
Tory MP humiliates herself defending Boris Johnson in absolutely bonkers speech 

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Tory MP Lia Nici gave an all-time bonkers speech defending Boris Johnson. She must have lost a bet.
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18 июн 2023




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@bob23301 Год назад
Look how empty the tory benches are, this is disgracefull, and this should trigger a GE now, this lot cannot be allowed to damage this country anymore.
@marcusaurelius49 Год назад
I am sure they all had prescheduled colonoscopies to attend today. Let’s hope the medical specialists can ascertain why Tories are always so full of 💩
@segue2ant395 Год назад
"This government will have integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level." - Rishi Sunak, October 25th 2022
@darthlazurus4382 Год назад
Here's hoping England finally learn the simple lesson. DO. NOT. VOTE. TORY!
@derekmab7734 Год назад
It is sad for this country to have Tory gangsters ruling it.
@Gph0367 Год назад
Completely aggree. How much more corruption, lies and utter contempt for the public, has to happen, before it forces a General election. To once and for all get rid of this vile and utterly disgusting Tory government.
@SniperLFC Год назад
'Nobody reported to Boris that there were parties' Silly woman seems to have forgotten that Boris was at some of those parties. FFS the bare faced cheek of Tories to lie and deceive at every chance they get.
@helena3358 Год назад
Wasn't the Abba party in the Downing Street flat, his flat?
@saturday1066 Год назад
@@helena3358 yes ... but nobody TOLD him it was "party" specifically. like johnson is too stupid to see
@luminousfractal420 Год назад
Fear of a false reality. Theyve been worked over for generations.
@roderickjoyce6716 Год назад
She was a college lecturer? The education crisis is even worse than I feared.
@ftumschk Год назад
Media Studies. Says it all, really.
@Ammandl Год назад
Thankfully she is no longer lecturing and our youth are safe from this mis-guided fool.
@helena3358 Год назад
Looks like canteen staff to me!
@finnwestdoesit Год назад
@@ftumschk hey! don't besmirch media studies lecturers like that- they're not all like this venomous cow.
@ozzie2612 Год назад
@@helena3358 oi leave canteen staff out of it , they iant that bad
@johnmccann5104 Год назад
Seems Nadine Dorries has competition in the ....."blind loyalty to Boris" ....stakes😂
@JayGee6996 Год назад
She’s sulking with Boris so this is the replacement
@silvafox7719 Год назад
The power that Boris exerts over white haired women is unimaginable.
@jamesmcbride6304 10 месяцев назад
Yea both blonds weren't they 😀
@roblxandstuff7613 Год назад
I think Boris does have a talent, he can hypnotise middle aged northern women to do as he bids
@tommyrotton9468 Год назад
is she also pregnant?
@alisonburgin7348 Год назад
I'm a middle aged northern woman and Johnson has never and would never brainwash me. He was transparent from the start prior been PM
@roblxandstuff7613 Год назад
@@alisonburgin7348 I'm also a middle aged northern woman and unlike these very delusional tory plonkers I would NEVER sell my soul to Boris for his fanciful promise of spending eternity in the House of Lords
@darthwiizius Год назад
Especially the ones who get their hair hair done at "Karens' Cuts", hair styled by managers only, to save the effort of having to demand to see them.
@Lynnefromlyn Год назад
That’s a bloody offensive remark! Most of his avid supporters are from the Home Counties.
@marcusaurelius49 Год назад
This MP makes the people of Grimsby look like fools for ever electing an intellectual lightweight such as her as their representative.
@Quebecoisegal Год назад
I believe it was a majority voting for brexit there, so...
@WilliamWatt-xm2gu Год назад
She is completely unfit to be a MP, that is disgusting and utter nonsense.
@ganggreene72 Год назад
She doesn't look lightweight to me, more like 14 stone.....
@LoneSheWolf09 Год назад
@@Quebecoisegal it was a heavily brexit voting town :(
@PeligroOCallahan Год назад
well thanks god grimsby fishermen can forget of this embarrassment selling their fish to the EU...oh wait...hahahahaha
@dissol1306 Год назад
“It was someone else’s fault”. He was the boss, he allowed the parties, he allowed the drinking at work on Fridays. He lied, and lied and lied. He can’t even tell the truth.
@ftumschk Год назад
She's a Brexiteer. For them, it's always someone else's fault.
@louispearson8306 Год назад
"There is none so blind as those who will not see" love it
Louis Pearson : "Let him without sin cast the first stone." 🙃
@andygillett9999 Год назад
I just hope her constituents are listening to her and vote accordingly
@clivet3252 Год назад
Tony Blair was voted in after Iraq and yet you hope no one votes for her for showing character.
@me2olive Год назад
@@clivet3252 If you're planning to bring up Blair in a desperate effort to deflect from this collapse of the Conservative party, the least you could do is actually give the Chilcot Report a read first, the executive summary isn't even that long. It might save you a little embarrassment. Even PACAC concluded that the inquiry “absolved” Blair of the accusation that he had deceived Parliament. So yeah, backing a known liar, one now condemned by parliament itself, like Johnson, who lied to the house numerous times, not a good look even with the attempt at whataboutery.
@ozzie2612 Год назад
@@clivet3252 you mean the war that every tory voted for
@andygillett9999 Год назад
So showing support for a corrupt, compulsive liar is now a sign of a sitting MP’s character….so glad I’m not in her constituency. Still, each to our own I suppose
@rozzgrey801 Год назад
@@clivet3252 What you call 'character' is what everyone else calls naive gullible stupidity of the most cringey kind. Everyone can clearly see Bojo was lying and lying very badly, and this dishrag's pitiful attempts to defend the pathetic liar makes her look as bad as him. She's toast at the next local election. She's embarrassing.
@richardhowlett4097 Год назад
Lia Nici should be ashamed of herself. Trying to defend bunter like that shows how she was taken in, like so many others, by his lies. And she was a lecturer? Sheesh.
@cdp9633 Год назад
Lia Nicci MP for Grimsby? The same Grimsby which was told by BJ that a Brexit vote would enhance their fishing industry, and are now feeling buyers remorse?
@mcborge1 Год назад
Looks like Nadine Dorries has competition for boris's number one groupie!
@carolkelly5578 Год назад
I was born in Grimsby, I'm SO embarrassed by this woman!
@allmodcons2274 Год назад
I'm from Hull, and they have shamed themselves.
@Maverick_693 Год назад
Unfortunately, I'd be surprised if Grimsby voted anything but tory in the next general election
@darthwiizius Год назад
@@allmodcons2274 The Monkey Hangers too.
@WilliamWatt-xm2gu Год назад
People of Grimsby please wake up your MP is totally unfit to be your MP, vote her out next General Election.
@LoneSheWolf09 Год назад
Everyone’s had enough of her and want her to go.
@stonehengemaca Год назад
How can he not be aware of parties he's photographed being at. His defence is he didn't know he was at a party! 🤣🤣🤦‍♂
@Quebecoisegal Год назад
The party Johnson attended, without his security, in Italy in the home of an ex KGB agent, and whose son suddenly became a lord, now that needs exposing properly.
@geoffpoole483 Год назад
As a retired college lecturer I feel I must point out that 99.9% of college lecturers are nothing like her.
@Ammandl Год назад
@helena3358 Год назад
Are you sure she was a college lecturer? She looks more like canteen staff!
@guickdotto4552 Год назад
​@@helena3358 unfair to canteen staff
@tembones9187 Год назад
​@helena3358 unfortunately yes. Media studies and had a failed production company
@clivet3252 Год назад
Yeah they're usually arrogant and childish
@wrestle2uk Год назад
Lia Nici is toast at the next general election. What a mendacious harridan
@andrewgreen1021 Год назад
Never has anyone spoken so much and said so little 😂
@darthwiizius Год назад
I'm confused, where's she from again? And how does she approach what she says? I think she needs to clear that up.
@davidbarrett1006 Год назад
I can't agree with your assertion, Nici has a history of saying so much about so little.
@annishilcock4587 Год назад
Kemi Badenough?
@Carlosyabrudy Год назад
I think she said everything. All I heard were sounds of dirt being dug up and a huge crater being created.
@marcopalazzo9349 Год назад
Haha I think you're wrong, Boris comes to mind.
@stewarternestabela5583 Год назад
That was unbelievable….. you have to be concerned about the intelligence of some of some Tory members of parliament.
@legrandmaitre7112 Год назад
They've been scraping the barrel for some years!
@WilliamWatt-xm2gu Год назад
If she lived in a village she’d be the village idiot.
@keepitreal1547 Год назад
Some. You mean ALL.
@cuddlybear_uk Год назад
I am more concerned at the intelligence or lack thereof of the CP voters as well.
@trishtraynor Год назад
She's as thick as mince!
@Conquistador75 Год назад
Does she realise that she can’t be added to Boris’s honours list?
@JayGee6996 Год назад
Guessing she’s been told she’ll be a senior member of Boris’ new party when it is created (never, hopefully)
@ConnbineHarvester Год назад
She just likes him ... a lot.
@JayGee6996 Год назад
@@ConnbineHarvester no doubt she’s on the post or soon to be
@tayetrotman Год назад
Perhaps he’s promised her a job at the Mail for when she loses her seat next year?
@McKamikazeHighlander Год назад
Thinks language like "he claims..." isn't impartial when it's merely factually accurate. I think I understand why she is no longer a college lecturer...
@Chrismurgatroyd7492 Год назад
To quote Line of Duty, “Stop making a t*t of yourself and pi** off”
@samconway2326 Год назад
Grimsby must be so embarrassed with this MP. Boris was at the party's.
sam conway : parties
@cooky87 Год назад
She only got there because of brexit, she has done nothing for our town, and hopefully she will resign , if not next GE she is toast
@@cooky87 Are we now a Communist country? Are we only allowed ONE opinion? Not very democratic at all! Boris Johnson still protests his innocence and she was reiterating that as opposed to being inflamed by what the one-sided media constantly project. One only has to tell a lie once in order to be a liar, and that would include the whole British public who are beying for blood and making Boris Johnson a scapegoat for all their woes, when he nearly died himself during this whole affair. Great justice when liars can hold other liars to account. "LET HIM WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE." This is a very brave lady. 🤗
@rde4017 Год назад
How can people so pathologically unintelligent end up in government?
@andydudley1775 Год назад
pathologically unintelligent is all the tory employ.
@Caesar-3el 7 месяцев назад
The lifestyle attracts them....their lazy you see.
@christinavuyk2026 Год назад
She’ll be losing her seat anyway and she knows it, that’s why she’s coming out with such BS 🤦‍♀️
@hugostiglitz9149 Год назад
So this woman thinks a man who had an affair on his sofa whilst his wife had cancer has integrity.
@englishsteve1465 Год назад
The same one who ditched his security detail to go party on a super yacht with the KGB father of the Russian oligarch / tory donor who he elevated to a lord no less ! You really couldn't make it up ffs !
@WilliamWatt-xm2gu Год назад
The sheer hypocrisy is astounding and totally unacceptable.
@leroysimon5692 Год назад
@Harvester236 Год назад
Or who attempts to have a former colleague hospitalised. Goes to show how much the Tory party support bullies.
@mansonnanson8294 Год назад
Whis woman is a representative. That means that lots of people think as she does.... And are just as thick.
@sjthjsdreadfather4867 Год назад
Awwww, that’s cute. She thinks Boris wouldn’t lie to her
@dingdong00002 Год назад
Psychiatric ward she needs... boris wouldn't lie to her. Must be his side piece 😂
@JayGee6996 Год назад
That was an epic one liner 😂
@davidlawton5553 Год назад
Was that when he said it was only her he loved?
@dingdong00002 Год назад
@@davidlawton5553 tells all his chicks that...😂
@alankenney Год назад
Why is she determined to defend the indefensible? Just shows there are more loose screws in the Tories than we thought possible. WD40 not required!
@JayGee6996 Год назад
She must think she’s got something to gain, there’s no way anyone would throw themselves in front of a train for no reason
@terryloftus8626 Год назад
What a disgrace the lack of Tory MPs who didn't want to hear the truth.That tells you everything you need to know about what they think of us riff raff.
@flyingdutchman3483 Год назад
If you cannot see the evidence just look at the empty seats on your side of the house. Plus if you don't believe in the rights of our parliament and its institutions resign your seat tomorrow so that your constituency can be better served. There is enough like her in the Russian Parliament defending their leader whatever he does.
@jaseinclee Год назад
I live in Grimsby and she's my MP. Definitely not with her on this one
@urbanimage Год назад
Lia Nici has a majority of 7,331 in Great Grimsby. She's going to be toast at the General Election.
@Paul-Weston Год назад
When you break the law, telling the police you're ignorant of the law you broke is not accepted as an excuse for breaking the law.
@richbrown8174 Год назад
It does of your an MP or PM that introduced the laws
@okafka5446 Год назад
⁠@@richbrown8174You’re suggesting, that if as an MP or PM you introduced a law - you are then exempt from the consequences, if you transgress that law? If so, I’m pretty sure that’s not how the legal system works. But please expand, if you have something further to add, and apologies if I’ve misinterpreted your comment.
@jakelaughton683 Год назад
She's right. Twice last week I was just walking along and ended up in a party completely against my will.
@MrDadyD Год назад
I had the same issue! No clue how all that vodka ended up in me
@oldschool3670 Год назад
@shirleyn546 Год назад
Easy done😂
@6yjjk Год назад
Ambushed by cake!
@dismalfist Год назад
SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME when I very accidentally organised an Abba themed party, clumsily fell over all the way to Thresher's and back filling a suitcase with booze and threw up pissed out my mind. But I did the honest thing and kept lying about it.
@b62boom1 Год назад
I'm surprised she didn't ask to see the manager.
@geoffpoole483 Год назад
She's got the haircut that's for sure.
@jeffreyheeks Год назад
It's just embarrassing now. People of her constituency. Please show her the door. Please
@starmersbarber Год назад
That really is utterly embarrassing!
@mdanni4741 Год назад
Is this what the people of Grimsby want? You have a choice!
@richardellis6246 Год назад
Jess Philips nailed it
@AdeboFunkyVoodoo Год назад
Were there parties? Yes. Did de Pfeffel attend parties? Yes. Did de Pfeffel say that there were no parties? Yes. Did de Pfeffel say that he didn't attend parties? Yes. Was de Pfeffel told not to say that he had been repeatedly advised that there were no breaches of the regulations? Yes. Did he say it against the advice? Yes. Did de Pfeffel correct the record in good time? No. I have to admit that she's right. There is no evidence that de Pfeffel told porky lies.
@hazelhatswell4268 Год назад
Abe Lincoln once said “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt - It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid” ~ clearly this MP hasn’t realised that 😂. I pity the good folks of Grimsby if this is the calibre of representative they are currently stuck with. College Lecturer in, of all things, Media Studies 🥴? I’d have expected her to have been more eloquent and clarified her arguments better 😵‍💫.
@GardenGnome118118 Год назад
she loves Boris so much she got a matching haircut
@1gerard47 Год назад
Probably bottle colour,ask boris does her collar and cuffs match 😂
@Caesar-3el 7 месяцев назад
Used the same bowl
@starmersbarber Год назад
There's a really screwed up arrogance about this person. People around her have presumably actually told her she'd be a worthy MP! It's tragic.
@darthwiizius Год назад
The Karenpocalypse continues, Ks shuffling around aimlessly getting blonde out of a bottle hair styles, demanding to see the manager and being generally useless, obnoxious, entitled and thicker than pigshit.
@WilliamWatt-xm2gu Год назад
She must have forgotten to take her medication. It’s really hard to believe that this vile creature is actually a MP, it looks more likely that she just came out of a institution for the insane.
@leroysimon5692 Год назад
@happinesstan Год назад
Some people think that being elected mean you are free to espouse your own shite. This woman doesn't realise she's elected to represent her constituents, not use that representation to peddle her own falsehoods.
@stevefrost64 Год назад
First time hearing her name, and I strongly expect that five minutes from now I and most of the rest of us will have completely forgotten this persons name again.
@stevefrost64 Год назад
Sorry, forgotten it already.
@kevrussell5972 Год назад
Who ?
@WilliamWatt-xm2gu Год назад
If she lived in a village she’d be the village idiot.
@dogstaraycliffe Год назад
I think this is one MP who might find herself unemployed at the next election
@TheMatthooks Год назад
We can but hope.
@paullawlor7552 Год назад
​@@TheMatthooksI agree entirely. She's so dense light bends round her. The absolute stream of dribble from her mouth is evidence of that!
@liamstanley2325 Год назад
EXCRUCIATING!!! That's all I have to say on it.
@deebo27 Год назад
This woman wouldn't know reality if it slapped her around her chops with a wet newspaper!!
@grahamlees4394 Год назад
or... coming from Grimsby - a wet fish. Gives a new meaning to "tongue like a fisherwoman" 😁
@Lynnefromlyn Год назад
Asking if you’ve read it is NOT an appalling question. Two Tory MPs went on tv interviews claiming they had read it but so obviously had not and were humiliated. This Jade Goody lookalike really is scraping the barrel of reality isn’t she? These people really have drunk the koolaid! Gallons of it!
@KebabMusicLtd Год назад
She is looking at electoral oblivion at the next General Election and she knows it. She has to defend the undefenceable as it is the only way she will ever be able to justify the 3.5 years of Government paralysis to herself.
@highdownmartin Год назад
She may well have drunk the koolaid. You know you want to get re elected; come on girl, do it for Alexander. Cripes ! Drink the koolaid!!! Eurgh eurgh eurgh.
@TheMatthooks Год назад
To be fair, I think she misheard koolaid, and drank the coolant instead.
@bluebob81 Год назад
Ah, the class of 2019. A fine vintage
@jeffworthington9286 Год назад
Wow why is she a Mp
@mrmajeika6101 Год назад
Grimsby, need I say more.
@jeffworthington9286 Год назад
@@mrmajeika6101 people in Grimsby need to look at how they vote.
@robbiethepict2783 Год назад
You know that shallow cough you hear when someone in the room just said something profoundly stupid.
@billyballbag7463 Год назад
can we please stop refering to these people as "honorable" and "right honorable" it makes me sick!
@happinesstan Год назад
Not what she's hearing on the doorstep? I don't believe for one minute she's been to anybody's doorstep, beyond her own.
@cornel7086 Год назад
I feel for the good people of Grimbsy, imagine have to put up with her as an MP. I think she and Dorries are competing for the affections of Johnson.🤣
@WilliamWatt-xm2gu Год назад
People of Grimsby, wake up and smell the coffee, this so called MP is taking you all for fools.
@michaeljijus980 Год назад
IS THIS WOMAN FOR REAL.... DO SHE ACTUALLY FACT CHECK HERSELF BEFORE SHE OPENING HER MOUTH!!!?? I doubt it... And when she said: people which ones running the country I almos choked as I heard "RUINING" the country.. What is actually closer factually than her "statement....
@robertnairn7353 Год назад
The facts don't matter to these people they are opinion lead. They are all following the Trump supports like Margery Taylor-Green. Shot your mouth off and if anyone disagrees turn into a goby hell cat. Strange to see people like JRM and Johnson being friends with a shouty ex council tenants. If you want to know if money makes people better look at these people that have had a conversion from poor down at heel to rich Tory know nothings. Nadine Dorries from what I understand has not being in her Mid Bedfordshire continuance for mouth and even when she appeared on TV it was mostly from the houses of parliament or her home in the Cotswolds. Rishi should call an election now and then the people can have their say. AT LAST.
@keithwilmot1915 Год назад
Grow up
@andrewwalledge6101 Год назад
I'm so impressed that she could stand there and deliver such a ridiculous speech with a straight face. I would've died of embarrassment within the first thirty seconds. If she genuinely believes it then she really needs professional help.
@byrondaniel4410 Год назад
I'm surprised Ishe has enough brain cells to breath by herself
@rufus1346 Год назад
so she's lying as well surprise surprise
@wambugumassive Год назад
Boris, it's gonna be ok.... you're off the hook! She swung the debate singlehandedly! It was an amazing turn of events! (Just kidding)
@teslasim Год назад
@HomeGrownVeg Год назад
I'm always a bit sceptical when politicians say " this is what I'm hearing on the doorstep" . This would be a prime example.
@normanchristie4524 Год назад
It must be difficult to referto her as 'honourable'.....
@theghostoftom Год назад
It is fast reaching the point where "honourable Lady/Sir" is a slur meaning lying, thieving sociopath.
@alanthomson1227 Год назад
Watched this live it was cringeworthy, she will hate herself 2hen she sees play back or then again probably not .
@TheKipperedOne Год назад
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell from 1984
@GrahamGeorge1 Год назад
The Constituents of Grimsby are appalled at her record of non interest in Grimsby and her attempts to climb the political greasy pole and her self interest! Sycophancy at its worst!
@saltriverpirate3172 Год назад
As a Yankee I can only look forward to hearing what Russell Howard will have to say about these boot-lickers.
@normanchristie4524 Год назад
Ooh......! I was one of his private secretaries. Tells us everything....Lets blame civil servants who are not allowed to answer these allegations. Reminiscent of toerag Fabricantand his aspertions against nurses and teachers.
@gyszabolcs Год назад
OMG doubling down on this unbelivable :) Grimsby was shafted by brexit so she will get the boot anyways. This is a way to go, blaze of glory! :)
@TheTwosliceToaster Год назад
"Order. Order. It is important to listen to the honourable lady." Errm no. It really isn't.
@themutterer4503 Год назад
​The "Mother Of Parliaments" now needs to act to restore the British people's faith in the democratic process (if, by now, at all possible). Lindsay Hoyle is far from blameless in what Johnson got away with, time and time again.
@dingdong00002 Год назад
Hoyle allowed boris away with allsorts and shut down people questioning him... not fit to be in the position
@sjthjsdreadfather4867 Год назад
I look into these peoples eyes and try to tell if they actually believe what they are saying or not. Or if they are at all self aware of how ridiculous they look? And all you see is the eyes of an empty husk of humanity.
@peteratkin3788 Год назад
Wow, is it something about Boris the attracts people that seem to be carrying less than a full deck of cards...
@freakygoblin3068 Год назад
Ah.. so it's the Boris was incompetent argument to excuse Boris again. Maybe she can explain why Boris story changed every time he was actually caught out lying. He didn't change unless he was caught out. If public backed Boris, he wouldn't have run away.
@chrisstewart2484 Год назад
When I saw the Karen haircut, I knew this was going to be a good one....
@starmersbarber Год назад
That person is surely ill.
@timmennel3237 Год назад
Writing from the Continent, I can only say that hearing this „Right Honorable“ Lady, I am glad about Brexit (and I assure you that I was sad in 2016).
@nigelatkinson6920 Год назад
the worrying thing for the people of Grimsby is that she thinks she is standing up for them 🤣🤣🤣
@tangmerebob2395 Год назад
There is none so blind than those who will not see. Where has she been for the last 3 years?
@jonnyboy8000 Год назад
Deluded in the extreme
@donaldmuir8137 Год назад
Those who have defended Johnson through thick and thin have enabled his outrageous behaviour. They are as guilty as he is and can’t admit they were wrong because they’ll look like the fools they are
@jimbrechin1089 Год назад
I can feel the people of Grimsby cringe every time she utters the words, " I'm from Grimsby..." My deepest sympathy.
@slacey1070 Год назад
This is why you should never get drunk at work.
@GiveMeBourbon Год назад
I'm from Aberystwyth and I say it how I see it, and I see complete and utter nonsense here.
@aankwenti Год назад
@highdownmartin Год назад
I’m from Southbrook Rd in Lee in south London and I say it as I see it.
@sydneyhaydock7805 Год назад
Lord help the Grimsby residents, with an mp like this, Can't thnk of a word to describe her, what a disgrace.
@serhanmmiah7315 Год назад
These are the same people who wanted Boris out last year. Some of these people need professional help.
@jimmeltonbradley1497 Год назад
Oh dear. Which planet is she living on?
@redshift3 Год назад
Always skeptical when a politician says "the reality is..."
@nbbim2012 Год назад
I lived in Yorkshire (South) for 5.5 years & thankfully I have never heard about this woman before this embarrassment of a speech!!!!!! The people of Grimsby must be appalled
@theholygoat8826 Год назад
How can the short haired blonde woman be so certain that johnson did not lie to the house , after all she can't see into johnson's mind .
@joefortey4 Год назад
Grimsby, have a word with yourselves.
@EamonCoyle Год назад
If she loses her seat that speech should help her get put on long term sick !!
@EamonCoyle Год назад
@davidyoung5830 Completely agree with everything you are saying, but instead of demand "they" change the rules I would say don't vote for any of them or expect anything from them. The people should write a new set of rules for them !!
@celtphoto Год назад
If this is the intelligence of our politicians, all is lost !!!
@karlghio7929 Год назад
Utterly delusional, they have lost any credibility. Incredible to listen to this…
@JackBlack-gh5yf Год назад
more brains in a kipper!
@pennyyoung2291 Год назад
Blimy, she has completely missed the point🤪
@dylanmckeith5500 Год назад
And yet she didn’t even vote after all this
@TheWild90 Год назад
The Tories and their voters really do live on a different planet.
@Ayeright. Год назад
I was desperately looking for the switch that would turn the life support of this vile Tory MP off (as is required for the entire Tory Party).
@Ammandl Год назад
Theres me thinking the inflated cost of energy was due to the war in Ukraine.
@Ayeright. Год назад
@@Ammandl 😂👍
@dezee2412 Год назад
It is life Jim but not as we know it..
@HerbDerderdrerd Год назад
Solved it. That's no MP, it's BoJo in drag.
@grizcuz Год назад
Come on Grimsbyites, make this woman a part of your history at the next GE. I wonder if she's got a middle name and it begins with an R?
@user-co6qi2sl4g Год назад
Brilliant comment
@grizcuz Год назад
@@user-co6qi2sl4g Thanks.
@himoffthequakeroatbox4320 Год назад
She's a poundshop Mad Nad. Which is quite an achievement, given that Mad Nad is already poundshop.
@mwd331 Год назад
What the hell do these people have to gain by defending him?! Hes not even in power any more.
@fatredeye Год назад
She only got into power around the “red wall” area where she’s from, from Boris’s lies and taking the UK out of the EU. She knows that now it’s done they will go back to default setting and vote Labour as the knuckle draggers in Grimsby who hero worshiped Boris just wanted the brown people out. She’s knows she’s gone next year so it’s desperate to try and get Boris back to keep her seat. **small violin playing**
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