
The Vowels of Yehovah and Yahweh 

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29 июн 2023




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@pavinivfx 21 день назад
Before of all proves, I tested it on my prayers and I felt the spiritual influence of this name.
@returntoyehovahthelord6185 Год назад
I love this Nehemia! Keep it coming.
@Samua3 2 месяца назад
I really appreciate your research Nehemiah. Thank you. Its interesting that Isaac Newton said God's name was Jehovah. Also he went against the common belief in the trinity because it wasn't a scriptural one. ..a risky thing to say anything against at the time! But truth seekers are out there, and even throughout the many times where God's people turned away from the guidance and standards, there were still those who stood for truth. So not all religions can lead to God but "the truth will set you free." ... and that means truth is vital. Can i just say you don't need to be interviewed...the interviewers keep interrupting the flow of your excitement at finding the wonderful things you want to share. You are a great speaker. Happy and enthusiastic. Thank you again.
@yosefavraham9819 Год назад
Love this! Nechemia , Yehovah has clearly used you for this purpose. He has caused you to be instrumental in dispersing His Holy Name to the world. I want for you to always have the unshakable faith of David. Shalom achi!
@davidpeightal4918 Год назад
Thank you. Very Much appreciated. (I wish the subtitles were also in English so I could screen-shot the most important sentences.)
@kennethgutman3465 Год назад
The word Adonoi or Adonai (meaning our god) was substituted for Yahveh (spelled YHVH) because The Name was considered too sacred to pronounce at all. And the way this substitution was indicated in print was to write YHVH in Hebrew but with the vowe markers for Adonoi (or Adonai). Along comes a German gentile who reads Hebrew but doesn't know this convention and mistakenly reads it as Jehovah. (J is how German indicates the Y sound.) An Anglo reader then makes the second error and the misconception and mispronunciation becomes permanent.
@5crownsoutreach 8 месяцев назад
Look at how Logos' premier Hebrew Bible, the Lexham Hebrew Bible, points the consonants "yehovah" (see Ps 1:2), and then STILL renders "yaweh" in the English in the face of it!
@masterlinklibras8935 Год назад
Shalom, Nehemia! Could you record a video about hatef patach in manuscripts? Error or possible in rules hebrew? Or letter Yod with patach?
@masterlinklibras8935 Год назад
Thank You for job! Yod With hatef patach not error? Yod With hatef patach is possible and correct? I see in Psalm 144:15 (BHS online)
@masterlinklibras8935 Год назад
Please, Nehemia or someone from the team can answer my question?👆
@daviddrew3372 3 месяца назад
Scribe’s leaving out the vowel to prevent reading the word aloud. I have seen people today right the word G_d in comments taking this whole thing to a ludicrous degree.
@stuffandthingzzzz3623 6 дней назад
So many people are brainwashed
@masterlinklibras8935 7 месяцев назад
Shalom! Please Nehemia, (4:30-4:42) you can show scrolls or manuscripts in hebrew have letter Yod with hatef patach? יֲ yod com hatef patach. Or letter Yod with patach?
@masterlinklibras8935 7 месяцев назад
Shalom! Please Nehemia, you can show scrolls or manuscripts in hebrew have letter Yod with hatef patach? יֲ yod com hatef patach.
@TacklingTheGiants Год назад
The new one is Yahuah. Please cover that one next.
@angieisjoyful 10 месяцев назад
GESENIUS: To give my opinion [This opinion GESENIUS afterwards THOROUGHLY retracted...he calls such comparisons, "waste of time and labour"...] I suppose this word to be one of the most remote antiquity, perhaps of the same origin as Jovis, Jupiter, and transferred from the Egyptians to the Hebrews GESENIUS' Hebrew and Chaldea Lexicon of the Old Testament, translated by Trageelles, 1857, Page 337 Question: why was some of this omitted? Are you here at this time to deceive the people?
@daviddrew3372 3 месяца назад
What is the oldest extant Hebrew Gospel manuscript?
@kennethgutman3465 Год назад
The dominant speaker completely misunderstands. Vowel markers were a very late development of written Hebrew. YHVH, which would be pronounced either Yahveh or Yahweh, was not supposed to be said at all after the destruction of the second temple. (When it stii stood, only the high priests said it, and then only during Yom Kippor.) It was considered too holy to pronounce. So the word Adonoi or Adonai
@theburningelement.6447 5 месяцев назад
I agree actually YHWH comes from ehyeh YAHWEH would lil mean he is
@KravMagoo 3 месяца назад
It was NOT considered too holy to pronounce by the examples we have in the Bible. Boaz greeted people using the Name. The "too holy" trope was a late issue.
@tydy5266 2 месяца назад
Actually, YHWH comes from 3 Hebrew tenses of "To be": Hayah (Past), Hoveh (Present) and Yihiyeh (Future). The one who was and is, and is to come. Revelation plays on this in chapter 1 verse 8 @@theburningelement.6447
@destructo3915 6 месяцев назад
He never explains why there is a long /u/ in Yahu, as found in Hebrew names like Eliyahu, but this long /u/ isn't present in Yehowah. Anyone care to explain?
@KravMagoo 3 месяца назад
-yahu is SUFFIX...NOT a prefix. Plenty of names END in -yahu...NONE begin with Yahu.
@destructo3915 3 месяца назад
@@KravMagoo You're not listening carefully to the context of my question. People asked why is there an /a/ vowel in Yahu but not in yehovah? Nehemia answered that it's because of Hebrew intonational rules; whenever a dual-syllabic word like Yahu is extended to 3 syllables like yehovah, the first vowel reduces to an ultra short vowel or 'shewa' as it's called in Hebrew. This is true, such as is seen in the name 'Shlomo' aka 'Solomon'; the root of this name comes from the same root as 'shalom' (peace), but when a vowel is added to the letter /m/ and a third syllable is introduced, the consonant /sh/ loses it's vowel through what's known as propretonic reduction in Biblical Hebrew. This reduced syllable is represented as a short /e/ vowel in the name yehovah. So Nehemia equates 'yeho' with 'yahu'. So my question is, if he is right, then why is there a /u/ vowel in yahu but an /o/ in yehovah? That is the question that he and his followers refuse to answer.
@destructo3915 3 месяца назад
@@KravMagoo Yahu actually was originally a prefix and a suffix. But I'll explain that later. If you've watched his other videos people ask Nehemia why it's halleluYAH but the name is YEHovah. Nehemia claims that the reason Yahu contains an /a/ vowel while yehovah contains an /e/ vowel is due to what is called propretonic reduction in Hebrew. This occurs when a third syllable is added to a bi-syllabic word; the result is the first syllable loses it's vowel and the vowel reduces to an ultra short vowel called shewa in Hebrew. This is true. A good example is the name 'Shlomo' (Solomon). The root is the same as the word 'shalom' (peace) but the addition of a vowel after the third root letter /m/ in Shlomo causes the name to lose it's initial /a/ vowel. In the case of yehovah, this reduced /a/ vowel is represented by a short /e/. So basically, Nehemia is equating Yahu with yeho. So my question to him and his followers is, why then is there a /u/ in Yahu but an /o/ in yehovah? Your answer was that Yahu is a suffix. Please explain why the suffix would contain a /u/ but the prefix form contains an /o/? Show me the proof from Hebrew grammar or from the Hebrew Bible that this is a universal rule. You can't because it's not. The correct answer is the following: Yahu contracted to Yo over time. So originally, Yahu was also a prefix as well as suffix. Yahu contracted to *Yau (rhymes with cow) then later to Yo (rhymes with no). This exaplins why the name of God takes the form Yo in names like Joshua, Josiah, Joram, etc. This contraction process is universal in Biblical Hebrew, the best example being the word 'lo' (to him). Originally this was *la-huu, literally 'to him', but over time it contracted to *lau then to lo the same way the name of God did. When the Tiberian Masoretes, the editors and inventors of the Nikkudot (vowel points), pointed the text, they represented any archaic prefixed form of YHW as YeHoW but it actually represented and was to be pronounced Yo. The motivation was conformity. The Hebrew Bible was completed over the course of several centuries if not a millenia. Some books featured God's name prefixed as YHW which represents an older form, while the newer form YW is found in newer books written during a later period. Because the Masoretes, who lived during the middle ages, pronounced the name of God as a prefix as Yo, when they pointed the name of God in older books it was spelled as the archaic form YHW, so they employed what is called a hypercorrection which is attempting to represent the sound Yo while keeping the spelling YHW so as not to alter the sacred text. The reason YHW changed to YW is due to Hebrew evolving it's intonational rules over time. As forementioned this happened to lo, originally *la-huu and also even 'moth', originally *maweth (death). This is basically a form of ketiv/qere technically. But it was probably not represented in the margins because it was frequently occurring just like adonai for YHWH. For anyone doubting that the vowels of YHWH represent adonai, refer to Psalms 144:15 and you will see a Hatef Patach in place of simple shewa under Yud, this is the same vowel in adonai.
@destructo3915 3 месяца назад
@@KravMagoo I understand but Nehemia implied that yeho=yahu. People asked him why it's halleluYAH when the name is YEHovah. So my question to him and his followers is why then is there an /o/ in yeho but a /u/ in yahu?
@pavinivfx 21 день назад
​​​​@@destructo3915because what counts is the consonants, not the vowels. It doesn't exist vowels in hebrew, so don't focus on that. Yochanan starts with Yocha and has two letters of the tetragrammaton. Yehoshua/Yeshua, Yeshayahu,.Yirmeyahu, Hoshiayahu, Y'hudah, Yechoshafat and more have the same concept. The consonants that consists in the tetragrammaton which is important, not the pronunciation of the names which have it
@theburningelement.6447 5 месяцев назад
Learn atbash if you want to learn the name
@eddyimpanis 7 месяцев назад
“A mitre also of fine linen encompassed his head, which was tied by a blue ribbon, about which there was another golden crown, in which was engraven the sacred name [of the Almighty]: it consists of four vowels.” Josephus, The War of the Jews, Book 5. 5. 7. IEUE ιευε יהוה. Transliterated as Yehueh in ANCIENT Hebrew.
@richardlacy5246 2 месяца назад
Nehemia refuses to discuss Our Transliterated Creator's Name before the vowel system. Moshe wrote in a certain Paleo-Hebraic/Thamudic B script. No written vowels (or transliterated written Paleo-Hebrew/Thamudic B to modern English vowel system) in the 22 letter Paleo-Hebrew/Thamudic B script. So, you have to try to pronounce or enunciate the written script/words to be able to figure out what modern day English vowels are placed. On top of all that, you have figure out the meaning (translation) of script. It's a challenge but certain scholars, like Dr. Nehemiah Gordon, are skipping all this and jumping to 900 AD...where the vowel system was implemented...and tries to make meaning out of the text ..But he should be doing his homework and look at how Jeff A. Benner (especially in his book, A Mechanical Translation of the Torah) is using the Ancient Paleo-Hebrew/Thamudic B script to get the true meaning of the text by using how ancient Hebrews during Moshe Era wrote & thought (Ancient Hebrews were concrete thinkers and not abstract thinkers, like we are today) in their era....
@pavinivfx 21 день назад
He didn't. Remember that the rabbi who was killed by Rome in the second century, quoted in avodah zarah talmudic literature. Rome killed him for saying this name.
@valvbl9022 6 месяцев назад
Aramaic must be read. If Moshe coming now nobody in Israel can understand Moshe
@brianleeray1 Год назад
If the vowels don't come from Adonai, why do they change to the vowels from Elohim in the phrase "YHWH Adonai" (see Ps. 68:21, etc.)? Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "they never say Adonai." Maybe you meant the Masoretes? Because you can search youtube right now for "baruch atah adonai" and find a whole bunch of Jewish people pronouncing YHWH as Adonai.
@strappedfatman7858 6 месяцев назад
Jesus is the Lamb of The God of Abraham YHVH Yehovah Jehovah Mark 16:8 In the Gospel of Mark. If the women tell no one then, Who is ! What each Gospel story is about. The four living creatures! Matthew Who was! Mark Who is! Luke Who is Coming! John The Lamb of YHVH! The four gospels are associated with the four living creatures: Matthew, the man, Mark the lion, Luke the ox, and John the eagle. John has Jesus dying on a different day. It's the Day of Preparation, not the Day of Preparation for Passover. It was the day they prepared the lambs for sacrifice. While at the same time, Jesus is prepared for sacrifice. Jesus is the Lamb of YHVH Yehovah Jehovah a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle. The man symbolises the prophet; the lion, kingship; the ox, priesthood, and the eagle, fatherhood.
@strappedfatman7858 6 месяцев назад
Jehovah God provided his son Jesus as the Lamb. Genesis 3:15 Jesus was sacrificed by Satan's seed! Genesis 22:8 To this Abraham said: “God himself will provide the Lamb...14 And Abraham named that place Je·hoʹvah-jiʹreh.* This is why it is still said today: “In the mountain of Jehovah it will be provided.” Footnotes * Meaning “Jehovah Will Provide; Jehovah Will See to It.” Adam wasn't deceived. The ground did produce thorns and thistles because Jesus worn the crown of thorns and thistles. God told Adam the prophecy of the resurrection. Genesis 3:15 The Sacrifice of Jesus was the first part of the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will bruise him in the heel.” Satan the Dragon and the Wild Beast the 6th Kingdom executed Jesus on their image the cross. It was the Roman Empire of Italy that is also the shape of the heel. So the first part of the prophecy is complete . Satan bruised Jesus in the heel.
@masterlinklibras8935 7 месяцев назад
Shalom! Please Nehemia, (4:30-4:42) you can show scrolls or manuscripts in hebrew have letter Yod with hatef patach? יֲ yod com hatef patach. Or letter Yod with patach?
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