
This CHILD GENIUS' God-Given Talent Is Worth MILLIONS! | Super Human: Geniuses | Curious 

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6 окт 2024




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@Kayprofessor 7 месяцев назад
That boy played wonderfully and his dad said “we will talk about it later” That’s what made the boy cry. Then the dad said the boy wasn’t pleased with his own performances. He is a narcissist
@Joyful-gu5bj 3 года назад
We all have God's given talent. Congratulations to all of them. The girl n painting has really motivated me. There is nothing impossible with God.
@reinildasantiagomerlo8526 4 года назад
This beautiful girl has a wonderful talent, never seen before. I hope she is happy doing what she wants and likes. Her parents are in awe and supportive. God be with you, sweet and innocent child. You are an angel on earth.
@sittingindetroit9204 4 года назад
I had a neighborhood kid who one day walked up to me and explained the propulsion problems with trying to fly to mars. He was 5. I am an engineer with a graduate degree and couldn't understand some of his concepts but researched and found them to be true. His parents sent him to regular public school and by the time he was 8, he was having behavioral issues due to being bored. By 12, full fledged depression had set in. By 15, he had withdrawn and stopped going to school. By 16 full fledged rebellion had set in. I took him until mid to late 20s to come to an understanding of what had happened to him, went to college and finished in 2.5 years and told me it was easy but the school wouldn't let him move through faster.
@bubudehingia6250 4 года назад
Sad. He needs help
@jackiesmith2801 3 года назад
That is so sad. Wasted potential.
@wishIKnewHowToLove Год назад
what unites all these geniuses is that they all have supporting parents who help them flow. Perhaps, as Akiane's mum said there would be more talented people in the world who are truly happy and do what they love, like Akiane. She does not need math.
@choosebrotherben 4 года назад
God bless all his people with talent We celebrate our Father in Heaven
@Joyful-gu5bj 3 года назад
,Amen n Amen.
@catewilliam638 4 года назад
This is to show God's power and might..... Something behold that science cannot explain... Thank u Lord for these great talents.... Beautiful world.
@sailorweer707 4 года назад
This may be explained through reincarnation. Our souls may carry more than our karmic bank. either it’s God, Muhammad or the universe, it is certainly beautiful.
@patriciarowe3431 4 года назад
@ingridmaier5864 4 года назад
@@patriciarowe3431 - I don't want to be rude, but He doesn't seem to have enough Love for all children, or tell me why millions of kids starve to death every day or get horrible deceases nobody can cure?? And I'm not talking about the actuall Covid-19 pandemic around the world. I don't want to say that I don't believe in God, but I am distressed by your exclusive glorification with your last words "THANK YOU LORD FOR LOVING US SO MUCH".
@kevincurtis4982 4 года назад
What blows me away is how much her painting are selling for ... Her prints sell for over $100.000 dollars and some of her painting already fetch over a million and she's still in her teens... I always thought that art didn't command that kind of money until you were dead... Amazing!!
@remyholder1213 4 года назад
Kevin Curti
@angelmediadorentrenosotros7579 4 года назад
1324 IN THE STRANGE LIFE SYSTEM, WHICH CAME OUT OF THE STRANGE LAWS OF GOLD, A LIVING DEMON EMERGED, CALLED BUREAUCRACY; WHOSE DEMONIC PHILOSOPHY WAS TO PUT OBSTACLES TO THE PROGRESS OF OTHERS; THIS DEMON WAS INTERESTED IN DELAYING THE DESIRES OF OTHERS; EVERYONE WHO PRACTICED THE STRANGE BUREAUCRACY, IN THE TRIALS OF LIFE, SHALL NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; THE CELESTIAL PROGRESS WILL NOT LET THEM ENTER; EVERY BUREAUCRAT PAYS SUCH A STRANGE INFLUENCE, THAT THEY DID NOT KNOW TO OVERCOME IN THE TRIALS OF LIFE; EACH SECOND OF THE TIME IN WHICH THEY PRACTICED THE STRANGE BUREAUCRACY, CORRESPONDS TO LIVING AN EXISTENCE, OUTSIDE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; AND THOSE WHO MADE THE LAWS, WHERE THERE WAS BUREAUCRACY, HAVE TO MULTIPLY THEIR OWN SECONDS BY THREE THOUSAND; THAT IS TO SAY THAT FOR EACH SECOND OF SUCH STRANGE INFLUENCE, IT CORRESPONDS TO THEM TO LIVE THREE THOUSAND EXISTENCES, OUTSIDE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; THE ACCUSATION THAT FALLS UPON THESE BLIND FROM THE TRIALS OF LIFE IS THAT OF HAVING ATTEMPTED AGAINST THE DESTINY AND PROGRESS OF A PLANET.- 1326 ALL OF YOU CARRY AROUND THE PHYSICAL BODY, ALL OF YOUR ACTS; JUST LIKE A SUN THAT IRRADATES ITS LIVING PHILOSOPHICAL FIRE, AROUND ITS OMEGA CROWN.- Hebrews chapter 12. w w w. AlfayOmega .Pe .com cienceCeleste .com My new name Revelation chapters 3:12 19:12, Alpha Omega Alian = Jehovah the Most High the Almighty our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Jesus Christ = Mohammed MSTO = MASTER = CHRIST MARIA = Sasha Msto MUHAMMY = Yazan Mesto Place of Residence Lattakia Syria = LAODICEA. Colosences chapter 2. 7 Seals = REVOLUTION in the kingdom of Heaven. The Above is the Same is Down .. This is KNOWLEDGE it's not a Religious belief. 1324 في نظام الحياة الغريب ، الذي خرج من القوانين الغامضة للذهب ، شيطان حي ناشئ ، يسمى البيروقراطية ؛ الذين كانت فلسفتهم الشيطانية تضع عقبات أمام تقدم الآخرين ؛ كان هذا الشيطان مهتماً بتأخير رغبات الآخرين ؛ لا يجوز لأي شخص مارس البهاق الغريب ، في تجارب الحياة ، دخول مملكة السماء ؛ لن يسمح التقدم السماوي لهم بالدخول ؛ يدفع كل بيروكرات مثل هذا التأثير الغريب ، الذي لم يعلموا بالتغلب عليه في تجارب الحياة ؛ كل ثانية من الوقت الذي مارسوا فيه البيروقراطية الغريبة ، يؤيدون عيش وجودهم خارج مملكة السماء ؛ وأولئك الذين وضعوا القوانين ، حيث كان هناك بيروقراطية ، عليهم مضاعفة ثوانيهم بمقدار ثلاثة آلاف ؛ وهذا لنقول أنه بالنسبة لكل ثانية من هذا التأثير الغريب ، فإنهم سيعيشون ثلاثة آلاف مكان خارج مملكة السماء ؛ الاتهام الذي يسقط على هؤلاء الأعمى من محاكمات الحياة هو أنه تمت محاولتهم ضد مصير كوكب ما وتقدمه. - 1326 تحمل جميعًا حول الجسم المادي ، جميع أفعالك ؛ تمامًا مثل الشمس التي تشعل نارها الفلسفية ، حول تاج أوميغا عبرانيين الفصل 12. w w w. AlfayOmega .Pe .com ScienceCeleste .com اسمي الجديد رؤيا الإصحاحات 3:12 19:12 ، ألفا أوميغا عليان = يهوه العلي القادر على كل شيء أبونا الإلهي والمحب الأبدي. يسوع المسيح = محمد MSTO = المعلم = المسيح ماريا = ساشا مستو MUHAMMY = Yazan Mesto مكان الإقامة اللاذقية سوريا = لاوديسا. Colosences الفصل 2. 7 أختام = ثورة في ملكوت السموات. أعلاه هو نفسه أسفل .. هذه معرفة ليست معتقدًا دينيًا. 1324 EN EL EXTRAÑO SISTEMA DE VIDA, SALIDO DE LAS EXTRAÑAS LEYES DEL ORO, SURGIÓ UN DEMONIO VIVIENTE, LLAMADO BUROCRACIA; CUYA DEMONÍACA FILOSOFÍA ERA LA DE PONER OBSTÁCULOS AL PROGRESO DE LOS DEMÁS; ESTE DEMONIO SE INTERESÓ EN ATRASAR LOS DESEOS DE LOS DEMÁS; TODO EL QUE PRACTICÓ LA EXTRAÑA BUROCRACIA, EN LA PRUEBA DE LA VIDA, NO ENTRARÁ AL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; EL PROGRESO CELESTIAL NO LOS DEJARÁN ENTRAR; TODO BURÓCRATA PAGA TAN EXTRAÑA INFLUENCIA, QUE NO SUPIERON VENCER EN LA PRUEBA DE LA VIDA; CADA SEGUNDO DEL TIEMPO EN QUE PRACTICARON LA EXTRAÑA BUROCRACIA, LES CORRESPONDE VIVIR UNA EXSISTENCIA, FUERA DEL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; Y LOS QUE HICIERON LAS LEYES, EN DONDE HUBO BUROCRACIA, TIENEN QUE MULTIPLICARSE SUS PROPIOS SEGUNDOS, POR TRES MIL; ES DECIR QUE POR CADA SEGUNDO DE TAN EXTRAÑA INFLUENCIA, LES CORRESPONDE VIVIR TRES MIL EXSISTENCIAS, FUERA DEL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; LA ACUSACIÓN QUE RECAE SOBRE ESTOS CIEGOS DE LA PRUEBA DE LA VIDA, ES LA DE HABER ATENTADO CONTRA EL DESTINO Y EL PROGRESO DE UN PLANETA.- 1326 TODOS VOSOTROS LLEVÁIS ALREDEDOR DEL CUERPO FÍSICO, TODOS VUESTROS ACTOS; TAL COMO UN SOL QUE IRRADIA SU FUEGO FILOSÓFICO VIVIENTE, EN TORNO DE SU CORONA OMEGA.- Hebreos capitulo 12. w w w. AlfayOmega .Pe .com CienciaCeleste .com Mi nombre nuevo Apocalipse capitulos 3:12 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian =Jehová el Altisimo el Todopoderoso nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno. Jesucristo =Mohammed MSTO=MAESTRO=CRISTO MARIA =Sasha Msto MAHOMA =Yazan Mesto Lugar de Residencia Lattakia Syria =LAODICEA. Colosences capitulo 2.
@ferengiprofiteer9145 2 года назад
I taught my brother to play chess. He was in junior high and taught his friends. They played a lot. He had a black friend he taught. He said he won the game he taught him with and never won again. His friend went on to be all state in football, got a full scholarship, played 10 years in the NFL, and went on to be the head coach of the Chargers. Size, strength, speed, intelligence, and as good a person as you'd ever want to meet. Especially blessed.
@brianinnis1391 4 года назад
Best paintings in the world they are all priceless god inspired works of art Totally incredible and mind blowing.
@angelmediadorentrenosotros7579 4 года назад
1324 IN THE STRANGE LIFE SYSTEM, WHICH CAME OUT OF THE STRANGE LAWS OF GOLD, A LIVING DEMON EMERGED, CALLED BUREAUCRACY; WHOSE DEMONIC PHILOSOPHY WAS TO PUT OBSTACLES TO THE PROGRESS OF OTHERS; THIS DEMON WAS INTERESTED IN DELAYING THE DESIRES OF OTHERS; EVERYONE WHO PRACTICED THE STRANGE BUREAUCRACY, IN THE TRIALS OF LIFE, SHALL NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; THE CELESTIAL PROGRESS WILL NOT LET THEM ENTER; EVERY BUREAUCRAT PAYS SUCH A STRANGE INFLUENCE, THAT THEY DID NOT KNOW TO OVERCOME IN THE TRIALS OF LIFE; EACH SECOND OF THE TIME IN WHICH THEY PRACTICED THE STRANGE BUREAUCRACY, CORRESPONDS TO LIVING AN EXISTENCE, OUTSIDE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; AND THOSE WHO MADE THE LAWS, WHERE THERE WAS BUREAUCRACY, HAVE TO MULTIPLY THEIR OWN SECONDS BY THREE THOUSAND; THAT IS TO SAY THAT FOR EACH SECOND OF SUCH STRANGE INFLUENCE, IT CORRESPONDS TO THEM TO LIVE THREE THOUSAND EXISTENCES, OUTSIDE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; THE ACCUSATION THAT FALLS UPON THESE BLIND FROM THE TRIALS OF LIFE IS THAT OF HAVING ATTEMPTED AGAINST THE DESTINY AND PROGRESS OF A PLANET.- 1326 ALL OF YOU CARRY AROUND THE PHYSICAL BODY, ALL OF YOUR ACTS; JUST LIKE A SUN THAT IRRADATES ITS LIVING PHILOSOPHICAL FIRE, AROUND ITS OMEGA CROWN.- Hebrews chapter 12. w w w. AlfayOmega .Pe .com cienceCeleste .com My new name Revelation chapters 3:12 19:12, Alpha Omega Alian = Jehovah the Most High the Almighty our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Jesus Christ = Mohammed MSTO = MASTER = CHRIST MARIA = Sasha Msto MUHAMMY = Yazan Mesto Place of Residence Lattakia Syria = LAODICEA. Colosences chapter 2. 7 Seals = REVOLUTION in the kingdom of Heaven. The Above is the Same is Down .. This is KNOWLEDGE it's not a Religious belief. 1324 في نظام الحياة الغريب ، الذي خرج من القوانين الغامضة للذهب ، شيطان حي ناشئ ، يسمى البيروقراطية ؛ الذين كانت فلسفتهم الشيطانية تضع عقبات أمام تقدم الآخرين ؛ كان هذا الشيطان مهتماً بتأخير رغبات الآخرين ؛ لا يجوز لأي شخص مارس البهاق الغريب ، في تجارب الحياة ، دخول مملكة السماء ؛ لن يسمح التقدم السماوي لهم بالدخول ؛ يدفع كل بيروكرات مثل هذا التأثير الغريب ، الذي لم يعلموا بالتغلب عليه في تجارب الحياة ؛ كل ثانية من الوقت الذي مارسوا فيه البيروقراطية الغريبة ، يؤيدون عيش وجودهم خارج مملكة السماء ؛ وأولئك الذين وضعوا القوانين ، حيث كان هناك بيروقراطية ، عليهم مضاعفة ثوانيهم بمقدار ثلاثة آلاف ؛ وهذا لنقول أنه بالنسبة لكل ثانية من هذا التأثير الغريب ، فإنهم سيعيشون ثلاثة آلاف مكان خارج مملكة السماء ؛ الاتهام الذي يسقط على هؤلاء الأعمى من محاكمات الحياة هو أنه تمت محاولتهم ضد مصير كوكب ما وتقدمه. - 1326 تحمل جميعًا حول الجسم المادي ، جميع أفعالك ؛ تمامًا مثل الشمس التي تشعل نارها الفلسفية ، حول تاج أوميغا عبرانيين الفصل 12. w w w. AlfayOmega .Pe .com ScienceCeleste .com اسمي الجديد رؤيا الإصحاحات 3:12 19:12 ، ألفا أوميغا عليان = يهوه العلي القادر على كل شيء أبونا الإلهي والمحب الأبدي. يسوع المسيح = محمد MSTO = المعلم = المسيح ماريا = ساشا مستو MUHAMMY = Yazan Mesto مكان الإقامة اللاذقية سوريا = لاوديسا. Colosences الفصل 2. 7 أختام = ثورة في ملكوت السموات. أعلاه هو نفسه أسفل .. هذه معرفة ليست معتقدًا دينيًا. 1324 EN EL EXTRAÑO SISTEMA DE VIDA, SALIDO DE LAS EXTRAÑAS LEYES DEL ORO, SURGIÓ UN DEMONIO VIVIENTE, LLAMADO BUROCRACIA; CUYA DEMONÍACA FILOSOFÍA ERA LA DE PONER OBSTÁCULOS AL PROGRESO DE LOS DEMÁS; ESTE DEMONIO SE INTERESÓ EN ATRASAR LOS DESEOS DE LOS DEMÁS; TODO EL QUE PRACTICÓ LA EXTRAÑA BUROCRACIA, EN LA PRUEBA DE LA VIDA, NO ENTRARÁ AL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; EL PROGRESO CELESTIAL NO LOS DEJARÁN ENTRAR; TODO BURÓCRATA PAGA TAN EXTRAÑA INFLUENCIA, QUE NO SUPIERON VENCER EN LA PRUEBA DE LA VIDA; CADA SEGUNDO DEL TIEMPO EN QUE PRACTICARON LA EXTRAÑA BUROCRACIA, LES CORRESPONDE VIVIR UNA EXSISTENCIA, FUERA DEL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; Y LOS QUE HICIERON LAS LEYES, EN DONDE HUBO BUROCRACIA, TIENEN QUE MULTIPLICARSE SUS PROPIOS SEGUNDOS, POR TRES MIL; ES DECIR QUE POR CADA SEGUNDO DE TAN EXTRAÑA INFLUENCIA, LES CORRESPONDE VIVIR TRES MIL EXSISTENCIAS, FUERA DEL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; LA ACUSACIÓN QUE RECAE SOBRE ESTOS CIEGOS DE LA PRUEBA DE LA VIDA, ES LA DE HABER ATENTADO CONTRA EL DESTINO Y EL PROGRESO DE UN PLANETA.- 1326 TODOS VOSOTROS LLEVÁIS ALREDEDOR DEL CUERPO FÍSICO, TODOS VUESTROS ACTOS; TAL COMO UN SOL QUE IRRADIA SU FUEGO FILOSÓFICO VIVIENTE, EN TORNO DE SU CORONA OMEGA.- Hebreos capitulo 12. w w w. AlfayOmega .Pe .com CienciaCeleste .com Mi nombre nuevo Apocalipse capitulos 3:12 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian =Jehová el Altisimo el Todopoderoso nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno. Jesucristo =Mohammed MSTO=MAESTRO=CRISTO MARIA =Sasha Msto MAHOMA =Yazan Mesto Lugar de Residencia Lattakia Syria =LAODICEA. Colosences capitulo 2.
@RonaNabalan1972 4 года назад
Wow so amazing to God be the glory God. GOD BLESS THIS FAMILY....
@patty4709 3 года назад
Truly amazing people. How it happens, is anyone’s guess but I am in awe of all totally talented people. This girl is unbelievable. Would never be able to afford her painting but hopefully many will and pass it on
@nickviner1225 4 года назад
All these kids give me hope for our future, Bless the all.
@carlhartwell7978 7 месяцев назад
11:50 _'...and this hook on the wall is for the chain...'_
@DivineMoon215 3 года назад
So for many of years I’ve literally met so many people who made a mockery of me. None of these dude really suffered what I went through. Then with lies would continue to mock me. I got so sick of it that I didn’t want to recieve the help anymore because people just kept on mocking me just to get treated the way I truly needed. Selfish people.
@AA-ct7cb 6 месяцев назад
Americans don’t like smart people.
@beequinn5204 4 года назад
The young artist is totally. Amazing her works are so beautiful and so lifelike. Each person in this post are so special.
@gracet7159 3 года назад
Akiane' s gift is truly amazing !
@damndisplace07 4 года назад
This young girl will make history. There aren't many well-known female artists. There's Dali, Michaelangelo, Warhol etc....She will be added to this pantheon of greats
@shak9558 4 года назад
Except nobody cares about art.
@elizabethbonney7992 4 года назад
@@shak9558 in your world nobody cares about art. Sad.
@shak9558 4 года назад
@@elizabethbonney7992 no. In the real world nobody cares about art. Science, maths, technology has progressed and changed the world , art has done nothing.
@elizabethbonney7992 4 года назад
@@shak9558 What an incredibly narrow worldview you have. How dreary! I greatly appreciate math, science & technology as well. I have always been a hard core science geek, but there is more to life than that. Lighten up. I'm almost sorry for you.
@josephlee4337 4 года назад
The relationship between father and son (Mr. Peek and Kim) is a godsend that every father dream to have with their son.
@khriskarr744 4 года назад
Beautiful work absolutely amazing paintings and in her Prince of peace painting she shows Jesus with hazel or green eyes.i wonder if he does and if she knows this because she has meet and seen him.wonderful work and thanks to the young lady for sharing her work with the rest of humanity
@jkperdue1109 4 года назад
In the beginning she said God instructed her on her paintings. So she must have got the description of Jesus from God?
@LM-yx9hp 3 года назад
Is nobody going to give credit to the parents of the painter? They let her do the things she love and not force her into the education norm of generic curriculum. Her talents are truly fascinating and the best part is she's happy doing it. Kudos to the parents for supporting their child the way that she needs it
@me_Dya 4 года назад
Wow the painting is amazing. The eyes on the portrait seems like speaking out feelings ❤👏
@williamminyard5517 4 года назад
The baby in the painting can't believe how beautiful the butterflies are either...
@TheMundusvultdecipi 3 года назад
Kim reminds me of a resident in a home for mentally disabled people. I worked there about 1.5 yrs and this man was the most remarkable resident there. He was blind, was sitting most of the time at a table playing with plastic geometric figures/puzzles, he had tics and would often bite his one hand. When I started to work they told me he has a phenomenal memory and so I started to test him. You could ask what day is april 25th 1844 and he would give the correct answer. Also I read him regularly the whole weekly work schedule, you know who was to work night or early shift and so forth and he could repeat the whole plan after he heard it once. I remember he could name all capital cities of the world, well the ones he had been told once. Like Kim he couldn't explain his methodology nor had he an understanding of math (he could add/subtract but not multiply for example). Also like Kim we had to wash him, dress him, help him with all the simple daily chores and while you could have smalltalk with him it was impossible to connect on a deeper level. He was absent minded and always seemed to be absorbed in deep thought, often counting or repeating stuff almost silently. I was pretty fond of him, just remembered him now again as soon as I saw Kim.
@peterhelao2164 4 года назад
I am a software engineer and I think this happens or can happen to everyone when you are committed for even my self sometimes when am developing softwares and I get stuck I get an answer in my dreams ,wake up ASAP write the codes and it will workout ..God is amazing
@abchansler1335 4 года назад
Peter Helao my husband is a software engineer as well. He too had a vision/dream about something he was working on. Once he completed it he put in for a patent, got it approved & ended up selling it to his company. He’s working on getting his 2nd patent now. He built his own framework & told me he’d never share it. It’s priceless to him. His brain works in ways I’ll never be able to grasp. Our son thinks like him. He wrote him a Father’s Day card in code when he was 8. They’re both insanely good at Chess too. My point being you’ve gotta be smart & focused to be a software engineer. It’s tough & you’ve gotta think in ways I could never fathom but good on you for remaining driven & focused to reach your success!!
@koushikdas1992 4 года назад
@@abchansler1335 and what about you??
@patriciarowe3431 4 года назад
@abchansler1335 4 года назад
Koushik Das what about me? I’m not a software engineer nor do I dream about code. My only point was the connection of dreaming of code & producing a successful outcome.
@abchansler1335 4 года назад
Ose What are you confused about? It seems your comment has zero connection with what’s being posted. Not sure what blah blah blah has to do with anything.. Are you a hater of all women that’s proud of her family or is it that you’re lacking of such & decided to project?
@jhavajoe3792 4 года назад
Love and fascinated by these wonderful people. However, in older age, I discovered the beauty and wonder in many 'ordinary people'.
@shanephelan75 4 года назад
That girl who paints!! WOW better than ANY OTHER PAINTER ALIVE TODAY!!
@Playen2Win 4 года назад
Damn! I love little videos like this being able to admire other peoples God-given talents as random as they may seem! It’s all beautiful!💕
@lilneil6010 3 года назад
@lizzymartins6188 4 года назад
She should be worth millions. She's very special and talented.
@carolewilson1311 4 года назад
The artist apparently some query over her doing anything
@valacebedo 4 года назад
The paintings of that girl, she's an old soul no doubt. Probably she was an artist on the Renaissance era...incredible!
@WILMA_ 4 года назад
I have her book that I bought from Barnes & Noble. I remember thinking, what kind of talent does this little girl have? I was amazed. Her name caught my attention and I treasure the book.
@A.C.71 4 года назад
or bless by God
@krissyrandolph9376 4 года назад
Some people are just gifted. It's great that they know it and that they develop their talent or ability. Watching them inspires me so much!!!
@robertabell9182 4 года назад
Thank y’all for y’all’s videos I’m really appreciating the very unique individuals in the World 🌎 we live in. God is truly good.
@nym.udianaidabagus3415 4 года назад
So amazing by a girl who born by an unusual talent....
@CryptoX-kr3wu 4 года назад
That young painter. I imagine that’s the type of zest and fanaticism the old renaissance masters had back in the days.
@mecamac2 4 года назад
She decided to follow the Holy Spirit to achieve her progressive talent.
@alfredotto7525 3 года назад
If I was that girls parent I would make darn sure my bedroom door was locked at night.
@hidesertmusic 4 года назад
How about featuring Alma Deutscher. Violin at 3, piano at 4, first opera written and performed at 12,. Awesome talent and personality. She is now 13.
@weldonk5poklow836 4 года назад
hidesertmusic 6
@Vierotchka 4 года назад
Exactly - she is far superior to the boy in this video.
@MelindadelosSantos 4 года назад
Her “Prince of Peace” is way, way better the Leonardo Da Vinci’s!
@delsakelly1456 4 года назад
Amazing artist girl. The guy has photographic memory. They're all blessed.
@lilneil6010 3 года назад
@vsgP7117 4 года назад
God gifted children, amazingly lucky people!!
@HABIBIROELVLOG1987 4 года назад
wooww just wooww! her paintings will be remembered after 100 years or so!
@billlander3700 4 года назад
This whole video remburst my feelings that god is great and all in good. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Made my day. Bless the producer's and all the super stars.So inspiring. Thanks.
@sidwha4665 4 года назад
I was a child prodigy with a violin. My Dad hated paying for lessons and convinced me it was a girls instrument and made me quit. I lost that blessing over time. I was a fool to listen to him.
@sidwha4665 4 года назад
@Bob Gnisir He burned my violin. I was only 13 at the time so defying him wasn't really an option. Though I did get to play once with the Philadelphia Philharmonic once before that happened. At least I get that memory.
@sidwha4665 4 года назад
@Bob Gnisir Oh I'm sure he had his reasons. He was a bit overly macho. Still I think it had more to do with him not wanting to pay for lessons nor wishing to drive me to mini event concerts and such things. To showcase talent my school used to have us go to local old folks homes, schools, players club, etc, to play. I think he just didn't want to put anytime in to driving me to events. My dad really saw no value in art as a living. It's kind of sad really.
@johnt.9926 4 года назад
@@sidwha4665 Good grief, It seems like your holding on to that one excuse to save face as to why you couldn't ever be successful at the violin, even though you already knew how to play it and you had the tools in front of you to prove your father wrong. You really only have yourself to blame for giving up so easily on something you loved, Or maybe didn't, Its never to late! Now with that said, i know it sounds mean and cold but there is some truth to what i said, but not knowing you, your family and more details no one can really give there opinion and say that's what happened for sure , and without even knowing your age i certainly cant, but can say i've experienced similar father son issues and it can be devastating throughout ones life. So ill leave it as some friendly Food4Thought! God Bless!
@TH3RAPG4M3RxAR 4 года назад
The girl who can paint is crazily amazing! So gifted & by god shell be a muli-millionaire by time shes 18 and further so if continues in later years. Sad the dads so greedy however it seems like he was almost upset she would take over one day.
@AA-ct7cb 6 месяцев назад
He seemed more than almost upset,
@scottmillican6237 4 года назад
Dr. Treffert asks the question to Kim. How do you remember all this stuff? Kim answers “by looking at my own heart and my own mind. Dr. Treffert then responds that “they” can’t tell you their methodology! However Kim answered by looking at his own heart and his own mind. Indeed he perhaps gave his methodology?
@jamesmoore5630 3 года назад
Thank You for your presentation. I have Asbergers Syndrome which is now called savantism. I did not know what my condition was, until about 7 years ago.(age 52) I filled out a questionnaire in my Dr's office and scored 100%. (He has been my Dr. for 42 years.) Finally, I was no longer a "freak" (my brothers nickname for me), when all the tests I took in grade school came out normal. (I kinda miss the freak shows, of the 1980's, Because, if I am a freak, then why not hang out at a freak show???) Like, "Rain Man" I do not make eye contact, and I rarely smile. My gifts are, science, History, art, and music. I have a 158 I.Q. and a 3.57 GPA from college. I retired in 2006, to become a Roman Catholic Monk. I have been a Monk for 14 years, and I play, "James Son of Zebadee" at "The Holy City of The wichitas." "The Longest Running Passion Play, in North America." I am also, the head animal wrangler and assistant to the director. I am trying to teach, "The director" new lighting and sound effects, to keep up with a changing audience. I started out, building sets, lighting, and sound systems, at 10 years old. I had my first radio show, at 12 years old. This year the director asked me, if I could make Jesus, dissappear and reappear, during the Sermon On The Mount. I told him it would be easy, and I will be working with a "laser light" technician, who will be a big help with the illusion. Fog will be needed as well. I have a 5500sqft house, on 3.1 acres, between The Play, and St.Gregory's Abbey in Shawnee, Oklahoma. I am currently working on Turing my house into a museum, of the areas history, and "The Kendall--Karcher museum of siesmography, birthplace of fracking." My grand uncle, co-invented fracking in 1927, near my property. (Chickasha field.) I see so many similarities in other savant's, however we all have our own gifts, and peculiarities, that make us who we are. So, here's to my next 10 year's, may they be as fun and rewarding as the last 59 years!!! Brother James Kendall Moore OSB (OFS OSC.)
@bisdakpinoy1017 4 года назад
Thaks for sharing this video. God bless
@chodeshadar18 4 года назад
That guy Ben with the memory...how could he be unemployed?
@Zazivivi343 3 года назад
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wanna be a genius.🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
@kaiyojae5775 3 года назад
We are all blessed by God given ,different talents.
@willworkforyarn4893 2 года назад
Well said! Thank you!!
@jacquibradley1598 4 года назад
I'm an Ariel fan, just look at those eyes, seeing the world as it is, without the scary parts. He is most beautiful, as God created him!
@homerg2724 3 года назад
Me too I loved his determination to play perfectly. Such a lovable kid 🥰
@lilneil6010 3 года назад
He never like to flap
@agapelove4992 4 года назад
My 2 youngest children have Autism. My daughter at 6 already knows all the months of the year, letters of the alphabet upper, and lower case, she knows all the phases of the moon. She knows all of her classmates names, and all of the teachers at her school, she can compose her own music by taking snippets of songs, and putting them together, in a rather amazing fashion. She makes her own movies, most of them documentaries, and in her own made up language. My son is nonverbal, but I know the gears are working in those amazing little eyes. He doesn't like looking at people very often, but when he does, you kind of sometimes know what he is trying to communicate. Today at school his teacher asked him if he wanted to stay at school when it was time to leave, and he said "No" as clear as a bell. It's nice to know he has the ability.
@gerryshafer5954 4 года назад
@DivineMoon215 3 года назад
After I was almost complete with the healing that took me 6 more years, I got hit again on the head. Omg, but this time a force had layed apon me and I had to go to a hospital again. When I started to go to t he hospital, I started getting visions of things that wooof acure, they would ask me what is it and I just told them the truth, that I don’t know. One of my first vision was a school being burned down. A few years later a school burned down near the homes I lived in. Now as my age is getting older, I’m starting to be shown the ones who did it, the same ones who claimed to want to be presidents who burnt down the school and did a speech infront of the school claiming to be president of the future.
@ingridmaier5864 4 года назад
Akiane's talent is beyond amazing; I don't have words!! 💖💖💖
@dimiventura6495 4 года назад
Amazing! God so good and great...instill talents to these Gifted Geniuses. Praise God!
@larrywhite6464 4 года назад
@bettyschneider5268 4 года назад
The young boy 👦 playing the piano! 🎹🎶🎵🎼🎧🎶🎶🎶🎤🎹🎹🎹🎹 I believe they are making him stay up past his bed time! 🛌 is not good! 😲
@sancraft1 4 года назад
The Prince of Peace looks like Kenny Loggins. LOL. She is a wonderful artist.
@joycebailey7274 4 года назад
@otmathibidi1958 4 года назад
The lady portrait looks like her too!
@lilneil6010 3 года назад
Real good
@karenhill4107 3 года назад
god has given this amazing talent
@11dagit 2 года назад
Wow, I love this young musician Ariel. He’s so mature and modest, he’ll be wonderful man. Amazing
@amparoalvarez9001 4 года назад
It is just a matter of tapping into the qualities that everyone possess...but getting to do this is the big deal...
@littlemaple6787 5 лет назад
Oh my goodness!!! These people are absolutely amazing, I wish I had talent like them😍
@CK-vf8xn 4 года назад
Same! I play piano but I still feel sooooo much like a noob when I hear him😢
@mecamac2 4 года назад
You do. To access it, takes practice generation to generation.
@BlutoLongneck 4 года назад
You have the talent, but never found it. That the tricky bullshit gives you in life. :)
@edgarkatamujuna4213 4 года назад
Powers not talents
@thearizonaranger4079 3 года назад
No you dont
@bettyschneider5268 4 года назад
The guy that's like Rain man! ☔🌂 him and his father need each other! 😃 you never know what life 🌈 will bring you! Good or bad make the best of it! 🎭🇺🇸 amen! 💒⛪⛪⛪🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
@robrocco5420 4 года назад
Yes I wanted to meet him but unfortunately we can't... because he is dead 😭😭😭
@basilly7574 2 года назад
They are always led by God because all genius people will say God exists,they find themselves doing it
@Pandalove2806 4 года назад
Normal childhood is playing around, studying, going to school and having many friends... NOT WORKING AND RAISING MONEY FOR HER FAMILY TO LIVE.
@AA-ct7cb 6 месяцев назад
@thisisme3238 4 года назад
Akiane, your work is awesome and most definitely a gift from God. Keep pursuing your gift, it will take you far in life. God Bless you and your talents from God. 🙏
@p0rnab 3 года назад
The most oustanding thing is that the most outstanding thing in a genius documentary is the genius's father "SLOOOW MOOOTIOOOON" at 34:00. That's just amazing!
@MrTanchenghock 4 года назад
Incredible! Seeing is believing.........!
@DeepFriedChumChum 4 года назад
I completely agree with the mom at the beginning, students should only have to focus on their talents and best subjects
@petergrandahl2386 4 года назад
Bobby Fisher once said I'm only good at one thing and that's chess. You only have to be really good at one thing. Because you can make so much money doing whatever your exceptional at you can higher people do for you what your not good at.
@hydrolito 4 года назад
Everybody should learn somethings,. language, walking, math, writing, art, how to use tools, running, swimming, riding a bike, history, geography, knowledge about nature and science. Don't need to be greatest at each but have some knowledge
@churchchicks 4 года назад
Jubilee bj bjbecause bI jto bjbb jbhas bhas jbhas jbj b jto bto June bbecause jbhas jbb jjmorning bjj bbjb jmorning jmorning jbbjbjbbjbjbbbbjbbjbjbjbjbbjjbjbbbbjbjbbbjbbjbbbbjbjbjbbjbjbjbjjbjbbjjbjbjbbbjbjbbbjbbbjbbjbbjbbjbjbbbjbjbbbjbjjbjbbjbbbjbbjbjbjbjbbbjbbjbjbbb bib in in jb In bjbj b in b in bob In jb in bb In bjbjb jb jb b
@churchchicks 4 года назад
Jb b jb jbjb
@churchchicks 4 года назад
Jb b jb bjjbjbjbjb
@GirGir183 4 года назад
11:24 That's how he can say so much accurate information!!! He's got a tongue right in the middle of his brain.
@diwakarchettri7536 4 года назад
@wkemp3257 4 года назад
The painter girl is just unreal she is no artist anymore she is freaking better then a printer or copy machine that painting of the baby is better then from a printer where one still can see the pixels never ever have i seen such a good portrait of a human face.......
@fabricioemmanuelli1115 4 года назад
I love geniuses, how incredible and beautiful story the one of the girl that paints. I love it! I believe she comes from the Father!
@sylviamendoza7561 4 года назад
Harnessing the gift is important while young.
@NenaPonce0087 4 года назад
Everyone will pay for they're talent.
@giftedmedallion763 4 года назад
Sometimes when they say the word "genius" education comes to people's minds and they forget other things aside that
@inactive.66 4 года назад
bruh i can literally try to find a brush and then 30 seconds later I forgot what I was looking for
@lilneil6010 3 года назад
Hahaha same crazy right😅
@ALKingSky 4 года назад
When I was 10, I could read so many many comic books, rmb all the superheroes and their powers, they called me a nerd and no one was curious about me >.
@kevincaptian4345 4 года назад
@mecamac2 4 года назад
And did you develop this talent on into adulthood and so to today?
@ALKingSky 4 года назад
@@mecamac2 sadly noo :( peer pressure got to meh....
@dixietenbroeck8717 3 года назад
Akiana's father sure SOUNDS like he thinks he own everything. He spoke of _"WE_ gave her a kitchenette," and _"WE_ try not to sell the originals," as well as buying a $1M "family home" and planning out HER studio (which is actually a horrible design for an art studio, and looks a lot more like an upscale "parents' room" than a studio. There isn't _NEARLY_ enough natural light in there!) That young lady - if she hasn't yet hit the age of 18 - seems to be in need of an AAL, or "Attorney ad litem." An AAL is (usually) a court-appointed Attorney who serves as representative *FOR THE CHILD,* most frequently seen in custody battles but also appropriate for children who fall into being "the breadwinner" for an entire family. (I think that's a _VERY_ inappropriate situation, as I absolutely _HATE_ seeing an entire family mooching off a young person's talents like that! Greedy so-and-sos!)
@robrocco5420 4 года назад
RIP Kim Peek... the real rain man 12-19-09
@garyhiggins9148 4 года назад
You wonder, why do a very few people have this huge gift? I believe God has something in mind and how He wants to use these people for the world benefit and to carry out the bigger picture of life and just how it will unfold.
@BASEDKAISER 4 года назад
Because they are lucky and there is no big picture of life just a organisms Procreateing for the betterment of the species plant or animal
@willworkforyarn4893 2 года назад
I agree! God may not want them all to be just millionaires!! People are blessed for His reasons. How they use that talent says a lot about them as people.
@milanavecilla3183 4 года назад
Sometimes I couldn’t even remember where i park my car😭😭
@laurak9666 4 года назад
I wish I had that problem.😔
@marikmym7436 4 года назад
Your comment made me laugh, samething happened to me😂
@kalenagy 4 года назад
hahahaa or what day it is
@emmanuelwafulakhaita3073 4 года назад
Hahaha this is very true
@stevetreloar6602 4 года назад
I think that is kind of a 'girl' thing! I have no good idea why that would be?
@jacquibradley1598 4 года назад
I'd like to think that Kim and her parents if they believe her talent is God-given (which I am sure it is) do they give money back to people who need it, or is it just an income to their family???
@Geoplanetjane 2 года назад
Akiane is amazing. I think she would love mathematics if exposed to its mystical aspects, how it underlies all reality.
@ramonsanchez5411 4 года назад
Lucky peoples - God-gifted.
@nsr5961 4 года назад
Ramon Sanchez well there’s a reason for that. So that they can be a gift to humanity.
@BASEDKAISER 4 года назад
@@nsr5961 nah
@reginamhango8668 2 года назад
Wow! How can you memorise the bar codes of each item you've purchased!?👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@laurieberry4814 3 года назад
Unemployed accountant. It does not seem like a good life. He has valuable skills. He can live a wonderful life.
@dresheraton9276 3 года назад
Parents are so important. I taught an ex friends daughter how to play chess. Now I am not a master, but in only the second game we played she caught me in some shocking position. I won only because of experience not because of understanding. Her mother well...let just say some people were born a few generations too early, she was born a few generations too late.
@bettyschneider5268 4 года назад
I use to draw all the time as a child but never got rich 💰 from it! Good for her! 🇺🇸... 🇬🇧
@janicepaul9957 4 года назад
Betty Schneider I believe with talents people need to know how to present themselves to the world
@lilneil6010 3 года назад
And it take alot of time
@sean2743 4 года назад
why do i get so emotional like tears in eyes. goosebumps . chills every single time i see her paintings? one at a time isnt bad still feel a little ..but when the view of all paintings whoa the feels are real .. im confused
@miskellykatie6556 4 года назад
Shore street church
@sean2743 4 года назад
@@miskellykatie6556 ? church?
@bettyschneider5268 4 года назад
Rain man! 🎭 he knows and remember everything! 😎 I dated a guy like that he was so good with numerous and dates! 📊📈📉📅📆 but couldn't read or write to good! 😲... Lol 😆
@waynelouison8201 4 года назад
Very beautiful ❣️ God bless u
@tashasibanda6512 4 года назад
I think everyone is a genius. it's just that we don't have time to point it out and dont put much pressure in it.
@AA-ct7cb 6 месяцев назад
@ilovemybeard3394 4 года назад
And here I am slaving away at my Job for 20 God damn years 😏
@josefrancis7126 4 года назад
@franciscocabanban280 4 года назад
This is why God reminding us that He's still with us and put these genius people here on earth to inspire us and to believe how He loved us much!!! 🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖
@rafqueraf 3 года назад
and the non genius people to reminding us the contrary
@atlast7035 4 года назад
When the father of the painting prodigy says "I sell" and then corrects it to "We sell", that tells you all you need to know about him...
@nancyjohnson5810 4 года назад
She's in her 20's now, independent
@AA-ct7cb 6 месяцев назад
Caught that.
@danilobernardino9964 4 года назад
she is an excellent artist at her age
@tinacollins9213 4 года назад
Stunning art work love , keep it up 👍 fantastic
@roseboo4603 4 года назад
Proof of what the God of us all can do.I am truly happy for her and others.
@GirGir183 4 года назад
41:26 It's actually an excerpt from "Rat Trap" by Bob Geldof.
@DreamcatcherDeb 4 года назад
It doesn't sound anything like Rat Trap. It sounds exactly like Birch Tree.
@GirGir183 4 года назад
@@DreamcatcherDeb Ahhh, I've just remembered what I meant by my comment. It's the noise made by Kim in this part of the video, not the music playing in the background. Go back to "Rat Trap" and listen to Geldof right after the lyric "... work all the hours god gave me, get myself a little easy money now now now na na na", something like that.
@ispbrotherwolf 4 года назад
I just loves Savants, I am a borderline my self, but I hide in the shadow, I can´t handle the limelight. I wanna be left alone, dont like people.
@Jenny1954 4 года назад
You should work with animals then.
@starry4873 5 лет назад
this channel should get more subs
@avabingoodc.6254 4 года назад
So weird! THEY only have 8k. Wtf
@EnriqueLopez-hb5jn 4 года назад
Those people have a talent,they are gifted,these.people keep studying, to improve themselves, also I wanted to add twins who are also gifted
@EnriqueLopez-hb5jn 4 года назад
They are the Alex twins, one plays saxophone, the other plays keyboard/ piano, and they can play any type of music.
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