
Top 10 Best JRPG DEATHS 

Davidvinc RPGs
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@HybridAngelZero 3 года назад
Alrighty, if you want to watch this video, but also avoid specific spoilers, here are some time spoiler-free time stamps! 0:45 Final Fantasy IV 1:45 Final Fantasy V 2:35 Grandia II 3:33 Legend of Dragoon 4:21 Arc Rise Fantastia 5:16 Trails of Cold Steel III 6:11 Phantasy Star IV 7:10 Dragon Quest V 8:13 Final Fantasy VII 9:15 Suikoden II Also, be careful in the comment section! Some of them have spoilers for games not in the video!
@SixersOctavian 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this! Wanted to see a list of games before watching. This is perfect!
@HybridAngelZero 3 года назад
@@SixersOctavian Ayyy, glad I could help :D
@davidvinc 3 года назад
Great comment, I pinned it for you :)
@crowzur6055 3 года назад
Might want to update number 1 to "Suikoden II". I had played Suikoden 1 but not 2, and clicked to that assuming it was someone I know.
@HybridAngelZero 3 года назад
@@crowzur6055 I must have mistyped, I updated it. Thank you!
@noahhobson4521 3 года назад
Veronica in Dragon Quest XI. Sure the party was down in our quest to stop the Lord of Shadows, but we weren't out of it yet. After traveling the world, gaining strength and getting the band back together, we finish events in Sniflheim, get Serena back and go on to Arboria only to discover that, no, we aren't getting Veronica back. She's dead and has been for months. It punched me in the gut the first time I played and still manages to get me on every subsequent playthrough.
@nero5807 3 года назад
yep i never forgott wehn i found her deaht on the tree
@beechteeth 3 года назад
It's funny because I absolutely hated her whole schtick. Even if she wasn't a child, I thought she was boisterous, overconfident, and I only used her as a Sap-machine on bosses until Rab outmoded her even at that. It caught me off guard and while I was glad I didn't have to deal with her antics anymore, I was still feeling a sense of loss.
@Japaninhimself 3 года назад
Veronica’s death broke me. I was sad. For 3 days.
@Mattwbw 3 года назад
I was about to mention her. That one hit me hard. And yeah you can get her back later, but in the main timeline (and until after the first set of credits), she’s gone for a decent amount of time. Veronica was one of my favourite characters and I haven’t been that sad about a videogame since Zack in Crisis Core.
@7thangelad586 3 года назад
I’m still upset about the gravestone in Final Fantasy I that reads “Here lies Link.” Savage.
@kidkytes6233 3 года назад
Doesn't the Japanese version say "Here lies Erdick" in reference to Dragon Quest? LOL
@davidvinc 3 года назад
@@kidkytes6233 A bit different. In the American NES version it said "here lies Erdrick", in the Japanese version it said "here lies Link", then in later remakes it was just changed to "here lies Link".
@tdblackboxx6866 3 года назад
Well, if you're counting characters that could potentially be brought back to life, then I gotta say my #1 was Crono. Maybe it was just the sleep deprivation I had while I binged the game on my first playthrough, but I did a double take when I saw him just melt on screen and asked if that really just happened.
@beechteeth 3 года назад
My first playthrough, I didn't revive him. I didn't want spoilers so I just kept playing. I also thought it was an extremely bold move, especially for a 90's RPG.
@alanlee67 3 года назад
@@beechteeth it's great that the game let's you beat the game without crono. Most of the endings are great
@Mia-dt3gl 3 года назад
Yeah I remember how shocking Crono’s death was when the game was first released. Nobody expected the hero of the entire game to just die right in the middle of the game. My family owned a Sega Genesis so I didn’t play Crono Trigger when it came out, but I remember seeing kids freaking out over his death because nobody had ever seen anything like that before in a game.
@SuperNintendoZach 3 года назад
At first I read this as most adorable jrpg deaths, I thought, “David you monster!”
@EvanFarshadow 3 года назад
@ci7210 3 года назад
What about Minato/Makoto from Persona 3. From the awesome final boss that had you use all your health for the final seal. Having the will to keep yourself alive to keep his promise. Dying on Aigis lap while telling him she found the reason to live. That ending song
@ekdavey 3 года назад
For me, the most tragic JRPG death was when I knocked my PS2 off of the shelf while cleaning...
@louismaltais4292 7 месяцев назад
Yours is a TRULY sad tale...😢
@esaupalma8421 3 года назад
The death that always gets me is in fire emblem fates: birthright when your betrayed older brother Xander trys to kill you but his younger sister jumps in to stop him and gets killed herself in the process... it's a heart breaking scene especially if you played conquest before hand
@Agju 3 года назад
there's always the heartbreaking case of Claus from Mother 3....
@rabidzombiman3106 3 года назад
General Leo in FF6 always stuck with me. Porom and Palom being turned to stone in 4 was really sad as well.
@Agju 3 года назад
i'll second Leo
@WhiteFangofWar 3 года назад
@whiteiswong Год назад
I agree about the twins although as David points out, that's one of several fake outs in FF4. Still, that was the worst fake out in the game imo
@whollycarp3254 3 года назад
Can confirm. Alys' death was a hard one to take, it was before character deaths were really used much in rpgs. It looked like you were going to be able to save her, too, but that just made the gut punch feel that much harder.
@Thameness 3 года назад
To me, Alys' death was the most shocking of them all. I had just started playing RPGs back in 94, PS4 was the second RPG I've ever played, following Shining in the Darkness. And it's amazing how her death was stages to be impacting. First, they make you think she is the protagonist of the game, so you'd never think she would die. Then, when she gets sick, the game sends you on a quest for a cure and you're like "of course there is a cure, she's the main character." Third, back them important characters just didn't die in games, so you don't even worry about it as you're going after the cure. And, when you finally get back to her, she dies. The funny thing is that the game I played right after this one was Final Fantasy VII and when Aerith died I was like "Meh, seen worse."
@kidkytes6233 3 года назад
The death of Alys was the first I ever encountered and even though it really broke me, once she became 'ill' I had accepted that she would probably die. Didn't make it any easier, it was the first video game that made me cry. But Aerith, oh Aerith's death...I was devestated. She easily became my favourite character in the game very early on and I became very attached to her. She never left my party and even though I'm someone who always switches my party around, even when I replay FF7 I always keep her in until she leaves. But yeah...her death was a really important part of my life to that point. This character who I looked up to, whomst I felt an emotional connection to, was taken away from me and I sobbed my heart out, the music bringing out those emotions further. I didn't play the game for 2 weeks because I grieved for her and how the party (and myself) would have to go on without her. I would also say in regard's to Aerith's death and despite how yes, 'overexposed' it is simply is that even today, it's still quite shocking. She is a character you would never expect to be killed, usually it's the older, fatherly/motherly type who looks after everyone. Not the energetic, charming and 'pure' young woman. It was also just how she died, how Sephiroth murdered her and how quickly it happened. She didn't die from illness, she didn't slowly succumb to wounds, she died very quickly after being impaled, the suddenness of it impacts the player a lot. Like you said, Aerith unlike most games is not replaced by someone else. Once she's gone, there's no other party member like her and you have to continue on your journey with that 'missing piece'. She also never 'sacrificed herself' despite to what many people think. Aerith never intended to die. She told Cloud "Well, I'm going now. I'll come back when it's all over." and even though I would say it's within her character to sacrifice herself if need be, that was never her intentions. Tifa mentions it later about how Aerith always looked forward to the future more than anyone. That's enough of me babbling haha. I love Aerith a lot as you can probably tell :D EDIT: Also...Nanami's death hit me hard man. But Riou can get his happy ending if you can get the perfect ending and that makes me happy for him, Nanami and Jowy
@raina1848 3 года назад
I heard that the developers had originally planned to kill off Barret instead, but they changed it to Aerith because they believed it would have more emotional impact. Well...they succeeded in that.
@kidkytes6233 3 года назад
@@raina1848 Yeah! Barret was thought it but they thought it would be too 'obvious' and 'stereotypical' and he fit in with previous FF characters who died. Aerith was the most 'natural' choice in order to 'portray what the real feeling of experiencing death' is in that you're left with a great empty feeling. Not to say that it wouldn't happen with other characters, but it's just that's how impactful her character was I would say? The fact that we still talk about her 20+ years later and how we felt when we all first saw it show just how effective she is. Even in FF7R, I fell in love with her all over again. Especially since she was more well rounded and fleshed out.
@raina1848 3 года назад
@@kidkytes6233 Aerith is my second favorite character (almost first) only behind Vincent, so her death really shook me up back then. Now, I have her in my main party the whole time until she dies. It's a shame that you don't get much time to enjoy her final limit break.
@KittyKatt_Luna80s 3 года назад
It isn't actually Sephiroth that murdered Aeris/Aerith. It is a shard of Jenova in the form of Sephiroth - note it IS Jenova that calls Cloud a puppet. Sephiroth was asleep in the North Crater the whole time, gathering energy from the Lifestream. The shard of Jenova deliberately assumed Sephiroth's form (note how she was able to morph into different people to murder the majority of the Cetra/Ancients at Knowlespole, the original area that became the Crater). She could then lure Cloud to the REAL Sephiroth (as he had her cells in him, making him part of the Clone/Jenova Project) at Knowlespole/Northern Crater for the "Reunion". She was the one that sensed what Aeris was going to do, hence she appeared to Cloud as Sephiroth in the dream before Aeris left, and then she used Sephiroth's form to kill Aeris.
@kidkytes6233 3 года назад
@@KittyKatt_Luna80s I always figured and from what I gathered is that even though it was Jenova pieces throughout the game, that Sephiroth was still the one in control of her actions the whole time.
@Mattwbw 3 года назад
I don’t see anyone mentioning this but Tidus in FFX. Him joining Auron and Jecht at the end was really sad. I legit got choked up last time I finished the game. And my top 5 would be Aerith, Zack, Noctis, Veronica and Tidus.
@alanlee67 3 года назад
Matthew yeah man. That scene at the end with tidus among the pyrflies on top of the airship is iconic
@hewmengshen7781 3 года назад
He just pick the game he only play
@whiteiswong Год назад
If you can stomach FFX-2, you can bring him back
@isaaccollins4533 Год назад
General Leo from Final Fantasy 6.
@jamescannon229 3 года назад
Thank you for putting Mareg on this! The first time I played Grandia 2 it literally had me crying as a kid. One of my all time favorites RPGs.
@keithwaggoner2375 3 года назад
Tellah was the first rpg death for me but it didn't hit other than oh man he died. Alys on the other hand(really glad she ins on the list), was the first big one because i though that like every other rpg she would be fine after beating Zio. also can't believe Serah from FF13-2 wasn't on the list. that scene at the end when you think it is all ok and then bam... tears!
@robertxhacker 3 года назад
Born in 1984 and still loving jrpgs! Thank you for these videos =)
@paulhawn2381 3 года назад
1984 too
@stephaniegifford5932 3 года назад
Without spoilers.... oh god Mother 3 hit me hard a few times
@alfredocoimbra5532 3 года назад
I agree, but two deaths not just one. If you complete the game, they come back to life. David listed deaths where they can't come back.
@TVsMrNeil 3 года назад
Alys's death in Phantasy Star IV had me legitimately heartbroken. She's not even in the game that long, but she leaves a much stronger impact on the player than Nei two games earlier.
@chimeratcg07 3 года назад
Thank you for putting Mareg on this list man, he is what Kimahri from FFX should have been.
@mightymanatee5342 3 года назад
Aeris death was actually made permanent to symbolize the loss that one of the games developers felt over the death of his mother during the writing of FF7's story.
@rriggs6547 3 года назад
There is a guy who finally figured out a way to bring her back. Just happened in the last year or two I think.
@LMLLO 3 года назад
Strangely, the only death in a RPG that left a memory was Ganz from Radiata Stories-maybe cause I was young and already emotional from beating the boss but seeing him stay with his dad as the castle crumble made me pout a bit.
@rriggs6547 3 года назад
That was a rough death.
@wguardia2709 3 года назад
Despite not being a playable character, I will always consider Rand's mother in Breath of Fire 2 the most memorable one 😭😭😭
@louismaltais4292 7 месяцев назад
Aaaah breath of fire 2... The only game i know about where the bad ending beats the good one in every aspect... And i agree with you, even more so because of how poorly she treated him to then show how she truly felt in this ultimate display of motherly love.
@supermustachepika 3 года назад
I know he's never in your party, but I would have to say Ortega from Dragon Quest III. From the beginning of the game you are the known child and have been told the great feats he has accomplished and even acquire his helmet which is the third strongest in the game. But you meet him facing the King Hydra and even on the verge of death as he cannot see anymore he wishes he was their for his only offspring. I know in the Super Famicom and updated mobile/Switch version you can complete the bonus dungeon and bring him back. But to follow the same path your father did only to witness his death and him not knowing that his final words about his child to his own child should be worth mentioning. Even if you never have him as a playable character.
@plops993 3 года назад
I had a really hard time with the FF7 remake deaths of Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. They did a good job of fleshing those characters out to make their deaths more gut wrenching
@sammich6257 3 года назад
wait they die? lol I’m still early on in the game, I guess this is my fault bc spoilers should be expected, but yo that’s sad, I rly like Jessie
@plops993 3 года назад
@@sammich6257 I did too, had a huge crush on her, to the point where I didn't want to even see pics or vids of the voice actress because it would shatter the illusion. Her death is by far the hardest, you are likely to cry IRL the first time you see it. Sorry to spoil, but they die in the original too
@sammich6257 3 года назад
plops993 lol, thanks, I’m currently just stuck at the area where u meet Tifa I think? But I’m not sure, I’d love to beat it sometime
@ShadowWolfRising 3 года назад
I'd argue another contender is. Gremio in Suikoden 1, especially given HOW he dies. And that simple, but effective and hauntingly beautiful 'Theme of Sadness'.
@gustavovasconcelos4911 3 года назад
Alice in Shadow Hearts 1 is one of my memorable losses in these games. It was super sad for me.
@MolfredoSascha 3 года назад
I remember a "legend" which says a legendary blacksmith, who created the most deathly swords in the kingdom Before die he created his most deathly sword ever, it could cut anything without effort, he start crying and says "may this sword never spill a drop of blood" then die It supose to be the backstory of there was no blood on masamune when sephiroth kill aeris AGANE is just a legend, it may be BS and the real reason of no blood could be because it was removed due to censoreship or didnt want to increase the Cero or Esrb rattings
@sladelius6174 3 года назад
Shinjiro and Aerith stand out the most to me, honestly.
@makotoyuki345 3 года назад
My number one: my schedule after becoming a Jrpg fan Jk but I really feel bad about Eizen’s death especially getting to know him in berseria, and I know it’s technically not canon but I feel bad about Zelos’s death too Basically the fact that they could have been avoided and not only that but it was also by *your* hand
@chimeratcg07 3 года назад
Eh, Eizen wasn't that impactful because his story was told in reverse since Zestiria was released first and then Berseria, and Zelos' is optional, very tricky to get Kratos in your party if you're a new Symphonia player, especially in the PS2/PS3/PC version of the game that is even harder to recruit Kratos.
@aerth6946 3 года назад
What about your own death, Yuki?
@makotoyuki345 3 года назад
Aerth that’s my 2nd
@makotoyuki345 3 года назад
Jean AceCar I know I did point those out (“getting to know him in berseria” and “technically not canon”) but it doesn’t mean they’re not impactful if you get attached to them
@raina1848 3 года назад
The weird thing about Zelos' death is that even if you choose to do it, it canonically makes no sense when you consider that he is very much alive and well in the sequel. And it always cracked me up in Tales of the Abyss how one of those random replicas at the churches will say, "Z-e-l-o-s d-i-e-d" or something like that.
@thenuclearsandwich 3 года назад
I have to say Nei from Phantasy Star 2. It was the first time I experienced a death in a game. I really liked that character and was disappointed I could no longer bring her back at the cloning facility. I kept hoping the rest of the game there would some way to bring her back.
@Rave265 3 года назад
Ugh, you reminded me of Mareg's death... I gotta go play Grandia 2 now, lol. That game scared me a lot back in uni, and yet I can't wait to scare me again...? Major props to Niko's redemption and Pankraz's death. In the DS version, you play an unwinnable fight as you just watch him take every hit, which meant so much more to me as I played it. (MOTHER 3 VAGUE SPOILERS BELOW, SO IT'S A WARNING, SURE, DOOD)///////// A memorable one for me would have to be the final boss of MOTHER 3. You can't do anything about it, it's literally an emotional family affair, and you end up doing the deed unintentionally. Unsettling and emotions going everywhere, it's definitely a moment where you're too afraid to speak just because you never wanted it to come to this, even though you've probably pieced it together long ago, and realize there's no other way.
@tomderry7295 3 года назад
While it’s not a JRPG death, one of my most impactful (though) not perma death, was Agro from Shadow of the Colossus. The way Wander screamed his name when he fell, heartbroken
@gavinlucas9761 3 года назад
I don't know why but I feel more sorry for Tellah and Galuf's death's then I do for Aeris. though that's because I was already sporiled by her death long beffore playing the game. But hey I'm glad that they both made it on the list.
@tjcihlar1 3 года назад
In Crystalis, the death of the whole town of Shyron and all the people who were guidig my journey really affected me. WHYY????
@Luca-ll1yc 3 года назад
Spoilers for Shadow Hearts: Alice, for how unexpected it was. You see JRPGs kill side characters all the time, but you never see one kill the heroine right at the end of the story.
@CaspienC 3 года назад
And that scene with her in covenant is so heartbreaking.
@evanp5911 3 года назад
There’s finally a Legend of Dragoon character on a countdown that isn’t about bad characters
@GiraFox 3 года назад
Although not really a perma death, the main character from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers games. The reaction from the partner made me cry so much... it was just a very emotional moment :'(
@ribbonquest 3 года назад
I'm glad to see Nanami getting honored properly. A lot of people seemed to get annoyed by her big sis personality and being forced into the party. I adored her. I also felt the "bad" ending was the correct one for the story. Suikoden 2 is all about sacrifice and a last minute about face doesn't work for me.
@ShadowWolfRising 3 года назад
You could argue her faking her death to move her brother to further action could be considered a sacrifice on her part.
@dmrodri3 3 года назад
Great list! My #1 would be Crono. I was 12. I had no idea he would die. And, the moment it happened, my parents were shouting at me to turn the game off and get in the car. I was so stunned, they had to practically drag me away from the TV. My #2 would be Nanami.
@asmodeus58XX 3 года назад
Will there be a fakeout death list too? For me, number 1 will be Seven, because even though plot-wise she's still alive, Monolith gave her moves that were ditched forever possibly less than two hours into the game.
@Thirteen13551355 3 года назад
Always found it sad that of all the deaths in FF4, Tellah's death was the only real one. He was my favourite of the characters that perished.
@FuzzyfunkUK 3 года назад
Gremio (Suikoden 1), Nanami, Aeris, Teepo (Breath of Fire 3) And Jessie/Wedge/Biggs (FF7), Would probably be my top 5, Wouldn't be able to choose between Nanami and Aeris though, both hit me hard :(
@rriggs6547 3 года назад
I thought we were talking characters who stayed dead. Teepo doesn't fit that.
@FuzzyfunkUK 3 года назад
@@rriggs6547 He has the fake death early in the game and then his true death at Eden, where he states all he ever wanted was to live with his family (Rei and Ryu)
@carlorenneraraujo 3 года назад
Jowy's death got me grieving. I was in fifth grade, and had never really experienced loss. I got 107 stars of destiny, I permanently lost that shithole Clive. He killed my Jowy, goddamn him.
@theflyingninja1 3 года назад
My first ever RPG experience was a death: Alis' brother Nero in the intro to Phantasy Star.
@Lu15d4 3 года назад
My n1: Digital devil saga 2: literally every playable character
@zephyrzeus5500 3 года назад
I'm so happy that Lavitz is in this list.
@buttertators1130 3 года назад
Cloud was just doing his tasks in electrical.....
@PuppyPawsGamingYT 3 года назад
My saddest that I always cry at is Yuri's death in shadow hearts 2. It's shocking and unexpected and it really got me in the heart.
@tyrantsjustice88 3 года назад
Bravo David, bravo. Nanami's death was upsetting, but the most upsetting to me was the Cold Steel 3 spoiler. Damn David. Thank you
@angelapatton5506 3 года назад
Shadow Hearts/ Shadow Hearts Covenant. If you've played the game, you know who. Yes, technically, through an insane amount of time, figuring things out, and hard work the person can be saved. But the fact that the second game was based around the death just made it that much more impactful.
@bragod 3 года назад
To me Tellah was number one. I was very young, i liked to old man atitude a lot, was my favorite character, and i usually dont like mages, and he simple died to revenge his daughter to the point of going over his limits... even without CGI i had always imagined him like breaking his limits to the point of his hearth exploding! It was very surprising and very touching to me as a kid. When Aerith died i was almost grateful, hate mysterious characters that follow their own agenda even if its a good agenda instead of talking their plan with the group.
@MiamiSunrise 3 года назад
David if you were to put yourself into a JRPG as a character what kind of role would you wish to play? Would you be a leader, a great friend, a love interest, a soldier of strength and duty, a spellcaster, a savior....obviously there are many choices, but how do you see yourself fitting into a JRPG? What kind of character would you want to portray?
@CoyoteGuru 3 года назад
Vivi. You knew it was coming. He knew it was coming. And that made it all the more heartbreaking.
@davidtimmer596 3 года назад
I think you should've mentioned how devastated Jusis was, because all he could do was watch. And while Rean's ogre form going on a rampage is a big deal, I think it's an even bigger deal for Jusis, because he loved Millium just as much, if not more so than Rean did, and yeah, Rean does care about everyone in Class VII equally, but I still maintain that Millum's death means more to Jusis than Rean, especially despite the fact that Jusis tries to be aloof and brush off her friendly, jovial personality, they do grow very close to one another, as noted by Elliot at the Imperial party in Valflame Palace.
@gingerkays7362 3 года назад
There’s something from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon that wouldn’t probably qualify due to being temporary. Something from just before the end of the main story of Explorers, as well as the ending of a certain Sky-exclusive extra story both bring me to tears no matter how many times I play. Also, a certain thing at the end of Super breaks my heart, but I never cry due to the character’s final words being “do me one last favor, and don’t you cry!”
@Namorat 3 года назад
All the love for your number one. There are some other deaths in that series that would count for me. The Queen in 5, your father and best friend in 1, my favourite general in 2 (despite it being offline), Blight of course, although he is a villain, but heck, it is a memorable death.
@LCardosed92 2 года назад
Aerith's death was so shocking... that is why I want her to live in 7R. I know many people think she should die again in order to be faithful to the original, but let's be honest, with the direction 7R is going, it is not going to be the same game. Aerith deserves to live. I want her to have her happy ending with Cloud, get married, children. It has been over 20 years. Pleasee Square, she deserves it
@superarty7 3 года назад
As far I can remember only DQ5 and Mother 3 made me cry because of characters death.
@kassiuswinford6182 3 года назад
Nei from phantasy star 2 was the first major character death I remember seeing. Tiga and Claris from BoF 2 being killed in front of the group was another unforseen moment.
@trullikoi 3 года назад
I would've been devastated if Millium's death didn't make this list. That game was a rollercoaster ride for me
@rriggs6547 3 года назад
Though since CS IV came out, maybe her death won't be on the list. Maybe Olivier survived somehow as well. I will see when I play it.
@lukewahlberg2154 3 года назад
I took a few minutes before watching and thought up what deaths I could remember, and I got five out of the ten right.(Galuf, Tellah, Aeris, Papas, and Lavitz) I haven't had the chance to play any of the other games because...well, reasons. The only one I can really think of that shocked me that wasn't here was Reddas from XII. Maybe it was the killer sideburns, maybe it was Phil Lamar's most badass voice work ever, or maybe it was the fact that he developed more than Vaan did in the entire game in the span of about 4 hours of gameplay. From judge to pirate to companion that could wear pink pants and still be more manly than you...yeah, that's my honorable mention.
@CaramelKrystals 3 года назад
I was honestly a bit surprised at number 2 but number 1 is truly the saddest ( I don't count it as a death anymore myself AS I ALWAYS MAKE SURE IT DOESNT HAPPEN ) but I whole heatedly agree
@doodlebugfour7070 3 года назад
There are two deaths in the Chaos Rings games for Phones that deserve a Mention. Olgar/Dante in Chaos Rings Omega: Olgar helps his Daughter Vahti and her Newborn to safety while he slowly melts away in Lava after rescuing them from being taken hostage by Yorath. Olgar in his dying moment also reveals to his son in law Vieg that his true name is Dante and Olgar is a title. Vieg would go on to take the name of Olgar in Dante's memory and apply himself facial markings (Like Dante had) while he and wife goes on to confront Yorath and his master Cyllis. Lessica in Chaos Rings 2: CR2 has you play as Darwin who had to sacrifice people he was close to, including his own love interest Marie at the end in order to make them into Pillars needed for him to get to Neron the Destroyer. Lessica, an emotionless white haired girl that works for Bachs, the guy who runs the rite the game takes place in. Accompanies Darwin (After spending most of the game as an observer) to confront Neron, and on the true path of the game, reveals that Neron is actually a scapegoat to his brother Amon, who turns out to be Bachs. Making Bachs/Amon the actual final boss and all of the people you sacrificed aren't really dead since they unpetrify from their pillar status to help Darwin confront Amon, only for Lessica to offer herself as an Sacrifice during the final battle to help nerf Amon since she is Amon's creation. Even if this will mean her own death since she cannot live without Amon around.
@Wise_Crack17 3 года назад
I think one that hit me hard was Shadow in FF6. Especially, when I found out that I could have saved him. Awesome list though!! I have watched the channel for a while and you still surprised me with a few characters.
@chimeratcg07 3 года назад
At least that one ain't Canon lol and I am a huge Shadow fan, he is always in my party along with the great Sabin.
@Wise_Crack17 3 года назад
@@chimeratcg07 for sure! Functionally, I liked some other characters for big fights. However, later putting together his story (Relm) and whatnot cemented him as a top 10 FF character for me.
@yordlop 3 года назад
A little obscure, but... No video game death got to me like the one at the end of Radiata Stories. This game does characters better than any other JRPG, and throughout the game, you really see the character grow as a person, and how much of a bond they have with the hero Jack Russell. This one messed me up for a while. It's even more tragic knowing that there are two possible endings, and neither is what could be called a "good" ending. Also gonna add the death around midgame in Drakengard 2. Literally, the hero from the first and his soul companion, and it's impactful because it's so sad, but also kind of a relief to them, as well as to the main character. And that music!
@mrannon 3 года назад
I still have Hope for Millum, can't wait for CS 4 release.
@WhiteFangofWar 3 года назад
Teepo in Breath of Fire 3. The previous game had some wrenching ones too, but nothing as hard-hitting as this. Your snarky, mischief-loving childhood friend has turned against you because of the Goddess' lies about the power of the Brood, but in the end, all he really wanted was to be together with his surrogate brothers. Worse, he's rather powerful and will probably kill you instead if you don't give him all you've got. I suppose Garr counts too.
@ThomasMHead 3 года назад
Since some folks are mentioning Chrono Trigger, here's the most downer way to end the game... ☆Don't revive Crono. ☆Slay Magus at the North Cape. ☆Don't retrieve & repair Robo from Fiona's Shrine in 1000AD. This also skips the Red Time Gate, meaning Lucca's Mom stays injured. ☆Crash Epoch through Lavos' shell.
@eltrainmaroon1352 3 года назад
A little late to this but Gavenger from M.S. saga on PS 2. Being older than the rest of the team by at least ten years and clearly battle hardened. he would be the one to get the younger members to stop bickering and focus and could calm them down during freak outs. he pulls the whole you retreat while I hold them off cliche during a battle gone wrong. What hurt the most for me was who tells you he died. Not only is he the pilot of the boss unit you just defeated he's in Gavenger's M.S.
@EdreesesPieces 3 года назад
The one that got me the most is final fantasy 13...the death of final fantasy itself
@DJsawyer87520 3 года назад
My Honorable Mentions Is Crow Armbrust From Trails Of Cold Steel 2 Didn't Make The List Ask Well :)
@jeffjackson9679 3 года назад
Meh. He comes back to life in the next game, plus he was a bit of a side character at the time of his "death" so that one didn't really get me that much.
@rriggs6547 3 года назад
@@jeffjackson9679 Another character on the list comes back as well.
@AngelofAmbrosia 2 года назад
Lavitz was my first video game death so his tends to linger in my mind. I didn’t even know that characters died in video games before that.
@marivelarmitage5244 3 года назад
Where protagonist from Persona 3 ? When he shut his eyes on Aigis's lap its hit me hard
@neogamer6461 3 года назад
To be honest, I'm still conflicted about Millium's death. It was sad, considering what happened immediately after but it would have a lot more meaning had she chosen to stay with Class VII til the end. I was annoyed that she chose to side with Osborne and the Iron Bloods after promising Class VII that she would stay with them no matter what
@davidtimmer596 3 года назад
Well, not like she has a choice since she's directly tied with him being an Ironblood herself and all, and the revelation of Erebonia's curse.
@Taipthis 3 года назад
Galuf's death in FFV is probably my top FF death. I never really like Aerith much so wasn't overly sad when she bit the dust. If Monster Rancher could be considered an RPG then the death of my first monster in that was the most impactful death in a game. Kid me cried when the creature I'd been rearing with my brother for the last few hours, training, playing mini games, battling, passed away one night and you see the monster's body suddenly becomes still and the ghost leaves through the barn's roof. The game even has a funeral for your monsters where all the NPCs who interacted with it pay their condolences. That game was way better than Pokemon.
@JamieJGJ 3 года назад
Not gonna lie. I cried like a little kid when you had to kill Julius in Xillia 2... especially when he started humming. The only other time I teared up was when aunt May died in Spider-Man PS4
@rriggs6547 3 года назад
Within the last year or two, a guy, working off the work of another who figured out a way to bring Aerith back at the end of the game. I forget how he did it, but it is about as convoluted as humanely possible.
@maaleru 3 года назад
That feeling when it says 'press X' but you can't because you literally can't move a finger
@threethymes 3 года назад
SPOILERS FOR SUIKODEN 1 AND 2 AND SHADOW HEARTS. Gremio - Suikoden 1. If you include Nanami who can be saved, then, Gremio should be in this list too. Also Odessa and Anabelle, even though they are not playable characters, both deaths were shocking and sad. Pohl was a horrible death too in Suikoden 2. Those two games are so emotional. Alice's second death when Yuri failed to revive her in Shadow Hearts Covenant was heart breaking.
@louismaltais4292 7 месяцев назад
Come oooon! Aeris's death left no hole in anyone's party, the characters are all interchangeable blank slates in that game, the stats variations are insignificant. You get all her materia back so the game doesn't even need to scenaristically provide a replacement, there are seven others just as fit for the job. Don't get me wrong, i was shocked and a bit sad, but "NOOOOOOOOOO! NOW WHO'S GONNA HEAL MY PARTY!" never even crossed my mind.
@xer0vi 3 года назад
I had no idea Nanami lived until I watched a video about the true ending suikoden 2. Yeah her death hit me hard..now I need to do a full 108 star run on Suikoden II. Also I guess its not really a death..but when Elly from Xenogears leaves your party near the end of the game..and you never really get her back...that hit me hard..because I leveled the heck out of her!
@dinovoldo544 3 года назад
Niko: Hello boys! I’m baaaaaack!
@InfectedElite 3 года назад
I feel you're saying "Air-ee-us" to mess with people, and know that it is Aerith and was a translation error back then.
@Mamiya645 3 года назад
Millium grew very well over the three games, looking forward to the fourth whenever it shows up because that was a shock, and then the ending, the entire series shows how to cliffhanger! Phantasy Star 4 still gets the tear ducts running, streaming it narrating to practice my voices I choked up. She was the only family Chaz had so it was terribly strong on the feels. If a remake happens it needs to stick to that presentation and art style for cutscenes, forget everything else, and Papas fate is why I recommend DQ5 as a first DQ experience, even the SFC original.
@MrFaceNumeroUno 3 года назад
Mine are somewhat similar as far as Alys, Lavitz, Mareg, and Aerith. Then also Crono, the mentor character from super robot taisen with the awesome mech you eventually get, the elf-ish kid from Vay, and a few others I'm struggling to remember. Semi-applicable shoutout to Tidus/Auron/Jecht, Cyan's family, Frog's mentor, Ghaeleon, Zack, Delita (sort of, he was kind of a jerk at the end there) and I'm sure I'm missing more there too
@AbominablePoppy 3 года назад
I love your content! Glad you keep pushing out the videos, I love hearing about JRPGs!
@calebsmith4927 3 года назад
Great list but I think an honorable mention to Ronyx J. Kenny from Star Ocean: The Second Story.. his death motivated me more to annihilate the Ten Wise Men. But that's just my opinion love your videos keep up the work!
@area51escapeArtist 3 года назад
I started your video and like usual instinctively, immediately, hit the like.... but on the ad. 👍
@davidvinc 3 года назад
Hahaha! Well, I hope the ad was something you liked at least. :)
@Varg84 3 года назад
Always look forward to your lists. Thanks man.
@ZerokaiX 3 года назад
Honestly Gremio from Suikoden 1 hit me harder than Nanami for some reason
@jedirayden 3 года назад
I typically get told I'm a monster for this point of view but even the very first time I played FF7, I was NEVER saddened by the death of Aeris. I have always played most JRPGs with an emphasis on physical attackers, with magic really only seeing use for healing... As such I was actually grateful to Sephiroth for removing dead weight from the party. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@tangevic439 3 года назад
Sephiroth should have removed Cait Sith from the party then 🤷🏽‍♂️ Aerith at least had more utilization for her high magic stats and buffs she bestowed on the party when using her limit breaks.
@lordgaynondorf2148 3 года назад
In memoriam : Shinjiro Aragaki - Persona 3 Claire Foley - P.Layton Unwound Future Isabeau - SMT IV Mia Fey - Ace attorney Platina - Valkyrie profile Ganondorf - Zelda series These deaths broke my stone cold man heart. While stupid vapid Aerith and stupid brat Tidus gave me a good laugh.
@raina1848 3 года назад
Grandia II made me cry a lot. Not just with Mareg, but also Melfice and Millenia's (even though her's was a fakeout) deaths. But where is Asch of Tales of the Abyss!? That was like the saddest thing ever, in the game and the anime.
@chimeratcg07 3 года назад
Don't forget about Ion man, that kid really made me cry when he read the seventh fonstone. But I really didn't care for Melfice at all in Grandia II, Mareg on the other hand one of the most impactful deaths of a party member in any JRPG.
@raina1848 3 года назад
@@chimeratcg07 Ion was also a tearjerker. Forget Van. That stupid Mohs was the villain I hated the most in the game with him killing Ion among other things.
@LadyB_20 3 года назад
I would add sialeeds from Suikoden V. That one was a bit of a hit when I was younger.
@jeffjackson9679 3 года назад
Agreed. Great game. Unfortunately it didn't sell a ton of copies (it was near the end of the PS2's life cycle and used copies sell for a mint today) so not that many people even know of her.
@rriggs6547 3 года назад
That was second for me after Aerith. Aerith first because it was the first one done with such graphics, but Sialeeds has a special place for me because I absolutely loved her and the whole series.
@CorndogRocket 3 года назад
Was hoping for Hammer of Xenogears. That one hit me in the feels.
@lilyand3wsss123 3 года назад
My first death scene that shocked me was back in 89 phantasy star 2 was nei.....was crazy at the time because death of a party member was pretty rare to see in rpg of that time so yeah fei was number 1 for me
@LeStryfe 3 года назад
End of Lufia 2
@tomderry7295 3 года назад
Nathan Robinson Beginning of Lufia 1
@KeeperofKittens 3 года назад
I need to be able to like this comment more than once.
@paulhawn2381 3 года назад
But with beating lufia you know what happens
@Brentastrophe 3 года назад
Even though you can bring him back, shoutout to the death of Crono in Chrono Trigger.
@sept-terrion 3 года назад
MAN, Niko's death in ARF was absolutely a gut punch. Didn't help that it was right after Adele's death, too. I loved both characters and having them go so close together was really emotional. Niko's last words to L'Arc were just too sad. I feel like, he died still thinking he was an awful failure :(
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