
To Kill And Be Killed! | Limbus Company Part 5 - Foreman Plays Stuff 

Foreman Plays Stuff
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Our Sinners, showcasing their diverse array of unique talents.
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16 янв 2024




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@ForemanPlaysStuff 5 месяцев назад
Only Dante could be lucky in such a disastrously bad way discord.gg/foremanplaysstuff
@dyingstar24 5 месяцев назад
Faust really did just say "I learned to stop planning and say 'Fuck it, we ball'"
@cyberryzer9430 5 месяцев назад
"Aight. Bet."
@ParanoidTheMarvin 5 месяцев назад
It sounded bit more elegant.
@LandBoundFish 5 месяцев назад
@@ParanoidTheMarvinan elegant way to say “fuck it, we ball.”
@Esskido 5 месяцев назад
You can actually tell when an EGO is ready when their respective strip around a Sinner's icon is lit up.
@aceisawesome_ 5 месяцев назад
the exchange between ryoshu and yi sang and the chandelier in this canto is one of my favourite in the entire game so far. the curt request. the contrast between the 2 sentences in response and the "Thank." the fact that it does nothing. peak writing fr
@deltaphazon4688 5 месяцев назад
Ryoshu's great. She just appears in a scene, does something cool for no reason and leaves with no explanation.
@nikmaxter 5 месяцев назад
You dont know how much I laughed the first time I saw Ryoshu cut the chandelier, only because it was dramatic. Chapter 2 is a goldmine of memes and humor, and it only gets better as the game goes on.
@dragonsmash3r 5 месяцев назад
Interesting thing to note is that despite the jackpot at the very start, it seems the wish patch did indeed work on what they wanted to use it for. They made it to the top and got in, albeit through inordinate means that gave half the group an aneurysm. If anything, their original plan seemed like it would have failed if they followed it to the letter.
@sparkcircuit7029 5 месяцев назад
I have to wonder what Heathcliff and Ryoshu even _said_ to get censored in the _Project Moon_ universe of all things. Also, the day we get enough IDs for a full Liu Association team, that's _all_ I will be using, pierce weaknesses be damned.
@sparkcircuit7029 5 месяцев назад
Also 9:00 the looping casino chips sfx REALLY adds to this scene lmao
@Ysevetyfive 5 месяцев назад
Man rewatching the early cantos made me realise that Cantos 1 and 2 really are the perfect introduction not just for this game but the PMverse as a whole. Canto 1 shows you how utterly screwed up and horrible The City can be and sets your expectations, then Canto 2 rolls around and shows you that for every messed up thing that happens in The City there's also just a clown party happening down the street somewhere (Which is usually also doing something horribly messed up). Man I Love The City We Live In. Also on Rupture, Rupture has a super low floor but a sky high ceiling, the added true damage on all attacks is always nice to have and nearly all Rupture IDs are very good in their own right but Rupture as an archetype only actually becomes good in a full team dedicated to it, and those teams need a LOT of investment to be able to maintain a proper Rupture stack, I've been playing since launch and only recently managed to put a team together that can keep a decently sized stack going outside of Mirror Dungeons. But again, this early on team building basically doesn't matter. And to answer your question about what we do when the game gets hard: A: Spam E.G.O to win. B: "Exploit" the Clashing mechanic by using Evades (When an enemy attacks into an Evade their Offense Level is basically negated and since the only thing that gets inflated in most non-boss circumstances is the Offense Level while the rolls themselves stay relatively low, using Evades is incredibly effective in high-end content ESPECIALLY Mirror Dungeon Hard) Also to add this: Counters (Like Rodya's) still let the enemy keep their Offense Level, so it's almost always a terrible idea to use Counters against high damage attacks, if you clash with an attack of your own you usually at least have a chance to knock out a coin (But you should still generally just use E.G.O) because the power bonus is based on the Offense Level difference and Counters have no Offense Level only Defense Level so they do full damage. I probably explained that terribly but i hope it still somewhat helped, basically: Only use Counters if you know you know you can tank the hit anyway because they give zero damage mitigation, they are not nearly as good in Limbus as they where in Ruina. Anyway, I'm happy to see you still have such a good time with Limbus, and since you enjoy Yi Sang so much i can't wait for you to get to Canto 4 😊
@kingragnarok7302 5 месяцев назад
Warning! Ryoshu swears a lot! I have to try Dante's excuses sometime. "Sorry, you know about my amnesia. Cleaning the dishes, is it? Sorry I wouldn't know..."
@plinfan6541 5 месяцев назад
Today we have a Ocean 11 Plot, but sadly everyone in the Room rolled a 1 for Brainpower.
@wymarsane7305 5 месяцев назад
45:20 Don lets out her inner Nearl. Since you've mentioned an interest in building a rupture team, here's an overview of the main status effects and how they work as a comp. Burn (Wrath) is a slow burn damage source, pun intended. It deals damage slowly, and there's barely six IDs that even inflict burn. However what it has going for itself is a _fuckton_ of EGO, some of which do mass attacks, and combined with Liusault you realise that it's VERY good at spreading over groups of mooks. Which is what you'll be dealing with for 90% of your farming time, so speeding that up is extremely valuable. Also, 17 power S1 Shootis is funni. Bleed (Lust) is the polar opposite of burn. It triggers on clashes, so you'll want to focus your count on a single target, lest the stack gets dropped. And it's very fast at melting enemies once you get consistent count application (likely through EGO gifts). It also has some support in the form of N Corp's nails, which apply count at the end of the turn. So just apply some bleed with one-sided attacks at the end of the turn, let the nails do their job, and the enemy will have a really bad time next turn. Tremor (Sloth) exists. That is unironically the best part about it. Raising stagger bars sounds good, but it only helps until the enemy is staggered, at which point it usually becomes useless. And the reliance on separate skills to burst it makes it even more clunky. To compensate, PM decided to do two things with it; apply special effects on tremor burst, and putting it on IDs themselves so they can use it as a resource for their skills. Yes, they literally had to turn tremor into charge to make it useful. There's some EGO gifts that give solid debuffs on tremor burst so the status does have value when farming. Rupture (Gluttony) is bleed on steroids. Unfortunately you can't do something like build it up on one-sided attacks for later use, because that will also use up the stack, and it does nothing if you keep losing clashes. Also, many rupture IDs rely on attacking ruptured enemies for power ups on their skills, so this status is easily the most comp reliant one. On the flip side, once the count is stable, it is the status effect with the highest DPT potential of them all. Sinking (Gloom) is rupture but for SP. Or rupture but Gloom on abnos. This is surprisingly useful even when you don't build for it, because a boss that's at -45 SP will rarely flip heads, and be much more manageable (unless -coins are involved...). There's really only three IDs and one EGO that matter for this status, and one of those IDs plus that EGO is enough for a nuke that has, I think, the highest single-coin damage potential in the game. Poise (Pride) is a selfish status. IDs build it on themselves, and support for letting others build it is rare. +20% damage is also a very whelming effect. Fortunately, PM has realised that and given some IDs extra effects on high poise or crit, like giving them a 25 power counter, or +100% damage on hit. Basically, either an ID can build poise and makes good use of it, or it doesn't, and that's the extent of how much though you need to put into teambuilding around it. Charge (Envy) is even more selfish. It does nothing by itself and isn't even a status effect. Instead, skills and passives are triggered by having or using a certain amount of it. One of the charge IDs is so weird that it generates and then spends the charge on the same skill, even. Since it does nothing on its own, EGO gifts for it either give you faster charge gain (only useful to an extent) or extra buffs when enough charge is available. This, and one specific EGO, are the only reasons you might want to build a party around charge, and these IDs are easily slotted into a generic party because there's otherwise no synergy for them. It helps that some charge IDs are simply overtuned. Some IDs are hybrids. First Mate Yi Sang is a poise ID that uses crits to build up bleed. Others use charge to build up tremor. Some dabble into an effect and don't really do much with it otherwise, like a certain ID that I wouldn't call a burn ID because it's literally the least important part of its kit.
@Ysevetyfive 5 месяцев назад
Perfect way to describe all of them, good job! And as a hardcore Tremor defender since launch, even i have to admit that it gets hard carried by two IDs (That aren't even permanently available) and without them Tremor is just not worth using most of the time even in Mirror Dungeons 😢
@whatthedoot5604 5 месяцев назад
​@@YsevetyfiveI'm guessing one of the IDs is Regret Faust, but what's the other one that isn't permanently available?
@Ysevetyfive 5 месяцев назад
@@whatthedoot5604 The other is meant to be Molar Outis but I'm not actually sure how limited she actually now that i think about it, i just assumed she is because she was in a login event.
@whatthedoot5604 5 месяцев назад
@Ysevetyfive ahh that's fair. iirc, she should be available in the dispenser when the next season rolls around, since she was labeled as a season 2 identity
@Ysevetyfive 5 месяцев назад
@@whatthedoot5604 Ah thank you, then yes, at least one of the IDs carrying Tremor will be permanently available. Hopefully we get some more in the near future but for now i hope we get more Burn IDs, because most Tremor IDs can at least clash or... function unlike Burn 😢
@scruffles3838 5 месяцев назад
PM sends a lunacy package everytime they have to fix a bug or do maintenance, which is basically every week sometimes more the apolunacy as they call it
@ianjordan8964 5 месяцев назад
45:06 dons ids are either normal and incredibly depressed or batshit insane and happy. The sole exception is her cinq id
@lokey57 5 месяцев назад
This moment isn't brought up enough by the PMoon community honestly when discussing Don. It's one of the few moments where in the main story you see her mask slip, coupled with a complete change in tone (that sounds like she's ready to kill everyone in the room).
@wymarsane7305 5 месяцев назад
@@lokey57 IDK about you but anytime I see discussions about Don, this moment is one of the first things that's brought up.
@grimmreaper6354 5 месяцев назад
the new don uptie 3 story is beyond peak so if you wanna stick with rupture i highly recommend it (her attack is also really neat)
@ItsLimbover 5 месяцев назад
I'd love to have a dante alarm clock with this noise. 6:31. Waking up to him in pain. (Oh and by the way, foreman all base identities and base ego are threadspun and uptied to 3 after chapter 3. So dont spend too much thread on the base ids.)
@DemPop 5 месяцев назад
17:53 I see you're already soulreading Ryoshu's antics. Good, good...
@pixellavalamp8618 5 месяцев назад
1:01:28 Honestly, One of the best (humorous) images in the game
@HateIsJustice 5 месяцев назад
Little fun thing if you haven't noticed yet now that you're starting to uptie ID's to tier 3, many skills have variations of their animations based on whether heads or tails is flipped during the actual attack! An easily noticeable one being Sinclair's base Ego go white on hit if it flipped heads! Also 7 Heathcliff is fine at clashing, he has pretty standard ranges for such in fact. There's also some great non 7 Assc. ID's that are great rupture supports too! Can't wait for you to finish Canto II, you'll be able to farm Lunacy and grind up the battlepass once you do, along with actually being able to farm EXP & Thread for your ID's.
@TenryuBoshi 5 месяцев назад
you can get thread in the dispense tab by converting the shards of each sinner. It's not super efficient, but when you're short by a few thread, it is there as an option.
@starmines06 5 месяцев назад
You can exchange shards you get from the gacha into thread so you can uptie more things
@The_edgoober 5 месяцев назад
I can only imagine if Gregors arm went out of control it would immediately start to Gangnam style 49:14
@aimanF987 5 месяцев назад
a lot people say this bad chapter to show what rodion really is,but this actually just set up chapter for rodion second chapter (probably 3 or 4 year later) because the last story part in this video is the only time rodion take things seriously
@loftwingheropon2743 5 месяцев назад
Canto 1 feels more like an introduction to our hopeless band of idiots with a bit of Gregor lore on the side setting up his eventual character arc, canto 2 feels the same showing us that the sinners may be a hopeless band of idiots but despite that they can get things done, similarly it’s there to also just set up Rodion eventual conflicts and character arcs. But the introduction to the sinners as a whole comes first. It’s only cantos 3 and onwards that chapters really narrow in on specific sinner cause they don’t need to set up the sinners as a whole group anymore. I hope this made even a little bit of sense.
@HarambaeXelonmuskfans 5 месяцев назад
Regarding the support ID tangent you went on in the start, as it's been said many a times before, don't feel ashamed to use them outside of story mode. While limbus is very user friendly and you can get IDs whenever basically, some of them are limited and you won't be able to get them for a long, long time (Months, even) until they return. For example: The hells chicken one's in the dispenser (Under season 1's) released on april 2023 and we only were able to dispense them again on the 16th of november 2023. There is also another set of event IDs/EGOs that were released in season 2 that we won't be able to dispense or get at until the next season. The same applies to the currently on-going 5.5 event and the one in the near future. And when the currently occuring walpurgischnat is over, it won't come back until 3~ months or so, meaning you won't be able to dispense or ever excavate any of the EGO/IDs there until it's over. This is very pressing in the context of events like these which won't last forever, or hard modes like railway where you need good units (that you might not even have) to get a low turn count in. Regardless, the rewards for doing so are minimal and usually only a banner if you go out of your way to get them, so even if you do adheer to not using them you won't miss out on much aside from lunacy/banners. The current WN event with the green dawn is also very cutthroat, so it really just devolves into EGO spam every stage of the game. I've got pretty much everything good and even then I needed a support of the new outis to properly get a 77/77 clear on hard mode (MY LUCK IS AWESOME VRO)
@sciencey2858 5 месяцев назад
13:20 -Flowey
@prim8512 5 месяцев назад
Ryoshu ukulele
@aceisawesome_ 5 месяцев назад
yay, a great video to watch while snow piles up outside :D
@kurobiay2484 5 месяцев назад
ahh what a nice day today, to start my day with a cup of coffie and a foreman upload, this comment is before watching cuz i found it funny how i just woke up around an hour after upload, cheers
@legandaryprinnygamer8886 5 месяцев назад
Can I just say I love that this entire chapter is just Oceans Eleven but everyone is a fucking moron
@Bimblewort 5 месяцев назад
Seven Association is absolutely one of my favorite groups from Ruina, next to W. Im super glad theyve gotten the great units they have. 3/5 of the group are 00 rarities as well, so you're pretty likely to get the other two within a reasonable time frame!
@duykhangtran4406 5 месяцев назад
Mariachi Sinclair is indeed real and hopefully you can extract him soon
@firestorm09890 5 месяцев назад
Tieqiu is pronounced similar to tyeh-chyo, if you were wondering!
@otherevan296 5 месяцев назад
Excellent work, Executive Foreman. Hope the dogs are doing well~ As for a Rupture team, you have 7 Heath and Lantern Don, as you know. Those 2 are absolutely top notch Rupture units, with Heath being a DPS and Don being a tank (and a really damn good one, her healing I hear is pretty good with her passive up). Aside from them, you have Base Sinner Outis, who does a small bit of Rupture and plays around with being a dps (once she's automatically Uptied to Tier 3 at the end of this Canto, her Skill 3 goes incredibly hard~) Her Base EGO also applies a small bit of rupture, is pretty cheap, and later on gets pretty high Base Power to guarantee wins in most clashes, not to mention its passive giving her lots of dmg up if you keep winning clashes with her and keep her from getting hit. Aside from them, LCCB Ryoshu at Uptie 3 could work out well, she's a bit limited in terms of ammo, but she can be pretty solid regardless. To top it off, since you don't have a 5th Rupture sinner as of yet, running Cinqlair to carry in a pinch is always viable for where you're at currently.
@suspiciouslurker3826 5 месяцев назад
@sciencey2858 5 месяцев назад
Limbus Company Sinners = Average DnD Party
@ender1546 5 месяцев назад
I too would like to read those "guides" you mentioned bc I'm a sucker for hearing others' opinions
@kurobiay2484 5 месяцев назад
Im now after watching the full episode and one thing, you can exchange your character tokens (this things you get after getting a duplicate) to make threads to uptie, i personally recommend using thoes you know you wont use later on, if you knew that already sorry about being such a nerd but ye i just wanted to point that out ;p
@dragonsmash3r 5 месяцев назад
quick little thing, Rodion was originally male in Crime and Punishment, while Sonya was female. They do similar with Ryoshu, Dondon, Ishmael, Outis, all depends. I like that they keep you guessing, even if you read ahead with their source material.
@zavos5659 5 месяцев назад
The problem with Rupture as a gimmick is you'll need to go all-in to get results. There's no shortage of rupture units (7 association, Lobotomy E.G.O. Red Sheet, W Corp Yi Sang and Lobotomy E.G.O. Lantern to name a few), but you'll need to stack your team with them - and ensure there's enough "count" generation across your team to keep things moving. At this point, I think the gimmick your account is best suited for is Poise. Blade Lineage is the "main" user of it, but is plagued by bad identities. Pequod, Cinq have consistently great identities. Shi Association are consistently good and use poise, BUT are focused on their gimmick of requiring less than half of their health to get the most of their skills. (Don less than others)
@The_ever_preset_Bee_Eater 5 месяцев назад
Just an idea you could use support ID’s you already have just at a higher level and of course not using the ego
@ender1546 5 месяцев назад
About Tieqiu... The one thing I learned from Genshin Impact is that "Q" in Chinese words sounds like "ch"
@themediumplayer3829 5 месяцев назад
Just a rupture warning, count is near impossible to maintain during normal encounters. Generic abnos stagger and die before it actually takes effect. During big bosses with 2 parts is where it shines since you can stack count on 1 part and use all non-count skills on the other part. Tinkering with rupture is incredibly satisfying once you get a good rupture combo going but you're gonna have to count alot. Hope you like basic math. Start with a rupture nuke (lantern Don skill 2 works) then use a mix of potency and count application. Letting count get to 1 makes all count application reset the current potency since they hit and then apply count. This means all moves with 1 rupture count are just rupture neutral and are only really worth it once rupture count and potency are both already high. This is why starting with a small rupture nuke is important, it starts the combo with decent potency and 2+ count, making all future count applications have decent true damage. Some good rupture nuke combostarters are: -LCCB Ryoshu skill 3 (shotgun) ~ On crit the count and potency is insane, all other skills are just poise so be careful with wasting count with her other moves. -LCCB Ishmael skill 3 (more gun) ~ 8 potency and 2 count, if used while the enemy has 3 count it can improve the potency by a great amount while being count neutral, again other skills have no rupture synergy. -W-corp Yisang Skill 2 -And finally talisman Sinclair support passive when it activates buffing an ally who uses a move with rupture count ~ It gives 8+ talismans and because of how raw potency applies 1 count for itself while the unit's skill also applies count it somehow starts the combo off with 2 count, even if the move itself applies just 1 count, with an absolute ton of potency. -Lantern Don s2 also works but it's potency is a little low. And I think that's all... Only other way is using other effects for extra count while applying potency like EGO passives. Without one of these you're gonna need to use multiple moves applying purely count with minimal benefits, then apply slight potency at the cost of count and all other moves also consume count and oh it's all gone, you've run out of count skills. Only lantern Don is able to upkeep count with all of her skills. Once you finally have count and potency Seven units start getting good. Especially those from section 4. Seven Heathcliff has the unique ability of lifting an enemy with lots of potency and 1 count up to 3 count while keeping the potency by winning a clash with his S2. His S1 has insane potency application while dealing great damage. His S2 can be +2 in total count if you win a clash with it, still great for extending a rupture combo without it with +1 total count. His S3 is great for redeeming all rupture on an enemy, applying 3 count then using up 4 count. Sadly enough it is count negative in the end but still good rupture damage on anything with 2 count. If used on an enemy with 3 count you can keep the rupture combo going after that with the extra potency it applies. Still best used as a rupture finisher. This move + Talisman Sinclair passive just destroys everything. Too bad Heathcliff's max hp is a little low so he won't be the passive's target most of the time. Not to mention lining it up with an S3. I'll hold off on talking about the other ID's. Good luck. Goodness heck I wanna rant about Rosespanner Gregor in rupture teams.
@user-sd6py4sr8t 5 месяцев назад
@The_edgoober 5 месяцев назад
I’ve joined the bimbus wagon
@c26f 5 месяцев назад
Fine. I accept your Creamer.
@cheshirecat7838 5 месяцев назад
ahhh the first signs of what potentially lies beneath don's fixer persona. a lot of us are awaiting her canto to see it laid bare. also foreman has now witnessed the glorious meme. GO WHITE BOY GO
@PTCshortvids 5 месяцев назад
I also really like 7 assoc but buillding a rupture team required full commitment You'll need Seven faust as main damage dealer Seven outis + ebony stem as support Seven ryoshu as debuffer/second damage dealer Also need rupture apply supports like Seven heathcliff Lantern Don W Yi Sang + dimension shredder K Hong Lu + deimension shredder Red Sheet sinclair + Fae lantern Rupture team is really good at clashing and consistent damage that required little to no set up (just spam win rate and wait for the win) and with big enough brain you can one shot many bosses Rupture team weakness is that they're not good with long battles/high clash power bosses/enduring battles I really love rupture team but with all the investment i need to make one would easily equal to making 3 different decent teams
@user-fb7zv7zu2y 5 месяцев назад
1:11:04 i mean... The story Sonya and Rodya are based on WAS written in soviet union so...
@Maddie_408 5 месяцев назад
Foreman has chosen Don as best girl…
@Ed-1749 5 месяцев назад
45:20 damn Don's voice pitch went way down, you might be onto something
@ironalt2541 5 месяцев назад
For the algorithm