
The Worst Thor Movie 

Thor Talk
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Thor: Love and Thunder was released on July 8th, 2022. It stars Chris Hemsworth, Christian Bale, and Natalie Portman. It is also not very good. Thor has drastically regressed as a character. Gorr is painfully underdeveloped. Stakes are poorly defined. Most of the characters feel underutilized. It feels like a movie content to be the amusement park ride that Martin Scorsese accused Marvel films of being.




15 июл 2022




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@corvus9829 Год назад
Thor is by far the most tragic character in the MCU, but... Taika want us to laugh of him.
@thorhollingsworth4415 Год назад
Well, a lot of depressed people do throw up a lot of jokes as walls.
@corvus9829 Год назад
@@thorhollingsworth4415 I know, but one thing is Thor making jokes and another is Thor being the joke.
@povrataklokija Год назад
@@thorhollingsworth4415 Jokes are there just to hide pain and that is not comedy matter.
@broncsyanks Год назад
You’re correct
@blkdivinity5132 Год назад
Well yes because girl power is more important
@BeardedForever Год назад
Waititi is not writing Thor movies, he's including Thor in a movie.
@analogueconsciousness8112 Год назад
Well said
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
It's a Thor parody
@betterlatethannever4529 Год назад
That was certainly not Thor
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
@@betterlatethannever4529 I feel the problems truly began in Endgame. The Russo's left Thor without any purpose or direction in Endgame. They should have made him an overprotective king, and married to Lady Sif. Then in the 4th film he could have children of his own. Help the nine realms deal with the aftermath of the snap. All while being chased by Gorr. They needed to show him maturing across the films, and acting as his own man. Not regressing and constantly making jokes.
@randbrannigan2590 Год назад
I really hate how Thor has become the "funny" Avenger.
@rockinHurley777 Год назад
He used to be my favorite character. Thanks disney/marvel
@kernlove1986 Год назад
It's way too overdone to beyond stupid levels.
@Sucmydack Год назад
I agree, although i wish fans would convey to marvel what they want in a better way, without doing that we wont make much progression
@randbrannigan2590 Год назад
@@Sucmydack it's admirable that you have enough faith that these companies are listening and not just churning out crap for further profits.
@neocloudmarts9613 Год назад
This was supposed to be Hercules role if you base it off the comic
@craigcochrane2284 Год назад
Its upsetting that Thor's finest MCU moment ("Bring Me Thanos") isn't even in a darn Thor movie. They've turned the character into an absolute joke and they deserve the nosedive its taking at the box office. Though I doubt even losing a few hundred million will make Disney/Marvel question themselves. Such a waste.
@thunderstormstudios7104 Год назад
Seriously, Thor needs a GOW type of tone.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
I agree. I was thinking it needed to start in Endgame. I felt the Russo's left Thor without any purpose or direction in Endgame. They should have made him an overprotective king, and married to Lady Sif. Then in the 4th film he could have children of his own. Help the nine realms deal with the aftermath of the snap. All while being chased by Gorr. They needed to show him maturing across the films, and acting as his own man.
@teresar6348 9 месяцев назад
Espescially after endgame. Hell the reason Thor 3 works after he (as far as he knew) lost half his family and took time away from Asgard, then age of Ultron happened, a fair bit of time passed. But now the mans lost literally everything and it didn't seem like that much time past while he's gone full hipster mode.
@zvonimirtomac7896 Год назад
The thing about Thor in the original story was that he himself was the living proof that Gorr was wrong. He answered prayers, he showed great concern about the damage he was causing, all in all, showing his concern for mortals. If this is how they write Thor in the movie, this arrogant, battle-loving oaf, then I'm beyond disappointed. All the character progression he had is gone. To this day, the first Thor movie is my favorite. It wasn't the most action-packed, or most colorful, but it had the best character interactions, drama, the fight scenes it did have were great, and it did have comedy, but only the appropriate amount. If this movie wants to treat everything as a joke, then I think (read: know) that Taika Waititi was one of the worst people to adapt such a great storyline as the God Butcher saga. They had a great opportunity and they squandered it big time.
@himathegreat2987 Год назад
Ikr thor was one of those few gods, who answered the prayers. Even Hercules said about thor in chaos was comic that thor would sacrifice his life over a thousand times for Earth's safety. Mcu thor was living in fantasy Dream the whole time (except for the 2 instances where he confronted gorr)
@Matt-ji9hj Год назад
I had a different view. The movie (obviously nowhere near the writing level of the comic book) still showed Thor being the only god who acted on behalf of something greater than himself. At the end of the movie, Gorr saw that Thor was not like that god he worshipped at the beginning of the movie and asked him to take care of his daughter, which Thor did, teaching the girl to protect the weak and going out with her through the cosmos protecting everyone
@josethebeast8709 Год назад
This is a disgrace to the original story
@brian.jrmontoya3227 Год назад
I know people have gripes with the later parts of Aaron’s run, including me, but even with those gripes there’s still plenty of great moments to respect in story telling. This movie is just…nothing. The fact that the movie can’t take a moment to take off the clown shoes when the movie should be serious is damn insulting
@himathegreat2987 Год назад
Glad to have you back. The film could've been the best thor film, *it had the potential* . Humour is subjective, but this film was overdosed with unfunny jokes that weren't landing. Atleast Ragnarok (one of my favourite mcu film) didn't mess moments like Thor's coronation, odin's death, thor and loki finally coming at peace. And here, writers made thor joke about sif's arm and infront of the kidnapped kids Nevertheless, Christian Bale nailed it, he tried to bring depth and seriousness to a parody
@Amazingfilms148 Год назад
That the problem with the movie, comedy! Every MCU since Phase 3 have childish humor.
@himathegreat2987 Год назад
@@Amazingfilms148 except for Infinity war in my opinion, that film was dope
@Amazingfilms148 Год назад
@@himathegreat2987 The movie was childish as well.
@himathegreat2987 Год назад
@@Amazingfilms148 okay. But i think infinity war was when mcu reached its peak.
@Sucmydack Год назад
At tuis point alot of mcu movies feel like parodies
@KamiTenchi Год назад
Love and Thunder acted more of a parody. Treated Thor like a joke.
@rockinHurley777 Год назад
Totally agree. This movie is shit. And sadly I knew it would be
@sPitternaut Год назад
The hardest I laughed at this movie was when I thought Korg was dying.
@Tobbe9975432 Год назад
I will defend Thor’s behavior in ONE way. It COULD have been a part of his journey back to himself. Sadly I don’t think it will be, but COULD have been.
@StephenMurphy96 Год назад
Thor has been the biggest wasted opportunity of the MCU as it has gone on. I especially felt this more after going back and immersing myself in the source material over the years. Your channel played a big part in that so thanks for that. Of the films I think the first Thor is the best though obviously there's a better film to be made but just comparing it to the sequels it ends up winning by default. Dark World is dull though I will say at least Thor is consistent there and Loki is entertaining in that. Ragnarok I guess has those moments with him too but there's just too many annoyances that began with that film that make me don't like that film that have continued since then and gotten worse culminating in this film. Anyway thanks for all the work you do with this channel. Really helped me in my journey to becoming a fan of comic book Thor.
@akshaaynair7912 Год назад
I agree with you 100%, honestly when i saw the 2 hour runtime i felt this was gonna be a mess and it was, this movie tried to fit 5 Thor movies worth of stories into 1 movie God Butcher/God bomb( 2 movies) Jane foster's return(1 movie) Thor meeting zeus and hercules and the other gods( 2 movies)
@namikpaul7505 Год назад
There was a small bit in Ragnarok where Thor is talking about losing Mjolnir and the rock creature played by Waititi misunderstands what he’s saying and thinks there’s a romantic/sexual relationship between Thor and his hammer. It was brief, funny and they moved on. Waititi was so tickled by this juvenile bit he made it an actual legitimate track in this movie. It’s bizarre that so many prople thought this was a great idea. Fiege is suffering from one hell of a burnout with the utter lack of quality control in these new movies. Went to a 2 am opening day show because I was so excited for this, but won’t be watching the new ones on opening day anymore without seeing reactions first.
@dananderson8906 Год назад
Completely agree. I thought the same thing when I saw the “Thor will return” at the end.
@paulanderson771 Год назад
I was surprised by his casual destruction and irresponsibility as well. It was basically What If's Party Thor and they even included the blue and gold armor! The film is lazily done and while throwing $250million into the budget is bound to produce some decent visuals and scenes, it's not a film I'll ever watch again. They wasted the Jane storyline here and they wasted the Gorr storyline.
@ironbreaker772 Год назад
some people walked out in my cinema. This film was pure and utter garbage
@the.uzumakii Год назад
Something I dont get is since thor could enchant weapons like how odin did to mjolnir why didn't he put a spell on stormbreaker? That way gorr couldn't use it or anyone who isn't worthy.
@smartyamey1 Год назад
Very very accurate thoughts and review of this movie! Too disappointed with this movie!
@PerfectTroy1 Год назад
Why didn't Gorr just ask Thor for help?
@GT_rising24 Год назад
Thor Love And Thunder should've been about Thor being cocky and ignorant and not caring until He goes up against Gorr and loses the fight thus getting Lady Sif and Valkyrie killed in the process then making Him enraged and attempting to defeat Gorr throughout the movie until He realizes that there's more to life than revenge and rebuilds Asgard and the rest of the world thus proving Gorr wrong about Gods and Gorr tries to kill an Old Wise King Thor and is defeated
@franks2796 Год назад
I hate living in a world where Deadpool takes himself more seriously than Thor
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
Personally, i think Endgame ruined Thor. They couldn't even portray a serious dramatic depression, it was nonstop jokes with him. He should've been the one to snap and bring everyone back. Undoing the snap he failed to stop. I also felt they made him unlearn the valuable lessons from the previous films. For example, in Ragnorak he learned of the importance of Asgard as a people and not just a place. In Endgame, he hides from them and eventually abandoned his own people. Leaving in charge some slaver who never regretted the things she did for the Grand master. He only really got out of his depression to be in the final battle. There was no arc. He just regressed to the point where he had to go find himself again, over 20 films in. That's bad writing. The Russo's left Thor without any purpose or direction in Endgame. They should have made him an overprotective king, and married to Lady Sif. Then in the 4th film he could have children of his own. Help the nine realms deal with the aftermath of the snap. All while being chased by Gorr. They needed to show him maturing across the films, and acting as his own man. Not regressing and constantly making jokes. They could have set the tone for phase 4, but instead they doubled down on jokes and the next phase did the same.
@AssembleAA Год назад
5/10. "Spider-Man: No Way Home" & "Dr. Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness" are still my top 2 favorite films of Marvel's Phsse #4. 2011's "Thor" is still remains to be the best film for Thor. The comedy was overkill & this felt more like a Guardians Of The Galaxy film rather than a Thor film. Literally, my favorite part of this movie is when Thor & Jane are debating about her cancer because that scene was legitimately serious & pressing. I say, they should've taken some inspiration from "Deadpool", a great cancer film & great film in general, which perfectly balances the comedy out from the seriousness of the dark story. "Thor: Love & Thunder" just left me...not disappointed but rather unsatisfied, especially with the ending. I could immediately tell that I was not going to be all in for this film just from the trailers alone which is why I wasn't excited. If they choose to make a 5th film for Thor, they're going to have to choose a different director or the director is going to have to compromise with having Thor being more vital as is in the comics. I'm a huge Thor fan from both the biblical mythology & the comics & I don't want to see him being a joke anymore.
@franklinrichards8825 Год назад
Man they just wasted the entire godbomb arc 😭 then wasted bale by giving him less screen time. Fast pacing ruined the entire movie. This should have been the perfect chance for giving Thor the Odin force and Boom wasted again. And why was Thor acting like a 13 year old when seeing Zeus? 😖 It's Thor we're talking about
@himathegreat2987 Год назад
Thor fanboying on zeus is kinda stupid lol, he has his own skyfather dad. And i mean , if thor fanboyed on Snyder Cut Zeus I'd have nothing to say. But jeez disney totally made a joke out of zeus too and wasted a legendary actor like Russel Crowe
@coreywigent7693 Год назад
Thor is nothing more than a comedian now. This was a parody of a Thor movie
@shawnsouth327 Год назад
Waititi is literally the worst person to direct a Thor movie
@betterlatethannever4529 Год назад
Imagine if during the final fight, Thor throws his hammer , but as Gorr dodges it, it leaves to go get Jane. Gorr: "Even your hammer has forsaken you. You are not worthy to be called a god"
@interoffice5402 Год назад
Your criticisms are on point. This movie displayed a frustrating refusal to acknowledge the character growth from the original films, as well as what made everyone a fan of the Thor character in the first place through the comics. Non-Thor fans seem to enjoy this movie without realizing that it's at the expense of a movie about genuine Thor. It would be fine if they made their own movie, but using Thor as a vessel for something completely out of character is really a shame.
@valkyrie9646 Год назад
It is truly a shame what has happened.to the MCU in Phase Four, esp with Thor and Loki. At least I know by now not to waste anymore money or time on Marvel.
@intrex9828 Год назад
They gave Waititi too much creative freedom and as a result we got this joke of a film. I hope after the poor reviews LaT got and the controversies surrounding Waititi, Fiege would find someone suitable to direct the next Thor film.
@scarletspider5850 Год назад
Hey, I'm glad to see you back, even if you didn't like the movie.
@milkmanman Год назад
Duddddeeee!!!! It's been forever ❤️. Glad your back
@Tigerkaya Год назад
Welcome back. Missed you're content
@jeffreygao3956 Год назад
The God Butcher somehow only kills one god and that was a justified self-defense?! What?!
@aryeng3004 Год назад
I don't like this Star-lord ish Thor MCU fans love it cause they don't know but I am pretty sure comic book Thor wouldn't like Thor cause that Thor is actually a genius
@Slyfer80631 Год назад
Especially Old King Thor. He is the second smartest Thor after Rune king
@HausOfMontague Год назад
This movie makes me wish I was a normie because ignorance would be bliss right now. But it was too hard to ignore the preteen level jokes. Lack of emotional investment. And the Marvel recipe of movies. Gorr was right!
@garrettgriffin4974 Год назад
Good video, thoughtful review. I wasn't planning to go see it, and your review cemented it. I'm glad this channel is back.
@Slyfer80631 Год назад
I'm happy you posted another video so soon!
@antona.8659 8 месяцев назад
Are fools still pretending like Ragnajoke wasn't a complete character assassination and destruction of this already less-than-stellar take on Marvel's Thor?
@camaradiop3731 Год назад
Great to see you again! It's been awhile!
@writermillhouse Год назад
Hey glad you’re back making vids. Wish it could have been about a better movie. Hope you make more soon.
@rockinHurley777 Год назад
Should've just called it "bathos, the movie"
@hanzo_hasashi5 Год назад
Honestly this film wasted Gorr. We hardly saw him do anything. He also didnt pose as a formidable fighter or threat. He unfortunately had no impact on the film. Then they killed him off making it even worse
@jizzleshiesty8394 Год назад
I’m so glad your back posting. If you don’t mind me asking why did yo take such a long break?
@nicholasgrier5886 Год назад
Glad to see you back man great video!
@anirudhamasurkar4185 Год назад
Glad to have you back!!! also i share the same disappointment about how bad this movie is. As a Thor fan I look up to your journey in this RU-vid channel. Taika's take on Thor has ruined the Godlike Thor from comics, a character we can look upto and learn, rather than a wanna be funny man just to attract audiences in the name of fun ride. Thor in the comics is a unique character unlike other superheroes who portrays valour, honour, and many great things which makes me a thor fan. He is liked because of his journey itself which began correctly in Thor 1, but never followed and developed later. Instead turned into goofy thor with muscles. MCU has many other characters where the goofiness and crazyness is rightly justifiable like deadpool and many more. But not a character like thor where the story is full of ugly events and he is making jokes about it. Just because the Two thor movies didnt run profitably, making it funnier is not the solution. I really hope for a better portrayal, someone like Zack snyder can really understand and portray an appropriate, rather Godly, honourable and classic thor from comics. Sadly, Producers and directors never understood this little fact about Thor portrayal.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
That's exactly what I was thinking. Gorr would be perfect for Zack Snyder to adapt. This was such a waste.
@SuperBadspeller Год назад
10:17 he just might door talk I mean after all it's been a while since we heard from you and I thought you all but disappeared yet here you are back again. It is very nice to hear from you again. 👍
@hades6939 Год назад
Happy to see you come back!
@vitdmilk5466 Год назад
great to have you back
@TimothyJ.Lochhead Год назад
Your review was short and sweet - getting to the point of this trash - though I'd say you were way too nice! Waititi has said he doesn't care about the character or fans - stay tuned for some crazy quotes from this clown... Marvel/Disney are part of the 5 company conglomerate that owns about 90% of the 'mainstream' media. They don't care about good products and are inserting their agenda's on purpose - so it was good to hear people weren't laughing or enjoying it. These 'writes' and such don't know how to write real heroes, and don't care. This is an important point because it changes the tone and perspective in these matters. Waititi and the cast seem like they know it's bad and are proud of it, and are happy to be involved with taking down the character, so long as they're paid I suppose. "He (Waititi) approached the film from the opposite direction. What would actually make fans angry?" And how about this for his attitude “For me, it’s good to give the fans something they don’t know that they want,” Waititi said in a recent interview by video conference from Los Angeles. “With ‘Ragnarok’ especially, when I signed on, a lot of fans were freaked out by that. They were like, ‘Who is this guy? He’s going to take our precious Thor and ruin it.’ And I was like, ‘Yeah. Exactly. That’s exactly my intention. And I’m going to make it better, you just don’t know it yet.’" And Hemsworth said this film was something a 7 year old would make (easy to search for references). Perhaps it is spun and presented like having child-like wonderment, but that's not it - it doesn't make sense and there are all kinds of contradictions, and Thor Talk pointed out some great ones. I thought the inclusion of the children part was just creepy and came out of nowhere. I was trying to think why this was... Apparently there is a thing in movies and literature, that children usually look up about 2 years in characters. Example, if a character is 12 years old, this will be more aimed at 10 and 11 year old's and some 12. While it was good to hear people not having it - they are targeting the next generation. This is insidious! Another commenter here said Hemsworth is like MCU's Deadpool - and let's go beyond the surface level goofiness. Reynolds has some creative pull and input with Deadpool. Well, it was Hemsworth's idea to make Thor a fat alcoholic, just to be different and funny. Now Gorr's daughter (again the youth appeal) is his daughter in real life. Scribbling all over Mjolnir, which shouldn't be possible, and then Thor just saying 'how creative'. What a joke! Gorr was way underutilized and his finale was nothing like the comics, where Gorr's own child told him he had become what he is supposed to stand against, and went to Thor for help. Your summary of the Gorr saga was great! Glad to have you back making awesome vids :) Example of these clowns: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-QYl48TKSAcE.html
@himathegreat2987 Год назад
You know what , there was absolutely no need to even make this movie at the first place . But sadly both Taika and Hemsworth would be returning for thor 5 . They should just hire a new director and ask taika to include some jokes in the script .
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
@@himathegreat2987 no more jokes. That's what got us here in the first place. They needed to go darker and more serious. It should have started with Endgame. They should have made him an overprotective king, and married to Lady Sif. Then in the 4th film he could have children of his own. Help the nine realms deal with the aftermath of the snap. All while being chased by Gorr. They needed to show him maturing across the films, and acting as his own man. Not regressing and constantly making jokes. They could have set the tone for phase 4, but instead they doubled down on jokes and the next phase did the same.
@romansionis2470 Год назад
Was it really Hemsworth's idea to make Thor fat and alcoholic? I remember watching an interview where he did say that he wasn't convinced with what they were doing to Thor in Endgame (making him fat and everything) and that it wasn't his idea.
@Peedarb Год назад
They forgot the most important detail about Thor; he is worthy!
@ironmaiden3812 Год назад
This wasn’t the greatest Marvel movie of all time even though it’s said that every Marvel movie is the greatest of all time. If you thought Thor was an idiot in Ragnarok he’s a buffoon in this one. This makes the 4th Thor movie where Thor is finding himself, the concept is completely tiresome!! The Guardians of the Galaxy are only in the movie for 5 mins and it’s obvious James Gunn was not directing them cause their usual chemistry was no where to be found. Even though Thor has been Thor for 1500+ years Jane Foster, who just became Thor minutes ago, out did Thor at everything single thing in his own movie. It seems that Disney’s stock price falling has effected their ability to spend money on quality CGI cause it was terrible in some parts. The only redeeming part was when Christian Bale (the God Butcher) was on screen. It was difficult to believe that anyone was in actual jeopardy because of the massive amount of Taika Watititi humor. Overall I hated it but 80s/90s rock soundtrack kicked ass.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
Ragnorak at least left Thor in a good place to build him up, like they did in Infinity War. Endgame is where the problems really begin. The Russo's left Thor without any purpose or direction in Endgame. They should have made him an overprotective king, and married to Lady Sif. Then in the 4th film he could have children of his own. Help the nine realms deal with the aftermath of the snap. All while being chased by Gorr. They needed to show him maturing across the films, and acting as his own man. Not regressing and constantly making jokes. They could have set the tone for phase 4, but instead they doubled down on jokes and the next phase did the same.
@Lkarma_65 Год назад
Your Back!!!
@greg403 Год назад
I'm glad to see you back!❤
@user-nv2wt4hi8t Год назад
So, so happy to see you back my friend. Not just the worst Thor movie, the worst MCU movie.
@YoMrRice Год назад
On a long flight I watched Thor and The Dark World. I remember being annoyed at Thor 2 because they neutered Maliketh. MCU could have had a magical version of the Joker of a darker pure evil Loki... but no. They make him some old dude. I focused on that for being my reason for disliking the movie while ignoring the good. Asguard is beautiful and the mixture of science and magic is everything. Strong performances and range from everyone in the film and everyone appears to be trying. Thor is still a badass and not a clown. Thor 1 was fun and a great start for him. Ragnarok... ruined Hulk, planet Hulk, and set the stage for the joke he'd become after the Thanos ultra combo. I mean he beat his ass into intelligence. Thor actually does more harm than good. Loki actually makes a better King than Thor and Valkyre. So causing Ragnarok so scary Hela can't take over the 9 realms like Odin did is apparently a bad idea but the Presence of Hela would probably prevent Thanos from doing what he did. Either way, living as a tourist trap instead of the advanced civilization they were is where we are now and it's hilarious in the wrong way. As for Love and Thunder, both the God Butcher and Jane Foster storylines are changed for no reason other than ego from the director who knows what people want to see, according to him. I've not seen the movie and probably won't watch which makes it the second time of skipped a Bale character in a film. First was that shit show The Dark Knight Rises.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
Ragnorak at least left Thor in a good place to build him up, like they did in Infinity War. Endgame is where the problems really begin. The Russo's left Thor without any purpose or direction in Endgame. They should have made him an overprotective king, and married to Lady Sif. Then in the 4th film he could have children of his own. Help the nine realms deal with the aftermath of the snap. All while being chased by Gorr. They needed to show him maturing across the films, and acting as his own man. Not regressing and constantly making jokes.
@YoMrRice Год назад
@@DavidMartinez-ce3lp I like that take. Especially Sif as she's capable of being MCU's wonder woman. They could have done anything, including introducing Angela or something popping off in the other 7 realms that still exist.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Год назад
@@YoMrRice true
@calebcollins360 Год назад
youre back!
@mnmmava9734 Год назад
loved the video and love your love of Thor
@Verus3 Год назад
Welcome back and all your points are valid as usual. I was really let down by the movie.
@thrdinson1075 Год назад
Can you do a review on Thor vs Vegeta from Deathbattle pls
@davidroyce3402 Год назад
I still think Mcfeely's Dark world was the worst. At least we didn't have a wimpy Thor. Still, You make some great points about character Arc and the Juxipositon of humor, which doesn't work with the Gorr storyline. Fiege and the MCU has never gotten their head around the idea that the Thor from the comics is about noble character.
@ericglasgow7087 Год назад
i just re watched the first 2 Thor movies and I found that I liked the Dark World a lot more then I thought I did. It was a good fore shadowing movie to the horrors of what Ragnarok should have been rather then the stupid crap show it became thanks to Taika.
@helixwither2837 Год назад
Welcome back, Thor Talk. With another quality video, even if its negative
@joaquinvargas6351 Год назад
The problem is Disney interfering with the movies they spoiled and the Star wars saga's, they made this more of a children's movie, Disney is well known for promoting to children's and gays.
@dominiclapinta8537 Год назад
If a broken looking mjolnir will assemble in the time of need, then it would have been awesome if it would have assembled as it flew to Thor in infinity war. I don't like how Thor had earned being worthy by giving his life and yet it only assembles for Jane Foster. It's like with iron Man 3, which at least had a good story and they didn't destroy his character,BUT, it was as if the director hadn't watched just how super strong the iron man armors were from previous films.
@ThorTalk Год назад
Also would have been nice of Mjölnir to assemble and let Thor lift it during those five years where Thor was feeling incredibly unworthy and was literally a few feet away from it
@dominiclapinta8537 Год назад
@@ThorTalk exactly. And that would have been a great story arch for him. I personally think, that if they had wanted to do a comedic element that might have worked, then when Thor was trying to get his hammer back while Jane had it, then it should have come to him with her attached, whether it drug her by the leg or with her holding onto it. Also, then since mjolnir can just dissamble and reassemble, which is what I reasoned in the first place of why it seemed to be able to be destroyed, why didn't it just reassemble shortly after on Thor Ragnarok? Also, shy didn't Thor just go to Earth and gather the pieces and just recast it at the place where it had been made, but then it would just reassemble, because it sensed the need of the entire universe? It's actually a really cool idea if, once mjolnier was made, that it cannot truly be destroyed, and that storm breaker could still be one of Thor's weapons, because of it's more offensive capabilities. See, if they truly wanted to show off the other weaker members of the avengers, then they simply need to just have Thor be distracted in a way that the others could fill in for. Thor could have given his hammer to cap for him to help him out while he used storm breaker
@crimsonhunter7598 Год назад
a new video nice the movie was pretty cool, Gorr was awesome but underused
@nicolasherrera6855 Год назад
This movie could’ve been the coolest marvel solo film but godamn this sucked. It felt like an insult to Thor fans, to Jason Aaron fans and Jane’s Thor fans… Imo this story could have been a trilogy or a 12 episode long Disney+ series
@lrdr5404 Год назад
Great review.
@blackpanther6885 Год назад
what i didn't like about thor and Asgardians as a characters they made look like aliens with powers instead of portraying them as legit gods like in mythology,
@jmrjhulk Год назад
Thor is dumb in this movie. Taika made this movie a parody...and cant thor just summon his hammer when gorr took it? Smh
@princeodinson3239 Год назад
From all the trailers that I've seen I would never watch this mess even if begged to.... the writer of this was the biggest joke....
@StreetcornerPhilosopher Год назад
Welcome back.
@howdoichangemyusername9802 Год назад
Do you prefer the first Thor or Post-Ragnarok Thor?
@Slyfer80631 Год назад
What do you think of donny cates?
@CatotheE Год назад
I'm glad that Hercules is in the MCU, but Thor kind of has his personality. He''s also now tied down to a kid. I don't know how the next Thor movie is going to work, but I think both Thor and the Hulk were mishandled in the MCU outside of the first movie and Infinity War for Thor.
@fridanystrom6463 Год назад
I still remebered when I watched Endgame with my friends when Thor appeard. When he was suppose to be at his lowest I feelt sorry for him. But I hearded pepole laugh at him in the audiance because they didn't see him as a broken god. But a fat joke.
@Gu5A2 Год назад
Even though I did have some fun watching the movie I do want him more serious because I did even like dark world. See, I understand why this movie is what it is. The serious Thor movies didn’t do well and when they made Thor more of a comedy in ragnarok it was was received as one of the best in the mcu. So I see why they thought this was the way to go but missed so many opportunities. Could’ve cut thors arm like in the comics, could have killed Valkyrie and made Thor rune king Thor. Hopefully this will let them know to make his battle with Hercules more serious like it was hinted
@carlosr1176 Год назад
Taika is exactly what Disney likes, because he guts the characters and makes them into things other than what the fans liked about him. And it’s gotten tired because this agenda is just rotten and makes trash.
@jeffreygao3956 Год назад
I guess your favorite MCU Thor film is still the first Thor.
@davidhenson1316 Год назад
Those aren't gods I omnipotent city that they kill. Those are Janus Guards... constructs.
@sunnysied713 Год назад
They 'heroes' still murdered more people and creatures on-screen than the villain. Gorr only killed one god on-screen, in self-defense. And that was the opening scene. Taika's writing is awful.
@bhslefty Год назад
I was hoping they would make him rune king Thor or see Odin force. Maybe he gets beat really bad and he see's mighty Thor get killed in front of him. Then he has to sacrifice to get power of runes. Then we see him super powerful and kill god butcher. Becomes a universe protector to be called back in next avengers movie. That would be sweet. But we got screaming goats and super kids.
@alexhuang4769 Год назад
When I watched Thor love and thunder most of the people in the audience laughed a lot. In my opinion it was not that funny except for the part where Zeus keeps talking about the orgy.
@mazz9487 Год назад
In hindsight, Gorr is just Saint Walker as a Black Lantern.
@alexhuang4769 Год назад
I think the next Thor movie will be better. I would love to see a Thor vs Hercules.
@jeffersonpierce5297 Год назад
Yea but taika shouldn't touch it honestly
@himathegreat2987 Год назад
Sad thing is that , taika said he'd be returning if Hemsworth returns and Hemsworth said that he'd return for thor 5 only when Taika returns. So anyways mcu thor is butchered
@jeffersonpierce5297 Год назад
@@himathegreat2987 I'm bout to cry
@SixthAllicard Год назад
@Pantherachadris Год назад
How strong is thor without his magic belt?
@damonthecustodian27 Год назад
He’s back
@plankgang5973 Год назад
It's not just a bad Thor movie it's a bad movie overall Taika doesn't give a fuck about Thor and his overall state. I hope they give Thor 5 to someone who's a great director and someone who likes Thor and understands the character. I like Thor but I'm not a fan as I'm more into Ghost Rider and Blade. Buuut I'm sure you or the people down in the comment sections could make "the" Thor movie everyone would like to see even without being a director.
@domafronoy2004 Год назад
Bro make a video about Thor of GOW RAGNAROK
@tylergranger2159 Год назад
Here's my question: What if Donny Cates wrote Thor Love and Thunder?
@romansionis2470 Год назад
Might be the best Thor movie
@navneet5243 Год назад
they could have done the rune king thor arc where after losing to gorr he goes to sacrifice his life and eyes to gain rune magic and then defeats gorr and merges with eternity and goes to thor sleep for years
@antona.8659 8 месяцев назад
Rune King Thor story happens during Ragnarok. Unfortunately, the MCU botched that story and turned it into Ragnajoke.
@Kingishereff Год назад
How powerful has Thor become after Thor Love and Thunder?
@himathegreat2987 Год назад
Not much , he levelled a moon by summoning stormbreaker and temporarily imbued some of his powers to some godlings
@shukikarp Год назад
I don't think this movie bad but it didn't live up to the expectation and it's just a movie but not a good one and you should keep up the good work
@Infamous1892 Год назад
I feel your pain. To see your favorite hero degraded down to a joke instead of the Strong Person he's meant to be. I hate how Thor is a joke.
@insanemakaioshin Год назад
Imagine Someone as strong as Hela, commanded an army as strong as Malekith's & as cunning as Loki, that sounds like the creator of the All-Black, Knull to me! He is much stronger than Hela, has an army of symbiote much stronger the Malekith's & has plotted the death of all life in the universe long before even Buri, but especially Loki, was born. I honestly thought that the reason I thought it was bad was because I had my expectations too high & I did, but now I see that was only the tip of the iceberg.
My biggest problem with this movie? Genre, this shouldn't have been a comedy, not especially with someone called the God butcher in it .
@zachariahkelley5298 Год назад
thats what exactly what I said bruh when I first watch thor love and thunder on 7:56
@Tobbe9975432 Год назад
Stormbreaker being jealous, I would have LOVED that if when Thor reclaimed Mjolnir at the end Stormbreaker flew away (to be found by Beta Ray Bill)
@ted544 Год назад
In the comics Stormbreaker worked because it was built for Bill as an equal or near equal to Mjolnir. But in the MCU given that Stormbreaker was forged to be the most powerful weapon in Asgard's existence and summons the Bifrost , I feel like it would be a disservice to Thor to give him the broken weapon and a random alien Stormbreaker.
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