
This Almost NEVER Happens! Sand Bass Slayed in the Creek [Catch, Clean, and Cook] 

Arms Family Homestead
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1 май 2021




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@walterchapman2884 3 года назад
Hey thanks for inviting one of my Georgia folks down. You all are having great fun I enjoyed it!
@virginiareid5336 3 года назад
I finally got to watch again. Since September, I was diagnosed, had 2/3 of a lung removed, moved to Alabama near one of my sons, and start a regime of after surgery chemotherapy and radiation this coming Wednesday. My stamina is returning much to slowly for me. May God Bless you and your family.
@nancymontgomery8897 3 года назад
Excellent, keep getting stronger! There are a lot of us around.
@virginiareid5336 3 года назад
@@nancymontgomery8897 , thank you
@dorothyvaughan3413 3 года назад
I agree about Dejay and her Mom- there were tomes I thought it was Dejay talking
@kristenzickgraf2192 3 года назад
Love Houston's bragging about his fishing, too funny!😉😁😀
@schnakenberglloydsue7313 3 года назад
Great video!! We sure enjoyed all of you together! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!
@redtex21lyons31 3 года назад
Have you ever thought you live in paradise. Watching your show gives me joy and peace.
@fredasdaughter 3 года назад
Happy birthday, EmmaLee! The world is ahead of you as a teenager.
@letsdothisshelliesway1611 3 года назад
😅 I use that line all the time 😜 "everything come out alright?" 🤣
@lindawall6504 3 года назад
Creek Life with the family is the Best! WOW Weston and friend, Ed Kirkpatrick & Roger and Nana too! Great Day! Happy Birthday rookie Teen Emmalee!
@mpedmar9701 3 года назад
So true
@conniewilson5531 3 года назад
WOW! DeeJay definitely is her mother's daughter. And they sound alike also. Y'all have such good times. You are all truly blessed.
@wendyc.5769 3 года назад
Oh my gosh! Houston said, “ ya want to take a picture of me and send it to Jimmy Houston “? That’s one sweet boy y’all are raising. 💜🎣🎣🎣
@cathymontano569 3 года назад
You have an original Opie Taylor. Love your little guy 😊
@bettiemooney5195 3 года назад
@triciaadamson2285 3 года назад
HaPpY BiRtHdAy Emalee! Another great day with the Arms family. Loved the video y'all Take Care and God Bless
@paulettedyer7354 3 года назад
Love seeing some of our fellow Georgia folks. We're in the North Georgia Mountains.
@sharonltroutt5455 3 года назад
Happy Birthday Miss Teenager!🌹
@jessicadobberthein7104 3 года назад
Our 5 year old got out family hooked on your channel!! We have been fishing for weeks and haven’t caught a single fish 😂 one of these days we will fulfill his dream of a catch clean and cook 👨‍🍳 thank you and your family for your great videos!!
@nancymontgomery8897 3 года назад
That's sweet, fish or no. Build those happy memories.
@lindaseto2386 3 года назад
My dad spent more time taking the fish off my hook and getting me unstuck out of the trees too I thought that was DeJay..she sure looks like her mamma
@michelle-nd4qc 3 года назад
I am a recent subscriber, but I am so glad I did. I just love your channel! My husband now watches your videos with me! We have recently bought 11 acres in Clayton Ok on top of Flagpole Mountain. We are planning on homesteading and watching your videos and Dutch and Leon's gardening videos have been so informative and resourceful. I have found all sorts of videos to gain some knowledge from and possibly start our own channel. Just wanted to say how much I enjoy all of your videos and family! Happy Birthday Emmalee!
@icaruseffect4072 3 года назад
The arbuckle range..I spent 2 years there taking care of my mom when she had the cancer. Love you taking the family and friends out.
@scotttovey 3 года назад
Happy Birthday EmmaLee 🎂🎁
@snapstring3134 3 года назад
I love it ; the best fisherman in the world 🌎 doesn’t need my help. The fish recipe sounds delicious 🤤. Happy birthday EmmaLee. 👍
@bbooanderson 3 года назад
Wow! Dejay and her Mama look like sisters! Beautiful!
@lilacole4721 3 года назад
Houston makes me laugh so hard when he says things like I am the best fisherman in the world 🌎 love you guys
@joanharkin6540 3 года назад
What a fun day !! Bless you all!!!
@kevinroberts9580 3 года назад
Happy birthday miss EmmaLee, Dad's getting older when his daughter is a teen🤣😂😁
@mrsmiley631 3 года назад
Ya'll need Creek Life vehicle logo stickers for your friends and family. Maybe even give customers stickers with orders over a certain dollar amount.
@Sshellyd 3 года назад
Really nice of you to have Ed over, he's become a part of the channel.
@henrideclercq7338 3 года назад
Holy moly really 13 where have the years gone by wow happy birthday Emily
@patgorham4796 3 года назад
@judithnash3740 3 года назад
We always soaked our sand bass in buttermilk to get rid of that taste. But it was usually sand bass that was surfacing on Texhoma.
@Susan71105 3 года назад
Y'all are making memories that you will never forget. I love it
@skelley6136 3 года назад
Those guys are awesome! Livin the best life right there. Someday for me!
@TheDealDepot 3 года назад
Nice job! Hope u had a great weekend!
@rionengland4587 3 года назад
Happy Birthday Emily!! 🎉🥳🎉🥳
@shirleyscaff8888 3 года назад
Happy birthday 🎁🎉🎈🎊🎂!
@joanlovelace6865 3 года назад
So good i watched it twice👍 The waterfall is gorgeous and can't get over how really beautiful that creek is. Your a lucky man you are truly blessed🕊 🎂HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA🍨
@rogerbutch783 3 года назад
Daniel thank you and your family for inviting Ed and I fishing, we had an amazing time. Your videos are always fun and enjoyable to watch. Hope to see y'all again soon. Have a blessed day. Thanks.
@dawnwallis6732 2 года назад
Glad you had fun
@robingregory1409 Год назад
Vibhivhjvvhvvivhviviihihjvvibvvvivivhvivhivbhivhvivvjvijivhhvhivbbvibjvivivjhvjvjvvjhvhvivvivvjivijhbivvivjjhhvikvibivjvhvhivhjvibvviiibjvbibivvvhvvhivvvhjvhivvivhiv ivjvibbvibvijvhbjhvjihvibvhvijvhvjvbivvhvibvivbivvihjvbvjvibjvhijvivjivhvibvhvbbvhvvjihvvikhjivhvjhjhivibivbihjvbibivhvjvhibjvhbvvviihivibvbvjihivhivivibvhivivvibvvvivvivibhvhivivhvvivihvjvihvivhvhhvhivjjivvijjvhvvibvhvhivjvib vibvbvjvikbhvvvikvhivbhbiibvjvivvvivivvjvhbhb jivivivbvivjbvijivhjvhivivvhvj hvvbibbvhiivibvvvvvhvivjvhvvibvibbbivhvviibbbbvhvjbihviivvhhivbvvivvvivvjvhvivvikvivivhvhivhivhivvhjvivvibbhivbvjvibvivvivvbivhvjhbvivjhvjvvvjikvbvvvjivvivvijvhvivhvvvihvvivbiiibvvvijvhjvbhibvivivvivvvivhivvivjhv vvibvivvibbikvvhiijijikvvhiv jibvihvivhivivhvhivvhibvibvjbihivhiihvivibvivvvhvivhjvvvvhbvivvhvhvibihivibvibvjvvibvvhvibvhvvhiivhibvbvibvivhivbvibjvbibbbbivivibvjbvbiihivhviivibbvi ibvibvvibvjhvhvjvibvhivvbihvihvbvivh ibvihibvvivi ivibvjhvikvhivhvhvhbvibvbivivbvvij vbivhivj hvivvhbvivivvikvvvjibvbjivhivbhbvbbvibbbivvvjjvvhibjvivhvvvvivjvhvikvibvjhvhvivibibvivviibvvibvivhvhhvivibjv kvhvikivvhvvibvvibibvivhivhivvjvihivivvbbhijhivvbjvvibbvhjvjhvivjvhvhbvvibivhivvivhvivhivhvivvvbivijvvvihihibbvj jjvvhjvhivjhvivbvibivvikvvhvivhvvhjvhivvvivhvjivvvbhvibvjvivvivhvivibibvvvvhvihbvivivvivbvjhivvvibvjhiivhvvhvibivvhibvvbvbjvvvivhikhvbibbjhvhvhvibihvhibvbvvjvvivjvi bvhvbhivhivvivhbbvibvivvivhbihbivvi vbhibbvhvhvvhjvjvvbvjvvibbivvjvibvvivivvibhivibvvhvvivibvv jvikbivbbbijvhhjhvivbbbvhvv iih ivhivbi ibvivhvhbivivvjhvijvhivvhvvhvibivivhvivibjvhvvivjivhvivhbhvbhviviivibivhvikvvhvhbvibib vhihvvibibbhvibibvivvjvvibvhbvvvibbivbikvivvbvh vivibvvj kvvhvvvhivhvjivhihivivhvvhbvvhibbbvhhivvvivvhvivhvhibvibvvjvvjivbbvivvibhivhvibvhvvhiivbivvihivvibvvibvivhiivbvivivhivhivvvibvvivvvhivhvvhhvvibvhvvivbivibvvv hvhivhivivihvjvivvbbvhbvivhhivvihvvhvivh jibvivbbihjvhvvjivhvbvvjhvvibihjivivhivvivivhivvvhvvjvhvikhvvvbvbivhvibvbvivhvibvvbhivbvhvibvivhvhivvhivvjvibivhvikhvibviviivvvvhviv ivbvi jvivjivvjvjvhivvvjvvhvbivhvvvhibbvbbbvhibbvjvibvi kvjvibvvhvvibvvvibviivhihvikvibvvhvibvivhivivhjvbvvvhvhvivvvibvivvhhvbbibvbvhivvihvhibbbbbbhvvvvibvvivhjvibbvbvvvivvhvivbibvvvhvhvhihivvibvibbbvvhivvivhvivhvhivbbihvhvvhvibjbvibvivvibihvivbivh vvbhvhiibvibbibivibbbvjhivvibbv hbbivibbivvvhhvivvhvhvivvvvhvi bvjvi ivvvhvvhivhhvhhvvhjvivvivvbbbivvvhivbhvv jvvivivibvivhvivjvhvivivhhvivhvvbihvhbihvvhvihbbivvhvvhvvbvivvhhvivhvvhvibbbhivbvivvvhhvvhvhjvhvibvvvibvibivvvhibhvivibbvibvbhvvhvbvvhvvbvijvvhhhvhvvvhiivvvhhivvv hvhivibvivvivvvhivvvvhvvhvibbbvvivhivhvbihvvibbvvjikivbihvibvibbvvbvjivhvivhivvhbvibhvvvihivvbbhibvbjivvibbbvhvbbbivvi vivvbhvbihvbbivvvvbbivvhvvivibbbhvibbbbivhhhvvhvjhvijvibvvhvvhvvhbjvhvhvhvhvvihvvvvb kvhivbivvbikihvvviviih vvvhvivhvbibbbbvibvhvihvvhhi hbivvhvvhivivi hvhvbhv hvvvivhbvivbvivivvhivhvbhhvvhvvhib vivivvhvbhivvvvvvivbivhbbhvivhivhivhvhvhhvbvivvhivhbvihivvivhvhvibbbbbbhvbibbvvvjvhvivivhhvivhivhvvvh hvbhvivivvhvvhvvibbbhbvbhvvivvhvvvhvhivivhivhibvivhibvvhvvbhvvibivvhvivvvivhbbvibivvhvbvhvhvhvhivbbvvvibvivvvvhbvibbivv vibvhvhibvikbhvivvhvvvvhibbvhvvvbvhvbhv hvvhivhvvhivhvvibvhvhvbhivhbhvivvibhibvihvbhvvhvbvvhivivbbbbhivvhvbbhhivhvhihvivviivhjh vbhvhvbhbbbhvvhvhvvhh vhhvvhvvhbvibbvhvhivibvvhivvivbhbhvhvvvhvhvi hhivhvibvivvvvhvbvhvhbhvikvvhvvhvvhvvbbbbbhvivbivvvvvhvivihvvhivhvibbbvbib vhhvvibvihbvivibvvh vhivhbbhibvvhvbbbvvhvhvvvvhbvvhbhivhvibvivvibvhvvhvvvhivivvikbvibbh. Vhvvhivvvhvvibvivhibbhivhhvivvhvvvivhvhhvhvhivvhvhvi vvvvvvbhvvhvivhvvhvivhvhbbvihvvibbivvhvhvvhvhvihvhvivvibhvhivbhvbivhivhvivvhbvibvibbvhivhvvvhvhhbbhivhvivhvhvbhvvhhivvhi vbbhvbhvvhvhvvvh hvihvihbivhvvbiv hivvvvhvvbhviihivhvhivibvvibbvib vhvvvihvhvivvivhvvhihbivbbhvvivvib vvbbvhhvvbivihvhvihvivivvivhvivibbvvhvivhvhvhhhviivhvivhivbbvhvivvbvhvvhvvhvhvvivibvh vvibvbhvivbhhvvhvibvhbib vhvvivhbihvvihvvivhvihvibbih bivivhvvivjhvhivbhvibvvhvivibvhvvbbvbvhvivvvhhvibbibvvvhvivhvvvjvivivhiivvivhvi vibvvivvivhvivvhvvvhvhivhbibji bvvhivhihvbbhvbvhivivvhvhvvhvihhvbbhvbbvhvivhvvvivibbivbvivibvvihvihbihvhbibbvhvibihvhvhvbbh vvhvibvvbbihvhvhvbhvvvvhhvhvhivvhihbvivvibhvbivhvvhvvibbbhvhivvvhvvhiivhivbivhvvbbihvivvvhvi hvvvvjihvhvvvhhbvhivbbih vhvhhvhvbbbbhvvbhvvvbbhvvvhvbhvbbhvbbhvbvhvvhvvhb vvvhvbvvhvbhvivhivhvbbibi vhvvhvvihvhvbbhvvhvvhvhvivvvh hvvbbivbvhvvvhvvhvvh vhbhbvvbhvbhvhvvbvibbbbvvhihvivivbivvbvhvhvhvbivvvbbhvhivhivvivibvihvvhivvibbvhhivbbbhbbhivhvibvivhvibivhvvhvvhvivhhvvhvhvhvh bbbibbhvihvbvivhvbivhiivvivvhvvhbihvivhvvvvbbhhvibbvvvbbhivvhvvhbbhvhvhvvvhbhvhv vbbhvbbbhhvvvbbh vvbvvhhb bbhvvhvvvhihvbbihvvjvhvvhhvvvib kvivvvhvvivhvvhvvh iivivbhvvbbhvhvibbbhvibvhvhbihvib vvhvhvbvhbvvbivhhvvhivhvibvvhvvivivbbbvhvvbhvhbvhvhbvhbvvhvvibbvhvvvbbivhvvbivbivhivvvbbhbbhvivibvhvibbvvvvbbhvvbhi ibbbhhvvvhbivvbibbhvivvvhvvbhvbbbhvivhvbvhvbhvbvhhvvivhvivvhvvbvibbvibvhvhvvib khvvvvhhjvvhvhvbhvhvvhvivbbibbbbbbhvvhvh vvhvivvhvbh vibvb vvbhvibbhvbibbihhivhbhvhvihvvvvhvbhvvh vbjvvbbvibvivvhvivhvhbivhivvvvivhvhivvhivvhvivvivvvhvvhvhvvhvibbb vvivvvivjvvhvvhvivivhhivh ihhvvivhvhvbvivhvvbvh vivhvvh hvbihvbhibbhvvhvhihvibvvbvbvvvhihbvhvvhvvvhvivjvvbhivvhvbbvvvhvhivvvhvvihivvihvhiibhvvvbvhvibvhivvvhvjvivhivvhvhibihvbvibvibvhvvvjijvhvikvivvvvhvhvvivbhivbvibbiv kbvivvhibbbbvvvbhi hvvhvbvbhvibbvibvibbvbbvibvvvbvhvjvvhvibvhivvvvhvbivvihvivhivbibbbhvvhbvihvvivbvibvvhvhvv vvhvvvhbbbvibivhivhbbbvhbivvvbvbbvvvhvibbbbvivvvhvbhvvbvib kvhvbbvvvhvvvhvhvvhvibhivbbivvvhhivivhvivvhvbvibbvivhvvhvhbhvivbhvivbvhvhvvvhvvhvhvvhbhvibbvhvvhvibvbvivbvvhivbvvvhvivibbvhbbivvhvivbbbvvbvibvibibbvivibbhbvvhivihvvvibvhvibbvbvvhbvivvivivvbivivvibbhvivvhvvivbihvhivhvvvhvivvhbvivvbhvhjvibvvbvhvivibvibvivvivvhvvhvivvh vibvhvbbvihvi vhvbbhvibbivvvivhihibvvvhvvhvhvibbbbbbbvihvvhvvibbbvhvihivvikhvhvivhvvbbhbi vivvikvhvhibvibvivivvh vhivvivhvhvvhvibvvhvvhvhhvvbvhbviv hvh vib hvvvvikvbbvvivvhvbbvibbbbbivbivhbbhvhvbbbvivhvibhvivvhihviv hib hvhbjhvivhvivbihvvbvbibvvivhvivvibvvhivvbvivvbvibbvi vibvvibbib jivhvivibbbbbvhvivvivvhvhvvhvhvhihvhvhvbvvvvhvhvvhvvvvhvvh hb khvhvbbvbhvivvivhvhvvhvvi vhvvvhvbvvhvbvhvbbvbhvhvvvhvhvhvikbhvivbvhbvhivhivhvhbbjihvhbbbbbihvvvbbvibvvvhvivhbbbhhvvihvivvbhvibbbbvhvhvhvbihvbvjivbbbhvhvvbbbhv vibbhv hvvvikkkkikkikkikkkkkbkbikkbkkvbbkbkkvibvikk bkbkhbbkvbkbbkbkbhbb kvv bhkvkvhbovkvbkbb bkbkhkbkbjjkbb hk kbb b bkbkvkkbkbbkbbkvkbbvkhk b kbkvbbvkkbb kkbvbbvk bkbb vibkbkbbkkbbkbkbkvbbbkvbkbk bk kbbbbk v kvkbbjbkbk kbbbkkbbkbbkbkvikjjbkvjjjjjhjhjbkhhjhbj
@robingregory1409 Год назад
@jameslight3565 3 года назад
Love watching you all the time just great watching.. Happy Birthday to the birthday girl....
@lanihouston6862 3 года назад
Happy birthday EmmaLee 🎊🎈🎁🎂 Great to see you again!! Loving the "Creek Life" ❤
@chelemichele1524 3 года назад
That was some really good fishing.. Have a good evening 🌷🌷🌷
@tamster1859 3 года назад
I think we are about to get all that rain here in Missouri.
@knotagain5581 3 года назад
Here in texas it hasn’t stopped at all
@cypressblue8877 3 года назад
Poor Bella & Earl does look different lol. Nice to have the man who gave Houston the Quad down and his friend. Holy crap thought it was fake for a minute that snake. Happy Birthday Emmalee! Stay safe & take cake of you all. Thanks for sharing eh :))
@lindaransom3013 3 года назад
Houston is getting so tall. And Dejay sounds just like her Mother.
@sandyleonard1605 3 года назад
I thought same thing about Dejay and her mother.
@debbiecozortakalonghornmom1862 3 года назад
It’s DJ like my initials ( I went by that at my old job years ago because there was another Debbie that worked there too and before I was married)
@victoriarodriguez9981 3 года назад
Looks very similar too I had to take a double take... I got confused for a moment, lol
@Fix.family. 3 года назад
She looks a lot like her too!!!
@markmarshall6434 3 года назад
If he hadn't said that it was his mother in law, then I would have thought that it was DJ. DJ, you're a chip off the block.
@mikemiller5139 3 года назад
Fun times, memories made forever. Thank for putting me on to the Kelley's Country Life. They are good people and fun to watch. Andrew is full time RU-vid with only 12K subs.
@silverbullet7434 3 года назад
Happy Birthday🎂 Emma ,13 enjoy your day Sure didnt have any trouble catching the today. Looks like y'all had a great time.
@panda18770 3 года назад
Happy Birthday EmmaLee!!!
@leaanncarter9589 3 года назад
Happy Birthday, Emily! Weston, love the tat!
@gregbaker1616 3 года назад
The lord works in mysterious ways, you wanted the creek cleaned out of moss and branches. Ed wanted to come up and fish for the sand bass. The lord made it rain enough so both of you could get what you want. God is good. God bless y'all
@alisonviscosi5518 3 года назад
Greg, I was thinking the same thing. God is great! What a fun day.
@gregormiller4037 3 года назад
Very nice sentiment GB, i whole heartedly agree. God Bless.
@DragonflyAcres2022 3 года назад
Yes He does.God bless you all
@kateskrmetta2022 3 года назад
Amen people
@wykeishacraft6820 3 года назад
Good Evening to Arms Family Homestead and all others too.
@joanneganon7157 3 года назад
Well how nice is He to come visit! It was a great Day when Huston got the gift of a 4 Wheeler from Ed👍💞. Happy birthday 🎂🎉🎈 Emma Lee , 💞🐦🌈🍣🌰 JO JO IN VT 💕😄
@tinahughey703 3 года назад
ENJOY your shows. Please, tell my girl Amily that I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND enjoy her day. I am soooooo proud of her on everything she do. Go Amily!!
@rhondabritt972 3 года назад
That was a wonderful video. Family and friends makes for a great day. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Love you guys.
@lilahnewton7940 3 года назад
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMALEE 🥳🙋‍♀️👍super cool video!!!
@lanak.fromnewmexico1143 3 года назад
Daniel, what a view you have! The Creek area is gorgeous!! Yay Creek Life!! I love my shirts!! Thanks y'all!! 🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗
@joanlovelace6865 3 года назад
Lana I moved afew years ago from 30 yrs in New Mexico. I miss it left part of my heart there it is a special place.
@suemartinez715 3 года назад
You guys are doing great with those bass! How fun!!
@CrystalsSimplySweetTreats 3 года назад
A Creek Life shirt with the eagle nest would be awesome!
@30547etris 3 года назад
It was nice to see Houston's friend Ed and his Bud from Georgia !!!
@kimberlyllamas5804 3 года назад
I just love that Houston. He's a natural!
@neoncatfish3585 3 года назад
Great video! Happy birthday Miss Emily! Y'all stay safe!
@kathymac21 3 года назад
On man, I would love to go fishing in that creek! I had an uncle named Earl. I hardly remember him. He died when I was very small.
@tishacameron4115 3 года назад
Same here
@waynegrieco9752 3 года назад
Houston is always good for a laugh. Great Kid.
@TallCFarms 3 года назад
Going for a 3rd in a row comment. My first niece was a constant companion for me (I'm 10 years younger than my brother). When she turned 14, I never saw her again until she hit 35. I don't know what went on with her, but I really missed her. She's now 40 and we've got a decent relationship. Her brother, 2 years younger, never stopped keeping in touch (calls me his 2nd mom!!). So - I REALLY hope EmmaLee doesn't suddenly decide she's beyond your videos. I think she's awesome and hope to keep seeing her showing up. Kind of an Auntie perspective. :)
@gregbaker1616 3 года назад
O wow I thought that was Dj. Wow
@samiam1254 3 года назад
Y'all have a good evening on the Arms Family Homestead 🚜
@themachine3490 3 года назад
Daniel to Mother in law "You fish like a toddler" LMAO Someone won't be invited to Xmass
@kristiew5820 3 года назад
@lanak.fromnewmexico1143 3 года назад
Happy Birthday Emily!! 🎂💕💕🎂
@davidepool5884 3 года назад
Happy birthday Emmalee 🎂🎁🎉 ! I hope you had the best birthday ever and it was all you wished it would be.
@carolstombaugh3553 3 года назад
Can I just say, I love Arms Family! Been watching you guys for 3 years now, awesome channel!!
@kidsthatfish 3 года назад
Awesome guys that's what #familyfishing is all about great memories!
@cathyreed6180 3 года назад
That looked like a cottonmouth snake and I would’ve been in the next county running so far away from it.
@sawyerc9687 3 года назад
Happy birthday to Emily 🎉
@janmoliver 3 года назад
How great to have your own creek and pond! I spent some of the best times of my life fishing with my Daddy! This little girl could catch some fish!
@dotnorton6569 3 года назад
I thought that was your wife, she sure looks and sounds like her Mom.
@EileenJantjies 3 года назад
that's exactly what i thought lol
@hynstyle73168 3 года назад
I thought the same thing!
@annsteber9914 3 года назад
Happy Birthday Emmalee 🎂👍. I’m from Louisiana across the river from New Orleans. Memories galore of going fishing and trawling with my Dad as a kid and I know Houston will hold the memories the rest of his life. At 74 I remember them all. 🥰🥰
@RaisedRegenerative 3 года назад
The irony of “creek life” stopping creek life t shirts from being shipped is hilarious 😂
@ArmsFamilyHomestead 3 года назад
I know right!
@bartsexton1652 3 года назад
Take that picture of the red belly water snake and that would be awesome on a T shirt .
@TKCL 3 года назад
I like everyone else can't wait for you to get more shirts in stock. I checked again today. That creek is absolutely gorgeous! I could definitely take a nap by that running water.
@jeanmaciel4626 3 года назад
Happy Birthday Emily!!!!! And yes Dj sounds and looks like her mom. Love you guys. God Bless
@nelsonlima8477 3 года назад
You ever fall in on that Creek passing by through the water
@charleswise5570 3 года назад
The creek was the very thing keeping the " Creek Life" shirts and hats from getting shipped. I just find it funny!
@brianforrest3377 3 года назад
Great video guys I guarantee you that o boy had the shorts on got eat up with the chiggers lol 😂 happy birthday emmalee
@shellyhuckabay3819 3 года назад
My grandfather used to take me fishing at night and early morning...I miss that. We always fished for catfish.
@janicegranier2281 3 года назад
Happy Birthday Emily!
@debraanneclark2188 3 года назад
Happy Birthday to Emmalee. What a fantastic way to spend time with family and nice to see Weston in a video and he speaks
@erichutchins2113 3 года назад
Happy Birthday EmmaLee!
@tlynn609 3 года назад
I remember Ed giving him the four wheeler. Was such a nice message he gave him too. Great man!!
@FloCreasy 3 года назад
Love seeing you able to have so much fun the family and friends. You look less stressful.
@viccimauldin2235 3 года назад
You sure can whip a rod and reel. You can hear the sound Daniel. Good to see the family out fishing together. Creek Life is great!! And it is beautiful and great fish. Have lots of fun.
@cherylfetters4309 3 года назад
You are doing it right. 30 + years ago I was taking my kids sand bass fishing at lake lewisville in Tx. They would still want to fish until I'd say that's enough and it's all I wanted to filet in one day. Now 30 years later those trips for crappie, bass and sand bass lit a fire to fish and they also have passed the fire down to my grandkids. Makes me happy to know the love of fishing that my Dad instilled in my carries down thru at least 2 more generations.
@lindahipp8329 3 года назад
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMALEE. Didn't see you down at the creek. Looks like everyone had lots of fun fishing. GOD BLESS Y'ALL.
@mullinslj2844 3 года назад
We just got our package in the mail I bought my son the same exact shirt Houston has on. He and I are absolutely thrilled to have Arms family merch
@luanncunningham2318 3 года назад
My goodness I thought that was Dejay. Mother and daughter look and sound like each other. Happy Birthday EmmaLee!!
@markmarshall6434 3 года назад
Great family and friends video Daniel. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 13TH BIRTHDAY EMILY. MAY THIS BE THE BEST BIRTHDAY YOU'VE EVER HAD. 🎂🍰🧁🍦 Also, you're going to be breaking mom and dad's hearts before long when those boys come knocking on your door but make sure it's the right one. Loved the video guys. Keep up the great work. 👍
@deekrebs7144 3 года назад
Lol!! My Mom used to say, "The Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise!" Guess that's really true for your family.
@earlshaner4441 3 года назад
Happy birthday young lady
@austinpatterson1352 3 года назад
You guys are amazing at fishing keep up the good work and catch a lot of fish for your family
@donnawilliams5874 3 года назад
@Fix.family. 3 года назад
When you told Huston to throw the big fish back he reminded me of the video that went around about the little boy who wanted to keep him and was crying and throwing a fit. It was cute!
@patriciafleming8402 3 года назад
I'm with you Daniel. I don't care what kind it is, I DON'T LIKE SNAKES! It's a fun video to watch with so many folk we hardly ever see.
@FaDeParadise 3 года назад
Love your video. Also from oklahoma. At this moment is send you this comment im at falls creek.
@patriciadavis5939 3 года назад
I live in a semi rural area and I just love it. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. God bless.
@Sunshine-wc2jp 3 года назад
Joy and happiness abounds! So wonderful! Thanks for the video!❤️
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