
Top 10 Fiery Fish for a Hot Water Aquarium 🔥 

Girl Talks Fish
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21 сен 2024




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@GirlTalksFish Год назад
*Are there any other hot water creatures I can keep in a 20-gallon aquarium? Are sterbai corydoras shy? Do angelfish eat cardinal tetras? Comment below if you've had personal experience with these fish!*
@thehairywoodsman5644 Год назад
I have a solo angelfish male , he is easily 12 inches tall , he's pretty chill , he lives with a school of neons and lowlight tetras .
@GirlTalksFish Год назад
@@thehairywoodsman5644 Holy cow, he sounds gorgeous!
@James_Hande Год назад
I had some angels that never got bigger than 5" top tip to bottom tip. A couple tried eating my neon's while others couldn't be bothered. Personally I wouldn't do a single angelfish in a 20G tall, good chance it would get to big. I would go with the rams and maybe trade the cardinals in towards rummy nose. Don't forget to check you plant species, most will wither away at the higher temps.
@thehairywoodsman5644 Год назад
@@GirlTalksFish he's just a regular silver with black stripes , I got him at petsmart for $3.99 when he was the size of a dime.
@jenniegeiger2400 Год назад
My centerpiece angelfish is super chill. He's happy as can be. He doesn't bother any of my fish, and they don't bother him. I have red dwarf gouramis, rummy nose tetras, cherry barbs, Julii Corys, and a super red bristle nose pleco.
@IMaqua Год назад
Congrats on 200k Irene, that's a huge milestone.
@bat8512 Год назад
I remember back when there were 30K! This is amazing! And a testament to Irene’s awesome personality, presence and presentation!
@_lucid_one Год назад
Irene, this topic speaks to us so! We have a hot water aquarium:) Two actually, our main community tank and our quarantine. Warning, this comment will be long. But I want to answer/reply to what you had brought up in your video. Also, there is a video of ours in my video feed. It's a little old though and the tank has grown a lot since then. It also doesn't show it fully stocked with all the fish mentioned below. First off, we keep our 90gal right at 85F. pH is 7.2, GH 2, KH 4 and because it's planted we keep our nitrates right around 40ppm which seems to work well. I do 50% water changes every 7 days and it's well planted. Discus was a bucket list fish for us too and I was sooo scared to make the switch from angelfish. I will say though that initially we had a 55gal that I kept at 80F. We had 7 angelfish and various other community fish, including neons (which the large angels never bothered). It wasn't until I started the long, slow process of raising the temp to prepare for discus that the tank went south. Conditions were eventually perfect for the angels to breed and they dominated the entire tank. It was awful - what was a beautiful and peaceful tank became a tank of two angelfish who shoved every other fish to the edges of the tank. We had to rehome them to friends and the pair, who went together, never went on to spawn again. I've seen, like I'm sure you have, plenty of videos of discus with angels and I think it's beautiful, but not something I would consider for myself again:( We have two dozen rummynose in our hot water tank and they all seem to thrive. Their schooling behavior is so interesting and can be seen in my video. At the end of the day when the ambient room lighting is low they will school back and forth across the front of the tank. It's so fun to watch! They are various sizes too, which is interesting because they were all the same size when I added them. But they eat well, don't bother anyone and seem to thrive. Like fish MD, I lightly tap the tank before I feed and they come right up front when I do. In our tank, they occupy the mid to bottom of the tank. We have two dozen harlequin rasboras in the tank as well and I have enjoyed them more than expected. They too school and are beautifully colored, especially against all the green. Sometimes they school with the rummynose, sometimes not. They're bigger than the rummynose and have a different swim pattern to them. They don't go to the bottom like the tetras though and stay in the mid to upper level of the water. Very peaceful and also seem to thrive, also come to the top when I tap the glass. There are 5 dwarf neon rainbowfish and I was a little unsure how their addition would go. I love their color and size but they're fast. They integrated, so interestingly, right into the harlequin school and are often found together and haven't seemed to outcompete or cause any stress to others during feeding. They eat right from the surface where the rummynose and rasboras seem to wait for the food to fall. Interestingly, I had not realized the little group of 5 juveniles had bred during quarantine! Literally 17 days after moving them to the 90gal I found two fry swimming around the quarantine tank! It's been almost 6 weeks now and we have two baby dwarf neon rainbows:) One male, one female. They are so fun to watch in the morning. Every single day when the lights come on the males chase the females around and when they do they have the most striking yellow stripe light up down the top of their bodies - it almost looks electric. They have been a fun addition and seem to be thriving as well at 85F. Our centerpiece fish of course, is discus. We have a variety and I have yet to look back since owning them. The quarantine and medicating process is an important one for sure with these guys. If I could go back and do it all over I would have either 1) bought ALL the discus I intended to keep at the same time (which of course is expensive) so they could grow together, or 2) bought them all no smaller than 4 inches. It's true, the bigger ones will stunt the smaller ones growth. This might not matter if you're doing daily water changes (auto changes) but if not, those hormones have their chance to work. For a while there was a mated pair that kept spawning in the tank and they occupied about a 8 inch circle of space that they kept private but really didn't disrupt the tank otherwise. Nothing at all like the angels. And they will happily eat out of your hands:) Feed them lots of different kinds of foods too! They can get picky if you don't. We also have rams - three of them. A gold, an electric blue and a german blue. Unfortunately, most of the ones we bought all died and I'm just not sure why. Some did even before I began the med trio. It absolutely breaks my heart to have to euthanize fish or see them suffer so this process quickly wore on us. I bought 11 in total and have 3 who seem to be happy. But they are just so much fun to watch. They way they swim, their little personalities, and they love to explore all the spaces of the island aquascape. They too come to the front and not just to eat - they're curious! Maybe one day we will have more. The german blue and electric blue have paired and spawned once already, but not a great tank for babies. We have around 17 cordoras of various varieties. And YES - our sterbai, a large cory in our tank, is very shy. But so are most of ours!? We have panda, sterbai, false julii, swartzi, concolour, flagtail, bronze and venezuelans - all are happy and love sifting the sand. Interestingly, it wasn't until we added the 5 venezuelans that we found our favorites! These little ones are busy! They are like a little pack of puppies - always together and always seem to just be rooting around. They occupy every part of the water column and unlike the others, don't seem to mind us. They are always visible and look for food in every square inch of the tank, even the upper end of the aquascape. While I love all the corys I would have just bough a bunch of venezuelans had I know what I do now:) Many of these corys we have had for years. Of note, green lasers did not thrive in our tanks. Otos also did not seem to thrive. Of all we bought, nearly a dozen, we are down to two (I believe). One for sure. Not one we will buy any more of. I assume it's temp, but really just not sure otherwise. We love having them but they clearly don't thrive with us. We do however have a royal farlowella and it has been the most incredible little cleaner thus far! We even bought one for our hot water quarantine tank. I cannot say how impressed I have been with them, and they're so friendly. Their long tail whiskers (or whatever they're called) help us to find it at night:) I really considered adding a school of cardinals but after hearing of the shyness you mentioned am no longer sure! I will say though that the large number of fish in our tank did, and interestingly so, seem to calm the fish down when moved from quarantine. Safety in numbers! The quantity of stock also does not seem to bother the discus. I have one large mystery snail in both hot water tanks and they have done very well too. Lastly, we have three siamese algae eaters that have been with us since the beginning. We're convinced they'll live forever! They are skittish but will eat literally anything. Always enjoy your videos, this one just happened to speak right to us! Sorry so long, hope there was some helpful info in there - Justin
@GirlTalksFish Год назад
Thank you so much for your detailed experiences! I'll definitely have to look into Venezuelan corydoras because I'm tired of shy fish. Congrat on the baby dwarf neon rainbows as well; had no idea they could go that warm. I rarely see my clown pleco (as expected) but maybe one day I'll look into farlowellas - they're so cool looking!
@minakiel2930 Год назад
People like you who write such detailed and long comments make the internet a more fun place! Ty for sharing :)
@DavidDavis311 Год назад
I’ve kept several angelfish by themselves and never had any serious issue with aggression. I feel like their intelligence level really shines when they are by themselves. IMO they’re some of the most intelligent fish. When not in a group they spend a lot of time looking out of the tank and are quite interactive. One I had would come to the surface and let me gently pet him.
@Mr.Wobbie Год назад
I think it is important to mention that even though the Zebra pleco is a pleco it does not eat algae. It is carnivorous. Congratz on 200k Irene
@lemonlizard1 Год назад
When you redo your tank, I suggest using a slightly different substrate. I tried a couple of different substrates but there's one that stands out as easily the best. Using a large media net or small laundry bag, fill the bag half way with a planted substrate like Fluval Stratum. Put the bag at the bottom and cap it with 1-2 inches of sand. My plants grew like never before! MD Fish Tanks uses this method as well, you can find it in a lot of his large aquarium builds for more detail. Good Luck! Another hot water fish I can recommend is the Bolivian ram. A bit of a twist on the original german blue
@disqualifiedqq 10 месяцев назад
Female dantum owner for about a year plus now. Coworker gave her to me when just several months old. She's my showpiece for a 29 gallon. I thought she was a boring fish until I decided to go from 72/76 to 82/84°F. The personality changed almost immediately. Every once in a while she'll chase off my ornate tetras haha.
@VinnieMac Год назад
GBR! The glowing blue matches the tetras well
@GlassSurfing Год назад
Find my sterbais to be less shy than the pygmies. Their coloring, patterns and eventual chunkiness are plusses for me, especially on a darker substrate. Orange fins pop. Great video as usual!
@missselizabeth5696 Год назад
Thank you for including Celsius!!! Coming from Australia my mind can’t comprehend Fahrenheit.
@MegGreeneSmith Год назад
Will this be a planted tank? You may want to do a hot water plant list to go with it, as many plants don't like the higher temps.
@ddiaz0000 Год назад
I’m a noob, but there are 3 things I was wondering about: 1. Will plants be okay at those temps? I keep hearing plants prefer cooler water. 2. I was considering an angel for my 29 gallon, but Cory said angels can get huge/tall. I think he said 12”! Maybe I misunderstood? 3. I recently saw some fully grown, “normal” sized corydoras in a tank (not dwarf or pigmy). I believe they were green aeneus. I was surprised how thicc they were. It made me realize I need to look for smaller corys if I’m gonna put at least 6 in my 29 gal. planted tank. Good luck!
@shelbycombs4320 Год назад
Irene, I was just at a fellow hobbyist’s home and he had a stunning discus tank kept at about 84-86°, his mystery snails not only lived in there but grew to giant size! I think they like the warm water! He also kept lamp eye tetra and sterbai cory in there. Also, an Angel wouldn’t eat cardinal tetra in my experience and would be fine as a single centerpiece but I do wonder about it in a 20 gallon. Angels mature quite large as I’m sure you know well, but I had a standard fin gold marble that was every bit of 8” or more from the tip of his dorsal to the bottom tip!
@lindelwheeler9685 Год назад
I have an Angel fish in my community tank and he’s very docile. He did however chase around a tiny Mickey Mouse for a while when I first got it. I started giving him some Beta food (my Beta is also in my community tank) and he seems a bit less “hungry”. I have Gerami, zebra danio, Mickey Mouse, Dalmatian platy, black and gold platy, a black & white skirt tetra one of each, yellow tetra, some snails, a hill stream loach and 2 huge gold fish that I brought in for the winter. Everyone gets along fine. I did have more skirt tetra, but they were too aggressive. I couldn’t catch the last 2, but they must have wanted to stay, because they behave themselves. 😊
@jimmyrobertson9563 Год назад
Hello. I have a 135 gallon planted discus display tank that houses 10 discus 9 Julia corys. I had problems with cardinal tetras disappearing so I switch to 30 yellow lemon tetras. Nerite snails can take the warm Temps if you don't mind the eggs. Finally my algae eaters are 6 ottos.
@leafjelly4615 Год назад
I actually have my mystery snails in a outdoor tank and im in flordia! The tank got to a crazy 88F, and my mystery snails were mating in those conditions.
@ericdewitt4436 Год назад
I have seven sterbai in a 55 semi planted, they are ALWAYS out. Might just be mine, but they are in no way shy guys!
@philippineorchids2266 Год назад
this video is very helpful to us living in the tropics
@casima Год назад
Dwarf chain loaches are a great mini alternative to clown loaches :) a lot of the same loach behaviours and shape but a great size. They do eat snails.
@XIxCaptainKRulLT Год назад
Mollies can live in temperatures in the low 80's (80-82° F). These temperatures, however, are their breeding temperatures. Unless you want a bunch of fry, I wouldn't recommend them. Males are also somewhat agressive during feeding (at least, that's the way all my males behaved), so they wouldn't be good with other agressive/semi-agressive fish.
@noelbrucker135 Год назад
Congrats🎉 on 200k, Irene! That’s amazing! I have several of the species you mention together successfully. My angels only chase each other (leaving my cardinals alone), but they are in a 100g, so maybe there’s just more room. I also have 12 sterbais in there, and although gorgeous, are super shy in my experience. Again, maybe they’re just hiding from the angels (and Bolivian rams) but, in general, my cichlids only seem to notice and chase each other. Can’t wait to see what you decide on!
@firefallgaming172 Год назад
To add to Cory saying Angelfish can do good alone- Yes they can actually be very peaceful fish depending on the circumstances. I keep my angel in a full stocked 55gal and hes more docile than any of the other fish in there. He's kept with many of the fish you've listed that being my own lines of: Electric blue rams, my own line of Super red plecos, Neon and Cardinal tetras, Corydoras and Diamond tetras. If you're curious, my water parameters are: Medium to hard water, 6.8-7.2 PH, and low to zero Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia. Its also a planted tank.
@JohnWood-tk1ge Год назад
New year same old fish here,super red bristle nose (always and forever) . Did bring in a small group of Chilli Rasbora with three Pygmy coryadoras for clean up. The most heavily planted tank I have tried.
@carolebraswell982 Год назад
Thanks for the ideas! I am currently setting up a 10 gal tank to grow out some extra plants, and I needed a few ideas for the inhabitants!
@r0syyyy Год назад
My Angel fish ate some of my cardinal tetras 😢 I would say go for the rams! That would be a fun breeding project.
@ponygirl1624 Год назад
Love my Cardinal Tetras and a mini snowball pleco in my 20 long.
@ASKScottyK Год назад
Clown loaches are my dream fish! I just need a big enough tank. Sigh..one day
@jayfuller3709 Год назад
My Sterbai corys are definitely not shy!!!
@Aquafinity Год назад
In my experience, angelfish normally only have conflict with their own species, they don't really bother other fish, unless the other fish are VERY small. My neons and white cloud minnows do perfectly fine with angels, they get along pretty well. In general, angelfish are not very aggressive but they can be slightly bossy sometimes. I would recommend only getting 1, like you said, as a centerpiece. Mystery snails are definitely a top choice. They're amazing! 😀
@Greenhenben678 Год назад
@Aquafinity Год назад
@@Greenhenben678 Hello!
@Greenhenben678 Год назад
@@Aquafinity hiii
@evannorcom1925 Год назад
My 55gallon, 82C planted aquarium houses dwarf chain loaches, neon tetras, ember tetras, gold tetras, black neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, pencil fish, a bushy nose pleco, oto catfish, bumble bee catfish and peppered Cory’s. Everyone like the temp and all have gotten along for about 1 year.
@DannysAquariums Год назад
Congrats on 200K! On to 250K!
@rodbrittain6772 Год назад
I’ve kept Upside down catfish up to 82 F, no problems. However, I had to give away my big fella because all the little catfish were disappearing overnight … Now that he’s gone, no further missing fish
@cadenlikespigs Год назад
We already know we gotta have that top 10 cool water fish list.
@aquascapegoat2725 Год назад
My experience with angels is they Will eat neon/cardinal juveniles once in a while but with enough plants and food you should be fine.
@juliaheinritz3264 Год назад
It is so fun to 'dream' of one's future bucket list fish:) Cute video, especially your busy mystery snail:) Good luck with your fish goals:) I love your videos!
@littlemidwestrebornsdolls Год назад
Congrats on 200K!!!🎉🎉🎉 Nice list of HOT fish. Gina
@aidanan3381 Год назад
I might try like a cold version of this since in the UK at least there’s a huge energy crisis lol
@thehairywoodsman5644 Год назад
there is no energy crisis , your government wants you dead.
@jenxu2 Год назад
My Cardinal tetras hang out in front of tank. My sterba corydoras are extremely shy. I like keeping fish that are good in 73-75 degrees....but I am in awe of you looking at discus. I had a few in the 1980's....they didn't do well for me and I switched to angels.ove Angelfish they have really great personalities. Go for the angel....But a good rule of thumb to go by is if it fits in their mouth they will eat it! You are doing amazing!
@thehairywoodsman5644 Год назад
please do top 10 cold water fish next !
@austinmorales6260 Год назад
Love your list! I have a few species at 79-80• in my 29 gallon are 9 rummy nose. They school so tightly! My danger noodles are always out and about! My clown pleco hides all day everyday. And catch glimpse at night… discus are my dream fish as well followed by South American cichlids
@billyshadoan6881 Год назад
happy new year irene love you
@elaineholley7814 Год назад
I have a pair of good sized angels and neon tetras. Never had any issues with any of the tanks they were in. I had heard that too but had already put them in. I don't even think about it now.
@Axelorox Год назад
I keep a group of watermelon tetras (Hemigrammus coeruleus) in my discus tank (79-82F) and they seem to do well, showing displaying spawning colors every day.
@jimmyrobertson9563 Год назад
How about nerite snails and I just introduced 30 lemon tetras to my 90 gal planted discus tank. You could definitely get 6 to 8 of them in your 20 gal.
@Crystalspets Год назад
Wow this is good information I remember seeing you at aquashella back in 2019 in Chicago
@kevinoconnell8242 Год назад
I have 5 Panda Cories running at 85 with 5 cardinals, 5 rummy nose a clown pleco and five stenker red torquoise Discus. the pandas are doing quite well all in a 55. TDS ~200 PH 6.6
@justinholmes4333 Год назад
Sterbai cories might be my favorite fish but they are so skittish, I almost never see them
@lt7378 Год назад
We live in Houston and I wanted Aquarium Design Group to set up and maintain a large discus tank in my home . I was upset how they discouraging they were about discus fish. I mean we were willing to pay. They just don’t want to bother.
@martykorn1424 Год назад
Adult angels WILL eat small to medium cardinals. I watched one of my angels snap up a cherry shrimp today. Which are exactly the same size as cardinals. The only exception would be angels raised from babies with a school of full sized cardinals. They’d never register them as food providing thru weren’t starved.
@mynaturalrainsound Год назад
Thank you for sharing !😍Big thumbs up👍💯!
@musicalfish145 Год назад
I have my guppies, betta and mystery snail at around 82-84 fahrenheit and they do pretty well! Either that or my thermometer or memory is broken.
@tru001 Год назад
Angelfish grow similarly large as Discus. Unfortunately unsuitable for the 20 gallon tank, I'd say.
@garg4531 Год назад
Can't wait to see how your tank goes! Also this is the first list I've seen for a *hot* water tank since usually you just see lists for coldwater Personally I think the German blue ram would make a good centerpiece, they don't get too big but I hear they have very curious and explorative personalities, so it'd be fun to see how they do. Plus you've kept one before so it seems kinda fitting
@mnemosynevermont5524 Год назад
My angels would eat anything that fit in their mouth (which opens MUCH wider than you would think!)
@accelerated_gamer6674 Год назад
angels can eat cardinals depends on the individual though. I've had my angel with black neon's for about 6 months now and he doesn't bother chasing them.
@andystokes8702 Год назад
I used to have 6 Angels in a 100 gallon tank tank with a shoal of 30 cardinals, they never bothered them.
@momok8879 Год назад
Hey thanks for including Celsius temps.
@philipduffy682 Год назад
I have two angel fish with 12 cardinal tetras, never had any problems with the angels trying to eat them tho they have all grown up together
@speckledjim_ Год назад
If all your other parameters are stable and within acceptable limits then the vast majority of fish with adapt to all kinds of temps, avoiding extremes obviously
@sarahwoodring5587 Год назад
This was really interesting information! I'm always looking in the other direction, trying to find species that can be happy around 68-72 ambient room temps so I can avoid heaters altogether. This is a great list of species that I should avoid. I can cite anecdotal evidence that angelfish will thrive (and breed!) without a heater in my central Florida ambient room temps. I don't think they REQUIRE higher temps like the other species on this list, it just speeds up their growth and puts them "in the mood" earlier and more often. 😁
@Handygrrl Год назад
I.e., when your heaters start to go bad and overheat....get these fish? So, don't throw out your overheating heaters....get these fish? Lol. Eye opening!
@discordiacreates6669 Год назад
@@Handygrrl actually no, a broken heater can supposedly boil your fish and no fish survive boiling temps. Get these fish if you have a good heater you can keep higher or a higher ambient room temp (though I'm probably one of the few people that wouldn't mind a home around 80°F in an area with AC^^')
@Matoad Год назад
I love angelfish! I would love to see 1 or a pair of them in your 20 gallon tank! ☺️
@GooTheMighty Год назад
I kept a single Angel Fish with guppies when I was a kid (not the smartest parring, buuuuuut), and although he was a little bitey, I never actually had any fatalities due to the angel fish. He would’ve lasted longer if I had known more, but the adult guppies pretty much all outlived him. (Internet was a thing I had access to back then, so don’t judge 10yo for his mistakes)
@Cichlid_4_ever Год назад
Who eats the green hair algae ? And thank you for the tips on the cut back on black beard algae it saved my planteded tank in just a few weeks!!!
@cherylcull3731 Год назад
You could totally do a shell dweller tank at 20 gallons. A 20 long would be best 👌
@risingintheash Год назад
I believe she already did these
@IWLGaming Год назад
I can 100% tell you, ANGELS WILL EAT NEONS AND CARDINALS! HOWEVER: That's only if you get tiny ones. I had 2 angels in my 29g with a school of about 14 small neons. I now have 6 adult neons (full size) and have lost no more. SO, if you get pretty well grown ones, the angel will leave them alone! This was only recently however, my father and I have kept neons with angels in this same 29 gallon off and on since I was about 5 years old. It's just a size ratio. If you get the angel small by the time it's big enough to consider eating the smaller neons, the neons will be fully grown anyways. With cardinals, you have less of a chance of this since iirc they get a bit bigger. My current 29 set up is one beautiful zebra angel, a school of full grown neons, and a few bronze cory's on the bottom and I've had no issues!
@catfishcave379 Год назад
Those were the 10 I picked! I would also add E. African cichlids/catfish as well, as they prefer warmer rocky coastlines. Of course, I keep my fish at the lower end of their temp range and simulate seasons for them. Low 70s in the winter and mid 80s in the summer. For these fish, I would probably do mid to high 70s in the winter. My shrimp and hillstream loaches are not heated, so they drop to low 60s.
@joemichener2337 Год назад
I am not sure how aggressive they are, but scarlet badis or peacock gudgeons. Both of these can handle at least 79 degrees. You could do a small school of ember tetras or chili rasboras as a contrast to the tetras you do have.
@ieatfood891 Год назад
Omg! Congrats to 200k!
@kassiwillard542 Год назад
Not warm water but would you consider getting pea puffers again? Would love to see a video on them from you!
@nucleargandhi9036 Год назад
sterbais aren't shy. its just that they dont fight back when someone bullies them for food. otherwise they are pretty outgoing when kept in a proper school. and a regular angelfish wont eat cardinal tetras. altum angels will eat but altums dont go in 20 gallons anyway. also i would suggest you to change your substrate to some aquasoil like fluval stratum or ada soil. you can grow your plants much better in that without the hassle of using roottabs every now and then
@aquaanswers Год назад
I am about to set up a 55 gallon with 6 pike livebearers
@johncameron4194 Год назад
If you keep angelfish cooler they are more chill
@kennethmarrow3131 Год назад
If only I could find a woman who likes fish keeping as much as I do?!
@SquidBiscuitness Год назад
Instead of clown loaches, may I suggest giving zebra loaches a try? I've have a group of 5 and they have the same puppydog personality and interesting social structure that I've heard clowns have but they only get to about 3 or so inches.
@andrelommerse Год назад
Yes I can verify that Angelfish will eat cardinal tetras as soon as they are big enough!
@hellrazor2050 Год назад
Surprised my cardinals see me come in the water starts bubbling in anticipation of food
@josephdolahan8450 Год назад
Definitely go with the rams or apistos, they will get along with the tetras and won’t make them food. Only concern is maybe the school of cories would become egg eaters.
@rileylynn38 Год назад
I have had such a hard time keeping khuli loaches alive! I bought 8 so they would have a school (75 gal nano tank) and only 1 survived😢
@thomasb4467 Год назад
The Sterbai are much less shy than the Julii I had.
@beandrag9019 Год назад
Interesting, I don’t have an issue with my cardinal tetras being flighty like that
@sghettinona Год назад
200k woohoo 🎉
@guadaguppy4798 Год назад
My sterbai are not shy at all. Infact they just dont care and go about there business. And yes they can go warmer my heater is at 29 deg c i think thats 83 84 deg f
@guadaguppy4798 Год назад
@Girl Talks Fish is that you or another one of those fishing attempts
@davidr.wilson8194 Год назад
The rummynose tetras give the appearance of having no eyes.Has anyone ever set up a tank to resemble a lake or a stream in an underground cave?
@snipernote Год назад
i have the sterbai corys and they are active and playful ... just dont get too close to them at first and afterwards they will always come and say hi ,,,, angel fish with cardinals i have that as well and i have probably lost most of my tetras so far due to genes ( low grade and they always die for no apparent reason ) .... neo cardinia shrimp and guppies can go up to 32c but this will affect their life cycle and shorten it alot !!!
@chevyfish4028 11 месяцев назад
The angels I raised with fry constantly in the tank, never touched my neons but another tank lived perfectly with them until they discovered they could eat them and yet another tank would eat anything they could fit in their mouths so it's a gamble. I honestly wouldn't chance it.
@bernandoturner4840 Год назад
Convict Cichlids/Lots of Babies.. Oscarfish/Red Devil Cichlids… warm water cichlids..😅
@Straight0uttaCrofton Год назад
pretty sure you can keep a clown loach in there - sure they CAN get pretty big but it takes FOREVER i worked in an aquarium store for six years and never had anyone bring me a clown loach that had outgrown their tank - how many big ones have you actually seen?
@AnyfinGoes Год назад
That's a pretty hot list! 😝
@GirlTalksFish Год назад
@noeljames5831 Год назад
I have 2 angels in a 55 gal community tank with tetras and corycats, and I noticed some of my cardinals were disappearing overnight 😞
@onlywei Год назад
We need to know which plants can handle the heat too!
@HayleeCure Год назад
Do you have any ideas on where to donate old fish I do not need anymore.
@johncameron4194 Год назад
I will stick to No heaters
@jaime8318 5 месяцев назад
checkerboard cichlid.
@alaskacosplay Год назад
Angelfish are the absolute pinnacle of the tropical fish since Discus are overrated and they're much hardier and are perfect in both singles and in groups of at least 3. They're the princesses of the tank and will be a bit aggressive but that's just their nature and they're probably like that in the wild anyway so it's a more affordable and easier alternative to discus which can be difficult to keep and pricey in general.
@rickspringer4814 Год назад
@johnjwedrall4290 Год назад
Very enlightening video . I'm not politically correct, but you look very nice 👍 😊
@andreeze23 Год назад
Betta 🤷🏾‍♂️
@Blinco440 Год назад
Kuhli Loaches Forever!!! 😎😎😎
@heavyarms894 Год назад
Betta fish
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