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This is the Beginning of Another Great Depression... 

ETBP with Britt Gillette
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Substack: brittgillette....
We're on the verge of another global economic downturn akin to the Great Depression of the 1930's. The downturn is inevitable. It's just a matter of time.
The reason is because our debt based monetary system requires an ever increasing amount of debt in order to avoid collapse. But debt can't grow forever, and current signs indicate we're approaching the endpoint.
In today's video, we discuss how our global monetary system works, how it's no different than a Ponzi scheme, how close we are to the collapse, and why it's relevant to bible prophecy.
#endtimes #bibleprophecy
Check out Britt on Substack here:
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5 сен 2024




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@ritchievernon8099 Месяц назад
May God watch over and take care of all of his people before the Rapture of the church! 🙏🎆⚖️🔥
@melindaventura9240 Месяц назад
Hey Britt Gillette 😮 WOW its getting unmanageable, we're seniors!
@allysonstuhlmiller6295 Месяц назад
May the Lord provide for you. Even if He brings you food by ravens, He is your provider.
@annettep4394 Месяц назад
🙏Maranatha🙏 come Lord Jesus come🙏❤️
@matticodillard9596 Месяц назад
@habanagirl9002 Месяц назад
God bless you dear brother Britt and all today. Signs are converging each day. Praying 🙏🌍🙏 praying for Israel 🇮🇱 peace in Jerusalem. Trusting in Jesus Christ through it all. It's a big mess, but God! Maranatha ❤
@floridamarketplaceministry7011 Месяц назад
It seems to me Saints, time to focus on the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) hand out a gospel tract to the traffic light beggar, visit the Shut-in with your Bible, disciple a young person, volunteer in the ever needy children’s ministry at church to share your faith. Treasures stored in heaven. Bema Seat of Christ eternal crowns (or losses). Precious final moments. Maranatha!
@anonymouspost9144 Месяц назад
The borrower is servant to the lender.-the Bible.
@peggybrown9883 Месяц назад
U quote the Bible like I do - I know what Bible says whether or not I can give the exact location 👍🏼
@dfoster4234 Месяц назад
Proverbs 22:7-9 [7] The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. [8] He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail. [9] He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.
@sowi-reeikuddye5732 Месяц назад
When the Bible was written, there were no chapter and verse number. I try to at least know what book it is in.
@peggybrown9883 Месяц назад
I'm an old dog, so my new tricks r impressive but few and far between 🥴
@denisenewberry9749 Месяц назад
Thanks Britt! Have a great weekend! Keep up the excellent work! Appreciate you!🙏❤️🙏
@kattl8847 Месяц назад
God bless you and your family Britt. I greatly appreciate your wonderful work and information. Much love🙏🙏🙏
@carolynmorris7303 Месяц назад
Recently, it was on the internet, that Americans are shopping from one store to another for bargains. I do that too.
@LoriWingerBordessa Месяц назад
Thank You brother!!!!sharing!!
@sowi-reeikuddye5732 Месяц назад
I am pretty sure he has said in previous videos that we should not, because there will be strings attached.
@LoriWingerBordessa Месяц назад
@@sowi-reeikuddye5732 well, at the beginning of every single one of his videos, he says, be sure to hit the like, share, and re-stack buttons, so I'm not sure what you're saying here.
@privatepilot4064 Месяц назад
We shouldn’t be going into a great depression because Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11 “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” 😀 Looking up!
@jesusisthelivinggod1791 Месяц назад
It's time to go home! ❤ Britt, your video was superb! I love the deep voice. Amen
@mte8934 Месяц назад
Thanks Britt
@silvertip8k278 Месяц назад
Great show Britt...thanks for all the heads ups
@Longstorie Месяц назад
Britt.... what think you about the digital crisis shutting down banks, airlines, hospitals, blood banks, railroads, gas stations???? Happening now today...Friday - it figures
@sowi-reeikuddye5732 Месяц назад
All caused by a Windows update on Crowdstrike subscribers systems.
@angelablake5358 Месяц назад
but, maybe not and a bigger “issue” than just that.-?.. be wise & prepared with tunes & events, all
@BP-E Месяц назад
I know I am suppose to pay attention to everything but this stuff causes me great anxiety. Thank you Britt for all your hard work. God bless you
@kalolawahine9182 Месяц назад
Read Psalm 37!!! Everyday…‼️❤️👍🏽
@carolynmorris7303 Месяц назад
When I go shopping, the inflation seems to be growing.
@winniecash1654 Месяц назад
Yep. No denying despite what Obiden's administration claims.
@dougfowler1368 Месяц назад
This is especially helpful because my main concern in planning has always been whether we'll have inflation or deflation. This helps explain it.
@cindystevens186 Месяц назад
It is amazing to me that my socialist children think that they need a revolution and to change America yet begged me to come home cuz they can't pay their bills
@winniecash1654 Месяц назад
Time to wake up and grow up.
@carolynmorris7303 Месяц назад
My grandmother told me, that during the depression her parents couldn't afford milk. Instead they drank coffee. My grandmother thinks, that's what caused her osteoporosis.
@jamescolbert1 Месяц назад
Makes sense
@mojavebohemian814 Месяц назад
Thank you.
@lorisaunders176 Месяц назад
Blessings Britt! God will take care of His own for sure! We just need to be wise and prepare as best we can and be faithful to Him! ♥️🙏🏻🇨🇦🎺🔜🆙
@kalolawahine9182 Месяц назад
Amen‼️ Smart Cookie☺️
@julieb.5381 Месяц назад
Another great video. Thank you! God bless & Maranatha!!! ✝
@sweettina2 Месяц назад
Beginning? We are passed that.
@TG-gi1tl Месяц назад
Thank you
@joyr2685 Месяц назад
Hi Britt! Thanks for all the info you provide. What do you think about the roll out of the “Real-ID” gold star on drivers licenses? Is this the digital ID you referenced? Thank you!😊
@bevyoung2009 Месяц назад
Hello Britt 😊
@johnsmith11839 Месяц назад
Thanks bro! Gillette 🪒 the best a man can get ❤ 💪🏽✝️
@Ilakavakava Месяц назад
Britt how will this affect us if we have debt? As long as we don’t lose our income will we be ok?
@Investormillard Месяц назад
I have $500k unsecured debt and home and cars paid off not worried about anything, bring on the rapture!😊
@donnasavedbygrace Месяц назад
Do we refuse the CBDC? It could be in place far before the rapture of the church.
@hazelnut0127 Месяц назад
You can’t opt out
@wwj14 Месяц назад
Preach and teach it good soldier of Christ!!!! PRETERISM IS DEAD!!!!! The major problem with the preterist position is that the decisive victory portrayed in the latter chapters of the Apocalypse was never achieved. It is difficult to believe that John envisioned anything less than the complete overthrow of Satan, the final destruction of evil, and the eternal reign on God. If this is not to be, then either the Seer was essentially wrong in the major thrust of his message or his work was so helplessly ambiguous that its first recipients were all led astray.12 Mounce and other New Testament scholars believe the preterists’ interpretations are not consistent and utilize allegorical interpretations to make passages fit their theological view. Second, the preterist position rests on a pre-70 A. D. date of writing. However, most New Testament scholars date the writing of the book to be 95 A. D. If John had written Revelation after 70 A. D., the book could not have been a prophecy of the fall of Jerusalem. This presents a significant argument against the preterist position. PRETERISM IS DEAD: It is a Lie from SATAN to get the global church to not pay any attention to the staging of the current antichrist/beast system: This speaks of his global control-something which was never achieved by Rome in the days of Nero: Daniel 7:23 clearly states that at some point the Fourth Empire devours the whole earth. This is something Rome never did. Some attempt to make the expression mean the “then-known world,” but it cannot be said that Rome even conquered the then-known world. . . . Rome did not even extend as far east as the empire of Alexander the Great. The Greeks went as far as the Indus River in India . . . Rome did not even extend that far. Furthermore, Rome never fully conquered the Parthian Empire, and that, too, was part of the known world. The area of Scotland was also part of the known world that Rome did not conquer. Rome had to build the Hadrian Wall in order to keep the nomads of northing Scotland from overrunning that part of Britain controlled by Rome.50 This speaks of the ultimate manifestation of Gentile power of the end as seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Remember that it is Satan who has authority over the kingdoms of the world prior to The Arrival of God’s Kingdom (see commentary on Revelation 13:2). Since Nero’s Rome has long passed and Christ has not yet come, it is evident that this final kingdom of Satan is yet to appear upon the stage of world history. A totalitarian system of unbelievable scope and power is also predicted. Every new invention of man gives him one more tool by which he can control others and enforce his will upon them. These inventions under the power of an able leader could make him the undisputed tyrant of the earth. Such a rule is foreshadowed by the beast. . . The concentration of evil in one vast system ruled by an antichrist who will be the most powerful potentate the human race has ever produced.51 Revelation 13:8 All who dwell on the earth The ones who not only physically dwell on the earth, but whose affections and complete allegiance are entirely upon the earth (Isa. 26:21; Luke 21:35; Rev. 3:10+; 6:10+; 11:10+; 12:12+; 13:8+, 12+, 14+; 14:6+; 17:8+). They are to be contrasted with those whose citizenship is in heaven (John 15:19; 17:14-16; Php. 3:20; Heb. 11:13; 1Pe. 2:11). These are they whom the martyrs of the fifth seal cried out for God to avenge their deaths upon (Rev. 6:10+). See Earth Dwellers. A major detractor who criticizes the doctrine of imminency: Bruce Peters who criticizes Britt, LEE BRAINARD and SOOTHKEEP and many many others,including Billy Graham!!! is a preterist and replacement theologian, he believes all Bible Prophecy full stop 70 AD, he is a profligate liar, so much so that quite a few folks have found it necessary to make screen shots of his eschatalogical positions because he lies and changes his position when it suits him...... eg he once said that the great trib happens up in heaven at white throne judgment not on earth, then changed his position saying great trib happened before 70 AD..same for bowl, seal, trumpet judgments..... he backtracked also on 70 AD moving his own goal post to then say that no significant prophecies have happened since 1967... he is slippery as a watermelon seed on his eschatology... he is a very wicked servant and a profligate mocker, scoffer, accuser of the brethren... he also has a lot of subtextual hate and anger in him, eg he has called Jan Markel an her subscribers vile and hateful names, just because they are pre trib/disp... he seems unaware that God will negatively judge his actions and hold him to account....... "soon" I think..... But he gets worse..I first met this loser when I was on a message board and a poor woman was there just asking for prayer for her sick and dying daughter, she was not asking for any debate or argument, she had the temerity to simply say she hoped the rapture was soon, and Bruce Peters cruelly berated this poor mother for being pre trib!!! It was disgusting and I have tried to shut down his bullying ever since... as I pointed out in detail in my post below, he is also a profligate liar and a cruel and abusive bully to other sincere Christians, he has said horrid and hateful things about Jan Markell and ALL her 250,000 subscribers! I have screen shots of much of this, as do many others because he lies so often.he attacks Hal Lindsay, Billy Graham!, and every leading pre trib SCHOLAR out there, he says all current events/bible prophecy studies are worthless!! being a hard core preterist he denounces even basic study of technology such as rfid subdermal chips, and any other technology which might be utilized by future antichrist and beast system.... he once argued that mark of the beast was the face of Roman Caesars on their coins but then that it was Hitler's required ration books in WWII, he once said he had "photographs" of the bowl, seal, trumpet judgments all happening before 70 AD!!! he is an extraordinary hypocrite, given the lunacy of his own failed eschatology, he arrogates to himself the ability to divine other Christian's sincerity and motives, pretty much accusing all pre trib scholars and pundits as having ill motives!!!! he is a wolf in sheeps clothing and a false prophet as well as a mocker, scoffer and accuser of the brethren..... I am banned from his "coven" so perhaps others such as yourself can call him out, he is serving anti christ !!!!
@melissabourn3538 Месяц назад
I watched on Substack. When are we supposed to act? I know who we are fighting: shouldn’t we be asking our King to come in?
@mojavebohemian814 Месяц назад
Last round, the stimulus money was taxable..
@carlaninaebarb6183 Месяц назад
exactly! Yesterday:"Here, have some money". Tomorro:"Oh, we need that back".
@johnsharp8627 Месяц назад
Hey Britt, what do we need to do to prepare? Pull our cash out of the bank? Buy physical silver and gold? Have plenty of groceries (Yes)
@touchofgrace3217 Месяц назад
Spiritual preparation
@E.K.2003 Месяц назад
Black Swan Event?
@jesusisthelivinggod1791 Месяц назад
Black Rider Event! Aka the third seal. Amen
@MsDaniela50 Месяц назад
@Eyes2C. Месяц назад
I find it rather odd that the Holodomor was happening at the same time as the last depression. Oh and the dust bowl too! 🙏🏼
@robcoker-hw9hy Месяц назад
Your awesome people are blinded by normalcy bias…. I listened to Hal Lindsey and Grant Jeffrey long ago when I was raising children they never understood and thought we were crazy parents. I was told by a mentor he never knew being poor because he had a farm and always had an apple a turkey, chicken, beef sandwich or soups with real meat. The other children were making fun of him working so hard until the other children had no lunch and were hungry. Now all my neighbors are doing the same to us. I have no real dept have a orchard , chickens, garden, cows,Just waiting.. they all are going on vacations and buying the newest trends I wonder if they can eat their Porsche and Mercedes $600.00 to change the oil.
@Ilakavakava Месяц назад
So how much time do we have to prepare for the crash????
@carlaninaebarb6183 Месяц назад
@elizabethramsay-wilt7995 Месяц назад
Only The Father has the perfect choice to tell Christ Jesus The Son “it is Now That Time to call the Specially Chosen Archangel to Blow the Shofar which we’ll hear & in a twinkle of an eyes we will instantly be Raptured to be with our Beloved King of All kings!!! Hallelujah!!! 😊
@camijames7024 Месяц назад
would you sell your stocks to pay off our house or wait it out
@aprilmanley5414 Месяц назад
If you have enough money in Stocks to pay off your house, What are you doing??????????
@dougbell9543 Месяц назад
God’s faith remnant is much more concerned about keeping themselves unspotted from this evil world. ✔️
@jeffreyking2604 Месяц назад
Fractional Reserve Banking
@carlaninaebarb6183 Месяц назад
had no idea whta that is until I listened to britt. god bless
@celestearike9841 Месяц назад
well truthis local gov had been printing paper postcough2 till now。。。
@camijames7024 Месяц назад
should we sell our stocks b4 the crash
@aprilmanley5414 Месяц назад
@GolfMissouri Месяц назад
It is not
@xjayrockx101 Месяц назад
@leeroy5529 Месяц назад
Are you the same man as the author of Jesus in Salome’s Lot, available in Google Books? That book is posted on Google Books with a picture of your face as it’s author, and the name Brett Gillette. The short “about the author” paragraph posted about you (Google Books has your picture) for that book says that you got psychic readings as a child about your insatiable appetite for knowledge. Posting that kind of biography to go with your book damages your credibility as so-called Christian author. Is Google Books mistaken in their bio? Do they have the wrong picture and they’re mixing you up with someone else?
@trulyso734 Месяц назад
@princebuster93 Месяц назад
@ Leeroy, do we need a link please ?
@leeroy5529 Месяц назад
There is no link. I just typed in his name Britt Gillette into Google and his photo comes up at the top of the search finds, attached to a Google Books page that apparently claims he’s the author. Google Books spells the name as “Brett”, not “Britt”, but uses his picture.
@kalolawahine9182 Месяц назад
…How Many…?😆
@TMarie-gi6cx Месяц назад
@AnonyMous-vu7yq Месяц назад
So britt you’re saying we dont need to worry because they are going to start giving us money lol?
@gingermatha4743 Месяц назад
I find your giggles a little disturbing!
@Jdog667. Месяц назад
Vote Blue Save America 🇺🇸
@PerhapsTodayInAMoment-yo4xo Месяц назад
@hazelnut0127 Месяц назад
@kalolawahine9182 Месяц назад
Blue had given nuttin but the blues… Red is life… Besides, it’s not the color, it’s the policies… Get a brain…
@jolynmcteigue8371 Месяц назад
Only if people turn to Jesus will America be saved.
@Jdog667. Месяц назад
@@kalolawahine9182 Yea your in Trumps Demograph , insanely stupid 🤪
@wwj14 Месяц назад
Preach and teach it good soldier of Christ!!!! PRETERISM IS DEAD!!!!! The major problem with the preterist position is that the decisive victory portrayed in the latter chapters of the Apocalypse was never achieved. It is difficult to believe that John envisioned anything less than the complete overthrow of Satan, the final destruction of evil, and the eternal reign on God. If this is not to be, then either the Seer was essentially wrong in the major thrust of his message or his work was so helplessly ambiguous that its first recipients were all led astray.12 Mounce and other New Testament scholars believe the preterists’ interpretations are not consistent and utilize allegorical interpretations to make passages fit their theological view. Second, the preterist position rests on a pre-70 A. D. date of writing. However, most New Testament scholars date the writing of the book to be 95 A. D. If John had written Revelation after 70 A. D., the book could not have been a prophecy of the fall of Jerusalem. This presents a significant argument against the preterist position. PRETERISM IS DEAD: It is a Lie from SATAN to get the global church to not pay any attention to the staging of the current antichrist/beast system: This speaks of his global control-something which was never achieved by Rome in the days of Nero: Daniel 7:23 clearly states that at some point the Fourth Empire devours the whole earth. This is something Rome never did. Some attempt to make the expression mean the “then-known world,” but it cannot be said that Rome even conquered the then-known world. . . . Rome did not even extend as far east as the empire of Alexander the Great. The Greeks went as far as the Indus River in India . . . Rome did not even extend that far. Furthermore, Rome never fully conquered the Parthian Empire, and that, too, was part of the known world. The area of Scotland was also part of the known world that Rome did not conquer. Rome had to build the Hadrian Wall in order to keep the nomads of northing Scotland from overrunning that part of Britain controlled by Rome.50 This speaks of the ultimate manifestation of Gentile power of the end as seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Remember that it is Satan who has authority over the kingdoms of the world prior to The Arrival of God’s Kingdom (see commentary on Revelation 13:2). Since Nero’s Rome has long passed and Christ has not yet come, it is evident that this final kingdom of Satan is yet to appear upon the stage of world history. A totalitarian system of unbelievable scope and power is also predicted. Every new invention of man gives him one more tool by which he can control others and enforce his will upon them. These inventions under the power of an able leader could make him the undisputed tyrant of the earth. Such a rule is foreshadowed by the beast. . . The concentration of evil in one vast system ruled by an antichrist who will be the most powerful potentate the human race has ever produced.51 Revelation 13:8 All who dwell on the earth The ones who not only physically dwell on the earth, but whose affections and complete allegiance are entirely upon the earth (Isa. 26:21; Luke 21:35; Rev. 3:10+; 6:10+; 11:10+; 12:12+; 13:8+, 12+, 14+; 14:6+; 17:8+). They are to be contrasted with those whose citizenship is in heaven (John 15:19; 17:14-16; Php. 3:20; Heb. 11:13; 1Pe. 2:11). These are they whom the martyrs of the fifth seal cried out for God to avenge their deaths upon (Rev. 6:10+). See Earth Dwellers. A major detractor who criticizes the doctrine of imminency: Bruce Peters who criticizes Britt, LEE BRAINARD and SOOTHKEEP and many many others,including Billy Graham!!! is a preterist and replacement theologian, he believes all Bible Prophecy full stop 70 AD, he is a profligate liar, so much so that quite a few folks have found it necessary to make screen shots of his eschatalogical positions because he lies and changes his position when it suits him...... eg he once said that the great trib happens up in heaven at white throne judgment not on earth, then changed his position saying great trib happened before 70 AD..same for bowl, seal, trumpet judgments..... he backtracked also on 70 AD moving his own goal post to then say that no significant prophecies have happened since 1967... he is slippery as a watermelon seed on his eschatology... he is a very wicked servant and a profligate mocker, scoffer, accuser of the brethren... he also has a lot of subtextual hate and anger in him, eg he has called Jan Markel an her subscribers vile and hateful names, just because they are pre trib/disp... he seems unaware that God will negatively judge his actions and hold him to account....... "soon" I think..... But he gets worse..I first met this loser when I was on a message board and a poor woman was there just asking for prayer for her sick and dying daughter, she was not asking for any debate or argument, she had the temerity to simply say she hoped the rapture was soon, and Bruce Peters cruelly berated this poor mother for being pre trib!!! It was disgusting and I have tried to shut down his bullying ever since... as I pointed out in detail in my post below, he is also a profligate liar and a cruel and abusive bully to other sincere Christians, he has said horrid and hateful things about Jan Markell and ALL her 250,000 subscribers! I have screen shots of much of this, as do many others because he lies so often.he attacks Hal Lindsay, Billy Graham!, and every leading pre trib SCHOLAR out there, he says all current events/bible prophecy studies are worthless!! being a hard core preterist he denounces even basic study of technology such as rfid subdermal chips, and any other technology which might be utilized by future antichrist and beast system.... he once argued that mark of the beast was the face of Roman Caesars on their coins but then that it was Hitler's required ration books in WWII, he once said he had "photographs" of the bowl, seal, trumpet judgments all happening before 70 AD!!! he is an extraordinary hypocrite, given the lunacy of his own failed eschatology, he arrogates to himself the ability to divine other Christian's sincerity and motives, pretty much accusing all pre trib scholars and pundits as having ill motives!!!! he is a wolf in sheeps clothing and a false prophet as well as a mocker, scoffer and accuser of the brethren..... I am banned from his "coven" so perhaps others such as yourself can call him out, he is serving anti christ !!!!
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