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@andreeamitran7243 Год назад
I love how the rework was supposed to address her feast or famine playstyle, yet the only thing it did was add counter play and make it worse for Kata. Anyone fed is impossible to deal with. What pisses me off with the rework is that you must be ahead to be useful, otherwise you are useless. Old kata wasn't like this. While you wait for the dagger to drop from your W, talon will just kill you 10 times over. Would love to see the daggers fall time being reduced with attack speed.
@richardcoelho Год назад
@jotarojoestar9385 Год назад
that would actually be really interesting
@DVD2099 Год назад
@xKyriakoZ Год назад
not with att speed. just reduced in general. also no skill undodgeable cc should be removed/reduced from the game
@jotarojoestar9385 Год назад
@@xKyriakoZ 100% agreed besides ults like amumu ult but i do think they should remove like pantheon w
@narechgiampaoli9002 Год назад
And there still people out there saying kat is op, thats insanily funny
@glorytoarstotzka330 Год назад
yeah, they see a few matches when she's fed up in a game where the enemy team is sharing the same neuron, and disregard any match when with the best start, they can get destroyed by anything (katarina main here)
@hexodm2356 Год назад
As fellow kat main i can say Katarina is weak into most of matchups and strong into some, its a champ that abuses laning mistakes to kill, to me it seems kindof balanced, def would appreciate a early game buffs.
@lvlkate9549 Год назад
basically, Katarina is like Master Yi. If you lose against her, you did something stupid
@kudohlol9379 Год назад
The dagger takes to long to land, so she can almost never play her character unless its someone running from her, or walking over it wiillingly lol .
@Deadly-Shunpo Год назад
As one of the highest Mastery Points on this champion in OCE. The rework with the dagger reset system she has currently is the best kit Katarina has ever had, and it's not even close. THE PROBLEM (and i've been saying it for the last 4 years) is that she is nerfed at a rate SIGNIFICANTLY higher than she is both buffed and altered combined, based on pure stigma and nothing more, as a champion with quite literally only damage in her kit (the ONLY thing that is non damage, is the small move speed she gets on W). While also getting NO assistance when items/champions change. When the sustain patch happened? A lot of assassins got buffs, mostly AD assassins. But Katarina? Katarina got nerfed, several times, with an already negative w/r. She is a low elo pub stomper, that absuses people making errors in their gameplay, low elo players make A LOT of mistakes, so it becomes easier to capitalise on. But she can't stomp low elo anymore, why? Bad players perma cry because "it's not me that's bad, it's the Katarina that's the just busted! RIOOOOT!!! wah wah wah". So now we have this perma limbo on an only damage champion, that isn't aloud any damage, making her the most team reliant champion in the game, while already having been one of the hardest champions. "49% w/r? Can't have that! Nerfs in the next two patches!" Riot's solutions? Make her abuse item passives making her the most unstable she's ever been and cry about it. My name is DeadlyShunpo, They're coming, I am not safe, They're coming, I am no longer sane, They're coming, There is no hope, They're coming, They're coming.
@hexodm2356 Год назад
I looked you up DeadlyShunpo, What does mastery points mean if u even cant climb out of bronze 4, "low elo players make A LOT of mistakes", piss off u ego commenter, u are litteray stuck at b4, didnt know bronze 4 is high elo, im kat main myself ur saying kat is Most hardest champ in game, shes very easy to play, knowing the limits is what takes time and knowing when to trade and how to trade.
@gamingwatersheep9575 8 месяцев назад
Real ( kata main here )
@assasin0848 Год назад
After the rework dropped I abandoned Katarina for long time before I got to play with her again. I still hate the rework and think it was not just a failure but a grave error to the present day
@ggag463 Год назад
I think this is just the way katarina is. She is not designed to break the line but get into the tf and manage to get kill as much as you can. Now, you may say "but even in tf I am useless bc anything one shot me and if not I got cc'd for 4s" and I agree, it's a pain playing katarina and here I am 1.3M points after. Even samira which we may say is designed to tf actually is strong on early with the right support. So I guess they just don't want to give kat that much relevance even when is one of the oldest champs in the game. So if you don't enjoy playing kat anymore just go to other champ like akali, talon, yone that can do the same with less effort. But if you, like me love this champ no matter what then keep breaking those keyboards.
@yGKeKe Год назад
Regarding boongwa lane...I think you actually lose if you jump onto Ahri there since it's instant charm + a bunch of ranged minion damage. Also, Q and W are both down. All he has is E. So it's E + Ignite vs Charm + W + 8 minions. But boongwa is also a pretty safe player in general so who knows. Maybe Evolved would have taken it.
@katarinatop Год назад
the point is not that he can kill her there (obviously its nearly impossible), the point is that he SHOULD have been able to kill her according to the goals riot set with the rework.
@gianmarcomartino4135 Год назад
I'd reduce the time a dagger stays on the ground, but make it an actual threat for the enemies, significantly increasing the damage. Katarina's daggers are never respected, anyone would just step on them because they know Katarina's damage is so low the can just bait her shunpo and kill her. This completely destroys her identity as assassin, and it's time to make her dagger an actual threat that enemies must respect during laning phase, not just a bait for Katarina herself.
@sebestein09 Год назад
tbh i'm not a really good katarina , but i can see the terrible laning phase , i used to be hardstuck gold with kat , i started becoming a vlad otp and i'm platinum 2.. why bother having to sit under tower 14 minutes to throw Q's to get CS , when you can just sustain yourself spamming Q's and have a better chance to trade back and not get blown up by every champion in the game?
@filament1903 Год назад
Cuz Kat is fun... that's the only reason. I mean she's fun when ahead. Yes. Otherwise her gameplay is completely frustrating...
@sebestein09 Год назад
@@filament1903 yes she is fun and i had great plays with her , my first pentakill in season 12 was with her.. but the laning phase i think it's the worst out of each champion roster tbh
@alexandremenino2006 Год назад
it makes no sense that someone stepping on a dagger before katarina has 3 items wins the trade or even kills her if she E's it
@cibe Год назад
It's sad that Katarina is in her worst state ever right now frfr and rito does nothing now but only release champions with atleast 3 escapes and minimum 2 hard cc's or the otherway around the champion basicly oneshot The Kit was even OK before they removed all the key items for her and than forcing her into some ad / on hit shit that is not of everyone liking to play her this way. Still i think, we hate ourself for playing Katarina NGL it's a russian roulette
@kululemon5804 Год назад
it's super hilarious when someone say Kat is OP, if you think Kat is OP, just because you have a bad team, maybe that including yourself. If Kat really that OP, why I see no one bring Kat on LOL competition.
@nope7200 Год назад
zzzzz nothing changed still wait for junglers to both ffight or enemy mid to do mess up zzzz can roam, but need to gain something or have the above conditions fulfilled before roaming or youre down 2 waves dont get me wrong kat is pretty disgusting when fed, but I would rather play another champion for more consistency and agency
@antipunt1 Год назад
Consistency and agency; you nailed it. The two big elephants in the room with all us kat mains. Makes me want to switch mains just thinking about it tbh
@dauria2 Год назад
Riot give us back the 6 bouncing in the Q and a shunpo with %30 damage reduction buff like the first Kat
@theseaquiel5398 Год назад
Shumpo used to give % damage reduction to kata. Maybe reintroducing that mechanics could help a lot, expecially becouse in lategame youre soo squishy, and sometimes while your daggers are falling, you get oneshot. I think kata only needs a little bit more tankiness.
@MegaExtreme1997 Год назад
Yeah, but only 10 or 12% damage reduction for 0.5 seconds. Remember, kat use Shumpo a lot of times in TF, much time of damage reduction may be a mistake...
@theseaquiel5398 Год назад
@@MegaExtreme1997 i think that if kata builds tanky like divine+ witsend this extra tankiness could make her broken, but if she goes glasscannon this damage reduction won't break her.
@seiyaphl Год назад
Imagine being wanted to come back to the game after a long time ago to play my fav champion, then see this. Thanks riot for this sign of never coming back again :)
@saki1333 7 месяцев назад
I don't think reducing movement speed would work cause of her e dash, and reducing waveclear would just make ppl buy titanic. There's a crucial design mistake with how delayed the dmg is. Maybe having it so W deals half the dmg around you instantly could help a little in 1v1s without breaking her, but it's hard if not impossible to fix her imo
@psychicberry Год назад
I love winning lanes 🤗
@cooperotterson 7 месяцев назад
I just posted a video on reddit showing me dealing no dmg with my full ult duration on a Senna who was 4 levels below me. This champion is so trash that I really feel like picking up another champion to one trick. The only reason people one trick this champ is because she's fun
@redbirdtribe Год назад
@SilEightyX 10 месяцев назад
This is what happens when a champion is nerfed directly and indirectly most of the time in the game. It was until season 13 that she got decent buffs reverting to her original AP ratios and somewhat okayish buffs into her Q AP ratio and giving back some of her AP ratios on voracity in season 12, but also nerfing/adjusting her E and Death lotus on-hit buffs to kill the sunderer build. But then again the balance team needs to change midlane for the worst cause of sidelane changes, making nashor 200g more expensive because of a stat she doesn't even use (codex) because fucking braindead phreak was thinking "azir bwoken in competitive, lets change him for the worst and also nashor just for him" XDXDXD, so that leads in a state that she can't do anything in the midlane without help from your jungler and support, gets punished to roam because enemy can just shove and get free plate (even you already have components to one-shot the wave), need to have at least 3 items (AP) in order to properly one-shot a carry and be way significantly ahead and also deal against broken items that completely counter her and 400 hundred years of experience champions getting released with broken and overloaded kits, and now (13.21/13.22) has to resort to a full tank build (heartsteel, titanic hydra, sunfire) and using grasp in the midlane to outsustain your opponent and take plates with demolish because riot also nerfed her primary runes. All of this because mythics were a poor addition into the game + gunblade removal and riot tried to "compensate" in the laziest and worst possible way with on-hit effects. And there you have it. Reworked kat was at least fine and playable pre-mythics, but now its just pain. She needs a complete rework from the ground, but if thats not possible, some quality of life changes could be done, by making daggers fall faster, E damage reduction behind a cooldown, Q bouncing more than 3 times and faster, ult dealing damage in 5 people (samira has it, why not kat?). It baffles me that none of these things were thought by the balance team because it feels like no one has the braincell to make her feel better or the balls to give the ideas as the game evolves. She just feels abandoned and left to rot. Sorry for the essay.
@sebestein09 11 месяцев назад
i want old katarina back
@babathepuppy1145 Год назад
Please do not mention nerfing her ms more goodness fuck she lost 5 ms after rework and 5 ms because they thought TP roaming issue was a katarina issue and forgot to give it back. She used to have 345 base ms, and champions like jax still had higher ms. Katarina is a fucking snail
@leftocgf522 Год назад
Gj Riot YOU created yet another Hybrid Bruiser Champ -_- (Pls revert this insanity)
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 5 месяцев назад
Back when Riot actually cared about skill expressive champs, now the majority of shit they make is easy and they even make OTHER champs EASIER.
@misanthrope0 Год назад
yo cocho if riot even would reconsedering on fixing/buffing kat what would wish to see on her so her laning phase would be pretty much better
@Cocho_Kat Год назад
I think we just revert some laning nerfs, remove onhits and see where we are from there. Her item spikes would be much weaker since she isn't gaining 20% AP on every onhit. Yes it kills AD builds but idgaf lmao. Maybe rageblade PRESS R build will still be somewhat playable with buffed AD ratios. Make kat's main build as fun as it could be mythics SURELY will get removed at some point (most shit system). That will be a good change
@sebestein09 11 месяцев назад
​@@Cocho_Katyeah they are removing mythics and hopefully kill katarina's on-hit image and bring gunblade back , since they don't resent the hybrid items anymore (guinsoo rework)
@Cocho_Kat 11 месяцев назад
@qerw1 I'm just waiting til they nerf rocketbelt since it's not a mythic, nerf keystones and buff doran items XD. Kat winrate will be low enough for riot to make changes.
@valimalidudu7991 Год назад
Idk why but I like the way u pronounce the "s" sound xD
@katarinaaniratak5080 Год назад
There was one single time when Kat was fun after rework without gunblade. When Kraken got released. After 1 patch they insta killed her again. Idk why Kat has this weird on-hit mechanic. Just delete that shit and give her better AP scalings…
@gowon2251 Год назад
This is why I stopped being a Katarina one trick
@CPChronicle Год назад
nah bro kata is the strongest laner to me if u know ur matchup i one trick her the problem with her is there is so many runes and builds to play with
@sebestein09 Год назад
​@@CPChroniclestrongest laner????? lmao???
@gowon2251 Год назад
@@CPChronicle sadly not true.. the most consistent playstyle that got me 100 LP Masters earlier this year is just as described in the video. Minimal interaction with your lane opponent. It's not really fun.
@lynndylan4674 Год назад
strongest laner? whatever u're whiffing i want some of that. cuz none of my copium is working that hard
@mawgwi2893 Год назад
@@CPChronicleplease share whatever it is you’re smoking cause it’s gotta be some good shit to say Kat has a strong lane phase 🤣
@thibaudsignorelli4853 Год назад
I feel like if I dont stomp my lane, the game is really not under our hands. And still the champ is considering top tier. i am really garbage with it I guess.
@filament1903 Год назад
By who'm? Even pro players never picks her. She might be considerate as a broken only in low elo where no such things as discipline and a lot of mistakes.
@timaxenlmao9198 Год назад
I was onetricking her for a long time because she was the most fun champ that I've ever seen but they destroyed her completely. I didn't got to play the old kata sadly but from what I saw from old clips and from now she is just garbage. Like someone else said she is only usefull if u r hard fed. If u aren't u r useless for the whole game even when u get kills and that's not how it should work
@ofy1798 Год назад
S7 KATARINA =Q E get reset no cooldown e auto e auto and just easy kill but TODAY u cant easy first blood.Also missed katarina that playing agressive style (Im talking for after master eloo :()
@yiannisv3573 Год назад
I got nothing against kata but I'm confused, the very first trade on zed deals 200dmg, and you say nothing. I'm only gold but 200dmg level2 trade seems quite a lot, what should kata do? be able to one shot with 2 abilities?
@Cocho_Kat Год назад
its a good trade but zed could win if he just AAs + E, even with first strike off and his even more useless inspiration tree. Using zed Q then staying in range of kat is a mistake He could have clicked directly away from the dagger instead of to the side. Even after the trade, he doesn't react to Kat's E + AA when he's on 9 ping. all of this and he already failed the counterplay of tethering the dagger bouncing off minions THEN we still need to take more of these trades, zed becomes godzilla at dirk (4:00 - 4:30 recall) or is not interactable at tiamat (5min). We need to be proactive lmao
@yungmetr0135 11 месяцев назад
zed AA + E + AA elec proc and does 50% of your HP
@jorgeandrespalaciouribe310 Год назад
"i just want katarina to be fun" = i just want kat to be stronger in lane 1v1 KEKW. like if she wasnt fun enough
@po-prostapoziomica5559 Год назад
My God its good to know im not alone on that opinion that kat feels liek dogsh1t to play
@user-wz6xx1cs6q Год назад
pls buff katarina riot
@khatarina5484 Год назад
when laningphase guide choco
@Cocho_Kat Год назад
1. start longsword 2.🙏 3. +300g
@zibekable2014 Год назад
@@Cocho_Kat That's quite sad. However quite literally the only time you win your laning phase is skill issue or stupid decisions. If your enemy knows your champion, there is nothing you can do. So you either take an opportunity from enemies mistakes or you end up being behind (cause you can't even farm most of the time if you fall behind and if it's something like Yasuo then you can already ff) or you have a chance to have good game by beginning to roam and help other lanes cause even if you are ahead there is very little chance to win the game alone when like 90% champs in this game can counter your kit quite easily (tons of dashes, cc etc. like every new champ gets that and even more XD except of Millio that was something unexpected tbh.). To sum it up you gotta have a very good macro and micro, map awarness, make good decisions and pray for enemy to do something stupid (like that Yasuo jumping under Katevoled tower without it, he'd just die). Then you get a chance to win a game. OR Just play something that is strong and doesn't require you to sweat as much for example Annie and just focus on farming till you get 6 then do her whole combo with just doran's ring and one shot enemy just because XD
@KatariN86 Год назад
dude even akali has bad laning (wave clear) im gonna play garen* :(
@charlytardy6867 Год назад
Garen, what a good exemple of strong laning phase, go for it champ !
@mawgwi2893 Год назад
Not anymore they’re buffing her Q damage and lowering the energy cost so it can be spammed more often - just in time for World’s again 🙄
@KatariN86 Год назад
@@mawgwi2893 so irelia and jayce will get new buff soon.. :D
@SaSo-mk6yh Год назад
Assassins in general just have a worse time just going for farm vs mages.
@richardcoelho Год назад
She's supposed to aoe Dmg tho
@sebestein09 11 месяцев назад
tell that to zed who can farm safely with q and escape everything and every spell with w
@calvinasu Год назад
Are you saying a champ that can get diamond in 2hrs needs buffs (y/n)
@CPChronicle Год назад
broo its katevolved pls stop talking like its u and when playing kata just take longsword and i swear u will win every matchup with ur conq its just skill gap if u lose or maybe ur playing against a jax or ap varus or trist mid
@carl7700 Год назад
i think u dont watched the video, he said is katevolved, and i think u dont play katarina or at least ur not playing her against good players
@Alvis_Valaskevics Год назад
@yGKeKe Год назад
Lowest IQ comment in the history of low IQ comments. Congratulations.
@katarinatop Год назад
mate i can tell youve never played above gold
@mawgwi2893 Год назад
Oh please Kat god upload some videos to show us plebs how OP Kat is in laning. Why would we ever listen to Master/GM/Challenger Kat mains over a nameless YT account who says it’s just skill gap, run Conq and LS every game?
@iwjfhaifn2950 Год назад
I never lost a katarina match up, the only problem were random braindead botlaners donating gold for items so she can oneshot with 4 levels ahead xD
@zivadia3398 Год назад
youre legit the Nerd Emoji xD
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