
Tithe to become wealthy. 

Berel Solomon
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#tithe #jewish #judaism #jew #business #wealth #wealthy #charity



15 окт 2024




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@harryrobot851 Месяц назад
Buying a stock is easy, but buying the right stock without a time-tested strategy is incredibly hard. Hence what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist? I've been trying to grow my portfolio of $560K for sometime now, my major challenge is not knowing the best entry and exit strategie;s ... I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
@OmidfNimaryi Месяц назад
Investing without proper guidance can lead to mistakes and losses. I've learned this from my own experience. If you're new to investing or don't have much time, it's best to get advice from an expert.
@jamesshaver2247 Месяц назад
You're absolutely right about that
@jamesshaver2247 Месяц назад
the power of compound interest and the long-term potential of investing in index funds like the S&P 500. For many, passive investing in broadly diversified funds can be a reliable strategy over time.
@BennieY.Jenkins Месяц назад
A lot of folks downplay the role of advisors until being burnt by their own emotions. I remember couple summers back, after my lengthy divorce, I needed a good boost to help my business stay afloat, hence I researched for licensed advisors and came across someone of utmost qualifications. She's helped grow my reserve notwithstanding inflation, from $275k to $850k.
@HilmanJacks-mq1tc Месяц назад
I'm actually interested in this idea of investing through an analyst. Sounds like the most sensible thing to do in the market right now. Could you give me a pointer to who you work with, please?
@soufianesabir2884 Год назад
I’m a muslim from morocco and we have the same principle and stories about charity ( this confirms ) that this is an algorithm in the universe the system send the blessings through you… love the video very well done so much respect to you and all our jewish brothers
@sergewoodbueno Год назад
Last year was the worst year in business for me. This year things have really taken a turn for the better since i started giving 15%. June, July and August 2023 were record breaking months for my business which are usually slow month. Giving charity absolutely works! I will always be a cheerful giver the rest of my life. I would be crazy not to. Please do youself a favor and make God your partner in business by giving to his ministries.
@DevikaShukla-d5f 5 месяцев назад
I have been tithing since 1 year but still there is no financial blessings but yes tithing has worked for me in other ways I was on depression pills for 5 years and just by doing tithing I got rid of it I never used to meet people I'm very introvert kind of a person but now I have started meeting people have also started with school uniform business and today I met someone who wants to take uniform from me and very soon I will be starting my own healing work by god's blessings
@richruelas Год назад
Yes, the only thing God gives us the authority to test him on and it is true!
@john-ee Год назад
It's so true! When I started working for God on 90% commission my income doubled and has continued to rise since. This principle is life transforming.
@testingperson8413 Год назад
I am curious to know what particular field pays 90% commission?
@john-ee Год назад
@@testingperson8413 every field. God is in charge of everything and we work for Him. According to His guidance, we get to keep 90% of our earnings and give the 10% to charity.
@soufianesabir2884 Год назад
Means he is giving 10% of hid income
@thiagohsilvestre7127 Год назад
That really changed my life! Thank you Amighty!
@rikkr1307 Год назад
It does work. One jump for me was 13k a year.
@phibo674 Год назад
Beautiful to See how jews have faith in god. Thank you ❤
@leonroos6903 Год назад
Amen praise ALMIGHTY ❤
@divyabooshanam7351 6 месяцев назад
Whom should I give this money to if I’m a non Jew, basically a Christian and living in India. When I asked a group of Christians if I can send my money to missionaries in tribal area and one pastor jumped in and thrashed me so Iv never asked this question ever again. I still like to know where I should actually give my 10%
@trommelbiel 6 месяцев назад
I have never seen any Jewish Rabbi opposed to tithing. Only deceived gentile Pastors say it is old testament.
@tonyclifton265 Год назад
when i was a financial trader i once pledged a percentage of my bonus to charity (an orphanage in asia) and my bonus was much higher than i expected or deserved that year. it was weird. it made me think tithing works
@AbCdEfG-12345-A Год назад
in my opinion do tithe 10% and do charity not because we want to get a lot more money we do that because we know that all of our money come from God because we very thankful to God we give charity and do Tithe Gbu
@Booosting Год назад
Make God your partner in every business, how can you lose money then ❤️
@c16472 6 дней назад
True indeed!
@mattrkelly Год назад
its true... but this is just the beginning of spirituality 😘
@haroldvives-capacetti4247 5 месяцев назад
Question for you sir, in the bible it states for us to give a tenth of all our earnings, but in your case the rabbi instructed you to give what he believed you could give which was more than the 10th of your earnings. So which way should we give, the tithe of all our earnings or more than what we receive?
@vinayaka369 6 месяцев назад
Hi, can I Tithe within family ?!!! Plz ans...
@sarahluisiana1847 Год назад
is it the God, who has the vowels hidden in the Tetragrammaton the 5 pointed star, the supreme power of the good? Sheva Cholam Kamatz I`m asking because, the bible is talking about different God´s and I only want to get one with the highest truth of God the source of all creation, who is not only abundant in money but also in infinite love, wisdom, power, joy, bliss..
@theabckingdom Год назад
Hallelujah ‼️ ‼️ ‼️
@Jazz313 Год назад
Truth ❤❤❤
Charity (giving, alms) and tithe are two different things though…it’s called tithes AND offerings…
@solomonshabat4542 Год назад
How to given the tithe? Cohen or poor people? Sir I am Christian please guide me, Thanks
@tomislavnagy8715 Год назад
Is this only if someone gives Money to a Rabbi for something that has to do with Judaism? Or can You give Money for Secular Things toi, like Enviroment, Secular Schools, Secular Libraries, ect?
@surekhapagudala974 Год назад
Glory to God
@dantecalderon6410 Год назад
@ya.bel.7531 Год назад
God Money! We implore you
@joesummer Год назад
Well tithe
@trommelbiel 6 месяцев назад
I would like to pay my tithe with a Rabbi but l have no clue which or to find them!
@valentinechichetam2281 Год назад
I need wisdom
@Vikingr4Jesus5919 Год назад
Ask for it. Look at Solomon, who was a young teen when he became king of Israel. God asked Solomon what he wanted. Armies, money, allies, anything and it would be his. Yet Solomon asked for none of that. Instead, he asked "Lord, give me wisdom." And he became known as the wisest king of Israel, possibly of the World, ever. And the Lord encourages us to ask of Him any good thing, and He gladly gives to those who ask in faith. I can testify to this. God is good.
@ohdamm6222 10 месяцев назад
​@@Vikingr4Jesus5919if GOD can give anything then I ask him only I want him only ☺️🙏
@markb7067 Год назад
Ridiculous. The Prosperity Gospel is nonsense. There's no biblical promise of a monetary blessing for either giving to the poor or to a religious institution. Giving to get isn't a biblical principle. Giving for the sake of giving, is.
@HoniTheCircleMaker13 Год назад
Malachi 3:10 says different. I suggest you test God and find out. I was way more skeptical than you. I literally start tithing, just so I could prove God wrong and become an athiest 😂. Now I'm even closer to Him On a deeper level, it triggers the law of "giving and receiving". Even the most immoral billionaires know this universal law
@markb7067 Год назад
@@HoniTheCircleMaker13 Malachi 3:10 cannot be universally applied either historically or currently. Read the whole book. In Malachi 1:1 the narrative is confined to Israel and in 1:6 and 2:1 it's further narrowed towards the Levitical Priests. Also, Malachi 3:10 has nothing to do with money or today's version of a "church".
@HoniTheCircleMaker13 Год назад
@@markb7067 thats the beauty of Malichi 3:10. You can literally put it to the test. No need doing mental gymnastics and looking for loopholes. Give your tithe and watch the universe change around you. It's actually deeper than the Bible. It's a universal law of giving and receiving, and giving to those who spread the word of God, and to charity, is the most potent from of giving
@markb7067 Год назад
@@HoniTheCircleMaker13 When it comes to tithing perhaps no scripture is more referenced than Malachi 3:8-12 which states: 8 “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse-your whole nation-because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty. 12 “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty. At face value this passage would seem to imply that God is playing the role of either a mob boss or a slot machine - or both if one translates this passage in terms of monetary value. Who but a ruthless dictator would curse another for not carrying out this alleged indictment to regularly pay a percentage of your income - or else! Does this idea really pass the “love test”? Isn’t free will choice a primary component of love? And if tithing is compulsory as stated under Mosaic law, how can it really be considered a choice or any sort of act of faith? Another translation of this passage would suggest this is not the case. Some of the reasons why are as follows: 1. In the first few verses of the book of Malachi the “children of Israel” are addressed in a generic sense. However, since the Levitical Priests were technically also “children of Israel” it’s possible that the passage could have been directed to them exclusively. In Malachi 1:6 and again in Malachi 2:1 the indictments are clearly and specifically directed towards the Priests. From that point forward there is no clear change in the direction of focus for whom those indictments are made. As such, it would seem that the indictment to “bring the whole tithe into the storehouse” was actually directed towards the Priests. We see no clear change in focus from the Priests for the indictment of “robbing God” so it is reasonable to assume that the indictment was directed toward the Priests specifically, rather than the entire nation of Israel. 2. There are reasons to believe that the Levitical Priesthood were the only ones actually allowed in the temple storehouse. Non-Jews were permitted the 'ezrat ha-nashim (the forecourt of the Temple); most Jews were permitted in the 'azarah (inner courtyard); only the priests and Levites were permitted in the heychal (inner court or sanctum); and only the High Priest could enter the kodesh kodashim (Holy of Holies). If only a select people were allowed in the storehouse, then Malachi 3:10 cannot be universally applied. It was the Levites who were accompanied by a Priest, not all of Israel, who were to “bring up the tenth of the tithes to the house of our God, to the chambers of the storehouse” (Nehemiah 10:38). Therefore, it appears evident that Malachi 3:10 was not directed at any others besides the Priests at the time which would further weaken the argument that tithing is to be universally applied today. 3. Since the biblical tithe had nothing to do with paying money from monetary earnings there is no biblical reason to think that if anyone gives money to any church they will be monetarily blessed in return or otherwise cursed. 4. It’s possible that what was happening at the time was that the Priests weren’t bringing the proper quantity and/or quality of tithe items (produce and livestock) to the temple as directed, perhaps keeping the best elements of their portion of the tithe(s) and offerings for themselves. It’s reasonable to assume that God was indicting the Priests, through the prophet Malachi, to properly execute their part of the system, which included bringing proper sacrifices (quality livestock) and food (produce) that provided sustenance for temple workers and for ceremonial sacrifices. Only the Priests were allowed to conduct sacrifices. 5. The “floodgates of heaven” has nothing to do with monetary blessing. We first find this same term used by God back in Genesis 7:11 where the windows of heaven were open and rain contributed to the flood, as the fountains of the deep were broken open. In Genesis 8:2 it says the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained. Isaiah 24:18 also mentions the windows from on high; this phrase is consistently used for rain water. In Deuteronomy 28:12 it reads “The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. In Genesis it was a judgment. In Malachi 3 it was to be a blessing - rain on their crops. The nation lived in large part by their agriculture (Husbandry) and depended upon the rain. God's blessing had to do with the provision of water; no rain and they couldn’t produce adequate crops or sustain livestock. Perhaps this passage is emphasizing that if the Priests mishandled their tithes, which was part of the blessing in the Mosaic covenant, a curse would be put on them. The ground would not yield food because it would be deprived of rain which of course would be a detriment to all of Israel. 6. There is no specific indictment for the entire nation of Israel to tithe as only the products of farmers and herdsmen were accepted as tithes. There is no mention of merchants, tradesmen, carpenters etc… ever bartering their crafts or services as a form of tithing or giving a tenth of their earned monetary wages. Therefore, it is unreasonable to conclude that Malachi 3:8-12 applies to the entire nation of Israel. As such it’s also unreasonable to conclude that it applies to us today either. 7. The book of Malachi was written at the time of Mosaic law in Israel. These laws supported a system of atonement that is now obsolete in the Christian faith as we (Christians) are now under grace, provided by the blood of Jesus. Biblical, systematic tithes were facilitated by ceremonial and civil ordinances that are now obsolete. 8. The word “food” in Malachi 3:10 literally means food. There is no reason to substitute a metaphor for “spiritual food” such as scriptural teaching, which is common in many modern-day churches. Again, it seems that the Priests were indicted to not compromise the quality or quantity of food (produce, grain etc…) that was to be brought to the temple storehouse. 9. Notice how the text reads “bring the whole tithe” in Malachi 3:10. This implies that only a part of what was submitted as tithe items was selectively brought to the temple. It was upon the Levities and the Levitical Priest(s) to “bring” the tithe items from the Levitical Cities to the temple. It makes sense then that Malachi 3:10 was directed towards the Levitical Priests exclusively.
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