammar Gaddafi, they have a thing or two to say about that. The second thing the Americans anticipated was that the Russian military would not have the resources or ammunition to fight this war for any significant length of time. To their shock and horror . . .the Russian artillery and Tanks . .kept pounding and pounding and pounding and its over a year now and they are still pounding. It was not the Ruble that turned to Rubble . . .it was Ukraine. Once again . . .it was that self delusional Super power who sense of self worth was inflated by the Americans themselves, to such an extent, they actually believed the Sales pitch to their own funeral. All those "Empty" Indian Tankers, were off loading Ammunition for all the Russian equipment the Russians had given over the years and spares at Russian ports. You can't fight a war without spares right. And then calmly as you please . . load up on oil and head off to the nearest bank. Well . . the Ukrainian war is not going well, the Russians are fighting it at their own pace, its as if an age old enemy, in his arrogance had bared his chest and Russia had plunged a dagger into it, and now was slowly twisting it for the sheer pleasure of watching the life bleed out of his eyes. The trouble with bears is that they never seek a quick kill . . . they maul their prey to death. The fall of Bakhmut is imminent and with it any illusion that Ukraine or NATO can stand up to Russia and Zelensky will probably be found crumpled in some ditch with a knife in his back, eliminated by the same NAZIs he nurtured and sent to their deaths. Ukraine is lost, another public humiliation for the Unipolar super power that thought it could print its own money, bankrupt Europe to feed its self and made a habit of driving peaceful nations to war because its bankers wanted a bonus. This is the legacy that the United states of America leaves in the wake of its short lived empire of sexual perversion and financial fraud and on its journey into the pit, it will drag along with it, its two main allies . . .the two remaining apartheid states in the world, that are the very Antithesis of the values the United States was found upon, Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all. So now its a choice, of who is going to be the next villain, our Unipolar Super power . . .needs to pick a fight and the obvious choices are way too strong . . .and so, the nearest and dearest are you and your long lost cousins, who are basically in control of the US government, its Treasury and the Federal reserve, the sore that lies at the core of the problem. That leaves you. You are to be the next villain and they have started to paint you as such. The values they have given you are a double edged sword . . .they will ensure that you can perform the task they have selected for you, or they can be used to destroy you should you fail in delivering on your selected goal, in this case their proxy war with China. In that vein they have already got their fingers around your throat: 1. BBC expose on Modi's involvement in the Gujrat massacre of Muslims 2. George Soros involvement of returning India to Democratic rule from Modi 3. The Hindenburg report of the Adani conglomerate 4. The Tech purge of Indian IT professionals from the US tech sector 5. The revival of the Khalistan movement 6. The offering of Raul Ghandi as a digestible alternative to the fascist and Racist Modi and his Hindutva BJP 7. The Anti-caste discrimination laws passed in Seattle and US universities. They will crush your economy like an over ripe grape and reduce you back to the clueless public defecating natives you were before they started to build you up from abject poverty, or you can go to war with China and be reduced to Rubble like Ukraine and see mother India dismembered into little portions, while your Adani and Amabani and Modi enjoy the rich life and make heart wrenching speeches in US congress and everybody applauds in standing ovations to their courage and bravery . . .and India burns. So . .will the world go into World War III and start flinging ThermoNuclear weapons at each other and humanity will die in a man made winter of Nuclear ash and there endth the story of mankind? Of course not . . .there is a simpler and more productive path as mans journey to enlightenment and perfection will continue as man kind evolves into the next stage of civilization that is more equitable for all, morons who don't know what a women is will not be allowed to destroy the world and their unsatiable desire for mutual annihilation will be satisfied by their best buddies in a war that is well deserved by all concerned and the rest of us can enjoy from the comfort of our homes in HD CNN broadcasts. In the words of the Borg Resistance is Futile.
@abdulrahamanashraffi4866 Год назад
Truth but usa is terrorist there can do dirty politics and games,modi is breakfast 🥞 for them,see eu economy and leaders of eu all are puppet jokers,and Zionist, people daily hitting streets but leaders just licking unwash USA
@PakistanIcecream000 Год назад
Great comment.
@ibrahimmir3801 Месяц назад
In light of recent events in Bangladesh and new hindburg report,you seem to be right. What is your next prediction, will India fight China??
@twisted4872 Месяц назад
@@ibrahimmir3801 India is unable to fight a pitched battle against any adversary that is willing to fight back. It is very brave vs minorities and women and children, other than that it is happier making bold statements, fantastical movies and snarky tweets. It resorts to misinformation, corruption and funding insurgencies in Afghanistan. India had hoped to be treated as an equal with the west and emerge as a world leader, the west always said it nurtured India as a counter balance to China, and that meant, one day India would have to fight. India cannot fight a real war with China and a newly emerging aggressive and angry Pakistan that realizes this world does not deal in justice and compassion. The Afghans will be taught that Fear can out weigh Greed and India will remain paralyzed for a time, caught between its ex lovers who no longer have any faith in a fickle India. Russia will realize that the true cause of the Ukraine war lies in the Middle east and china will realize, logic, reason and compassion are no currency in this world. They will both Arm Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Hezbollah and Hamas and as the war comes to Israel proper, Israel will collapse and with that collapse, the Influence of the Jews on the US government will fail as Americans reassert their sovereignty. Just like the Hindu, when the Jew is humiliated, he looks for the weakest, that can't fight back and in the dying throws of his governance, he will look to vent his humiliation on his long lost cousin in India. The war will then come to India. There is a chance that India might fight and win that war, the Western forces, will be depleted by the Ukraine war and fatigued by the never ending war chants of the Jews and may not have their heart in that war, they may march to it, but if India fights back it may grind the last remains of the western military power to a stand still and thus will emerge a new world order led by Russia and China, undisturbed by western military adventures and fake currencies. On the other hand, the Brahmins that lead India, usually surrender to save their own skins and drive India into slavery, in that case, India will once again become a colony to massage the egos of the dying western empire and the last hurrah of American freedom. Perhaps you can take solace in the hysterical irony, that Gazwah-i-hind will be fought by the Americans. Or India can try its luck vs China and Pakistan In the end . . .the Brahmins of India have always preferred licking the boots of their white masters, they will give into the threats of the west and surrender after a token resistance.
@ibrahimmir3801 Месяц назад
@@twisted4872 China and Pakistan have completed their inter operability in mil terms and are in lockstep. It could be seen in Op Swift Retort, but on your war prediction , all of countries mentioned are nuclear so there will no winner but MAD, or i am missing something ?
@modappalingappa62 Год назад
“If Independence is granted to India, power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed in India.” ― Winston S. Churchill Circa 1945 So prophetic!
@MuhammadAli-rd4ys Год назад
Beautiful Sir, can’t just help getting impressed from your supersede analytical acumen
@appu1326 Год назад
A very brilliant analysis. But after viewing the entire video I regretfully felt that Mr. Pravin Sawhney has not apprised us with the full facts and likely future consequences/scenario India is going to face in the wake of the country getting "piggy-backed" (his own words) on America. I think he could have explained things much more than what he had already done. Hope he will do so in another video soon. And a word about our foreign policy outlook. Though Mr. Jaishankar rubbished Rahul Gandhi about his fear of our country being in the similar position of Ukraine one day, I feel Mr. Jaishankar has, of late, started to do some course corrections at least vis-a-vis Russia which will at a later date be applicable to China too. The road block is the border issue. Once that is amicably resolved there would be nothing that would prevent normalisation of relations with China, if not achieving a detente. (Of course US will try all tricks to avoid that.) Because, India is in both SCO and BRICS our leaders will have to interact frequently with both China and Russia. As Mr. Lavrov said in New Delhi that they want India and China to be friends. Howsoever America tries to wean us away from these two I do not think we will give an inch. One major road block in normalisation of our relations with China is our being an active member of Quad which is an anathema for both China and Russia. Again, howsoever the group tries to explain it away as anything but a military alliance China and Russia view it as one and against them. At least we could have politely declined to participate in joint military exercise with the Quad especially in Uttarakhand and Japan recently, especially when we are holding discussions with China to achieve a peaceful border. That would have been seen as a confidence building measure by China and would have encouraged them to be more cooperative/positive in our efforts to resolve border disputes. Trying to scare China with our friendship or strategic accord with USA/NATO may not work to our advantage - example Ukraine and Europe. While the former is destroyed as a nation the latter countries have been reduced to the status of mere vassals. Do we want to be one like them? Certainly not. Let us hope our rulers will take us to a better future. Thank you and expecting your follow up video soon. (May I expect you to read this?)
@KLL-hz2ss Год назад
@appu well said! Kudos to Mr Sawhney for expert analysis. I would like to remind all re H. Kissingers words: " To be enemy of America is dangerous. But to be its friend could be fatal". Look at Ukraine. Also look at what the US did to Japan‘s economy about 30 years ago when its GDP seemed to be nibbing at the heesl of the US gdp.
@loveblindhate9318 Год назад
@@KLL-hz2ss The Japan economy was because of 'forced' signing of Plaza Accord...China won't sign anything like that and now we have around 400 US bases surrounding them.....
@loveblindhate9318 Год назад
If you are an Indian you are level headed! As for the boarder dispute between India and China - The disputed lands were Tibetan trading routes that was colonized by the Brits in a time when India was also colonized by the Brits. Don't forget, India been a superpower few times in its history, even the Mongol failed. BUT never in India's pre Brits colonization history those disputed land ever belonged to India.....
@gwo-shyanhan1188 Год назад
Very sharp and objective analysis of the geopolitical landscape for China and India. 👍
@gwo-shyanhan1188 Год назад
@@arnabdas7019 was he? Well his general analysis is good 😊
@gwo-shyanhan1188 Год назад
@@arnabdas7019 I like to watch news n analysis from all over the world. 😊👍
@gwo-shyanhan1188 Год назад
@@arnabdas7019 I m originally from Singapore but I have lived in China and currently in Oz 😊👍
@gwo-shyanhan1188 Год назад
@@arnabdas7019 hope to answer your enquiries the best I can. Both Singapore n China took the same route in terms of infrastructure building. Both borrowed from world bank, Asia development bank and managed to pay back all the loans.
@arnabdas7019 Год назад
@@gwo-shyanhan1188 Okay. Cool. I guessed SG because normally Chinese people from the mainland nowadays get rid of the middle name. But in SG & Taiwan it is still used. Like Lee Hsien Loong. The PM. Oz is truly great at this time of the year. Brilliant weather if you are in the NSW region.
@sajeevanav1306 Год назад
Warning from honest intellectual. Analyse it, use it
@gregario888 Год назад
Americans had egged us once, way back in the sixties, to pick the wrong enemy. We seemed to have learned very little ever since. Nice vlog Sir, after a long wait.
@amitabhshrivastava3121 Год назад
🔔Ghanta! Pravin is a fraud
@ROSUJACOB Год назад
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
The dude is western mole, seeking a war between India and China while being clueless about defense matters. Let me ask him, who will win between Russia and NATO in Ukraine
@kushjindal2939 Год назад
no your governments literally allowed USA to bomb your regions Next your nation runs on American aid this is a thing which even china with its vast money can't change
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
@@kushjindal2939 are you telling Afghanistan is region of India? Last I checked goat herders in sandal defeated them there.
@veergill9061 Год назад
This Bespectacled Indian Foreign Minister creates a spectacle of idiocy with his poorly thought out undiplomatic and ARROGANT answers .A very poor choice selected to speak on behalf of his country .He should undergo some Tuition under Shashi Tharoor and Mahua Moitra who can also teach him how to be more forceful in his speech delivery .He is too meek
@afzaalkhan.m Год назад
Absolutely. Mr Tharoor is exemplary
@amitabhshrivastava3121 Год назад
Exaggeration personified. Pravin uses jargons to confuse listeners. He was a junior when he was fired from the army. He doesn't understand technology, or geo-politics
@manisherande4568 Год назад
does congress apy per hour or per comment
@abdulrahamanashraffi4866 Год назад
Some lessons from great fm of Russia at this time
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
Only Pakistani and Pakistani fans and Pakistani agents are upset. In meanwhile in terms of result India is doing business with everyone and Rupee acceptance going high and no CATSAA sanctions on India despite S400. The global south is big fan of Indian FM and he gets deals done. Got with Austria recently. I am sure all of this is bouncer to you
@waheedasif1 Год назад
Thanks, for giving an understanding of a very insightful complex world situation.
@C12unit Год назад
India revoked article 370 on 6th August 2019 which was a major escalation from Chinese point of view. The unilateral action by India gave the Chinese the green light to lay claim to any disputed terriory in Kashmir and Ladakh.
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
What crap. They have no locus standii on this
@magnaviator 6 месяцев назад
Excellent well thought out analysis. I'm glad to find your channel.
@maslamchful Год назад
@balur104 Год назад
Thank you so much to Dr Pravin Sawhney Beautiful explanation in a way everyone can understand Dr Pravin Sawhney is a very respected defence expert and hope people in govt are listening to his wise words
@va8085 Год назад
His analysis is flawed on so many levels. China unlike US & Russia has not done power projection, ever. This traitor is a shame on the Indian defence forces. For his disagreements with the govt, he’s ready to get Pappu in power. Chinese would love that, wouldn’t they?
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
The dude is western mole, seeking a war between India and China while being clueless about defense matters. Let me ask him, who will win between Russia and NATO in Ukraine
@steelydan1242 Год назад
Good analysis of what's the real issues without bias.
@drmap5194 Год назад
To my honest opinion india is one of the Asian power after japan and south korea comes india but china is a global power only 2nd to usa even Russia after 1 yr of war is now on the 3rd number no saine person can compare india with china there is a gap of at least 30 to 35 yrs minimum plus the day india trying to become a global power and usa feels threaten they indians will understand what usa will do to them 🙏🙂
@greenbillugaming2781 Год назад
Asian power lol
@hbc511 Год назад
Very insightful. You have a brilliant brain sir. Keep up the great work.
@kouassi722 Год назад
Merci monsieur pour votre discour
@Protagonistt Год назад
Very well articulated 👏🏼
@eng2271 7 месяцев назад
Excellent analysis.
@kazialam3059 Год назад
Very intelligent discussion.
@rishabhchaudhary3918 Год назад
Ha ha, Pakistanio ko to ye sabse zyada intellect wala banda lgta hi hai! Koi baat nai bhai, we know you dont get any good news in ur country these days, I am happy an Indian is helping you to be satisfied in life!!!!
@arunavaroy5889 Год назад
India was caught off guard during galwan and India needed to build capacity and that is why PM and Jaishankar was accommodative. Now with jigsaw in place, Jaishankar has changed the tune which you and pappu is not understanding. Chinese had realised this and have started becoming accommodative. Chinese cost of maintaining army at such far off distance is much higher than that of India.
@huanghermann5207 2 месяца назад
right, please go on
@Chucku153 Год назад
@amirnazir6842 Год назад
@nikonikon3583 Год назад
In other words US hired India for China as they hired pakistan for USSR previously but india should be good with neighbors for better and steady growth. US never suffered in wars but they get more with wars but india will lose and suffer for decades later
@RichardNeoGlobalSouthViews Год назад
Dr Pravin. Hope your balanced views get the attention of your national leaders.
@tonyraheja1 Год назад
Nice exposition... Thanks
@bbharatillusion4574 Год назад
Well, Pravin..the recent political settlement in the middle east clearly define whos who in the world of world power. Please a a video on this matter as we would like your view in this matter.. thank you.
@SuperHumptydumty Год назад
Parveen Sahni superb as always👍
@richardlu4195 Год назад
Dear Pravin Sawhney - My friends and I enjoy you very logical analysis and presentation. I append the below comment that I send to "Geopolitcsin Conflict" ⬇ You see India is suffering from a terrible dilemma and the devils have not left them. Why side with a loser? Why side with a waning power? Why side with a party whose ethos does not coincide with yours. Why side with USA? China is not an agressor. It wants to trade. the US wants to war. India don't have to side with China. Work with the ones that will bring benefits to India and not detriment. And no harm working with China.
@Usman-ml4ig Год назад
Interesting that Mr Sawhney identified hubris as a major pernicious trait of USA. India too is riding high on such delusions of grandeur. One only needs to look at how the Chinese a few years ago jammed Mumbai's power grids resulting in a mysterious sustained blackout of the megacity, to understand what a potent insurmountable threat China holds for India should the latter continue in its provocative ways.
@shekarraju6395 Год назад
Suddenly in your view Rahul Gandhi has become a great think tank on geo politics....
@MrSpiritsurf Год назад
Jaishankar is the ultimate sidekick who will say anything to further his career. His own son is in the US and he talks about nationalism. BJP's fake nationalism is a cruel joke on true Indian patriots.
@Abbyramrosy Год назад
Agree. Our Nationalists encourage every Gujarati to go abroad and settle, while challenging the identity of true patriots. That's the difference between a nationalist and a patriot.
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
And his wife is Japanese and he speaks 7 languages. And pretend Indian from colonial countries wants to be PM. He gets results that will be bouncer over your head as you prefer colonial raj
@kushjindal2939 Год назад
Yeah he should actually bow to china That's all What you simp wants
@MrSpiritsurf Год назад
@@kushjindal2939 He Already has and so has Modi. What we see in the public space is empty bravado. Please listen to this presentation carefully.
@MrSpiritsurf Год назад
@@LearnWithVikram7 Just lie and call everyone who does not agree with you a colonialist. This is a brilliant strategy. You guys are the colonialist but you blame every one else for being one
@nitishpathak6589 Год назад
Dear Sir. Please speak on Controller of defense accounts. The most corrupt organization of govt which was supposed to be the forebearers in this regard
@masroorjaved4898 Год назад
Parvin Sahani sahab the great 👍
@rishabhchaudhary3918 Год назад
Correction-->Parvin Sahani sahab is great for Pakistani ears👍
@mysmartkryptonite354 Год назад
​@@rishabhchaudhary3918 truth is always never good for ear. If it is always then it's lies.
@rishabhchaudhary3918 Год назад
​@@mysmartkryptonite354 So according to u whichever pakistani feels good on his channel must understand that these all are lies😃
@rebelalliance1074 Год назад
The Americans will fight and keep fighting till the last Indian.
@ajiththomas3260 Год назад
If the Chinese try anything funny The Indian Army is waiting The Chinese will start bleeding profusely from the nose God forbid
@jaytan915 Год назад
Thank you for explaining something I had not known before.
@madhunainan4714 Год назад
Very lucidly presented!!
@nassermj7671 Год назад
Not just India, the entire S Asis should heed this scholar. Given all are on the same peace page, which has been so, so.
@kushjindal2939 Год назад
Why is every nation joining anti china front huh?? After a time of literally bowing to china??
@nassermj7671 Год назад
@@kushjindal2939 Pakistan is not. Take a course in logic perhaps. We want peace with all
@aftabkhanize Год назад
Thanks for an excellent analysis as usual. Don't you think that Ukraine conflict has enabled Russia aware about its military limitations or weakness.
@ausreir Год назад
Regardless of how we feel about each other, geography and interest alignments SHOULD rule out war. I hope both leaderships also think this way.
@geechan4744 7 месяцев назад
To Maintain Power: When you have short term (4-10 years) unsolvable domestic issues, you identify (or create) a neighbouring enemy to unite the energy of your nation state. Tried and true.
@humraazjehaan4023 Год назад
Well the good old U.S gives them the AMERICAN🇺🇸PIE 🥧PIE🇵🇰KSTAN
@nisardar2652 Год назад
But india is superpower- it can beat little chinese- jaishankar mankar
@dineshbhat7978 Год назад
1947 main jab Kabaliyon ne tere KASHMIR par dawa gola tha, tab tum INDIA ke saamne bheekh maang rahe the...........plz plz plz hume bachalo. Tab INDIA ne hi tumhe bachaya tha.
@technofaisal Год назад
Great analysis , thank you
@ssbn7619 Год назад
Around 327 BC a man went around India trying to educate the political systems about a threat called Alexander. We all know what happened. Is history going to repeat itself?
@AlokAsthana1954 Год назад
India has acted most foolish by sitting in America’s lap. Eventual subjugation is now assured. But Modi wants people to see his muscularity hence this had to be done. If people start voting on basis of his performance, he won’t get even one vote. Mother is no more and wife will definitely not vote for him. Ditched the woman..
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
When did that happen? Which Pakistan channel are you watching?
@AlokAsthana1954 Год назад
@@LearnWithVikram7 Which India are you living in? I live in Modi India..
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
@@AlokAsthana1954 The India to be 3rd largest economy in the world. The India with largest number of unicorn. The leader of solar alliance. Largest provider of vaccine. Where leaders are not woke. Where supreme court judge not unable to define what is women. Where leaders don't fight others proxy war. Where there is largest genocide over millenium , of Hindu and they still don't seek retribution. Where children and parents stay together and not abandon. It is not your degenerate western sexpot masters and barabaric khalifaland unfortunately.
@inderjeet9373 Год назад
Analyst should explain....what's holding china from all out war.....after India kailash range operations ...,instead they go for. talk
@npsbrar560 Год назад
Good analysis.
@husnarabegum8482 Год назад
Your shirt is very good.
@theansangong2659 Год назад
Excellent commentary!
@shrikantmodak9503 Год назад
I am not a fan of the leader of the present government, but I am not convinced that Rahul Gandhi can be a replacement for him.
@heliostreakproducts6491 Год назад
with the kind of collective intelligence of the cabinet being less than 100, any replacement will be boon to the country...i am surprised that despite Adani scam of $130 billion, you think there is no alternative (TINA)...god help this country
@aunalisadikot9541 Год назад
Give him a chance.
@MrSpiritsurf Год назад
We don't need a strong man now. we need a unifier. But Congress is so corrupt and chaotic. I don't think they'll win in 2024.
@jayantamondal5492 Год назад
Absolutely bro, modi ji can run a big country but not Rahul Gandhi, I mean to say there's no difference between Raja bhoj and gongo telie
@MrSpiritsurf Год назад
@@jayantamondal5492 No Modi can't run a big country. He can hoodwink a big country but not run it.
@aslampardesi4332 Год назад
Great analize thank you sir
@dmenterprises5853 Год назад
The real plan was to lure Russia into war, put sanctions and its economy will collapse, but after initial shock Russia survived. Today Russian economy is in a better shape than its western counter parts. Russo Ukrainian war is only side show. The main part is economics, petro dollar and de dollarisation. You're a military analyst and you've completely ignored the fact that 87% of world's population ignored the sanctions war against Russia. What's the meaning of Syria and Turkey sitting on the same table. Chinese have brokered a deal between Iran and Saudis, which can be called a deal of decades. Europe without Russian energy is getting bankrupt. The whole fight is for global south. Europeans are getting kicked out of Africa. There is going to be a major change in next ten yrs. Chinese economy is going to surpass US'S economy within 5 yrs. Upon the PPI front their economy is better than US. Chinese industrial production in 2022 was best in whole decade.
@ganeshvaikuntam5831 Год назад
i dont think jaishankar understands anything.😂😂
@Jagan-qd5xq Год назад
Let this guy debate jaishankar on specifics we will see
@lakkundianandapramod5063 Год назад
Dr Pravin Sawhney, I never miss your analysis on geopolitics and strategic planning and warfare. Our EAM was the longest serving ambassador in China but still clueless and believes in ‘na koi aya na koi gaya’ doctrine of his egoistic Boss! If I am not wrong in 2002 late former defense minister George Fernandes in Vajpayee government revealed that China is our number one enemy and not Pakistan and he visited Siachen glaciers 17times during his tenure. Unfortunately, there are few paid godi media astrologers predicting breakup of Pakistan and China sooner and there is no word on strategic thinking warfare from them!!! Country’s leadership is uncomfortable with the Ultimate Truths. Ir is a fact that the incumbent leadership has been piggy backing on US at the backdrop of average performance in three verticals you have mentioned and our politicians do not understand AI but trusts ‘pracharaks intelligence” under bloated egos!!
@joem0088 Год назад
The border between India and China is a bit different than that of Ukraine and Russia. First it is high and remote to population centers, whereas Ukraine/Russia is not. Second I don't beleive many ethnic Chinese is living on the India side or vice-versa and I am not aware of any ethnic cleansing issues. Third, north India is not a traditional invasion route into China (unlike Korea). So perhaps China can be more tolerant to whom India chooses as ally.
@kushjindal2939 Год назад
One thing is that this china simp won't tell us is that china is just a bully they want complete domination in Asia nothing else No matter What india dose china won't stop it's salami slicing attempts
@Whitfield369 Год назад
And China never ruled over India, or considered India is in their "sphere of influence". If it was not the British meddling there wouldn't have been border issues either.
@shaikhraisuddin4878 Год назад
Excellent! The gist emerged on analogy with Ukraine. India signed Moscow agreement only to win time. India is offered sky by US for being non communist democratic nation. India will enjoy governership over not only on subcontinent but on Arabian peninsula and central & far east asia also India is aware that it is joining an expanded NATO. NATO allies are helping India to develop its own military infrastructure and economy. The West has power to make and unmake countries. The G20 presidency is to enhance India's grandeur. And inaugration of Ram mandir is awaited in 2024
@sanjeevbjain Год назад
Rahul Gandhi would be surprised to know that his understanding of international politics was so good as this video is trying so hard to explain😂
@Red.bulldozer3 Год назад
While Modi government still focussed on Pakistan, the real and bigger threat from China is increasing by the day. Even indian army generals are down playing threat and chinese army build up at tibet which is very worrying.
@rmazim500 Год назад
Pakistan is on the Brink of Collapse and Disintegration. Pakistan ought to take care of its Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Hunger. Starvation and Shortages.and Above All Epicentre of Terrorism and Radical Elements.
@Red.bulldozer3 Год назад
@@rmazim500 the chinese threat to india is no thing to do with pakistan. Another galwan and land grab will happen if indians continue to ignore chinese military build up at indian border
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
Who said India focussed on Pakistan? Name some military procurement that is Pakistan focused
@Red.bulldozer3 Год назад
@@LearnWithVikram7 you can see most of statements from indian politicians and indian army generals . Most of the time they talk about pakistani threat and politics . But they hardly mention chinese threat which is the main threat to indian security.
@LearnWithVikram7 Год назад
@@Red.bulldozer3 Bipin Rawat ex CDS said 2.5 front. And talking doesn't mean not acting. China border infrastructure happening for first time. And Agni 5 or Rafael not for Pakistan. QUAD not for Pakistan. Taking Sri Lanka out of debt problem not for Pakistan.
@adaradarsh1449 Год назад
Why our policy makers are unable to think and realize what is to come he had been beating his chest for so long Please come above all these low level tactics of to stay in political power
@bbharatillusion4574 Год назад
Modi government foreign policy is for internal consumption.... for the next elections.. all these chest beatings puffing is to show to indian voters.. foreigners gets confused when they look at how india behave internationally. The failure of G20 summit shows exactly where India stands.
@adaradarsh1449 Год назад
@@bbharatillusion4574 In every community and fields there are few to whom everyone listens what this government is on and doing is something which cannot correct ,just because of few the whole civilization work is being destroyed
@sssaaa4177 Год назад
Our political determination is for Indian public consumption.
@bbharatillusion4574 Год назад
Very true
@scy9272 Год назад
China does not play chess, China plays GO!
@PTEPoliticsTechandEconomy Год назад
@amjaankhan8424 Год назад
Excellent analysis
@atamsingh1744 Год назад
@amitdhyani4838 Год назад
Anyone know the brand of the shirt he is wearing? His choice of shirts is always exotic!
@davidk6269 Год назад
15:13 bookmark
@lionvictor9944 4 месяца назад
Sir Now i understand why Shri Rahul Gandhi said about Ukrainw in relation to india. Sure China will contain india through claiming thier territorues starting with Arunachal pradesh and Ladak. Cant wait to see northern india becoming like Ukraine.
@rishabhchaudhary3918 Год назад
Only Pakistans come here because this is the only channel in the whole universe where Pakistanis can get some good news and can listen comfortably without bleeding ears🤣Everywhere else they go they only they only get insult of Pakistan and humiliation🙁 And to add some extra satisfaction, they cry him to be smartest of all person alive 😂
@rmazim500 Год назад
Pakistan is a International Basket Case, Epicentre of Terrorism, Radical Elements and at Worst Nuisance Value.
@muhammadaliclay8976 Год назад
hahahhaah..meanwhile indians think they are better than chinese...they live in their own fairytale land
@shksalim5327 Месяц назад
Nice Discussion, Totally enjoyed. But I question on mind, Why does India not have friendly relations with his neighbors. India is a very good relationship with Western countries ,but more or less bad relations with his neighbors. Is kind of hypocrisy unlimited !!!
@hass6559 Год назад
Good morning
@shindur Год назад
Other than your intellectual talks, I like the choice of the colour and design of your shirts
@Shiv1971 Год назад
India is NOT like Ukraine was to Russia - there are HUGE differences. India would not be a formal ally of the West and there would be NO Article 5: clause to protect India or bring a cabal of around 30 countries to support India. Ukraine wanted that sort of power, India is in a much milder relationship with the US. The analysis here is half baked despite some truth about Chinese discomfort with Quad 4. However, Jaishankar could use more deft diplomacy and use public relations teams to mitigate tensions with China. And India needs more nuclear weapons - 400 or more perhaps using reactor grade plutonium to create 5 - 20 kiloton yield weapons. With supersonic cruise missiles and ballistic and ballistic cruise missiles that are hard to intercept - India would have some form of deterrent as long as the war policy is enhanced and supported by high-intensity training and high quality management.
@johnalexander4982 Год назад
Our superstrategist speaks. Listen carefully from 26 onwards.
@patriotz2757 Год назад
Rahul Gandhi is a gea strategic player: period
@bbharatillusion4574 Год назад
Jaishankar knows. Midi knows who is the boss in Asia. When crisis hits, they will acknowledge. However before that critical point, they will play two faces, four faces to negotiate a better position for India geopolitically.. all for India's interest but embarrassing.. These maneuvers will not be good for india though as it is expensive as Indians does not know how to keep quiet and work hard... they love to be loud, exaggerate and sometime tell their citizen not to look up...🤣 so, India will always be like this with the present political system..
@jeanlaikan8400 Год назад
Can you reply frankly? I respect your opinion. Who is more dangerous? The US or China?
@karunamaya Год назад
A dissenting opinion is appreciated
@harryzhang3111 Год назад
India simply needs a powerful nation and turn it into a threat for obvious reason and China come in handy. India politician know it, China know it, the West know it. The Congress would do the same thing. I think India's main problem is internal, not external threats.
@haider1950 Год назад
Socialist Democratic Republic of India as the Indian Constitution Preamble reads: WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a 1 [SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC] and to secure to all its citizens......................................... Two Gujratis colluded to break up India.........
@shariqiqbalumniaz188 Год назад
Pravin Sawaheney Sahab Namaste Vow ! Very ,well explained You are second to none. Thank you Hartford/Hartford/USA
@soothsayer2406 7 месяцев назад
Your so obsessed with China. Why doesn't India focus on improving itself and being less insecure...
India seems headed for war with China
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