
The Truth About Therapy and Gaslighting Yourself 

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@Jazzmaster1992 2 часа назад
What's even more defeating is when people tell you to "stop blaming everyone else for your problems". I definitely understand the sentiment behind taking control, and this is where the narrative around taking responsibility even when it isn't your fault steps in. There's a persistent narrative around taking control, not expecting others to save you and doing it all alone. BUT, there's also value in acknowleding that your environment and the people surrounding you can be at least partially responsible for your situation, good or bad. Hell, it might even help to stop blaming and beating yourself up, even though "society" tries to condition you with individualism and blaming yourself for everything.
@skymeows1286 2 часа назад
are you able to micro manage everyone else that´s causing you problems not to do that or lower the margins of threshhold percentage? if not then best bet to sorta find a way to push yourself in order to overcome those obsticles and be the carry, no?
@LilithsCosmicLounge 2 часа назад
@@skymeows1286It’s like you didn’t even read what was said 😭
@eebbaa5560 2 часа назад
society does not condition you to blame yourself at all. i would argue that the entire disease of individualism is predicated on the fact that it wants you externalize as much as possible. we live in a self-obsessed culture that does not tolerate incursions or perceived slights to the self. people don’t care about introspection anymore, yet society is paradoxically self-absorbed.
@Jazzmaster1992 2 часа назад
@@skymeows1286 I can't do that, but if I can't make them not be the problem, then I shouldn't accept responsibility for their actions. Sometimes you just have to accept other people won't change, and even if they aren't inherently bad, you should stay away from them. As Dr. k points out though, sometimes people will try to condition you into believing your own behavior affects them in a way that causes adverse consequences for you. It's especially dicey when it's someone who holds some level of power and authority over you, like a parent, teacher or boss. There are way too many stories of bad parents or bosses who can essentially get away with mistreating the people they're in control of, and those people have to accept it and find coping strategies to manage the power imbalance.
@Jazzmaster1992 2 часа назад
@@eebbaa5560 I'm not sure about that. Maybe we have had different experiences, but there's definitely a lot of self help types telling people to take responsibility and stop blaming others, just like there's untold break room walls with posters telling you it's all on you to have the right attitude, which conveniently absolves them of any responsibility to create an environment and culture that assists the workers in having said attitude.
@tearstoneactual9773 2 часа назад
This just drives home, even further, how toxic and unsupportive my family was. I never felt supported, Never felt loved. Barely felt cared for. When I did have friends I was told that they were bad/wrong, and never tried to see it from my angle, or what worked for me. Always made me feel as though my choices were bad/wrong/incorrect. Never really had any freedoms. Never had any backup. I was always the problem. Never good enough. This is why it's an uphill battle to believe in or support myself in any meaningful way, even at 41. It's hard to believe anybody else would take any sort of positive view toward me either. I constantly question it.
@EnderProGaming Час назад
You deserve to feel happy and loved. Stay strong❤
@mohamaddahhan6069 Час назад
Summary: - Therapy is often misunderstood as gaslighting oneself into feeling better, but in reality, it undoes the negative self-beliefs instilled by others (e.g., parents). - Many people's negative self-perception, such as feeling like a failure, is rooted in early life experiences where they were taught they could never be good enough, rather than based on their actual abilities. - Confidence and self-esteem are not innate but are shaped by external influences, such as supportive parents or environments, rather than personal discovery alone. - Therapy helps uncover the distortions in one's thinking and emotions, allowing for clearer, more objective self-understanding, rather than blind positivity. - Emotional awareness is crucial for clear thinking, and therapy helps individuals recognize how emotions like anger, sadness, or jealousy distort their thought processes.
@d4mephisto 2 часа назад
Well said, Dr. K! I am often making efforts to demonstrate these ideas to clients, that something such as shame is mostly taught and is in fact not the baseline "normal human state." Signed, A colleague in mental healthcare (Marriage & Family Therapist here)
@maryweckerle9946 Час назад
Some children, babies are born anxious because of living in a traumatic environment therefore their nervous systems are affected. Confidence is taught but this stress from birth and their environment needs to be addressed, recognized and helped. Example Gabor Mate talks about himself as a baby. I believe this can be an unknown aspect of depression OCD ADHD however it manifests. Fantastic Work @ Dr K .
@flowstatepump 3 часа назад
Okay I will say most of it is the perception of being happy so being “gaslit” into believing your happy isn’t bad. On the other hand believing your mistakes aren’t mistakes, not learning from them is the side we see a lot that’s bad for them and the rest of the world
@eebbaa5560 2 часа назад
this is pretty much the entire essence of what modern-day therapy is predicated on. all therapists are gaslighters who must gaslight their patients in order to maintain their own delusions. in today’s individualistic therapy culture, everyone is encouraged to believe themselves to be the single most important person on earth for one session a week, and then to carry that mentality with them throughout the rest of their lives.
@hardsleaz3954 2 часа назад
@@eebbaa5560 Why are you spending so much time writing so many comments on a video about therapy if you hate it so much ?
@eebbaa5560 Час назад
@@hardsleaz3954 it is precisely because i hate it so much.
@JupiterRexMusic 48 минут назад
@@eebbaa5560ok that isn’t what therapy does and if that is your experience you’ve had one hell of a shitty therapist. It happens. There are a lot of crappy ones out there. Unfortunately the whole mental healthcare system in the US (which I’m assuming you are in) is absolute shit so I understand if “just fire your therapist and get a new one” doesn’t work for many people whether due to lack of or crappy insurance which limits your choices of quality providers.
@IvanGarcia-cx5jm Час назад
Totally agree. Therapy for just feeling better does not make sense. It is good to have support. But people need to know how to overcome their vices, develop good habits, and have healthy mindsets and values that could lead them to a healthier and happier life. A professor specialized in happiness mentioned once that happiness is based on genes, environment, and habits. But I would say also values. Having bad attachments does not help. I don't know anybody whose vices make them happy. It is good to have hobbies, but in a balanced way. Changing environments sometimes could work wonders, as the professor mentioned.
@WhereDaDuckAt 2 часа назад
I literally was talking with this with my girlfriend earlier this day. am unlearning all the gaslight of what my limits are, disconnecting what people perception and start connecting what i really am.
@ooglyboogly2989 2 часа назад
How do you disconnect from other people? People cut straight through me like a hot knife to butter. This is a puzzle I have made little to no progress on my whole knife
@EggEnjoyer 2 часа назад
Sometimes people see your potential better than you do
@rexn97 Час назад
So a big problem for me in therapy is I'll go into describing myself, my childhood, my past and current issues and than get asked the question of why I think this is the case or why this happened. And I don't have a good answer. I wasn't abused, neglected, living in poverty, severely bullied, etc, etc., and yet I still have so many issues. That's the thing that gets me the most because atleast if I were abused or neglected I'd have a clear reason why I am how I am. It feels more like I'm an absolute failure when for all intents and purposes my childhood was as stable as anyone could ask for.
@sheelahtolton3998 Час назад
I have some similar thoughts- there's a an ACE (adverse childhood experiences) score which covers the big common childhood traumas, but then I found out that there's a PCE (positive childhood experiences) equivalent and I found I had a very low score in this. I realized while I had a really stable and "good" childhood, I was actually missing a lot of positive supports/had a lot of long term unmet needs. Everyone is different and that unmet stuff might be something someone else wouldn't miss, but it's important to you.
@aquarterofacircle 42 минуты назад
@@sheelahtolton3998such a good answer!
@darkrul8 2 часа назад
Thanks Dr K, this is is exactly the video i needed tonight. I've been gaslighting myself all day saying I'm not worth it and this video really helped me work through those thoughts.
@Manysdugjohn 3 часа назад
First 20 seconds felt like a personal attack. Holy moly, thank you DR K.
@crimsonninja6995 Час назад
'I can do it, I just can't do it as well as them; and there's a difference between those two statements' Thanks Dr. K, I needed to hear this
@benmajkut618 Час назад
Therapist gaslights you into thinking you gaslight yourself… Seriously tho Dr K is the goat and inspiring me to go to therapy
@pierrelg6733 3 часа назад
Early for Doctor K but late for sleep schedule
Therapist gaslight patient to. They will try to convince and become insistent towards patient. Therapist have pattern that they all follow. You have to be aware of these little signs
@PegasusPablo 2 часа назад
I learned to do backflips and stuff when I was 11. I miss that time when I trained without self-doubt or worrying I wouldn't do it...
@angellius4606 48 минут назад
@mataskersys5 3 часа назад
I want to be happy! I'll be okay with being just okay though
@rongike 2 часа назад
aim for peace and then you can notice and appreciate the good stuff when it comes.
@puffmogie 34 минуты назад
My anti therapy family members often accuse the opposite, that therapist will instead make a problem out of nothing and make you believe there is something wrong with you
@jaud007 3 часа назад
Dr. K unleashing the Asian house hold pandemic ❤
@juliadcraide 22 минуты назад
I may be down voted to hell, but still feel that therapy can be gaslight when you had a BAD therapist / one that just don't understand you.
@juliadcraide 19 минут назад
Cause like when I moved to university on a new city I had a hard time making friends since I'm shy and anxious. So went to a therapist who told me I just needed to go to college party's and I'll eventually make friends there. This made everything this worse, since I don't drink and don't like loud people, then I feel like a failure, since all she keep telling me was to try harder next time. Only when I quit that therapist, and start trying on my own to deep my connection with my classmates I start making friends and eventually a boyfriend (We're together for 6 years). So yeah bad therapy can be gaslighting, no shame on quiting or changing therapists. When I went back to therapy a few years later, I find someone that better suit for me.
@SkyTetra 2 часа назад
Thank again for another information about ego. That thing is really comparing me negativity to other people
@vermithor51ac 2 часа назад
I feel seen. I always tell my therapist that I feel CBT is a kind of self gaslighting.
@eebbaa5560 2 часа назад
it is self gaslighting and you are falling for it.
@vermithor51ac 2 часа назад
@@eebbaa5560 I knew it
@beginnersguide4556 3 часа назад
Love your editing process. LOL
@colinfox2778 3 часа назад
I'm 43 and partially disabled, have been my whole life. Never been in a relationship. Women want nothing to do with me because of said disability. How have I gas-lit myself into believing women want nothing to do with me when it's unfortunately true based on my experiences in life? How would a therapist fix that? Women never see me, only my disability. How do you fix that?
@skrotmyslowy 3 часа назад
I feel you bro. That's a good point by the way.
@juliadidenko4926 3 часа назад
Really sorry about your situation. My guess is that gaslighting is already in your comment - the statement that women only see the disability doesn't really look like an objective reality. If there is at least one person in this world who values your personality, there is a chance that there can be more people that like you the way you are
@nebula8514 2 часа назад
I feel kinda the same, i tried to accept it tho and tried to find other meanings in life, i learned that from therapy too
@ShePudding 2 часа назад
It might be worth joining chat groups for those living with a disability, if not your specific one. It makes you feel less alone, lets you read about other people’s experience & the way some found happiness (or things to beware, like lazy people living with you because you are vulnerable and possibly want your stipend), and the women there would def be able to understand your day to day life on a deeper level. Just gotta be careful… some corners of the internet are just meeting places for depressed people to complain and knock happy people down. It takes some looking, but it’s worth it to find your people. And disabled people tend to be on the internet more often anyway :) Whatever you do, however, I wish you the best. You started playing life on Hard Mode.
@ikaritohakai5468 2 часа назад
You did gaslit yourself into thinking women only see your disability. I don't know how much it impacts your looks but I've seen many successful relationships with one of the partners disabled. If anything they are really compatible since one side doesn't care for the looks, only what's on the inside and I can't give you a solution but I'm gonna tell you this: never lose hope, stop blaming your disability since you can't do anything about it, stop blaming yourself, try to improve things you can change and I don't necessarily mean your body. The things you're good at and most importantly, your mindset. I know it sounds like such generic advice but you can never lose hope and you didn't because you posted a comment here. That means you have hope, you want to get better, be happy and that comes from you deep within, the you that loves himself. I strongly believe no matter how bad it is, we can always improve SOMETHING. Even little things, but eventually it all adds up. Hope you find someone that appreciates you for who you are and sees all the good stuff that's in there.
@NoMorePandasss Час назад
Perfect length. Easy to follow.
@Goodpsychiatry Час назад
Great vid! Do you think you could talk about the fears and pressures of becoming a parent for the first time in today’s already demanding settings? Appreciate you all!
@danielroy8232 2 часа назад
hmmm. people dislike me because of my criminal record. how does changing my self-perception fix this?
@mac-ju5ot 3 часа назад
A kit ..my great au ties always made certain that I had birthdays. Mom was good too m but no dad didn't believe in interventions
@geriatricvicenarian8208 Час назад
Therapy is gaslighting is just another meme taken out of context by doomers.
@GlizzyWater999 3 часа назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="175">2:55</a> Dr K gaslighting me into thinking I’m gaslighting myself not the therapist 😂
@razzy_modo 2 часа назад
He's done it again. Another banger.
@Christ_Is_Life10-10 2 часа назад
You are brilliant!😊
@Sharigloo 2 часа назад
a stream and a new video, WOW
@ItsABassDammit 3 часа назад
Hi Doc, I'm here early.
@LaurinkoSattumaa Час назад
@rongike 3 часа назад
is ego an actual thing? isn't it just the emotion of pride?
@_no.one.is.always.right_ 3 часа назад
@shigento7131 3 часа назад
@MayorSom Час назад
Im feeling down rn 😢
@GlizzyWater999 3 часа назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="175">2:55</a> Dr K is gaslighting me into thinking I’m gaslighting myself and not the therapist lol
@TheSayanox Час назад
Feel like this whole vid can be applied to league soloq
@Taylor95x 3 часа назад
Never been this early gahddd damn 😱
@MrBubbyG_Official 3 часа назад
Reply to this comment, and those in my comment thread using only chat gpt
@ItsStartedTo 2 часа назад
@Poythresss 3 часа назад
Wow so early
@xstephanx94 3 часа назад
Uploaded 51 seconds ago only 2 views, Dr.K in his flop era.
@chickenapproaching5698 3 часа назад
@zzMarcie 2 часа назад
too long, your hard to follow, just giving me more complicated issues
@bekhaddaderrar2111 2 часа назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="398">6:38</a> Oh doctor! You touched me in this word ❤ ☺
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