
Those Sports Parents 🎾 ⚽ 🏀 

Holderness Family Laughs
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16 сен 2024




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@robertbowman448 3 года назад
25 years as a sports official and 18 years as a karate instructor...you nailed it! The only thing wrong with kids sports is adults.
@kevins.6971 3 года назад
Parents are bad, but my view is the problem is sports forcing kids into so much time commitment so early. Our 9 year old has soccer practice 4 days a week and games on weekends, 7-8 months a year. No room for tennis lesson or any other sport. The only way to free up time is to backup into “Rec”. Sad that competitive sports require so much time at such a young age.
@margenn3889 3 года назад
I agree parents are the worst about child sport.
@thatprocrastinatingwriter6995 3 года назад
This is so true
@FlagCutie 3 года назад
I worked at a school age child care for about 8 years in an affluent part of town, and this totally checks out lol
@curtisfranzen986 2 года назад
I always cheared, and always supported, but there were times I had to look away. I learned why my Mom wouldn't watch my crazy AZZ play football.
@AntaresSelket 3 года назад
I was an artsy fartsy parent, so when my son joined a sport, I was like, "great." When he wanted to quit the sport, I was like, "great." The first time he didn't want to go to a craft store with me, I was like, "what's wrong with you?"
@theholdernessfamily 3 года назад
@curtisfranzen986 2 года назад
MY oldest, Josef, loves soccer, I played football and basketball. I thought it was a p(ssy sport. I was wrong.
@robinharris0562 Год назад
😅 its not just sports is it.
@mangot589 3 года назад
When I was a kid in the 60’s, parents pretty much stayed out of kids sports. I would go watch my friends play softball, or football, or whatever. Not only did parents not get all crazed about it, but they very rarely even showed up to watch. Just sometimes. 🤷‍♀️. Our son played travel hockey. And boy. How things have changed. They parents now are INSANE. The majority of them really thought their kid was going to the NHL, well, with the PROPER coaching (whom they felt free to impart their wisdom to, most of the time immediately after the game), and zillions of hours of privates, practices, etc. I’m like, they’re 8. 🤦‍♀️
@Dermatillomaniac 3 года назад
Every parent thinks they're the chill parents...
@Julia-xf5ps 3 года назад
And in the end, they’re not…spoken by one of that tribe….🤨
@levans3447 3 года назад
Not me .. I knew i was cray.. But i tried to keep it calm... I really did ...
@jessieelliott3157 3 года назад
So funny. So true. My son did futsal at 4. First game he got his head stuck in the net and kept putting the ball up his shirt and pretending to give birth. He then wanted to start highland dancing like his sister. He danced out the door and danced all around the building and danced back inside and the teacher said it wasnt going to work. Now at 17 hes a great mountain biker. Freedom was what he needed!
@Bluesbabesrv 3 года назад
This is a riot. 😂😂 Ride on! 🚵🏽
@melinam7216 3 года назад
Omg as a former tennis kid with “tennis parents”.. this was triggering 💀😂
@MrHunterD 2 года назад
Hockey parents are terrible too.. One parent at my game when I was 9 broke the glass after the referee missed a call. What makes it worse is the entire fucking rink screaming "HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" All at once in the most "karen" voice you can think
@tiffanymichaels2429 3 года назад
I love when she makes the sound and the dog is like, "are you okay?" 😆
@compscidoggo Год назад
Love sunny!
@wahoo236 3 года назад
I think I would’ve ended the video with a shot of Lola just staring at the camera, like my parents are crazy.
@lynnettelg 3 года назад
Love it! Let’s remember too the “my kid is so special s/he will earn college scholarships for playing this sport” - the carrot dangled in front of parents by club and school coaches and the special coaches, camps, classes, elite equipment and trainers all making the parents into suckers. Then the kid goes to college and because s/he was awarded scholarships, the university and coaches act like they own her/him as some type of indentured servant who must eat, sleep, live that sport, with another carrot dangled of becoming a professional athlete or shattered dreams the kid isn’t good enough for that, until the kid is burned out, fails classes (in which education was supposed to be the main goal) because too much time was spent dictated by the sport and none left for studying, quits the team, loses sports scholarship and drops out of university because of low grades, feeling like a failure and now a lack of funds to pay for classes - or puts nose to the grindstone and commits to finishing school, resenting the formerly beloved childhood sport forever. Whew! Yay, sports are fun! 🙄
@mstinamichele 3 года назад
I know of parents who chased that dangling carrot. I don't think their son went past high school in his sport (we were told scouters came to watch him play). He went to a local 4 year college and dropped out after about a semester. College wasnt for him.
@claudeagle271 3 года назад
Or the kid gets some sport injury and is completely unable to play at that level again.
@krisushi1 3 года назад
What is so frightening about this video, is that parents like this exist everywhere!
@dianeericson7900 3 года назад
Spent years as a successful soccer coach. Thought I'd coach a team now. After seeing this and other videos, reading the comments, and listening to a few parents, I decided those days are over, even though the town really needs more coaches! Life is too short to have to deal with parents who want to direct the coach instead of taking on a coaching job themselves! Yes, my kids were in many sports and, no, I did NOT tell the coach how to coach. Ever.
@krisushi1 3 года назад
@@dianeericson7900 Congratulations on never telling a coach what to do and for keeping your sanity by not becoming a coach again yourself! You did your time, I'm sure another will be found.
@emmal8463 3 года назад
“She is so good at hanging! Google hanging classes!” 😂🤭
@robertadoughty1392 3 года назад
How could that possibly go badly? Lol.
@emmal8463 3 года назад
@Photokapi 3 года назад
"Why do we even own tools?" I've been a fan ever since Christmas Jammies, but this rocked me to the core. To be fair though -- If you wanted to talk about sports, I would probably just respond, "sportsball is awesome", and "Go sportsball!"
@pattijohnson997 3 года назад
I think you enjoy making these videos as much as we enjoy watching them.
@rubiesofgold7698 3 года назад
My youngest son started baseball at age 9. It didn’t take us long to figure out we were WAY too late. Little did we know how young the kids are when they start. We knew we weren’t on the scene when we had to Google the rules of the game. 😂🤣😂🤣😂
@blackkingmusicBK4L 9 месяцев назад
My friend's son started at age 13 and was top player in his country by age 18 and has a full-ride scholarship now. Too late thing is nonesense trust me.
@amandaschroeder799 3 года назад
"Why do we own tools? " I lost it! My husband won't stop BUYING tools! Sports parents are too much! I work with a softball mom! She gets so worked up! It's annoying, but endearing at the same time!
@kerryman7150 3 года назад
My son has played sports since he was in Kindergarten. He's now 16 years old. As each year goes by, I find myself further and further away from the rest of the parents. I've actually brought binoculars to some games. I just want to watch him play and do what he does. I don't need to hear the insanity and yelling. There's a statistic that at like 12 or 13 years old participation in sports drops. No one can understand why. There are two reasons; parents and coaches! The kids finally feel at that age that they can tell everyone to go to hell, they're done playing! A good read that I recommend for parents who truly don't want to be "that parent" is "Until it Hurts".
@classicat87 3 года назад
The Holderness Family is pure joy
@thatprocrastinatingwriter6995 3 года назад
Eight years of Taekwondo. I’m so glad my parents aren’t like this. However it doesn’t exclude people like this entirely. There was one time these ten year olds were sparing. The dad of one was coaching from the side lines. He was trying to get his son to really hurt the other boy, even encouraging moves that are banned from sparing entirely. Our Grandmaster had to remove him and his son from sparing al together.
@madmommy 3 года назад
Apparently the only part of this video that was unrealistic was Penn holding a tool 😂
@bcarss1970 3 года назад
This was funny and reflects some sports parents. I coach youth football, used to for baseball, and I dabble in LAX a little. While this is an exaggeration, every parent should make, yes I said make, their kid explore sports. Kids who play sports have lower body fat, stronger muscles and bones, and increased cardiovascular fitness. They have a much lower risk of becoming overweight or obese. Young athletes grow up into active adults. Let them try a few. Try them all. You never know which one they will like or be good at. My son will soon be turning 13 is a great athlete and smart too. I am truly fortunate. I was never into organized sports as kid because my dad did not encourage it. My son's mother and I always said we were not going to raise an out-of-shape kid. We made a point since he was 5 to be involved in a sport almost year round. I don't care what but something. Started off with soccer of course. He has also been wrestling and playing football since he was 6 or 7. He used to play baseball until last year but lost interest. He discovered LAX and loves it. This past season wrestling was cancelled due to COVID. He tried basketball for the first time and now I am putting in a court, lol. KEEP THEM PHYSICALLY ACTIVE!
@foxwaffles 3 года назад
I didn't start piano until I was 7... All the other parents liked to rub it in my mom's face how bad I was compared to their kids who started when they were 3 under teachers way out of her salary range. Chinese parents be like 🙃
@jessicagallagher1861 3 года назад
I started dance when I was 2 and I'm still not good I'm 11 now
@Bella_edits11 3 года назад
I was swimming since I was 2 and I was dancing since I was 3 years old I’m 8 years old now your video made me 😹
@Nora-wr7vz 4 месяца назад
Omg the tennis parents was SO TRUE. I played tennis as a kid and this was totally the experience!
@leaarinwarkentine 3 года назад
The "You can do This..." (2:21) Golden.
@meetmeinva 3 года назад
As a son of traditional Indian immigrants, this is how my parents were - but substitute sports with math/science. Yes, I need therapy…
@Kaet_RN 3 года назад
My daughter is 7 and very average to below average at ballet and tae kwon do, and I’m really ok with that because the travel team sport situation around me is a little much 🤣
@jessicagallagher1861 3 года назад
People don't realize that dance is a sport most of the time it is hard especially ballet it is tge hardest so good job!
@lolabear6788 3 года назад
“Yeah, but I’LL know who wins.”
@lavenderbee423 3 года назад
I remember being at a martial arts tournament watching a mom encourage her kids to cheat... Her kids just gave the "are you crazy?" look.
@laurent.9968 3 года назад
Michael Phelps actually started swimming when he was 7. He was actually terrified to put his face in the water at first! can't you believe that?
@aleedulcimer 3 года назад
So many of my friends' parents were like this while we were growing up. Luckily my parents were not! This made me laugh. Thanks!
@amandapirot1022 3 года назад
"She can be like Amanda Gorman. Are there poetry competitions"? Too funny...
@pwarriorninja 3 года назад
So many great quotes!! 🤣😂🤣 "Lying Liar"!!
@katdenning6535 3 года назад
I coached clinic soccer for kids 5-7 year olds. When the kids got into county U8/U9 parents and coaches lost their minds! They expect kids to know their position already and know basics when many never played clinic. My son quit because it stopped teaching and started demanding skills.
@ruthiep35 3 года назад
My oldest is 5....“Honey, that means it’s time to pick a sport.” You obviously overheard me somewhere...😳 Love the video
@martaupward5992 3 года назад
So love you guys…and keep the outtakes coming!😁
@IvyRose95 Год назад
I went through so many sports as a kid Soccer, field hockey, karate, boxing, rugby league. now 28-year-old me is an art student not playing any sports, but I do have an interest in motorsport, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding and mountain biking
@mistythecat3050 3 года назад
Thanks for making this. I’ve just been sent home from school to isolate and this has made my day.
@Warlock-Armageddon Год назад
Sad part is there are parents who act like this, i hated all sports since i was very young and still do, i was forced to play in gym class and anytime i had to play sports id grab the ball and try to score on my own team all the way thru highschool. My parents and gym teachers tried making me participate and i threatened to burn them all alive with lighter fluid.. I just wanted to sit in a room all day and stair at a blank wall and be left alone, and still do 40 years later.
@lolabear6788 3 года назад
I have a tee shirt that says “tee-ball grandma” with his name and number on the back. Lol
@lolabear6788 3 года назад
Jack, 5, was enrolled in tee ball by his parents. They spent over $200 on his equipment... unbeknownst to me. Jude had already asked his dad for the same stuff, but was told we can get yours at the end of summer when you are old enough to join. Jude, 3, tells his mom during their morning walk,”I need to call Lola (Lola is grandma in Tagalo) and ask her something.” I get a FaceTime call and Jude asks if I will buy him everything on this piece of paper just exactly like Jack’s equipment? I say sure. He yells to his mom, “she said ‘sure’ that means yes!!!” So precious. ❤️ I’m in VA and they are in FL. I go to visit a few weeks later and we are chatting about it. I say that is very grown up of him to think to figure it out by himself. He says, “yeah, it was a great idea!”
@RhiannaCH 3 года назад
I love the bloopers
@HisJoy7 3 года назад
Lol growing up my parents literally made only take one class at a time but it worked I’ve been doing theatre since 1st grade (I’m going into high school now) but now that I’m older I want to take dance classes and do plays! Lol 😂🤣 Anyway I loved the video y’all always make me laugh!!
@maddyfinn2426 3 года назад
You really should do dance I do it and I love it
@HisJoy7 3 года назад
@@maddyfinn2426 I know but since I can only do one and there is already complex dances in the plays I have to go with plays. I could never give them up 😄. It’s awesome that you do dance though!
@hey.its.sophhh 2 года назад
The cup stacking at the end lol 🤪😜😂
@ur.fav.lizzie 3 года назад
I love all of your funny parent videos, hey are awesome!
@catpsyc1251 3 года назад
But when kids love sports it is the best!!! My son did ice hockey, LAX, and wrestling growing up. He loved it!! We both did! Lots of good memories! Since I did not know how to do any of those things, I was never able to give him or his coaches “advise”. That helped keep it fun!!!!
@RJ-mw2gw 3 года назад
Who gave Penn a saw?!
@scotrawe2521 3 года назад
Unfortunately this is sooooooo accurate. Every parent thinks their kid is going to be a professional...when they are 4. Excuse me for sounding super old...but I miss when sports were about having fun and learning when you were younger...and eventually competitive once they were heading towards high school
@carynmcentee6725 3 года назад
Hell, I'm just happy when I can get my 16 year old out of her room, out of the house and doing something so she's not on screens all day or sleeping.
@emerald2700 3 года назад
"Why do we own tools?" Simply to fix things.
@bistromathics6 3 года назад
For fun and profit?
@hannahmore9118 3 года назад
Thank God I was raised by a professional intellectual introvert who did not push sports at all!
@jenniferwalde1189 3 года назад
Wait, Mrs holderness is the reporter in iron man 3 when Tony stark comes out of Happy's hospital room, right?!
@jenniferellsworth1226 3 года назад
gonna watch...RIGHT NOW! Love you, Heidi!
@AnonYmous-mw5lc 3 года назад
the struggle is real
@juliecastillo914 3 года назад
I hate when parents act like that screaming at the refs and the coaches. My son play soccer and my brother coaches and there are parents who will literally call my brother up and scream at him or go up to him and yell at him. The refs get the same thing and it's like are you serious dude? These people are volunteers not only do they not get paid (the refs are usually kids in the older divisions and they usually get money off of their soccer fees) but my brother actually adjusts his work schedule and works less during the soccer season so that he can coach. He is actually losing money. it's funny that the parents think they know exactly what should be done don't volunteer to coach
@margenn3889 3 года назад
Well done to your son for still being involved. Parents need to show respect so that their children grow up respectful.
@thatgirlwhosaysfloof4221 3 года назад
I was in basketball for a couple years, and then I just stopped... to join the school musical. :)
@augrad0653 3 года назад
This is too real!!!
@mauriciorosales1259 3 года назад
You missed the hockey parents :)
@ironlily6511 6 месяцев назад
For sure! My opinion is: when no American children are hungry, homeless or abused, we can afford to spend insane amounts of money on sports programs.
@dwilliams7377 3 года назад
Oh my gosh this is so true. Especially signing kids up for classes before they’re born. That’s 💯 my city.
@leonawallace6042 3 года назад
I do not do sports, I am a clarinetist. But my parent behaved the same way. LOL. 😅
@jackiek5782 3 года назад
Nailed it.
@deniselange1080 3 года назад
LOL! This is so on point. Of course, now I am the tennis mom that couldn't even tell you if her kid was winning or losing since I'm too busy chatting it up with the other parents. Even given this, when my boys miss a shot, somehow it is my fault. I proudly can say I have never watched a clinic. #gotnotimeforthat
@alaskangirl86 3 года назад
(Year 2) remindedme of the High School that my husband and I went to back in 80's.. Now to get yourown kids into that high school if you live inside of a different district , the waiting list is close 4 years long.
@ddchomeschool 2 года назад
🤣 you guys might enjoy The battle hymn of the tiger mom (whatever it’s called). At the end after the violin insanity, her daughter plays tennis and bans the mom from being involved 🤣
@namewitheld2568 2 года назад
Oof. This one hit close to home.
@amykremer6891 3 года назад
Hilarious! And SO accurate!!!
@rubylee4704 3 года назад
My parents didn’t even give me a choice. When I was a few months old I was dunked in the swimming pool, and I’ve been there ever since.
@rubylee4704 3 года назад
2:56 My parents at practice 2:58 My parents at the competition and the car ride home
@ahnihope7126 3 года назад
I’m a water polo player and swimmer, my parents know nothing about my sport 💀 only a little about swimming
@dianeericson7900 3 года назад
Those green shirts... definitely your colors, people! You both look great.
@jackirichard414 3 года назад
I played sports growing up, basketball, soccer and softball.
@cheryljohnson6448 3 года назад
My Son is one of the coaches for his son's t-ball team. And most practices they can't get the kids to run the bases. If they do they end up chasing each other. It's like herding cats.
@ressikman 3 года назад
Wait....Why would you have the Traeger inside your garage? That needs to be somewhere where all the other dads can see it so that you can get invited to all the smoking things! If you know, you know.
@leebridges1674 3 года назад
30 years coaching and reffing fencing. You nailed the reason we get to black card (eject) spectators. :-)
@ntvonline9480 3 года назад
After all that, you won’t be able to watch from the stands in Tokyo.
@handimanjay6642 3 года назад
“Let’s google it!” 😏
@annadickens9245 3 года назад
Yes!!! Love this!!!😂
@dia9491 3 года назад
Penn put the saw down!!! Looks like you’re gonna chop someone up lol
@michellehankin9762 3 года назад
Lacrosse! Play lacrosse!
@luvdacurvyones 3 года назад
I had my daughter under the impression that she had to draw up football plays when she was 7. I asked her one day in front of her friends if she has drawn up any football plays. She said “no, not yet”. I replied to her “ you need to get started on drawing up some football plays because life goes by fast and before you know it, you’ll be 18 and graduated with no football plays……then what”? Her friend sitting next to her yelled at me “ HEY! SHE DOESN’T NEED TO DRAW UP FOOTBALL PLAYS!” Her friend was 6. Kids.😂🤣
@charleneburge1893 2 года назад
Those parents are the reason I despised kids sports and refused to play. LOL Plus, have horse, will ride.
@pamelamays4186 3 года назад
Tennis parents sounded like old school John McEnroe.
@davidbowlby8587 2 года назад
I feel it so much.
@mikemcconeghy4658 10 месяцев назад
Why do we own tools? As a homeowner, you own tools. That's just how it is.
@haleyanne86 3 года назад
I wish I could relate to this... nope. 3 girls and no sports
@judypaladino4957 2 года назад
I just bought your book today at Hobby Lobby.
@Greens5511 3 года назад
So true!!!
@johnparla6252 3 года назад
Rock climbing parent
@averyce2 3 года назад
Yup.... That was us... so sad but FUNNY ;-)
@earringsanddivineappointme1493 3 года назад
Please! This is my favorite
@phantommangagirl 3 года назад
I’m sure my mom would have been a crazy sports mom if we had been remotely interested in sports.
@michellemarie1197 2 года назад
My parents didn't have money and wanted me to "be my own person" so the only thing I know how to do is play the accordian (thanks to my grandma who pushed me into it) and write things like poetry and I don't have cool skills.
@teresagabriela5806 3 года назад
OMGosh this is totally real!
@mariaskabardonis8353 3 года назад
Lol movement classes
@Liddlegreenbees 3 года назад
Are those Dude Dad's tools??😉
@melissagrindstaff9252 3 года назад
Basketball Is Good
@makaila1177 3 года назад
I will never understand the sport obsession. People really like to spend their free time sitting out in the hot sun watching their kids throw or kick a ball around? I can think of a million other things I’d rather do.
@user-ye3ds5jn6g Год назад
Near me, nutzo parents are trying to sign up their four year olds for prestigious lacrosse camps for the future in 2027 because they heard that there’s a long waiting list and they want to make sure their kids get a spot when they are older. They are crazy.
@mstinamichele 3 года назад
When our son was younger we had him in tball, then baseball. We were not crazy parents like I see some. When he got older he didn't seem to want to do it anymore, which is ok. I wish we would have put him into something else as he just likes gaming and computers now. He loves fishing though. Our daughter spent about 14 years in dance and she loved it. She also loves to teach dance. I really thought she'd get a college scholarship w/this, but dance is not like Soccer or Football.
@staceyknoell6339 3 года назад
Simone Biles. Serena Williams. Amanda Gorman. #blackgirlmagic
@rubylee4704 3 года назад
Lmao my parents are exactly like that! I didn’t have a say in the matter and I actually did want to quit for the exact reason (too much shouting) and my parents immediately tried to find me another sport and also (successfully) guilt tripped me into staying in my current sport (swimming). It’s gotten a bit better with my new tea tho :)
@WendyHughesJelenGRNLVNG 3 года назад
The wardrobe changes for this one I think tops them all. And I bet Penn still has 50 more t-shirts in his closet. (My husband also has a t-shirt problem. Right now I am working on getting him to at least wear shirts with no messaging on them!)
@Robbie-14 Год назад
My parents were like this until I joined the school choir
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