
The Tier List!?!? 7th Saga Companion list 

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What does everyone love? Tier lists!!! What brings more arguments than what's for dinner? Opinions in Tier Lists!
Ok ok... but I thought it would be fun to make a tier list about the best pairings in Vanilla 7th Saga.
Let me know what you think in the comments below. I plan on trying something of these out to see what really holds water.




30 май 2022




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@nybethobdilord6912 9 месяцев назад
Theres a couple of things I think need to be reconsidered with the list. First I think that Kamil is worse than Olvan. The only thing Kamil has over Olvan is a couple offensive spells. Outside of that Olvan has more health, gets a power stat that is tied with an upgraded Lux with Kyrn fist (because Axe stats are op) and can cast Defense 1 to make him or his partner tankier. Which can solve a lot of issues some partners may have. Also Kamil is just as slow as Olvan is. Second is that Lejes's average power stat is decieving. As he is the only character with access to Defense 2. Halving the opponents defense which means he will deal twice as much damage. This arguebly makes him the strongest physical attacker in the game when in use. This also compliments any partner that has an even higher power stat than him. So Olvan or an upgraded Lux hitting an opponent while effected by Defense 2 is like a nuke going off. As such all pairings involving Kamil should be swapped with Olvan unless we want to bring them down a tier. As the only thing Kamil brings that Olvan doesn't is offense spells which Kamil is very meh at. Also Lux/Lejes should be in A. It's essentially a better version of Wilme/Lux except Lejes can cast multi target spells and help Lux GO EVEN FURTHER in terms of damage. Lux also allows Lejes to deck himself out and since Lejes can cast Hp/mp catcher you wont be spending as much on consumbles to heal him. To top it off if you pick Lejes first and then Lux you don't have to worry about Lejes betraying you and Lux never will. Olvan/Lejes is just flat out better than Kamil/Lejes. Olvan can buff Lejes with Defense 1 so he's not vulnerable and Lejes can cast Defense 2 to allow Olvan to nuke the enemy. Unfortunately this pairing, like Kamil/Lejes, is just very expensive so you need to acquire a lot of gold to deck them both out. Esuna/Lejes should be in at the top of B. It's the ultimate glass cannon pair. If Esuna casts Power on Lejes and Lejes casts Defense 2 on the enemy then he will do the highest amount of physical damage you can do. Also Esuna has access to Defense 1 which can help them survive but it's still risky but a very powerful combination. They can also be a bit expensive to deck out as well. Wilme/Lejes is just like Lux/Lejes except Wilme cant hit as hard or tank as hard. He is as fast as the casters which helps knock out fights quick.
@jpop4lf 9 месяцев назад
Hi nybethodilord6912 First, I'd like to say thank for all of your input, suggestions and opinions. Just finding someone with knowledge and passion with this game is fun. And as I type this out, I only mean to have a good discussion about it, regardless of how it seems to come out. And for starters, you might be right that I (unfairly) put Olvan lower than he should. For some reason I thought Olvan's speed was one lower than everyone else's. I double checked and this is not the case. And I regard speed as the "God Stat" of the game. Looking at it again, I would consider Olvan equal to Kamil, with some notable differences between them. PS NOTE - I actually looked at a spell list and Olvan does have Heal 3... so what I'm about to say below is no longer correct (mostly). Olvan's weapons are stronger and make him a lot stronger (offensivley) than Kamil. However, in terms of spells, my main focus would be that Kamil gets Heal 3 while Olvan only get's Heal 2. In going through the game in a "Vanilla-like test" I found that Poth 3 come really late in the game. So late that there is a notable gap of when Heal 2 is not good enough to when you acquire a Heal 3 or Poth 3. And even early on, you get the Star Rune and B Protect early on, making Olvan's magic just... there. PS NOTE - So... I think I just conceded that Olvan is better than Kamil. Yes, he learns certain spells a little later, but I admit I judged him unfairly. For Lejes, I didn't realize that he is the only one with access to Defense 2. And if you used that (which I admit... I almost never use), you make any character's attack stronger and Lejes (if looked at solo), would be stronger attack wise because of it. But my feelings for Defense 2 is that it is not the "opposite equal" of Defense 1 but a lesser version of it. My reasoning is that Def1 will "double" the defense while Def2 will half it. This means that you gain more stats when using Def1 as opposed to Def2. EX: 300 Def + Def1 = 600Def; 300 Def + Def2 = 150Def... so in my eyes, 150 Def difference. Now, instead of trying to drop an enemies Def, you can double someone's Offense (Power) which feels the same as a Def2. However, Def2 has a chance to fail while Power does not. And for me, if you consider how many turns it would take to setup Def1, Power and then Def2... that's too many turns to setup any fight. Def2 is useless against bosses so you can't use it there. If you could, I would consider Def2 a much better spell because bosses have enough HP where taking that many turns would make sense. However, saying all of that... I truly think that almost ever character and every pairing are so close in usefulness that a tier list is ultimately unfair to them. But I liked your opinion and reasoning for all of this. I mean, the points we're trying to make is either Kamil or Olvan as we see them as similar characters in what they bring. I actually like Lejes for Vacuum 2 (specifically, grinding Flames), a spell that no one else gets (Esuna does but that's really REALLY late). But since I like Power and not Def2 I find that what I want from my physical attacker is higher based ATK so Power is more effective. I actually was trying to build the randomizer to be Vanilla-like but with gains much faster because The 7th Saga really is a slog. I wanted to test this list and one day, make a new list with my findings going through everyone. I haven't gotten around to that as life got in the way. But, I think that if get that setup and run through it, I would try some of these suggestions and see how it changes my mind. Maybe the glass cannon pairs are better than Kamil/MagicUser... or at least with Lejes because of the Cave of Silence. Again, thank you nybethodilord6912 for the suggestions and opinions. It's fun thinking about these things for a game that shockingly, a lot of people both love and hate.
@nybethobdilord6912 9 месяцев назад
@@jpop4lf oh for sure this is just for fun. I enjoy trying out different things and optimizing them. Yeah in my opinion there isn't really any point in using Kamil over Olvan unless you simply want someone who can cast both defensive and offensive magic while also being a bit of a tank. But since his magic stat is average and his mana is low you don't want to waste his spells on attacking. Also by looking at the potential maxed stats of characters with equipment Olvan is tied with Lux for the highest Power stat if they both have all upgrades. I totally forgot that Defense 2 is ineffective against bosses which does lower its use but one should definitely make use of it when possible. Especially if you start as Lejes. So this can help you deal with various difficult enemies and he learns it fairly early. Honestly I wouldn't compare Defense 2 to Defense 1 as the purpose of it is different. Instead it should be compared to Power as the goal is to increase your damage output. Now while Power can double the damage output of one character Defense 2 can increase the damage output of both Lejes and his partner on that target which can result in more damage than Power. Also one should take into consideration that the characters that can use Power, Esuna and Valsu, don't do a good job of making use of it themselves and work best casting it on a character that has a high attack stat. Whereas Lejes can actually cast and benefit from Defense 2 due to his decent attack stat but also another party member can make use of it as well on the same turn. I also don't think it would take that long to setup Defense 1, Power and Defense 2. Since Lejes only learns Defense 2 he can cast it and go right into dishing out damage or play defensive while his partner can set up Defense 1 and then use Power when necessary. Course the only characters that know Power and Defense 1 are Esuna and Valsu. With the later being very likely to attack/betray you. One thing I think we need to reconsider as well for this list is also how the characters best make use of the runes. Unfortunately Esuna and Valsu aren't that amazing for some of the runes as they already know an equivalent spell of them. (Moon, Star, Sky and Water) Olvan and Kamil both learn healing spells so Water rune is useless to them. Olvan also learns Defense 1 so Star rune is also useless to him. Wilme and Lux aren't really casters and have terrible mana so the Sky and Light rune is terrible for them. Lejes is the only one who can actually benefit from every rune. Which helps make him scale harder into endgame. Star Rune makes up for Defense 1, Moon Rune makes up for Power, Water and Sky gives him recovery options, and Light Rune makes up for his average magic stat. Which amazingly fits with his design in being obsessed with acquiring all the runes. Edit: So basically here's a list of who benefits from what rune. Won't include Wind or Wizard as once is simply for traveling and the other is for the final boss. Esuna: Light and Sky. Valsu: Light. Olvan: Light, Sky, Moon. Kamil: Light, Sky, Moon, and Star. Wilme: Moon and Star. Lux: Moon and Star. Light and Sky?* Lejes: Light, Water, Sky, Moon, and Star. *Lux's magic stat is actually average surprisingly. The only issue is that he lacks the Mana stat to consistently cast spells like Lejes can. The Sky rune could maybe make up for the lack of mana and the Light rune can help him be on par with other casters. (Just one more potential reason why Lux is the God of this game)
@allenyates3469 7 месяцев назад
Wilme + Esuna is my personal favorite pick for Top Tier power team. Wilme and Lux is a damn powerhouse until you lose the runes. Without the wind rune it's much harder keeping B Power in your inventory. Legis and Kamil is the most fun team in my opinion
@jpop4lf 7 месяцев назад
I totally agree with what you say. My personal may be Lux + Esuna, but Wilme fills the same roles as Lux. I agree the Wilme and Lux will need B Powers after you go to the past. But there isn't that much left to go. In terms of just bosses, you should have enough to make it to the end, but it does make regular fights a lot slower without extra B Powers.
@msguysmiley 4 месяца назад
I just started playing this game again, my first playthrough when I was a kid I did Wilme and Asuna, I just stumbled across the best combo I guess. I am here specifically because I want to do a Lejes playthrough but wasn't sure who to team him with. I assume this is the NA version of the game(since I heard JP is different and more balanced)
@jpop4lf 4 месяца назад
This is the NA version. The JP has better leveling ups for characters every 10 levels. Now, all of this is just my opinion but I truly believe that one physical and one magical is the way to go in this game. Also, cost of equipment plays a factor too. I lot of people love Lejes and I just don't. Lejes does have plenty of benefits and I think can fit nicely with anyone. There is no one character that is "bad" bad.
@Rotostorm331 2 года назад
Believe it or not, I actually beat this game with Olvan and Kamil. Not by choice, since I couldn't get either Esuna and Valsu. A difficult final part of the game, but I did it. This was years ago mind.
@jpop4lf 2 года назад
I do believe it. And it's not that you can't do it with "the worst pair", but it can be quite difficult I imagine.
@kashmir5173 Год назад
Wilme/Valsu tandem is the best in my opinion..
@jpop4lf Год назад
Nice! I know we basically agree and I admit that it is a bit of bias for Esuna/Lux. But if you go hardcore damage and support, those two have the best numbers.
@kashmir5173 Год назад
@@jpop4lf Yes I got your point, Neither Esuna/Lux or Esuna/Wilme, are the easiest duo to use in late game especially when you over grind those characters, however if you run the game with just average leveling only, with Valsu on your side would be the best in terms of survival in my opinion.
@islandthunder21 2 года назад
You know bro you gotta run the same seed with each pairing. Grab them asap in bonro/zellis and keep them throughout the run... That would be dope.. until you gotta get Lejes as a partner aha One thing to note too is if you have Valsu as your main he doesn't get enough mp to cast 2 elixirs until high levels..
@jpop4lf 2 года назад
I just streamed what I call Vanilla%. It's just the first test but it's a speedy version of Vanilla. We'll get to see it in due time.
@tmon3y777 Год назад
As shit as Olvan is I think the pairing with Valsu giving him agility should land that duo in the lower B tier and Valsu does actually compliment his weaknesses well.
@jpop4lf Год назад
I do agree with you, in most respects. And it is unfair to Olvan because you really can beat the game with anyone, especially with the proper pairing. The tiers don't reflect how viable everyone really is. And... I am quite biased to the speed stat, I'll admit. So it just lands him below the other's that fill the physical role. So I feel like I "have" to place him a tier lower.
@SirJoelsuf1 Год назад
Before I watch, I'm hoping that Wilme + Valsu is towards the top here. Especially since it eliminates Valsu as the turncoat apprentice if you get him early enough.
@jpop4lf Год назад
Then you might now be happy with this, or you might. Maybe you will be happy and then later not. Lol, my bad for being sassy. But I'm happy to see another person who enjoys the 7th Saga. And yes, Valsu is a tough as the Patrof opponent.
@dtnuh 2 года назад
Problem with Wilme/Lux pairing is that you can only hold so many items. Once you run out, RIP...this is especially problematic in the late game where towns are few and far between and the enemies are stupid hard.
@jpop4lf 2 года назад
You are right... but, it's these types of things I am interested in testing.
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