
these are NOT okay 😅 r/confessions 

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13 окт 2024




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@nickwittednonpareil Год назад
In the early 2000s there was a big push to remove unhealthy snacks from school vending machines and lunch lines. As soon as they made the change at my school, I purchased in bulk at the nearby grocery store and started making sales out of my locker. Eventually the "Little Debbie Pirates" became so successful that I hired 'employees' to work the other lunch blocks when I'd be in class and we started taking orders online. It turns out prohibition still works exactly as well as it did in the 1920s.
@ShinyTillDawn Год назад
Hyper capitalism at its finest
@koraliekora-leepalmer4024 Год назад
I did this at lunch in elementary school. It would have been late 90's. My mom would get me a box a week for lunches. I would take the whole thing and sell them, use that to buy more from the store, and continue that all week. Sold em for 1$ and always sold out every day
@Mel.H_ Год назад
@TonySamedi Год назад
Ohh the cheater one grinds my gears. The whole not knowing why other folks aren't confessing cheating too. It just reminds me of how often people justify their bad behavior by thinking everyone else does it too. Like the idea that there are people who don't cheat just isn't a thing they can fathom.
@kristinw2600 Год назад
Even if you believe that everyone cheats once in a while - I would say most if not all students have that last-minute panic of "oh crap I forgot that this assignment was due!" moment, and may have at least considered asking a friend to let them copy - what this kid was doing is SO FAR BEYOND acceptable that they can't seriously have believed that what they were doing was okay because everyone does it.
@Nortarachanges Год назад
Yeah he has to know not everyone cheats or else he wouldn’t have had someone to steal from all those times. They have to know, they just thought they wouldn’t be called out too hard about it -.-
@AstronomicalJelly Год назад
tbh i don't really see a problem with general cheating in high school, because the education is testing your memory if anything rather than testing your skills. college is another story bc you'll use your degrees for actual jobs but i don't think cheating in lower education levels is this evil morally broken thing lol
@blaireshoe8738 Год назад
@@AstronomicalJelly It's one thing to copy someone's answers, it's another to take an entire completed assignment FROM them, take their name off, put your name on, and just leave them with nothing. General cheating, sure, whatever, but what that reddit user did was not cheating, it was outright theft.
@gymnasticsgirlie0647 Год назад
@@AstronomicalJelly I agree so much! Obviously what this person did was not ok, but I will die on the hill that the education system is NOT meant to help us, it is meant to create good little worker bees for the government. (Yes, if you look into the history of the modern education system, this is actually the purpose of school - to train kids to become obedient drones for factory work during the Industrial Revolution.) And putting the onus on us not to cheat, instead of fixing the system that sucks the life out of kids by forcing them to learn information they will never need, is just another way to keep us under their control. And like you said, college is a different story, but cheating in high school and below is so not a bad thing.
@Mockingjay975 Год назад
with the one where OP bullied the girl out of school, I have been that girl before. It's really horrible and even if you just go with it you're still an awful person. However, OP is much better for realising because its hard to accept you have done something wrong, so I'm glad they feel guilty but also proud of them
@EmoNightDragon Год назад
Yeah, it feels much worse with the ones you know never learn, and worry what horrible things they might be saying or doing to other people as adults with even more power.
@Mockingjay975 Год назад
@@EmoNightDragon 100%, also I love your name
@EmoNightDragon Год назад
@@Mockingjay975 Thanks! Same, that show/comic is amazing
@izrawezenberg1386 Год назад
As a person who has participated in cliquey bullying before, I'm also sorry. To you, to the girl from the story, and to the person I bullied. It didn't feel good to do, I still feel shame about it, and I always will. I strive to do better every day.
@christinewalker7242 Год назад
Bit late, but the two times I moved schools were both because of bullying. First one was the worst though. My prep teacher was bullying me and when you thought I’d get a break during recess and lunch, no, three prep boys came up to me and bullied me for the whole of recess and lunch every recess and lunch before I had time to eat. So I would go from 8am to 6pm without eating. Sure, I was allowed to eat at home before 6pm. But I would throw out my food that I was supposed to eat at recess and lunch before coming home because I didn’t want my mum and dad to worry. My mum found out about the teacher bullying me from my speech therapist about 2 weeks into term 1 and I spent about half of the school days at home. It would have been more, but with dad working full time, mum looking for a job and a new school to move me to, my parents needed me to be in school some of the time so they had time for all of that. I didn’t know they knew about the bullying, so I continued to throw out my food during school days I attended. The fastest my mum could get me out was start of term 3. By then, I had already learnt not to trust authority and how not to get on with my school mates as well as how to hate myself. The literacy and mathematical abilities I had were not learnt from school, but my mum teaching me at home. No surprise that during the next several years of school, I was the quirky, intelligent yet extremely misbehaved kid in my year level. Except in Japanese class. I loved that class and our teacher. In year 6, thankfully I always had time to eat. Unfortunately, I had to put up with the bullying for a full year though. But this time I knew it was wrong what was happening to me, so I did not hide it from my parents. And it was just the students during class time and the teacher let them get away with it. I was just learning to accept myself, but this made me hate myself all over again. In year 7, I had to go to the school counsellor to deal with this past experiences, but I went back to being the trouble kid, distrusting of everyone except my parents. Surprisingly, I was a very valuable leader and role model in the school in year 11 and 12 when I learnt to love myself and trust people the right amount because no one had hurt me deeply for a few years and the school did all they could to help me and support me.
@MissTsoisauce Год назад
I hope people gave the homework thief a good reality check. As someone who used to cheat, quite a bit, in high school (because I didn't think the subjects were useful and therefore not worth my time learning). I can say it has NEVER occurred to me to steal someone else's work. That is such an asshole move. My friends and I would mutually help/cheat off each other, no one else was being harmed and we all benefitted equally.
@kittysunlover Год назад
In my opinion, the kind of "cheating" you did is actually more beneficial in the long run than solo testing. There are so many studies about how aptitude testing doesn't really work, but collaboration and repetition are two things that DO work to help humans retain knowledge. So not only were you not harming other students but you were quite likely helping each other learn better, even if it was technically against the rules!
@glitterspray Год назад
I cheated on a biology final by buying a copy of the previous year’s test. I learned more by researching the answers than I did all year. And I didn’t impact anyone else’s grade. It was wrong. But the instructors were really horrible! Only time I really had to cheat: and I’m afraid I don’t feel terribly guilty about it.
@omniscient.nescience Год назад
I cheated two times in High School, both on pretty major tests. The first, I was taking my physics final and there was a multiple choice portion. Due to having additional support needs, I was given my own room. There should have been an invigilator in there at all times, but my school was underfunded so we just had the one who would check on each person every 5 minutes or so. I couldn't remember a term, so I took my phone out from under my desk and googled it. The second, on my maths final that same year, I was put into a regular exam room. It was an advanced class, and only 5 people were taking it. The invigilator left the room for a bit and we as a group compared our answers so far. I feel like a lot of people have cheated at some point, but where I morally draw the line is what this guy did where he actively stole other people's work, sabotaging their grades. Sharing answers, googling, even copying (when it isn't done in a way that'll look like plagiarism), for the most part, those will primarily impact the perpetrator(s). What this guy did impacted innocent people.
@gymnasticsgirlie0647 Год назад
YES YES YES I agree with everything you just said. My friends and I are the same way. We have this mentality that we are all just trying to survive; we don't compete and we help each other with whatever we need. In fact, my entire student body kind of has this us vs. them mentality when it comes to teachers and students. Even if we have a problem with another student, we will never rat them out to a teacher unless an actual crime is involved. Our little camaraderie is nice and it makes all of our lives easier.
@savannah4439 Год назад
I’m so upset about that cheating confessor!! The fact that they didn’t just copy off someone (which would’ve been immoral but forgivable as it only really hurts yourself), but they literally STOLE other people’s work?! Do they realize that the victims of that would have gotten a ZERO for those assignments? That could take a person’s grade down by a whole letter grade (or even more if it happens on exams or multiple times). That definitely resulted in real, tangible, even life-changing harm as it can hurt someone’s chance of getting into college, getting merit scholarships that they may have actually earned (costing them $$$), prevented opportunities for good letters of recommendation, cause them to fail and have to retake the class, etc. All of that is bad enough, but to not feel any remorse about it? And STILL lack basic self-reflection when people call them out the first time? 🚩🚩🚩 what in the sociopath
@StudlyFudd13 Год назад
Yeah the thought of someone stealing my work when I was already struggling at that time would've destroyed me. I was extremely depressed and struggled just to keep living. If someone was sabotaging me for their own grades I would just stop trying. I would've given up.
@hollyhell3772 Год назад
Also some Kids have really abusive parents that could have reacted poorly to a bad grade, even if someone stealing their work was the cause
@WelcomeApathy Год назад
They clearly think everyone cheats just like them, too, with the whole "why aren't other people posting about cheating" thing. They literally cannot fathom another mindset than their own and thinks everyone thinks the way they do.
@Silkenray Год назад
I’m pretty sure someone did this to me in middle school. I’d do my homework, pass it up, and somehow it would vanish before getting to the teacher.
@osheridan 6 месяцев назад
I don't think this is sociopathy, but yeah. Not OK, OP
@jeddybear5909 Год назад
When I was a homeless independent student (official from the government) I used to steal coins from the school vending machine. I shoved a bag of cotton wool into the change dispenser early morning, and after school collect the wool and all the coins so I could pay for everything I needed. I feel bad for the stealing but I wouldn't have been able to afford my education or graduation certificate without it.
@ItsMiss5p1d3r5 Год назад
Honestly, I don't think this is something you need to feel even a little bad for. End of the day, people buying from vending machines probably have the money to spare, and you were also only collecting their change. That's not even mentioning your uniquely difficult situation, I think this just highlights your resourcefulness, and I'm glad it got you through school.
@jeddybear5909 Год назад
@@ItsMiss5p1d3r5 thank you for such a supportive answer. I can't help feeling guilty about it though. I give back a lot now that I'm living comfortably. Buy food for homeless people, stuff like that, just try to make up for it and help those that are in similar situations that I was.
@flotenstimme4608 Год назад
I also think like if it would have bothered them too much. They would have been able to find the wool. If I would have been waiting for change and would have needed it. I think I might have checked... I think you re great giving to other people :-)
@ShinyTillDawn Год назад
just blame the colleges for running them like businesses
@jeddybear5909 Год назад
@@ShinyTillDawn this was high school, but I agree, "free education" isn't actually free. Text book fees, uniforms, lunches, sporting events, mandatory excursions for some classes, I had to pay thousands of dollars or they were going to keep my HS certificate. So those few extra coins really helped cheapen things up for me.
@HollyRoarborn Год назад
I am so grateful for the fact that most of my assignments are turned in online. I would simply die if somebody physically stole MY work 😭
@kateluvya Год назад
In 8th grade I did almost no work for one teacher. The first time I didn't turn in an assignment, she said she saw me working on it and gave me 80% because she knew I had worked on it. This led to me spending all year telling her I had handed stuff in, or lost it, and she still gave me good grades. By the end of the year, I knew I didn't have to do anything and I'd still get a good grade. I felt bad, but I was legit struggling mentally and having one less class to worry about helped. Would have been great to find out I had ADHD sooner- explained a lot!
@hannahk1306 Год назад
How could she give you a mark without seeing the work? Literally, what was she marking? I'm so confused! It honestly sounds like your teacher was being lazy too (at least you sort of had a reason).
@Jay-fv3ij Год назад
@@hannahk1306 She probably put the grade into the grade book, where teachers keep track of grades
@turtlnickel Год назад
I feel like since it happened so regularly that the teacher was giving you a break. She may have noticed you struggling. For whatever reason she was willing to do it, good on her. I'm glad that you were able to finally get your ADHD diagnosed. Hopefully you are on some meds now and have learned some good life skills to help. As someone who also deals with ADHD, I understand the struggles. A fantastic quote from E.E. Cummings is: "To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." #ADHDfamilyforlife
As a teacher myself, trust me, we know we just don’t care about it. We get lazy too😂
@twistysunshine Год назад
Honestly the fact that the cheating person thinks that someone cheating on a test once is in any way comparable to regularly ruining other people's opportunities to game a broken system for only your own benefit and then bragging about it is the major red flag. And they absolutely are bragging. They wanted to talk about it not because they felt guilty but bc they wanted to brag for sure. They expected everyone to join them bc they think other people behave in anyway similar to this. Also like they say they made it through college easy. I doubt that was under their own skills, other than the skill they have for lying. But if you admit that publically someone might track down where you went to college, and having lied your way through that actually has long term consequences. People might try to get your degree stripped from you. Given how proud and prolific a liar this person is, there's no reason to believe that they would actually have honestly gotten through college, and no reason to believe they wouldn't know to keep their mouth shut here
@UvThe1st Год назад
I was that "weird kid" that was bullied enough to leave multiple schools. If you wish you could say sorry, please reach out and say sorry. I know I would super appreciate it if someone from my past sent me a random message apologising for their behaviour.
@krankarvolund7771 Год назад
How would they reach out, though? I was bullied in school too, and one of my bullies apoligized years later, because we were in the same high school, and worked on a project together, but I've never seen the others, didn't know their names, only their first names, I can't see how they could reach to me ^^' I guess it's even harder to me because I stay away from any social media that asks for my real name XD
@easjer Год назад
I respect that you feel that way - I feel the exact opposite because it feels very self serving to me. There is no reparation that could be made now for that past action so it feels like the tormentor is just trying to feel better about things. They shouldn't. I want no part of that. Feel badly, but learn to live with that pain, the same way I had to learn with the pain then. (you might simply be a better person than me, and props to you for a healthy attitude about it).
@UvThe1st Год назад
@@easjer oh I definitely wouldn't forgive them 🙈 you're right, there's no reparation that could happen now, but I think a part of me would still appreciate the message
@randomripoff123 Год назад
i agree w you & eliza both--i think for me, the fact that i'm still impacted by the bullying adds another layer where i'm angry that I'M still impacted, but they probably don't think about it at all. if i were to receive any kind of apology or recognition that they ALSO still thought abt it? i feel like that extra weight would go away, if that makes sense. like oh, they've learned and grown and have thought abt it, and the guilt has been eating them up inside. i'm not alone in feeling terrible for decades abt what happened--just from another angle. suddenly it feels more...equal or "just", bc now i'm not the only one hurting. and also i would not forgive them. let them stew on it for 20 years like me. lol maybe then they'll never treat someone else shitty, y'know. forgiveness isn't the be all end all if we're not in each other's lives, so doesn't matter to me. lol but yeah i'd say thank you and that i appreciate it--but that i'm not gonna forgive them. but depending on how they went abt it and how sincere it seemed/felt, i might tell them that knowing they ALSO thought abt it a lot makes it easier to try and move on, for me.
@trinitybernhardt9944 Год назад
​@@UvThe1st I can see both sides and I think my feelings would depend on the attitude of the bully. A sincere, real apology might help restore some faith in humanity, and if anyone has kids it might be a great lesson in helping the kids deal with, or learn not to, bullies. If they are flippant, or narcissistic, in their apology than absolutely just stay the frack away from me.
@miriam3848 Год назад
I did ballet as a kid. And in one ballet recital I farted. Repeatedly. Those were huge, but silent farts, and oh, so deadly! I was recovering from a stomach bug and I lied about feeling all good and fit enough to take part in the recital, because I LOVED doing ballet and couldn't think of missing it. So, every now and then during the recital I'd let out a huge cloud of suffocating miasma (seriously, it even made me gag) that smelled like something had died under the porch in summer heat... No one even suspected me. I just looked too sweet. And by the end of the recital the stink was just everywhere. As we were leaving, the stage hands were taking up the floors on the stage and in the wings to find that poor dead thing that supposedly stank up the place...
@binglemarie42 Год назад
I’ve never bitten anything in my sleep (other than my night guard: *chomp*), but while I was working as a massage therapist I frequently woke up massaging my pillow. In the dream I woke from I would be puzzled about my client’s weird tissue! "This doesn't feel right at all." 😂
@spoon1968 Год назад
I've never woke up massaging my pillow, but I've had weird massage dreams. I have issues with time blindness, so usually I'm just running super late or I wake up after working a full shift that night in my dream.
@WelcomeApathy Год назад
I have a degree in American Sign Language interpreting. The amount of times I woke up with my hands in the air signing is ridiculous. lol
@victoriasanchez193 Год назад
Ugh the one about cheating in highschool really made my blood boil. Sounds like he's proud of it or something, and since it all worked out for him he's never thought about all the people he affected.
@bethn2836 Год назад
The lunch line leaping isn’t to reward children with food, or because there wasn’t enough food for everyone. It was so that the kids didn’t have to wait as long in line, therefore, being able to pick their spot to eat first, finish eating sooner, and essentially have a longer lunch break. That’s what makes it so valuable. They’re buying extra free time.
@larissapienaar2436 Год назад
Thank you! This is the first thing I thought! The reward is TIME! ❤
@elaexplorer Год назад
Yep, more recess.
@josephinedykstra3383 Год назад
Here's a confession: I've cheated on exactly one test. In middle school Bible class (private Christian school), we were required to memorize short passages from the Bible and write them down as a quiz/ test. I was very good at it (and at school in general). Once, I completely blanked on the next verse, panicked, and turned to look at what the kid next to me was writing down. That was enough to jog my memory; I wrote down the rest of the passage and got a perfect score. 15 years later, I a) think that was a fairly trivial thing to panic about; b) appreciate the irony that I cheated on a Bible test; c) still remember exactly what it looked like and how I felt as I looked and as I turned the paper in. Never again.
@xLostInFirex 11 месяцев назад
Lol it reminds me how I've written down stuff to cheat off of a lot but in most cases ended up not using them because I felt too scared and guilty lmao. Always felt like everyone was watching me at that moment lmao
@shannonobrien2572 Год назад
In middle school I received notes and calls from a secret admirer. I fantasized about who it might be. I found out that it was a very unpopular boy. I was not very popular either, but more popular than he. I wrote him a long scathing note telling him I could never like someone as ugly as he was. I was generally a good kid and this was not typical behavior for me. Current me cannot fathom how I could have behaved in such a horrible manner. There was/is no excuse. When I got Facebook I thought I could look him up and apologize. It took awhile but I located him through him being FB friends with another person in our school with a unique last name. When I finally got to his FB page he had just recently passed away from cancer a month before.
@SteMegManzaroli Год назад
That’s so sad 🥺
@SLYKM Год назад
The cheating one made my blood boil. How you gonna use other people's work while you goofed off, and got to graduate early (bc you're probably ruining an actual hard working person's life by making them get zeroes), and then like "yea I went to college and I'm good at it." Like no self awareness, why are you even in the confessions reddit if you're not sorry. I'm glad reddit seemed to rip em a new one.
@thelogicallunatic6004 Год назад
My bet is that the remorseless schoolwork cheater is still to this day stepping on better people to get ahead. They are just too deliberately thick to understand. They are the ones who become management staff when they are too ignorant to even understand the work of people who are actually worth something. Good post Shaaba! A little dose of you makes them seem less harsh.
@ShelbyGTMustang60 Год назад
The inhaler one is really scary. I used to be a teacher and one of the kids in my class sprayed so much deodorant that I had an asthma attack. Luckily my inhaler helped, but I had to get a student to ask someone to open the windows (they were controlled electronically 🤦‍♀️) and spend the majority of the lesson hovering in the doorway because I couldn't stand in the class. I wish I could say I've not had the problem since changing jobs, but adults are just as bad with aerosols in enclosed spaces. I had to send multiple emails around because I kept having asthma attacks and people kept forgetting 🙈
@jeddybear5909 Год назад
I'm sorry, I don't need an inhaler but I have intolerances to flowers. I'm constantly asking my neighbour to go easy on her lavander deodorant. I only get watery eyes and feel a bit itchy, nothing that'll cause panic for me or a bit of a wash won't fix. I'll never understand the need to drown yourself in an aerosol. If you think you smell that poorly, change your showering hygiene xD
@christinewalker7242 Год назад
I don’t have an allergy to them, but I find them incredibly irritating and enough of it causes me a severe headache that takes several hours to recover afterwards if exposed long enough (10 mins). One of the reasons I hated PE in school because afterwards I knew this would happen. But if you need an inhaler for it, I feel so bad since that situation is so common in our society.
@jailerat8167 Год назад
I cheated in a class in middle school by erasing the name on my brother’s homework from the year before. I regret it now bc I wish I’d actually learned those things but I never would have done that if it had actually harmed someone else. My brother’s assignments were literally from a year before, he’d already passed the class. I think that’s the only time I ever cheated.
@krankarvolund7771 Год назад
How did you do it? Did your brother never handed the assignment? ^^' Because when I received assignments back, or when I corrected them when I was an intern in school, teachers always put all sorts of marks to correct mistakes XD
@keeprockin69 Год назад
​@@krankarvolund7771 Maybe the assignments were written on a computer and then printed out?
@krankarvolund7771 Год назад
@@keeprockin69 And he kept the original file? Righ I still think about papers when I think school because at my time schools were not fan of digital, but it's true that there's les paper now ^^
@eliscanfield3913 Год назад
A classmate of mine did that in college, but he _was_ caught. I think he was expelled for it.
@hazell1304 Год назад
When I did my GCSEs, there was another girl with my name in my art class. It was an unusual name so we were the only two in the year with it. Art was always my best subject. All my work came back with A's and up, my teachers were super pleased and supportive with all the coursework I submitted. At the end of my GCSEs I got a B. I was a bit surprised but still proud. Cut to the very end of term when I went to collect the folder with all my coursework and when I get it, it has the other Hazel's work in. All our work was signed with first names only, and I hadn't considered it a problem until that point. I will never know if this was mix up by the school somehow (though why they'd empty both folders at once idk), but as I was the last to collect my folder I know the other hazel sure didn't say anything about it when she realised it contained my work. It's been years, and to this day I'm still mostly sad that I never got my work back, I was very proud of it and would love to be able to look back now. Tldr: taking credit for someone else's work sucks on so many levels, even by accident it hurts the original creator so much
@16poetisa Год назад
The whole thing could have been avoided by having people submit their work with their full names. What incompetence.
@WelcomeApathy Год назад
As someone with a super common name, to where I almost never had class without another person with the same name in it, this is why you always include at least your last initial on all work you do. Especially if you know there's another with the same name there. The teachers never should have let things get turned in without more than the first name.
@hazell1304 Год назад
@@WelcomeApathy the work was sent in as a set inside a folder that did have full names on. So the pieces didn't have full names but the container very much did. I can only guess that the markers emptied all the folders to grade and didn't keep track of where the work came from.
@WelcomeApathy Год назад
@@hazell1304 That's even worse, geez! I'd be so mad at the teacher(s)!
@hazell1304 Год назад
@@WelcomeApathy oh yah I was absolutely furious at my teachers for this and many other reasons (for perspective, the school went into emergency reform just after I left for mental health reasons) but I'm mostly angry at the other hazel who with the most courtious interpretation of events saw her folder filled with someone else's work and said "yeah I'll keep that"
@archerscrazylife Год назад
I was one of those kids that did the bare minimum in school (only taking tests, not doing homework unless it was interesting or unbelievably easy) I never cheated but I passed everything I actually did with flying colors and even calculated the amount of points I'd need for busy work if tests/quizes alone wouldn't get me to passing. I remember one of those assignments that I actually did, it was an essay question and, because I rarely did assignments, my teacher didn't believe me when I found my work in the bin of graded papers with someone else's name on it until I pulled a paper from a different class and made her compare my sloppy, loopy handwriting to the person whose name was on it. Turned out, that kid never did any work because every saved assignment had different handwriting on it. Like, I'm lazy and felt like highschool was a waste of time too, but at least I was honest about it.
@lapislazarus8899 Год назад
The spitting in the spaghetti reminded me... I was about eight or nine, in the back of our minivan, and this car full of senior citizens cut my dad off. As we passed them, I looked over and made eye contact with the driver, and gave them the single finger salute: 🖕🏻. They all did look like they laughed, but when we got home, I was terrified that they had called the police and gave them my description, and any minute the fuzz was going to show up and haul my butt to jail, and throw away the key. 🤦🏼‍♀️
@BlazeNStar Год назад
Ya, you should NEVER fuck with a person's meds. I'm glad that gym teacher never died from it tho.
@SnorriSnibble Год назад
The bullying one reminded me of a girl in my school that also got bullied. I didn’t actively engage with it, because I was a super shy kid, but I still believed other kids when they said she was gross and annoying. At least at first - at one point I felt that it was mean, but I also didn’t say anything against it. She didn’t have a mental breakdown or left the school, but I’m sure it still affected her. It’s been 20 years since then and thinking about it now brings me to tears, I just hope she’s ok
@princesskatarina351 Год назад
I was in the same situation. I didn't actively participate in the bullying, but neither did I do anything to dissuade it. And I heavily regret it, because looking back I recognize that she needed a friend.
@len_pheonix141 Год назад
I woke up from a dream sobbing uncontrollably because I dreamed my aunt was very upset about my salad dressing choice I brought her.
@MeltedBrains89 Год назад
Back in middle school I didn't care if people copied my homeworks/tests, I've always been a mediocre student and they were the ones who would be at risk. I knew that if a teacher ever asked about plagiarism I'd throw them under the bus but our teachers clearly didn't care either.
@ItsMiss5p1d3r5 Год назад
I always used to write my name in pen on assignments for this exact reason. I used to get in trouble because I didn't have a 'pen license' (don't know if that's done in other parts of the world, but common enough thing in Australia that's effectively just 'you know how to write well enough that it's fine if you use a pen') buuuut I never had my work stolen.
@mackingcheese Год назад
here's my confession one time when i was around 5 years old, me and my brother were playing super mario on the wii. if you've played you know there are little minigames that give you rewards. anyway, there was this sort of card matching game we were playing. he kept getting matches and i kept getting mismatches, so my little 5 year old brain thought, "oh, he must be cheating", i got really mad and bit him on the leg. i bit him so hard that he was bleeding, and he still has a scar to this day
@jaroneller1525 Год назад
ahh i liked this a lot!! baffled by the fact that person from the penultimate confession saw no issue with what they did. falls right in line with the image of asshole twitter teens who spend all their time insulting people online for disagreeing with them. really hope they learn some self reflection and humility
@BlazeNStar Год назад
"I do feel bad about using pencils near my own piano" like do you not trust yourself to not do it again? Or do you feel like you should get revenge on yourself for it? like I want to know more about that struggle.
@AmericanBaker Год назад
I have a confession. As a child, we had a couple of gorgeous wooden winged chairs that my dad reapolstered himself. One day, I was laying on the floor next to the chair and noticed a swirl in the wood grain that curved around like the letter G. My then 6-year-old younger brother's name is Greg. So, I traced the wood grain with a ballpoint pen and wrote the letter G on the wood of the chair. And since I had already committed to tracing the G, I wrote the whole name Greg on the wood. Afterwards, I realized how stupid that was when the ballpoint pen didn't wash off the wood. I didn't want to get in trouble, so I didn't mention it to my parents. Later that day, I walked past my mom yelling at my brother. I asked what happened, and my mom said my brother decided to write his name on the wooden trim of the chair. I'm sure I turned red. I thought the difference in handwriting was obvious. Or that my brother would just deny it since I knew he didn't do it. But instead, he just apologized and said he thought it would wash off. Stunned, realizing he just took the blame for me, and I didn't have to confess, I got out of there. I'm still stunned he took the blame. No one ever knew it was actually me who defaced that beautiful chair. And I had to look at that ballpoint pen on the chair for another decade.
@shiroganetsuki9634 Год назад
As much as I appreciate this one bully's regret and remorse, I could not bring myself to absolve my own bullies. No amount of apologies could ever erase the hurt and pain and isolation I suffered. It's been decades and I still know their names and hear their cruel laughter in my head. To this day I struggle to build up the self-esteem they had fun tearing down. They scarred me for life and I don't see any reason for forgiveness.
@Lucienchol Год назад
The cheating by stealing other people's work struck a cord with me. This also happened to me in Elementary school. A girl who was also my brother's bully stole my exam, cheated off it and then THREW IT ON THE CEILING TOP OF THE SCHOOL. My teacher thankfully remembered I had taken it and that I was a good student so she kept looking for it. The janitor later found it days later but it had rained so it was basically unreadable for the most part. I don't remember how they found out who did it, she might of confessed or something but the teacher basically felt bad and just gave me a B. It still made me so mad, especially cause it still felt like I was being punished for someone else's wrongdoings! For all I know I could of gotten an A on that test and if I hadn't been a good student that teacher could of just shrugged it off and given me an F Anyone who can feel no remorse for the consequences of their own actions even years later are a huge red flag
@Eco_Hiko Год назад
My brain misheard something, I thought Shaaba said Allan Sugar played Yu-Gi-Oh. That I would like to see.
@hannahhannah7002 Год назад
This is why I always write my name in pen
"Eating a sandwich" OMG LMAOOOO!
@starparodier91 Год назад
The only time I ever cheated I didn’t think it was cheating- until I told my parents about it! 😂 (it wasn’t a big deal)
@Amy-oj2st Год назад
I have a confession related to confessions lol. Years ago, two different companies had competitions where they asked you to submit a secret. I went on the website of one company, found one of the higher rated secrets and submitted it to the other company. I ended up winning a runner up prize. Except they called me and asked me if I remembered my secret which I did not. I hesitated till the woman on the phone prompted me with "It had to do with your boss's car", and I remembered the story that involved supergluing windscreen wipers to the windscreen. An incredibly dangerous act that I would never do and now I had to tell this person on the phone that I had done! I got a couple of hundred dollars and some beauty products as a prize.
@osheridan 6 месяцев назад
This sounds like a writers' heaven
@loki_is_tired Год назад
The mention of being mad at people for things that happen in dreams actually reminds me of a funny story - about a week ago, I think (I'm awful at keeping track of the days at the moment, sorry), my mum was staying with me, my sibling, my father, and our dog. We're split across the country at the moment, and it costs a lot of money for her to visit us, and this was one of the short weeks where she was able to stay with us. One morning, she wakes up, and she sees I'm awake so she beckons me over to talk to me. Half-asleep, she tells me "Daddy stole my pizza in my dream last night. I told him I was gonna eat it too". I find this absolutely hilarious. She's pouting, and still sleepy, and she just keeps repeating it. About an hour later, when my dad wakes up, she tells him too, in the same upset voice, but less tired. It was still funny. We brought it up repeatedly all day. I still laugh when I think about it.
@saraquill Год назад
I once dreamed of finding a litter of kittens under our dining room table. I woke up mad at Husband because his dream incarnation refused to help me care for them.
@dragonofmordor 5 дней назад
Speaking as someone bullied, I feel like hearing from my bullies even to apologize would be traumatic.
@jess-mx Год назад
I like this format, if I watch enough of these I might work up to courage to own up to some of my own past mistakes
@elsop7950 Год назад
My first thought you read about the "lunch line leapers" was that they were meant for people with medical conditions that need to eat on a rigid schedule, I also found it weird they were given as a prize lol.
@larissapienaar2436 Год назад
It’s entirely probable they were also given to kids that needed them for those other reasons. Both can exist at the same time.
@elaexplorer Год назад
First ones to get and eat lunch are the first ones who get to get out to the playground and pick what they want to do.
@annak1042 Год назад
I assumed they were for kids who had extra commitments during lunch hour, like orchestra practice or something, and needed to eat quickly to get to their activities.
@JennCampbell Год назад
I was the weird kid at my elementary school. I got through it because I knew that the opinions of others weren't important, mine was. Teach your kids that what other people think is nothing. This is just as important as stopping the bullies.
@pyritethefool4637 Год назад
I mean, I did cheat in high school a bit. I was bad at paying attention during lessons because I was bored and would rather draw and write comics then pay attention. But I never hurt anyone else to cheat. Just myself really.
@we.genuinely.think2882 Год назад
A friend of mine did a survey for their thesis and the last question was if we could guess what the survey was about. Since they told me what her thesis was abot I answered "no but you did tell me the topic"... well a couple days later they told me that someone wrote that answer and made fun of it because they apparently told nobody what the survey was about. I was too embarrassed to tell them it was me. They couldn't use my survey for their thesis because of it. Not really something I did out of bad intentions but still very embarrassing
@LezbeOswald Год назад
yeah that was super fucked up to like. routinely and continuously steal other people's assignments and claim them as your own. they'd be lucky if the people they stole from never faced any repercussions for that (such as, getting a 0 on an assignment they turned in or they themselves being accused of cheating), but odds are at least one or a handful of people they stole for had to resubmit or redo assignments that they already did. when my little sister was in high school there was 1 time she copied a friend's homework and turned it in and both her and the friend got in trouble (i don't remember if the friend let her copy his homework or not)-it's really selfish to put someone else's academic standing in jeopardy for your own gain. if you're gonna cheat, do it in a way that won't potentially harm others.
@barbaram5769 Год назад
Me and my sister made drinks for ourselves when we were younger and I spilt my irn bru on our cushioned chair. I didn't know what to do and kind of half cleaned it up with a tea towel but it stained. Unfortunately for my sister, they'd made themselves orange juice so the orange stain was pinned on them and I never corrected anyone, even while they were being told off. I still feel bad about it.
@16poetisa Год назад
A college friend once told me a story of how their dad was the victim of a serial cheater when he attended our college, except this person *only* targeted him. At the time, it wasn't possible to diagram chemistry work on a computer program, so all the homework had to be done by hand. So her dad would diligently write out all his work and put it in the mail bin for submitting assignments. And all semester, this cheater would go through the stack, find his particular assignment, and replace her dad's name with his. Somehow my friend's dad didn't realize this was happening until late in the semester when the professor was like "I know you're good at chemistry, why haven't you submitted anything?" So he handed in his work directly to the professor, who immediately recognized the handwriting and realized what was up. And to this day, the chemistry department has lockable submission boxes with tiny little slits so that no one can ever pull that stunt again.
@adeliecn1763 Год назад
I never broke my mom's cigarettes, but I turned into a drama queen: anytime she would start smoking, I would pretend to get a coughing fit and fall to the ground (I was about 5yo I think). It took her a year but she managed to quit smoking !
@Prismina Год назад
In college, someone erased my name and put his own on a final exam! It was two parts and I was working on the lab part when my professor noticed it and showed me. Also, the dude fully left his name on his own test, so there were two with his name. Failing that class would have jeopardized my whole degree. I just hope the guy got turned in for academic dishonesty...
@kassig7547 Год назад
0:01 lol at the captions catching “Shaaba” as “Shovel”
@aeryngoodspeed Год назад
not so much a confession as everyone knows about this, but one time i was fighting with my sisters and i kicked one of them in the nose so hard she bled. i felt so bad that i went downstairs, blubbered my guilt to my mom (confusing the fuck out of her bc she couldn't understand a word i was saying) and stuck myself in the corner.
@christinakyleloves Год назад
Love you Shaaba!! 🍑🍑🩷🩷
@cjt9834 Год назад
My first boyfriend was a big car guy, drove stick shift. He used to wake me up all the time by kicking me in his sleep because he was dream-driving 😂 One of the few fond memories I still have of the AH
@krankarvolund7771 Год назад
Paying for lunch? I've never paid for lunch in any school ^^' My parents would pay once a trimester something like that, but no one considered giving children money and letting them buy their lunch XD
@elaexplorer Год назад
I wrote a sonnet in AP English, it was turned in and graded but I never got it back. The teacher and I both looked through the homework that was being returned and we couldn't find it. It's just weird to me that someone would steal it. I was irritated about being forced to write a sonnet so I wrote it about my Human Anatomy lesson, the central nervous system. I thought it had turned out well and had really wanted to add it to my poem collection.
@francinethoen1136 Год назад
Legit one of the funniest videos I ever watched😅👌 I can't get this image out of my head of my brother being a sandwich. He would have totally deserved it😂 Please make more of these!
@atiny1117 Год назад
great video as usual! in my first year of high school (year 7 in my country), my friends and i were weirdly mean to this dude. i don't know why exactly. we made fun of his hair a lot, and that was kind of as far as it went. i still feel bad about it tho, he was a bit annoying but that didn't justify us calling him names, and in the later years of high school he actually seemed pretty nice. so yeah, i really regret doing that, but i also understand that i was a tween who had no idea what she was doing and was trying to be cool, and i know that i won't do something like that again. i would like to apologise to the guy if i ever see him again.
@tristanyoung7646 Год назад
I never bit anyone because of a dream, but once I was on a school trip out of state and we ended up being one of the hotel rooms where there were more people than beds. I volunteered to sleep on the floor, and I had enough space to sleep between the beds so if either of the other people had to get up they had a clear path to the bathroom and door around the foots of the beds. I warned either of them that if I was stepped on because they forgot I was there and got up on the wrong side of the bed I would bite their legs. Around 4 am my friend had to get up, and they got up on the wrong side of the bed and stepped directly onto my shoulder. I was half asleep, but I swung my face around and chomped right down on their leg. There were no marks, no hard feelings, and we all found it incredibly hilarious in the morning
@TV-1997 Год назад
in elementary school during Christmas my class was doing white elephant where we would get a name of a random classmate and write them a little anonymous note. I didn't know the classmate i got super well so i decided to draw him a picture (i copied from the internet), just a little cartoon guy with a cowboy hat smoking a cigarette... My classmates loved the picture, everybody found it super funny but then our teacher saw it and she got incredibly angry and started yelling "WHO DREW THAT?! WHY WOULD YOU DRAW THAT?!" the little 11 yo me couldn't figure out what i did wrong so of course i didn't say anything and pretended i had nothing to do with it. Turns out our teacher though the little picture ment my classmate himself smokes??? Even now I'm kinda puzzled that was the conclusion she got to because of a little drawing but yeah... Our class never got to do the white elephant ever again and it was my fault, still feel kinda bad about it till this day...
@facelessmortal9621 Год назад
In high school I had a teacher who was pretty goofy. And sometimes not in a good way. There was a time at which he would threaten to open this Tupperware of really old takeout food and fill the room with a terrible smell if we didn’t stop goofing off instead of working, or something like that. So, one of my classmates and I came up with a plan to get rid of the Tupperware. Pi day was coming up, and our teacher was planning on having a pie party in his classroom. That would serve as a good distraction. So, while everyone was getting pie that day, I snatched the Tupperware and ran all the way down to the field to make sure he wouldn’t find it and threw it in the trash. One of the days afterward I was in class and our teacher was asking about who took it. When he turned to me and asked if I had took it (or maybe he was asking if I knew anything about it? I don’t remember exactly), I was surprised that I was able to keep a straight face. I think I remember him saying that I would never do something like that. Probably because I was “The Nice One”. That year I put a secret message in his yearbook that spelled out “sorry about the food” (or was it “sorry for the food”? Again, I don’t remember exactly). I don’t know whether he’s figured it out yet that I was the one who stole the Tupperware, but my classmate, my family and I are the only ones who know about what I did. Unless my classmate told someone, but idk.
@trickiegirl Год назад
The kid who stole the inhaler was doing something awful but I really take issue with the idea that it's because kids are just horrible. They don't understand the consequences. This wasn't bullying or something that they would have been taught was bad. They may have had a vague idea but not a proper understanding. The confession also points out they stole the inhaler as a protest. We don't know the reasons they felt that not running those 5 laps was unreasonable and the teacher was in a position of power. The kid couldn't just say no. So this may well have been, the only option the kid felt they had in a stressful situation. The inhaler was a symbol not a weapon. I doubt it would have happened if the kid had the right to say no or didn't feel cornered. Or if the child had had any real way of understanding the consequences beforehand. It is never as simple as kids are awful and I find that framing genuinely disgusting because it places a level of responsibility we literally do not prepare them for in situations where they have little if any autonomy. So yes, taking the inhaler was atrocious but you cannot convince me a child is essentially criminally responsible for circumstances that they literally are not appropriately equipped to understand because the consequence is purely theoretical. No one has done anything to make it tangible. They assume the person won't die because they've never died before and we as a society are happy to leave it at that until something goes wrong. No one sat that kid down and had a frank factual and detailed conversation about what asthma is or what the real consequences are. They just get told someone could die and assume they will understand that this applies all the time despite all of the bad asthma rep in media and their clearly not dead yet teacher. So OMG have some sense of scale. No, they shouldn't track their teacher down as an adult to apologize. The consequences were horrendous but they had no real way of actually understanding that beforehand
@proceduralgunk Год назад
This was fun! I like that it's a bit more fast paced than AITA and you were able to fit more in
@Saphira2120 Год назад
I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 15, so when my family and I went to the beach we were excited to bring bikes, since I could finally ride around. We were camping and my best friend got to come along too. Well, my best friend and I were riding our bikes around the camp ground for some reason or another. She was leading and I was following. I absolutely hate getting lost, so I was following kind of closely. Well, there was an older couple also riding their bikes. My friend turned in front of them and instead of being reasonable and waiting a moment, I decided to turn and go between them. I bumped into the older ladies bike, and she fell over. I rode away with the man yelling at me and feeling absolutely terrible. I still feel bad about it 6+ years later.
@naonao9528 Год назад
In the first one I don't think the incentive is getting the food first. I think it's not having to wait in line.
@zazajf Год назад
Because im early, i just really wanted to say that i love your channel, shaaba! your videos feel like a big hug xx
@RiverWoods111 Год назад
Part of me the 4th grader who used to get death threats, kind of wants to tell the Op who bullied the girl, "I am glad you feel guilt, and I part of me wants you to feel that way for the rest of your life!" I never wish dreadful things like death or disability to happen to my bullies, I just wish them an exceptionally long life where at every turn they think about what they did. The fact is that she may not be able to apologize to that little "sweet" girl who she bullied. Do you know how many kids who are bullied un-live themselves. I don't want that for this woman, but I do want her to realize the permanent damage she may have done. Trauma this girl has probably had to deal with her whole life from the op's bad choices. Hummm... Maybe op can start traveling around to elementary schools and middle schools and even high schools and speaking to kids about what she did to that little girl, and how much damage she may have caused that little girl, and how awful she feels about what she did. Of course, at her own cost and not getting paid for doing so. I am sure if she spends half her time raising money and the other speaking, maybe she can change someone's life or save another little girls life. Yet, she shouldn't get paid for righting her wrong. I am an autistic/ADHD kid who was told I was albino at birth. The doctor went as far as to tell my parents that I would never be anything but a freak at a freak show. The amount of bullying I received growing up and even as an adult is unimaginable, and yet bullies are never held accountable for the damage they do. It is my assumption that the girl who used to threaten to kill me, is probably serving a life sentence in prison for some horrific violent crime she committed. It also my assumption that she blames the victims for her being in prison. I guess I am being a little harsh towards her, but maybe she needs to hear what it is like to be bullied! A little girl may have unlived herself due to this woman's "fun". By the way, I am in treatment for trauma, and I realize the amount of trauma I suffered at the hands of bullies. Also, most of my biggest bullies (except for the teenage girl who wanted to kill me) were my schoolteachers. I just feel like bullies never have to pay for what they did. Many of them grew up and are now on the internet bulling LGBTQIA+ and women in general. They don't see how it is wrong, and the cycle just keeps going.
@AynoTaicho Год назад
Oof, some of these hit hard. I never tampered with my father's cigarettes, but I tried to get him to quit a few times. Nothing ever helped, and in the end smoking was his death sentence. I don't think he ever would have imagined that he'd be tied to an oxygen tank constantly in his last few years and that he'd leave behind a 21 year old daughter. (I'm almost 29 now and I am sad he has missed quite a few big moments in my and my family's life.) Also, never never never tamper with an inhaler ever. As an asthmatic myself the thought of not being able to access my inhaler makes my lungs seize up even if I otherwise wouldn't have had an issue. Breathing through an asthma attack isn't something you really learn and restriction in air flow ramps up the panic. Not being able to breathe properly is such an awful feeling. Also also, oof, poor poor piano.
@dieSterbendeGiraffe Год назад
My bullies never apologised to me. But one of the people who let them bully me did apologise about 10 years later. She was a "friend" of mine, but she didn't dare standing up for me. I forgave her, and I'm glad she remembered. Sometimes it's hard not to say "ahh, it wasn't that bad", and someone else remembering really helped.
@JhericFury Год назад
I find the second one difficult because there are several things I feel guilty about, and the thing I say to myself is that guilt is the punishment and the reminder to not do it again. But I feel bad about saying that to other people
@MsAaannaaa Год назад
I logged into my ex gfs facebook & read her dms between her & her ex gf. I didn't trust her because she had lied to me about her feelings for her ex several times. I wanted to see if she had lied again or not. I've forgiven myself that I did it but I'm not proud of it either. I wish I had broken up much sooner & could've saved the both of us a lot of pain and anger. I see that now. It showed me how important honesty & clarity in communication are to me.
@krankarvolund7771 Год назад
The cheater in high school does not seem to understand that he probably caused troubles for the people he stole from ^^' Like, in school ordinarily, each student have to give their homework, so if you took the homework of someone else, the teacher saw that this person hadn't give it and will ask for that student for his work, or give him a bad grade ^^' If the cheat was victimeless, yeah it would be funny, like my dad had stolen the book of latin from the library and did all the tests in latin with the book on his knees, that's funny and no one is harmed. Here, you harmed other students, so it's not really funny....
@jeangrimoire623 Год назад
My school, what you could get to eat for lunch was based on a rating system of our behavior and grades.
@pmbluemoon Год назад
This was entertaining, and yes, there is always things to be learned from confessions! Sometimes it's silly things like mine: I fell down the stairs with an ice cream cone that my sister had made for me. My cone was, of course, all over the stairs. I cried because my cone was broken, I wasn't really hurt from my fall down the stairs 🤭🤫
@Mightylmcc Год назад
Just a counter point to the bullying story, while looking to make up for past actions is a lovely idea, getting in touch with your victim can sometimes be more harmful than just letting them get on with their life. Oc it's very individual, but I had my bully reach out & remind me of horrible things they did years ago to apologise. It didn't make me feel better. I'd moved on & didn't think about it anymore, so it just retraumatised me a lil bit. I think maybe in some cases accepting & living with the guilt is perhaps a better atonement rather than looking to the hurt party to make you feel better about yourself
@westcoastfireafc Год назад
I was bullied at school but I had no other school I could go to in my town, one of the bullies later stated on a Facebook page for our town stated she would be horrified if any of her children treated anyone as she had me. Mind you she has never apologised to me. Their actions had a roll on affect in my life.
@jessrose4301 Год назад
I punched my husband in the face while half asleep because I dreamt I was Lily Evans (Potter) and when I woke up I thought he was Snape...
@ROCKONplaceboforever Год назад
I always enjoy you're videos 🫶
@Sophie_Cleverly Год назад
I feel like cheating kid shows why every one of our uni assignments had to be handed in with names sealed under a sticker AND you had to submit online as well through a plagiarism checker 😆 thanks for giving us all extra work because you can't be bothered to do yours bro 😒
@kir32 Год назад
When I was like 5 or 6, I would lick the salt off of pretzels and put them back in the bag. My parents were very confused why all of the pretzels were weirdly stale...Not necessarily a confession, because they found out and still make fun of me to this day.
@charlotteparfett3114 Год назад
my cousin (from the time she was 3 to about 5 or 6) used to lick the flavouring off potato chips and put them back in the bowl. "Beware of soggy potato chips" is still a family saying to this day.
@acciotardisalohomora6302 Год назад
7:01 I've put in the effort for music class and practiced probably more than at least a few of my peers and have a joint mobility problem which my ablest adopted parents neglected to get diagnosed until I was an adult and finally said not being able to hold a damn pencil isn't "normal"...... Don't just assume everyone doesn't "practice/put in the work". Also the one time I had a bully come up to me to apologize it felt like the trauma all over again. The one time online, same shit. It's to make the bully feel better not the victim. Talk to a therapist or your friends about it if you want to get it off your chest.
@anahidkassabian4471 Год назад
I liked this video-I know I’m far from your target audience, but I think it’s worth continuing to explore this subreddit. Here’s a confession: in my first year of high school (1973!!!), a friend and I emptied out all the alcohol burners and refilled them with water. Used up at least 20 minutes for everyone to realise that all the burners weren’t working and why, and then they had to replace the alcohol and dry the wicks. Tbh, I still kinda think it’s funny, though I hope it didn’t fuck with the young teacher’s confidence too much.
@SarahHalina Год назад
I love this. But then again, I love every video you do.
@Robb3636 Год назад
This video reawakened a very old memory of mine! At some point when I was a small child, I bit my brother on the chest (or maybe shoulder?) I think we were at a small hotel restaurant, or at least I associate the memory with that place, it might have been a location we talked about it. Don't know why. If you're reading this, Ben, I'm sorry 😔
@anitaholmes8201 Год назад
I didn't break my father's cigarettes, but... I saw a public service announcement on TV about ways to cut back on smoking. One was to draw a line part-way down the cigarette and only smoke to the line. I took ALL of my father's cigarettes out of the packs (He'd bought a carton). First cigarette in, he starting cursing, demanding to know [G-rated version:] WHO had messed with his smokes. What I didn't realize was, the permanent felt-tipped marker I'd used gave off NASTY no-doubt toxic fumes when he inhaled the line. I said the PSA on the TV had TOLD me to do it so he wouldn't die, pretending that I had no control over my response to what the TV told me to do. My father couldn't believe he had a child that was incapable of thinking for herself and had a hard time believing a lot of what I said for a while.
@PersonTP 2 месяца назад
The piano one felt like a personal attack… listen, I am autistic and back in school undiagnosed, if I had to be doing something like homework the next day, the thing is that I physically couldn’t, I am not kidding, I physically could not do it without some there constantly telling me to continue and cheering me on. And I got shit for it constantly, from teachers and my parents who basically gave up on me… So a teacher willing to help a person who is struggling is better than only helping the kids that did the work, how is that right?
@anitacookieta Год назад
I love this!
@PokhrajRoy. Год назад
I’m very scared of confessions. No one is ever truly anonymous. Also, I like adding details so I’m the worst candidate for confessions.
@little_mr_scare_all Год назад
When i was a kid, probably 3 or 4, I remember being in preschool, I would sit behind the couch so no on could see me and peek my head out of the corner so I could see the TV. This was always when I was supposed to be asleep and because of that, my mom would be watching a lot of true crime and murder documentary shows. Things like Disappeared, Unusual Suspects, Frenemies and other ID channel shows mostly. But I would always be secretly watching them with her. I actually brought this up to her about a year or so ago, I said something like "do you remember when i would" (see above) because I always I assumed she knew about it and just didn't care. She didn't have any idea but I suppose it's okay since we still watch those shows together, knowingly this time though.
@somethinunameit637 Год назад
I never chomped someone because of a dream, but I did not talk to my boyfriend for half a day because of one. In my dream, I was making soup, he put poison in it in front of me, then forced me to eat the soup. I died. When I woke up, I told my boyfriend about the dream, said I was really upset over it, I wasn't mad at him, and I wanted to be alone for a while.
@kaitlynrain899 Год назад
Omg I watch all of your AITA vids and how did I just realize that we have the same phone case?? The little cat butts are my fave🥰
@DamiesEvilTwin Год назад
Damn the cig kid, I wish that had helped with me and my brother trying to get mom to quit. She's had double heart bypass and insists smoking had nothing to do with it, and smokes just as much as she did before. She initially tried to get us to believe the doctor told her she could. Like no the fuck they didn't lmao
@rebeccah.2606 Год назад
I feel like the point of the last one was not that the person actually bit their brother accidentally in a half-sleep state, but that in a less inhibited half-sleep state they chose to bite their brother as retaliation/a continuation of their fight. It wouldn't be much of a confession if it was an accident because there's not really a difference between biting him while "groggily half sleeping" and dreaming of eating a sandwich
@deeb733 Год назад
all throughout when i was 12-13 years old i would periodically cheat on low level tests often it would just be a cheat sheet underneath the desk in a language essay, or writing a formula on my hand in a chem test and if the tests were serious i wouldn’t cheat i do feel bad about cheating but it wasn’t really a big deal, and a lot of people did it i’m fairly certain i wasn’t hurting anybody (i think)
@dinos_go_quack Год назад
my cat loves watching your videos and so do i :)
@dollylevels6753 Год назад
when i used to babysit as a teenager i raided the families fridges. i think on one hand a lot of kids i knew did that but on the other i still feel like that was a pretty shitty thing to do.
@godofchaos9571 Год назад
I really hate the cheating kid. They obviously don't feel bad about it and they don't seem worried about how it affected other people.
@carlyblack42 Год назад
LOL! I have never chomped someone while dreaming, but I was about 8 or 9 and my lil bro who was 4 or 5 at the time came to sleep in bed with me (our room was super cold in the winter), and his hand landed on my head while we slept. I woke everyone up screaming because I thought a rat jumped on my head. My dad was NOT AMUSED.
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