
Treasure Hunters - Bulgaria 

Journeyman Pictures
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12 сен 2024




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@VelvetVellocet 15 лет назад
This is very sad. Bulgaria is losing priceless artifacts to thieves.
@professionalvr 11 лет назад
It makes me sad , when I see that the historical heritage of my country is destroyed by treasure hunters. I'm a Bulgarian and I want to see some action from the goverment, so can I and others like me to have sites to explore. Натъжавам се, когато виждам как културното и историческото наследство на България се унищожава от иманяри. Аз искам действия от страна на правителството , за да мога аз и моите колеги да имаме арх.обекти за изследване.( Аз съм студент по археология в СУ).
@therhythmslave1 11 лет назад
If the museums were willing to offer them to buy their stuff they were not going to sell them illegally !!!
@EricAkif 10 лет назад
Ето по този начин ни вижда целият свят! Честито!
@limpiomott2 15 лет назад
The biggest problem in society today is that we live in a "Here & Now" world. The majority of people are only concerned about what happens today and forget about tomorrow. History is something that is written about by other people and taught (to a degree) in schools.. But when school is over reality takes control...Will I have a meal tonight or will I go to bed hungry...This is the plight of two thirds of the world.
@Plumbata 15 лет назад
People have to do what they must in order to survive, and without an infrastructure adequate enough to support the people who are alive today in that area, it is an exercise in sheer pretension to condemn them for excavating their livelihood at the expense of people who have been dead for centuries or millennia.
@wishmaster2801 15 лет назад
I am from Bulgaria :) Поздрави
@conan6908 10 лет назад
It's really sad. We have the same problem with disrespect to our old structures here in the U.S. The buildings are not anywhere near as old as this Roman city in NW Bulgaria but when we try to find houses from just a hundred years ago here, a lot of them won't even be left standing eventually. Here it's all in the name of so-called "progress". Well progress it is not when we bulldoze and destroy all traces of our past. But go into a 100-year old yard, find (with a MD), then dig a little hole for an old coin, put all the dirt back like you were never even there and you are often thought of as a scoundrel. And then that very same place is destroyed and demolished to make way for a sub-division. Our priorities are (SCREWED UP). So it's a problem everywhere I think.
@hellco90 10 лет назад
Много лесно обвиняват иманярите за нехайството на управниците , ако направят законите както в UK никой няма да се занимава с масови разкопки или поне находките ще се носят в музея ( законът в UK е в общи линии е който го намери негово е или по-конкретно казано намираш нещо носиш го в музея там го оценяват и ти го плащат ) , започвам да си мисля че запазването на закона такъв какъвто е в момента дава предимство на наши родни прекупвачи с високо поставени приятели ( към 240 "приятели" ) , да не говорим за новите предложения като закон за мебели които са по-стари от 150 години да се дават на музея ( естествено без заплащане ) или в противен случай глоба до 5000 лева { я сега си представете някоя баба да има някакво старо гардеробче и по случайност полицаите да и направят проверка } . Просто нямам думи за глупостта която цари в парламента ( а както е казал" народа "Рибата се умирисва от главата ") . Нека да коментираме и другия въпрос ЦИГАНИТЕ ,сега някой би казал че те не са виновни че са ангели едва ли не и така нататък но горчивата истина е че те са като ударна група 20 мангала с лопати , кирки , метал детектори , рамки и прочие ;а ако тези "иманяри" бяха бели до сега да са на по 20 години в пандиза но НЕ понеже са долни мръсни мангали не може да бъдат арестувани защото закона ги защитава ( пък и от друга страна смее ли полицая да ги арестува )... За пореден път се убеждавам че корабът потъва и има вода за всички :|
@iassen1 15 лет назад
Yeah it's true. I am from Bulgaria. :)
@fongy200 12 лет назад
Lol,did anyone see that petrol station attendant with a lit ciggy on the forecourt?
@dableutyef 15 лет назад
It's more about how the treasure hunters damage the artifacts and ruins
@BGSoccerMagic 12 лет назад
It looks like those who have done the most damage to the bulgarian heritage and culture wasn't the conquerors but the bulgarians themselves.
@Djkrudz 14 лет назад
where is this place? anyone can tell me? which city? in BULGARIA MAP? No I dont want to go there to DIG!
@YouTubenonesense 8 лет назад
This is happening in Romania as well. If government does not finance archeology people will dig for gold. Around dacian ruins and with the home work done finding gold is not a dream if you have a metal detector.
@Tihbialdunav 15 лет назад
Did you see tha dark skin of those thieves? They are clearly not Bulgarian, but Gypsy. For Gypsies, who come from India and have nothing to do with our European culture, stealing is a way of life.
@nephildevil 11 лет назад
i'm also a treasure hunter but you know it is more complicated than that, compare it to a crime scene, once disturbed the murderer may never be found because the story of the crime can never be found by the disturbed site. That is what these ppl are doing to history, just for a quick buck.
@GaijinGDB 15 лет назад
Well, although I understand the need for people to feed themselves, this being the easiest way, it seems, preserving the area (which would take government efforts) would probably bring more riches to the region through tourism (which will not just dry uo like their supply of treasures will). There are plenty of people who would spend their time and money visiting here. But people will always want a quick buck with minimum effort, and this is the result.
@treasurefindermd 14 лет назад
Great info, added to my site and subscribes...
@ivilina3012 15 лет назад
You see now I have one of the 1st Bibles printed in Bulgaria after our liberation from Ottoman rule - this is from before America existed as a country.I will not give it to the museums when I know that they will sell it too.I'll keep it safe until someday when my grandchildren or their ones have that insurance.
@thpt 15 лет назад
Well if the rich Westerners want to keep the locals from making their living, then the rich Westerners should figure out how to lift them out of poverty.
@fongy200 12 лет назад
I agree the only reason folk see these artifacts is because the hunters can be bothered to unearth them,the archeologists are a very greedy bunch often charging goverment antiquities departments far more for excavation than the artifacts are worth.
@landsker 15 лет назад
All good to condemn the treasure hunters, who sell what they find to raise cash, to eat and live. In contrast... the academics who criticize them are usually well fed, getting their salaries paid from a public purse. Hunger drives humans, and better sell a few old bits of tat, than to invade other countries for oil etc...
@tihomirberazov7948 10 лет назад
можели превод че не разбирам нищо къде се намират тези построики това е важна история за българия която с времето ще заличи всичко
@lkazakov 14 лет назад
bulgarians dont think much about the long term effect... its sad but thats how it is..
@andy7666 15 лет назад
I thought that..
@TheUptightGamer 12 лет назад
I see what you mean, and see how you would get this information, and I'm sorry but you're wrong. As a proud Bulgarian Citizen I've seen many Gypsies, and know how they act. They came into our country (and many others) and corrupted our land, by stealing our treasure, bothering our people, and in general being a menace to the public. As to what you said about the mafia, this is incorrect as well. No self-respecting Bulgarian would do business with these Gypsies. And I mean nobody.
@svetlastoianova3567 2 года назад
Dude, they're literally doing all that because they have no work. If you were in their position you'd be doing the exact same thing. It's the government's job to tape off that sight, send police to guard it and arrest anyone trying to get in. It's also the government's fault for selling out Bulgaria's economy and leaving these people jobless
@iliyantsvetkov7444 11 лет назад
Нямаме си държава ние и това е. Беззаконието е навсякъде, корупцията също го следва. Дори човека си каза, в Румъния, Гърция, Македония и Турция всичко се пази и се използва за туризма, само при нас всичко се руши и краде и ще дойде момент в който много ще съжаляваме за това. Не са виновни иманярите и аз съм на това мнение, виновна е България...
@kyledfx 12 лет назад
what a bias bullcrap video , these people are saving history for future generations, they are destroying nothing, they are heros, the producers of this video are giving all hunters a bad name, how can anyone possibly think these diggers are doing anything wrong? im a digger in the us and im very proud of what i do.
@sjhall5777 8 лет назад
They gotta eat.....
@daniellepickering3076 6 лет назад
Everyone says Bulgarians...... But they are black🤔 I'm not a rocket science expert but I don't think these are Bulgarian.
@XxnEr0xXxMaNexX 15 лет назад
епа тогава си говори на езика ! :П
@XxnEr0xXxMaNexX 15 лет назад
HHHAAHA Yeah he is XAXA I'm glad u noticed :D xaxa
@DISHLQNOV 14 лет назад
bulgarian ar good ppl.gypsis is a big problem here in BG.
@user-oz1zr1br1p 10 лет назад
Обяснявям, че се намира в с.Оходен,близо до Враца. Археологът е Пламен Ганецовски, потомък на стар род от с.Борован, който заедно с друг археолог Нарцис Торбов обърна представите за археологията. Те установиха, че най-стория скелет на човек е тук. Нарекоха го Тодора, защото е на жена.
@mihailnikoloff2554 8 лет назад
Много е жалко когато имаме такива достойни археолози и ги губим заради нехайството на бай ганьовците които управляват държавата....
@user-oz1zr1br1p 8 лет назад
Да! Тези хора водят ежедневна финансова битка с институциите и иманярите, защото са отдадени изцяло на археологията и България!
@mongobicepsa 14 лет назад
Bullshit...complete bullshit. Bulgaria liberate from the ottoman slavery in 1878 and America is established in 1776... So stop talking nonsense...
@Plumbata 15 лет назад
As a Psych/Archaeology major, I find it rather unfortunate, but as a treasure and relic hunter since the age of 5, my main thought is "I f'ing wish I was there!" I dig historic era dump sites in search of bottles and other relics, and find it to be just as enjoyable as sex, and at times, even more so. I never plan to stop, though I do plan to convert my avocation into a stable and enjoyable vocation which will help preserve the history of Humanity.
@XxnEr0xXxMaNexX 15 лет назад
bravo we :D i kvo :D
@XxnEr0xXxMaNexX 15 лет назад
xaxa yes he is :D
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