
The Walking Dead Game Final Season: Episode 3 Broken Toys Review 

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Spoiler review of penultimate walking dead episode, don't watch if you aren't up to date. But chances are, if you haven't kept up, you've probably been already spoiled by the millions of other videos with the character death thumbnails out there because people want their youtube moneyz. Also I'm not dead. Not yet, anyway.
Here's the script for the S4E2 review I was gonna do:




24 июл 2024




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@jaytonius560 5 лет назад
I agree with your criticism of Lilly. She seems like a completely different character than the one we saw in Season 1. Her showing no sympathy or concern for Clementine (a girl who was with her at the beginning of the apocalypse and who witnessed the death of her father) is unbelievable. I too am wondering how Lilly joined the Delta and how she earned her role as a lieutenant. Although, she was the leader of the motel survivors, so her being in a position of power makes sense. It's even more frustrating if you decide to kill her because then those questions will never be answered. Nonetheless, Lilly is a great character and I'm glad the writers brought her back for the final season. However, I'm frustrated at how her character is currently being portrayed. In Season 1, she was a short-tempered but caring leader who did what she thought was best for her people. Now, she's a murderous psychopath who kidnaps and kills people (even children) with no remorse. I feel like the only reason Lilly came back was for pure fan service (which is kind of what this whole season has been). In conclusion, whether anyone spared her or not, I hope that Lilly returns to her roots and reminds us of the character she once was.
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
Yeah I don't have an issue with her being an atagonist because it makes sense based on her history, my real issue is the way that it's executed is pretty lazy and doesn't really resemble anything of the Lilly we knew. I was expecting the scrapped Kenny=Carver kind of thing where she tries to emotionally resonate with Clem and promise AJ safety and things like that in return for working with her. Maybe she was near suicidal until Delta found her and 'fixed' her. Just anything to give her some kind of nuance. But she's dead in my playthrough now, too much of a risk and I have no confidence she can or will change like James. Very curious to see how the next episode plays out without her.
@jaytonius560 5 лет назад
@InColdBlood I agree. Lilly was distressed when she disappeared back in Season 1. Her loyalty to the Delta is most likely based around that, but that doesn't excuse everything else. Thanks for liking my comment! ;)
@TWDKenny 5 лет назад
Honestly, that was a perfect explanation of Lee. It's obviously no secret that Lee meant the world to Clementine, but arguably in my playthroughs, Kenny did so much more for her than Lee ever did. Yet, Kenny gets barely even as little as a reference in the final season. Someone could say the same for Christa/Omid, or even Jane, depending on their choices. What happened to all that time spent where Kenny helped her raise AJ? What about the time where Clem could've been beaten to death with a walkie talkie, but her dear friend Kenny took the punishment (and lost use of his eye) for her? None of those moments are even worth as little as a single line of dialogue? At this point, I wonder if AJ even knows who Kenny is or what he did to bring him where he is today. Lee is an amazing character. I loved that scene where they reunited again, cried even, but I just feel like other characters deserve the same treatment that Lee got too. I just...really hope Skybound can pull off episode 4. I'm really skeptical that there's still gonna be loose ends that they won't be able to tie up from previous seasons. I think the majority of people were really satisfied with 403, but it's not like 301 where they could rewrite the story from everything onward due to backlash. Unless they do a spinoff TWD series, they've only got one shot to do it right.
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
> At this point, I wonder if AJ even knows who Kenny is or what he did to bring him where he is today. I thought about mentioning this as well, it's just so bizarre that huge chunks of Clementine's life don't even go as far as a dialogue mention. Does AJ know why he's named AJ? It's never brought up and while you can kind of say that it happened offscreen I still feel like that's something that we the player need to see for ourselves.
@SnowDreamFlake 5 лет назад
Really? He actually said Christa and Clem hated each other? Sometimes i ask myself do they know their own chararters? I mean If They would have hate each other, Clem would never looked for Christa in S2. She spent that season to wonder where she is, was worried about her and searched for her for a reason. Because she really seemed to care about Christa. So the line they hating each other makes no sense to me..
@SnowDreamFlake 5 лет назад
@@telltaleconcepts6209 Even if that was true, that their time together wasn't happy, i wanted to know that from Clem herself how she mentions Christa in that subject, so we have a much better conclusion and explaination of her relationships with different people in general and what exactly happened when Christa and Clem were together. Just because their relationship might haven't been the best, it's not an excuse for me to not talk about her at all. I want to know about Clem's complicated / difficult relationships as well, and not only about her relationship with Lee. And like you said... they could have at least give us the chance to talk about people she had a happy time with.. like about her parents..? it would have been so interesting to know how her life and childhood was before the zombie apocalypse started. As much as i like TFS so much more than ANF, that point might be my biggest problem about the final season. Since it is the very last chapter of Clem's long journey, i want her to remember other people just as much as lee.
@bigkirby84 3 года назад
@@telltaleconcepts6209 yea, like Luke .
@TimeCenaPSW 5 лет назад
Great review, hope they mention Kenny and Christa next episode and they explain Lilly’s situation more if we kept her alive.
@_.miaelise_x 5 лет назад
I think this was one of the best episodes of the series. I think there's a lot of references to Lee because he's the person who took care of clementine since the start and taught her most of what she knows. He the "hero" of the TWD series: the main character of s1.
@m_axj 5 лет назад
It's only because the audience saw their time together and everyone else just got a time skip. If we spent a whole season on christa and clems time together we'd definitely think she was deserving of attention compared to Lee
@_.miaelise_x 5 лет назад
Cutu Puss maybe so but I never liked Christa. I think she had an important role, but we never saw it so that almost made it irrelevant. Omid and Lee were much better characters than her
@rhondahoward8025 5 лет назад
Oh I'm so glad you brought up that disgustingly manipulative train dream sequence. The "Lee" nostalgia has been wrung to death at this point and yes, her laser-focused obsession with him is absolutely ridiculous. It basically spits in the face of every other character she's met on her journey and this includes her own parents. She was so determined to find them in the first season and when she finally saw that they were dead at the end, it hurt her so much. That's what made it so sad: that she was losing Lee on TOP of her parents.
@shadowfuture1378 4 года назад
rhonda howard yea lee wasn’t the only person she lost its like they’re making it seems he was the only one that she cared about
@ryanelliott71698 4 года назад
Lilly I wish was better in S4. Think of how more compelling a revised Lilly where she’s still a recruiter for a war she’s fighting but depending on how you treated her as Lee in S1 will either want you to join as she details the wider conflict from her POV. Maybe wants to enslave the other kids as labour not soldiers but honestly wants to save Clem. Or a Lilly that’s conflicted with you as Lees the guy who helped killed her father but did have some genuine caring for Clem back then
@melanix8 5 лет назад
Still waiting for deleted content from The Final Season ☺️ I really liked your videos about deleted content from previous seasons. Hope you’ll come back to it someday ☺️
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
There sadly isn't that much but I'll probably do a small video on it after the season is over.
@m_axj 5 лет назад
There's not much, only content that will most likely happen in episode 4
@melanix8 5 лет назад
Cutu Puss Better something than nothing ☺️
@melanix8 5 лет назад
InColdBlood Thanks for answer. So I’ll wait ☺️
@nhdwastaken 5 лет назад
Season is over, waiting
@tudortwd8283 5 лет назад
Really enjoyed your video! Actually you described James' state of mind perfectly since he was part of the same Whisperers from the comics (who even them admitted that they are screwed up in the head), but it's very unique that they picked that kind of character to be the moral compass. Agreed about Lilly, she seemed just one dimensional even compared to Abel. Imo Violet is the more compelling character if you play her path (especially if you compare the backstory), Lilly's speech and that twist was very well done. I'm not suprised that Louis had that fate considering his characteristics. The Lee scene was just fan service but I still enjoyed it since it gave us a little more info on what's in Clementine's head. Overall it was the best episode of the season so far.
@jaytonius560 5 лет назад
I agree with your criticism of the community war. If the kids succeed in defeating the Delta, surely the other group will come after them too. If what Abel said was true, about them being “sick”, I’d hate to be in Clementine’s shoes.
@jaytonius560 5 лет назад
You're finally back, Cold Blood! Nice review by the way!
@monsi9626 5 лет назад
Personally, I think this is one of the best episodes in the whole The Walking Dead history. I'm curious see how you think about it.
@AdamNorse 5 лет назад
here's a theory: when 2 people go through significant trauma/terrible events together that creates a strong bond maybe even stronger than that of family and maybe her time with christa and kenny was less eventful. or maybe it's just fan service : P
@SteampunkCorvus 5 лет назад
I missed your videos!
@Daddix0 5 лет назад
*"Why is there no mention of Christa? Why not her dad?"* Well - This is a different world than the one before. The dad she had is lost and is part of a completely different world and experience for Clementine. Lee brought Clementine into this new, terrible world and acted as a "new" father. Her protector, her guide, someone who sacrificed himself for her, someone who taught her how to protect herself and live in the new world, whilst also loving her (as a father or caretaker). This is the world she is still living in - not the one with her father. As for Christa and Kenny, they were friends along the way. Sure, they took care of her but they were more like 2 people surviving the apocalypse together rather than a man protecting and teaching a young girl from this new, scary world full of undead and shitty people who are out to kill you. Clementine had 2 lives, one in the world before, and the world she's currently living in. Her parents are a very distant memory because they're from a whole nother time period, Lee isn't.
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
I disagree with this. Obviously Lee has told her some important things during the course of a tough stage in her life but you really underestimate just how important time is with another person. She spent four months with Lee at most. She spent 8 years with her parents, it really doesn't matter if she's in the old world or new, those are incredibly important people to you and her entire motivation in the first game was to find out where they were because she loved them and was scared. For her to ignore just how important her family yet still hold on to Lee in a platonic way is a pretty big writing failure and the only reason we're seeing Lee (from a realistic perspective) is because that's who players resonate with. As for the years she spent with Christa and Kenny, Lee never taught her to survive in the wild like Christa did. She learned important survival skills under her (bandaging, hunting for food, creating a campfire). It's incredibly clear that, if you went with Kenny, she liked him and wasn't doing it out of obligation. She spent 2 years caring for AJ under that time as well and the fact that he is never given so much as a mention feels disrespectful to his memory. I can definitely understand why AJ would not know or maybe care about his parents because he was raised in a very different envrionment but Clementine was a normal 8 year old girl with a loving family until the ZA hit so for her to just forget about the peaceful times before all the zombies is stupid. Valuing some guy you knew for 4 months, no matter how important they were, more than the people that cared for you for half of your lifetime is bad writing.
@SnowDreamFlake 5 лет назад
Sure, we all have our opinions but i have to agree with Incoldblood here.
@Daddix0 5 лет назад
Floopaze 97 Because she wasn’t used to this world yet. Now that’s it been...what? 8 years since the new world began, she’s forgotten about them because they weren’t relevant to her world. I also made my comment entirely based on what the creative director said about why Clem only has Lee flashbacks. But Kenny or Christa were never a true guide and caretaker like Lee was. Friends along the way, not someone to have flashbacks/dreams about (or maybe she does, but not really important to show to the players...also BUDGET!)
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
@@Daddix0 I don't need Christa/Kenny flashbacks, all I really want is at least a dialogue mention here or there. Her parents definitely deserved a flashback of some kind. You're right, this game was made on a really tight budget which I think for the most part they've done a good job at making the most of. I just think they should respect the other characters of the series as well.
@SnowDreamFlake 5 лет назад
@@Daddix0 It isn't a problem of budget to mention Kenny / her parents / Christa more times, flashbacks/dreams might be obviously more expensive to create, but simple mentions of characters are not. Clem spent the whole Season 2 by wondering where Christa is, that's why she tried to find her. She definitely cared about her, otherwise she wouldn't do that. But After that she suddendly totally forgot about Christa... and for me as a player, who stayed with Kenny all the way and made the big final desicion of S2, i was hopeing they made our choices justice, i expected our desicions would be matter in some way. But it wasn't only the cheap way they brought kenny back in a flashback just to kill him of in ANF, it was also the fact, that since kennys death Clem also suddendly forgot about kenny. The only time, when she CAN mention him (but not by name) is in Episode 1, WHEN you killed him in S2. So in my own playthrough, where i was FAMILY with him, she never talk about him and even didn't mention him in front of Aj.. she can't even give him kennys hat, when you choose the wellington route, because somehow the wellington ending was ignored by telltale (despite their promise about the hat..), you can see that in the story builder for example, when the wellington choice wasn't even mention. For the people who either stayed with Kenny or stayed at Wellington it is a big let down seeing that our choices don't matter at the end of the day. So i think i speak for most people, who chose either Wellington or Kenny, that it is actually indeed important knowing that we didn't do all of that for nothing..
@X1GenKaneShiroX 5 лет назад
You came back! Yay
@bwo3942 5 лет назад
This should not of been determined as the end of Clementine's story. People talk about "If not that's milking the cow." Look at Mario bros, legend of Zelda, final fantasy. How about resident evil, Leon Kennedy. People want to see more of Clementine like someone wants to see more of Mario or Link, or Leon Kennedy. Their original plan was the McCarran ranch, and had they stuck with that story we would have at least another season to go. All we see of the ranch is a psychedelic nightmare scene. People speculate of a possible spin off series, but what would fill the void?
@dragon707lp2 5 лет назад
Great Video, even if I have to disagree with you in some points. I liked the scene with Lee, althought Kenny or the story with Christa and Omid would´ve been nice too !
@X1GenKaneShiroX 5 лет назад
TWD Purgatory Video on RU-vid is not there, when I try to search it somehow it didn’t show that thumbnail.
@reginamarks2187 5 лет назад
I didn't like that it went from The Walking Dead to Dating Simulator.
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
Yeah I'm not a big fan of the dating stuff either but it's not pushed on you so it's easy to ignore it if you aren't interested like me. It's a bit sad more people are talking about which character is better for Clementine (Louis/Violet) than talking about the components of the story though.
@reginamarks2187 5 лет назад
@@InColdBloodTTG Yeah. That's why I friendzoned them.
@mr.hansololee5850 5 лет назад
The only disappointment was that kenney never showed up in the train flashback
@mal3nko 5 лет назад
That finale though...oof. I’m conflicted about it in general but overall it was a satisfying end I suppose.
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
Having a satisfying ending is all I ever really wanted from it, so I was overall pretty happy.
@lisdraconis2212 5 лет назад
When the world is changing around you I think it doesn't matter much ho long you spend with a person who is helping you getting along in this new world. Lee gave his live for Clem and that is why she is holding him so dear still. She still loves her parents but they were never in the position to protect Clem with their lives. And the whole Lee thing was the most traumatizing experiance for Clem. Because she is blaming herself for his death. For the Characters Clem met in the apocolypse I wished more though. The character with whom Clem spend the longest with was either Christa, Edith or Kenny. Edith get's no love at all. The story is forced to act like Wellington never happened. When you have the opportunety make the choices for previous episodes and you choose to go with Kenny there should have been another choice about Wellington. It wasn't. And I missed that. Season 3 handeled that better imo.
@SwiftArrowYT 5 лет назад
Pretty nice video, loved it
@SnowDreamFlake 5 лет назад
First of all... I am glad, that you made a new review video about Episode 3, because i love hearing your opinion and thoughts around this series. So thank you for uploading. :) Second, i completely agree with you on the missing mentions about other people in her life. Christa, Kenny, her Parents.. all of them deserve to be in Clem's memories and heart. But it often feels like the only person she ever knew and loved was Lee, which is completely unfair to the other characters she spent (much more) time with. I disagree with those people, who always say about Lee, that he was the most important person in her life, because he was the first one who looked after her and taught her survival skills. But Lee even wouldn't have taught Clem all that stuff and didn't cut her hair, when Chuck wasn't there. Lee was against to taught a little girl how to survive, but Chuck had a serious conversation with him and convinced him to do so. So originally he deserved all the real credits. Sure Lee protected her and sacrifised himself, but it doesn't mean that she has always to talk about him and to forget the others. Me for example stayed with Kenny all the years, he was there for her when she lost all the people she cared about before (her Parents, Lee and Christa) At this point He became like the healer of her scars, because he gave her for the first time after a very long period, the feeling of a family again. Clem told him, that as long as they have each other, everything will be okay. So my Clem loved him like a father-figure , she shared with him the same bad memories, not only to loose the own family, but also Lee, who was the friend of both. He protected and sacrifised himself for her, just like him, even more times. But still got no credits for that. Does Aj even know the Background of His name and birth? Does He something know about the person who gave him his name, helped his mom with his birth and sacrifised his own life, so he could live on? I think it's very sad, that Clem might never told Aj something about Kenny and always let Aj know that there was Lee. Someone, who had even not a single connection to Aj, but only had history with Clem. I think it's just fanservice to focuse so much on one character, because the majority of fans loved him the most. When we will get even one more flashback about Lee in Episode 4, ( because i have a Feeling that we will) and not a single mention about others in Clem's very last chapter, that would be just the biggest disappointment about the final season and Clem's long journey as a whole for me.. Overall episode 3 was very interesting to me, it had so many different aspects, that let me feel different emotions. At some scenes i even had the odd feeling of an atmoshpere the creaters built in Broken Toys, that we never had before in previous episodes in this way. My favourite scenes was the barn scene with the beautiful, relaxing music, the party and the attack on the ship. And some thoughts on James.. I think he is a deep, some kind of complex character, who is not only interesting to me, but also might be one of the biggest highlights of this season.
@Lumaah 5 лет назад
This episode was fantastic, but I still feel the game could have seriously benefited from a fifth episode, with 402 being more of a character depth and development episode and using the extra time to try and flesh out the other side of the war since they don't have time to now, in Season 2 I almost felt Carver wasn't absolutely insane, he had some pretty good scenes and seems like he was genuinely trying to protect what he fought for, the difference his, he had no opposition besides the player and their companions, but this season, we're supposed to just hate Lilly and the Delta with no way of sympathy, it would have been nice to have at least some acknowledgement of the time Clementine and Lilly spent together during the first few months, the stranger from Season 1 was also a moral grey area, a broken man attempting to piece together the family he once had, he just didn't know how to do it, he genuinely believed he could take care of Clementine better than Lee, but Lilly? She's just a 2D antagonist in her current state, sure she's protecting her own like Carver and believes in herself like the stranger but she has no concept of morals, she just does whatever she can to get what she wants, I didn't feel bad at all upon my initial choice to shoot her, and was left angry at the choice to let her live, and I know this is going to affect AJ, which is annoying because AJ has proven to be extremely smart for his age and should be able to separate her from any other person as easy as anything, she's a cold blooded killer with no morals and AJ should be able to see that but if he shoots her the game implies it will turn him into one too, I would understand that if she had more depth or if AJ wasn't as smart as he is. Otherwise I don't have many issues other than Clementine falling for Minerva's trap during the boat raid and the episode is by far my favourite since Season 2.
@Lumaah 5 лет назад
The first four words of this comment, I just... can't say the same about 404. :(
@kellahnemanuel6121 5 лет назад
They're at war with Richmond. That's starting to make me wonder if Javier and his family are Alive.
@TheBrightSword 5 лет назад
Do you have any criticism regarding this episode's ending(s)? You didn't address that in this review so I thought I'd ask you
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
Kind of. I think the execution was a bit poor but James' death if you spare Lilly is perfectly in character. He's the type of person who would much rather die doing what he believes to be a good thing than live with the memories of the awful things he's done in the past. Could have been done differently though, walking right in front of her was silly. As for the impact killing Lilly might have on AJ's psyche, it's too hard to tell until the next episode. I didn't have any real problems with the ending as much as confusion as to where the next episode is going to go now that Lilly (for me) is out of the picture.
@mr.hansololee5850 5 лет назад
Lol lily is way better than Joan/Clint and the stranger
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
Joan/Clint are bad villians too but at least they have a motivation I can understand. They raided Prescott and other communities in order to save Richmond. Not very complex but it makes a lot more sense than Lilly cutting off the fingers of soldiers she needs.
@dreamychocolateclusters8709 5 лет назад
@@InColdBloodTTG I believe Clint was *more* of a _"antihero"_ type of villainous character since he still seemed somewhat indifferent to all the wrongdoings from what Joan did when Javier exposed to all the head leaders about the whole truth of what Joan has done to other settlement communities whether he believed it or not. He isn't really as sociopathic and sadistic as Joan.
@theseagullkoi4466 5 лет назад
Can you do a video about if you think walkers have a soul? I mean you kinda talked about it, but is there like any evidence behind it...?
@Nobody-qo1sq 5 лет назад
Is there any scrapped content from the walking Dead Season 4
@karmitdafruge1 Год назад
I really wish they brought back Christa or molly instead of Lilly
@SnowDreamFlake 5 лет назад
Please make a review about Ep4^^
@donnydvoi2538 5 лет назад
guys nah how about we focus on minecraft story mode though.
@dreamychocolateclusters8709 5 лет назад
*GET OUT of his RU-vid channel!* 😂🤣☝🏽😏🙄🤭
@LoriTheGirl 5 лет назад
Notification squad!
@matthiessoffers589 5 лет назад
I liked Episode 3, Episode 1 is still my favorite in the season, the character development and introductions were almost perfect, Episode 2 was kinda ruined for me because of the lame reveal of Lilly, it could've been much more emotional if they revealed her at the end of the episode when they attacked the school.
@vatergagamehl6783 5 лет назад
Hi man where can I get your profile picture
@yttanel 5 лет назад
Omg I Love You #NoHomo
@jaytonius560 5 лет назад
@YtTanel #AmHomo
@darkstar9380 5 лет назад
I can't wait for your episode 4 review, it was such a poor one and the weakest from the all season. Bad writing and all over the place for a final and especially for a series finale.
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
It's being rendered right now. It's a fairly short review though, nothing in-depth because I think I need a much longer video to talk about the final season as a whole.
@nhdwastaken 5 лет назад
Dude, Dekon recomended you in his vid
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
Oh, cool! Dekon's videos are pretty good. Thanks for letting me know.
@nhdwastaken 5 лет назад
@@InColdBloodTTG np you really deserve some popularity
@Romero-wy5sd 5 лет назад
Any chance you are on 8chan?
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
@Romero-wy5sd 5 лет назад
Does your name start with C on 8Chan?
@InColdBloodTTG 5 лет назад
@@Romero-wy5sd Nah that isn't me.
@Blueberry-rg1ll 4 года назад
Who is from the walking dead sub reddit
@cokeandhalozz 2 года назад
I love your videos, but I think you miss a lot of the purpose in the writing of this episode. The entirety of Delta and the situation it’s dealing with is left ambiguous in a way that I think it’s purposeful. The story isn’t about Delta, it isn’t about the war of the north, it’s about Clementine, AJ, and the other kids at Erickson. The ambiguity lends to the realism of the story for me. If Lilly showed up and described the entirety of this war in the community she is recruiting for I think it would’ve been out of character as you described. Lily is an asshole, and she has a temper. This was established in season one, when she is constantly pointing fingers, causing fights, etc with very little concern with explaining herself and emotionally connecting with the others at the motel. Although I do agree with you that using an emotional route would have made her actions more Humanized, it would have made her seem more human and understanding towards others than i think her character is expected of. I think it is fair to say that since we last seen Lily she would have only become less emotionally present and more of an asshole, which I believe is well established with her role as a recruiter and child kidnapper for Delta. I don’t think that Lily as a character who brainwashed Minerva into justifying her murder of her sister would attempt to connect with Clementine and use their history to connect with her in the way you described. She does show some empathy towards Clementine when they first meet again, but her main goal and loyalty towards Delta in finding the child soldiers almost immediately overshadows this. Lily is not a good person, and I think her portrayal as the villain was a good choice. I agree that she could have been more fleshed out in this season, but I don’t think all the details that are not essential to the narrative focussing on Erickson should’ve been included. Cheers
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